32 dias
para sacarlo de la Casa Blanca.
Mitt Romney
aplasto a Obama convincentemente frente a millones de televidentes no solo
norteamericanos pero del mundo entero. Obama no sabia que decir, balbuceaba
como un anormal las mismas estupideces mientras que Romney explicaba muy
eficientemente como resolvería todos los desastres que El UFO ha creado. ¡Se acabó! Ahora que van
a hacer con las encuestas mentirosas de la media controlada por Los Liberales. Tienen que
conseguirse un gran Tibol para meter la cabeza. Recuerden que les he dicho que le vamos a
ganar por lo menos por 15 puntos, quizás este equivocado y sea por muchísimo más.
Estamos cansados de mentiras y estupideces. LRGM
Obama is the worst president in this country's history."
A 13 Minute Video Every Voter Should Watch: http://www.westernjournalism.com/a-13-minute-video-every-voter-should-watch/
Border Patrol Agent Nicholas Ivie Murdered Due To Obama’s Open Border: http://www.westernjournalism.com/border-patrol-agent-ivie-murdered-due-to-obamas-open-border/
Producido en
San Diego por estudiantes de segunda enseñanza locales... ¿puedes creerlo en
California! Ricardo
3-minutos de calidad profesional de vídeo es perfecto para compartir en
todo el país con su familia, amigos y todos en entre!
Check on Deck of Cards This is AWESOME
NHR.com Analistas políticos creen que Obama estuvo a la defensiva en su primer debate con Romney
• La gran prensa dice que Romney fue el ganador en el primer debate
MIAMI, 4 DE OCTUBRE DE 2012, NHR.com—Llegó la tan esperada noche del primer debate entre el presidente Barck Obama y el retador, Mitt Romney. La nación entera se mantenía a la expectativa, los indecisos esperando a ver si la primera confrontación sería suficiente. De acuerdo con analistas de la política nacional, ese momento aún no ha llegado.En NHR.com hemos preferido recoger opiniones de la prensa estadounidense en lo que las encuestas miden la reacción popular.
En términos generales, la prensa del país ha definido el primer debate presidencial como poco fluido, centrado casi exclusivamente en la economía y con el presidente demócrata a la defensiva.
The Washington Post resumió en titulares un cara a cara en el que “Romney se mantuvo en la ofensiva” y obligó a Obama a defenderse.
Por su parte, el diario The New York Times se fijó en “la ventisca de estadísticas” que ambos políticos desplegaron en sus intervenciones, muy centradas en los problemas económicos, como el desempleo, el déficit, la fiscalidad y la financiación del sistema sanitario.
El canal NBC, que muchos afirman se inclina siempre hacia el presidente Obama, no dudó en inclinar la balanza del lado de Romney que tuvo “una gran noche”, al exponer sus ideas y aparecer con más soltura que el presidente.
Para el semanario Politico, el debate ha mostrado “el aumento de la fractura ideológica” entre demócratas y republicanos, con posturas contrapuestas en fiscalidad, fomento del empleo y reforma del estado del bienestar.
El conservador The Wall Street Journal opinó que las diferencias también se observaron en el rol del Gobierno federal, mientras que tanto Romney como Obama se presentaron como “los grandes defensores de la clase media”.
Para la cadena Fox News, el debate “careció de golpes de KO, aunque estuvo lleno de codazos”, algo en lo que coincidieron en Twitter varios periodistas políticos estadounidenses, que echaron de menos más momentos apartados del guion en ambos políticos.
El Partido Demócrata cerró filas en torno a Obama y aseguró que “Romney volvió a ocultar los detalles de sus verdaderos planes”.
En el lado republicano, Paul Ryan, número dos del candidato republicano, dijo que “Romney fue el ganador claro del ‘cara a cara’ al presentar “soluciones específicas”.
ganar al menos 60th votos
en el Senado de
los USA.
Lo necesitamos
para el renacimiento de America
El Senado Americano esta controlado por los Demócratas Liberales que han sido culpables de establecer todo tipo de reformas para hundir la nación en esta crisis económica política y moral en que estamos y de que no se hallan establecido leyes para sacar a la nación Americana de su habitual senda de prosperidad. Hemos sido testigos de ver como los Demócratas se oponen fieramente a no malgastar el dinero y asegurar los empleos y traer nuevamente prosperidad. En las próximas elecciones hay 23 asientos demócratas a elección que podemos tomarlos para poder hacer todas las cosas necesarias para sacar al país de la crisis en que nos han metido Obama y estos Senadores Liberales. Necesitamos estos puestos para completar 60 senadores Conservadores que garanticen el progreso y la prosperidad al pueblo americano. Es muy importante que podamos contar con esos 60 votos en el Congreso para poder sacar a USA de la terrible crisis que los Liberales Demócratas la han hundido. Apoya a los candidatos Conservadores Republicanos en su elección para salir de la crisis. Aquí en la Florida apoyemos a Connie Mack. |
es la diferencia entre un político y un ladrón?
La diferencia entre un político y un ladrón es que el primero lo elijo yo
y el segundo me elige a mí.
From actor Andy Garcia.....
"After watching Mr. Romney on 60 Minutes I was reminded there is nothing to discuss. Mr.Romney is the right man for the job and we are very lucky to have him applying for it, it's actually a luxury. Mr. Obama doesn't even come close as he is nothing but an old used and boring joke. Actually Mr. Obama is very lucky he is not sent to jail for treason."
"Actually, is very easy to understand the fact why Mr. Obama doesn't understand the USA or the West has enemies, a sad but true fact -proven through the last two Millennium - who want us subjugated or dead (not so much because he is dysfunctional, ignorant or stupid...) it's because HE is the enemy."
"Obama's record isn't just "not good." It's atrocious, and his foreign policy misadventures are the epitome of incompetence. Even so, we must confront the reality that most voters won't take the time to familiarize themselves with the facts. Therefore, it's our job to tell them, and hopefully we can persuade some of them or even most of them to look at Obama's record objectively. If they do, they will conclude that what "President Obama is the worst president in this country's history."
"After watching Mr. Romney on 60 Minutes I was reminded there is nothing to discuss. Mr.Romney is the right man for the job and we are very lucky to have him applying for it, it's actually a luxury. Mr. Obama doesn't even come close as he is nothing but an old used and boring joke. Actually Mr. Obama is very lucky he is not sent to jail for treason."
"Actually, is very easy to understand the fact why Mr. Obama doesn't understand the USA or the West has enemies, a sad but true fact -proven through the last two Millennium - who want us subjugated or dead (not so much because he is dysfunctional, ignorant or stupid...) it's because HE is the enemy."
"Obama's record isn't just "not good." It's atrocious, and his foreign policy misadventures are the epitome of incompetence. Even so, we must confront the reality that most voters won't take the time to familiarize themselves with the facts. Therefore, it's our job to tell them, and hopefully we can persuade some of them or even most of them to look at Obama's record objectively. If they do, they will conclude that what "President Obama is the worst president in this country's history."
5 Ways ObamaCare
Intentionally Harms You
Intentionally Harms You
Creates 21 More Problems to
Degrade the Quality of Your Healthcare
Degrade the Quality of Your Healthcare
ObamaCare: 2,700 pages of language so complicated it could take your
own team of lawyers to make sense of it . . .
It was passed by Congress, signed into law by President Barack Obama,
and now ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court.
That means ObamaCare — or the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act as it's officially known — is a reality you're stuck with, even if you
never wanted it in the first place.
ObamaCare will affect every American, yet few Americans understand
what these 2,700 pages of legal mumbo-jumbo mean. How will ObamaCare really
affect your life, your wallet, and your health?
Fortunately, now there's help . . . In the ObamaCare Survival Guide,
written in simple language by award-winning journalist and health author Nick
J. Tate, you'll discover the pitfalls and problems destined to impact your life
— starting now.
These pitfalls include 5 dangerous ways in which ObamaCare sets out to
harm you and your family:
Intentional Pitfall #1: Robbing Peter to Pay Paul
ObamaCare essentially 'robs Peter to pay Paul'. How?
Well, if you're a senior, you'll be fleeced by the $716 billion in
Medicare cuts designed to substantially fund the ObamaCare plan over the next
As you'll read in the ObamaCare Survival Guide, the biggest
Medicare spending cuts will come in two key areas you need to know about in
order to protect yourself.
And that's just the beginning . . .
Intentional Pitfall #2: Insurance Companies Free to
Pass On Increased Costs
Pass On Increased Costs
Under the new ObamaCare mandates, insurance companies will have free
rein to pass on their increased costs to you in the form of:
- Higher premiums
- Higher co-pays
- Higher deductibles
There are no specific price controls to keep the insurance industry in
check. Even AARP, the powerful lobby representing American seniors, has already
increased the health insurance premiums of its employees from 8 to 13%.
Intentional Pitfall #3: Widespread Doctor Shortage Expected
While many Americans are unhappy with ObamaCare, doctors have been
particularly angry. The earning potential of doctors is expected to dwindle due
to lowered payment rates for Medicare, among other things. Up to 40% of
physicians could retire or seek a non-clinical or even a non-medical job.
And with 30 million more Americans on healthcare insurance plans, not
only could there be a medical 'brain drain', but also long drives and long
waits to see a doctor.
Intentional Pitfall #4: Delayed Implementation and
Hundreds of Unwritten Rules
Hundreds of Unwritten Rules
Shockingly, many of the rules and regulations needed to make the new
healthcare system function correctly haven't even been written yet. And as
costs inevitably balloon higher than expected, benefits for consumers are
likely to degrade significantly, particularly for seniors, the highest users of
healthcare services.
Intentional Pitfall #5: Unelected Government Officials Will
Have Total Control to Make Decisions about Your Healthcare
Have Total Control to Make Decisions about Your Healthcare
"Healthcare commissars" who don't have to worry about being
elected by the American people will have undemocratic, totalitarian powers to
cut Medicare spending and make decisions on your behalf as a so-called
Independent Payment Advisory Board.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg . . .
· FW: how many executive orders ?????? nine hundred twenty three in 3 1/2 yrs ???
To Lazaro R Gonzalez
Subject: how many executive orders ?????? nine
hundred twenty three in 3 1/2 yrs???
· News Alert: Sensitive documents left behind at American mission in Libya
To Lázaro R González Miño
(thinking he's responsible for Fed-created "wealth effect"):
got all those prices skyrocketing again..."
about skyrocketing yourself, Hillary, Huma, Napolitano, Sebelius, Pelosi,
Timmy & Holder to the gallows? I know a guy needs a lawn
jockey in Provo."nsitive documents left behind at
American mission in Libya
32 dias para sacarlo de la Casa Blanca.
Lázaro R González Miño
7-Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8-Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su
tuyo es El Reino, El Poder y La Gloria Eterna. AMEN
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