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General Election: Romney vs. Obama
Romney (R)
Obama (D)
RCP Average
10/15 - 10/22
Romney +0.9
10/20 - 10/22
1500 LV
Romney +4
10/19 - 10/22
1382 LV
Romney +1
10/16 - 10/22
2700 LV
Romney +5
10/17 - 10/22
938 LV
Obama +2
10/18 - 10/21
1402 LV
Romney +3
10/17 - 10/20
790 LV
Obama +2
10/17 - 10/20
816 LV
10/18 - 10/20
800 LV
Obama +3
10/15 - 10/18
1000 LV
Romney +2
No le podemos dejar
todo el trabajo a Mitt Romney o al Partido republicano Esta campaña para
derrotar a Obama y a todos sus siniestros acompañantes tiene que ser peleada
por todos los amantes de la LIBERTAD Y LA DEMOCRACIA.
Todos estamos en la
obligación de hacer todo lo que podamos para que Obama no continúe destruyendo a los ESTADOS UNIDOS
Habla con tus
familiares y amigos
Envíales los mensajes
que recibas
Que describan las
estupideces que hace el ufo
Compromete a todos
tus amigos y familia para que voten
Este es nuestro
trabajo principal hasta que cierren las urnas de votación en la noche del 6 de
2016 “Obama
America” parte 1
2016 “Obama America” Parte 2
pónganla tambien en TV. Nacional
NHR.com Trump afirma que revelará algo muy grande sobre Obama
• Se espera que lo dé a conocer a las 2 de la tarde de hoy
MIAMI, 24 DE OCTUBRE DE 2012, NHR.com—El magnate de bienes raíces y analista político, Donald Trump, está tratando de entrar en la campaña presidencial prometiendo hacer pública una gran revelación acerca del presidente Barack Obama, la cual afirma “podría sacudir los cimientos de la campana demócrata” dijoManténganse sintonizado para que conozcan mi gran anuncio, escribió en su cuenta de Twitter el millonario, “tienen que esperar y ver”.
“Es algo muy grande, más grande de lo que la gente puede imaginar”, indicó en uno de los segmentos de Fox News, insinuando que posiblemente podría cambiar la elección.
Michael Cohen, consejero del magnate Donald Trump, se negó a informar más sobre el anuncio que se haría mañana, diciendo que será algo muy grande.
Expertos de la política nacional afirman que este es otro movimiento de Trump en su esfuerzo de inyectar intriga a la campaña por la presidencia.
Como se sabe, Trump amenazó dos veces con postularse para presidente, creando una amarga fiebre de publicidad sobre el nacimiento de Obama. Frente a esta advertencia el presidente entregó a los medios de prensa su certificado de nacimiento en Hawaii. El documento fue colocado en la página web de la Casa Blanca.
En la mañana de ayer, cuando Trump fue interrogado por la presentadora del programa Fox and Friends sobre si el anuncio tenia que ver con asuntos personales o profesionales del presidente, éste añadió que “es de los dos, es de todo, es muy grande”.
Desde que el magnate hotelero fue entrevistado en FOX, los teléfonos de sus oficinas en Nueva York no han parado de sonar. “Miembros de la prensa tratan de buscar más información sobre el anuncio, pero nada más se ha revelado”, le dijo la telefonista a NHR.com., limitándose a decir que después de las 2 de la tarde de hoy miércoles, Trump dará a conocer algunos detalles a través de su cuenta en Twitter.
Correos electrónicos demuestran que La Casa Blanca sabia que el ataque al consulado americano era un acto terrorista
Mienten el Presidente Obama, Hillary Clinton y Susan Rice al pueblo americano, dicen en Washington
MIAMI 24 DE OCTUBRE DE 2012, nhr.com—La Cadena de Noticias Fox esta informando hoy que una serie de correos electrónicos internos del Departamento de Estado obtenido por Fox News demuestran que algunas de las evaluaciones iniciales del ataque mortal al Consulado americano en Benghazi el mes pasado en Libia, incluyendo un correo electrónico fueron enviado durante la primeras horas del ataque que observó al grupo Ansar al Sharia afiliado de Al Qaueda.Los correos electrónicos proporcionan información más detallada en la superficie sobre lo que sabían los funcionarios en las primeras horas después del ataque. Y nuevamente plantea interrogantes acerca de por qué el Embajador de Estados Unidos ante la ONU Susan Rice, aparentemente basado en evaluaciones de inteligencia, reclamaría cinco días después del ataque de que fue una reacción ‘espontánea’ a protestas sobre una película anti-islámicas.
Ansar al Sharia ha sido declarado por el Departamento de Estado como un grupo afiliado Al Qaeda. Un miembro del grupo de sospechosos de participar en el ataque del 11 de septiembre en Bengasi ha sido detenido y se encuentra en Túnez.
Pundits Proclaim: Romney Passes ‘Commander-in-Chief
Test’ http://www.newsmax.com/?s=al&promo_code=1077E-1
Benghazi cada dia mas cerca de convertirse en un Watergate. Cada día aparecen mas datos confirmando el documental de Fox News
sobre Benghazi.
Si la Administracion tuvo informacion antes, durante y despues ¿Por que lo negó? ¿Como se llama eso? ............
Si la Administracion tuvo informacion antes, durante y despues ¿Por que lo negó? ¿Como se llama eso? ............
gracias Jesús Angulo
La Casa
Blanca Dijo Que Fueron Informados Dos Horas Después Del Ataque De Libia, Y Así
Lo Demuestran
Electrónicos Obtenidos Por La Agencia Internacional Reuter. Ricardo
– REUTERS - Funcionarios de la Casa Blanca y el Departamento de Estado, la CIA,
Los Militares y el FBI fueron informados DOS HORAS después
de atacantes asaltado la misión diplomática de EE.UU. en Libia, el
11 de septiembre que un grupo militante islámico había RECLAMADO el ataque...
John McCain visitará el local de la Brigada 2506 con un mensaje del Gobernador
Romney para los Veteranos de las Fuerzas Armadas Norteamericanas y de la
Brigada 2506, Exiliados Cubanos y Latinoamericanos en general. Jesús
Acompañado de la
Congresista Ileana Ros Lehtinen, el Senador McCain apoyando a la candidatura
Romney-Ryan estará en la Casa Museo de
la Brigada 2506, 1821 SW 9th Street el próximo Jueves 25 de Octubre a las 12.00
del Mediodia.
Como todos saben el Senador McCain, al igual que los brigadistas en
Cuba, fué prisionero de los comunistas en Viet Nam, todos luchando por la
libertad de ambos pueblos.
Están todos invitados a darle una calurosa bienvenida a nuestros
amigos el Senador McCain y la Representante Federal Ros Lehtinen.
Es un acto, no solamente para los veteranos de la Brigada de Asalto
2506 sus familiares y amigos, sino tambien para todos los simpatizantes del
próximo Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América Mitt Romney y su Vice Paul
Estamos en la recta final.
Los invitamos a llegar temprano desde las 11.00 A.M. del
1821 S.W. 9 ST., MIAMI, FLORIDA 33135
PHONE 305-649-4719 FAX 305-649-9769
E-mail: brigada2506@gmail.com
Este es el escrito de Bret
Stephens, en el WSJ de hoy. En inglés y en español, no hay nada
que añadir. Amenper.
Presidente perfectamente apropiado. Todo
lo que Mitt necesitaba hacer era lucir razonable. Lo consiguió.
· Por
Para Mitt Romney
era necesario pasar las pruebas habituales para los candidatos presidenciales
republicanos en su debate del lunes por la noche con el Presidente Obama.
¿Hubo “la prueba
de Ford” (también conocida como la prueba de Palin-Cain-Perry) Romney
tuviera que haber dicho algo que lo presentara obviamente mal informado, tan
manifiestamente tonto que fuera revelador de su ignorancia para que fuera
descalificado como comandante en jefe? Si, pero Romney no dijo nada parecido.
¿Hubo “la prueba
de Goldwater “(Algo injusto pero los estereotipos son devastadores) Romney
tuviera que haber hecho pronunciamientos tan beligerantes, guerreristas, que
hicieran que los ciudadanos tuvieran miedo por la seguridad de sus hijos
— o al menos proporcionar David Axelrod una oportunidad de hacer que parezca
como si lo hubiera hecho?- Él no lo hizo, aunque eso no impidió que el Sr.
Axelrod tratara de decir que lo hizo.
¿Y allí estaba
“la prueba de Bush” (no injustamente nombrado pero erróneamente comprendido):
El objetivo de Romney tenía que ser encontrar una manera hábil para definir su
política exterior como algo distinto del devastadoramente criticado 43 º
Presidente — pero también como algo defendible, distintivo y (no menos)
identificablemente republicano?
En este sentido,
el Sr. Romney también lo logró, altamente, de una manera calculada y
sobria, como para que se convenciera cada conservador que hubiera tenido
dudas sobre el gobernador de Massachusetts.
"Matando a
una persona no nos saca de este lío", declaró en el debate,
refiriéndose a la muerte de Bin Laden, un punto que, ha sido presentado por
Sr. Obama, y que había sido tratado como prueba de pusilanimidad
Ofreció una
visión tan totalmente inobjetable de la situación social y económica del Medio
Oeste que hubiera hecho sentir a un voluntario del Peace Corps orgulloso. En
Siria, Egipto, Afganistán, Irán, los drones y China ofreció recetas políticas
que — como el Sr. Obama no dejó de a notar — eran todas idénticas en esencia a la
También se
enfrascó en una discusión personal sobre el Presidente Bush hacia el final, en
relación con el rescate de la industria automotriz.
¿Todo esto importa? Lo dudo. Hubiera podido notar que el Sr. Obama ha sido un
incumbente desunido, reaccionando según las encuestas, incoherente, crédulo y
estúpido sobre la política exterior estadounidense. . Romney no pareció
interesado en elaborar sobre esto, y como estrategia política, no tenía que
momentos más efectivos en el debate se produjeron cuando trajo el debate
de vuelta a la economía. Pareció razonable y templado y pragmático e
imperturbable y por lo tanto presidencial.
Las iimpresiones en
la política pueden quedar para siempre. Las posiciones de política exterior son,
como diría la campaña Romney, estrictamente como una pizarrita que se borra.
Después tenemos a Barack Obama. También necesitaba pasar algunas pruebas en este debate,
especialmente con los votantes que en las últimas semanas han sido echando
miradas más escépticos en su política exterior.
Para cualquier
Demócrata, siempre está presente “la prueba de Carter”. . Obama ha
especulado hasta ahora en la suposición de que la muerte de Osama bin
Laden e incrementando los ataques de drones lo aislarían de las acusaciones
de Carterismo.
Pero las
memorias de la administración Carter están en ascenso con la toma del poder de
la hermandad musulmana en Egipto, y la percepción de debilidad en el extranjero
causada por malestar en el país y la manera taciturna hacia confiables aliados
de Estados Unidos y forma conciliatoria con los adversarios.
Los espectadores
indecisos del debate probablemente reconocen que el Sr. Obama pasó la
prueba de Carter con otra andanada de los anuncios sobre la muerte de Bin
Laden. Pero también reconoces que este es un Presidente que preside en
condiciones de incertidumbre y malestar y que este continuará.
Luego está “la
prueba de Nixon”, inesperadamente provocada por eventos en Benghazi las
cambiantes declaraciones y la forma de las explicaciones de la
administración de cómo sucedió y lo que siguió.
Como dice la
vieja pregunta: ¿qué sabía el Presidente, y cuando él lo supo?
Este debate pudo
haber sido la ocasión para responder, después de la oportunidad perdida en el
último debate. Algún día se entenderá si fue una oportunidad perdida para el
Sr. Romney o un cálculo meditado. Pero el resultado fue que el Presidente
evadió la prueba de Nixon.
Por último,
existe “la prueba de Clinton”. ¿Recuerdan la vez en que el Sr. Clinton atacó
con misiles de crucero a una planta farmacéutica en Sudán — Al mismo tiempo en
que él estaba admitiendo a su romance con Monica Lewinsky? ¿O el tiempo
que bombardearon Bagdad? — Al mismo tiempo en que se enfrentaba a la
destitución en el congreso. Con el triquiñuelo Billy, todo era político. Con
Barack, también lo es y algo más.
Obama se refirió
en particular a dos puntos, refirió dos veces a Israel como "nuestro
mayor aliado en la región," un cambio sutil pero definido de sus
referencias anteriores de que el estado de Israel era “uno de los aliados en la
región” un aliado entre varios. Este es el tipo de proxenetismo que engañó al
votante judío ¿Se lo dejarán engañar nuevamente?
Y luego dijo:
"una cosa que he aprendido como comandante en jefe, es que tienes que ser
claro con nuestros aliados y enemigos sobre cual es nuestra posición y que
quieres decir.". Como si esto describiera al Presidente que hemos tenido
estos últimos cuatro años.
Los que llevan la puntuación del debate, pudieran decir que el
debate fue favorable a Obama.
Quizás, pero Romney surge luciendo como un presidente apropiado, que
sin duda es lo que él quería demostrar esta noche.
Escribir a
Obama Has Support of Putin, Chavez, Castro Monday, 22 Oct 2012 08:15 PM By Todd Beamon
Three world
leaders known for their anti-American views are endorsing President Barack
Obama’s re-election, Fox News reports.
Venezuela President Hugo Chavez, the socialist-leaning leader who won a fourth term this month, reportedly said that Obama was a “good guy.”
Meanwhile, the daughter of Cuban President Raul Castro, Mariela Castro, in June told CNN that, “As a citizen of the world, I would like (Obama) to win.”
She had been speaking in Spanish. The Castro family has ruled Cuba under Communism for over 50 years.
And in Russia, President Vladimir Putin has said Obama’s re-election could improve relations between the nations.
Putin, the former prime minister, also reportedly said the president was a “genuine person" who "really wants to change much for the better."
But Putin did tell The Wall Street Journal that he could work with Republican challenger Mitt Romney. The former Massachusetts governor had said Russia was the “No. 1 geopolitical foe” of the US.
Putin called the remark "pre-election rhetoric," Fox reports.
Venezuela President Hugo Chavez, the socialist-leaning leader who won a fourth term this month, reportedly said that Obama was a “good guy.”
Meanwhile, the daughter of Cuban President Raul Castro, Mariela Castro, in June told CNN that, “As a citizen of the world, I would like (Obama) to win.”
She had been speaking in Spanish. The Castro family has ruled Cuba under Communism for over 50 years.
And in Russia, President Vladimir Putin has said Obama’s re-election could improve relations between the nations.
Putin, the former prime minister, also reportedly said the president was a “genuine person" who "really wants to change much for the better."
But Putin did tell The Wall Street Journal that he could work with Republican challenger Mitt Romney. The former Massachusetts governor had said Russia was the “No. 1 geopolitical foe” of the US.
Putin called the remark "pre-election rhetoric," Fox reports.
Read more on Newsmax.com: Report: Obama Backed By World Leaders With Anti-American Views
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
Mensaje del Presidente de Home Depot: We can do a lot
better than Barack Hussein Obama http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TKCwSVH7Bw&feature=player_embedded
October 22, 2012 enviado por
Enrique Enriquez
Libya and lies
Thomas Sowell: An 'ongoing investigation' sounds so much better than 'stonewalling'
3 hours ago
Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover
Institution in Stanford, Calif. He is the author of 28 books, including "Dismantling America" and "Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the
Economy."More ↓
was a little much when President Barack Obama said that he was “offended” by
the suggestion that his administration would try to deceive the public about
what happened in Benghazi. What has this man not deceived the public about?
his pledge to cut the deficit in half in his first term in office? This was
followed by the first trillion dollar deficit ever, under any president of the
United States – followed by trillion-dollar deficits in every year of the Obama
his pledge to have a “transparent” government that would post its legislative
proposals on the Internet several days before Congress was to vote on them, so
that everybody would know what was happening? This was followed by an Obamacare
bill so huge and passed so fast that even members of Congress did not have time
to read it.
his claims that previous administrations had arrogantly interfered in the
internal affairs of other nations – and then his demands that Israel stop
building settlements and give away land outside its 1967 borders, as a
precondition to peace talks with the Palestinians, on whom there were no
for what happened in Libya, the Obama administration says that there is an
“investigation” under way. An “ongoing investigation” sounds so much better
than “stonewalling” to get past Election Day. But you can bet the rent money
that this “investigation” will not be completed before Election Day. And whatever
the investigation says after the election will be irrelevant.
events unfolding in Benghazi on the tragic night of Sept. 11 were being relayed
to the State Department as the attacks were going on, “in real time,” as they
say. So the idea that the Obama administration now has to carry out a
time-consuming “investigation” to find out what those events were, when the
information was immediately available at the time, is a little much.
full story of what happened in Libya, down to the last detail, may never be
known. But, as someone once said, you don’t need to eat a whole egg to know
that it is rotten. And you don’t need to know every detail of the events
before, during and after the attacks to know that the story put out by the
Obama administration was a fraud.
administration’s initial story that what happened in Benghazi began as a
protest against an anti-Islamic video in America was a very convenient theory.
The most obvious alternative explanation would have been devastating to Barack
Obama’s much heralded attempts to mollify and pacify Islamic nations in the
Middle East.
have helped overthrow pro-Western governments in Egypt and Libya, only to bring
anti-Western Islamic extremists to power, would have been revealed as a foreign
policy disaster of the first magnitude. To have been celebrating President
Obama’s supposedly heroic role in the killing of Osama bin Laden, with the
implication that al-Qaida was crippled, would have been revealed as a farce.
bin Laden was by no means the first man to plan a surprise attack on America
and later be killed. Japan’s Adm. Yamamoto planned the attack on Pearl Harbor
that brought the United States into World War II, and he was later tracked down
and shot down in a plane that was carrying him.
tried to depict President Franklin D. Roosevelt as some kind of hero for having
simply authorized the killing of Yamamoto. In that case, the only hero who was
publicized was the man who shot down the plane Yamamoto was in.
the killing of Osama bin Laden has been depicted as some kind of act of courage
by President Obama. After bin Laden was located, why would any president not
give the go-ahead to get him?
took no courage at all. It would have been far more dangerous politically for
Obama not to have given the go-ahead. Moreover, Obama hedged his bets by
authorizing the admiral in charge of the operation to proceed only under
various conditions.
meant that success would be credited to Obama and failure could be blamed on
the admiral – who would join George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton and other
scapegoats for Obama’s failures.
What is
happening in our public schools?
1-A few years ago, elementary
students in an Indiana school were told they
had to sing a song praising Allah during the winter program. Of course, no Christian or Jewish songs were allowed.
2- Two years ago, a Massachusetts middle school field trip to a mosque ended with the boys being asked to join Muslim prayers. Many did, while the teachers stood by silently.
3- And now we read (WND article below), a teacher... ... injured the student...
2- Two years ago, a Massachusetts middle school field trip to a mosque ended with the boys being asked to join Muslim prayers. Many did, while the teachers stood by silently.
3- And now we read (WND article below), a teacher... ... injured the student...
Now facing assault after girl left 'dripping with blood'
1- ...“The teacher was going over Islamic hand signs with the children – she stayed on this issue for two days straight during their reading and math class.
1- ...“The teacher was going over Islamic hand signs with the children – she stayed on this issue for two days straight during their reading and math class.
...”Bennett, ... ... said this teacher previously has
tried to “indoctrinate” students in Islamic thought...
3- ...The
report said the daughter confirmed the teacher
“prays to Allah in Arabic” several times a day and has explained how Islam is
superior to other religions.
4- ...The
report said the elementary school teacher, who openly
campaigns for Barack Obama in the classroom...
What is happening in our
public schools?
Obama Tiene Algunos Militares RETIRADOS
Todos Ellos Identificados SOCIALISTA =
Que Entraron En El Ejercito Cuando Eran
Jóvenes Y Siguieron...
Aquí está la lista de militares que han
peleado por USA...
que apoyan a Obama = 6... de ellos SOLO 3 PELEARON... los
Romney Tiene El Apoyo De 358 Militares
tiene la lista
¡Decidí postular a mi mamá a la Presidencia de la República!!! Por Marlene
Decidí hacer yo mismo una encuesta donde obtuve como resultado una
intención de voto del 88% a favor de mi mamá, para ser la próxima Presidenta de
del pais
Los medios, muy sorprendidos me entrevistaron:
Los medios, muy sorprendidos me entrevistaron:
¿Cómo realizó usted la encuesta?
Contesté: de manera muy fácil y efectiva; me metí en las páginas blancas amarillas, copié números de teléfono y llamé a 23.572 personas de todos los estados y
estratos sociales; esas llamadas las realicé entre la 1:00 a.m. y 5:00 a.m. para tener la seguridad de encontrar a la gente en sus casas.
A todos les formulé una pregunta muy sencilla:
¿Quien cree Usted que será el próximo Presidente ?
y me respondieron:
El coño de tu madre: 25 %
Tu madre: 17 %
La puta que te parió: 18 %
Tu madre, idiota: 28 %
No sé, y colgaron: 12 %________
TOTAL: 100 %
De manera que el 88% de los encuestados apoyó a mi mamá.
¡¡¡¡ VIVA MI VIEJA !!!!!!
Contesté: de manera muy fácil y efectiva; me metí en las páginas blancas amarillas, copié números de teléfono y llamé a 23.572 personas de todos los estados y
estratos sociales; esas llamadas las realicé entre la 1:00 a.m. y 5:00 a.m. para tener la seguridad de encontrar a la gente en sus casas.
A todos les formulé una pregunta muy sencilla:
¿Quien cree Usted que será el próximo Presidente ?
y me respondieron:
El coño de tu madre: 25 %
Tu madre: 17 %
La puta que te parió: 18 %
Tu madre, idiota: 28 %
No sé, y colgaron: 12 %________
TOTAL: 100 %
De manera que el 88% de los encuestados apoyó a mi mamá.
¡¡¡¡ VIVA MI VIEJA !!!!!!
The following is a
narrative taken from a 2008 Sunday morning televised "Meet The Press'.
From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST, Televised "Meet the Press" the THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag.
General Bill Gann' USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played.
The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171...
During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It".
NOW GET THIS !!'Senator Obama replied:
"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides". "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression.." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing."
Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails - - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments ......"
When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations ofIslam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".
"Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path. My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed,CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America "
Yes, you read it right.
I, for one, am speechless!!!
Dale Lindsborg , Washington Post
From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST, Televised "Meet the Press" the THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag.
General Bill Gann' USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played.
The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171...
During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It".
NOW GET THIS !!'Senator Obama replied:
"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides". "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression.." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing."
Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails - - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments ......"
When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations ofIslam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".
"Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path. My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed,CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America "
Yes, you read it right.
I, for one, am speechless!!!
Dale Lindsborg , Washington Post
querer a Biden como cliente en su negocio. Lo convirtió en famoso y prospero.
UN EJEMPLO DE COMO GANAR MEJORES CLIENTES. Sonia “Chuchin” Castellè http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_s_CGWKN8Ak
Dice Biden que Obama debe ser IMPEACHMEN è http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0gDGO2GzHM&feature=endscreen&NR=1
· NC Voters Claim Voter Machine Registered Obama After Voting For Romney
My recommendation is that before you move away
from the voting machine you verify that your vote has been casted for the
candidate of your choice. Remember what Dictator Joseph Stalin said:
"In an election is not important who cast the vote but who count the
The Communists will try to steal the elections thru de voting
machines and I received an email that the Obama administraton have
contracted with a company SOE, from Tampa, FL, to tabulate the votes and that
company will send the information to a company, SCYTL, in Spain, owned by
Hungarian born George Soros to do te final count.
Please try to protect your vote and your freedom as much as possible.
Dr. Carlos J. Bringuier
Cantor Takes Obama to Task for Imperial Presidency. Enrique Enriquez.
Tuesday, 23 Oct 2012 03:15 PM
By Newsmax Wires
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Majority Leader Eric Cantor has produced an 8,000-word report assailing
President Barack Obama for instituting an imperial presidency.
Even The New York Times noted recently on its front page “an increasingly deliberate pattern by the administration to circumvent lawmakers,” Cantor writes.
Pieces appearing over the course of the past several months in The Washington Post, National Review, and The Wall Street Journal have talked about his "imperial presidency."
The Obama administration’s lack of respect for the law is hampering economic growth and individual prosperity, particularly the jobs market, he says.
“Property rights and rule of law are essential for the proper and efficient functioning of society and the economy,” Cantor states.
“When ‘laws’ are created without going through Congress; when laws are selectively executed; when an administration intervenes into the normal judicial process and diminishes an individual's property rights; and when the normal regulatory process is circumvented, the rule of law is eroded.”
That’s exactly what has happened under Obama, Cantor says.
“While administrations of both political parties have been known to test the bounds of the limits of their power, the breadth of the breakdown in the rule of law in recent years has reached new levels,” he writes.
Cantor’s report cites more than 40 examples of the White House’s lack of respect for the law.
This includes:
• Ignoring Advise & Consent, such as through recess appointments;
• Creating laws outside of the Congressional process, such as changing the unionization process, telling businesses where they are allowed to locate, imposing propaganda mandates on employers, telling federal contractors who they have to hire, regulation of hydraulic fracturing, establishing a national ocean regulatory policy, creating a new land regulation program, global warming regulations, network neutrality regulations, auto efficiency mandate, claiming the power to define what constitutes religious employment, draconian regulation of coal;
• Ignoring the Plain Letter of the Law & Failing to Faithfully Execute the Law, such as waiving work requirements under welfare; the contraception mandate and the rights of religious employers, expansion of the refundable tax credit providing for premium assistance, Medicare Advantage quality bonus demonstration, medical loss ratio requirement for health insurers, termination of Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository, rewriting bankruptcy law, failing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, recognition of Jerusalem, lobbying for abortion overseas, halting the airport screening partnership program, expedited airport screening for members of the Armed Forces, DREAM Act deferred action, administrative amnesty for illegal immigrants, withholding critical information about counterfeit goods, Medicare Solvency Requirements;
•circumventing the Normal Regulatory Process, such as abuse of sue and settle tactics, re-write of coal regulations, abuse of guidance documents, refusing to disclose regulatory agenda, failing to list essential health benefits, Gulf drilling moratorium; banning uranium mining in Arizona;
• Government By Waiver, such as education policy by waiver and healthcare law waivers;
• Creating New Programs Not Authorized by Congress, such as the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, new “super” agencies, the healthcare Independent Payment Advisory Board, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
“There is no excuse for this continuous disregard of legislative authority and the Constitutionally-required separation of powers,” Cantor writes.
“This is no way to govern. The President has set a precedent that even his supporters should find troubling. . . . The Founding Fathers wisely gave the President many powers, but making law was not one of them.”
Even The New York Times noted recently on its front page “an increasingly deliberate pattern by the administration to circumvent lawmakers,” Cantor writes.
Pieces appearing over the course of the past several months in The Washington Post, National Review, and The Wall Street Journal have talked about his "imperial presidency."
The Obama administration’s lack of respect for the law is hampering economic growth and individual prosperity, particularly the jobs market, he says.
“Property rights and rule of law are essential for the proper and efficient functioning of society and the economy,” Cantor states.
“When ‘laws’ are created without going through Congress; when laws are selectively executed; when an administration intervenes into the normal judicial process and diminishes an individual's property rights; and when the normal regulatory process is circumvented, the rule of law is eroded.”
That’s exactly what has happened under Obama, Cantor says.
“While administrations of both political parties have been known to test the bounds of the limits of their power, the breadth of the breakdown in the rule of law in recent years has reached new levels,” he writes.
Cantor’s report cites more than 40 examples of the White House’s lack of respect for the law.
This includes:
• Ignoring Advise & Consent, such as through recess appointments;
• Creating laws outside of the Congressional process, such as changing the unionization process, telling businesses where they are allowed to locate, imposing propaganda mandates on employers, telling federal contractors who they have to hire, regulation of hydraulic fracturing, establishing a national ocean regulatory policy, creating a new land regulation program, global warming regulations, network neutrality regulations, auto efficiency mandate, claiming the power to define what constitutes religious employment, draconian regulation of coal;
• Ignoring the Plain Letter of the Law & Failing to Faithfully Execute the Law, such as waiving work requirements under welfare; the contraception mandate and the rights of religious employers, expansion of the refundable tax credit providing for premium assistance, Medicare Advantage quality bonus demonstration, medical loss ratio requirement for health insurers, termination of Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository, rewriting bankruptcy law, failing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, recognition of Jerusalem, lobbying for abortion overseas, halting the airport screening partnership program, expedited airport screening for members of the Armed Forces, DREAM Act deferred action, administrative amnesty for illegal immigrants, withholding critical information about counterfeit goods, Medicare Solvency Requirements;
•circumventing the Normal Regulatory Process, such as abuse of sue and settle tactics, re-write of coal regulations, abuse of guidance documents, refusing to disclose regulatory agenda, failing to list essential health benefits, Gulf drilling moratorium; banning uranium mining in Arizona;
• Government By Waiver, such as education policy by waiver and healthcare law waivers;
• Creating New Programs Not Authorized by Congress, such as the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, new “super” agencies, the healthcare Independent Payment Advisory Board, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
“There is no excuse for this continuous disregard of legislative authority and the Constitutionally-required separation of powers,” Cantor writes.
“This is no way to govern. The President has set a precedent that even his supporters should find troubling. . . . The Founding Fathers wisely gave the President many powers, but making law was not one of them.”
Obama Administration selected Salam Al-Marayati to join the U.S. delegation.
From: enrique enriquez
To: Nemrod Saldanas
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 11:32 AM
Subject: Re:
Si esto es cierto, creo que si es
un buen documento de denuncia sobre los nexos y acciones de esta administración
en favor de los musulmanes,
unido a esto hay un articulo sobre las reuniones periódicas en la Casablanca
con personajes considerados terroristas; también la denominación
de violencia domestica al acto terrorista perpetrado por el
militar medico musulmán ,que mato' a 13 militares americanos e hirio' a muchos
En este hecho se ha comprobado que este hombre consulto' con el
# 2 de Al quade para decidir si esa accion beneficiaria a su causa ,que
realizo' gritando "Ala es Grande" lo mismo que gritaron
los que atacaron las Torres.
El juicio de este hp lo han ido prorrogando hasta pasada las
elecciones y el hecho acontesio' en Noviembre del 2009.
razones para votar por Mitt Romney:
Million Unemployed or Underemployed
(or more) Millions illegal aliens are welcome,
Even with high unemployment
—47 Million of American
on Food Stamps
__$1.03 Trillion on
welfare 2011
Million Homes in Crisis/Foreclosure
—$4,500 Drop in Household
Trillion of New Debt
—$716 Billion in Medicare
__ 43% Fewer Florida
Senior could be enrolled in Medicare advantage.
__ $503 Billons in
additional taxes
Trillion for Obamacare
—$1.9 Trillion in New
Taxes in Obama’s Budget
__$16 Trillion of
National debt
Increase in Gas Prices from $1.84 on 2008 to
$3.84 on 2012
Sorry Mr President you are not America, you are not a
god, nor a king, it is all of the people of our great nation who are America.
ALL of us. Olga Griñanhttp://www.glennbeck.com/2012/10/23/why-did-romney-go-soft-on-obama-in-final-debate-glenn-has-an-idea/?utm_source=Daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2012-10-23_172982&utm_content=24617019&utm_term=_172982_172990
CIA’s Hayden: Romney Right On Iran
Tuesday, 23
Oct 2012 03:07 PM
Former CIA
Director Michael Hayden tells Newsmax that Mitt Romney was right — and
President Obama wrong — when the GOP candidate said during the Monday debate
that a nuclear Iran and not a terrorist attack was the biggest threat to
America’s national security.
The retired 4-star Air Force General also says he is “not very hopeful” that negotiations with the Iranians will dissuade them from developing nuclear weapons. And he predicts that a President Romney would “review” Obama’s exemption of some of Iran’s major trading partners from imposing sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
The retired 4-star Air Force General also says he is “not very hopeful” that negotiations with the Iranians will dissuade them from developing nuclear weapons. And he predicts that a President Romney would “review” Obama’s exemption of some of Iran’s major trading partners from imposing sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote
Here Now!
Radical Islamists routinely visit White House
Records show 'hundreds of visits' by those fronting for Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas
Published: 4 hours ago
Barack Obama is compromising American security by
allowing “radical Islamists” access to the White House, according to a report
by the
Investigative Project on Terrorism.
The organization reported this week that “scores of
known radical Islamists made hundreds of visits to the Obama White House,
meeting with top administration
The information was obtained from visitor logs at the
White House as well as court documents and “other records” that have identified
many of the visitors as belonging to groups serving as fronts for the Muslim
Brotherhood, Hamas and other Islamic militant groups.
“President Obama opening the White House to radical
Islamists compromises American security in at least two ways. First, it
legitimizes groups and individuals whose track records beg skepticism and
scrutiny. Second, White House visitor logs show that top U.S. policy-makers are
soliciting and receiving advice from people who, at best, view the war on
terrorism as an unchecked war on Muslims,” said the report. “These persons’ perspectives
and preferred policies handcuff law enforcement and weaken our resolve when it
comes to confronting terrorism.”
The report was complied by Steve Emerson and John
It said among the visitors have been representatives
of groups designated by the Department of Justice as unindicted co-conspirators
in terror trials as well as those who “obstructed terrorist investigations by
instructing their followers not to cooperate with law enforcement.”
Also visiting the White House were those who “promoted
the incendiary conspiratorial allegation that the United States is engaged in a
‘war against Islam,’” and those who claim Islamic terrorists convicted since
9/11 were “framed by the U.S. government.”
IPT reported officials from the Council on
America-Islamic Relations, which was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in
the largest terror money laundering case in the nation, the Holy Land
Foundation trial, were among those visiting Obama’s advisers.
In that case, U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis
said, “The government has produced ample evidence to establish the association”
of CAIR to Hamas. He refused to reverse the listing.
Specifically, the logs shows Hussam Ayloush, executive
director of CAIR’s Los Angeles branch, met with Paul Monteiro, associate
director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, and Amanda Brown,
assistant to the White House director of political affairs, the report said.
“IPT has learned that the White House logs curiously
have omitted Ayloush’s three meetings with two other senior White House
officials,” the report said.
In another situation, Esam Omeish, who formerly headed
the Muslim Brotherhood-created Muslim American Society, visited the White House
three times, IPT said.
“In 2000, Omeish personally hired the late terrorist
Anwar al-Awlaki to be the imam of Falls Church, Va., Dar al-Hijrah mosque.
According to IPT analysis, more terrorists have been linked to Dar al-Hijrah
since 9/11 than to any other mosque in America,” the report said.
“Interestingly, the Obama administration’s
enthusiastic support for gay rights did not prevent it from inviting Islamists
who support laws overseas giving gays the death penalty,” the report said. “In
a June 21, 2001, article in The San Francisco Chronicle, Muzammil Siddiqi, the
former head of Islamic Society of North America, said he ‘supported laws in
countries where homosexuality is punishable by death.’ Siddiqi met with
Monteiro on June 8, 2010.”
IPT said it actually is the Muslim Public Affairs
Council that has “secured the closest working relationship with the Obama White
House” with 15 officials from the group welcomed to the White House.
“Executive Director Salam al-Marayati enjoyed at least
six White House visits between September 2009 and July 2011, mostly involving
meetings with Monteiro. Alejandro Beutel, who was MPAC’s government liaison
until July 2012, had 10 White House visits between July 2010 and May 2012,” the
report said.
“MPAC’s Washington director Haris Tarin made 24 trips
to the White House between December 2009 and March 2012. Those meetings often
were intimate in nature, involving a handful of people at most,” it said.
Also visiting from MPAC was Edina Lekovic, a
spokeswoman for the group. As a student, she served as an editor of a Muslim
magazine called Al-Talib, which in 1999 published an editorial praising Osama
bin Laden, explaining, “We should defend our brother and refer to him as a
freedom fighter, someone who has forsaken wealth and power to fight in Allah’s
“White House logs show Islamists visiting the White
House who may have lower profiles, but who also defended terrorists and
terrorist groups, and repeatedly castigated law enforcement, especially in
counter-terror sting operations,” the report said.
It listed Farhana Khera, executive director of Muslim
Advocates and the National Association of Muslim Lawyers. “She casts FBI
counter-terror stings as ‘entrapment,’” the report said. “Khera also has
compromised FBI operations and coached mosque personnel on how to evade FBI
Also listed was Hisham al-Talib, a founder and current
vice president of finance for Herndon, Va.-based, International Institute of
Islamic Thought (IIIT), an organization the FBI believes has housed key Muslim
Brotherhood leaders in the United States since the late 1980s.
Also, Imam Talib El-Hajj Abdur Rashid, a religious and
spiritual leader of Harlem’s Mosque of the Islamic Brotherhood. “Rashid
rationalized Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s stance on destroying
Israel, saying it merely is a ‘sentiment born of the legitimate anger,
frustration, and bitterness that is felt in many [parts of the Muslim world’
because of Israel’s ‘ongoing injustice toward the Palestinian people.’”
Lázaro R González Miño
7-Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8-Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su
tuyo es El Reino, El Poder y La Gloria Eterna. AMEN“ WE OWN THIS COUNTRY, DON’T DARE TEST US”
If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will
be a nation gone under. Ronald
Lázaro R González Miño
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