“EMO” Durante
las dos últimas semanas hemos sido atacados fuertemente por una incesante
cadena de interrupciones a nuestra publicación
“En mi opinión” Si en algún momento nos desaparecen del internet, no es por
nuestra propia voluntad. Es por la IRA de los enemigos de la libertad de opinion.
La Supresión
de la Libertad de Expresión Alberto Perez.
Hitler asumió el poder en 1933, los nazis controlaban menos del tres por ciento
de los 4.700 periódicos que circulaban en Alemania. Durante las primeras
semanas de 1933, el régimen nazi utilizó la radio, la prensa y los noticieros
para avivar el temor sobre los supuestos "enemigos" del pueblo
alemán, que eran los enemigos del nazismo. Luego canalizó la ansiedad popular
en medidas políticas que erradicaron las libertades civiles y la democracia.
unos pocos meses, el régimen nazi destruyó la libertad de prensa alemana antes
vigorosa. Hacia 1941, la editorial Eher del Partido Nazi se había convertido en
la mayor editorial de la historia alemana y su periódico principal, Völkischer
Beobachter (El Observador Nacional) había alcanzado una circulación de más de
un millón de ejemplares.
Fidel Castro asumió el poder en 1959, los comunistas controlaban solamente el
periódico "Hoy", cuya circulación era menos del 1% de los más de 70
periódicos diarios en la Habana y otros periódicos en las localidades del
interior. Existían 126 revistas semanales tres estaciones de televisión y
numerosas estaciones de radio. En unos pocos meses, el régimen de Castro
destruyó la libertad de prensa, y su periódico principal El Granma se convirtió
virtualmente en el único periódico de la nación. El régimen también asumió el
control de todas las estaciones de radio y televisión.
vital e imprescindible para la implementación de un régimen totalitario, el
control de los medios de comunicación. Las voces discordantes no tienen
cabida en un régimen totalitario y tienen que ser silenciadas, primero
sutilmente, según se asume el control más abiertamente, para dejar una sola voz
que repita las directrices del gobierno, justifique sus errores y que evite la
difusión de la información.
los Estados Unidos, hacer una declaración falsa de hechos puede ser
castigado. Por ejemplo, la difamación y la calumnia tienen un recurso legal
ante las cortes, por lo cual nunca ha sido necesaria la censura. El
derecho de réplica también se cumple por la diversidad de los medios de
en este ambiente democrático y de libertad, vemos que ciertas agencias del
gobierno están tratando de usar legalismos bajo la excusa de una falsa
imparcialidad para limitar la libertad de expresión en los periódicos y
en el internet, para implementar, de hecho una censura, hay que preocuparse.
agencias del gobierno asedian a las personas que discrepan del gobierno, y la
Secretaría de Justicia espía a periodistas, hay que preocuparse.
Hoy surge una nueva noticia de que
el departamento de justicia había estado espiando en un periodista de la cadena
Hay que preocuparse porque la
historia nos enseña que este es el primer paso en el camino al totalitarismo.
No es Igual Alberto Perez
De nuevo tenemos que enfrentarnos a la realidad
de que los problemas de Obama no son los problemas que tuvo Nixon.
No porque no sean causales de impugnación,
porque lo son, pero porque Obama no es Nixon.
Es como si pensáramos que pudiéramos hacer
renunciar a Fidel Castro por un método legal en las cortes de Cuba.
Bajo el sistema democrático de la administración
de Nixon, los periodistas del Washington Post Bob Woodward y Carl
Bernstein, usando el periodismo investigativo, con un confidente secreto de la
Casa Blanca al que apodaron “Garganta Profunda” (como un chiste sobre una
actriz de una película pornográfica que estaba de modas entonces) lograron
descubrir que Nixon había sido parte del encubrimiento del caso
Esto no puede pasar en estos momentos de la
historia bajo esta administración. Paradójicamente ayer salió un escrito
en el mismo Washington Post en que se destapa que el Departamento de Justicia
estaba espiando las llamadas y los E Mails del periodista de Fox News, James
Rosen, y han presentado cargos contra el analista de inteligencia Stephen
Jin-Woo Kim por haber dado información clasificada al reportero de Fox.
Si el gobierno de Nixon hubiera espiado la
correspondencia y los teléfonos de Woodward y Bernstein y hubiera detenido a
“Garganta Profunda” nunca se hubiera destapado el encubrimiento de Nixon.
Por esto es que Obama no puede ser impugnado, el
control férreo de los medios de comunicación, con el acoso de los oasis
periodísticos dentro de una prensa complaciente, hacen imposible el verificar,
como en el caso de Nixon, la complicidad de Obama en los hechos.
Por eso veremos los castigos como el de Stephen
Miller, comisionado del IRS, que fue despedido con un paracaídas de oro con
todos los beneficios de un ejecutivo que se retira con beneficios
millonarios. Los chivos expiatorios con “castigos” que son equivalentes a un delicado golpe en la mano, serán la
solución a todos los problemas que se puedan destapar. Porque el destape
en la cumbre presidencial está protegido por el sistema.
El Estado Maine en DECLIVE TOTAL ricardo samitier
EN El Estado Maine Ya Mueren Mas Personas Que las
Que Nacen... Históricamente
Ese es el Primer Escalón Para la DESAPARICIÓN... COMO
Does Carney's latest IRS story pass a smell test?
United Press International May 21, 2013 6:57 am
President Obama's staff
deliberately kept him in the dark about an impending report on the Internal
Revenue Service scandal, his press secretary said Monday.White House press secretary Jay Carney said during his daily briefing with reporters White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler had been notified a Treasury Department inspector general's audit report was on the way but decided it "wouldn't be appropriate" to tell the president.
Carney said Chief of Staff Dennis McDonough and other top officials were told the general nature of the report but a "judgment" call was made not to tell Obama it would show the IRS had targeted conservative groups for extra tax scrutiny.
Carney said Ruemmler "made clear that it was her view, and others shared this view, that there was not a need, in a situation like this with an ongoing investigation or audit, that the president should be notified."
Carney pointed out the report found no evidence anyone outside the IRS had any involvement in the inappropriate targeting, no one at the White House "intervened in an ongoing, independent investigation or did anything that could be seen as intervening in that investigation," and the misconduct had stopped in May 2012.
"While we had an indication of the likely findings, until the IG finalizes his report, the findings and conclusions are subject to change," Carney said. "And in fact, many IG reports do change significantly before they are published.
"So to be clear, we knew the subject of the investigation and we knew the nature of some of the potential findings, but we didn't have a copy of the draft report; we did not know the details, the scope or the motivation surrounding the misconduct; and we did not know who was responsible. Most importantly, the report was not final and still very much subject to change.
"I just want to say that some reporting today suggests -- and this is I think worth noting -- suggests that given awareness of the potential findings, we should have done more. That could not be further from the right course of action. The cardinal rule, as I said, is that you do not intervene in an independent investigation, and you do not do anything that would be -- that would give such an appearance, particularly when the final conclusions -- as was the case here -- have not been reached. And that's the doctrine we followed.
"And the bottom line is -- and this isn't just the most important fact, it's what we have said from the beginning -- not the White House, nor Treasury intervened in the Inspector General's audit."
Asked why Obama couldn't have been informed of the coming report without interfering, Carney said "because it's a judgment, in this case the judgment of the White House counsel, that this is not a matter that you should -- or that she should convey to the president."
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El perdón Alberto
Estamos de acuerdo en que el perdón
es el corazón de la doctrina cristiana.
Pero se trata primariamente sobre el
perdón de los pecados por el sacrificio de Cristo, y de como por consecuencia.
cómo agradecimiento a Dios que nos perdonó nuestros pecados, seamos condescendientes
y perdonemos a nuestros enemigos.
Pero en las historias que relata la
biblia, se reconoce el derecho del individuo a prevenir que sus enemigos
lo ataquen, condenándolos a prisión y si es necesario a la muerte. Desde
génesis, pasando por la ley del Talión, en el antiguo testamento, en el
nuevo testamento y en las encíclicas papales, se acepta que la pena de muerte
es justificada en casos extremos para la protección de la sociedad..
El problema del perdón o del castigo
cuando viene de la izquierda, es que es políticamente selectivo.
Los "sembrados" en el
exilio, nos dicen que debemos perdonar y olvidar para tener una Cuba
O sea básicamente lo que nos dicen
es que aceptemos el comunismo como bueno y que no se juzguen los crímenes del
comunismo. Lo peor es que nos dicen que somos unos hipócritas porque decimos
que somos cristianos pero no creemos en el perdón aunque enfaticemos de que no
pedimos venganza pero justicia.
¿Es el perdón lo que practican ellos
cuando toman el poder?
Todo lo contrario, son
extremadamente vengativos con sus enemigos. Desde Rusia donde
exterminaron completamente a la familia Romanoff y a todos sus enemigos,
pasando por las masacres de China y los fusilamientos de Cuba-
Esto no es cosa del pasado como nos
dicen. Tenemos un caso tan actual como que está sucediendo en estos
momentos en Guatemala y en proporción el caso que estamos viviendo bajo esta
administración en los Estados Unidos, con los ataques vengativos a los críticos
del presidente por las agencias del gobierno.
Hoy en Guatemala, en un juicio de
guerra, el General Efraín
Montt, de 83 años de edad, fue
declarado culpable por un crimen de “genocidio” de los indios Ixil en
el 1982.
Esto es algo tan absurdo que se
aparta de cualquiera realidad sujeta a una inteligencia primitiva pero que es
un motivo que ellos consideran válido para ejecutar la venganza de la
Primero, “genocidio” por definición
es el hecho o la intención de terminar con una raza o cultura.
Las bajas del enemigo en una guerra,
no es genocidio por ninguna de las dos partes.
Parte de los indios Ixil eran
aliados del General Montt, y durante su última postulación a la presidencia que
perdió su partido sin embargo ganó la mayoría en el territorio Ixil. Así
que el intento genocida por lo que fue condenado no tiene base real.
Los enemigos de Ríos Montt en la
tribu Ixil, eran los guerrilleros subvencionados por Fidel Castro, muchos de
los Ixiles pelearon junto al ejército.
Lo único que tiene de genocida Montt
es que quiso erradicar la cultura comunista, es un genocida anticomunista, y
esta fue la razón para su condena, una condena que tienen que cumplir los que
quieren erradicar la doctrina comunista cuando los comunistas toman el poder.
Esto se trata de una guerra que
ocurrió cuando el General Montt era presidente, y se estaba defendiendo contra
las guerrillas comunistas.
Esto sucedió en el año 1982.
Después de esto el General Ríos Montt ha sido un ciudadano residiendo en
Guatemala, y hasta fue aspirante a la presidencia pero estaban esperando a
tener un gobierno del corte socialista del siglo XXI.para tener las condiciones
para ejecutar su venganza.
Un comentario
de nuestro amigo el Ingeniero Armando Lopez-Calleja 5/20/13
Amigo Lázaro,
estamos plenamente de acuerdo con usted, en cualquier momento el hombre elimina
el artículo de la constitución que solo permite dos reelecciones al presidente
y tenemos otro dictadorzuelo en el poder y siguen los tontos útiles con las
manos cruzada, la prensa y el congreso que para el presidente no existe con sus
más de 600 órdenes ejecutivas. Se pasa todo el tiempo hablando para
recaudar fondos, la esposa viajando con un sequito de princesa que pagan los
contribuyentes. Además de la cantidad de "Botelleros"=
ex-presientes ex-legisladores, etc. que siguen cobrando indefinidamente sus
IRRESPONBLE. Actúa como si el país no
estuviera en una crisis económica. Cuando existen más de 100 millones de
estadounidenses que están sintiendo la crisis en carne propia y muchos perviven
gracias a la ayuda de instituciones y personas caritativas que los ayudan y de
la ayuda del impuesto que pagan los otros que tienen trabajo. Y LOS
EXILIO 1, 2 Y 3 QUE PASO MAS CHEVERE* Jesus Marzo Fernandez. Han pasado 30 años, pero el comunismo ni olvida ni perdona ni tiene escrúpulos para hacer callar o desaparecer a sus enemigos. Para ellos no existe un estatuto de limitación para su intransigencia.
Como lo han venido
pregonando, el gobierno de Raul Castro se encuentra trabajando
en la Transicion Politica, ya se ha anunciado a los 4 vientos, que el sucesor elegido por
los dioses sera el benemerito Miguel Diaz Canet, que contara con el apoyo total de las
Fuerzas Armadas y todos los aparatos represivos, Raul lo garantiza. Ademas todos los
dirigentes del Partido, incluso a nivel provincial, estan sometidos a un riguroso escrutinio,
no hay fisuras, el control ciudadano esta garantizado. Raul quedara en su finca La Rinconada
como garante de una Transicion mas tranquila que la del Santo Pontifice.
La Transicion Economica, ya esta practicamente terminada, los muchachos del II Frente
controlan en la actualidad, todas las actividades que generan divisas. Una transicion al estilo
ruso, los hombres mas ricos provienes de las filas del PCUS, al igual se repetira en Cuba.
No hay ningun impedimento para ello.
en la Transicion Politica, ya se ha anunciado a los 4 vientos, que el sucesor elegido por
los dioses sera el benemerito Miguel Diaz Canet, que contara con el apoyo total de las
Fuerzas Armadas y todos los aparatos represivos, Raul lo garantiza. Ademas todos los
dirigentes del Partido, incluso a nivel provincial, estan sometidos a un riguroso escrutinio,
no hay fisuras, el control ciudadano esta garantizado. Raul quedara en su finca La Rinconada
como garante de una Transicion mas tranquila que la del Santo Pontifice.
La Transicion Economica, ya esta practicamente terminada, los muchachos del II Frente
controlan en la actualidad, todas las actividades que generan divisas. Una transicion al estilo
ruso, los hombres mas ricos provienes de las filas del PCUS, al igual se repetira en Cuba.
No hay ningun impedimento para ello.
El yerno dirige las obras faraonicas de la Terminal del Mariel, y de la gigantesca marina
Gaviota de Varadero. Lo que queda del azucar, la pesca [solo langosta y camarones] el nickel,
los citricos, los hoteles; todo sencillamente esta bajo el control de los militares , en un
complejo sistema empresarial, de conjunto con los brasilenos. Donde la cabeza visible
es LULA.
La situacion interna, interna esta totalmente controlada, ademas el gobierno cuenta con el
apoyo total de la Iglesia Catolica. Esto es muy importante. Los tiempos de los desembarcos,
agentes de la CIA, e intentos de asesinatos, conspiraciones , ya son cosas del pasado. La brutal
represion, con mas de 10 mil fusilados, y condenas que suman mas de 4 millones de anos, y una
emigracion de casi de 2 millones de cubanos, han permitido que el gobierno se sienta seguro,
los guerreros han sido liquidados, o estan fuera del pais con las manos atadas.
Ademas el gobierno inteligemente, le ha puesto un" puente de plata" a sus adeversarios.
Por llamarlo de alguna forma, El Exilio # 1, hoy se encuentra en Venezuela. Todos los dirigentes
del Partido y del Gobierno que fueron sustituidos en la trancison de Fidel-Raul, ocupan
puestos de direecion en Venezuela. Tienen acceso a dollares, se buscan sus comisiones,
y mantienen en Cuba sus residencias, y determinados priveligios.
Estos exilados, que en realidad son una fuerza de ocupacion. pasan de 60 mil. y para el proximo
ano deben estar cerca de los 100 mil
Y hablando de Venezuela, como senalamos oportunamente, si Capriles se hubiera autoproclamado
presidente , atrincherado en Miranda y convocado una huelga general, hoy la situacion fuera
distinta. Ya es historia.
Solo le recomiendo a mis amigos venezolanos, que es buen momento para comprar el AREPAZO #3
un linea de omnibus, Doral - New Orleans, hay oposicion para mucho rato. Las oportunidades
historicas, no se puede dejar pasar.
El Exilio # 2, practicamente se encuentra en desuso. era el de los luchadores clandestinos, que
cuando sentia el peligro de sus vidas y de sus familiares, optaban por el exilio. LLegaban a
Miami y para susbsistir tenian que trabajar, e iniciar una nueva vida de 0, duro pero muy duro.
Estos hombres no
regresan mientras se mantenga la dictadura..
El Exilio # 3, el gobierno te da permiso, mantiene tus propiedades en Cuba.viajas por el
mundo, das conferencias, recaudas fondos, y regresas a Cuba., y continuas la "lucha pacifica."
El Exilio # 3, el gobierno te da permiso, mantiene tus propiedades en Cuba.viajas por el
mundo, das conferencias, recaudas fondos, y regresas a Cuba., y continuas la "lucha pacifica."
Alguien me puede explicar como es la lucha pacifica. es solo de palabras, celulares, internet?
no hay 'golpes ni empujones' y cuando se sabe el ganador?
En realidad, este tipo de lucha, le viene muy bien a los comunistas, sin dudas les garantiza
la continuidad PACIFICA. El gran problema de la lucha pacifica, es que es bastante imprecisa y
ademas muy cosotosa.
Muchas veces no esta
muy claro el objetivo de la lucha, ni se menciona a Raul Castro, ni al
Realmente el mensaje viene cifrado. Y costosa, ya que en la medida
que se incorporan
mas "combatientes
pacificos" mas gente hay que mantener. En los tiempos de Marti,
cuando se pasaba
"el jarro"
era para la compra de armas, financiar expediciones...... Ahora es comprar,
celulares, toda la
tecnologia moderna y bastante cara. Que despues , si la lucha no funciona
se puede vender en
Cuba. Ocurre dia a dia.
A veces , no queda
claro el destino de las donaciones. llega por igual a todos? o es para
el usufructo
particular? para evitar especulaciones, la tecnica Martiana, que ponia a
disposicion de todos,
el destino de cada centavo recaudado. Por eso Marti era Marti,
todo por la Patria.
En mi opinion, sin
ofendera a nadie, creo que nos quedan Castros y comunistas pa rato.
Que buen invento la
lucha pacifica y sin arbitro. A los comunistas les encanta este tipo
de lucha, que les
garantiza la permanencia en el Poder.
Para terminar, los que insisten, con el borron, y el perdon, acuerdense siempre
A Partir De 1970 Devaluaron El Dólar...
Ricardo Samitier.
Hasta Un Nino Lo Puede Entender. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-GWdpvgiIA
Obama Administration Spied On Fox News Reporter James Rosen: Report
May 20, 2013 by Breaking
News The Justice Department spied extensively on Fox News reporter James
Rosen in 2010, collecting his telephone records, tracking his movements in and
out of the State Department and seizing two days of Rosen’s personal emails,
the Washington Post reported on Monday.
In a chilling move sure to rile defenders of civil liberties, an FBI agent also
accused Rosen of breaking anti-espionage law with behavior that—as described in
the agent’s own affidavit—falls well inside the bounds of traditional news
reporting. (Disclosure: This reporter counts Rosen among his friends.)The revelations surfaced with President Barack Obama’s administration already under fire for seizing two months of telephone records of reporters and editors at the Associated Press. Obama last week said he makes “no apologies” for investigations into national security-related leaks. The AP’s CEO, Gray Pruitt, said Sunday that the seizure was “unconstitutional.”
The Obama administration has prosecuted twice as many leakers as all previous administrations combined.
“The president is a strong defender of the First Amendment and a firm believer in the need for the press to be unfettered in its ability to conduct investigative reporting and facilitate a free flow of information,” White House press secretary Jay Carney insisted last week. “He also, of course, recognizes the need for the Justice Department to investigate alleged criminal activity without undue influence.”
Slap My Head Alert! Outgoing IRS Chief: Taxes Voluntary.
On Friday, former acting IRS Commissioner Steve Miller, testifying before the House Ways and Means Committee, said that America’s tax system is “voluntary.”During the hearing, Rep. Devin Nunes (D-CA) said in passing that the U.S. tax code is a “voluntary system.” Miller simply responded, “Agreed.”
This line has been used before by none other than Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Interviewed by Jan Helfeld in 2008, this is how the conversation went:
Helfeld: If the government is in the business of forcefully taking money from some people in order to provide welfare benefits to others, how will the people whose money is being taken feel about the government?
Reid: Well, I don’t accept your phraseology. I don’t think we force people-
Helfeld: Taxation is not forceful?
Reid: Well, no ..
Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/05/slap-my-head-alert-outgoing-irs-chieftaxes-voluntary/#ixzz2TvzhHELp
Get more Clash on ClashDaily.com, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
do food stamps come from?
They come from taxpayers—certainly not from family farms. Yet the “farm” bill, a recurring subsidy-fest in Congress, is actually 80 percent food stamps and other government nutrition programs. The food stamps sweeten the farm deal for lawmakers, who admit that the combination works for their political purposes. As Heritage experts Daren Bakst and Diane Katz explain:
The food stamp portion creates a reason for urban representatives to
support farm subsidies, and for farm-state lawmakers to support food stamps.
Talk of de-politicizing agriculture programs and welfare policy is met with stiff resistance. For example, Senator Thad Cochran (R–MS), ranking Republican on the Senate Agriculture Committee, recently told the North American Agricultural Journalists group that food stamps should continue to be included in the farm bill “purely from a political perspective. It helps get the farm bill passed.” Food stamps are there to help “get the farm bill passed.” And the relation of the rest of the farm bill to farming is also questionable. Bakst and Katz note that “Congress has expanded the farm bill over time into a costly compilation of disparate programs. Along with agriculture and food stamps, the legislation includes dozens of forestry, conservation, energy, and rural development programs.” It has become the norm that Congress lumps billions—even trillions—of dollars in taxpayer-funded programs together into huge bills. This allows them to sneak in plenty of special-interest pork. Each of these programs deserves to be evaluated on its own, and taxpayers deserve transparency from Congress about how it plans to spend our money. For example, food stamps are a massive program that needs a careful look. Food stamp spending has doubled under the Obama Administration, and participation is at historic highs. Recruiters hold bingo games and other “parties” to try to get more people on the food stamp rolls. Farm commodity programs are also a major concern and in dire need of reform. Congress may eliminate the egregious direct payment program, which pays farmers for doing nothing. However, instead of stopping there, both the House and Senate farm bills would replace direct payments with programs that could wind up being even costlier. Food stamps and farming ultimately have to do with food, but that’s about all they have in common. Making the farm bill 80 percent food stamps just doesn’t make sense. |
National Protest Against IRS at Noon Today
Written by Gary North on May 21, 2013Tea Party groups are organizing a national rally to protest the IRS’s invasive tactics against conservative organizations. An interactive map of where the meetings will be held is here.
This has been great publicity for the Tea Party movement. It is likely to grow.
Here is why this is important. Bureaucracies fear three things, and only three things: (1) widespread negative publicity, which threatens (2) political interference from above and outside the bureaucracy, which could lead to (3) budget cuts.
Budget cuts are the main threat. This rarely happens. But investigations by Congress are a threat, because Congress may impose an auditing board to review the organization. This transfers authority outside channels. This undermines the autonomy of senior administrators.
If well attended, the protests will alert Congressmen to potential problems in the next election. This is not a major threat, due to gerrymandered districts, but they are always alert to problems that could get out of hand.
The easiest response of a politician is a full investigation, which means a controlled investigation for incumbents and a media circus for the minority party.
Because of Obama’s trifecta — the IRS, the phone logs, and Benghazi — the individual scandals cannot be contained. They reinforce each other.
Will the protests change the behavior of the IRS? Only indirectly, by way of Congress. The IRS’s Cincinnati office, which hands out the authorization papers, will play turtle for several years. Word will come down: “no more strong arming.”
Default mode for bureaucrats is to avoid controversy by showing no initiative. The Cincinnati office showed initiative. That will not happen again.
Three words will now take over: by the book. It is a fat book.
Continue Reading on www.usnews.com
Read more: http://teapartyeconomist.com/2013/05/21/national-protest-against-irs-at-noon-today/#ixzz2Tw6SWy99
DOJ makes chilling charge against Fox News reporter
Associated Press
May 21, 2013 6:55 am
WASHINGTON - In another case of the Obama
administration investigating classified information improperly disclosed to
reporters, the government is prosecuting a State Department expert on North
Korea in a probe that appears to step into uncharted territory - by declaring
that a journalist is committing a crime in disclosing leaked information.During the investigation of State Department adviser Stephen Kim, law enforcement officials obtained a search warrant for some private emails of James Rosen, the chief Washington correspondent for Fox News. Investigators also tracked Rosen's comings and goings from the State Department.
An FBI agent seeking the search warrant spelled out the government's view of the journalist's role, saying the reporter is a co-conspirator and that there is probable cause to believe that the reporter committed a violation of criminal law.
"We are outraged to learn today that James Rosen was named a criminal co-conspirator for simply doing his job as a reporter," said Michael Clemente, Fox's executive vice president for news. "In fact, it is downright chilling. We will unequivocally defend his right to operate as a member of what up until now has always been a free press."
Kim, who is awaiting trial, is accused of revealing secrets to the news organization. No charges have been filed against Rosen.
The Kim case is further along than a more recent leak probe in which prosecutors secretly subpoenaed Associated Press phone records. In the AP case, AP President and Chief Executive Gary Pruitt said the government's conduct has already had a chilling effect on newsgathering, a week after the AP subpoenas were revealed publicly.
In June 2009, Rosen reported that U.S. intelligence officials warned President Barack Obama and senior U.S. officials that North Korea would respond to a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning nuclear tests with another nuclear test.
The 2010 affidavit for a search warrant, first reported by The Washington Post, does not identify Rosen as "the reporter," but he wrote the story at issue, and Fox News confirmed it was him on Monday.
The White House wouldn't comment about tracking Rosen, citing an ongoing criminal investigation. Instead, White House spokesman Jay Carney cited a media shield law Obama supports as evidence of his commitment to journalistic freedom, reprising an argument the White House used a week earlier in declining to address the Justice Department's probe involving AP.
"The president believes it's important that we find a proper balance between a need - absolute need - to protect our secrets and to prevent leaks that can jeopardize the lives of Americans and can jeopardize our national security interests on the one hand, and the need to defend the First Amendment and protect the ability of reporters to pursue investigative journalism," Carney said.
In the Kim case, "based on the investigation and all of the facts known to date, no other individuals, including the reporter, have been charged since Mr. Kim was indicted nearly three years ago," said the U.S. Attorney's office in Washington, D.C., which is prosecuting the case.
The Justice Department said that improper disclosure of classified information to the press can pose a serious risk of harm to national security, and said it has followed the law and its policies to protect First Amendment rights.
The material at issue in the Kim case came from an intelligence report that had been communicated to officials in the intelligence community, including Kim, on the morning that Rosen's story was published, according to the affidavit for a search warrant by FBI agent Reginald Reyes. Between the time of that communication and when the story was published, someone with Kim's unique electronic profile and password accessed the report at least three times.
Citing telephone call records, the affidavit also said that multiple phone calls were made between the two that day, including two from Kim when someone with his profile was viewing the report. The FBI agent also cited multiple calls between Kim's cellphone and Rosen and his news organization.
The FBI went well beyond phone records to try to establish a connection between the two. The agent wrote that State Department security badge access records showed that Kim and Rosen, who had an office at the State Department at the time, left the building at nearly the same time that day, were gone for about 25 minutes, and returned around the same time. The FBI affidavit also said that when State Department Diplomatic Security personnel entered Kim's office space two months later, they found Rosen's article "lying in plain view" on Kim's desk.
The affidavit stated that the email communications, obtained by search warrants on Kim's Yahoo email accounts, show Rosen and Kim used aliases - "Alex" and "Leo," respectively. In one email, Rosen writes: "What I am interested in, as you might expect, is breaking news ahead of my competitors ... Let's break some news, and expose muddle-headed policy when we see it."
Rosen encouraged Kim to disclose sensitive U.S. internal documents and intelligence about North Korea (identified only as the "Foreign Country"), according to the affidavit.
"The reporter did not possess a security clearance and was not entitled to receive the information published in the June 2009 article," wrote Reyes, the FBI agent.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Alan Kay signed the warrant.
Associated Press writers Fred Frommer and Josh Lederman contributed to this report.
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DEMAND the Truth
Los Jefes Nombrados Por Obama Para
Dirigir El IRS
No Necesitan ORDENES DIRECTAS De La Casa Blanca
Para Atacar A Los Conservadores… Todos
Los Que
Han Leído El Manifiesto Comunista Saben
Lo Siguiente:
Los Comunistas NO CREEN EN DIOS
Creen que somos IGUAL A LOS ANIMALES… es decir se nos puede asesinar.
No creen en el MATRIMONIO... según Marx es la “Prostitución Burguesa”
Ordena Atacar A La Burguesía en todas Partes y en todos los
momentos hasta establecer la DICTADURA DEL PROLETARIADO...
Los comunistas NO SON NI HONRADOS – NI LEALES como nosotros... Son como ESPÍAS que viven entre los que
desean TRAICIONAR...
Únete a esta campaña y firma que se
investigue y se juzgue a los espías comunistas que estaban trabajando en el IRS...
It's bad enough they steal your hard-earned money... But now the IRS is targeting you and your allies just for being conservative. If you describe yourself as a patriot, then you would be an IRS target. As you may know, it was recently revealed the IRS has been deliberately targeting conservative groups applying for tax exempt status for "extra scrutiny." And it gets worse. The IRS forced conservative groups to give up confidential information like donor lists -- which ended up in the hands of their political opponents. Somebody must be held accountable for this outrageous abuse of power. You and I must DEMAND an investigation and full disclosure regardless of how high up the ladder this goes! That's why I'm counting on you to sign your "We Demand the Truth" petition IMMEDIATELY. Manuel, this entire debacle should honestly come as no surprise. The Obama Administration has a history of using the IRS to target known conservatives. Since President Obama took office, there have been countless claims of politically-motivated IRS audits on conservative groups. In 2010, a White House official revealed private tax information of a famous conservative entrepreneur to reporters. And in 2012, a conservative group's private tax files were leaked to a group with ties to President Obama's reelection campaign. Manuel, nobody has ever been held accountable for any of these politically driven, unlawful acts. This time won't be any different unless you and I force President Obama's hand. That's why it's vital you sign your "We Demand the Truth" petition IMMEDIATELY. The absolute reality of this scandal is the IRS is exploiting their authority by means of discrimination based on political views. And let us not forget -- this is the very agency assigned to enforce ObamaCare starting next year! The intentional targeting of conservative groups by the IRS is an egregious attack on our Constitutional rights. And just like with every other scandal involving this administration, President Obama is claiming ignorance and feigning outrage. Well, that just isn't good enough. I am demanding a full investigation and detailed disclosure. And I will not back down until everyone involved is held accountable. So please stand with me by signing your "We Demand the Truth" petition. And if possible, please make a generous contribution of $100, $50, or $25 TODAY. Your contribution will help me circulate this petition to as many freedom-loving Americans as possible. You and I can start a wave of public outrage that will force President Obama's hand. So please sign your "We Demand the Truth" petition and make your most generous contribution TODAY. Thank you for all that you do. In Liberty, Senator Rand Paul P.S. The Obama Administration has a long history of using the IRS to target political opponents. And nobody has ever been held accountable. That's why it's vital you sign your "We Demand the Truth" petition IMMEDIATELY. |
Judge muzzles speech!
Dear Lazaro R,
A federal judge in Michigan has ruled that law enforcement officers were justified in muzzling the free speech of a group of Christians.
The Christians were standing on sidewalks at an international Arab festival in Dearborn, Michigan. In response to their signs and public preaching, a mob of Muslim youth gathered and pelted them with various objects.

Law enforcement officers intervened, but instead of arresting anyone in the mob they warned the Christians to cease their activities or be arrested.
The judge ruled that the mob violence justified the intervention by the officers against the Christians. See the WorldNetDaily story below (highlights added).
In other words, because the Muslim mob reacted angrily with violence, the officers had a duty to muzzle the speech rather than stop the violence.
Dear Lazaro R,
A federal judge in Michigan has ruled that law enforcement officers were justified in muzzling the free speech of a group of Christians.
The Christians were standing on sidewalks at an international Arab festival in Dearborn, Michigan. In response to their signs and public preaching, a mob of Muslim youth gathered and pelted them with various objects.

Law enforcement officers intervened, but instead of arresting anyone in the mob they warned the Christians to cease their activities or be arrested.
The judge ruled that the mob violence justified the intervention by the officers against the Christians. See the WorldNetDaily story below (highlights added).
In other words, because the Muslim mob reacted angrily with violence, the officers had a duty to muzzle the speech rather than stop the violence.
message is loud and clear: If you are a Muslim, and you object to speech you
don’t like, you can react with violence, because government authorities will
reward your violence by muzzling the speech you don’t like.
join us in fighting back to defend our First Amendment right to freedom of
speech by signing our
open letter to Congress and the state legislatures.
We’ve declared September 25th to be “Freedom of Speech Day.” September 25th is the 224th anniversary of congressional passage of the Bill of Rights. Find out more about “Freedom of Speech Day” activities and how you can host a “Freedom of Speech Day” event in your community. |
Suppression of speech fine if Muslims threaten violence
A federal judge has issued a startling ruling that suppressing Christian speech is allowed when Muslims threaten violence because they’re upset over the message.
The ruling from Judge Patrick J. Duggan in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan granted Wayne County’s motion for summary judgment of a lawsuit brought by a team of Christians who were badgered, bullied and targeted with garbage thrown by Muslims who disliked their message at last year’s Arab Fest in Dearborn, Mich.
Officials with American Freedom Law Center, who have been arguing the case on behalf of the Christians, also said the judge denied AFLC’s motion requesting that the court issue an order preventing the Wayne County Sheriff and his deputies from restricting the Christian evangelists from displaying their banners and signs on the public sidewalks outside of this year’s Arab Festival.
It is scheduled for June.
In his ruling, Duggan said, “The court finds that the actual demonstration of violence here provided the requisite justification for [the Wayne County sheriffs'] intervention, even if the officials acted as they did because of the effect the speech had on the crowd.”
The case had been filed by the AFLC after several Christian evangelists were violently assaulted by a hostile Muslim mob while preaching at the festival last year in Dearborn, which has the largest concentration of Muslims in the United States.
The lawsuit, which will be appealed to a higher court, alleged the county, sheriff and deputies refused to protect the Christians from the attack, and they threatened to arrest the Christians for disorderly conduct if they did not halt their speech activity and immediately leave the festival area.
Robert Muise, AFLC co-founder and senior counsel, said, “The First Amendment was dealt a severe blow today as a result of this ruling. Indeed, this ruling effectively empowers Muslims to silence Christian speech that they deem offensive by engaging in violence. And pursuant to this ruling, the Christian speakers are now subject to arrest for engaging in disorderly conduct on account of the Muslim hecklers’ violent response to their speech. In short, this ruling turns the First Amendment on its head.”
David Yerushalmi, AFLC co-founder and senior counsel, added: “This fight for our fundamental right to freedom of speech does not stop here. We have filed an immediate appeal of this ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. While Judge Duggan may have been the first judge to rule on this issue, he won’t be the last. Indeed, we are prepared to take this case to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary because it is imperative that our free speech rights not be subject to mob rule. This is the United States, not Benghazi.”
WND previously reported on the case several times.
The violence developed at the 2012 events when Christian evangelists walking on public sidewalks surrounding the event while carrying signs with biblical messages were assaulted with stones, bottles and debris by attendees of the festival.
The signs that brought on the attack included “Know the God of the Bible” and “Trust Jesus.”
Several of the Christian demonstrators walked away bruised and bloodied from the attack. Ruben Israel, the leader of the group, pleaded with law enforcement officials to intervene so that the demonstration could continue peacefully.
However, the officer refused and demanded the Christians leave the premises or face arrest for disorderly conduct.
Shortly after, Israel contacted AFLC, which filed a federal lawsuit against Wayne County and several officials from the Wayne County sheriff’s office. AFLC charged that the officers failed to uphold their constitutional duty to protect the Christians.
A video has been released of the 2012 confrontation that explains authorities not only failed to protect the Christians, they ordered them to leave the Arab festival under threat of arrest for “disorderly conduct.”
However, not one Muslim was arrested for the attack, which left several members of the Christian group injured, the video says.
The video, and a related complaint, showed the crowd – reminiscent of a rock-throwing “intifada” scene from the Middle East – hurling a dizzying barrage of objects at the Christians, who were standing passively with their signs.
WND later learned that the Christian crowd had been carrying a pole with a pig’s head attached to the top, further angering the Muslim crowd. At the beginning of the video, Christian street preachers shout, “God is good, and God is not Allah!”
A the 2:17 mark of the video, the mob can be heard screaming: “You want to jump ‘em? C’mon, let’s go!”
One boy yells, “Let’s beat the sh-t out of them!”
A girl shouts, “Go home! Do you understand English?!”
Despite the attacks the Christians endured, a man identified in the video as Deputy Chief Dennis Richardson of the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office tells them, “You’re a danger to the safety right now.”
Officers claim they don’t have the manpower to protect the Christians at the festival.
“Your safety is in harm’s way. You need to protect everybody,” said Deputy Chief Mike Jaafar of the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office. “You do have the option to leave. I just want to make that clear.”
Israel replied, “You have the option to stand with us” as Jaafar walked away, leaving the Christians to the mob.
When police leave, the crowd continues harassing the Christians and screaming profanities.
Then police begin escorting the Christians away from the crowd.
Richardson tells Israel: “We have the responsibility of policing the entire festival, and obviously your conduct is such that it’s causing a disturbance and is a direct threat to the safety of everyone here. Someone could get hurt. You already have blood on your face. One of the festival people, one of my officers, anybody can get hurt. Now we’re going to escort you out.”
Israel explains that the mob throws things and becomes more aggressive when police leave the scene.
“Part of the reason that they throw things on someone is because you tell them stuff that enrages them,” Richardson argues.
AFLC said the Christians were wearing shirts with Scripture quotes and Christian messages.
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“En mi opinión” No 389 5/22/13
Lázaro R
González Miño Editor ‘In GOD we trust’
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