Obama Watched Them DieWe now know that Barack Obama knew within two hours that the attack on the Benghazi consulate was an act of terrorism.
We now know Barack Obama received live video from a drone during the attack.
We now know Barack Obama stood by and did nothing while Americans were murdered.
The father of Tyrone Woods (the former SEAL who died along with Ambassador Stevens, Glen Doherty and Sean Smith) asked the question yesterday:
“Who made the decision not to save my son?” Was it Barack Obama?
If so, impeachment hearings should begin immediately
Voters Say Ballot Cast For Romney Came Up Obama On Machinehttp://www.westernjournalism.com/voters-say-ballot-cast-for-romney-came-up-obama-on-machine/
El mismo periodista que grabo en video las empleadas de ACORN por Ricardo Samitier.
Ahora grabó al Hijo de Congresista “Progresista” (comunista) Moran conspirando para cometer Fraude electoral
Aquí está el video en que fue Grabado... Por cierto es el segundo demócrata atrapado conspirando para cometer fraude...
Los dos tuvieron que renunciar...
Para ver el video y la información...
Breaking from Newsmax.com
South Florida Sun-Sentinel Endorses Romney
The South Florida Sun-Sentinel on Friday endorsed Mitt Romney for president, four years after supporting Barack Obama. Romney, the Fort Lauderdale newspaper said, “will help this nation find the political will to address the challenges with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.” At the same time, it listed Obama’s failures: “Family incomes are down. Poverty is up. Business owners are reluctant to assume risk…Many are holding on by their fingernails, desperate for signs of an economic recovery…”
BIENVENIDO Agustin Blazquez y su
A simple, funny and valid political add not paid or sponsored by any one. I did it alone without the help of the government. Enjoy and forward.
LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbAWAxp5Lxg
Agustin Blazquez
AB INDEPENDENT PRODUCTIONS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbAWAxp5Lxg
Condoleezza Rice former Secretary of Estate of USA on Benghazi http://video.foxnews.com/v/1922827219001/condi-rice-on-benghazi-2012-race/?intcmp=obnetwork Former secretary of state reflects on the state of the presidential race and suspicions of a cover-up in the terror attack on the US consulate in Libya...
FOX NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Officials Denied 3 Help Requests during attack on Libya Consulate
EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/26/cia-operators-were-denied-request-for-help-during-benghazi-attack-sources-say/
By Jennifer Griffin Published October 26, 2012 FoxNews.com
Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later was denied by U.S. officials -- who also told the CIA operators twice to "stand down" rather than help the ambassador's team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.
Former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods was part of a small team who was at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team came under attack. When he and others heard the shots fired, they informed their higher-ups at the annex to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out. They were told to "stand down," according to sources familiar with the exchange. Soon after, they were again told to "stand down."
Woods and at least two others ignored those orders and made their way to the consulate which at that point was on fire. Shots were exchanged. The rescue team from the CIA annex evacuated those who remained at the consulate and Sean Smith, who had been killed in the initial attack. They could not find the ambassador and returned to the CIA annex at about midnight.
At that point, they called again for military support and help because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house, or annex. The request was denied. There were no communications problems at the annex, according those present at the compound. The team was in constant radio contact with their headquarters. In fact, at least one member of the team was on the roof of the annex manning a heavy machine gun when mortars were fired at the CIA compound. The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Spectre gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights. The fighting at the CIA annex went on for more than four hours -- enough time for any planes based in Sigonella Air base, just 480 miles away, to arrive. Fox News has also learned that two separate Tier One Special operations forces were told to wait, among them Delta Force operators.
Watch "Special Report Investigates: Death and Deceit in Benghazi" on Fox News at 1 p.m. ET on Saturday, 3 p.m. on Sunday and 10 p.m. on Sunday.
A Special Operations team, or CIF which stands for Commanders in Extremis Force, operating in Central Europe had been moved to Sigonella, Italy, but they never told to deploy. In fact, a Pentagon official says there were never any requests to deploy assets from outside the country. A second force that specializes in counterterrorism rescues was on hand at Sigonella, according to senior military and intelligence sources. According to those sources, they could have flown to Benghazi in less than two hours. They were the same distance to Benghazi as those that were sent from Tripoli. Spectre gunships are commonly used by the Special Operations community to provide close air support.
According to sources on the ground during the attack, the special operator on the roof of the CIA annex had visual contact and a laser pointing at the Libyan mortar team that was targeting the CIA annex. The operators were calling in coordinates of where the Libyan forces were firing from.
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters at the Pentagon on Thursday that there was not a clear enough picture of what was occurring on the ground in Benghazi to send help.
"There's a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking going on here," Panetta said Thursday. "But the basic principle here ... is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on."
U.S. officials argue that there was a period of several hours when the fighting stopped before the mortars were fired at the annex, leading officials to believe the attack was over.
Fox News has learned that there were two military surveillance drones redirected to Benghazi shortly after the attack on the consulate began. They were already in the vicinity. The second surveillance craft was sent to relieve the first drone, perhaps due to fuel issues. Both were capable of sending real time visuals back to U.S. officials in Washington, D.C. Any U.S. official or agency with the proper clearance, including the White House Situation Room, State Department, CIA, Pentagon and others, could call up that video in real time on their computers.
Tyrone Woods was later joined at the scene by fellow former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, who was sent in from Tripoli as part of a Global Response Staff or GRS that provides security to CIA case officers and provides countersurveillance and surveillance protection. They were killed by a mortar shell at 4 a.m. Libyan time, nearly seven hours after the attack on the consulate began -- a window that represented more than enough time for the U.S. military to send back-up from nearby bases in Europe, according to sources familiar with Special Operations. Four mortars were fired at the annex. The first one struck outside the annex. Three more hit the annex.
A motorcade of dozens of Libyan vehicles, some mounted with 50 caliber machine guns, belonging to the February 17th Brigades, a Libyan militia which is friendly to the U.S., finally showed up at the CIA annex at approximately 3 a.m. An American Quick Reaction Force sent from Tripoli had arrived at the Benghazi airport at 2 a.m. (four hours after the initial attack on the consulate) and was delayed for 45 minutes at the airport because they could not at first get transportation, allegedly due to confusion among Libyan militias who were supposed to escort them to the annex, according to Benghazi sources.
The American special operators, Woods, Doherty and at least two others were part of the Global Response Staff, a CIA element, based at the CIA annex and were protecting CIA operators who were part of a mission to track and repurchase arms in Benghazi that had proliferated in the wake of Muammar Qaddafi's fall. Part of their mission was to find the more than 20,000 missing MANPADS, or shoulder-held missiles capable of bringing down a commercial aircraft. According to a source on the ground at the time of the attack, the team inside the CIA annex had captured three Libyan attackers and was forced to hand them over to the Libyans. U.S. officials do not know what happened to those three attackers and whether they were released by the Libyan forces.
Fox News has also learned that Stevens was in Benghazi that day to be present at the opening of an English-language school being started by the Libyan farmer who helped save an American pilot who had been shot down by pro-Qaddafi forces during the initial war to overthrow the regime. That farmer saved the life of the American pilot and the ambassador wanted to be present to launch the Libyan rescuer's new school.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/26/cia-operators-were-denied-request-for-help-during-benghazi-attack-sources-say/#ixzz2AQOfJ4jL
To Lazaro Gonzalez
Sr. Lazaro, le envio copia de este email para que lo lea y si lo estima conveniente lo pase.
El email que me envio hoy 26 de octubre estaba bloqueado, podria reenviarlo? Gracias, Olga Grinan
Reuters reportedly obtained three emails dispatched by the State Department’s Operations Center to multiple government offices, including addresses at the White House, Pentagon, intelligence community and FBI, on the afternoon of September 11.
The first email came 20-30 minutes after the attack. It carried the subject “U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack.” That emailed described “approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well.”
A second email, headed “Update 1: U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi” said that the Embassy in Tripoli had reported that “the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi had stopped and the compound had been cleared.”
A third email carried the subject line: “Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack.”
The sections of the emails quoted by Reuters don’t mention any popular protests.
The emails seem to conflict with a Reuters report from Sept. 13 – two days after the attack – describing a supposedly popular protest outside the U.S. mission and even claiming to quote a protester. WND reported last week on the inconsistency of that original Reuters report with new information showing no popular protest took place.
Secret Service Visits Man Who Hung Obama Effigy From Tree As 'Spooky' Halloween Decoration
¿Cual es la Mayoría en Estados Unidos? Por Amenper.
Cuando primero leí sobre el uso de la palabra “bullshitter” en referencia a Romney, pensé que había sido un error de Obama, que se le había escapado en el calor de una entrevista poltronizada, que parecía era un comercial de la campaña de Obama-
Pero viendo el soporte que la campaña ha dado a la palabra, explicando que eso define a Romney por sus cambios de opinión, olvidando que tenemos a un presidente que no ha cumplido sus promesas de su campaña ni siquiera a sus seguidores izquierdistas.
O sea, que la mala-palabra no fue un desliz, pero fue calculada, ellos calculan que el uso de esta palabra, identifica a Obama con el pueblo, porque el declive del pueblo americano ha sido tal, que la falta de decencia y moral son atributos, no defectos. Entonces si ellos tienen la razón, si la mayoría del pueblo americano ha decidido abandonar sus valores, su manera de pensar, su manera de hablar y caer en una cultura de inmoralidad y dependencia, entonces están siguiendo una campaña que los llevará a la re-elección de Obama.
Estaba oyendo a un político del gobierno, hablando sobre las encuestas, ahora ellos dicen que las encuestan no reflejan la verdad, pero cuando Obama estaba arriba, entonces si la reflejaban. Decía este individuo que en los mítines de Obama siempre había más personas que el los mítines de Romney, que si Romney era más popular, entonces ¿Dónde estaban sus seguidores? Creo que yo se donde estaban, TRABAJANDO
Y ESTO ES LO QUE SE VA HA DETERMINAR, ¿SON MÁS LOS QUE NO TRABAJAN QUE LOS QUE TRABAJAN? PORQUE SI ES ASÍ PORQUE ENTONCES TENEMOS QUE REPETIR LA COPLA POPULAR ESPAÑOLA…. Llegaron los sarracenos / y nos molieron a palos, / que Dios ayuda a los malos / cuando son más que los buenos.
Amenazas de la Hermandad Musulmana. Por Amenper.
Esta mañana la hermandad musulmana advirtió a los Estados Unidos que sufrirían consecuencias en su país si continúan interfiriendo en el Medio Oriente.
Primero retirarían los administradores del 7-11 y los managers de los Motel 6 y muchísimos otros Hoteles de carretera.
Si esto no es suficiente retirarían a los choferes de taxis seguido por los telefonistas de Dell, ATT, American Express y AOL.
Si esto es suficiente no nos enviarán más presidentes.
Remember the 50s?
A common name termed for people born in the 50's are the baby boomers . ( after the depression in the 30's and the world war in the 40's ) people felt confident enough to have children and an explosion in the population occurred.
Money and Inflation 1950's por amenper.
To provide an estimate of inflation we have given a guide to the value of $100 US Dollars for the first year in the decade to the equivalent in today's money
If you have $100 Converted from 1950 to 2012 it would be equivalent to $935.41 today
In 1950 a new house cost $8,450.00 and by 1959 was $12,400.00
In 1950 the average income per year was $3,210.00 and by 1959 was $5,010.00
In 1950 a gallon of gas was 18 cents and by 1959 was 25 cents
In 1950 the average cost of new car was $1,510.00 and by 1959 was $2,200.00
These are some of the things you may have seen advertised Below and how much food and groceries cost in the 50's
American Cheese 45 cents per pound New Hampshire 1950
Apples 39 cents for 2 pounds Florida 1952
Bananas 27 cents for 2 pounds Ohio 1957
Box of Chocolates $1.86 for 1lb Florida 1955
Cabbage 6 cents per pound New Hampshire 1950
Campbells Tomato Soup 10 cents Ohio 1957
Carnation Milk Can 14 cents Ohio 1957
Chickens 43 cents per pound New Hampshire 1950
Chuck Roast 59 cents per pound Florida 1952
Coffee 37 cents 1 pound Florida 1952
Cream Corn 3 cans for 38 cents California 1959
Eggs 79 cents for a dozen New Jersey 1956
Family Style Loaf of bread 12 cents Florida 1952
Frozen Chicken Pie 19 cents Ohio 1957
Frozen green Beans 24 cents per 1/2 pound New Hampshire 1950
Gerbers Baby Foods 10 cents California 1959
Grape Jelly 19 cents Ohio 1957
grapefruit 25 cents for 6 Florida 1952
Hamburger meat 89 cents for 3 pounds Ohio 1957
Heinz Cream of Tomato 25 cents for 2 cans Tennessee 1952
Hunts Fruit Cocktail 23 cents per can Ohio 1957
Hunts Tomato Juice 15 cents California 1959
Jiffy Cake Mix 10 cents Ohio 1957
Juicy Oranges 69 cents for 2 dozen New Hampshire 1950
Kelloggs Shreaded Wheat 18 cents Ohio 1957
Kraft Cheese Slices 29 cents pk New Hampshire 1950
Potatoes 10 lb bag 35 cents Kansas 1953
Porterhouse Steak 95 cents lb Maine 1950
Lamb Chops 49 Cents per pound New Hampshire 1950
large Eggs 49 cents per dozen New Hampshire 1950
Lettuce 25 cents for 2 heads Florida 1952
Lux Flakes 27 cents per pk Florida 1952
margarine 19 cents 1 pound Florida 1952
Maxwell House Instant Coffee $1.19 Ohio 1957
Miracle Whip 55 cents New Jersey 1956
Mushrooms 49 cents per pound New Hampshire 1950
Onions 15 cents for 5 pounds New Hampshire 1950
Palmolive 3 for 21 cents Florida 1952
peanut butter 29 cents Florida 1952
Perch 49 cents per pound Ohio 1957
Pillsbury Cinnamon rolls 23 cents Ohio 1957
Pineapple 25 cents each New Hampshire 1950
Pork and Beans 25 cents for 3 cans Florida 1952
Pork Roast 39 cents per pound Florida 1952
Potatoes 35 cents for 5 pounds New Hampshire 1950
Rib Roast 29 cents per pound Wisconsin 1954
Ritz Crackers 32 cents New Hampshire 1950
Sirloin Steak 55 cents per pound Florida 1952
Sliced bacon 35 cents per pound New Hampshire 1950
Sugar 43 cents for 5 pounds Florida 1952
T Bone Steak 59 cents per pound New Hampshire 1950
Tide Powder 67 cents Giant pack Florida 1952
Tooth Paste 29 cents New Jersey 1956
Toilet Tissue 5 cents New Hampshire 1950
Turkeys 49 Cents per pound New Hampshire 1950
A few more prices from the 50's and how much things cost
Chrysler New Yorker $4347
Chevrolet Corvette $3631 1958
Men's All Wool Suits $28.90
Square dance Cotton Check Dress $3.29
Electric Portable Singer Sewing Machine $19.90
Ronson Electric Shaver $28.50
Rib Roast 29 cents per pound
Ritz Crackers 32 cents
Rollaway Beds $14.95
Ring 1 carat Diamond $399.00
Mechanical Adding Machine $3.98
Example of the types of cars available and prices in the 50's
Cadillac Convertible 1959
Tailfins the ultimate car with tailfins produced by Cadillac with the chrome to go with it and a 325 Horsepower engine and power anything and everything
Prices From $5,400
1958 Nash Metropolitan
The Metropolitan foreign small car with sports car flavor
Prices From $1,626
And then.......we began paying it with plastic money
First Credit Cards Appear
Bank Of America Creates the Americard which later becomes Visa
First Credit Card : The concept of paying for goods using a card started in 1950 and the main cards available in the United States in the early years were Diners Card and American Express, both required full payment at the end of the month so were only provided to the most financially respected consumers , in 1958 Bank of America created the BankAmericard which later became Visa and in 1966 Master card followed which allowed for payment of a fraction of the credit outstanding with interest charged on the outstanding balance.
Events 1950's
The 50's were the time when the shape of the political landscape in the world could be clearly defined between the Soviet dominated East and the capitalist West.
The cold war became a grim reality because both sides had the power and technology for a Nuclear holocaust, but equally both knew any war could not truly be won.
Following the end of the second world war the economies of the western world boomed which led to the start of a consumer-led economy that seemed to have no bounds .
With the forming of the EEC European Economic Community, West Germany enjoyed a growth which exceeded any expectations at the end of the war.
Following on to the break up of the British Empire which before had occupied 30% of the globe many fledgling democracies were starting to find their own identities including India Pakistan Rhodesia now ( Zimbabwe ), and having the growing pains that any new democracy would face .
During the 50's and following decades more and more of the old colonial empires would be forced to allow countries their independence.
Following the creation of the new State of Israel there were many conflicts in the middle east which are still occurring to this day. The Suez Crisis in 1956 begins on as the supply of oil is blocked through the Suez Canal
Like Germany in Europe Japan saw massive economic growth by supplying the goods needed for the consumer-led society in both Europe and the United States
Baseball Changes In The 50's
New York teams rule 50s baseball with the Yankees, Giants and Dodgers
The game spreads with whole teams being relocated to other parts of the country including Boston Braves to Milwaukee and New York Giants to San Francisco
Television begins broadcasting live games and unlike Radio a decade before had a negative impact on attendance
I was hire by over 69 million voters who totally ignore my miserable qualifications.
I am doing a lousy, stinking job, with a record number of people out of work.
I appointed 32 Czars to do my job, while I travel vacations and camping for re-election.
I decide which laws I am going to enforce and which ones I won’t.
I doubled the deficit.
I've ruined our health care system.
I continually flaunt the Constitution as I see fit.
And I stand an excellent chance of being re-hired.
"Stupid is who stupid vote... Forrest Gum."
Democrat Congressman’s Son Caught On Tape Assisting Voter Fraud
posted on October 26, 2012 by Giacomo
Democrats from Washington DC to across the nation continue to claim that voter fraud doesn’t exist. Maybe what they need to be saying is that they don’t want anyone to know about their voter fraud and pretend it doesn’t exist, but exist it does.
Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) was sworn in as a member of the U.S House of Representatives in January 1991. The former Mayor of Arlington, Virginia is nearing the end of his 11th term in Congress and seemed like a safe bet for re-election. That is until his son was caught on tape discussing how to commit voter fraud.
Pat Moran, Field Director for his father’s election campaign is a full-time paid employee of that campaign. He was approached by an undercover reporter for Veritas and asked how to could a couple of people get away with voting for a 100 other people who supposedly were not going to vote. Pat Moran suggests they forge utility bills with names and addresses for the people as that should pass for identification on Election Day. At one point, he even seems to offer the aid of attorneys working for the Obama campaign.
After being caught on video, Pat Moran has resigned from his father’s campaign and says that he should have just walked away when he was first approached. He denies that he engaged in any illegal or unethical behavior and claims that he was joking around with the reporter.
Now the question needs to be asked if he will face any prosecution for the election laws he violated as stated on the video. The problem is that it would be up to state and/or federal officials to pursue any legal action against him, but that seems doubtful since they are both Democratic controlled.
Had Jim Moran been a Republican, this news story would be plastered all over the national media and Eric Holder would have his hounds on the attack, going after young Moran.
But this is not an isolated incident. From the beginning of this year and primary elections, we’ve seen dead people, pets and illegal aliens voting. Yet the Dems keep assuring us that voter fraud doesn’t exist. Maybe in their minds it’s not voter fraud but job protection strategy? Anyone as delusional as those who say it doesn’t happen in spite of all of the evidence to the contrary can delusionally rationalize anything they do and it seems that’s just what they’re doing.
Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/7717/democrat-congressmans-son-caught-on-tape-assisting-voter-fraud/#ixzz2AQlEMnqo
Absurd! Nevada Voting Machine Auto-Selecting Obama.25 October 2012 / 77 Comments
PolitiChicks.tv has just received confirmation that a voter in Las Vegas tried voting for Governor Mitt Romney but the machine automatically checked “Obama” multiple times instead.
Our source said:
“Yesterday I went to an early voting site at Centennial Center in Las Vegas, NV. I went with my 19 year old son who was a first-time voter. I went to an open machine and inserted my card. When the selections came up, all of the candidate pairings were listed and I touched the box for Romney/Ryan. The checkmark appeared next to President Obama’s name. I touched the check mark removing it and touched the box next to Romney’s name again. Again, the checkmark appeared next to Obama.
Read more: Politichicks.TV
Read more: http://MinuteMenNews.com/2012/10/absurd-nevada-voting-machine-auto-selecting-obama/#ixzz2ALEmehoN
Lázaro R González Miño
305 445 7364 lazarorgonzalez@hotmail.com MrLazaroRGonzalez.blogspot.com
https://www.facebook.com/lazarorg, "Lazaro R Gonzalez" "MiamidaderecallLazarorgonzalezmino"
“Salmo109” 7-Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8-Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su oficio,
Porque tuyo es El Reino, El Poder y La Gloria Eterna. AMEN
If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under. Ronald Reagan
Lázaro R González Miño
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