“En mi opinión” No 391 5/22/13
Lázaro R
González Miño Editor ‘In GOD we trust’
NHR.com A propósito del escándalo del IRS
May 22nd, 2013
• Recuerdo de una historia que comenzó en los 80 (“EMO”Esta es una historia en la que esta involucrado como victima nuestro amigo RICARDO SAMITIER. Me alegro que Nelson Horta saque la historia para que veamos que seguimos haciendo las berracadas del pasado. LRGM)
MIAMI, 22 DE MAYO DE 2013, NHR.com—El escándalo ocasionado por las investigaciones que el Servicio de Rentas Internas (IRS) ha realizado contra organizaciones conservadoras y republicanas continua acaparando las primeras planas en todas las cadenas de noticias.La intromisión del gobierno federal, incluyendo quizás a la propia Casa Blanca, llegó hasta la realización de una investigación clandestina a reporteros de la Prensa Asociada, y ahora se ha reportado que el corresponsal de la cadena Fox en el Departamento de Estado, James Rosen, también ha sido víctima de las pesquisas escondidas del gobierno federal.oror
Estos hechos hicieron gran efecto en un conocedor de una historia transcurrida en Miami a finales de los 80, siendo un cubano el perseguido, investigado y obligado hasta prácticamente vivir una vida apartada de la sociedad por haber denunciado al entonces fiscal federal para el sur de la Florida, Dexter Lethinen, y al Buró Federal de Investigaciones (FBI) de encubrir un fraude del que él había sido víctima y que no se realizara una investigación de su caso.
La historia, contada a NHR.com por esa fuente que prefirió que se ocultara su nombre, es la de Ricardo Samitier, quien aún reside en el Gran Miami, aunque prácticamente aislado de todo lo que tenga que ver con la vida social política de Miami, “aunque estoy al tanto de lo que acontece”, según dijera el propio Samitier.
Samitier es uno de esos hombres que ha tenido un don para ganar la atención, aunque quizás utilizando un tipo modo equivocado. En el año 1986, Samitier era el ex presidente de una aerolínea de pasajeros y fue encontrado culpable de estafar a la compañía Eastern y enviado a la cárcel. Mientras se encontraba en prisión, Samitier declara que sus ex socios falsificaron su firma para despojarlo de dos aviones por un valor de 2 millones de dólares.
Samitier fue dejado en libertad en 1988, y ya con 59 años de edad, se declara víctima de un encubrimiento generalizado por funcionarios que se niegan a investigar su reclamo. Una y otra vez Samitier enviaba misivas a autoridades estatales y federales; todas fueron infructuosas, pero Samitier no se quedaba callado y decidió ir públicamente.
En 1989, cansado de todas sus gestiones, decide ir al downtown de la ciudad y frente al edificio federal se presentó completamente desnudo dentro de un barril de madera, denunciando el encubrimiento del gobierno federal.
Un año más tarde causó en la autopista 836, uno de los tranques de tránsito más gigantes de la ciudad cuando se le ocurrió, colocarse con una barcaza en la laguna Blue Lagoon, frente al Aeropuerto de Miami, con una enorme pancarta denunciando al fiscal federal para el Sur de la Florida, Dexter Lehtinen, por su papel en el presunto encubrimiento. El tránsito en la 836 quedó paralizado por millas y se vio obligado a retirar el letrero al ser confiscado por la Patrulla de Carreteras.
Pero Samitier no descansaba y casi un año después colocaba una estación radial pirata a la que llamó “Radio Samitier”, y desde la misma laguna transmitía sus proclamas en contra de los que no querían escucharle, pero a los tres días la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC) le confiscó el transmisor y lo multó en 16.000 dólares.
En NHR.com nos dimos a la tarea de buscar a Ricardo Samitier, lo encontramos, y casi inmediatamente nos dijo, “no es nada nuevo que el IRS es utilizado con los fines de eliminar o neutralizar a los enemigos de los políticos utilizando a los burócratas que obedecen, investigan y condenan a los que a ellos les conviene, siguiendo las directrices de la “secreta hermandad burocrática” conformada por todas las diferentes agencias del gobierno, tanto devestatal como federal”.
Según Samitier, después de los eventos en la Blue Lagoon, se le inició una investigación por parte del IRS que incluía además su compañía de aviación “retroactiva a 3 años”, que comprendía desde 1983 a 1986. “Me pedían que pagara 3.5 millones de dólares, pero no me pudieron probar que cometí fraude”, nos dijo Samitier.
De acuerdo con el combatiente de la Laguna Azul, el nunca le pagó al IRS los millones solicitados y “ni siquiera respondí al caso, no me podía encarcelar, no me podían quitar la casa que era lo único que tenia y les comunique que hicieran lo que les diera la gana”.
El IRS le envió a su casa por los próximos 10 años cartas advitrtiéndole que le daban 30 días para pagar. “Me aumentó la deuda, debido a los intereses, a $17 millones”, dijo.
“Como todos se pueden imaginar durante esos 10 años estuve eliminado de la vida comercial, pues nadie hace negocios con una persona que le debe dinero al IRS, tampoco le prestan dinero y mucho menos tenia tarjetas de crédito; una deuda al IRS borra automáticamente a la persona del mapa y te convierte en un fantasma social”, nos dijo Samitier y concluye: “La condena se hizo firme en 1994, y aunque las deudas al IRS se borran supuestamente a los 10 años, no conseguí que me borraran de la lista de deudores del IRS, hasta el 2000. La burocracia es lenta… en cumplir sus leyes”.
Viendo y escuchando sobre este gran escándalo ocurrido en Washington con las investigaciones del IRS contra organizaciones conservadoras y republicanas, en NHR.com creímos interesante revisar el baúl de la historia y traer la de Ricardo Samitier, que también es conservador y republicano.
No Se Pierdan Este Video Del PERRO POLICÍA
Olvídese de las armas. Quiero Un perro como este!
Ricardo Samitier.
El delincuente nunca tuvo tiempo a apuntar y dispararle.
Mire al sospechoso detrás del coche, al parecer el disparo una vez su arma de
fuego - se ve el humo que sale por el cañón del arma y una fracción de
segundo más tarde - el Perro pastor alemán salta a través del techo de
los automóviles, y muerde al sospechoso, y lo tumba con tanta rapidez – que
tienes que ver el video varias veces seguidas para ver como lo muerde. Que
entrenamiento y que valor el de este perro ..
Free Press Is Now Under Attack By The Obama Administration, http://www.westernjournalism.com/free-press-is-now-under-attack-by-the-obama-administration/
Ex-Diplomats Report New Benghazi Whistleblowers With Info Devastating To Clinton And Obama
More whistleblowers will emerge shortly in the escalating Benghazi scandal, according to two former U.S. diplomats who spoke with PJ Media Monday afternoon.These whistleblowers, colleagues of the former diplomats, are currently securing legal counsel because they work in areas not fully protected by the Whistleblower law.
According to the diplomats, what these whistleblowers will say will be at least as explosive as what we have already learned about the scandal, including details about what really transpired in Benghazi that are potentially devastating to both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
The former diplomats inform PJM the new revelations concentrate in two areas — what Ambassador Chris Stevens was actually doing in Benghazi and the pressure put on General Carter Ham, then in command of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and therefore responsible for Libya, not to act to protect jeopardized U.S. personnel.
Stevens’ mission in Benghazi, they will say, was to buy back Stinger missiles from al-Qaeda groups issued to them by the State Department, not by the CIA. Such a mission would usually be a CIA effort, but the intelligence agency had opposed the idea because of the high risk involved in arming “insurgents” with powerful weapons that endanger civilian aircraft.
Hillary Clinton still wanted to proceed because, in part, as one of the diplomats said, she wanted “to overthrow Gaddafi on the cheap.”
Obama: Serial Liar
Will Rogers, the great humorist, once said, “If you ever injected truth into politics, you would have no politics.” If you injected truth into the teleprompter during one of Obama’s speeches, there would be nothing left but an empty chair.Fourteen days after the September 11, 2012 attacks, Obama appeared at the United Nations to deliver a eulogy for the man he had not troubled to save and to declare that the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.
denounced the “crude and disgusting video” that had “sparked outrage throughout
the Muslim world” and explained that it couldn’t be banned only because of the
pesky Constitution. Two days later, the man behind the video, a Coptic
Christian protesting the Muslim persecution of Christians in Egypt, had been
arrested. The actual perpetrators of the attack still walk the streets of
That lopsided injustice
appeared to have been the plan all along. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
had told Charles Woods, the father of murdered Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, that the
administration was going to arrest and prosecute the man who made the video.It was the only promise that Obama and Clinton made about Benghazi which they faithfully kept. Everything else was a lie. Doubletalk had become an administration habit. Obama would say one thing and do another. Or he would loudly tell a lie and quietly speak some version of the truth in order to hedge his bets.
Top IRS official refuses to testify at hearing, invokes 5th Amendment. EMO. A quien esta encubriendo? A algun musulman president? LRGM.
May 22, 2013
Lois Lerner, the director
of the IRS division that singled out conservative groups, invoked the Fifth
Amendment Wednesday as she refused to testify at the start of a House oversight
hearing on her agency's controversial program. Lerner, before invoking that right, said in a brief opening statement that she had done nothing wrong, even though people might assume that by her decision not to answer questions from the committee.
"I have not done anything wrong," she said. "I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations, and I have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee."
Lerner has emerged as a key figure in the scandal. She was the first to acknowledge the practice two weeks ago, and was aware of the program for years as head of the division. Though two officials have so far left the IRS in the wake of the controversy, she has not.
But Lerner's attorney William Taylor III made clear in advance of the hearing she would not answer questions. He also asked committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., in a letter if she could skip Wednesday's hearing since she would be pleading the Fifth.
Taylor argued that forcing Lerner to appear "would have no purpose other than to embarrass or burden her."
Late Tuesday, the House oversight committee released a statement saying Lerner was still under subpoena and would be required to appear.
Other former or outgoing IRS officials have already testified, and will continue to give their testimony on Wednesday.
The House committee is scheduled to hear from Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Neal Wolin, as the search for someone who will claim responsibility continues.
Since the Department of Justice has launched a criminal investigation into the IRS scandal and the House committee indicated it would question Lerner about why she provided incomplete information to the committee at least four times last year, Taylor wrote that his client would be invoking her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.
On Tuesday, outgoing IRS Commissioner Steven Miller, was back in the hot seat as he testified for the second time in two weeks on Capitol Hill.
Miller expressed regret for the agency's decision to use a planted question to go public with the IRS's practice of singling out conservative groups.
It was one in a series of missteps that have not only publicly marred the reputation of the IRS but also called into question what the White House knew about the scandal and when they knew it.
"We're not looking for people to be evasive but we want people forthright and straightforward with us," Rep. Joseph Crowley, a Democrat from New York, told Fox News.
While Crowley did not go so far as to say Lerner should be let go, he did say, "the bottom line is that you cannot lie to Congress, be evasive or mislead. You must answer the question and not mislead Congress."
Separately, two Tea Party-related groups filed lawsuits against the IRS this week.
1.) Giving
the silent treatment -- Congress will hold another hearing on the IRS
scandal Wednesday and, as in other hearings, it looks like few answers will be
forthcoming. TheDC's Alexis Levinson reports:
response to an announcement that the head of the Internal Revenue Service’s
tax-exempt organizations division will invoke the 5th Amendment and refuse to
testify at Wednesday’s hearing before the House Oversight Committee, a
spokesman for the committee noted that, whether or not she plans to speak, she
is still required to attend. An attorney for Exempt Organizations Director Lois
G. Lerner informed the committee by letter Monday that Lerner would claim her
constitutional right against self-incrimination, thus depriving the committee
of potentially valuable testimony in the rapidly widening scandal over the tax
collector’s targeting of conservative and tea party groups for extra audits and
delays of their requests for tax exemption."
So Lerner
will invoke the 5th Amendment and not speak, as opposed to acting like her
colleague Steven Miller, who has spoken, but not said anything.
King and Queen Obama to Host Another White House Concert Despite Sequester and Scandals
Amid sequester and scandal in Washington, the White House announced Friday that the president and first lady will be hosting another concert as part of their “In Performance at the White House” series later this month.The event will be held in the East Room of the White House and honor singer and songwriter Carole King, who will be awarded the 2013 Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. King will be the first woman to receive the award, the White House noted in their announcement.
The program — to be streamed on the White House website and broadcast on PBS stations the evening of May 28 — will also feature performances by Gloria Estefan, Billy Joel, Jesse McCartney, Emeli Sandé, James Taylor, Trisha Yearwood and King herself.
In 2002, Carole King sang “You’ve Got a Friend” for Cuban dictator Fidel Castro at a warming-relations dinner in Havana.
Read more: dailycaller.com
Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/05/king-and-queen-obama-to-host-another-white-house-concert-despite-sequester-and-scandals/#ixzz2U1rQvakl
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La Empresa
Privada Alberto Perez.
resolver una crisis económica?
Hay dos
teorías el estímulo económico y obras públicas, y el sistema de austeridad fiscal
y cooperar con la empresa privada para crear empleos.
Aunque ambos métodos se atribuyen el resultado a una economía de mercado saludable, cuando no se le da a la empresa privada la importancia que tiene para una economía floreciente, ambos sistemas fallan.
Aunque ambos métodos se atribuyen el resultado a una economía de mercado saludable, cuando no se le da a la empresa privada la importancia que tiene para una economía floreciente, ambos sistemas fallan.
Por esto ha
fallado el sistema de estímulos en los Estados Unidos y ha fallado el sistema
de austeridad en Europa.
Cuando tanto
en austeridad como en el capitalismo de estímulos selectivos politizados, no se
toma en consideración a la empresa privada y la mantienen bajo el asedio
burocrático de las regulaciones, por muchos estímulos o mucha austeridad, la
economía siempre sigue sin dispararse a su plena capacidad.
La Cuba de
los años cincuenta es un caso socio-económico muy curioso.
Teníamos los
gobiernos más corruptos que un país pudiera tener. Las leyes eran
socialistas copiadas de la constitución Mejicana, y la empresa privada tenía
que enfrentarse a la competencia de los amigos del gobierno que tenían negocios
de contrabando oficial a través de los aeropuertos militares, además de tener
que sufrir los sindicatos de cortes socialista y la corrupción de los agentes
del gobierno.
Algunos dicen
que el estímulo del diferencial azucarero era la razón de que a pesar de la
extraña situación, la economía de los cincuenta fue una de las mejores de la
historia de Cuba.
Pero la
corrupción era tan insaciable, que el diferencial no hubiera podido evitar una
contracción en la economía sobre todo a nivel de servicios sociales..
Fue la
ingeniosidad de la empresa privada la que hizo que la economía se mantuviera a
flote. El comerciante evitaba las leyes socialistas alimentando a la
corrupta burocrática. Cada inspector tenía su precio y era parte de los
gastos de hacer negocio.
enfrentaban ingeniosamente la competencia de los negocios oficiales, y se
creaban industrias para suplementar las deficiencias de servicio público del
Por eso es
que el modelo de los HMO ya estaba implementado en Cuba en los
Las clínicas
privadas en Cuba fue un resultado de la ingeniosidad para suplir las
deficiencias de los hospitales en el interior de la isla que no tenían ni la
atención ni las medicinas necesarias, por la corrupción de sus
Cuando se
habla de los adelantos de Cuba sobre Latinoamérica, de como teníamos tres
estaciones de televisión, dos de ellas en colores, la ganadería, la industria
cervecera, alimenticia, metalúrgica etc. Todo esto fue empresa privada,
no fue el estímulo o la austeridad de los gobiernos de Cuba lo que provocó la
salud económica, todo lo contrario la salud económica de Cuba fue a pesar de
los gobiernos no por los gobiernos.
Hoy en día
vemos algo parecido en los Estados Unidos, la empresa privada está usando su
ingenio para luchar contras las regulaciones y medidas socialistas.
La lucha del
ObamaCare es una lucha de la arrogancia gubernamental contra la ingeniosidad de
la empresa privada.
La empresa
privada está luchando contra regulaciones que están provocando aumentos de
precios que ya hubieran creado una inflación si no fuera por la habilidad de la
empresa privada para capear el temporal.
La empresa
privada en Cuba era un microsoma de la empresa privada de los Estados Unidos,
que es la mejor del mundo. Por eso estamos viendo hoy en los Estados
Unidos, lo que vimos en Cuba en los años cincuenta.
Tanto en
Europa como en los Estados Unidos, hasta que no reconozcan el principio de Adam
Smith sobre la riqueza de las naciones, mientras no enfaticen y se concentren
en genuinamente cooperar con la empresa privada no entorpecer sus operaciones,
ni los estímulos ni la austeridad creará “Las riqueza de las Naciones”
Honeymoon Is Over: Olbermann and Other Liberal Media Figures Turn On Obama
Many liberal reporters and commentators have dismissed or downplayed the
emerging Benghazi and Internal Revenue Service scandals as non-scandals or
trifling bureaucratic errors.
But reports that the Justice Department has been targeting journalists,
first reporters at The Associated Press and now Fox News’ James Rosen, has caused the generally
Obama-admiring press to question the purity of their redeemer.
Here are 10 tweets from liberal commentators and reporters expressing
outrage on Monday over Rosen-gate:
Unemployed liberal commentator Keith
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said former secretary of State Hillary Clinton should return to Capitol Hill - under subpoena if necessary - to answer new questions about the Benghazi attacks.
(Photo: Garrett Hubbard for USA TODAY)
Story Highlights
- Sen. Graham says Hillary Clinton should testify about Benghazi, under subpoena if necessary
- He played a role in arranging the dramatic testimony of Gregory Hicks, the No. 2 U.S. official in Libya
- He denies partisan politics in growing criticism of Clinton, a possible 2016 presidential nominee
WASHINGTON – South Carolina Sen.
Lindsey Graham said Thursday that former secretary of State Hillary Rodham
Clinton should return to Capitol Hill -- under subpoena if necessary -- to
answer new questions about the attacks on a U.S. consulate in Libya that left
four Americans dead.
In an
interview on Capital Download, USA TODAY's weekly video newsmaker series,
Graham said the account of the Benghazi assaults last Sept. 11 offered by
Clinton and other Obama administration officials had been undercut in
congressional testimony Wednesday by three State Department officials,
including Gregory Hicks, the No. 2 U.S. official in Libya at the time.
described a closer involvement by Clinton than previously known, including a
phone call he received from her at 2 a.m. that deadly night. While the crisis
unfolded, his pleas for a military response to the assaults were rejected.
Afterward, he said he was castigated by Clinton's chief of staff, Cheryl Mills,
for talking about the attack with a member of Congress who was visiting Libya.
Graham, a
leading critic of the administration on Benghazi, said he had played a role in
arranging Hicks' testimony.
"I got
a call from a friend of his who said this Greg Hicks is really torn about what
to do" about an official account of events he saw as inaccurate, Graham
said. "So I got a phone number; I gave him a call. In March, we met here
in the office. And I said, 'I don't know whether I can get the Senate to take
this up, but the House is interested in finding out what happened in
described Hicks as a reluctant witness. "He's probably the typical State
Department person -- very diplomatic, very reserved -- but this was gnawing at
him," Graham said. "It was really eating him up."
testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, chaired
by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., a fierce Obama critic.
In January,
before she left the administration, Clinton answered questions about Benghazi
at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, angrily rebuffing suggestions
that the administration had misled Americans about the attacks for political
reasons, seven weeks before Election Day. At the time, United Nations Ambassador
Susan Rice said in a string of Sunday morning TV appearances that the attacks
might have been a spontaneous uprising sparked by an anti-Muslim video that had
been posted on YouTube.
In fact,
Hicks testified, he and other U.S. officials in Libya immediately realized it
was a planned attack by terrorists.
interviewed in his Senate office, said Clinton should return to Congress to
address the issues raised. Should she be subpoenaed?
hope she would come back without that, but yes," he replied. "I think
she needs to come back and answer questions. Did she know that Cheryl Mills
called the DCM (deputy chief of mission) to tell him, watch the member of
Congress and don't talk to him? And there's now evidence that she was made
aware of the security concerns and basically ignored security requests."
He said
Mills and Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and
others also should be called to testify about the attacks. Those killed
included Christopher Stephens, the first U.S. ambassador to die in the line of
duty in a generation.
began this week to more openly hold Clinton responsible both for inadequate
security at the consulate before the attack and for misleading
characterizations about it afterward. Graham denied the criticism was partisan
or an effort to dent the reputation of the leading prospect for the Democratic
presidential nomination in 2016.
He noted
Democrats had praised him during the Bush administration when he faulted
then-Defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld and then-vice president Dick Cheney on
national security issues.
... we were pushing back against Rumsfeld and Cheney about Iraq in the early
years, as not going well -- it's not a few 'dead-enders' -- we were great
patriots," he said. "When you question Secretary Clinton and
President Obama, it's a little bit different from our Democratic friends."
Voter fraud in DC
Washington Times (DC) May 22, 2013 6:50 am
The District has failed to
remove from its voting rolls as many as 13,000 former residents who years ago
moved to Prince George's County and cast ballots there, making fraud by voting
in two jurisdictions as easy as going to the polls in their old neighborhoods,
The Washington Times found in a review of records.In dozens of cases, names are listed as voting in both jurisdictions in the November presidential election. Provided a subset of the names, the District pulled paper records and said most did not vote, but that other voters accidentally associated their ballots with the former residents' names instead of their own.
For others listed as voting in both jurisdictions, they had no such explanation.
"All voter fraud violations discovered by the District of Columbia Board of Elections will be referred to both the District and the United States Attorney General Offices for further review," said D.C. Board of Elections spokeswoman Agnes Moss.
One voter acknowledged casting a ballot in both places, others became hostile or fearful when questioned about whether they had voted twice, and more expressed concern that their identities were being used fraudulently.
"People say that doesn't exist and it does," said Bev Harris of the voter fraud watchdog group Black Box Voting.
Open secret
Democrats who have been deeply active for decades in the community of black, middle-class residents - who, by the tens of thousands have left the District for its eastern neighbor, though are still active in the District or employed by its government - said Prince George's County residents using their former D.C. addresses to cast votes there is an open secret.
"It happens a lot," said Ward 7 activist Geraldine Washington. "I know of people who still vote in their old address after they've moved [out of the District]. I mean years after. They do that a lot."
Someone voted using Valerie D. Gray-Turner's name and address in Northeast in November, and she does not have a daughter who shares her name.
"Not to my knowledge. I didn't go down there and vote five months ago. I moved to Maryland in 2008," she said.
Bisi D. Dada moved from Varnum Place Northeast to Upper Marlboro but is listed as eligible to vote in the District - and as having cast a ballot there in November.
"I did not vote in D.C.; I voted at Frederick Douglass [High School] in Upper Marlboro. How is that possible? You're supposed to show your ID, and I don't have any D.C. driver's license. ... I don't know who could have done that. I did vote in D.C. in 2008 but not in this last election."
Definitive totals for votes affected are impossible to determine. Unlike the vast majority of other jurisdictions, the District would provide neither birth dates nor full middle names of voters, but gave only the middle initial.
The list of voters with names so unusual that there has been only one in the District and one in Prince George's and who are listed as voting in both jurisdictions in the 2012 election is in the thousands. In an examination of 85, The Times confirmed through interviews and other public records that 15 were in fact the same person.
The District researched eight and said three were possible voter fraud cases, while the rest appeared to be someone accidentally signing next to the wrong name - an explanation that highlights the fact that the former residents were still on the rolls and could freely vote.
Indeed, the list of Prince George's voters with unusual names that match those on voter rolls in the District was far longer, at 13,000.
Notification of relocation
Gary Scott of the Fairfax County Office of Elections said the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 "requires states who are receiving voters from another state to notify the state that they've lost them, which is what we do."
Daneen Banks of the Prince George's County Board of Elections said in an email that most of the voters identified by The Times never told the county where they were moving from when they registered. In the opposite scenario, she said, the county relies mostly on notification from voters who have moved or from the jurisdiction receiving them. In the event election mail is returned, she said, the county "begins a confirmation mailing process to try to determine whether the voter moved."
Erich O. Koehler voted in Prince George's, but someone cast a ballot using his name and his old address on South Capitol Street Southeast, according to voter rolls. He was concerned that someone was using his name fraudulently and said he was told he had done everything he needed to do to ensure that he was no longer registered in the District.
"That's really disturbing because I moved out to P.G. a year ago, changed over all my [information] a year ago. When I moved to P.G. and changed over my license at the DMV, I asked and they said I didn't need to do anything. They said I just couldn't vote in two places," he said.
Ms. Harris said the technology to keep track of people as they move between jurisdictions clearly exists.
"The minute you change your address at the post office, every bill you've ever had certainly finds its way to you," Ms. Harris said. "There are definitely always thousands of people on the rolls who have moved out but have never been removed because they never notified anyone."
Easy targets
The biggest risk of having nonresidents listed on the rolls is not the risk of people voting twice themselves, but of others appropriating their names by the hundreds, she said.
They are easy targets for those who would cast votes in other people's names in bulk, often by absentee ballot, after scanning the list for names of people who hadn't voted in years and would therefore not show up to hear that their vote already had been cast.
Some admitted to having voted in both places, but by accident. Randi B. Bazemore is a D.C. resident who attends the University of Maryland. "She thought she could vote there. They gave her the wrong ballot," her mother said, but her mother believes that the law says that she should have voted at her permanent address. "It was invalid, so when she told me what happened I told her to come with me to vote and that's what she did."
Prince George's said her provisional ballot was indeed thrown out because she had not registered - but that she was automatically added to voter rolls after the election.
Efforts in the District to require an ID to vote have not been successful. Last year, the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics condemned a hidden-camera stunt showing a man inquiring about voting as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. at a city polling precinct during the primary elections.
The video, from conservative activist James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, addressed the debate on whether voters should provide identification before casting ballots. Mr. Holder has said such rules are unnecessary and could make it more difficult for legitimate voters to exercise their rights. Many conservatives say such laws would stop voter fraud.
Either way, the city's election board was not thrilled to see a white man appearing to suggest to a Northwest poll worker that he was Mr. Holder, who is black, before running off to supposedly fetch his ID. In the video, a man asks whether Mr. Holder is on the voter roll. When the poll worker takes him to be Mr. Holder and appears ready to allow the man to vote, the man says he does not have ID on him. The poll worker says it is OK, as long as he was on the voter list and is, indeed, who he says he is.
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Justice Seized White House, Fox Phone Records
The Justice Department seized the
telephone records of at least five Fox News reporters and several White House
staffers in connection with the 2009 probe into a former State Department
contractor who is accused of leaking classified information to Fox journalist
James Rosen.
The disclosure came in a document filed in the case of the former contractor, Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, on October 13, 2011, The New Yorker reported today.
Latest: Is Benghazi a Cover Up? Is Obama at the Heart of It? Vote Here
Kim is a former State Department contractor accused of violating the Espionage Act for allegedly leaking classified information to Rosen.
Ronald C. Machen Jr., the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia who is prosecuting the case, seized records associated with at least five telephone numbers associated with Fox, two numbers at the White House, and one that has the same area code and exchange as Rosen’s personal cellphone number.
The last four digits of that telephone number are redacted in the document, the New Yorker reports.
In all, Machen had seized records associated with more than 30 different phone numbers, according to the filing.
The last four digits of each telephone line targeted by the Obama Administration are redacted in the filing. Two of the numbers begin with area code 202 and the exchange 456, which, according to current and former Obama administration officials, are used exclusively by the White House.
The telephone number of the White House switchboard is (202) 456-1414.
At least five other numbers targeted by Justice include the area code 202 and the exchange 824.
The phone number for the Fox News Washington bureau, which is publicly available, is (202) 824-0001, the New Yorker reports.
Rosen’s work number at Fox begins with the same area code and exchange.
“Because that information is sealed, I can’t confirm the owner or subscriber for any of those records,” William Miller, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in D.C., told the New Yorker.
Asked if the phone numbers of any reporters had been targeted in the Kim investigation, Miller told the magazine that he could not comment.
The Washington Post reported on Monday that Justice seized telephone records and emails from Rosen personal account on Gmail in its inquiry of Kim.
In the search warrant for the data, Justice described Rosen as “an aider, and abettor, and/or co-conspirator” in violating the Espionage Act, noting that the crime was punishable by 10 years in prison.
Latest: Is Benghazi a Cover Up? Is Obama at the Heart of It? Vote Here
Rosen was not indicted in the case, but the suggestion in a government document that a reporter could be guilty of espionage for engaging in routine reporting is unprecedented — the New Yorker reports — and has alarmed many journalists and civil libertarians.
The case also has been cited in Justice’s recent secret seizure of two months of telephone records of reporters and editors at The Associated Press.
The disclosure came in a document filed in the case of the former contractor, Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, on October 13, 2011, The New Yorker reported today.
Latest: Is Benghazi a Cover Up? Is Obama at the Heart of It? Vote Here
Kim is a former State Department contractor accused of violating the Espionage Act for allegedly leaking classified information to Rosen.
Ronald C. Machen Jr., the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia who is prosecuting the case, seized records associated with at least five telephone numbers associated with Fox, two numbers at the White House, and one that has the same area code and exchange as Rosen’s personal cellphone number.
The last four digits of that telephone number are redacted in the document, the New Yorker reports.
In all, Machen had seized records associated with more than 30 different phone numbers, according to the filing.
The last four digits of each telephone line targeted by the Obama Administration are redacted in the filing. Two of the numbers begin with area code 202 and the exchange 456, which, according to current and former Obama administration officials, are used exclusively by the White House.
The telephone number of the White House switchboard is (202) 456-1414.
At least five other numbers targeted by Justice include the area code 202 and the exchange 824.
The phone number for the Fox News Washington bureau, which is publicly available, is (202) 824-0001, the New Yorker reports.
Rosen’s work number at Fox begins with the same area code and exchange.
“Because that information is sealed, I can’t confirm the owner or subscriber for any of those records,” William Miller, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in D.C., told the New Yorker.
Asked if the phone numbers of any reporters had been targeted in the Kim investigation, Miller told the magazine that he could not comment.
The Washington Post reported on Monday that Justice seized telephone records and emails from Rosen personal account on Gmail in its inquiry of Kim.
In the search warrant for the data, Justice described Rosen as “an aider, and abettor, and/or co-conspirator” in violating the Espionage Act, noting that the crime was punishable by 10 years in prison.
Latest: Is Benghazi a Cover Up? Is Obama at the Heart of It? Vote Here
Rosen was not indicted in the case, but the suggestion in a government document that a reporter could be guilty of espionage for engaging in routine reporting is unprecedented — the New Yorker reports — and has alarmed many journalists and civil libertarians.
The case also has been cited in Justice’s recent secret seizure of two months of telephone records of reporters and editors at The Associated Press.
Do you want to understand jihad in
Documentary shows the threat right in front of us |
The threat is just beneath the surface –
hidden in plain sight.
It becomes more obvious at certain moments – like today when young Muslim Chechnyans are involved with police shootouts when they are connected with the tragic Boston Marathon bombings. But it's there every day – right in front of us. If you want to understand this threat, perhaps the best documentary primer is "Jihad in America" by Steve Emerson, a former CNN newsman. He calls it "The Grand Deception." This 70-minute documentary unmasks the covert infrastructure of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States, shows how its leaders rose to prominence and exposes how they continue to exploit American values – under the cover of religion – to further their ulterior political agenda. Based on an extensive collection of primary source materials, including internal records of the Muslim Brotherhood, startling first-person accounts and chilling and exclusive undercover audio and video of these groups behind closed doors, this investigative film lays bare the history and secret structure of this subversive menace behind the public mask. Here's what people are saying about "Jihad in America."
• "This video provides an excellent education for
Americans, who generally can't believe someone would do these things
deliberately." – Keith Davis
• "I wish every person could watch this, I have given it to my pastor as we are currently in the process of protesting the building of yet another supermosque in our neighbourhood and we know that the result of that is the degradation of the value of the housing, the intimidation and the implementation of Shariah laws. Highly recommended." – Gerredina Kovac • "This is an excellent view of radical Islam in the U.S. and is well documented. Steve Emerson and his team have done what others refuse to do, talk about radical Islam and how it is effecting the U.S. This is a documentary that should be in every law enforcement agency in America." – Steven Stanley • "You cannot watch this without realizing there is a Jihad plan in America. Steve Emerson has investigated this subject in a remarkable way! He uses 'their own words' on video to show the plan they have against the United States. What they say is so insightful. I have seen many videos like this, and this one is the best; the DVD is brilliantly done." – ElliottJFM, Pittsburgh, Pa. Steve Emerson is the executive director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, one of the world's largest storehouses of archival data and intelligence on Islamic and Middle Eastern terrorist groups. Emerson and his staff have been quoted or profiled in hundreds of newspaper and television stories since 9/11 and frequently provide briefings to U.S. government and law enforcement agencies, members of Congress and congressional committees. Emerson has testified before and briefed Congress dozens of times on terrorist financing and operational networks of al-Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and the rest of the worldwide Islamic militant spectrum. Click here to learn more about "Jihad in America." |
A petición
de Julio Fresno traducimos un trabajo presentado en el número 389 de “En mi
“Me siento orgulloso de ser BLANCO “
“I am proud to be White”
A peticion
de Julio Fresno traducimos un trabajo presentado en el número 389 de “En mi
“Me siento orgulloso de ser BLANCO “
“I am proud to be White”
Hay afroamericanos,
Hay afroamericanos,
árabes- americanos, etc,
árabes- americanos, etc,
al final están los americanos simplemente ...
Me pasa en la calle y miran en mi dirección y se burlan.
Me llamáis “White boy "," Cracker "," Honkey', 'Whitey', 'Caveman' ...
Y eso está bien ... Pero cuando yo te llamo
Me pasa en la calle y miran en mi dirección y se burlan.
Me llamáis “White boy "," Cracker "," Honkey', 'Whitey', 'Caveman' ...
Y eso está bien ... Pero cuando yo te llamo
Kike, Towel head, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner,
Gook, or Chink…
Entonces tu me lamas racista.
Ustedes dice que los blancos cometen una gran cantidad de violencia en su contra ...
Entonces ¿Por qué son los ghettos negros son los lugares más peligrosos para vivir?
Usted tienen el United Negro College Fund.
Tienen el dia de Martin Luther King.
Ustedes tienen El Mes de la Historia Negro.
Ustedes tienen el Día de César Chávez.
Ustedes tienen El Yom HaShoá.
Has Ma'uled Al-Nabi.
Usted tiene la NAACP.
Usted tiene BET ... “Television para ver por los negros”
Imagina si tuviéramos WET “ Television para ver por los blancos”
Seriamos racistas.
Si tuviéramos un Día del Orgullo Blanco, debería llamarnos racistas.
Si tuviéramos un mes de la historia de los Blancosseriamos racistas.
Si tuviéramos una organización solo para los blancos para 'avanzar' nuestra vida, seríamos racistas.
Tenemos una Cámara de Comercio Hispana, una Cámara de Comercio Negro,
y luego solo tenemos La Cámara de Comercio. Me pregunto ¿quién paga eso???
Una mujer blanca no podía estar en el Miss Negro certamen estadounidense,
pero cualquier persona de cualquier color o raza puede estar en el concurso de Miss América.
Si tuviéramos un fondo para la universidad que sólo de oportunidades a los estudiantes blancos de becas ...
Usted sabe que nos dirían racistas.
Hay más de 60 Colegios Negros abiertamente proclamados en los EE.UU. ...
Sin embargo, si hubiera Colegios Blancos ', eso sería un colegio racista.
En la marcha del millón de hombres de marzo,
creías que estabas marchando por tu raza y tus derechos.
Si nosotros los blancos marchamos de nuestra raza y nuestros derechos, debe llamarnos racistas.
Ustedes están orgullosos de ser negros, marrón, amarillo y naranja,
y usted no tiene miedo de anunciarlo.
Pero cuando anunciamos nuestro orgullo blanco, se llama a nosotros los racistas.
Ustedes nos roban nuestros autos y nos disparan..
Pero, cuando un oficial de policía blanco dispara a un pandillero negro o golpea a un traficante de drogas negro huyendo de la ley es una amenaza para la sociedad, que él llama un racista.
Estoy orgulloso de ser blanco... Pero tu me llamas un racista.
¿Por qué es que sólo los blancos pueden ser racistas???
No hay nada impropio en este e-mail ...
Pero vamos a ver cuál de ustedes son lo suficientemente orgullosos de ser blancos para enviarlo.
Yo por desgracia no creo que muchos lo harán.
Es por eso que hemos perdido la mayor parte de nuestro lugar en este mismo país.
Ustedes dice que los blancos cometen una gran cantidad de violencia en su contra ...
Entonces ¿Por qué son los ghettos negros son los lugares más peligrosos para vivir?
Usted tienen el United Negro College Fund.
Tienen el dia de Martin Luther King.
Ustedes tienen El Mes de la Historia Negro.
Ustedes tienen el Día de César Chávez.
Ustedes tienen El Yom HaShoá.
Has Ma'uled Al-Nabi.
Usted tiene la NAACP.
Usted tiene BET ... “Television para ver por los negros”
Imagina si tuviéramos WET “ Television para ver por los blancos”
Seriamos racistas.
Si tuviéramos un Día del Orgullo Blanco, debería llamarnos racistas.
Si tuviéramos un mes de la historia de los Blancosseriamos racistas.
Si tuviéramos una organización solo para los blancos para 'avanzar' nuestra vida, seríamos racistas.
Tenemos una Cámara de Comercio Hispana, una Cámara de Comercio Negro,
y luego solo tenemos La Cámara de Comercio. Me pregunto ¿quién paga eso???
Una mujer blanca no podía estar en el Miss Negro certamen estadounidense,
pero cualquier persona de cualquier color o raza puede estar en el concurso de Miss América.
Si tuviéramos un fondo para la universidad que sólo de oportunidades a los estudiantes blancos de becas ...
Usted sabe que nos dirían racistas.
Hay más de 60 Colegios Negros abiertamente proclamados en los EE.UU. ...
Sin embargo, si hubiera Colegios Blancos ', eso sería un colegio racista.
En la marcha del millón de hombres de marzo,
creías que estabas marchando por tu raza y tus derechos.
Si nosotros los blancos marchamos de nuestra raza y nuestros derechos, debe llamarnos racistas.
Ustedes están orgullosos de ser negros, marrón, amarillo y naranja,
y usted no tiene miedo de anunciarlo.
Pero cuando anunciamos nuestro orgullo blanco, se llama a nosotros los racistas.
Ustedes nos roban nuestros autos y nos disparan..
Pero, cuando un oficial de policía blanco dispara a un pandillero negro o golpea a un traficante de drogas negro huyendo de la ley es una amenaza para la sociedad, que él llama un racista.
Estoy orgulloso de ser blanco... Pero tu me llamas un racista.
¿Por qué es que sólo los blancos pueden ser racistas???
No hay nada impropio en este e-mail ...
Pero vamos a ver cuál de ustedes son lo suficientemente orgullosos de ser blancos para enviarlo.
Yo por desgracia no creo que muchos lo harán.
Es por eso que hemos perdido la mayor parte de nuestro lugar en este mismo país.
Security Update: Fort Hood Shooter Received Over $278,000 from U.S. Taxpayers After He Committed Mass Murder
Taxpayers After He Committed Mass Murder
Fellow Americans, it is time to
rise and demand this insanity stop.
Hasan has been charged
with 13 counts of premeditated murder
and 32 counts of attempted murder. Everyone knows he is guilty on all counts,
as he was caught in the act.
But the Department of Defense, which
says it is short on funds, continues
to pay this murderer his salary, in addition to providing
him with room and board and legal services.
Are you outraged? WE ARE!
to Secretary of Defense Hagel and tell him to stop paying this murderer!
Secure America Now is dedicated to recruiting millions of Americans to influence Security policy. We need your help to recruit. Fort Hood shooter has drawn $278G in salary since massacre. Enrique Enriquez.
Sr habia estado en comunicaciones con uno de los jefes de Al qaeda
dias antes de que el se viste de arabe y gritando lo mismo que hicieron
los que atacaron las torres "Ala es grande" empieza a matar
indiscriminadamente a todos los militares que pudo, hasta que lo
hirieron.Hace 4 anios de esto, el gobierno alega que no es un acto terrorista
sino Violencia en el lugar de trabajo, y lo estan juzgando como
Report: Fort Hood shooter has drawn $278G in salary
since massacre
May 21, 2013
FoxNews.com Enviado por Enrique enriquez.
The military can't take away the salary of Nidal Hasan, the Army
psychiatrist charged in the deadly 2009 Fort Hood shooting, until he has been
convicted. (AP)
The Army psychiatrist
accused of killing 13 people and wounding 32 others during a shooting at Fort
Hood has reportedly been paid more than $278,000 since the 2009 incident.
U.S. Department of Defense officials confirmed to
NBCDFW.com that Maj. Nidal Hasan’s salary cannot be suspended unless he is
proven guilty in the Nov. 5, 2009, shooting in Texas, citing the Uniform Code
of Military Justice. Jury selection in his trial is scheduled to begin May 30.
If Hasan, 42, had been a civilian Defense Department
employee, Army officials could have suspended his pay after just seven days, NBCDFW.com reports.
A military judge refused to delay Hasan’s trial
earlier this month after his attorneys sought to postpone the court-martial to
Sept. 1. Hasan’s attorneys claimed military jurors may be influenced by
national media coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings that compared the two
Muslim suspects -- Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev – to Hasan.
Prosecutors countered that the delay was unnecessary
because Hasan was mentioned only briefly in some news reports about the April
15 attacks in Boston.
Hasan faces the death penalty or life in prison without parole if convicted of 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder.
Hasan faces the death penalty or life in prison without parole if convicted of 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder.
The White House and Pentagon have refused to
characterize Hasan's attack as terrorism, instead terming it “workplace
violence.” The victims have been denied Purple Hearts and are suing the
military because they claim the "workplace violence" designation
gives them diminished access to medical care and financial benefits normally
available to those whose wounds are designated as "combat related."
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“En mi opinión” No 389 5/22/13
Lázaro R
González Miño Editor ‘In GOD we trust’
A service of YellowBrix, Inc.
Rosado Tuero, admin@nuevoaccion.com,
CNN en Español,
I.J. Review editor@ijreview.com,
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“En mi opinion” Provienen de:
Morning Briefing
News Max, newsmax@reply.newsmax.com,
The Daily Caller reply@dailycaller-alerts.com,
The Heritage Foundation morningbell@heritage.org,
The Western Center for Journalism, wcj@westernjournalism.com,
Wall Street Daily, wallstreetdaily@wallstreetdaily.com,
Washington Times (DC),
WND (alerts@email.wnd.com)
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