“En mi opinión” No 392 5/23/13
Lázaro R
González Miño Editor ‘In GOD we trust’
La que persigue a los conservadores es REINCIDENTE Ricardo Samitier.
Se Niega A Declarar y Acusada de
Perseguir A los Conservadores --- Ahora Se Descubre Que
Cuando Laboraba En El Dep.de Elecciones También
Lo Hizo Es Decir La Señora es REINCIDENTE...
Armed DHS Guards Protect IRS From Tea Party Protesters
Posted on: May 22nd, 2013
The DHS appears to have finally found a use for all
those bullets it’s been buying. At a Tea Party protest outside an IRS building
in St. Louis yesterday there were no regular police – only armed Homeland
Security guards.Video footage from the demonstration at which protesters, including Infowars.com readers, chanted “no more harassment,” shows numerous DHS Federal Protective Service vehicles along with several armed DHS guards. There is not a regular police officer in sight.
The St. Louis demonstration was just one of numerous similar protests against the IRS’s punitive targeting of conservative groups that took place across the country yesterday. Homeland Security agents also kept a watchful eye on a Tea Party rally in Florida.
Terror Attack what British
Prime Minister Cameron called a likely terrorist attack, two young
men brutally murdered a British man to death. The victim was a British soldier
wearing a
T-shirt of a pro-military charity. Not only did the young Islamist murderers brutally stab and hack their innocent victim, but they even stuck around to record a home-made video spewing their radical Islamic hatred. They didn't even flee the scene!
T-shirt of a pro-military charity. Not only did the young Islamist murderers brutally stab and hack their innocent victim, but they even stuck around to record a home-made video spewing their radical Islamic hatred. They didn't even flee the scene!
Such tragic, brutal events remind us
of the need to stay vigilant against radical Islam, its adherents and
supporters. While U.S. authorities have stopped multiple such attacks,
unfortunately they haven't stopped them all. Recall the brutal attacks at Fort
Hood, and the 2009 shooting of 2 military recruiters in Little Rock, AR.
To fight terror we must start by
calling it what it is. Why does our US government still call the Fort Hood
shooting an instance of workplace
violence? Why are the victim still not given the benefits that are
allotted to terror victims? The insanity must stop. http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/22/world/europe/uk-london-attack/index.html
IRS Ignores Congressional Demand to See All Communications with White House
Posted o by On May 14, members of the House Ways and Means
Committee sent a letter to the IRS demanding to see all of their communications
with the White House concerning the targeting of conservative groups. The
letter was signed by Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), Chairman of the Committee and Rep.
Sander Levin (D-MI), the ranking Democrat on the committee.
purpose of the letter was to determine exactly what the White House knew about
the scandal and when they knew it. They also demanded to see all
communications between the IRS and the Treasury Department concerning the
scandal and other records and pertinent information dealing with the scandal,
in a hope of learning exactly what took place when within the IRS.The letter became necessary after IRS officials failed or refused to answer a number of questions when they appeared before the House Ways and Means Committee.
The letter set a deadline of Tuesday, May 21 for the IRS to submit all of the material demanded by the House Ways and Means Committee. As of Wednesday morning, the committee has received nothing from the IRS. It’s kind of ironic that the IRS has deadlines for everyone else but when it comes to them, they fail to meet mandated deadlines.
The letter read in part:
“As the Committee on Ways and Means continues its investigation into these IRS practices, we request that the IRS provide the following information by May 21, 2013: …”
“Did the IRS at any time notify the Treasury Department of the targeting of conservative or any other groups? Provide all documents and communications between the IRS and Treasury on this matter.”
“Did the IRS at any time notify the White House of the targeting of conservative or any other groups?” asked Camp and Levin. “Provide all documents and communications between the IRS and the White House on this matter.”
“We are deeply troubled by the recent admission of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that the agency has been singling out organizations for additional review based on their political beliefs. Despite repeated calls for cooperation, the agency failed to be completely truthful in its responses to the committee during its nearly two-year long investigation of this matter, and in testimony before the committee.”
If I were Camp or Levin, I would file contempt of Congress charges against the IRS officials who failed to comply with their demands. I’m sick and tired of seeing so many government agencies and departments willfully defy Congress in their investigations. Just like the person of interest in a criminal investigation who refuses to take a lie detector test or allow police to search their house without a warrant, it makes them look guilty and that they are trying to hide something.
In the case of the IRS, everyone knows their guilt. Their failure to comply then gives the impression that they are trying to protect someone else, and guess who that is!
Cameron promete firmeza contra el terrorismo tras el brutal asesinato de un soldado
Por Laura Smith-Spark y Ed Payne, CNN
Londres (CNN) — Gran Bretaña actuará "absolutamente
firme" en contra del terrorismo y los servicios de seguridad no descansarán
hasta encontrar al responsable del asesinato
brutal de un soldado británico en Londres, dijo este jueves el
primer ministro David Cameron. El mandatario condenó el "ataque repugnante" y descartó que tuviera relación con el islam, a pesar de las declaraciones de los dos sospechosos.
Los pensamientos del país están con la víctima y su familia, dijo.
Cameron habló tras una reunión con funcionarios de alto nivel, mientras las bases militares en Londres y sus alrededores incrementaron su seguridad por temores a posibles ataques adicionales.
La convocatoria a la reunión de este jueves —la segunda en menos de 24 horas— indica la seriedad que el gobierno le está dando al supuesto incidente terrorista. La secretaria del Interior, Theresa May; el secretario de Defensa, Philip Hammond; el alcalde de Londres, Boris Johnson, e importantes funcionarios policiales y de seguridad acudieron a la junta.
"Nunca nos rendiremos ante este tipo de ataques", dijo Cameron.
La identidad de los atacantes y si formaban parte de un grupo terrorista son las principales preguntas.
Ambos hombres recibieron disparos de la policía y están bajo vigilancia en hospitales locales. Las autoridades aún no difunden sus identidades.
Medios británicos, incluido Sky y el Daily Mail mencionan que uno de los sospechosos se llama Michael Adebolajo. CNN no ha podido confirmar esta información de manera independiente.
La víctima era un soldado en servicio, informó la Policía Metropolitana de Londres. No han dado a conocer su nombre, por decisión de su familia.
La capital británica no vivía una alerta de este tipo desde el verano de 2005.
La escena del asesinato, cercana al Cuartel Real de Artillería, en el distrito de Wollwich, al sureste de la ciudad, permanecía acordonado este jueves por la mañana (hora de Londres) mientras la policía busca pistas.
Un video grabado por uno de los dos hombres inmediatamente después del ataque al parecer sugiere una agenda yihadista.
"Juramos por el todopoderoso Alá que no dejaremos de luchar hasta que nos dejen tranquilos", dice un hombre que sostiene un cuchillo de carnicero con sus manos ensangrentadas, con un aparente acento inglés.
"Las únicas razones por las cuales matamos a este hombre... es porque los musulmanes mueren diariamente", añade en el video difundido por ITN, afiliada de CNN. "El soldado británico es un ojo por ojo, diente por diente".
Militares británicos han participado en las guerras de Afganistán e Iraq.
El prominente líder radical musulmán Anjem Choudary dijo a CNN este jueves que él conoce a uno de los hombres nombrado en redes sociales como responsable por el ataque con cuchillo en Woolwich.
Choudary dijo que el sospechoso había acudido a manifestaciones y algunas conferencias de su grupo, Al Muhajiroun.
No hay "nada en el islam" que justifique el asesinato del soldado británico afuera de un cuartel militar en Londres, dijo Cameron este jueves. La "culpa es únicamente de los individuos repugnantes que llevaron a cabo este ataque".
Complacence and Subservience
Rove knows it, and tells us.
We know it.
It is about time for the whole country
to recognize it.
All facts cry impeachment , my head
cries complacence and subservience.
Why?...How long???? Enviado por Alberto Perez.
Rove: Obama 'Directly' Involved in Benghazi Lie;
Scandals 'Corrosive'
Wednesday, 22 May 2013 07:34 PM
By Todd Beamon and Kathleen Walter
The scandals facing the White House
— particularly the Benghazi attack of last Sept. 11 — will be corrosive to Barack
Obama’s presidency, Republican strategist Karl Rove tells Newsmax TV in an
exclusive interview.
“These things will be corrosive,” Rove, who helped George W. Bush twice win the White House, tells Newsmax. “They'll eat away at the president's rating. We'll see it over time and, particularly, as Congress asks more questions in the weeks ahead.
“This stuff is only starting to seep in,” Rove adds. “It will take a while for these things to sort of sink in. I am not surprised that it hasn’t begun to impact his job approval just yet.”
Rove, who also served as deputy chief of staff in the Bush White House, is a Fox News analyst. His latest book is ‘Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight.”
Most troubling for Rove is how the Obama administration has grossly mismanaged the information — before and after — surrounding the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Libya, which killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.
“The West Wing was complicit in the Benghazi lie,” Rove declares to Newsmax. “And, look, I believe that, ultimately, the president is responsible for setting the tone.”
He noted how U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice went on five Sunday morning talks shows five days after the attacks — working from talking points that were heavily edited largely at the request of the State Department — and said that the assaults began as a peaceful protest against an anti-Muslim film that was later “hijacked” by militants.
“You don’t send out Susan Rice to go on five Sunday morning talk programs unless somebody in the West Wing has said, ‘Let's send her out’ — and somebody in the West Wing has said this is what she needs to say or said, ‘O.K., that's an interesting idea. You ought to go ahead and say that.’
He says that the controversies — which also include the targeting of tea party and conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service and the recent secret seizure of telephone records of editors and reporters at The Associated Press — point to a haughty commander in chief.
“I do see an arrogance, a belief that the rules somehow don't apply to him — that the norms that other presidents have abided by should not be respected and that he is free to do something that he would criticize in others,” Rove said: “Do you believe that if the Bush administration had gone after The New York Times in the same fashion that President Obama went after the AP and Fox News that then-Senator Obama would not have been on the floor of the Senate raising hell? Of course he would have.
“There's lots of things that he has done that are inappropriate.”
But the most egregious will always be Benghazi, Rove says: “This involves the president himself,” he declares to Newsmax. “He is the commander in chief, and at 4:08 p.m. on the afternoon on Sept. 11 in Washington, our government received word that attack was underway on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi.
“At 5 p.m., the president was told about this by the Secretary of Defense [Leon Panetta] and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff [Gen. Martin Dempsey], who were in the office for a half-hour meeting on another subject.
“The president ordered them to deploy whatever forces were necessary,” Rove adds. “They later testified that was the last contact they had with the president that night — and we now know that no forces were deployed.
“The president didn't say: ‘I'm going to pick up the phone and call the president of Libya and say: Our facility's under attack. You have an international responsibility to protect our people. What are you doing?’ He talks to him for the first time ever the next morning to say thank you for returning the body of our dead ambassador.
“This is unacceptable,” Rove continues. “Where was the president? What was he doing? Who concocted this lie that was told to the American people? We know that it's a total, complete fabrication, a lie — and we still don’t know who was the person who authored that and told her to go say that?
“It's somebody sitting in the West Wing of the White House — and their motivation was to protect the president against criticism that the war on terror was not over and that this was a terrorist attack.
In his wide-ranging exclusive Newsmax interview, Rove also says:
“These things will be corrosive,” Rove, who helped George W. Bush twice win the White House, tells Newsmax. “They'll eat away at the president's rating. We'll see it over time and, particularly, as Congress asks more questions in the weeks ahead.
“This stuff is only starting to seep in,” Rove adds. “It will take a while for these things to sort of sink in. I am not surprised that it hasn’t begun to impact his job approval just yet.”
Rove, who also served as deputy chief of staff in the Bush White House, is a Fox News analyst. His latest book is ‘Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight.”
Most troubling for Rove is how the Obama administration has grossly mismanaged the information — before and after — surrounding the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Libya, which killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.
“The West Wing was complicit in the Benghazi lie,” Rove declares to Newsmax. “And, look, I believe that, ultimately, the president is responsible for setting the tone.”
He noted how U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice went on five Sunday morning talks shows five days after the attacks — working from talking points that were heavily edited largely at the request of the State Department — and said that the assaults began as a peaceful protest against an anti-Muslim film that was later “hijacked” by militants.
“You don’t send out Susan Rice to go on five Sunday morning talk programs unless somebody in the West Wing has said, ‘Let's send her out’ — and somebody in the West Wing has said this is what she needs to say or said, ‘O.K., that's an interesting idea. You ought to go ahead and say that.’
He says that the controversies — which also include the targeting of tea party and conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service and the recent secret seizure of telephone records of editors and reporters at The Associated Press — point to a haughty commander in chief.
“I do see an arrogance, a belief that the rules somehow don't apply to him — that the norms that other presidents have abided by should not be respected and that he is free to do something that he would criticize in others,” Rove said: “Do you believe that if the Bush administration had gone after The New York Times in the same fashion that President Obama went after the AP and Fox News that then-Senator Obama would not have been on the floor of the Senate raising hell? Of course he would have.
“There's lots of things that he has done that are inappropriate.”
But the most egregious will always be Benghazi, Rove says: “This involves the president himself,” he declares to Newsmax. “He is the commander in chief, and at 4:08 p.m. on the afternoon on Sept. 11 in Washington, our government received word that attack was underway on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi.
“At 5 p.m., the president was told about this by the Secretary of Defense [Leon Panetta] and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff [Gen. Martin Dempsey], who were in the office for a half-hour meeting on another subject.
“The president ordered them to deploy whatever forces were necessary,” Rove adds. “They later testified that was the last contact they had with the president that night — and we now know that no forces were deployed.
“The president didn't say: ‘I'm going to pick up the phone and call the president of Libya and say: Our facility's under attack. You have an international responsibility to protect our people. What are you doing?’ He talks to him for the first time ever the next morning to say thank you for returning the body of our dead ambassador.
“This is unacceptable,” Rove continues. “Where was the president? What was he doing? Who concocted this lie that was told to the American people? We know that it's a total, complete fabrication, a lie — and we still don’t know who was the person who authored that and told her to go say that?
“It's somebody sitting in the West Wing of the White House — and their motivation was to protect the president against criticism that the war on terror was not over and that this was a terrorist attack.
In his wide-ranging exclusive Newsmax interview, Rove also says:
His American Crossroads super
PAC has applied to the Internal Revenue Service for nonprofit status “and three
years later, that process has not ended for us.”
The Justice Department “picked
James Rosen out and tried to make an example of him” when it obtained a warrant
to gain access to the Fox News reporter’s telephone records and emails in a
2009 probe of a former State Department contractor who later was charged with
disclosing national defense information.
Former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton will be “a serious contender” should she run for president in 2016. But
“my head says she runs; my gut says she doesn’t.”
Despite momentum, GOP leadership still against special Benghazi committee
7:37 AM 05/23/2013 Alex Pappas
WASHINGTON — While momentum has been building inside the House
Republican conference for a special congressional committee to investigate
last year’s terrorist attacks in Benghazi, the GOP leadership is making it
clear they still have no enthusiasm for establishing such a committee.
About two-thirds of House Republicans – 153 in total – have signed on
to the resolution offered by Rep. Frank Wolf of Virginia to establish “a
select committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States
consulate in Benghazi, Libya.”
“I think there’s a lot of frustration up here among members that the
stuff that’s coming out now should have come out a while ago, and we should
be diving a lot deeper on it,” one congressional source in support of the
resolution said.
But House Speaker John Boehner has publicly asserted that he is
against the establishment of a select committee, saying he thinks the best
course for examining the attacks is letting the five House committees already
investigating to continue their work.
Four Americans died in the Benghazi attacks of 2012, including Chris
Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya. Republicans have been been holding
hearings to look into whether the Obama administration could have done more
to prevent the attacks, and whether they attempted to cover up their
The leadership’s position against the formation of a new committee was
on display during the weekly whip meeting last Tuesday, according to sources,
when House Oversight and Government Reform chairman Darrell Issa argued his
committee is better suited to continue investigating Benghazi than a select
It was made clear in that meeting, sources tell The Daily
Caller, that the GOP leadership is strongly against the effort to form a
select committee. It appeared as if those present at the whip meeting were
working to stop any momentum for the select committee, those sources said.
But another GOP aide with knowledge of the meeting told TheDC
that there is no effort by Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy and the whip team to
actively influence members off the bill.
Asked about the meeting, McCarthy’s office expressed support for the
current investigation.
“Whip McCarthy recognized Chairman Issa and the Members of the
Oversight and Government Reform Committee for a job well done,” McCarthy
spokesman Mike Long said of last week’s meeting. “He has and will
continue to support the successful efforts of the House Committees of
jurisdiction in their on-going investigation into the Benghazi attack.”
Opponents of the resolution have argued that a select committee could
be too costly and would essentially restart the investigation. The current
process with several committees investigating the attacks is working, they
“The Speaker has faith in the ability of the chairmen and members of
the House Committees to get to the bottom of what happened,” Boehner
spokesman Michael Steel told TheDC. “He thought the Oversight Committee
Members did a great job at the Benghazi hearing last week.”
But those in support of the resolution argue that a select committee
is needed because no one committee is focusing exclusively on Benghazi. The
current method of investigating the attacks is “scattershot.”
They also argue whistleblowers might be more willing to come forward
if it was apparent the House was conducting a full-time investigation. While
pleased with what came out of Issa’s recent hearings, they argue the
revelations would have been explored earlier under a select committee.
They also argue Issa’s committee now has it’s hands full with other
issues, like the new Internal Revenue Service scandal, and cannot devote the
necessary time to the effort.
Kansas Rep. Tim Huelskamp said Wednesday establishing a special
committee is ideal so it can focus on Benghazi “without being bothered by
other issues.”
“I think that would help us get to the truth more quickly,” he said.
The idea has the backing of prominent conservative opinion makers: The
Wall Street Journal editorial page and columnists George Will and Charles Krauthammer
have all expressed support.
While the resolution has been rapidly gaining co-sponsors in recent
weeks, Florida Rep. John Mica took his name off the resolution last week.
That has led some proponents of the resolution to question whether leadership
is putting pressure on its members to abandon the Republican bill.
Senate Judiciary Committee approved the Gang of Eight's immigration bill on
Tuesday. It will go to the Senate floor after the Memorial Day recess.
Heritage has pointed out the problems with this "comprehensive"
approach -- including the staggering costs of
amnesty and a failure to
secure the border.
The Heritage Foundation MORNING BELL. |
What the Benghazi Cover-Up is Really All About
Benghazi is not a singular event. It’s not just about the death of the ambassador and three others. It’s not just about why help was not sent or even where Obama was all that time.Although these are important, the real scandal is what was going on in Benghazi and why was ambassador Stevens there in the first place and with very little security?
I and others agree that Stevens was running guns from Libya, through Turkey and to the “Rebels” in Syria. Others and I have contended this from the beginning. To clarify, most of the “Rebels” have turned out to be Al Qaeda or affiliated terrorist groups.
I also reported early on that we “conspiracy theorists” thought that Stevens was trying to possibly retrieve some of the weapons through Benghazi and Al Qaeda or a subgroup set him up and took him out.
Now we learn from an exclusive PJ Media report by Roger Simon that some very damning evidence may be revealed soon.
Keep in mind that the following reports are not official and may not turn out to be completely accurate.
It appears as if more whistleblowers may come forward to enlighten us further regarding the real scandal — why Stevens was in Benghazi. Benghazi as you may or may not know, was not a good place to just hang around, but evidently a good place to procure weapons.
It is being said that these whistleblowers will say that Stevens was in Benghazi to buyback Stinger missiles from Al Qaeda, Stinger missiles that are capable of downing military or civilian aircraft. Not the weapons you want in the hands of terrorists.
If reports are correct, they will also claim that the gunrunning was not being done through the CIA, but Hillary Clinton’s State Department.
It will be said the CIA did not want to provide these weapons to the terrorists but apparently Hillary Clinton personally authorized it.
So if Hillary knew all about this operation, guess who else had to have known? You got it, the King himself.
The whistleblowers apparently contend that the CIA director David Petraeus’ affair was leaked to silence him.
There are also reports that Gen. Carter Ham, head of AFRICOM (U.S. Africa command) had “special ops” teams that could have been in Benghazi in very short order. The claim is that he was ordered by the White House not to send them. When he decided to disobey the order, it is reported that his second in command was ordered by the White House to threaten him with removal.
You may ask if these whistleblowers will soon come forward, why speak to PJ media ahead of any possible public testimony?
Is it possible that they fear serious retribution ahead of their testimony? Might some tragedy befall them prior to it? Could be.
Frankly, the more we learn of this thuggish administration, anything is possible.
And that brings us back to our dear president who was apparently AWOL throughout this whole ordeal.
Remember, this happened on September 11, before the presidential election. One would think it important to show a sitting president as a strong and involved Commander-in-Chief.
Yet the then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta publicly stated that he had but one meeting with Obama and didn’t see or hear from him again. Curious? Not really.
Even if just some of these assertions are true, Obama must be seen to be as far away from this thing as possible. He could not be in the situation room. He could in no way be seen to have his fingerprints on this. He had to be insulated. But if Hillary knew, he knew.
It is my belief that these four men were sacrificed to cover-up the gunrunning and buyback operations. My guess is that there was evidence at that location that could be discovered, and when the “op” went bad, they pulled the plug and abandoned the SEALs and the ambassador.
Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/10951/what-the-benghazi-cover-up-is-really-all-about/#ixzz2U3LORRX5
Obama Just Turned Nixon Into A Choirboy…
As you know, the whole nation is currently enraptured by three scandals – the Benghazi, IRS and DOJ/AP scandals.But what most people don’t realize is that there are two more scandals that haven’t fully come to light yet.
Believe me, we’re on the verge of witnessing the greatest number of scandals ever seen in Washington – both at one period in time, and over the course of one presidency.
And that begs the question: When is enough, well, enough? It only took one scandal to dethrone Nixon.
Of course, the IRS, DOJ and Benghazi scandals have the nation in an uproar, but if those three can’t bury Obama, maybe these other two will put the nail in his coffin.
Read More at Capitol Hill Daily . By Marty Biancuzzo.
Obama’s War On Fox News Reporters
In a stunning sequences of events that unfolded yesterday, it was revealed the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) efforts to intimidate the media went beyond targeting reporters and editors at the Associated Press. Early in the day, the Washington Post reported that the DOJ not only seized the phone records of Fox News reporter James Rosen, but used his security badge to access records tracking his movements at the State Department, traced the timing of his calls with a Department security advisor suspected of giving him classified information, and obtained a search warrant to access his personal emails.Later in the afternoon another bombshell was dropped: two more Fox staffers, reporter William La Jeunesse and producer Mike Levine, were also targeted by the DOJ.
We begin with Rosen and his involvement with State Department advisor Steven Kim. Kim is a naturalized citizen from South Korea who was indicted in 2009 for telling Rosen that the intelligence community believed North Korea’s response to additional UN sanctions would be another test of its nuclear capabilities. Rosen published a story to that effect on June 11, 2009, noting that the CIA had received the information from sources inside North Korea.
That story was posted the same day a top-secret report was made available to Kim, arms expert with security clearance, and 95 other members of the intelligence community. Using the surveillance techniques described above, the FBI built a case that the information Rosen received came directly from those documents. Yet Kim did not obtain unauthorized access to top-secret information, steal or sell documents or secrets, or collaborate with the enemy. He gave exclusive information to a reporter, a reality that occurs every day. Furthermore, according to the New York Times, four months prior to disseminating the information for which he was indicted, Kim was asked by a State Department press officer to speak to Rosen about North Korea, “and the two began to talk and exchange e-mails,” the paper reported.
Despite this reality, Kim is facing 15 years in prison for violating the Espionage Act.
Read full article here
Barack Obama’s Long History Of Scandals–and Escapes
The standard rule for handling bad news in politics is to get it all out at once. Take your hits for a news cycle, two or three. And then try to move on.The conventional wisdom has been that the worst thing to do is allow the bad news to dribble out, poison drop by poison drop, for days, weeks, even months.
Yet that is precisely what Barack Obama has done — and continues to do in his current epidemic of embarrassments — over a decade of controversies and scandals. The amazing thing is, so far, it’s worked like a charm. So, why should he change?
Ignore it. Dismiss it. Dissemble it to death. Didn’t know about it. Point at others. Have others point at others. Have others suggest the criticism is really racial. Stay aloof. Stretch the whole thing out as long as possible. Then call every ensuing question old news, that you’ve discussed it many times. Hope the problem goes away.
And, by golly, usually it has for Obama.
Read More at investors.com . By Andrew Malcolm.
Go Gay Or Go Home / DOJ Employees Compelled To Embrace Gay Lifestyle
In the
aftermath of both the Fast and Furious and Associated Press scandals, Eric
Holder’s Justice Department is afforded little credibility in performing its
prescribed duties. Still, it appears the department tasked with upholding
constitutional law reached the height of hypocrisy by issuing guidelines to employees that blatantly abridge their First
Amendment rights.
The document, which concerns gay and lesbian
“inclusion” in the workplace, goes much further than merely protecting
employees from discrimination. Language drafted by the DOJ clearly coerces
staff members at all levels to openly support a lifestyle they might find
morally objectionable.While Christians and others with traditional values have long been told, explicitly or implicitly, to remain silent on the issue of alternative sexuality – effectively excluding one group in favor of another. That constituted an injustice in and of itself; but, the internal guidelines issued by the DOJ is forcing employees to affirmatively support the lifestyle. “Silence will be interpreted as disapproval,” the document warns.
The liberty-crushing guidelines do not require much commentary, as anyone who values free speech should be appalled by the list of accepted behavior contained therein. Staff members are expected to place a “DOJ Pride” sticker or some other pro-gay paraphernalia in their offices “indicating that it is a ‘safe space’” while “gender-specific terms like ‘husband’ and ‘wife’” are unacceptable. Workplaces should be concerned with providing equal opportunity to employees and openly catering to a politically favorable group does exactly the opposite. No employer – least of all the Justice Department! – should be allowed to unilaterally impose one viewpoint onto an entire staff. That is exactly what the department has implemented, though, as it goes much further than merely protecting the civil rights of gays.
The guidelines seek to silence dissent by advising employees to “assume that LGBT employees and their allies are listening” and painting a target on those with traditional values. DOJ staff is expected to “deal with offensive jokes and comments forcefully and swiftly” according to the document, though it has become apparent the meaning of the word “offensive” has become extraordinarily fluid.
Through shrewd and effective marketing of their own sexuality, a small minority of the population has largely silenced those with a different worldview. The DOJ is taking that disturbing trend to another level by making such silence an employment prerequisite.
Click here to get B. Christopher Agee’s latest book for less than $5! Like his Facebook page for engaging, relevant conservative content daily. http://www.westernjournalism.com/go-gay-or-go-home-doj-employees-compelled-to-embrace-gay-lifestyle/
Half Of America Wants Obama Impeached
Editor’s note: This is another in a series of “WND/WENZEL POLLS” conducted exclusively for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies.The faux stone columns from his Denver acceptance speech are crumbling, the fireworks have fizzled and the unadulterated adulation of Barack Obama is a sour feeling of disillusion, as a new poll reveals half of America wants him impeached, including a stunning one in four Democrats.
“It may be early in the process for members of Congress to start planning for impeachment of Barack Obama, but the American public is building a serious appetite for it,” said Fritz Wenzel, of Wenzel Strategies, which did the telephone poll Thursday. It has a margin of error of 4.36 percent.
“Half or nearly half of those surveyed said they believed Obama should be impeached for the trifecta of scandals now consuming Washington.”
Actually, on the issue of the Benghazi scandal, where four Americans were killed when in what may have been a politically motivated series of moves, a surging danger to Americans at the foreign service facility there was ignored until al-Qaida-linked terrorists attacked, 50.1 percent of Americans said Obama should be impeached. That included 27.6 percent of the responding Democrats.
Read More at WND . By Bob Unruh.
Rep. Ros-Lehtinen: Human Trafficking 'Modern Day Slavery'
Friday, 17 May 2013 02:37 PM
By Jim Meyers and Kathleen Walter
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen declares that human trafficking is "modern-day slavery" and the United States must do more to prevent trafficking across our southern border.
"The key question is, how do we fight it at the border from Latin America?" she says in an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV.
"You have Mexico and Central America and these porous borders. That's why border security for the immigration bill is very important. It's paramount. That's step one.
"California, Texas, and Florida are the states where you see a lot of girls, especially, and young women being trafficked. Why? Because they're coming from Mexico and Central America. How sad. This is modern day slavery and they're sold into prostitution. These are underage girls or young women at any age.
"It's a horrific practice and internationally it's a blight on humanity because where dictators rule, that's where you see a lot of trafficked girls and young women. For example, Fidel and Raul Castro advertise Cuba as a spot for sex tourism. It is disgusting.
"And you see places like Iran, Syria, and North Korea that have been classified by our State Department, along with Cuba, as a tier three country. That means they don’t even do the most minimum safeguards to make sure that we don’t have human trafficking.
"So domestically we need to do more to enforce the border and help these young girls, and internationally we need to do more to help bring about democracy because where you have democracy and freedom, you don’t have these kinds of problems."
Watch the interview here: http://www.newsmax.com/US/human-trafficking-modern-slavery/2013/05/17/id/505107#ixzz2TsSV6ACp
Eufemismos y Disfemismos Alberto Pérez.
El Eufemismo
es una figura retórica que consiste en sustituir un término o frase que tienen
connotaciones desagradables o considerada culturalmente como molesta, sucia,
inapropiada o tabú, mediante el uso de otras palabras menos ofensivas.
Pero en estos
tiempos se han sofisticado tanto los eufemismos que no se entiende lo que
quieren decir. Entonces tenemos que ir hacia los disfemismos.
Un disfemismo es una palabra o
expresión deliberadamente cruda de otra más neutral. El disfemismo es lo
contrario del eufemismo.
Como una contribución ilustrativa a
la riqueza de la lengua castellana, estamos poniendo algunos eufemismos con sus
limitada Enanito
del Embarazo Mataron al bebe
impropias en el matrimonio Tarro
Ejecutivo de
residuos solidos Basurero
externo del intestino grueso Ojo del Culo
Región Glútea
Miembro Viril Pene
(aunque hay veces que no está muy viril)
Persona de
movilidad reducida en una pierna Cojo
Afroamericano Negro,
que hay veces no es negro pero mulato, que puede ser o no ser de origen
africano, y hay veces que tampóco es americano, pero puede ser
Persona de la
tercera edad Viejo cagón
Tienes unas
libras de más, quiere decir que estas bien gordo
Entradita en
sexual , Puta
affirmativa, una manera de tomar ventaja por ser negro, hispano o maricon (hay
más ventajas si eres las tres cosas, puedes cobrar triple por separado)
de adulto, película de relajo
Mantengase en
temperatura ambiente, ¿de que ambiente, el de Sevilla en el Verano o de Alaska en el
invierno? No se que quiere decir esto.
Falta de
visibilidad financiera Está arrancado y no hay quien le de dinero
psíquicamente Esta más loco que una chiva
Eliminación de sustancias tóxicas
producidas por el metabolismo celular #1 Mear
Eliminación de sustancias tóxicas
producidas por el metabolismo celular #2 Cagar
Excepcional Anormal
Laboral Te botaron
Está Parada
Tiene dos significados, uno es una mujer que está sin trabajo, el otro no me
Cecasión de
convivencia marital Se divorciaron
Seno. El seno
o regazo, espacio sobre las piernas
donde simbólicamente se da amparo, protección, consuelo, ejemplo, «que Dios lo
acoja en su seno»; También en geometría, el seno de un ángulo es la razón entre el
largo del cateto opuesto del ángulo dividido por el largo de la hipotenusa. En
el cuerpo de la mujer también se llama Seno o Matriz al órgano de la gestación del aparato reproductor femenino y más
popularmente le dicen senos a las tetas.
Intense series of “HAARP rings” occurring in Florida and Oklahoma
Yesterday in the morning I was watching Fox News when I saw the figure
of Barack Hussein Obama arriving to Moore, Oklahoma to help the victims of the
tornadoes that destroyed part of that City.
No matter that I don't like him I was moved by his assistance to the
victims of the tornadoes when all of the sudden I woke up.
It was just a dream. It didn't happen. Obama was someplace else.
Immediately I realized why he was not there. The victims were
Americans not "African Americans" nor "Mexican Americans",
just plain Americans.
In the news reports I saw "Americans" helping
"Americans". They were not vandalizing trying to steal TVs, Computers
etc. They were trying to help. It was America at its best. Not at its worse
like during Hurricane Katrina.
Obama showed his racism when he didn't appear at Moore, Oklahoma to
help those American victims. Moore, Oklahoma was not a "Chocolate
City". Shame on you Barack Hussein Obama.
America was founded by "Americans". Pseudo leaders have
tried to divide the American people by using different names to divide America.
America is a melting pot where all of us become just "Americans".
When my grandmother was born in New Orleans, Louisiana she became an
American. When I received my naturalization papers I was shown as an American
Citizen not as Cuban-American.
I have met white people born in Africa who had become American
citizens. Should they be called "African American"? No they had
become just Americans.
It is time to wake up and call the things like they are. We are all
Americans. As an American I am proud of the American people who lives in
Oklahoma, Oklahoma is OK.
May 22, 2013
Dr. Carlos J. Bringuier .
“En mi opinión” No 389 5/22/13
Lázaro R
González Miño Editor ‘In GOD we trust’
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