Thursday, October 16, 2014

No 769 "En mi opinion" Octubre 16, 2014

No 769 “En mi opinión” Octubre 16, 2014


Obama: Menace to society…especially Democrats

If Obama weren’t president, he would be on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List or worse yet: The Black List.

Obama is putting off key decisions until after the election. That’s because his decision have a way of kicking America squarely in the naughty bits. The man is a menace.

Obama knows his decisions suck. And when you know you are incompetent, the best thing to do is delay people knowing just how much. One source writes:

With Obama’s own approval ratings sagging, the White House is wary of making any bold moves now that could become a litmus test for candidates, forcing Democrats across the country either to disagree with the president publicly or embrace him — and risk the fallout from voters. By holding off for a few more months, the White House hopes to prevent those moves from being used against Democrats in television ads and on the campaign trail.

What’s more pathetic is the Democrats are NOT even hiding this strategy. They admit (you’ve seen the poll numbers) that Obama’s policies are beyond pathetic, so they prefer that he wait to showcase his nuttiness until after the election. After which, Democrats will be free to support his nonsense agenda!

On the docket, replacing the attorney general.

We all know that Obama will replace one America-hating, incompetent, black nationalist attorney general with another equally vile Liberal. I predict however, the attorney general will be white. This is because the fallout from the black one is so bad, Obama must bring in a scapegoat.
The next attorney general will be a “guilter;” a guilty white uber-Liberal who has been trained to see black as less, ergo in need of LOTS more “gubment” help.
To be blunt, the Democrats know that Obama’s choice for attorney general won’t help them, ergo the choice will not be good for America. So please delay it!
Another choice Obama is delaying for obvious reasons is immigration. Obama knows that allowing illegals amnesty is wildly unpopular, and should have a name like “MexiCare.” Obama wants to make unconstitutional moves, and for purely political reasons. They have thrown guns at Mexico, and “children” at Americans all in an attempt to wreak havoc on the border and create an outcry for amnesty. The only people crying out are the illegals already here, and the Democrats want that voting bloc. Obama’s only regret was not getting them legal for the Election of 2014. But he will try America’s patience on this issue, as the Dems are counting on 20M illegal voters in 2016.
Obama’s biggest albatross remains his namesake ObamaCare. The effects on employers has been horrendous, and it will get worse. If the polls continue in their trajectory, Obama will have only one alternative, and that is to continue to thwart Congress, a Congress that very likely will be completely controlled by the Republicans.
Pelosi said Democrats would run on ObamaCare, but that beasts is as rare as the proverbial black Republican.
Obama’s policies are so insane, it’s amazing that we aren’t discussing having the man committed.Read more at

Heroine of Kobani: Kurdish Female Fighter Rehana 'Kills 100 Isis Jihadis' Single-handedly

 A Kurdish female fighter has been hailed on social media for allegedly killing over 100 Isis (Islamic State) militants single-handed in the battle for Kobani.
The fighter, known only as Rehana, was named in a tweet which has already been shared thousands of times since it was initially sent on 13 October.
However some sources are reporting that Rehana has been killed by Isis, with one graphic picture purportedly showing her beheading.
Neither the news of Rehana's death, nor the number of people she has killed, can be independently verified.
Several Kurdish women have been lionised for the bravery and determination they have shown in attacking Isis.
The women belong to the Yekineyen Parastina Jin, or Women Protection Units (YPJ). The female contingent earned international renowned after one of its fighters blew herself up in Kobani killing several Islamic State (also known as Isis) militants.
Dilar Gencxemis, known by her nom de guerre Arin Mirkan, was a 20-year-old mother of two whodetonated herself as she ran towards Isis fighters, killing as many as 23 of them.
Kurdish resistance is increasingly relying on its female fighters to save the town on what appears as a desperate fight for survival. According to various estimates, female fighters make up between 7,000 and 10,000 of the Kurdish forces fighting in Syria.
The YPJ is an all-female, independent militia which at the frontline embrace arms along with their male "comrades" of the People's Protection Units.
Linked to the Marxist-inspired Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), an outlawed organisation blacklisted in the US and the EU who fought the Turkish army for 30 years and caused 40,000 deaths, the YPG is desperately outnumbered and outgunned by Isis, which boasts an arsenal of US weapons looted from the Iraqi army in Mosul.

AMENPER: Descifrando a Obama
Descifrar Obama es algo extremadamente difícil.  Todos ustedes igual que yo, pueden ofrecer epítetos sobre Obama, la mayoría de ellos en relación con Ann Dunham, su querida madre.
Pero no se trata de esto, se trata de la estrategia de gobierno de Obama y su administración.
George W. Bush tuvo una administración que pudiéramos considerar lo opuesto a la administración de Obama. 
Bush siempre tuvo una reacción directa a los problemas. 
Pudiéramos estar de acuerdo con Bush, o completamente en desacuerdo, como con su conducta cuando la explosión de la burbuja hipotecaria, pero no podemos negar que su reacción fue rápida y sin excusas.
Ahora tenemos la administración más excusada y con una declaración de ignorancia de los problemas y los hechos sin precedente en la historia de Estados Unidos
Obama se entera de los problemas por los periódicos cuando publican la noticia.
Los hechos son no como todos lo ven, pero como no los presenta él. 
Si alguien mata a docenas de personas a nombre del Islam y del Yihad, o alguien también basado en la doctrina islámica le arranca la cabeza a una compañera de trabajo, estos hechos no son actos de terrorismo, son simplemente incidentes en lugares de trabajo.
Si un grupo Islámico comienza a tomar vigencia en el Medio Oriente, este grupo no ofrece peligro, es como un team de football de segunda categoría.
Si la epidemia de Ébola se extiende en África, no es un peligro para los Estados Unidos, y es de fácil control.
Lo que sigue cuando sus aseveraciones resultan en lo contrario, es una excusa culpatoria para otros infelices que tienen que cargar con los errores de Obama.
¿Cómo podemos descifrar esto? ¿Una estrategia estudiada para avanzar cierta agenda, un caso de huir de la realidad, o una incapacidad para gobernar?
La verdad es que es muy difícil definir la política de Obama, como no sea decir que es la epidemia más desastrosa que pueda azotar a una nación.

Western Center for Journalism: Hundreds Of Doctors And Nurses Dead From Ebola... Obama Regime Is Lying‏…
"This Could Get Beyond Our Control... " -Senator Rand Paul

       And yet... in spite of the fact that Barack Obama has already called the Ebola outbreak a 
"national security priority" ... and in spite of the fact that he has the statutory and legal authority to do so...Barack Obama is REFUSING to ENFORCE THE LAW by implementing reasonable travel bans and visa and entry restrictions on people coming into the United States from Ebola infected countries. 

       There's only one way to stop this insanity. Our elected officials need to step up to the plate. They need to pound on their bully pulpits every second of every day until they SHAME Mr. I-Have-A-Pen-And-I-Have-A-Phone into enforcing the law and implementing a reasonable travel ban. But make no mistake, our elected officials WON'T do it on their own, they must hear from you... and they need to hear from you now... before it is too late. 
 But before we delve into our government's half-truths and half-measures, let us state, for the record, that if you believe our government is not being straight with you, you're not in a panic and you're not giving in to to irrational fears. 

       Far from it and, in spite of what you may be hearing from the Obama Regime, the lame-stream media and even some Obama apparatchiks who have medical degrees, demanding that our government take reasonable precautions and temporarily restrict travel into the United States to avoid what Mr. Obama has already called a 
"national security priority" does not make you a kook or a wing-nut with a tin-foil hat. It's just common sense. 

       And you don't need to be a medical doctor or a microbiologist to understand that our government is not being totally straight with you. When it comes to the possibility of an Ebola outbreak in the United States, our government is allowing politics to trump public safety. As Senator Paul stated:
"This could get beyond our control ... I think because of political correctness we're not really making sound, rational, scientific decisions..." 

       We're being told that no one who is showing outward signs of Ebola is being allowed into the United States. 
But wait a minute, if Ebola can incubate inside of a human host for up to 21 days, how are we stopping the infected, who show no outward symptoms, from coming into the country? 

The short answer is, we're not, but we're told that's okay because the same people who told you that you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor... the same people who told you that ISIS is a"jayvee team" ... the same people who told you that there was not a "smidgen of corruption" at the IRS... the same people who allowed untold numbers of veterans to die as they waited on "secret lists"for essential medical care... is now telling us that everything is okay... we're being told that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will somehow be able to locate these people after they've become contagious and isolate them to control the spread of the disease. 

       Thousands of people from Ebola-infected countries and adjacent countries come into the United States every day. Are we to believe that our government has the resources to track thousands... tens-of-thousands...? 

       Keep in mind, the CDC is called the Centers for Disease Control for a reason and the crucial question that no one is asking in this case is; what exactly constitutes an acceptable level of disease control? That's a question we don't want answered and the power to ensure that we don't get an answer to that question lies with you and the action you take now.
And While We're On The Topic Of Government Lies...

       Even if you believe that the CDC is capable of identifying and isolating all of the infected after the fact, how does the CDC propose to monitor all of the people who had direct and indirect contact with the infected individual? The short answer is, they can't. 

       Oh yes, we're being reassured that Ebola can't be spread through the air and that transmission is only possible through 
"direct contact with body fluids," but one of the pesky facts about Ebola that the government is downplaying is that the Ebola virus can live outside of a human host. 

       It's not necessary to come in contact with the infected individual... you only need to come in contact with an infected individual's body fluids. 

       Here's what the Public Health Agency of Canada says: 
"Filoviruses have been reported capable to survive for weeks in blood and can also survive on contaminated surfaces... Ebolavirus dried onto glass, polymeric silicone rubber, or painted aluminum alloy is able to survive in the dark for several hours under ambient conditions... When dried in tissue culture media onto glass and stored at 4C [approximately 40 degrees Farenheit], Zaire ebolavirus survived for over 50 days." 

       In other words, is it possible for a man carrying the Ebola virus to enter the country, show symptoms of the disease and become contagious days later, sneeze or cough on his hand, touch a door-knob (or some other surface) and infect others... perhaps hundreds... who touch that door-knob hours (or even days) later? 

       The short answer is, the government doesn't know, and even the medical community is unwilling to totally discount the possibility. The only response to that question has been equivocation... begrudging admissions that it's 

       The truth of the matter is that the medical community knows very little about Ebola and, in light of what is not known, why is the Obama Regime refusing to implement reasonable travel restrictions on those who are coming from countries in West Africa or have recently travelled to countries in West Africa? 
     The New York Times published an Opinion Editorial last month by Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. Here's what Osterholm says: "What is not getting said publicly, despite briefings and discussions in the inner circles of the world's public health agencies, is that we are in totally uncharted waters and that Mother Nature is the only force in charge of the crisis at this time." 

       Osterholm outlines a scenario 
"that virologists are loath to discuss openly but are definitely considering in private," namely, "that an Ebola virus could mutate to become transmissible through the air. You can now get Ebola only through direct contact with bodily fluids. But viruses like Ebola are notoriously sloppy in replicating, meaning the virus entering one person may be genetically different from the virus entering the next. The current Ebola virus's hyper-evolution is unprecedented; there has been more human-to-human transmission in the past four months than most likely occurred in the last 500 to 1,000 years. Each new infection represents trillions of throws of the genetic dice." 

       Osterholm goes on to discuss a very recent case in which the Ebola virus has spread through the
"respiratory route" from pigs to monkeys. In other words, mutations of Ebola that can be spread through the air already exist in the animal world! 

       And Osterholm adds: 
"Why are public officials afraid to discuss this? They don't want to be accused of screaming 'Fire!' in a crowded theater — as I'm sure some will accuse me of doing. But the risk is real, and until we consider it, the world will not be prepared to do what is necessary to end the epidemic." 

       Osterholm penned this editorial weeks ago, long before Ebola hit the news cycle in the United States. Keeping in mind that so much is unknown, 
is it unreasonable to demand that our elected officials shame the Obama Regime into implementing travel restrictions from infected countries and barring entry into the United States from those who have recently travelled to infected countries? 

       Do not trust the Obama Regime and don't let anyone tell you that you're nuts for demanding that our government act in a reasonable manner. 
It's time to call some elected officials on the carpet and if you're reading this alert, then you're among an elite group of patriotic Americans and activists who are willing and able to exert the necessary pressure to make them act in a reasonable manner. 
Which Republicans See The Danger And Which Are Equivocating?

       Rand Paul is not the only politician who respects the danger we are facing. A small - much too small - number of elected officials already see the handwriting on the wall: 

 "Due to the Obama administration's unclear approach to addressing the threat of the Ebola virus, Americans — particularly the Texans who have possibly been exposed — deserve specific answers to how the administration is addressing travel to and from the countries impacted by the disease." -Senator Ted Cruz 

 "The president's priorities are all mixed up here. All you got to do is shut down traffic in and out of places where there's high risk of Ebola." -Congressman Louie Gohmert 

 "President Obama said it was 'unlikely' that Ebola would reach the U.S. Well, it has, and we need to protect our people." -Bobby Jindal 

 Congressman Lamar Smith says that it's totally "appropriate to review our policies for travel to and from the countries most affected by the Ebola outbreak" and Politico reports: "Rep. Tom Cotton, who's running against Sen. Mark Pryor in one of the tightest Senate races in the country — suggested suspending thousands of visas for people from the African countries affected by the outbreak." 

       While some are waking up and see the dangers, there is a huge problem. The liberal media is beating up any politician who is daring to challenge the Obama Regime's do-nothing narrative and far too many in the Republican leadership are getting the message... loud and clear... 
and they are equivocating. 

       House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy proclaimed: "How could we possibly stop all that? I don't know that [flight restrictions on] planes does that. We've got to go to the core of the problem... and invest in a vaccine and a treatment so we cure it once and for all." Newsflash Congressman McCarthy, epidemics do not wait on vaccines. 

       But wait until hear what Paul Ryan did. 
After clearly suggesting on a radio show that people who are coming from infected countries should be quarantined, Ryan's staff rushed to issue a "clarification." Politico reported: "A spokesman for Ryan says the congressman misspoke and was referencing a recommendation to be monitored for 21 days." 

       How's that for a politically correct back-track? What spooked Ryan's staff? Answer: the liberal media. Make no mistake, the lame stream media is defining the narrative for our elected officials and the media will continue to set the narrative unless patriotic Americans, like you, confront these elected officials. 
They fear the media and if you don't speak up, they will back down. 

       Matthew Continetti, the Editor in Chief of the Washington Free Beacon, outlined the dangers and the steps our elected officials must take best: 
"It is not Ebola I am afraid of. It is our government's ability to deal with Ebola. ... The only response to a virus this deadly is to quarantine it. Stop flights, suspend visas, and beef up customs and security. It can be done." 

Would The Government Really Lie To Us?

       Perhaps the more appropriate question to ask is; when was the last time the Obama Regime told us the truth about anything? 

       So what's the problem with stopping flights and suspending visas? Politico reports the Obama Regime's response: "At a White House briefing Friday, Lisa Monaco, a White House adviser on homeland security and counterterrorism, argued that a flight ban would 'actually impede the response' because it would make it harder to get medical help to the region." 

Is she kidding?  Reasonable people could ask, why not stop flights and suspend visas for everyone EXCEPT medical personnel who go to affected countries to combat the disease? We could fly them in directly on government planes, fly them back to the United States on government planes and quarantine them... deluxe, five-star accommodations... for 21 days upon their return? 

       But to ask such a question would confound the Obama Regime narrative. 

       William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University, gave the real reason our elected officials are not acting in our best interest, perhaps without realizing the implications of what he was saying: 
"We can't just isolate ourselves from the world..." 

There it is. To the Kumbaya crowd, the political elites and the United Nations types in our government, it is far better to sacrifice the lives of Americans than to insult the despotic dictators of third-world countries. 

       And if you have to ask if such a sentiment, on the part of our elected officials, is possible, then you've already forgotten the recent Veterans Administration scandal... and you've already forgotten that Barack Hussein Obama felt compelled to apologize, on bended knee, after brave Americans were brutally slaughtered in Benghazi. 

       Karin McQuillan, writing for the American Thinker sums up the sentiment as follows:"Democrats are okay with some dead Americans. Americans in their own homes, sacrificed on the altar of liberal hubris about the power of government and political correctness.... For liberals, multiculturalism trumps protecting American's lives. Democrats tell us it is unthinkable to suspend air travel from West Africa. We must continue to allow thousands of West Africans to fly here every month." 

       Continetti agrees: "If the FAA can cancel flights to Israel, why can't it cancel flights to and from the West African countries whence the outbreak originated? Simple: because 
doing so would violate the sacred principles by which our bourgeois liberal elite operate. To deny an individual entry to the United States over fears of contamination would offend our elite's sense of humanitarian cosmopolitanism. For them, 'singling out' nations or cultures from which threats to the public health or safety of the United States originate is illegitimate. It 'stigmatizes' those nations or cultures, it 'shames' them, it makes them feel unequal. It's judgmental. It suggests that America prefers her already existing citizens to others." 

it's time to shame some politicians. American lives must not be sacrificed on the altar of one-world-order political correctness and if our elected leaders don't instinctively understand such a simple concept, it's up to us as patriotic Americans to make sure that they get the message! 
Floyd Brown

Amenper: Agarren bien la Bola para que no se caiga
Si a ustedes les gustan los deportes, como a mí, pueden tener una idea de algo que sucede a menudo y que es frustrante tanto para los espectadores como para el atleta. 
En football y basquetbol, es el pase largo, que cae en las manos del recibidor, y este se apresura para correr con la bola y se le cae. En Beisbol es el doublé play evidente, el que va a recoger el rolling se apresura pensando en tirar a segunda, y se le cae la bola antes de tirar.
Esta frustración me luce aplicable en estas elecciones primarias.  Tal parece que los republicanos tienen una buena oportunidad de ocupar el Senado y la Cámara de Representantes, estamos a punto de agarrar el pase para poder anotar el touchdown, o anotar un básquet, o ejecutar un doublé play, pero perdemos de vista que primero tenemos que agarrar la bola, tenemos que ganar las elecciones.
Hace rato que pasaron las primarias, donde era legítimo discutir las diferencias internas. Pero todavía veo un énfasis en las disputas, en que los moderados atacan a los conservadores, y los conservadores atacan a los moderados, creando un ambiente de confusión en la mente del votante, que no quiere votar por el atacado y que puede causarnos el soltar la bola y perder las elecciones.
Un republicano moderado es mejor que un demócrata moderado, porque sabemos que en la política actual con este partido demócrata socialista el único demócrata moderado es el que finge serlo para ganar estas elecciones.
Los nuevos “enemigos” de Obama, son sus aliados disfrazados.
Acusar de liberal a un conservador moderado es peligroso y absurdo.  Si alguien tiene el convencimiento de que el control de armas es necesario, pero es un conservador económico y social, es simplemente un conservador que no se guía por un concepto rígido, pero es un conservador que nos sirve en la reconstrucción que necesitamos después del camino socialista de los últimos años.  Lo mismo podemos decir de conservadores que se han desviado de algunas facetas, como inmigración o bienestar social. 
El que prefiramos un acompañante diferente no cambia nuestra preferencia común del plato principal,  la clave es el balance y la línea al final de la suma.
Las elecciones se acercan, por favor agarren bien la bola para que no se nos caiga.



Virus could be transmitted by means other than contact

NEW YORK – While Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization officials continue to insist Ebola cannot be transmitted by air from one person to another, an Army manual clearly warns the virus could be an airborne threat in certain circumstances.
The handbook published by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, USAMRID, titled “USAMRID’s Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook,” is now in its seventh edition.
The most recent edition was published in 2011, with more than 100,000 copies distributed to military and civilian health-care providers around the world.
On page 117 of the handbook, in a chapter discussing “Viral Hemorrhagic Fever” (VHF), a category of viruses that includes Ebola, USAMRID says: “In several instances, secondary infections among contacts and medical personnel without direct body fluid exposure have been documented. These instances have prompted concern of a rare phenomenon of aerosol transmission of infection.”
Page 117 continues to specify: “Therefore, when VHF is suspected, additional infection control measures are indicated.”
USAMRID recommends the patient should be hospitalized in a private room with an adjoining anteroom to be used for donning and removing protective barriers, storage of supplies and decontamination of laboratory specimen containers.
WND recently reported the World Health Organization, in a largely overlooked media advisory email, admitted there are some circumstances in which the current strain of Ebola in West Africa can be transmitted through coughing or sneezing.
“Theoretically, wet and bigger droplets from a heavily infected individual, who has respiratory symptoms caused by other conditions or who vomits violently, could transmit the virus – over a short distance – to another nearby person,” the WHO Ebola situation assessment said.
“This could happen when virus-laden heavy droplets are directly propelled, by coughing or sneezing (which does not mean airborne transmission) onto the mucus membranes or skin with cuts or abrasions of another person.”
Air-purifying equipment
The USAMRID handbook recommends that for all VHF patients with significant cough, hemorrhaging or diarrhea, the hospital room should be a “negative-pressure isolation room” with six to 12 air exchanges, adequate to pump air out of the hospital room on a constant basis through bio-filters.
To make the point about airborne transmission of VHF viruses, including Ebola, USAMRID says all persons entering the patient’s room should wear double gloves, impermeable gowns with leg and shoe coverings for contact isolation, eye protection and HEPA (N-95) masks or positive-pressure air-purifying respirators (PARRS).
In the absence of a large, fixed medical-treatment facility, or in the event of an overwhelming number of casualties when isolation rooms may not be available for all patients, USAMRID recommends that at a minimum, VHF patients should stay together in “a ward with an air-handling system separate from the rest of the building when feasible.”
The manual notes that clinical laboratory personnel are “at significant risk for exposure” and should employ a bio-safety cabinet when available, with barrier and respiratory precautions when handling specimens.
‘We have to consider the possibility’
Dr. David Sanders, a top Ebola virologist and Purdue University professor of biological science appeared on Fox News on Monday to discuss his research suggesting Ebola can be an airborne virus.
“Our own research shows that Ebola Zaire enters human lung cells from the airway side. So it has the inherent capacity to enter the lung from the airway,” he said.
“I’m not saying that there’s any evidence that the current spread is due to anything but bodily fluid contact, but we have to consider the possibility that it can enter through an airway route.”

AMENPER: Mambrú se fue a la Guerra

Mambrú se fue a la guerra
¡Qué dolor, qué dolor, qué pena!
Mambrú se fue a la guerra
No sé cuándo vendrá
Do re mí, do re fa
No sé cuándo vendrá.

Si vendrá por la Pascua
¡Qué dolor, qué dolor, qué gracia!
Si vendrá por la Pascua
O por la Trinidad
Do re mi, do re fa
O por la Trinidad.

La Trinidad se pasa
¡Qué dolor, qué dolor, qué guasa!
La Trinidad se pasa
Mambrú no viene ya
Do re mi, do re fa
Mambrú no viene ya

Esta canción infantil seguramente la oyeron en la calle o en la escuela los que fueron a escuelas mixtas en su niñez.  Yo se la oí cantar a mi hermana y sus amigas, y de tanto que la repetían me aprendí la primera estrofa, el resto lo saqué de la Internet.  Hay varias versiones del origen de la canción, y buscando cual es, encontré un artículo en el periódico ABC de Madrid sobre cuáles son los diferentes orígenes, alguno lo atribuyen al duque de Malborough un general inglés que murió en una batalla con España, y el nombre se españolizó a Mambrú. Otra versión que sitúa el origen de Mambrú en «una canción de origen cátaro para ridiculizar al obispo de Lodeve», que fue conde de Montbrún.,
Sin embargo, la más popular es la que se encuentra en «El Mundo Ilustrado» de 1879 que cuenta que «según cierta tradición recogida y comentada por M. de Chateaubriand, resulta que el Mambrú es de origen árabe; así que esta versión tiene vigencia, quizás Mambrú estaba en una misión de Yihad y que seguro que le arrancó la cabeza a muchos, algo no muy infantil que no dice la canción. 
Según esta versión dice que este origen se remonta a la Edad Media; que probablemente fue importada esta canción a España y Francia por los soldados de don Jaime I de Aragón y de Luis IX; que debe considerarse como una leyenda cuyo protagonista debió ser cierto oscuro musulmán llamado Mambron». A partir de ahí conecta la historia con la nodriza Poitrine y afirma que «únicamente por un inexplicable lapsus pudo sustituirse al nombre del oscuro cruzado con el del general Marlborough, que tanta celebridad adquirió en la batalla de Malplaquet».
El eco de la popular canción llegó a España con la influencia francesa de la casa de Borbón y «se cantó por todas partes, aunque algo corrompida y españolizada, dando al oscuro árabe el nombre de Mambrú, más en armonía con nuestra lengua», aseguraba el compositor en 1871. La canción de Mambrú sería popularizada sobre todo por las niñas, que la entonaban en sus juegos.
Pero cómo ahora sabemos del carácter sanguinario de Mambrú hubiera sido conveniente si hubieran juntado la última estrofa de Mambrú se fue a la guerra  amalgamada con otra canción que cantaban que decía:
 “Tín marín de dos pingüé, cúcara mácara, títere fue.”;
 “La cuchara se pasea de la sala al comedor,
no me mates con cuchillo, mátame con tenedor.”
“Mambrú no me arranques la cabeza con un cuchillo
 Arráncamela con un tenedor”.



 Ann Coulter
Hearing To Deal With Ebola Threat
There had never been a case of Ebola in the U.S. until a few months ago. Since then, thousands of people have died of the disease in Africa, and millions upon millions of dollars have been spent treating Ebola patients in the U.S. who acquired it there, one of whom has died.
But the Obama administration refuses to impose a travel ban.
This summer, the U.S. government imposed a travel ban on Israel simply to pressure Prime Minister Netanyahu into accepting a ceasefire agreement. But we can’t put a travel restriction on countries where a contagious disease is raging.
It’s becoming increasingly clear this is just another platform for Obama to demonstrate that we are citizens of the world. The entire Ebola issue is being discussed — by our government, not the United Nations — as if Liberians are indistinguishable from Americans, and U.S. taxpayers should be willing to pay whatever it takes to save them.
Maybe we should give them the vote, too! If Ebola were concentrated in Finland and Norway — certainly Israel! — we’d have had a travel ban on Day One.
The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Tom Frieden, justifies Obama’s refusal to prohibit flights originating in Ebola-plagued countries, saying, “A travel ban is not the right answer. It’s simply not feasible to build a wall — virtual or real — around a community, city or country.”
What is it with liberals living in gated communities always telling us that fences don’t work? THAT’S WHAT A QUARANTINE IS.
At the congressional hearing on Ebola last week, Republicans repeatedly pressed the CDC representative, Dr. Toby Merlin, to explain why Obama refuses to impose a travel ban.
In about 17 tries, Merlin came up with no plausible answer. Like Frieden, Merlin kept insisting that “the only way to protect Americans” is to end the epidemic in Africa.
Why, precisely, must we attack Ebola in Africa? Research on a cure doesn’t require cuddling victims in their huts. Scientists who discovered the AIDS cocktail didn’t spend their nights at Studio 54 in order to “fight the disease at its source.”
Until there’s a treatment, we can’t put out the disease there, or here. The only thing Americans will be doing in Liberia is changing the bedpans of victims, getting infected and bringing Ebola back to America. When there’s a vaccine, we can mail it.
Naturally, Obama is sending troops from the 101st Airborne, the pride of our Army, to Liberia. Their general should resign in protest.
Merlin further explained the travel ban, saying that if West Africans can’t fly to America, “that would cause the disease to grow in that area and spill over into other countries.” So instead of infecting people in surrounding countries, our CDC wants them to come here and infect Americans.
But that won’t happen because the government assures us there’s nothing to worry about with Ebola. They’ve got it under control.
Unfortunately, everything the government says about this disease keeps being proved untrue — usually within a matter of days.
They told us that you’d basically have to roll in an infected person’s vomit to catch the disease. Then, nurses at two first-world hospitals in Spain and the U.S. contracted Ebola from patients.
With no evidence, the CDC simply announced that the nurses were not following proper “protocol.” The disease didn’t operate the way CDC said it would, so the hospitals must be lying.
The government told us that national quarantines won’t work, but then they quarantine everyone with Ebola — or who has been near someone with Ebola, such as an entire NBC crew. To me, this suggests that there’s some value in keeping people who have been near Ebola away from people who have not.
Quite obviously, the only way to protect Americans is to prevent Ebola from coming here in the first place. The problem isn’t that Ebola will leap across oceans to infect Americans; it’s that Obama doesn’t want to protect Americans.
At least he’s only putting expendable Americans on the frontlines of the Ebola epidemic — doctors, nurses, members of the 101st Airborne.
At the moment, more than 13,000 West Africans have travel visas to come to the U.S. Having just seen an Ebola-infected Liberian get $500,000 worth of free medical treatment in the U.S., the first thing any African who might have Ebola should do is get himself to America.
Of all the reasons people have for coming here — welfare, drug-dealing, Medicare scams — “I have Ebola and I’m going to die, otherwise” is surely one of the strongest. The entire continent of Africa now knows that this is a country that will happily spend half a million dollars on treating someone who just arrived — and then berate itself for not doing enough.
Thomas Eric Duncan’s family may be upset with his treatment, but they have to admit, the price was right. Medical bill: $0.00. Your next statement will arrive in 30 days.
And now we’re going to have to let in entire families with Ebola, because the important thing is — actually, I don’t know why. It’s some technical, scientific point about fences not working.
Republicans — Americans — have got to demand Frieden’s resignation. If only we could demand Obama’s.

WMD found in Iraq after all, Bush was right: Pentagon ‘hid’ chemical weapons?

So, why did the government allegedly conceal the fact weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq?
It’s been 11 years since George W. Bush ordered an American invasion of Iraq after the 911 World Trade Center attacks. Then, President Bush was convinced Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, had an active chemical weapons program. However, no weapons of mass destruction were found, as reported by the Administration at the time. Nonetheless, a shocking report out Tuesday by the New York Times says that WMD were found in Iraq after all, but the Pentagon did its best to hide the truth.
Sources, namely former and retired U.S. and Iraq veterans, shared appalling stories of U.S. troops coming across dangerous abandoned chemical munitions during a span of time from 2004 to 2011. One such incident took place in 2008 with a team of military technicians charged with disposing of artillery left behind in the toils of war.
They told of handling shells that oozed of some pungent liquid that smelled acrid. “That doesn’t look like pond water,” said his team leader, Staff Sgt. Eric J. Duling. And after swabbing the discharge, the color indicated the presence of the agent mustard, a potent chemical weapon outlawed from past a war, that burns the skin, eyes, and airway of anyone exposed.
The sergeant gave the order: “Get the hell out.” He knew the dangers of the WMD, and from that point on, an alleged government cover up ensued as officials tried desperately to keep the finding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq from getting out to the public. The Times weighed in.

AMENPER: Hablando de Sexo, Promiscuidad y Putería
.La ola del sexo libre y sin medida ha atacado a esta sociedad, sin límites de razas, origen o edad, estimulado por los cambios socio-políticos, los programas de televisión y las películas de Hollywood.
No hay que un viejo de ideas atrasadas para ver los peligros de la promiscuidad, ya sea en la juventud, en la edad media y hasta en las personas de las tercera edad.
Las estadísticas señalan que el 35% de los jóvenes en edad escolar ya comenzó su vida sexual cuando muchos de ellos no superaban los 13 y 14 años. El sexo para los adolescentes es algo meramente recreativo, no le dan la trascendencia que tiene
En las persona adultas, la infidelidad en las personas casadas y la promiscuidad en las solteras, el deseo de satisfacer sus necesidades sexuales con diversas parejas se está convirtiendo en un hecho cotidiano, como lo indican la prolificidad de Moteles con sugerencias pornográficas en todas las ciudades..
Es una satisfacción mental además de sexual de mostrar ante el resto de gente que es bien “macho” o una buena "hembra" que eres moderno y estás en la nueva ola. Esto los  lleva a personas a involucrarse sexualmente con personas de dudosa reputación y poner en riesgo la integridad y salud de su pareja, si estuviera casado o comprometido, además de hacerse un daño irreparable a sí mismo.
El ejercicio de esta promiscuidad sexual , los hace vulnerable al contagio y propagación de numerosas enfermedades de índole sexual y a su vez traer consigo embarazos no deseados.
Antes de que alguna feminista gritona se ponga a ladrar, y a llamarme talibán, aclaro que a mí me parece perfecto y muy sano además, que las mujeres disfruten del sexo.
Pero tan malo es estar en una sociedad totalmente mojigata y represora como la cubana en los años 50 (que por otro lado daba lugar a conductas depravadas, pero por la puerta de atrás) como en una sociedad en la que los modelos para muchas muchachas adolecentes  son las putas promiscuas
de los programas de televisión de  "Sexo en Miami Beach" o "Sex and the City"  Donde las protagonistas viven para el sexo múltiple promiscuo y continuado, sin ni siguiera hablar de una familia normal.  Es todo cuestión de sentido común y pragmatismo..
Obviamente, todo esto admite muchos matices, puesto que las motivaciones anímicas que hacen tener sexo a las mujeres, influyen en que puedan ser o no ser consideradas como putas.  
No es igual una tipeja que se acuesta con un tipo al que apenas conoce, de manera casual y por puro vicio, que una que mantiene relaciones con su novio formal o marido, como tampoco se puede comparar a una puta que le pega los tarros a su marido, con una que haya estado con algún hombre más, pero que no tiene compromiso.
Como tampoco podemos considerar a una mujer promiscua porque tenga sexo con múltiples parejas en la internet, en ese caso caemos en un campo psiquiátrico-cibernético del que podemos hablar en otra ocasión.
Pero vamos al punto, vamos a hablar de esta cuestión, porque hay que tener en cuenta algo que no se habla pero que está  pasando, y es que hay mujeres, hombres y personas del tercer sexo, jóvenes o pasados de años, que tienen  relaciones sexuales casuales preferiblemente con alguien de raza negroide, durante su visita a Cuba, clasificada como "familiar", pero que es para esa persona es un viaje de turismo sexual manteniendo relaciones sexuales con un "prostituto" o "prostituta. 
Pueden decirme,, pero si nos mantenemos sesudamente al margen de estos excesos, ¿que nos importa lo que hagan los demás?
De una manera lineal, es una buna pregunta sin respuesta.  Pero si vemos que vivimos en una época en que la responsabilidad se castiga y la irresponsabilidad se premia, y que este premio a los irresponsables se paga con el dinero del trabajo de los responsables.   Como responsables, si nos interesa esta cuestión.
Porque los contribuyentes responsables tenemos que pagar por los abortos, los tratamiento de las enfermedades sexuales, y hasta de los gastos de epidemias trasmitida por la promiscuidad sexual, como el Sida y el Ébola.
El resúmen total de esta reflexión es que si quieren tener orgías sexuales, está bien, que las disfruten, pero que a la hora de tener que pagar por las consecuencias, las paguen ellos mismos, no los que no disfrutamos de las orgías. 
Y en el caso de los viajes de sexo-turismo a Cuba, lo mismo, que lo disfruten, pero que se queden allá si tanto les gusta. Porque si se acogieron a un asilo político por miedo a vivir en Cuba, si ya se les pasó el miedo, no tienen porque vivir más en los Estados Unidos.

Obama’s Next Illegal Act – Taking The Power Of The Purse From Congress

"Who cares about the Constitution anyway?"


Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 of the Constitution of the United States reads, “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.” It is known as the Appropriations Clause. In short, it gives the United States Congress the power of the purse; only Congress can dictate how the U.S. Treasury spends its money. At least, that is how it is supposed to work.
Most Americans know of the Obama Administration’s penchant for illegality, for lawlessness, for executive action that flies in the face of the Constitution and the intentions of the Founding Fathers. Americans are also aware of the huge bailouts and “stimulus” programs that were really a transfer of wealth from one part of society to another, from the makers to the takers. They understand the moral hazard that these huge bailouts foster. If a corporation can just do what it pleases, make as much money as its wants during the boom times, and then socialize the losses on the back of the American people during the bust, why on earth would they make good financial decisions?
Well, we are about to see the bailout of all bailouts. I’m sure Obama will wait until after the election. In fact, Drudge reported today than the administration is holding the Obamacare costs numbers from public scrutiny until after November of this year. Yes, I’m talking about the Obamacare bailout to come. Trillions of dollars will be paid to the insurance companies that jumped in bed with the Obama Administration at the outset of this incompetent, failed presidency. They jumped on board because Obama promised them lots of mandatory customers and also promised to shield them from financial risk. You see, if the insurance companies lose money insuring an Obamacare enrollee, the federal government has promised to bail them out! Can you believe it? What a sweet deal! The stock price of these insurance masters of the universe are going through the roof. It’s the biggest no-brainer in the history of Earth!
Of course, there is one little problem–that little appropriations clause thing. And, oh yeah, the Republicans may take over the Senate and there will be no chance in hell they will approve a huge bailout to save Obamacare and the insurance companies proverbial backsides. Executive action anyone? Who cares about the Constitution anyway?


 John Hayward  
CDC Acknowledges It Could Have Done More On Ebola
A second health care worker who treated Ebola Patient One, the late Thomas Eric Duncan of Liberia, tested positive for the disease last night.  It’s horrible news, but not entirely surprising to see more cases popping up now.  This is how Ebola works – it takes a while to incubate.  Anyone who told you there was nothing to worry about, because no one manifested symptoms in the first day or two after Duncan was isolated, was deliberately lying to you.
Happily, the first health care worker infected by Duncan, Nina Pham, is said to be in good condition.  “I’m doing well and want to thank everyone for their kind wishes and prayers,” she said in a statement on Tuesday.  “I am blessed by the support of family and friends and am blessed to be cared for by the best team of doctors and nurses in the world here at Texas Presbyterian Hospital Dallas.”  Part of her treatment involved a blood transfusion from an Ebola survivor, which sounds like the kind of treatment that might be difficult to administer if the outbreak spreads to a large number of additional victims.
Hopefully that will not happen, but the authorities are still grappling with how trained medical personnel wearing protective gear were able to contract the disease – which, you’ll recall, was supposed to be relatively difficult to catch even when untrained people without such equipment come into contact with Ebola victims.  The latest chapter in the feud between Texas nurses and the increasingly uninspiring head of the Centers for Disease Control, Dr. Tom Frieden, saw the executive director of National Nurses United, RoseAnn DeMoro, alleging that “the protocols that should have been in place in Dallas were not in place, and those protocols are not in place anywhere in the United States, as far as we can tell.”  Frieden had previously insinuated that Nurse Pham got herself infected by failing to follow these protocols – an accusation for which he has since apologized.
CNN reviewed the list of allegations from the nurses’ union:
On the day that Duncan was admitted to the hospital with possible Ebola symptoms, he was “left for several hours, not in isolation, in an area where other patients were present,” union co-president Deborah Burger said.
Up to seven other patients were present in that area, the nurses said, according to the union.
A nursing supervisor faced resistance from hospital authorities when the supervisor demanded that Duncan be moved to an isolation unit, the nurses said, according to the union.
After expressing concerns that their necks were exposed even as they wore protective gear, the nurses were told to wrap their necks with medical tape, the union says.
“They were told to use medical tape and had to use four to five pieces of medical tape wound around their neck. The nurses have expressed a lot of concern about how difficult it is to remove the tape from their neck,” Burger said.
“There was no one to pick up hazardous waste as it piled to the ceiling,” Burger said. “They did not have access to proper supplies.”
“There was no mandate for nurses to attend training,” Burger said, though they did receive an e-mail about a hospital seminar on Ebola.
“This was treated like hundreds of other seminars that were routinely offered to staff,” she said.
DeMoro said the union got involved because nursers at Texas Presbyterian were angry at the CDC blaming Pham for causing her own plight.  CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta – who, it should be noted, has also expressed anger at the hospital staff for failing to take precautions he described as “not that challenging” – said the union’s claims were “startling” if true, and could be “important when it comes to possible other infections.”
Well, yes, to put it mildly, the failure of the CDC and Department of Health and Human Services to establish protocols for a disease everyone knew was coming would be “startling,” but also par for the course in this era of perpetual government failure.  This is classic Ineptocracy behavior: given oceans of money (including 300 percent funding increases over the past decade), the agencies set about spending it on frivolous distractions and political agendas, while nobody in the bloated chain of command bothered to look after the basics of their core mission.  The UK Daily Mail has the latest list of madcap spending from the National Institutes of Health, including $2.4 million for origami condoms, $939k to determine that male fruit flies like younger females, $592k to evaluate the poop-throwing skills of chimpanzees, and $257k to create an online game where kids can pretend to take care of Michelle Obama’s garden.  But evidently “teach Ebola protocols to nurses in hospitals near international airports” wasn’t a high priority.
Meanwhile, it turns out we actually do have an “Ebola czar” already – Dr. Nicole Lurie, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the gigantic Department of Health and Human Services, which became the most powerful, highly-funded bureaucracy on the planet after the passage of ObamaCare.  She’s doubtless well-compensated and provided with ample staff to handle her duties, which expressly include preparation for pandemics.  She’s been completely invisible since the beginning of the Ebola crisis, which is why some people have been saying President Obama ought to appoint an Ebola czar.
The fact that House Republicans voted to give the CDC more funding that Obama requested should finish off the dopey “GOP budget cuts cause Ebola” meme that desperate Democrats were passing around like a bong over of the past few days.  There are still serious questions – as in, the sort of questions that should be asked under oath by Congress – about how HHS bungled the Ebola response so badly.  Basic safety protocols wouldn’t require as much funding as, say, the origami condom initiative to devise and disseminate among health care workers, especially given that HHS already has a vertiable army of people working for it.  Re-task the Deputy Assistant to the Deputy Assistant to the Assistant Director of Paperwork Compliance and have him start teaching seminars.  With the lead time available to prepare for the arrival of Ebola, this level of panicked confusion is inexcusable.
Remember how the list of people potentially contaminated by Duncan began as a mere dozen or so, then shot up to over a hundred people, and was whittled back down to twenty?  It’s back up to 125, including 76 people who came into contact with Thomas Duncan, according to the Washington Examiner… and that was before the second health care worker tested positive.
[CDC Director] Frieden told the media that the CDC is now stepping up preventative measures to stop the spread of Ebola to healthcare workers, and will send a CDC team of experts on the disease ‘within hours” to any hospital in the United States where an Ebola case is identified.
The CDC has been criticized for its slow response to Duncan, who was first sent home from the hospital even though he had a 103 degree fever and had told a nurse he just arrived from Liberia.
[...] “I wish we had put a team like this on the ground the day the first patient [Duncan] was diagnosed,” Frieden said. “That might have prevented this infection. But, we will do that from this day onward, for any case that is diagnosed within the U.S.”
Frieden said the CDC is also considering a plan to move new Ebola cases diagnosed in the U.S. to one of four biocontainment patient care units, which are located in Nebraska, Montana, Georgia and Maryland.
Yes, I think the rest of us wish that too, Dr. Frieden, which is why you’ll most likely be putting your hand on a Bible and explaining to angry Congressmen why you didn’t put a team on the ground as soon as Duncan was diagnosed.  Now that everything this inept Administration believed about Ebola has been proven wrong, they’re finally taking the steps they derided as hysterical over-reaction a couple of weeks ago.
The common-sense precaution they’re still refusing to take is a travel ban from the hot-zone countries.  In light of the chaos caused by one guy flying in from Liberia, resistance to the travel ban is going to become more difficult.  Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) called for a ban on Tuesday – before the second Ebola infection was confirmed – and made the same point I did yesterday, concerning the absurdity of claims by Frieden that a ban on commercial passengers from West African nations would make it more difficult to send aid workers into the affected regions.  “Health care personnel can be brought in on military C-130 flights,” said Cruz.  “The risks of epidemic are far too large for us to allow unimpeded commercial flights.”
People are worried about Ebola, but all the irrational hysteria is coming from the Administration and its sycophants.  They’re more worried about the political contagion of failure than the actual virus.  Our high-strung Ruling Class is curled in a fetal position, babbling witlessly about how Ebola panic could increase public opposition to open borders, and how it’s going to cost you extra if you expect the Centers for Disease Control to serve as some sort of “center” for controlling a disease… while the American people wonder why there weren’t teams in hazmat suits on site within a few hours of the first infection, how trained nurses could have caught a hideous disease that isn’t supposed to be highly contagious, and why we’re still letting people fly into America from countries that could soon be experiencing 10,000 cases of Ebola a week.  (And by “soon” I mean “December.”)  They’re not just worried about the creeping dread of a few infections caused by Thomas Duncan; they’re worried about what happens when the next infected passenger steps off an airplane, perhaps in a city other than Dallas.  Why are U.S. authorities on such a steep learning curve for something they confidently assured us they could handle?
Exit question: those thousands of American troops being dispatched into the hot zone were given the kind of Ebola protocol training the nurses of Texas say they didn’t get… right?
Update: NBC News is reporting that the new Ebola victim “flew from Cleveland to Dallas on Frontier Airlines the day before presenting symptoms, according to CDC and Frontier.”  Wonderful.
Update: A report by the Dallas Morning News makes the level of disregard for precautions when dealing with the first Ebola patient sound almost surreal:
Health care workers treating Thomas Eric Duncan in a hospital isolation unit didn’t wear protective hazardous-material suits for two days until tests confirmed the Liberian man had Ebola — a delay that potentially exposed perhaps dozens of hospital workers to the virus, according to medical records.
The 3-day window of Sept. 28-30 is now being targeted by investigators for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as the key time during which health care workers may have been exposed to the deadly virus by Duncan, who died Oct. 8 from the disease.
Duncan was suspected of having Ebola when he was admitted to a hospital isolation unit Sept. 28, and he developed projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea later that day, according to medical records his family turned over to The Associated Press.
But workers at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas did not abandon their gowns and scrubs for hazmat suits until tests came back positive for Ebola about 2 p.m. on Sept. 30, according to details of the records released by AP.
The misstep – one in a series of potentially deadly mishandling of Duncan — raises the likelihood that other health care workers could have been infected. More than 70 workers were exposed to him before he died, but hospital officials have not indicated how many treated him in the initial few days.
Hospital officials have likewise not responded to repeated requests for comment about what types of protective gear was used the first few days, and why officials felt a need to change the gear being used on Sept. 30.
This is, to put it mildly, not what I think most of us were expecting when an Ebola patient gets moved into an isolation ward.  It’s bad enough for colossal errors to be made when Duncan was “merely” a man from Liberia with flu-like symptoms, but leaving the heavy protection aside after he was identified as a likely Ebola carrier- and is experiencing projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea – until the final test results came in?

Ebola Spreads Through Droplets in the Air

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed Sunday that a nurse at a Dallas hospital who cared for Thomas Eric Duncan, who died from Ebola last week, was the first person to become infected with the virus on U. S. soil. The nurse reportedly wore a gown, gloves, a mask and a face shield while caring for the Liberian national at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. Many, including CDC Director Tom Frieden, are questioning how the nurse became infected despite wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment, which should have shielded her from direct contact with Duncan and his bodily fluids.
Once again, the specter of airborne Ebola is being raised.
No virus that causes disease in humans has ever been known to mutate to change its mode of transmission. This means it is highly unlikely that Ebola has mutated to become airborne. It is, however, droplet-borne — and the distinction between the two is crucial.
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Doctors mean something different from the public when they talk about a disease being airborne. To them, it means that the disease-causing germs are so small they can live dry, floating in the air for extended periods, thus capable of traveling from person to person at a distance. When inhaled, airborne germs make their way deep into the lungs.

Chickenpox, measles and tuberculosis are airborne diseases. Droplets of mucus and other secretions from the nose, mouth and respiratory tract transmit other diseases, including influenza and smallpox.

When someone coughs, sneezes or, in the case of Ebola, vomits, he releases a spray of secretions into the air. This makes the infection droplet-borne. Some hospital procedures, like placing a breathing tube down a patient’s air passage to help him breathe, may do the same thing.

Droplet-borne germs can travel in these secretions to infect someone a few feet away, often through the eyes, nose or mouth. This may not seem like an important difference, but it has a big impact on how easily a germ spreads. Airborne diseases are far more transmittable than droplet-borne ones.

Richard Preston‘s remarkable book, "The Hot Zone," chronicled an Ebola Reston virus outbreak at a primate quarantine facility just outside Washington. The monkeys didn’t have direct contact with each other. CDC and military experts had to consider the possibility that Ebola Reston virus might be airborne. But feces thrown about the room, aerosols used in pressure washing the monkey cages or contaminated gloves used to handle the animals could also have transmitted the virus.
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It is important to emphasize that Ebola Reston virus does not cause disease in humans. It also survives longer than Ebola Zaire — the species responsible for the West African epidemic — when aerosolized in the lab. But even Ebola Zaire can remain infectious when aerosolized for at least 90 minutes. What happens in the lab, however, doesn’t always represent the real world.

Since the Reston scare, scientists have learned more about Ebola transmission from other outbreaks.

In 1995, more than 300 people became sick with Ebola in Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Disease detectives were unable to determine how 12 of the patients were exposed — again raising questions about the possibility of airborne transmission. But if Ebola could be transmitted through the air, at least some family members of Ebola patients should have gotten sick even without direct contact. That didn’t happen.

Ebola struck again in 2000, this time affecting more than 400 people in Gulu, Uganda. Not all had direct contact with another Ebola patient. Bedding and mattresses seemed to be one source of infection. So did sharing a meal with an Ebola patient — which often meant using fingers to eat from the same plate. Each had in common likely exposure to infected bodily fluids.

In the lab, scientists studied how Ebola virus infects different species and causes disease. In humans and primates, Ebola Zaire spreads from the cells of the immune system to the lymph nodes, blood, liver and spleen. It causes minimal disease in the lungs. But in pigs, Ebola Zaire causes severe lung disease.

Researchers infected pigs with Ebola Zaire and then placed them near but not in direct contact with primates. The primates became infected. Because Ebola Zaire causes severe lung disease in pigs, their respiratory secretions are laden with the virus. With all their snorting and snuffling, pigs are very good at generating aerosols. The infected monkeys, however, didn’t transmit the virus onward.
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For Ebola Zaire to become airborne in humans, it would need to cause lung disease significant enough to release lots of virus into respiratory secretions. The virus would then need to survive outside the body, dried and in sunlight for a prolonged time. And it would need to be able to infect another person more than a couple feet away.

There’s no evidence from previous epidemics or laboratory experiments that Ebola Zaire behaves in this way. Although the virus is mutating as the Ebola epidemic continues to grow in West Africa, it has multiple hurdles to overcome in order to become airborne.

As we rule out Ebola being airborne, the droplet-borne risk of Ebola must be addressed. Most important, those on the frontlines — especially nurses and doctors — should be provided with the necessary training and personal protective equipment to ensure that there are no more transmissions within hospitals.
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Recently, I send you one of my emotional downloads (descargas) talking about “sex, promiscuity and whoreness” (sexo promiscuidad y puterias).
Meeting this evening with some old friends from our town, one of you told me about something that I said, incidentally, about cybernetic sex, and he asked me to explain my opinion on this, so here goes my thinking on the subject.
The level of mind imagination has been tremendously increased, because people are thinking and communicating in terms of screens. Much of the real action is taking place in what is called cyberspace. People have learned how to boot up, activate, and transmit their brains.
Essentially, there’s a universe inside your brain. The number of connections possible inside your brain is limitless. And as people have learned to have more managerial and direct creative access to their brains, they have also developed matrices or networks of people that communicate electronically. There are direct brain/computer link-ups. You can just jack yourself in and pilot your brain around in cyberspace-electronic space.
Considering that organisms do the strangest thing we should not be surprised by sex on the Internet.
New technology has created loads of new ways to make friends and talk to them. For many young people, chatting to mates on Facebook, by text, by BlackBerry Messaging, on forums or on Skype to name but a few, is an important part of modern life. You can increase the number of friends you have online and link up with more people.
Lots of people like to do sexual things through messaging
Even if it sounds a bit strange – ‘cybering’ or 'cybersex' is a form of safe sex - you won't get any sexually transmitted infections (STIs) from cybering with someone! But there are other risks to be aware of
‘Sexting’ - that is sending sexual images, videos or messages to others - is quite common among some groups of young people.
But you should never feel under pressure to take part in ‘sexting’ with anyone if you don’t want to, whether that’s your partner or a person in your wider network. There is always the option of saying no if you don’t feel completely comfortable or are worried about ‘exposure’ you don’t know where your picture is going to end.  It is embarrassing for parents to see their little girl exposed in a sexual image on the internet.
What are they thinking? They probably think “Real life is physical, sex is physical, but it brings consequences. Give me Internet instead. Give me the visible invisibility of the contents of a web site, the thoughts, the ideas, the images, the feeling. Let me become part of Internet . . . let me be an interaction, being a cyborg, let me have sex without it consequences”
Technology - with all its promise and potential - has gotten so far beyond human control that it is threatening the future of humankind.
Indeed, the brain was the original inspiration and metaphor for the development of the digital computer, and early computers were often described as 'giant brains'. Unfortunately, neuroscientists have sometimes turned this analogy on its head, and based their models of brain function on the workings of the digital computer (for example by assuming that memory is separate and distinct from processing, as it is in a computer). This makes the whole metaphor dangerously self-reinforcing.
It bears emphasizing: our traditional ways of thinking have ignored - and virtually made invisible - the relationship between people and technology.
There is nothing distinctively scientific about the hypothetic-deductive process. It is not even distinctively intellectual. It is merely a scientific context for a much more general stratagem that underlies almost all regulative processes or processes of continuous control, in the mind of a person behavior can be classified as appropriately under cybernetic conditions, hence sex on the internet could be considered appropriated for a person trying to escape reality.
A cybernetics system is circular: causes and effects reverberate between things rather than moving from one to the next. If, for example, that system includes humans and computers, a cyberneticist will not bother asking whether humans are still in charge of the machines or the machines are in charge of the human mind-
There should not be any not doubt about it, cybernetic sex is an escape to reality, it can´t substitute real sex, it is a figment of their imagination, hence a waste of time, an aberration.

La corte suprema no quiso decidir, ni siquiera oír, sobre ninguna de las dos partes respecto a una demanda que presentaron sobre el  matrimonio homosexual, dejando esta decisión a las cortes de los estados. A un terrorista, a un pedófilo y un asesino si pueden oírlo, pero se limpiaron las manos y dejaron la decisión a las cortes de los distintos estados. ¿Por qué? porque no aparece en la constitución. ¡Es lógico! Ni la naturaleza para los ateos y Dios para los cristianos, contemplaron esa parte.
Treinta y un estado han votado en contra del matrimonio homosexual, pero una corte de esos estados le puede hacer caso omiso a las decisiones de los ciudadanos y pueden aprobarla. La naturaleza y Dios: es vida, creación, reproducción. Prueba suficiente para que La naturaleza, Dios y la constitución, no lo pensaran.
Tengo amigos y familiares que son homosexuales, muy buenas personas, respetables, viven con sus parejas iguales que una persona heterosexual sin casarse. ¿Pero legalizar el matrimonio?, no veo el porque para ellos, aunque si me doy cuenta de los problemas al querer casarse por la Iglesia y adoptar hijos. Si es por cuestión de herencia, pueden hacer un testamento.

Hace años, prohibieron rezar en las escuelas. ¿Quienes fueron? ¿Con que Propósito? Cuando un niño se acostumbra a rezar, se va formando una conciencia de amor al prójimo, al estudio, a la familia y rechazo a las drogas. ¿Por qué quieren que sea ateo? R/ Porque pierden la conciencia y fáciles de adoctrinar.

De igual forma y con las mismas preguntas, apoyan el aborto. No es lo mismo el aborto por cuestiones de salud, que el aborto por una fiesta sexual.  A simple vista es un asesinato. Los que apoyan el aborto lo tratan como el derecho de la mujer a decidir, aunque cuando ellos estaban en el vientre de sus madres, ¡seguro! no pensaban así. 
¿ El derecho del niño a decidir, donde está? ¿Donde está la igualdad que profesan?
Muchos de los que se llaman cristianos, funcionan como "tontos útiles" apoyando a los que originaron esas leyes.
"Tanta culpa tiene el que mata la chiva, que el que le aguanta la pata".

Otra forma para desmoralizar a Estados Unidos, es la aprobación de la Marihuana medicinal o no. Hasta los niños la podrán fumar, porque saben que ellos son la base del futuro y la destrucción familiar del presente.

Se ha comprobado hasta la saciedad que el comunismo no funciona. Muchas personas se esconden bajo el manto del izquierdismo, progresismo y pacifismo, para abogar por los pobres escalando posiciones, engañando a los ingenuos para algún día tomar el poder. Después, destruyen la economía y se multiplican los pobres, perdiendo el derecho a la autodeterminación, la libre expresión y el derecho de elegir a sus gobernantes; porque instalan una dictadura feroz que les será muy difícil volver atrás. ¿Entonces? son masoquistas o ignorantes. Tal vez, "no es que los izquierdistas son ignorantes, sino que la mayoría de lo que saben, no es cierto".
Desde a principios del siglo XX, los comunistas empezaron a infiltrar profesores en las universidades con su misma ideología, muchos de los alumnos se convirtieron en profesores, inculcándoles la misma ideología a sus alumnos. De la misma forma, y con la misma intensidad han ido trabajando de generación, en generación.
Y para que no quede dudas de lo que estoy diciendo, en días pasado el Portal estudiantil Campus Reform, hizo una seria de entrevistas a los estudiantes de Harvard University, preguntándole, ¿Cual es la mayor amenaza para la paz?: EE. UU. o el Estado Islámico. Sorprendentemente la mayoría respondió que era EE.UU. ¿Se imaginan ustedes quienes serán nuestros senadores, gobernadores y hasta presidente? Si los "tontos útiles" no despiertan y se convierten en "inteligentes útiles", la cuestión no termina aquí, solo está empezando.

Estados Unidos: país admirado por todos, por sus principios, democracia, bienestar social para todos los ciudadanos (Donde el pobre, era como una clase media en otros países), la política era utilizada para el progreso del país y del mundo, fue el espejo del progreso. Hoy día percatamos su decadencia por un izquierdismo sin futuro que lo quiere destruir. La inflación, la deuda externa, inactividad como potencia, leyes inmorales, aprobación de la marihuana, aumento de la pobreza, aumento de los taxes corporativos que hacen aumentar el producto que es la base de la inflación; son ejemplos de su decadencia.
Juan A. Molerio

WE'LL TELL YOU HOW DANGEROUS EBOLA IS AFTER THE ELECTION - food for a thought let's take politics out of this epidemic and act accordingly 

Jorge A. Villalón

There had never been a case of Ebola in the U.S. until a few months ago. Since then, thousands of people have died of the disease in Africa, and millions upon millions of dollars have been spent treating Ebola patients in the U.S. who acquired it there, one of whom has died.
But the Obama administration refuses to impose a travel ban.
This summer, the U.S. government imposed a travel ban on Israel simply to pressure Prime Minister Netanyahu into accepting a ceasefire agreement. But we can’t put a travel restriction on countries where a contagious disease is raging.
It’s becoming increasingly clear this is just another platform for Obama to demonstrate that we are citizens of the world. The entire Ebola issue is being discussed — by our government, not the United Nations — as if Liberians are indistinguishable from Americans, and U.S. taxpayers should be willing to pay whatever it takes to save them.
Maybe we should give them the vote, too! If Ebola were concentrated in Finland and Norway — certainly Israel! — we’d have had a travel ban on Day One.
The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Tom Frieden, justifies Obama’s refusal to prohibit flights originating in Ebola-plagued countries, saying, “A travel ban is not the right answer. It’s simply not feasible to build a wall — virtual or real — around a community, city or country.”
What is it with liberals living in gated communities always telling us that fences don’t work? THAT’S WHAT A QUARANTINE IS.
At the congressional hearing on Ebola last week, Republicans repeatedly pressed the CDC representative, Dr. Toby Merlin, to explain why Obama refuses to impose a travel ban.
In about 17 tries, Merlin came up with no plausible answer. Like Frieden, Merlin kept insisting that “the only way to protect Americans” is to end the epidemic in Africa.
Why, precisely, must we attack Ebola in Africa? Research on a cure doesn’t require cuddling victims in their huts. Scientists who discovered the AIDS cocktail didn’t spend their nights at Studio 54 in order to “fight the disease at its source.”
Until there’s a treatment, we can’t put out the disease there, or here. The only thing Americans will be doing in Liberia is changing the bedpans of victims, getting infected and bringing Ebola back to America. When there’s a vaccine, we can mail it.
Naturally, Obama is sending troops from the 101st Airborne, the pride of our Army, to Liberia. Their general should resign in protest.
Merlin further explained the travel ban, saying that if West Africans can’t fly to America, “that would cause the disease to grow in that area and spill over into other countries.” So instead of infecting people in surrounding countries, our CDC wants them to come here and infect Americans.
But that won’t happen because the government assures us there’s nothing to worry about with Ebola. They’ve got it under control.
Unfortunately, everything the government says about this disease keeps being proved untrue — usually within a matter of days.
They told us that you’d basically have to roll in an infected person’s vomit to catch the disease. Then, nurses at two first-world hospitals in Spain and the U.S. contracted Ebola from patients.
With no evidence, the CDC simply announced that the nurses were not following proper “protocol.” The disease didn’t operate the way CDC said it would, so the hospitals must be lying.
The government told us that national quarantines won’t work, but then they quarantine everyone with Ebola — or who has been near someone with Ebola, such as an entire NBC crew. To me, this suggests that there’s some value in keeping people who have been near Ebola away from people who have not.
Quite obviously, the only way to protect Americans is to prevent Ebola from coming here in the first place. The problem isn’t that Ebola will leap across oceans to infect Americans; it’s that Obama doesn’t want to protect Americans.
At least he’s only putting expendable Americans on the frontlines of the Ebola epidemic — doctors, nurses, members of the 101st Airborne.
At the moment, more than 13,000 West Africans have travel visas to come to the U.S. Having just seen an Ebola-infected Liberian get $500,000 worth of free medical treatment in the U.S., the first thing any African who might have Ebola should do is get himself to America.
Of all the reasons people have for coming here — welfare, drug-dealing, Medicare scams — “I have Ebola and I’m going to die, otherwise” is surely one of the strongest. The entire continent of Africa now knows that this is a country that will happily spend half a million dollars on treating someone who just arrived — and then berate itself for not doing enough.
Thomas Eric Duncan’s family may be upset with his treatment, but they have to admit, the price was right. Medical bill: $0.00. Your next statement will arrive in 30 days.
And now we’re going to have to let in entire families with Ebola, because the important thing is — actually, I don’t know why. It’s some technical, scientific point about fences not working.
Republicans — Americans — have got to demand Frieden’s resignation. If only we could demand Obama’s.

How should we handle Ebola? Glenn has five simple steps the U.S. can do now Wednesday, Oct 15, 2014 at 2:59 PM EDT. Jorge A. JORGE Villalón

On Tuesday’s show, Glenn spent the opening monologue running through the latest updates on Ebola and some common sense solutions to help mitigate things before it becomes a crisis.
These are the things I humbly recommend,” Glenn said. “The government needs to release information to arm the public and equip them to make wise decisions—what should we know? What is panic? What is real?—and do it in a credible way and say this is worst-case scenario. I want to know what the worst-case scenario is.”
Then restrict or ban travel from Liberia, not to Liberia or other affected West African countries. If you want to go there, you can go and help but restrict the trips back. You have to be in isolation and quarantine, not one where you can go get a bowl of soup after but actual quarantine and isolation for at least 25 days. That does not seem unreasonable. It is not going to hurt the people in Africa. If we do not do these things, it doesn’t have a chance of burning out. It will spread around the whole world.”
“Then we have to direct as much emergency funding and resources as possible. This is all hands on deck. Do not send our military over there to build hospitals. If that is your solution, we are in big trouble. What about the FDA, are they fast tracking the drug that seems to work? Which, by the way, a dose takes six months to make.”
“And the nurses need protocol and respirators now. We need the respiration machines, not masks. Every room needs to be sprayed with…I think its chlorine, but I do not know. Do you remember when right after September 11 we worried about a biological agent, we had all those things that you stepped in, then you would pull it up, and they would scrub you down? What happened to all those things? Why are those not being shipped to the hospitals so when you go in as a nurse, you are sprayed down?”
“This isn’t that hard. This is not…I mean, it is actually science, but it is not brain surgery, for the love of Pete. If we do these things, we can actually stop this from getting out of control, but the time to act is now. The time to blame people is a long time down the road.”

Georgina Lopez: Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Premio Nobel de Física en el año 1921, gozó de una rapidez mental muy propia.                                                      Veamos algunos ejemplos que la demuestran, así como ciertos relatos que él usualmente hacía:
 Un periodista le preguntó a Einstein: 
- '¿Me puede Ud. explicar la Teoría de la Relatividad?' 
Y, entonces, Einstein le contestó: 
- '¿Me puede UD. explicar cómo se fríe un huevo?' 
El periodista lo miró extrañado y le contestó: 
- 'Pues sí, sí que puedo'. 
A lo cual Einstein replicó: 
- 'Bueno pues hágalo, pero imaginando que yo no sé lo que es un huevo, ni una sartén, ni el aceite, ni el fuego'.

Durante la época del nazismo Einstein, a causa de ser judío, debió soportar una guerra en su contra a fin de desprestigiar sus valiosísimas investigaciones. 
Uno de estos intentos se dio cuando se compilaron las opiniones de 100 científicos 
que contradecían las de Einstein, las que fueron editadas en un libro llamado 'Cien autores en contra de Einstein'. 
A esto Einstein respondió: 
-'¿Por qué cien?. Si estuviese errado haría falta sólo uno'.

En una conferencia que Einstein dio en un Colegio de Francia, el escritor francés Paul Valery le preguntó: 
- 'Profesor Einstein cuando tiene una idea original ¿qué Ud. hace? ¿La anota en un cuaderno o en una hoja suelta?' 
A lo que Einstein respondió: 
-'Cuando yo tengo una idea original no se me olvida'.

Einstein tuvo tres nacionalidades: alemana, suiza y estadounidense. 
Al final de su vida un periodista le preguntó que posibles repercusiones 
habían tenido sobre su fama estos cambios. 
A lo que Einstein respondió: 
- 'Si mis teorías hubieran resultado falsas, los estadounidenses hubieran expresado que yo era un físico suizo; por la misma causa los suizos hubiesen aseverado que era un científico alemán; y, los alemanes hubieran asegurado que yo era un astrónomo judío'.

Se cuenta que en una reunión social Einstein coincidió con el actor Charles Chaplin. En el transcurso de la conversación Einstein le dijo a Chaplin: 
-'Lo que he admirado siempre de Usted es que su arte es universal todo el mundo le comprende y le admira'. 
A lo que Chaplin respondió: 
-'Lo suyo es mucho más digno de respeto: todo el mundo lo admira y prácticamente nadie lo comprende'.

Y por último uno de los chistes favoritos que Einstein relatara en reuniones que él efectuara con políticos y científicos. 
Se cuenta que en los años 20 cuando Albert Einstein empezaba a ser conocido 
por su Teoría de la Relatividad era con frecuencia solicitado por las universidades para dar conferencias. Dado que no le gustaba conducir y sin embargo el coche le resultaba muy cómodo para sus desplazamientos contrató los servicios de un chofer. Después de varios días de viaje Einstein le comentó al chofer lo aburrido que era repetir lo mismo una y otra vez. 
- 'Si quiere -le dijo el chofer- lo puedo sustituir por una noche. He oído su conferencia tantas veces que la puedo recitar palabra por palabra.' Einstein estuvo de acuerdo y antes de llegar al siguiente lugar intercambiaron sus ropas y Einstein se puso al volante. 
Llegaron a la sala donde se iba a celebrar la conferencia y como ninguno de los académicos presentes conocía a Einstein no se descubrió la farsa. 
El chofer expuso la conferencia que había oído repetir tantas veces a Einstein. 
Al final un profesor en la audiencia le hizo una pregunta.. 
El chofer no tenía ni idea de cuál podía ser la respuesta, sin embargo tuvo una chispa de inspiración y le contestó: 
- 'La pregunta que me hace es tan sencilla que dejaré que se la responda la persona que se encuentra al final de la sala...que, por cierto, es mi chofer......'

 "Si un día Ud. tiene que elegir entre el mundo y el amor
acuérdese de lo siguiente: si Ud. elige el mundo se quedará sin el amor,
pero, en cambio, si elige el amor, con él conquistará el mundo."

Albert Einstein

Sugerencia de Oscar Fraga sobre las próximas elecciones:
Las elecciones del próximo martes 4 de noviembre son de suma importancia para el futuro de nuestro gran país.  No debemos pensar como demócratas ni como repúblicanos, sino como americanos.  Tenemos que votar por candidatos que representen los mismos valores que hicieron a los Estados Unidos la gran nación que siempre fué. Tenemos que tener en mente que los ciudadanos son el gobierno, "We the People."  El presidente, los miembros del congreso y nuestros jueces son solo parte de ese gobierno y no una entidad que tiene el poder absoluto sobre cada uno de sus ciudadanos.

Creo que es vital que cada uno de nosotros salgamos a votar ese día y que nos eduquemos acerca de cada uno de los candidatos.  Lo mismo digo sobre cada una de las enmiendas que aparecerán en la boleta. Lo importante es salir a votar.  

Los anuncios que estamos viendo en la televisión y oyendo en la radio dejan mucho que desear.  Atácan al oponente pero ellos mismos no nos dicen que piensan hacer si ellos son electos.  Mucho de estos anuncios estan llenos de mentiras y de información totalmente errónea y mal intencionada.  

Por vivir en diferentes distritos, cada uno de nosotros tendremos candidatos y enmiendas diferentes.  También habrá casos en los cuales hay candidatos y enmiendas por lo que todos nosotros votaremos.  

Le sugieron que consideren a los siguientes candidatos y a las explicaciones que los acompañan en la mayoria de los casos.  Tambión les sugieron que consideren como votar en las enmiendas y las explicaciones que las acompañan.  Pero cada uno de Uds. sabrá como quieren votar ese día.

1.  Para gobernador y vicegobernador:  Rick Scott y Carlos López Cantera.  Rick Scott tomó las riendas del estado en un momento en que el desempleo estaba sumamente alto y miles de familias tenian sus propiedades en foreclosure.  Charlie Crist fué republicano, independiente y ahora demócrata.  Dice que va a subir el salario mínimo y ésto suena muy lindo, pero eso es una función del gobierno federal y no el de un estado.  Ninguno de los candidatos son santos pero hay veces que hay que elegir el menos de dos males.

2.  Para fiscal general:  Pam Bondi

3.  Para Funcionario Principal de Finanzas:  Jeff Atwater

4.  Para Comisionado de Agricultura:  Adam Putnam

5.  Representante ante el Congreso, Distrito 23:  Joseph "Joe" Kaufman

6.  Representante ante el Congreso, Distrito 24:  Carlos Curbelo.  José "Joe" García es su oponente.  Esta en estos momentos siendo investigado por un caso federal y no olvidemos que el dice que "Communism works."

7.  Representante Estatal, Distrito 100:  Martin a. "Marty" Feigenbaum

8.  Representante Estatal, Distrito 103:  Manny Díaz, Jr.  No tiene nada que ver con el que fué alcalde de la Ciudad de Miami y terminó siendo millonario en pocos años.

9.  Representante Estatal, Distrito 105:  Carlos Trujillo

10. Representante Estatal, Distrito 110:  Jose Oliva

11. Representante Estatal, Distrito 111:  Votar por uno 

12. Representante Estatal, Distrito 112:  Daniel Díaz Leyva

13. Representante Estatal, Distrito 114:  Erik Fresen

14. Representante Estatal, Distrito 115:  Michael Bileca

15. Representante Estatal, Distrito 116:  Jose Felíx Díaz/Carmen Sotomayor

16. Representante Estatal, Distrito 118:  Frank Artiles

17. Representante Estatal, Distrito 119:  Jeanette M. Nuñez

18: Tasador de Inmuebles:  Pedro J. García.  El ha estudiado toda su vida para esa posición.  Gracias a el, nuestros impuestos a la propiedad bajaron cuando el estaba en ese cargo.  Su contrincante es Eddy Gonzalez, no luce una mala persona, pero no sabe mucho sobre la posición de tasador ya que por años fué un Representante Estatal.  

19. Enmienda #1-Water and Land Convervation-Conservación de Aguas y Tierras:  No.  (Suena bonito, sobre todo cuando dicen que no nos subiran nuestros impuestos.  Aqui es para que el gobierno sigan comprando tierras y más tierras y hacer más y más regulaciones.  ¿Sabian que apróximadamente el 80% de las tierras del estado de Nevada han sido compradas por el gobierno?  Todo en nombre del calentamiento global, etc.-  Esto se pica y se extiende!!!)  Tengan mucho cuidado porque el lobo viene vestido de obeja.

20. Enmienda #2-Marihuana:  No.  Ya el estado de la Florida tiene la ley Charlotte Webb firmada por el gobernador Rick Scott que permite la venta de la marihuna medicinal a personas que de verdad lo necesitan.  Lean lo que ha pasado en el estado de Colorado después que ellos votaron a favor.  Ahora la mayoria de los usuarios son jovenes entre los 20 y los 35 años.  Ya estan haciendo galleticas de marihuana y hasta un aceite de cocinar de marihuana.  La marihuana es adictiva, afecta al cerebro y es el primer paso al uso de drogas mas fuertes.  Suena muy bonito como no las quieren vender.

21.  Enmienda #3-Nombramiento Eventual para Ciertos Cargos Judiciales Vacantes:  No.  Esta perfecto de la manera que se hace.  No hace falta que cambien el proceso que esta en vigencia hoy en día.  Eso le daria un poder a los gobernadores de poner a sus amigos ya Uds. saben para que.

22.  Preguntas del Condado-Enmienda para permitir bibliotecas en parques:  No.  Ya tenemos suficientes bibliotecas y con las que tenemos ellos tienens problemas asi que como ahora ellos quieren bibliotecas en los parques.  Parece que le esta patinando el coco.

23.  Preguntas del Condado-  Eximir al Parque Regional de Fútbol de Miami-Dade del Articulo 7:  No.  Esto es un arma de doble filo.

24.  Preguntas del Condado-  Permitir terrenos para acampar y alojamientos/cabañas en el Parque de Matecumbe:  No.  Esto también esta dudoso.Ya tenemos bastantes lugares de alojamientos y para acampar.  Esto impactaria negativamente el medio ambiente de la zona.  ¿Quién sera el contratista y el dueño de esos alojamientos y lugares de acampar?  

25.  Enmienda para eximir del Articulo 7  la ampliación de la Universidad Internacional de la Florida en los predios de la Fería de la Juventud:  No.  FIU ya tiene bastante tierra.  Ya estan tomando tierras del otro lado de la Calle 8.  Tienen un Campo Universitario en el Norte que hay que decirle Ud.  Quiere tomar los mangos bajitos con el hecho de que le den esos terrenos.  En esos terrenos se llevan a caba muchas actividades para nuestra comunidad.  Pienso que lo mudarian para Homestead.  ¿Cuantas familias pueden ir a Homestead?  También FIU ha hecho muchas cosas en contra de los estudiantes.  Cursos lo dividen en dos sesiones para cobrar más, se quedan con parte del dinero de Florida Pre-paid,etc.  En fin, son un pulpo que lo quiren acaparar todo.  

26.  Imponer otro impuesto a la propiedad para cubrir el gasto de construir una Corte que reemplaze el edificio del Cielito Lindo:  No.  Ya no podemos con otro impuesto mas.  Si el edificio de la corte esta asi es porque el Condado la dejo ponerse asi.  ¿Dónde han estado los inspectores todos estos años?  Solo piensen lo que le pasaria a Uds. si pusieran algo fuera de codigo en su propiedad o no cortaran el pasto por un tiempo. . . Si, le iban a poner una tremenda multa.  Recuerden lo que paso con el impuesto al Jackson Hospital.  Ahora tenemos que pagar ese impuesto y el dinero que el hospital recibia del estado se lo han quitado y se los han dado a otros hospitales alrededor del estado.

27.  Juez del Condado, Grupo 19:  Frank Bocanegra

28.  ¿Se deberian retener en sus cargos los tres jueces del Tribunal de Apelaciones:  Thomas Logue, Barbara Lagoa, y Vance E. Salter?  (He tratado de encontrar información sobre ellos y la poca información que esta disponible dice que han desempeñado bien su cargo).  

Piensen en todos los puntos antes mencionados.  Recuerden, la decisión es suya.  Compartan cualquier información que piensen que es importante con sus familiares y amigos.  Pidanles que voten por cualquiera de los candidatos que ellos merecen que se merecen su voto, pero que voten.

Están son mis sugerencias para las próximas elecciones el martes 4 de noviembre del 2014.
Usted debe votar por quien usted desee. LRGM
Esta es Boleta electoral  del próximo Noviembre  Martes 4, 2014 en Miami Dade.
GOBERNADOR Y VICEGOBERNADOR Rick Scott REP 17 Carlos Lopez-Cantera
REPRESENTANTE ESTATAL, DISTRITO 100 Martin A. “Marty” Feigenbaum REP 30
REPRESENTANTE ESTATAL, DISTRITO 116  Jose Felix Diaz   REP 52    Carmen Sotomayor REP 54
No voten por Eddie González para tasador de inmuebles, porque es un aliado de Carlos Giménez para subirnos los impuestos.  
Financiamiento de Proyectos del Tribunal  mediante la Emisión de Bonos de Obligación  General:  Hacer una nueva corte con dinero de los contribuyentes. Vote NO/.
Lázaro R. González Miño

En mi opinión

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