Wednesday, July 1, 2015

No 989 "En mi opinion" Julio 1, 2015

No 989    “En mi opinión”   Julio 1, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”  Lázaro R González Miño Editor
 “Ver indolente como despedazan La Nacion American sin revelarse…
Es complicidad.  LRGM. “EMO”

AMENPER: Sobre Liberales y Comunistas
He vivido  como residente y ciudadano hace 54 años, también viví esporádicamente como estudiante dos años anteriormente en el sur del país en los años cincuenta y visitaba regularmente como turista a Miami y New York.  Esto me ha hecho poder ver de primera mano, a través de los años, la evolución política del país, de lo que era a lo que es, en ambos partidos políticos.  De lo que Roosevelt bautizó impropiamente como “liberales” como se han convertidos en unos completos radicales socialistas que se pueden apropiadamente definir cómo simpatizantes convencidos del marxismo.
Pero eso no eran los liberales de los años sesenta y setenta.
No estoy hablando de los dixiecrats de los cincuenta, de mi juventud, estos realmente eran un animal extraño, su racismo los hacía mezclar su deseo de conservar el status quo con una política social liberal de impuestos y una política exterior fuerte. De lo que, estoy hablando es de la evolución del liberal al socialista radical.
El pasado domingo murió Ben Wattenberg, quizás hayan oído la noticia y ni siquiera sepan quién era, pero, yo sí, no sólo porque teníamos exactamente la misma edad, nacimos el mismo año, era mi contemporáneo, algo que hoy también me hace consciente de mi mortalidad, pero porque pude ser testigo de su trayectoria política.
Ben Wattenberg era exactamente lo que Roosevelt consideraba un liberal, y se comportó como eso toda su vida.  El problema es que el liberal de aquellos tiempos aunque no nos gustaran sus políticas, realmente no tenían nada que ver con los socialistas de ahora, que sin miedo a exagerar son marxistas-leninistas declarados por sus pensamientos y acciones. 
Hay que darse cuenta que Ronald Reagan fue un liberal de Roosevelt, así como Joe Lieberman y Scoop Jackson, y todos ellos fueron compañeros y amigos de Wattenberg
Si tratáramos de escribir la evolución histórica del partido demócrata sólo hay que escribir la historia de Ben Wattenberg.,
Wattenberg era un judío nacido en Bronx, cuyos primeros trabajos en la política incluyeron escribir discursos y asesoramiento a la demócrata meridional por excelencia, Presidente Lyndon Johnson. Luego trabajó también para el hombre cuyo nombre era un sinónimo para los liberales democráticos, Hubert Humphrey.
Pero para darnos cuenta del pensamiento liberal de la década de 1970, vemos  que Wattenberg trabajó incansablemente en nombre de las ambiciones presidenciales de su amigo Washington el senador Henry "Scoop" Jackson, cuyo nombre está asociado a lo que han venido a ser conocido como "seguridad nacional demócratas" o sea un político opuesto a lo que es Obama hoy en día, y no solo en política exterior pero en una política moderada domésticamente. Scoop Jackson hoy en día sería considerado un retrogrado dentro del partido demócrata y lo hubiera tenido que abandonar como lo hizo después en recientemente Joe Lieberman.
Scoop Jackson, Joe Lieberman, y localmente en Miami, Robert King High y Maurice Ferrer, eran liberales que representaban una política no conservadora, tenían el amor a los impuestos de los liberales, pero sus razonamientos políticos  no iban en contra de la estabilidad y las tradiciones de los Estados Unidos como nación.
En estos tiempos, expertos democráticos dirían que Wattenberg era un demócrata con "inclinaciones conservadoras", era demasiado Pro Defensa, demasiado pro mercado de los gustos cambiantes del partido. Cuando el partido se desvió hacia la izquierda, Ben Wattenberg, como Joe Lieberman permaneció fijo a través de una notable carrera como demócrata tradicional.
En 1970 escribió Wattenberg, con Richard Scammon, lo que sigue siendo su más famoso libro, "La mayoría Real," un análisis lleno de datos del grupo que debiera ser  en el centro de las elecciones presidenciales de 2016, porque se refiere a lo que es  la clase media estadounidense.
Wattenberg cree que los votantes de clase media son "centristas", y que el éxito político es una alineación con los valores centristas de la clase media.
O sea él creía que los que estaban equivocados lo que consideraban a la clase media como liberal tanto como las que la consideraban como conservadora.
Abajo voy a copiar un escrito de Wattenberg que no se la fecha, pero fue relativamente hace poco.
En el trata de cómo la obsesión doctrinal de la izquierda con estereotipos sociales como el aborto para controlar la llamada explosión demográfica, el control fanatizado de la contaminación del medio ambiente y los problemas que esto ha traído a la economía.  Al no haber jóvenes que paguen por los beneficios a los viejos, se acabarán los programas del social security y ayuda porque no habrá quien pague por ellos.  Algo por el estilo podemos decir de los augurios del medio ambiente que si se hubieran cumplido ya nuestra especie se hubiera extinguidos porque nos hubiéramos canibalizados los unos a los otros en un mundo sin árboles sólo asfalto y cemento.
Voy a traducir el escrito de Wattenberg, y esto es un ejemplo del pensamiento que tenía un liberal, como lo era también nuestro amigo Robert King High.

Entitlement Crisis"por el escritor Ben J. Wattenberg
Los que están naciendo no son la causa del "déficit social" que atormenta a las Naciones en todo el mundo y amenaza con romper el Banco en muchos. Cuando una cohorte muy amplia de la población (un "baby boom") es seguida por una cohorte muy pequeña (una "escasez de nacimiento"), serán relativamente pocas personas de edad laboral a los beneficios de los muchos mayores que han pagado en los sistemas de jubilación nacional, tales como Seguro Social y Medicare.
En la superficie hay dos maneras poco agradables para ocuparse de esto: un fuerte corte en beneficios o déficit masivo. Pero en el corazón del problema está en las tasas de natalidad (el número de nacimientos por cada 1.000 personas por año) y un total de las tasas de fecundidad (el número promedio de hijos nacidos de una mujer durante su vida) que han caído drásticamente en todo el mundo....
La retórica de los años sesenta y setenta climatizada ADVERTENCIA de una inminente "explosión demográfica" contribuyó a una disminución de las tasas de nacimiento y fertilidad. Jóvenes en todo el mundo escucharon este mensaje una y otra vez y se preguntaban si debe traer otra boca hambre en un mundo de población galopante y la disminución de recursos.
Por supuesto, ni había disminución de recursos y crecimiento de la población no estaba fuera de control.
Hoy en día, los padres potenciales deberían escuchar un nuevo mensaje — que puede y debe entregarse ampliamente y por celebridades y políticos: el verdadero peligro para el futuro es que hay muy pocos nacimientos.

WESTERN JOURNALISM: FBI And Homeland Security Just Issued This Scary Warning To America For 4th Of July

The bulletin came ahead of Monday’s arrest of a suspected ISIS conspirator in Hudson County, N.J.
Image for representational purposes only.
As Americans plan their weekend celebrations, intelligence officials are tracking potential terror threats leading up to the July 4th holiday. One source recently stated that local law enforcement agencies across the nation have received federal warnings instructing them to operate at a higher security level throughout the week.


A joint intelligence bulletin issued by the FBI and U.S. Department of Homeland Security indicated that terrorists could use the patriotic holiday as an opportunity to stage an attack. No specific threats were mentioned; however, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said his agency will be working with other federal and local departments – as well as the American public – to prevent a possible terrorist act.

“We continue to encourage all Americans to attend public events and celebrate this country during this summer season,” he said, “but always remain vigilant.”


The bulletin came ahead of Monday’s arrest of a suspected ISIS conspirator in Hudson County, N.J. According to WABC, 23-year-old Alaa Saadeh was arrested for allegedly offering his services to the terror network and attempting to pressure a federal witness to lie to the FBI.
A number of other recent terror-related arrests prove America remains a prime target for radical Islam. Johnson pointed out that terrorism is also on the rise in other nations around the world.
While the bulletin focused on Islamic terrorism, however, Johnson also worked in a reference to the recent mass shooting in South Carolina during his recent statement.
“The alleged killer sought to divide us,” he concluded. “instead, his actions appear to have had the opposite effect in South Carolina, where people of different races have come together to denounce the tragedy and mourn those killed.”

AMENPER: Igualdad Reproductiva…
Obama anuncia una conferencia de prensa para presentar su nueva ley ejecutiva que complementará la decisión de la corte suprema sobre el matrimonio homosexual.
En una impresionante jugada similar a su derogación de las leyes de la física, el Presidente Obama anunció que él emitirá un decreto por acción ejecutiva derogando las arbitrarias 'reglas' (como las caracteriza) para permitir que sin diferencia de género, o condición humana o animal para que todos puedan producir a niños, estableciendo la ley de “Igualdad Reproductiva”..
Obama dijo: "no podemos no permitir que personas de un género determinado sean los únicos que puedan tener reproducción, todos tienen el derecho a tener hijos. "Esto no es sobre 'Biología' y reproducción sino sobre la igualdad. Decir que dos personas no pueden tener hijos simplemente porque la leyes  biológicas así lo determinan y  dicen que es imposible no es lo que somos como país."
¿"Quienes somos nosotros para decir dos hombres o dos mujeres, dos robots, o incluso un hombre y su linda perrita o una mujer y su fiel perro no pueden tener hijos solo porque es una imposibilidad biológica establecida en el pasado por un viejo científico blanco reaccionario”?
Obama reiteró el propósito de la acción Ejecutiva. "Claramente la intención es que todos deben tener igualdad  capacidad y derecho a la reproducción y por consiguiente vamos a escribir una orden ejecutiva para hacerlo posible”.
Obama terminó la declaración con una advertencia: "los negacionistas de la ciencia contra la igualdad reproductiva no es diferente que aquellos que dijeron que nunca podría trabajar socialismo, algo que no se puede negar por el gran éxito en la Unión Soviética, Cuba... Grecia... er,,,..bueno... ,no importa, no vamos a permitir que impidan el proceso progresista".

Este es mi intento de señalar con humor el teatro de lo absurdo en que los socialistas de izquierda han convertido al país en estos días. Por supuesto igualdad de matrimonio es imposible porque muchos han olvidado los hechos básicos de la biología: Durante miles de años de historia de la humanidad ha sido matrimonio entre un hombre y la mujer y no importa lo que legisle una corte que debiera de ser solamente judicial o un presidente-emperador con una ley ejecutiva, no pueden ir contra la ley de la biología.
Las sociedades a través de los siglos nunca han pensado en considerar un matrimonio entre  dos mujeres o dos hombres, un hombre y una cabra, o entre una mujer o un taburete porque era obvio que  los niños no eran fruto de tales uniones. ¿Por qué esto es tan difícil de entender para algunas personas?

FBI And Homeland Security Just Issued This Scary Warning To America For 4th Of July

The bulletin came ahead of Monday’s arrest of a suspected ISIS conspirator in Hudson County, N.J.
As Americans plan their weekend celebrations, intelligence officials are tracking potential terror threats leading up to the July 4th holiday. One source recently stated that local law enforcement agencies across the nation have received federal warnings instructing them to operate at a higher security level throughout the week.


A joint intelligence bulletin issued by the FBI and U.S. Department of Homeland Security indicated that terrorists could use the patriotic holiday as an opportunity to stage an attack. No specific threats were mentioned; however, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said his agency will be working with other federal and local departments – as well as the American public – to prevent a possible terrorist act.
“We continue to encourage all Americans to attend public events and celebrate this country during this summer season,” he said, “but always remain vigilant.”
The bulletin came ahead of Monday’s arrest of a suspected ISIS conspirator in Hudson County, N.J. According to WABC, 23-year-old Alaa Saadeh was arrested for allegedly offering his services to the terror network and attempting to pressure a federal witness to lie to the FBI.
A number of other recent terror-related arrests prove America remains a prime target for radical Islam. Johnson pointed out that terrorism is also on the rise in other nations around the world.
While the bulletin focused on Islamic terrorism, however, Johnson also worked in a reference to the recent mass shooting in South Carolina during his recent statement.
“The alleged killer sought to divide us,” he concluded. “instead, his actions appear to have had the opposite effect in South Carolina, where people of different races have come together to denounce the tragedy and mourn those killed.”

AMENPER: Miami Marlins
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re aware that the Miami Marlins are currently 31-46 with one game left to go in the month of June.
The optimist would say a very strong second half could put them in the race. However, the team would need to go 50-36 the rest of the way (a .581 winning percentage) just to get back to .500.  A pessimist like some of us would say that the Marlins are going to be a strong contender for the last place against the Phillies.
While much of the media had the Marlins as the trendy pick to compete this season, most projections systems had them as an approximately .500 team, suffice to say, the Marlins have been a disappointment. You, know this. As things stand right now, record wise, this team needs to ready itself for next season. With Giancarlo Stanton being out until August, that is even more true.
But after half a season of being one of the worst teams in baseball, two months of Stanton and ace Jose Fernandez is not going to matter very much. The Miami Marlins have players that have drawn interest and will be free agents after this season. So, of course, they should be sellers, but, are the players the problem?.
This team, which was supposed to contend after being upgraded, has been incredibly bad. The Marlins have been terrible by both run differential and Base-Runs: their run differential says they should be a 34 win team while their Base-Runs says 36 wins is appropriate for them.
They haven’t been good. They definitely aren’t a playoff team. After surrendering a boat load of young talent to go all-in on this season, being a true talent the results are not here..
A change is needed, it is not which players should we change, we have tried this before and it hasn’t worked..  
This is a suggestion, instead of changing players let’s change he ownership and the management.
Let’s make a deal with the New York Yankees, we can give them Jeffrey Loria for Hal Steinbrenner and Dan Jennings for Joe Giraldi, to make the deal to look better we may give them as an incentive free of charge our president David Samson, if they consider the deal with Samson still “short” we may give him Billy the Marlins
I think that this is the”Final Solution”if you agree submit your vote to

AMENPER: Clasificación de Origen…
Recientemente, Bobby Jindal, el gobernador del estado de Louisiana, de ascendencia India (hindú), está bajo la crítica de los liberales de "no ser indio,"(hindú) una discusión provocada por un artículo del Washington Post que exploraron cómo Jindal sentía sobre su patrimonio.
Jindal ha aconsejado con frecuencia a los inmigrantes a los Estados Unidos a que se asimilen a la cultura americana.. 
Jindal se convirtió del hinduismo al cristianismo, pero eso fue una decisión personal aunque para los liberales esto es algo inaceptable. 
 Inclusive lo critican porque presenta su nombre como “Bobby” (su nombre de pila es Piyush realmente).Esto es algo que los de ascendencia hispana vemos en personas con nombres como Eulalio o Higinio, que son difícil de pronunciar en inglés y cambian su nombre a Eugene o Henry, y esto no es como desprecio a sus raices.. 
Jindal ha dicho propiamente que la asimilación a la cultura americana ayuda a los nativos de otros países para su avance en la sociedad. No debe de haber nada malo en esto porque esto es una realidad que no tiene que ver nada con el orgullo a su origen.
Pero los liberales quieren que nadie se asimile porque es mejor mantener a los grupos separados para la guerra de clases, por eso los negros son afroamericanos, aunque la mayoría no pueden identificar a África en el mapa..
Pero la favorita de los liberales socialistas, Elizabeth  Warren dice que su ascendencia es india nativa, o sea como le dicen ahora nativo-americana, como si los que no tienen raíces indias aborígenes no fueran también nativo-americanos.  Elizabeth nunca ha substanciado con documentación, dice que lo sabe por lo que le han dicho sus padres. Pero esto es suficiente, Elizabeth es india y Jindal no lo es.
Para los liberales la realidad no existe, solamente lo que conviene para su agenda política.


Sources: U.S., Cuba have reached agreement on opening embassies no comment needed speaks for itself only information

Jorge A. Villalón

By Mimi Whitefiel
The United States and Cuba have reached agreement on reestablishing diplomatic ties and opening embassies in their respective capitals and the White House is expected to make a formal announcement Wednesday morning, a senior administration official said.
“We expect President [Barack] Obama and Secretary [John] Kerry to address this publicly tomorrow morning,” the official said Tuesday.
The United States and Cuba broke off diplomatic ties on Jan. 3, 1961 after relations progressively worsened after the 1959 Cuban Revolution, and the two countries have spent most of the last five decades locked in an acrimonious relationship that has included the U.S. trade embargo against the island and the failed 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion.
But on Dec. 17, Obama and Cuban leader Raúl Castro announced a new era of U.S.-Cuba relations. Since then there have been four rounds of U.S.-Cuba talks to pave the way for resumption of diplomatic ties and opening of embassies.
Because the two countries haven’t had formal relations, interests sections in both countries have handled consular affairs and other issues that come up between the two nations. Both interests sections are housed in the former embassy buildings of each country.
The administration must give Congress at least 15 days notification of its intent to open an embassy. Presumably, the clock would start ticking after the president makes his Wednesday announcement.
South Florida Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen said she had heard the reports about an embassy announcement and faulted the State Department for not speaking out more strenuously on human rights violations on the island.
“There was little doubt that the Obama administration would pursue its goal of opening an embassy in Cuba no matter the sad reality on the ground,” she said. “Since Obama's December 17 announcement, the State Department has failed to forcibly condemn the increase of repression on the island now that the Castro regime feels emboldened to continue its attacks against the Cuban people.”
She called opening an American Embassy in Havana “just another trivial attempt for President Obama to go legacy shopping.”
But Sen. Amy Klobuchar, a Democrat from Minnesota, said she welcomed the embassy news: “This is a major step forward, and a necessary step forward.”
Despite strong opposition to the Cuban opening among a bloc of mostly Republican lawmakers, Klobuchar said the administration has the authority it needs.
Klobuchar is a sponsor of bills to lift the trade embargo and to lift all restrictions on travel to Cuba. She said support for both bills is building. “The momentum is on our side, and I do believe it’s going to happen. I just don’t have a crystal ball to tell you when,” Klobuchar said.
McClatchy White House Correspondent Lesley Clark and Washington reporter Chris Adams contributed to this report
Read more here:
Jorge Alberto Villalón Y.

Scott Walker Set For Second Showdown With Unions

·         Source: The Daily Caller
·         by: Connor D. Wolf

Wisconsin unions Monday are once again attacking Republican Gov. Scott Walker, this time over a proposed budget that may result in cuts to tenure for state college professors.

With the upcoming budget session, the Wisconsin Joint Finance Committee is expected to propose a plan to reform the University of Wisconsin System. While it is not yet finalized, unions warn the plan will cut $250 million in funding and will remove academic protections for professors such as teacher tenure.

This latest union battles comes at the heels of a likely announcement Walker will run for president. With his previous labor reforms, unions will likely become one of his main advisories.

“Today’s move by JFC Republicans to pay for Scott Walker’s tax breaks for his wealthy donors by slashing public education is shameful,” Eleni Schirmer, co-president of the Teaching Assistants’ Association, said in a statement. “These cuts will devastate a UW System that has already been cut to the bone and beyond in previous years.”

Read more:

 Source: The Daily Caller
- See more at:

Since When Does NBC Have a Problem With ‘Controversial’ Personalities?

Quintin George

From: Jim Geraghty, National Review <>
Since When Does NBC Have a Problem With ‘Controversial’

Since When Does NBC Have a Problem With ‘Controversial’ Personalities? 
Donald Trump in his announcement speech, June 16:
The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.
It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably -- probably -- from the Middle East.
Nearly two weeks later, NBC decided the remarks are too offensive to continue their relationship with Trump.
Now, it’s entirely possible -- probable, even -- that NBC was looking for a way to formally separate itself from Trump during his presidential bid anyway. (See if they refuse to work with him again in say, 2017, or so.) Ratings dropped for The Celebrity Apprentice’s last season, and the show had spent two years off the air.
But are we really at the point where Trump’s uncouth assessment of illegal immigrants is enough to get someone persona non grata in network television? Is it a jerky thing to initially describe the 5.9 million or so Mexicans who entered the United States illegally as “people that have lots of problems” and “rapists”? Sure. But a lot of people on television say jerky things all the time.
And before anyone says “Trump said all Mexicans are rapists!”, note his very next sentence is, “some, I assume, are good people.” Some may find that condescending, but he at least acknowledges his preceding statements paint with too broad a brush.
Trump is speaking hyperbolically, but he’s doing so about a real problem some would prefer to ignore. From the FBI’s 2013 report on gangs:
Immigration violations also present a significant challenge to law enforcement in the region. In many cases, gang members who commit criminal activity in the region are not US citizens nor lawful permanent residents. Once deported, gang members attempt to reenter the United States illegally in order to rejoin the gang and engage in criminal activity.  [Customs and Border Protection] survey respondents indicate in some southwest border sectors, the percentage of non-US citizen gang members was as high as 80 percent.
In 2013, ICE freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens from detention who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings; 426 had sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, 1,075 aggravated assault convictions, 9,187 dangerous drug convictions, and 193 had homicide convictions.
A wise mind recently observed to me that there are two separate conversations going on in America right now. One is the increasingly restricted conversation of theprogressive aristocracy -- sometimes turning on its own members for comments deemed insufficiently sensitive, as in the cases of Trevor Noah, Amy Schumer,Stephen Colbert and Alec Baldwin.
And then there’s the conversation going on in the rest of the country, which probably includes tons of comments other people would find offensive -- from hypersensitive social-justice warrior types to folks who bristle at the F-bomb to people who tire quickly of other people’s inane ramblings.
When somebody sufficiently high-profile speaks in the “rest-of-America” language long enough, it’s just a matter of time before they say something the progressive aristocracy deems “beyond the pale” and requiring economic censure in the form of firing, not just social censure in the form of “what a jerky thing to say.” The pale is getting awfully small these days. In progressive aristocracy America, it’s ipso facto xenophobic to point out that quite a few violent criminals enter the United States across our insufficiently guarded borders.
Trump speaks the “rest of the country” language. For those of us who don’t think terribly highly of him -- I’d like to see the deep thinker really lay out how he’s going to make Mexico pay for a border wall -- Trump’s bluntness and directness is one of the most likeable traits.

Before You See Trump as a Consistent Immigration Restrictionist…
By the way, here’s Donald Trump in 2011:
O'REILLY: OK. Now, the 15 million illegal aliens already in the United States. What do you do with them?
TRUMP: I think right now you're going to have to do something and, you know, it's hard to generalize. But you're going to have to look at the individual people. See how they've done. See how productive they have been. See what their references are and then make a decision.
O'REILLY: And then make a decision. All right, on case by case. It's going to take a long time and a lot of people.
TRUMP: A long time, but, you know, you have some great productive people that came in.
O'REILLY: No doubt.
TRUMP: And then you have some total disasters that probably should be in prison.
That’s not quite endorsing a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants, but that’s not really ruling it out, either.
Hillary Lied, Again; Her Spokesman Deny the Obvious, Again.
Hillary Rodham Clinton told reporters last month that the memos about Libya she received while secretary of state from Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime adviser whom the Obama administration had barred her from hiring, had been “unsolicited.”
But email records that Mrs. Clinton, according to officials briefed on the matter, apparently failed to turn over to the State Department last fall show that she repeatedly encouraged Mr. Blumenthal to “keep ’em coming,” as she said in an August 2012 reply to a memo from him, which she called “another keeper.”
The missing email records -- nine complete messages and parts of six others -- were discovered after Mr. Blumenthal turned over to the House committee investigating the Benghazi attacks his own batch of Libya-related email correspondence with Mrs. Clinton.
Angered that the State Department had not already provided it with some of those emails, the committee asked the department whether it had received them from Mrs. Clinton. The department determined that it had not received all or part of 15 emails.
In response to an intelligence memo Mr. Blumenthal sent Mrs. Clinton in July 2012, she said: “Greetings from Kabul! And thanks for keeping this stuff coming!”
And, responding to a March 2012 memo, she wrote: “This strains credulity based on what I know. Any more info about it?”
Mr. Blumenthal replied, “Will seek more intel.”
A spokesman for Mrs. Clinton, Nick Merrill, said, “The idea that this runs counter to the assertion that the emails were unsolicited is a leap.”
Somebody get him a dictionary.
Jeb Bush: Here Are My Tax Forms, Going Back Nearly Forever
Looks like Jeb Bush isn’t going to get stuck in one of those “when is he going to release his tax returns” controversies.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush plans to release 33 years of personal tax returns on his campaign website Tuesday afternoon, Fox News has learned. 
Campaign insiders say the release on will illustrate the Republican presidential candidate's commitment to transparency and the high level of disclosure they say was Bush's standard as Florida's first two-term GOP governor. 
Until now, former U.S. Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole held the record for such disclosures, having released 30 years of tax returns, but that was 20 years ago. Since then, Mitt Romney and Sen. John McCain each released two years of tax returns, while now-President Obama released seven years of returns. 
Hillary will say she’s released her tax returns, but the real issue is the books of the Clinton Foundation and its many, many ties to lots of powerful interests.
ADDENDA: If Scott Walker were a web site, he would be NRO? Boy, does a higher compliment even exist?
Care to see our friend Charlie Cooke and some bright minds debate “Conservatarianism” and whether it represents the future? CENTER

The Cato Institute's Center for Constitutional Studies and the
National Review Institute invites you to a Book Forum
Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at noon

(Crown Forum, 2015)

featuring the author
Charles C. W. Cooke
Staff Writer, National Review

with comments by
Ilya Shapiro
Senior Fellow, Cato Institute

Katherine Mangu-Ward
Managing Editor, Reason

Ben Domenech
Publisher, The Federalist

moderated by
Trevor Burrus
Research Fellow, Cato Institute

Book Forum
Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at noon
Luncheon to follow
Cato Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001.


Find out how many criminal illegal aliens have been released on the streets

Dan Stein via 

Law enforcement officers were forced to release over 76,000 convicted criminal illegal aliens over the past two years---and the Obama Administration is responsible.
We knew Obama's Amnesty was dangerous, but we found this shocking.
The Obama Administration has produced internal directives gutting immigration enforcement, including a directive that prohibits law enforcement from detaining and deporting convicted criminal illegal aliens unless they committed narrowly defined heinous crimes. With their hands now tied, ICE is now releasing tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens.
We have a chance to stop this dangerous practice! A unique opportunity to reverse the Obama Administration's ban on immigration enforcement just popped up--your support will help us act before more criminal aliens are released.
The "Davis & Oliver" bill is named after law enforcement officers murdered by an illegal alien with a criminal background. The bill will end the mass release of criminal aliens and ensure the consistent and uniform application of federal immigration law.
"Davis & Oliver" would tackle the Obama Administration's executive abuse in immigration policy head on---but it needs public support to make it past party elites.That's where FAIR comes in. Find out what you can do to help FAIR achieve workable immigration solutions, like the Davis & Oliver bill.
Dan Stein, President

BREAKING: The Supreme Court Just Made A HUGE Move That Threatens Dem Campaign Cash

Obama and the Democrats could take a big hit...
In a surprise move that could pose a major threat to organized labor — a key Democrat constituency that supports liberal candidates with vast amounts of campaign cash — the U.S. Supreme Court has just said it will hear a controversial case out of California. USA Today reports that the justices have agreed to consider the case of Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, “challenging the requirement that teachers contribute to unions, even if they don’t join them or agree with their positions on issues.”
The USA Today article points out that, in the most recent case to come before the court in which the forced union dues have been challenged by people who don’t support what those dues have paid for politically, a sharply divided court ruled against the union policy.


“…the court ruled 5-4 along ideological lines that home-care workers in Illinois do not have to pay dues to public employee unions. The workers said the unions lobbied the government, often on issues the workers oppose — thereby abridging their First Amendment rights.”
In the California case that will bring the critical issue back before the Supreme Court in late fall, two lower courts have upheld the demand by the California Teachers Association that teachers contribute to the union, even if they don’t belong to the union or don’t agree with the group’s position of issues.
The Los Angeles Times article on the high court’s taking up the case notes just how important the eventual outcome of the matter could be to public employee unions and the causes, candidates and campaigns they support with massive amounts of money. What makes this pending decision even more critical is its timing as the 2016 election cycle moves into high gear.


The case is likely to be seen as crucial test of public employee unions, which have under political attack in several Republican-led states. The outcome may well have a political impact as well, because these unions have been reliable supporters of the Democratic Party.
The Times coverage notes just how much money the public-sector union collects from each member and non-member. “The lawsuit said full dues for teachers who join the union are about $1,000 a year, but non-members still have to pay about $650 on average for their share of the cost of collective bargaining….”



He stood by his previous comments while denigrating the corporate character of his former network partner.
Years ago, NBC and Donald Trump formed a partnership that produced the Miss USA and Miss Universe Pageants as well as the successful series The Apprentice and its spinoff, Celebrity Apprentice. Since announcing his presidential candidacy, however, the professional relationship has strained to the point of dissolution.
Trump faced backlash over recent campaign statements critical of America’s broken immigration system. The criticism led to Spanish-language cable network Univision opting not to air content from the Miss Universe Organization. News broke Monday that NBC decided to follow suit and cut all ties with the real estate mogul.


The network explained the decision in a statement:
At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values. Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump.
The reliably outspoken Trump, however, quickly responded with a statement of his own. In it, he stood by his previous comments while denigrating the corporate character of his former network partner.


“As of today,” the statement began, “Donald J. Trump is no longer affiliated with NBC. Mr. Trump stands by his statements on illegal immigration, which are accurate. NBC is weak, and like everybody else is trying to be politically correct – that is why our country is in serious trouble.”
Immediate response among Trump’s Facebook followers expressed overwhelming disapproval of NBC’s action.
“Sick of this politically correct crap,” one reader wrote.
Another chimed in: “NBC is so irrelevant, keep it up Donald!”
Was NBC right to fire Donald Trump? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.


En mi opinión

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