Friday, May 3, 2013

En mi opinión No375 5/3/2013 Lázaro R González Miño Editor

“En mi opinión   IN GOD WE TRUST.
.No 375 Mayo 3 2013  Editor Lázaro R González Miño.  

"No quiero que mañana, cuando me pare delante de un espejo y me pregunte: ¿Porque no hice algo más?  “Decirme que fuimos derrotados por no hacer nada.”  Bueno en lo que me cabe eso, no será mi respuesta. Estoy haciendo todo lo que puedo y a lo largo de toda mi vida lo he hecho aunque casi nunca gane… Me han escarnecido, golpeado, encarcelado, despedido de mi empleo, expulsado de mi país, perderlo todo hasta la familia. Realmente pelear solo como casi siempre lo he tenido que hacer no es una buena idea, duele y pierdes muy seguido y mucho. Pero a veces cuando ves al enemigo rabioso que te aplasta usando toda su fuerza y su furia; entonces sabes que le dolió mucho lo que le hiciste aun en tu aislamiento y soledad y te lamentas porque si hubieras hecho más y sido algunos más… quizás le hubiéramos ganado o al menos le hubiéramos hecho más daño. Pero si los demás no pelean, por la razón que sea, yo si seguiré peleando aunque pierda siempre como fin de la historia… Seguiré peleando contra toda injusticia que sea y donde sea, el mundo entero es mi patria y la libertad me hace falta para respirar, en definitivas cualquier lugar es bueno para morirse. Creo en la libertad, los derechos y la proyección humana libre, sin opresión. Los que me amenazan, me rompen la computadora, tratan de hacerme la vida un buñuelo y todas las otras estupideces que me hacen, pierden su tiempo… Cuando por las noches me acuesto y beso a mi esposa dándole las buenas noches. Siento lo cansado que estoy, pero enseguida me vienen a la mente las cosas que hare mañana, entonces las ahuyento para que al menos me dejen dormir un rato  y me duermo con una sonrisa y las ahuyento pero sigo elaborando en lo que hare mañana. Lo único que no puedo hacer es dejar de hacer lo que hago. Me recuerda un “dicho”  que decía un español. Cuando le preguntaban: ¿Que cosa era lo que más le gustaba en la vida? El respondía “Juga y perde” y cuando le corregían. ¿Cómo Juga y perde? Sera “Juga y Gana” y él decía “Nahhh Juga y gana es la gloria…” LRGM

Breaking News From

US Hired al-Qaida-Linked Group to Defend Benghazi Mission
The Libyan militia group that the State Department hired to defend its diplomatic mission in Benghazi had public al-Qaida sympathies, and had displayed the al-Qaida flag on a Facebook page for months before the attack that killed four Americans. And there is no indication the group, the February 17th Martyrs Brigade, fulfilled its commitment to provide security during the deadly Sept. 11 assault.
Newsmax Exclusive: US Hired al-Qaida-Linked Group to Defend Benghazi Mission

Thursday, 02 May 2013 07:08 PM By John Rosenthal
The Libyan militia group that the State Department hired to defend its embattled diplomatic mission in Benghazi had clear al-Qaida sympathies, and had prominently displayed the al-Qaida flag on a Facebook page for months before the deadly attack.

That organization, the February 17th Martyrs Brigade, was paid by the U.S. government to provide security at the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya. But there is no indication the Martyrs Brigade fulfilled its commitment to defend the mission on Sept. 11, when it came under attack.

The assault claimed the lives of four Americans: Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, information officer Sean Smith, and former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. Stevens was the first U.S. ambassador to be killed in the line of duty since 1979.

Several entries on the militia’s Facebook page openly profess sympathy for Ansar al-Sharia, the hardline Islamist extremist group widely blamed  for the deadly attack on the mission. The U.S. State Department did not respond to a Newsmax request for an explanation as to why the February 17th Martyrs Brigade was hired to protect the mission.

On April 23, House Republicans released an interim progress report on its investigation into the Benghazi killings. It cited “numerous reports” that “the Brigade had extremist connections, and it had been implicated in the kidnapping of American citizens as well as in the threats against U.S. military assets.”

The report also stated that just a few days before Ambassador Stevens arrived in Benghazi, the Martyrs Brigade informed State Department officials they would no longer provide security as members of the mission, including Stevens, traveled through the city.

From June 2011 to July 2012, Eric Nordstrom, the Regional Security Officer for Libya at the time, documented over 200 security threats and violent incidents threatening to U.S. personnel in Libya. Some 50 of those incidents occurred in Benghazi.

Yet despite those threats, repeated requests for additional security from the mission went unheeded by the State Department, for reasons that remain unclear.

But perhaps the biggest question is why the State Department would hire a group that openly displayed its admiration for al-Qaida, and ask it to participate in the defense of its diplomatic mission.

The banner, or “cover photo” of one of the group’s Facebook pages, shows an Islamic fighter or mujahid with a portable rocket launcher resting on his shoulder.

The distinctive black flag of al-Qaida can be seen fluttering to the man’s left, attached to the vehicle in which he is riding. The mujahid also wears a headband based on the design of the al-Qaida flag. The flag in question features the shahada or Islamic declaration of faith, and a white circle that is sometimes described as the “seal of Mohammed.”

The flag was made famous by the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s Iraqi al-Qaida affiliate, commonly known as “al-Qaida in Iraq.” The flag originally used by al-Qaida was a plain black flag with the shahada written on it in white.
Both flags are widely used by contemporary jihadist groups.

An Arabic inscription written over the photo reads: “Allah, his prophet and Libya and that’s it.” The cover photo was posted by the site administrator on June 10, 2012. It represents the first activity on the Facebook page.

The photo was presumably taken at a massive rally in support of the sharia, or Islamic law, that was held in Benghazi three days earlier, on June 7. The rally included a military parade featuring units from a large cross-section of the Eastern Libyan militias that spearheaded the 2011 rebellion against Moammar Gadhafi.

Video of the event posted by local sources shows several al-Qaida flags being flown at the event. Al-Qaida-inspired accessories, such as headbands and decals, were widely displayed as well. One of the sponsoring organizations of the rally was none other than Ansar al-Sharia. The term Ansar al-Sharia means “supporters of the sharia.” Sharia is Islamic law and regulations.

On June 15, five days after the photo was posted, the February 17th Martyrs Brigade updated the cover photo on the Facebook page, replacing the image by a photo montage featuring its own logo and a masked commando sporting the colors of the new Libyan national flag on a shoulder patch.

The cover photo has been further updated several times since then. It is clear, however, that the group has repudiated neither al-Qaida nor its violent ideology.

On June 28, for example, the brigade posted a second graphic bearing a headline title that translates to: “The bearded [man] is suspect until he proves he is not a Muslim!!!”

The graphic features two rows of pictures. The top row consists of bearded Muslim men. The images include some of the leading figures of modern-day jihadism, including al-Qaida founder Osama bin Laden, and the founder of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The Arabic text on the graphic states the Muslims are accused of various faults, including “terrorism” and “extremism.”

The second row shows bearded non-Muslims (including the likes of Tolstoy, Che Guevara and George Bernard Shaw). The caption suggests the Western world sees the bearded non-Muslims as intelligent, and holds them in high esteem.

To drive home the point,  the graphic includes a quotation from the Quran: “Then will we treat Muslims like criminals? What is the matter with you? How do you judge?”

The implication is that the Muslims in the top row, including Osama bin Laden, have been unfairly labeled.

Graphic from Facebook page of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade

Several entries on the Facebook page make clear the brigade’s sympathies for the Ansar al-Sharia militia, which allegedly has al-Qaida ties. In the Western media, Ansar al-Sharia has been widely accused of having perpetrated the September 11 Benghazi attacks.

An entry posted a few days after the deadly Benghazi attacks, on Sept. 19, laments the death of an Ansar al-Sharia member. It asks God to “receive him amongst the martyrs” and to receive him “into his wide paradise.” The entry points out that the deceased, one Adham al-Falastini, was previously a member of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade.

Another revealing entry, posted on June 25, 2012, shows a graphic from a now defunct Ansar al-Sharia Facebook page. It carries a warning from Ansar al-Sharia about the distribution of pens bearing an image of the Virgin Mary.  The graphic cautions against propagating beliefs that Muslims should scorn.

A warning from Ansar al-Sharia about “Virgin Mary pens.” Graphic reproduced on a Facebook page of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade.

At least two recent entries on the February 17th Martyrs Brigade site feature the Ansar al-Sharia logo. One of these, dated Jan. 29, suggests that Ansar al-Sharia is the target of a “treacherous” plot to get the brigade blamed for various attacks and assassination attempts.
The other, dated Jan. 20, announces that Ansar al-Sharia has begun guarding the western gate of Benghazi “in the service of our religion and…of the Libyan people.”

This news, which is corroborated by other sources, is highly notable in light of Western news reports claiming Ansar al-Sharia was driven out of the city following the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission.

Ansar al-Sharia logo on Facebook page of February 17th Martyrs Brigade

A more recent entry, dated March 2, features a graphic celebrating Jabhat al-Nusra, the offshoot of Al-Qaida in Iraq that has played a leading role in the Syrian insurrection against the rule of Bashar al-Assad.

Late last year, Jabhat al-Nusra was designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government.

In defiance of the U.S. designation, the Arabic on the graphic declares, “We are all Jabhat al-Nusra.”

The accompanying Facebook entry repeats this sentiment, and recites the exploits of the al-Qaida linked brigade in the Syrian war, including “more than 40 martyrdom operations.” The phrase “martyrdom operations” is used by jihadist groups to refer to suicide bombings.

“We are all Jabhat al-Nusra.” Graphic from a Facebook page of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade

The U.S. State Department had hired the February 17th Martyrs Brigade to provide security at the U.S. mission in Benghazi. A document recovered from the mission two days after the attack indicated the State Department had arranged for the Martyrs Brigade to act as a “Quick Reaction Force” to protect the mission. The Memorandum of Agreement states that “in the event of an attack on the U.S. mission, QRF will request additional support from the 17th February Martyrs Brigade.”

Throughout the summer leading up to the attack, embassy officials repeatedly asked the State Department for additional security. But the State Department actually reduced security, pulling out a military detachment that had been tasked with defending diplomats in Libya.

One reason the requests for additional security may have been denied: They did not fit into the administration narrative that al-Qaida elements no longer posed a threat to U.S. interests.

One diplomatic cable to the mission indicated that the U.S.-based deputy assistant secretary for diplomatic security was “reluctant to ask for [additional security] apparently out of concern that it would be embarrassing to the [State Department] to continue to have to rely on [Defense Department] assets to protect our mission.”

When the mission’s regional safety officer expressed an interest in July 2012 asking State Department official to permit the military security team to continue to protect the mission, Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant secretary in charge of diplomatic security, sent an e-mail that responded: “NO, I do not [I repeat] not want them to ask for the [military security] team to stay!”

Republicans have complained in recent weeks that the Obama administration has been stonewalling their investigation. According to Fox News, four career officials at the State Department and the CIA have retained counsel, as they prepare to provide Congress with inside information on the attacks.

Victoria Toensing, an attorney representing one of the whistleblowers, said they have been threatened by CIA and State Department officials with repercussions if they talk to Congress about what happened in Benghazi. But President Obama said earlier this week he was “unaware” of anyone being discouraged from coming forward to tell Congress their side of the story.

House Republican Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, issued a statement on Tuesday that: “Over the past two weeks, I have sent four letters requesting that this administration make information available about how lawyers -- who already have security clearances and are representing Benghazi whistleblowers -- can be cleared to fully hear their clients’ stories. I have yet to receive any responses from the Obama administration.”

The House Republicans’ Interim Progress Report concludes with an ominous warning that states: “This singular event will be repeated unless the United States recognizes and responds to the threats we face around the world, and properly postures resources and security assets to counter and respond to those threats.

“Until that time, the United States will remain in a reactionary mode and should expect more catastrophes like Benghazi, in which U.S. personnel on the ground perform bravely, but are not provided with the resources for an effective response,” the report stated.

Newsmax Senior Editor David A. Patten contributed to this report.

John Rosenthal is a European-based journalist who writes on EU politics and transatlantic security issues. His new book is The Jihadist Plot: The Untold Story of Al-Qaeda and the Libyan Rebellion. Translations from Arabic provided by Maureen Millington-Brodie. Newsmax Senior Editor David A. Patten also contributed to this report.
Comunistas de Ripiera y Comunistas de Levita AMENPER. El día primero de Mayo del 2013, igual que el primero de Mayo de 1886, fuimos testigos de las demostraciones de los declarados comunistas de ripiera.  Estas demostraciones tanto en el 1886 como este año, son desagradables, pero no representaron ni representan un peligro para una nación con una democracia representativa establecida sólidamente.
Fueron entonces, y pudieran ser ahora simplemente incidentes que tenemos que soportar como un efecto secundario de la libertad de expresión que ocurren en ocasiones, igual que los efectos secundarios de un fármaco, que nos puede hacer daño, pero si se trata a tiempo no es mortal.
El problema mayor, a mi parecer, es que en este momento, la democracia representativa, está siendo atacada no solo por los comunistas ripieras sino por los comunistas de levita y lacito  que se encuentran en la Casa Blanca y en la nomenclatura de Washington.
Estos presumidos y jactanciosos seudo-intelectuales que no se mezclan con la plebe para no ensuciar su levita pero que nos hablan con sutileza de las razones sociales que producen las violentas demostraciones o los actos terroristas revirtiendo la culpa en la víctima, que es la democracia, son mucho más peligrosos que la plebe que hace el trabajo sucio.
En los Estados Unidos del 1886, el primero de mayo pasó como un hecho desagradable, pero  desapercibido por la mayoría de la nación que los ciudadanos de Chicago olvidaron unos meses después.  Pero los comunistas de levita de aquella época, a nivel internacional, hicieron de los incidentes y la fecha, un icono para impulsar el comunismo.
Nunca es mayor el peligro de los comunistas de levita que cuando ocupan el poder, usando los métodos democráticos.  Nunca es mayor el peligro cuando estos comunistas de levita, usan sutilmente las armas de la democracia, como son los derechos civiles, para proteger a los que están combatiendo esta democracia ya sean demostradores o terroristas.
Newsmax Exclusive: US Hired al-Qaida-Linked Group to Defend Benghazi Mission
Thursday, 02 May 2013 07:08 PM
By John Rosenthal

The Libyan militia group that the State Department hired to defend its embattled diplomatic mission in Benghazi had clear al-Qaida sympathies, and had prominently displayed the al-Qaida flag on a Facebook page for months before the deadly attack.

That organization, the February 17th Martyrs Brigade, was paid by the U.S. government to provide security at the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya. But there is no indication the Martyrs Brigade fulfilled its commitment to defend the mission on Sept. 11, when it came under attack.

The assault claimed the lives of four Americans: Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, information officer Sean Smith, and former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. Stevens was the first U.S. ambassador to be killed in the line of duty since 1979.

Several entries on the militia’s Facebook page openly profess sympathy for Ansar al-Sharia, the hardline Islamist extremist group widely blamed for the deadly attack on the mission. The U.S. State Department did not respond to a Newsmax request for an explanation as to why the February 17th Martyrs Brigade was hired to protect the mission.

On April 23, House Republicans released an interim progress report on its investigation into the Benghazi killings. It cited “numerous reports” that “the Brigade had extremist connections, and it had been implicated in the kidnapping of American citizens as well as in the threats against U.S. military assets.”

The report also stated that just a few days before Ambassador Stevens arrived in Benghazi, the Martyrs Brigade informed State Department officials they would no longer provide security as members of the mission, including Stevens, traveled through the city.

From June 2011 to July 2012, Eric Nordstrom, the Regional Security Officer for Libya at the time, documented over 200 security threats and violent incidents threatening to U.S. personnel in Libya. Some 50 of those incidents occurred in Benghazi.

Yet despite those threats, repeated requests for additional security from the mission went unheeded by the State Department, for reasons that remain unclear.

But perhaps the biggest question is why the State Department would hire a group that openly displayed its admiration for al-Qaida, and ask it to participate in the defense of its diplomatic mission.

The banner, or “cover photo” of one of the group’s Facebook pages, shows an Islamic fighter or mujahid with a portable rocket launcher resting on his shoulder.

The distinctive black flag of al-Qaida can be seen fluttering to the man’s left, attached to the vehicle in which he is riding. The mujahid also wears a headband based on the design of the al-Qaida flag. The flag in question features the shahada or Islamic declaration of faith, and a white circle that is sometimes described as the “seal of Mohammed.”

The flag was made famous by the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s Iraqi al-Qaida affiliate, commonly known as “al-Qaida in Iraq.” The flag originally used by al-Qaida was a plain black flag with the shahada written on it in white.
Both flags are widely used by contemporary jihadist groups.

The original cover photo on Facebook page of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade, displaying the al-Qaida banner.

An Arabic inscription written over the photo reads: “Allah, his prophet and Libya and that’s it.” The cover photo was posted by the site administrator on June 10, 2012. It represents the first activity on the Facebook page.

The photo was presumably taken at a massive rally in support of the sharia, or Islamic law, that was held in Benghazi three days earlier, on June 7. The rally included a military parade featuring units from a large cross-section of the Eastern Libyan militias that spearheaded the 2011 rebellion against Moammar Gadhafi.

Video of the event posted by local sources shows several al-Qaida flags being flown at the event. Al-Qaida-inspired accessories, such as headbands and decals, were widely displayed as well. One of the sponsoring organizations of the rally was none other than Ansar al-Sharia. The term Ansar al-Sharia means “supporters of the sharia.” Sharia is Islamic law and regulations.

On June 15, five days after the photo was posted, the February 17th Martyrs Brigade updated the cover photo on the Facebook page, replacing the image by a photo montage featuring its own logo and a masked commando sporting the colors of the new Libyan national flag on a shoulder patch.

The cover photo has been further updated several times since then. It is clear, however, that the group has repudiated neither al-Qaida nor its violent ideology.

On June 28, for example, the brigade posted a second graphic bearing a headline title that translates to: “The bearded [man] is suspect until he proves he is not a Muslim!!!”

The graphic features two rows of pictures. The top row consists of bearded Muslim men. The images include some of the leading figures of modern-day jihadism, including al-Qaida founder Osama bin Laden, and the founder of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The Arabic text on the graphic states the Muslims are accused of various faults, including “terrorism” and “extremism.”

The second row shows bearded non-Muslims (including the likes of Tolstoy, Che Guevara and George Bernard Shaw). The caption suggests the Western world sees the bearded non-Muslims as intelligent, and holds them in high esteem.

To drive home the point, the graphic includes a quotation from the Quran: “Then will we treat Muslims like criminals? What is the matter with you? How do you judge?”

The implication is that the Muslims in the top row, including Osama bin Laden, have been unfairly labeled.

Graphic from Facebook page of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade

Several entries on the Facebook page make clear the brigade’s sympathies for the Ansar al-Sharia militia, which allegedly has al-Qaida ties. In the Western media, Ansar al-Sharia has been widely accused of having perpetrated the September 11 Benghazi attacks.

An entry posted a few days after the deadly Benghazi attacks, on Sept. 19, laments the death of an Ansar al-Sharia member. It asks God to “receive him amongst the martyrs” and to receive him “into his wide paradise.” The entry points out that the deceased, one Adham al-Falastini, was previously a member of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade.

Another revealing entry, posted on June 25, 2012, shows a graphic from a now defunct Ansar al-Sharia Facebook page. It carries a warning from Ansar al-Sharia about the distribution of pens bearing an image of the Virgin Mary. The graphic cautions against propagating beliefs that Muslims should scorn.
A warning from Ansar al-Sharia about “Virgin Mary pens.” Graphic reproduced on a Facebook page of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade.

At least two recent entries on the February 17th Martyrs Brigade site feature the Ansar al-Sharia logo. One of these, dated Jan. 29, suggests that Ansar al-Sharia is the target of a “treacherous” plot to get the brigade blamed for various attacks and assassination attempts.
The other, dated Jan. 20, announces that Ansar al-Sharia has begun guarding the western gate of Benghazi “in the service of our religion and…of the Libyan people.”

This news, which is corroborated by other sources, is highly notable in light of Western news reports claiming Ansar al-Sharia was driven out of the city following the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission.
Ansar al-Sharia logo on Facebook page of February 17th Martyrs Brigade

A more recent entry, dated March 2, features a graphic celebrating Jabhat al-Nusra, the offshoot of Al-Qaida in Iraq that has played a leading role in the Syrian insurrection against the rule of Bashar al-Assad.

Late last year, Jabhat al-Nusra was designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government.

In defiance of the U.S. designation, the Arabic on the graphic declares, “We are all Jabhat al-Nusra.”

The accompanying Facebook entry repeats this sentiment, and recites the exploits of the al-Qaida linked brigade in the Syrian war, including “more than 40 martyrdom operations.” The phrase “martyrdom operations” is used by jihadist groups to refer to suicide bombings.
“We are all Jabhat al-Nusra.” Graphic from a Facebook page of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade

The U.S. State Department had hired the February 17th Martyrs Brigade to provide security at the U.S. mission in Benghazi. A document recovered from the mission two days after the attack indicated the State Department had arranged for the Martyrs Brigade to act as a “Quick Reaction Force” to protect the mission. The Memorandum of Agreement states that “in the event of an attack on the U.S. mission, QRF will request additional support from the 17th February Martyrs Brigade.”

Throughout the summer leading up to the attack, embassy officials repeatedly asked the State Department for additional security. But the State Department actually reduced security, pulling out a military detachment that had been tasked with defending diplomats in Libya.

One reason the requests for additional security may have been denied: They did not fit into the administration narrative that al-Qaida elements no longer posed a threat to U.S. interests.

One diplomatic cable to the mission indicated that the U.S.-based deputy assistant secretary for diplomatic security was “reluctant to ask for [additional security] apparently out of concern that it would be embarrassing to the [State Department] to continue to have to rely on [Defense Department] assets to protect our mission.”

When the mission’s regional safety officer expressed an interest in July 2012 asking State Department official to permit the military security team to continue to protect the mission, Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant secretary in charge of diplomatic security, sent an e-mail that responded: “NO, I do not [I repeat] not want them to ask for the [military security] team to stay!”

Republicans have complained in recent weeks that the Obama administration has been stonewalling their investigation. According to Fox News, four career officials at the State Department and the CIA have retained counsel, as they prepare to provide Congress with inside information on the attacks.

Victoria Toensing, an attorney representing one of the whistleblowers, said they have been threatened by CIA and State Department officials with repercussions if they talk to Congress about what happened in Benghazi. But President Obama said earlier this week he was “unaware” of anyone being discouraged from coming forward to tell Congress their side of the story.

House Republican Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, issued a statement on Tuesday that: “Over the past two weeks, I have sent four letters requesting that this administration make information available about how lawyers -- who already have security clearances and are representing Benghazi whistleblowers -- can be cleared to fully hear their clients’ stories. I have yet to receive any responses from the Obama administration.”

The House Republicans’ Interim Progress Report concludes with an ominous warning that states: “This singular event will be repeated unless the United States recognizes and responds to the threats we face around the world, and properly postures resources and security assets to counter and respond to those threats.

“Until that time, the United States will remain in a reactionary mode and should expect more catastrophes like Benghazi, in which U.S. personnel on the ground perform bravely, but are not provided with the resources for an effective response,” the report stated.

Newsmax Senior Editor David A. Patten contributed to this report.

Newsmax Exclusive: US Hired al-Qaida-Linked Group to Defend Benghazi Mission
Thursday, 02 May 2013 07:08 PM By John Rosenthal. Enviado por Enrique Eriquez.

The Libyan militia group that the State Department hired to defend its embattled diplomatic mission in Benghazi had clear al-Qaida sympathies, and had prominently displayed the al-Qaida flag on a Facebook page for months before the deadly attack.

That organization, the February 17th Martyrs Brigade, was paid by the U.S. government to provide security at the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya. But there is no indication the Martyrs Brigade fulfilled its commitment to defend the mission on Sept. 11, when it came under attack.

The assault claimed the lives of four Americans: Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, information officer Sean Smith, and former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. Stevens was the first U.S. ambassador to be killed in the line of duty since 1979.

Several entries on the militia’s Facebook page openly profess sympathy for Ansar al-Sharia, the hardline Islamist extremist group widely blamed for the deadly attack on the mission. The U.S. State Department did not respond to a Newsmax request for an explanation as to why the February 17th Martyrs Brigade was hired to protect the mission.

On April 23, House Republicans released an interim progress report on its investigation into the Benghazi killings. It cited “numerous reports” that “the Brigade had extremist connections, and it had been implicated in the kidnapping of American citizens as well as in the threats against U.S. military assets.”

The report also stated that just a few days before Ambassador Stevens arrived in Benghazi, the Martyrs Brigade informed State Department officials they would no longer provide security as members of the mission, including Stevens, traveled through the city.

From June 2011 to July 2012, Eric Nordstrom, the Regional Security Officer for Libya at the time, documented over 200 security threats and violent incidents threatening to U.S. personnel in Libya. Some 50 of those incidents occurred in Benghazi.

Yet despite those threats, repeated requests for additional security from the mission went unheeded by the State Department, for reasons that remain unclear.

But perhaps the biggest question is why the State Department would hire a group that openly displayed its admiration for al-Qaida, and ask it to participate in the defense of its diplomatic mission.

The banner, or “cover photo” of one of the group’s Facebook pages, shows an Islamic fighter or mujahid with a portable rocket launcher resting on his shoulder.

The distinctive black flag of al-Qaida can be seen fluttering to the man’s left, attached to the vehicle in which he is riding. The mujahid also wears a headband based on the design of the al-Qaida flag. The flag in question features the shahada or Islamic declaration of faith, and a white circle that is sometimes described as the “seal of Mohammed.”

The flag was made famous by the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s Iraqi al-Qaida affiliate, commonly known as “al-Qaida in Iraq.” The flag originally used by al-Qaida was a plain black flag with the shahada written on it in white.
Both flags are widely used by contemporary jihadist groups.

The original cover photo on Facebook page of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade, displaying the al-Qaida banner.

An Arabic inscription written over the photo reads: “Allah, his prophet and Libya and that’s it.” The cover photo was posted by the site administrator on June 10, 2012. It represents the first activity on the Facebook page.

The photo was presumably taken at a massive rally in support of the sharia, or Islamic law, that was held in Benghazi three days earlier, on June 7. The rally included a military parade featuring units from a large cross-section of the Eastern Libyan militias that spearheaded the 2011 rebellion against Moammar Gadhafi.

Video of the event posted by local sources shows several al-Qaida flags being flown at the event. Al-Qaida-inspired accessories, such as headbands and decals, were widely displayed as well. One of the sponsoring organizations of the rally was none other than Ansar al-Sharia. The term Ansar al-Sharia means “supporters of the sharia.” Sharia is Islamic law and regulations.

On June 15, five days after the photo was posted, the February 17th Martyrs Brigade updated the cover photo on the Facebook page, replacing the image by a photo montage featuring its own logo and a masked commando sporting the colors of the new Libyan national flag on a shoulder patch.

The cover photo has been further updated several times since then. It is clear, however, that the group has repudiated neither al-Qaida nor its violent ideology.

On June 28, for example, the brigade posted a second graphic bearing a headline title that translates to: “The bearded [man] is suspect until he proves he is not a Muslim!!!”

The graphic features two rows of pictures. The top row consists of bearded Muslim men. The images include some of the leading figures of modern-day jihadism, including al-Qaida founder Osama bin Laden, and the founder of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The Arabic text on the graphic states the Muslims are accused of various faults, including “terrorism” and “extremism.”

The second row shows bearded non-Muslims (including the likes of Tolstoy, Che Guevara and George Bernard Shaw). The caption suggests the Western world sees the bearded non-Muslims as intelligent, and holds them in high esteem.

To drive home the point, the graphic includes a quotation from the Quran: “Then will we treat Muslims like criminals? What is the matter with you? How do you judge?”

The implication is that the Muslims in the top row, including Osama bin Laden, have been unfairly labeled.

Graphic from Facebook page of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade

Several entries on the Facebook page make clear the brigade’s sympathies for the Ansar al-Sharia militia, which allegedly has al-Qaida ties. In the Western media, Ansar al-Sharia has been widely accused of having perpetrated the September 11 Benghazi attacks.

An entry posted a few days after the deadly Benghazi attacks, on Sept. 19, laments the death of an Ansar al-Sharia member. It asks God to “receive him amongst the martyrs” and to receive him “into his wide paradise.” The entry points out that the deceased, one Adham al-Falastini, was previously a member of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade.

Another revealing entry, posted on June 25, 2012, shows a graphic from a now defunct Ansar al-Sharia Facebook page. It carries a warning from Ansar al-Sharia about the distribution of pens bearing an image of the Virgin Mary. The graphic cautions against propagating beliefs that Muslims should scorn.
A warning from Ansar al-Sharia about “Virgin Mary pens.” Graphic reproduced on a Facebook page of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade.

At least two recent entries on the February 17th Martyrs Brigade site feature the Ansar al-Sharia logo. One of these, dated Jan. 29, suggests that Ansar al-Sharia is the target of a “treacherous” plot to get the brigade blamed for various attacks and assassination attempts.
The other, dated Jan. 20, announces that Ansar al-Sharia has begun guarding the western gate of Benghazi “in the service of our religion and…of the Libyan people.”

This news, which is corroborated by other sources, is highly notable in light of Western news reports claiming Ansar al-Sharia was driven out of the city following the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission.
Ansar al-Sharia logo on Facebook page of February 17th Martyrs Brigade

A more recent entry, dated March 2, features a graphic celebrating Jabhat al-Nusra, the offshoot of Al-Qaida in Iraq that has played a leading role in the Syrian insurrection against the rule of Bashar al-Assad.

Late last year, Jabhat al-Nusra was designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government.

In defiance of the U.S. designation, the Arabic on the graphic declares, “We are all Jabhat al-Nusra.”

The accompanying Facebook entry repeats this sentiment, and recites the exploits of the al-Qaida linked brigade in the Syrian war, including “more than 40 martyrdom operations.” The phrase “martyrdom operations” is used by jihadist groups to refer to suicide bombings.
“We are all Jabhat al-Nusra.” Graphic from a Facebook page of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade

The U.S. State Department had hired the February 17th Martyrs Brigade to provide security at the U.S. mission in Benghazi. A document recovered from the mission two days after the attack indicated the State Department had arranged for the Martyrs Brigade to act as a “Quick Reaction Force” to protect the mission. The Memorandum of Agreement states that “in the event of an attack on the U.S. mission, QRF will request additional support from the 17th February Martyrs Brigade.”

Throughout the summer leading up to the attack, embassy officials repeatedly asked the State Department for additional security. But the State Department actually reduced security, pulling out a military detachment that had been tasked with defending diplomats in Libya.

One reason the requests for additional security may have been denied: They did not fit into the administration narrative that al-Qaida elements no longer posed a threat to U.S. interests.

One diplomatic cable to the mission indicated that the U.S.-based deputy assistant secretary for diplomatic security was “reluctant to ask for [additional security] apparently out of concern that it would be embarrassing to the [State Department] to continue to have to rely on [Defense Department] assets to protect our mission.”

When the mission’s regional safety officer expressed an interest in July 2012 asking State Department official to permit the military security team to continue to protect the mission, Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant secretary in charge of diplomatic security, sent an e-mail that responded: “NO, I do not [I repeat] not want them to ask for the [military security] team to stay!”

Republicans have complained in recent weeks that the Obama administration has been stonewalling their investigation. According to Fox News, four career officials at the State Department and the CIA have retained counsel, as they prepare to provide Congress with inside information on the attacks.

Victoria Toensing, an attorney representing one of the whistleblowers, said they have been threatened by CIA and State Department officials with repercussions if they talk to Congress about what happened in Benghazi. But President Obama said earlier this week he was “unaware” of anyone being discouraged from coming forward to tell Congress their side of the story.

House Republican Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, issued a statement on Tuesday that: “Over the past two weeks, I have sent four letters requesting that this administration make information available about how lawyers -- who already have security clearances and are representing Benghazi whistleblowers -- can be cleared to fully hear their clients’ stories. I have yet to receive any responses from the Obama administration.”

The House Republicans’ Interim Progress Report concludes with an ominous warning that states: “This singular event will be repeated unless the United States recognizes and responds to the threats we face around the world, and properly postures resources and security assets to counter and respond to those threats.

“Until that time, the United States will remain in a reactionary mode and should expect more catastrophes like Benghazi, in which U.S. personnel on the ground perform bravely, but are not provided with the resources for an effective response,” the report stated.

Newsmax Senior Editor David A. Patten contributed to this report.

John Rosenthal is a European-based journalist who writes on EU politics and transatlantic security issues. His new book is The Jihadist Plot: The Untold Story of Al-Qaeda and the Libyan Rebellion. Translations from Arabic provided by Maureen Millington-Brodie. Newsmax Senior Editor David A. Patten also contributed to this report.

Muy Tarde…  Los BIEN PAGADOS Burócratas DEBÍAN HABER HECHO ESTO EN EL 2000... Es Decir Tienen 12 Años De RETRASO... Y VAMOS A VER COMO LO TAPAN AHORA... Y A Quien Le Echan  La CULPA...  Ricardo Samitier.

EXCLUSIVE Thursday, May 2, 2013 10:01 PM EDT

Government investigators have found that JPMorgan Chase devised “manipulative schemes” that transformed “money-losing power plants into powerful profit centers,” and that one of its most senior executives gave “false and misleading statements” under oath.
The findings appear in a confidential government document, reviewed by The New York Times, that was sent to the bank in March, warning of a potential crackdown by the regulator of the nation’s energy markets.
The possible action comes amid showdowns with other agencies. One of the bank’s chief regulators, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, is weighing new enforcement actions against JPMorgan over the way the bank collected credit card debt and its possible failure to alert authorities to suspicions about Bernard L. Madoff, according to people who were not authorized to discuss the cases publicly.


Terror Clandestino y Terror De Estado. Ricardo Samitier.
Cuando No Existe, Una Declaración Legal De
Estado De Guerra... El Soldado Se Convierte, En Un Terrorista.

En USA, solo el congreso tiene el derecho de declarar una guerra. El presidente,
solo puede defender de un ataque inminente. Las "guerras" de Iraq y Afganistán,
son claramente inconstitucionales.
No han sido declaradas x el congreso! SOLO Han Aprobado Su FINANCIAMIENTO,
Eso convierte, a todos los soldados en atacantes ilegales de acuerdo a nuestras leyes 
Por cierto los bombardeos a LIBIA ORDENADOS POR OBAMA por aviones de USA
Hace Ya 38 Años Kissinger Dijo: Ser Enemigo De USA Es Muy Peligroso... Pero Más Peligroso Es Ser Amigo... Eso Lo Sabemos Muy Bien Los Cubanos Exiliados... Un Objeto de 300 Millones de Años Aparece en Rusia
Aparentemente hecho por mentes inteligentes...
Antes de que apareciera ADÁN y EVA????
Cosas Para Conversar En Las Reuniones
Sociales Con Los Que NO QUIEREN SALVAR
Además “Muy Importante”  este tipo de
Conversación nos hace políticamente Correctos...
Continua El Esfuerzo Por Seguir Chupando
De La Teta De La Ciudad De Spencer Jones

La Comisionada Negra De Miami...
Quien Salió Absuelta Cuando Tuvo
La “Suerte” Que la Otra Negra
Comisionada de Miami Dade
Retiró su Acusación De Haber
Falsificado Su Firma Para Cobrar
$50,000.00 ...

Increíblemente Spencer Jones salió electa
por los negros para un nuevo termino estando
procesada... y por ley no pudo tomar el cargo...

Pero cuando salió absuelta por “Falta de Testigo”
la tuvieron que instalar... En su silla y pagarle
retroactivamente su salario incluyendo vacaciones
y los dineros de “BOLSILLO” no cobrados... como
son “Carro, teléfono etc.” “ que había Dejado de
y que tienen derecho a ser electa de nuevo por
Un tercer termino...

NUNCA tuvieron un trabajo... ni un negocio... que no
fuese con el Gobierno...y esa TETA da mucha leche...
No quieren soltar la teta...

La Noticia Que Ya No Es Noticia…Estamos Tan Acostumbrados A Que Los Grandes No Paguen Impuestos... Que No Es Noticia
Apple  Encontró Una Nueva Forma de Dejar de Pagar 9 Billones De Dólares En Impuestos.... Mientras El IRS le Embarga Los Salarios A Los Pobres...
Ser Un Empleado Público Es Ser Culpable Del Crimen: “Tanta Culpa Tiene El Que Le Aguanta La Pata Como El Que Le  Da La Puñalada

Aquí tienen la noticia

Multiple Obama Birth Certificates Surface In Alabama Eligibility Case

Not that we are surprised, but now there are multiple copies of Barack Hussein Obama’s “real” birth certificate that are surfacing and they are clearly indicating fraud. In a rare move, the Alabama Democrat Party has submitted an amicus brief in the McInnish Goode v Chapman Appeal case. The reason being is most likely because the Alabama Supreme Court has Chief Justice Roy Moore presiding over it. The Alabama Democrat Party just submitted a completely different birth certificate than the one that was posted at the White House website in 2011.
Larry Klayman, the plaintiff’s counsel submitted the forgery of Barack Hussein Obama’s birth certificate that was posted to on 4-27-2001 (seen below). Fogbow/Jack Ryan obot group produced another bogus one. Still a third birth certificate has been submitted by Alabama Democrats to the Supreme Court.
Remember, this court is being presided over by Chief Justice Roy Moore, who supported Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, when he believed Obama to be a usurper and denied following orders to deploy to Iraq until Obama proved his eligibility as part of keeping his oath (ironically Lakin was not supported by Mr. Oathkeeper Stewart Rhodes). Another justice on the court by the name of Tom Parker will also hear the case. He has stated in a previous case:
“McInnish has attached certain documentation to his mandamus petition, which, if presented to the appropriate forum as part of a proper evidentiary presentation, would raise serious questions about the authenticity of both the “short form” and the “long form” birth certificates of President Barack Hussein Obama that have been made public.”
While the Alabama Democrats attacked the merits of the appeal, calling the evidence by McInnish “inadmissible and not worthy of belief,” they also stated “A county sheriff from Arizona is not an ‘official source’ of anything in Alabama.”

Benghazi Whistle Blower: “… Americans Were Deliberately Left There To Die”

May 2, 2013 by Billy Allman
Two of my SEAL brothers (Doherty and Woods) were in Benghazi, working with the CIA on an intelligence mission to locate shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles that were stolen by Al Qaeda when Libya fell. They heard several shots being fired near the consulate. It was recorded that Ty radioed to inform his superiors and tell them what he was hearing and requested permission to assist at the consulate. However, they were told to “stand down!” An hour later, they called again to report the gunfire and requested to assist and were again told to “stand down!” WHY? And by whom? Only the President can give the order to military units to cross a country’s borders.
On or about midnight, while shooting in various areas was still going on, it was reported that Woods and Doherty called for any U.S. military support they could get because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house/annex. The request was denied. There were no communications problems at the annex, according those present at the compound (which was verified by the radio recordings and by the drone that was flying overhead.) The team was in constant radio contact with their headquarters. In fact, it was reported that Doherty was on the roof of the annex manning a heavy machine gun killing several terrorists when mortars were fired at the CIA compound. Because they knew that there was a drone overhead, Woods had a laser on the mortar position for targeting. However, the drone was reported to be unarmed.
It was reported that both Woods and Doherty were killing every terrorist that appeared. Ty repeatedly requested back-up support from a Specter gunship that was in a neutral area. This is a C-130 aircraft that fires 20mm bullets (about the size of a man’s thumb) and 105 howitzer rounds at laser-illuminated targets. This aircraft is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights. The aircraft was told to “stand down”! WHY? And by whom? Again, only the President can give the order to military units to cross a country’s borders or not to.
It was learned that the fighting at the CIA annex alone went on for more than four hours; this was enough time for any planes based in Spain, Italy, or Djibouti to arrive and assist. However, two separate Tier One Special operations forces were told to wait: a special Marine FAST unit and Delta Force operators. WHY? And by whom? Only the President can give the order to military units to cross a country’s borders. Why did the president NOT give the order?
It was learned through various witnesses that the end came when the terrorists fired mortar rounds that detonated on top of the annex. It is believed that Doherty was killed when the mortar exploded, and Ty Woods was mortally wounded. Woods bled out from his wounds for several hours after he was hit. This was reported by those who were sent in to recover the Ambassador’s body; and when they saw the type of wounds that Woods had received from the exploded mortar round and the amount of blood that he had lost, it was speculated that he had lived for perhaps 1 or 2 hours before he finally died from the loss of blood.
My sources are those who were attached to various support units (and who were in and around the area at the time); and I gave them my word that I would not publicize their names, as some are still on active duty. This is ONLY a small bit of the information that was notarized and sent to several representatives. Our team compiled 42 pages of information. When the entire report is read, one can ONLY conclude that these Americans were deliberately left there to die, due to the criminal negligence and inaction on behalf of Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Hillary ignored pleads for assistance in security to shut down the consulate, as it was becoming unsafe. Hilary also had a part in forging documents and openly lied about a movie being the cause of the attacks. Furthermore, she told the parents of Doherty and Woods that “They are going to prosecute those responsible for making the movie, which sparked the attacks.” WHY the lie about a movie?
Obama, as president, is the ONLY one who can give cross-border permission to any military command or unit to go into another country. Obama NEVER gave that permission. Obama also did NOT stay apprised of the situation when he was informed of the dangers in Benghazi. It is known that Obama was very ambiguous in his presidential responsibilities and told aides to (paraphrased) “do what they think is right.” Obama also lied to the American people about why the attack happened by blaming this event on a movie. WHY the lies? WHY did he NOT authorize the military rescue? WHY did he not get ALL Americans out of Benghazi the moment that he learned that Americans, especially one of his ambassadors, were in danger? What was to be gained by NOT taking ANY action and leaving Americans there to die? The president would have been hailed a hero for sending in a rescue team to save Americans, especially during an election. Yet he decided NOT to take ANY action and leave the next day for a fundraiser in Las Vegas! By not taking the appropriate military action to rescue Americans, President Obama is responsible for the deaths of four Americans! WHY did he NOT take action?

Billy Allmon is a retired Navy SEAL and honorably served his country from 1969 to 1993. He retired as a chief petty officer and is a combat veteran of three wars. While in the SEALs, Mr. Allmon participated in numerous covert and overt missions around the world in support of US and foreign governments, militaries, and other official agencies.
His new book, When the Bullet Hits Your Funny Bone: The Essence of a U.S. Navy SEAL, is a collection of stories about his time in the U. S. Navy SEALs and how they use their humor to cope with all the tragic events and horrific sights, which all Navy SEALs must deal with throughout their professional careers.
This article originally appeared at and is reprinted here with permission.

The Lies Go Deeper Than You Ever Imagined

May 2, 2013 by Floyd Brown

If you read the newspapers and listen to the perpetual happy talk out of D.C., you might become convinced that the economy is improving.
For example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics is supposed to tell us the unemployment rate; and currently, it says the rate is 7.6%. But in reality, we’re being misled.
It’s understandable… we all want to believe the best. And most likely, you feel a little better off than you did four years ago. You can probably look around your neighborhood and see some people doing just fine.
But the sinister truth is that we’re being lied to. The government is sponsoring a campaign of misinformation, and we’re all the victims of a mass hypnosis.
It leads us to think – falsely – that all’s well in the U.S. of A.
A Stark Contrast
I just spent four days on the beautiful Island of Coronado. I was at a board meeting at a 125-year-old resort, the Hotel Del Coronado. All seemed like a fairy tale. I drove into the city of San Diego and had dinner at a lovely Zagat-rated restaurant. I met a group of friends in a skybox, complete with a buffet line, to watch the Padres beat up on one of their rivals.
But that’s where the fairy tale ends.
I also took the time to visit the community of El Centro, California. It’s down Interstate 8 from San Diego. In that town, headline unemployment is nearly 23%. Coming upon a church, I saw a line, winding around the block, of people simply wanting a hot meal.
This is the part of America the media is hiding. They don’t want to blemish President Obama. He feels people’s pain, so he can’t be responsible… right?
But the reality is that every Coronado, America has at least one El Centro.
If you dig deeper and calculate unemployment, adding those people standing in the food line who are unemployed, discouraged, and dropping out of the job search, the unemployment rate is 14.3%.
Economist John Williams counts those discouraged workers, and he says that national unemployment is 23%.
If this is the actual measure for all of America, we can only imagine what the true unemployment rate is in El Centro.
Digging Into the Numbers
Here are some different ways to look at it. The phony “official” unemployment rate peaked at 8.3%, and that was a 31-year high. It remained over 8% for 41 months, the worst record since the Great Depression.
There were 12.8 million people out of work at the peak of the Great Depression. There are currently 12.3 million out of work today. And only 58% of the population is working, the lowest since 1983. That means a record 100 million working-age Americans are unemployed.
Put differently, the actual rate of unemployment is two to three times the Bureau of Labor’s bullsh… I mean, statistics.
And the same is true about prices. The CPI is a crock of foul-smelling bologna.
John Williams believes that the manipulated rate of consumer inflation (CPI) – supposedly 1.6% – is actually 9.2%, as calculated by the official U.S. government methodology of 1990.
Why the disparity in the numbers? Put simply, the official methodology for calculating inflation has been manipulated.
The Cruel Reality
If I’ve learned one lesson in my 30 years of political activity and reporting, it’s that the government lies. A lot. Both parties are equally guilty, too.
And the bigger the lie, the more likely people are to believe it. Today’s economic situation is no different.
With that in mind, I assure you this isn’t the last time I’m going to talk numbers. In fact, this is just the tip of the economic iceberg. So stay tuned.

Congressman Punts On Impeaching Obama May 2, 2013 by NewsEditor 18 Comments

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala) regurgitates the talking points that a popular election overrules the Constitution, in spite of Obama violating the Constitution directly in several ways already…

Obamacare Rates Rising - Should It Be Repealed? Vote Here

Tags: graham | obama | benghazi | boston

Graham to Obama: Let Benghazi Survivors Talk

Thursday, 02 May 2013 09:44 AM By Kenneth Hanner
Sen. Lindsey Graham challenged President Barack Obama to allow survivors of the deadly attack last year on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, to talk with congressional investigators without fear of being fired.

“Benghazi is eight months old, nobody has been arrested, and the survivors have never been allowed to be talked to by the Congress. This administration is investigating itself,” Graham said Wednesday in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

“I’m urging the president, I’m challenging this administration, allow the survivors to come forward without the fear of being fired,” said the South Carolina Republican.

Earlier this week, attorney Victoria Toensing said she had a client who wanted to share classified information with congressional investigators, but is being blocked by the State Department.

Editor's Note:
5 Signs Stock Market Will Collapse in 2013

“In order to tell the whole story, my client has to provide classified information,” Toensing told Newsmax earlier this week. The State Department “hasn’t acknowledged a process for doing that.”

At least four career State Department and CIA officials are seeking legal representation and are complaining that administration officials are trying to intimidate them as they prepare to cooperate with congressional investigators, according to a Fox News report.

Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, recently informed Benghazi whistleblowers — some of whom have been cooperating — that they should lawyer-up in preparation for being called to testify in the probe.

The California Republican last week sent a scathing letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, charging the department was employing “a range of tactics to interfere with the committee’s investigation.”

“The investigation has proceeded despite efforts by department staff to limit the committee’s access to documents and witnesses,” Issa said.

The president, during his Tuesday news conference, that he was unaware of the issue, and White House spokesman Jay Carney on Wednesday called it was a non-issue.

“Let’s be clear,” Carney said. “Benghazi happened a long time ago. We are unaware of any agency blocking an employee who would like to appear before Congress to provide information related to Benghazi.”

Graham told Hannity that both the Benghazi attacks and the Boston terror bombings exposed flaws in the nation’s security apparatus and need to be looked at by Congress.

“We’ve got eight dead Americans killed in the last seven months — four in Benghazi, four in Boston,” Graham said. “When you look at Boston and Benghazi, things are not working.”

Graham said Congress needs to review actions by the CIA and Department of Homeland Security, “not separately, but jointly, to learn from our mistakes.”

When Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said “there is no connection here to a broader plot, she had absolutely, no way she could have known that that soon,” Graham added, referring to the Boston bombings.

“The more you know about these two guys, they certainly didn’t learn all this in the bottom of their basement,” Graham said of suspected bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. “Bin Laden is dead, but radical Islam is on the rise. We need to up our game.”

Dra. Wafa Sultán, amenper.
Esta doctora nació en el seno de una familia musulmana sunita de Baniyas, Siria. Estudiando medicina en Alepo, presenció el asesinato de su profesor de Oftalmología a manos de fanáticos de la Hermandad Islámica y al grito de “Alá es grande”. Por ésta y otras experiencias traumáticas, perdió la fe en el Islam. Se trasladó a EE.UU. donde desarrolló su carrera y, sobre todo, se convirtió en una luchadora acérrima contra la religión islámica
Pero lo más importante sobre la Dra. Sultán es algo para mí muy importante. Cuando habla sobre el Islam no establece diferencia entre los de Islámicos, no cree en la clasificación que han inventado los liberales.
No importa lo que diga el presidente Obama y la prensa complaciente, y hasta la prensa conservadora. La verdad evidente es que no hay Islamicos moderados, radicales, militantes o extremistas, solamente hay Islámicos, Todos por igual son creyentes en una institución guerrerista, disfrazada de religión, inventada por Mahoma para la conquista del mundo, que violentamente asesina a los que no están de acuerdo con sus doctrinas. 
Esta es la primera vez que veo decir esta gran verdad a usa persona públicamente,.
Lo dice porque aprendió la verdad en su carne, lo dice porque no le interesa ser "políticamente correcta".

Este es el transcrito de alocución que pueden ver en este link


“Damas y caballeros: siempre siento la necesidad de burlarme de mí misma, de reírme de mí misma, para cubrir, para reprimir la tristeza que siento impresa de manera indeleble en mi corazón especialmente cuando se trata de hablar de las mujeres en el Islam. [Aquí se le quiebra la voz por la emoción)
Ahora soy libre.
Pero no puedo olvidar a mi sobrina. Fue obligada a casarse con su primo cuando tenía diez años. Él tenía más de cuarenta. Su matrimonio era válido y fue legalizado bajo el Islam. Porque Mahoma, el profeta del Islam, se casó con su segunda esposa cuando ella tenía seis años. Mahoma tenía más de cincuenta. Siempre recuerdo a mi sobrina regresando a casa de su padre, rogándole que no la enviara de nuevo con su esposo. El padre le decía que en el Islam es una vergüenza que una mujer abandone la casa de su esposo. “Dios te recompensará por obedecerlo”, decía. A los 25 años mi sobrina se suicidó, prendiéndose fuego. Se quemó hasta morir dejando cuatro niños atrás.
En 2002 la policía religiosa saudita evitó que las colegialas abandonaran un edificio en llamas porque no llevaban puesto el atuendo islámico. Había alrededor de 800 estudiantes en la escuela cuando esta tragedia ocurrió y al menos 15 niñas murieron, según el periódico saudita a quien le creo. Yo creo que el número fue mucho más alto.
Debido a ello y debido a muchas, muchas tragedias humanas de las que he sido testigo en las primeras tres décadas de mi vida, he decidido luchar contra el Islam.
Por favor, presten atención a mi declaración. Luchar contra el Islam, no contra el Islam político, no contra el Islam militante, no contra el Islam radical, no contra el Islam Wahabista, sino contra el Islam mismo. Realmente creo que Occidente ha inventado estos términos, para ser políticamente correctos.
El Islam nunca fue mal entendido, el Islam es el problema, pero nadie dice la verdad. Nadie mira fríamente la raíz del terrorismo, que es la máquina lavadora de cerebros llamada Islam.
El Islam no depende de mí ni de ningún hombre o mujer musulmana: el Islam es exactamente lo que el profeta Mahoma hizo y dijo. Para poder entender el Islam es necesario leer la biografía de Mahoma. Es muy traumatizante es muy chocante. Se casó con su segunda mujer cuando ella tenía seis años. Él tenía más de cincuenta.
Acabo de regresar de Francia. Tuve un debate con una mujer musulmana paquistaní. Era la Ministro de la Mujer en Pakistán. Cuando comenté este dato a mi público, ella me miró y me dijo: “Ésa es una gran mentira, tenía nueve, no seis”. Es como cuando un policía te detiene porque ibas conduciendo a más de 160 Km/h y tú le dices: “Es una gran mentira. No iba a 160, iba a 150”. Tenía nueve, no seis.
Se casó con su segunda esposa, que era su nuera. Su hijo era adoptado y en esa época no era aceptado por la cultura árabe preislámica. Entonces se dirigió a sus seguidores y les dijo: “Dios me ha dicho que la adopción está prohibida”. Y, lo crean o no, la adopción ha estado prohibida en la cultura islámica sólo para justificar su casamiento con la nuera. Su tercera esposa fue Sofía, una mujer judía. Está bien documentado, bien escrito en nuestros libros escolares: atacó a su tribu, mató a su padre, a su hermano y a su esposo y el mismo día tuvo sexo con ella.
Eso es lo que yo llamo Islam. Uds. necesitan saber, tienen que entender que el Islam es el problema. Estoy harta de la gente que, aquí en Occidente, me pide que suavice el mensaje. Estoy harta de la gente que me pregunta si estoy intentando cambiar a 1.300 millones de personas. El asunto no es si lo estoy intentando, el asunto es que las cambiaré.
Quiero que sepan que el primer valor que aprendí cuando llegué a este gran país, es que uno puede lograr lo imposible si verdaderamente cree en sí mismo. No sólo creo en mí misma, creo en millones de mujeres musulmanas como Nonie Darwish y Ayaan Ali. Estamos trabajando juntas para cambiar a 1.300 millones de musulmanes. Deben darse cuenta de que sólo tienen dos opciones, cambiar o ser destruidos.
Por favor, no dejen que su modo de pensar civilizado interfiera en su gran país. Por favor, defiendan sus valores. Por favor, defiendan su libertad. Defiendan el paraíso en el que viven. No den nada por sentado. Yo no lo hago. Disfruto de cada momento de mi vida estadounidense. Caminar por la calle sola, sin que me acusen de prostituta, es una bendición para mí. Conversar con mi vecino sin que me acusen de adulterio es una bendición para mí. Beber un café en Starbucks sola, es una bendición.
Por favor, no den nada por sentado, defiendan a este hermoso país. Mi sueño es ver a mi país, Siria, tan libre como EE.UU. y no al revés.
Cuando estaba en Siria lloraba mucho. Ahora que soy libre, aún lloro, y mucho más, por aquellas mujeres que dejé atrás. Mi sueño es ver que, algún día, todas ellas sean libres. Ese debería ser el sueño de toda la humanidad.
Muchas gracias. Dios les bendiga".
¡Lange lebe der tag der Arbeit!
¡Viva el Primero de Mayo! amenper
Ayer fue  el  Primero de Mayo. ¡Que viva el Primero de Mayo!.
Desde muy pequeño escuchaba impresionado ese grito de guerra. Al principio como un agradable día de fiesta, porque no teníamos clases.
Después porque me causó una sorpresa emocional cuando una persona "bondadosamente" me instruyó que ese no era un día de fiesta para mi, que era para los trabajadores y mi padre era un miembro de la patronal explotadora.
Hasta entonces siempre había pensado que mi padre era un hombre muy trabajador, porque trabajaba largas horas después que cerraba la farmacia, colocando la mercancía recibida y haciendo los pedidos para el siguiente día.
Pero me explicaron que como tenía tres empleados era un explotador.
Esto me intrigó y empecé a instruirme realmente sobre esta situación, llegando a la educada conclusión de que hay muchos tipos de trabajadores y muchas clases de patrones, y que la idiótica lucha de clases no era más que una idea política.
Pero ayer todavía puder  ver en la televisión masas enardecidas dando vivas al Primero de Mayo.
En mi búsqueda de la verdad, una de las verdades  más elusivas fue la del primero de Mayo.
En la Cuba de mi tiempo el socialismo prevalecía como una buena doctrina, por eso el partido comunista cambió su nombre al Partido Socialista Popular, habían Socialistas Cristianos y otras gamas de socialistas, lo que fue desapareciendo y no existía o era ridiculizada, fue la idea conservadora.
En ese ambiente, cada día el primero de Mayo, salían escritos sobre la "masacre de los Trabajadores de Chicago" por el "imperialismo Yanqui".
Como no habían escritos conservadores, tuve que ir a los libros de historia, a las diferentes versiones no políticas.
Basado en las noticias de los periódicos de la época, pude ver las dos caras de la moneda y llegar a un consensus, el cual les voy a contar más en detalle abajo.
Pero básicamente la realidad de lo que encontré es que el movimiento del 1ro de Mayo de 1886 que creó las manifestaciones era un movimiento sindicalista socialista extranjero (no americano) de la internacional comunista que estaba cobrando vigencia en Europa, y que los trabajadores y sindicatos envueltos en las manifestaciones y sus líderes no eran americanos pero europeos que querían establecer el marxismo en los Estados Unidos..
Esto se revela progresivamente como les voy a contar.-
Primero vamos a ver a vuelo de pájaro, los hechos con respecto al hecho del juicio a los 8 "martires", juzgados bajos leyes Norteamérica por conspiración criminal y sedición, con el resultado de que cinco fueron encontrados culpables y condenados a muerte. Encontramos detalles significativos.
Los "trabajadores americanos mártires del 1ro de Mayo del 1886" condenados en el juicio, no eran trabajadores de la industria pesada ni eran en su mayoría americanos.
Spies, el líder principal y dueño de un periódico, no era proletario, y así como Fischer, Engel, Lingg y Schwab eran alemanes de nacimiento.
Neebe era nacido en Estados Unidos de padres alemanes, sólo Parsons y Fielden eran angloparlantes nativos, nacidos en Estados Unidos de padres británicos. Todos eran anarquistas-socialistas.
El hecho de que el periódico de Spies, que era en Alemán era el vehículo para la información de los manifestantes, la mayoría de los cuales no hablaban inglés, hace comprender el hecho tan importante de la desinformación que los llevó a manifestaciones pidiendo violentamente una ley de las 8 horas de trabajo, que ya había sido aprobada primero por la legislatura de Illinois en 1867 y federalmente en Mayo de 1869 cuando se aprobó la "Proclamación Nacional de las ocho horas de Trabajo" . O sea que la excusa de la protesta de las ocho horas de trabajo, era sobre una ley vigente en Chicago desde hacía más de diez años.
Si algunos de los industriales evadían e incumplian la ley, era el deber, esto es algo que sucede y es el derecho y el deber de los sindicatos de protestar y remediar la injusticia haciendo protestas y huelgas localmente en cada centro de trabajo y eso lo hacían los otros sindicatos.. Pero las manifestaciones de los sindicatos socialistas tenían la motivación de tratar de implementar el comunismo, como ya habían tratado de hacerlos en Francia, Inglaterra Alemania y Rusia (donde por fin lo consiguieron en Octubre de 1917).
El objetivo no era realmente tratar de corregir una injusticia era una manifestación para derrocar el gobierno para cambiar el sistema, esto es sedición y tiene el castigo de la pena de muerte ante la ley.
Los sindicatos no extranjeros que verdaderamente represantaban a los trabajadores americanos, estaban en desacuerdo con la huelga, así que aunque nos digan que era general, era muy particular de los anarquistas-comunistas y limitada a las ciudades de industria pesada donde su sindicato era fuerte. Los sindicatos no comunistas, que eran la mayoría de los trabajadores, se oponían a la huelga.  Paradojicamente, pocos saben el significado del Primero de Mayo, que realmente fue el primer intento de establecer el sistema marxista en una nación.
Y esto es lo que tanto celebran en el mundo y hasta en territorio americano.
Les cito una nota del mayor sindicato americano no socialista de la época, Los Caballeros del Trabajo:
"Ninguna asamblea de los Caballeros del Trabajo debe hacer huelga por el sistema de ocho horas el l° de mayo con la impresión de que están obedeciendo órdenes del liderato, porque tal orden no se dio y no se dará. Si una rama de trabajo o una asamblea está en tal condición, recordemos que hay muchos completamente ignorantes del movimiento. De los sesenta millones habitantes de Estados Unidos y Canadá, nuestra orden posiblemente cuenta con trescientos mil. ¿Podemos moldear el sentimiento de millones a favor del plan de menos horas antes del l° de mayo? No tiene sentido pensarlo. Aprendamos por qué nuestras horas de trabajo deben reducirse y luego enseñémoslo a otros".
Ahora les cito el llamamiento a la huelga del periódico de Spies, el dueño alemán de un periódico en alemán, y uno de los"mártires" americanos del 1ro. de Mayo:

Un día de rebelión, no de descanso! Un día no ordenado por los voceros jactanciosos de las instituciones que tienen encadenado al mundo del trabajador. Un día en que el trabajador hace sus propias leyes y tiene el poder de ejecutarlas! Todo sin el consentimiento ni aprobación de los que oprimen y gobiernan. Un día en que con tremenda fuerza la unidad del ejército de los trabajadores se moviliza contra los que hoy dominan el destino de los pueblos de toda nación. Un día de protesta contra la opresión y la tiranía, contra la ignorancia y la guerra de todo tipo. Un día en que comenzar a disfrutar `ocho horas de trabajo, ocho horas de descanso, ocho horas para lo que nos dé la gana'".

Engel escribe, en ese entonces,...[ sobre la posición "excepcional" y "aristocrática" de los trabajadores Americanos nacidos en el país. Diciendo que sin embargo, la gran mayoría de los proletarios, especialmente en ciudades como Chicago, eran de Alemania, Irlanda, Bohemia, Francia, Polonia, Rusia. Olas de inmigrantes arrojadas la una contra la otra... comprimidas en tugurios, azuzados en guerras étnicas, usadas las unas contra las otras ].
O sea que las manifestaciones del primero de mayo fueron CONTRA los trabajadores americanos, no por los trabajadores americanos.
Un proletario americano describió a los trabajadores extranjeros en un periódico de la época:
"`Bárbaros, salvajes, anarquistas ignorantes analfabetos de Europa Central, hombres que no pueden comprender el espíritu de nuestras instituciones americanas libres'
Las manifestaciones del 1ro. de Mayo de 1886, que ahora nos describen como "un río de sangre de los trabajadores por las calles de Chicago", según las crónicas de la época dejaron 4 muertos y 80 heridos y detenidos por los anarquistas y 7 oficiales muertos y 60 heridos por la policía. La mayor parte de los muertos y heridos de la policía fueron por una bomba que lanzaron contra ellos, que en los escritos comunistas dicen que fue una "autoagresión" pero que en el juicio Lois Lingg, uno de los "mártires", condenados confesó haberla construido pero dijo que no la había lanzado personalmente. Pero todavía hoy simplisticamente dicen que la bomba fue una agresión contra los manifestantes, algo históricamente falso y contrario a los hechos que se narraron en el juicio por los porpios acusados..
Si tomamos como comparación , algo de que no se celebra mundialmente que son las rebeliones contra la ocupación soviéticas de Polonia y Checoslovaquia, con sus miles de muertos, se puede considerar que en Chicago la sangre no llegó al río.
¿Algunos de ustedes de acuerdan de la fecha de esas rebeliones?, creo que no, pero estoy seguro que si se acuerdan el 1ro de mayo que pasó hace más de cien años. Por eso ellos nos ganan siempre en la batalla de la propaganda.
Los Estados Unidos del 1886, era un país en formación, la guerra civil había terminado en 1862, y la guerra con los indios todavía existía en el oeste, mientras el sur estaba en un estado de reconstrucción.
En este estado durante los años 1860, en los Estados Unidos y el mundo entero, se estaba implementando la Revolución Industrial, con sus beneficios y sus desgracias, como toda revolución de cualquier tipo.
El país, diezmada su población por la guerra, llamó a todos los desamparados de las tierras Europeas y los acogió en su seno, necesitaban trabajadores.
La vida en Estados Unidos, incluso para los inmigrantes pobres, era mejor que en los países que habían abandonado. El desempleo era poco y los sueldos eran relativamente altos. Además, ese recurso especial de Estados Unidos tierra gratis en las zonas a desarrollar, le dio a sectores de la clase trabajadora por lo menos la esperanza de obtener propiedad. La esperanza de encontrar una oportunidad.
Pero con el tiempo surgen las diferencias, mientras algunos se aprovechan de la oportunidad de la nueva vida en el nuevo mundo, otros se sienten atraídos por los cantos de sirenas de los compatriotas socialistas que se montaron en el barco para tatar de cambiar el sistema democrático.
(¿Por qué será que esto me suena familiar?)
Son bonitos los cantos de las sirenas, por eso todavía se oyen, y por eso todavía en este país si hacemos un google en la internet sobre el 1ro. de Mayo, no encontrarán ningunos de estos hechos históricos se relatan como realmente sucedieron.
Y como van las cosas quizás veremos manifestaciones del 1ro. de Mayo para honrar a los "mártires de Chicago" y a los "heroes prisioneros de la Red Avispa"

Para reflexionar

Hace tiempo me compré un comedero para pájaros.
Lo colgué en el porche de mi jardín y lo llené de granos y semillas.
Era en verdad un bonito comedero y era un espectáculo ver a los
pajaritos de cerca.
Al cabo de una semana eran ya centenares los pájaros que se
aprovechaban del aprovisionamiento constante de comida gratuita y
disponible sin ninguna dificultad.
Luego los pájaros empezaron a hacer sus nidos bajo el porche, en la
parra, cerca de la barbacoa, e incluso sobre la mesa.
A continuación vino la caca. Estaba por todas partes.
Sobre las baldosas del porche, sobre las sillas, sobre la mesa... ¡por
todos sitios!
Después algunos pájaros empezaron a ser agresivos. Se lanzaban sobre
mí e intentaban picotearme a pesar de ser yo quien les alimentaba
pagando de mi bolsillo.
Otros eran ruidosos y prepotentes.

Se apalancaban sobre el comedero piando y trinando a todas horas,
noche y día, para recordarme que rellenara el comedero si la comida

Al cabo de cierto tiempo no conseguía ni siquiera poder sentarme en mi
propio porche.

Por lo que decidí quitar el bonito comedero y en tres días los pájaros
desaparecieron de mi jardín.

Hice limpieza y puse todo en orden, eliminando incluso todos los nidos
del porche.

Muy pronto mi porche volvió a ser aquello que siempre había sido: Un
lugar tranquilo y sereno, sin ningún alborotador reclamando "el
derecho a comida gratis".

Ahora, reflexionemos.

Nosotros hemos obtenido con nuestro trabajo y con nuestros sacrificios
un sistema con muchos derechos y ventajas sociales: sanidad pública
gratuita, escuelas gratuitas, facilidades económicas para los menos
favorecidos, viviendas populares a precios muy bajos; y permitimos a
quien quiera que nazca aquí ser automáticamente ciudadano de nuestro

Luego llegaron los immigrantes ilegales a centenares de miles, que
gozan de las mismas ventajas.

Para pagar los mayores gastos nosotros debemos pagar mayores impuestos.
Las viviendas populares son ocupadas por la fuerza y nadie paga su alquiler.

Si tienes que ir a un servicio de urgencias de hospital, deberás
esperar horas para ser atendido, porque dichos servicios están
invadidos por extra comunitarios.

Tu hijo en la escuela podrá tener problemas a la hora de comer, porque
el comedor estará condicionado por absurdas imposiciones religiosas en
los menús.
Se eliminarán todos los crucifijos y no se celebrará la Navidad para
"no herir la sensibilidad" de los extranjeros, sin ningún respeto por
la nuestra.

¡¡Que es la sensibilidad de los dueños de la casa!!

La criminalidad crece, y la que se ceba contra la gente débil y común
(nosotros) en un 75% de los casos es obra del 10% de la población (los
extranjeros); mientras que las cárceles están tan llenas que los
delincuentes, con la inestimable ayuda de una Justicia perezosa e
ineficaz, son puestos en circulación casi enseguida, por lo que
comienzan de nuevo a hacer robos y asaltos.

Y si se busca la forma de frenar esta calamidad he aquí que se alzan
las voces de protesta de muchos imbéciles que gritan contra la
violación de los derechos civiles (de los 'otros', porque nuestros
derechos les importan un bledo a esos mismos imbéciles).
     Y ahora nos  ponen la jubilación a los 67 y bajar las ayudas a
los pensionistas.

    Es sólo mi opinión pero quizás haya llegado el momento para
nuestro Gobierno de quitar el comedero de pájaros y hacer limpieza.

“Cuba, Quo Vadis” Por Robert Solera enviado por amenper.
Cuba se ha debatido por años en dos vertientes distintas que han conformado su problemática politico-económica. Su desarrollo económico y su sistema político.
Algunas veces, aunque en forma incompleta ambas vertientes,
prácticamente, han avanzado a la par. Otras, con gran frecuencia no ha sido así, unas veces predominando lo económico sobre lo político y otras la política dominando el entorno de la Isla-nación.
Desde el inicio de la República de Cuba en 1902 ése ha sido el cuadro ofrecido al pueblo cubano el que ha sufrido en lo económico penurias más o menos En ese momento y periodo del 33 hasta 1959 el movimiento político y el económico se daban las manos, aunque aun permanecían dentro del llamado Mundo Libre -–en oposición al Mundo comunista enmarcado tras la Cortina de Hierro resultante de los acuerdos de la II Guerra Mundial que le dio brios a la izquierda marxista con la complacencia de los gobiernos americanos y británicos, personificados por Winston Churchill y por Franklin D. Roosevelt ante la presión del Padrecito Ruso, José Stalin [Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili].
Cuba, aunque parecia vivir al igual que otras naciones latinoamericanas en el Libre Mercado tenia marcadas caracteristicas socialistas y populistas tras el gobierno del Dr. Ramón Grau San Martín y su gestor revolucionario Antonio Guiteras Holmes e incluso durante el tiempo en que el Sargento-Coronel-General Fulgencio Batista era el poder tras el trono de Presidentes-títeres de Mendieta, pasando por Barnet, Miguel Mariano Gómez [destituido por el Congreso manipulado por Batista] y Federico Laredo Brú, que lo sustituyó.
Batista cansado de vivir y dirigir a la sombra se postuló y salió electo presidente en 1940 con la ayuda del partido comunista local que incluso participó en su gobierno con varios Ministros sin Cartera entregando el poder político nuevamente en 1944 a Grau San Martín. Hasta ese momento y luego bajo Carlos Prío Socarrás el régimen cubano de un populismo y socialismo encubierto marchaba a la par en el poder político y el entorno social en el marco fundamentalmente del liberalismo económico con rastros sociales con la huella del Partido Revolucionario Cubano (Auténtico) y el ímpetu que le había dado Batista en su etapa mayormente populista.
En realidad el PRC nunca se había declarado social-demócrata [no lo era en puridad] pero las bases sociales de esa ideología se habían impregnado en la politica cubana y en su economía social.
No había habido discordia ni separación entre la búsqueda de formas democratico-representativas en lo político de las intenciones sociales y por tanto ambas vertientes [la política y la social] marchaban hermanadas con un incremento del bienestar público ciudadano. Aún tras el Golpe del 10 de Marzo de 1952 la situación no había cambiado sustancialmente y el pais vivía su mayor bonanza económica aunque no se repartía el pastel social de forma uniforme, dándole preferencia a la capital La Habana y a las cabezas de provincias en detrimento del area rural.
Tras la lucha insurreccional contra el gobierno dictatorial de Fulgencio Batista y asumir el poder una facción del movimiento insurrecional encabezada por Fidel Castro Rus, apoyado en una mayoria abrumadora de las ciudadanos cubanos que bebía entusiasmada en sus promesas democráticas y sociales –las últimas habían comenzado a sustanciarse como la Reforma Urbana [criticada en su momento por el mismo Federico Engels] y sobre todo la Reforma Agraria, que habia ansiado la mayoria desposeida campesina.
No ocurria igual con la parte politica donde el nuevo líder acaparaba el poder total y sumariamente engullía después la parte económica, apoyada por el Partido Socialista Popular, desde la sombra alienando a los que habían luchado por distintos ideales y provocando una escisión en el movimiento revolucionario triunfante que era desplazado en aras de algo hasta ese momento no bien definido como era darle un poder cada vez mayor a las fuerzas izquierdistas extremistas que no habían luchado a la par contra su antiguo aliado, Batista, dándose el caso que el mismo Partido aliado con Batista bajo la Coalición Socialista Demócratica derrotada en las elecciones del 1ro. de Junio de 1944 compartía el poder con la facción fidelista que poco a poco se vería desplazada y reemplazada y casi, casi, decapitada por el izquierdismo socialista que ambiciosamente incluso pretendió decapitar al mismo Fidel Castro en una lucha sectaria capitaneada por Aníbal Escalante Dellundé uno de los líderes más notorios del socialismo local.
Estados Unidos avizoraba el cambio de órbita de la revolución cubana y pretendía descabezar el rumbo tomado por la clase dirigente que más y más se acercaba a la URSS, al tomar medidas que a las claras indicaban cuáles eran las intenciones de su casi perdida ex-colonia encubierta bajo el semi-disfraz de una independencia politica y dependiente de su mercado de exportacion de bienes y capitales. La premisa americana era que si se derribaba el gobierno político del castrismo no sufriría ningún cambio el status quo social y comercial de su antigua dependencia. Ya no existía la espada de Damocles, lease Enmienda Platt, que le habia permitido en el pasado, tras bambalinas, dirigir en su provecho la política cubana y sólo le quedaba, a no ser que descarnadamente interviniera militarmente como lo había hecho en el pasado en Nicaragua, Panamá, Guatemala, Haití, las tenazas económicas que luego produjeron el embargo contra el Gobierno de Cuba y la supresión de su cuota preferencial azucarera.
Más y más Cuba se apartaba de EEUU en sus relaciones comerciales y políticas y se incorporaba a un bloque opositor comunista integrado por la difunta URSS y sus satélites europeos. En ese periodo se veía como asfixiante el embargo como arma que estrangularía al gobierno cubano y mediante el dominio político seguiría Cuba en la órbita de los países lidereados por EEUU.
Con el tiempo transcurrido del inicio en 1959 del gobierno revolucionario EEUU comenzó a ver con un prisma distinto el panorama que ofrecía Cuba, que había malamente subsistido, primero con el apoyo del bloque socialista y luego al desplomarse la URSS y los demás países satélites tomar rumbos distintos comenzó a acariciar la idea de ‘convencer’ al gobierno cubano que sería mejor para él liberalizar su política económica.
Fidel Castro resultaba el escollo insuperable para los intentos de los partidarios cubanos de transformar el entorno económico cubano. Cada vez que se hacían intentos por cambiar el jerarca máximo dejaba ver su mano y como un gigante, torcido por el orgullo herido y sus ambiciones hegemónicas mundiales, con un gesto echaba al suelo los tejidos y maquinaciones conducentes a ese .proposito. Pero lo imponderable e inesperado sucedió. El viejo ex revolucionario devenido en Tirano sufrió un inesperado quebranto de salud que lo llevó a paulatinamente ceder su papel de máximo dirigente y delegarlo en su hermano Raúl el que a su vez había construido un séquito de partidarios que seguían su mando y a su vera medraban con el futuro economico cubano del cual paulatinamente se habian apoderado y continuaban en su carrera contrarreloj anticipándose a los designios de la Parca que vendría, sin duda, en busca del otrora casi absoluto dueño de la ‘finca’ llamada Cuba.
Hoy por hoy el gobierno americano parece haber tomado la posición de dejar hacer en política interior al mando cubano con un completo dominio de la represión y del control de los ciudadanos al que enseñan “la zanahoria’ al igual que en el pasado reciente enseñaron el “garrote’, por supuesto con la declarada complicidad de los que creen que la Patria y la Libertad son sólo bellas palabras domingueras en las cuales ellos no creen, ni por asomo.
Nuevamente Cuba está en la disyuntiva que ha padecido desde su inicio como nación politicamente independiente. Dejar predominar la política, como algo preferencial, en aras de mejorar su economia y la vida diaria de sus ciudadanos.
Por supuesto comerán mejor los que hoy no comen pero dejarán en la cerca sus ansias libertarias, con un agravante. Si ayer los extranjeros dominaban Cuba, mañana lo volverán hacer con la ayuda de la ‘familia revolucionaria’ que a través de 52, casi 53 años, han apartado los bienes mal habidos del robo y la expropiación en sus cuentas particulares y se erigiran como dueños absolutos e indiscutibles de la riqueza nacional.
‘La historia vuelve a repetirse mi muñequita blanca y rubia…’ de la canción famosa en su época y de nuevo Cuba mercadeará su soberanía y la depositará en los regazos de sus peores hijos.
Y como Saúl, venderá su primogenia por un plato de lentejas.
Robert A. Solera,



As was the case last year, the May Day celebration of socialism and anarchy in Seattle
turned violent, resulting in 17 arrests and eight injured police officers. Rocks and bottles were thrown at both police and news crews. Businesses and parked cars were vandalized.

It's grimly amusing to see a mob of Starbucks' patrons wearing designer clothes use their smartphones to organize a rally against corporate greed. (Granted, it was a lot less amusing for the law-abiding bystanders and business owners caught in the riot.) Efforts to take these people seriously only render their beliefs more absurd. Their recruiting poster declared them anarchists who opposed "capitalism, all nation-states and borders," with a goal of "total freedom." How can there be anyone foolish enough to believe that anarchy equals total freedom? No one is oppressed more brutally than the average terrified resident of an anarchist state. More commonly, bursts of anarchy prove to be the short-lived prelude to centralized tyranny.

In a not-unrelated story, a new
Pew Research Center analysis shows that the policies of our fairness-obsessed President Obama have resulted in... a wider gap in net worth between rich and poor, and between whites and minorities. And this is the President who fought to resolve the "fiscal cliff" drama with an epic round of taxes on the wealthy!

What does the use of compulsive force to create "fairness" and overturn the judgment of free markets get you? Broken windows, unemployment, and an even greater disparity between the top and bottom income levels.

-- John Hayward
Senior Writer

Florida Senate Committee approves SB 58 which prohibits courts from considering provisions of international laws including Sharia law. Bill moves to final committee.

 Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs votes 5 to 4 to approve SB 58 which prohibits courts from considering certain provisions of international laws including Islamic Sharia law.      
Please click here to send your email to Senators on Committee on Rules.
Folks this is going to be a very close vote.  This is the same committee that approved Domestic Partnership legislation (SB 196) on April 1, 2013.  Please send your email.

The Florida Senate Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs voted 5 to 4 to approve SB 58 - Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases during the scheduled April 8, 2013 4:00 pm meeting. The legislative summary is posted below.  Here is how the committee voted:
Chair: Eleanor Sobel (D)
Vice Chair: Alan Hays (R)
Thad Altman (R)
Oscar Braynon, II (D)
Jeff Clemens (D)
Charles S. Dean, Sr. (R)
Nancy C. Detert (R)
Miguel Diaz de la Portilla (R)
Denise Grimsley (R)
Geraldine F. Thompson (D)
SB 58 now moves to the final committee called the Committee on Rules.

If Florida courts accept provisions of Islamic Sharia law or other foreign laws and legal codes which are inconsistent with American laws it will undermine public policies enacted by our representative form of government and change our value system.  Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send which encourages Senators on the Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs to support Senate Bill 58.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button.  You may also modify the subject or message text if you wish.

Please click here to send your email to encourage the senators on the Florida Senate Committee on Rules and Senate President to support SB 58.
Florida Senate Committee on Rules and Senate President.
Senate President

    Don Gaetz
(850) 487-5001

    Senator John Thrasher (R)
(850) 487-5006
Vice Chair:

    Senator Christopher L. Smith (D)
(850) 487-5031

    Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto (R)
(850) 487-5030
    Senator Miguel Diaz de la  Portilla (R)
(850) 487-5040
    Senator Bill Galvano (R)
(850) 487-5026
    Senator Andy Gardiner (R)
(850) 487-5013
    Senator Jack Latvala (R)
(850) 487-5020
    Senator Tom Lee (R)
(850) 487-5024
    Senator Gwen Margolis (D)
(850) 487-5035
    Senator Bill Montford (D)
(850) 487-5003
    Senator Joe Negron (R)
(850) 487-5032
    Senator Garrett Richter (R)
(850) 487-5023
    Senator Jeremy Ring (D)
(850) 487-5029
    Senator David Simmons (R)
(850) 487-5010
    Senator Eleanor Sobel (D)
(850) 487-5033
SB 58 Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases (summary): Clarifies that public policies expressed in act apply to violations of natural person's fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; provides that act does not apply to corporation, partnership, or other form of business association, except when necessary to provide effective relief in proceedings under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S.; specifies public policy of this state in applying choice of foreign law, legal code, or system in proceedings brought under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S., which relate to dissolution of marriage, support, time-sharing, Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act, & Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; declares that certain decisions under such laws, codes, or systems & certain choice of venue or forum provisions in contract are void; provides for construction of waiver by natural person of person's fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; declares that claims of forum non conveniens or related claims must be denied; limits construction of provisions in certain circumstances.

Here are some Florida Cases Involving Foreign Law and Foreign Legal Doctrines.

April 4, 2013 article and email alert.
Florida Senate Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs will vote at April 8, 2013 4:00 PM meeting on SB 58 which prohibits courts from considering certain provisions of international laws including Islamic Sharia law.   

The Florida Senate Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs will vote on SB 58 - Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases during the scheduled April 8, 2013 4:00 pm meeting. It is the first bill on the agenda.

SB 58 Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases: Clarifies that public policies expressed in act apply to violations of natural person's fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; provides that act does not apply to corporation, partnership, or other form of business association, except when necessary to provide effective relief in proceedings under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S.; specifies public policy of this state in applying choice of foreign law, legal code, or system in proceedings brought under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S., which relate to dissolution of marriage, support, time-sharing, Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act, & Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; declares that certain decisions under such laws, codes, or systems & certain choice of venue or forum provisions in contract are void; provides for construction of waiver by natural person of person's fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; declares that claims of forum non conveniens or related claims must be denied; limits construction of provisions in certain circumstances.

The Florida Senate Judiciary Committee voted 6 - 3 on March 6, 2013 to approve SB 58.  The Florida Senate Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability voted 6 - 3 on March 21, 2013 to approve SB 58.  The record for both of these senate committee votes is posted below.  All committees in the Florida House of Representatives have approved this legislation (HB 351).  Click here to read the article and vote record.  HB 351 is pending a second reading before the full house.

If Florida courts accept provisions of Islamic Sharia law or other foreign laws and legal codes which are inconsistent with American laws it will undermine public policies enacted by our representative form of government and change our value system.
SB 58 is now in the Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send which encourages Senators on the Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs to support Senate Bill 58.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button.  You may also modify the subject or message text if you wish.

Please click here to send your email to encourage the senators on the Florida Senate Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs to support SB 58.
Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs contact information.
Captial Phone
Chair: Eleanor Sobel (D)
(850) 487-5033
Vice Chair: Alan Hays (R)
(850) 487-5011
Thad Altman (R)
(850) 487-5016
Oscar Braynon, II (D)
(850) 487-5036
Jeff Clemens (D)
(850) 487-5027
Charles S. Dean, Sr. (R)
(850) 487-5005
Nancy C. Detert (R)
(850) 487-5028
Miguel Diaz de la Portilla (R)
(850) 487-5040
Denise Grimsley (R)
(850) 487-5021
Geraldine F. Thompson (D)
(850) 487-5012

March 21, 2013 article and email alert.
Florida Senate Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability  votes 6 – 3- to approve SB 58 which prohibits courts from considering certain provisions of international laws including Islamic Sharia law.

The Florida Senate Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability voted on SB 58 - Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases during the scheduled March 21, 2013 10:00 to 12:00 am meeting.  The committee voted as follows:


Senator Jeremy Ring (D)

Vice Chair

Senator Alan Hays (R)

Senator Aaron Bean (R)
Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto (R)
Senator Rob Bradley (R)
Senator Dorothy L. Hukill (R)
Senator Bill Montford (D)
Senator David Simmons (R)
Senator Christopher L. Smith (D) 
March 19, 2013 article and email alert.
Florida Senate Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability to vote at 10:00 am meeting on March 21, 2013 on bill which prohibits courts from considering certain provisions of international laws including Islamic Sharia law.

The Florida Senate Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability will vote on SB 58 - Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases during the scheduled March 21, 2013 10:00 to 12:00 am meeting. 

SB 58 Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases: Clarifies that public policies expressed in act apply to violations of natural person's fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; provides that act does not apply to corporation, partnership, or other form of business association, except when necessary to provide effective relief in proceedings under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S.; specifies public policy of this state in applying choice of foreign law, legal code, or system in proceedings brought under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S., which relate to dissolution of marriage, support, time-sharing, Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act, & Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; declares that certain decisions under such laws, codes, or systems & certain choice of venue or forum provisions in contract are void; provides for construction of waiver by natural person of person's fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; declares that claims of forum non conveniens or related claims must be denied; limits construction of provisions in certain circumstances.

The Florida Senate Judiciary Committee voted 6 - 3 on March 6, 2013 to approve SB 58.  The vote record is reported below in the March 6, 2013 article.

All committees in the Florida House of Representatives have approved this legislation (HB 351). 
Click here to read the article and vote record.  HB 351 is pending a second reading before the full house. 
If Florida courts accept provisions of Islamic Sharia law or other foreign laws and legal codes which are inconsistent with American laws it will undermine public policies enacted by our representative form of government and change our value system.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send which encourages Senators on the Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability to support Senate Bill 58.  The email prepared for this committee no longer applies.
Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability


Senator Jeremy Ring (D)
(850) 487-5029

Vice Chair

Senator Alan Hays (R)
(850) 487-5011

Senator Aaron Bean (R)
(850) 487-5004
Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto (R)
(850) 487-5030
Senator Rob Bradley (R)
(850) 487-5007
Senator Dorothy L. Hukill (R)
(850) 487-5008
Senator Bill Montford (D)
(850) 487-5003
Senator David Simmons (R)
(850) 487-5010
Senator Christopher L. Smith (D) 
(850) 487-5031
March 6, 2013 article and email alert.
lorida Senate Judiciary Committee votes 6 - 3 to approve bill which prohibits courts from considering certain provisions of international laws including Islamic Sharia law.    
The Florida Senate Judiciary Committee voted on SB 58 - Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases during the scheduled March 6, 2013 2:00 to 4:00 pm meeting.  The vote was 6 - 3 in favor of the bill. SB 58 now moves to the Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability.

Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases: Clarifies that public policies expressed in act apply to violations of natural person's fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; provides that act does not apply to corporation, partnership, or other form of business association, except when necessary to provide effective relief in proceedings under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S.; specifies public policy of this state in applying choice of foreign law, legal code, or system in proceedings brought under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S., which relate to dissolution of marriage, support, time-sharing, Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act, & Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; declares that certain decisions under such laws, codes, or systems & certain choice of venue or forum provisions in contract are void; provides for construction of waiver by natural person of person's fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; declares that claims of forum non conveniens or related claims must be denied; limits construction of provisions in certain circumstances.

Florida Family Association applauds Senator Alans Hays sponsorship of SB 58 - Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases. 
A voice vote was taken by the Florida Senate Judiciary Committee on SB 58.  The committee subsequently reported the 6 – 3 vote as follows:

Response to Florida Family Association's email alert regarding this vote was OUTSTANDING.

A special thanks to everyone who took the time to send emails on this important issue.

All committees in the Florida House of Representatives have approved this legislation (HB 351).  HB 351 is pending a second reading before the full house. 
If Florida courts accept provisions of Islamic Sharia law or other foreign laws and legal codes which are inconsistent with American laws it will undermine public policies enacted by our representative form of government and change our value system.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send which encourages Senators on the Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability to support Senate Bill 58.
March 5, 2013 article and email alert.

The 2013 Florida Legislature is considering legislation titled Application of Foreign Law In Certain Cases (SB 58 and HB 351.)  If enacted, this legislation would prohibit Florida courts from considering Foreign Laws including certain provisions of Islamic Sharia law.

Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases (
SB 58 and HB 351): Clarifies that public policies expressed in act apply to violations of natural person's fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; provides that act does not apply to corporation, partnership, or other form of business association, except when necessary to provide effective relief in proceedings under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S.; specifies public policy of this state in applying choice of foreign law, legal code, or system in proceedings brought under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S., which relate to dissolution of marriage, support, time-sharing, Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act, & Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; declares that certain decisions under such laws, codes, or systems & certain choice of venue or forum provisions in contract are void; provides for construction of waiver by natural person of person's fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; declares that claims of forum non conveniens or related claims must be denied; limits construction of provisions in certain circumstances.

The Florida Senate Judiciary Committee
is scheduled to consider SB 58 on March 6, 2013 between 2:00 and 4:00 pm. 

If Florida courts accept provisions of Islamic Sharia law or other foreign laws and legal codes which are inconsistent with American laws it will undermine public policies enacted by our representative form of government and change our value system.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send which encourages Senators on the Judiciary Committee to support Senate Bill 58.  See the email link presented in the most recent article above. 
The email prepared for this committee no longer applies.

Press Release 
May 1, 2013
Russ Oates

Mexican-Origin Hispanics in the United States
A record 33.7 million Hispanics of Mexican origin resided in the United States in 2012, according to a new analysis of Census Bureau data by the Pew Research Center. This estimate includes 11.4 million immigrants born in Mexico and 22.3 million born in the U.S. who self-identify as Hispanics of Mexican origin.

Mexicans are by far the largest Hispanic-origin population in the U.S., accounting for nearly two-thirds (64%) of the U.S. Hispanic population in 2012. Hispanics of Mexican origin are also a significant portion of the U.S. population, accounting for 11% overall.

The size of the Mexican-origin population in the U.S. has risen dramatically over the past four decades as a result of one of the largest mass migrations in modern history. In 1970, fewer than one million Mexican immigrants lived in the U.S. By 2007 it reached a peak of 12.5 million. Since then, it has declined as the arrival of new Mexican immigrants has slowed significantly. Today, 35% of Hispanics of Mexican origin were born in Mexico. And while the remaining two-thirds (65%) were born in the U.S., 52% of them have at least one immigrant parent.

Before the 1980s, growth in the nation's Mexican-origin population came mostly from Hispanics of Mexican origin born in the U.S. However, from 1980 to 2000, more growth in the Mexican-origin population in the U.S. could be attributed to the arrival of Mexican immigrants. That pattern reversed from 2000 to 2010 as births surpassed immigration as the main driver of population growth. 

The 11.4 million Mexican immigrants who live in the U.S. make up the single largest country of origin group by far among the nation's 40 million immigrants. The next largest foreign-born population group, from greater China at 2 million, is less than one-fifth the size of the Mexican-born population in the U.S.

Mexican immigrants comprise by far the largest share of the unauthorized immigrant population in the U.S. More than half (55%) of the 11.1 million immigrants who are in the country illegally are from Mexico. 

Internationally, the U.S. is far and away the top destination for immigrants from Mexico. Fully 96% of Mexicans who leave Mexico migrate to the U.S. Worldwide, nine percent of people born in Mexico live in the U.S. In addition, the U.S. has more immigrants from Mexico alone than any other country has immigrants. 

The characteristics of Mexican immigrants living in the U.S. have changed over the decades. Compared with 1990, Mexican immigrants in 2011 were less likely to be male, considerably older, better educated and have been in the U.S. for longer.

This report includes demographic, income and economic characteristics of the foreign-born and native-born Mexican-origin populations in the U.S. and compares them with the characteristics of all Hispanics. It covers immigration status, language, age, marital status, fertility, regional dispersion, educational attainment, income, poverty status, health insurance and homeownership.

The report, "A Demographic Portrait of Mexican-Origin Hispanics in the United States," was written by Ana Gonzalez-Barrera, research associate with the Pew Hispanic Center, and Mark Hugo Lopez, associate director of the Pew Hispanic Center. It is available at the Pew Research Center's website,

Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan source of data and analysis. It does not take advocacy positions. Its Hispanic Center, founded in 2001, seeks to improve understanding of the U.S. Hispanic population and to chronicle Latinos' growing impact on the nation.

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