No 399 5/30/13 “En mi opinión” Lázaro R
González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’
Obama- ¿Ineptitud o Desfachatez? Amenper
administración es la única que está escapando a su final con la declaración de
inocencia por inepto.
Axelrod, director de la campaña de Obama y su apologista, declaró ayer que en
la presidencia “hay tanto por debajo de la posición que el
presidente no puede conocerlo todo, porque el gobierno es muy vasto”, esto es una
declaración de incompetencia, es como decir que el presidente no tiene la
capacidad para las demandas del cargo. Un presidente no lo puede hacer todo, tiene
que delegar, pero no puede delegar la responsabilidad del gobierno. Ronald
Reagan fue quizás fue el presidente que más delegó en subordinados, pero
siempre supo supervisar el trabajo y siempre fue responsable de todos los
aspectos de su administración.
Lois Lerner y
Steven Miller los chivos expiatorios del IRS así como Holder, y el propio
presidente declaran que se enteraron de los problemas por los periódicos, que
ellos no sabían lo que estaba pasando.
Esto es
típico de los gobiernos socialistas en formación. ¿Recuerdan cuando los
simpatizantes del gobierno de Cuba en sus principios decían que Fidel no era
comunista, que no sabía lo que los comunistas de su gobierno estaban haciendo?
Claro que
todos sabemos que el problema de esta administración, como en el caso de Fidel
Castro, no es su ineptitud sino su desfachatez, la manera como se está burlando
de la ciudadanía, incluyendo a sus seguidores.
Pero si
aceptamos las excusas de ineptitud, entonces el Presidente Obama debiera seguir
el ejemplo del Papa Emeritus Benedicto XVI que cuando consideró que su
capacidad física y mental no le permitía cumplir sus funciones como cabeza de
su organización, decidió abandonar el cargo.
Nota: “EN MI
OPINION” El artículo de Alberto Pérez [amenper} es muy bueno como siempre, pero
yo creo que no es un asunto de incompetencia, es un asunto de “hacer todo lo
posible para que el gobierno fracase totalmente y el país se hunda, es el deseo
de destruir toda la historia de éxitos del país y cambiarla por un presente de
mariconeria, lesbianismo, incompetencia, complicidad, confusión, aplastamiento
de las raíces patrióticas de los americanos, desfachatez e infiltración de los
musulmanes en el gobierno y los puntos clave del país. Es increíble que todo
esto esté ocurriendo delante de la cara de los cerebros más prominentes del
mundo y la prensa que observan la destrucción de la nación americana, sin hacer
nada, babeándose como comemierdas. Lázaro R González Miño.
Working for the Clintons HELL I FORGOT ALL THIS STUFF-IF TRUE Irmende MENDEZ
Hell I'm glad they are not my friends, they have a small cemetery all
of their own.
Thu, May 23, 2013 12:15:50 PM Subject: Fwd: Working for the Clintons HELL I FORGOT ALL THIS STUFF-IF TRUE
The "stuff" is coming out of
the woodwork now.
a quick refresher course ‘lest we forget’ what has happened to many “friends” of the Clintons.
James McDougal - Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent
heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken
Starr’s investigation.
- Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a
Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown .. The murder happened just after she was
to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.
- Vince Foster - Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary
Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head,
ruled a suicide.
- Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have
died by impact in a plane
crash. A
pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the
top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death
Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a
deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also
died. A few days later the air Traffic controller commited suicide.
- C. Victor Raiser, II - Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising
organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.
- Paul Tulley - Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead
in a hotel room in Little Rock , September 1992. Described by Clinton
as a “dear friend and trusted advisor”.
- Ed Willey - Clinton fundraiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods
in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey
died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her
in the oval office in the WhiteHouse. Ed Willey was involved in several
Clinton fund raising events.
- Jerry Parks - Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock
.. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little
Rock Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on
Clinton He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After
he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.
- James Bunch - Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he
had a “Black Book” of people which contained names of influential people who
visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas
- James Wilson - Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide.
He was reported to have ties to Whitewater..
- Kathy Ferguson - Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead
in May 1994, in her living
room with a
gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were
several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny
Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones
lawsuit Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula
- Bill Shelton - Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson.
Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June,
1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his
- Gandy Baugh - Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping
out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a
convicted drug distributor.
- Florence Martin - Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related
to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas, airport drug smuggling case. He died
of three gunshot wounds.
- Suzanne Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas
Attorney General.
Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was
pregnant at the time of her death.
- Paula Grober - Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her
death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car
- Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport
and ArkansasDevelopment Finance Authority. He slit his wrists,
apparently, in the middle of his investigation.
- Paul Wilcher - Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with
Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22,
1993, in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno
3 weeks before his death.
- Jon Parnell Walker - Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust
Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington , Virginia apartment
balcony August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty
- Barbara Wise - Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron
Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29,
1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the
Department of Commerce.
- Charles Meissner - Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special
security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.
- Dr. Stanley Heard - Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health
Care Advisory
Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash.
Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton ‘s advisory council personally
treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.
- Barry Seal - Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death
was no accident.
- Johnny Lawhorn, Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in
the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his
car had hit a utility pole.
- Stanley Huggins - Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a
purported suicide and his report was never released.
- Hershell Friday - Attorney and Clinton fundraiser died March 1, 1994, when
his plane exploded.
- Kevin Ives & Don Henry - Known as “The boys on the track” case.
Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug
operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due
to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys
had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case
died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.
- Keith Coney - Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck,
- Keith McMaskle - Died, stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988
- Gregory Collins - Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.
- Jeff Rhodes - He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in
April 1989.
- James Milan - Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death
was due to natural causes”.
- Jordan Kettleson - Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup
truck in June 1990.
- Richard Winters - A suspect in the Ives/Henry deaths. He was killed
in a set-up robbery July 1989.
- Major William S. Barkley, Jr.
- Captain Scott J . Reynolds
- Sgt. Brian Hanley
- Sgt. Tim Sabel
- Major General William Robertson
- Col. William Densberger
- Col. Robert Kelly
- Spec. Gary Rhodes
- Steve Willis
- Robert Williams
- Conway LeBleu
- Todd McKeehan
an impressive list!
this on & let the public become aware of what happens to friends of the Clintons!
Who had Ambassador Stevens Killed and How the Petraeus Affair Factors In
There is the
reason for an event and there is the real reason behind the event. Sixty
percent of all married men cheat on their spouse. The more money they make and
the more power a man possesses, the more opportunity for cheating.
I have swamp
land for sale, in Florida, for anyone to purchase if they are naive enough to
believe that David Petraeus, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA), resigned solely based upon having an extramarital affair with the
biographer-turned-mistress, Colonel Paula Broadwell. How did the affair
compromise Petraeus’ position as CIA director? The FBI has concluded that it
did not.
The media has
suggested that the affair began in 2006. So, the ignorant American public is
supposed to believe that David Patraeus was vetted by the FBI, the Secret
Service and the rest of the Obama goon squad and they did not discover the
affair until AFTER Ambassador’s Steven’s murder? How convenient is that? This
doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the CIA’s and the FBI’s vetting practices
now does it? Let me be clear again about this outrageous set of facts.
The most powerful and presumably thorough intelligence agency was unable to
detect Patraeus’ affair during the vetting process? America, this is what
you are being asked to believe!
It is
abundantly clear that the extramarital affair excuse is just one more piece of
excrement piled upon a growing mountain of Oba-manure perpetrated by this
administration in order to cover up the fact that they had Chris Stevens
murdered by the very terrorists that Stevens was running guns to on behalf of
the CIA.
Does Adultery Get One Fired?
Let’s examine
this event through the lens of common sense. Adultery is indeed a
violation of the Military Code of Justice and senior command officers have
indeed lost their careers over their sexual indiscretions. However, David
Patraeus is no longer a command officer in the military and would not be
subject to these prohibitions. And the adultery prohibition is rarely enforced,
even in the military, and when it is, it is used as a matter of political
expediency in order to get rid of an undesirable.
As for the
political “I did not have sex with the woman, Monica Lewinski,” crowd, adultery
is not a career killer. And for the head of a federal agency, or for a cabinet
member, unless the affair can be shown to compromise national security, it does
not end the careers of unholy partakers of the forbidden fruit while serving in
high government office. Petraeus decided to quit, though he was breaking no
laws by having an affair, officials said.
Janet and David A Tale of Two Tails
Rumors persist
that the way to get promoted in the Department of Homeland Security is to
“provide services” to one’s superiors, especially for Homeland Security
Director, Janet Napolitano. So if it is permissible for Janet
to be serviced in exchange for a promotion, then why should David be any different when it comes
to giving an exclusive to your mistresses’ journalistic desire to become his
biographer? Yet Janet is on the verge of being promoted to Attorney General,
despite her indiscretions and resulting law suit. Conversely, Patraeus is out
of a job. But wait, the believability of this cover story gets worse!
According to
New York Times best-selling author, Aaron Klein, whom I have interviewed on my talk show, Hillary Clinton is a lesbian who surrounded herself
with lesbian aides and staffers when she was the First Lady and she continues
to do so as the Secretary of State. And as the Mail Online points out, why did it not seem to matter to Hillary
that her husband chased anything that wore a skirt? It is because she is a
serial lesbian who has had multiple affairs.
Take Attorney
General, Eric Holder, his actions, related to the topic of sex, are the most
reprehensible of them all. Brandon
previously an FBI informant, is speaking out on the Department of Justice’s
hesitancy to assist victims of human trafficking, in particular they are
refusing to help children who have been victims of sex crimes. The obvious
question is, who is Holder protecting? This inaction on the part of Eric Holder
is far more reprehensible, and represents a greater violation of the public
trust than do the actions of Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano.
When one
considers the fast and furious sexual life-styles of the senior cabinet members
of the Obama administration, it is impossible to swallow the fact that Patraeus
was sacked because of an affair.
The Patraeus
dismissal based upon an extramarital affair is a cover story, plain and simple.
The Rats are Jumping Off the Ship
I do not care
what people do in their private lives behind closed doors. I do not care if
Clinton and Napolitano are lesbians. My feelings hold true for the President,
the Director of Homeland Security, the Secretary of State or the director of
the CIA. However, when a fake cover story is concocted to cover up the murder
of an ambassador, as it was with Chris Stevens, then it is everyone’s business.
Many of the
rats of the Obama administration are jumping ship in the aftermath of the
murder of Ambassador Stevens and this explains why Patraeus was fired as CIA
director. Patraeus is gone for the same reason that Hillary Clinton will soon
be gone. Clinton is gone for the same reasons that Eric Holder is contemplating
Hearings Regarding the
Death of Stevens Begin Soon
If Petraeus
was subpoenaed before Congress in his role as CIA director, he could not invoke
the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination. If Hillary Clinton is
subpoenaed to testify before Congress, in her role as Secretary of State, she
cannot invoke the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination. And if members of
the Obama administration begin to incriminate themselves for their dirty deeds
which resulted in Stevens’ death, then they implicate Obama.
This is
Obama’s potential Watergate moment. If Clinton reveals before Congress that, as
the senior official that oversees diplomatic security, that she denied Stevens’ requests for extra security and that she, Holder, Patraeus and Obama watch drone
footage for nearly seven hours as Stevens and his party were murdered and that
these senior level Cabinet officials blocked AFRICOM Commander, General Hamm, and the Commander of Carrier Task Force 3, Admiral Gayouette from rescuing the Stevens contingent, and then had
both men arrested when the tried to disobey orders and rescue Stevens in
violation of these executive orders from Obama administration.
The gravity of
these events are stunning! All of these senior officials, including the
President, are implicated as accomplices in Stevens murder. This is criminally
negligent homocide. This is first degree murder! And why did Stevens have to be
murdered? Stevens was murdered because he was running guns for the CIA to al-Qaeda operatives, first
in Libya last year and in Syria this year.
Dead men tell
no tales in this Middle East version of Fast and Furious. This also explains
why Patraeus had to be sacked. He was the link between Stevens’ gun running and al-Qaeda since Stevens’ gun running was a CIA operation conducted
under the purview of Petraeus. This account is partially confirmed by Council
on Foreign Relations member, Dr Steve Pieczenik, as states that Stevens was running guns and missiles into Syria. You remember the missing hand held stinger missiles
that went missing in the NATO invasion of Libya last year? Those would be the
ones! Can you imagine the public’s further outcry when al-Qaeda operatives
begin brining down American commercial airliners with these weapons. Even Biden
would not be able to pardon this motley crew!
How Will the New World Order Spin This?
Only a month
before the election, I thought Obama’s reign of terror was over. However, in
the month before the election, the economic outcome appeared brighter for the
first time in years. The housing market showed signs of rebounding. The stock
market appeared stronger and the banks were actually talking about loosening
The George
Soros voting machines came into play. The military’s vote was compromised. All
the stops were pulled out to extend the heinous tyranny of Obama by the global
elite. Why? The very simple and obvious reason is that with Benghazi-Gate, the
elite can pull Obama’s strings in any direction they want. If Obama gets out of
line, the global elite will topple his presidency and the aforementioned
Obamanites will go to prison for a very long time.
What will the
next four years look like in America? Well, under the existing conditions, with
Obama’s very freedom riding on the whims of the globalists, the future of
America looks bleak as Obama is completely compromised.
I do not look
for Obama to complete the four years of his term. I predict that the globalists
will use Obama for all they can get and then they will implode his presidency.
The resulting lack of confidence will destroy this country and we could very
easily de-evolve into a civil war which fits nicely into the globalists agenda
of totally destroying America.
thoughts on “Who had Ambassador Stevens Killed
and How the Petraeus Affair Factors In”
“Stevens was murdered because he was running guns for
the CIA to al-Qaeda operatives, first in Libya last year and in Syria this
This is still no explanation four a murder! For whom
“Running guns for CIA” was a problem ? Certainly not
for OBAMA.
First, the mainstream media is not going to give us
anything truthful so we can stop reading their articles on what happened to our
ambassador in Libya or the general(s).
It’s the Internet with websites (like this one) that
will furnish the truth after we weed out the more unprofessional blogs that
just speculate. Sadly, the Obama administration will focus it’s power at restricting
the Internet to the point that truth on any issue will never be given out. Great
article. Thanks.
The final stinky slinky hidden fact here is that
Ambassador Stevens and many of those assigned to that CIA installation from
where the gunrunning and ArabSpring staged events were directed
was Gay same as bammaO and Rahm and most of that whole Chi town thug crew.
was Gay same as bammaO and Rahm and most of that whole Chi town thug crew.
This had to be kept secret and Gay agents were sent in
as they were vulnerable
they would toe the line to protect careers and privileged positions where they ahd
free rein to play in a modicum of privacy at least away from American intolerance.
they would toe the line to protect careers and privileged positions where they ahd
free rein to play in a modicum of privacy at least away from American intolerance.
So the bammaO and his henchmen/people all went along
with the agenda set up by
those banksters in “The City” in London who are hellbent on total global ownership
of all lands and peoples under an international martial law.
those banksters in “The City” in London who are hellbent on total global ownership
of all lands and peoples under an international martial law.
This whole thing is a part of the “uprisings” by
“rebels” who arre paid mercenaries
hired by cia/mossad to pretend to be citizens of the targeted nation and ‘rebe; supplied with money,drugs and weapons by CIA/Mossad and the major HQ of those supplies came from the CIA installation at Benghazi.
hired by cia/mossad to pretend to be citizens of the targeted nation and ‘rebe; supplied with money,drugs and weapons by CIA/Mossad and the major HQ of those supplies came from the CIA installation at Benghazi.
many ME nations AND Russia all knew this and decided
it was time to end the
fake “embassy’ front and stop the gunrunning into Syria which nation the banksters
plan to hand over to the Muslim Brotherhood while they suck it dry and have one more
nation near the borders of Russia from whereto send missles into Russia.
fake “embassy’ front and stop the gunrunning into Syria which nation the banksters
plan to hand over to the Muslim Brotherhood while they suck it dry and have one more
nation near the borders of Russia from whereto send missles into Russia.
Now that bammaO is sooo compromised and all his admin
cohorts he is scheduled to meet with PUTIN and he better bend over and grab
too funny to contemplate…!
I just want to see the lying Mulatto tarred and
feathered then paraded (on a special tour) around all major cities starting in
Chicago and ending in DC with a “pitchcapping” at Lincoln’s memorial.
This is too dirty to comment on. Hillary could have
been busted for illegal procurement of a firearm which she took across state
lines and it later was used to murder Vince Foster and compromise Hillary.This
was over 15 years ago.The FBI told all of us witnesses to “keep our mouths
shut” because there were many people around Bush41 and B Clinton being murdered
and they could not protect us. The FBI needs to be disbanded along with the
CIA. Too many thugs.The sons of bitches worshipping J Edgar Hoover pictured in
his red nighty are the channels to the morale decay and resultant failure of the
If the internet gets shut-down, we might have to get
back to the ham radio again! And we might have to start the “Voice of America”
from out side America!
This is a very good piece. Something is up and it
cannot be good. The American people seem to be completely brain dead. Cowardice
reins supreme. Your ignorant neighbor is your real enemy. America is coming
apart at the siems.
No mention of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta? I had
read that Panetta and David Petraeus were in consultation during the attack on
the quasi-consular location of the traveling Ambassador Stevens & Company.
They made their way to a “safe house” whose whereabouts were relayed by locals
to the attacking persons almost immediately. Even so, folks might have been
secure and safe within those confines, had the attackers not decided to pour
diesel fuel into the grated windows and ignite a thickly smoking fire, as seen
in the videos. The chaos and disorder of the leadership and authorities in the
City of Benghazi due to the aftermath of the revolution, meant no fire trucks,
no local police, and an all around lack of communication and coordination.
American officials did not want to foment another Mogadishu, Somalia like
“Black Hawk Down” incident, and so made the hard and fast determination not to
send more Americans into the center of an urban center in turmoil, with no
clear outlines. As it turned out, the City of Benghazi’s residents turned out
in the following days, in dismay and in support of our Ambassador Stevens, to
root out those militias who had partaken in the attack and demise of the four
Americans, including the Ambassador. As for General Petraeus resigning as
C.I.A. Lead, it might well be that coming from the professional military of
high morale as he did, he was appalled at the immediate and continued sniping
and partisanship in the wake of another American foreign policy tragedy, this
being one of many. Alleging that the Obama Administration deliberately intended
the death of the Ambassador or anyone else for political purposes is both silly
and slanderous, and utterly reprehensible. The opportunistic conduct of those
who use the gun running death on the Mexican border, or this Ambassador’s
death, in a bid for political advantage, plays the American People for fools I
think their conduct and choices show the poor character of Republican leaders.
I am personally reminded of the way some people jump onto crime stories to
promulgate their ill-advised legislative views and agendas. Such conduct
dishonors the memory of the three Americans and Ambassador Stevens. They lost
their lives in Libya serving our interests to bring order to a chaotic,
changing situation much like the early days of our own United States and its
Your analysis of Hamm and Gayouette taking military
actions to intervene in the assassination of Stevens to cover his CIA
operations is remarkable—along with BO and HC watching the download. I missed
the MSM mention of it. It arouses flashbacks of the attack on the USS Liberty
with the recall of airborne naval fighters to their ships to prevent aid to
fellow sailors under attack.
Perhaps the compilation, and extrapolation, of alleged
CIA nefarious actions at or the role of the CIA alleged in the New World Order
at may be of interest.
There’s been another rumor floating….that there was a
‘set-up’ arrangement for the muslim brotherhood to ‘kidnap’ the ambassador
(himself) and then hold him (alive and well) for an ‘exchange’ involving
release of the U.S. held ‘blind sikh’ who fathered and arranged the 9-11
highjackings and attacks on the WTC and Pentagon. No explanation in the rumor
for a ‘motive’ behind this sikh release, other than perhaps placating the imams
over there, allowing them to get a ‘buddy’ back. But the ex-Seals and the CIA
folks on detail in Benghazi were the ones who realized this caper was crap and
refused orders to ‘stand down’, deciding instead to protect themselves and try
to defend the ambassador. They wound up taking 80 or so of the attacking
brotherhood folks to meet their 77 virgins before heavier weapons were brought
in to snuff the Americans. The brotherhood thought they’d been double-crossed
because there was supposed to be NO defense. So they took it up a notch. Ditto
a couple of weeks later, when Hilley supposedly was involved in a plane crash
at an airfield just inside Iran, where she ‘may’ have been going to ‘recover’
the deal that went south — to release the blind sikh by negotiating directly
with Ahmadinejad at that airfield site. But the brotherhood, still ticked about
being ‘sold out’, instead shot at Hilley’s Beechcraft being driven by an Army
Colonel, with six Seals on board as ‘security’, to get even with the Benghazi
mess. The Colonel crash-landed and Hilley was badly injured and a couple of the
Seals were killed. Hilley was triaged on-site, then airlifted home with head
injuries and deposited in a hospital, where varying stories of bad colds,
life-threatening blood clots, exhaustion, and other things forced her to resign
and to avoid testifying at the Congressional hearings. Perhaps she came very
close to getting snuffed on this little secret mission herself and now feels
that ‘early retirement’ back to one of the Clinton residences in Arkansas might
be a safer way to live longer. Or maybe the deal struck with BHO about letting
him run in 2008 instead of her has timed out, and the Bill & Hillary duo
now want to reposition themselves to start the inevitable 2016 campaign. It’s
all very ‘black’ and the American people are totally unaware of the sick drama
and intrigue that’s become a euphemism for U.S. ‘foreign policy’. Oh, for JUST
a little sun to be shown in the dark places!!
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North Korea to ‘launch missile TODAY’ as hundreds of ‘ELITES’ move to safety
House Judiciary Chairman to Newsmax: Holder Should Resign
29 May 2013 12:52 PM By Jim Meyers and Kathleen Walter
Rep. Bob Goodlatte is leading a Judiciary Committee
probe of Attorney General Eric Holder's actions regarding the targeting of
reporters. And he tells Newsmax he is "very concerned" about Justice
Department efforts to "harass the news media."
The Virginia Republican also reiterates his call for Holder to step down, a demand he first made two years ago during the Fast and Furious controversy.
Elected in 1992, Goodlatte has been chairman of the House Judiciary Committee since January.
Story continues below video.
Holder recently testified before the committee that targeting journalists was "not something I've even been involved in." But it's now been reported that Holder personally sanctioned a search warrant labeling Fox News correspondent James Rosen a co-conspirator in leaking national-security secrets.
In an exclusive interview Wednesday with Newsmax TV, Goodlatte discusses his probe of Holder.
"We are sending a letter today-- myself and the chairman of the Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations Subcommittee -- asking him to explain how his answers to the committee conflict with the actions that he appears to have taken with regard to Mr. Rosen, and we will withhold judgment on what the attorney general's actions constitute until we give an opportunity for him to explain himself.
"But it is quite concerning."
The Judiciary Committee also has been investigating disclosures that the Justice Department secretly obtained telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press.
"Subpoenas were issued there which appear to have been overbroad both in terms of the number of reporters whose phone-call records were sought as well as the length of time, 60 days, that was involved in that," Goodlatte says.
"[And we have] some questions about the attorney general's involvement in that, where he said that he recused himself and turned over that responsibility to Deputy Attorney General James Cole.
"We have already sent a letter to Mr. Cole asking him a series of questions regarding how that matter took place. Now we are pursuing it further with regard to the Fox News matter with Mr. Rosen, and we have sent a letter to the attorney general asking him to explain how the information that we have regarding the search warrant with Mr. Rosen conflicts with his sworn testimony before the committee.
"We are very concerned about the Justice Department targeting reporters and using what could be overbroad investigative tools to harass the news media, and we want to make sure they are following the rules. But we are also concerned that Mr. Holder has again contradicted himself and we want to know why that is. We'll wait for an answer to that before we decide what our next step is in terms of committee hearings."
Sen. Lindsay Graham has called for an independent special counsel to investigate the IRS and Justice Department scandals.
But Goodlatte believes a select committee or independent special counsel would "sidetrack" the ongoing investigation.
"The fact of the matter is, if we find sufficient information to justify getting this off on the separate track and delaying the investigation while a special select committee or a special counsel is appointed, we will do that," he says.
"But at this point in time it's important that the committees involved — and it's not just the Judiciary Committee, but with regard to the IRS, it's also the Ways and Means Committee and the Oversight and Government Reform Committee — that we continue to pursue this investigation aggressively and look into the matter, and if we were to sidetrack to get to a select committee, that will slow down this process.
"There will be a decision made later on about whether or not we need to take a different course with regard to these investigations."
Asked if Holder should resign, Goodlatte responds: "Last year in the last Congress I co-sponsored a resolution calling for him to step down, and he has still not complied with the subpoena that was given to him with regard to the investigation of Fast and Furious.
"The result of that is that his noncompliance, his having been held in contempt of the House of Representatives, all indicate to me his unwillingness to take responsibility for the actions in this Justice Department, his inability to provide leadership.
"Therefore it is very concerning to me, and I see nothing that would change my opinion from two years ago that he should step down."
Goodlatte also is working on immigration-reform legislation in the House.
He tells Newsmax: "We are taking a step-by-step approach. We appreciate the effort that is ongoing in the Senate. We have a broken immigration system and it needs to be fixed, both in the sense of enforcing our immigration laws and in finding the appropriate legal status for those who are not lawfully present in the United States today.
"We also want to make sure that we're doing everything possible to improve our legal immigration system because we think it could work much better from the standpoint of the national interest of the United States and American citizens in creating jobs and growing our economy.
"We are hard at work. We have introduced three bills in the House Judiciary Committee dealing with various aspects of immigration reform. The Homeland Security Committee has introduced and passed out of the committee a fourth bill dealing with border security.
"Next week we will introduce in the Judiciary Committee a fifth bill dealing with interior security, because the problem is not just at the border: 35 to 40 percent of the people who are not lawfully present in the United States entered the country legally on visitor visas, business visas, student visas, visa waivers, etc., and simply overstayed their visa.
"So fixing the issues on the border does not by any means completely solve the problem. In fact, some would argue that the biggest problem we have right now is the lack of enforcement in the interior of the country.
"We are also continuing to work on the issue of what the legal status of people not lawfully present in the United States should be. I do not support a special pathway to citizenship. That would give people who entered the country unlawfully an advantage over people who have been attempting — in some cases for many, many years, — to lawfully immigrate.
"Figuring out what the way forward is in terms of enforcing our immigration laws; adding new enforcement measures; making sure that no president of the United States, not just President Obama, but no president can flip a switch and determine not to enforce the immigration laws as they pertain to millions of people who are not here lawfully; and making sure we do not undertake something that will cost the taxpayers of this country huge sums of money, are all matters that we are working our way through, one step at a time."
Regarding the immigration-reform bill in the Senate, Goodlatte says: "The biggest concern I have is that long before they ever give anybody a pathway to citizenship, they almost immediately give a legal status to people before they have in place the measures that would assure that we don’t have a repeat of what happened in 1986, when 3 million people were given an easy pathway to citizenship and the enforcement measures never were seriously implemented — employer sanctions and other things.
"Now we have new measures like E-Verify, which is a voluntary system we want to make mandatory for every employer. That would be implemented under the Senate rule after they've given legal status to millions of people.
"We've got to make sure that if we are going to change the legal status of millions of people, we don’t have another tidal wave of people coming into the country after them."
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The Virginia Republican also reiterates his call for Holder to step down, a demand he first made two years ago during the Fast and Furious controversy.
Elected in 1992, Goodlatte has been chairman of the House Judiciary Committee since January.
Story continues below video.
Holder recently testified before the committee that targeting journalists was "not something I've even been involved in." But it's now been reported that Holder personally sanctioned a search warrant labeling Fox News correspondent James Rosen a co-conspirator in leaking national-security secrets.
In an exclusive interview Wednesday with Newsmax TV, Goodlatte discusses his probe of Holder.
"We are sending a letter today-- myself and the chairman of the Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations Subcommittee -- asking him to explain how his answers to the committee conflict with the actions that he appears to have taken with regard to Mr. Rosen, and we will withhold judgment on what the attorney general's actions constitute until we give an opportunity for him to explain himself.
"But it is quite concerning."
The Judiciary Committee also has been investigating disclosures that the Justice Department secretly obtained telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press.
"Subpoenas were issued there which appear to have been overbroad both in terms of the number of reporters whose phone-call records were sought as well as the length of time, 60 days, that was involved in that," Goodlatte says.
"[And we have] some questions about the attorney general's involvement in that, where he said that he recused himself and turned over that responsibility to Deputy Attorney General James Cole.
"We have already sent a letter to Mr. Cole asking him a series of questions regarding how that matter took place. Now we are pursuing it further with regard to the Fox News matter with Mr. Rosen, and we have sent a letter to the attorney general asking him to explain how the information that we have regarding the search warrant with Mr. Rosen conflicts with his sworn testimony before the committee.
"We are very concerned about the Justice Department targeting reporters and using what could be overbroad investigative tools to harass the news media, and we want to make sure they are following the rules. But we are also concerned that Mr. Holder has again contradicted himself and we want to know why that is. We'll wait for an answer to that before we decide what our next step is in terms of committee hearings."
Sen. Lindsay Graham has called for an independent special counsel to investigate the IRS and Justice Department scandals.
But Goodlatte believes a select committee or independent special counsel would "sidetrack" the ongoing investigation.
"The fact of the matter is, if we find sufficient information to justify getting this off on the separate track and delaying the investigation while a special select committee or a special counsel is appointed, we will do that," he says.
"But at this point in time it's important that the committees involved — and it's not just the Judiciary Committee, but with regard to the IRS, it's also the Ways and Means Committee and the Oversight and Government Reform Committee — that we continue to pursue this investigation aggressively and look into the matter, and if we were to sidetrack to get to a select committee, that will slow down this process.
"There will be a decision made later on about whether or not we need to take a different course with regard to these investigations."
Asked if Holder should resign, Goodlatte responds: "Last year in the last Congress I co-sponsored a resolution calling for him to step down, and he has still not complied with the subpoena that was given to him with regard to the investigation of Fast and Furious.
"The result of that is that his noncompliance, his having been held in contempt of the House of Representatives, all indicate to me his unwillingness to take responsibility for the actions in this Justice Department, his inability to provide leadership.
"Therefore it is very concerning to me, and I see nothing that would change my opinion from two years ago that he should step down."
Goodlatte also is working on immigration-reform legislation in the House.
He tells Newsmax: "We are taking a step-by-step approach. We appreciate the effort that is ongoing in the Senate. We have a broken immigration system and it needs to be fixed, both in the sense of enforcing our immigration laws and in finding the appropriate legal status for those who are not lawfully present in the United States today.
"We also want to make sure that we're doing everything possible to improve our legal immigration system because we think it could work much better from the standpoint of the national interest of the United States and American citizens in creating jobs and growing our economy.
"We are hard at work. We have introduced three bills in the House Judiciary Committee dealing with various aspects of immigration reform. The Homeland Security Committee has introduced and passed out of the committee a fourth bill dealing with border security.
"Next week we will introduce in the Judiciary Committee a fifth bill dealing with interior security, because the problem is not just at the border: 35 to 40 percent of the people who are not lawfully present in the United States entered the country legally on visitor visas, business visas, student visas, visa waivers, etc., and simply overstayed their visa.
"So fixing the issues on the border does not by any means completely solve the problem. In fact, some would argue that the biggest problem we have right now is the lack of enforcement in the interior of the country.
"We are also continuing to work on the issue of what the legal status of people not lawfully present in the United States should be. I do not support a special pathway to citizenship. That would give people who entered the country unlawfully an advantage over people who have been attempting — in some cases for many, many years, — to lawfully immigrate.
"Figuring out what the way forward is in terms of enforcing our immigration laws; adding new enforcement measures; making sure that no president of the United States, not just President Obama, but no president can flip a switch and determine not to enforce the immigration laws as they pertain to millions of people who are not here lawfully; and making sure we do not undertake something that will cost the taxpayers of this country huge sums of money, are all matters that we are working our way through, one step at a time."
Regarding the immigration-reform bill in the Senate, Goodlatte says: "The biggest concern I have is that long before they ever give anybody a pathway to citizenship, they almost immediately give a legal status to people before they have in place the measures that would assure that we don’t have a repeat of what happened in 1986, when 3 million people were given an easy pathway to citizenship and the enforcement measures never were seriously implemented — employer sanctions and other things.
"Now we have new measures like E-Verify, which is a voluntary system we want to make mandatory for every employer. That would be implemented under the Senate rule after they've given legal status to millions of people.
"We've got to make sure that if we are going to change the legal status of millions of people, we don’t have another tidal wave of people coming into the country after them."
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Source: Slain ambassador Stevens said he was on al Qaeda list 8:15 AM, Sep 20, 2012
US ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens gives a speech on
August 26, 2012 at the US embassy in Tripoli. Stevens was killed in an attack
on a consulate building in the Libyan city of Benghazi on Sept. 12, 2012 (MAHMUD
WASHINGTON -- In the months leading up to his death,
U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, worried about what he called the
never-ending security threats in Benghazi and mentioned his name was on an al
Qaeda hit list, a source familiar with his thinking told CNN.
Stevens specifically mentioned a rise in Islamic
extremism and al Qaeda's growing presence in Libya, the source said.
American intelligence officials are investigating, but
Matthew Olsen, the National Counterterrorism Center director, said Wednesday
that it was unlikely that Stevens and his security team were killed by random
"I would say, yes, they were killed in course of
terrorist attack on our embassy," Olsen said at a Senate Homeland Security
Stevens and three other Americans were killed when
protesters, angry over a film made in the United States that mocked the Muslim
prophet Mohammed, attacked the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.
Washington tried to distance itself from the uproar,
making it clear that it did not sanction the film. But more than a week of
protests have rippled from Morocco to Malaysia, spurring U.S. officials to
increase security at diplomatic missions and demand other governments to take
On Thursday, Libyan and U.S. officials will attend a
memorial service in Tripoli for the slain Americans.
Here are the latest key developments in the fallout
from the anti-Islam film, and cartoons published in a French satirical magazine
featuring a figure resembling Mohammed:
French magazine runs cartoons of Mohammed
The French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo added to the fiery debate between freedom of expression and offensive provocation on Wednesday.
The French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo added to the fiery debate between freedom of expression and offensive provocation on Wednesday.
The magazine, which is known for outrageous humor,
published cartoons featuring a figure resembling the Prophet Mohammed.
Iranian students demonstrated in front of the French
embassy in Tehran on Thursday, the semiofficial FARS news agency reported.
But so far, there has been no violence reported as a
result of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons.
Still, France will close embassies and schools in
about 20 countries on Friday, the main Muslim day of prayer, as a precaution,
the French foreign ministry said Wednesday.
It is already boosting security in some locations,
including its embassies, and police vehicles were parked outside the Paris
offices of Charlie Hebdo late Tuesday.
In the past, Muslims in many countries have taken to
the streets after Friday prayers.
Any depiction of Islam's prophet is considered
blasphemy by many Muslims. France has the largest Muslim population in Western
Europe, with an estimated 4.7 million followers of the faith.
The Charlie Hebdo cartoons are not labeled Mohammed,
but several, including one that appears to show a man's naked rear end, could
easily be interpreted as being depictions of Islam's prophet.
On Thursday, the Paris prosecutor's office said a
group called the Syrian Association of Freedom filed a complaint against the
magazine for inciting hatred. The magazine itself turned to the prosecutor's
office, asking for an inquiry after its website was hacked.
Meanwhile, the German satirical magazine,
"Titanic," will publish an issue lampooning Islamaphobia next week,
with a depiction on its cover that could be interpreted as being the prophet
Staffer Martina Werner said the Titanic issue will
take on film and politicians making political capital on Islamaphobia, with a
cover from an old movie poster.
Asked if it is supposed to depict the prophet
Mohammed, Werner answered: "Well, that lies in the eye of the
Capitol Hill briefings
The White House will roll out some of its top officials Thursday to brief members of the House and Senate about the past week's violent developments across the Middle East and Afghanistan.
The White House will roll out some of its top officials Thursday to brief members of the House and Senate about the past week's violent developments across the Middle East and Afghanistan.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, intelligence chief
James Clapper and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will be on hand for the
"Innocence of Muslims" was an obscure
Internet video until September 11, when rioters, seizing on it, breached the
U.S. Embassy in Cairo. Protesters also attacked the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.
The film mocks Mohammed as a womanizer, child molester and killer.
Libya has taken steps to arrest those responsible for
the consulate attack, bringing in dozens for questioning over the weekend,
Libyan officials have said.
The exact number of arrests was unclear. One Libyan
official said those arrested included suspects from Mali and Algeria as well as
al Qaeda sympathizers.
In recent days, protests against the film have been on
the wane, but thousands turned out for a demonstration in Beirut, Lebanon, on
Wednesday, waving Hezbollah flags and yelling, "America is an enemy of
God." The United States considers Hezbollah a terrorist organization.
On Thursday, Iranian demonstrators gathered in
Tehran's Palestinian Square to protest the film, shouting slogans against the
United States and Israel and "those who insulted the holy prophet,"
said the state-run Iranian news agency IRNA.
Rushdie bounty raised
In the midst of the unrest, an Iranian imam in a
little-known organization has raised the bounty on British novelist Salmon
Rushdie to $3.3 million -- a half a million dollar increase.
"The death sentence issued against Salman Rushdi
was meant to dry the roots of anti-Islamic plots, and now by carrying out that
sentence the sequence of these anti-Islamic plots could be uprooted and these
days are the best time to do that," Hojatoleslam Hassan Sanei said,
according to iran's Mehr News Agency.
Rushdie has effectively been under an Islamic death
sentence since 1989 when Iran's then-leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini first
issued a fatwa, after Rushdie's book, "The Satanic Verses," was
declared blasphemous and sparked protests throughout the Muslim world.
His new book "Joseph Anton: A Memoir" is an
account of the firestorm surrounding the book and the death threats against
Sanei's organization, the 15th of Khordad Foundation,
made news when it first offered a bounty for Rushdie, but in recent years had
fallen out of the public eye.
Film Lawsuit
In Los Angeles, one of the actresses in "Innocence
of Muslims" is suing the producer of the film, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula,
claiming she is a victim of fraud, invasion of privacy and misappropriation of
her likeness.
Cindy Lee Garcia filed a 17-page complaint in Los
Angeles Superior Court Wednesday, which also names YouTube, the video-sharing
website on which the video is posted, and its parent company, Google.
Garcia says Google caused her irreparable harm by
refusing to remove the content from their site.
Last week, Garcia told CNN she had been unaware that
the filmmaker dubbed over the dialogue in the movie and inserted anti-Islam
The producers' representations that he "intended
to make an 'adventure film' and that plaintiff would be depicted as a concerned
mother, were false," the suit claims.
"Defendant ... made an anti-Islam propaganda
film, in which plaintiff is falsely made to appear to accuse the founder of the
Islamic religion of being a sexual deviant and child molester."
"Ms. Garcia has lost her job, her privacy, and
has suffered extreme distress over Nakoula's acts," according to the
According to the complaint, YouTube privately informed
Garcia it will not voluntarily remove the content of the video. Attorney
Armenta said that on Thursday, she will seek an emergency temporary restraining
order against Nakoula and YouTube, asking that the content be removed
Garcia claims since the film's backlash, she has
received death threats and unable to visit her grandchildren out of fear that
they will be harmed.
Calls to representatives of Nakoula were not
immediately returned. YouTube responded to CNN inquiries, saying it was
reviewing the complaint.
Estados Unidos le pasa a Nueva Zelandia equipos de espiar a los ciudadanos
Ahora Que Se Habla De Espionaje De Los Periodistas... Y El IRS Esta realidad Es Mucho Peor... Sale la noticia que el departamento de “Seguridad
Interna de USA” DIRIGIDA por una señora “Pelada a lo BOY” quienes acordaron pasarle a Nueva Zelandia la Tecnología De Espiar A Los Ciudadanos de una FORMA AUTOMÁTICA... INTERCEPTANDO las llamadas, correos electrónicos y actividades en la internet...
He aquí la noticia… para
los que creen que el GOBIERNO ES IGUAL A DIOS… que nunca se equivoca...
Was Obama Involved in the IRS Targeting? Vote Here Now.
Attorney General Eric Holder Snubbed By New York Times and Associated Press
Following the Justice Department (DoJ) announcement
this week that it intended to invite the Washington bureau chiefs of national
news organizations to an off-the-record meeting, in order to discuss new
guidelines for subpoenas of reporters, Attorney General Eric Holder finds
himself snubbed by the New York Times and Associated Press (AP).
Both organizations are objecting to the closed-door
arrangement, insisting that any such discussions should be on record.
Following revelations that the DoJ had obtained two
months of phone records of AP reporters and editors, The Attorney General has
initiated an outreach campaign, aimed at the national media. A Justice
Department official told Politico’s “Playbook” ”The A.G.
realizes that things might have gotten a little out of balance, and he
wants to make changes to be sure the rules fully account for the balance
between the First Amendment and law enforcement.” He went on to
say ”Attorney General Eric Holder will hold meetings with several
Washington bureau chiefs of national news organizations in the next two days as
part of the review of existing Justice Department guidelines governing
investigations that involve reporters.
The series of meetings, which was announced by
President Obama last Thursday, are scheduled to take place over a number of
weeks and will be attended by Attorney General Eric Holder himself. A wide
variety of media outlets are being invited to attend; including print
newspapers, wire services, radio and online news organizations. It appears,
however, that the Attorney General has been turned down by both the New York
Times and Associated Press.
Politico received a statement from AP spokesperson
Erin Madigan which said ”We believe the meeting should be on the record
and we have said that to the Attorney General’s office. If it is on the record,
AP Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll will attend. If it is not on the record,
AP will not attend and instead will offer our views on how the regulations
should be updated in an open letter. We would expect AP attorneys to be
included in any planned meetings between the Attorney General’s office and media
lawyers on the legal specifics.”
The New York Times (NYT) had already rejected the idea
of the meeting, due to its off-the-record nature. The NYT statement by
executive editor Jill Abramson said ”We will not be attending the
session at DOJ. It isn’t appropriate for us to attend an off the record meeting
with the attorney general. Our Washington bureau is aggressively covering the
department’s handling of leak investigations at this time.”
On the heels of the AP phone records scandal came the
additional revelation that the Justice Department had also issued a warrant to
search a personal email account of Fox New reporter James Rosen, as part of a
separate investigation. When questioned by a congressional committee about his
involvement with the seizure of AP phone records, Holder had stated “with
regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material,
that is not something I’ve ever been involved in, heard of or would think would
be wise policy.” The Justice Department later admitted, however, that the
Attorney General had been directly involved in discussions regarding the
warrant for James Rosen’s email account.
With questions still lingering over Operation Fast and
Furious – which resulted in Holder being held in contempt of Congress – and the
subsequent probes into the Obama administration’s handling of the Benghazi
attack, the IRS targeting of Conservative groups and now DoJ investigations of
the press, the federal government finds itself in full damage-control mode. The
New York Times and the Associated Press have both been very supportive of the
current administration. For them now to snub the Attorney General will be
perceived as an additional embarrassment for both Holder and President Obama.
Trump: Americans 'Desperate for Leadership'
Donald Trump declined to say on Wednesday whether he
was running for president in 2016 but said that “people in this country are
desperate for leadership."
The billionaire businessman told Neil Cavuto on Fox News: “Whether it’s me — or, frankly, let it be somebody — but somebody has to come along and straighten out this country. We’re in trouble.”
The New York Post reported on Monday that Trump has spent $1 million to research his political standing in certain states. He told the Oakland County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner in Michigan last week that it was “highly unlikely” that he would seek the White House in 2016.
“I’m looking at a lot of different things,” Trump told Cavuto. In particular, he said he wants to acquire more properties and upgrade his Doral Golf Resort in Florida.
Trump said he told the Michigan group that he hoped that President Barack Obama was more effective in leading the nation.
“I’d be very happy if the president did a great job,” Trump said. “Before I am a Republican, I am an American. I want this country to be great again. It’s not going to be great again.”
He said the research effort for 2016 grew out of concerns by “a group of people who hate seeing the United States being ripped off and taken advantage of by virtually every country in the world.
“We used to be the smart ones, and we’re no longer the smart ones,” Trump added. “We’re like the dummy — and it’s very sad.
“I have a large group of people who want to see this stop. We can’t just keep doing it. We’re a debtor nation. Our airports are falling apart. Our roads and bridges are falling apart.”
He declined to speculate on who might receive the Republican nomination for president in 2016, though he noted that oft-mentioned New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was “a friend of mine, and I like Chris.”
When Cavuto asked whether Trump would not run if Christie did, the entrepreneur responded: “It’s just too early to see what happens. We have a have a long way to go. You’re talking about a long way out. I want to see this country be great again.”
Trump would not run as an independent, however.
“I’m a Republican. It’s a lot better to do it and keep the two-party system. It really seems to have worked, but it hasn’t been working so well lately.
“The two-party system is good,” he added. “It’s very, very tough running as an independent, extremely tough.”
On the international front, Trump cited the Obama administration’s failure to deal effectively with Syria, noting that Russia planned to send advanced air-defense missiles to Damascus to fend off a no-fly zone under consideration by the White House.
“Russia is putting all sorts of weapons there to shoot down our planes,” Trump said. “This is just crazy. What are we doing? What are we doing as a country? We don’t even know who we’re fighting for.”
Regarding China, Trump called America’s relationship with Beijing “a total disaster.”
Chinese President Xi Jinping is to visit the United States next month and meet with Obama in California.
“They’re not our friends,” Trump said. “I’m not knocking China. I’m saying I wish our people were smart so we can compete with China — because, right now, we are not competing with China.”
He cited how the country manipulates its currency by artificially strengthening the American dollar to make Beijing’s currency — and, thus, its exports — comparatively cheaper.
“What they do with the manipulation of their currency — though brilliant; nobody’s ever done it better — China is taking total advantage of the United States,” Trump said. “And they’re making us look like fools.”
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The billionaire businessman told Neil Cavuto on Fox News: “Whether it’s me — or, frankly, let it be somebody — but somebody has to come along and straighten out this country. We’re in trouble.”
The New York Post reported on Monday that Trump has spent $1 million to research his political standing in certain states. He told the Oakland County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner in Michigan last week that it was “highly unlikely” that he would seek the White House in 2016.
“I’m looking at a lot of different things,” Trump told Cavuto. In particular, he said he wants to acquire more properties and upgrade his Doral Golf Resort in Florida.
Trump said he told the Michigan group that he hoped that President Barack Obama was more effective in leading the nation.
“I’d be very happy if the president did a great job,” Trump said. “Before I am a Republican, I am an American. I want this country to be great again. It’s not going to be great again.”
He said the research effort for 2016 grew out of concerns by “a group of people who hate seeing the United States being ripped off and taken advantage of by virtually every country in the world.
“We used to be the smart ones, and we’re no longer the smart ones,” Trump added. “We’re like the dummy — and it’s very sad.
“I have a large group of people who want to see this stop. We can’t just keep doing it. We’re a debtor nation. Our airports are falling apart. Our roads and bridges are falling apart.”
He declined to speculate on who might receive the Republican nomination for president in 2016, though he noted that oft-mentioned New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was “a friend of mine, and I like Chris.”
When Cavuto asked whether Trump would not run if Christie did, the entrepreneur responded: “It’s just too early to see what happens. We have a have a long way to go. You’re talking about a long way out. I want to see this country be great again.”
Trump would not run as an independent, however.
“I’m a Republican. It’s a lot better to do it and keep the two-party system. It really seems to have worked, but it hasn’t been working so well lately.
“The two-party system is good,” he added. “It’s very, very tough running as an independent, extremely tough.”
On the international front, Trump cited the Obama administration’s failure to deal effectively with Syria, noting that Russia planned to send advanced air-defense missiles to Damascus to fend off a no-fly zone under consideration by the White House.
“Russia is putting all sorts of weapons there to shoot down our planes,” Trump said. “This is just crazy. What are we doing? What are we doing as a country? We don’t even know who we’re fighting for.”
Regarding China, Trump called America’s relationship with Beijing “a total disaster.”
Chinese President Xi Jinping is to visit the United States next month and meet with Obama in California.
“They’re not our friends,” Trump said. “I’m not knocking China. I’m saying I wish our people were smart so we can compete with China — because, right now, we are not competing with China.”
He cited how the country manipulates its currency by artificially strengthening the American dollar to make Beijing’s currency — and, thus, its exports — comparatively cheaper.
“What they do with the manipulation of their currency — though brilliant; nobody’s ever done it better — China is taking total advantage of the United States,” Trump said. “And they’re making us look like fools.”
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Los mejores países donde vivir en el mundo Prof Orlando Chirino enviado por Jesús Angulo
Los mejores países donde vivir en el
¿Qué factores se toman en cuenta cuando se compara este país con
¿Cómo se mide la esperanza de vida?
¿Qué hay de la libertad política y la seguridad laboral?
¿Cuáles son los países que superan a Estados Unidos en estos factores?
¿Cómo se mide la esperanza de vida?
¿Qué hay de la libertad política y la seguridad laboral?
¿Cuáles son los países que superan a Estados Unidos en estos factores?
sección de vídeos que he titulado TV para CUBA, demuestra la gran labor
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Falsa La Noticia Que Las Casas Han Aumentado Un 10% y Que Comenzó La Recuperación De La Construcción...
Ricardo Samitier.
Prensa, Que Apoya A Obama, y También A los Homosexuales y El Comunismo
Han venido anunciado Un Aumento De Un 10.2
% del precio de las casas y han “ALEGREMENTE”
que la industria de la construcción de viviendas ha comenzado su
noticia la han dado para aumentar el apoyo a la DESASTROSA POLÍTICA DE Obama y
los Demócratas pues
De Acuerdo a Los Expertos Esa Noticia es falsa... ya que el
aumento se debe al siguiente FACTOR:
El 52 por ciento de las casas
que se compraron en el primer trimestre de 2013 fueron comprados por INVERSIONISTAS DE WALL STREET y eran CASAS EMBARGADAS
fueron compradas por INVERSIONISTAS RICOS y muchas de esas casas compradas por
"Esto no es una recuperación natural. Mucho de lo
que está impulsando la demanda no tiene nada que ver con un mercado normal de
EMPRESAS DE INVERSIÓN. Esto ha mantenido a las familias fuera
del mercado de la vivienda."
que más de la mitad del mercado ni siquiera fue visto por los agentes
inmobiliarios y compradores normales"
35% de las oficinas de ventas de casas han cerrado después del 2008 y los
agentes de bienes raíces están operando de sus casas..
leer la noticia completa haga clic en este enlace:
Historian: Obama helping resurrect Ottoman Empire?
Pattern seen in 'Arab Spring' interventions began in Balkans in 1990s
Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is
a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y.
Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for
Command." Corsi's latest book is the forthcoming "What Went Wrong?:
The Inside Story of the GOP Debacle of 2012 … And How It Can Be Avoided Next
NEW YORK – Is Obama helping advance a grand plan by Turkey, with the
support of Germany, to restore the Ottoman Empire, the Islamic caliphate that
controlled much of southeast Europe, Western Asia and North Africa for more
than six centuries?
That is a question posed by historian Robert E. Kaplan in an article titled “The U.S. Helps
Reconstruct the Ottoman Empire,” published this week by the international policy council and think tank
Gatestone Institute.
Kaplan, a historian with a doctorate from Cornell University,
specializing in modern Europe, says history suggests a possible partnership
between Turkey and Germany, which has seen influence over Turkey as a means of
influencing Muslims worldwide for its own interests.
He asks why the U.S. government “would actively promote German aims,”
including the destruction of Yugoslavia in the 1990s and the re-creation of the
Ottoman Empire through the “Arab Spring.”
Kaplan points to Obama’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood, the ultimate
victor in the “Arab Spring”; the U.S. backing of radical Islamic “rebel” groups
in Libya with ties to al-Qaida; and current support for similarly constituted
radical Islamic “rebel” groups in Syria aligned with al-Qaida.
Each of these U.S. military interventions occurred in areas that were
under the Ottoman Empire.
Bring back the Ottoman Empire?
Kaplan sees a similarity between the Clinton-era attacks against the
Serbs and the Obama administration hostility to well-established regimes in
Libya and Syria.
He writes:
Since the mid-1990s the United States has intervened militarily in
several internal armed conflicts in Europe and the Middle East: bombing Serbs
and Serbia in support of Izetbegovic’s Moslem Regime in Bosnia in 1995, bombing
Serbs and Serbia in support of KLA Moslems of Kosovo in 1999, bombing Libya’s
Gaddafi regime in support of rebels in 2010. Each intervention was justified to
Americans as motivated by humanitarian concerns: to protect Bosnian Moslems
from genocidal Serbs, to protect Kosovo Moslems from genocidal Serbs, and to
protect Libyans from their murderous dictator Muammar Gaddafi.
Kaplan observes that neither President Clinton nor President Obama ever
mentioned the reconstitution of the Ottoman Empire as a justification for U.S.
military intervention.
The U.S. offered other reasons for intervening in Serbia, including a desire
to gain a strategic foothold in the Balkans, to defeat communism in Yugoslavia,
to demonstrate to the world’s Muslims that the U.S. is not anti-Muslim, and to
redefine the role of NATO in the post-Cold War era.
Recurring pattern
At its height in the 15th and 16th centuries, the Ottoman Empire
stretched from its capital in Turkey, through the Muslim-populated areas of
North Africa, Iraq, the costal regions of the Arabian Peninsula and parts of
the Balkans.
Kaplan points out that since the 1990s, “each European and Middle
Eastern country that experienced American military intervention in an internal
military conflict or an ‘Arab Spring’ has ended up with a government dominated
by Islamists of the Moslem Brotherhood or al-Qaida variety fits nicely with the
idea that these events represent a return to Ottoman rule.”
In these conflicts, Kaplan sees recurring patterns employed by Clinton
and Obama to justify U.S. military intervention:
Each U. S. military action in Europe and the Middle East since 1990,
however, with the exception of Iraq, has followed an overt pattern: First there
is an armed conflict within the country where the intervention will take place.
American news media heavily report this conflict. The “good guys” in the story
are the rebels. The “bad guys,” to be attacked by American military force, are
brutally anti-democratic, and committers of war crimes, crimes against
humanity, and genocide. Prestigious public figures, NGOs, judicial and
quasi-judicial bodies and international organizations call for supporting the
rebels and attacking the regime. Next, the American president orders American
logistical support and arms supplies for the rebels. Finally the American
president orders military attack under the auspices of NATO in support of the
rebels. The attack usually consists of aerial bombing, today’s equivalent of
the nineteenth and twentieth centuries’ gunboat which could attack coastal
cities of militarily weak countries without fear of retaliation. The ultimate
outcome of each American intervention is the replacement of a secular
government with an Islamist regime in an area that had been part of the Ottoman
Kaplan cites a recent report published by John Rosenthal in the online Asian Times that
discloses reports prepared by the German foreign intelligence service, the BND,
attributing the massacre in the Syrian town of Houla on May 25, 2012, to the
Syrian government.
Rosenthal linked the conclusions of the BND regarding the Houla massacre
to the policy of the German government to support the Syrian rebellion and its
political arm, the Syrian National Council.
Recalling that Germany invaded Serbia in both World Wars I and II and
actively sought the destruction of Yugoslavia in the Cold War era, Kaplan
wonders if the administration’s joining with Germany in the bombing of Libya,
and possibly Syria as well, is an effort to help Germany fill its foreign
policy objective of restoring the Ottoman Empire.
Kaplan notes that the Obama administration’s foreign policy requires it
to downplay the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaida terrorist threat to U.S.
national security.
Al-Qaida defeated, or embraced?
In the 2012 presidential campaign, Obama spoke at a campaign event in
Las Vegas one day after the Sept. 11 Benghazi attack, proclaiming, “A day after
9/11, we are reminded that a new tower rises above the New York skyline, but
al-Qaeida is on the path to defeat and bin Laden is dead.”
On Nov. 1, 2012, reported that Obama had described al-Qaida
as having been “decimated,” “on the path to defeat,” or some other variation at
least 32 times since the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. It was a
theme Obama repeated last week in his counter-terrorism policy speech at the National Defense University
at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C.
Obama also has advanced a narrative expressing U.S. acceptance of Islam.
In his foreign policy speech delivered
at Cairo University
June 4, 2009, Obama explained he had known Islam “on three continents before
coming to the region where it was first revealed.”
In a joint press availability with Turkey’s President Gul at Cankaya
Palace in Ankara, Turkey, on April 6, 2009, Obama repudiated U.S. history since
George Washington,
declaring the U.S. is not a Christian country: “And I’ve said before that one of
the great strengths of the United States is – although as I mentioned, we have
a very large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian
nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation; we consider ourselves a nation of
citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.”
Yet, despite Obama’s attempt to establish a narrative in which Islamic
terrorism is not a threat to U.S. national security, evidence abounds that the
radical Islamic rebels responsible for opposing Gadhafi in Libya and Assad in
Syria have extensive ties to al-Qaida.
In September 2012, WND also broke the story that the slain U.S. ambassador,
Christopher Stevens, played a central role in recruiting jihadists to fight the
Syria regime, according to Egyptian security forces.
In December 2012, WND reported top level al-Qaida operatives are functioning
with impunity in Libya under a NATO-established provisional government.
In February 2013, WND reported that the U.S. special mission in Benghazi was
used to coordinate Arab arms shipments and other aid to rebels in Libya who are
known to be saturated by al-Qaida and other Islamic terrorist groups.
On May 14, 2013, WND reported the attack that killed Stevens and three other
Americans was an al-Qaida revenge killing that took place one day after
al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri called for retaliation for a U.S. drone strike
that killed a top Libyan al-Qaida leader.
Formed by Osama bin Laden, al-Qaida is a Sunni Islamic organization,
whereas the Assad regime in Syria has been arguably a client state of Iran, the
only nation in the Middle East in which a majority of the Muslims are Shiites.
The conflict between Sunni and Shiite Muslims dates back to the founding
of Islam when a split took place over who should succeed Muhammad, when he died
in AD 632. Sunnis comprise about 75 to 90 percent of the world’s Muslims.
The Muslim Brotherhood that has come to power in the African Islamic
states following the “Arab Spring” is a Sunni Islam-dominated organization that
opposes the Shiites in Iran on religious grounds.
On Jan. 3, 2013, WND reported that the Muslim Brotherhood
has penetrated the Obama White House, with several American Muslim leaders who
work with the Obama administration identified as Muslim Brotherhood operatives
who have significant influence on U.S. policy.
On Feb. 10, 2013, WND reported President Obama’s nominee to head the CIA,
John Brennan, converted to Islam years ago in Saudi Arabia.
Arguably, the Obama administration’s policy of siding with the rebels in
Libya and Syria may reflect the aim of isolating Shiite-dominated Iran from the
rest of the Islamic world.
The logical expectation would be that a recreated Ottoman Empire
headquartered in Turkey would be a Sunni organization, reflecting the
Sunni-dominance in Turkey.
The Gatestone Institute website describes the
organization as a
non-partisan, not-for-profit international policy council and think tank
dedicated “to educating the public about what the mainstream media fails to
As the organization’s website explains, “Gatestone Institute conducts
national and international conferences, briefings and events for its members
and others, with world leaders, journalists and experts – analyzing,
strategizing, and keeping them informed on current issues, and where possible
recommending solutions.”
Los Empleados de los Politiqueros Ricardo Samitier
Pierde $25 Millones Diarios... El Sistema De Correo...
Son Ineptos Y No Saben Administrar... Los
“Burócratas” Nombrados Por Nuestros Políticos Electos...
La Historia Del Correo...
Benjamín Franklin, fundó el Servicio Postal de los
EE.UU.. nunca fue a la escuela, pero se convirtió en periodista, científico,
fue el DESCUBRIDOR de la corriente del Golfo de Méjico... inventor,
político, diplomático y un millonario que se hizo
trabajando... sin ayuda del GOBIERNO para no quebrar... en otras palabras HECHO
POR EL MISMO... logró que las cartas llegaran de Philadelphia a
New York el mismo día...
Sin embargo, el grupo
actual de “POLITIQUEROS” pues no se le puede llamar “POLÍTICOS” lo único
que saben hacer es APROBAR PRESTAMOS para desarrollar negocios... o reducir los
No importa qué TIPO DE ACTIVIDAD desarrollan los
“BURÓCRATAS” nombrados... Todos logran que lo que ellos administran sean sindicatos, universidades, recogida de basura, la distribución del agua,
el transporte urbanos... TODOS PIERDAN DINERO...
Da VERGÜENZA... ver pasar guaguas que valen desde $450,000.00
HASTA $1.200,000.00 vacías... o pasar por el taller de reparaciones y
ver más de $40 millones de dólares en el lote... esperando ser reparados...
Para leer la noticia
Cultura vs Contracultura amenper.
. Las culturas son sistemas de símbolos
compartidos que proporcionan sentido a nuestra vida, una orientación, una forma
de ver el mundo y de interpretar la realidad. Cultura es, en este sentido, el
conjunto de manifestaciones de una sociedad o un grupo humano que la distinguen
y la hacen ser lo que ella es. Es decir, su arte, su manera de hablar, sus
convenciones sociales, sus pautas morales, sus costumbres, etc.
La humanidad en su existencia
cultural ha evolucionado a través de los años, es lógico, pero esta evolución
es progresiva, va perfeccionado la cultura hacia una conducta mejor en la
búsqueda de la felicidad, a lo que los filósofos griegos llamaban la búsqueda
de la verdad y de la razón de existir del ser humano
Pero entonces llegó la
“contracultura”, los hippies de los años sesenta.
El escritor Theodore Roszak en su
libro “contracultura” acuñó el término en 1968 para referirse a la actividad
rebelde de la juventud de los años 60 y sus mentores ideológicos. Los grandes
iniciadores de la revolución contracultural fueron los beatniks , forjadores de
la identidad inconformista y, a la postre, cimientos del movimiento hippie.
En ocasiones se ha señalado a las
contraculturas como modas relativamente inofensivas y pasajeras pero la
contracultura hippie se ha convertido en una subcultura subterránea que se ha
infiltrado en la cultura del mundo imponiendo prácticas "contra
convencionales" a la cultura dominante
Y llegamos a nuestros días, donde los
hippies de los sesenta son los que ocupan los cargos de más importancia en la
nación. Hippie era
Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Hussein Obama hippies fueron
la mayoría de los periodistas que comunican las noticias en nuestros
medios de información.
Esto ha
causado que al estar las personas con mentalidad hippie en el poder, las ideas
de la contracultura hippie adquieran validez.
¿Cuáles son
las ideas hippies?
es la contracultura, todo lo contrario a los valores morales de la cultura
humana desde los principios de la civilización.
establecido, como es la familia, cambia y lo contrario es exaltado. Es mejor
una madre soltera que una madre tradicional, es mejor un matrimonio entre dos
personas con los mismos órganos genitales que personas de órganos
No hay
principios morales, porque la moral es relativa, si yo pienso que mentir es
bueno, pues es bueno mentir, si pienso que robar es aceptable, pues es
aceptable robar, usar drogas es opcional y debe de ser permitido, matar un ser
pre-nato es un derecho de la persona que lo lleva en su vientre, todo es
permitido porque la verdad es subjetiva. Por eso vemos que este
gobierno miente sin pudor al pueblo, porque es aceptable en su contracultura.
Esto implica
que no se reconoce la existencia de una verdad, absoluta, definitiva, única,
superior, objetiva. Todas "las verdades" son válidas juntamente, si
le sirven a alguien. Es decir: yo creo esto, y tú puedes creer aquello, y si a
ti te hace bien, entonces está bien. Mi verdad y tu verdad son igualmente
Evidentemente, esto lleva al caos total, aunque pareciera que ser "moderno", "civilizado", "educado", "inteligente", inclinara a pensar de esta manera: si todas "las verdades" son igualmente válidas...¿Quién tiene razón? ¿Todos podemos tener razón? ¿Por cuál ley nos regiríamos? ¿Con qué parámetros aceptaríamos algunas cosas y desecharíamos otras? Como vemos, el panorama así planteado es por demás peligroso.
El mundo, con discursos de superación y respeto aparente, proclama el pluralismo como una virtud... Y los que creen diferente, muchas veces, se acomodan a este sentir, y aceptan cualquier cosa a fin de no ser tildados de antiguos y retrógrados
Evidentemente, esto lleva al caos total, aunque pareciera que ser "moderno", "civilizado", "educado", "inteligente", inclinara a pensar de esta manera: si todas "las verdades" son igualmente válidas...¿Quién tiene razón? ¿Todos podemos tener razón? ¿Por cuál ley nos regiríamos? ¿Con qué parámetros aceptaríamos algunas cosas y desecharíamos otras? Como vemos, el panorama así planteado es por demás peligroso.
El mundo, con discursos de superación y respeto aparente, proclama el pluralismo como una virtud... Y los que creen diferente, muchas veces, se acomodan a este sentir, y aceptan cualquier cosa a fin de no ser tildados de antiguos y retrógrados
Si vamos al
fondo de la contracultura, lo principal que es la base que crea todos los
nuevos valores, es la negación de Dios.
El ateísmo es
la base de la contracultura hippie, esta contracultura no acepta la realidad de
Dios, y niega la verdad de Dios para sostener la relatividad de la verdad.
La verdad,
así planteada y entendida, es una cosa subjetiva, que cada ser humano se arma,
producto de sus pensamientos, gustos, placeres, saberes y pareceres.
Pero en el
fondo, instintivamente, hasta los ateos, todos conocemos la verdad de
Dios, que es la única fuente de verdad y reconocemos que la verdad es externa
al ser humano. No requiere de nosotros opiniones y cambios: demanda aceptación
y obediencia
Si vemos la
nueva religión hippie- que es el ateísmo-, y vemos las consecuencias que esto
ha traído en nuestros cambios culturales, sociales y políticos, podemos
comprender de donde surgen nuestros problemas, y lo que es más importante, como
podemos resolver todos los problemas.
Hay que
volver al principio de la cultura tradicional, al pensamiento de los primeros
filósofos de la civilización. Aristóteles
veía la verdad como una "realidad" y como una "adecuación del
intelecto a la cosa". La verdad como realidad para él era "lo que
permanece, lo inmutable, lo que siempre es de la misma manera”.
La verdad es
Dem: Ex-IRS chief lied to Congress
- 05/18/13 10:41 AM ET
Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.) said the former Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
commissioner appointed by President George W. Bush lied to Congress under oath
when he told lawmakers last year that the agency did not give special attention
to certain groups. Following the House’s opening
investigative hearing into the IRS's revelation that it gave extra scrutiny to
conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, Crowley was asked if he believed
Douglas Shulman lied to Congress.“I think Mr. Shulman did,” said Crowley in an interview with Fox News. “My understanding is that it was common knowledge if they were going after political groups back then.”
Crowley was referencing a 2012 House Ways and Means Committee hearing in which Shulman, in response to questions from Rep. Charles Boustany (R-La.), held that the IRS was not targeting specific groups applying for tax-exempt status.
"There's absolutely no targeting,” said Shulman at the time.
The encounter raised suspicions for Boustany as well, who recounted the incident during the same interview with Crowley.
“He said, absolutely not. He categorically denied it,” recalled Boustany on Friday. “But he was aware of what was going on during this time frame because we know that [a] senior technical advisor had already been sent out to Cincinnati to investigate what was going on and to report back.”
Shulman completed his five-year term as IRS chief in November of last year. He was replaced by Steven Miller, whom President Obama asked to resign this week after the IRS scandal erupted.
Shulman is expected to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee next week.
Republicans have focused some of their attacks on Sarah Hall Ingram, the director of the Affordable Care Act’s office within the IRS. Ingram previously served as the head of the office in charge of facilitating applications from tax-exempt groups at the IRS during the time that has recently come under question.
But Crowley said Ingram was not in the IRS office overseeing the tax-exempt status applications, but actually left six months before anyone at the agency found out that the decisions were being made to focus on conservative groups.
Boustany objected to Crowley’s contention, however, saying that Congress needs to get more information about what Ingram did and did not know at the time.
“I have real concerns and we have to pinpoint and get more information about what her role was in all of this, there's no question about it. Because this whole idea about the IRS getting expansive powers under Obama-care is deeply troubling in light of what we know now.”
Boustany said he also wants Congress to dig deeper into communication between the Treasury Department and the IRS commissioner from June, 2012, arguing that it could possibly link the White House to the agency’s actions, which appear at this time to be isolated within the IRS.
“We know communication was had with treasury and if so, and of course with the chief counsel, general counsel of Treasury,” said Boustany. “I have to wonder if it went higher than that. We don't know that yet. That's what we're looking for.”
Crowley said that more hearings should be held and that the Obama administration should help ensure that every document Congress has asked for is retrieved.
But he also maintained that the IRS inspector general, another Bush appointee, determined that the White House was not aware of the agency’s taboo approach to the tax-exempt status applications.
The IRS’s inspector general told lawmakers on Friday that the Treasury Department was told about its audit of allegations of unfairly targeting conservative groups as early as June 2012. The White House holds that it did not learn about the mismanagement practices within the IRS until the IG report was released last week.
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Francisco 6:37 AM

From: jose
fernandez []
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 5:30 PM
To: jose fernandez
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 5:30 PM
To: jose fernandez
To implement agenda 21 from the UN it is a treason to
the USA constitution and to we the people, we know what you are doing.
Now to the people I encourage you to watch this 9
minute video so you can get an idea of what is coming to you, your family,
and you friends. If America wants to be free again we
have to get rid of the UN. I will be in Washington with my freedom bell on July
4th to demand
our rights, our constitution, and our liberty from the
government and back to the people.
jfernandez3333, warrior of the constitution.
From: jose fernandez
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 5:16 PM
To: jose fernandez
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 5:16 PM
To: jose fernandez
On October 10th 2011, as I was coming to the states from another
country, when I passed by immigration the DHS sent me to the place that we call the fish tank where they put everybody
that they have to clear. In this place you become a sheep or a cow, you cannot
speak, you cannot move, and you can be held there for hours,
since I know my rights I started complaining, to make a long story short they
took me to an office where one of the DHS very strong officers
said I was going to be arrested, so I put my hands behind me and he grabbed my
hands and he kneed me very hard in my lower back, Then he
kept kicking me, by the second kick I shit my pants. As he was kicking me he
shouted not to move as I was screaming to him "I'm
shitting my pants from the pain." The pain was horrendous and the
humiliation was indescribable, Under these circumstances
I had to eat my pride and stay calm or I would be beaten worse, they took me to
a cell with glass walls, and they tied my hands to a bench,
while I still have shit in my pants, after a little while they came back,
trying to apologize, the young guy who broke my back told me that he took
it easy on me because I wasn't resisting. Recently I found out I had a
vertebrae broken, I have another dislocated vertebrae, and a hernia pinching my two nerves, all of this
courtesy of DHS department from the Miami airport, if anybody thinks that this
is not torture, I challenge them to try this experience. Since that time I
have became a handicap and a half-crippled man. That is what the DHS did to me,
I ask DHS next time to give me water boarding, at least the next day I
wont be a cripple, like I am now. The evidence is on the videos of the security
cameras on October 10th 2011 from 3:00 PM to 8:00
PM. The other part of the evidence, is in my back, which I can hardly move and
I haven't been able to do anything without being under pain. If DHS have
anything to re-approach on this you are welcome to put an investigation on this
case, but remember that without any doubt I would take water boarding
which is supposed to be torture instead of experiencing what happened to me
again. I have not shared this story before and I did not share it for
CAN'T HURT YOU. jfernandez3333
“En mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño Editor ‘In GOD we trust’
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