Tuesday, March 18, 2014

No 621 "En mi opinion" Marzo 18, 2014

No 621    “En mi opinión”    Marzo 18, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
Queremos informarles a papá a mamá, a nuestros amigos y a los que nos adversan que esta lucha que estamos librando sin temor y sin miedo también es para ustedes. ¡No nos vamos a rendir -ni aún con la muerte misma- porque estamos todos dispuestos a dar nuestras vidas!.
Nicolás: sin miedo. Diosdado: no tenemos ni una gota de temor; no les tenemos miedo ni a sus amenazas, ni a sus fusiles, ni a sus armas, ni a sus actitudes irracionales, por una razón muy sencilla: ¡no negociamos nuestros derechos, no negociamos nuestro futuro con nadie! Seguiremos -no rodilla en tierra como dicen ustedes- sino de pie y sin miedo. Nicolás: tus amenazas por los medios nos "resbalan".
Son palabras necias, Recuerda -Nicolás- que con tus palabras tratas de comprar las conciencias y la ignorancia de muchos, pero nosotros ¡no nos vendemos! ni por una beca, ni por un mercal, ni por una vivienda, porque -simplemente- queremos ser productivos y sentirnos útiles a la patria y poder adquirir todas esas cosas con el fruto de nuestro trabajo y esfuerzo, no sentirnos tontos útiles manipulados por un régimen de compras de conciencias baratas.
Oye, Nicolás: Ojalá y este mensaje te llegue, porque es una cadena que va a recorrer el todo el país. Aquí el único que tiene miedo es el Gobierno, porque ya no tienen pueblo. Ya recobramos la calle, porque ya ni las armas sirven cuando se trata de la Dignidad y el Coraje de un pueblo. ¡Gloria al bravo pueblo! ¡Vivan los estudiantes!.............................................................................................................................................
(Nota de agradecimiento) Queremos y les pedimos que, por favor, colaboren enviando esta cadena a todos los contactos; que la envíen (incluso al exterior) para que el mundo se entere de nuestros propósitos y de la lucha heroica que hoy estamos librando por todos los estudiantes venezolanos HOY  Necesitamos su apoyo y Venezuela.
Valencia  Marzo 2014

El Zar Hijo de Putin se ha defecado en el presidente de los Estados Unidos y su Secretario de Estado. ¡CANDELA!


With a good 60,000 Russian troops massed on the border, and no effective way to vote in favor remaining part of Ukraine, the Crimean independence referendum went about as expected, with almost 97 percent voting in favor of annexation into Russia.  Just about everyone else in the world declared the vote illegal, with the forlorn exception of China, which abstained from the relevant U.N. Security Council vote.  It’s notable that China couldn’t quite bring itself to endorse what Vladimir Putin is up to in Crimea.  (Everyone else on the Security Council voted to condemn the referendum, but then Russia vetoed the motion.)
So Russia is now supposedly “isolated,” whatever that means, while the Crimean Parliament formally declared independence from Ukraine on Monday morning, and promptly set about nationalizing all Ukrainian property that happened to fall on the wrong side of the new borders.  Fox News reports Crimean representatives are off to Moscow to hammer out the details of annexation, with Russian officials saying annexation “is just a matter of time,” perhaps only a few days or weeks.
Russians in Crimea called the new Ukrainian government a bunch of “unprincipled clowns.”  Ethnic Tartars in Crimean called the independence referendum “a clown show, a circus.”  All these clowns, and yet nobody’s laughing.  Ukrainian ships are trapped in Crimean waters by Russian naval forces.  Ukrainian troops in Crimea are besieged in their bases, facing renewed calls to surrender.
Ukrainians and Tartars stuck below decks in Crimea as it sets sail for Russian hegemony anticipate rough seas ahead:
Ethnic Ukrainians interviewed outside the Ukrainian Orthodox cathedral of Vladimir and Olga said they refused to take part in the referendum, calling it an illegal charade stage-managed by Moscow. Some said they were scared of the potential for widespread discrimination and harassment in the coming weeks, similar to what happened in parts of nearby Georgia, another former Soviet republic, after its 2008 war with Russia.
“We’re just not going to play these separatist games,” said Yevgen Sukhodolsky, a 41-year-old prosecutor from Saki, a town outside Simferopol. “Putin is the fascist. The Russian government is fascist.”
Vasyl Ovcharuk, a retired gas pipe layer who worked at Ukraine’s Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986, predicted dark days ahead for Crimea.
“This will end up in military action, in which peaceful people will suffer. And that means everybody. Shells and bullets are blind,” he said.
There are looming fears throughout the rest of Ukraine that Russia isn’t finished devouring them yet.  Over the weekend, a small detachment of Russian troops actually ventured beyond Crimea, into Ukrainian territory, to seize control of a natural gas facility, for the stated purpose of ensuring the continued flow of gas into independent Crimea.  The Russians have been muttering darkly about the need to move forces into eastern Ukraine to “protect” ethnic Russians from potential oppression.  At least one city in eastern Ukraine, Donetsk, has seen demonstrations calling for secession from Ukraine and alignment with Russia.
The European Union is preparing for a round of sanctions against Russia, with talk of freezing assets and denying visas for certain Russian officials.  Evidently they’re hesitating just long enough to give Putin an opportunity to “de-escalate” the situation, but there have been no signs he plans to back down.
On the contrary, this diplomatic and economic “isolation” might be just what Putin wanted.  Russia was trying to put together a “Eurasian Union” to counter the European Union before the Ukrainian crisis began; their man in Kiev, Viktor Yanukovych, was supposed to make Ukraine part of that equation, but his sticky fingers got him deposed.  (One pictures Putin on the phone with him, snarling “You had one job, Viktor Yanukovych….”)  EU sanctions might sting Russia a bit, but they’ll also hurt the Europeans, and they might help to jump-start that Eurasian Union project.
And if Russia can stare down the U.S. and European Union, pushing them back from harsh sanctions, so much the better for Putin.  There have already been rumblings that Russia might abandon the dollar and tear up loan papers from American banks.  No less an authority than George Soros – a man who knows a few things about ruining economies for fun and profit – warns that the European Union might fall apart, if it plays its cards wrong against Russia.
Putin’s adventures in eastern Ukraine have consolidated his grip on Russia, bringing his popularity ratings to soaring heights, while his adversaries – notably President Barack Obama – plummet to all-time low ratings with their own electorates.  Lost in all the speculation about what might happen next is that Putin has already accomplished an extremely important objective: containing the Euromaidan movement that led to the ouster of Yanukovych.  Russia itself seems to have been effectively inoculated against the spread of such protests – that’s one of the reasons Russia’s state-dominated media have been screaming that the Ukrainian demonstrators are “fascists” – and anyone else in the old Soviet orbit is going to think twice about getting cozy with the European Union.
If the United States and European Union pull the trigger on tough sanctions and begin an economic conflict, they’ll finally be playing the same game as Putin… but they’ll be sitting across the table from a global adversary who doesn’t seem worried about losing.  After all, ideological blindness in the Obama Administration already let him make a dozen strategic moves before his opponents understood they were his opponents.
Update: “Smart power” alert, as America’s U.N. ambassador Samantha Power accosts Russia’s Vitaly Churkin and tells him Crimea is still legally Ukrainian territory, while Churkin’s aides laugh at her:

Update: The UK Daily Mail reports that Ukraine is mobilizing its army and calling up reserves for a possible armed confrontation with Russia.  They’re outnumbered at least 3 to 1 by active Russian forces poised to invade, and 6 to 1 by the total strength of the Russian military, but they can at least make it clear that further Russian incursions into Ukraine will result in war.
Meanwhile, the head of Russia’s state-run news agency went on the air to inform the United States that “we can turn you to ash,” in case the American government has any ideas about intervening in Ukraine.  Just in case anyone misses the fine nuances of this threat, there was a picture of a mushroom cloud on the screen behind him.
Update: Having evidently concluded that the mere threat of sanctions wasn’t adjusting Russia’s attitude, both the U.S. and European Union announced sanctions on Monday morning.  The EU is imposing travel bans and asset freezes on 21 Russian and Ukrainian officials.  The United States followed suit, targeting “several officials in President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle” according to the New York Times, along with deposed Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, but not Putin himself.

Exclusive: U.S. Sanctions Actually Target Putin’s Domestic Rivals.

While the move was sold as a clear message to Russian officials responsible for the current Ukraine crisis, the end result seems to bear little resemblance to that goal...

B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE  Barack Obama announced a series of sanctions against officials in Russia who he claims have played a role in the continued unrest in the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine. The move came one day after a majority voters in the region supported a referendum to unite with Russia.
In a statement Monday, Obama said the U.S. would not recognize the referendum. He went on to blame a number of officials within the Russian government for the development.
“We are imposing sanctions on specific individuals for undermining the sovereignty, territorial integrity and government of Ukraine,” he asserted. “We are making it clear that there are consequences for their actions.”
The White House – along with numerous media outlets – is touting the sanctions as a direct response to Russian President Vladimir Putin. While Putin is not named directly in Obama’s reaction, a White House statement indicates the U.S. will “seek to hold accountable individuals who use their resources or influence to support or act on behalf of senior Russian government officials.”
One senior White House advisor, however, questioned Obama’s selection, suggesting the seven Russian officials facing sanctions are not Putin allies at all. The source, who requested anonymity in discussing the developing story, offered a background for each of the individuals targeted by the White House.
Sergey Glazyev reportedly mounted a presidential campaign against Putin in 2004 and has been excluded from the inner workings of the Russian government since. Another target of sanctions, Vladislav Surkov, reportedly resigned from the Putin regime last year following accusations that he would not enforce the Russian president’s policies.
A third official, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitiry Rogozin, is reportedly being blamed for bungling Russia’s advancement in the region by backing recently ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. By defying Putin’s wishes, the source claims, Rogozin has been ostracized by Russian leadership.
Former Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, who currently serves as the nation’s prime minister, did consider some of the targets to be close confidants. Putin apparently feels differently. According to the White House source, Leonid Slutsky and Valentina Matviyenko both held positions of power in Russia until they fell out of favor with Putin. Furthermore, Andrei Klishas is reportedly feuding with a Putin ally.
The final Russian official facing U.S. sanctions, Yelena Mizulina, likely made it on the list due to her anti-gay policy positions rather than any connection to Ukraine policy.
While the move was sold as a clear message to Russian officials responsible for the current Ukraine crisis, the end result seems to bear little resemblance to that goal. Instead, Obama seems to have targeted individuals Putin himself would have approved. As a result, the U.S. action has had little noticeable effect on Russia’s economy as of this writing. In fact, the Russian market rose today on the news of these weak sanctions.
U.S. allies in the European Union have similarly refused to acknowledge the recent Crimean vote to secede from Ukraine. It remains to be seen whether the EU’s sanctions, which are expected to be announced Tuesday, will have any legitimate effect on Russian leadership.
–B. Christopher Agee
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BETTY: Buenisimo y acertadisimo. Asi estamos
¿Vas a tener relaciones sexuales?.. El Gobierno te facilita los preservativos   
¿Ya las tuviste? El Gobierno te ofrece la pastilla del día siguiente 
¿Te has quedado embarazada? …El Gobierno te facilita el aborto. 
¿Pero tuviste el bebé? …El Gobierno te regala el cheque para el bebé. 
¿Estas desempleado?....El Gobierno te paga el “un-employment”  
¿Eres vago y no te gusta trabajar?...El Gobierno te concede una “basurita”, becas para tus hijos y una vivienda social en la que no
Pagarás los servicios básicos (agua, luz, basura…..)  
¿Eres drogadicto?... El Gobierno te facilita Metadona  
Después de mucho dinero gastado en  ti, tu sigues jodiendo a la  sociedad y vas a la cárcel?... El Gobierno te mantiene mientras estas dentro y te da el cheque del  Welfare para que cuaando salgas no tengas que buscar trabajo y puedas seguir robando. 
“En mi opinión” y todo gracias a un miembro de la tribu de LOS TOM-TOM-MACUTE.    LAZARO R GONZALEZ  MINO

AMENPER: Homosexuals want to participate in the Saint Patrick's Day
The problem is that homosexuaes want to be in everything from the initiation of the Pope down to the Boy Scouts.   Heterosexuals do not ask to be in your holiday as a right, question is whether it is honoring a saint, a religion that considers homosexuality as alien to their beliefs no place to express their opposite behavior to the beliefs of this religion .
It is known that in homosexual stops no limitations, there is a vulgar expression of their sexuality, do it to annoy those who are not like them, and this would not be appropriate for a family celebration.
They had their celebration with a mayor luar apart, where they could express their preference   sexual, so there is no discrimination, but there are places and people who do not share his view, and that privacy is not discrimination but to hold a fiesta in the environment with family core.
Which was a manifestation, and knew what to expect but we took her children did not expect to find people who look out of the education he was trying to instill in them their children, and that is their right.

SAMITIER: Alquien Tiene Dudas Que Putin Le Gano A Obama – Clinton y Kerry
USA... Ha Quedado Mal y Sin Amigos... Pues La Unión Europea Va A
Seguir Haciendo El papel Que Apoya A USA... Mientras Las Cosas
Sean De BLA-BLA-BLA Si hay Que pelear... Le Van A Dar La Espalda
Por primera Vez a Estados Unidos... GRACIAS A LOS DEMÓCRATAS

17 mar 2014, 12:05 GMT | FXStreet

No hubo sorpresas y los ciudadanos de Crimea decidieron que la península debería dejar Ucrania y pasar a formar parte de la Federación Rusa. El referéndum celebrado ayer dio como resultado que un asombroso 95,5% de los votantes, un 58% de los cuales son de etnia rusa, apoyó el retorno de Crimea al mando de Moscú. El ratio de participación fue alto, de un 70%.
Occidente prepara más sanciones contra Rusia
La UE avisó a finales de la semana pasada que las sanciones contra Rusia, incluyendo prohibiciones para viajar y congelación de activos para una lista inicial de unos 120 ciudadanos en Crimea y Rusia que “amenazaban la integridad territorial de Ucrania”, serían impuestas hoy si el referéndum era llevada a cabo pese a la oposición de la comunidad internacional. Barack Obama le dijo a Vladimir Putin el domingo que consideraba la votación ilegal y que los EEUU no reconocerían el resultado y aplicarían prohibiciones de visado a un buen número de ciudadanos rusos y ucranianos.
La Alto Representante de la Unión Europea para Asuntos Exteriores,Catherine Ashton, ha pedido a Moscú hoy que inicien conversaciones con las autoridades de Kiev, pues la situación actual es “profundamente preocupante y debería ser resuelta rápidamente”. Se espera que más sanciones comerciales sean acordadas esta semana por los políticos europeos en la próxima cumbre de la UE, si Rusia continúa con sus acciones en Ucrania.
El vice-portavoz del Parlamento de Rusia ha anunciado este lunes que la Duma, la cámara baja del parlamento, se está preparando para legislar para que Crimea se convierta en miembro de la Federación Rusa en el “muy próximo futuro”. Mientras tanto, las autoridades de Crimea ya han pedido formalmente unirse a Rusia y ha dicho que las unidades militares de Ucrania presentes en la península serán expulsadas.
Posibilidad de más acciones militares en el Este de Ucrania
Ahora mismo el foco se centra en lo que Occidente y Rusia puedan hacer tras el referéndum. Muchos esperan que Rusia continúe su expansión en el Este de Ucrania, después de que las tropas rusas tomasen control por unas horas de una estación de gas en el pueblo de Strilkove y que hubiesen violentas manifestaciones pro-rusas en Donetsk y Kharkiv. Moscú también ha ido fortaleciendo gradualmente su presencia militar en Crimea, con 22000 tropas rusas asentadas allí actualmente. Este domingo, los ministros de Defensa de Rusia y Ucrania anunciaron una tregua en Crimea que debería durar hasta el viernes.
El mercado reacciona con calma al referéndum
Los mercados han permanecido en calma por ahora y como comenta Kit Juckes, de Société Générale: “la limitada reacción en los cruces del Euro contra las liquidas correcciones de la Europa Oriental (EUR/PLN, EUR/HUF,...) refleja este ánimo de espera mientras el Rublo se ha debilitado ya en un 10% este año frente al USD y el EUR”.
Mientras tanto, después de la caída masiva en la cantidad de bonos del Tesoro de los EEUU propiedad de otros bancos centrales vista la semana pasada, se sospecha que “el banco central de Rusia puede haber movido sus bonos norteamericanos para alejarlos de cualquier sanción potencial”, según afirma Jane Foley, estratega de divisas senior en Rabobank.
“Aunque la especulación de que cualquier sanción sería más bien moderada; hay un riesgo claro que las tensiones en Ucrania puedan aumentar la volatilidad en el mercado en las próximas sesiones”.

SAMITIER: ATF Raids Gun Store, Seizes Client List to Target Gun Owners!

Dear Conservative,
As the push for gun control consumed Washington, D.C. last year, Second Amendment supporters warned that the Left's end-goal was a complete registry of Americans’ firearms. Whether you like it or not, that’s what “universal background checks” are: every time a weapon changes hands, the transfer would require the Federal government’s approval.
Many law-abiding Americans prefer to avoid the background check process, not because they have something to hide, but because they would prefer that the government did not have a record of their purchases. However, a select few socialist states force their citizens to perform private gun sales through licensed firearm dealers as well, requiring background checks. In these states with universal background checks, it is nearly impossible to legally transfer a firearm without first acquiring government approval.
This has led many to seek an alternative route: building their own firearms. It is legal under Federal law to build a firearm for personal use, as long as the type of firearm is not prohibited. If you already know the intricacies of these laws, bear with me… While a firearm’s lower receiver (the part containing the trigger mechanics) requires a background check to be purchased from a dealer, it is perfectly legal to buy and sell 80% partial receivers without any background check at all. An 80% lower receiver is just what the name implies. The firearm is 80% completed and the user must complete the final 20% of machining before it can become a functional weapon. Without that last bit of work, the item is nothing but a paper weight in the shape of a gun.
As far as the law is concerned, these 80% receivers are not weapons. They are just pieces of metal or plastic. The government cannot regulate them because they are not legally firearms. However, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has begun going after individuals who sell and buy these legal, unregulated items anyway! On March 15, the ATF raided a manufacturer of these partial receivers and seized the company’s stock and client list. Once they are done destroying the business, they will go after the law abiding gun owners, even though they committed no crime!
The intricacies of firearm laws are pretty convoluted, but the general rule of thumb is that in order for something to be a firearm, it must be capable of performing a firearm's function in its current state.
If an object cannot function as a firearm, then it is nothing but a piece of metal or plastic. This difference is important because even the simplest of items can be transformed into a firearm. A Vermont man even famously made an AK-47 variant firearm out of a rusty shovel.
If the government can ban and regulate the materials required to create a firearm from scratch, then they could regulate everything... And that is just what they are doing.
Barack Obama's administration wants to know every detail of your life. Obama's NSA wants to know who you talk to, his IRS wants to know which candidates you donate to, and now the ATF wants to know what firearms you are purchasing.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives originally tried to seize the inventory and client list of a manufacturer in California named Ares Armor. Even though the company was only manufacturing 80% lower receivers, the ATF claimed that it was illegally selling firearms. When they tried to seize the merchandise and client list, Ares Armor was able to get a temporary restraining order from a judge.
The judge ordered the two parties to cease contact until a hearing on March 20th. While Ares Armor was confident they had bought themselves a little time, the ATF then went behind their back and received an ex parte order from the judge - an order obtained without notice to the other party - which authorized them to forcefully raid the store and seize merchandise and client lists.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives will not rest until it has complete control over the nation's firearm purchases. Now that they have raided this store and stolen the client list, there is nothing stopping them from coming after law abiding gun owners who committed no crimes.
This is essentially a liberty issue. How long are we going to allow abusive agencies like the ATF to incrementally increase their power? The idea of individuals building their own firearms without first informing the government terrifies the Obama administration, so much so that they are trying to illegally change the definition of what constitutes a firearm!
The ATF lied to the judge who lifted the restraining order. They stated that Ares Armor was illegally manufacturing firearms. This past August, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) introduced H.R. 2910, the interestingly-titled “Gun Violence Prevention and Reduction Act” and if that bill had been signed into law, then these 80% lowers would be reclassified as firearms. But… the bill didn’t pass. It didn’t even make it out of committee.
Just as the Obama administration has decided to legislate from the Oval Office, Obama’s ATF has decided to illegally alter the law to redefine harmless pieces of metal and plastic as firearms. If left unchecked, then the ATF could go after you for possessing anything that could possibly be turned into a firearm.
Yes, this is a slippery slope argument, but I urge you to wake up and realize that we are already sliding down the slope!
The Second Amendment wasn’t designed to protect hunters or sportsmen… the only things that the Second Amendment truly authorizes you to hunt are tyrannical politicians! And the Democrats and RINOs realize this. These career politicians realize that they are dangerously close to being forcibly removed from office. Universal background checks allow for the government to maintain a database of Americans’ gun sales/purchases and the idea that someone could manufacture a firearm on their own absolutely terrifies them!
If you believe that the “right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” and you hate how the Obama administration continues to unconstitutionally grow its power, I urge you to tell Congress to stop the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosive’s abusive targeting program! The government has no right to keep a record of what firearms Americans purchase!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

Samitier: El Gobierno Socialista de Estados Unidos Ha Dado Luz verde A La Represión En Venezuela... En La Misma Forma Que Hace 52 Años Traiciono Bahía De Cochinos...
Fuera De Miami... La Prensa Norte Americana Controlada Por Los Socialistas y Pro-Homosexuales Sigue Silenciada Por Los Globalistas...   
Levanten sus voces en favor del pueblo venezolano. Recuerden que lo  preocupante no es la perversidad de los malos, sino laindiferencia de muchos que se creen buenos. Si los gobiernos mantienen un cobarde silencio y si la O.E.A. no es más que un cero a la izquierda, no los imitemos.  
Ayudando a Venezuela, nos ayudamos a nosotros mismos  
Que Dios haga despertar en cada uno de nosotros, la hermandad democrática sur americana  

AMENPER: Teoría (En Serio) del destino del avión desaparecido
La aclaración de que esta teoría que es de todas las más razonable es en serio tiene una doble razón.
Primero porque había dado riendas sueltas al hemisferio burlón de mi pensamiento, inventando conspiraciones de índole esotéricas o extraterrestres, y además porque creo que las teorías que nos han estado embutiendo los gobiernos del mundo son más absurdas que mis fantásticas elucubraciones..
Primero nos dijeron que los pilotos eran muchachos muy buenos, responsables y formales, después nos dijeron que metían a muchachitas en la cabina del piloto, pero lo que no nos dijeron era que tanto el piloto como en co-piloto eran musulmanes fanáticos-políticos, creo que se les olvidó mencionar este pequeño detalle.
Después vinieron restos del avión que después dijeron que eran porque los chinos tenían los ojos medio cerrados y habían confundido a un mojón flotando con los restos del avión.
Los records de cuando perdieron realmente el contacto con el avión variaron como 8 veces durante las informaciones que nos dieron.
Ante el hecho de que ya las noticias se filtran, ayer agentes policiales se personaron en los respectivos domicilios del capitán del vuelo del MH370, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, y el copiloto, Fariq Abdul Hamid, que por el nombre se pueden imaginar que no son ni hispanos ni irlandeses y mucho menos británicos.
La investigación incluye detalles que van desde los perfiles psicológicos como las tendencias políticas y religiosas, aficiones y patrones de comportamiento. Lo que encontraron es que ambos pilotos eran devotos musulmanes que asistían a una mezquita politizada.
La prensa local también se hace eco de la noticia publicada por el diario inglés The Mail Sunday en la que define a Zaharie como una persona de "convicciones políticas fanáticas". La noticia nos llega después de 10 días en que nos pintaban a los pilotos como ciudadanos perfectos.
.Interés especial ha despertado el mensaje que el capitán Zaharie escribión en un foro alemán de internet en el que anunciaba la creación de un simulador de vuelo propio.
"Hace un mes terminé el montaje de FSX y FS9 con 6 monitores " dice la nota firmado como Capt Zaharie Ahmad Shah, Boeing 777 de Malaysia Airlines en noviembre de 2012.
Ahora vamos a analizar, en serio, no como no lo han estado analizando los partes de los gobiernos  hasta ahora, las posibilidades del cambio de rumbo del piloto.  Será musulmán, pero no es tan estúpido como nos lo pintan que se va a dirigir al mar o a una isla desierta, el decir esto es un insulto a la inteligencia no del piloto pero de los que están recibiendo la noticia.
La única teoría verdaderamente lógica y que no nos quieren decir todavía, pero que todos ellos deben de saber es que el avión se encuentra en una de las naciones islámicas de la antigua Unión Soviética, y que próximamente estará en manos de Irán.
El tiempo de vuelo entre Kuala Lumpur, y Almaty, la capital de Kazakistán la más cerca a Malasya de las republicas Islámicas de la extinta Unión Soviética, es de sólo 6 horas y 30 minutos, más o menos el mismo tiempo desde que desconectaron los trasmisores del avión y la pérdida de contacto con la tripulación.
Uzbekistán es la más importante de las repúblicas musulmanas de la antigua Unión Soviética, junto con , Turkmenistán, Tayikistán, Kirguisia, Kazakistán y Azerbaiyán.
El tiempo de vuelo del punto en que se perdió el contacto de radio del vuelo a Uzbekistán es sólo 7 horas. 
La República de Azerbaiyán tiene 9 millones de habitantes, de los cuales el 95 por ciento son musulmanes y de éstos el 75 por ciento son chiitas, en Kazakistan y Uzbekistán también la mayoría son chiitas.
Si ya sabemos el fanatismo de los musulmanes, y que los pilotos son parte de ese fanatismo políticamente y religiosamente, desde el primer momento se debía de haber investigado la posibilidad de llevar el avión al país musulmán más cercano.  Además si sabían que el piloto musulmán había creado un simulador de vuelo en su casa, esta debiera de haber sido una señal preocupante.
No hay otra teoría que pudiera ser más lógica que esta, sin lugar a dudas la complicidad de los pilotos en un secuestro es lo más razonable y desde el principio se debía de haber determinado.  Si los pilotos pudieron seguir el camino que habían estudiado en el simulador, el avión está hoy en un país musu

“En mi opinión”  La Guerra de los degenerados contra las personas decentes en Venezuela ya lleva más de un mes y los asesinatos por parte del Dictador impuesto a Venezuela “El chofer de guagua nicolás podrido”, se encarga ofender y masacrar a lo que más vale de la tierra de Bolívar, los valientes estudiantes que han sacado la cara por toda Venezuela y han puesto su sangre, sus vidas y el luto y el inmenso dolor de sus padres, hermanos y amigos que los lloran con rabia, por la cobardía y el abuso de un régimen despótico impuesto por la fuerza de los canallas venezolanos y castristas que se han apoderado del poder absoluto. Un régimen dictatorial que ha demostrado hasta la saciedad su ilegalidad  y sobre todo su suprema  incapacidad de administrar y gobernar al noble pueblo Venezolano.  La pestilente morralla cubana apoya al “iletrado guagüero mequetrefe y asesino” para que le siga llegando el petróleo venezolano y el dinero de los venezolanos que les roban los ilegales desgovernantes de Cuba que se pudre en la inopia total.
Llego la hora de los hornos y no se ha de ver más que la luz, decía Jose Marti. Si los venezolanos no asumen una posición de guerra sin cuartel contra el gobierno traidor y contra las tropas de ocupación de los degenerados castristas, nunca van a poder izar la bandera venezolana con Honor y libertad.
Los Venezolanos Tienen que responder al fuego con fuego, a las balas con balas, no tienen balas y armas pues se las tienen que quitar a los que las tienen,  se las tienen que arrebatar a los esbirros de “podrido” y los tiranos abusadores y asesinos que están a su lado.  La estrategia es darle a los degenerados lo mismo que los degenerados les dan a ustedes. PLOMO.
“Con los asesinos no se dialoga, a los asesinos hay que eliminarlos para siempre” El que quiere dialogo con los asesinos, seguro que es un traidor.
Ya más de 30 hijos de Venezuela están al lado del creador. Pero hasta ahora muy pocos hijos de perra han muerto. Se debe equilibrar la balanza y empezar a que las matemáticas fúnebres entre a las filas de los traidores a Venezuela.
Ponganle en la frente el letrero de traídos a todo el que hable de dialogo. Todos los que hablen de dialogo con los degenerados, son tan degenerados y traidores como podrido y todos los que apoyan al “podrido” El que venga a hablar de paz en nuestro campo de batalla es un traídos. “ES UN TRAIDOR” la paz hay que pregonarla en el campo de los enemigos no en el nuestro. Y “En mi opinión” ya tienen,  por segunda vez a un traidorzuelo que quiere traicionar por segunda vez a Venezuela, parece que no le alcanzo lo que hizo durante las elecciones ARREVATAR LA VICTORIA LEGITIMA sin pelear como un hombre, de pelear de un candidato que SI FUE ELECTO  Se está dejando guiar (O pagar)  por el podrido, por homosexualidad o por cobardía pero lo hizo y lo está haciendo.  Ningun tirano se ha rendido por las buenas a un pueblo que tiene la razón, nunca los canallas han vacilado en masacrar al pueblo para conservar el poder. El señor Capriles no me merece ninguna confianza y NO CREO EN EL. No le llega ni a la chancleta de María Corina Machado ni a Leopoldo, que está siendo torturado en las cárceles de podrido. Hasta cuándo van a esperar para hacer justicia y darle el poder al pueblo venezolano. No se confundan estos son los verdaderos LLIDERES DE LOS VENEZOLANOS LOS OTROS SON SOLO “PAPITY”
“Plomo tú quieres pues plomo te vamos a dar”
¿Podrido tu no vas a entregar el poder en paz?
Pues vas a tener que entregarlo al pueblo Venezolano por la fuerza.
Ese es el lema, esta es la consigna  y a ponerlo en práctica.
Y a los cubanos decentes y anticomunistas en Cuba les digo esta es la oportunidad de empezar a hacer lo mismo que están haciendo los venezolanos, a apoderarse de las calles y a decirle al homosexual en jefe raúl y a su mentor el embalsamado en jefe que YA SE ACABO ha llegado el momento de barrer la porqueria de Venezuela pero que también de Cuba.  Cuba sin Venezuela no puede existir. Los Castros le están chupando la sangre a los venezolanos para poder sobrevivir ellos.
Si los Cubanos no aprovechan este momento de debilidad de los Cubanos por el descalabro de Venezuela no tendrán otra oportunidad de regresar a la libertad y la democracia.
La libertad del pueblo venezolano esta unida a la Libertad de Cuba.
Si derrotan a los Cubanos en Venezuela se van a tenrer que ir con Putin a Rusia.

The Western Center for Journalism: "We Must Have The Support Of The American People In Order To Have Impeachment." -Rep. Michele Bachmann

       No matter what you may NOT hear from the lame-stream media, the sad and unfortunate truth is that Michele Bachmann just hit the nail on the head... the ONLY thing prohibiting Congress from REMOVING Barack Obama TODAY is THEIR delusion that YOU WON'T SUPPORT IT.

       If you're frustrated that Congress is not moving aggressively enough to remove Barack Obama, you can make it happen right now. 

       And don't just take our word for it. Take Bachmann's word for it. 
If you really want Barack Obama GONE... there's only one way to make him go... direct action. 

       Congress must receive a flood of faxes and calls and this time around,
we're not just taking our demands to the so-called GOP Leadership but to Members of the House and Senate who are bona-fide Tea Party Members. 

You'll Never Guess Who Else Is Calling For Obama's Impeachment. What The Media Isn't Telling You.

"Never in my life did I ever believe that our country would be taken over by people, like the people who are running it at this day... I don't think that this man [Obama] will make it through his term. I THINK HE WILL BE IMPEACHED." 

       Hundreds of people broke into thunderous applause when movie actor Steven Segal uttered those heartfelt and spontaneous words during a dinner at the Western Conservative Conference (an event that we proudly co-sponsored). 

       And even though the liberal media was there in force, they didn't dare report it. 

       At the fourth annual Statesman of the Year dinner that was hosted by the Sarasota Florida GOP, a man in the audience yelled out to Senator Ted Cruz; 
"What does it take to impeach him?" When the massive applause finally died down, Cruz boldly stated: "It takes 218 votes in the House of Representatives." 

       And even though the liberal media was there in force , they didn't dare report it. 

       Former Congressman Tom Tancredo recently said: 
"The case for impeaching and removing President Obama grows stronger each week... His abuse of power has become so frequent and brazen that it is becoming recognized as the trademark of his presidency." 

       And again, even though the liberal media heard those words, they didn't dare report it. 

       Make no mistake, in spite of what you are not hearing, removing Barack Obama from the office he usurped is finally gaining major traction in Washington D.C. and the only thing that is prohibiting our elected officials from starting the ball rolling is a false impression that patriotic Americans, like you, will NOT support them if they remove him.

       That's the reality of what we're facing but 
you can change that reality right now. If the vast majority of you who are reading this urgent alert take direct action right now, you will change that dynamic. 

And Yes... The Democrats Also Know That Mr. Obama's Days May Be Numbered.

       As a matter of fact, staving-off the growing movement to remove Barack Obama from office has become a major component of the Democrats' internal fundraising efforts. 

       After listing a number of GOP notables who have gone on record as
"supporting" impeachment, a panic-stricken email sent out to Obama for America supporters by the DNC issued the following call to action:"Remember, if we win just 17 more seats, we'll take back the House, and put an end to this kind of asinine behavior." 

       It's no gimmick, Barack Obama and the Democrats are actually campaigning on impeachment but you don't know about it is because you're not on the DNC's mailing list. 

       You don't know about it because the lame-stream media will not dare report it, and you don't know about it because far too many establishment Republicans are desperately trying to convince you thatTHEY'RE POWERLESS WHEN IT COME TO REMOVING BARACK OBAMA FROM OFFICE. 

       They're not. Dr. Alan Keyes put it another way: 
"Quietly a tide is rising in favor of taking the necessary constitutional steps to remove the danger by impeaching and removing Obama and his cohorts from office. But since the GOP's leadership has been and is acting in collusion with Obama, they refuse to provide a rallying point for this sentiment." 

       And Keyes added: 
"Nothing stands in your way except the shackles of the mind that are, in the end, the most effective bonds of tyranny. ... The answer is in our own hands." 

       In other words, 
the only thing prohibiting Congress from REMOVINGBarack Obama today is YOU. Will you remove the "shackles of the mind that are... the most effective bonds of tyranny" and do what must be done today? 

Is Dr. Keyes Right? Are Establishment Republicans Really In Collusion With Obama? Are They Actually Trying To Make You Believe That They Are Powerless When It Comes To Removing Barack Obama From Office?

       The short answer is yes. 

       Case in point, at this very moment, the GOP is considering a measure that is allegedly meant to stem Barack Obama's dictatorial overreach of power. 

       The Washington Examiner reports that the Boehner-led House is considering a measure that 
"would allow the House to bring 'civil action' against the administration if it deems the executive branch is not enforcing the law." 

       Sounds tough, doesn't it? Of course there is one glaring problems with such a measure: 

       The Constitution already gives Congress the primary authority to curb the excesses of an out-of-control executive branch. Why punt that duty to the courts?

       Are our elected officials trying to sound tough as they abdicateTHEIR responsibility to stop Barack Obama's abuses of power? 

       Well, we're not about to let them get away with it and the 
only way to let them know they can't get away with it is for thousands of patriotic Americans to flood their offices with calls and faxes and let them know, in no uncertain terms, that you won't let them get away with it. 

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership and the 50 Tea Party Members in the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. 


If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

Floyd Brown


Weekly Address: ObamaCare Hurting Seniors Should Spur President to Act

In this week’s Republican address, Rep. Bill Johnson (R-OH) calls on President Obama to help seniors who, because of his health care law, are paying higher premiums and losing the doctors they like and need.  “This transcends politics,” Johnson says, noting bipartisan pressure on the White House to do the right thing. “This is about keeping the promises we make to the American people.
CBS News“GOP rep.: Obamacare disrupting Medicare for seniors”
“If President Obama won't agree to scrap his health care reform law entirely, Rep. Bill Johnson, R-Ohio, said Saturday, the least he can do is provide targeted relief to senior citizens on Medicare Advantage who have watched their costs grow and their provider networks shrink under Obamacare.”
The Hill"GOP to Obama: Don’t break promises”
“In Saturday's GOP address, Rep. Bill Johnson (R­Ohio) said the proposed cuts would conflict with Obama's message that he does not want to get between people and their doctors.  … Earlier this week, a group of 200 House members sent a letter to Obama calling on him to keep the rates flat because the cuts are ‘inconsistent with our healthcare policy goals’ of improving care for seniors.  Fifty Democrats signed on to the letter.  ‘This is about keeping the promises we make to the American people,’ Johnson said.”
Steubenville Herald Star“Johnson gives GOP Saturday address”
“U.S. Rep. Bill Johnson, R­Marietta, who represents Eastern Ohio in the House of Representatives, delivered the Republican weekly radio address Saturday, saying Obamacare is devastating to senior citizens, restricting their access to their medical providers.  Johnson singled out the impact on those enrolled in the Medicare Advantage program who are paying higher premiums. … Johnson said many people have lost access to their physicians and more will lose access unless Obama acts. … Johnson delivered a message out of his district, recounting talking with a group of local doctors who said changes are sending more patients to Cleveland or Pittsburgh to receive care from specialists.”
ABC News Radio“GOP Weekly Address: Obamacare Means 'Thousands of Broken Promises'”
“In this week's Republican address, Rep. Bill Johnson of Ohio criticizes President's health care law for interfering with ‘people's relationships between them and their doctors.’  ‘Because of Obama Care, many seniors enrolled in the popular Medicare Advantage program are paying higher premiums and out-of-pocket costs,’ he says in the address. ‘Many are losing access to their physicians.’”
Newsmax“Rep. Bill Johnson: Obamacare's 'Broken Promises' Hurt Seniors”
“Older Americans are bearing the brunt of President Obama's 'broken promises' on healthcare — paying more and getting less because of the Affordable Care Act, Ohio Rep. Bill Johnson charged Saturday in the GOP weekly address. … Johnson said more than 794,000 seniors in Ohio rely on Medicare Advantage, and that four years ago, Obama promised his signature healthcare law would protect their benefits — allowing them to hold onto their plans and their doctors.”
VOA News: “In the Republican address, Congressman Bill Johnson from Ohio called on the president to protect senior citizens who he says are losing their long-term doctors because of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.”

The Washington Times: “In the weekly GOP address, Rep. Bill Johnson of Ohio said the law is having an adverse impact on older Americans.  ‘Because of Obamacare, many seniors enrolled in the popular Medicare Advantage program are paying higher premiums and out-of-pocket costs,’ he said. ‘Many are losing access to their physicians. And many more will, unless the president takes action.’”
Associated Press: “In the Republican address, Rep. Bill Johnson of Ohio says seniors deserve better than what Obama’s health care is delivering.  He says if Obama won’t help Republicans repeal the law, Obama should at least protect seniors.”

An Even Uglier KGB is Back From Oblivion… It sure looks like Vladimir Putin is the winner and Barack Obama is the loser in the latest skirmish between the United States and Russia.

Over the weekend, Putin organized a hasty vote and effectively annexed Crimea into Mother Russia. He's now reasserted the Russian Empire's power, and all of the nation states surrounding Russia are surely feeling the cold breeze blowing in from the Siberian Steppes.

Amazingly, the Crimeans who voted to rejoin Russia are the same people who voted 25 years ago to leave the Soviet Union. The difference is that, in those days, they could rely on U.S. leaders to keep their word.

Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons in exchange for a guarantee from Britain, the United States and Russia to protect their now-evaporating borders. But if the United States isn't prepared to live up to its treaties, it shouldn't sign them. Our word should be inviolate.

Since the Russian invasion took place, the United States has blustered a lot... but the only concrete steps it's taken include a few naval exercises in the Black Sea and the delivery of military pre-prepared meals. We sent Stalin better goodies when he was fighting Hitler.

Meanwhile, if I was living in Lithuania, Latvia, or Estonia, I would be figuring out how to emigrate. The KGB  masters are back, and they're as ugly as ever.

Could Weakness Lead to War?
This should surprise nobody who has been watching. Yet the three blind mice of American foreign policy - Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry - were foolish enough to try to "reset" relations with this aggressive rogue state.

Back on April 16, 2008, then-Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced that Russia was going to recognize the breakaway states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. These were provinces of the sovereign country of Georgia, just across the water and to the east of Crimea.

George W. Bush was president when Georgia was invaded, and the invasion became an issue in the campaign. Sarah Palin said at the time, "After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next."

She was unmercifully mocked by the Obama-loving press at the time, yet today the words ring as an early warning against Obama's feckless foreign policy.

And now, the problem we face is practically unsolvable. Obama has relentlessly chopped down the military budget. We're spending less as a percentage of our GDP on defense than at any other time since WWII.  Our Army is being shrunk to pre-WWII levels. Our nuclear deterrence has been practically eliminated.

And on top of that, our leadership has been much too weak when repeatedly presented with Putin's aggressions.

Obama needs to expose Putin, not allow him to lie at will and say he's invading to protect Russians from the fascist in Kiev. Putin doesn't even protect the Russians living in Russia. The Russian state has degenerated into a criminal enterprise. The KGB thugs and Putin's buddies have fleeced the country, stealing everything that isn't nailed down. By some accounts, Putin is the richest man on the globe, with billions in foreign bank accounts, while the people of Russia mostly live in grinding poverty.

Not to mention that the Russians living in Ukraine are the descendants of Russian families forced to move by the Communists. The Ukrainian population would be much larger if it wasn't for the mass starvation brought on by the Communist regime, or if Stalin hadn't exiled millions of Ukrainians to Siberia.

At this point, the United States has virtually no military options in Ukraine, and it's sad to see our defense capabilities degenerate to those of an also-ran. The entire theory of deterrence is to muster enough power that the bully doesn't want to mess with you. Instead, our president can't even deter Kim Jong-un, much less Vladimir Putin.

Time to go back to the drawing board... before Obama's weakness gets us in World War III.

Your eyes on the Hill,

Floyd Brown



“En mi opinión”    Lázaro R González Miño Editor.
Para contribuir con artículos, opiniones, sugerencias o recibir “En mi opinión”

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