Tuesday, October 28, 2014

No 779 "En mi opinion" Octubre 27, 2014

No 779 “En mi opinión”  Octubre 27, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

Ronald Reagan Defined Conservatism 50 Years Ago

"In that sentence, he told us the entire story..." TOM HINCHEY  

50 years ago today, Ronald Reagan delivered his televised “Time for Choosing” speech on behalf of presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. This speech became a defining moment for the American conservative movement. Reagan had been a life-long Democrat, but had already become a conservative before switching to Republican in 1962.
“I have spent most of my life as a Democrat. I recently have seen fit to follow another course. I believe that the issues confronting us cross party lines. Now, one side in this campaign has been telling us that the issues of this election are the maintenance of peace and prosperity. The line has been used, ‘We’ve never had it so good.’”
Reagan told a story about how two of his friends were talking to a Cuban refugee who had escaped from Castro. One of the friends turned to the other and commented, “We don’t know how lucky we are.” The Cuban stopped and said, “How lucky you are. I had someplace to escape to.”
“And in that sentence, he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there’s no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”
He pointed out how government is not the panacea for human misery.
“If government planning and welfare had the answer — and they’ve had almost 30 years of it — shouldn’t we expect government to read the score to us once in a while? Shouldn’t they be telling us about the decline each year in the number of people needing help? The reduction in the need for public housing? But the reverse is true. Each year the need grows greater; the program grows greater. We were told four years ago that 17 million people went to bed hungry each night. Well that was probably true. They were all on a diet.”
Reagan commented how Democrats accuse Republicans of being against things rather than “for anything.”
“Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant, it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”
The future president talked about how government spending on foreign aid was out of control.
“No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. So government’s programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth.”
He closed his 28-minute speech:
“You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.”

Air force One  [obamas]  Vacation Flights

AMENPER: Rechazo a la Tiranía
Grecia fue la cuna de la democracia, y los filósofos griegos fueron los genios que estudiaron este nuevo fenómeno en el mundo.  Dedicaron su vida solamente para este propósito.
Como humanos no fueron perfectos, pero de su estudio podemos aprender un pensamiento razonado de cómo funcionan los diferentes tipos de gobierno. 
Y no hay mejor legado que el que nos dejó Platón en su tratado “La República”.
La república de Platón no es en primer término la construcción ideal de una sociedad perfecta de hombres perfectos, sino, como justamente el mismo dijo, un remedio, un tratado de medicina política con aplicación a los regímenes existentes en su tiempo, pero que nos enseña como básicamente es el mismo remedio que necesitamos en nuestros días.
El autor mismo lo confiesa así y en algún pasaje manifiesta su propósito de buscar aquel mínimo cambio de cosas por el cual esos Estados enfermos puedan recobrar su salud; porque enfermos, en mayor o menor grado, están todos los Estados. Y cuando habla de la tiranía como cuarta y extrema enfermedad de la política reconoce que son también enfermedades los tres regímenes que le preceden o sea la monarquía, la oligarquía y la democracia.
Y hay que ver que de la democracia surge la tiranía, eso lo vimos en Cuba, en Venezuela como antes en la Alemania de Hitler y donde quiera que hayan surgido tiranos.
Porque de lo que habla Platón es «acerca de la justicia»; y en efecto, con una discusión sobre la justicia empieza el tratado. En esa discusión, como en cualquier otra que trate de precisar un concepto, es indispensable que esté presente en la mente de los que discuten la representación de un
objeto común cuya naturaleza se investiga; este objeto es aquí «el principio de la vida social», esto es, el vínculo que liga a los individuos y forma el Estado.
De lo que trata Platón es de lo que hoy llamamos la democracia representativa, o sea que el poder no quede limitado a una persona como en la monarquía, o a un grupo dominante una oligarquía, que en el pasado era una clase privilegiada, o una democracia donde el poder del presidente sea quasi-monarquico.
Una democracia que no sea representativa de todas las clases sociales en la forma de las cámaras legislativas, es el preámbulo a la tiranía.
Y de eso se tratan las elecciones de la próxima semana, se trata de aprender de la filosofía platónica que estamos en una encrucijada que nos puede llevar a la tiranía.
Lo que estamos escogiendo es o seguir el camino de la doctrina Marxista, impulsando el populismo de la lucha de clases en una democracia tiránica con cuerpos legislativos y un poder judicial que son marionetas del poder ejecutivo, o recuperar el poder por medio de la legislación para poder controlar al poder ejecutivo y al nuevo poder legislativo judicial en su camino hacia la tiranía.
Pueden los populistas tratar de confundir a las clases desposeídas, como hacen siempre, aumentando la pobreza para tener más pobres que voten por ellos por las limosnas que le ofrecen, pero cuando se estudia la historia vemos que esto no es más que la creación de una nueva oligarquía de una clase social, en una democracia que no quiere representación de todas las clases, para poder ejercer la tiranía.
Por eso hay que votar la próxima semana, se trata de votar para mantener la mejor democracia representativa que ha existido en la historia, y que está a punto de desaparecer

UNA REFLEXION, de Jesús Marzo Fernandez.
Hoy 28 de Octubre se efectúa en la Naciones Unidas, una nueva votación
sobre la ley del embargo a Cuba, votaran como siempre los 190 estados.
Cuba ganara por abrumadora mayoría, solo tendrán unas cuantas abstenciones
y los votos en contra de EEUU  e Israel, realmente es un tema que hoy dia a nadie
le interesa, y después la vida sigue igual.   Cuba celebrara la Victoria con grandes
titulares y después continuara con su campana del necesario acercamiento a 
EEUU,  lo necesitan con carácter urgente, para garantizar la continuidad en el
poder de la dinastía Castro.
Siempre he sido un defensor incansable de la autodeterminacion de los pueblos,
la solucion del gran problema de Cuba esta en Cuba y entre todos los cubanos
sin eximir a ninguno.   Sin embargo, los Castro continuan en su tradicional politica
de internacionalizar el tema cubano.  Primero era el acuerdo Kennedy-Jrushov, 
luego era el tema central en el Grupo de Paises no Alineados, ahora con las relaciones
con EEUU y el levatamiento del embargo.  Cuando les tocara  a Luyano , el Cerro que
se discutan sus problemas con la participacion de todos los vecinos.  No me parece
lejano, sino que casi imposible con los Castro en el poder, ellos realmente odian 
y combaten a muerte a todos los que no piensan como ellos.  Es la realidad.
Cual sera el futuro y solucion del  Tema Cubano?  Primero tenemos que ubicarnos
en tiempo y espacio.  Estamos en Centro America, en medio de una situacion que 
sencillamente mete miedo y de la cual casi nadie quiere hablar y menos resolver,
para los medios no hay interes, no vende.
El mundo ha visto con espanto las barbaries cometidas por los integrantes de ISIS
los seguidores del Califato, cortan cabezas, como si fuera un deporte,  Noticias de 
primera plana, una condena universal.   Volteamos la cabeza, para nuestros hermanos
y vecinos,  que vemos :   Un Mexico, dirigido por Carteles de la droga, donde  la 
vida humana no vale nada, donde la desparicion de personas y las fosas communes
son cosas cotidianas.  Con que tranquilidad desaparecen a 43 estudiantes , donde
en Juarez la desparicion y asesinato de mujeres , ya no es noticia.  Donde es mejor
negociar y ser cautivo de los Carteles,  que  caer en manos del Cartel #1 la Policia 
Federal,   cual es la solucion?
Pero seguimos, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, donde el territorio esta 
practicamente dividido, entre los Maras , Los Salvatruchas, y las Policias, cual de 
los 3 es mas sanguinario, no tienen limites en sus crimines.
En Colombia, ni hablar mas de 40 anos de Guerra entre los narcotraficantes,  ya 
los muertos  superan los 200,000 y todavia siguen recibiendo los narcoguerilleros
armas de Venezuela y  Cuba.  
Y que me dicen de Venezuela, con la tranquilidad que se dice, mas de 100 muertos 
diarios por el hampa en las actividades criminales.  Ya no se puede identificar con
claridad, las acciones de los colectivos y del hampa.  Todo es lo mismo .  Y lo mas triste
las instituciones se han convertido en complice de las actos delictivos, a donde 
vamos a parar.  Que nos depara el destino.   Como vamos a salir de esta locura?
Los politicos latinoamericanos mas inteligentes solo se dedican a robar ellos, y realmente
ejercen mas control sobre la poblacion,  los clasicos  Brasil, Argentina, Panama etc.
Lo mas triste, que esto lo sabe todo el mundo no es noticia.,  Solucion, el que la tenga
que la diga.   Y no olviden, que ellos mismos son los que se reunen en las organismos
internacionales como la OEA  a dictar patrones de conducta. Sorprendente, Venezuela
ocupa un asiento en el Consejo de Seguridad, que no es capaz de resolver sus 
problemas, ahora sentando dando catedra par los demas.
Como cubano, les confieso que me siento abrumado de tanta porqueria alrededor de 
uno,  pero les juro que tengo fe en los cubanos, y de que vamos a salir de este hueco
no tengo dudas.

Amenper: Zar de Ébola Esboza su Plan
El Doctor Ron Klain niega que su nominación como Zar de Ébola haya sido por su preferencia política en vez de por su capacidad para el cargo.  Yo simplemente haré lo necesario y posible para el control de la epidemia, y en cuanto a mi capacidad científica, he tomado medidas para completar mi educación al respecto.
Ron Klain, después de recibir un diploma de Doctor en Medicina y ciencias epidemiológicas como primer graduado de la Universidad de Bill De Blasio en New York hubo de declarar en una conferencia de prensa que nadie debe de preocuparse mucho por la epidemia de Ébola, que ya esta está bajo control y aprovecha la ocasión de su graduación para emitir su plan de control del Ébola.
El Zar de Ebola presenta un plan de cinco años con cuotas mandatarias de infectados de Ebola por estado, de acuerdo con la preferencia en la votación de cada Estado.-
El Dr. Klain dijo, "Como el presidente Obama no quiere que haya cuarentena de las personas que vienen de África, hemos determinado que lo que tenemos que hacer de acuerdo a las circunstancias, es establecer cuotas para cada estado.  Esto se desarrollará de la siguiente manera, las personas que se determinen con mayor posibilidad de estar contaminado por Ebola, se enviarán a los estados que hayan votado preferentemente republicado en las elecciones primarias. 
Esta bella ciudad de New York, no tiene que preocuparse, así como el Distrito de Columbia en Washington, ya que siempre votan demócrata y además ya están tan contaminadas que no admiten más contaminación.".
Con estas medidas, no sólo se hará una justa distribución de la Éboleza, pero se disminuirá el número de votantes que impidan el progreso de la nación.
El Zar Ron Klain, contestó a las preguntas de algunos periodistas, los cuales no hemos podido contactar porque han desaparecido.  Estos le habían preguntado si él era una nominación más política que científica, a los que Klain contestó: 
"No hay que ser un gran científico para poder coordinar la lucha contra Ébola a través de las instituciones establecidas. cualquier idiota puede hacerlo, por eso el Presidente Obama me escogió....... Un momento esperen, esto me salió mal.... lo que quise decir es que el Presidente Obama me escogió y la ha repetido en diferentes ocasiones porque yo conozco la nomenclatura de Washington, y puedo hacer el trabajo.  Sobre mi falta de educación científica y médica, con los estudios en la nueva universidad De Blasio, después de haber tomado el curso intensivo de 5 semanas, ya tengo mi título de doctor en medicina y científico epidemiológico, por lo que ya no me pueden criticar por mi falta de credenciales cientificas. 
Y nunca la política interferirá con mi trabajo en el puesto.

Elena Enriquez: 2 STATES IN MIDDLE AMERICA... llinois & Oklahoma:
I thought these two states, made for an interesting contrast. The first part about Illinois and the second part is about Oklahoma!

PART 1 — Illinois
"A State with No Republicans"!
Some interesting data on the 'state' of, the State of Illinois... There are more people on welfare in Illinois than there are people working. Chicago pays the highest wages to teachers than anywhere else in the U.S. Their average pay is $110,000/year. Their pensions average 80-90% of their income. Wow, are Illinois and Chicago great or what? Be sure to read till the end. I've never heard it explained better. Perhaps the U.S. Should pull out of Chicago ?
Body count:
In the last six months, 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago.
221 killed in Iraq  AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire US.

Here's the Chicago chain of command:
President: Barack  Hussein Obama •
Senator: Dick Durbin •
House Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr. •
Governor: Pat Quinn •
House leader: Mike Madigan •
Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)•
Mayor: Rahm  Emanuel •
The  leadership in Illinois - all Democrats. •
Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago •
Of course, they're all blaming each other. •
Can't blame 
Republicansthere aren't any! •
Let us get ALL the facts out while we are at it:
Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country. Can't blameRepublicans; there aren't any!
State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country.
Can't blame 
Republicansthere aren't any!
Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. Can't blameRepublicansthere aren't any!
This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois. And he is going to 'fix' Washington politics for us?
George Ryan is no longer Governor, he is in prison.
He was replaced by Rob Blagojevich who is, by the way, also in prison.
And Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. Resigned and, that's right, he and his wife are both in prison.
The Land of Lincoln , where our Governors and Representatives make our license plates.  What?
As long as they keep providing entitlements to the population of Chicago, nothing is going to change, except the state will go bankrupt before the country does.
"Anybody who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian."
Don’t forget Detroit , another great example of a Democratic empire…
With all the bad news, there is hope, so let’s go to:

PART  2— Oklahoma
OKLAHOMA- may soon have plenty of new residents!
Oklahoma is the only state that Obama did not win even one county in the last election...  While everyone is focusing on Arizona ’s new law, look what Oklahoma has been doing!!! 
An update from Oklahoma:
Oklahoma law passed, 37 to 9 an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol. The feds in D.C., along with the ACLU, said it would be a mistake. Hey this is a 
conservativestate, based on Christian values... HB 1330
Guess what... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Oklahoma recently passed a law in the state to incarcerate all illegal immigrants and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen. They all scattered. HB1804. This was against the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a mistake.
Guess what... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Recently we passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegal's to the Oklahoma database, for criminal investigative purposes. Pelosi said it was unconstitutional SB1102. 
Guess what... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Several weeks ago, Oklahoma passed a law, 
declaring   Oklahoma as aSovereign statenot under the Federal Government directives. Joining, Texas , Montana and Utah as the only states to do so.
More states  are likely to follow: Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Carolinas, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi and Florida.  Save your confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once again. HJR 1003
The federal Government has made bold steps to take away our guns. Oklahoma, a week ago, passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure that was a setback for the criminals  The Liberals didn't like it- - But...
Guess what... Oklahoma did it anyway. 
Just this month, the state has voted and passed a law that ALL drivers’ license exams will be printed in English and only English and no other language. They have been called racist for doing this, but the fact is that ALL of the road signs are in English only. If you want to drive in Oklahoma , you must read and write English. Really simple.
By the way, the Liberals don't like any of this either.
Guess what... who cares... Oklahoma is doing it anyway.
If you like it, pass it on, if you don't then delete it...

Elena Enriquez: A timely reminder before our generous spirits open up wallets… How many ways can you spell  G R E E D?    
:   As
you open your pockets to do a good thing and make yourself
feel good, please keep the following facts in
American Red Cross

President and CEOMarsha J.
salary for the year was $651,957
plus expenses

It is called the March of
Dimes because
only a dime for
every 1 dollar is given to the
United Way
receives a $375,000 base salary
along with numerous expense benefits.
CEO Caryl M. Stern
$1,200,000 per year (100k
per month) plus all expenses including a ROLLS
Less than 5
cents of your donated dollar goes to the
CEO and owner Mark Curran
profits $2.3 million a year.
Goodwill is a
very catchy name for his business.
You donate to his business
and then he sells the items for
He pays nothing
for his products and pays his workers minimum wage!
Nice Guy. 
$0.00 goes to
help anyone!
Stop giving to this
Instead, give it to ANY OF THE
Salvation Army

Commissioner,Todd Bassett
receives a small salary of only
$13,000 per year(plus housing) for
managing this $2 billion dollar
96 percent of donated dollars go
to the cause.
American Legion

National Commander receives
 $0.00 zero

Your donations go to help
Veterans and their families and youth!
Veterans of Foreign Wars

National Commander receives
 $0.00 zero
Your donations go to help
Veterans and their families and youth!
Disabled American Veterans

National Commander receives
 $0.00 zero
Your donations go to help
Veterans and their families and youth!
Military Order of Purple
National Commander receives a
$0.00 zero salary

Your donations go to help
Veterans and their families and youth!
VietnamVeterans Association
National Commander receives
 $0.00 zero
Your donations go to help
Veterans and their families and youth!
Make a
 For children's last
100% goes to funding trips or
special wishes for a dying child.
St. Jude
Research Hospital
100% goes towards funding and
helping Children with Cancer who have no insurance and
cannot afford to pay.
All moniesgo to running
the houses for parents who have critically ill
Children in the hospital.
100% goes to housing, and feeding
the families.
Club International
(ONLY $1.00 PER SHOT).

Please share
this with everyone you can.

Floid Brown: Is Barack Obama Intentionally Importing Ebola Into The United States?

       Enough is enough! We need a travel ban and we need it now. 

       Now that a medical doctor in New York has been diagnosed with Ebola, can we ask you just two questions? 

       When you consider that Dr. Craig Spencer was in the country for ten days before he realized that he had the deadly disease, do you honestly believe that Barack Obama's policy of screening people at airports is going to keep this deadly disease out of the country? 

       And if a medical doctor
a man who takes every precaution can catch Ebola, come home, walk the streets of New York City, ride the subway and even go bowling before he even becomes aware that he might have the disease, how many mere mortals, who lack advanced medical knowledge, will walk among us and spread this deadly disease? 

       Patriotic Americans like you can make a travel ban happen but — and we have to be totally frank here — the only reason it has not happened yet is because 
far too few of us have made our voices heard... far too few of us have sent faxes or made phone calls to Washington... and that is intolerable. It's time to get serious folks! 

Obama Intentionally Importing Ebola Into The United States!

       It's official. Barack Obama thinks you're an idiot. Have you heard the latest Obama edict? The Obama Regime
trumpets blaring just announced that from now on all travelers from Ebola-stricken countries will be required to fly into one of five airports when they come into the United States. 

       The regime claims this move constitutes a new and highly effective travel restriction. But wait just minute... 
here's what the Obama Regime didn't tell you. As reported by Fox News, 94% of the people from these Ebola-stricken countries ALREADY enter the United States from these five airports. 

       No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. You read the preceding right. Barack Obama just announced that he is doing NOTHING but tried to make it look like he was doing something... and 
he only did it because he believes that you're STUPID. 'There you go you stupid people... I did something... now shut up, go away and stop annoying me... my open borders agenda trumps American lives.' 

       And now, there can no longer be any doubt. Barack 
Obama is not just incompetently allowing a deadly disease to come into the United States... He's ACTUALLY TRYING TO FOOL the American people into allowing him to import a deadly disease into the United States. 

       But there is good news. Obama is only trying to deceive you because he is under increasing pressure to institute a real travel ban. You made that happen... and 
you can thwart Barack Obama, force him to institute a real travel ban and save countless American lives. 

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership. 

Yes Floyd: Send My Faxes

"Texas Officials And Healthcare Workers: 'Imminent Ebola Epidemic Is A Certainty' In America" -James Franklin

       If you're one of our regular readers, you've already seen Franklin's report, but before we examine Franklin's shocking allegation.  Some aspects of this new travel restriction need to be fleshed out. 

       Prior to this new travel restriction, 94% of the people who entered the United States from Ebola stricken countries came into one of five airports to have their temperatures taken. 

       And now, 100% of the people from these Ebola-stricken countries — 5 to 10 more people per day — will come into these same airports and have their temperatures taken. 

       So what's new about this policy? ... absolutely nothing. How will rerouting the flight plans of 5 to 10 people per day stop Ebola? ... it won't. Thanks Barack...

       But if you think that's bad, consider what else Franklin said: 
"Hospital employees", at Texas Health Presbyterian, "have been threatened with termination if they are caught revealing" information about the lack of preparedness among healthcare workers when it comes to treating Ebola.

       Yes, the powers-that-be are still lying to the American people but, in spite of CDC incompetence and government secrecy, an Ebola epidemic is NOT a certainty. 

       As a matter of fact, there's a reason why you've started hearing elected officials demand a reasonable travel ban these past several days. Your calls and faxes are driving that train and we are certain... 
if we can double the number of calls and faxes in the next 72 hours, we can make a travel ban happen, but there's not a moment to lose. Lives are at stake and the action that you take right now could, quite literally, save lives. 
Why Are Health Officials Privately Warning Friends And Family Members? Why Are Health Care Workers Allegedly Being Threatened With Termination?

       Here's the rest of the story. Franklin writes, 
"a Texas healthcare professional with over 39 years of experience in many areas of medical care" who "currently works as a director for a hospice organization" is claiming that "Texas officials and healthcare workers from around the state are urgently warning friends and family that an 'imminent Ebola epidemic is a certainty.'" 

       This anonymous healthcare professional, who apparently has 
"direct relationships with members of the Texas State Legislature and staff within the Texas Governor's office," says that "the CDC has concluded a meeting with Texas Health and Human Services, recommending that all hospital employees who interacted with Thomas Duncan be confined to the hospital under protective order"but "Dallas health officials are resisting this recommendation," and "Hospital employees have been threatened with termination if they are caught revealing this information." 

       Is the information credible? We don't know but we do know that the Obama Regime is already trying to prepare the American people for a potential nightmare scenario. Dr. Thomas Frieden, the director of the CDC, is already hedging his bets. According to NBC News, Frieden recently said that
"he would not be surprised to see more cases in Dallas" and while appearing on The Kelly File on Fox News, Frieden declared that there will not be a "large outbreak" of Ebola in the United States. 

       As to what constitutes less than a 
"large outbreak," no one knows. What is certain is that we are already being prepped for more bad news and the excuses, that the Obama Regime is giving as to why we shouldn't do what over 30 countries have already done and institute reasonable travel bans, are next to incomprehensible. 

       Senator Ted Cruz recently told CNN's Candy Crowley: 
"We should stop issuing travel visa’s from Liberia. Which, interestingly enough, the neighboring countries in Africa have done. What we need from the president is serious leadership to protect the American people. It shouldn’t be a partisan issue. We should be protecting citizens of this country." 

       And Cruz added: 
"The doctors and the experts that are saying this are working for the administration and repeating the administration’s talking points, and their arguments don’t make sense." 

       Our elected officials must step up to the plate and pound on their bully pulpits every second of every day until they force Barack Obama's hand and shame him into implementing travel restrictions. 
If they pound their bully pulpits, Barack Obama will relent, but they WON'T do it on their own. They must hear from you... and they need to hear from you now... before it is too late. 

The Government Is The Problem. The Righteous Indignation Of Patriotic Americans Is The Solution.

       Matthew Continetti, the Editor in Chief of the Washington Free Beacon, expressed that sentiment best: 
"It is not Ebola I am afraid of. It is our government's ability to deal with Ebola. ... The only response to a virus this deadly is to quarantine it. Stop flights, suspend visas, and beef up customs and security. It can be done." 

       Karin McQuillan, writing for the American Thinker goes a step further: 
"Democrats are okay with some dead Americans. Americans in their own homes, sacrificed on the altar of liberal hubris about the power of government and political correctness.... For liberals, multiculturalism trumps protecting American's lives. Democrats tell us it is unthinkable to suspend air travel from West Africa. We must continue to allow thousands of West Africans to fly here every month." 

       Continetti agrees: 
"If the FAA can cancel flights to Israel, why can't it cancel flights to and from the West African countries whence the outbreak originated? Simple: because doing so would violate the sacred principles by which our bourgeois liberal elite operate. To deny an individual entry to the United States over fears of contamination would offend our elite's sense of humanitarian cosmopolitanism. For them, 'singling out' nations or cultures from which threats to the public health or safety of the United States originate is illegitimate. It 'stigmatizes' those nations or cultures, it 'shames' them, it makes them feel unequal. It's judgmental. It suggests that America prefers her already existing citizens to others." 

       The only problem with this Kumbaya political response is that the threat is very real. Deadly diseases don't ask if you're a Republican or a Democrat. Deadly diseases don't ask for a person's race or country or origin; and even 
esteemed members of the medical community are finally admitting that we're not being told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when it comes to this deadly disease. 

       The New York Times published an Opinion Editorial by Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. Here's what Osterholm says: 
"What is not getting said publicly, despite briefings and discussions in the inner circles of the world's public health agencies, is that we are in totally uncharted waters and that Mother Nature is the only force in charge of the crisis at this time." 

       Osterholm outlines a scenario 
"that virologists are loath to discuss openly but are definitely considering in private," namely, "that an Ebola virus could mutate to become transmissible through the air" and Osterholm adds: "Why are public officials afraid to discuss this? They don't want to be accused of screaming 'Fire!' in a crowded theater — as I'm sure some will accuse me of doing. But the risk is real, and until we consider it, the world will not be prepared to do what is necessary to end the epidemic." 

       Do not trust the Obama Regime and don't let anyone tell you that you're nuts for demanding that our government act in a reasonable manner. 
It's time to call some elected officials on the carpet and if you're reading this alert, then you're among an elite group of patriotic Americans and activists who are willing and able to exert the necessary pressure to make them act in a reasonable manner. 

Democrats Show Obama Their Tail Lights’

The truth hurts…..
Check it out:
Bracing for a difficult election in just over a week, when they could lose control of the Senate, Democrats exasperated with the White House are already moving to pin blame on President Obama, whom Republicans have made the centerpiece of the campaign.
Even optimistic Democrats say they have little more than a 50-50 chance to retain their Senate majority. Senior elected officials, strategists and donors have begun to openly criticize Mr. Obama, contending that his low popularity and some ill-advised remarks have proved toxic for candidates trying to distinguish themselves from the president to appeal to swing voters.
“It is all Republicans are running on,” Gov. Mike Beebe of Arkansas said. “It’s not necessarily the national environment as it is mismanagement by the White House, real and imagined.”

Principle, Rigor and Execution Matter in U.S. Foreign Policy
Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 03:00 Print Text Size
U.S. President Barack Obama has come under intense criticism for his foreign policy, along with many other things. This is not unprecedented. Former President George W. Bush was similarly attacked. Stratfor has always maintained that the behavior of nations has much to do with the impersonal forces driving it, and little to do with the leaders who are currently passing through office. To what extent should American presidents be held accountable for events in the world, and what should they be held accountable for?
Expectations and Reality
I have always been amazed when presidents take credit for creating jobs or are blamed for high interest rates. Under our Constitution, and in practice, presidents have precious little influence on either. They cannot act without Congress or the Federal Reserve concurring, and both are outside presidential control. Nor can presidents overcome the realities of the market. They are prisoners of institutional constraints and the realities of the world.
Nevertheless, we endow presidents with magical powers and impose extraordinary expectations. The president creates jobs, manages Ebola and solves the problems of the world -- or so he should. This particular president came into office with preposterous expectations from his supporters that he could not possibly fulfill. The normal campaign promises of a normal politician were taken to be prophecy. This told us more about his supporters than about him. Similarly, his enemies, at the extremes, have painted him as the devil incarnate, destroying the Republic for fiendish reasons.
He is neither savior nor demon. He is a politician. As a politician, he governs not by what he wants, nor by what he promised in the election. He governs by the reality he was handed by history and his predecessor. Obama came into office with a financial crisis well underway, along with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. His followers might have thought that he would take a magic wand and make them go away, and his enemies might think that he would use them to destroy the country, but in point of fact, he did pretty much what Bush had been doing: He hung on for dear life and guessed at the right course.
Bush came into office thinking of economic reforms and a foreign policy that would get away from nation building. The last thing he expected was that he would invade Afghanistan during his first year in office. But it really wasn't up to him. His predecessor, Bill Clinton, and al Qaeda set his agenda. Had Clinton been more aggressive against al Qaeda, Bush might have had a different presidency. But al Qaeda did not seem to need that level of effort, and Clinton came into office as heir to the collapse of the Soviet Union. And so on back to George Washington.
Presidents are constrained by the reality they find themselves in and the limits that institutions place on them. Foreign policy is what a president wishes would happen; foreign affairs are what actually happen. The United States is enormously powerful. It is not omnipotent. There are not only limits to that power, but unexpected and undesirable consequences of its use. I have in mind the idea that had the United States not purged the Baathists in Iraq, the Sunnis might not have risen. That is possible. But had the Baathists, the party of the hated Saddam Hussein, remained in power, the sense of betrayal felt by Shiites and Kurds at the sight of the United States now supporting Baathists might have led to a greater explosion. The constraints in Iraq were such that having invaded, there was no choice that did not have a likely repercussion.
Governing a nation of more than 300 million people in a world filled with nations, the U.S. president can preside, but he hardly rules. He is confronted with enormous pressure from all directions. He knows only a fraction of the things he needs to know in the maelstrom he has entered, and in most cases, he has no idea that something is happening. When he knows something is happening, he doesn't always have the power to do anything, and when he has the power to do something, he can never be sure of the consequences. Everyone not holding the office is certain that he or she would never make a mistake. Obama was certainly clear on that point, and his successor will be as well.
Obama's Goals
All that said, let us consider what Obama is trying to achieve in the current circumstances. It is now 2014, and the United States has been at war since 2001 -- nearly this entire century so far. It has not gone to war on the scale of 20th-century wars, but it has had multidivisional engagements, along with smaller operations in Africa and elsewhere.
For any nation, this is unsustainable, particularly when there is no clear end to the war. The enemy is not a conventional force that can be defeated by direct attack. It is a loose network embedded in the civilian population and difficult to distinguish. The enemy launches intermittent attacks designed to impose casualties on U.S. forces under the theory that in the long run the United States will find the cost greater than the benefit.
In addition to these wars, two other conflicts have emerged. One is in Ukraine, where a pro-Western government has formed in Kiev to the displeasure of Russia, which proceeded to work against Ukraine. In Iraq, a new Sunni force has emerged, the Islamic State, which is partly a traditional insurgency and partly a conventional army.
Under the strategy followed until the chaos that erupted after the ouster of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya, the response to both would be to send U.S. forces to stabilize the situation. Since 1999 and Kosovo, the United States has been the primary actor in military interventions. More to the point, the United States was the first actor and used military force as its first option. Given the global American presence imposed by the breadth of U.S. power, it is difficult to decline combat when problems such as these arise. It is the obvious and, in a way, easiest solution. The problem is that it is frequently not a solution.
Obama has tried to create a different principle for U.S. operations. First, the conflict must rise to the level that its outcome concerns American interests. Second, involvement must begin with non-military or limited military options. Third, the United States must operate with an alliance structure including local allies, capable of effective operation. The United States will provide aid and will provide limited military force (such as airstrikes) but will not bear the main burden. Finally, and only if the situation is of grave significance and can only be dealt with through direct and major U.S. military intervention, the United States will allow itself to become the main force.
It is a foreign policy both elegant and historically rooted. It is also incredibly complicated. First, what constitutes the national interest? There is a wide spread of opinion in the administration. Among some, intervention to prevent human rights violations is in the national interest. To others, only a direct threat to the United States is in the national interest.
Second, the tempo of intervention is difficult to calibrate. The United States is responding to an enemy, and it is the enemy's tempo of operations that determines the degree of response needed.
Third, many traditional allies, like Germany, lack the means or inclination to involve themselves in these affairs. Turkey, with far more interest in what happens in Syria and Iraq than the United States, is withholding intervention unless the United States is also involved and, in addition, agrees to the political outcome. As Dwight D. Eisenhower learned in World War II, an alliance is desirable because it spreads the burden. It is also nightmarish to maintain because all the allies are pursuing a range of ends outside the main mission.
Finally, it is extraordinarily easy to move past the first three stages into direct interventions. This ease comes from a lack of clarity as to what the national interest is, the enemy's tempo of operations seeming to grow faster than an alliance can be created, or an alliance's failure to gel.
Obama has reasonable principles of operation. It is a response to the realities of the world. There are far more conflicts than the United States has interests. Intervention on any level requires timing. Other nations have greater interests in their future than the United States does. US military involvement must be the last step. The principle fits the strategic needs and constraints on the United States. Unfortunately, clear principles frequently meet a murky world, and the president finds himself needing to intervene without clarity.
Presidents' Limited Control
The president is not normally in control of the situation. The situation is in control of him. To the extent that presidents, or leaders of any sort, can gain control of a situation, it is not only in generating principles but also in rigorously defining the details of those principles, and applying them with technical precision, that enables some semblance of control.
President Richard Nixon had two major strategic visions: to enter into a relationship with China to control the Soviet Union, and to facilitate an alliance reversal by Egypt, from the Soviet Union to the United States. The first threatened the Soviet Union with a two-front war and limited Soviet options. The second destroyed a developing Mediterranean strategy that might have changed the balance of power.
Nixon's principle was to ally with nations regardless of ideology -- hence communist China and Nasserite Egypt. To do this, the national interest had to be rigorously defined so that these alliances would not seem meaningless. Second, the shift in relationships had to be carried out with meticulous care. The president does not have time for such care, nor are his talents normally suited for it, since his job is to lead rather than execute. Nixon had Henry Kissinger, who in my opinion and that of others was the lesser strategist, but a superb technician.
The switch in China's alignment became inevitable once fighting broke out with the Soviets. Egypt's break with the Soviets became inevitable when it became apparent to Anwar Sadat that the Soviets would underwrite a war but could not underwrite a peace. Only the United States could. These shifts had little to do with choices. Neither Mao Zedong nor Sadat really had much of a choice.
Where choice exists is in the tactics. Kissinger was in charge of implementing both shifts, and on that level, it was in fact possible to delay, disrupt or provide an opening to Soviet counters. The level at which foreign policy turns into foreign affairs is not in the enunciation of the principles but in the rigorous definition of those principles and in their implementation. Nixon had Kissinger, and that was what Kissinger was brilliant at: turning principles into successful implementation.
The problem that Obama has, which has crippled his foreign policy, is that his principles have not been defined with enough rigor to provide definitive guidance in a crisis. When the crisis comes, that's when the debate starts. What exactly is the national interest, and how does it apply in this or that case? Even if he accomplishes that, he still lacks a figure with the subtlety, deviousness and frankly ruthlessness to put it into place. I would argue that the same problem haunted the George W. Bush and Clinton administrations, although their challenges were less daunting and therefore their weakness less visible.
There is a sphere in which history sweeps a president along. The most he can do is adjust to what must be, and in the end, this is the most important sphere. In another sphere -- the sphere of principles -- he can shape events or at least clarify decisions. But the most important level, the level on which even the sweep of history is managed, is the tactical. This is where deals are made and pressure is placed, and where the president can perhaps shift the direction of history.
Since the end of the Cold War, the United States has not had a president who operated consistently and well in the deeper levels of history. This situation is understandable, since the principles of the Cold War were so powerful and then suddenly gone. Still, principles without definition and execution without precision cannot long endure.

Jorge Alberto Villalón Y.

Huge Michelle Obama Rumor That Could Mean America Is In Big Trouble (Video)

Obama's Presidency could be only the beginning of their plans for America...

Responding to a report from last week, Senate Intelligence Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-California) said she would be “flattered” if First Lady Michelle Obama decides to run for her seat when her term is up in 2018, but admitted she has “no idea” what she’ll be doing at that time. It has been suggested that Feinstein, 81, won’t seek re-election at the end of her term.
Feinstein responded to Candy Crowley’s question on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday about a report published in Orb Magazine Thursday suggesting that First Lady Michelle Obama would move to California with her husband after his final term as president and pursue Feinstein’s seat in the U.S. Senate.
Crowley: I cannot let you go, Senator, without asking about an article I read that posited that Michelle Obama would like to run for the Senate in California, and that she has her eye on your seat in 2018 because the feeling is that you may retire at that point. And so I thought I’d get your reaction to that story.
Feinstein: Oh, did you? Well, I have no idea what I’m going to be doing in 2018. That’s four years from now, and that’s one of the nice things of a six-year term. I’ve served two years of my term and you know, I’ll make a decision in due time. I’m flattered, if that should be true. Somehow I do not believe it is true, but I would be flattered if it were.
The San Francisco Chronicle reported last month that, because of her age and the fact that Republicans have a good chance of reclaiming the majority in the upper chamber next week, Feinstein would not want to seek another term. Stanford University political scientist Bruce Cain was quoted as saying,
“It’s hard to believe at the end of your career you want to go back into opposition again, especially for someone like Dianne Feinstein, who has such a critical role in security matters and has been at center of debates about national security and surveillance.”
Orb Magazine outlines why California is the best place for the Obamas, as supposed to New York, Illinois, or Hawaii.
“Hawaii is too remote. Illinois is a cesspool of political corruption which they prefer to avoid, and New York, which they love, is too dense with Clintons and Clinton acolytes. They have many friends in Los Angeles, dating back to Barack’s student days at Occidental College, when he first left Hawaii.
An insider tells the publication why Los Angeles is specifically the leading contender for the Obamas.
“Barack could golf year-round and Michelle could emerge from his shadow after 20 years and retake control of her own life… Remember, Michelle is a Harvard educated lawyer whose career was more robust than Barack’s when they met.”

Man Who Killed Two Deputies Was Deported Twice

Marcelo Marquez, the man accused to killing two sheriff’s deputies in California was in the country illegally and had been deported twice to Mexico — once in 1997, and again in 2001.
Marquez, 34, is accused of killing two sheriff’s deputies Friday during a 6-hour crime spree in northern California.
And Marcelo Marquez is not even his real name, it’s actually Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. ICE filed paperwork Saturday to ensure he is turned over to immigration officials if he is ever released, though that is unlikely.
“Monroy-Bracamonte was first deported to Mexico in 1997 following his arrest and conviction in Arizona for possession of narcotics for sale; he was arrested and returned to Mexico a second time in 2001,” the Sacramento Bee reports.
Monroy-Bracamonte was booked on two counts of murder, attempted murder and carjacking under the false name he gave authorities. His wife, Janelle Marquez Monroy, 38, also faces a charge of attempted murder as well as two counts of carjacking.

Sugerimos para Noviembre Martes 4
1.  Para gobernador y vicegobernador: Rick Scott y Carlos López Cantera.  
2.  Para fiscal general:  Pam Bondi
3.  Para Funcionario Principal de Finanzas:  Jeff Atwater
4.  Para Comisionado de Agricultura:  Adam Putnam
5.  Representante ante el Congreso, Distrito 23:  Joseph "Joe" Kaufman
6.  Representante ante el Congreso, Distrito 24:  Carlos Curbelo.  
7.  Representante Estatal, Distrito 100:  Martin a. "Marty" Feigenbaum
8.  Representante Estatal, Distrito 103:  Manny Díaz, Jr.  
9.  Representante Estatal, Distrito 105:  Carlos Trujillo
10. Representante Estatal, Distrito 110:  Jose Oliva
11. Representante Estatal, Distrito 111:  Votar por uno 
12. Representante Estatal, Distrito 112:  Daniel Díaz Leyva
13. Representante Estatal, Distrito 114:  Erik Fresen
14. Representante Estatal, Distrito 115:  Michael Bileca
15. Representante Estatal, Distrito 116:  Jose Felíx Díaz/Carmen Sotomayor
16. Representante Estatal, Distrito 118:  Frank Artiles
17. Representante Estatal, Distrito 119:  Jeanette M. Nuñez
18: Tasador de Inmuebles:  Pedro J. García
19. Enmienda #1-Water and Land Convervation-Conservación de Aguas y Tierras:  No.  
20. Enmienda #2-Marihuana:  No.  
21.  Enmienda #3-Nombramiento Eventual para Ciertos Cargos Judiciales Vacantes:  No.  
22.  Preguntas del Condado-Enmienda para permitir bibliotecas en parques:  No.
23.  Preguntas del Condado-  Eximir al Parque Regional de Fútbol de Miami-Dade del Articulo 7:  No.  
24.  Preguntas del Condado-  Permitir terrenos para acampar y alojamientos/cabañas en el Parque de Matecumbe:  No.
25.  Enmienda para eximir del Articulo 7  la ampliación de la Universidad Internacional de la Florida en los predios de la Fería de la Juventud:  No.
26.  Imponer otro impuesto a la propiedad para cubrir el gasto de construir una Corte que reemplaze el edificio del Cielito Lindo:  No.  
27.  Juez del Condado, Grupo 19:  Frank Bocanegra
28.  ¿Se deberian retener en sus cargos los tres jueces del Tribunal de Apelaciones:  Thomas Logue, Barbara Lagoa, y Vance E. Salter?  Si.
La decisión es suya.  Compartan cualquier información que piensen que es importante con sus familiares y amigos.  Pidanles que voten por cualquiera de los candidatos que ellos merecen que se merecen su voto, pero que voten.

En mi opinión
No 779 “En mi opinión”  Octubre 28, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

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