Thursday, December 11, 2014

No 817 "En mi opinion" Diciembre 10, 2014

 No 817 “En mi opinión”  Diciembre 10, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR
Obama Dice que Torturas a los Terroristas han hecho Daño a América
Siempre me ha gustado ser racionalista, no dejar que mis emociones dirijan mi conducta.  Trato de ver que es lo lógico y lo que no lo es.  Hay veces que me equivoco porque aunque uno use el raciocinio puede razonar equivocadamente por  las circunstancias externas o por su racionamiento errado.
Pero el tiempo es un buen juez para enseñar si uno ha razonado bien sobre algo, o si lo que otros razonaron fue lo correcto.
Cuando Alemania se rindió a los aliados durante la segunda guerra mundial, Rusia le declaró la guerra a Japón y el destino del imperio japonés estaba sellado por cualquier razonamiento posible. 
Pero el fanatismo del pueblo japonés no les dejó aceptar su derrota, y se empecinaron en cometer ataques suicidas en mayor escala. 
Truman les dio todo tipo de oportunidades para la rendición, pero los muertos  por año en el frente japonés, se estimaba que serían más de 50,000 vidas de soldados americanos, Truman no podía aceptar muertes de ciudadanos americanos por cuestiones de diplomacia o política, tuvo que actuar.. 
Truman hizo lo que mirado del punto humano es un genocidio.  La bomba atómica de Hiroshima mató miles de inocentes.  Después volvió a tratar de obtener la rendición, y siguieron negándose. Tuvo que lanzar una nueva bomba en Nagasaki.  Entonces se rindieron, y el punto final es que la historia reconoce que Truman cumplió con su deber salvando miles de vidas americanas.  La historia ha condenado a los que dirigían los destinos del imperio como los culpables de las bombas atómicas, no Truman.
Quizás hoy disfrutando de la libertad que nos dieron los soldados que combatieron en Japón, algunos liberaloides nos digan que Truman fue un asesino, pero los padres de los soldados que no murieron por el resultado de la rendición de Japón por las bombas atómicas, supieron apreciar que lo que hizo Truman fue lo correcto dada las circunstancias.  Nadie protestó en aquel momento.

Las torturas a los terroristas en Guantánamo, vista desde el punto de vista humano es algo que nos molesta, no nos gustaría que nos hicieran esto a nosotros.  Pero si nos ponemos en el contexto del momento histórico del 9-11 todos en América, Demócratas y Republicanos, aprobaron la tortura para evitar un nuevo 9-11, y nunca sabremos las miles de vidas americanas que esta tortura evitó  por la información obtenida de estos los terroristas asesinos.
Ahora nos quieren decir que no obtuvieron información, aunque esto es inmaterial, si se obtuvo o no, no es relativo, se hizo para obtener la información y salvar vidas de inocentes que es la intención del objetivo y esto es mucho más importante que lo que tuvieron que sufrir estos asesinos.  Pero sin lugar a duda no importa lo que nos quieran decir los de la persuasión "políticamente correcta", se obtuvo información, el mayor triunfo de Obama, la captura de Osama Bin Ladin no se hubiera podido obtener sin una buena sesión de tortura de prisioneros de Guantánamo. 
Si ahora Obama, como siempre politizando la seguridad de la nación, quiere cerrar Guantánamo, está bien, puede hacerlo.  Pero poner en peligro nuestra vida  y a los oficiales y soldados americanos en el extranjero, para justificar su movimiento político, publicando para su conveniencia política los detalles de las torturas con sus consecuencias, esto lo hace responsable directo de cualquier muerte que pueda ocurrir en el futuro por un ataque terrorista. Y que no me diga que fue el Senado, bajo Obama el presente senado hasta Enero,  es una cucharita que ni pincha ni corta, la desición final la tiene el Mesías.
Truman era un político demócrata liberal, como eran antes los liberales, que era ante americano que liberal.
Obama es un dogmático de la religión socialista, y los dogmáticos nos aceptan razonamiento, a los dogmáticos no le interesa el bienestar de los ciudadanos ni le interesa la patria, lo que les interesas es cumplir con sus dogmas.
Truman no le hizo daño a América, las torturas a los terroristas no le hizo daño a América.
La publicación de las torturas si le hace daño a América, Obama si le hace daño a América.  

Amenper: CIA Interrogations Saved Lives… Obama’s Report will cost Lives
Below you will find response to the Senate Intelligence Committee regarding the majority report on the CIA detention and interrogation in the wake of 9-11
The response in long so I am sending you a link, it is very articulated and credible, contrary to the political report of the majority report presented by a bunch of politicians against the men that protected our lives.
The response is from former CIA officials  Directors George J. Tenet, Porter J. Goss and Michael V. Hayden (a retired Air Force general), and former CIA Deputy Directors John E. McLaughlin, Albert M. Calland (a retired Navy vice admiral) and Stephen R. Kappes
These are the opening statements, punching the link you will be able to read the whole report; it is worth to read it.  It gives you a sense of awareness of the injustice committed for political greed.
But we Cubans know how a politician can change the lives of thousands of professionals, entrepreneurs, and workers, just for the greed of power to advance a political socialist dogma...
The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on Central Intelligence Agency detention and interrogation of terrorists, prepared only by the Democratic majority staff, is a missed opportunity to deliver a serious and balanced study of an important public policy question. The committee has given us instead a one-sided study marred by errors of fact and interpretation—essentially a poorly done and partisan attack on the agency that has done the most to protect America after the 9/11 attacks.
Examining how the CIA handled these matters is an important subject of continuing relevance to a nation still at war. In no way would we claim that we did everything perfectly, especially in the emergency and often-chaotic circumstances we confronted in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. As in all wars, there were undoubtedly things in our program that should not have happened. When we learned of them, we reported such instances to the CIA inspector general or the Justice Department and sought to take corrective action.
The country and the CIA would have benefited from a more balanced study of these programs and a corresponding set of recommendations. The committee’s report is not that study. It offers not a single recommendation.
If you want to know the truth punch this link

Michael Hayden: I Did Not Lie to Congress Over CIA Interrogation Tactics

By Bill Hoffmann
Former CIA Director Michael Hayden told Newsmax TV on Tuesday that the Senate Intelligence Committee's so-called "torture report" on the enhanced interrogation of terror suspects is shockingly incomplete — and he emphatically denied ever lying to the committee members when he spoke to them in 2006.

"No, would be the straightforward and simple answer … first of all, it's a felony [to lie]," Hayden said in an exclusive interview on 
Newsmax TV's "The Steve Malzberg Show."

Story continues below video.

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Hayden — a retired four-star Air Force general who led the CIA from 2006-2009, after heading the National Security Agency — also denied accusations of deception made by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat and chairman of the Intelligence Committee.

"I'll go so far as to say she's incorrect. Lying is intentionally, intentionally misleading someone, all right. Let me make another distinction, telling people something they don't want to hear is not the same thing as telling people something that is untrue," he said.

"I don't know why I would go there to try to be inaccurate, incomplete or deceptive in front of my oversight committee.

"I can tell you that what I laid out is what the agency believed to be true and let me add, what I laid out is what the agency will say was true in its report today."
According to a report by Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee, the CIA misled Congress and White House officials about its interrogations of terror suspects and mismanaged a program that was far more brutal and less effective than publicly portrayed.
The harsh interrogations were ineffective and didn’t produce key information that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden, despite the claims by program supporters, the 6,000-page report, which cost $50 million. It added that details of the program were kept hidden from policy makers.

"This document examines the CIA’s secret overseas detention of at least 119 individuals and the use of coercive interrogation techniques — in some cases amounting to torture," Feinstein, a California Democrat, said in a statement.

But Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Saxby Chambliss, the ranking member of the intelligence panel, insisted on Tuesday that CIA methods helped capture important terrorists and take down bin Laden.

"Claims included in this report that assert the contrary are simply wrong," McConnell and Chambliss said in a joint statement.

Hayden said there would be no reason for him to lie because he had to go to great lengths to set up a meeting with the committee.

"In the summer of 2006, [I had] to convince the administration that we had to brief the entire committee on the entire detention and interrogation program … The CIA's fighting the administration to get an audience to Congress so we can lie to them?"

Hayden said that Feinstein used specific nuggets "very, very specifically and particularly and I should add, very selectively" to damn the operation.

"This was her taking a five-year look at 6 million documents costing you $40 million with an army of contractors, and finding data points that support … a preordained conclusion that the program was wrong in concept, wrong in management and wrong in that it was not successful in gaining information" he said.

"Everyone needs to wait and make a fair judgment after the CIA rebuttal to this report comes out, and let me emphasize the Barack Obama's CIA's rebuttal to this report, as well as the minority report from the Republicans on the committee."

Hayden said that the committee did not interview any of the CIA interrogators to help draw its skewered conclusions.

"None of us were asked. It wasn't a question of being available. The cover story that they're using is that that was a congressional investigation and therefore they could not get people to talk," he said.

"Now, the congressional investigation ended in August of 2012 and last time I checked, we're in December of 2014. So you had two more years to double check your work if you wanted."

Asked if President George W. Bush did not know about the full extent of the enhanced interrogations until 2006, Hayden replied: "He approved the use of waterboarding and that took place in 2002."

But Hayden admitted he did withhold certain information from administration officials because as he took the reins of the CIA in 2006, "I deferred to people who were there … I'm an intel guy. I'd rather be fact based."

Hayden strongly disagreed with Feinstein's claim that there was not a single case of intelligence gained from the enhanced interrogation techniques that was useful in thwarting a terror plot.

"That is so untrue that the stated actually defies human comprehension. We detained about 100 people, we had a Home Depot-like warehouse of information from those people," he said.

"We continually referred to that information and we could go back to detainees. Every analyst I ever spoke to … understood and indicated to me the importance of the information we got from this program."

Feinstein also said the use of enhanced interrogation regularly resulted in fabricated information and the CIA knew it.

"Well, you know, you've got somebody who even after the use of enhanced techniques and being more cooperative, doesn't suddenly turn into a flag waving loyal American citizen," he said.

"There's information that they still want to protect, information they are less free about giving. In fact, if the senator would accept my testimony, I actually said the [interrogation methods] were not the most important tools we had in getting good information from the detainees.

"I actually said the most important tool we had was our knowledge because we knew what they were telling us was true or not true, believable or not believable."
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Watch: Obama’s Dirty Little Secret He Wanted Kept Quiet Just Got Exposed By A Former White House Insider

"Barack Obama launches into..."NORVELL ROSE  

After a 40-year career as a television journalist, Ann Compton has earned the respect and admiration of her network colleagues.
A member of the Journalism Hall of Fame, Ms. Compton covered seven presidential campaigns and numerous administrations, both Democrat and Republican, before she retired in August.
Among her more notable “firsts,” Compton became the first woman assigned to cover the White House on a full-time basis by a network television news organization — that occurred just weeks after the Watergate scandal came to an end — and she was one of the youngest to receive that prestigious assignment.
During the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Compton was with President George W. Bush as the attacks unfolded. She was aboard Air Force One while the plane flew from Florida to other parts of the country after the President was advised not to return to Washington.
All this is background and context for what Ann Compton recently revealed to interviewer Brian Lamb on C-Span about the current occupant of the White House. As reported on, Compton said:
Barack Obama launches into “profanity-laced” tirades against the press in off-the-record meetings with reporters.
And the Obama pledge of his being the “most transparent” administration in history notwithstanding:
Compton also derided the President for leading “the most opaque” administration of “any I have covered.”
And as noted above, she’s covered a handful in her 40 years of reporting.
By clicking on the video above, you can hear what this veteran TV news correspondent said of Barack Obama’s behind-closed-doors behavior–he reportedly gave the mainstream media “hell” for what they’ve been saying about him–this despite the widespread perception among conservatives that the media is generally quite friendly to — and even openly supportive of — the Obama White House and its progressive agenda.

Amenper:  Cosas Buenas de Obama, y otras no tan Buenas.
Obama ha hecho cosas buenas. Lo que considero mejor de Obama es el uso de Drones y los bombardeos en Iraq y después dentro del territorio de Siria.  Podemos decir que fue bajo la presión de la opinión pública pero siempre que sea algo contra los insurgentes en el Medio Oriente, es bueno para nuestra seguridad.
Se supone que miles de personas han muerto por los ataques de los Drones y los bombardeos, algunos inocentes, pero eso son las bajas civiles que tienen que ocurrir en cualquier guerra.
Arriba algunas de las fotos presentada en el website Islámico sobre lo que ellos llaman “crímenes” producido por las bombas de Estados Unidos, el Gran Satán.
Lo bueno de esta estrategia es que está dirigido primordialmente para un enemigo que tiene como objetivo destruir nuestro país y nuestro modo de vida.  Lo malo es que es incompleto, sin tropas nunca se podrá derrotar a ISIS, y nuestros “aliados” no tienen ni la capacidad ni el deseo de hacerlo.
Dicho esto, ¿Por qué Obama acusa a la CIA de las torturas?, nadie murió por las torturas, y el objetivo era más estratégico que los ataques aéreos. 
El resultado buscado en las torturas era para evitar nuevos ataques directamente contra nuestro suelo, y evitar muertes de nuestros soldados logrando información militar para defendernos, era y es necesario y conveniente en una confrontación bélica, mucho más con el tipo de enemigo que es el fanático musulmán. Y aunque Obama lo niegue por razones políticas, el resultado de las torturas ha sido más efectivo en la lucha contra el terrorismo, que los ataques aéreos.
El hecho que no haya habido hasta ahora un ataque mayor en suelo americano se debe en gran parte a la información obtenida de los detenidos en Guantánamo, el mismo Guantánamo que por razones políticas Obama está decidido a cerrar.
Si está siendo tan políticamente correcto como para presentar las torturas al mundo, creando una situación que ayuda al enemigo a destruir la reputación de los Estados Unidos y creando la posibilidad de un incremento en el reclutamiento de ISIS y de ataques a nuestras facilidades en el extranjero y en nuestro suelo ¿Por qué entonces no presenta Obama las fotos que enseño arriba de los muertos civiles causado por su estrategia de ataques aéreos? Lo que dijo Obama que las torturas no habían producido información, es mentira, pero no puede decir la mentira que las torturas hubieran producido alguna muerte, porque no sucedió, esto es algo que no se puede decir sobre los miles de muertos que han resultado por los ataques aéreos, que es una estrategia más fallida que las torturas.
Obama cómo cualquier otro presidente o militar tiene el derecho a seguir una estrategia fallida, es criticable desde el punto de vista militar, pero no es algo por lo que lo podemos culpar de traición.
Las traiciones de Obama son otras y ahora tienen un nuevo capítulo con la exposición de las torturas al mundo.
 Siempre que se trate de luchar contra el enemigo que nos quiere destruir, todos los métodos son válidos por eso las torturas no es algo de lo que podemos culpar a la CIA, como no podemos culpar a Obama de la estrategia de los ataques aéreos.
Pero….¿Por qué Obama se nos quiere presentar tan "humanista" para algunas cosas y no para otras?
Lo que ha hecho Obama es poner su agenda política por arriba de los intereses de la nación.
Lo que ha hecho Obama cuando presenta al mundo las torturas, que es un método para proteger a nuestros soldados y evitar el terrorismo, es enseñar el poco respeto de Obama a las agencias que nos protegen, y demostrar que para él lo primero es la política sin tomar en consideración lo mejor para esta nación, lo que ha hecho Obama se puede considerar una traición a la patria.

U.S. Congresswoman’s Husband Killed by Obamacare Incentives

 by Mark Horne 
Obamacare incentives helped a beloved husband die and they are doing the same to many more now.
Back in October, I posted about the story that people were avoiding needed medical care because the Obamacare plans involved high deductibles or co-pays. Under Obamacare as it exists now, Americans are basically paying insurance premiums and not get anything in return. If they avoid the doctor to avoid paying their deductible then they will probably never reach the point that the insurance company has to start helping them with expenses.
This is, of course, a bonanza for insurance companies. They wrote their legislation well. No wonder Jonathan Gruber made so much money.
But it also gets people sick and killed.
Today a U.S. Congresswomen testified about how incentives matter. These were different incentives than those involving the price of Obamacare, but they had a similar effect.
In this case, the problem with Obamacare is that one didn’t know whether one was enrolled in the system or not.
Cynthia Lummis spoke at the House Oversight and Government Reform hearing and on C-span. The hearing featured the lying liar, Jonathan Gruber.
Lummis lost her husband, Alvin Wiederspahn, to a fatal heart attack in his sleep when he was sixty-five years old.
How does Obamacare figure into the death?
Lummis testified that Wiederspahn had been suffering from chest pain, but Obamacare removed any confidence that he could afford the required tests. The couple had enrolled in Obamacare and had received confirmation. But then, when they applied for reimbursements in their medical expenses, they were told that they were not enrolled.
It was at this time that Lummis’ husband started noticing the pain. The doctor told him to get tested. Wiederspahn did not follow that advice, apparently because he was unsure about how he would pay for it.
According to the Daily Signal,
“I want to suggest, that regardless of what happened to me personally, that there have been so many glitches in the passage and implementation of Obamacare that have real-life consequences on people’s lives,” Lummis said. “And the so-called ‘glibness’ that has been referenced today have direct consequences for real American people. So get over your d**n glibness.”
Notice that, even though the root cause is slightly different, this is exactly the same problem we have now. People are being discouraged from getting proper medical care because they can’t afford it through Obamacare. Here we have a real-live example of how this problem can work itself out. People dies of preventable problems because they have been put in a system that discourages them from seeking needed care.

Ex-CIA Officer: Senate Torture Report Is 'Pure Politics'

By Bill Hoffmann
A decorated ex-CIA officer says the Senate Democrats' so-called "torture report" that blasts the CIA for its use of "enhanced interrogation" on terror suspects is "pure politics" and exposes the hypocrisy of the Obama administration.
"The release of this is just pure politics," Gary Berntsen said Tuesday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on 
Newsmax TV.
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"The president wanted this released because it validated his attacks on his predecessor, George Bush … [but] the president and this administration is talking out of both sides of their mouth.
"At one point they're saying, oh it's not so bad, it's not going to cause a threat, and on the other hand they're sending out messages across the Middle East, South Asia, and North Africa to all our embassies that you may be under increased threat right now, so prepare yourselves."
The report — released Tuesday by Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Sen. Dianne Feinstein — says the CIA misled Congress and White House officials about its interrogations of terror suspects and mismanaged a program that was far more brutal and less effective than publicly portrayed.

It told of techniques such as waterboarding, rectal feeding, forced nudity, and extended periods of confinement in a coffin-sized box.

Berntsen — president of The Berntsen Group and the author of 
"Jawbreaker: The Attack on Bin Laden and Al Qaeda: A Personal Account by the CIA's Key Field Commander," written with Ralph Pezzullo and published by Broadway Books — added:

"What's so bad about this is we are facing a real threat right now from ISIS. The threat from ISIS is five times greater than what we faced from al-Qaida 14 years ago. The number of attacks worldwide, terrorists attacks, has increased tenfold.
"If we go to a live nation right now with a sensitive project and say we need your help, they're much less likely to want to help us, especially if we say, do this with us and we'll keep this secret."Read Latest Breaking News from
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

Obama's Isis plan aims to SUSPEND 2016 ELECTION - Dr. Ben Carson… Video:

2016 Obama plans to take America down

Your Share: FedGov Spends $29,000 a Year Per Household

Did you know that the National Institutes of Health spent $374,000 to find out if a puppet show would convince preschoolers to eat more vegetables? Or that the Department of Agriculture gave $50,000 to a business that packs and sells alpaca manure?
Your tax dollars paid for it–and much more. In 2014, federal spending per household was $28,826.
Here are some more key facts from “Federal Spending by the Numbers 2014,” a new Heritage report.
1. Even with the temporary drop in deficits and the Budget Control Act, federal spending and the national debt are projected to increase drastically. The current national debt tops $18 trillion, which is more than 100 percent of the national Gross Domestic Product. Without reforming federal spending, especially on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, the rising debt threatens Americans with higher taxes and fewer economic opportunities through less growth. At some point, investors may even lose confidence in the federal government’s ability to service the debt.
(For the rest of the article, click the link.)

Watch: Obama’s Dirty Little Secret He Wanted Kept Quiet Just Got Exposed By A Former White House Insider

"Barack Obama launches into..."NORVELL ROSE  

After a 40-year career as a television journalist, Ann Compton has earned the respect and admiration of her network colleagues.
A member of the Journalism Hall of Fame, Ms. Compton covered seven presidential campaigns and numerous administrations, both Democrat and Republican, before she retired in August.
Among her more notable “firsts,” Compton became the first woman assigned to cover the White House on a full-time basis by a network television news organization — that occurred just weeks after the Watergate scandal came to an end — and she was one of the youngest to receive that prestigious assignment.
During the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Compton was with President George W. Bush as the attacks unfolded. She was aboard Air Force One while the plane flew from Florida to other parts of the country after the President was advised not to return to Washington.
All this is background and context for what Ann Compton recently revealed to interviewer Brian Lamb on C-Span about the current occupant of the White House. As reported on, Compton said:
Barack Obama launches into “profanity-laced” tirades against the press in off-the-record meetings with reporters.
And the Obama pledge of his being the “most transparent” administration in history notwithstanding:
Compton also derided the President for leading “the most opaque” administration of “any I have covered.”
And as noted above, she’s covered a handful in her 40 years of reporting.
By clicking on the video above, you can hear what this veteran TV news correspondent said of Barack Obama’s behind-closed-doors behavior–he reportedly gave the mainstream media “hell” for what they’ve been saying about him–this despite the widespread perception among conservatives that the media is generally quite friendly to — and even openly supportive of — the Obama White House and its progressive agenda.


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Have you every heard of a automobile manufacturer being successfully sued because they built a car that was used in a criminal act?
Of course you haven’t. Occasional attempts as this sort of suit are viewed as little more than impotent protests, and are typically tossed out by judges long before a case can go to trial.

That is hopefully the reality that a Connecticut law firm is giving to the families of 10 Sandy Hook victims who are dropping hints that they file a wrongful death case against Bushmaster.
The parents of 10 children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School have filed or soon will file notices in probate court that they plan to make wrongful death claims on their children’s behalf.

Sources said several families met over the weekend with lawyers from Koskoff, Koskoff& Bieder, a Bridgeport, Conn., law firm, to discuss a potential lawsuit against Bushmaster, the North Carolina-based manufacturer of the Bushmaster AR 15 that A___ L____* used to kill 20 first-graders and six adults on Dec. 14, 2012.


En mi opinión
No 817  Diciembre 10, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

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