Thursday, October 18, 2012

Candy Crowley: "Yes I was WRONG" why they do not fire her? En mi opinion. Octubre 18, 2012

Debate Moderator Candy Crowley: Romney Was Actually Right On Libya. Why they do not fire her???
In a pathetic attempt to smear Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan ahead of Tuesday’s second presidential debate, NBC’s Today seized on a story in Monday’s Washington Post accusing Ryan and his family of washing already clean pots and pans [...] enviado por Jesus Angulo.
Barack Hussein Obama 46%
Barack Hussein Obama 43% 

Gallup: Romney 51, Obama 45 =>

Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate =>



La Verdad por Ricardo Samitier.
La Verdad:
Obama Junto Con La Clinton En La Casa Blanca Nunca
Dijo Que el ataque en Libia era Un Ataque Terrorista.
 He aquí lo que dijo:

Ningún acto de terror afectara jamás la determinación de esta gran nación, que eclipse el carácter de los valores que defendemos.

Como Verán en NINGUN MOMENTO la palabra “TERROR” o “TERRORISMO”
fue usada para definir, ni  se refiere al ataque en Benghazi... 

No Nos Puede Caber Duda Que TODO ESTABA ARREGLADO...
Todos sabemos que los “DEBATES” son practicados por días... esa pregunta se
Conocía que iba a ser parte del DEBATE... y por convicción política o porque le
Pagaron a Candy Crowley la moderadora... estaba preparada para desmentir
A Romney y DEFENDER A OBAMA... diciendo:
“Recuerdo Que El Presidente Dijo; TERRORni siguiera es una
Media verdad...
Lo peor es que NO LE HAN HECHO NADA por haber intervenido
Y de contra hacer una INTERVENCION EQUIVOCADA...

Los que deseen leer el discurso aquí está el enlace: 

Nota adicional:
CNN organización  que apoya el comunismo... DESDE SU FUNDACION... lo cual NO ES NADA NUEVO...  ya que era la agencia de Noticias de Turner y Hanói FONDA... esta ultima... es además (según confesó a 60 minutes) ARREPENTIDA HOMOSEXUAL, y consumidora “para probar” de drogas, etc.
He aquí la verdad... de lo que dijo Obama:


General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Polling Data

Romney (R)
Obama (D)
RCP Average
10/7 - 10/16
Romney +0.4
10/14 - 10/16
1500 LV
Romney +1
10/10 - 10/16
2700 LV
Romney +6
10/11 - 10/16
931 LV
Obama +2
10/10 - 10/13
923 LV
Obama +3
10/7 - 10/11
1000 LV
Obama +1
10/8 - 10/10
1360 LV
Romney +1
10/7 - 10/9
1109 LV
Romney +1

10 razones para votar por Mitt Romney:
—23 Million Unemployed or Underemployed
__2 (or more) Millions illegal aliens are welcome, even with high unemployment
—47 Million of American on Food Stamps
­­­__$1.03 Trillion on welfare 2011
—5.5 Million Homes in Crisis/Foreclosure
—$4500 Drop in Household Income
—$5.5 Trillion of New Debt
—$716 Billion in Medicare Cuts
—$2.6 Trillion for Obamacare
—$1.9 Trillion in New Taxes in Obama’s Budget
__$16 Trillion of National debt
—209% Increase in Gas Prices from $1.84 on 2008 to    $3.84 on 2012
Esto ha pasado como una simple noticia más. A que extremo nos han llevado que el gobierno de Obama ni la prensa le da  importancia a una cosa asi: Bangladeshi national arrested after allegedly plotting to blow up a Federal Reserve bank in New York City. [Sigan, sigan… dejando esas pulgas sarnosas asesinas entrando en el país como Pedro por su casa con las maletas llenas de bombas. ¿Donde están las medidas de seguridad? ¿Que esta haciendo el TSA, El FBI, El CIA, El Pentágono? ¿Porque dejamos entrar tanta gente que pone bombas, derriba aviones y destruye edificios y todos vienen del mismo área del mundo y tienen la misma religión?] More on this story:
Le gusta que su presidente negocie con el enemigo a sus espaldas.
Lázaro R González Miño: Vote defienda su país.

18 dias para sacarlo de la Casa Blanca.


“The true is here”

Benghazi Attack Was Botched Kidnapping To Trade Blind Sheik

Los Hispanos COMO SIEMPRE EQUIVOCADOS  Ricardo Samitier

Los Mal Llamados “Lideres Hispanos” En U.S.A Comenten Los Mismos Errores... Que En Sus Países Natales...
Se Unen A Los Comunistas... Por  Envidia... Sin Analizar Los Pro y Los Contra...
Primero un poco de historia
A pesar de que la América Del Norte... nunca antes de 1898  su INTERVENCION EN LA GUERRA DE CUBA...
Se había expandido SOBRE LATINO AMERICA militarmente... Ya era ODIADA... hasta Martí... en su carta  A Manuel Mercado... escribió... que la lucha de Cuba era la forma de Impedir que USA se extendiera sobre Sur América... 
América Latina Se Independizó Del Colonialismo... Pero No Lo Hizo Para Establecer Una DEMOCRACIA...  SIGUIO siendo Una MONARQUIA De hecho...  Y De Ahí Viene Su Pobreza Y Su Atraso Con Estados Unidos
George WASHINGTON... se negó A SER PROCLAMADO REY... y entregó la presidencia...
EN LAS ESCUELAS NO NOS ENSEÑAN Que BOLIVAR por el contrario... Su más alto deseo era SER NOMBRADO EMPERADOR POR VIDA... y que su descendencia HEREDARA EL TITULO... Bolívar era “PARTIDARIO DEL SISTEMA MONARQUICO” y los senadores que nombró... eran VITALICIOS ... y su hijo mayor HEREDABA SU SENADURIA...  En otras palabras... BOLIVAR no era democrático... era “MONÁRQUICO”  Chávez es Verdaderamente “BOLIVARIANO” pues igual que Bolívar... QUIZO SER ELECTO PRESIDENTE POR VIDA...
La falta de DEMOCRACIA y LIBRE EMPRESA es la culpable de la POBREZA DE SUR AMERICA...  El error de los “LIDERES HISPANOS” es estar unidos a LEAN BIEN MINORIA NEGRA...  pues los llamados “Hispanos” Ya somos 50 millones mientras que los negros no llegan a 30 millones... si jugamos las cartas bien... en las próximas elecciones en el 2016 vamos a ser la SEGUNDA FUERZA POLITICA de los Estados Unidos... pero solo si nos unimos a los blancos americanos que NO están contra los hispanos... son los negros los que están contra nosotros Pues SABEN Que Van A PERDER SU CONTROL POLITICO Como Minoría...  Obama está contra los hispanos y ese es el motivo que ha deportado más que ningún otro presidente...
Ahora Vean Estas Verdades:
1.     La RAZA NEGRA SE ESTA BLANQUEANDO... el 80% de los negros graduados de universidades y college SON MUJERES que NO TIENEN CON QUIEN CASARSE pues no están dispuestas a casarse con un NEGRO IGNORANTE... la mejor prueba de eso... es que la mayoría de las NEGRAS JOVENES NOMBRADAS POR OBAMA... SON MULATAS Y ESTAN CASADAS CON BLANCOS... como la embajadora ante la ONU la Sra. Rice
2.     Los Negros exitosos... se casan con blancas... HASTA EL COMUNISTA RADICAL... Van Jones que habla del derecho de los negros...está casado con una blanca...
3.     EVENTUALMENTE LOS MULATOS... que sin duda puede ser hasta más inteligente que el BLANCO... va a seguir tratando de IMITAR A LOS BLANCOS... “Para Atrás Ni Para Coger Impulso”        
4.     Mientras los llamados Hispanos tiene una corriente permanente de emigrantes, de los cuales muchos SON CALIFICADOS PROFESIONALES...
5.     Los negros NO TIENE posibilidades de aumentar su población con NUEVOS EMIGRANTES... y mucho menos con Emigrantes CALIFICADOS y profesionales...
6.     Los emigrantes de países negros son o de Haití o de África... países ATRASADOS... 
Los lideres “Hispanos” casi todos son COMUNISTAS e hijos de COMUNISTAS...
QUE SI FUESEN INTELIGENTES y verdaderos lideres... AHORA, HOY ANTES DE LAS ELECCIONES... Es el MOMENTO DE CAMBIAR pero ya es muy tarde... se van a hundir y desaparecer... Pues los COMUNISTAS DEMOCRATAS... TIENEN SUS DIAS CONTADOS... aunque gane Obama...
La libre Empresa Se Ha Unido A La
Campaña Contra Obama...
Un Mensaje De Blue Cross Blue Shield
Para Todos Los Estadounidenses...
Noviembre 6 2012, será la más importante fecha
en la historia de los Estados Unidos y afectará el
resto de su vida ... La elección es suya.

Un mensaje de Blue Cross Blue Shield

Profesor Emérito John W. Hill, JD, PhD
Kelley School of Business de la Universidad de Indiana

La Verdad Sobre El Costo Del MEDICARE

Mira claramente en la tasa de 2014 en comparación con la tasa de 2013.

Para aquellos de ustedes que están en Medicare, lea lo siguiente. Es corto, pero
importante y que probablemente no han oído hablar de él en las noticias principales:

"La persona por Medicare prima de seguro se incrementará de los actuales
Cuota mensual de $ 96.40, llegando a:

$ 104,20 en 2012

$ 120,20 en 2013

Y  247,00 dólares en el 2014. "

Se trata de disposiciones incorporadas en la legislación Obamacare,
deliberadamente retrasó a fin de no afectar las 2012 campañas de reelección.
Envía esto a todos los adultos mayores que se conocen,
para que sepan que los está lanzando debajo del autobús. GALLUP: Mitt Romney 51% Barack Obama 45%

MIAMI 18 DE OCTUBRE DE 2012,—El impulso de Mitt Romney sigue creciendo y ahora se reporta con un porcentaje de seis puntos de ventajas sobre el presidente Barack Obama, de acuerdo con la ultima encuesta diaria hecha entre votantes probables por la empresa Gallup.
La encuesta de acuerdo con la firma Gallup se realizo antes del debate del martes en que el presidente Obama tuvo una mejor presentación, pero el Surrey demuestra que Romney esta ganando mucho terreno.
El ex gobernador de Massachusetts lleva una ventaja de 51 a 45 por ciento entre los probables votantes.
Con solo tres semanas para ir hasta las elecciones presidenciales del 6 de noviembre, Romney también lleva por primera vez una ventaja entre los votantes registrados, esa cifra es mas estrecha aun con Romney ganando 48 a 46 por ciento.
Gallup sigue mostrando una mejor imagen para Romney que la mayoría de los otros encuestadores. Por ejemplo un sondeo de Washington Post-ABC NEW publicado el lunes demostró a Obama con un 49 por ciento mientras que Romney obtuvo el 46 por ciento, otra encuesta esta realizada por la firma político-George Washington University también muestra a Obama con un 49 por ciento y a Romney con un 48 por ciento.

18 dias para sacarlo de la  Casa Blanca .

Are These The Last Days of The America We Know?

October 17, 2012 10:08 am Comments (0) Author: The Economic Collapse Blog

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Are we on the verge of societal collapse?  Many of the greatest empires throughout world history were not conquered by outside forces.  Rather, they crumbled inwardly as extreme social decay set in.  There have been many that have compared the last days of the Roman Empire to what America is going through right now.  In the decades following World War II, the United States was the most powerful and the most prosperous nation on the entire planet, but now things are rapidly changing.  There are literally thousands of signs that our society is collapsing all around us.  All you have to do to see this is turn on a television or pick up a newspaper.  I spend a lot of time discussing our nightmarish economic and political headaches in this column, but the truth is that our problems go much deeper than that.  Even if a major miracle happened and we got the “right person” into the White House, the Federal Reserve was shut down, our 16 trillion dollar national debt was paid off, our trade deficit went to zero, a solution was found for the quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble and the “too big to fail” banks were broken up, we would still be facing a national crisis of unprecedented magnitude.  The cold, hard reality of the matter is that America has become an absolute cesspool of filth and corruption, and the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted is rapidly disappearing.  Until we get our hearts right, there is not much hope for the future of this once great nation.
So are these the last days of America?  The following are 25 signs of extreme social decay….
#1 We have come to accept that it is “normal” that security goons should be allowed to touch the private parts of our women and our children in the name of “national security”.  Just check out the ordeal that conservative radio host and Breitbart editor Dana Loesch suffered through recently at the hands of the TSA
They performed the regular pat-down and then the agent informed me that she would be using the front of her hands to “sweep” my groin. She pressed and swept across my crotch three times horizontally and three times vertically. In any other circumstance this would be sexual assault.
The agents themselves were friendly and smiled, yet I was still denied a public screening and no witness of my own present for the screening itself (a second agent was in the room at the time). I had no reason to be angry with the agents themselves, yet I was angry, and still am, at the regulations which require them to routinely violate men, women, and children in the name of a false sense of security.
#2 Police up in New Jersey say that a man kept his girlfriend padlocked in a bedroom for most of the last 10 years.
#3 It is hard to imagine some of the sick things that people do behind closed doors.  Down in Florida, one former medical examiner was apparently collecting human body parts
In what could be described as an episode of “Auction Hunters” turned reality horror show, authorities in Pensacola are investigating after finding human brains, hearts and lungs in a storage unit they say belonged to a former medical examiner.
Someone bought the storage unit at an auction last week and noticed a foul smell as they were sifting through furniture and boxes.
Officials at the medical examiner’s office in Pensacola say the remains of more than 100 people were found crudely stored in Tupperware containers, garbage bags and drink cups.
#4 A former fifth grade teacher down in Atlanta has admitted that she helped her students cheat because they were “dumb as hell“.
#5 Many debt collectors are willing to say absolutely despicable things in order to collect debts.  One debt collector recently told a disabled military veteran that if he would have “served our country better” he would not be disabled and that he “should have died“…
“If you would have served our country better you would not be a disabled veteran living off Social Security while the rest of us honest Americans work our asses off,” one of the agency’s debt collectors allegedly told the vet. “Too bad, you should have died.”
Michael Collier was declared 100 per cent disabled after suffering permanent spine and head injuries while in the Army. As a result, both Collier and his wife receive disability payments from the federal Social Security Administration, which are exempt from seizure by debt collectors.
#6 In many areas of the country, street drugs have become so powerful that they are pushing users completely over the edge.  Of course there is never any excuse for murdering children, but would any rational person do this kind of thingwithout being high on drugs?…
A Camden, N.J. man was charged with murder for allegedly slashing the throat of a 6-year-old Camden boy. Police say he told investigators he was smoking a combination of marijuana and PCP, known as “Wet” just before the killing.
Osvaldo “Popeye” Rivera, 31, was arrested Sunday afternoon and charged with murder and attempted murder.
Police say Rivera was trying to sexually assault the boy’s 12-year-sister and the little boy tried to come to her defense. Investigators say Rivera slashed the throats of both children.
#7 A school bus driver in Wisconsin recently told a 12-year-old boy that “maybe your mother should have chosen abortion for you” because he didn’t like the Romney campaign sign standing in his front yard.
#8 We are continuing to see a rash of “zombie attacks” all over the nation.  The following is one recent example from Pennsylvania….
A Doylestown man, who was naked and bleeding profusely, gnawed on woman’s head all while “screaming like an animal” during a wild neighborhood rampage, state police said.
#9 A beekeeper over in North Carolina says that someone recently stole 20,000 bees from his property.
#10 Evidence of social decay extends to the highest levels of the federal government.  Just check out what some highly paid federal workers have been doing when they were supposed to be working…
In 2006, the deputy press secretary for the Department of Homeland Security was arrested for trying to seduce online someone he thought was a teenage girl. Four years later, the Securities and Exchange Commission found that 17 of 31 employees caught accessing porn at work since 2008 — one for up to eight hours a day — were senior staff.
In 2010, the Boston Globe reported that senior Pentagon staff were downloading child porn. Instead of generating a media storm, the story died. Senior staff were watching the sexual torture of small children on Pentagon computers, and Americans were not outraged?
#11 In a shocking murder trial in southern California, prosecutors have played a tape of a former chef admitting to police that he slow cooked the body of his wife for four days.
#12 The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the entire world, and many of our prisons are absolute hellholes.  The following is what a former inmate named Daniel Miller recently told Business Insider about what really goes on inside our prisons…
“When they found out the black homosexual had approached me talking that homosexual stuff, I was told ‘Look you have to stab him or pipe him down,’” Miller recently told Business Insider about his first experiences during two decades spent in and out of prison, most recently for robbery.
“The guys were there just to make sure I actually split this guy’s head open.”
Those “guys” were the Aryan Brotherhood, one of the most famous and feared jailhouse gangs.
Miller, now 38, joined up when he first entered the correctional system in Kansas as a teen. He bounced around a number of different facilities before being released on Sept. 19 this year.
“At 16 years old, I wanted to be accepted in prison,” he said. “I would fight everybody.”
He grew so cold and so good at fighting he became the one ordering attacks on fellow inmates — something that still haunts him.
#13 A 7-year-old boy was part of a gang of youths that recently invaded the home of a 51-year-old woman and beat the living daylights out of her.
#14 What in the world has gotten into our kids?  Many of them have literally turned into little monsters.  Just check out what two little boys recently did to a church in Virginia
Two little boys caused thousands of dollars worth of damage to a Loudon County church, according to officials.
The vandals used the children’s toys and art supplies to damage the sanctuary, fellowship hall, and Sunday school rooms. They also smeared food for needy families and their own feces and urine on walls and floors.
According to Loudon County Sheriff Tim Guider, all that damage was done by two boys, aged 6 and 7.
#15 A former high school English teacher has been accused of having sex with five different male students.  The most disturbing part is that she is a mother of three children and her husband is serving this country in the U.S. Army.
#16 You might want to think twice before becoming a pizza delivery worker.  Just check out what happened over in Dallas recently…
Two Dallas teens called in a pizza order to lure a delivery worker to a Grand Prairie house, then beat the woman in the head with a pistol and sexually assaulted her on the porch, according to Grand Prairie police reports released Wednesday.
Bleeding and wearing just a bra, the 30-year-old woman drove herself back to a Grand Prairie Pizza Hut, the reports stated.
The 17-year-olds accused in the July 24 robbery and sexual assault were in custody Wednesday at the Lew Sterrett Justice Center in Dallas in what Grand Prairie police are calling one of the city’s “most heinous offenses” in recent memory.
#17 According to shocking new research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately two-thirdsof all Americans in the 15 to 24 year old age bracket have engaged in oral sex.
#18 Last year it was reported that 86 teen girls at one high school in Memphis, Tennessee were either pregnant or had recently given birth.
#19 Sex trafficking has become a raging epidemic in America.  It is estimated that there are now approximately a million prostitutes in the United States.  Most of them are being trafficked by male “pimps”.
#20 As our social decay gets even deeper, it is going to become more important than ever to secure our homes.  Just check out what happened over in Kansas City, Missouri recently…
An elderly couple is recovering Tuesday after they were brutally beaten inside their south Kansas City home.
The woman was also raped, according to a police report.
Tony L. Putman, 18, of Kansas City was charged with six felonies Tuesday afternoon. The charges include one count of rape and two counts of robbery.
The couple’s ordeal began about 1:30 p.m. Monday when a man broke into their home near 73rd Street and Campbell Avenue. Entry was gained through a basement window, which was broken.
#21 It is becoming easy to understand why so many Americans are arming themselves these days.  Even Brad Pitt says that he “doesn’t feel safe” without a gun.
#22 Racial hatred is rising to distressing new heights in this country.  Here is one recent example
A Michigan State University student is recovering after he was beaten up and had his mouth stapled shut during what investigators are categorizing as a brutal hate crime.
Zachary Tennen, a 19-year-old sophomore in MSU’s journalism program, said he was at a house party on the 500 block of Spartan Avenue early Sunday morning when two men approached him and asked if he was Jewish. When he responded “Yes,” the two men raised their arms into a Nazi salute and said “Heil Hitler” before knocking him unconscious, according to Tennen’s mother, Tina.
About 20 people reportedly watched as the men proceeded to staple Zachary Tennen’s mouth shut at the lips and gums. His jaw was broken in two places during the attack.
#23 Overall, more than 50 million abortions have been performed in the United States since Roe vs. Wade was decided back in 1973.  At this point, the number of babies killed by abortion in America every year is almost as high as the total number of military deaths in all of U.S. history.
#24 Respect for parents has declined to shockingly low levels in America.  Just check out what one son down in Florida recently did to his own mother
A Florida man yesterday rubbed dog feces in his mother’s face during an argument in the home they share, police report.
Cops arrested William Jenkins, 22, on a felony domestic battery charge for pushing his mother, 53, to the floor during the dispute, according to a Palmetto Police Department report.
When questioned by cops, Jenkins denied pushing his mother, but admitted that he “did rub dog defecation on her face because she yelled at him,” investigators noted.
#25 A 21-year-old Utah man is being accused of stabbing his grandmother 111 times and then removing some of her organs.  But news like this hardly makes headlines anymore because crimes such as this one have become so common.
Sadly, a list like this one could go on indefinitely.  More examples of extreme social decay pop up in the news almost hourly.
But we don’t like to admit that we have problems.  Our politicians continue to proclaim how we are “the greatest nation on earth” and that the rest of the world should follow our example.
Rarely do you ever hear politicians talk about how we are the most obese nation on the planet, about how we have the highest divorce rate on the planet or about how we have the highest teen pregnancy rate on the planet.
Until we are willing to admit just how bad things have gotten, we will never be willing to accept the solutions that are necessary to start fixing things.
Many Americans are pinning their hopes on the upcoming election, but instead of making things better I am concerned that this election may trigger a lot of the anger that is boiling just under the surface in this country.
If we continue down the path that we are currently on, the social decay that we are now experiencing is going to accelerate.
The fundamental level of trust that any society needs in order to operate efficiently is breaking down, and more Americans than ever are living in fear.  You can see it in their eyes.
Our politicians can pile on millions more laws, rules and regulations and they can put a police officer on every corner, but that isn’t going to make Americans trust one another.  Once confidence in our societal institutions and our faith in one another is gone, it is going to be incredibly difficult to ever rebuild it.
Yes, we really are on the verge of societal collapse. What we are experiencing right now is just the leading edge of the coming crisis.
Things are going to get a whole lot worse from here.


Report: Welfare government’s single largest budget item in FY 2011 at approx. $1.03 trillion Read more:

The government spent approximately $1.03 trillion on 83 means-tested federal welfare programs in fiscal year 2011 alone — a price tag that makes welfare that year the government’s largest expenditure, according to new data released by the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee.
The total sum taxpayers spent on federal welfare programs was derived from a new Congressional Research Service (CRS) report on federal welfare spending — which topped out at $745.84 billion for fiscal year 2011 — combined with an analysis from the Republican Senate Budget Committee staff of state spending on federal welfare programs (based on “The Oxford Handbook of State and Local Government Finance”), which reached $282.7 billion in fiscal year 2011.
The data excludes spending on Social Security, Medicare, means-tested health care for veterans without service-connected disabilities, and the means-tested veterans pension program.

D’Souza to Newsmax: President Obama Has ‘Emboldened Our Enemies’

Monday, 15 Oct 2012 08:47 PM By Paul Scicchitano and Kathleen Walter
Dinesh D’Souza, co-director of the film "2016 — Obama's America," and author of the new book "Obama’s America," told Newsmax TV that President Barack Obama’s policies in the Middle East have “emboldened our enemies” and fueled anti-American attacks such as the assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

“The important point is that Obama deliberately undermined our allies and doesn’t seem to mind so much when forces hostile to America come to power,” said D’Souza in an exclusive interview on Monday, while also pointing to Obama’s willingness to embrace the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt over the military, which has been a friend to the U.S.

“There is a power struggle going on right now between the Egyptian military, which has been allied with America, and the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the largest organization in radical Islam,” he observed. “The Obama people have been telling the Egyptian military, ‘You better step down, turn away and turn over power to the Muslim Brotherhood or we will cut off U.S. aid.’”

Unlike President Jimmy Carter, who may not have fully understood the ramifications of withdrawing support from the then Shah of Iran , “Obama knows full well that weakening the hand of the Egyptian military will consolidate the power of the Muslim Brotherhood and that’s why he’s doing it.”

D’Souza insists that “it’s downright baffling” American voters know so little about the man who has occupied the White House for nearly four years and that’s one reason his film now ranks as the second highest grossing political documentary of all time and the fourth highest grossing documentary in the U.S.

“The film has struck a chord
because people are hungry for information about Obama,” said D’Souza on the eve of his film’s release on DVD. “He kind of came out of nowhere. But now, four years later, at the end of his first term, it’s downright baffling that so much is unknown about Obama.

“It’s fair to say that whatever your politics, you’re likely to leave our film saying, ‘Wow, I just know a whole lot about Obama that I just didn’t know 90 minutes earlier when I walked into the theater or when I put the DVD into my machine,” explained D’Souza.

Doug Sain, one of the producers of “2016: Obama’s America,” tells Newsmax TV that the mainstream media has not done a good job in filling in the blanks for voters.

“Our sincere hope is that they have a deeper understanding of what really drives this president and motivates his decision-making,” according to Sain. “I think that deep understanding will help people of all audiences have a better understanding of what direction he might take if he were to have a second term.”

Sain said that Obama has “very deep-seeded issues” that take him in a direction that is outside the norm of what most Democrats and Republicans talk about.

“When President Obama talks about sharing the wealth, he’s not just talking about Americans sharing it internally,” Sain explained. “He’s also talking about sharing that wealth globally and that’s really a radical transformation from what’s been discussed in the past.”

D’Souza conceded that he wanted to release
the DVD of his film prior to the Nov. 6 presidential election.

“I just wanted to take a page out of Michael Moore’s film ‘Fahrenheit 9-1-1,’” he said. “Michael Moore realized it wasn’t just the election but that there’s a heightened interest in politics in the months leading up to an election.

He said Americans ponder larger issues in the weeks leading up to the election.

“People begin to think not just about who to vote for, but larger questions about the American Dream, the direction of the country and the debt. So it’s a timely occasion to have the film.”

D’Souza dismissed Obama’s response to the film, particularly his comment that it was “an attempt to dishonestly smear me” and he said that the White House initially tried to ignore the film.

“Then when the snowball became too big and gathered too much snow, they decided it’s time to try to blast it,” recalled D’Souza. “And, yet, their attack on it was so ineffective, so clumsy, so juvenile that they alleged a bunch of factual errors in the film that are not errors at all.”

Mitt Romney is winning the white vote, by a lot

Political analysts (including The Fix) spend a good bit of time these days talking about important voter groups — Latino voters and female voters, in particular.
But all of the focus on these groups has obfuscated one fact: Mitt Romney is performing very, very well among white voters. And in fact, most recent polls show him winning the white vote by more than any GOP presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan.
Some recent national polls have shown Romney losing the Latino vote by upwards of 40 or 50 points  – a result that, if it came to pass, would significantly hurt the GOP’s chances of winning the White House, given the rapid growth in the Latino population.
But even if Romney sustains a huge loss on the Latino vote, he could very well offset that (and much more) by out-performing his Republican predecessors when it comes to white voters, which are still about seven times as much of the electorate as Latinos. Indeed, it’s not unreasonable to think that Romney could win 60 percent or more of white voters this year.
The most recent national polls from four pollsters — Gallup, Monmouth University, Fox News and the Pew Research Center — all show Romney winning the white vote by more than 20 points. That’s something no GOP presidential candidate has done since Reagan’s landslide 1984 reelection win.
(The most recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, we should note, shows him winning whites by just 11 percent.)
In 2008, white voters made up nearly three-fourths of the vote, while Latinos comprised 9 percent. Let’s say that, in the election on Nov. 6, there is a surge in the Latino vote (up to 11 percent of the electorate) and a coinciding drop in the white vote (down to 72 percent).
Given how small the Latino vote remains, the difference between losing it by 36 points — as John McCain did in 2008 — and losing it by 45 points — a worst-case scenario for Romney — amounts to about a 1 percent overall shift in the national race.
Meanwhile, if Romney won the white vote by 22 percent — a 10-point improvement over McCain — that would gain him 7 percent of the national vote over McCain and essentially even out the national popular vote.
None of this is to say, of course, that the Latino vote isn’t important. It’s a fast-growing part of the electorate and one that Republicans are going to have to start competing better for in the very near future — and preferably, for them, this year.
And as the Latino vote grows, the white vote becomes less and less of the electorate.
But as far as the 2012 election goes, Romney’s strength among white voters could very well offset his and the Republican Party’s continued struggles among minorities, and be good enough to win Romney the presidency.
GOP closes early vote deficit in Iowa: Early vote numbers continue to trickle in in Iowa — the only major swing state that currently has in-person early voting and party registration numbers — and they’re looking better for Republicans.
While Iowa Democrats were voting almost three times as often as Republicans early this month, the GOP has steadily closed the gap. At present, 50 percent of ballots cast are from Democrats and 30 percent are from Republicans.
The GOP lost early voting 47 percent to 29 percent in Iowa in 2008 and lost the state by nine points. So they’ll want to continue closing that gap. But they’re headed in the right direction right now.
Meanwhile, the GOP is also gaining on absentee ballots in Florida (in-person early voting hasn’t begun there), though its current five-point edge is still shy of its 16 percentage point win on absentees in 2008.

US [Obama} Relied on Firm Using Unarmed Guards for Diplomatic Security in Libya

The State Department's decision to hire Blue Mountain Group to guard the ill-fated U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, entrusted security tasks to a little-known British company instead of the large firms it usually uses in overseas danger zones.
The contract was largely based on expediency, U.S. officials have said, since no one knew how long the temporary mission would remain in the Libyan city. The cradle of last year's uprising that ended Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year rule, Benghazi has been plagued by rising violence in recent months.

US Relied on Firm Using Unarmed Guards for Diplomatic Security in Libya
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election?
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GE is Moving from Wisconsin.
Keep your eye on Waukesha, Wisconsin ......Their biggest employer just moved out. General Electric is planning to move its 115-year-old X-ray division from Waukesha , Wis. , to Beijing . In addition to moving the headquarters,the company will invest $2 billion in China and train more than 65 engineers and create six research centers.
This is the same GE that made $5.1 billion in the United States last year, but paid no taxes - the same company that employs more people overseas than it does in the United States .
So let me get this straight. President Obama appointed GE Chairman Jeff Immelt to head his commission on job creation (job czar). Immelt is supposed to help create jobs. I guess the President forgot to tell him in which country he was supposed to be creating those jobs. Thanks Jeff, you're a "real" American....give Barrack our Best! If this doesn't show you the total lack of leadership of this President, I don't know what does. Please pass this information to others and think about it before you buy a GE product.

Lázaro R González Miño
305 445 7364, "Lazaro R Gonzalez" "MiamidaderecallLazarorgonzalezmino"
“Salmo109” 7-Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8-Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su oficio,
Porque tuyo es El Reino, El Poder y La Gloria Eterna. AMEN


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