Tuesday, December 30, 2014

No 837 "En mi opinion" Diciembre 30, 2014

 No 837 “En mi opinión”  Diciembre 30, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITORhttps://blu172.mail.live.com/ol/clear.gif
Amenper: No Me gusta Hablar de Política
¿Quién no ha oído esa frase? El que la dice realmente quiere decir que o no quiere discutir, porque su punto de vista es diferente a los nuestros, o que no quiere que su punto de vista político sea conocido porque tiene miedo a represalias...
Mi padre siempre me decía que no debía de hablar de política en la farmacia, para no discrepar con los clientes. 
De poco nos sirvió cuando llegaron los políticos y nos molieron a palos, porque siempre pueden más los políticos si agarran el poder los malos. A los cubanos nos costó caro aprender la lección, hay que vigilar a los políticos.
En estos momentos oímos a los que dicen que la policía de New York no se debe involucrar en la política, que ese no es su trabajo. Tampoco era mi trabajo en Cuba involucrarme en la política, y por eso me consideraron enemigo de la revolución, y tuve que pedir asilo POLÍTICO en otro país.
La policía no se involucró en política, los políticos involucraron a la policía con sus comentarios politizados, la policía está simplemente reaccionando a los políticos cómplices del asesinato de dos de sus miembros y a los insultos de los políticos que interfieren con su trabajo.
¿Dónde estaban estos sesudos apaciguadores cuando De Blasio, Holder  Obama hacían sus declaraciones politizadas denigrando la labor de la Policía? Ahora nos dicen que hay que dejar la política a un lado, tanto a los policías de New York como a los cubanos del exilio histórico con la reanudación de relaciones con Cuba.
Pero lo que hemos aprendido es que la política se introduce en nuestra vida cotidiana, la política es parte de nuestra vida aunque no seamos políticos, y si nos dormimos cuando nos despertarnos la política cambia nuestra vida. Esa es la realidad que pasamos, la realidad que vivimos y la realidad que viviremos en cualquier país bajo cualquier sistema político.
Nos costó caro aprender la lección, pero sería triste si hiciéramos caso a los que hoy nos dicen que no es bueno hablar de política, sería triste no haber aprendido la lección.


Esta es la hora de pedir la libertad del Eduardo Arosena que lleva 31 años preso en este pais por querer democracia para Cuba.
Si este presidente tuvo la osadía de liberar a cuatro asesinos que conspiraron contra este país y mataron a cubano americanos indefensos, pues entonces sin excusas ni pretextos que libere tambien por motivos humanitarios a nuestro hermano Arocena. Si hubo en el pasado terroristas puertorriqueños que dispararon dentro del hemiciclo del Congreso de este pais hiriendo a varios legisladores y luego fueron perdonados, pues que bajo esos mismos principios liberen tambien a Eduardo Arocena, defensor de la libertad y la democracia.

Sr. presidente Obama, antes de dejar la Casa Blanca haga un gesto humanitario.  Dele la libertad a Eduardo Arocena que lleva ya mas de 30 años en prision, tiene mas de 70 años de edad y esta muy enfermo.


Carlos M. Calvo,
Expreso politico cubano y Secretario regional zona Norte del Movimiento Revolucionario 30 de NOVIEMBRE

Amenper: Servir y obedecer……A la patria
Servir y obedecer, es lo que hipócritamente le recuerdan a la policía cuando le vuelven la espalda a la autoridad del alcalde.
Pero lo que no reconocen es que el alcalde no ha servido y obedecido a los intereses de la comunidad, cuando por ideologías políticas no ha servido para con su deber al bienestar de la comunidad.
El deber y la obediencia de la policía es primero y ante todo con la comunidad, si el político en la alcandía no cumple con su deber, la policía tiene  rel deber de virarles sus espaldas para poder servir al público que es a quien, no a las ideología del político de turno, y mucho menos a la prensa parcializada., tienen el deber de servir
El titular sarcástico de una publicación que dice “servir y rechazar” se debe leer como algo correcto, porque lo que estaban haciendo la policía era rechazar a los que no quieren que ellos cumplan con su deber de servir al público.

Obama's golf game disrupts soldiers' wedding.
Natalie Heimel and her fiancé, Edward Mallue Jr., a pair of captains in the Army, received two letters from President Obama in less than 24 hours as they prepared for their wedding ceremony at Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course in Hawaii. The first, a nicely worded regretful but congratulatory RSVP to their wedding invite... and the second, as Bloomberg reports, informing them that their wedding would have to be moved since President Obama wanted to play through.
U.S. President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia play golf together in Hawaii. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).
President Barack Obama reportedly issued a personal apology over the weekend after his golf game forced a pair of Army captains to relocate their wedding on a military base in Hawaii.
Bride Natalie Heimel and groom Edward Mallue Jr. actually invited Obama, who is on his annual vacation, to attend their Saturday wedding at Marine Corps Base Hawaii's Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course, according to a Bloomberg report published Monday morning. They received a letter in response saying the president would unfortunately be unable to attend the event.
The soon-to-be-married couple were separately told they would be forced to move their wedding, which was scheduled for the next day, because Obama would be golfing at that location.
"It was kind of ironic they got the letter from them and then, within hours, they were told they had to be moved due to him," Mallue's sister told Bloomberg. "It was emotional, especially for her — she's the bride and in less than 24 hours they had to change everything they had planned."
Naile Brennan, the manager of K-Bay Catering, which Bloomberg reported was "handling logistics" for the wedding, said the company was prepared for last-minute changes to events on the course during visits by the president. According to Brennan, Mallue and Heimel had their ceremony moved to another location on the base that was "much prettier."
Afterward, Obama put in a personal call to the bride after Bloomberg inquired about the forced wedding relocation.
"He apologized and congratulated them," the sister said. "We were all there, it was perfect."

(En pocas palabras lo que Obama les quiso decir en su llamada es que el "sentia mucho lo sucedido" y aunque la boda de ellos era muy importante para los novios y los invitados, el juego de golf para el el era infinitamente más importante todavia y que ellos se tenian que ir con su fiestecita de bodas para otra parte o que la podrian haber cancelado si hubiesen querido - asi hacen los verdaderos dictadores)

Stationed in Hawaii and knowing the president spends his Christmas holiday on the islands, they invited [President Obama] to their ceremony on a lark. They had received a letter earlier on Saturday saying Obama regretted he couldn't come and wishing them happiness on their wedding day. 
“It was kind of ironic they got the letter from them and then, within hours, they were told they had to be moved due to him,” Jamie McCarthy, Mallue's sister, said in an interview. “It was emotional, especially for her—she’s the bride and in less than 24 hours they had to change everything they had planned.”
The golf course, located on the Marine Corps Base Hawaii, is a regular stop for Obama when he's in the state, with the Ko’olau Mountains framing the front nine and majestic views of Pacific coastline spanning the back nine. It's also a favorite spot for Mallue, a golfing enthusiast. 
Still, anyone planning an event at the course when the president may be in town is warned about the potential for last-minute shuffling, said Naile Brennan, manager of K Bay Catering, which was handling logistics for the wedding.

Obamacare Fines to Rise for Uninsured

Being uninsured in America will cost you more in 2015.
It's the first year all taxpayers have to report to the Internal Revenue Service whether they had health insurance for the previous year, as required under President Barack Obama's law. Those who were uninsured face fines, unless they qualify for one of about 30 exemptions, most of which involve financial hardships. 
Dayna Dayson of Phoenix estimates that she'll have to pay the taxman $290 when she files her federal return. Dayson, who's in her early 30s, works in marketing and doesn't have a lot left over each month after housing, transportation and other fixed costs. She'd like health insurance but she couldn't afford it in 2014, as required by the law.
"It's touted as this amazing thing, but right now, for me, it doesn't fit into my budget," she said.
Ryan Moon of Des Moines, Iowa, graduated from college in 2013 with a bachelor's in political science, and is still hunting for a permanent job with benefits. He expects to pay a fine of $95. A supporter of the health care law, he feels conflicted about its insurance mandate and fines.
"I hate the idea that you have to pay a penalty, but at the same time, it helps other people," said Moon, who's in his early 20s. "It really helps society, but society has to be forced to help society."
Going without health insurance has always involved financial risks. You could have an accident and end up with thousands of dollars in medical bills. Now, you may also get fined. In a decision that allowed Obama's law to advance, the Supreme Court ruled in 2012 that the coverage requirement and its accompanying fines were a constitutionally valid exercise of Congress' authority to tax. 
In 2015, all taxpayers have to report to the IRS on their health insurance status the previous year. Most will check a box. It's also when the IRS starts collecting fines from some uninsured people, and deciding if others qualify for exemptions. 
What many people don't realize is that the penalties go up significantly in 2015. Only 3 percent of uninsured people know what the fine for 2015 will be, according to a recent poll by the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation. 
Figuring out your potential exposure if you're uninsured isn't simple. 
For 2014, the fine is the greater of $95 per person or 1 percent of household income above the threshold for filing taxes. It will jump in 2015 to the greater of 2 percent of income or $325. By 2016, the average fine will be about $1,100, based on government figures.
People can get a sense of the potential hit by going online and using the Tax Policy Center's Affordable Care Act penalty calculator.
Many taxpayers may be able to get a pass. Based on congressional analysis, tax preparation giant H&R Block says roughly 4 million uninsured people will pay penalties and 26 million will qualify for exemptions from the list of more than 30 waivers.
But it's unclear whether taxpayers are aware of the exemptions. 
Deciding what kind of waiver to seek could be crucial. Some can be claimed directly on a tax return, but others involve mailing paperwork to the Department of Health and Human Services. Tax preparation companies say the IRS has told them it's taking steps to make sure taxpayers' returns don't languish in bureaucratic limbo while HHS rules on their waivers. 
TurboTax has created a free online tool called "Exemption Check" for people to see if they may qualify for a waiver. Charges apply later if the taxpayer files through TurboTax.
Timing will be critical for uninsured people who want to avoid the rising penalties for 2015.
That's because Feb. 15 is the last day of open enrollment under the health law. After that, only people with special circumstances can sign up. But just 5 percent of uninsured people know the correct deadline, according to the Kaiser poll. 
"We could be looking at a real train wreck after Feb. 15," said Stan Dorn, a health policy expert at the nonpartisan Urban Institute. "People will file their tax returns and learn they are subject to a much larger penalty for 2015, and they can do absolutely nothing to avoid that."
The insurance requirement and penalties remain the most unpopular part of the health care law. They were intended to serve a broader purpose by nudging healthy people into the insurance pool, helping to keep premiums more affordable. 
Sensitive to political backlash, supporters of the health care law have played down the penalties in their sign-up campaigns. But stressing the positive - such as the availability of financial help and the fact that insurers can no longer turn away people with health problems - may be contributing to the information gap about the penalties. 
Dayson, the Phoenix resident, says she's hoping her employer will offer a health plan she can fit into her budget, allowing her to avoid higher fines for 2015. 
In Des Moines, recent college graduate Moon has held a succession of temporary local and state government jobs that don't provide affordable coverage. The penalties are on his mind.
"When it gets up to $325, I hope I have a career that actually offers me a good health care plan," he said.
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Amenper: Giuliani: Mayor De Blasio Brought Cop Disrespect 'On Himself' By Speaking About Biracial Son
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani suggested on Sunday that Mayor Bill de Blasio deserved the disrespect NYPD officers showed him when they turned their backs on him at a funeral for a slain policeman
 Rudy Giuliani suggested on Sunday that Mayor Bill de Blasio deserved the disrespect NYPD officers showed him when they turned their backs on him at a funeral for a slain policeman. As de Blasio was eulogizing fallen Officer Rafael Ramos on Saturday, hundreds of officers watching on TV screens outside the Christ Tabernacle Church in Queens turned their backs on the mayor.
According to Giuliani, de Blasio had brought it on himself by speaking out about the way police treated black communities. "When I reflect on all the police officers turning their back, I don't know, I guess as an ex-mayor, I feel uncomfortable about that, you turn your back on the mayor," Giuliani explained. "On the other hand, I think at this point I have to say, he's bringing it on himself. He should have apologized.""He should have apologized, not for the murder -- he's not responsible for the murder, he shouldn't resign, he's been elected by the people -- but he did create an atmosphere of anti-police bias and feeling for a long, long time," the former mayor continued. "It's time to say, 'Maybe I had the wrong perception of my police department. First of all, my police department is not a white police department. Everybody's a minority in the New York City Police Department.'"Giuliani admitted that the "feeling" de Blasio had created about the NYPD had not contributed to the recent murder of two officers, but he said that the mayor had made people think that "police officers are in the main racist."De Blasio has spoken out about how he felt that he had to give his his biracial son, Dante, special instructions about hot to behave during encounters with police because of his skin color. But Giuliani said that white children were also given the same instructions by their parents."We're not talking about the South in the 1960s. We're talking about guys that grew up next to an Asian kid, next to a black kid, next to a white kid. Everybody's familiar with it, we all play football with each other," Giuliani insisted. "This is not what he has allowed to be created when he made all those statements about his son."

“EMO” We support The Senator Ted Cruz for President of The United States of America. PRESIDENT FOR 2016.
Lazaro R Gonzalez Mino Editor “En mi opinion”
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Biographical Information
Ted Cruz 
Contest: 2016
Party/District: R - 
Experience: Senator U.S. Senate 2012-present, Domestic Policy Advisor Bush Presidential Campaign 1999-2000, Partner Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Limited Liability Partnership 2008-present, Solicitor General of Texas 2003-2008, Director Office of Policy Planning Federal Trade Commission 2001-2003, Associate Deputy Attorney General U.S. Department of Justice 2001
Residence: Washington
Family: Married, Children:2
Education: JD Harvard Law School, BA Princeton University
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Position on the Issues
• Opposes tax increases on any income bracket
• Supports audit of the Federal Reserve
• Supports single-rate tax system
• Strong opponent of Affordable Care Act (known as "Obamacare")
• Supports raising the eligibility age for Medicare
• Supports private retirement account option for Social Security
• Supports raising the retirement age
• Supports reduced restrictions on off-shore drilling
• Does not support federal regulation of greenhouse gases
• Opposes a path to citizenship for illegal/undocumented immigrants
• Supports enforcement of federal immigration laws by local police
• Supports gun rights
• Pro-life
• Opposes same-sex marriage
• Supports death penalty
• Opposes federal regulation of education
• Supports voter ID
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2014 Session

S 2280 Authorizes the Keystone XL Pipeline - yea
S 2685 "USA FREEDOM Act," which limits the collection of phone records by the government -co-sponsor
S J Res 19 - Constitutional amendment related to campaign finance, potentially overturning theCitizens United decision - did not vote
S 2569 "Bring Jobs Home Act," prohibiting tax credits for outsourcing expenses and creating a tax credit for insourcing expenses - voted against moving this bill forward
S Amdt 3584 "Transportation Empowerment Act," lowering the gas tax and giving states more control over transportation infrastructure funding - yea
S 2578 Prohibits any employer that maintains a group health plan for its employees from denying coverage of any health care item or service required under federal law (e.g. birth control) - voted against moving this bill forward
S 2223 Minimum Wage Fairness Act, to increase the federal minimum wage - voted against moving this bill forward
S 1752 Military Justice Improvement Act, increasing regulation of court martials for rape in the military - voted to end debate and vote on this bill
S 540 Temporary debt limit extension - nay
HR 3547 Appropriations for fiscal year 2014 - nay
S 1845 Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act - voted against moving this bill forward

2013 Session

H J Res 59 Appropriates funds for the federal government for fiscal years 2014 and 2015 - nay
S 815 Prohibits employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity - nay
HR 2775 Extends the current budget and raise the debt ceiling until early 2014 - nay
HR 1911 "Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act," which moves student loans to a market-based interest rate - yea
S 744 “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act,” which creates a path to citizenship for illegal/undocumented immigrants, increase border security, and reforms the visa system - nay
S 743 “Marketplace Fairness Act,” which requires online retailers to collect sales tax for other states - nay
S Amdt 711 Establishes regulations on assault weapons - nay
S Amdt 714 Limits firearm magazine capacity - nay
S Amdt 715 Requires background checks for all firearms purchases - nay
S Amdt 30 Prohibits spending on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as “Obamacare” - yea
S 47 Reauthorizes the “Violence Against Women Act” – nay
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Campaign Finances
2009 - 2014 Campaign Committee and Leadership PAC Fundraising
Cash on Hand
End Date
September 30, 2014

2009-2014 Campaign Committee Contributions
Individual Contributions 
 - Small Individual
 - Large Individual
$2,936,274 (16%)
$10,715,802 (59%)
PAC Contributions
Candidate self-financing
Source: Center for Responsive Politics, OpenSecrets.org
Click here to see the candidate's Facebook page. Click here to see the candidate's Twitter feed.
Voter Resources
Contact Information
185 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510 
Phone: (202) 224-5922
Email: ted@tedcruz.org
Click Here
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NH1: Jeanne Shaheen, Annie Kuster send letter to Fairpoint CEO

Dec. 21, 2014
Nashua Telegraph: 2014 Year in Review: The second act for Scott Brown, this time in NH

Dec. 20, 2014
NHPR: Three hospitals penalized for avoidable infections, injuries
Nashua Telegraph: No penalties for Nashua hospitals on federal measure of infections

Dec. 19, 2014
Union Leader: Shipyard to hire 715 in next year
Eagle-Tribune: Ayotte: Burials resume in Philippines cemetery
NH1: Portsmouth Naval Shipyard hiring 715 workers

Dec. 18, 2014
NHPR: Ayotte: President's action strengthens Cuban regime
Union Leader: NH reacts to thaw with Cuba

Dec. 17, 2014
Union Leader: Bush already reaches out to NH congressman-elect
Foster's Daily Democrat: Ayotte, Shaheen support bill for injured veterans

Dec. 16, 2014
Union Leader: Guinta selects Eddie Edwards as director of community relations
Foster's Daily Democrat: Eddie Edwards joins Guinta’s staff
NH1: Bill Shaheen becomes new Democratic National Comitteeman

Dec. 15, 2014
NHPR: Learning how to hunt for business with the federal government
NHPR: Monday marks deadline for ACA shoppers who want Jan. 1 insurance start
Seacoast Online: Shaheen, Ayotte back spending bill
Union Leader: NH Dems elect Bill Shaheen as national committeeman, reflect on midterm election results

Dec. 14, 2014
Eagle-Tribune: Health insurance deadline looms in NH

Dec. 13, 2014
NHPR: Kuster, Shea-Porter split on last-minute, $1.1 trillion spending deal
Union Leader: Granite Status: Presidential primary buzz, on the left and right
Union Leader: Ayotte, Shaheen plan to vote to approve federal budget bill
NH1: Kuster and Shea-Porter split over bill to prevent shutdown

Dec. 12, 2014
NH1: Kuster says veterans bill biggest achievement; talks 2016

Dec. 11, 2014
NHPR: Shaheen calls CIA torture report 'disturbing,' Ayotte concerned about timing
Union Leader: Ayotte, Shaheen react to CIA torture report

Dec. 10, 2014
NHPR: Feds reward ten health centers for improving community health
NHPR: Sens. Ayotte, Shaheen: Defense bill includes Pease and Shipyard funding
Seacoast Online: Defense bill includes funding for shipyard, Pease
Concord Monitor: New Hampshire health centers to receive $468,363 in Affordable Care Act funding

Dec. 9, 2014
Concord Monitor: Natural gas pipeline path through New Hampshire formally introduced to feds
Foster's Daily Democrat: New Hampshire eyes health provider network rules

Dec. 8, 2014
Seacoast Online: Documentary examines 'The Castle,' legendary Navy prison
Seacoast Online: NH Medicaid enrollment exceeds expectations
WMUR: Shea-Porter pushes to reimburse teachers for school supplies
Foster's Daily Democrat: Shea-Porter applauds tax deduction extension

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Union Leader: NH Primary, at 100, is ready for its closeup
Eagle-Tribune: Congress passes bill inspired by Derry educator 
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Seacoast Online: Ayotte says burials suspended at veterans cemetery

Dec. 1, 2014
Union Leader: James Pindell's The Back Story: Jimmy Carter set an example for others hoping to win NH
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Conservative Lawmakers Plan To Vote Against Boehner For Speaker



Alex Pappas is a Washington D.C.-based political reporter for The Daily Caller. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and the Mobile Press-Register. Pappas is a graduate of The University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn., where he was editor-in-chief of The Sewanee Purple. While in college, he did internships at NBC's Meet the Press and the White House. He grew up in Mobile, Ala., where he graduated from St. Paul's Episcopal School. He and his wife live on Capitol Hill.
Some disaffected conservative House Republicans are planning to rebel and vote against John Boehner for speaker of the House when the new Congress convenes next week.
The official speaker’s election is set for Jan. 6., when the House will convene for a public floor vote to open the new Congress.
While the vote is usually just a formality, these conservative lawmakers are planning to vote for someone other than the Ohio Republican who has been speaker since 2011.
“Right now, I’ve been meeting with a small group, and we — about 16, 18 — and we’re hoping to have a name of a sitting member of Congress that we can call out their name,” North Carolina Rep. Walter Jones said in a local radio interview before Christmas, which was first reported by BuzzFeed.
Though ousting Boehner is seen as a long shot endeavor, the hope of the anti-Boehner bloc is for enough Republicans to deny Boehner a majority of the vote, which would cause him to drop out of the race.
These potential defectors are mostly keeping quiet about it in public, but in a posting on Twitter over the weekend, Kentucky Rep. Tom Massie of Kentucky hinted he would oppose Boehner. He posted a photo of a sign that reads: “Next Speaker Please.”
Such an attempt was tried two years ago, but ultimately failed: a group of conservatives tried to overthrow Boehner during the public vote, but only nine conservatives, frustrated with Boehner’s leadership, ended up voting against him. Organizers of that effort said more people had committed to vote against Boehner beforehand, but backed out before the vote.
And that’s part of the problem with the plan—each House member stands up and calls out the name of the person they are supporting. Members that might be inclined to vote against Boehner are afraid to do so out of fear that others will not follow through with their intentions, leaving them hanging and looking like a fool.
A conservative House aide described the current thinking among those voting against Boehner, similar to the one employed two years ago: To win the speaker’s race, Boehner needs the support of a majority of people present. If everyone in the House votes, that would be 218. The new Republican majority in the House will be 247.
If 30 Republicans vote for someone other than Boehner, under that scenario, the Ohio Republican will not have a majority and the body will have to vote again until someone reaches that threshold.
If this would happen, these conservatives hope Boehner would drop out of the speaker’s race and another Republican candidate would run for speaker.
Some conservatives are upset with Boehner over the recent budget deal, though the conservative wing of the House has long clashed with Boehner over the last few years over a variety of political issues.
During the 2013 vote, Kansas Rep. Tim Huelskamp voted for Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, Michigan Rep. Justin Amash voted for Idaho Rep. Raul Labrador and Kentucky Rep. Tom Massie voted for Amash.
New Mexico Rep. Steve Pearce, Oklahoma Rep. Jim Bridenstine and Florida Rep. Ted Yoho all voted for then-House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.
Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert and Georgia Rep. Paul Broun voted for outgoing Rep. Allen West instead of Boehner. (The Constitution doesn’t require that the speaker of the House actually be in Congress.)
Jones, a North Carolina Republican, voted for former U.S. Comptroller General David Walker. His vote caught everyone in the House chamber by such surprise that he was asked to repeat Walker’s name during the roll call.
Some of these conservative lawmakers who voted against Boehner in 2013 are believed to be possible “no votes” again against him next week. But some, like Broun, aren’t in Congress anymore, and others, like Bridenstine, have said publicly they will support Boehner this time.
Some newly-elected Republican House members, like Alabama Rep. Gary Palmer, pledged during their campaigns not to vote for Boehner and have said they will follow through with their promise.
After the elections this November, Republicans gathered behind closed doors to select Boehner as their nominee for speaker. No one else was nominated to run against Boehner during that session.
“Rep. Boehner was selected as the House Republican Conference’s choice for Speaker last month,” Boehner aide Michael Steel said in an email, “and he expects to be elected by the whole House next week.”
Asked on Monday about possible repercussions for members who vote against Boehner, Steel referenced how the speaker has said publicly that there will be no punishment for those who do not support him in the public vote.


Fw: Soledad y Dolor del Pueblo cubano… Elena  To: av@pccs.va

“EMO” Nuestro periódico respalda este articulo 100% Lazaro R Gonzalez Mino,  Editor, “En mi opinión”
Subject: Soledad y Dolor del Pueblo cubano
                Vatican’s press office, atencion :Your Holiness, Pope Francis:
                Con profundo respeto y dolor vimos su participacion en las negociaciones a favor de la mas despotica, cruel, atea y desumanizada dictadura comunista que ha soguzgado y esclavizado a un pueblo por 56 anyos.
                La poblacion cubana, antes de la robolucion era mayormente catolica, ingenua, alegre y simple, dentro de sus defectos, existia un proceso judicial y de-mocratico, que fue interrumpido por un golpe militar de Fulgencio Batista, donde ni siquiera hubieron batallas ni muertos. Este golpe militar fue repudiado por todas las clases de Cuba : estudiantes, profesionales, industriales y todos los partidos politicos, excepto los comunistas y el partido de Batista.
                Fidel Castro para hacerse de una reputacion  reunio’ un grupo de jovenes idealistas aventureros e hizo que atacaran (Fidel y su hermano Raul no participaron) a un hospital dentro del cuartel Moncada en Santiago de Cuba. Fidel Castro solicito’ y obtuvo proteccion del Obispo Perez Serante .Fidel y los demas sobre- vientes , a pesar de que habian matado a  varios enfermos en esa accion, fueron condenados a solo anyos de prision y fueron inductados a los 24 meses en que fueron liberados y asi surgio’ el movimiento 26 de Julio.
                Con el apoyo de todos y la repulsa de Estados Unidos, se pudo derrotar al gobierno de Batista a los 7 anyos de establecido.
                Todos ,incluyendo el movimiento 26 de Julio proclamaban el retorno a la constitucion del 1940, libertad de comunicaciones,elecciones libres en 18 meses con libre participacion de todos los partidos, no mas guerra fraticida.
                Los Castro y pandilla en 1959 implantaron la pena de muerte, abolieron los Habeas Corpus, disolvieron las instituciones ,incluyendo las militares y los tribunales y comenzaron los fusilamientos con tribunales militares y juicios sumarios, sin proceso juridico legal. Prmero fusilaban a los que denunciaban (cualquier per-sona hacia una acusacion verbal) a los que aparentemente habian servido al regimen de Batista, incluso los proyectaban en los cines (creando el terror) luego siguieron  con los que se oponian o no simpatizaban con el comunismo. Prefrente la Juventud catolica, muchachos  indefensos ,(por nombrar un ejemplo que encontraron con una  proclama anticomunista ,Tapia Ruano )y fueron tan valiente que se enfrentaron al peloton de fusilamiento gritando “VIVA CRISTO REY “
                En 1961, un viernes noche acuartelaron todos los empleados de Bancos , el sabado siguiente F.C. hablo’ por todas las estaciones de radio y revelo’ el secreto de que a partir del proximo lunes una nueva moneda fabricada secretamente era la unica que serviria, que apqrtir de ese momento la actual moneda ya no era de uso . Ese Lunes cuando todos llevaban a cambiar para la nueva moneda solo te reconocian a cuenta $10,000, el resto lo perdias y de ese dinero solo podias sacar $100. y el resto solo $100.00 al mes . O sea que subitamente nadie poseia(excepto, claro la nomenclatura) solo $100. Por esa misma fecha, sin previo aviso de sorpresa tambien, tomaron de sus casas los llevaron al barco Covadonga a 153 curas y un numero de monjas católicas y los expulsaron para Espana. SE calcula que hayan fusilado unas 10,000 personas apresados y tortuados unas 300,000 personas , no se sabe el numero de personas  que han muerto ahogados y/o comido por los tiburones tratando de escapar ,en todo tipo de enbarcaciones rudimentarias, del infierno de los Castro.
                Cuando campesinos se alzaron en armas en las lomas del Escambray, apesar que relocalizaron al otro estremo de la isla a todos los campesinos de la zona y unos 50,000 soldados fueron enviados a pelear , los campesinoa alzado resistieron cerca de 6 anos peleando.
                Fueron desapareciendo y/o matando a todos los que se le han opuesto : El primer presidente nombrado por F.C., Manuel Urrutia,lo hicieron exhilarse y puso al segundo presidente Dorticos Torrado, a quien obligo’ a suicidarse (como Hitler hizo con Rommel) al jefe del ejercito, Camilo Cienfuegos lo mato’, haciendo creer que habia desaparecido en una avioneta piloteada por su ayudante.  Al comandante Huber Matos, que le escribio’ una carta alertandolo de la infiltracion comunista  lo condeno’ a 20 anos de prision .Cuandolas agencias americas de investigacion tenian preparado un borrador para condenar a Raul Castro por trafico de drogas a E.U. por mas de 10 anos (F.C. que tambien era culpable, pero no lo condenaban por ser jefe de la Nacion) inventaron un complot, le echaron la culpa de las drogas a los coroneles O. Ocha ,los gemelos de La guardia y a 3 mas, fusilando a todos , excepto a 1 de los gemelos deLaguardia .etc.etc.
                ¡No nos pudimos Imaginar que Su Santidad se solidarizara con los Victimarios comunistas y no con las Victimas creyentes.!
                Cuba sola, Solo Cuba.        Enrique Enriquez    elena9034@att.net

Obama-Cuba-Venezuela. Nada en política ocurre por casualidad sino por causalidad.
The real reason gas prices are falling
Published October 21, 2014

FILE -- Sept. 24, 2014: A customer reaches for the regular switch to fill her tank with the $2.92-a-gallon regular gas at a RaceWay gas station in Richland, Miss. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)
American workers and motorists got some badly-needed relief this week when the price of oil plunged to its lowest level in years. The oil price has fallen by about 25 percent since its peak back in June of $105 a barrel. This is translating to lower prices at the pump with many states now below $3 a gallon.
At present levels, these lower oil and gas prices are the equivalent of a $200 billion cost saving to American consumers and businesses. That's $200 billion a year we don't have to send to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other foreign nations. Now that's an economic stimulus par excellence.
There are many global reasons why gas prices are falling, but the major one isn't being widely reported. America has become in the last several years an energy-producing powerhouse. And sorry, Mr. President, I'm not talking about the niche "green energy" sources you are so weirdly fixated with.
Oil prices are falling because of changes in world supply and world demand. Demand has slowed because Europe is an economic wreck. But since 2008 the U.S. has increased our domestic supply by a gigantic 50 percent. This is a result of the astounding shale oil and gas revolution made possible by made-in-America technologies like hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. Already thanks to these inventions, the US has become the number one producer of natural gas. But oil production in states like Oklahoma, Texas and North Dakota has doubled in just six years.
Without this energy blitz, the U.S. Economy would barely have recovered from the recession of 2008-09. From the beginning of 2008 through the end of 2013 the oil and gas extraction industry created more than 100,000 jobs while the overall job market shrank by 970,000.
When the radical greens carry around signs saying "No to Fracking," they couldn't be promoting a more anti-America message. It would be like Nebraska not growing corn.
We are just skimming the surface of our super-abundant oil and gas resources. New fields have been discovered in Texas and North Dakota that could contain hundreds of years of shale oil and gas supplies.
Here's another reason to love the oil and gas bonanza in America. It's breaking the back of OPEC. Saudi Arabia is deluging the world with oil right now, which is driving the world price relentlessly lower. The Arabs understand - as too few in Washington do - that shale energy boom is no short term fad. It could make energy cheaper for decades to come. As American drillers get better at perfecting the technologies of cracking through shale rock to get to the near infinite treasure chest supplies of energy locked inside, we will soon overtake Saudi Arabia as the dominant player in world energy markets.
You can't have a cartel if the world's largest producer - America - isn't a member. OPEC will never again be able to create the level of economic turmoil that the Arab members of OPECs engineered in the 1970s with their oil embargo. And by the way: lower oil prices place increased pressure on Iran’s mullahs to abandon their nuclear program and curb Putin’s capabilities to engage in East Europe aggression.
Yet the political class still doesn't get it. As recently as 2012 President Obama declared that "the problem is we use more than 20 percent of the world's oil and we only have 2 percent of the world's proven oil reserves." Then he continued with his Malthusian nonsense, "Even if we drilled every square inch of this country right now, we'd still have to rely disproportionately on other countries for their oil." apparently, neither he nor his fact checkers have ever been to Texas or North Dakota. And we don't have 2 percent of the world's oil. Including estimates of onshore and offshore resources not yet officially “discovered”, we have ten times more than the stat quoted by the President – resources sufficient to supplyhundreds of years of oil and gas.
America, in sum, has been richly endowed with a nearly invincible 21st century economic and national security weapon to keep us safe and prosperous. The plunge is gas prices is just one visible sign of this supply explosion. Think of how much bigger this revolution could be if we started building pipelines, repealed the ban on oil exports, expanded drilling on public lands, and stopped trying to punitively tax and regulate the oil and gas.
For much of the last forty years, oil’s periodic price spikes have remained a constant threat to growth. Higher consumer energy costs as well as increased industrial production costs weighted on the economy. . Now oil is one of the primary accelerators; the new big drag on the economy is politicians who despise the carbon-based industry.
Stephen Moore is a Fox News contributor. He serves as chief economist at the Heritage Foundation.

Obama Warns Republicans He Plans to Veto Their Legislation

No surprise here…Warning from President Barack Obama to congressional Republicans: I have a veto pen and, come January, I won’t be afraid to use it.
Since taking office in 2009, Obama has only vetoed legislation twice, both in fairly minor circumstances. But with Republicans set to take full control of Congress next year, Obama is losing his last bulwark against a barrage of bills he doesn’t like: the Senate.

Can Liberals Really Be this Stupid? Apparently they Can… by David L. Goetsch

33I have grown accustomed to the fact that liberals believe they can somehow change human nature and create a utopian world or, at least, a world that fits their definition of utopia. Although I still find it disturbing, I no longer find it surprising that liberals base their opinions and actions on emotionalism rather than logic or reason. A steadfast refusal to let facts get in the way of their presuppositions seems to be in the DNA of liberals, yet they think they are brighter than anyone else. For example, recall when Jonathan Gruber, the puffed up academic from MIT, talked condescendingly about the stupidity of the America public. Frankly, if he had limited his denunciation to just liberals, I might have agreed with him.
Before going any farther down this road, a caveat is in order. If you are put off by my use of the word “stupid” in the title of this column, understand that I spent a good deal of time trying to come up with a softer descriptor. For example, I tried the word “ignorant,” but it did not work because ignorance is just a lack of knowledge that can be cured through reading, listening to those who are more informed on the subject in question, discussing, debating, and keeping an open mind. Since liberals are steadfastly opposed to reading, listening, discussing, and debating with an open mind, “ignorance” failed the test of applicability. So did “illogical,” “unreasonable,” “fact-averse,” and “uninformed.” Finally, I settled on the word “stupid” because it conveys just the right meaning: a determination to continue doing the wrong things even when you know they are wrong simply because you want them to be right. Now that is stupid.
All of this is to say I am rarely shocked or even surprised when a prominent liberal says or does something that is just plain stupid. At least I shouldn’t be surprised, but then liberals have a way of outdoing themselves in the dumb and dumber department. Consequently, even though I am inured to the illogic, lack of reason, and aversion to facts that so often characterize liberal thinking, there are still occasions when I find myself asking, “Can liberals really be this stupid?”
Conservative columnist George Will refers to the fact-challenged ravings and out-of-leftfield actions of liberals as “poppycock,” a less confrontational, more refined descriptor than my term: “stupid.” However, even though I admire Will’s commentary, he is—in this case—letting liberals off the hook too easily by toning down his rhetoric. In a recent column, the conservative commentator shared a long list of examples of what he called liberal “poppycock”; examples he might have more accurately labeled liberal stupidity. In this column, I add my own comments on a few of the examples Wills offered his readers.
In California, a high school principal denied the school’s booster club permission to raise money by selling meals donated by Chick-fil-A because the restaurant chain supports traditional marriage. The principal was supported in his decision by the school superintendent who claimed “we value inclusivity and diversity.” Oh really? Then what about including the overwhelming majority of your student body and fans who support Chick-fil-A’s position or at least support its First Amendment right to hold such a position? If these two politically correct—Perhaps I should say “stupid”—administrators really valued diversity, they would not ban Chick-fil-A on the basis of its point of view. After all, embracing diversity means not just tolerating a variety of different views, but ensuring exposure to a variety of views; especially those you disagree with.
Here was an excellent opportunity for two so-called educators to turn a situation into a civics lesson on the real meaning of diversity and inclusiveness, but these two administrators are apparently so steeped in political correctness that they squandered the opportunity. Rather than teaching students that diversity means respectfully embracing differences, the principal and superintendent in this case taught them that diversity and inclusiveness mean banning all but the approved, politically correct points of view.  Don’t look now Mr. Principal and Mr. Superintendent, but that’s what they do in communist nations and other totalitarian states. Can liberals really be this stupid? Apparently they can.
By now readers of my columns know all about the fracas over the use of “Redskins” for the name of the Washington, D.C. NFL team. Liberals in and out of government are incensed that the team continues to use this non-PC name (although surveys show that American Indians are not bothered by it). The Obama administration has even used the power of the federal government in an attempt to coerce the franchise into discarding the name “Redskins.” Understand that this is the same federal government that spends billions of dollars procuring Tomahawk cruise missiles and Apache helicopters. Further, this is the President who approved the name Geronimo for the mission in which Osama bin Laden was finally brought to justice. Can liberals really be this stupid? Apparently they can.
One of the best or perhaps I should say worst examples of liberal stupidity comes from the Freedom Socialist Party (FSP), an organization that advocates for a $20 per hour minimum wage. According to George Will, the FSP recently advertised a job opening for a Web developer. The starting wage was $13 per hour. This was not just a proof-reading error. Apparently the FSP sees no irony in advocating that every other organization be required to pay a $20 per hour minimum wage while it pays substantially less. Can liberals really be this stupid? Apparently they can.
As good (or bad) an example as this one is, even the FSP cannot hold a candle to Vice-President Joe Biden when it comes to making embarrassingly inane comments. Biden makes so many foot-in-mouth gaffes that they are hard to keep up with, but his referring to Africa as a “nation” rather than a continent ranks high on the list of his top-ten most stupid comments. Close behind the “Africa” comment was Biden’s recent statement about the victims of the devastating 2011 tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri. According to our fact-challenged vice-president, 161,000 were killed. Obviously no math major, the vice-president was off by a mere 160, 839 people. Can liberals really be this stupid? Apparently they can.
One final example comes from California Governor Jerry Brown. Apparently the governor buys the liberal party line on global warming. Concerned that global warming is going to cause a four-foot rise in the Pacific Ocean, Governor Brown fretted that the Los Angeles International Airport would one day be under water. Actually, LAX is more than 120 feet above sea level. Global warming notwithstanding, California’s math-challenged governor need not worry. Can liberals really be this stupid? Apparently they can.
Read more at http://patriotupdate.com/articles/can-liberals-really-stupid-apparently-can/

Holder’s selectively racist police investigations

Cops shoot bad guys. And it’s not just white cops shooting bad black guys, as black cops shoot bad guys too.

Yet, it seems Eric Holder’s Department of InJustice is quick to evaluate when a white cop shoots a black man.

Has anybody even checked to see if Holder is investigating any cases of black cops shooting anybody?

As reported by ABC, after county prosecutors announced they won’t charge a white former Milwaukee police officer in connection with the killing of a black man in April, the U.S. Department of Justice said today that it will review the case for possible civil rights violations.

Earlier, the county prosecutor determined that the shooting was a justified use of deadly force in self-defense, because 31-year old Dontre Hamilton, the perp was shot 14 times by Officer Christopher Manney, after the two got into a violent struggle in a downtown Milwaukee park.
According to Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm,
“But, based on all the evidence and analysis presented in this report, I come to the conclusion that Officer Manney’s use of force in this incident was justified self-defense and that defense cannot be reasonably overcome to establish a basis to charge Officer Manney with a crime.”
Case closed? Not for race-baiting Holder and his minions:
The Justice department will “undertake a federal review of this case to determine if, under federal civil rights law, there is a basis, both legal and factual, upon which a federal civil rights prosecution may be premised,” the U.S. attorney said in a statement. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin and the Civil Rights Division will conduct the review.
Read more at http://theblacksphere.net/2014/12/holder-selectively-racist-police-investigations/

10 razones para hacer el amor más veces

love more1
1. Mantener relaciones sexuales alivia los dolores de cabeza. Cada vez que haces el amor se alivia la tensión de las venas del cerebro.
2. Hacer mucho el amor puede despejar una congestión nasal. El sexo es un antihistamínico natural. Ayuda a combatir el asma y las alergias de primavera.
3. Hacer el amor es un tratamiento de belleza espectacular. Científicos han comprobado que tener relaciones sexuales produce gran cantidad de estrógeno, lo que vuelve el pelo brillante y suave.
4. El sexo es uno de los deportes más seguros. Hacer el amor tonifica y fortalece casi todos los músculos del cuerpo. ¡Es más agradable que nadar 20 vueltas en la piscina y no necesitas zapatillas especiales!
5. Hacer el amor despacito, suave y relajadamente reduce las posibilidades de sufrir dermatitis, espinillas y acné. El sudor producido limpia los poros y hace brillar tu piel.
6. Hacer el amor quema todas esas calorías que acumulaste en esa cena romántica anterior a la cama.
7. El sexo es remedio santo de cura para la depresión. Libera endorfinas en el flujo sanguíneo, creando un estado de euforia y dejando a la mujer y al hombre con un sentimiento de bienestar inigualable.
8. El sexo es el tranquilizante y relajante muscular más seguro del mundo. Es mil veces más efectivo que el Valium.
9. Mientras más relaciones sexuales mantenga más posibilidades tienes de tener más. Un cuerpo activo sexualmente contiene mayor cantidad de feromonas. ¡Este aroma imperceptible excita a los amantes!
10. Besarse todos los días permite alejarse del dentista. Los besos ayudan a la saliva a limpiar los dientes y disminuye la cantidad de ácido que causa el debilitamiento del esmalte.

Obama on Iran Embassy: 'Never Say Never'
President Barack Obama hinted that he might be prepared to establish a new U.S. embassy in Tehran ” if we can get a deal on making sure that Iran does not have a nuclear weapon,” and the deal led to warmer relations with the Iranian regime. Obama’s remarks were published Monday in an interview with National Public Radio host Steve Inskeep. Essentially, the U.S. would be prepared to tolerate and legitimize the autocratic rule of the Iranian regime, as long as it agreed not to become a nuclear threat.

Missing AirAsia Jet Could Be Found In This Startling Location According To Expert

“Based on the coordinates given to us..."B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE –

According to a BBC report Monday, a flight that disappeared Sunday en route to Singapore has most likely already sunk to the bottom of the Java Sea. Bambang Soelistyo of the Indonesian National Search and Rescue Agency took several factors into consideration in coming up with the theory.

“Based on the coordinates given to us and evaluation that the estimated crash position is in the sea,” he said, “the hypothesis is the plane is at the bottom of the sea.”
Assuming the fuselage is ultimately found on the sea floor, recovery teams will reportedly face significant obstacles in bringing the doomed jet back to the surface. Soelistyo explained that his nation does not possess the equipment needed to take on such a project.
He added that, while AirAsia Flight QZ8501 was equipped with a system designed to signal distress and location, no agency in Indonesia or surrounding nations have reported receiving any such notification.
There have been reports of visible oil slicks on the water within the search parameters, though Soelistyo could not confirm they came from the missing airliner.
His agency has already deployed a diverse search team using ships, boats, and helicopters to scour the region around Belitung Island. The Indonesian and Australian militaries have also added aircraft and ships to the mission as of Monday.
Tuesday’s effort will include expanded search parameters along with the use of sonar and other recovery techniques.
As 2014 comes to an end, the missing jet punctuates a year already marked by the disappearance of two other Malaysian airliners.
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/expert-determine-likeliest-place-find-missing-airasia-jet/#GElJ0sIDG9bG1Wl0.99

ISIS Plans Mass Genocide -- 500 Million People Need to Die.  

by Common Constitutionalist 

Evidently ISIS plans to wipe out all of us, starting with those in the Middle East, those of other religions, all atheists, and those who don’t subscribe to their particular brand of Islam.
At least that’s what a German reporter claims. He was permitted to be embedded in the Islamic State for 10 fun-filled days. Well, that must have been more fun than a barrel of severed heads.
According to 74-year-old reporter Jurgen Todenhofer, ISIS is deadly serious and truly believes they can actually win the fight against the infidels. Todenhofer told ABC News that “The IS fighters are much smarter and more dangerous than our leaders believe. In the Islam State, there is an almost palpable enthusiasm and confidence of victory, which I have not seen in many war zones.” He added: “They are extremely brutal. I’m talking about the strategy of religious cleansing. They are talking about 500 million people who have to die.”
And why wouldn’t they be extremely confident, knowing that Western politicians lack the courage and will to do what is truly necessary to stop them.
Todenhofer said that “The West underestimated the risk posed by IS dramatically,” and that the Islamic State is “much stronger and much more dangerous" than anyone in the West has estimated.
The German reporter explained their plan for genocide: "The IS wants to kill all nonbelievers and apostates and enslave their women and children. All Shiites, Yazidi, Hindus, atheists and polytheists should be killed. Hundreds of millions of people are to be eliminated in the course of this religious cleansing. All moderate Muslims who promote democracy, should be killed. Because, from the IS perspective, they promote human laws of the laws of God. This also applies to -- after a successful conquest -- the democratically minded Muslims in the Western world."
But what of the Obama grand strategy of airstrikes? We've heard that they have been vastly effective -- that they halted the expansion of ISIS, turning the tide -- driving ISIS out of Iraq.
Well, the reporter claims that this is not the case -- that the three major cities in Iraq controlled by ISIS have "been largely spared" from airstrikes because of concerns over civilian casualties and collateral damage.
Take for example, the city of Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, second only to Baghdad. Todenhofer wrote that "The city ofMosul, with a population of 3 million, for example, is controlled by IS with about 5000 fighters. To crush them with bombs means reducing all of Mosul to rubble and killing tens of thousands of civilians."
So in other words, with no or insufficient ground forces and a very limited air campaign, there is simply no defeating this group. It can't be done, and ISIS can only be contained for so long.
I'm not advocating for ground forces or even a heavier air campaign. I just don't know enough about the actual situation over there. No civilian does, and we will never get an honest assessment from this administration.
I'm not sure if this is really our fight at this time, or any time. The Europeans and other Middle Eastern countries should be waging this war -- or at least paying 100% of the cost of our bombing campaign.
Yet this is how we wage war today. We fight not to lose and then go home. For decades now it's worked well enough -- for the enemy left behind has been content to remain within its own borders.
ISIS however, has no borders. It is a virus that will just keep spreading if left unchecked -- and by unchecked I mean wiped out.

Wisconsin Gazette: Repeal ‘Stupid’ Second Amendment

Don’t you just get tired of these liberal windbags and their warped ideology?   Here’s yet another opinion piece, this one published in the Wisconsin Gazette.   “It is long past time to repeal the stupid Second Amendment.”
Wake up Mr. Hastings!  Criminals don’t give a rip about the 2nd Amendment, but, a tyrannical government does.  Seems YOU have bought their lies.   Who’s the ‘stupid’ one?
Written by:  Tom H. Hastings 
Sunday, 28 December 2014 07:32
What country fetishizes, lionizes, valorizes, idolizes, and sacralizes guns as much as does our United States? OK, possibly Mozambique — the only country with an AK47 on its flag, but really, it’s long past time to end this obsessive “My Precious” attachment of Americans to instruments of death.
This morning of Dec. 25, 2014, of the nine top stories from US Reuters, six were about shootings — four new ones and two about the national movement against shootings of citizens by police. This pandemic of sick violence, punctuated by mass killings of children, has gone on far, far too long. It is long past time to repeal the stupid Second Amendment.
The fate of the Second Amendment should have been sealed when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that past rulings by their predecessors were wrong, that in fact the amendment that provided for a “well regulated militia” really guaranteed every individual the right to own a gun. Wow. That is an interesting reading of the English language. What the Supremes have done is to not only warp the meaning and make it into twisted law, but to further prohibit states and local governments from declaring their places free of legal guns. The conservative court once again rules against the power of states, a principle that used to be associated with darn liberals who wanted to make sure everyone had the right to vote, for example, even though they weren’t properly white enough. Now when a city or state wants to outlaw firearms, too bad. The conservatives took away their powers and rights in favor of Big Brother.

BOOM: Rep. Womick (R-TN) Calls For Purging Military of Muslim Americans

Oh, no. He just condemned Obama’s favorite religion. Will he be ‘re-educated?’ http://clashdaily.com/2014/12/boom-rep-womick-r-tn-calls-purging-military-muslim-americans/


En mi opinión
No 837  Diciembre 30, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

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