“En mi opinión” No 389 5/20/13
Lázaro R
González Miño Editor ‘In GOD we trust’.
U.N. Gun Ban Moving Toward Ratification. |
For years, the United Nations has been
working on an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) that would regulate small arms on a
global scale. President George W. Bush took the U.S. out of negotiations,
because he did not want any involvement in a treaty that would infringe on
our Second Amendment rights.
Predictably, Barack Obama put us back
at the table. And after a few years of meetings, with the U.S. stepping out
briefly, only to give some space during the presidential election, the U.N.
General Assembly announced they had signed off on terms: “The United Nations
General Assembly on Tuesday signed off on a “sweeping, first-of-its-kind
treaty to regulate the international arms trade.”
the United Nations will release the ATT to the member nations for ratification.
Assuming President Obama signs it, it will then go to the United States
Senate for ratification.
Fax your Senators now and tell them to
stop this international intrusion.
Congress failed to pass a bill
establishing a national gun registry—but now we are faced with one as part of
this U.N. Treaty. That is great news for Members of Congress, especially
those against the Second Amendment. They can say, “Hey…I voted against a gun
registry, remember?” … and then they can sign off on this U.N. Treaty without
getting their hands dirty.
Supporters of the treaty and liberal
mainstream media organizations roll their eyes at conservative opposition and
say it doesn’t target the law-abiding American citizen who is a gun owner.
But that is not true. It seeks to regulate the trade of large arms (such as
tanks, helicopters and missiles) and also, “Small arms and light weapons,”
the definition of which is “weapons designed for individual use, including”
but not limited to “revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines,
sub machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns.”
The Senate must not ratify this!
Do not be fooled by liberals trying to
play off this treaty as nothing. It will:
Enact tougher licensing requirements, making it almost impossible for you, an
individual, to own a firearm
Require the government to confiscate firearms owned by individuals
Place further restrictions on the sale of arms
Create an international gun registry
Give foreign nations access to your personal data
It will establish an international
bureaucracy that will regulate and strictly control all arms, ammunition and
parts –and if our country signs on to it, it will lessen our Second Amendment
rights and eventually eliminate them. The treaty has been marketed as a way
to keep weapons out of the hands of dictators and terrorists, but it is an
international attack on private gun ownership and will essentially regulate
our Second Amendment rights.
The Senate approved a nonbinding
amendment opposing the treaty, and Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) says “The
Senate has already gone on record in stating that an Arms Trade Treaty has no
hope, especially if it does not specifically protect the individual right to
bear arms and American sovereignty. It would be pointless for the president
to sign such a treaty and expect the Senate to go along. We won’t ratify it.”
However, ATT supporters are claiming
the treaty doesn’t touch American gun owners. That can’t be true, because you
can read the language and see what is in it. It is also, as we said, the best
way for gun control to come to America without Obama and his anti-gun crowd
having to get anything through Congressional legislation. Senator Cochran
doesn’t think the Senate will ratify it, but only 8 Democrats joined
Republicans in approving the amendment against it. This is no time for
opinion to change as pressure mounts for new gun control laws everywhere.
Tell Congress to defend our Constitution,
save our right to bear arms, and keep America free from international
Forbes Opinion Editor: IRS Scandal Ain’t Nothing But a Thang
As seemingly every sentient being now knows, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has apparently been selective when it comes to the entities its agents scrutinize for tax-payment irregularities. Tea Party groups in particular (organizations known to be less sympathetic toward the IRS) seem to have generated abnormal amounts of attention from it.Let it be said up front that the IRS’s presumed misdeeds are indeed offensive, but let’s not be so facile as to call what happened a scandal. If so, then it’s certainly the case that human nature is scandalous.
That is so because bias is a human condition. Conservatives sometimes complain about ‘liberal media bias,’ and while the latter is a reality, the complaining has never made sense. Those who swing left tend to gravitate toward the media, so it’s only natural that media coverage of just about anything will reveal itself in slanted ways.
As James Bovard put it in a Wall Street Journal op-ed earlier this week, a politicized IRS has been the norm since at least the 1930s. To presume otherwise is naïve, so while it’s perhaps good politics for President Obama’s opponents to be political about the IRS’s revolting doings, any righteous indignation seems overdone. Any government entity is going to be political, and because the latter is true, it’s hard to assign scandal…
There are African Americans, Mexican Americans,
Asian Americans,
Arab Americans, etc. And then there are
just Americans...
You pass me on the street and sneer in my
You call me 'White boy', 'Cracker', 'Honkey', 'Whitey', 'Caveman'...
You call me 'White boy', 'Cracker', 'Honkey', 'Whitey', 'Caveman'...
And that's OK... But when I call you
Nigger, Kike,
Towel head, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner,
Gook, or Chink...
You call me a racist.
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you...
So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live in?
You have the United Negro College Fund.
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you...
So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live in?
You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah.
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi.
You have the NAACP.
You have BET...
Imagine if we had WET
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah.
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi.
You have the NAACP.
You have BET...
Imagine if we had WET
(White Entertainment Television)...
we'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.
If we had White History Month, we'd be racists.
If we had any organization for whites only to 'advance' OUR lives, we'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.
If we had White History Month, we'd be racists.
If we had any organization for whites only to 'advance' OUR lives, we'd be racists.
We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce,
and then we just have the plain Chamber of
Commerce. Wonder who pays for that???
A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant,
A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant,
but any color can be in the Miss America pageant.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...
You know we'd be racists.
There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US ...
Yet if there were 'White colleges', that would be a racist college.
In the Million Men March,
There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US ...
Yet if there were 'White colleges', that would be a racist college.
In the Million Men March,
you believed that you were marching for your race
and rights.
If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange,
If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange,
and you're not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us.
But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us.
when a white police officer shoots a black gang
member or beats up a black drug dealer running from the law and posing a threat
to society, you call him a racist.
I am proud...But you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists???
There is nothing improper about this e-mail...
But let's see which of you are proud enough to send it on.
I sadly don't think many will.
That's why we have LOST most of OUR RIGHT Sin this country.
We won't stand up for ourselves!
It's not a crime YET... But getting very close!
It's not a crime YET... But getting very close!
Jail to the Chief
May 19, 2013 Obama told a group of students to ‘reject those voices’ that warn
of Government Tyranny… what’s more important than what he said, was what he did
not say. He did not say ‘make them prove it”, he did not say “study for
yourself”….and he did not say “Look at the track record”—because history proves
him to be a lying marxist….
Again.Never in history…has an administration become so intertwined with the ‘day to day’ operations of America’s major news organizations.
If they haven’t received MASSIVE amounts of money—they have relatives on the payroll.
Esperando el Desenlace Alberto L Pérez. amenper.
En una obra
literaria, la narrativa de la trama o sea la narratología se divide en un
reactor de diversos acontecimientos presentados por el autor al lector.
Las tres
fases o reactores de la narración son:
Primero, la
presentación que es la escritura inicial, donde formalmente se da a conocer el ambiente en
el que la historia se va a desarrollar,
Segundo, el nudo
o desarrollo de los acontecimientos.
Tercero, al
final el desenlace que es la sección final donde alivia o disipa la tensión
Las dos fases
iniciales tienen que mantener un balance, para poder llegar al desenlace
correcto. Si el autor dilata demasiado la presentación o el desarrollo de
los acontecimientos, la demora lo hacer caer en la monotonía, el lector pierde
el interés inicial de la presentación, y por consecuencia, el desenlace
resulta forzado, y la obra resulta un fracaso.
Una obra
literaria que no sea ciencia ficción pero una novela o una obra dramática, no
es más que una imitación de la vida, una narrativa de los acontecimientos que
se presentan en la vida diaria.
Por lo tanto, es
lógico seguir los procedimientos de un autor literario al enfrentarnos a los
acontecimientos cotidianos para poder tener el resultado de un desenlace que
refleje una acción transformadora.
Al presidente
Obama se le han presentado tres “muertos”; Benghazi, los abusos del IRS, y el espionaje de los periodistas de la
Prensa Asociada.
Está haciendo
juegos malabares con las tres calaveras, y ha logrado la dilatación de la
presentación en el caso de Benghazi con la complicidad de la prensa, que ha
mantenido a la opinión pública desinformada de los hechos.
Pero al surgir
los abusos del IRS y el caso de los periodistas, la situación se le ha hecho
más difícil, primero por la arrogancia de los hechos que son muy difícil de
ocultar, y segundo porque ha sido el choque de dos poderes, el de Obama y el de
los medios de comunicación que han comprendido que si pierden su libertad
pierden la razón de ser.
Por eso vemos
algunos incondicionales de Obama cambiando su discurso complaciente para
enfrentar al presidente con su responsabilidad.
Esta es una
oportunidad a pasar al nudo de los acontecimientos. Como en la obra
literaria, ahora hay que forzar la tensión para que finalmente explote,
supliendo la carencia indicada en el principio y enfatizando la situación
problemática que motivó la trama. Cualquiera de los tres “muertos” es causa de
impugnación, pero si no se explota el desarrollo del nudo, no se puede llegar
al desenlace deseado.
Esta puede ser
la última oportunidad, no sólo para terminar con el mandato de Obama, pero para
evitar que termine el mejor sistema democrático que ha existido en el mundo.
NHR.com La prensa reacciona ante escándalos de la administración de Obama • La califican de corrupta e incompetente
MIAMI, 17 DE MAYO DE 2013, NHR.com—No hay dudas de que la administración del presidente Barack Obama está atravesando por la semana más difícil de los 5 años que ha estado en el poder, y todo indica que no mejorará en largo tiempo, desconociéndose hasta qué punto llegará.Son cuatro escándalos de enormes proporciones lo que le ha caido encima y son investigados por comités del Congreso: la obtención por parte del Departamento de Justicia de los registros telefónicos de periodistas de la AP, la agencia de noticia más poderosa de Estados Unidos; las controversiales investigaciones que llevó el IRS contra grupos conservadores instigados por miembros del gobierno; el descubrimiento de que la secretaria de Salud, Kathleen Sebelius, le solicito a la empresa H&R Block y a la Robert Block Foundation millonaria donaciones con el fin de financiar una campaña para asegurar el éxito de Obamacare; y el escándalo del ataque terrorista en Bengasi, que se la complicado con las declaraciones hechas por tres “soplones” testigos presenciales de aquellos ataques del 9/11 pasado.
En medio de toda estos controversiales escándalos, la gran prensa que se ha demostrado aliada de Obama , ha comenzado a reaccionar ante esas revelaciones.
Uno de los artículos de opinión que más ha llamado la atención es el escrito por el premio Pulitzer ,Michael Goodwin, para, entre otros, el New York Post, bajo el titular de “Escándalos de Obama toman la Nación como una tormenta”. Goodwin señala que “como una metáfora para el gran gobierno, es difícil sorprender al Departamento de Justicia registrándoles los teléfonos a periodistas de la Prensa Asociada, al menos que piense que sea mejor ejemplo que el servicio de rentas internos apriete los tornillos a grupos vistos como conservadores y por tanto indignos de un trato justo”.
En otro párrafo de este articulo, Goodwin dice: “Mientras tanto en la Casa Blanca, la nube creciente de problemas debe tener a los muchachos en el bunker añorando los viejos tiempos, esos días de idilio de antaño cuando Bengasi era el único escándalo en el horizonte”.
Y en otro párrafo dice: “La administración de Obama es corrupta e incompetente, es un doble golpe que se deletrea apuro para la nación, en el país y el extranjero, La corrupción no es así en Albany, donde los funcionarios se llenan sus bolsillos con dinero del contribuyente. La corrupción en la tierra de Obama es el uso selectivo del poder gubernamental para recompensar a los amigos y castigar a los opositores, o como el presidente los llama: el enemigo”.
Y finaliza su artículo Michael Goodwin:“Sus aliados políticos, Solyndra y las uniones, obtienen golosinas especiales, mientras que quienes se oponen a la agenda del régimen son demonizados y señalados para el escrutinio. El IRS señala a los grupos como el Tea Party o patriotas, los que defienden esto en su nombre huele a tácticas de caudillos de republicas bananeras de las que Hugo Chávez y Fidel Castro se sentirían orgullosos”.
Holy Cannibalism, Bat Man: Liberals Are Eating Liberals
Grab some popcorn, folks. Pull up a chair. Get yourself a 6 pack. No … a 12pack and join with me and other liberty-minded folks as we watch the Left finally sink their comedic and inquisitive teeth into the rotted flesh of the Hope & Crap Machine that we’ve been caterwauling about for the last five, seems like twenty, years.I don’t know about you guys but last week was a little gift from God as we got to see the Lame Stream Media get a modicum of game and finally call Obama and his ilk out on the carpet for their Benghazi Bullsmack, their egregious bullying of patriotic non-profits by the IRS and the Department of Just-Us’ tawdry hacking of the AP’s iPhones.
Chief amongst my joys during the previous seven days was watching John Stewart slam dance Obama, night after night, for BHO’s Eddie Haskellesque prevarications, his Clintonian verb parsing and his OJ-like blame-shifting.
The Daily Show’s host vehemently ripped into Obama, stating BHO and the IRS vindicated conspiracy theorists by purposefully hamstringing non-profit applications sought by freedom loving citizens. Stewart also hammered away at el Presidente‘ssupposedly “not knowing” about the IRS’ greasy tactics and the DOJ’s egregious 1st amendment breech “until he heard it on the news like we did.” Stewart said, “I wouldn’t be surprised if President Obama learned Osama bin Laden had been killed when he saw himself announce it on television.”
However, the crème de le crème was served on Wednesday night when John finally acknowledged that outfits like Fox News, who’ve been seriously miffed for many moons at Obama’s bullying tactics, were, after all, right and had every reason to be outraged.
Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/05/holy-cannibalism-bat-man-liberals-are-eating-liberals/#ixzz2TqD8nEaJ
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Biden Now Blamed in SEAL Team 6 Deaths
The families of three fallen Navy SEAL Team Six members say President Obama and Vice President Biden are culpable for the deaths of their sons for publicly identifying the unit that killed Osama bin Laden and pursuing policies that coddle Muslims and put our own troops at a tactical disadvantage.SEAL Team Six carried out the daring raid in Pakistan in early May 2011. Three months later, three members of the unit were among 38 killed in a Chinook helicopter crash in Afghanistan. Twenty-five of the dead were special operations forces. Larry Klayman is founder of Freedom Watch, a WND columnist and the attorney representing three of the families who lost their sons. He said the Obama administration carelessly and illegally revealed the role of SEAL Team Six shortly after announcing the successful mission to kill bin Laden.
“Shortly after that successful raid on bin Laden, the president – through the vice president for political purposes – released the name of SEAL Team Six. That’s classified information, and even (then) Defense Secretary Robert Gates was critical of that. So that was like putting a target on the backs of the sons of my clients,” said Klayman, who revealed the helicopter may have been infiltrated by the Taliban before the crash because the Afghans on board were last-minute changes from the names on the original flight manifest.
Klayman said Vice President Joe Biden deserves special blame for these deaths.
“Biden did something, which was more than irresponsible. He served on foreign relations committees, intelligence committees. He knew, or should have known, what he was doing. He should be held accountable. Frankly, he should even be held criminally accountable for doing that,” Klayman said.
In addition to the identification of the the team, Klayman said the Obama administration is culpable for these deaths due to a policy of coddling Muslims and putting tremendous restrictions on U.S. forces.
Read more: WND.com
Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/05/biden-now-blamed-in-seal-team-6-deaths/#ixzz2TqCa646L
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Poll: Congress Not Overreaching on Obama Scandals
Sunday, 19
May 2013 01:58 PM By Greg Richter
A new poll found that Americans by a large
margin believe that Congress is not overreacting to the burgeoning scandals
plaguing the Obama administration.
A CNN/ORC poll found that 54 percent of Americans don't believe that Congress is overreacting to the IRS scrutiny of conservative groups, while 42 percent said that it is. By an even larger margin, 59 percent to 37 percent, respondents said Congress is making the right moves on the administration's actions regarding the Benghazi terror attack.
The poll came as White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer made the round of Sunday talk shows, defending President Barack Obama against charges that he was unaware of the IRS scandal until hearing press reports.
"Here's the cardinal rule … for all White Houses," Pfeiffer said. "You do not interfere in an independent investigation, and you do not do anything to give off the appearance of interference in an independent investigation."
Pfeiffer said Obama learned about the IRS scandal on May 10, the same day as the public, even though Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and Rep. Darrell Issa, a California Republican, were aware of the probe earlier and alert the White House about it while the investigation was ongoing.
The White House might not have ordered Internal Revenue agents to target conservative groups, but a "culture of intimidation throughout the administration" made them think it was acceptable, says Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
The Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Securities and Exchange Commission all have targeted groups with a right-wing bent, McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said Sunday on "Meet the Press."
"What we're talking about here is an attitude that the government knows best," McConnell said. "The 'nanny state' is here to tell us all what to do, and if you start criticizing, you get targeted."
The IRS admitted that agents singled out groups with "tea party," "patriot," and other key conservative words in their names for additional scrutiny over the past two years when they applied for 501(c)(4) status. The status allows organizations to no pay taxes, keep their donor lists private, and engage in political activity as long as it is not the group's main focus.
A video of McConnell on C-SPAN on June 11, 1987, showed him critical of such groups, fearing that liberal organizations could use the status to hide donors who were contributing to political causes. Now, it is clear that the federal government is trying to target people on donor lists to shut them up, McConnell said.
"I was wrong 25 years ago; I've been right for the last two decades," McConnell said. "The government should not be trying to intimidate citizens who criticize the government from exercising their First Amendment rights."
Pfeiffer found some welcome news while on CNN's "State of the Union," which reported Obama's job approval at 53 percent. The numbers were up 2 percent from early April, and up 6 points from their low of 47 percent in mid-March.
"I think the American people have great faith in the president," Pfeiffer said.
© 2013 Newsmax. All rights
reserved. A CNN/ORC poll found that 54 percent of Americans don't believe that Congress is overreacting to the IRS scrutiny of conservative groups, while 42 percent said that it is. By an even larger margin, 59 percent to 37 percent, respondents said Congress is making the right moves on the administration's actions regarding the Benghazi terror attack.
The poll came as White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer made the round of Sunday talk shows, defending President Barack Obama against charges that he was unaware of the IRS scandal until hearing press reports.
"Here's the cardinal rule … for all White Houses," Pfeiffer said. "You do not interfere in an independent investigation, and you do not do anything to give off the appearance of interference in an independent investigation."
Pfeiffer said Obama learned about the IRS scandal on May 10, the same day as the public, even though Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and Rep. Darrell Issa, a California Republican, were aware of the probe earlier and alert the White House about it while the investigation was ongoing.
The White House might not have ordered Internal Revenue agents to target conservative groups, but a "culture of intimidation throughout the administration" made them think it was acceptable, says Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
The Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Securities and Exchange Commission all have targeted groups with a right-wing bent, McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said Sunday on "Meet the Press."
"What we're talking about here is an attitude that the government knows best," McConnell said. "The 'nanny state' is here to tell us all what to do, and if you start criticizing, you get targeted."
The IRS admitted that agents singled out groups with "tea party," "patriot," and other key conservative words in their names for additional scrutiny over the past two years when they applied for 501(c)(4) status. The status allows organizations to no pay taxes, keep their donor lists private, and engage in political activity as long as it is not the group's main focus.
A video of McConnell on C-SPAN on June 11, 1987, showed him critical of such groups, fearing that liberal organizations could use the status to hide donors who were contributing to political causes. Now, it is clear that the federal government is trying to target people on donor lists to shut them up, McConnell said.
"I was wrong 25 years ago; I've been right for the last two decades," McConnell said. "The government should not be trying to intimidate citizens who criticize the government from exercising their First Amendment rights."
Pfeiffer found some welcome news while on CNN's "State of the Union," which reported Obama's job approval at 53 percent. The numbers were up 2 percent from early April, and up 6 points from their low of 47 percent in mid-March.
"I think the American people have great faith in the president," Pfeiffer said.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Obama-CNN-poll-McConnell-Pfeiffer/2013/05/19/id/505229?s=al&promo_code=138BA-1#ixzz2TqBdam00
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
Obama gives speech directed to black males By USA Today May 20, 2013 6:44 am
President Obama on Sunday told the graduating class at Morehouse College, the country's pre-eminent historically black college, there is "no longer any room for excuses" for this generation of African-American men, and it is time for their generation to step up professionally and in their personal lives.Obama, the country's first African-American president, chose a particularly poignant moment to deliver the commencement address at the all-male Atlanta college that boasts civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., filmmaker Spike Lee and Atlanta's first African-American mayor, Maynard Jackson, among its alumni.
Obama's visit comes nearly 50 years after King led the March on Washington, and 150 years after Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
The president connected his own path to the White House to the work of King and other African-American leaders of that generation.
Obama also conceded that at times when he was a young man, he wrongly blamed his own failings "as just another example of the world trying to keep a black man down."
"We've got no time for excuses -- not because the bitter legacies of slavery and segregation have vanished entirely; they haven't," Obama told the men of the graduating class and their families who sat through intermittent rain and thunder. "It's just that in today's hyper-connected, hyper-competitive world, with a billion young people from China and India and Brazil entering the global workforce alongside you, nobody is going to give you anything you haven't earned."
Obama spoke in very personal terms to the 500 young men as he urged them to not only become leaders in their community, but also good fathers and good husbands. Obama, who was raised by a single mother and grandparents, lamented the absence of his father in his life and urged the graduates to make family their top priority.
"Keep setting an example for what it means to be a man," the president said. "Be the best husband to your wife, or boyfriend to your partner, or father to your children that you can be. Because nothing is more important."
The college was shaken by news this month that four Morehouse students were charged with sexual assault in which two women from nearby Spelman College were the alleged victims.
In his
speech, Obama connected the discrimination that African Americans have faced
with some of the struggles of other minority groups -- including gays and
lesbians fighting for the right to marriage, Hispanic Americans battling
anti-immigrant bias and Muslims who face suspicion because of their faith.
Having a personal
understanding of discrimination, Obama said, this generation of African Americans
is uniquely equipped to be leaders for the country and world on these issues."If you tap into that experience, it should endow you with empathy -- the understanding of what it's like to walk in somebody else's shoes," Obama said. "It should give you an ability to connect. It should give you a sense of what it means to overcome barriers."
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We must insist on a special prosecutor
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (PA) May 20, 2013 6:50 am
The arrogant nose-thumbing
to the rule of law by the Internal Revenue Service was on full, despicable and
obscene display for all Americans on Friday as Steven Miller, the departing
fired IRS head, testified before the House Ways and Means Committee.Frequent bouts of amnesia were quite convenient for the fella on whose watch this nation's tax-collection agency covered up its targeting and harassment of conservative groups in the heat of a presidential campaign. Aside from what surely, eventually will be charges of perjury and making false statements to Congress against a number of other IRS operatives over the past few years, Mr. Miller takes the Parallel Universe Prize for this exchange with Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga.:
Price: Is it illegal what they've done?
Miller: It is absolutely not illegal.
Price: It is not illegal what the IRS has done?
Miller: So let me understand the question. What is your statement as to what is illegal?
Price: Do you believe that it is illegal for employees of the IRS to create lists, to target individual groups and citizens in this country? ... What do you believe?
Miller: I don't believe it is (illegal).
And the nation gasped.
One week ago, we called for the appointment of a special prosecutor. We repeated that call this past week. And we repeat that call again today. The IRS is rotten to the core. It is a corrupt criminal enterprise. It must be brought to justice.
(c)2013 The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (Greensburg, Pa.)
Visit The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (Greensburg, Pa.) at www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib
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Kincaid: The IRS Targeted Conservative Media
Cliff Kincaid May 20, 2013 6:50 am
Of the IRS abuse cases that
have recently come to light, the use of the IRS to enforce the defunct “Fairness
Doctrine” on broadcasters is one of the most disturbing.“I am alarmed by reports that suggest a federal official at the IRS instituting a de facto Fairness Doctrine,” National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) President & CEO Dr. Frank Wright said in a press release. Wright was referring to long-time Christian radio host Dr. James Dobson revealing that his organization had to submit sample radio programs to the IRS, and that an IRS agent indicated that his criticism of President Obama would prevent his ministry from getting a certain form of non-profit status.
A press release about the controversy was issued under the headline, “IRS Subjects Dr. James Dobson and Family Talk Action to Viewpoint Discrimination.”
In other words, Dobson’s views were singled out by the IRS because they were conservative, Christian, and critical of President Obama.
The NRB notes that the Fairness Doctrine, first introduced in 1949, enabled the FCC to compel broadcasters to air opposing viewpoints on controversial issues deemed to be of public importance. It was eliminated from the Code of Federal Regulations in August 2011, though it hadn’t been enforced since 1987. Wright said the FCC “was right to purge that pernicious policy from the Code of Federal Regulations” but that, in the Dobson case, it appeared to be “alive and well at the IRS.”
In a press release under the headline, “Targeted by the IRS,” the Dobson organization, Family Talk Action, quoted Dobson as saying, “The American people deserve better treatment from its government than this. Christian ministries and others supporting the family must not be silenced or intimidated by the IRS or other branches of the government.”
In a video, Ryan Dobson described how the tax-exempt status was denied for three years because the group was deemed to be right-wing and critical of Obama. He said it was only when Family Talk Action threatened to take the IRS to court that the agency relented.
The Dobson case indicates that rather than seek to resurrect the Fairness Doctrine, as many conservatives had feared, the Obama Administration and its allies used the IRS to enforce a version of the measure through federal scrutiny and intimidation of religious and conservative broadcasters.
Accuracy in Media (AIM) had warned about such an effort in our special report, “Left-Wing Censorship Campaign Targets Conservative Media,” but did not anticipate that the campaign would take the form of using the IRS rather than the FCC as a method of federal coercion and control.
AIM released a book, The Death of Talk Radio?, and a TV ad warning that liberal politicians and bureaucrats were preparing to interfere with the First Amendment right of free speech.
We had noted at the time that the “National Conference on Media Reform,” underwritten by billionaire
George Soros and rich liberal foundations, was providing a platform for liberal politicians who advocated the return of the Fairness Doctrine to target conservative media and talk-radio personalities. “The only question,” we said, “is when congressional liberals will get enough nerve to aggressively push this authoritarian attempt to muzzle their political opponents.”
Now we find out that the effort which took place circumvented the congressional and legislative process and instead used the powers of the IRS.
The release from Dobson’s organization noted that the IRS reviewing agent, R. Medley, said she didn’t think the application for exemption would be granted because Family Talk Action is “not educational” and doesn’t present all views. She said Family Talk Action sounded like a “partisan right-wing group” because it only presents conservative viewpoints. According to the release, she added that the group was “political” because it “criticized President Obama, who was a candidate.”
In addition to the IRS attack on the Dobson show, AIM has also been told about a TV/radio venture, Constitution Media Network (CMN), which test marketed some of the programming and then issued a proposal for funding on December 15, 2009, but was stopped from launching by an audit notice from the IRS on December 31, 2009. The project director, Robert Vernon, said, “I knew then we were targeted. We went through pure hell with the IRS. I have never seen anything like it in my 60 years in this industry.” Vernon went through the IRS appeals process and eventually won his case, after more than a year, but CMN didn’t get off the ground as a result of the delays.
Vernon’s media project was explicitly designed to feature conservative commentators whose purpose was to “restore the United States to the Constitutional Republic that it once was,” before what was described as the “takeover” of the USA by radical socialists, communists and other “progressives.”
Vernon tells AIM that he has a satchel bag and several briefcases filled with the documents of what transpired with the IRS. “I also have legal audio recordings of all my communications/meetings with them,” he said.
“The point here is that they stopped the CMN project, put me in the poor house with their actions and claims, and no investor would assist us” because of the IRS audit process. “When I informed interested parties that I was fighting with the IRS over an audit, as you could imagine, no one wanted anything to do with us,” he said.
He said he is anxious to tell his story to Congress so that the IRS abuses can be fully explored and addressed.
This column was published at Accuracy in Media.
Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism, and can be contacted at cliff.kincaid@aim.org.
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“En mi opinión” No 389 5/22/13
Lázaro R
González Miño Editor ‘In GOD we trust’
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