Tuesday, October 20, 2015

No 1067 "En mi opinion" Octubre 20, 2015

No 1067 “En mi opinión” Octubre 20, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R Gonzalez Miño  Editor
Lázaro R González Miño  para  Alcalde de Miami Dade
AMENPER: La Culpa del terrorismo es de Ronald Reagan
Los ataques terroristas a unas barracas en los cuarteles de Beirut (23 de octubre de 1983, en Beirut, Líbano) ocurrieron durante la Guerra Civil libanesa cuando dos carros bombas se incrustaron y explotaron en edificios separados las fuerzas militares estadounidenses y franceses, miembros de la fuerza multinacional en Líbano, matando a 299 soldados americanos y franceses. Un oscuro grupo en aquellos tiempos que se identificó como «Ŷihad islámico» se hizo responsable por los atentados.
El New York Times dijo en un editorial que la administración Reagan e Israel eran "indirectamente responsables" por los asesinatos y que Ariel Sharon, y el Ministro de defensa y el primer ministro anterior, así como Ronald Reagan tenían la "responsabilidad personal" por no prevenirlos.
Este reporte mediatizado de los hechos del New York Times fue tomado como lo que era, un ataque político contra la presidencia de Reagan, y fueron criticadas por todos los medios de comunicación de la época.
Estamos en 2015, y vemos una situación muy parecida en cuanto a los ataques terroristas a las torres gemelas el 9-11 del 2001.
Podemos estar de acuerdo o en contra, total o parcialmente, con la administración de George W. Bush, pero solamente algunos liberales radicalizados y  como es lógico los militantes musulmanes, pudieran sugerir que George W. Bush tiene “una responsabilidad personal “por no prevenir el ataque del 9-11 cuando sólo llevaba 10 meses en la presidencia y los atacantes se encontraban en los Estados Unidos cuando él tomó posesión de la presidencia en Enero del mismo año.
Pero ahora tenemos al candidato en primer lugar en las encuestas en las primarias republicanas, que por coincidencia es el que peor posición tiene en las encuestas contra el candidato demócrata, que está acusando a George W. Bush de lo mismo que los acusan los terroristas, los liberales y sus medios de comunicación. 
No ataca a la administración de Clinton que fue donde se incubó el ataque, ataca al presidente republicano George W. Bush.
Claro que esto viene del mismo candidato que coincide con la política de Obama en el Medio Oriente de “dejar que se maten entre ellos y no meternos nosotros”.  No importa que el resultado de la política exterior de Obama nos haya llevado a una nueva hegemonía Rusia-Irán del Medio Oriente que ya tiene reflejos en los ataques terroristas palestinos a Israel, nuestro último aliado en la región. Pero Jalisco Trump nos dice que sabe más que nadie, nunca pierde, y cuando pierde arrebata..
Siempre ha habido ataques de política de estado entre los aspirantes republicanos, pero nunca ha sido estos ataques más sistemáticos, personales y con los mismos atributos de la propaganda enemiga que los que vemos del candidato Donald Trump a los demás candidatos.  Tal parece que está corriendo por el partido demócrata. 
Pero quizás mañana Donald Trump nos diga que él hubiera podido prevenir los ataques a las barracas del Líbano y que Ronald Reagan era un flojo incompetente, sin lugar a dudas esto sucedería si el hijo de Reagan hiciera algunas declaraciones contra Trump..

Entre dos de Amenper:
“EMO” Fíjense que todos los candidatos a la presidencia que apoyan una amnistía de los ilegales están en los menos apoyado de os candidatos.
Este país apoya a las personas que vienen a los Estados Unidos por un motivo político o humanitario. Pero no porque crean que este es el parque de la esquina. Este país tiene el derecho de decidir quiénes pueden y quienes no pueden entrar en el país. Y esa entrada debe ser ordenada y legal. Y eso debe ser para todos. Los Estados Unidos no es un Realengo. Aquí hay y debe haber orden. Yo no conozco otro país que haya sido capaz de albergar a tantos inmigrantes. Pero todo tiene un orden. Y el orden debe ser estricto. Nada de drogas u otro deprimente medio de vida y esto no es solo para los mejicanos. Esto es para todo el mundo incluyéndonos a nosotros los cubanos. Y de paso realmente algunos que no han venido por el mismo ideal. Aquí tenemos militantes del partido y presidentes del comité de chivatos, directores de prisiones y hasta miembros de la siniestra G2. A esos se les debe deportar inmediatamente. Todo el que sepa quiénes son y donde están deben comunicárselo al Departamento de Inmigración.  Esos fueron nuestros chivatos y carceleros abusadores y asquerosos.
Aquí no deben estar.                                                                     LRGM

Estas preguntas eran cómo un chiste, cuando queríamos decir que esto era algo seguro.  El Papa como es claro tenía que ser católico y Reagan era el típico conservador.
Pero estamos viviendo en tiempos extraños, tenemos un Papa que muchos ponen en duda que sea católico, y de la manera en que se comportan los neo-conservadores  con los inflexibles y ortodoxos raseros que establecen, si Reagan estuviera vivo sería considerado un liberal. un RINO, o sea un republicano de nombre solamente y sin lugar a dudas no conservador.
Tenemos el caso de Jeb Bush y Marco Rubio, que nos dicen que no son verdaderos conservadores porque son según ellos son un pocos flojos en inmigración, no que estén de acuerdo con una inmigración abierta ni siquiera una amnistía cómo la que hizo Ronald Reagan, pero porque proponen que se cierren las fronteras y entonces se estudie que inmigrantes se devuelven y cuáles se aceptan.  Hay que decir que hay que deportarlos a todos para ser conservador.  No importa que Jeb Bush haya sido declarado el gobernador más conservador en sus políticas en la nación, no importa que las posiciones en política exterior de Marco Rubio en todos los frentes incluyendo Cuba, sea la más conservadora de todos los candidatos, cómo violaron esta perspectiva de inmigración aunque sean conservadores económicos, sociales y de política exterior, ya no son conservadores porque violaron los raseros establecidos por los conservadores de la nueva ola.
Reagan cometió el error de otorgar armistía a los inmigrantes ilegales, un error de cálculo que el mismo aceptó, igual que Rubio cuando se alió a McCain y después se arrepintió cuando se dio cuenta que con Obama no habría cierre de fronteras.  Pero los servidores públicos y políticos hay que medirlos por su posición general y su trayectoria,  no por sus errores esporádicos, porque todos tienen errores, los curas no tienen errores políticos y los políticos no tienen errores de doctrinas religiosas pero cada uno en su profesión todos cometen errores.
Recuerdo la campaña de Gerald Ford contra Ronald Reagan, en las primarias del 1976 y cómo la victoria de Ford fue porque denunció a Reagan cómo liberal y falso conservador. 
Denunció que Reagan había sido un Demócrata de Roosevelt, que había sido líder sindical, que había estado a favor del control de armas que en California que era flojo en inmigración.
Todo eso fue verdad, en cuanto al control de armas, un caso que está en la palestra hoy en día, no sólo Reagan firmó la ley Mulford cuando era el gobernador de California, también apoyó el proyecto de ley Brady. En un artículo de opinión en 1991 en el New York Times titulado "por qué yo estoy a favor del Brady Bill", Reagan detalló su apoyo a un período de espera de siete días para los compradores del arma. "Cada año, un promedio de 9.200 estadounidenses son asesinados por armas de fuego, según estadísticas del Departamento de justicia," dijo Reagan en la columna de opinión.
También más tarde cómo presidente, concedió una armistía a los inmigrantes.
Tanto la amnistía cómo su posición en el control de armas, Reagan después en su biografía lo reconoce como errores debido a la situación en el momento que tomó las posiciones, lo consideró
lo mejor en el momento y resultó estar equivocado, lo hizo no por doctrina sino por un razonamiento que resultó erróneo, porque errar es  de humanos y rectificar es de sabios.  Esto es algo parecido al caso de Bush y la guerra de Irak.
Lo que fue Reagan cómo presidente y lo que representa para el conservadurismo, no tengo que detallarlo, todo el mundo lo sabe, todo el mundo lo acepta ahora
Creo que tenemos que darle gracias a Dios, no por Reagan solamente, no por lo que representó su presidencia, por su posición anticomunista que ganó la guerra fría y terminó con la Unión Soviética, por su política de reducción de impuestos con aumento en trabajos y una economía vibrante, con la afirmación de los valores juedo-cristianos, pero tenemos que darles también gracias a Dios por la época en que vivió, porque si Reagan hubiera sido un político en nuestros días, nunca hubiera podido lograr la nominación por el partido Republicano y hubiéramos tenido a Jimmy Carter cuatro años más de presidente.

It’s Now the Republicans vs. the Socialists in 2016

Quintin George

Jim Geraghty, National Review <newsletter@e.nationalreview.com>


October 20, 2015

Morning Jolt
... with Jim Geraghty

It’s Now the Republicans vs. the Socialists in 2016 
The Thursday night debate conclusion: America now has an openly socialist party.
This morning, a new poll confirms it: Socialism remains less popular than capitalism in the United States: only 25 percent of adults have a favorable opinion of it, while 48 percent view capitalism positively. Among Democrats, however, the balance is flipped, with 49 percent favorable to socialism compared to 37 percent for capitalism.
Which party is extreme again? Which party is out of touch with the rest of the country?
Oh, and notice that 11 percent of self-identified Republicans have a favorable view of socialism.
Jim Webb: Wait, I Spent a Good Chunk of My Life Fighting Socialists!
The other conclusion from last week was that Jim Webb didn’t belong in the Democratic party of 2015. Apparently he agrees:
Jim Webb, the former senator from Virginia, may be through with the Democratic Party.
The presidential candidate, who complained of not getting enough time to talk at last week’s debate, is considering running as an independent, according to his campaign.
Mr. Webb will hold a 1 p.m. news conference on Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington to “discuss his candidacy, the campaign and his views of the political parties in the current election cycle.”
To paraphrase another old-fashioned New Democrat, I feel his pain. Still, how can Webb seem so surprised by this turn of events? Is he just now recognizing that the Democratic party is functionally pacifist and isolationist? Is he just now realizing that when he discussed the potential threats from China, Democratic audiences check their watch and tune out? Is he just noticing that Democrats will never get past racial grievances, never take much interest in rural America or poor whites, and that the party’s elites are intractably opposed to gun ownership? Did he somehow miss the rise of Elizabeth Warren, “you didn’t build that,” Thomas Piketty, and the torrent of economic envy flowing through the party?
Senator Webb, where have you been?
Would a Jim Webb independent bid hurt the GOP nominee? It’s not that hard to imagine that kind of scenario, although at this point, he’s a nonentity in the polls. Webb’s nascent campaign is so low-profile so far, it was easy to forget he’s running. Is he really going to put together the grassroots volunteer effort to get him on the ballot for enough states to get 270 electoral votes? Is he going to dedicate himself to fundraising to get ads on the air? Is he willing to do the frustrating work of being a presidential candidate, or is he mostly running to make a point?
Jindal: This Debate System Stinks and I’m Not Gonna Take It Anymore
Will this hurt Bobby Jindal? If a candidate skips the second-tier debate held in a forest, does he make a sound?
Bobby Jindal might withdraw from the undercard debate next week in Colorado.
The Louisiana governor is lobbying the Republican National Committee and cable television network host CNBC to alter the eligibility criteria for the prime time debate. Jindal wants early state primary polling to count, versus just an average of national surveys. Jindal barely registers with voters nationally but is in the top 10 and rising in Iowa, and he could forgo the GOP’s third televised debate in favor of campaigning there if changes aren’t made.
On the one hand, the RNC, CNBC, and the rest of the field can say, “Look, these are the rules. If you’re not in the top ten nationally, we have the authority to relegate you to the earlier time slot.” Jindal’s standing up for the old style of campaigning, the kind that catapulted Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum into short-lived moments as the frontrunner.
Still, Jindal has a point in asking why this new method of relying on national polls to determine “seriousness” is better. Why adopt a system that punishes retail politicking? These national polls have margins for error of 4.9 percentage points, 4.5 percentage points, in that range. Right now in the RealClearPolitics average, the gap between tenth-place Chris Christie and eleventh-place Rick Santorum is 1.4 percentage points.
Liberals Suddenly Realize They’ve Been Wiped Out at the State Level
I suppose we should give Matt Yglesias credit for writing this at Vox . . .
The presidency is extremely important, of course. But there are also thousands of critically important offices all the way down the ballot. And the vast majority — 70 percent of state legislatures, more than 60 percent of governors, 55 percent of attorneys general and secretaries of state — are in Republicans hands. And, of course, Republicans control both chambers of Congress. Indeed, even the House infighting reflects, in some ways, the health of the GOP coalition. Republicans are confident they won’t lose power in the House and are hungry for a vigorous argument about how best to use the power they have.
Not only have Republicans won most elections, but they have a perfectly reasonable plan for trying to recapture the White House. But Democrats have nothing at all in the works to redress their crippling weakness down the ballot.
. . . what’s revealing is that Yglesias writes about this as if it’s some sort of shocking new discovery. Maybe it’s news to the Vox readership, but I’ll bet a doughnut it’s not news to you. Then again, if partisan allegiance can drive you to avert your eyes from the labor-force participation rate, the spread of ISIS, the failure of the “reset button,” skyrocketing health-insurance premiums, a sudden spike in homicides in inner cities, and the dangers of an unsecure border, it can probably drive you to avert your eyes from bad news for your party.
It’s easy to suspect that Democrats think more about the presidency because (1) it’s simpler than keeping track of oodles and oodles of legislative races and (2) during the Obama era, they’ve fallen in love with the idea of the all-powerful executive branch, to the point where Democratic members of Congress are writing up legislation in the form of executive orders to work around the GOP majorities. If the president can use executive orders to unilaterally rewriteimmigration policy, Iran sanctions, the minimum wage,and possibly tax law andgun laws, why worry about state legislatures or Congress?
Separately, if you see American politics as a sort of Joseph Campbell hero’s journey in which your preferred political idol rises and falls in battle against his villainous foes -- what Ace called “the MacGuffinization of American politics” -- or if you’re in a cult of personality! -- you won’t want to bother paying attention to who’s got control of more state houses, and who’s enacting their ideas into policy at the state level.
Each side in American politics likes to think that their rank-and-file prefer their candidates because of their better ideas, while the other side is taken in by superficial factors like charisma. We like our guys because we believe in limited government and individual responsibility; they like their guy because Oprah said he was “the one” and he keeps appearing on daytime and late-night entertainment shows. After the 2004 elections, Democrats told themselves that voters preferred Kerry’s policies but preferred Bush because they would prefer to have a beer with him.
One party will always nominate the “Men’s Vogue” candidates.
ADDENDA: It’s beautiful when a casual liberal experiences a head-on collision with reality:
In an interview on French TV, Will Smith said he strongly supported income redistribution.
“I have no issue with paying taxes and whatever needs to be done for my country to grow,” he said. “I’m a black man who didn’t go to college, yet I get to travel around the world and sell my movies, and I believe very firmly that America is the only place on earth that I could exist. So I will pay anything that I need to pay to keep my country growing.”
Then he was told that France’s top tax rate was, at the time, 75%. His response: “Seventy-five! That’s different. Well, God bless America.”

WATCH: This Airline Is Facing Major Backlash After Passenger Leaks Video Of What Happened On His Flight

Passenger Bill Byrne said he had never seen anything like it.
Passengers on a flight to Portland International Airport told a local reporter they are angered by a female passenger being kicked off the plane. One passenger said she will be filing a complaint.
The incident happened on American Airlines Flight 408. A male flight attendant wanted the aisle cleared, and there was an exchange between him and a female passenger, although no one can say exactly what was said. According to witnesses, the passenger made a comment to another airline employee that the flight attendant had been rude.
It was then the flight attendant involved came back to the female passenger and ordered her off the plane.
The passenger went from shock to collapsing into tears, according to a cell phone video taken by a man sitting directly behind her. Passenger Bill Byrne said he had never seen anything like it.
“I’ve seen people who deserve that but never actually seen somebody thrown off a plane,” Byrne said in a local television interview. He added that he secretly taped the video because the flight attendant involved “was ready to throw more people off the plane.” Watch: Hillary Shows Why She’s ‘So Darn Unlikable’ In 18 Seconds With Bizarre Action
The video showed the woman’s embarrassment and reaction. Her name has not been released.
”Are you serious?” she asked when told she would be removed from the plane. “I didn’t even know he was talking to me. This can’t be legal. I seriously didn’t do anything.”
Byrne said he felt for the woman.
“It was nuts, and that poor woman was so upset. She handled it well, but you could tell it was super embarrassing for her,” he said.
Passengers had a volatile reaction to the woman being escorted off the plane. Many booed the airline staff for the move. An American Airlines spokesperson said the company is aware of the video and is investigating the incident.


Quintin George

Obama Attacked American Christians, and Ted Cruz UNLEASHED on Him!

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz recently spoke with Sean Hannity about President Obama’s comments that ‘serious’ Christians are most suspicious of others.
 Here in the United States,” the President mused in a recent interview, “sometimes Christian interpretation seems to posit an ‘us versus them,’ and those are sometimes the loudest voices.”
He added a thinly veiled racial element to his analysis, saying “it seems as if folks who take religion the most seriously sometimes are also those who are suspicious of those not like them.”
Cruz responded to the comments by saying “the far-left – out of which Barack Obama arose – despises American leadership in the world” and has an antipathy towards Christians.
“The far-left has always had a strong anti-American streak, and it’s always had an antipathy for Christians,” Cruz said.
He noted that Obama was four years ahead of him at Harvard Law School, asserting that Obama perfectly reflects the views that cast America as a negative force in the world.
“That is utter nonsense,” Cruz said. “America has been an incredible force of good in this world. No nation in the history of the world has spilled more blood or treasure for freedom.”
Cruz added that anti-American and anti-Christian statements such as Obama’s and those of his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, are “stomach turning, but they actually reflect the views of the hard-left.”

FBI Looking at ‘Gross Negligence’ Laws in Hillary Server Investigation

From: Jim Geraghty, National Review <newsletter@e.nationalreview.com>

Quintin George
If this email is difficult to read, view it on the web.


October 16, 2015

Morning Jolt
... with Jim Geraghty


FBI Looking at ‘Gross Negligence’ Laws in Hillary Server Investigation 
Between Kevin McCarthy’s gaffe, the Benghazi committee staffer who complained the panel’s work was focused on Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders’s decision to declare he’s sick of hearing about her e-mails, the former Secretary of State might feel like she’s put the issue to bed. The last major obstacle? The Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Thanks to Fox News’ Catherine Herridge, we have our first sense of how the FBI investigation is shaping up:
Three months after Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email address and server while secretary of state was referred to the FBI, an intelligence source familiar with the investigation tells Fox News that the team is now focused on whether there were violations of an Espionage Act subsection pertaining to “gross negligence” in the safekeeping of national defense information.
Under 18 USC 793 subsection F, the information does not have to be classified to count as a violation. The intelligence source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity citing the sensitivity of the ongoing probe, said the subsection requires the “lawful possession” of national defense information by a security clearance holder who “through gross negligence,” such as the use of an unsecure computer network, permits the material to be removed or abstracted from its proper, secure location.
Subsection F also requires the clearance holder “to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer. “A failure to do so “shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.”
A former FBI agent, who is not involved in the case, said the inconsistent release of emails, with new documents coming to light from outside accounts, such as that of adviser Sidney Blumenthal, could constitute obstruction. In addition, Clinton’s March statement that there was no classified material on her private server has proven false, after more than 400 emails containing classified information were documented.
Does she skate? Ironically, Obama’s words that appeared to defend Hillary may be hindering her by irritating the FBI:
“I don’t think it posed a national security problem,” Mr. Obama saidSunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” He said it was a mistake for Mrs. Clinton to use a private email account when she was secretary of state, but his conclusion was unmistakable: “This is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.”
Those statements angered FBI agents who have been working for months to determine whether Ms. Clinton’s email setup had in fact put any of the nation’s secrets at risk, according to current and former law enforcement officials.
Investigators have not reached any conclusions about whether the information on the server had been compromised or whether to recommend charges, according to the law enforcement officials. But to investigators, it sounded as if Mr. Obama had already decided the answers to their questions and cleared anyone involved of wrongdoing.
The White House quickly backed off the president’s remarks and said Mr. Obama was not trying to influence the investigation. But his comments spread quickly, raising the ire of officials who saw an instance of the president trying to influence the outcome of a continuing investigation — and not for the first time.
“Injecting politics into what is supposed to be a fact-finding inquiry leaves a foul taste in the F.B.I.’s mouth and makes them fear that no matter what they find, the Justice Department will take the president’s signal and not bring a case,” said Ron Hosko, a former senior F.B.I. official who retired in 2014 and is now the president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, who maintains close contact with current agents.
Obviously, the FBI will follow the evidence wherever it leads and offer their assessment based on the law. But isn’t Obama actually making it harder for them to conclude all is well and no crimes were committed? If they concur with the president’s assessment, they look like they knuckled under to political pressure. The easiest way to demonstrate that you’re immune from a president’s effort to steer the investigation away from Hillary is to do the opposite.
Many people might conclude that there’s no way that the Department of Justice would bring criminal charges against the Democratic frontrunner in an election year. But if you were the agents, wouldn’t you rather the DOJ took the heat for that conclusion than you?
A New Face of Big-City Government Corruption
Meet the woman Rahm Emanuel chose to save his city’s school system:
When she took over as chief of the Chicago Public Schools three years ago, Barbara Byrd-Bennett was touted as an experienced administrator who was going to help the Emanuel administration turn around a system beset by a recent teacher’s strike, huge budget deficits and pending school closings.
On Tuesday, the mayor’s handpicked choice to lead the nation’s third-largest school system became instead the latest in a long line of Chicago public officials caught trying to line their own pockets.
The 66-year-old onetime New York City elementary school teacher faces up to about 7 1/2 years in prison after pleading guilty to a single felony count of wire fraud for steering multimillion-dollar no-bid contracts to a former employer in exchange for the promise of up to $2.3 million in kickbacks.
What’s particularly striking is the sense of entitlement described in the indictment. Keep in mind, Chicago’s chief of public schools makes $250,000. That’s a nice chunk of change to most Chicagoans. But if you’re a city official, apparently you feel you deserve to live the life of the city’s rich and famous:
According to the plea agreement, Solomon and Vranas gave Byrd-Bennett tickets to sporting events, meals and other perks in exchange for her help, but no cash actually exchanged hands. Instead, Byrd-Bennett was promised hundreds of thousands of dollars as a “signing bonus” once she left her duties at CPS and rejoined SUPES as a consultant, the plea deal said.
The bonus was to be concealed in trust accounts set up in the names of two of Byrd-Bennett’s young relatives -- identified by sources as her twin grandsons -- with the cash available to her once she left CPS, according to the plea.
Much of the indictment centers on emails sent between Solomon and Byrd-Bennett that seemed to make no effort to conceal the alleged kickback scheme. In one message, Byrd-Bennett even implied she needed cash because she had “tuition to pay and casinos to visit,” according to the charges.
Earlier this year, Illinois governor Bruce Rauner said, “Chicago Public Schools has been a source of patronage, cronyism, dealings, massive bureaucracy. It hasn’t really served the families and the parents of the children in a very long time.”
As with the recent problems in Baltimore, Chicago gives the country an example of a local political system and government that is utterly failing the people. And there are no convenient Republican scapegoats. These are one-party institutions; a serious opposition party would probably make the Democrats in power behave a little less corruptly for fear of losing elections.
A former firefighter is running for mayor of Baltimore as a Republican.
You Know, Superhero, I’m Starting to Think It’s Okay to Kill Bad Guys
A common trope of superhero stories is that the hero never, or almost never, kills his enemies. That’s what separates Spider-man from the Punisher; it’s the line Batman will never cross; it’s what made the version of Superman in Man of Steel so controversial. The creators of these stories largely believe that it’s important to demonstrate that heroism is more than just shooting people or punching them. For the most part, that’s a noble goal. The problem is that the structure of superhero stories mean that the seemingly moral refusal to use deadly force against the villain usually has terrible consequences, and everyone -- all of the characters and those of us watching or reading these stories -- have to avert our eyes from those consequences.
The most recent episode of the CW show Arrow illustrated this particularly vividly. Mild spoilers follow in my paraphrasing of the climactic scenes . . .
Our heroes, Green Arrow and Speedy, are headed to confront a villain, “Anarky” -- yes, that’s how they spell it, as opposed to “anarchy” -- who has already killed two cops, and kidnapped a mayor candidate’s daughter.
Green Arrow: Can you handle this?
Speedy: Yes!
A few moments later, Anarky hits Speedy with his electric-shock staff weapon. But she recovers, knocking him into a shelf full of bottles of alcohol and breaking them.
In a life-and-death combat, Speedy grabs the weapon and uses it on the liquor-soaked Anarchy, setting him on fire.
Green Arrow: NO!
After Anarky flails around on fire for a few moments, Green Arrow shoots a water pipe above him, putting the fire out. Speedy looks guilty.
Green Arrow: (paraphrased) Don’t you understand? You could have killed him! If we kill our enemies, we’re no better than they are! Please completely ignore the fact that earlier in this episode I shot arrows into the chests of two henchmen!
Speedy continues to look guilty. Later, Green Arrow goes in his civilian identity to meet the chief of the city’s police, who disapproves of his methods.
Chief Lance to Oliver: You’re lucky Anarky made it! If he had died, I would be arresting you for murder!
(He gets up on a high horse and leaves, ignoring the fact that he’s secretly working with a mass-murdering super-villain who last week tried to steer a runaway train into the city, ordered the murder of other city officials, and killed a bunch of cops in the process of trying to kill Lance.)
Green Arrow and Lance: Well, thank goodness we only burned Anarky, and didn’t kill him!
Moments later, we see that Anarky, half-burned to death, somehow managed to kill two paramedics, crash the ambulance, and get away.
Speedy: Say, gentlemen, I can’t help but notice that if I had made the allegedly morally unacceptable decision to use deadly force against the multiple-cop-killer, those two paramedics would still be alive.
ADDENDA: Psst. Heavy Lifting is down to $19.01 if you have Amazon prime, almost nine dollars off the cover price. I’m whispering because Regnery wants me to stop promoting the book until publication day October 26. For what it’s worth, Amazon says they’ll have the book in stock Monday.
This week on the pop-culture podcast, the cultural fights over tipping reach a new level; dissecting NBC’s Blacklist and the worn-out government-conspiracy trope; whether anyone still needs “awareness” about breast cancer, and haunted hotels.




Trey Gowdy to Hillary Clinton Amid Strong Benghazi Criticism: ‘You Are Not Worth 18 Months of My Life’

Jason Howerton
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Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), chairman of the House Benghazi Committee, said this weekend that the last couple weeks have “been among the worst weeks of my life.” He’s currently fighting back against attacks on his character and motives as critics are claiming the Benghazi investigation is merely a political exercise to go after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
 “Attacks on your character, attacks on your motives, are 1,000-times worse than anything you can do to anybody physically — at least it is for me,” Gowdy told Politico.
But Gowdy also said the “timing” of the “uptick in criticism” is not “lost” on him. Clinton is scheduled to appear before the Benghazi Committee to testify on Thursday.
“I don’t think that that is a coincidence; it’s an attempt to marginalize and impugn the credibility of the panel that’s going to be asking her questions,” he added.
The former prosecutor revealed that Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) warned him shortly after the investigation was launched that things would eventually get nasty.
He described it as an “older brother saying, ‘You keep believing in the tooth fairy.’”
“I knew it would get worse, but I didn’t know how bad,” Gowdy said.
NEW YORK, NY – JULY 24: Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton greets supporters after speaking at New York University on July 24, 2015 in New York City. It has been disclosed by inspector general for the intelligence community that material Hillary Clinton emailed from her private server contained some classified information. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Speaking directly on Clinton, Gowdy said it’s “hard” when people accuse him of engaging in a political witch hunt and told the Democrat, “You are not worth 18 months of my life, with all due respect.”
“Four dead people are, but you’re not,” he said.
For now, Gowdy says all he can do is “keep trying” to finish his investigation in the hyper-political environment in Washington.
Read the full Politico report here.

Legislative Update: 10/20/2015

Senate Votes on Anti-Sanctuary City Bill Today

This afternoon at 2:15 p.m. Eastern, the Senate will vote on a bill that aims to eliminate sanctuary cities — State and local jurisdictions with policies that obstruct immigration enforcement. Introduced by Sen. David Vitter (R-LA), the "Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act" (S. 2146) is commonsense legislation that denies certain Federal funds to jurisdictions that refuse to (1) share information about criminal aliens with the Federal government or (2) recognize Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer requests. (FAIR Summary of S. 2146) Additionally, the bill increases penalties for illegal reentry and requires the Federal government to publish on a website a list of all sanctuary jurisdictions. (Id.)
Today's critical vote comes more than three months after Kate Steinle was shot and killed in San Francisco by an illegal alien with seven convictions and five previous deportations. (FAIR Legislative Update, July 8, 2015) The suspect, Francisco Sanchez, was released back onto the streets by San Francisco law enforcement despite his extensive criminal history and an ICE detainer request because of the city's sanctuary policy. (Id.) Indeed, Sanchez even admitted he went to San Francisco because he knew it is a sanctuary city that would protect him from ICE. (Id.)
FAIR supports S. 2146 and urges the Senate to pass the bill. "Policies that protect people who are breaking U.S. immigration laws, including criminal aliens who have been arrested for other offenses, jeopardize the lives and safety of Americans," said Dan Stein, president of FAIR. (FAIR Press Release, Oct. 15, 2015) Stein continued, "They also violate federal law. It is essential that Congress act immediately to end these policies." (Id.) Hopeful that the Senate passes S. 2146, Stein concluded, "If President Obama decides to veto the bill it is up to him to explain to the American people why he is refusing to act against reckless policies that have resulted in needless deaths of innocent citizens." (Id.)
The vote can be watched live on C-SPAN.

Obama Administration Policies May Allow Illegal Alien Sex Offenders to Avoid Deportation

Last Wednesday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) sent a joint letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson regarding two illegal alien sex offenders currently in law enforcement custody. (Grassley and Goodlatte Letter, Oct. 14, 2015) In the letter, the lawmakers express concern that the administration's new lax Priority Enforcement Program (PEP), in combination with local sanctuary policies, may let certain sex offenders avoid deportation and be released back into American communities. (Id.; see House Judiciary Committee PEP Press Release, June 23, 2015)
On October 5, Arturo Ocon-Garcia was apprehended by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for illegal entry and remains detained. (Grassley and Goodlatte Press Release, Oct. 14 2015) Ocon-Garcia was previously convicted of sex offenses in Chicago, which has sanctuary policies that require local law enforcement to ignore U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers. (Id.) These detainers request that local officials detain illegal aliens for an additional 48 hours after local jurisdiction ceases so that an ICE officer may place the alien into federal custody. The lawmakers are specifically asking how DHS plans to ensure that Ocon-Garcia is not released back into the public if he is handed over to local law enforcement. (Id.)
Regarding the other case, Melvin Perez Bonilla was arrested on October 7 in Arlington, Virginia and has confessed to multiple sex offenses. (Id.) Since he does not have a prior criminal conviction, Bonilla may not trigger the issuance of an ICE detainer to transfer him into federal custody. (Id.) This is a direct consequence of PEP, which significantly narrowed the category of immigrants the administration will attempt to deport. (Id.)
DHS has until October 23 to provide more information on the immigration statuses of the sex offenders and indicate how the agency plans to respond to their charges. (Id.)

Democratic Candidates Promise to Provide Amnesty and Benefits to Illegal Aliens

Last Tuesday, the five Democratic candidates for president participated in their first debate. (Debate Transcript, October 13, 2015) Notably, the candidates — Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley, James Webb, and Lincoln Chafee — did not spend a substantial amount of time discussing immigration. (Id.) However, during the limited time the issue was debated, they made clear that they all supported amnesty and extending an array of taxpayer benefits to illegal aliens. (Id.) Only one candidate, Webb, was willing to suggest that a mass amnesty should be accompanied by vague border security measures. (Id.)
All of the candidates who were asked whether illegal aliens should be eligible for subsidized health care expressed support. (Id.) Clinton said that she wanted "to support states that are expanding health care and including undocumented children and others." (Id.) She also said that she wanted "to open up the opportunity for immigrants to be able to buy in to the exchanges under the Affordable Care Act" so that, presumably, illegal aliens would get "the same subsidies" as anyone else. (Id.) Making them eligible for subsidies, she said, "needs to be part of a comprehensive immigration reform." (Id.) O'Malley agreed, saying that, otherwise, providing their health care would adversely affect "our insurance rates." (Id.) Webb also said he "did not have a problem" with illegal aliens getting Obamacare. (Id.)
Similarly, the candidates who were asked about in-state tuition for illegal aliens affirmed their support for that taxpayer subsidized benefit as well. (Id.) Clinton stated that her plan would "support any state" that wanted to provide in-state tuition for them, and she would "work with those states and encourage more states to do the same thing." (Id.) O'Malley bragged that he had, as Governor, already supported such an initiative, the Maryland Dream Act, which the voters had approved. (Id.)
There was also no dissent among the candidates that they fully supported amnesty. (Id.) Clinton and O'Malley both promised to go "further" than President Obama has in granting amnesty by executive action. (Id.) O'Malley also claimed that a "comprehensive immigration reform bill" (amnesty and increased legal immigration) would "make wages go up in America $250 for every year." (Id.)
The only area the candidates left potentially open for disagreement on immigration was guest-worker programs. Sanders, on the defensive for voting against the 2007 amnesty bill, explained that he had always supported amnesty, but had to vote against that bill because of its guest worker provisions. (Id.) He cited the description of the Southern Poverty Law Center of those provisions as tantamount to "semi-slavery." (Id.) However, he did not explain whether he thought the guest worker positions in the 2013 Gang of Eight bill, which he did vote for, presented the same issues. (See Politico, June 19, 2015; see also FAIR's S. 744 Resources )
The unanimity of the Democrats on immigration was a stark contrast to the varied opinions on display during the Republican debates. (See FAIR Legislative Update, Sept. 22, 2015; FAIR Legislative Update, Aug. 11, 2015)

Education Secretary: Taxpayers Should Subsidize College Tuition for Illegal Aliens

Education Secretary Arne Duncan, speaking at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute conference in Washington, called on Congress to provide federal financial aid to illegal aliens. (Breitbart News, Oct. 9, 2015) "We have to make sure we give financial aid to our undocumented students and the fact that as a nation we have yet to do that is a travesty," said Duncan. (Id.) The outgoing Education Secretary also praised the efforts of states that provide in-state tuition to illegal aliens, pointing out that they have "stepped up" by providing taxpayer subsidized assistance. (Id.)
Under current law, illegal aliens are not eligible for federal student aid, such as Stafford Loans and Pell Grants. (SeeDepartment of Education Financial Aid Guidelines) However, as Duncan noted, just over one-third of states offer subsidized tuition rates to illegal aliens – many of whom are beneficiaries of President Obama's DACA amnesty. (SeeNCSL State Tuition Overview) As these states further damage and strain delicate education budgets and impose additional burdens on taxpayers, several lawmakers are looking to do the same at the federal level. Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) has introduced legislation, S. 1059, which would give illegal aliens access to federal aid including the Pell Grant and work-study programs. Hirono claims that her proposal would ensure students have "a fair shot at affordable higher education." (The Hill, April 22, 2015) However, Hirono's statement fails to recognize that admitting and subsidizing illegal aliens drains taxpayer dollars and unfairly takes away seats at universities from law abiding citizen and legal resident students.
Efforts to provide taxpayer subsidized education benefits to illegal aliens remains extremely unpopular with the American people. Indeed, a recent Rasmussen poll found that 83 percent of Americans believe those here illegally should not be legally allowed to receive federal, state, or local benefits, such as financial aid for higher education. (Washington Examiner, April 6, 2015)

California Governor Signs Bills to Accommodate Illegal Aliens

Last week, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a handful of immigration-related bills into law designed to accommodate illegal aliens and shield them from enforcement of immigration law. (Los Angeles Times, Oct. 10, 2015) The bills include: legislation that assists illegal alien victims of crime in meeting requirements for deportation relief, legislation that creates state penalties for misuse of E-Verify, legislation that will inevitably allow some illegal aliens to vote, and legislation allowing some illegal aliens to receive additional taxpayer funded health care benefits.
Specifically, Senate Bill ("S.B.") 674 protects illegal aliens who have been victims of crimes from deportation by requiring law enforcement to certify that alien victims are "helpful" or "likely to be helpful" in the prosecution of that crime, for the purpose of making that alien eligible for a U Visa. Under S.B. 674, law enforcement officers are required to make this certification, whether or the alien's assistance is actually required or useful to law enforcement at all. (S.B. 674) A U Visa is a limited visa, capped by Congress at 10,000 per year, awarded in exchange for the assistance in the prosecution or investigation of violent crime. (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) By removing law enforcement discretion, S.B. 674 thereby makes more aliens eligible for the visa than intended by Congress.
Assembly Bill ("A.B.") 622, which was also signed last week, creates new, state penalties for misuse of E-Verify. E-Verify is a free, web-based system through which employers may verify the work authorization of new hires through existing federal records. (FAIR) Under this legislation, the state of California will fine employers $10,000 any time an employer uses E-Verify in violation of the terms of use established by the federal government. (A.B. 622) A.B. 622 may have a chilling effect on employers interested in using the free internet-based program for verifying the work authorization of new employees.
Additionally, Governor Brown signed legislation that will inevitably allow some illegal aliens to vote in state elections. (Breitbart, Oct. 12, 2015) S.B. 1461 provides for automatic voter registration for all eligible driver's licenses applicants. This measure poses serious concerns regarding voter fraud because the California Department of Motor Vehicle's databases are specifically designed to make noncitizen license holders unsearchable. (Breitbart, Oct. 12, 2015) Any illegal alien with a fraudulent California driver's license could potentially vote as a result of this bill.
Governor Brown also signed S.B. 4, last week which implements a law passed in June that will provide taxpayer funded Medi-Cal benefits to illegal aliens under the age of 19. As a result, 170,000 illegal aliens are expected to be added to the already-overburdened program. (Los Angeles Times, Oct. 9, 2015)
The California Legislature will convene in January 2016 to address additional immigration-related legislation.


Legislative Update: 10/20/2015

Senate Votes on Anti-Sanctuary City Bill Today

This afternoon at 2:15 p.m. Eastern, the Senate will vote on a bill that aims to eliminate sanctuary cities — State and local jurisdictions with policies that obstruct immigration enforcement. Introduced by Sen. David Vitter (R-LA), the "Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act" (S. 2146) is commonsense legislation that denies certain Federal funds to jurisdictions that refuse to (1) share information about criminal aliens with the Federal government or (2) recognize Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer requests. (FAIR Summary of S. 2146) Additionally, the bill increases penalties for illegal reentry and requires the Federal government to publish on a website a list of all sanctuary jurisdictions. (Id.)
Today's critical vote comes more than three months after Kate Steinle was shot and killed in San Francisco by an illegal alien with seven convictions and five previous deportations. (FAIR Legislative Update, July 8, 2015) The suspect, Francisco Sanchez, was released back onto the streets by San Francisco law enforcement despite his extensive criminal history and an ICE detainer request because of the city's sanctuary policy. (Id.) Indeed, Sanchez even admitted he went to San Francisco because he knew it is a sanctuary city that would protect him from ICE. (Id.)
FAIR supports S. 2146 and urges the Senate to pass the bill. "Policies that protect people who are breaking U.S. immigration laws, including criminal aliens who have been arrested for other offenses, jeopardize the lives and safety of Americans," said Dan Stein, president of FAIR. (FAIR Press Release, Oct. 15, 2015) Stein continued, "They also violate federal law. It is essential that Congress act immediately to end these policies." (Id.) Hopeful that the Senate passes S. 2146, Stein concluded, "If President Obama decides to veto the bill it is up to him to explain to the American people why he is refusing to act against reckless policies that have resulted in needless deaths of innocent citizens." (Id.)
The vote can be watched live on C-SPAN.

Obama Administration Policies May Allow Illegal Alien Sex Offenders to Avoid Deportation

Last Wednesday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) sent a joint letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson regarding two illegal alien sex offenders currently in law enforcement custody. (Grassley and Goodlatte Letter, Oct. 14, 2015) In the letter, the lawmakers express concern that the administration's new lax Priority Enforcement Program (PEP), in combination with local sanctuary policies, may let certain sex offenders avoid deportation and be released back into American communities. (Id.; see House Judiciary Committee PEP Press Release, June 23, 2015)
On October 5, Arturo Ocon-Garcia was apprehended by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for illegal entry and remains detained. (Grassley and Goodlatte Press Release, Oct. 14 2015) Ocon-Garcia was previously convicted of sex offenses in Chicago, which has sanctuary policies that require local law enforcement to ignore U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers. (Id.) These detainers request that local officials detain illegal aliens for an additional 48 hours after local jurisdiction ceases so that an ICE officer may place the alien into federal custody. The lawmakers are specifically asking how DHS plans to ensure that Ocon-Garcia is not released back into the public if he is handed over to local law enforcement. (Id.)
Regarding the other case, Melvin Perez Bonilla was arrested on October 7 in Arlington, Virginia and has confessed to multiple sex offenses. (Id.) Since he does not have a prior criminal conviction, Bonilla may not trigger the issuance of an ICE detainer to transfer him into federal custody. (Id.) This is a direct consequence of PEP, which significantly narrowed the category of immigrants the administration will attempt to deport. (Id.)
DHS has until October 23 to provide more information on the immigration statuses of the sex offenders and indicate how the agency plans to respond to their charges. (Id.)

Democratic Candidates Promise to Provide Amnesty and Benefits to Illegal Aliens

Last Tuesday, the five Democratic candidates for president participated in their first debate. (Debate Transcript, October 13, 2015) Notably, the candidates — Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley, James Webb, and Lincoln Chafee — did not spend a substantial amount of time discussing immigration. (Id.) However, during the limited time the issue was debated, they made clear that they all supported amnesty and extending an array of taxpayer benefits to illegal aliens. (Id.) Only one candidate, Webb, was willing to suggest that a mass amnesty should be accompanied by vague border security measures. (Id.)
All of the candidates who were asked whether illegal aliens should be eligible for subsidized health care expressed support. (Id.) Clinton said that she wanted "to support states that are expanding health care and including undocumented children and others." (Id.) She also said that she wanted "to open up the opportunity for immigrants to be able to buy in to the exchanges under the Affordable Care Act" so that, presumably, illegal aliens would get "the same subsidies" as anyone else. (Id.) Making them eligible for subsidies, she said, "needs to be part of a comprehensive immigration reform." (Id.) O'Malley agreed, saying that, otherwise, providing their health care would adversely affect "our insurance rates." (Id.) Webb also said he "did not have a problem" with illegal aliens getting Obamacare. (Id.)
Similarly, the candidates who were asked about in-state tuition for illegal aliens affirmed their support for that taxpayer subsidized benefit as well. (Id.) Clinton stated that her plan would "support any state" that wanted to provide in-state tuition for them, and she would "work with those states and encourage more states to do the same thing." (Id.) O'Malley bragged that he had, as Governor, already supported such an initiative, the Maryland Dream Act, which the voters had approved. (Id.)
There was also no dissent among the candidates that they fully supported amnesty. (Id.) Clinton and O'Malley both promised to go "further" than President Obama has in granting amnesty by executive action. (Id.) O'Malley also claimed that a "comprehensive immigration reform bill" (amnesty and increased legal immigration) would "make wages go up in America $250 for every year." (Id.)
The only area the candidates left potentially open for disagreement on immigration was guest-worker programs. Sanders, on the defensive for voting against the 2007 amnesty bill, explained that he had always supported amnesty, but had to vote against that bill because of its guest worker provisions. (Id.) He cited the description of the Southern Poverty Law Center of those provisions as tantamount to "semi-slavery." (Id.) However, he did not explain whether he thought the guest worker positions in the 2013 Gang of Eight bill, which he did vote for, presented the same issues. (See Politico, June 19, 2015; see also FAIR's S. 744 Resources )
The unanimity of the Democrats on immigration was a stark contrast to the varied opinions on display during the Republican debates. (See FAIR Legislative Update, Sept. 22, 2015; FAIR Legislative Update, Aug. 11, 2015)

Education Secretary: Taxpayers Should Subsidize College Tuition for Illegal Aliens

Education Secretary Arne Duncan, speaking at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute conference in Washington, called on Congress to provide federal financial aid to illegal aliens. (Breitbart News, Oct. 9, 2015) "We have to make sure we give financial aid to our undocumented students and the fact that as a nation we have yet to do that is a travesty," said Duncan. (Id.) The outgoing Education Secretary also praised the efforts of states that provide in-state tuition to illegal aliens, pointing out that they have "stepped up" by providing taxpayer subsidized assistance. (Id.)
Under current law, illegal aliens are not eligible for federal student aid, such as Stafford Loans and Pell Grants. (SeeDepartment of Education Financial Aid Guidelines) However, as Duncan noted, just over one-third of states offer subsidized tuition rates to illegal aliens – many of whom are beneficiaries of President Obama's DACA amnesty. (SeeNCSL State Tuition Overview) As these states further damage and strain delicate education budgets and impose additional burdens on taxpayers, several lawmakers are looking to do the same at the federal level. Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) has introduced legislation, S. 1059, which would give illegal aliens access to federal aid including the Pell Grant and work-study programs. Hirono claims that her proposal would ensure students have "a fair shot at affordable higher education." (The Hill, April 22, 2015) However, Hirono's statement fails to recognize that admitting and subsidizing illegal aliens drains taxpayer dollars and unfairly takes away seats at universities from law abiding citizen and legal resident students.
Efforts to provide taxpayer subsidized education benefits to illegal aliens remains extremely unpopular with the American people. Indeed, a recent Rasmussen poll found that 83 percent of Americans believe those here illegally should not be legally allowed to receive federal, state, or local benefits, such as financial aid for higher education. (Washington Examiner, April 6, 2015)

California Governor Signs Bills to Accommodate Illegal Aliens

Last week, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a handful of immigration-related bills into law designed to accommodate illegal aliens and shield them from enforcement of immigration law. (Los Angeles Times, Oct. 10, 2015) The bills include: legislation that assists illegal alien victims of crime in meeting requirements for deportation relief, legislation that creates state penalties for misuse of E-Verify, legislation that will inevitably allow some illegal aliens to vote, and legislation allowing some illegal aliens to receive additional taxpayer funded health care benefits.
Specifically, Senate Bill ("S.B.") 674 protects illegal aliens who have been victims of crimes from deportation by requiring law enforcement to certify that alien victims are "helpful" or "likely to be helpful" in the prosecution of that crime, for the purpose of making that alien eligible for a U Visa. Under S.B. 674, law enforcement officers are required to make this certification, whether or the alien's assistance is actually required or useful to law enforcement at all. (S.B. 674) A U Visa is a limited visa, capped by Congress at 10,000 per year, awarded in exchange for the assistance in the prosecution or investigation of violent crime. (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) By removing law enforcement discretion, S.B. 674 thereby makes more aliens eligible for the visa than intended by Congress.
Assembly Bill ("A.B.") 622, which was also signed last week, creates new, state penalties for misuse of E-Verify. E-Verify is a free, web-based system through which employers may verify the work authorization of new hires through existing federal records. (FAIR) Under this legislation, the state of California will fine employers $10,000 any time an employer uses E-Verify in violation of the terms of use established by the federal government. (A.B. 622) A.B. 622 may have a chilling effect on employers interested in using the free internet-based program for verifying the work authorization of new employees.
Additionally, Governor Brown signed legislation that will inevitably allow some illegal aliens to vote in state elections. (Breitbart, Oct. 12, 2015) S.B. 1461 provides for automatic voter registration for all eligible driver's licenses applicants. This measure poses serious concerns regarding voter fraud because the California Department of Motor Vehicle's databases are specifically designed to make noncitizen license holders unsearchable. (Breitbart, Oct. 12, 2015) Any illegal alien with a fraudulent California driver's license could potentially vote as a result of this bill.
Governor Brown also signed S.B. 4, last week which implements a law passed in June that will provide taxpayer funded Medi-Cal benefits to illegal aliens under the age of 19. As a result, 170,000 illegal aliens are expected to be added to the already-overburdened program. (Los Angeles Times, Oct. 9, 2015)
The California Legislature will convene in January 2016 to address additional immigration-related legislation.

Colegio Nacional de Periodistas
           de la República de Cuba (Exilio)
           Miami, Florida, Estados Unidos de América
:::  Sábado, 24 de octubre de 2015 – 9:30 AM  :::


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DEFENDER a nuestros periodistas perseguidos.
REVERENCIAR a nuestros periodistas muertos.
HONRAR a nuestros periodistas exiliados. 
Nuestro Invitado de Honor
Aspirante a la Presidencia de Estados Unidos 

DÍA …................ Sábado, 24 de octubre del 2015, Día del Periodista
HORA ................ 9:30 A.M.
LUGAR .............. Restaurante La Carreta, 3632 SW 8th Street, Miami
COSTO .............. ¡Gratis! Pero se necesita reservar previamente
"No hay monarca como un periodista honrado." José Martí
Colegio Nacional de Periodistas
de la República de Cuba (Exilio)
786/286-8787 <> cnpcexilio@aol.com
Elecciones en noviembre, 2016
Para Alcalde del Condado Miami Dade
Escriba el nombre de Lázaro R González en
el espacio de la boleta electoral en blanco
Si quiere que se acabe el relajo, el robo, el descaro, la mala administración y que el gobierno le responda a usted y no que sea un feudo de los políticos inescrupulosos, no permita más abusos envie nuestros mensajes a sus amigos y conocidos.
Recuerde que “NO Deseamos Donaciones de Dinero”

Algunas de las cosas mal hechas, estupideces,  derroche de dinero público del actual alcalde y los anteriores. Esto tiene que terminar. Yo me comprometo a acabar con todo lo mal hecho en los desgobiernos anteriores. Lázaro R González

El problema de los gastos del gobierno condal en Miami es de primera atención. Los salarios de los empleados del condado tienen elevados salarios y pensiones de retiros. Por ejemplo cuando el alcalde actual deje de serlo entonces recibirá una pensión de $150,000. Creo que estamos manteniendo demasiadas personas cobrando demasiado en salarios y pensiones. El 60% de los ingresos del condado se gastan en pensiones a los retirados.  ¿?
En el condado funcionan bien muy pocas cosas. Existen 50,000 personas que están esperando en la lista del programa Plan 8. Varios edificios que están semi abandonados y que se están cayendo a pedazos fabricados y carecen de los estacionamientos. “Ahora mismo hay uno en West Kendall que los construyeron pero esta vacío porque tienes que dar casi $4,000 dólares para poder vivir ahí y las personas que fueron e hicieron la cola no tienen los $4,000 dólares”. “El alcalde Giménez en los últimos dos años se ha enfocado en lo que se llama “Workforce Housing” el ha dado propiedades de Miami Dade, terrenos de Miami Dade para construir casas que se están ofreciendo a $170 mil dólares y esas casas no se le están vendiendo a las personas que están en listas de espera y no tiene un proceso aprobado por el departamento de vivienda a nivel de Washington”, ahora están hablando de gastarse más de $70 millones de dólares en el proyecto Liberty Squere. Hay una crisis en el departamento de viviendas de Miami Dade. Actualizar la lista de las personas que esperan por vivienda sería un buen paso para comenzar a reparar el daño,  el sistema de computadoras que tiene el condado, señalando “que es anticuado”. “Hace aproximadamente 6 meses el gobierno federal encontró que el departamento de viviendas públicas de Miami Dade, había dado más de $2 millones de dólares erróneamente a compañías que no cumplieron con el requisito federal, y que decidió Carlos Giménez “pues Giménez decidió pagar la multa, no con el dinero que tenemos ahora, sino con el dinero que vamos a recibir para las viviendas en dos años”. De acuerdo con el alcalde Giménez, “en Washington no hay dinero y que el estado no le quiere dar dinero al condado Miami Dade”. Entre las cosas que el actual Alcalde prosiguió dando apoyo a los Tolls que se han apoderado de las carreteras locales que fueron construidas con el dinero de los ciudadanos de Miami. No solo le da apoyo al MDX si no que para colmo del desparpajo no solo quiere ser de nuevo alcalde del condado sino que también quiere que lo nombren presidente del MDX. QUE DIOS NOS COJA CONFESADOS. Si ahora los miembros del MDX tienen salarios de más de 100,000 dólares. Si es así para mí esto es un abuso y un descaro. La historia de Giménez en eso de sacarles dinero a los ciudadanos es en lo que él es mejor.                                                            Hace unos cuantos meses se nos pidió nada más que 30,000 millones de dólares para reparar el sistema del alcantarillado de Miami y yo por lo menos no he visto hacer un hueco para reparar ningún alcantarillado todavía pero el dinero ya si está ahí sacándonos en formas de taxes adelantados para gastarlo. ¿Qué paso donde está el dinero cuando van a empezar a reparar el bendito y multi-millonario del alcantarillado de oro de Miami? ¿A dónde fue a parar todo el dinero que nos cobran por servirnos el agua y los impuestos que cobran para mantener los alcantarillados? ¿Qué paso se esfumo ese dinero. Donde están hechas las alcantarillas nuevas?                                                                           
También nos pidieron los intocables de la Comision de Educacion  al el pueblo de Miami aprobó que se le dieran creo que $12,000’000,000.00 Doce mil Millones de dólares para el Departamento de Educación para reparar las escuelas. También me pregunto a donde se fue todos los millones que recaudan de impuestos a los ciudadanos todos los años La comisión de Educacion. Yo personalmente no he visto ni siquiera un persona con una brocha pintando una escuela o cogiendo una gotera en los techos. Señores son $12,000 Millones… $12,000 Millones.
Giménez no hablo nada mas de los autos de la policía que recientemente se encontraron un edificio de parqueo con cientos o miles de carros para el condado o la policía, supuestamente destinados a la policía, que se estaban pudriendo en un parque porque nadie los uso. La prensa formo el escándalo y todo el mundo se disgustó y protesto. Pero nada paso. Quién es el culpable de que esto ocurriera.  A quien despidieron? ¿A quién han puesto en la cárcel? Algunos han dicho que los escándalos estos se desatan por la prensa y luego se callan porque el dinero corre por debajo de los tapetes y todos se callan. Tampoco Gimenes no hablo nada del el Jefe de la policía de Miami apareció muerto dicen que suicidado,  primero dijeron que había sido asesinado, y después entonces lo suicidaron y de pronto la prensa no hablo más del asunto y todo el mundo se quedó esperando si se murió o lo murieron.  Y aquí paz y en el cielo gloria: Sun Centinel. Tuesday Oct. 6, 2015.  Otro de los problemas más acuciantes es la locura del incremento de los taxes de la propiedad. En esto hay algo que es repugnante porque ellos han dicho que no han subido los impuestos, gracias al buen trabajo del alcalde y el que está a cargo de los taxes. Yo pienso que lo que hay es una falta de respeto a la inteligencia de los ciudadanos porque SI SE SUBIEROSN LOS TAXES. El amillaramiento que es el valor de los taxes que se le graban a usted lo fijaron creo que alrededor de un 1 % O sea que si se pusieron impuestos pero no solo eso sino que Los taxes que ustedes pagan están tasados sobre el valor de su propiedad y EL VALOR DE LA PROPIEDAD SI FUE ELEVADO “Y MUCHO ESTE ANO” ALGO QUE LO HACEN TODOS LOS ANOS. Así que eso de decir que los taxes no fueron aumentados, es mentira… Comparen lo que pagan este 2015 con lo que pagaron en el 2014 y vean si les cobran más o no.
Yo creo que en el condado hay demasiadas personas “Trabajando” y Cobrando muchísimos más dinero que los que normalmente ganan los ciudadanos que no trabajan en el condado. ¿Por Qué?  Porque es muy fácil gastar el dinero de los ciudadanos que tontamente se dejan quitar el dinero en taxes y toles, por los políticos. Tenemos 5 nuevos vice alcaldes. Unas posiciones que nunca habían existido en el Condado Miami. Solo teníamos un administrador y ya!!! Que invento es ese. ¿Es que los Virreyes son amigos del alcalde y los acomodo?
Sabían ustedes que el hijo del alcalde es uno de los CABILDEROS más influyentes en el Condado Miami en que su papa es el alcalde. Dice un vecino mío que todo queda en casa. Es legal que el hijo de un alcalde sea cabildero donde su papa es el que “ordena y manda”.
El crimen es altísimo en Miami, Yo creo que es más alto que en toda la historia de Miami. Los noticieros de la televisión todos los días llenan los espacios de noticias  “Sangrientas” de asesinatos y todos los días es así. Los casos de tráfico de drogas son cada vez más populares y más dañinos y terribles. ¿Que pasa la policía está de vacaciones permanente?  El transito es un verdadero infierno para que las personas usen las carreteras. Los accidentes son el pan nuestro de cada día. Las autopistas son sucursales de las funerarias y los Hospitales. Las calles están más atiborradas de autos y cada día hay más accidentes, las calles son francamente sucursales de un manicomio de primera clase. Y que hace el gobierno (Nada) Dicen en la TV que el tiempo de la luz amarilla le han quitado tiempo para poder ponerle un ticket a los que doblan a la derecha en los semáforos y eso ha creado accidentes. .
En Hialeah se ha terminado hace más de un año una purificadora de agua y nadie se ha podido tomar todavía un vaso de agua porque no sirve lo que purifica. Quien estuvo a cargo de esto, cuando van a meter a un político en la cárcel y le van a quitar todo lo que se robó. Pero no aquí no pasa nada. En varas de las ciudades del condado se están poniendo a políticos a disposición de la policía. (Espero que la policía haga algo) Con respeto lo único que hace la policía es levantar el acta y mandarle a los que han sido saqueando una copia del acta y ya!
Tenemos una fuente de saqueo a los ciudadanos de Miami y de todo el estado de la Florida que es la que es La lotería de La Florida, donde nadie sabe quién es el que se gana el premio. Alguien me puede decir porque solamente aquí hay tres lugares en que se juega: Los Micosuky, Los Perros y El hipódromo de Hialeah. Porque estas tres entidades son los UNICOS que tienen derecho a expoliar a los jugadores. Estas entidades que yo sepa no contribuyen a nada en el Condado. Porque no se aprobó un casino ahí en donde estaba El Herald. POR QUE???? Porque unos si y otros no. Nosotros podemos tener un sistema como el de las Vegas y es más, mucho mejor. Podemos invitar a La mujer del Raton Mike de Orlando, a que su esposa se bañe en tanguita en la playa mientrasMike juega en un casino como los de Las Vegas y que tengan que dejar impuestos en Miami y así disminuir los abusivos taxes del gobierno condal de Miami. Que alguien me diga porque esto no se puede hacer. De todas maneras nos están saqueando con la Lotería de La Florida, donde nunca se quién se la saca. Mientras que en todos los mercados de Miami y gasolineras etc. Te venden los tickes de la Lotería Saqueadora de los bolsillos de los trabajadores.
Nadie me puede justificar porque aquí se cobran todos esos taxes, tolls y otros cobros que son muchísimos, tan exagerados y asfixiantes de los ciudadanos del Condado Miami porque con los miles de millones que genera el Puerto de Miami y los otros miles de millones que genera el aeropuerto de Miami. Estos dos solos Generan dinero más que suficiente para mantener las calles de Miami pavimentadas con Plata Mejicana. En que se gasta ese dineral?  Porque no se presentan en público todo el dinero que generan estas dos entidades y en que se malgastan. Eso es si tocar todos los muchos generadores de dinero al condado.
El transporte de pasajeros en Miami es una porquería, las guaguas están sucias vienen cuando les da la gana y casi siempre vienen atrasadas y medio bacías. Porque el pueblo no las usa. PORQUE SON INEFICIENTES E INSUFUCIENTES PARA TODO EL QUE DESEARIA USARLAS. El un dinero que se derrocha y que no resuelve ningún problema. Se debe vender todo este sistema de trasporte a particulares y que ellos que si saben transportar personas sea las que se ocupen de resolver el problema. Ademas toda esa GIGANTESCA NOMINA DE TRABAJADORES DEL TRANSPORTE Se eliminaría de cuajo y ellos pasarían a trabajar en la empresa privada como debe ser. Ustedes se recuerdan cuando algunos particulares pusieron guaguas a dar servicio por donde los Miaminses necesitavan ir y aquiello se hizo muy popular. Creo que le decían “La Conchita” Lo que p[asa que como siempre el gobierno es inepto y eso tiene que cambiar.
Nosotros tenemos el mejor lugar del MUNDO para vacacionar, playas, restaurantes, podemos hacer casinos, cabaret’s y Parques temáticos, Tenemos los moles más bonitos y mejor surtidos del mundo. Pero no hacemos nada porque estamos rodeados de enanos anormales que son electos. Y el pueblo duerme el “Sueño eterno” ¿Y nadie despierta? Parece mentira que la industria permite al gobierno manteniendo a Miami como una aldea retrograda.
Porque no se ha invitado y se les da facilidades a las grandes corporaciones de producción de películas de Hollywood a que vengan aquí a hacer películas y que establezcan estudios aquí. Las Películas de playas no podrán ser mejores que aquí porque el frio del agua de California le pone los pelos de punta a cualquiera que se meta en el agua. Aquí el agua es carentica y las playas no puedes ser más bellas.
Los noticieros de la TV y Los periódicos  diariamente están llenos de cadáveres (Parecen cementerios todos los días) porque los accidentes. La ciudad es un expendido de drogas de todos los colores y sabores.   Y la policía bien gracias. Los Miembros de los algunos gobiernos de los diferentes municipios terminan en las cárceles porque son unos delincuentes, Las oficinas de los gobiernos es una extensión de la familia de los Alcaldes y otros funcionarios.  Otros terminan en manos de la policía porque hacen cosas locas en Motos o automóviles borrachos conduciendo a mucha más de la velocidad permitida. Otros se dedican a robar los bienes de los ciudadanos. Tenemos una falta de moral, decencia y legalidad. Pudiera estar escribiendo cientos de páginas más de miserias y violaciones y burlas a los ciudadanos por los gobernantes. Yo siempre he estado esperando que el pueblo de Miami  forme un “motín” como el que ocurrió en el pequeño pueblo de Bell en California, donde el pueblo tomo la alcandía y llevo hasta la cárcel a patadas por los fondillos a los comisionados y al alcalde donde todavía están ahí por ladrones y descarados.
Quieren vivir en un lugar decente, donde no malgasten su dinero ni le cobren taxes donde el dinero no se usa para el bienestar de los ciudadanos y la comunidad  y vivir con tranquilidad y legalidad. Yo soy la persona que quiero y lo puede hacer que eso sea una realidad. Si ustedes me apoyan estoy dispuesto hacerlo. Los que quieren votar por mi endrán que hacerlo en la boleta en blanco. No habrá propaganda en TV o periódicos ni pasquines. No recogeremos dinero para campaña, ni para nada. Lo que podemos haremos es poner los anuncios en mi sitio Web y en mi página “En mi opinión” Ustedes pueden copiar mis mensajes y ponerlos en sus sitio web y en Facebook. Coméntenlo con sus amigos y familiares. Así es que le vamos a ganar a los que no se merecen ser sus representantes en el gobierno.

Lázaro R González Miño
Candidato a Alcalde de Miami Dade Elecciones del 2016 lazarorgonzalez@gmail.com

En mi opinión

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