No 820 “En mi
opinión” Diciembre 13, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño EDITOR

ataque a Benghazi ¿Se convertirá en un Obamagate para el Presidente?
Parte del documental de Fox News en Ingles
sobre el ataque a Benghazi y la muerte del Embajador de Estados Unidos.
Comparemoslo con Watergate y sus implicaciones con relación a la imagen de
Added on 10/22/12
Por Jesús Angulo
Le damos las gracias a teveo y A MANO LIMPIA por el
interesante e informativo programa de este viernes 12/12/2014 a las 9:00-PM
Desde el primer día que
se hizo público el informe sobre las torturas que se produjeron hace años como
parte de las investigaciones para conocer a los terroristas que destruyeron las
Torres Gemelas con sus actos suicidas, he leído, escuchado y visto lo más que
mi tiempo libre me ha permitido y fue durante esta última entrevista que
podrán ver ponchando
que se me produjeron estas
dudas que quiero compartir con ustedes mis amigos cibernéticos.
¿Por qué ahora este
informe sobre algo tan manido en el pasado cuando se produjeron esas torturas
que en su momento fueron publicadas y canceladas por el Presidente Obama?
¿Será que los "genios
maquiavélicos del partido demócrata viendo que en dos semanas se les termina su
imperio en el senado hicieron como Sansón?
o ¿Será que ante el temor de
que el espíritu del Embajador de Estados Unidos en Libia, asesinado en
Benghasi, Christopher Stevens, reencarne y se convierta en un ACUSADOR de la
posible candidata del partido Demócrata en noviembre de 2016 Hillary Diana
Rodham Clinton Ex secretaria de Estado de los Estados Unidos en el
instante en que se produjeron esos lamentables sucesos?
Al igual que se ha recordado
estas torturas para usarlas seguramente como documento de un inaceptable
balance con Benghasi, les recuerdo a ustedes una vez más lo que sucedió en
John Brennan, Jefe de la CIA
Dianne Feinstein, Senadora Democrata de California
Nota interesante,2008 presidential politics
As a superdelegate, Feinstein had declared that she
would support Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential
nomination.However, once Barack Obama became the presumptive nominee for the party, she
fully backed his
Jesús Angulo
Periodista , Presentador del programa ENTÉRESE,
WLRN TV 17, domingo 6:00 PM
Jesús Angulo
Periodista , Presentador del programa ENTÉRESE,
WLRN TV 17, domingo 6:00 PM
Aparentemente solo dos senadores son verdaderos
patriotas. Los demás “En mi opinión” son una plasta de “M” Lázaro R González Miño.
Solamente 2 senadores
, se opusieron a la asignacion de 1 Billon = mil millones de dolares para
ayudar economicamente a los IMMIGRANTES ILEGALES que estan en Estados
Mientras siguen
apretando a los legales ciudadanos incluyendo a los integrantes de las fuerzas
armadas con solo 1% de aumento en salarios y retiros debido al cost of living
Con la orden de NO
deportacion , la frontera abierta en mas de 700 millas, No penalidad para los
que entran ilegalmente algunos 4, 5 y hasta 6 veces y ahora con la ayuda ,mas
a todos otros
beneficios como el Earned child tax credit (que era solo para los ciudadanos
americanos) y en el 2013 ; 6 mil millones de dolares pago’ el IRS ilegalmente.
Bueno, vendran
clandestinamente a
inundar y arruinar a este pais, millones de personas!
Senate likely to vote on spending bill Monday;
holds rare Saturday session to take up Obama nominations
Published December 13, 2014
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Dec. 12, 2014: Sen. Jeff
Sessions, R-Ala., talks to reporters on Capitol Hill as the Senate considers a
spending bill.
– The Senate will convene in a rare Saturday session after
making some progress toward passing a $1.1 trillion bill to fund the government
Friday night. Despite the step forward, lawmakers failed to lock down a deal
after two Republican senators demanded the bill be stripped of money that could
be used to implement President Obama’s new immigration policy.
Senate GOP leaders pledged
to fight Obama’s immigration plan next year when they take control of the upper
chamber but Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, suggested they shouldn’t be entirely
trusted to keep their pledge.
“We will learn soon enough
if those statements are genuine and sincere,” Cruz said, in a clear reference
to Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner.
Still, current leaders
from both parties say the bill remains on track for a Monday vote.
On Friday, the House
passed a second stopgap measure Friday afternoon, buying the Senate additional
time to discuss and vote on a $1.1 trillion government-wide spending bill.
The House vote provides a
pad to make certain the government doesn’t shut down at midnight Saturday when
current funding authority runs out.
It’s still unknown whether
the House measure, passed by a voice vote while the chamber was virtually
empty, will be needed. Senate leaders say they hope to wrap up action on the
omnibus budget bill by Friday night but say that goal is looking less
Washington woke up to
“Fallout Friday,” with liberal Democrats openly outraged at Obama and
conservative Republicans disgusted with Boehner after both did enough wheeling,
dealing and arm twisting to push through a spending bill three hours shy of the
midnight deadline.
The surprise beneficiary
in this latest political conundrum could be Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., a
relative newcomer to the Senate but looking more and more like the liberal
Democratic answer to who might challenge Hillary Clinton for the party's 2016
presidential nomination.
The House narrowly
approved a sweeping spending bill Thursday night despite deep misgivings among
liberals and conservatives alike, sending the measure to the Senate as
lawmakers averted a partial government shutdown.
The bill passed on a
219-206 vote, following an intense lobbying effort by House Republican leaders
and the White House.
Fox News' Chad Pergram,
Kara Rowland and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Cromnibus Cronyism: Spending Bill Loaded With
on both sides of the aisle say the omnibus spending bill was filled with favors
for special interests that Congress was not given time to properly debate.
Check it out:
Check it out:
Washington Examiner columnist Tim Carney noted a section of the bill
“Modification of Treatment of Certain Health Organizations.” Carney wrote,
”This provision would provide protection from an Obamacare provision for
exactly one entity: Blue Cross Blue Shield.”
Cronyism: Spending Bill Loaded With Favors
on both sides of the aisle say the omnibus spending bill was filled with favors
for special interests that Congress was not given time to properly debate.
Check it out:
Check it out:
Washington Examiner columnist Tim Carney noted a section of the bill “Modification
of Treatment of Certain Health Organizations.” Carney wrote, ”This provision
would provide protection from an Obamacare provision for exactly one entity:
Blue Cross Blue Shield.”
Obama May Be Terrified By What These Scandalous Emails Expose-
“Nixon Was (Nearly) Impeached For Less”
"No wonder the Department of Justice under Eric
Holder has done no serious investigation..."
A federal
judge has forced the release of emails showing that Lois Lerner met with the Department of
Justice’s Election Crimes Division
a month before the 2010 election.
withheld over 800 pages of Lerner documents, citing “taxpayer privacy” and
“deliberative privilege.”
internal DOJ documents reveal that Lerner was talking to DOJ about prosecuting
tax-exempt entities all the way back in 2010. Lerner met with officials from
the DOJ in April 2010.
Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit forcing the turnover of the
emails. The Justice Department ended up handing over only two pages of heavily
redacted emails.
September 30, 2010, the DOJ’s Election Crimes prosecutor emailed Lerner:
“Hi Lois-It’s been a long time, and you might not
remember me, I’ve taken on [REDACTED] duties. I’m looking forward to meeting
you, Can we chat in advance? I’m a [REDACTED]”
responded on October 2, 2010:
“Sure-that’s a good Idea [sic]. I have a meeting out
of the office Monday morning, but will try you when I get back sometime early
afternoon. You can try me at 202 283-8848.”
to dcouments from the Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit, Ms. Lerner asked
whether tax-exempt entities could be criminally prosecuted.
Watch President Tom Fitton concluded:
“No wonder the Department of Justice under Eric Holder
has done no serious investigation of the Obama IRS scandal. These new
documents dramatically show how the Justice Department is up to its neck in the
IRS scandal and can’t be trusted to investigate crimes associated with the IRS
abuses that targeted Obama’s critics. Richard Nixon was impeached for
Amenper: Injusticias Sociales, ¿Qué dirían los fundadores de la Nación?
condición de desventaja de la mujer en la sociedad, la armonía
racial, la Homofobia y Xenofobia, todas estas injusticias
sociales existen y han existido en nuestras sociedades.
Es parte de
la naturaleza humana, de la ley del más fuerte, y hay que tomar, y se han
tomado, todo tipo de medias para evitar estas injusticias.
educación ciudadana hasta leyes que se han establecido para evitar la
Dicho esto,
aunque estamos conscientes de estas injusticias, lo que vemos hoy en día, por
desgracia, porque es una situación que agrava la injusticia que dicen proteger,
es una politización, una institucionalidad y en muchos caso un negocio
utilizando la excusa de la defensa as estas injusticias.
El feminismo,
que dice tratar de mejorar la condición de desventaja de la mujer, que debiera
ser la exaltación de la mujer se ha convertido en la degradación de la mujer.
La familia
que era la maternidad, el control de sus hijos en su educación y la
administración del hogar, hasta en el caso en que la mujer trabajara en un
Esto está
ahora bajo el ataque de las llamadas feministas, que abiertamente condenan la
familia, por considerarla como un sistema para el hombre oprimir a la
mujer. O sea que clamando pedir ventajas para la mujer, destruyen lo que
constituye una mujer que es su posición en la familia.
Opresión es
lo que vemos en los países musulmanes, que por cierto ellas no mencionan.
Pero de lo
que tratan de hacer en nombre del feminismo es la destrucción de una
institución, el matrimonio heterosexual y la familia, que son la piedra de
construcción de la sociedad establecida.
Y de eso se trata de destruir la sociedad establecida, no de
La armonía
racial por definición se trata de que desaparezcan las diferencias por raza.
Para que esto
ocurra ambas razas se tienen que integrar en la cultura establecida en armonía
No puede
haber armonía racial cuando nos hablan de diversidad y de tratar de establecer
la cultura de la minoría en la mayoría.
No puede
haber armonía racial cuando los Hispanos piden que cambien las leyes, cuando
los negros quieren que cambien las leyes, para que se ajusten a sus demandas.
De eso es lo
que hablan cuando piden cambios ,
Y de eso se
trata, es de destruir la sociedad establecida, no de
armonía racial
La homofobia
es el miedo (fobia) al homosexual. El que una persona no sea
homosexual o no crea en el homosexualismo, no lo hace necesariamente tener
miedo o discriminar contra alguien que practica el
homosexualismo. Es injusto discriminar contra alguien por su
preferencia sexual y privarlo de una posición en el trabajo. Pero
los que predican el "orgullo homosexual" no están hablando de los
derechos de los homosexuales, están hablando de incursionar en las leyes establecidas,
en las instituciones establecidas, y eso no evita el odio homofóbico pero lo
acrecienta lo hace más amplio en la sociedad que se ve amenazada en sus
Porque no se
trata de aceptar la homosexualidad como un hecho, o de los derechos civiles de
los homosexuales pero lo que se trata es de destruir una institución
Y de eso se trata, de destruir la sociedad establecida, no de
La Xenofobia
siempre ha existido, desde los principios de la civilización, posiblemente
empezó en la torre de Babel, es una parte de la conducta racista en el sentido
del temor a lo extraño.
Pero la
Xenofobia, está controlada en la civilización con las leyes hacia los
inmigrantes, con las leyes que determinas quien y como cruza las fronteras del
país, y los derechos y deberes de un inmigrante en una nación. Esta
ha sido la solución de la Xenofobia en los países civilizados, el respeto a la
leyes establecidas por ambas partes.
Pero cuando
un grupo de inmigrantes, no sólo desestima las leyes, sino que demandan a la fuerza
los privilegios de un ciudadano, sin más razón que su presencia
ilegal. Porque de lo que se trata no es de Xenofobia, de lo que se trata
es de cambiar las leyes del país para establecer un sistema que se ajuste a sus
Y de eso se trata, de destruir la sociedad establecida, no de
Cuando los gobernantes se
alinean con estas demandas, que no tienen nada que ver con las injusticias
sociales, y mucho que ver con la destrucción de la sociedad establecida. El
grupo gobernante se hace cómplice de la destrucción de la nación como la
fundaron nuestros próceres.
Ben Carson: It's Time Lawmakers Start to 'Grow a Spine'
Instead of behaving as an autonomous body,
conservatives should heed the message sent by the electorate in November, Dr.
Ben Carson said Friday on "America's Forum," where he discussed the
$1.1 trillion spending bill that was passed by the House on Thursday.
"I really am a little bit surprised that the Republicans are not paying a little closer attention to their constituents and the message that they provided in the midterm elections," he told the Newsmax TV show.
"They said please stop the craziness. They didn't say continue to go along to get along," he said.
"I really am a little bit surprised that the Republicans are not paying a little closer attention to their constituents and the message that they provided in the midterm elections," he told the Newsmax TV show.
"They said please stop the craziness. They didn't say continue to go along to get along," he said.
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"I'm glad they didn't fund the program that would
certainly facilitate the integration of people who are here illegally into our society — or at least that
argument is going to be held into February, but everything should've been in
"When you have your power and your power based there, that's when you attack it. You don't allow the president's programs to take root so that it becomes much more difficult to dislodge."
Instead of self-serving politicians worrying about what's good for their party or making decisions based on getting re-elected, Carson said they should "start thinking about what's good for our country."
"Stop being afraid that somebody is going to blame you," he said. "That may have been the case in the past, but enough Americans have awakened to the fact that if we continue down this program, we're going to destroy the future for those who are coming behind us."
To get America back on the right path, Carson suggests making clear to elected officials that they "represent us."
"When you have your power and your power based there, that's when you attack it. You don't allow the president's programs to take root so that it becomes much more difficult to dislodge."
Instead of self-serving politicians worrying about what's good for their party or making decisions based on getting re-elected, Carson said they should "start thinking about what's good for our country."
"Stop being afraid that somebody is going to blame you," he said. "That may have been the case in the past, but enough Americans have awakened to the fact that if we continue down this program, we're going to destroy the future for those who are coming behind us."
To get America back on the right path, Carson suggests making clear to elected officials that they "represent us."
"We have a republic-type government," he
said. "They don't rule us, but they do what we want done.
"Obviously, we're going to have to send that message even stronger. We the people are at the pinnacle of power here and we need to make it very clear.
"People need to start writing letters, they need to get on the Internet, they need to do what they need to do and tell their representatives: Grow a spine," Carson said.
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"Obviously, we're going to have to send that message even stronger. We the people are at the pinnacle of power here and we need to make it very clear.
"People need to start writing letters, they need to get on the Internet, they need to do what they need to do and tell their representatives: Grow a spine," Carson said.
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Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
U.N. Sending Thousands of Muslims to America
(Al parecer no tenemos suficientes
problemas y necesitamos mas)
Resettlement will cost billions of dollars(State Department) –
The federal government is preparing for another “surge” in refugees and this
time they won’t be coming illegally from Central America.The U.S. State
Department announced this week that the first major contingent of Syrian
refugees, 9,000 of them, have been hand-selected by the United Nations for
resettlement into communities across the United States.The announcement
came Tuesday on the State Department’s website:
SPECIAL: Join the Tea Party REVOLUTION! The Obama Regime must be dismantled!
SPECIAL: Join the Tea Party REVOLUTION! The Obama Regime must be dismantled!
"I would like to thank HC Guterres and Renata Dubini. Your
leadership on the Syria crisis has made a huge difference, as has all of your
work on behalf of some of the most vulnerable people on the planet.
I also want to recognize Germany and Sweden for their commitment to
Syrian refugees and asylum seekers. We are also grateful to Sweden for leading
the Syrian Resettlement Core Group over the last year.
We applaud the generosity of Syria’s neighbors. They opened their
borders and took in Syrian refugees. Like the High Commissioner I have visited
all the host countries represented here today. These countries have helped save
millions of lives.
As the flow of refugees has grown to a mass exodus, countries hosting
refugees in the region have contended with overcrowded hospitals and schools,
shortages of everything from housing to water, economic pressures and recent
evidence of mounting public resentment.
But these very real burdens must pale in comparison to the daily
struggles of Syrians themselves.
Imagine losing practically everything – your loved ones, your home, your
profession, and your dignity. Imagine the frustration of languishing for years,
unable to work or send children to school, exhausting your resources and
relying on handouts. Imagine fearing that this situation is never going to end.
For Syrians and for other victims of violence and persecution –
resettlement offers not just an escape, but a chance to start over.
A family from Homs, a shop owner, his wife, and their six children,
experienced this flight and rescue. In August of 2010, the father was standing
in a crowd of peaceful protesters when the Syrian military arrived and opened
fire. Bodies piled up in front of his shop, shells reduced it to rubble,
neighbors disappeared, and soldiers ransacked the family’s apartment and made
threats. The family fled to Jordan, and they were eventually resettled in the
United States. The parents say one of their dreams has already come true. All
of their children are back in school.
Only a small fraction of those who want to be resettled can be – only
about one hundred thousand refugees per year, worldwide. There are more than
six times that many Syrian refugees in Jordan alone.
But war’s true cost is measured in human suffering. Resettlement can
help – one person at a time – to bring that suffering to an end.
We applaud the 25 countries that have agreed to resettle Syrian
refugees, including some who will be accepting UNHCR refugee referrals for the
first time. The United States accepts the majority of all UNHCR referrals from
around the world. Last year, we reached our goal of resettling nearly 70,000
refugees from nearly 70 countries. And we plan to lead in resettling Syrians as
well. We are reviewing some 9,000 recent UNHCR referrals from Syria. We are
receiving roughly a thousand new ones each month, and we expect admissions from
Syria to surge in 2015 and beyond.
Like most other refugees resettled in the United States, they will get
help from the International Organization for Migration with medical exams and
transportation to the United States. Once they arrive, networks of resettlement
agencies, charities, churches, civic organizations and local volunteers will
welcome them. These groups work in 180 communities across the country and make
sure refugees have homes, furniture, clothes, English classes, job training,
health care and help enrolling their children in school. They are now preparing
key contacts in American communities to welcome Syrians.
I am inspired both by the resilience of refugees we resettle, and the
compassion of those who help them. Resettlement cannot replace what refugees
have lost or erase what they have endured. But it can renew hope and help
restart lives. That can make all the difference."
Sharpton Refuses to Accept Sony Exec's Apology After Emails About
rights leader Reverend Al Sharpton will meet next week with Sony Pictures
Entertainment Co-Chairman Amy Pascal and decide whether her emails about
President Barack Obama's race warrant calling for her resignation.
is under pressure after her private emails were exposed by hackers who attacked
the computer network of the Hollywood movie studio, a unit of Sony Corp.
exchanges with producer Scott Rudin, Pascal guesses that Obama might be a fan
of "Django Unchained" or other films with black actors or themes. The
emails were published by Buzzfeed and Reuters has not confirmed them.
a statement on Thursday, Sharpton said Pascal's statements reflected a
"lack of diversity" in Hollywood. He said Sony needed to take steps
"to respect the African American community and reflect that respect in
their hiring and business practices."
and Sharpton had a "candid conversation" when she phoned him to
apologize on Thursday, said Sharpton's spokeswoman Jacky Johnson. But Sharpton
"made clear he has not accepted her apology," she said.
is "inclined" to call for Pascal's resignation, "but has agreed
to hear her out in person" in New York before making a decision, Johnson
Sony spokeswoman had no comment.
in a statement on Thursday, apologized and said her emails were
"insensitive and inappropriate." She told the Hollywood Reporter she
reached out to Sharpton and Reverend Jesse Jackson and wanted to start "a
healing process."
being proactive," she said. "And I want to accept responsibility for
these stupid, callous remarks."
House spokesman Josh Earnest, at his daily news briefing on Friday, said
"the decision that Ms. Pascal made to apologize was the appropriate
Sorkin, who wrote Sony hit "The Social Network," defended Pascal on
knows more than a lot of people what it's like to battle stereotypes,"
Sorkin told The Hollywood Reporter. "She's a woman at a large corporation
who worked her way from assistant to the chairman's office. No one in the world
feels worse than she does right now."
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Read Latest Breaking News from
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La Política, la Individualidad, y la Libertad…
Hay veces que en una tertulia,
alguien dice, “a mí no me gusta la política”.
Por lo general lo que quiere
realmente decir es que no piensa como nosotros y no quiere que le digamos lo
que pensamos.
Es inmaterial si nos gusta la
política o no, a mí no me gusta la política desde el punto de vista que nunca
sería un aspirante o un candidato a oficina pública. No soy tan
masoquista como para exponerme a mí y a mi familia a una campaña y a las
demandas de la oficina pública.
Pero no hablar de política, no
expresar mis ideas, mis pensamientos, sobre la situación política, es un
deber, porque la aberración política, que es el socialismo es la doctrina que
no discrimina, no importa si uno está involucrado en la política o no, ellos se
incrustan en tu vida, robándote tu independencia, convirtiéndote en político en
contra de tus deseos.
¿Qué nos queda entonces? Sólo
una cosa, la libertad de pensamiento, y esto es lo que nos sostiene, y tenemos
que expresar nuestro pensamiento, tenemos que hablar de política tenemos que
descargar nuestras inquietudes, porque de eso depende mi vida, fuera de la
política, la vida de mis hijos y mis nietos, la familia que formé en este país
en busca de libertad, y en el socialismo no hay libertad, eso lo hemos visto
una y otra vez.
Si uno observa lo que es el
socialismo, y no hay mejor manera de observarlo que haber vivido su proceso de
incubación y aplicación posterior, pudimos ver que el principio real que
sostiene al socialismo, la realidad que ellos niegan, es el control del poder
en una persona o un pequeño grupo, una cúpula.
Es todo lo contrario a la
democracia representativa.
El culto a la personalidad que
ellos combatían, como otras cosas que combatían, en la realidad del socialismo
cuando ocupa el poder, es central y necesario para su modelo de gobierno.
Es necesario para el socialismo
la centralización del poder, que no es más que una forma de dictadura.
Una dictadura totalitaria, que
controla la vida del individuo "totalmente", en nuestros trabajos en
nuestras familias, en nuestras manera de vestir, de comer (o dejar de comer) en
nuestra manera de hablar y de lo que podemos o no podemos hacer y hablar, y nos
obligan a ser políticos a la fuerza.
“Con la revolución todo,
sin la revolución nada”. No se puede uno dar el lujo de “no meterse
en política” tienes que ser político, porque “O estás con la revolución o estás
contra la revolución” no hay alternativas, el ciudadano pierde su
individualidad y su libertad. Nos convirtieron a todos políticos por necesidad.
En un discurso de
despedida 11 de diciembre en el Senado por el Senador Tom Coburn (R.,
Oklahoma), quien se jubila, nos dice algo de esto, y es importante considerando
como y quien es el que lo dice y cuando lo dice..
Coburn era un político, pero
después de ese día ya no lo era, pasaba a ser un ciudadano retirado, sin intereses
políticos creados, al final de su carrera y su vida, sus palabras pudieran
haber sido diferentes, pero escogió hacer una sincera una declaración con la
sinceridad de la ausencia de los intereses creados, dejando a sus amigos y a
todos nosotros, su opinión, como un legado de su experiencia.
Y esto es lo que dijo, no un
político, pero una persona sin intereses creados, desde el fondo de su corazón:
Pienso en mi padre. Tuvo una
educación de quinto grado. Un gran creyente en nuestro país.
Hoy no lo reconocería.
La pérdida de libertad
que hemos impuesto por la arrogancia de un gobierno central muy poderoso,
haciendo caso omiso de la sabiduría y la escritura de los fundadores que decía:
por encima de todo, debemos proteger la libertad del individuo y reconocer que
la libertad es dada como un derecho otorgado por Dios.
Así que mi crítica no es
dirigida personalmente. Es porque puramente creo que libertad es más importante
que nada de lo que podemos planear aquí.
Y sé que no todo el mundo está
de acuerdo conmigo, pero lo único que sé es que nuestros fundadores están de
acuerdo conmigo. Que estudiaron este proceso anteriormente.
Ellos sabían lo que sucede
cuando usted cae bajo el domino de un gobierno central.
yo agrego, sí, yo también sé lo que sucede, porque como los fundadores sufrí
ese proceso, por eso hablo de política.
Obama's Secret Currency? Dear Wall
Street Daily Nation,
There's an emerging cryptocurrency taking over Wall Street.
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Some folks even prefer it over spending regular dollars.
In fact, Obama was caught flashing this currency to pay for his lunch. (He didn't look happy about it, as you can see.)
There's an emerging cryptocurrency taking over Wall Street.
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Robert Williams
Founder, Wall Street Daily
Paul: The U.S. House passed the $1 trillion
omnibus spending bill that funds Obama's illegal executive amnesty.
I will fight to uphold the Constitution and oppose this 1,700 page disaster, but the Senate could ram it through as soon as tomorrow.
That's why I'm counting on you to call your senators IMMEDIATELY at 202-224-3121 and demand they oppose any bill that adds more debt and funds executive amnesty.
Congress has surrendered its constitutional powers and allowed the Executive Branch to unilaterally and illegally write legislation.
If Republicans use the power of the purse to defund Obama's illegal executive amnesty, the American people will stand up, applaud and elect more Republicans.
So please help RANDPAC send that message to my colleagues by calling your senators right now at 202-224-3121.
I'm counting on grassroots patriots like you to help defeat Obama's executive amnesty by flooding Congress with phone calls.
But time is running out. So please pick up the phone and call your senators right away.
In Liberty,
Rand Paul
I will fight to uphold the Constitution and oppose this 1,700 page disaster, but the Senate could ram it through as soon as tomorrow.
That's why I'm counting on you to call your senators IMMEDIATELY at 202-224-3121 and demand they oppose any bill that adds more debt and funds executive amnesty.
Congress has surrendered its constitutional powers and allowed the Executive Branch to unilaterally and illegally write legislation.
If Republicans use the power of the purse to defund Obama's illegal executive amnesty, the American people will stand up, applaud and elect more Republicans.
So please help RANDPAC send that message to my colleagues by calling your senators right now at 202-224-3121.
I'm counting on grassroots patriots like you to help defeat Obama's executive amnesty by flooding Congress with phone calls.
But time is running out. So please pick up the phone and call your senators right away.
In Liberty,
Rand Paul
Hoy no hay mucha
Luz en mis Palabras, más bien una preocupación.
La noticia de ayer:
Los estudiantes de la Universidad de Harvard están pidiendo una prórroga de los
exámenes de fin de semestre... por los problemas en Ferguson... y los
profesores están estudiando la petición.
Entre ustedes
espero que haya algunos igual que yo, que peinamos canas, cada día menos porque
tenemos menos... pelo.
La noticia en mi
caso es un dispara regresivo por el túnel del tiempo... a mis días en la Universidad
de La Habana...allá a los fines de la década de los 50s.
Confieso que Colon
fue un héroes, un genio increíble cuando dudo que la tierra fuera plana.
Me imagino...yo
parado frente a mis profesores como Rafael Fiterre o Juan Manuel Lagomasino o
Mario Gonzalez o Margarita Perez Cobo y tantos otros que escapan a mi memoria
después de tantos años... pidiéndole que me den las preguntas del examen para
contestarlas en mi casa, o que me las revisen para arreglar las que no estén
correctas o... que prorroguen el día del examen porque la policía de Batista
nos entro a tiros en la escalinata de la Universidad, cosa que ocurría a cada
rato, y que en el último incidente mataron... no a un jorocón de barrio
abusador bueno para poco y ladrón de mercaditos... sino a un héroe
estudiantil como lo fue José Antonio Echevarría.
Pensando en lo que
me podrían haber dicho... siento escalofríos y antes de regresar del túnel, les
digo algo y que nadie se entere. Los estudiantes de hoy con los
profesores de ayer... tendrían que ser Colon para graduarse de algo.
Y Me voy... y
sin hacer ruuuuido!!!
Feliz Navidad y
oren... al que prefieran...los necesitamos a todos y que se pongan en línea.
Fast-Track Citizens: Obama
Administration to Bring in 12,000 Syrian Refugees a Year
This is an official document from the U.S.
State Department.
We applaud the 25 countries that have agreed to resettle Syrian
refugees, including some who will be accepting UNHCR refugee referrals for the
first time. The United States accepts the majority of all UNHCR referrals from
around the world. Last year, we reached our goal of resettling nearly 70,000
refugees from nearly 70 countries. And we plan to lead in resettling Syrians as
well. We are reviewing some 9,000 recent UNHCR referrals from Syria. We are
receiving roughly a thousand new ones each month, and we expect admissions from
Syria to surge in 2015 and beyond.
Like most other refugees resettled in the United States, they will get
help from the International Organization for Migration with medical exams and
transportation to the United States. Once they arrive, networks of resettlement
agencies, charities, churches, civic organizations and local volunteers will
welcome them. These groups work in 180 communities across the country and make
sure refugees have homes, furniture, clothes, English classes, job training,
health care and help enrolling their children in school. They are now preparing
key contacts in American communities to welcome Syrians.
I am inspired both by the resilience of refugees we resettle, and the
compassion of those who help them. Resettlement cannot replace what refugees
have lost or erase what they have endured. But it can renew hope and help
restart lives. That can make all the difference.
Anne C. Richard
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Geneva, Switzerland
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Geneva, Switzerland
George A.
Eastern Region Director
May 11,
In Special Reports, this week's files cover: Russia Says Earth Is Under Attack by ET?
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO
eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the
world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent
life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs
reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting
surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London
Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air
Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research. I believe the God of
the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in
ever-increasing numbers.
Special Reports
RussiaSays Earth Is Under Attack by ET Using Natural
Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, fires and tornadoes
have been killing and destroying many areas of the world just in last several
weeks. UFOs have been seen in large numbers over key areas prior to and after
the disasters. I don't know if this alleged report is accurate, but tremendous
events are occurring.
A shocking top-secret' report prepared by Russia's Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) on
their meeting this past week with Prime Minister Putin, in Novgorod region,warns that our planet Earth is under attack'
by an as yet unnamed extraterrestrial entity' to which President Medvedev has
responded by ordering a second regiment of S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft missile
system to protect Moscow from low-Earth orbiting targets.
According to this report, the extraordinary gamma-ray explosion [photo below] first observed in deep space on March 28
by NASA's Swift satellite, and that lasted twelve days, appears to be
communicating' with the massive Asteroid 2010 SO16, the
largest space rock ever discovered so close to Earth, and Asteroid 2005 YU55, a
round mini-world that is about 400 meters (1,300 feet) in diameter and which in
early November will approach Earth within a scant 0.85 lunar distances.
Though Russian scientists have as yet been unable to
identify what these communications' mean, this report continues, the effects upon our planet are being widely
observed due to these two Asteroid's shooting of blue beams' into our Earth's
upper atmosphere that have been captured on video by the International Space
Station. [ See videos here.]
This EMERCOM report further states that one of these
blue beams' created a massive vortex' thatopened over northern Germany this Friday past hurling nearly 100 vehicles into
total chaos killing 8 people and wounding over 41 more.
Even more alarming is this
report stating that as these two massive Asteroid's have moved closer to our
Earth over the past two-decades, the winds on our planet have been mysteriously
increasing too, a shock finding further confirmed by Vice-Chancellor Ian Young, of the Swinburne University of
Technology in
Melbourne, Australia, who has found that our world has gotten stormier the past
20 years, winds have picked up around 5 percent on average, and extremely
strong winds caused by storms have increased even faster, jumping 10%.
Equally alarming is this
report stating that our Earth's ozone layer has suffered a record loss this spring over the Arctic
due to these blue beams' disrupting our planet's magnetic shielding a finding
further confirmed by the World Meteorological Organization who report that
observations from the ground, balloons and satellites show that this region has
suffered an ozone column loss of about 40% from the beginning of the winter to
late March. This EMERCOM report, also, reports that these two massive Asteroids
are responsible for the many reports around the world of two suns appearing in
the sky, such as in China this past month where one such episode was aired on
their national news program. [See video here.]
Bill Cooke, of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Center, in
a statement said, "Another danger to our Earth is the
presence of these massive Asteroids with their gravitational fields directing
towards our planet fireballs every Spring season, such as the one that exploded
in the skies this past week over the US State of Tennessee.
“En mi opinión”
No 820 Diciembre 13, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño EDITOR
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