Sunday, May 19, 2013

No388 5/21/2013 “En mi opinión” Editor Lázaro R González Miño‏ ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’

“En mi opinión  ,  IN GOD WE TRUST.
.No 388 Mayo 21, 2013  Editor Lázaro R González Miño.  

19 de mayo día de recordación por la muerte en campaña del Apóstol

Who In The Obama Administration Is Going To Jail?

May 18, 2013 by Floyd Brown

It hasn’t been a very good week for the Obama administration. In fact, I’ve never seen the sharks circling as they are today… particularly about the IRS abuse scandal.
You see, Congress is serious about this one. They have five years of pent-up frustration over Obama’s Teflon-like ability to shirk responsibility; and now that he’s on the defensive, they’re going to make sure the law is enforced. The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, asked, “Who’s going to jail over this scandal?”
Yet somehow Obama and his team seem to not understand the gravity of the charges leveled against them. Or perhaps they’re simply in denial. They’ve clearly lost control of the news cycle, and even Obama’s own people are starting to look out for themselves.
Not even the most committed Obama followers want to do jail time for him.
The IRS Scandal in Review
So far, Mr. Boehner and the media have mostly focused on the delay/rejection of tax-exempt status for Tea Party and conservative advocacy groups.
We see this clearly in Boehner’s comments: “Someone made a conscious decision to harass and to hold up these requests for tax-exempt status… I think we need to know who they are and whether they violated the law. Clearly, someone violated the law.”
But my sources on Capitol Hill tell me the investigation has moved from this first violation onto even more significant breaches of IRS statute.
It seems that, under Obama, the IRS has leaked specific information from tax returns and IRS applications of conservative organizations to the media and liberal advocacy organizations.
We know this because of a report from the news organization, ProPublica, which received the illegal information. An article released on May 13 states: “The same IRS office that deliberately targeted conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status in the run-up to the 2012 election released nine pending confidential applications of conservative groups to ProPublica late last year.”
And if that wasn’t enough, House investigators have also heard about another major felony committed by someone at the IRS.
John Eastman, Chairman of the Board of the anti-same-sex-marriage group The National Organization for Marriage (NOM), reported, “A year ago, someone at the IRS illegally disclosed the confidential portions of its tax return to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the leading organization on the other side of NOM in the war over the definition of marriage. At the time, HRC was headed by someone who had just been named national co-Chair of the Obama for President campaign.”
The bottom line is this: Releasing confidential tax returns is a felony, and the review of confidential tax returns is also a felony.
The HRC reviewed the illicit tax returns and, after acknowledging the document was illegally received, placed it on their website. Soon afterward, the information appeared on the Huffington Post and in other news outlets.
Eastman tried repeatedly to get the attention of authorities. He said:
We asked the IRS and the Department of Justice for an investigation more than a year ago. An investigation was had, but they refuse to let us know who was responsible. We then filed several freedom of information act requests to get to the truth, beginning last August. But NOM’s requests have largely been stonewalled. That latest non-response response is priceless. The identity of the perpetrator, the person responsible for illegally disclosing NOM’s tax returns, is ‘confidential’ information protected from disclosure by the very same law that this individual violated.
Big Problems
Despite their nonchalance, Obama’s team actually has more to worry about than just Congress. The FBI is also looking into the IRS’s criminal activities under the Obama administration.
It’s been a busy – and shocking – week on Capitol Hill. We’ll stay on top of this scandal as the story progresses, and we’ll use our inside sources to bring you the big news before it breaks in the mainstream media.

IRS Audits Prayers…

Libertades Civiles amenper.
La perspectiva de las libertades civiles has sido causa de controversias en los Estados Unidos desde los años 50s. 
De una manera justa y correcta se demandaba las libertades civiles de los negros en Dixie. Los que vivimos a través de aquellos años en el corazón de Dixie, recordamos la percepción hacia los negros como4s seres subhumanos sin derecho a los más mínimos derechos en la sociedad.
El prejuicio racial existe y existirá en el mundo.
Siempre que haya minorías de una cultura diferente, habrá prejuicio, por temor a lo desconocido.  Pero la creación de leyes protegiendo a las libertades civiles ha superado el que este prejuicio no se convierta en discriminación, y se violen las libertades civiles de otras personas. Pero hay que recordar que durante esta batalla en aquellos años los republicanos fueron igual o más activos que los demócratas para establecer las leyes de los derechos civiles, combatiendo a los "Dixiecrats" (los demócratas de Dixie. Ignorar esto por demagogia política es ignorar la historia por ignorancia o por maldad.
El problema que tenemos, es que por razones de demagogia política, los liberales han tomado cautiva el derecho a todas las personas a la libertad civil, limitándolo a minorías raciales como los negros y los hispanos, y han olvidado que todos por igual tienen derecho a sus libertades civiles.
Basado en esta percepción equivocada, el gobierno usando el brazo del IRS acosó a sus enemigos políticos, acompañando la incursión del IRS en la vida privada de los conservadores, con el discurso político de Obama y sus más allegados acólitos.
Usando las palabras-códigos, como extrema derecha, fanáticos religiosos y radicales peligrosos, abrieron el camino para justificar las acciones del IRS.
O sea que instituciones políticas pacíficas como el Tea Party se demonizaron, mientras no se podía ni siquiera usar el nombre “Islámico Radical” porque era denigrante para el Islam.
Una iglesia que recomendara a sus miembros que votaran por candidatos que condenaban el aborto, fueron atacadas por el IRS como instituciones políticas y se les negó la excepción de impuestos, pero a las iglesias negras que servían de oficinas de campaña a Obama, siguieron disfrutando de sus excepciones y más.
Para buscar a los culpables de la violación de los derechos civiles de estos ciudadanos conservadores, no hay que perder el dinero de los contribuyentes en sesiones del congreso o del senado.  Lo único que hay que hacer es buscar copia de los discursos de Obama durante su campaña.
Sus ataques llenos de rencor, insinuaciones indirectas y ataques abiertos a sus enemigos, fueron como una patente de corso a los agentes del IRS que quisieron complacer a su Jefe.

La situación en Argentina es IRREVERSIBLE... VAN DE CABEZA A UNA NUEVA CRISIS...ver el enlace al final... Ricardo Samitier.

“No hay Peor Ciego Que El Que No Quiere Ver”... es obvio… que los que dirigen el MUNDO SON LOS SOCIALISTAS FABIANOS YANQUIS... que llevaron a LA PRESIDENCIA A UN INCAPAZ sin siguiera tener un record de trabajo... y de CONTRA NEGRO... en un país que aun hoy es un 72% blanco...

La historia de este grupo se remonta a 1919 cuando fundaron la LIGA DE LAS NACIONES... fracasaron pues el pueblo NORTE AMERICANO no estaba socializado... y USA no entro en la liga... CREARON LA CRISIS DE 1929...

Roosevelt llegó al poder en 1933...fue más COMUNISTA que Stalin y en la conferencia de Yalta... entrego toda la Europa del este a Stalin... confiado en que Stalin iba a entrar en la FIESTA... esa es la razón que en esa conferencia SE LE PERMITIÓ a la URSS participar en la REPARTICIÓN DEL ORIENTE a pesar de que era un país NEUTRAL contra Japón... OFICIALMENTE le declaró la guerra a Japón 8 días antes de su RENDICIÓN... y consiguió las Islas Curiles y COREA DEL NORTE... y desde luego CHINA... pues el acuerdo conllevaba que USA le retirará la ayuda Chiang Kai-shek... y la llegada al poder de Mao... (por cierto la nieta de Mao... que OFICIALMENTE RESIDE EN HONG KONG... es la cuarta mujer más rica de china... y tiene casas alrededor del mundo y viaja con pasaportes dados por china con otros nombres)

La PRIMERA TRAICIÓN (del creador de la Política del Buen Vecino para la América Hispana) AL MUNDO OCCIDENTAL Y CRISTIANO de Roosevelt (la mayoría de los historiadores contrarios dicen que FUE EN YALTA) NO la primera TRAICIÓN la  cometió en LA HABANA Cuba, solo 4 meses después de tomar posesión... donde envió con ordenes de derrocar al presidente de la republica y establecer un gobierno SOCIALISTA... fueron los NORTE AMERICANOS los que financiaron y lograron en el siglo XX el TRIUNFO DE LA PRIMERA SUBLEVACIÓN de soldados contra oficiales...  ES LARGO DE CONTAR... Pero la sublevación en Cuba triunfo... pues EL EMBAJADOR AMERICANO le facilito al Sargento Batista UN MILLÓN de dólares para que pagara al ejercito que debido a la crisis económica hacia 2 meses que no cobraban...

“La Gran Depresión Mundial de 1929” y en el caso de Cuba la crisis se debió a que USA le puso IMPUESTO A LA AZÚCAR... y el consumo se redujo y el precio de la libra llegó a vale $0.50 de dólar...  menos de lo que costaba producirla...
Como Roosevelt pudo CONSOLIDAD EL GOBIERNO socialista de Cuba... INMEDIATAMENTE firmo un contrato comprando 3 millones de TONELADAS DE AZÚCAR A $0.015 la libra... si hubiera hecho ese contrato antes de la sublevación TAMBIÉN EL GOBIERNO NACIONALISTA y LEGAL de la republica se hubiera salvado... pagado el ejercito... etc.
Hay que notar que Todas las sublevaciones anteriores de soldados contra oficiales del Siglo XX FRACASARON... comenzando por la famosa SUBLEVACIÓN del POTANKIN en Rusia en 1905... Los Spartaquistas en Alemania,  Chile, la de Brasil de Calos Preste... etc.

A partir de 1933… todos los ministros de educación de Cuba fueron comunistas y el LAVADO DE CEREBRO... comenzó hasta que la población dejo de tener confianza en el sistema capitalista y la llegada de Fidel Castro... (el agente de la CIA) para la comunicación de Hispano América y otras partes... ha sido el NINO BONITO DE LOS YANQUIS... que lo han mantenido a VIENTO Y MAREA en el poder... hoy la mayoría de los países latino americanos están gobernado por los antiguos terroristas “CASTRISTAS” comunistas... y los militares que impidieron sus triunfos... mueren en PRISIÓN (como Vilela) y 50 años después son juzgados como es el caso del General Ríos Mont de Guatemala que fue casualmente condenado antes de ayer en Guatemala...

En chile tu patria “adoptiva” la llevaron; la forzaron a hacer una elecciones ENCONTRANDO 6 UVAS CON CIANURO en un embarque... y CAUSARON una crisis que los Chilenos desayunaran con uvas...    Pinochet... fue un patriota y acordó a cambio de que levantaran el embargo... hacer una elecciones... y la oposición a él en esas elecciones fue FINANCIADA por USA y los partidarios del Gobierno mundial... PINOCHET fue perseguido... NO POR LOS 83 MUERTOS FAMOSOS... es que en sus planes está el DAR EL EJEMPLO A TODOS LOS MILITARES... que no pueden TRATAR DE SALVAR sus países... del NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL el cual es el RESTABLECIMIENTO DE UN  FEUDALISMO... “La Nobleza Revolucionaria”  la cual quiere vivir como la “Antigua Nobleza Europea”

Ahora ya están DESCARADAMENTE en USA en el poder todos los revolucionarios de los 1960... y tanto en USA como en el resto del mundo...ahora SON MILLONARIOS... como CRISTINA KIRCHNER ... o son ricos y los que menos tienen  son profesores universitarios CON BUENOS SUELDOS... sino solo mira quienes son AHORA los millonarios... En Brasil... uno de los más ricos es  Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva quien se hizo millonario... de LÍDER OBRERO y sin tener ningún negocio... Sin DUDA hay una condición aparentemente humana CONGÉNITA en los comunistas y socialistas... ADEMÁS SON LADRONES y amantes de las riquezas... ya los hijos de las distintas esposas y los sobrinos se están disputando las RIQUEZAS DEL DIFUNTO CHÁVEZ...   

Puedo continuar pero para que... si creo que la mayoría de la gente LLEVAN UN GEN CONGÉNITO de aceptar la SERVIDUMBRE...

La argentina de hoy:

Para Saber Cómo Nos Manipulan  Comencemos Por Conocer Cual  Es La Producción De Oro Mundial. Ricardo Samitier.
La producción mundial de ORO NUEVO, es decir sacado de la tierra... es de aproximadamente 3.000 toneladas por año...
Al precio actual de $1,300 la onza y como cada tonelada tiene 32,000 onzas x 3.000 toneladas de producción anual equivale a = $ 124.800.000.000 Billones de US Dólar... casi $125 BILLONES se produce todos los años de NUEVO ORO sacado de la tierra...
Para producir el NUEVO ORO se requieren, recursos que comienzan cavando la tierra para encontrarlo... es decir mano de OBRA y MAQUINARIA...Entonces tiene que ser fundido y purificado, utilizando la energía costosa...
Entonces tiene que ser almacenado y transportado al mercado... Y PROTEGIDO QUE NO SE LO ROBEN...
A pesar de todo el anterior descripto esfuerzo... el precio del ORO NUEVO en la BOLSA DE VALORES ESTA BAJANDO contra el DÓLAR y las demás monedas de los países “DESARROLLADOS”...
Comparemos ahora el costo de la producción del “DÓLAR”  y del “EURO”... La producción de dólares está aumentando a un ritmo de al menos “85 millones de dólares al mes” eso significa que se IMPRIMEN 1 trillón dólares por año... Por lo tanto, se imprimen 8 VECES MAS dólares que la cantidad de ORO NUEVO  que se saca de la TIERRA...
La realidad es que la PRODUCCIÓN DE ORO, no puede ser aumentada sin una gran inversión Y TIEMPO... pero lo mismo no se puede decir del DÓLAR o el EURO... que se aumentan POR UNA ORDEN POLÍTICA DE “Impriman Mas”
Por lo tanto, debemos considerar las REALIDADES... y dejar a un lado “Las Señales De Precios” que nos llegan de Wall Street... LA PREGUNTA ES LA SIGUIENTE:
Para que el Oro este en caída libre día tras día... TIENE QUE EXISTIR UN MOTIVO que lo hace bajar... ¿Pero cuál es ese MOTIVO? 
¿Que ha hecho cambiar a la Gente que sorpresivamente prefiera el Dólar y el Euro... en vez del Oro... como un medio de mantener sus riquezas a Buen Recaudo?
Por lo tanto, tenemos que preguntarnos, si hay algún CAMBIO en los Estados Unidos para hacer vale ahora más el dólar... y estas son las preguntas que hay que hacerse:
1.      ¿Ha salido de la Crisis financiera economía ha despuntado? No las ventas han bajado también el consumo de gasolina...
2.       ¿Están los EE.UU. exporta más? No exportaron menos que el año pasado...
3.      ¿Son los EE.UU. más o menos rico, que el año pasado? No la clase media esta más pobre...
La Última y más Importante:
4.      Son los Estados Unidos Más Fuertes Militarmente... NO y ahora Obama va UNILATERALMENTE a reducir el ARSENAL NUCLEAR destruyendo 1,000 bombas atómicas...
La respuesta a todas estas preguntas en un !No! Así que, ¿por qué el DÓLAR Y EL EURO están subiendo contra el Oro?
¿Qué hace que un dólar de Papel Más Valioso Hoy En Día, Que Ayer? Si quieres ponlo al revés... ¿Qué hace al oro menos valioso hoy en día?
El oro tiene que ser descubierto y trabajado... Un dólar o un euro, sólo tiene que recibir la orden de un político de IMPRIMAN MAS y entrar la cantidad en un registro de dinero circulante... y enviado electrónicamente a un banco...
El precio del oro Subió hasta $1.900 dólares por onza por la manipulación de los banqueros de Wall Street... y ahora está volviendo a su precio real... o el Precio del Dólar y el Euro lo están subiendo a la fuerza, por la manipulación...
Ambas cosas demuestran que estamos manipulados... y las compañías que están vendiendo el Oro... están perdiendo dinero...
¿Se Habrán Robado El Oro Alemán Guardado Por Los Estados Unidos? Ricardo Samitier.

A principios de este año, el mundo financiero SE SORPRENDIÓ cuando Alemania pidió la devolución de su oro. El pedido llegó dentro de los 3 meses siguientes a la negativa de los federales a someterse a una auditoría de sus reservas de oro por el Bundesbank de Alemania.

Si a solicitud en sí ERA INUSUAL, ya que Alemania pidió el 50% de sus reservas de oro PARA SER DEVUELTOS PARA EL AÑO 2020.

¿Por qué pedir el oro ahora, si Alemania no lo quiere y pide que devuelva dentro de 7 años?  Hay que pensar QUIERE o NO quieren su oro físico... Usted puede tenerlo o no puede.

No es difícil llegar a la conclusión de que Alemania no solicitó su oro a ser DEVUELTO INMEDIATAMENTE---  porque creen que no pueden devolvérselo y le está ofreciendo 7 años a USA para que lo haga...

Cual puede ser la razón por la que un ORO en DEPOSITO... no puede ser devuelto... ¿ACASO NO ES FÁCIL; CARGARLO en camiones llevarlo al aeropuerto o un muelle y embárcalo?

Sin duda los alemanes creen que no podrían conseguirlo, y no es difícil de creer que NO ES POR OTRA RAZÓN que creen que EL ORO no está donde dicen que esta... en otras palabras SE LO HAN ROBADO...

Porque razón Alemania se negó a abrir la caja de Pandora, y obligar al retorno o una declaración pública de por qué eso no puede suceder, que deja la puerta abierta para la explicación.

Imagínese, NOTICIAS DE ÚLTIMA HORA LOS BURÓCRATAS Federales no tienen las reservas de oro que aparecen en los libros.

Esta noticia solo puede QUIEBRAN EL DÓLAR y enviar los precios del oro por las nubes...  Eso equivale a decir... REVOLUCIÓN MUNDIAL...

Esta noticia la pueden leer completa en este sitio que les pongo...

Democrats at Work Ricardo Samitier.
1) The Trail of Tears (1838): The first Democrat President, Andrew Jackson and his successor Martin Van Buren, herded Indians into camps, tormented them, burned and pillaged their homes and forced them to relocate with minimal supplies. Thousands died along the way.
2) Democrats Cause The Civil War (1860): The pro-slavery faction of the Democrat Party responded to Abraham Lincoln’s election by seceding, which led to the Civil War.
3) Formation of the KKK (1865): Along with 5 other Confederate veterans, Democrat Nathan Bedford Forrest created the KKK.
4) 300 Black Americans Murdered (1868): “Democrats in Opelousas, Louisiana killed nearly 300 blacks who tried to foil an assault on a Republican newspaper editor.”
5) The American Protective League and The Palmer Raids (1919-1921): Under the leadership of Woodrow Wilson, criticizing the government became a crime and a fascist organization, the American Protective League was formed to spy on and even arrest fellow Americans for being insufficiently loyal to the government. More than 100,000 Americans were arrested, with less than 1% of them ever being found guilty of any kind of crime.
6) Democrats Successfully Stop Republicans From Making Lynching A Federal Crime (1922): “The U.S. House adopted Rep. Leonidas Dyer’s (R., Mo.) bill making lynching a federal crime. Filibustering Senate Democrats killed the measure.”
7) The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (1932-1972): Contrary to what you may have heard, Democrats in Alabama did not give black Americans syphilis. However, the experimenters did know that subjects of the experiment unknowingly had syphilis and even after it was proven that penicillin could be used to effectively treat the disease in 1947, the experiments continued. As a result, a number of the subjects needlessly infected their loved ones and died, when they could have been cured.
8) Japanese Internment Camps (1942): Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt issued an executive order that led to more than 100,000 Japanese Americans being put into “bleak, remote camps surrounded by barbed wire and armed guards.”
9) Alger Hiss Convicted Of Perjury (1950): Hiss, who helped advise FDR at Yalta and was strongly defended by the Left, turned out to be a Soviet spy. He was convicted of perjury in 1950 (Sadly, the statute of limitations on espionage had run out), but was defended by liberals for decades until the Verona papers proved so conclusively that he was guilty that even most his fellow liberals couldn’t continue to deny it.
10) The West Virgina Democrat primary is rigged by John F. Kennedy (1960): From an interview with the late, great Robert Novak.
John Hawkins: You also said that without question, John F. Kennedy rigged the West Virginia Democratic primary in (1960), but that the Wall Street Journal killed the story. Do you think that sort of thing is still occurring with great regularity and do you wish the Journal had reported the story when it happened?
Robert Novak: In my opinion, they should have. They sent two reporters down to West Virginia for six weeks and they came back with a carefully documented story on voter fraud in West Virginia, buying votes, and how he beat Humphrey in the primary and therefore got the nomination. But, Ed Kilgore, the President of Dow Jones and publisher of the Wall Street Journal, a very conservative man, said it wasn’t the business of the Wall Street Journal to decide the nominee of the Democratic Party and he killed the story. That story didn’t come out for many, many years — 30-40 years. It was kept secret all that time.
11) The Bay of Pigs (1961): After training a Cuban militia to overthrow Castro, Kennedy got cold feet and didn’t give the men all the air support they were promised. As a result, they were easily defeated by Castro’s men and today, Cuba is still ruled by a hostile, anti-American dictatorship.
12) Fire Hoses And Attack Dogs Used On Children (1963): Birmingham, Alabama’s notorious Commissioner of Public Safety, Democrat Bull Connor, used attack dogs and fire hoses on children and teenagers marching for civil rights. Ultimately, thousands of them would also be arrested.
13) Escalation In Vietnam (1964): Lyndon Johnson dramatically escalated our troops’ presence in Vietnam while he simultaneously put political restrictions in place that made the war unwinnable. As a result, 58,000 Americans died in a war that ultimately achieved none of its aims.
14) Stand In The Schoolhouse Door (1963): Democrat George Wallace gave his notorious speech against integrating schools at the University of Alabama in which he said, “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”
15) Chappaquiddick (1969): The Democrats’ beloved “Liberal Lion” of the Senate, Ted Kennedy ran off the road into a tidal pool with passenger Mary Jo Kopechne in the car. Kennedy swam free and then spent 9 hours plotting how he would reveal the news to the press while she slowly suffocated to death.
16) Democrats Deliver South Vietnam To The North (1975): “In 1975, when there were no Americans left in Vietnam, the left wing of the Democratic Party killed the government of South Vietnam, cut off all of its funding, cut off all of its ammunition, and sent a signal to the world that the United States had abandoned its allies.”Newt Gingrich
17) The Iranian Hostage Crisis (1979-1981): 52 Americans were held hostage by the government of Iran for 444 days. After Jimmy Carter’s disastrous, failed rescue attempt, the hostages were finally released after Ronald Reagan’s inaugural address.
18) Bill Clinton turns down Osama Bin Laden (1996): In Bill Clinton’s own words, “‘Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan. And we’d been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start meeting with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America.’ — Bill Clinton explains to a Long Island, N.Y., business group why he turned down Sudan’s offer to extradite Osama Bin Laden to America in 1996.” Had Bill Clinton accepted Sudan’s offer, 9/11 would have likely never happened.
19) Bill Clinton was impeached (1998): Clinton became only the 2nd President in American history to be impeached after he lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.
20) America loses its AAA credit rating (2011): The United States was first given its AAA credit in 1917, but it couldn’t survive Barack Obama’s record breaking spending. In 2011, America lost its AAA credit rating

Egyptian Foreign Minister: Obama Told Me Himself, “I Am A Muslim.”

June 14, 2010 by Breaking News
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, in which President Obama told him that he was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the stepson of Muslim stepfather, that his half brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda.

Obama and the Egyptian Foreign Minister
“Finally, during the week of 14-18th of January 2010, just on the eve of my winter tour to the US, Rachel picked up a Nile TV broadcast in which Egyptian Foreign Minister Abul Gheit said on the “Round Table Show” that he had had a one on one meeting with Obama who swore to him that he was a Moslem, the son of a Moslem father and step-son of Moslem step-father, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Moslems, and that he was loyal to the Moslem agenda. He asked that the Moslem world show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American problems (Healthcare), that he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel.”
This is according to Israel Today here. Here is the passage from the May 2010 issue of “Israel Today.” It is on page 3 in an article titled “Obama, a ‘Strategic Catastrophe,’” by Aviel Schneider:
“The feeling among the Israeli public is that Obama is appeasing the Muslim world at the expense of Israel. “The American President told me in confidence that he is a Muslim,” said Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit on Nile TV.”

The First Big Step Toward Obama’s Impeachment. IMPEACH OBAMA, SAVE US.


May 16, 2013 by Floyd Brown

Over the last few days, I’ve heard the word “impeachment” from more of my sources on Capitol Hill than in the last six years combined.
One member of Congress told me to look at the Richard M. Nixon articles of impeachment and just change the name to Barack Obama.
That member believes that many of the arguments about the Watergate cover-up apply to the current Benghazi cover-up scandal, the IRS Tea Party scandal, and the AP telephone records scandal.
Here’s how article one against Nixon laid out the charges:
  • making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States
  • withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States
Or how about this one:
  • making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct on the part of personnel of the executive branch of the United States
Seems to me all of these charges would apply to Obama’s situation, yet they are direct quotes from the articles condemning Tricky Dick.
It’s too early to say if Barack Obama will be impeached. But mark my words… before the first day of summer, at least one member of Congress will introduce articles of impeachment accusing Barack Obama of “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
Just in the last week, the public statements about potential impeachment have been astounding. Former Governor Mike Huckabee said, “I believe that before it’s all over, this president will not fill out his full term… I remind you, as bad as Watergate was, because it broke the trust between the president and the people, no one died. This is more serious because four Americans did in fact die.”
I know Mike personally, and he‘s not prone to hyperbole and over-the-top statements.
Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma said Benghazi is the “most egregious cover-up in American history… People may be starting to use the I-word before too long.”
Chairman of the Government Reform and Oversight Committee, Congressman Darrell Issa, said of Benghazi: “This is a failure. We need to be investigating.”
When the Salt Lake Tribune asked Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah about impeachment, he said, “It’s certainly a possibility.”
Rep. Steve Stockman of Texas started the year talking about impeachment. As the White House prepared gun control proposals, Obama announced he would carry out a lot of his ideas through executive orders. Stockman, a strong defender of the Constitution, responded to Obama’s comments by saying:
I will consider speaking with my colleagues and filing articles of impeachment… Impeachment is not something to be taken lightly. It is a grave and serious undertaking that should only be initiated in a sober and serious manner. It should be reserved only for most egregious of trespasses by the president. I would consider using executive orders to engage in attacks on a constitutionally-protected right and violating his sworn oath of office to be such a trespass.
Stockman continued, “The president cannot issue executive orders depriving the people of full access to an enumerated constitutional right. I do not think it will come to that. The president is not an absolute ruler, and his actions and orders can be checked and balanced by the Congress and the courts – if the Congress is willing.”
Rep. Louie Gohmert, also of Texas, told NewsMax at the same time that Obama has “already abused the law enough times that it’s just been staggering… It’s not a president who steps up and says: ‘You know what? Previous Congresses have passed the law — and it’s been signed into law, and I disagree with it, so I’m just going to create new law — and as I speak, so shall it be,’” Gohmert concluded.
While these are just a few voices, I believe the chorus for impeachment will grow in the weeks ahead. Obama has made a series of highly questionable mistakes, and he refuses to take responsibility for the problems. Expect to hear much more about these scandals before the long, hot summer is over.
Photo credit: katerkate

Paul Ryan: IRS Withheld Information From Congress

Friday, 17 May 2013 09:31 AM
By Todd Beamon and Newsmax Wire Services
Rep. Paul Ryan said on Friday that the hearing with the ousted head of the Internal Revenue Service on the agency’s targeting of conservative groups made at least one thing clear to legislators.

“The one answer we did get, though, is that the IRS withheld information from Congress,” the Wisconsin Republican told Jake Tapper on CNN. “We have many more questions that result from today’s hearing.”

A member of the House Ways and Means Committee, Ryan was among the many panel members from both parties who grilled Miller on the agency’s singling out of groups with the words “tea party” or “patriot” in their names when evaluating applications for tax-exempt status.

When Tapper asked whether Ryan received the answers he needed from Friday’s session, he responded, “actually, no.”

“Last year, we had these investigations in the Ways and Means Committee, we received all of these reports of this kind of harassment,” the 2012 vice presidential candidate said. “We questioned the IRS in hearings, in letters, and the IRS withheld all of this information that they were in possession of as to whether this targeting was occurring or not.

“We do now know this targeting did occur,” Ryan added. “That it was politically biased, it was only of conservative groups and now we’re getting lots of questions with respect to religious groups and other groups.”

In nearly four hours of testimony, Miller apologized for treating the conservative groups differently, calling it "horrible customer service.''

He said the treatment resulted from a misguided effort to handle a flood of applications, not political bias.

"I want to apologize on behalf of the Internal Revenue Service for the mistakes that we made and the poor service we provided," said Miller, who was forced out this week by the White House as a result of the scandal.

"The affected organizations and the American public deserve better. Partisanship and even the perception of partisanship have no place at the Internal Revenue Service."

Miller conceded that "foolish mistakes were made" by IRS officials trying to handle a deluge of groups seeking tax-exempt status.

But Rep. Dave Camp, who led Friday’s hearing, said the tougher examinations that conservative groups encountered seemed to be part of a "culture of cover-ups and intimidation in this administration." He offered no other examples.

Camp, a Michigan Republican, also said the fact that Miller and another top IRS official are stepping down does not solve the IRS' problem.

"The reality is, this is not a personnel problem,” Camp said. “This is a problem of the IRS being too large, too powerful, too intrusive, and too abusive of honest, hardworking taxpayers."

Camp's remark about cover-ups drew a sharp retort from the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Sander Levin, also of Michigan. Levin said if the hearing became a preview of the 2014 political campaigns, "we'll be making a very, very serious mistake."

Still, the bevy of scandals embroiling the White House in recent weeks could damage President Barack Obama politically, hurt his credibility, and make it harder for him to press a second-term agenda.

The administration has been forced on the defensive about the attack in Benghazi, Libya, last Sept. 11 that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, and the government's seizure of telephone records from The Associated Press as part of a leaks investigation.

Friday's IRS hearing is the first of what are expected to be many by congressional panels.

Underscoring the seriousness of the episode, Miller was sworn in as a witness, an unusual step for the House Ways and Means Committee and one that could put Miller in jeopardy if he is later shown to have misled lawmakers with his testimony.

Levin said the IRS' mistreatment of conservative groups meant the agency "completely failed the American people." He said Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that makes decisions about tax-exempt groups, should be "relieved of her duties."

Miller said the IRS struggled to efficiently handle growing numbers of applications for tax-exempt status.

The agency has said that between 2008 and 2012, the number of groups applying for tax-exempt status as so-called social welfare groups more than doubled. Along with that was an increase in complaints that such groups were largely engaging in electoral politics, which is not supposed to be their primary activity.

"I do not believe partisanship motivated the people" at the IRS who engaged in the harsher screening for conservative groups, Miller said.

In recent months, Republicans on the Ways and Means panel had repeatedly asked the IRS about complaints from conservative groups that their applications were being treated unfairly.

On Friday, numerous Republicans wanted to know why Miller and others never told them the groups were being targeted, even after May 2012, when the IRS has said Miller was briefed on the practice.

Miller had been a deputy commissioner whose portfolio included the unit that made decisions about tax-exempt status.

"I did not mislead Congress or the American people," Miller told Rep. Charles Boustany Jr., R-La., one of several Republicans who challenged him about why he hadn't mentioned the targeting in the past.

Miller also bristled at the use of the term "targeting'' to describe the actions of the IRS zeroing in on conservatives, calling it a "loaded term'' and a "pejorative term.''

Also testifying Friday was J. Russell George, the Treasury Department's inspector general for tax administration.

In a report he issued this week, George said IRS officials reported they were not politically pressured to target conservative groups.

Asked about that conclusion, George said, "We have no evidence at this time to contradict that assertion," but in prepared testimony to the committee, he said he was continuing to investigate the question.

George's report concluded that the IRS office in Cincinnati, which screened applications for the tax exemptions, improperly singled out tea party and other conservative groups for tougher treatment. The report says the practice began in March 2010 and lasted more than 18 months.

The report blamed "ineffective management" for letting IRS officials craft "inappropriate criteria" to review applications from tea party and other conservative groups, based on their names or political views.

It found the IRS took no action on many of the conservative groups' applications for tax-exempt status for long periods of time, hindering their fundraising for the 2010 and 2012 elections.

Republicans have spent the past few days trying to link the IRS' improper scrutiny of conservatives to Obama. The president has said he didn't know about the targeting until last Friday, when Lerner acknowledged at a legal conference that conservative groups had been singled out.

Many of the groups were applying for tax-exempt status as social welfare organizations, which are allowed to participate in campaign activity if that is not their primary activity. The IRS judges whether that imprecise standard is met.

Attorney General Eric Holder has said the FBI was investigating whether the IRS may have violated applicants' civil rights.
Obama has rejected the idea of naming a special prosecutor to investigate the episode, saying the investigations by Congress and the Justice Department were sufficient.

Obama has named Daniel Werfel, a top White House budget officer, to replace Miller.

Also on Thursday, Joseph Grant, one of Miller's top deputies, said he would retire on June 3, according to an internal IRS memo.

He is commissioner of the agency's tax-exempt and government entities division, which includes the agents that targeted tea party groups for additional scrutiny.

Grant joined the IRS in 2005 and took over as acting commissioner of the tax exempt and government entities division in December 2010. He was just named the permanent commissioner of the division on May 8.

When asked whether Grant was pressured to leave, IRS spokeswoman Michelle Eldridge said Grant had more than 31 years of federal service and it was his personal decision to leave.

La desaparicion de SIRIA‏Ricardo Samitier

COALICIÓN...  por todas esas razones...
Para garantizarse los rusos enviaron su FUERZAS NAVALES…

En picada y sin paracaídas. LA ECONOMIA DE USA. SE ESTRELLA CONTRA EL PISO GRACIAS A QUIEN TU SABES... Ricardo Samitier.

Strike Three—You’re Out! Written on Friday, May 17, 2013 by Susan Horton

Strike One: Benghazi
Strike Two: Associated Press
Strike Three: Internal Revenue Service
Let’s review the very serious and frightening strike three. The IRS department head hit a foul ball with the announcement last Friday that up to two and 1/2 years ago staffers were targeting; Conservatives, Tea Party/Patriot members, Religious orgs., Jewish education groups, along with any group with the words limited scope, the size or actions of the govt., criticizing or questioning the govt., had their tax exempt status stalled for years.
Apparently President Obama stated in 2010 that 501C4 groups were “Enemies of Democracy.” This along with Senator Baucus (D-Mt) Finance committee and 6 other Democrat’s, Sept.20,2010 wrote the IRS commissioner urging extra scrutiny for those seeking tax exempt status and imposing strict caps on spending by non-profits. “Political campaigns and powerful individuals should not be able to use tax exempt organizations as political pawns to serve their own special interests”. This had to set the tone for encouraging workers behavior. Although it is appropriate for Baucus to raise that issue anything the Service would do in terms of looking at C-4’s should have been done even handedly and it wasn’t, shame on them.
Some of the claims against the IRS are;
* Ineffective Management (no call backs or updates ever)
* Targeted Conservative Groups
* Delayed and Denied Processing Apps with- out reasons
* Asking for Inappropriate Unnecessary and illegal Criteria (bound by privacy act)
* Intimidation

Senator Orin Hatch (R-UT) Stated, “This wasn’t just some lowly staffer in the Cincinnati office. In fact that’s a pretty important office in the IRS. A very senior manager in Washington knew what was going on for over a year and didn’t say a word.”
Steven Miller IRS acting Commissioner was first informed a year ago May 2012 that Tea Party groups were inappropriately targeted for scrutiny. One month later he wrote a letter to Congress but neglected to mention the controversy. He didn’t feel the need to reveal the information until the conference call apology last week.
Only two months earlier March 22, 2012, Douglas Shulman former IRS Commissioner stated and adamantly denied his agency was targeting conservatives in an unfair way. “We pride ourselves as being a non-political, non-partisan organization. What’s happening is the normal back and forth with the IRS, absolutely no targeting!”
Both parties are looking to get to the bottom of this. David Camp (R-MI) House Ways and Means Committee will hold a meeting to look into this to see who was actually involved. President Obama would have us believe and insisted he knew nothing about the scandal or the fact the IG, Inspector General was looking into this until the story broke last Friday.
These are executive level administrations, agencies and departments that come under the President’s leadership. It’s dubious that he could be this disconnected from the functions of Govt. in his Executive branch especially when the “all powerful” IRS targeted his political enemies. This President very early on exhibited beliefs that the executive branch had no real limits under him and the actions by the IRS show it. Whether or not he was in charge of it or just knew about it, his fingerprints are all over it because this is the immoral culture he has created.
Wednesday President Obama held a meeting announcing that the acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller has resigned. Mr. Miller’s commission was up the first of June 2013 anyway. The fact is he must serve one more week until his replacement Daniel Werfel from the WH budget office comes over as his replacement. Miller had stated that, he looked forward to an orderly transition.” This is hardly the President telling him to pack your bags you’re fired, this is the minimum he could do, besides he’s not the guy behind all this.
The IRS is a very powerful entity in our Government and interfaces with taxpayers directly. The head of the IRS is an appointee who serves at the pleasure of the President. Therefore, it is highly implausible to think that low level IRS workers strategized this C-4 tactic plan and passed it along to other state, Ca. and Wash., IRS low level workers. All were undetected and successful in implementing it without their supervisor’s knowledge for years.
This is extremely disturbing on many levels. This agency is as powerful as the President and deemed to have high morals, integrity and is unbiased. They can make your life a living hell, cost you a fortune in CPA and attorney fees and ruin your reputation for life all in the name of justice.
This is also the Agency that is entrusted to be the chief enforcer of our new health care laws. Right now there is a national data base being created which holds every bit of personal and intimate information on you they can get. They will know what kinds of books you read, if you read. Your favorite color, any birth marks, your body piercings, on and on.
They will have the power to intimidate you just like they did to the tax exempt organizations. When you are in line for the new kidney or heart transplant all they have to do is open their data base and pull your information up. What will they find? Will they like what they find? If they don’t like whom you voted for or your freedom of speech, all it takes is ONE overly zealous worker drunk on this new found power and they have the freedom to drop you to the end of the line. What are you going to do then? Who can you complain to?
The common thread through all these scandals is Government Intimidation:
* Benghazi – We can watch you die and cover it up because we control your safety without you being able to do a thing about it.
* Assoc. Press – For two months Eric Holder monitored all their phone records; at work, cell and home. He knows all your secrets, your mistress, your babysitter, your sources, from 20 reporters and over 100 phone lines.
* IRS – Power over your money, your reputation and your livelihood. Enough said.

This is why I think that out of all the strikes against Obama this one is so crucial to us getting to the bottom or TOP of who started this test of intimidation to see how far they could go. Obama care is supposed to be put into practice this October. We cannot allow a corrupt agency to grow into control without any oversight. We have got to call Foul Play like House Speaker Boehner said, Strike Three, Mr. Obama, Your out, cause somebody’s going to JAIL!

Rep. Kelly Delivers Brutal Takedown of IRS Chief to Audience’s Applause

Friday, May 17, 2013 During a hearing of the House Ways and Means Committee investigating the claim that the Internal Revenue Service had singled out conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status for added scrutiny, Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) delivered a brutal takedown of the IRS. Kelly deemed the IRS officials’ explanation for the politically-motivated targeting insufficient and said that their overreach was one reason why Americans’ faith in their government was so low. The congressman’s speech which was met with applause from the audience.
“If you think it’s uncomfortable sitting over there, you ought to be a private individual when the IRS is across from you questioning,” Kelly said to Acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller.
“I have a grandson who is afraid to get out of bed at night because he thinks there’s somebody under the bed that’s going to grab him, and I think most Americans feel that way about the IRS,” Kelly continued. “You get a letter from you folks or a phone call, it’s with terror that you look at it.”

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