Saturday, October 20, 2012

If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under. Ronald Reagan, "En mi opinion" Oct. 20, 2012

Lázaro R González Miño
Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Polling Data
Obama (D)
Romney (R)
RCP Average
10/7 - 10/18
Obama +0.1
10/16 - 10/18
1500 LV
10/13 - 10/18
909 LV
Obama +2
10/12 - 10/18
2700 LV
Romney +6
10/11 - 10/16
1023 LV
Obama +3
10/10 - 10/13
923 LV
Obama +3
10/7 - 10/11
1000 LV
Obama +1
10/8 - 10/10
1360 LV
Romney +1
10/7 - 10/9
1109 LV
Romney +1

$1.84 è Obama è $3.84
16 dias para sacarlo de  La Casa Blanca .
10 razones para votar por Mitt Romney:
—23 Million Unemployed or Underemployed
__2 (or more) Millions illegal aliens are welcome,
      Even with high unemployment
—47 Million of American on Food Stamps
­­­__$1.03 Trillion on welfare 2011
—5.5 Million Homes in Crisis/Foreclosure
—$4,500 Drop in Household Income
—$5.5 Trillion of New Debt
—$716 Billion in Medicare Cuts
—$2.6 Trillion for Obamacare
—$1.9 Trillion in New Taxes in Obama’s Budget
__$16 Trillion of National debt
—209% Increase in Gas Prices from $1.84 on 2008 to    $3.84 on 2012


List of Republican budget cuts proposed in Ryan's plan...

Clearly, Paul Ryan knows how to make the cuts necessary to get this country back on track.

Notice S.S. and the military are NOT on this list

These are all the programs that the new Republican House has proposed cutting. Read to the end and pass it on to as many as you can.
* Corporation for Public Broadcasting Subsidy -- $445 million annual savings.
* Save America's Treasures Program -- $25 million annual savings.
* International Fund for Ireland -- $17 million annual savings.
* Legal Services Corporation -- $420 million annual savings.
* National Endowment for the Arts -- $167.5 million annual savings.
* National Endowment for the Humanities -- $167.5 million annual savings.
* Hope VI Program -- $250 million annual savings.
* Amtrak Subsidies -- $1.565 billion annual savings.
* Eliminate duplicating education programs -- H.R. 2274 (in last Congress), authored by Rep. McKeon, eliminates 68 at a savings of $1.3 billion annually.
* U.S. Trade Development Agency -- $55 million annual savings.
* Woodrow Wilson Center Subsidy -- $20 million annual savings.
* Cut in half funding for congressional printing and binding -- $47 million annual savings.
* John C. Stennis Center Subsidy -- $430,000 annual savings.
* Community Development Fund -- $4.5 billion annual savings.
* Heritage Area Grants and Statutory Aid -- $24 million annual savings.
* Cut Federal Travel Budget in Half -- $7.5 billion annual savings
* Trim Federal Vehicle Budget by 20% -- $600 million annual savings.
* Essential Air Service -- $150 million annual savings.
* Technology Innovation Program -- $70 million annual savings.
* Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program -- $125 million annual savings.
* Department of Energy Grants to States for Weatherization -- $530 million annual savings.
* Beach Replenishment -- $95 million annual savings.
* New Starts Transit -- $2 billion annual savings.
* Exchange Programs for Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Their Historical Trading Partners in Massachusetts -- $9 million annual savings
* Intercity and High Speed Rail Grants -- $2.5 billion annual savings.
* Title X Family Planning -- $318 million annual savings.
* Appalachian Regional Commission -- $76 million annual savings.
* Economic Development Administration -- $293 million annual savings.
* Programs under the National and Community Services Act -- $1.15 billion annual savings.
* Applied Research at Department of Energy -- $1.27 billion annual savings.
* Freedom CAR and Fuel Partnership -- $200 million annual savings.
* Energy Star Program -- $52 million annual savings.
* Economic Assistance to Egypt -- $250 million annually.
* U.S. Agency for International Development -- $1.39 billion annual savings.
* General Assistance to District of Columbia -- $210 million annual savings..
* Subsidy for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority -- $150 million annual savings.
* Presidential Campaign Fund -- $775 million savings over ten years.
* No funding for federal office space acquisition -- $864 million annual savings.
* End prohibitions on competitive sourcing of government services.
* Repeal the Davis-Bacon Act -- More than $1 billion annually.
* IRS Direct Deposit: Require the IRS to deposit fees for some services it offers (such as processing payment plans for taxpayers) to the Treasury, instead of allowing it to remain as part of its budget -- $1.8 billion savings over ten years.
* Require collection of unpaid taxes by federal employees -- $1 billion total savings. WHAT THE HECK IS THIS ABOUT?
* Prohibit taxpayer funded union activities by federal employees -- $1.2 billion savings over ten years.
* Sell excess federal properties the government does not make use of -- $15 billion total savings.
* Eliminate death gratuity for Members of Congress.WHAT???
* Eliminate Mohair Subsidies -- $1 million annual savings.
* Eliminate taxpayer subsidies to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- $12.5 million annual savings WELL, ISN'T THAT SPECIAL
* Eliminate Market Access Program -- $200 million annual savings.
* USDA Sugar Program -- $14 million annual savings.
* Subsidy to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) -- $93 million annual savings.
* Eliminate the National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program -- $56.2 million annual savings.
* Eliminate fund for Obamacare administrative costs -- $900 million savings.
* Ready to Learn TV Program -- $27 million savings..WHY?
* HUD Ph.D. Program.
* Deficit Reduction Check-Off Act.

*TOTAL SAVINGS: $2.5 Trillion over Ten Years
My question: What is all this doing in the budget in the first place?
Please send this to everyone you know

Los Homosexuales ACUSANDO a los Homosexuales. Ricardo Samitier.
Creo que todos sabemos que las asociaciones PRO HOMOXESUALES combaten a Los “Boy Scouts” pues ellos NO PERMITEN HOMOSEXUALES como líderes de grupos... Ahora... esas asociaciones lograron que las cortes les permitan entrar en los archivos
De la institución y ellos están sacando CASOS DE ABUSOS de niños en el pasado...
Aparentemente la idea de esas instituciones es decir... que como ha habido abusos En el pasado deben de CONTINUAR HABIENDOLOS...
 ¿Hasta cuando... Vamos a seguir soportando a los homosexuales?  
 Hay que dejarse de VANALIDADES todos los homosexuales son PEDOFILOS... no es nada Nuevo...  desde la época de GRECIA y ROMA... la última etapa de la homosexualidad era Tener un jovencito... o es que TAMBIEN VAMOS A BORRAR LA HISTORIA...

¿Con Qué Rapidez La Gente Olvida ............... Bill Clinton fue suspendido como abogado y de práctica la ley en Arkansas y pagó una multa de 250.000 dólares como resultado del incidente Mónica Lewinsky... pero no INFIEL... POR MENTIROSO...
También pagó 850.000 dólares a un acuerdo sobre el incidente Paula Jones.
Fue inhabilitado también ejercer la abogacía ante la Corte Suprema. Por la misma causa... MENTIROSO
Así que Bill Clinton, un abogado inhabilitado, un presidente que fue acusado POR MENTIR BAJO JURAMENTO, está pidiendo al pueblo estadounidense que creerle cuando dice que lo mejor para el país es de cuatro años más de Obama. Solamente los tontos o [CM] pueden creerle...
Nuevo Negocio de los Castros Para Sacarle Dinero A Los Exiliados...
Habilitara Cuba 200 Oficinas Para Emitir Pasaportes
A pagarles $100.00 menos 20% del cambio de dólares = $120.00 por un librito con 4 paginas... ahora las abuelas, los tíos, etc. a comprarle pasaporte a 4 millones de familiares que quieren salir del país = $ 48,000,000.00 para MANTENER A LOS CASTROS EN EL PODER...
Tener el PASAPORTE... NO LE OTORGA A LA PERSONA... el derecho a salir del País... Después hay montón de disposiciones que lo prohíben...  

Esto es DESCONOCIDO PARA LA MAYORIA...  Revelaciones y estudios sobre los intereses musulmanes desde 1965  Compartelo rápidamente (YouTube) puede sacarlo del aire...
Aunque No Lo Creas Existe CENSURA
Este es uno que no habíamos visto antes, sin duda es motivo de reflexión - que es, sin duda esconde una gran cantidad de información por alguna razón.

Un mago nos da una lección de patriotismo:

Mr. President,

Patricia Smith told the Daily Mail: “It's insensitive to say my son is not very optimal. He is also very dead. I've not been ‘optimal’ since he died – and the past few weeks have been pure hell.

“I am still waiting for the truth to come out and I still want to know the truth,” Smith told the Daily Mail from her home in San Diego. “I'm finally starting to get some answers, but I won't give up.

“There's a lot of stupid things that have been said about my son and what happened – and this is another one of them,” she said.

Mom of Slain Diplomat: 'My Son Is Not Very Optimal — He Is Very Dead'

Victims Outraged as Feds Refuse to Call Fort Hood Attack Terrorism

Friday, 19 Oct 2012 04:50 PM
By Todd Beamon
Victims of the 2009 shooting at Fort Hood in Texas that killed 13 people and wounded dozens more are outraged that the U.S. government refuses to classify it as an act of terrorism.
About 160 victims and their families released a video on Thursday describing the shooting — in which Army Maj. Nidal Hasan allegedly opened fire on a room full of soldiers — and arguing why it should be classified as a terrorist attack.
Hasan, an American-born Muslim,  killing 12 soldiers and a civilian on Nov. 5, 2009, at the post’s processing center. Soldiers were preparing to deploy to Afghanistan and Iraq.
Report: Fort Hood Victims Want Shooting Classified as Terrorist Attack
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election?
Vote Here Now!

Breaking from NewsmaxZogby Poll: Obama Edges Romney in Florida, 48%-42%
Mitt Romney 48 percent to Obama 42 percent, up 3 percentage points from before the second debate. Still, pollster John Zogby said, “The president is not popular. His overall approval number just hit 50 percent in Florida. The president does not have a lock on Florida.”

Al-Qaeda ataca base militar en Yemen y causa 15 muertes

Por Hakim Almasmari Sanaa , Yemen (CNN) — Al menos 15 soldados yemeníes murieron y más de una docena resultaron heridos cuando presuntos militantes de Al-Qaeda atacaron una base militar del gobierno fuertemente custodiada en el sur de Yemen, dijeron funcionarios de seguridad.

Por Dr. E.P.B. Oct. 20, 2012
Teóricamente cierta, si se acopian los elementos existentes en este momento:
1. Fragilidad informática en todos los sistemas de seguridad nacional.
2. Crisis económica que afecta la disponibilidad de fondos para la defensa y que provoca gran descontento interno en E.U.
3. Crisis comercial/politica entre China y EU.
4. Conflicto entre las dos Coreas.
5. Proliferación nuclear provocada por la disgregación de la       antigua URSS
6. Conflicto entre dos posibles potencias nucleares (Irán e Israel) 7. Escasez de recursos naturales como el agua
8. Crisis económica europea
9. El hambre en la mayoría de la población mundial
10. Inestabilidad política de los países que posee los mayores recursos petrolíferos y gasíferos del mundo.
Estos factores, en teoría convierten al mundo actual en una situación de mayor peligrosidad desde la crisis de los misiles con cuba en 1960.
No esta descaminado en verdad, Davik Rockefeller cuando apunto que una población de 7 mil millones no es sustentable, que sobran 3 mil millones.
Pero La pregunta parece ser: Quienes, como y cuando decidirán acerca de los sobrantes.

Hot on the News stands!
Enviado por Enrique Enriquez, Finally, Matt Patterson and Newsweek speak out about Obama. This is timely and tough. As many of you know, Newsweek has a reputation for being extremely liberal. The fact that their editor saw fit to print the following article about Obama and the one that appears in the latest Newsweek, makes this a truly amazing event, and a news story in and of itself. At last, the truth about our President and his agenda are starting to trickle through the “protective wall” built around him by the liberal media.

I Too Have Become Disillusioned. By Matt Patterson (Newsweek columnist – opinion writer)

Years from now, historians may regard the 2008 election of Barack Obama as an inscrutable and disturbing phenomenon, the result of a baffling breed of mass hysteria akin perhaps to the witch craze of the Middle Ages. How, they will wonder, did a man so devoid of professional accomplishment beguile so many into thinking he could manage the world's largest economy, direct the world's most powerful military, execute the world's most consequential job?

Imagine a future historian examining Obama's pre-presidential life: ushered into and through the Ivy League, despite unremarkable grades and test scores along the way; a cushy non-job as a "community organizer;" a brief career as a state legislator devoid of legislative achievement (and in fact nearly devoid of his attention, so often did he vote "present"); and finally an unaccomplished single term in the United States Senate, the entirety of which was devoted to his presidential ambitions.

He left no academic legacy in academia, authored no signature legislation as a legislator. And then there is the matter of his troubling associations: the white-hating, America-loathing preacher who for decades served as Obama's "spiritual mentor"; a real-life, actual terrorist who served as Obama's colleague and political sponsor. It is easy to imagine a future historian looking at it all and asking: how on Earth was such a man elected president?

Not content to wait for history, the incomparable Norman Podhoretz addressed the question recently in the Wall Street Journal: To be sure, no white candidate who had close associations with an outspoken hater of America like Jeremiah Wright and an unrepentant terrorist like Bill Ayers, would have lasted a single day. But because Mr. Obama was black, and therefore entitled in the eyes of liberal Dom to have hung out with protesters against various American injustices, even if they were a bit extreme, he was given a pass. Let that sink in: Obama was given a pass - held to a lower standard - because of the color of his skin.

Podhoretz continues: And in any case, what did such ancient history matter when he was also so articulate and elegant and (as he himself had said) "non-threatening," all of which gave him a fighting chance to become the first black president and thereby to lay the curse of racism to rest?

Podhoretz puts his finger, I think, on the animating pulse of the Obama phenomenon - affirmative action. Not in the legal sense, of course. But certainly in the motivating sentiment behind all affirmative action laws and regulations, which are designed primarily to make white people, and especially white liberals, feel good about themselves.

Unfortunately, minorities often suffer so that whites can pat themselves on the back. Liberals routinely admit minorities to schools for which they are not qualified, yet take no responsibility for the inevitable poor performance and high drop-out rates which follow. Liberals don't care if these minority students fail; liberals aren't around to witness the emotional devastation and deflated self-esteem resulting from the racist policy that is affirmative action. Yes, racist. Holding someone to a separate standard merely because of the color of his skin - that's affirmative action in a nutshell, and if that isn't racism, then nothing is.

And that is what America did to Obama. True, Obama himself was never troubled by his lack of achievements, but why would he be? As many have noted, Obama was told he was good enough for Columbia despite undistinguished grades at Occidental; he was told he was good enough for the US Senate despite a mediocre record in Illinois; he was told he was good enough to be president despite no record at all in the Senate. All his life, every step of the way, Obama was told he was good enough for the next step, in spite of ample evidence to the contrary.

What could this breed if not the sort of empty narcissism on display every time Obama speaks? In 2008, many who agreed that he lacked executive qualifications nonetheless raved about Obama's oratory skills, intellect, and cool character. Those people – conservatives included - ought now to be deeply embarrassed.

The man thinks and speaks in the hoariest of clichés, and that's when he has his Teleprompters in front of him; when the prompter is absent he can barely think or speak at all. Not one original idea has ever issued from his mouth - it's all warmed-over Marxism of the kind that has failed over and over again for 100 years. (An example is his 2012 campaign speeches which are almost word for word his 2008 speeches)

And what about his character? Obama is constantly blaming anything and everything else for his troubles. Bush did it; it was bad luck; I inherited this mess. Remember, he wanted the job, campaigned for the task. It is embarrassing to see a president so willing to advertise his own powerlessness, so comfortable with his own incompetence. (The other day he actually came out and said no one could have done anything to get our economy and country back on track.) But really, what were we to expect? The man has never been responsible for anything, so how do we expect him to act responsibly?

In short: our president is a small-minded man, with neither the temperament nor the intellect to handle his job. When you understand that, and only when you understand that, will the current erosion of liberty and prosperity make sense. It could not have gone otherwise with such a man in the Oval Office.

Cómo ver la espectacular lluvia de meteoritos Oriónidas este fin de semana

(CNN) – Bolas de fuego plateadas adornarán el hemisferio norte el sábado y el domingo. La muy esperada lluvia de meteoros Oriónidas está prevista para este fin de semana, saludando a los cielos de octubre y ofreciendo un espectáculo brillante a los observadores de estrellas.
La lluvia de meteoritos Oriónidas alcanzará su punto máximo alrededor de la medianoche del sábado y el domingo por la mañana. Las "estrellas fugaces" serán aún más prominentes visualmente porque la luna nueva se ajustará alrededor de la medianoche del sábado, lo que permitirá una vista inafectada por la luna brillante, según la NASA.
El mejor momento para verla es el domingo por la mañana, dice la NASA: Despierta una o dos horas antes de que salga el sol; la constelación de Orión estará en lo alto del cielo. Usted ni siquiera necesita un telescopio, sólo puedes acostarse y mirar hacia arriba.

Lázaro R González Miño
305 445 7364, "Lazaro R Gonzalez" "MiamidaderecallLazarorgonzalezmino"
“Salmo109” 7-Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8-Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su oficio,
Porque tuyo es El Reino, El Poder y La Gloria Eterna. AMEN


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