Friday, December 12, 2014

No 819 "En mi opinion" Diciembre 12, 2014

 No 819 “En mi opinión”  Diciembre 12, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

Celebramos el día de la Virgen de Guadalupe

Watch: Reporter Who Criticized Obama Reveals Sickening Thing That Happened Afterwards" the president of the U.S. is probably inappropriate."  F. PETER BROWN 

Sharyl Attkisson, former CBS correspondent and author of Stonewalled:  My Fight For the Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation and Harassment in Obama’s Washington, appeared on “The Steve Malzberg Show” Monday.
Attkisson writes much about the Obama administration’s intimidation of the media in her book. According to a Kirkus book review of Stonewalled, Attkisson deals with a “long, mysterious bout of sophisticated hacking of her computer”–and she suggests that the hacking was done by someone in the federal government.
While on Malzberg’s program, she responded to claims made by ABC News Correspondent Ann Compton that Barack Obama and others in his administration regularly made profanity-laced comments towards reporters. She also claimed that she herself had been subject to such comments in the past, as had colleagues of hers at the Associated Press and other media outlets.
Attkisson said: “Maybe this is just me or a personal opinion that a profanity-laced conversation with professionals in the press by the president of the U.S. is probably inappropriate.”
Attkisson went on: “That’s not surprising to me. There have been profanity-laced discussions on their part with members of the Obama administration that they’ve talked to me about similar things, thinking that a cover story…was not warranted or fair. ”

Amenper: “El Objetivo Final”
Cuando el gobierno revolucionario de Cuba, comenzó a ejecutar acciones que estaban en completa violación de los derechos ciudadanos, tuve muchas discusiones con mis amigos que aprobaron esos hechos.  Ya fuere la incautación injusta de los bienes de personas apolíticas que habían adquirido esos bienes con el trabajo de toda una vida o el caso del re-juicio de unos pilotos absueltos por tribunales revolucionarios, para ser sometidos a un nuevo juicio porque la decisión no había sido del agrado del comandante en jefe para ser condenados en un nuevo juicio como criminales de guerra por actos que no habían cometido y que se habían probado falsos en el juicio inicial.
Siempre cuando se enfrentaban a esos actos la justificación es que era una injusticia cometida por un “objetivo final”. 
Esto es lo que dijo primero Maquiavelo y lo que adoptó Karl Marx enseñando que el “fin que justifica los medios”. 
Pero esto siempre está sujeto a que el fin sea el objetivo político del socialismo. 
Lo que vemos ahora es que cuando el objetivo final es para el bien de la nación, entonces los medios no tienen validez.  Las torturas limitadas a tres personas que eran figuras principales en la guerra terrorista, y que hoy se encuentran comiendo y viviendo tranquilamente en Guantánamo, era para un objetivo necesario en la lucha contra el terrorismo.  Pero este objetivo final no interesa a los socialistas demócratas.  Lo que les interesa en denunciar esos hechos como un delito, como un crimen que debe de ser condenado.  El obejtivo final en este caso es avanzar la agenda socialista de los demócratas.
No les importa que esto traiga por consecuencia el resultado que estamos viendo.  Irán y China han reprendido a Estados Unidos ante el mundo, nos han advertido que tenemos que cambiar nuestra conducta.  Irán y China, los mayores violadores de los derechos humanos nos están humillando reprendiéndonos por nuestros actos.  Esto sin contar los terroristas que están usando esto para su reclutamiento de personas que nos quieren destruir.  Pero esto no les importa a los demócratas que piensan que con esto ganan espacio en la agenda doméstica.
Pero el objetivo final puede traer a la nación el mismo resultado de Cuba, y pudiera ser que estos políticos vieran sus privilegios desaparecer bajo un sistema en que los políticos no tienen más libertad que ser un cuño de aprobación de las leyes del poder ejecutivo, de los líderes de la cúpula.
Pero nadie escarmienta en cabeza ajena, lo estamos viendo en américa latina igual que los vimos en Cuba.
Lo que nunca pude soñar es que lo viera en Estados Unidos…


Outlandish example of political correctness in Tennessee. by PAUL JOSEPH WATSON |
An outlandish example of political correctness occurred in Tennessee yesterday when a police officer allowed a car full of Saudi Arabians to drive away with a dead baby reportedly in the trunk so as not to be “disrespectful” towards Muslims.
Police in Sumner and Robertson counties are on the lookout for a blue Dodge Charger after a traffic stop on Interstate 65 around 3:15 p.m. Wednesday.
The vehicle, which had paper tags and a registration violation, contained three Saudi Arabians with Saudi drivers licenses who told the officer that they had a dead child in the trunk prepared for an Islamic burial at a mosque in Franklin.
Millersville Police Chief David Hindman told News 2 that the officer, “not wanting to be disrespectful to the men or their faith, let the car drive away without checking the trunk to see if their story was true.” The cop also failed to take the names of the Saudi men or any information from their identification documents. It was also subsequently confirmed that there isn’t even a mosque in Franklin.
Hindman went on to excuse the cop’s actions, saying that he was new to the job, while suggesting that his decision to allow the men to go free was justifiable so as, “not to cause a scene with the family in the midst of their mourning.”
Hindman even consulted a Muslim religious expert who praised the cop for acting “appropriately by not defiling the body of the child.”
No action has been taken against the officer who let the Saudi men go free and he is still working.
Police are now asking mosques in the area to report any families that show up for a burial ceremony, although whether any action will even be taken is unknown.
The story will infuriate many Americans who feel that illegal immigrants and other foreigners are being given free reign to commit crimes while citizens are coming under increasing harassment from cops on the highway.
Innumerable Americans are harassed on the nation’s roads every day if a cop so much as smells weed in the car, but this officer was told directly there was a dead baby in the trunk and apologetically waved them on their way.
Under any other circumstances, driving down the highway with a dead child in the trunk would immediately draw suspicion from a police officer and rightly so, but the cop chose to elevate political correctness over law and normal procedure.

Amenper: Exhortación  a los demócratas progresistas. Todos unidos contra el Imperialismo Yanqui.

Lo sé, mis compañeros progresistas, se sienten un poco deprimidos después de las elecciones de meses pasados. Pero miren el comportamiento revolucionario de la compañera Senadora Feinstein.
No te desesperes! Miren el ejemplo de los compañeros revolucionarios.
Este es un momento glorioso para América del norte, compañeros! Y debemos aprovechar esta oportunidad para lograr la meta del partido demócrata y de todos los progresistas: una América  Marxista/socialista.!
Mira la lista de logros y dejen que sus corazones se llenen de orgullo!!!
Tenemos nuestro primer Presidente marxista en América del norte.
Desde el año 2009 hemos creado 10 trillones de dólares de nueva deuda del gobierno.
Hemos creado el sistema de cuidado compasivo más perfecto, el Affordable Care Act, que contribuirá de manera significativa al logro de uno de los objetivos más preciados del movimiento progresivo: el colapso financiero del racista y capitalista, sistema americano.
Gente progresista, los compañeros negros y los estúpidos compañeros de viaje, en toda la nación están en la calle haciendo protestas, unidos en furor revolucionario protestando con los puños en alto! Estamos a punto de ver nuestros esfuerzos para paralizar el sistema judicial y las agencias del orden. Estamos viendo el logro con el sistema marxista de ejecución violenta para frutos socialistas!
Los medios de noticias se han transformado de facto en agencias "estatales" al servicio del poder ejecutivo.
Nuestros "compañeros de viaje" en el Senado están ayudando a informar a otros compañeros afines, como ISIS, sobre cómo los malvados capitalistas en los Estados Unidos que utilizan la tortura para recopilar información de nuestros compañeros de ISIS y Al Qaeda. Estoy seguro que armados con este conocimiento pueden diseñar un medio para resistir a estos malvados matones capitalistas americanos.  Nuestros compañeros de ISIS tienen el derecho constitucional a decapitar a  infieles americanos!
¿Cómo atreve el gobierno capitalista a torturar a nuestros camaradas combatientes?¿cómo se atreven molestar a nuestros soldados?  Pero gracias al compañero presidente Barack Hussein Obama todos serán liberados, y el terrible campo de concentración de Guantánamo se cerrará.

“EMO” haya va eso… LRGM.

Target for Confiscation: Your Savings & Retirement

The U.S. government and the Fed pumped trillions of dollars of YOUR money into the banks and stock market over the last several years, catapulting the U.S. debt to $28 trillion by 2018. But now, the U.S. government and the Fed are completely out of ammo, with the Fed no longer able to buy U.S. treasuries.  They desperately need money to maintain their own power, and taxes are not enough.  So in order to keep the Ponzi scheme going, the U.S. government has made several highly controversial moves to make your savings & retirement accounts a prime target for confiscation.  And it’s becoming clearer by the day, if you want to protect your savings and wealth from government confiscation, you only have ONE choice.
The Bankrupt Government's Motto: Feed Me. By Damon Geller
Government officials don’t produce anything.  They only feed off of those who do. They certainly don’t produce wealth; they only redistribute YOUR wealth. And when government officials cannot meet their obligations or fulfill the promises they made to the public, they figure out ways to appropriate the public’s money to fund their projects.  Desperate government officials will always resort to expropriation, be it through inflation, debt accumulation or deficit.
With the Federal Reserve currently buying 90% of the U.S. Treasury market (and going insolvent doing so), who do you think the government will lean on to pick up the slack?  The answer is YOU.  In fact, the U.S. government has made several highly controversial moves to make your savings & retirement accounts a prime target for confiscation!  They’re using legislation and authoritarian power in collusion with the modern financial system to gain access to your private assets in the name of “protection”, “security” or “national emergency.” But in reality, your savings & wealth are being targeted as a revenue source.
So Here's the Plan
The government is already making moves to nationalize retirement accounts like IRAs, 401Ks, pensions, 403Bs, as well as savings accounts worldwide.  You will soon be forced to use a portion of your savings & retirement to purchase U.S. government debt – debt that will ultimately default, as it is not possible to sustain our astronomical debt nor the deficits that create it. How can they do this?  Well, the “beauty” of the modern financial system – to a banker or an insolvent government – is the ease at which they can access your wealth with the stroke of a computer or a new law or tax.
For starters, the July 1st FATCA provision requires foreign financial institutions such as banks, stock brokers, hedge funds, pension funds, insurance companies, and trusts to report all U.S. citizens’ accounts directly to the IRS.  FATCA even requires reporting to the IRS by foreign private companies on any income made by a citizen of the U.S. whether they live here or not.  Second, Obama announced the creation of the MyRA – your retirement money will now be used to pay for U.S. debt. The MyRA is nothing more than an investment scam being sold to the American people as a you-can’t-lose, zero-risk investment by the pitchman-in-chief himself.  And third, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, which oversees how investments are sold, proposed what it calls CARDS – Comprehensive Automated Risk Data System – which is an electronic system that will regularly collect data on balances and transactions in all 4100 brokerages nationwide.
So for the first time ever, The U.S. government is directing you where to invest your savings & retirement and has gained full access to the activity in every single citizen’s bank accounts, retirement accounts, brokerage accounts and trading accounts.  The IRS will also have full visibility on any oversees accounts, income, equity or other earnings, effectively giving them access to all the wealth of every American citizen no matter where they reside on earth.  So now that we know what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, the question for you is:  what are you doing to safeguard your savings & wealth?

Confiscation Has Already Begun
Detroit’s bankruptcy destroyed many people’s pensions.  In Cyprus, the government raided people’s savings accounts in an example of outright theft.  And right here at home our too-big-to-fail banks, like BofA, Citigroup, HSBC, Goldman, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and several others, are right now being investigated for robbing pensions via the rigging of interest benchmarks, among other investigations of fraud.  JP Morgan Chase, in the last two years, has paid $7 billion dollars in fines for fraud.
Yet these parasites remain in power, have had no further regulation placed upon them, and continue the same (or worse) risk tactics that led to the financial implosion of 2008 and subsequent taxpayer-funded bailouts.  These criminal organizations look more like organized crime syndicates than legitimate businesses.  Yes, these are the same folks who are in charge and in possession of your wealth.  Whether you have your savings & retirement funds in a money market, the stock market or the bond (debt) market, a bank or bank holding company controls your wealth.  This means that when the government commands Wall Street to hand over access to your money, it’ll be a simple as a keystroke.
There’s Only One Place to Hide
With our desperate government gaining unprecedented access to your financial accounts everywhere in the world, you need to take action NOW to protect your savings & retirement from possible capital controls.  But if the government has its hands in your bank accounts, retirement accounts and brokerage accounts, is any place safe?
Absolutely. There’s ONE asset class this sits outside the financial system and is completely secure from government confiscation and global economic collapse:  Gold & Silver.  Gold & Silver have been the best wealth protectors for over 5,000 years and have survived every government & currency collapse in history.  Today, physical gold & silver are selling in record numbers around the world.  Central banks around the world and nations like China are stockpiling gold as a hedge to any possible collapse of all the dollars they hold.
The government has spent way beyond its limits.  And now you know that the government is seizing control of your financial accounts.  So the time is now.  Protect your savings & retirement with physical gold & silver before you have nothing left to protect. (Call 800-226-8106 to receive your free copy of Damon Geller's popular book, "Rescue Your Money from the National Debt Disaster," or see below)

Amenper: Hablando de minorías
Quienes componen la minoría son personas de una raza y cultura que son numéricamente menos que el grupo de los individuos que forman la mayoría (el grupo mayoritario).
La mayoría por la tendencia humana de rechazar lo que es diferente, ya sea por la manera que lucen que por la diferencia cultural, pueden ser susceptible al prejuicio y la discriminación de las minorías. 
Pero aunque la injusticia de la discriminación se puede controlar por medios legales, siempre queda el prejuicio que por lo general se limita a la relación social individual entre las personas de la mayoría con personas de las minorías.
Pero una minoría aunque puede reclamar sus derechos ciudadanos, y lograrlo, el prejuicio que reciben sólo puede eliminarse ajustándose a la cultura de la mayoría. 
No puede una minoría el tratar de imponer su cultura en la mayoría, no es correcto, no es justificable, no es posible.
La mayoría tiene el derecho del voto, y si son mayoría no pueden impedir su victoria.
Las minorías predominantes en los Estados Unidos, son los Negros y los Hispanos, y las nuevas minorías por conducta social son los homosexuales y los ateos.
El informe del censo oficial, informó que el 54,4% (2.150.926 de 3.953.593) de los nacimientos en 2010, fueron no-hispanos blancos. Esto representa un incremento del 0,34% en comparación con el año anterior, que era 54.06%
Hispanos y latinos representaron el 48% de crecimiento de la población nacional de 2,9 millones
O sea que los hispanos que son el 16% de la población no pueden aumentar su minoría por su crecimiento natural, sólo por inmigración
Los americanos negros en los Estados Unidos representan el 11% de la población y su crecimiento tampoco puede llegar ni siquiera a alcanzar la minoría Hispana. 
Los homosexuales representan aproximadamente el 3% de la población, y digo aproximadamente porque puede haber muchos que no han salido del closet- Más específicamente, 1,8 por ciento de los hombres se identifican como homosexuales y 0,4 por ciento como bisexual y 1.5 por ciento de las mujeres se identifican como lesbianas.
Los ateos representan el 2% de la población.
Si sumamos el porcentaje de las minorías, negras, hispanas, homosexuales y ateos, lo suman menos del 31% dejando un total de un 69% de mayorías.
La gran mayoría total actual de los ciudadanos estadounidenses siguen siendo blancos y angloparlantes, aunque existen diferencias regionales, pero también existe el hecho que parte de los inmigrantes de latino américa se consideran también blancos y hablan inglés, se consideran integrados a la cultura americana y no se identifican con los nuevos inmigrantes.
Cuando las minorías desestabilizan con manifestaciones violentas la vida de la mayoría, es como un boomerang que puede aumentar el prejuicio y la lucha de clases.
Creo que esos hispanos que manifiestan pidiendo derechos que no tienen por ser extranjeros, que por sentido común tienen que ajustarse a las leyes migratorias establecidas, y los negros que manifiestan pidiendo que cambien el sistema judicial y las agencias de orden, tratando de imponer su cultura a la mayoría, deben de pensar un poco lo que están haciendo.
Las mayorías se han ajustado a las demandas de la minoría, pero no es bueno tentar al diablo, no es bueno que despierten los malos sentimientos de la mayoría con su conducta, porque esto puede crear en una verdadera división de clases.  Y cuando esto suceda, se van a arrepentir de haber creado un conflicto racial con su conducta. 

Big Banks Conspire with Gov't to Confiscate Accounts

Think your money is safe in the bank?  Think again.  A new bombshell from the New York Times exposes that the nation's biggest banks have willingly turned bank accounts over to the government for total confiscation.  It's all done in secrecy, often initiated by the bankers. Tragically, bank account holders don't even know they're being targeted until after the money is seized from their accounts.  The banks' deplorable actions have resulted in millions of dollars stolen from U.S. citizens without a shred of due process.  And in 80% of the cases, no criminal charges were ever filed. Even more alarming -- in a matter of just a few years -- these cases of unconstitutional bank account seizures have risen over 500%! Experts advise that you have only ONE choice if you want to protect your savings and retirement from corrupt banks.
Government on the Brink of Disaster
Damon Geller: The U.S. government and the Fed pumped trillions of dollars of YOUR money into the banks and stock market over the last several years, catapulting the U.S. debt to $28 trillion by 2018. But now, the U.S. government and the Fed are completely out of ammo, with the Fed no longer able to buy U.S. treasuries.  They desperately need money to maintain their own power, and taxes are not enough.  So government officials are doing everything they can to keep the Ponzi scheme going, such as seizing the public’s money through inflation, deficits, and outright confiscation.  And now they have enlisted their old pals -- the bankers -- to help them get unfettered access to YOUR money without due process.
The 4th Amendment under Siege
The 4th Amendment of the Constitution reads clearly:  “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.”  But according to this shocking New York Times report, the 4th Amendment is under siege.
By law, banks are required to report cash deposits over $10,000 to the IRS.  But now, banks are voluntarily -- without any requirement from the government -- reporting millions of cash deposits under $10,000.  From there, the IRS is arbitrarily deeming these deposits suspiciousand seizing all the money in these accounts -- without any evidence of a crime, without filing criminal charges, and without allowing the account holder to fight the confiscation in court.
As the New York Times reported, the big banks are allowing over 100 multiagency task forces to comb through your bank reports on a daily basis, looking for accounts to seize. Under the Bank Secrecy Act, banks filed more than 700,000 suspicious activity reports last year alone! So do you really think you can trust your local bank?
The number of IRS seizures has increased over 500% in just a few years, and in 80% of the cases the IRS never files a criminal complaint against the individual being seized.  The median amount seized by the IRS is $34,000, while legal costs can easily mount to $20,000 or more.  Individuals who are the victims of seizure often cannot afford to fight.
How big are the accounts the bankers turn over to the government for seizure?  The following are just a few of the horrifying cases exposed by the New York Times:
  • The government confiscated $447,000 from a family business in New York
  • The government confiscated $33,000 from a small restaurant owner in Iowa
  • The government confiscated $66,000 from an army sergeant in Virginia who was saving the money for his daughter's college education
This giant asset forfeiture program gives the government the authority to confiscate your money without due process, even if you’ve committed no crime!  And the bankers are more than happy to aid the government in this outright THEFT.  Bankers and the government have gone after run-of-the-mill business owners and wage earners without so much as an allegation that they have committed serious crimes. The government just takes the money without ever filing a criminal complaint, and the owners are left to prove they are innocent. Many give up and never get their money back.
The Banker-Gov't Conspiracy Goes Much Further
The banker-government conspiracy to confiscate citizen wealth doesn’t stop with seizures by the IRS, Justice Department and local police.  As was recently reported, the U.S. government has conspired with the banks to nationalize retirement accounts like IRAs, 401Ks, pensions, 403Bs, as well as savings accounts worldwide:
  • FATCA requires foreign financial institutions such as banks, stock brokers, hedge funds, pension funds, insurance companies, and trusts to report all U.S. citizens’ accounts directly to the IRS.  FATCA even requires reporting to the IRS by foreign private companies on any income made by a citizen of the U.S. whether they live here or not.
  • Obama announced the creation of the MyRA – your retirement money will now be used to pay for U.S. debt.  MyRA is nothing more than an investment scam being sold to the American people as a you-can’t-lose, zero-risk investment by the pitchman-in-chief himself.
  • The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, which oversees how investments are sold, proposed what it calls CARDS – Comprehensive Automated Risk Data System – which is an electronic system that will regularly collect data on balances and transactions in all 4100 brokerages nationwide.
So for the first time ever, the U.S. government is directing you where to invest your savings & retirement and has gained full access to the activity in every single citizen’s bank accounts, retirement accounts, brokerage accounts and trading accounts.  The IRS will also have full visibility on any oversees accounts, income, equity or other earnings, effectively giving them access to all the wealth of every American citizen no matter where they reside on earth.
Protect Yourself from Gov't Confiscation Now
With our desperate government leaning on their banker friends to gain unprecedented access to your money everywhere in the world, you need to take action NOW to protect your savings & retirement.  But when can't trust your local bank, and when the government has its hands in your bank accounts, retirement accounts, brokerage accounts, and even the cash in your pocket – is any place safe?
Absolutely. There’s ONE asset class this sits outside the financial system and is completely secure from banker corruption, government confiscation and global economic collapse:  Gold & Silver.  Gold & Silver have been the best wealth protectors for over 5,000 years and have survived every government & currency collapse in history.  And when you own PHYSICAL gold & silver, the banks and the government CANNOT seize your savings with a click of a button.
So with the government spending way beyond its limits and seizing control of your financial accounts, the time is now.  Protect your savings & retirement with physical gold & silver before you have nothing left to protect. (Call 800-226-8106 to receive your free copy of Damon Geller's popular book, "Rescue Your Money from the National Debt Disaster," or see below)


NYMEX Crude Closes Below $60

Developing: U.S. crude futures fell below $60 a barrel on Thursday, the first time in five years that it breached the psychologically-important support, as oil markets extended this week's losses on oversupply concerns.
New York Mercantile Exchange's front-month West Texas Intermediate contract for U.S. crude was down 96 cents at $59.98 a barrel by 2:18 p.m. EST after touching a session low at $59.85. The contract has lost almost 9 percent this week and roughly 45 percent from a June high above $107.
(Reporting By Barani Krishnan)

What “The Bulldog” Trey Gowdy Just Said About Benghazi Could Mean The End For Obama. Trey Gowdy, the head of a House special committee on Benghazi, has...                                

F. Peter Brown

Trey Gowdy, the head of a House special committee on Benghazi, has said he will press ahead with his investigation–despite the findings of a different committee supposedly debunking conspiracies surrounding the Benghazi incident.
Gowdy said on a hearing Wednesday: “We may answer some [questions] more than once. I would rather answer a question twice than risk not answering it at all. That would seem a rather small investment.”
Furthermore, he said that monthly public hearings would be held during early 2015 until a full understanding of the events surrounding Benghazi is reached.
The explanation that Obama administration officials have offered concerning Benghazi, namely that a spontaneous protest was sparked by an anti-Muhammad video, has been refuted already.
Gowdy and other Republicans have suggested that the administration always knew it was a terrorist attack and refused to say so because that would tarnish the administration’s reputation.
Representative Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland), though, has called the House intelligence committee hearings the “definitive House statement” on US intelligence activities regarding the attacks and has said:
“When it comes to Benghazi, too many people are unaware that questions have been answered or are unwilling to accept the answers they hear. Our committee’s Democratic members have urged [Gowdy] to review and accept these findings, as we do not think that there is any reason for this committee to reinvestigate these facts … and squander millions of additional taxpayer dollars in the process.”
What do you think? Is it time to stop the investigation into Benghazi?h/t: Washington Examiner

Alan Dershowitz: 'In Wake of 9/11, Everyone Wanted Torture Used'

By Melissa Clyne

There is "plenty of hypocrisy to go around" concerning Tuesday’s release of Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s so-called "torture report," legal scholar Alan Dershowitz said Thursday on Newsmax TV’s "America’s Forum."
"In the wake of 9/11, everybody wanted torture to be used, do whatever you can do and stop another 9/11," he said.
"Public opinion polls showed a vast majority of Americans supporting the use of enhanced interrogation techniques if it would stop a terrorist attack. Even President Bill Clinton got on NPR and said if there were ever a ticking bomb situation, he would do whatever he had to do."
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Fast-forward 13 years and "people remember their own views very differently," he said. "The idea of prosecuting these folks for doing what the Americans wanted them to do is preposterous."
Dershowitz, who said he is opposed to torture, agrees that the CIA operatives "overdid it" when engaging in enhanced interrogation techniques like waterboarding.
In his 2002 book "
Why Terrorism Works," Dershowitz floated the idea of torture warrants.
"In those days, we know that torture was being used," he said Thursday. "It was being used extensively, far too often and far too much.
"I said in order to limit the amount of torture that was being used — I myself am opposed to torture, but I recognize that it was being used — we have to limit it to cases where a court would grant a torture warrant based on extraordinary need, no other way of getting the information and a court would have to approve it," he said.

"The president of the United States would have to sign a sworn affidavit indicating the critical need. Perhaps with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, waterboarding would've been permitted, but none of the others would've been permitted.
"When we do any kind of torture, there has to be accountability for it," Dershowitz said. "We can't blame the low-ranking people in the CIA. A torture warrant would give that kind of accountability and visibility in extraordinary situations."
The warrants could be obtained by phone or email, and in extraordinary circumstances where a "ticking bomb" exists, after the fact, he said.


RED-ROVER SEND HILLARY OVER: Hillary Called to Testify on Benghazi

This won’t look good for the presidency.
The Select Committee on Benghazi, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), convened today in Washington, D.C., to review the securing personnel and sovereing U.S. territories around the world, which include embassies and consults.
The witnesses called to appear and testify before the committee were Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security, Greg Starr, and Inspector General for the Department of State, Steve Linick.
During the hearing, Congresswoman Martha Roby (R-AL), like many of us listening to the heariing, seemed to be bit perplexed as to why after the 2011 Benghazi consulate attacks, the Department of State was still having global issues of vetting guards that are supposed to be safeguarding our U.S. assets.
Secretary Starr confirmed that there were indeed a handful of U.S. installations that did not have properly vetted guards, and that outside of spending top-dollar on private security, that they were actively looking to remedy the problem.
Gowdy batted last, and ask Starr, who was not capable of answering the question of, who saw the request, and or denied the request for a machine gun to be installed on the rooftop of the Benghazi consulate?

Perfida Conspiracion.

Al finalizar la Guerra en Europa, Washington nombró a Morgenthau a cargo de la administration de Alemania.
Este fabiano intentó de implantar un plan para desindustrializar a Alemania y transformarla  en una nación agricola. El plan fue fuertemente criticado por Winston Churchill, quien los llamó ridiculo. Dos años despues ese plan fue desechado, cuando Washington comprendió que para enfrentar el expansionismo sovietico necesitaba a una Alemania fuerte.
En 1946, cuando el presidente de la República China Chiang Kai Shek, se enfrentaba a los comunistas de Mao Tse Tun, el General George C. Marshall, entonces Secretario de Estado, (influenced por el jefe del buró de China del Dpto. de Estado, John Carter Vincent y por el grupo de estudios “Institute for Pacific Relations”) hizo que el Departamento de Estado negara los permisos para exportar municiones y equipos militares al ejercito anticomunista chino. Esa medida dejaba al ejercito Nacionalista  prácticamente desarmado a merced de los “nuevos libertadores”. El matador Americano en China, Patrick Hurley, renunció en protesta. Por su parte, el diplomatico estaunidense William C. Bullit y el Secretario de Marina, James V. Forrestal, denunciator el hecho como una traición a un aliado. Por cierto que dos años despues y siendo Secretario de Defensa, James V.Forrestal fue ingresado en el Hospital Bethesda, alegándose que sufria una crisis nerviosa (?) y misteriosamente cayó de una ventana desde el piso 16, muriendo tragicamente.
En 1947 el FBI descubrió una red procomunista en las altas esferas del Departamento de Estado. El Senador Joseph MacCarthy presionó para que se castigara a los responsables, pero el Departamento de Justicia se tomó tanto tiempo en “castigar” a los implicados que estos escaparon.
Despues el M16 Británico descubrió la red de espias que entregaron a Rusia el secreto de la Bomba Atómica y se lo informaron al FBI. Fue asi como salió a la luz pública que el fisico Theodore Alvin Hall (quien trabajaba en los laboratorios atómicos  de Los Alamos) habia entregado el secreto de la bomba atómica a Moscú. Fue entonces que se arrestó como sus cómplices al matrimonio Etherl y Julius Rosemberg, los que despues de un juicio fueron sentenciados a la silla electrica.
Por su parte, el Senador McCarthy denunció que criptos comunistas habian demorado la fabricación de la Bomba H y señaló como responsible al doctor Robert Oppenheimer, quien se vió forzado a renunciar. No ostante, la U.R.S.S. tuvo la Bomba H cuatro meses antes que Estados Unidos.
Quien era Joseph McCarthy? Pues era un Senador por el Estado de Wisconsin, era católico y un ferviente anticomunista que habia peleado en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y desde 1948 hasta 1954 llevó a cabo una cruzada en contra de la infiltación comunista en los Estados Unidos. McCarthy denunció públicamente que habia 207 comunistas en el Departamento de Estado y dió sus nombres. Acusó al General Marshall (entonces Secretario de Estado) de haber entregado a China a los comunistas.Dijo públicamente que Truman era un “hijo de perra” protector de los rojos. Denunció la infiltación comunista en la “Voz de America”y acusó a la ACLU de ser un frente comunista.
McCarthy desató una caceria de comunistas en Hollywood, asi como los actores Edward G. Robinson y Paulette Goddard, entre otros y haciendo que algunos destacados personajes del celluloid huyeran de Estados Unidos, entre ellos Charles Chaplin.
Sin lugar a dudas, que McCarthy cometió excesos, pero nadie puede negar que con el tiempo se comprobó que la mayoria de sus acusados eran comunistas de filas o sus simpatizantes.
Por cierto que el entonces joven senador por California, Richard Nixon, fue activo colaborador de McCarthy, algo que nunca le perdonó la extrema izquierda especialmente la prensa.
Muchas pesonas se han preguntado ¿Porque durante la Segunda Guerra mundial Wasshington habia nombrado como jefe supremo de los ejercitos aliados a un hombre como Dwight Eisenhower, por encima de militares como Patton, McCarthur y otros brillantes militares?
Tengamos en cuenta que Eisenhower fue uno de los últimos expedientes de su curso en la “Academia Militar de West Point”. Fue ayudante del General McCarthur y habia sido ascendido a coronel en 1941. Aguegremos a todo esto que el mariscal ingles, Bernard Montgomery, habia descrito a Eisenhower como un militar mediocre.
Entonces ¿por que Eisenhower fue elegido?. La respuesta es que Eisenhower era un burócrata militar al servicio de los intereses de los grupos de poder en Washington. Recordemos que las maniobras de Eisenhower contra la compaña anticomunista del Senador McCarthy en la década de los 50s.
En su primer año como presidente, lo soviéticos hicieron una matanza de obreros berlineses en huelga e hicieron lo mismo con obreros polacos en Posen. La respuesta de Washington a esa masacre fue aprobar un crédito a la U.R.S.S. de cien millones de dolares. En 1956 Eisenhower permitió, sin hacer nada, que los sovieticos aplastaran a sangre y fuego el levantamiento anticomunista de Budapest en Hungría.

Libro: De los Iluminatis a los Progresistas
Profesor Orlando Trujillo
Pag. 104,105,106.
Marzo 2011

¿ Quiénes son los Illuminatis? ¿Cuál es su propósito?

Illuminati significa (Lucifer light bearers) porque ellos le sirven a satanas y su proposito es tomar control del planeta con el llamado nuevo orden mundial que es el gobierno mundial. En estos tiempos modernos tambien se le llama globistas, one world people. Esta elite de Illuminatis pertenenen a los grados mas elevados de la masoneria. Se le conoce como el gobierno invisible detras de los gobiernos y son ellos los responsables de los eventos mundiales por su gran poder. 

Los Illuminati son personas muy ricas y poderosas que controlan la economia atraves del control de los bancos centrales, la politica local e internacional de los Estados Unidos. Los Illuminati controlan la Federal Reserve, ellos crean dinero de papel que no existe y lo prestan y cargan intereses del prestamo otorgado a las naciones. Por esta razon fabrican guerras para ganar dinero de las deudas de las naciones. Los Illuminati controlan la prensa, y las grandes corporaciones. Ademas controlan el sistema educativo de los Estados Unidos mediante una organizacion de las Naciones Unidas llamada UNESCO. Fueron los Illumiatis quien crearon las Naciones Unidas bajo la organizacion CFR( Council on Foreign Relations ) porque esta organizacion de CFR esta compuesta por Illuminatis. 

Los Illuminati le sirven al dios dinero y satanas, y eso son sus dioses. Ellos odian el cristianismo y lo quieren remover usando argumentos de separacion de iglesia y estado. 

Los Illuminati creen en las religiones paganas de los tiempos pasados tales como la Babilonica, Egipcia y Celtas porque son satanicas porque violan el primer Mandamiento que dice "no tendras falsos dioses delante de Dios porque solo adoraras a Dios". Ellos han cogido lo mejor de todas las religiones paganas y lo han unido. Ellos son los que impondran la religion mundial auspiciada por las Naciones Unidas con el nombre del new age. 

Los Illuminati se han infiltrado en los partidos politicos de los Estados Unidos tanto el Republicano como el Democrata. Los Illuminati han creado sectas para causar confusion entre cristianos. Ejemplo de estas sectas que han sido creadas por los Illuminati son los testigos de Jehova, los mormones y muchas sectas evangelicas. Ellos se han infiltrado en altas posiciones de la Iglesia Catolica para causar un cisma en la Iglesia Catolica como por el ejemplo el movimiento" Catholic Free Choice", esto explica los escandalos en la iglesia. 

Una teoría dice que en el 1776 Adam Weishaupt profesor en la Universidad de Ingolstodt, Bavaria(Alemania) fundo la orden de los Illuminati(Lucifer light bearers). Esta es una orden satanica en continuar la labor masonica. Adam creia en el satanismo y humanismo. El humanismo enseña que una persona puede tener poderes como Dios con la ayuda de los demonios. El estubo por 5 años escribiendo con la ayuda de la orden, y pagado por Rothschild Dynasty para desarrollar metodos para lograr conseguir la "agenda" de establecer el un solo gobierno mundial . Adam le llamo a este gobierno mundial " The Novus Ordo Seculorum " en latin que traducido al espanol es El Nuevo Orden Mundial, que ademas es el titulo de su libro publicado en mayo 1 del 1776. Esta frase " The Novus Ordo Seculorum " en latin aparece en el billete de un dollar americano en conjunto del año 1776 en numeros romanos " MDCCLXXVI ". Los numeros romanos estan en la base de la piramide. Esta piramide se le llama la piramide masonica. En el tope de la piramide se encuenta el ojo de satanas con la inscripcion " Annuit Coeptis " que significa " Lucifer esta contento de tomar el poder ". El presidente Roosevelt que pertenecia a la CFR ( Council on Foreign Relation ) era un mason de grado 33, fue el que mando a poner en la parte de atraz del billete de uno la piramide masonica por darle su victoria en cumplir su sueno de crear las Naciones Unidas que son el paso para el gobierno mundial. Muchas personas creen que el 1776 se honra el nacimiento de los Estados Unidos, pero en realidad estan honrado el Nuevo Orden Mundial para satanas por Adam Weishaupt. 

En el dia 16 de julio de 1782 el congreso de Wilhelnsbad en Alemania, la orden dio instrucciones que tomara el control la orden Illuminati dentro de la masoneria a nivel mundial. 

Las metas de los Illuminati fueron siete: 

1) Abolir todos los gobiernos nacionales 

2) Abolir todas la religiones excepto el satanismo 

3) Abolir la familia 

4) Abolir la propiedad privada 

5) Abolir el patriotismo 

6) Abolir la propieda de herencia con impuestos altos 

7) Creacion de un gobierno mundial bajo las Naciones Unidas controlado por los Illuminati 

A continacion le voy a presentar un resumen del libro titulado (From a Nymph of Satan to a bride of Christ ) escrito por Vicent de Paul de la orden religiosa Inmaculado Corazon. En este libro se relata lo que vivio Klotilde Bersome cuando pertenecio a esta orden de Illuminati, que despues se convirtio en Catolica, y se convirtio en la hermana Marie Amelie en un convento en Paris. 

Klotilde Bersome fue una joven muy bella que a los 17 anos recibio honores por ser una estudiante excelente por que a esa edad podia hablar seis idiomas. Su padre que fue un Mason, jugando perdio 60,000 lirios($700) para el 1870. Su padre acordo en venderle su hija Klotilde en cambio de la deuda a la Gran Logia. 

Esta Logia estaba conectada a otras seis Logias de los Illumimati alrededor del mundo. Cuando Klotilde entro a la orden illuminati alcanzo el rango mas alto como la esposa de Satanas y reina de la orden Illuminati. 

Despues de un tiempo en la orden Klotilde fue violada por el americano General James Abram Garfield, y luego la convirtio en su amante. Klotilde se lleno de odio por lo que le sucedio, que despues de este suceso ella se decidio aprender todos los secretos de la Gran Logia para poder revelarse en contra de todas las logias masonicas. 

Como trabajaba la orden de los Illuminati, y que sucedia dentro de la Gran Logia masonica relatada por Klotilde. 

El juramento hecho a satanas por Klotilde dentro de la Gran Logia era la siguiente: 

1) " Yo te acepto como el ser mas elevado en donde te dedico todos mis pensamientos y acciones. Tu tienes toda la supremacia del universo, y todo lo que se mueve es tu creacion. 

2) " Los cielos y la tierra pertenecen a ti, en donde se proclama tu gloria, que es la imagen de tu grandesa y superioridad. Tu eres el protector de los enemigos de Cristo el crucificado. 

3) " En tu nombre, Yo maldigo a Dios, la Trinidad, la Virgen Maria su madre, escucha, los que te siguen, y los que estan contigo. 

4) "Nosotros en ti confiamos la revelaciones, en tu fe de todo lo creado, por las cosas visibles e invisibles. Yo tengo el derecho de recibir lo que tu conoces." 

Despues de este juramento y de unos cantos en el lenguaje de Yiddish, la Bestia recobraba vida. La Bestia era una estatua blanca de marmol que tenia 7 cabezas, en donde los masones la llamaban " El Dragon Hydra". 

Nota (Esta es la misma imagen ilustrada en el libro del Apocalipsis en el capitulo 13 versiculo del 1 al 18) 

A travez de esta Bestia, satanas aprobaba o desaprobaba deciciones hechas por las Legiones masonicas alrededor del mundo. La Bestia ordenaba acciones en contra de la Iglesia Catolica por ser la verdadera iglesia de Cristo. La Bestia tambien le revelaba a Klotilde de todos los errores de las sectas protestantes. 

En el ritual de Iniciacion se usaba el siguiente texto en el pacto con satanas: 

1) "Yo renuncio a la creencia de un solo Dios. Yo renuncio a la Santisima Trinidad. Yo renuncio al sacrificio de la crucificacion de Cristo de la Iglesia Catolica. Yo le doy todos mi secretos no revelados al espiritu de satanas, tambien mis obras. Yo doy mi voluntad a el, todo mi ser, mis acciones, y mis pensamientos. Yo lo invocare para que el viva en mi, me posea, y dirija mi vida. 

En nombre de satanas Yo maldigo a Cristo, y a su unica verdadera Iglesia Catolica , y sus sacramentos. " 

En el rito de la iniciacion tenia que cometer el nuevo miembro un acto de sacrilegio, profanar una hostia consagrada robada de la Iglesia Catolica. Una vez un catolico apostata llamado Abbot que se le conocia como Mazati vino a la Gran Logia con 120 hostias consagradas para cometer sacrilegios en viernes santo. Despues de hacer la oracion, ritual, y todo el rito satanico, la Bestia de marmol " el Dragon Hydra" recobraba vida. 

Esta experiencia dentro de la gran Logia de los Illuminati en Paris fue relatada por Klotilde a la madre Superiora despues que Klotilde se convirtiera en cristiana, y convertirse en la hermana Marie Amelie. La madre superiora le dijo que publicara, y lo diera a conocer. El libro fue publicado en el año 1885. El duplicado del manuscrito de su trabajo escrito esta en los archivos del Convento catolico en Paris Francia. 

El Papa Leon XIII publico el 20 de abril de1884 una enciclica titulada " Humanum Genus " en que se condenaba la masoneria, y detallo el plan de esta orden para tomar el control del mundo. Benjamin Disraeli, el Cardenal Newman, y el Cardenal Manning, tambien en el siglo 19 testificaron el poder de estas organizaciones secretas detras de tronos, y detras del comunismo. 

La masoneria ha estado detras de revoluciones, y guerras a nivel mundial. 

1) Revolucion Francesa 

2) Revolucion de Turquia y Polonia 

3) Revolucion de Italia 

4) Revolucion Rusa 

5) Revolucion en las Filipinas 

6) Primera Guerra Mundial 

7) Segunda Guerra Mundial 

La masoneria a partir del 1717 no solo tiene como proposito la destruccion del cristianismo, si no ademas incorporar como agenda el gobierno mundial.

El Buró Federal de Investigaciones FBI, investiga a varios agentes de la policía de Miami

• Hacían negocios con compañías de grúas y pudieran haber recibido sobornos

MIAMI 12 DE DICIEMBRE DEL 2014,—Agentes especiales del Buró Federal de Investigaciones FBI, están conduciendo una investigación que involucra a varios agentes de la policía de Miami y por lo menos dos empresas de grúas que operan en la municipalidad.
Los federales dicen que esperan realizar algunos arrestos para la próxima semana, las fuentes que contactaron a dijeron que algunos de los oficiales que están implicados han sido suspendidos mientras que por lo menos dos del grupo aun permanecen trabajando y están cooperando con las autoridades.
Las fuentes no supieron decir cuál es el negocio que los policías tenían con las compañías de grúas, ni tampoco quisieron identificar a los sospechosos, aunque se nos dijo que algún tipo de soborno recibieron de parte de las compañías de grúas.
La comandancia de la policía ha estado cooperando con el FBI y la policía de Miami Dade,  desde que el pasado año comenzaron la pesquisa, y después que compañías de grúas certificadas por la ciudad, alertaron a las autoridades federales sobre la intromisión de “algunas”  empresas que no estaban certificadas y le estaban robando los trabajos en la municipalidad.
Los agentes no tardaron en determinar que esas compañías de grúas tenían información desde dentro del departamento. continuará dándole seguimiento a esta noticia y tendremos más en los próximos días.

"Transgender people can be gay, lesbian, bisexual or straight!"  Entonces los trasgenders straights podran entrar en los baños de mujeres!

"Tips for Allies of Transgender People

Click Here to view "An Ally's Guide to Terminology," part of the Talking About publication series.
The following are tips that can be used as you move toward becoming a better ally of transgender people. Of course, this list is not exhaustive and cannot include all the "right" things to do or say - because often there is no one "right" answer to every situation you might encounter.
When you become an ally of transgender people, your actions will help change the culture, making society a better, safer place for transgender people - and for non-transgender people who violate gender expectations.

You can't tell if someone is transgender just by looking.

Transgender people don't all look a certain way or come from the same background, and many may not appear "visibly trans." It's not possible to look around a room and "see" if there are any transgender people. (It would be like a straight person looking around the room to "see" if there are any gay people.) You should assume that there may be transgender people at any gathering.

Don't make assumptions about a transgender person's sexual orientation.

Gender identity is different than sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is about who we're attracted to. Gender identity is about our own personal sense of being male or female (or someone outside that binary.) Transgender people can be gay, lesbian, bisexual or straight.

If you don't know what pronouns to use, ask.

Be polite and respectful when you ask a person which pronoun they prefer. Then use that pronoun and encourage others to do so. If you accidently use the wrong pronoun, apologize quickly and sincerely, then move on. The bigger deal you make out of the situation, the more uncomfortable it is for everyone.

Understand the differences between "coming out" as lesbian, bisexual, or gay and "coming out" as transgender.

"Coming out" to other people as lesbian, gay, or bisexual is typically seen as revealing a "truth" that allows others to know your authentic self. The LGB community places great importance and value on the idea of being "out" in order to be happy and whole. When a transgender person has transitioned and is living as their authentic gender - that is their "truth." The world is now seeing them as their true selves. Unfortunately, sometimes when others discover a person is transgender they no longer see the person as a "real" man or woman - and it can feel disempowering for a transgender person to have that experience. Some people (like Janet Mock) may choose to publicly discuss their lives in an effort to raise awareness and make cultural change. But please don't assume that it's necessary for a transgender person to be "out" to everyone in order to feel happy and whole.

Be careful about confidentiality, disclosure, and "outing."

Some transgender people feel comfortable disclosing their transgender status to others, and some do not. Knowing a transgender person's status is personal information and it is up to them to share it. Do not casually share this information, or "gossip" about a person you know or think is transgender. Not only is this an invasion of privacy, it also can have negative consequences in a world that is very intolerant of gender difference - transgender people can lose jobs, housing, friends, or even their lives upon revelation of their transgender status.

Avoid backhanded compliments or "helpful" tips.

While you may intend to be supportive, comments like the following can be hurtful or even insulting:
"I would have never known you were transgender. You look so pretty."
"You look just like a real woman."
"She's so gorgeous, I would have never guessed she was transgender."
"He's so hot, I'd date him even though he's transgender."
"You're so brave."
"You'd pass so much better if you wore less/more make-up, had a better wig, etc."
"Have you considered a voice coach?"

Be patient with a person who is questioning or exploring their gender identity.

A person who is questioning or exploring their gender identity may take some time to find out what identity and/or gender expression is best for them. They might, for example, choose a new name or pronoun, and then decide at a later time to change the name or pronoun again. Do your best to be respectful and use the name and/or pronoun requested.

Respect the terminology a transgender person uses to describe their identity.

The transgender community uses many different terms to describe their experiences. Respect the term (transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, cross-dresser, etc) a person uses to describe themselves. If a person is not sure of which identity label fits them best, give them the time and space to figure it out for themselves. Don't tell them which term you think they should use. You wouldn't like your identity to be defined by others, so please allow others to define themselves.

Understand there is no "right" or "wrong" way to transition - and that it is different for every person.

Some transgender people access medical care like hormones and surgery as part of their transition. Some transgender people want their authentic gender identity to be recognized without hormones or surgery. Some transgender people cannot access medical care, hormones, and/or surgery due to lack of financial resources. A transgender identity is not dependent on medical procedures. Just accept that if someone tells you they are transgender - they are.

Don't ask a transgender person what their "real name" is.

For some transgender people, being associated with their birth name is a tremendous source of anxiety, or it is simply a part of their life they wish to leave behind. Respect the name a transgender person is currently using. If you already know someone's prior name don't share it without the person's explicit permission.

Don't ask about a transgender person's genitals or surgical status.

It wouldn't be appropriate to ask a non-transgender person about the appearance or status of their genitalia, so it isn't appropriate to ask a transgender person that question either. Likewise, don't ask if a transgender person has had "the surgery" or if they are "pre-op" or "post-op." If a transgender person wants to talk to you about such matters, let them bring it up.

Don't ask a transgender person how they have sex.

Similar to the questions above about genitalia and surgery - it wouldn't be appropriate to ask a non-transgender person about how they have sex, so the same courtesy should be extended to transgender people.

Challenge anti-transgender remarks or jokes in public spaces - including LGB spaces.

You may hear anti-transgender comments from anti-LGBT activists - but you may also hear them from LGB people. Someone may think because they're gay it's ok for them to use certain words or tell jokes about transgender people. It's important to confront the former and educate the latter.

Support gender neutral public restrooms.

Some transgender and gender non-conforming people may not match the little signs on the restroom door. Encourage schools, businesses and agencies to have single user, unisex and/or gender neutral bathroom options. Make it clear in your organization that transgender and gender non-conforming people are welcome to use whichever restroom they feel comfortable using.

Make your organization truly trans-inclusive.

"LGBT" is now a commonplace term that joins lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender under the same acronym. If an organization or group lists "transgender" as part of its name or mission statement, it needs to truly understand the needs of the transgender community and involve transgender people in all aspects of the group's work.

At meetings and events, set a transgender-inclusive tone.

At a meeting where not everyone is known, consider asking people to introduce themselves with their name and preferred pronouns - for example, "Hi, I'm Nick and I prefer he and him." This sends the message that you are not making assumptions about anyone's gender, and that people are free to self-identify. As the leader, start with yourself and use a serious tone that will hopefully discourage others from dismissing the activity with a joke. Also, in a group setting, identify people by articles of clothing instead of being using gendered language - for example, the "person in the blue shirt," instead of the "woman in the front." Similarly, "Sir" and "Madam" are best avoided. If bathrooms in the meeting space are not already gender neutral, ask if it's possible to put gender neutral signs so that transgender people feel more welcome.

Listen to transgender people.

The best way to be an ally is to listen with an open mind to transgender people when they talk about their lives. Talk to transgender people in your community. Check out books, films, YouTube channels, and transgender blogs to find out more about transgender lives.

Know your own limits as an ally. Ally? Solavaya!!!!

When speaking with a transgender person who may have sought you out for support or guidance, don't be afraid to admit when you don't know something. Volunteer to work with the person to find appropriate resources. It is better to admit you don't know something than to make assumptions or say something that may be incorrect or hurtful.
(Adapted from MIT's "Action Tips for Allies of Trans People.")"
First Gay Marriage Next Polygamy, Incest, Pedophilia and Bestiality?
One of the most sacred and hallowed institutions in human decency has been legally corrupted by the recent decision of the US Supreme Court.  When the high court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, they shattered the values and morals of traditional marriage like a hammer striking a priceless vase or urn.
Now that they redefined marriage and opened the door to homosexual marriage, I can’t help but wonder what’s next.  Knowing the vile sinful lusts and desires of the natural human heart, I have to wonder what will be next.  How long will it take for advocates of polygamy to start filing lawsuits to allow more than two people to enter into marriage.  Some fringe Mormon groups still practice polygamy today.  Will they now begin to mount legal challenges to get their multiple spouse marriages legalized just like the gays have?

If marriage is no longer defined as one man and one woman, what’s to stop more perverted groups of Americans from wanting to make marrying one’s brother or sister legal?  Worse yet, what will stop a single parent from wanting to marry their offspring?
Worse yet, what about marrying a child under the legal age of consent?  A growing number of psychologists and psychiatrists are claiming that there is nothing wrong with pedophilia as long as both parties give their consent.  When will they start challenging the laws to allow for consensual pedophilia even to the point of marriage?  Their argument will be the same as the gays used to defeat DOMA.
Once the courts allow for polygamy, incest and pedophilia, will bestiality be next?  Some people love their pets more than people, so will they demand their rights as did everyone else?
America has already sunk down to the depths of depravity and hedonism.  The question now is how much further will we sink?  As we sink, we are also sealing our fate and that fate is the wrath of God.  When He releases His wrath, our nation will fall and fall hard.  As in the days of Daniel, even the righteous will suffer the wrath that God will unleash on our country.  No one will be able to escape.  We will all suffer.
It doesn’t matter what kind of provisions I’ve made or how righteous and faithful I’ve been.  We ALL will suffer God’s wrath for what our nation is doing.  The deeper we sink, the more severe the wrath.  Folks, this scares me more than anything else.  I fear not only for myself, but for my children and grandchildren.


En mi opinión
No 819  Diciembre 12, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

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