Friday, May 17, 2013

No386 5/17/2013 “En mi opinión” Editor Lázaro R González Miño‏ ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’

“En mi opinión  ,  IN GOD WE TRUST.
.No 386 Mayo 17, 2013  Editor Lázaro R González Miño.  

Bill Donohue: IRS Targeted Catholic League

The problems with the IRS extend beyond playing politics with conservative groups seeking a tax-exempt status. I have never made this public before, but given the heightened interest in the way the IRS has conducted itself, the time has come to disclose what happened.

Just weeks after Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, I was notified by the IRS that the Catholic League was under investigation for violating the IRS Code on political activities as it relates to 501(c)(3) organizations. What the IRS did not know was that I had proof who contacted them to launch the investigation: Catholics United, a George Soros-funded Catholic organization.

The IRS was contacted on June 5, 2008, to launch a probe of the Catholic League, and the letter sent to me was dated Nov. 24, 2008. The June 5 letter was sent to the IRS by lawyers from Catholics United; it was mailed to Director Marsha Ramirez, director of Exempt Organizations Examinations, and to Lois G. Lerner, director of EO Division.

The "evidence" against me was nothing more than news releases and articles I had written during the presidential campaign on various issues. The lawyers also asked the IRS to question the source of new funding we had received, implying that we received illegal contributions.

The timing is not coincidental. On Oct. 20, I issued a news release, "George Soros Funds Catholic Left," and on Oct. 23, I wrote another one, "Catholic Left Scandal Mounts"; both mentioned Catholics United. The same day, Oct. 23, I was asked to go on CNN, and when Catholics United found out, they contacted the station trying to spike the interview.

The person who did this was the head of Catholics United, Chris Korzen. He said I was not "an authentic Catholic commentator and representative of the Catholic Church," and that they should either drop me altogether or put me on with Alexia Kelley of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good (Catholics United is listed on the 990 of Catholics in Alliance as a related organization; Soros greases this group, and by extension, Catholics United).

The bid to keep me off TV failed. But here's the key: Korzen was dumb enough to share with CNN the complaint issued by his group to the IRS. The document, which was leaked to me by someone at CNN, matches up extraordinarily well with the IRS complaint of Nov. 24.

In the end, the IRS concluded that although the Catholic League had "intervened in a political campaign," it was "unintentional, isolated, non-egregious and non-recurring"; our tax-exempt status remained intact. This is false: I intentionally addressed political issues, and did not intervene in the campaign, unless, of course, my freedom to speak about political issues is a violation of the IRS Code. If that is the case, then this IRS unit should fold.

So the problem extends beyond the IRS. It extends to left-wing activists, funded by left-wing tycoons, all for the purpose of silencing conservatives. It's time someone was held accountable for this obscene political game.

La prensa reacciona ante escándalos de la administración de Obama May 17th, 2013

• La califican de corrupta e incompetente

MIAMI, 17 DE MAYO DE 2013,—No hay dudas de que la administración del presidente Barack Obama está atravesando por la semana más difícil de los 5 años que ha estado en el poder, y todo indica que no mejorará en largo tiempo, desconociéndose hasta qué punto llegará.
Son cuatro escándalos de enormes proporciones lo que le ha caido encima y son investigados por comités del Congreso: la obtención por parte del Departamento de Justicia de los registros telefónicos de periodistas de la AP, la agencia de noticia más poderosa de Estados Unidos; las controversiales investigaciones que llevó el IRS contra grupos conservadores instigados por miembros del gobierno; el descubrimiento de que la secretaria de Salud, Kathleen Sebelius, le solicito a la empresa H&R Block y a la Robert Block Foundation millonaria donaciones con el fin de financiar una campaña para asegurar el éxito de Obamacare; y el escándalo del ataque terrorista en Bengasi, que se la complicado con las declaraciones hechas por tres “soplones” testigos presenciales de aquellos ataques del 9/11 pasado.
En medio de toda estos controversiales escándalos, la gran prensa que se ha demostrado aliada de Obama , ha comenzado a reaccionar ante esas revelaciones.
Uno de los artículos de opinión que más ha llamado la atención es el escrito por el premio Pulitzer ,Michael Goodwin, para, entre otros, el New York Post, bajo el titular de “Escándalos de Obama toman la Nación como una tormenta”. Goodwin señala que “como una metáfora para el gran gobierno, es difícil sorprender al Departamento de Justicia registrándoles los teléfonos a periodistas de la Prensa Asociada, al menos que piense que sea mejor ejemplo que el servicio de rentas internos apriete los tornillos a grupos vistos como conservadores y por tanto indignos de un trato justo”.
En otro párrafo de este articulo, Goodwin dice: “Mientras tanto en la Casa Blanca, la nube creciente de problemas debe tener a los muchachos en el bunker añorando los viejos tiempos, esos días de idilio de antaño cuando Bengasi era el único escándalo en el horizonte”.
Y en otro párrafo dice: “La administración de Obama es corrupta e incompetente, es un doble golpe que se deletrea apuro para la nación, en el país y el extranjero, La corrupción no es así en Albany, donde los funcionarios se llenan sus bolsillos con dinero del contribuyente. La corrupción en la tierra de Obama es el uso selectivo del poder gubernamental para recompensar a los amigos y castigar a los opositores, o como el presidente los llama: el enemigo”.
Y finaliza su artículo Michael Goodwin:“Sus aliados políticos, Solyndra y las uniones, obtienen golosinas especiales, mientras que quienes se oponen a la agenda del régimen son demonizados y señalados para el escrutinio. El IRS señala a los grupos como el Tea Party o  patriotas, los que defienden esto en su nombre huele a tácticas de caudillos de republicas bananeras de las que Hugo Chávez y Fidel Castro se sentirían orgullosos”.

3 Nights in a Row John Stewart Jackhammers Obama: He’s Either Nixon or Mr. Magoo. “EMO” Mr Magoo tenia 20 x 20 comparado con el negrito del batey LRGM By Clash Daily / /

For the third night in a row, Jon Stewart was unrelenting in going after the Obama administration for the multiple scandals it’s been caught up in. Stewart admitted that after piling on Fox News for so long for overreacting to every little thing Obama does, they finally have something to be justifiably angry about, and could not begrudge them their moment of outrage. Stewart even agreed that President Obama could have acted like Richard Nixon, but if he wasn’t directly involved, it’s still bad because that makes him Mr. Magoo.
Stewart recapped the “shitstorm that is rocking the Obama administration” with Jay Carney getting pummeled by the press “for our entertainment purposes.” Stewart admitted that this is a good week for conservatives, and comically forced himself to come out with the words that conservatives are right to be outraged.

 The IRS Scandal and Religious Freedom Threatened

May 16, 2013 at 9:00 pm / by Julie Klose
Virginia PolitiChick Julie Klose is a wife, mother, teacher and a blogger who is passionate about conservative values in the political world. Her political perspective always relates back to her Christian… More
Thomas Jefferson wrote in regards to Religious Freedom: “… no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious Worship place or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief…”.
On Tuesday, Franklin Graham wrote a letter to President Obama to inform him that the Billy Graham Evangelical Association was also a target in the recent Internal Revenue Service’s audits of not-for-profit organizations. He outlined in his two page letter how the audit came on the heels of the ministry’s newspaper ads that supported the Marriage Amendment in North Carolina. The ad ran nationally in the fall of 2012 before the election. Here is the ad in its entirety:
On September 6, 2012 two Graham ministries, Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelical Association, received notice that an audit would be conducted for the 2010 tax year.
With the recent revelation that politically conservative organizations were targeted by the IRS, it is not a coincidence that the Graham ministries would receive an audit after a public display of their religious beliefs in light of the election.  As a Christian American I uphold these same beliefs and as a voter, I too felt the vital importance of casting my ballot in support of the same biblical principles. This revelation that a ministry with profound standing in this country could be targeted by my government is not only disgraceful but extremely dangerous. Do we have a repressive government that is intimidating faith believing people?
Billy Graham’s ad was uniquely American in its nature and context. Funded by private donations the ad was a public display of faith in the square. A basic principle that our Founders held was freedom of religion and I believe they would whole heartedly agree with the purpose of the ad above the context. Franklin Graham described the IRS target as “morally wrong and unethical” and even referenced what I believe it is, “un-American”.
I would hope that our President not only responds personally to Franklin Graham but would take action against a government organization that threatens the First Amendment. I realize that we have a President who has done little in regards to support Israel, who is an outspoken supporter of abortion and who now believes marriage is not just between a man and a woman. However, as a leader of this nation he can push his own beliefs aside and take action against a government entity that would threaten and intimidate a religious organization and ultimately religious freedom in this country. His response will not only determine the actions against the IRS but will define what this administration believes in regards to our Constitutional liberty.

Obama’s scandals take nation by storm By MICHAEL GOODWIN “The New York Post”

As a metaphor for big government, it is hard to top the Justice Department’s seizing of journalists’ phone records from The Associated Press.
Unless, of course, you think the best example is the Internal Revenue Service turning the screws on groups it viewed as conservative and, therefore, unworthy of fair treatment.
Or maybe the winner is the sneaky spreading of ObamaCare’s tentacles, with insurance companies now predicting the law will drive up the cost of individual premiums by as much as 400 percent.
There are no losers in this race to the bottom — except the American people. It is tempting to ask whether they’ve had enough Hope & Change, but the question is premature. With 44 months to go in
The Reign of the Great Mistake, the gods are not done punishing us.
Meanwhile, back at the White House, the growing cloud of trouble must have the bunker boys longing for the good old days. You know, those idyllic days of yesteryear, a k a early last week, when Benghazi was the only scandal on the horizon.
Everything was much simpler then. All the president had to do was cry “Politics!” and the Pavlovian media mutts declared Benghazi a “partisan witch hunt” and started digging into really important things, such as whether Republicans are evil or just stupid……Then the dam broke.
First, it was the sensational Benghazi hearing, where previously muzzled whistleblowers detailed the administration’s bungles before, during and after the terror attack. Throw in reports showing the infamous Susan Rice talking points were rewritten 11 times, going from fact to fiction, and Benghazi suddenly became the important story it should have been all along.
If that were all, it would have been enough. But the near-simultaneous revelations in recent days about the IRS playing political favorites, the massive phone grab at the AP news operation, and ObamaCare’s cost impact combined to demonstrate something I believed for a long time.
The Obama administration is both corrupt and incompetent. It is a double whammy that spells trouble for the nation, at home and abroad.
The corruption is not like that in Albany, where officials stuff their pockets with taxpayer cash. The corruption in Obama-Land is the selective use of government power to reward friends and punish opponents. Or, as the president calls them, enemies.
Political allies — think Solyndra and unions — get special goodies, while those who oppose the regime’s agenda are demonized and singled out for scrutiny. The IRS targeting of groups with “Tea Party” or “patriot” in their names and those that advocate less spending smacks of the tactics of banana republic strongmen. Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro would be proud.
But America is a nation of laws and not of men, of individual liberty and not of centralized power. And that national dynamic explains the firestorm of anger aimed at the White House. The headlines have sparked a wide and genuine outcry over Obama’s push against the nation’s roots.
He’s been doing it for four years, and mostly getting away with it, but suddenly, there is a critical mass of evidence against him. Maybe the AP case made the media realize they were not exempt from Obama’s overreach.
Whatever the reason, what we see so far is certainly not the end of it. You can bet other nasty, intrusive surprises are hiding in the vast deep of the expanding bureaucracy.
The ultimate danger is a lack of accountability. The idea that ordinary citizens hold the power has no meaning when the political class circles the wagons and the press looks the other way while the president accumulates more power and control.
That is where we have been, but hopefully, not where we are going. Their liberty DNA kicking in, more and more citizens, including some in the media, finally are expressing shock and anger at how big, clumsy and crooked our government is. They are welcome to the discovery, belated though it is.
For those of us not shocked by the inevitable, there is vindication but no satisfaction. Each example of Obama’s chickens coming home to roost just makes more obvious how much damage he’s already done.
The repair begins by throwing open the doors and windows of Washington. We’ll need a lot of sunshine to disinfect this rot.

 “MUY IMPORTANTE” [Nota anónima.  f.h.]

Lázaro, yo creo que es de suma importancia el dejarle saber a los Congresistas y a los Senadores (en caso que no lo sepan o no crean que de eso son capaces los que están sentados ahora en la Casa Blanca) de que aunque ellos gozan de una multiplicidad de beneficios de los cuales tal vez sienten que serán eternos, si esta administración no es parada en seco y se lleva al presidente y a sus secuaces delante de los tribunales (impeachment) no pasara mucho tiempo en que ellos mismos serán desprovistos de todo su poder y serán despojados de todos sus bienes, en el mejor de los casos - en el peor los podrían llevar aun a prisión o aun algo peor, ya que en la historia del mundo esa historia se ha repetido ya demasiadas veces, especialmente en la historia de países que han pasado por el comunismo. Es muy importante que sepan además que si dejan pasar esta ultima oportunidad de rescatar a este país de una inminente ruina y destrucción que llamada socialismo o comunismo, ellos y aun su familia no se perdonaran jamás el no haber actuado cuando tuvieron ese window of opportunity.

Selective Amnesia Alert: Holder Not Sure How Many Times He’s Seized Press Records

Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday that he isn’t sure how many times he’s seized reporters’ records.
“I’m not sure how many of those cases … I have actually signed off on,” Holder said in an interview with NPR’s Carrie Johnson.
“I take them very seriously. I know that I have refused to sign a few [and] pushed a few back for modifications.”
Holder’s answer serves as confirmation that the Justice Department’s secret seizure of The Associated Press’s phone records is not an isolated incident.
IRS- Shut ‘Em Down, Start Over, amenper.
This week the IRS has admitted committing acts of illegal regulatory manipulation for political purposes that no citizen or civic group should ever face. Congressional Democrats and the Obama administration are also up to their necks in it. But liberal or conservative, it’s enough to make every American’s blood boil. Here’s a quick re-cap:
The IRS has admitted they were delaying and/or blocking applications for non-profit tax exemption by giving conservative groups far more rigorous scrutiny than they required of liberal groups applying for 501c3 or 501c4 status. Any group with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” or many other common conservative terms in their group’s name was targeted for “special treatment”. Many questions the IRS demanded of targeted groups were clearly illegal to ask. Most of their questions would take significant time, money, and human resources for anyone to answer. And every answer could be sent back from the IRS marked “insufficient information”, again and again.
The same IRS “special treatment” was used against pro-Israel groups and against Billy Graham’s organization to block or delay their applications, too. How mean-spirited can you get? While one report has shown that hundreds of non-profit applications were affected in total, it’s still far too early to know the full extent of this practice.
Even more despicable (yes, it’s possible), we’ve also learned the IRS has insisted that a pro-life group must talk about pro-choice options to receive 501c3 status. Unbelievable. Truly Machiavellian. “1984” has arrived in 2013.
Furthermore, we have learned that letters were written to the IRS from a group of Democrat Senators (Charles Schumer, Michael Bennet, Sheldon Whitehouse, Jeff Merkley, Tom Udall, Jeanne Shaheen and Al Franken) demanding that actions to “tighten the screws” be taken against conservative groups. At this moment there is no visible connection from the White House to the IRS or the Treasury Department on this matter. But given the tactics used by Democrats for many years for various kinds of political benefit, one can easily envision a Valerie Jarrett or a Jim Axelrod picking up the phone and making a few calls to well-placed “friends” at Treasury to discuss “a few ideas”. No, a direct link to the White House has not been proven, but this IRS fraud has been going on for too long, and was obviously too beneficial to the reelection of Democrats in 2012 for them not to be at least aware, if not involved.
Applications for 501c3 status that should have taken 3-10 months to complete have been taking 2-3 years for these “chosen few”, and some tax exemptions have never been granted.
It’s certainly despicable for the IRS to demand answers to inappropriate, convoluted and lengthy questions. But we have also learned that they passed some of these answers (containing private, organizational information) to a liberal journalism group, ProPublica. God only knows who they gave it to, or how it was abused.
Interestingly, a George Will article of this week reminds us of the striking parallels to Senate Watergate hearings which began exactly 40 years ago. For a lighter touch, Jon Stewart gives us his take on the IRS scandal, plus other Obama administration scandals also in the news (Benghazi, AP phone records).
The FBI has begun an investigation of this IRS thuggery, and Congress has already scheduled hearings. While these actions are both necessary and proper, they will not fix the underlying problem. This kind of abuse should have every American screaming bloody murder, and demanding serious and lasting reform.
So, how should we fix a mammoth, arrogant, out-of-control bureaucracy? No federal thugs responsible for taxation should ever be loosed on private citizens or groups to limit their free exercise of First Amendment rights. Simply telling the IRS “don’t do that” is patently insufficient. Laws already exist for exactly that purpose, and they were ignored. No, whatever we do must be permanent. Firings are necessary, but insufficient.
Actually, we already have an excellent solution available: It’s called the FairTax Act, H.R. 25. (Recommend you go to and sign up for their newsletters. That keeps your name active for use in convincing your congressional representatives that you are a real FairTax supporter.)
The FairTax guarantees that no out-of-control government ever again tries to use the IRS for attacking opposition political organizations (e.g. the Tea Party) at the behest of Congress or the White House. And FairTax also ensures that FedGov bureaucrats cannot be used for enforcing national policy mandates unrelated to basic tax collection (e.g. ObamaCare).
How can we be sure of this outcome? Smartly, the FairTax Act closes the IRS, and it transfers tax collection to the States. It’s a simple consumption tax, similar to the sales tax most states already levy. So, most states are in a good position to provide this service as contractors to the Feds. With a consumption tax there is no need for an income tax, and therefore no need for an IRS.
The FairTax applies a 23% (inclusive) tax to all retail sales of new goods and services. No, it’s not a VAT, which applies a tax on goods at each stage of multi-level manufacture, and requires a huge bureaucracy for administration. Tax collection under the FairTax only occurs at point of sale to the consumer. This ensures that all illegal aliens, hookers, Mafiosi, drug-runners, and all other cash-economy people will pay federal taxes while leading their daily lives. If you buy a hot dog or a Cadillac Escalade you’ll pay FairTax on the purchase. If you’re a Japanese tourist in Orlando, and you buy Mickey Mouse ears for your kids, you’ll also pay FairTax. This mechanism creates “skin in the game” for every American resident, legal or illegal.
FairTax will motivate the return of $12-$13 trillion currently offshore back to the US for investment, and will eliminate K Street lobbyist influences on taxation. That in itself is reason enough to expect support from 99% of all Americans. And FairTax ensures everyone gets a full paycheck- withholding is eliminated. If nothing else, trading 74,000 pages of existing tax code for 130 pages of FairTax code will save our economy hundreds of billions of dollars in annual compliance costs. All of us can surely put that time and money to better use.
How do we get the FairTax? It’s like any other bill- WE THE PEOPLE must demand it. We must elect Senators and Congressmen who support it, and push on the Congress until it’s passed. At this moment, our greatest roadblock is Barack Obama. He’s a Marxist, and Marxists always want a highly-progressive income tax structure, not a single-rate consumption tax like the FairTax. Obama’s constant “tax the rich” mantra is proof enough of his interests. So, we’ll need a Tea Party Republican in the White House in 2017 to make this happen.
Is all this becoming clear? Think of it this way: The very folks that the IRS targets for “special treatment” are the same Tea Party folks who support a tax plan to eliminate the IRS! Is it any wonder, then, that socialist Democrats would encourage the IRS to attack Tea Party (and similar) groups?
And just think- if we get a Congress and a President who will enact the FairTax, we should also demand that they kill, cut, privatize, or reform other FedGov legislation and departments: EPA, Dept of Energy, Dept of Education, Dept of Commerce, Dept of Interior, ObamaCare, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, TSA, GSA, USPS, USDA, FEMA, BIA, Amtrak, Fannie, Freddie, HUD, VA, Dodd-Frank, Sarbanes-Oxley, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, the list goes on and on, around the curvature of the earth. Bottom line: If it’s not covered by Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution, whack it.
We need to demand support from every incumbent Congressman and Senator- NOW. Then, before the election of 2014 we need to confirm that same support before we vote to sustain any incumbent. The same is true for the election of 2016- support the incumbents who support the FairTax, or support a candidate who does. By 2017 we must get a controlling Republican majority in both houses of Congress, and a Republican in the White House.

Obama to Announce Major US Nuclear Force Cuts…by Executive Action?

“EMO” The diarrhea continue… LRGM

President Barack Obama is set to announce a new round of strategic nuclear warhead reductions in the near future as part of a disarmament agenda that could reduce U.S. strategic warheads to as few as 1,000 weapons.
The next round of U.S.-Russian arms talks would follow Obama’s expected announcement that the United States’ arsenal of strategic warheads can be reduced unilaterally to around 1,000 warheads. That position is expected as part of the Pentagon’s long-delayed Nuclear Posture Review implementation study that Obama was expected to sign earlier this year.
Recent press reports have indicated that President Obama may make the cuts — fully one-third of the nation’s arsenal — by executive action and without Congressional authorization.
Specialists on nuclear deterrence say further cuts beyond the 1,550 deployed warheads mandated by the 2010 New START arms treaty could undermine the United States’ ability to deter nuclear powers like Russia and China, who have significant modernization programs for their nuclear arsenals underway.
Further cuts also are likely to embolden other non-nuclear states, including Japan, to consider building their own nuclear arsenals, analysts say.

Suprimida la Libertad de Expresión Por Un Juez Federal...‏  ricardo Samitier

Increíble!!!! Un Juez Federal Suprimió

La “libertad de Expresión”  En Michigan…
El Juez Dugan… Falló a Favor de los musulmanes… contra
los cristianos. Ordenando que la Policía TIENE EL DERECHO
a prohibir Que se “Predique o Se Hable” si esa predica
MOLESTA A Un Grupo De Ciudadanos…  

El Juez Federal ha ESTABLECIDO Que las autoridades
Pueden eliminar “El Derecho De Libre Expresión”
Cuando Hay Indicios Que El Ejercer Ese Derecho Puede
Los Hechos:
Un Grupo de Musulmanes “Alteraron La Paz y Atacaron
A cristianos que predicaban el evangelio de Cristo” Molestos
Por Las Predicas Cristianas… Así que la POLICIA al mejor
Estilo de las dictaduras comunista… Arrestaron a los CRISTIANOS…

Estos acusaron a la Policía de FALSO ARRESTO y de ir Contra la
“Libre Expresión” …. el Juez Federal en contra de la Ley Dictaminó…
“Los Cristianos No Pueden Predicar Si  La Predica Molesta A Los Musulmanes”
En Otras palabras El Gobierno Federal de Hecho
“Suprimió La Libertad”
¿No lo puedes creer? ¿Suprimida la Libertad de Expresión
En Estados Unidos… Aquí tiene la noticia:
Dangers behind a National ID card F.H.
In this video, Ron Paul warns about the dangers behind a National ID card - and gives you a detailed plan of what YOU can do to help DEFEAT it.
As Ron Paul says in his video, this is the most dangerous National ID scheme he's ever seen.
Allowing our government to have this much "prying power" in our lives will ultimately result in the TOTAL loss of freedom.

Benghazi Coverup To Obama Identity Fraud! May 16, 2013

Mike Zullo – “I think the general public is now on the verge of a great awakening. With the situation unfolding in Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, and finally the national media that just learned … (that) they are now finding themselves as victims.”
The newly released 207-point Cold Case Posse affidavit relating to the Obama fraudulent birth certificate case is raising a lot of eyebrows. Many are beginning to understand the sense of the frustration that must have been involved from the investigation standpoint, now that the facts of the case are laid out before the eyes of the world.
After an examination of the official affidavit, supplied to the Alabama Supreme Court by the CCP in a candidate eligibility case, one can clearly see the mound of credible evidence for the case of a massive fraud and apparent cover-up campaign by the White House.
Mike Zullo, lead investigator and architect of the affidavit commented, “This affidavit gives a glimpse of how the investigation has been treated. Furthermore, the affidavit points to the severity of the situation as it relates to the document being fatally and fundamentally flawed.”

Obama Eligibility Lawsuits In Alabama And Florida May 16, 2013 by George Spelvin

Obama being born out of an apple pie in the middle of a Kansas wheat field as Toby Keith sings the National Anthem—such are the contents of an amicus brief filed by an Alabama Democrat Party that has resorted to ridicule in responding to the Obama eligibility case McInnish-Goode v Chapman, which will be held in front of Judge Roy Moore and the Alabama Supreme Court!  In an exclusive story reported by WND reporter Drew Zahn, the flippant nature of this brief indicates that the Obama team will be unable to brush off legitimate questions about how he can serve as a U.S. President without showing legitimate and verifiable evidence of eligibility!
Brought by Virgil Goode and Hugh McInnish, the case seeks to force Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman to verify eligibility of all candidates on the 2012 ballot.  Reporter Zahn points out that in 2010, Judge Moore (the “Ten Commandments” judge) remarked to WND about people who rely on their feelings to ascertain the fact that Obama is U.S.-born. “This is the strangest thing…the president has never produced evidence in the face of substantial evidence he was not born in our country,” said Judge Moore.
A Florida eligibility lawsuit brought by Attorney Larry Klayman on behalf of his client (Michael C. Voeltz) was filed on April 29, 2013 (case no. SC 13-560) in Florida’s First District Court of Appeals. “No physical paper copy has ever been presented to firmly establish Respondent Obama was indeed born within the United States,” maintains Klayman in the suit that asks the Court to direct Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner to issue an opinion regarding BHO’s eligibility to serve as president!  This latest action asks for reinstatement of Voeltz v. Obama, ”which was improperly dismissed by court order dated 2-8-2013.”  The Florida case points out that Obama’s father was a British subject born in Kenya, which was a British colony at the time of birth of Obama, Jr.  “The U.S. Supreme Court has defined this term (NBC) to mean a child born to two citizen parents (R.245-260). . .Obama is not an NBC as required by the U.S. Constitution and therefore ineligible to be President.”
Earlier court filings include the sworn affidavit of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, dated June 12, 2012, stating that Obama’s online birth certificate is a “computer generated document, manufactured electronically, and that did not originate in paper format as claimed by the White House.”  Arpaio swears under oath that he and his investigators have found probable cause of document forgery, meaning that the certificate cannot be used as a legal verification for Barack Obama’s date, place, or circumstances of birth!
“It would be paradoxical beyond measure if the real and grave question of the legitimacy of the de facto President, a question which lies at the very heart of our American Constitutional Government, were left unresolved for want of the simplest of documents, a birth certificate,” states Klayman in the Alabama suit.
We’ll soon find out if the State Supreme Court agrees with him.
Photo Credit: Andrew Aliferis (Creative Commons)

The First Big Step Toward Obama’s Impeachment May 16, 2013 by Floyd Brown

Over the last few days, I’ve heard the word “impeachment” from more of my sources on Capitol Hill than in the last six years combined.
One member of Congress told me to look at the Richard M. Nixon articles of impeachment and just change the name to Barack Obama.
That member believes that many of the arguments about the Watergate cover-up apply to the current Benghazi cover-up scandal, the IRS Tea Party scandal, and the AP telephone records scandal.
Here’s how article one against Nixon laid out the charges:
  • making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States
  • withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States
Or how about this one:
  • making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct on the part of personnel of the executive branch of the United States
Seems to me all of these charges would apply to Obama’s situation, yet they are direct quotes from the articles condemning Tricky Dick.
It’s too early to say if Barack Obama will be impeached. But mark my words… before the first day of summer, at least one member of Congress will introduce articles of impeachment accusing Barack Obama of “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
Just in the last week, the public statements about potential impeachment have been astounding. Former Governor Mike Huckabee said, “I believe that before it’s all over, this president will not fill out his full term… I remind you, as bad as Watergate was, because it broke the trust between the president and the people, no one died. This is more serious because four Americans did in fact die.”
I know Mike personally, and he‘s not prone to hyperbole and over-the-top statements.
Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma said Benghazi is the “most egregious cover-up in American history… People may be starting to use the I-word before too long.”
Chairman of the Government Reform and Oversight Committee, Congressman Darrell Issa, said of Benghazi: “This is a failure. We need to be investigating.”
When the Salt Lake Tribune asked Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah about impeachment, he said, “It’s certainly a possibility.”
Rep. Steve Stockman of Texas started the year talking about impeachment. As the White House prepared gun control proposals, Obama announced he would carry out a lot of his ideas through executive orders. Stockman, a strong defender of the Constitution, responded to Obama’s comments by saying:
I will consider speaking with my colleagues and filing articles of impeachment… Impeachment is not something to be taken lightly. It is a grave and serious undertaking that should only be initiated in a sober and serious manner. It should be reserved only for most egregious of trespasses by the president. I would consider using executive orders to engage in attacks on a constitutionally-protected right and violating his sworn oath of office to be such a trespass.
Stockman continued, “The president cannot issue executive orders depriving the people of full access to an enumerated constitutional right. I do not think it will come to that. The president is not an absolute ruler, and his actions and orders can be checked and balanced by the Congress and the courts – if the Congress is willing.”
Rep. Louie Gohmert, also of Texas, told NewsMax at the same time that Obama has “already abused the law enough times that it’s just been staggering… It’s not a president who steps up and says: ‘You know what? Previous Congresses have passed the law — and it’s been signed into law, and I disagree with it, so I’m just going to create new law — and as I speak, so shall it be,’” Gohmert concluded.
While these are just a few voices, I believe the chorus for impeachment will grow in the weeks ahead. Obama has made a series of highly questionable mistakes, and he refuses to take responsibility for the problems. Expect to hear much more about these scandals before the long, hot summer is over.
Photo credit: katerkate (Creative Commons)

Boehner on IRS: ‘Who’s going to jail over this scandal?’  amenper
House Speaker John A. Boehner said Wednesday that it’ll take more than firings to clear up the IRS scandal — it’ll take someone ending up serving jail time.
“My question is, who’s going to jail over this scandal?” the Ohio Republican said at a press conference with fellow House Republican leaders Wednesday morning.
An internal audit released Tuesday said the IRS wrongly targeted conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status — something agency officials acknowledged late last week.
The agency has said it used “inappropriate” criteria for figuring out which tax-exempt groups it would give extra scrutiny to, but has denied it acted on political motives.
Mr. Boehner, though, said tax laws appear to have been broken.
“Someone made a conscious decision to harass and to hold up these requests for tax-exempt status,” he said. “I think we need to know who they are and whether they violated the law. Clearly, someone violated the law.”

UPDATE: "No stonewalling, no more incomplete answers, no more misleading responses, no holding back witnesses, no matter how senior their current or former positions — we need full transparency and cooperation." -Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

       Barack Obama's Benghazi problems are morphing. In the past few days, you undoubtedly have heard the allegations that Obama's Department of Justice spied on reporters and that the IRS targeting of conservative organizations goes all the way to the White House.
       The front page of the Boston Herald carried the headlines "OBAMAGATE" and "Scandals Invoke Comparison To Nixon" and former Vice-President Dick Cheney came right out and declared that Obama "lied."
       And now that both Republicans and Democrats in Washington are calling for "more hearings," We The People must make our position clear...
we simply don't want dog-and-pony hearings... we want accountability... grave offenses against the American people have been perpetrated and we must demand that the wrong-doers ARE PUNISHED.
"John Bolton: Benghazi Could Topple Administration" -NewsMax

       Before the Benghazi hearings even started, damning details from witnesses, who were being intimidated into silence, started to leak... but those damning allegations were just the tip of the iceberg.
       An unprecedented and putrid cover-up of the highest magnitude is taking place... the rotting stench of which leads all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And finally, the American people are beginning to learn the horrendous truth.
it's NOT going to be enough to simply expose the full truth of Benghazi-gate. Congress must ACT on the information... Barack Obama and other administration officials must be held accountable... and we need to make it clear to our elected officials, here and now, that we're expecting them to do just that.
Is It Possible? Could Benghazi-Gate Topple the Obama Administration?

       Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee said: "The highest levels of people in the United States government all the way up to the president knew that what they did tell us was not true. ... And when the facts come out, they will not be able to stand. They will have lost the right to govern."
       Former UN Ambassador John Bolton said: "This could be a hinge point for the Obama administration. It's that serious for them... And what we’ve seen leaked already from interviews the committee staff has done is DEVASTATING." [Emphasis ours]
       National Review chimed in: "The shaky edifice of lies that the Obama administration erected about Benghazi is about to collapse."
       Even Senator Lindsey Graham recently said: "Political manipulation is rampant here. The dam's about to break on Benghazi."

       But whether or not the dam actually breaks is up to each and every one of us... our elected officials must be made to understand that
it's not enough to simply expose the truth to the American people... Barack Obama’s administration must be held to account and it's up to us to ensure that they simply don't let Benghazi-gate go away.
Did Obama Lie To Maintain A Campaign Narrative Or Did People Die To Cover Up Something Far More Sinister?

       If you've been listening to talk radio or watching Fox News, you've heard the opinion that the Benghazi lies were nothing more than an attempt by Barack Obama to advance a campaign narrative... That "Osama bin laden is dead and Al-Qaeda is on the run."
       But some believe that the issue is much bigger than that.
       Jay Sekulow with The American Center for Law and Justice recently wrote: "The Obama Administration's Middle East policy is in a shambles; it empowers and even funds radicals and terrorists, and it refuses to face facts. ... Now it may try to spin and lie even more to avoid accountability. Don't let them."
       Glenn Beck takes the accusation a step further and is claiming that the very same administration that ran a gun-running operation to criminal cartels south of the border also ran a gun-running operation to America's enemies:
       "I was told by a source last night that the gunrunning thing is a foregone conclusion, everyone in Washington, they all know it was gunrunning to Syrian rebels, which are now headed by the Muslim Brotherhood guy from Dallas, Texas."
       Retired Navy SEAL Billy Allman, who maintains connections with members of the Special Ops community went so far as to claim that Team Obama is trying to hide the fact that Libya is now the nerve center for weapons that are winding up in the hands of violent jihadists throughout the Middle East.
       And The New American has contended for months that Benghazi-gate is an attempt to conceal "the Obama administration’s full role in helping violent Jihadists [and] self-styled al Qaeda terrorists."
       Truth be told, the jury is still out on whether or not the Obama Regime is covering up foreign policy ineptitude or something far more sinister. But with each passing day, the administration’s story continues to crumble like a ton of bricks.
       And it is up to concerned Americans like you to ensure this story doesn’t die… That the full truth comes out and Barack Obama and his administration are held to account.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives.

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Yours In Freedom
Center for Individual Freedom
815 King Street
Suite 303
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-535-5836
Fax: 703-535-5838

Menos de Esto costo la residencia a Nixon. enrique enriquez, From: Nemrod Saldanas   Tuesday, May 14, 2013 11:41 AM

There can be honest differences of opinion on many subjects. But there can also be dishonest differences. Last week's testimony under oath about events in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 makes painfully clear that what the Obama administration told the American people about those events were lies out of whole cloth.
What we were told repeatedly last year by the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, and the American ambassador to the U.N., was that there was a protest demonstration in Benghazi against an anti-Islamic video produced by an American, and that this protest demonstration simply escalated out of control.
This "spontaneous protest" story did not originate in Libya but in Washington. Neither the Americans on duty in Libya during the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, nor officials of the Libyan government, said anything about a protest demonstration.
The highest American diplomat on the scene in Libya spoke directly with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by phone, and told her that it was a terrorist attack. The president of Libya announced that it was a terrorist attack. The C.I.A. told the Obama administration that it was a terrorist attack.
With lies, as with potato chips, it is hard to stop with just one. After the "spontaneous protest" story was discredited, the next claim was that this was the best information available at the time from intelligence sources.
But that claim cannot survive scrutiny, now that the 12 drafts of the Obama administration's talking points about Benghazi have belatedly come to light. As draft after draft of the talking points were made, e-mails from the State Department pressured the intelligence services to omit from these drafts their clear and unequivocal statement from the outset that this was a terrorist attack.
Attempts to make it seem that Ambassador Susan Rice's false story about a "spontaneous protest" was the result of her not having accurate information from the intelligence services have now been exposed as a second lie to excuse the first lie.
Despite Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's loudly proclaimed question "What difference, at this point, does it make?" the difference is between an honest mistake and a calculated lie to deceive the American people, in order to win an election.
Barack Obama's election campaign oratory had proclaimed the death of Osama bin Laden as an accomplishment of his administration, as part of a general defeat of Al-Qaeda and other terrorists. To admit that these terrorists were still in action, and strong enough to kill an American ambassador and three other Americans in a well-coordinated military style attack, would be a politically devastating admission during the election campaign.
Far better, politically, to come up with a story about a protest demonstration that just got out of hand. This could be presented as an isolated, one-time event, rather than part of a continuing pattern of terrorism by groups that were still active, despite President Obama's spin suggesting that they were not.
The problem with telling a lie, or even a succession of lies, is that a very small dose of the truth can sometimes make the whole thing collapse like a house of cards. The State Department's own foreign service officer Gregory Hicks was in Libya during the attack, so he knew the truth. When threats were not enough to silence him, it was then necessary to try to discredit him.
After years of getting glowing job evaluations, and awards of honors from the State Department for his work in various parts of the world, Mr. Hicks suddenly began to get bad job evaluations and was demoted to a desk job in Washington after he spoke with a Congressman about what he knew. The truth is dangerous to liars.
The Obama administration's excuse for not trying to get help to the Americans in Benghazi while they were under attack -- namely, that it would take too long -- is as shaky as its other statements. A small fighting unit in Tripoli was ready to get on a plane to Benghazi when they were ordered to "stand down." Other fighting units located outside of Libya are designed precisely for fast deployment -- and nobody knew how many hours the attack would last.
But it will take more investigations to determine who gave the order to "stand down," and why. How many new lies that will generate is another question.
Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. His website is To find out more about Thomas Sowell and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at

The Planned Destruction of the United States and Nation State
By Paul McGuire
The goal has always been, and is, a one world economic system, a cashless society and one world government! You are seeing the emergence of the "Fourth Beast" and the revived Roman Empire spoken of by Daniel. The G20 wants the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to be an international federal reserve, that is the purpose of the global economic crisis. An "Amero" dollar? A Terra? The goal is a global currency! But God is raising up a spiritual revolution! God is going to supple the needs of His people who are laboring in the final harvest and He wants you to be prepared in practical ways!

The goal is for the G20 to transform the International Monetary Fund (IMF) into a global Federal Reserve System.  It is the Federal Reserve System which has controlled the U.S. money supply since 1914.  The Federal Reserve System has nothing to do with the “Federal” government.  It is a secretive and private corporation owned by international banking interests who control our political system, economy and money.  In short, since 1914 the U.S. Government ended being a government run by “we the people” and has been under the control of international bankers.  The Council on Foreign Relations is run by the same people who run the Federal Reserve.  Here we have two of the most powerful groups in America and the world and there is almost a complete media black-out on them.  The average American knows nothing about them except disinformation.  Anyone who brings up the “elephants in the living room” is marginalized and demonized.  Both political parties are controlled by these groups and their agenda has been a one world economic system and a one world government for a long time.  Although, they do not realize it they are a fulfillment of the ancient prophecies of Daniel when he predicted a Revived Roman Empire and the “Fourth Beast.”

We are moving quickly to Revelation Chapter 13 which talks of a global government and a one world economic system along with a “mark of the beast.”  The majority of the Church in America and around the world in Western nations is the Laodecian Church which had lost its spiritual vision.  The root cause for this is that especially the Church in America has been seduced into substituting the philosophies of men for the Word of God.  We are far deeper into the great apostasy that the Apostle Paul warned us about in II Thessalonians than most people realize. False teachers and false prophets abound in our time, except they do not wear signs which say “false teacher” on them.

The future is not all doom and gloom.  God is preparing and is doing something powerful in his Church and His people in the last days.  I believe we are on the verge of the greatest move of God in the history of the Church and the final harvest before Christ returns.  But, we must recognize the good and the bad of our present day reality.  First, unless God’s people repent of their apostasy and unbelief we are going to move into a “Police State” in many nations.  The men and women, at the top, of this move towards global government, a new world order and a one world economic system are anticipating resistance and they have been preparing for years.  There are many Christian’s who think it is “spiritual” to ignore these things.  The greatest evangelical theological of the last 100 years was Dr. Francis Schaeffer.  He warned that persecution and totalitarianism was coming.  You can worship your favorite Christian author or Bible teacher, but they are no match for the spiritual and intellectual integrity of Dr. Francis Schaeffer.  I had the privilege or working closely with members of this family for years.  Schaeffer saw what was coming 30 years ago.

There is still a small window of opportunity to change our nation and the world before the return of Christ.  But, this requires dealing with reality as it is and not living in a “strawberry fields” forever Christian reality.  Bible teachers and ministers who are not telling you the truth about what is really going on are false prophets.  No matter how loving they may seem.

On the economic and spiritual level we are going to give you the resources you will need to fulfill God’s plan for your life.  Knowledge is power.  The first step is to read “The Day The Dollar Died” so you can understand it. Secondly, we are providing resources on practical things you can do.  Thirdly, God has given us one last opportunity for a law abiding, peaceful and spiritual revolution.  A Third Great Awakening before His return.  But, this spiritual revolution will impact the surrounding society and will not simply be an emotional high or experience. You can join us in this spiritual revolution.  It only takes a small dedicated minority to change a nation.  You do not need a majority.  Remember the Communists in Russia took control and they were less than 10%.

First, let us look at what is happening economically.  First, the present financial crisis is being manufactured to create fear and force people into change.  They want to use it to remove the Constitution and move you into a one world socialist government where you lose your freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

It is important that they have economic central planning on a global scale, which would be an international Federal Reserve.  This would be a giant step toward global government. They say they need new global powers are because the economic crisis we face is global. This means a U.N. Constitution where you lose your freedoms.  It means accepting the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child which gives the U.N. the power to raise your children anyway they see fit.  That means your children can be sexually active, watch pornography and will be taught that Christianity is wrong.  If you object y you are arrested.  If you think that is paranoia than read the documents!

The new IMF or International Federal Reserve  is about global government. The IMF as Global Fed would be about as accountable as our Federal Reserve.  The Congress and the American people have no idea where trillions of dollars in Fed loans have gone and there is no intention to tell them.  Many of you have your favorite conservative pundits.  But you are not watching or listening carefully.  They may gloss over the truth but they will never get into it.  They are there to placate you and make you feel like something is happening.  Some of the biggest conservative talk show hosts never talk about the details of the Federal Reserve of the Council on Foreign Relations.  Why do you think that is?

May 13, 2013

The Bloody Hands of Barack Obama

The three Patriotic citizen at the Benghazi hearing spoke softly, but with the emotional wallop of The Three Tenors.  They told the truth, and it blasted like thunder through Obama's tissue palace of lies.

Listening to these strong, solemn men, I heard the sound of old America: a place of hardworking people who love their country and believe in something bigger than their own power.

The America of Gregory Hicks, Mark Thompson, and Eric Nordstrom won World War II, walked on the moon, and defeated Communism.  But today, their America is forced to serve a different god: a cold, smiling man with a hollow heart and hands that get bloodier by the day.

Obama stands center stage in this tragic opera of America's downfall, cheapening, endangering, and destroying the lives of the best among us.  The pile of corpses grows ever higher, and the lies more noxious.

Let's pay tribute to some of his many victims, and vow to honor their memory by holding him to account.

BENGHAZI: Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith, and Tyrone Woods

Obama failed to attend a single intelligence briefing in the week before September 11, 2012.  As the Libyan consulate in Benghazi came under attack that day, he disappeared for the evening, then jetted off the next day for a Las Vegas fundraiser.  Meanwhile, Ambassador Stevens was raped, murdered, and dragged through the streets by al-Qaeda-linked terrorists, while three brave Americans died trying to defend him.

Having ignored Ambassador Stevens's previous reports of a "security vacuum" in Libya, Obama allowed the abortion of two rescue missions ready to fly to Benghazi.  Regional security officer Eric Nordstrom testified that "... whether or not you're sitting off at a post, requesting resources, preparing for testimony before this committee, or standing on a building surrounding by an armed mob attacking you, the message is the same: 'You're on your own.'"

BOSTON MARATHON BOMBING: Martin Richard (age 8), Krystle Campbell, Lu Lingzi, and Sean Collier.

The Russians and the Saudis both say they warned Obama's security team about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of two jihad-crazed brothers who set off fatal bombs at the Boston Marathon finish line and then killed police officer Sean Collier.  The FBI interviewed Tamerlan, found nothing, and failed to inform the Boston police of Russia's multiple warnings.  The Tsarnaev brothers were free to pursue their murderous plot, while living the high life on taxpayer welfare.

After the city of Boston was put on lockdown, surviving brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured and began to talk about his schemes.  But this potential life-saving information (reportedly, the brothers planned to attack New York) was squelched when Obama's Department of Justice rushed to charge him with a crime and read him his Miranda rights.  Dzhokhar immediately shut up.

The feds refuse to let the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth release Dzhokhar's college records, claiming it would violate federal privacy law.  Meanwhile, two illegal aliens have been arrested as accomplices; Obama's Department of Homeland Security allowed one of them to re-enter the U.S. in January without a valid student visa.

OPERATION FAST AND FURIOUS: Brian Terry, Jaime Zapata, and hundreds of unnamed Mexicans.

Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder, conducted a secret gun-running operation that supplied thousands of assault weapons to drug cartels in Mexico.  Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and ICE Agent Jaime Zapata were both murdered with Fast and Furious  guns.  Their families have filed wrongful death lawsuits against the federal government.

The Terry lawsuit claims that the federal officials "created, organized, implemented and/or participated in a plan - code named 'Operation Fast and Furious' - to facilitate the distribution of dangerous firearms to violent criminals" and that they "knew or should have known that their actions would cause substantial injuries, significant harm, and even death to Mexican and American civilians and law enforcement , but were recklessly indifferent to the consequence of their actions."  Eric Holder has been found in contempt of Congress for refusing to release requested documented to congressional investigators, and he appears to have committedperjury in his testimony.

FORT HOOD: Juanita Warman, Libardo Caraveo, John P. Gaffaney, Russell Seager, Justin Decrow, Amy Krueger, Jason Hunt, Frederick Greene, Aaron Nemelka, Michael Pearson, Kham Xiong, Francheska Velez (and unborn child, and Michael G. Cahill.

On November 5, 2009, Army Major Nidal Hasan opened fire on a group of soldiers preparing to deploy to Iraq, killing 13 and wounding 32.  Associates raised repeated questions about his strange behavior but were squashed by what they call the Pentagon's "political correctness."  A devout Muslim, Hasan was in extensive communication with al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki, printed up business cards  that read "Soldier of Allah," dressed in Islamic martyrdom garb, and handed out korans the morning of the attack.  He screamed "Allahu Akbar" as he opened fire.

Nevertheless, Obama refuses to deem the largest attack on a U.S. military installation in history a terrorist assault, insisting that it be classified "workplace violence."  Hasan's victims have been denied Purple Hearts.  Fort Hood hero Kimberly Munley told ABC News that Obama "betrayed" her and the other victims.  "Not to the least little bit have the victims been taken care of," she said.  "In fact, they've been neglected."

NAVY SEAL TEAM VI HELICOPTER CRASH IN AFGHANISTAN, AUGUST 2011: Jonas B. Kelsall, Louis J. Langlais, Thomas A. Ratzlaff, Kraig M. Vickers, Brian R. Bill, John W. Faas, Kevin A. Houston, Matthew D. Mason, Stephen M. Mills, Nicholas H. Null, Robert J. Reeves, Heath M. Robinson, Darrik C. Benson, Christopher G. Campbell, Jared W. Day, John Douangdara, Michael J. Strange, Jon T. Tumilson, Aaron C. Vaughn, Jason R. Workman, Jesse D. Pittman, Nicholas P. Spehar, David R. Carter, Bryan J. Nichols, Patrick D. Hamburger, Alexander J. Bennett, Spencer C. Duncan, John W. Brown, Andrew W. Harvell, and Daniel L. Zerbe.  

On May 2, 2011, members of SEAL Team VI invaded Osama bin Laden's Pakistani compound and killed him.  Three months later, 30 American troops, most of them members of SEAL Team VI, were shot down by the Taliban over Afghanistan.

On May 9, 2013, families of the fallen held a press conference to accuse Barack Obama of complicity in their deaths.  They charged Obama with endangering SEAL Team VI by breaking protocol and revealing its identity as bin Laden's killers.  They also revealed that their sons were sent to battle with inadequate equipment and air support and denied requested pre-assault fire.

The families played a video of their sons' military funeral.  No mention of the Judeo-Christian God was allowed, but the Pentagon invited a Muslim cleric to speak, who cursed their sons in Arabic as infidels condemned to hell.

Karen Vaughn, mother of fallen SEAL Aaron Vaughn, said, "Why was there no pre-assault fire? We were told as families because pre-assault fire damages our efforts to win the hearts and mind of our enemy. In other words, the hearts and mind of our enemy are more valuable to this government than my son's blood."

Alas, I have no room to name all the troops killed by Obama's crippling Rules of Engagement.  "American troops are needlessly exposed to increased enemy attack, suffer unnecessary casualties, cannot secure or control the indigenous population and are not allowed to deny freedom of movement or maneuver to the Taliban,"according to a tactical commander in Afghanistan.  As a result, more than twice as many American soldiers have died in Afghanistan under four years of Obama than in eight years under Bush.

Nor do I have room to list all the Americans murdered and maimed by the illegal aliens to whom Obama shows such special devotion.  This week, Chris Crane, president of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers union, said Obama has "attempted to shut down" border enforcement and "absolutely" tied law enforcement's hands. Recently, Obama released 5,000 criminal aliens from jail, blaming sequestration cuts, and created special protections against deportation for illegal aliens with "serious mental disorders."

In the White House lives the man with the blood-red hands.  The screams and sobs of his victims grow louder by the day.

Stella Paul's new ebook is What I Miss About America: Reflections from the Golden Age of Hope and Change, available at Amazon  for just $1.99.  Write Stella at

Page Printed from: at May 14, 2013 - 01:41:37 PM CDT

Compartiendoreflexiones...ahora que se acerca el Dia de las Madres... Nestor Dan. 
Mucho hemos comentado sobre lo distinto de vivir en el  sistema americano a como estabamos acostumbrados en nuestra Patria.  Adoramos a esta gran nacion, nunca dejaremos de estar profundamente agradecidos porque nos abrieron las puertas para que, lejos del infierno comunista, pudieramos vivir en libertad, pero esta forma de vida, con el tiempo que practicamente no alcanza para nada,muchas veces  nos lleva, nos empuja , lejos de nuestros seres queridos, siendo la consecuencia la desintegracion familiar.
Cabezas blancas, risas desdibujadas por el tiempo, que las arrugas han convertido casi en una mueca; cuerpos encorvados, pasos lentos...o lo que es peor: congelados en una silla de ruedas.
Voces cascadas que se convierten en gemidos, gritos pugnando por salir en un ultimo amago de fuerza impotente de protesta, o silencios interminables, miradas al vacio; idas tras los recuerdos que quedaron olvidados en un rincon de aquel cerebro que, cansado de preocuparse y pensar en los suyos, un dia se nego a seguir preocupandose mas y se evadio de la realidad...
He tratado de describir no el cuadro pintado por un pintor realista, describo la imagen real, cruda y veridica de un asilo de ancianos, o como les llaman aqui: un nursing home..
Tres, diez, veinte..NO!  Son cientos de nuestras madres y padres, abuelos, tios, recluidos en estos lugares.  Algunos son visitados por sus familiares, otros se aferran a un muñeco de peluche que indica que alguna vez los han visitado, pero cuando??
El osito muchas veces tiene una leyenda: "Merry Christmas", y ya estamos en Mayo!!  Y cuando le preguntas a las empleadas te dicen: no han venido desde Christmas...Y no nos queda mas remedio que tragarnos una lagrima de impotencia.
No debenos  juzgar a nadie, y no se puede generalizar, pero quiero hacer conciencia en que si llegado el momento no tienen otra alternativa que llevar y recluir en uno de esos sitios a esa madre, a ese padre, a esa abuela, piensen que un muñeco en unas Navidades, un cumpleaños o el Dia de las Madres no es suficiente para ese ser que se fue secando para darte su sabia y visitala con toda la frecuencia posible; dale un beso, abrazala, dile con palabras cariñosas cuanto la quieres, recuerda con ella aquellos viejos tiempos y aquellos viejos chistes e historias familiares..  Recuerda que quienes la cuidan estan alli cumpliendo un trabajo y ese trabajo no conlleva darles el cariño, el amor que solo un hijo, un nieto o un familiar allegado puede sentir.
Reflexiona sobre ese HOY que puede ser talvez TU MAÑANA ..y recuerda que ningun muñeco de peluche ni una tarjeta ni una flor bastan para aquellos ancianos o enfermos relegados, condenados a vivir entre extraños...

.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
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 “THE FREEDON NEVER IS FREE”  Editor Lázaro R González Miño.

Mi nombre es “AMERICA” y no creo ni en negro guapo ni en tamarindo dulce.

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