Monday, March 3, 2014

No 607 :En mi opinion" Marzo 1, 2014

No 607    “En mi opinión”    Marzo 1, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
AMENPER: La Invasión Rusa a Ucrania
La invasión Rusa del poderoso ejercito Ruso a la pequeña república de Ucrania, es el resultado de la política exterior de la Administración de Obama y el descrédito de Estados Unidos en el mundo.
La presidencia de Obama, ha evitado regularmente enfrentar los problemas internacionales afirmando un significativo poder blando, particularmente en sus relaciones con tres países: Irán, Rusia y Egipto — donde podría haber hecho una diferencia no sólo para estos países sino para los intereses estadounidenses en el mundo.
Su reacción a los desafíos que estos países han planteado a los Estados Unidos sugiere que no es el poder blando lo que Obama pone en tapete pero lo que proyecta es el final del poder de los valores morales de América  en el mundo.
El concepto del Presidente Obama del poder blando curiosamente ha carecido de la cualidad que la ha hecho a los gobiernos de Estados Unidos más eficaces en el pasado — "La dimensión de valores".
Esto puede parecer extraño en el extranjero para un líder que fue visto en todo el mundo como un icono de la moralidad, conocida por el lema "la audacia de la esperanza" en su despliegue de retórica-
En la realidad, su gobierno prácticamente ha ignorado la dimensión de los valores de una manera que en vez de usar la competencia técnica de los Estados Unidos para afirmar agresivamente los ideales de libertad en iniciativas concretas de la democracia, ha suprimido los valores tradicionales.
La supresión de esta dimensión de valores representa el poder blando como un concepto vacío y al líder de los Estados Unidos como un cobarde o un complice..
Tropas de Cuba atacan a los ciudadanos de Venezuela pidiendo democracia para su país, bombarderos estratégicos rusos, mejor conocidos como Tu-160, los más grandes del mundo han llegado a Venezuela. Las declaraciones de Obama en cuanto a esto, brillan por su silencio.
Pero ¿Qué podemos esperar de Obama?
Cuando los iraníes salieron a las calles, como lo están haciendo ahora los venezolanos, Obama tuvo la oportunidad de elegir si  los Estados Unidos se asociaban con los manifestantes o preservar lo que parecía creer que era un posible canal de diálogo con Ahmadinejad sobre el programa nuclear de Irán que al final fue una farsa.
Durante varios días, el presidente estadounidense se negó deliberadamente a abrazar el movimiento de protesta  en las calles de Irán para protestar por una elección robada, las manifestaciones alcanzaron hasta 3 millones en Teherán solamente.
Sus declaraciones fueron,  "corresponde a los iraníes para tomar decisiones sobre quiénes serán los líderes de Irán. Respetamos la soberanía iraní y queremos  evitar que los Estados Unidos intervengan en la cuestiones dentro de Irán". El resultado fue el fortalecimiento de la dictadura Islámica de Irán.
Por eso su política ha fracasado en el medio oriente, ahora en un estado de desestabilización general.
Por eso Putin, el consejero de Obama se atreve a invadir a Ucrania.
Obama dijo durante su campaña en el 2009, que iba a restituir la imagen de los Estados Unidos como vaqueros del viejo oeste.
Extrañamos a los vaqueros, los indios nos tienen cercados.



Samitier: Que es Ucrania... La Verdad

Como Está Conformada Ucrania Después
De 300 Años de Dominación Rusa...
Además Ucrania Tiene 2 Idiomas Oficiales
Esa es la razón, por la cual Putín no tiene apuro.
La mayoría de Ucrania, Habla Ruso:
West: 5% and Center 25% Hablan Ucraniano
East Center 59%, East 92.7%, South 84.5% hablan Ruso

El Presidente Americano Woodow Wilson en 1919 Para Consolidar
El RÉGIMEN COMUNISTA DE LENIN... Forzó en el tratado de Versalles
Al Final del la Primera Guerra... que se le entregara Ucrania Y Bielorrusia
A Rusia Territorio que el tratado de paz con Alemania Habían Sido
Declaradas Independientes Y Libres...  por el Káiser Alemán...
Otro Papelazo De OBAMA La Señora Clinton Y Kerry...
Amenazando A Rusia... Sin Poder Hacer
NADA Han Hundieron A Ucrania Y Son
Los Responsables De Dividirla En Dos...
El Ajedrez Ruso Contra El Póker Americano...
Mientras que el mundo entero, se preocupaba por los acontecimientos en Kiev,
Putin, calladamente garantizó los intereses de Rusia en Crimea y estableció un
Gobierno De Facto Autónomo en Crimea.
Ya Ucrania Puede Olvidarse De Crimea.  
Donde Están Las Bases Rusas Por Los Últimos 300 Años.

Ahora, Putín solo tiene que esperar que la Unión Europea mantenga el Gobierno“DEMOCRÁTICO”
de toda Ucrania! a base de billetazos, Porque Europa No Tiene Ejércitos, Europa
Solo Tiene Aviones Y Barcos...

Rusia, No Necesita Ucrania, Solo Necesita Una Ucrania Desarmada!!
Yo estoy convencido, que Putín ya se lo dijo a la Merkel. Mientras que Ucrania se mantenga
desarmada y neutral a Putin, le da igual.

Si Ucrania trata de armarse o entrar en la OTAN, será invadida...Rusia, no puede permitir una
Ucrania armada!

Pero Ucrania Y Europa Si Necesitan El Petróleo Ruso.
Por lo tanto, Europa y Ucrania están obligados a negociar con Putín.  EXCEPTO el agitador

Entre todo esto, se mete Obama, que no tiene ningún interés en juego.
El único interés de los comunistas MUNDIALISTAS Americano es, debilitar a Rusia, que esta

Aparentemente Obama, Los Clinton y Kerry No SABEN que Hitler ataco a
Rusia Para llegar a controlar El PETRÓLEO...

El Petróleo Ahora Lo Tiene Putín  Lo que le da tiempo para estrangular Ucrania cuando
quiera, y si lo molestan les corta el Petróleo y el Gas.

Por eso, Putín se mantiene callado... No tiene que negociar, puede esperar y esperar y esperar.
Cada día que pasa Ucrania se hace mas y mas pobre y necesita mas y mas ayuda… de USA

Como Verán Putín Tiene La Mano Mas Fuerte En Este Asunto...
Las AMENAZAS DE OBAMA es un BLOF... Él mismo ha reducido
El ejercito... 
El Único éxito de Obama: Ha Logrado Que Estados Unidos No Sea
 Sin embargo, TERGIVERSA LA REALIDAD el NY Times apoyando y alabando a Obama:
¿Quien Aconseja A Los Senadores De USA?
Para mi debe de ser el Council on Foreign Relations… u otrasORGANIZACIONES SOCIALISTAS
PARTIDARIAS DEL gobierno mundial...
Desde que Putín les jodió su guerra en Siria, para que llegaran a PODER los MUSULMANES
TERRORISTAS... como habían hecho en Egipto...y LIBIA.... le tienen ganas a Putín.
Eso es claro!
Después de 13 años de guerra en Afganistán y 11 años en Iraq, el pueblo Americano está
cansado de guerras sin victorias!!
Los Assad llevan 40 años en el poder en Siria. Viviendo en PAZ CON ISRAEL... Sus vecinos,
Israel y Turquía y sus aliados no están interesados en eliminar a Assad.
Ellos son los que debían de hacerlo...¿Por qué no lo hacen?
Ahora, Los Senadores De USA, Quieren Otra Guerra Por Ucrania?  
¿Que interés tiene los EEUU en Ucrania??
Acaso son nuestros intereses más grandes, que los intereses de Europa???
Si alguien tiene que defender Ucrania, es Europa, que es su vecino!
Pero Europa, No Quiere Guerra Con Rusia.
Nuestros senadores que piden provocar una guerra en Ucrania, EN QUE
CARAJO PIENSAN... o mejor dicho.  ¿En Que Están Pensando?
Que Rusia Se Va A Quedar Con Los Brazos Cruzados, mientras le
cierran su salida al Mediterráneo que han tenido por 300 años??
Provocar una nueva guerra en Crimea, es una locura! ADEMÁS ¿CON QUE
CARAJO DE EJERCITO LO PIENSAN HACER? Cuando esos mismos senadores
Les han reducido el PRESUPUESTO...
No Me Explico Como Un Senador Puede Ser Tan Inconsciente?
Sabemos bien que Cruz y Rubio, no son tontos, por lo tanto, han sido comprados
Aquí, vean sus declaraciones a favor de un Gobierno Mundial:
“The United States should stand with Ukraine.”- Sen. Ted Cruz
Sen. Marco Rubio was more concise and direct, calling Vladimir Putin a tyrant. "The U.S.
cannot accept Russian aggression against a neighbor and United Nations member in
blatant violation of international law," Rubio said in a statement. "Tyrants like Vladimir
Putin may threaten and intimidate, but the clear arc of history favors people's universal
desire to be free."
Senadores Rubio Y Cruz… Hay Que Ser Primero Americanos
Constitucionalistas... y Seguir Los Consejos De Washington...
Hasta Ahora Los Senadores Opuestos a Obama No Tienen Un Solo Éxito
Con La Integración De Los Bancos…
Con El Obama Care y Las Grandes
Industrias... De Un Plumazo Puede
Cambiarse A Estados Unidos A Ser
Un Estado Comunista... Han Desaparecido el 9.5% De Los Bancos...
With the help of both the Democrats & Republicans, the NY Banking Cartel gets even bigger! The Big 5 now control >40% of the Deposits of the USA: 
And look how the share of small banks -- those with $10 billion or less in assets -- has cratered. Since the passage of Dodd-Frank in 2010, 650 small banks have closed or merged. That's 9.5% of the total. Most of their deposits seem to have gravitated to the five largest.
"If there is one sure trend in banking," our Chris Mayer said here three months ago, "this is it: There will be fewer and fewer banks. Higher regulatory costs are driving smaller banks to combine into bigger banks."
Cura suspendido por el vaticano…
No Se Trata De Un Cura Pedófilo!
Al contrario, se trata de un cura escocés, que
revela, que hay una mafia de curas maricones
en la iglesia de Roma
Si! A Este Cura, Si Lo Suspenden!
Una vez mas, vemos como la herarquia de la "iglesia"
que no suspende a los curas maricones,
que no castiga a los politicos que apoyan el aborto,
que no castiga a los sacerdotes comunistas
pero si castiga a un cura, que se atreve a decir la verdad!
Todos Conocemos La Devastación Creada
Por La Bomba Atómica...Pero Nadie Sabe
El Milagro Que Sucedió... Pues La Prensa
Anti-Dios Y Pro Homosexual Lo Ha Ocultado

AMENPER: Los homosexuales Religiosos.
¿Pueden haber homosexuales cristianos?  Claro que sí, cualquier pecador puede ser cristiano, de eso se trata el cristianismo, de que todos somos pecadores y el perdón está abierto a todos los que se arrepientan.
Pero eso del verdadero cristianismo, no las versiones de las diferentes instituciones, es una cuestión personal entre Dios y el pecador.  No importa lo que nos digan las instituciones, no es cristianismo si tiene que haber una tercera persona entre Dios y el individuo.
Por eso un homosexual puede ser cristiano,  es un pecador como yo, lo único que mi pecado es diferente al de él, si los dos nos arrepentimos  los dos somos perdonados porque para eso vino Cristo al mundo y eso es el Cristianismo.  Pero si el pecado no sólo lo mantenemos en nuestra vida repetidamente, sino que negamos que es pecado y lo proselitimamos, esa persona no puede considerarse  cristiana.   Eso los explicó Pablo en la Biblia, pedir perdón sin un verdadero arrepentimiento y deseo sincero de no hacerlo más, ese es el pecado que se perdona.  No puedes engañar a Dios.
Si quieres ser homosexual activo, date tu gusto, eres libre para ser lo que quieras pero no me digas que tengo que aceptar lo que haces como bueno. Por favor no me digas lo que tengo que creer, yo soy libre para creer lo que quiero.  No es sólo por cristiano, creo que por razones anatómicas el homosexualismo es una aberración, hay personas que disfrutan de las aberraciones los fetiches y hasta le gustan que los flagelen masoquisticamente.  Está bien para ellos pero a mí no me gusta y tengo el derecho a que no me guste.
En cuanto a lo de los homosexuales activos y activistas que se dicen cristianos o judíos o hasta musulmanes, creo que deben escoger otra religión o fundar una institución nueva de las muchas raras que hay, pero en los libros de las religiones de origen abrámicos en sus libros no puede estar más específico del hecho de que el homosexualismo es uno de los tantos pecados condenados por Dios por perjudicar a la especie humana.
Está claro en la Biblia,
1ª Corintios 6:9-10: “¿No sabéis que los injustos no heredarán el reino de Dios? No erréis; ni los fornicarios, ni los idólatras, ni los adúlteros, ni los afeminados, ni los que se echan con varones,”
Romanos 1:26-28: “Por esto Dios los entregó a pasiones vergonzosas; pues aún sus mujeres cambiaron el uso natural por el que es contra naturaleza, 27y de igual modo también los hombre, dejando el uso natural de la mujer, se encendieron en su lascivia unos con otros, cometiendo hechos vergonzosos hombres con hombres, y recibiendo en sí mismos la retribución debida a su extravío. 28Y como ellos no aprobaron  tener en cuenta a Dios, Dios los entregó a una mente reprobada, para hacer cosas que no convienen;”
Eso como Cristianos, ahora vean como piensa el judaismo.
"No te echarás con varón como con mujer, es abominación" (Lv 18,22).
"Si alguno se juntare con varón como con mujer, abominación hicieron; ambos han de ser muertos, sobre ellos será su sangre" (Lv 20,13).
Y no voy a hablar del Corán porque no quiero asustarles con el castigo obsceno y sangriento por diferentes orificios  que le van a imponer, no sólo en el otro mundo pero en este.

No puede estar más claro, no hay duda de ninguna clase.  Si consideran que la Biblia Cristiana no es la palabra de Dios, y el Talmud y el Corán tampoco, también tienen ese derecho, pero entonces no se llamen ni cristianos, ni siquiera judíos o musulmanes,  pueden ser semitas por raza pero no judíos o musulmanes, porque judíos son los que creen en el Talmud del judaísmo o el Corán del Islam.
 Tienen que empezar a buscar otro nombre.
Esto es lo que querían la mayor parte de los cristianos de Arizona, que los dejaran tener su creencia.  Pero no se puede culpar a la gobernadora de Arizona, la cual ha probado hasta la saciedad que es conservadora.  Hay que culpar a la actitud de los medios de publicidad que la acorralaron, al que culpar a los anunciantes y a los promotores del Super Bowl que la amenazaron con hacerle un boicot a Arizona y destruirla económicamente.
Esta es la lucha que tenemos los que no queremos ver la destrucción de los valores judeo-cristianos que hicieron grande a la sociedad americana.

Obama Changed the Country

The Country Changed
When Obama was elected the mood of the country changed
From serious to eclipsed polarity.
The hatred hidden,
The hostility in a cusp of shadow.
Divisiveness hung like a ripped flag above our heads
And our President aspired for his face
On a mug
But never on Mt. Rushmore.
 “North by Northwest,”
There is danger when our President tries to be Jimmy Hendrix
Rather than Gary Grant. 
The Liberals back Obama because they hate blacks
And don’t want to admit it.
They want to seem open-minded to hide their prejudice. 
The liberals are weak like a loose tooth in an alligator
That bites its own foot and finds his accomplishment floating
In the stream beside his reverse bias.

Progressives find themselves in car crashes on closed race tracks.
They don’t know how to drive straight.
They are what they want to believe when belief is deceptive oil.

SICK: NY Middle School Forces Girls to Ask for “Lesbian Kiss” and Pretend They’re On a Date

An anti-bullying presentation at a middle school in New York that focused on homosexuality and gender identity has angered parents after their daughters have come home to tell them they were forced to ask another girl for a kiss.
According to reports, the session occurred at a Linden Avenue Middle School in Red Hook, New York, near Poughkeepsie. A group of students from Bard College led two workshops for the youth, separated by gender.
During the workshop for girls, the 13 and 14-year-olds were told to ask one another for a lesbian kiss. They were also taught words such as “pansexual” and “genderqueer.”
Parent Mandy Coon told reporters that her daughter was very uncomfortable with the exercise.
“She told me, ‘Mom, we all get teased and picked on enough; now I’m going to be called a lesbian because I had to ask another girl if I could kiss her,’” she lamented. “They also picked two girls to stand in front of the class and pretend they were lesbians on a date.”
Coon stated that she was especially irate over the matter because parents were given no warning about the presentations, nor an opportunity to opt out. She is also dismayed that college students were granted the right to come into the classroom and encourage her daughter to be sexually active.
“I am furious,” she declared. “I am her parent. Where does anyone get the right to tell her that it’s okay for her to have sex?”
Read more: Christian News

The Priests that lived eight blocks away from ground zero in Hiroshima and miraculously survived Tom Miles.

As we are possibly on the verge of WWIII and after the recent discussions on the nuclear bombings of Catholic cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Freemason President Truman, I started thinking about the four German Jesuit Priests that lived eight blocks away from the Shima Hospital (ground zero) in Hiroshima. The four Priests lived in the Jesuit rectory next door to the the Roman Catholic Church, “Our Lady’s Assumption”.  The rectory was the only surviving wooden structure that survived the blast in the immediate area of the atomic bomb “Little Boy” on August 6th, 1945.  These four surviving missionaries were “living” the Fatima Message and praying the rosary every day.  The four priests were; Father Hugo Lassalle, S.J. [b. in Germany in 1898 - d. 1990] Superior of the Rectory and Church, Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge, S.J. [b. in Germany in 1907  - d. on November 17, 1977], Father Hubert Cieslik, S.J., and Father Hubert Schiffer, S.J..
Father Schiffer, S.J. could not understand how, IF not through the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima, because of their daily recitation of the Holy Rosary, they could have survived the extreme temperatures and pressure surges produced by the Atom bomb, let alone the radiation. Nine days later, on the Feast Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, Wednesday, August 15, 1945, the military of the United States in that region were ordered to cease fire.  From the survivors of a fifteen-kilometer radius, the Jesuits were the only people who, after fifteen years, were still alive. All the rest had died due to radiation exposure. At the time of the detonation and radiation fall-out, the Jesuits converted their Novitiate at Nagatsuka, a suburb by the mountains near Hiroshima, into a makeshift hospital and managed to care for two hundred severely burnt and scarred people.
This story reminds me of Daniel Chapter 3, of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who were sent into a blazing furnace because of their stand to exclusively serve their God alone. King Nebuchadnezzar II, of Babylon, built a nine-story high statue, made of gold.  When the project was complete, he prepared a dedication ceremony to this image, ordering all surrounding inhabitants to bow down and worship it. The consequence for not worshiping the idol, upon hearing the cue of instruments, was execution in a fiery furnace.  By God’s angel, they were delivered out of harm’s way from this order of execution by the King of Babylon.  The four Jesuit Priests also endured the fires of the atomic furnace by standing up for their God and denying to worship anything the Freemason Truman was forcing on them and their country. The faith of these four Priests was testament of their survival after the rumors of war loomed over head.
Here some more previous Freemason Presidents that have brought the world to where it is today:
(1) Washington, George 1732-1799
(3) Jefferson, Thomas 1743-1826
(4) Madison, James 1751-1836
(5) Monroe, James 1758-1831
(7) Jackson, Andrew 1767-1845
(11) Polk, James Knox 1795-1849
(15) Buchanan, James 1791-1868
(17) Johnson, Andrew 1808-1875
(20) Garfield, James Abram 1831-1881
(25) McKinley, William 1843-1901
(26) Roosevelt, Theodore 1858-1919
(27) Taft, William Howard 1857-1930
(29) Harding, Warren Gamaliel 1865-1923
(32) Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 1882-1945
(33) Truman, Harry S. 1884-1972
Ecclesiastes 9:18; Better is wisdom, than weapons of war: and he that shall offend in one, shall lose many good things.
Matthew 24:6; And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars. See that ye be not troubled. For these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.


AMENPER: Lourdes D'Kendall y Armando Pérez Roura.
Hay personas disgustadas en la radio en español porque quitaron en Radio Mambí a las 9 AM el programa de Pérez Roura para poner el de Lourdes D´Kendall por dos horas.
El programa de Lourdes D´Kendall es el único programa de la radio en español que oigo por su trayectoria conservadora orientada no sólo a Cuba pero primordialmente a la política en Estados Unidos..
Tengo una gran admiración y agradecimiento por Pérez Roura. 
Cuando en los años 70 al consolidarse el régimen comunista en Cuba y en la mayor parte de Europa, mucho antes de la caída del muro de Berlín, nosotros nos sentíamos derrotados y no queríamos ni pensar más en Cuba, Pérez Roura, Agustín Tamargo y unos cuantos "intransigentes" mantuvieron viva la antorcha de Cuba en el exilio.
Esto es algo que hay que respetar, admirar y agradecer.
Pero en esta época hay que determinar las prioridades a los problemas que tenemos como Cubanos y como americanos..
Aunque la lucha contra los Castro debe de estar presente, no debe de tener la prioridad de la lucha en el suelo americano.  No que abandonemos nuestro amor a Cuba ni nuestra ayuda a los que luchan en Cuba por la libertad, pero es que servimos mejor a Cuba, evitando que en los Estados Unidos se implante el comunismo.
Si se mantiene el camino al comunismo en los Estados Unidos, nunca se podrá recuperar Cuba ni ningún país de Latinoamérica.  Debemos prestarle la ayuda a los que luchan en Cuba, pero así como la prioridad de ellos es luchar en Cuba contra el comunismo, nuestra prioridad es luchar en los Estados Unidos contra el comunismo.
Un ejemplo reciente fue el discurso a favor de Cuba de Tom Harkin, el senador demócrata de Iowa, que fue contestado por Marco Rubio en el pleno del Senado.
Esto representa el cómo al involucradnos en la política de los  Estados Unidos, estamos ayudando a Cuba.
Si Harkin no hubiera sido elegido como senador por los votantes de Iowa, no hubiera pronunciado el discurso en el Senado a favor del comunismo en Cuba, y si no se hubiera elegido a Marco Rubio por los votantes de la Florida, no importa lo mucho que hubiera gritado Pérez Roura en Radio Mambí, nadie hubiera oído en Iowa o más allá de Broward la respuesta a Harkin por Pérez Roura.
La política nacional de Estados Unidos nos debe interesar si queremos evitar la consolidación del comunismo del siglo XXI en todo el mundo.  No es cuestión de interés personal, es un deber para la poder mantener la supervivencia del mundo libre.
Por eso es importante una comunicadora conservadora como Lourdes D´Kendall que nos mantiene al tanto de la política nacional de los Estados Unidos.  No es que no toque los temas de Cuba, Venezuela u otro lugar donde haya lucha contra el comunismo, pero la prioridad es los Estados Unidos.  
Los Estados Unidos es la última frontera de la economía del mercado.  Las noticias de Venezuela ayudan sin lugar a dudas, y ayudan por la relación Cuba-Venezuela, han ayudado a las elecciones de Bolivia y Ecuador, y esperamos que ayude a las elecciones del domingo 9 en el Salvador, todo es parte de la lucha contra el comunismo, la cual es global, y es el deber de los demócratas del mundo luchar contra el comunismo en el país donde residen. Lo de Cuba es sólo parte y aunque tenemos que ayudarlos, como tenemos que ayudar a los Venezolanos, es primordial para los Cubanos que viven en el exilio luchar contra el comunismo en el país que residimos, este es nuestro primer deber mientras vivamos aquí.  Nos dicen que los políticos son sucios y que ninguno ha ayudado a la libertad de Cuba.  Ajeno al hecho de que un político americano fue electo por el pueblo americano para gobernar a América, no para la libertad de Cuba, por esta razón, es todavía más importante para nosotros elegir con nuestro voto personas conservadoras, que con sus principios anticomunistas ayuden a  los Estados Unidos y al mundo, incluyendo a Cuba, contra el peligro que nos asecha con el resurgimiento de la filosofía comunista.
Lo primordial para nosotros es que el país generador de la economía de mercado el crucero de la libertad y la democracia que es los Estados Unidos no pierda el ancla y se vaya a la deriva.  Si esto pasa no habrá nunca libertad en Cuba, ni en ningún país de Latinoamérica.
Por eso es importante que Lourdes D´Kendall tenga dos horas en la radio en español. 

SAMITIER: La Campaña está dirigida contra la Iglesia Católica

Como Pienso Que Usted Es Una Persona
Honrada... Espero Que Reconozca Que La
Campaña Contra Los Curas Pedófilos...
En Realidad Es Una Campaña Contra La
Iglesia Católica Por Las Siguientes Razones:
En los EE.UU., casi un millar de sacerdotes han sido
acusado de abuso sexual contra menores de edad,
y sólo alrededor de  CINCUENTA fueron declarados
culpables. Mientras tanto, la GRAN MAYORÍA de los
PEDÓFILOS acusados, que suman más de SEIS MIL
DE LAS ARTES y la TELEVISIÓN... la mayoría de ellos
casados​​... Inclusive que yo sepa uno en Miami; lleva
más de 3 años suspendido y cobrando Su sueldo de
Maestro de una escuela Publica... protegido por el
Sindicato... y no es NOTICIA...  
¿No es eso un ESCÁNDALO y una perfecta noticia
para los medios de comunicación? Entonces como
se puede explicar... ¿Por qué casi no se habla de
eso?  No queda duda que al parecer, los medios
controlados por los PRO-HOMOSEXUALES no tienen
intenciones de proteger a los niños y jóvenes... su
VERDADERO INTERÉS es destruir la Iglesia CATÓLICA.
Si sus intenciones fueran honestos, ellos primero
Atacarían MAS SEVERAMENTE a los que cometen
el mayor número de este tipo de delitos... que son
los profesores LAICOS de las ESCUELAS... 
La Falta de NOTICIAS es otro ÉXITO de los homosexuales

Un cubano exiliado en Oregón al FRENTE DE LA LUCHA contra EL COMUNISMO EN USA

  Un Cubano exiliado Es Aplaudido Por Estar Contra
Los Legisladores De Oregón Defendiendo El Derecho
A Portar Armas

No dejen de ver como los exiliados DONDE QUIERA QUE ESTAMOS hacemos la DIFERENCIA...
Esta es su primera intervención  
Esta es su segunda intervención:

La Funesta Politica De Obama

El Escogido Por Los Partidarios Del Gobierno Mundial
Para Ser Presidente de USA... Un Agitador De Barrio
“Llamado Obama” En 5 Años Solo Tiene Un Éxito
Internacional... Consiguió Un Premio Nobel De La
Paz  El Cual Le Dieron “Por Sus Buenas Intenciones”
Después No Ha Logrado Un Solo Éxito... Al Contrario
Solo Son Fracasos...
El Ultimo Fracaso Es La División De Ucrania...
Que Acaba De Comenzar...

When You Hear “Bitcoins,” Think “Mt. Gox.” Written by Gary North 

Mt. Gox is gone. Bankrupt. It took $473 million with it. About a million investors listened to the hype about the “untraceable money of the future,” and they turned real money over to some 25-year-old French kid — a programmer who lived in Japan. They gave him real money. He gave them a dream.
Goodbye dream.
Mt. Gox’s founders were going to get rich — “Rich, I tell you! Rich! Hahahaha!” They had a plan. You can read it here.
Goodbye plan.
My mind drifts back to the 1960′s.
Where have all the bitcoins gone, long time passing?
Where have all the bitcoins gone, long time ago?
Where have all the bitcoins gone?
Bad code swallowed every one.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they . . . ever learn?
Here is the #1 fact about bitcoins: there are no bitcoins independent of unknown, underfunded “exchanges.” Mt. Gox was such an exchange. It was the biggest one, the most trusted one, the one Americans used.
No one can buy bitcoins that exist as separate entities, the way that a $20 bill does. People who thought they were buying bitcoins from Mt. Gox were not buying bitcoins at all. They were buying Goxcoins.
Never forget this: a chain of payments can be broken at any point along the chain. The payments chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
Think “Mt. Gox.”
First, I now refuse to capitalize bitcoins. That which de-capitalizes its users should not be capitalized. Then there is this: for as long as its defenders do capitalize it, it is not currency. We do not capitalize dollar, yen, or euro, because they are money. We capitalize proprietary brands. We capitalize Charmin. We capitalize Drano. But that which is universally used, we no not capitalize. We capitalize Krugerrand. We do not capitalize gold.
Second, economists do not defend bitcoins as a future worldwide currency. There is no worldwide currency today. Gold once served this purpose. So did silver in the form of Spanish pieces of eight. But nothing else has.
Third, libertarian programmers think bitcoins will become the world’s first digital international currency, a stand-alone monetary system that is separate from commercial banking and central banking, a system where people will be able to buy and sell whatever they want, but without ever accessing a government-regulated bank account. Programmers do not understand either monetary theory or markets. Bitcoins are a dream come true for them, and they have adopted bitcoins as a representative dream.
(For the rest of my article, clink the link.)

100 Mistakes, Misstatements and Missteps In Obama’s First 100 Days
Undermining Our Values
1. Calling for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act on the White House website.
2. Listing on the White House website a call for the expansion of federal hate crimes to include homosexual behavior.
3. Calling on the White House website for policies like the “Fairness Doctrine” that could silence conservative and Christian talk radio.
4. Repealing limitations on taxpayer-funding of human embryonic stem cell research.
5. Repealing limitations on taxpayer-funding of abortions overseas.
6. Pledging $50 million to the United Nation’s Population Fund, which supports China’s draconian one-child policy.
7. Proposing new rules to gut conscience clause protections for pro-life doctors and other medical personnel who don’t want to be forced to perform
abortions or other procedures that violate their values.
8. Proposing increased funding for the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.
9. Calling on the White House website for “a goal that all middle and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year,” (mandatory
10. Inviting homosexual families to the White House Easter Egg Roll.
11. Allowing his attorney general to call for the reinstatement of Clinton-era restrictions on the Second Amendment.
12. Breaking his promise not to appoint lobbyists to his administration. He hired 17 in his first two weeks.
13. Breaking his promise to sign legislation only after a five-day period of public comments.
14. Asking that the monogram for Jesus Christ be covered up during a televised speech at a Catholic university in which Obama quotes the Sermon on
the Mount.
Undermining Our National Security
15. Apologizing for America in Europe and Latin America.
16. Bowing before the Muslim king of Saudi Arabia.
17. Pledging to base America’s foreign policy toward Iran on “mutual respect” in a video to the Iranian people and Iran’s Holocaust-denying dictator.
18. Returning the bust of Winston Churchill given to George Bush after 9/11 by our British allies.
19. Giving British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the leader of America’s most loyal ally, a box of DVDs that don’t work in British DVD players.
20. Ordering Guantanamo Bay closed without any idea of where to send the terrorist suspects held there.
21. Suggesting that some of those terrorists now at GITMO may kill again, but may also be released onto U.S. soil and set up with welfare benefits.
22. Caving to communist Cuba by relaxing travel restrictions and remittances for Cuban Americans before any Cuban political prisoners have been
23. Shaking hands with Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.
24. Sitting silently though a 50-minute anti-American diatribe by Nicaragua’s communist president, Daniel Ortega.
25. Releasing Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the suspected mastermind of the 2000 suicide bombing of the U.S.S. Cole.
26. Releasing classified CIA memos outlining our interrogation techniques.
27. Telling our CIA agents not to be discouraged when he acknowledges their “mistakes.”
28. Declaring a new openness to “truth commissions” and prosecuting intelligence officials involved in enhanced interrogations of terrorists.
29. Proposing to send a $900 million foreign aid package to Palestinians in Gaza.
30. Asking Congress to relax the law so that some of that money could go to the terrorist organization Hamas.
31. Calling for the U.S. to eliminate its nuclear weapons.
32. Telling Russian President Demitri Medvedev that America’s commitment to missile defense is negotiable.
33. Dropping the term “enemy combatants” for GITMO detainees.
34. Dropping the term “terrorism” for “man-made disaster.”
35. Dropping the term “Global War on Terror” for “overseas contingency operations.”
36. Giving his first interview as president to the Arab language network Al-Arabiya.
37. Telling the Muslim world that his “job” was to communicate “that the Americans are not your enemy,” when it’s Muslim extremists who have declared
war on us.
38. Proposing that military veterans use private insurance for the cost of a service-related injury before they would be eligible for coverage through the
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Undermining Free Enterprise
39. Signing the trillion-dollar plus so-called “stimulus” bill, which the Congressional Budget Office said would actually hurt long-term economic growth.
40. Saying Caterpillar wouldn’t lay off workers if his trillion-dollar stimulus bill passed Congress. Obama signed the bill on Feb. 17th. On March 17th,
Caterpillar laid off nearly 2,500 workers.
41. Hosting a “Fiscal Responsibility Summit” one week after signing the trillion-dollar “stimulus” bill.
42. Railing against “outrageous recklessness and greed” of AIG bonuses that were legally protected in the so-called “stimulus” bill he signed four days
after it passed, not five as he promised.
43. Breaking his promise on earmark reform by signing the $410 billion “omnibus” spending bill with billions in earmarks.
44. Proposing a $3.6 trillion budget that doubles the national debt in five years and triples it in ten years.
45. Proposing a “carbon cap and trade” scheme that will raise energy taxes by hundreds of billions, even trillions, of dollars.
46. Burning more than 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to fly to Iowa for Earth Day to promote “wind power.”
47. Proposing $634 billion in higher taxes for socialized health care.
48. Proposing to raise taxes on small business owners.
49. Saying the White House is open to the idea of taxing employer-sponsored health care benefits as income.
50. Signing a massive expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, calling it “a down payment on my commitment to cover every single
51. Establishing the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research to give bureaucrats the power to ration health care and tell
your doctors what care you can and cannot have.
52. Signing the 2009 Omnibus Public Land Management Act, which the Sierra Club praised specifically because it “will safeguard millions of acres …
from oil and gas leasing.”
53. Suggesting he has found $1.5 trillion in bogus “savings” by not spending money in Iraq that we were not planning to spend years from now.
54. Ordering his Cabinet to “cut” $100 million in spending in 90 days, after proposing nearly $5 trillion in spending in his first 90 days.
55. Proposing to limit tax deductions for home mortgage interest.
56. Proposing to limit tax deductions for charitable donations.
57. Refusing to allow banks to repay TARP money.
58. Bailing out AMTRAK with a 10% increase in its taxpayer subsidies.
59. Bailing out the United Auto Workers Union with billions of taxpayer dollars to GM and Chrysler.
60. Bailing out the United Auto Workers by giving it a majority ownership stake in Chrysler. Yes, the union will own the company.
61. Bailing out Big Labor by issuing an executive order mandating that infrastructure projects paid for with “stimulus” funds must use union labor,
guaranteeing higher costs for the taxpayer.
62. Bailing out Big Labor again by repealing regulations requiring the disclosure of how union dues are spent. So much for “transparency.”
63. Saying, “The United States government has no interest in running GM,” then vowing that the government will back auto warranties.
64. Saying, “The United States government has no interest in running GM,” then firing the CEO of General Motors.
65. Allowing states to set their own fuel efficiency and emissions standards, making it harder for struggling auto makers to compete.
Personnel Is Policy
66. Nominating Timothy “The Turbo Tax Evader” Geithner as Treasury Secretary to oversee the IRS.
67. Nominating as attorney general Eric Holder, who urged Bill Clinton to pardon tax evader Marc Rich and 8 FALN terrorists.
68. Nominating David Ogden, a prominent attorney for the pornography industry, to be Deputy Attorney General.
69. Nominating Tom Daschle, who owed more than $140,000 in back taxes, as Health and Human Services Secretary.
70. Nominating Kathleen Sebelius, who is ardently pro-abortion and owed $8,000 in back taxes, to be HHS Secretary.
71. Nominating Janet Napolitano, who said, “crossing the border is not a crime per se,” as Homeland Security Secretary.
72. Nominating Steven Chu as Energy Secretary. Last September, Chu said, “Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the
levels in Europe,” which at that time were roughly $8.00 a gallon.
73. Nominating Ron Kirk, who owed more than $6,000 in back taxes, as Trade Representative.
74. Nominating Bill Richardson, who was embroiled in an ethics scandal, as Secretary of Commerce.
75. Nominating Nancy Killefer, who also owed back taxes, to be the government’s “Efficiency Czar.”
76. Nominating Rosa Brooks, a leftwing acolyte of George Soros, as an advisor to the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy.
77. Nominating Harold Koh, an ardent supporter of using international law in the interpretation of our Constitution, to be the top legal advisor to the State
78. Nominating Carol Browner, who was a member of the Socialist International, to be “Climate and Energy Czar.”
79. Nominating John Holdren, an environmental extremist and advocate of population control, as the White House Science Advisor.
80. Nominating Dawn Johnsen, who is so pro-abortion she once compared pregnancy to slavery, to direct the Office of Legal Counsel at the Justice
81. Nominating Charles Freeman, an anti-Israel, pro-Arab apologist, to be head of the National Intelligence Council.
82. Nominating Tony West, who represented American Taliban John Walker Lindh and exposed the Bush Administration’s terrorist surveillance program,
to the Justice Department’s Civil Division.
83. Nominating Annette Nazareth to be Deputy Treasury Secretary, who withdrew after a month-long probe into her taxes.
84. Trying to nominate pro-abortion Catholics to be ambassador to the Vatican, a move even John Kerry opposed.
85. Appointing Ellen Moran of the pro-abortion group Emily’s List as his White House communications director.
86. Appointing Melody Barnes, a board member of Emily’s List and Planned Parenthood, as his director of the Domestic Policy Council.
87. Appointing Harry Knox of the Human Rights Campaign (the largest homosexual rights lobbying group) to the White House’s Faith Based Advisory
88. Appointing Adolfo Carrion as Director of White House Office of Urban Affairs, even though he is under investigation for kickbacks in a scandal nearly
identical to one that cost GOP Senator Ted Stevens his election.
89. Nominating David Hamilton as his first appointment to a federal appeals court. Judge Hamilton has issued a number of controversial rulings,
including prohibiting the Indiana House of Representatives from opening sessions with prayers in the name of Jesus.
Other Obama Outrages
90. Telling congressional Republicans to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.
91. Coordinating attacks on Rush Limbaugh, Rick Santelli and Jim Cramer out of the White House.
92. Hosting weekly parties at the White House, serving up $100-a-pound Waygu beef during what Obama called, “the worst financial crisis since the
Great Depression.”
93. Laughing it up on 60 Minutes as the country is mired in a recession.
94. Allowing Air Force One to buzz the Statue of Liberty and lower Manhattan, creating panic in New York City.
95. Disparaging Special Olympians on the Tonight Show.
96. Allowing his Department of Homeland Security to issue a report accusing pro-life, smaller government conservatives and returning Iraq/Afghanistan
veterans of being “rightwing extremists.”
97. Promising to push for comprehensive immigration reform, i.e., amnesty.
98. Killing the school voucher program in the District of Columbia, while sending his two daughters to an elite private school, rather than D.C.’s public
99. Moving the Census out of the Department of Commerce and into the White House.
100. Relying too much on his teleprompter.

2014: The Year Obama And The Democrats Pay For Mistakes? by Sam Rolley  

From the revelations of National Security Agency spying to the government shutdown, the first year of President Barack Obama’s second term brought endless political quarreling and scandal and illustrated the massive disconnect between Washington and Main Street. In 2014, the Administration could be forced to reap what it has sewn.
The Administration pushed fervently for new gun control laws, only to be met with harsh populist resistance. The result was the Senate’s rejection of what would have been one of the most sweeping gun control packages passed in more than two decades. Some vulnerable Democratic lawmakers backed down, others have answered — or will have to answer — to voters.
For part of 2013, the Administration’s lies with regard to the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and news that the Internal Revenue Service unfairly targeted conservative groups garnered many headlines after the Obama Administration successfully stymied conversations about the issues until the President was safely re-seated in the White House. There are still many unanswered questions about the controversy — though The New York Times sought to soften the edge of the Benghazi story this week with a piece which contradicts its previous reports.
Edward Snowden’s NSA leaks heightened public concern from both conservatives and progressives about government intrusions into Americans’ privacy. Opponents of the agency’s actions have called on the President and Congress to increase oversight and transparency of the spy programs. But with each new headline, news about the NSA seems to get continuously worse.
When Congress failed to reach an agreement to fund government operations as Republicans sought spending cuts or a delay to Obamacare, the Federal government was shut down on Oct. 1. What followed was a pathetic attempt by government to make it appear as though the brief shutdown affected every American in a major way. Officials attempted to accomplish this by barricading national parks and monuments, shutting down some roads, temporarily taking some Federal website offline and keeping elderly veterans from visiting war memorials at the Nation’s capital. Some critics estimate that the government actually spent more money making a point for the duration of the shutdown than it would have had it not taken any of the aforementioned actions.
Republicans were unsuccessful in delaying Obamacare. But when the Federal healthcare website (miraculously unaffected by the shutdown) was booted up, Obamacare delayed itself. Riddled with errors and unable to accommodate more than a few users at a time, the website turned out to be a multimillion-dollar illustration of government incompetence.
More bad news came for the Administration as kinks were worked out of the Obamacare site. Millions of Americas lost their health insurance due to new standards and found that the President’s “if you like your plan, you can keep it” promise was a lie. Furthermore, plans offered through the Affordable Care Act turned out to be unaffordable for many people.
This year has the potential to be one of political retribution, but only if the sins of 2013 are not easily forgotten by American voters.
Looking ahead to the midterm elections set to take place in the fall, Republicans have a pretty decent chance of regaining control of the Senate. The GOP needs only six seats; and seven of the most vulnerable seats belong to Democrats in Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, Montana, North Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia.
Expect not only a battle between Democrats and the GOP, but also a continuation of the battle for the soul of the Republican Party. Establishment Republicans have become increasingly vocal in their disdain for libertarian-leaning members of the party who would rather halt the wheels of government than wheel and deal with Democrats.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently announced that it plans to throw money behind establishment Republicans who are facing Tea Party primary challengers. Some early showdowns to keep an eye on include the March 4 primary fight between John Cornyn and Representative Steve Stockman in Texas as well as the Kentucky fight between Mitch McConnell and Tea Party-backed Matt Bevin.
Even though it seems like the last Presidential election is just behind us, 2014 will also be the year that Americans hear more serious chatter about possible 2016 Presidential contenders. A CNN poll recently suggested that there may be some voter excitement for a Hillary Clinton/Chris Christie showdown. But there is still plenty of conservative hope for a Rand Paul or Ted Cruz GOP ticket in 2014. The political moves that potential candidates make in the coming year will largely determine their Presidential viability.
Overall, 2014 should be a pretty exciting political year with the potential for major conservative shake-ups akin to the Tea Party explosion in 2010. But that depends on whether Americans continue to seek answers for the various scandals and failures that came out of Washington in 2013.

Make Mistakes. Admit Them. Try Again.

President Obama knows what mistakes he made in 2013. Why is he so afraid to own up to them?

Presidents aren’t allowed to admit mistakes in public. So when President Obama was asked during his news conference today what mistake he had committed in the last year, he gave a mushy answer. George W. Bush had trouble with the same question. President Obama answered at greater length than Bush—580 words!—but with the same lack of substance. He talked about his health care website and how lines of communication were blurry and the procurement process wasn’t very good. Those are problems, not mistakes, and certainly not mistakes he made.
John Dickerson is Slate's chief political correspondent and author of On Her Trail. Read his series on the presidencyand on risk. Follow him onTwitter.
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Politically it’s understandable why presidents don’t admit mistakes. Why give your enemies a weapon? They’ve already got plenty, and if you’re candid about mistakes, you just give them a bigger one. Still, it’s a shame. A central challenge for any president is whether he can accurately assess reality, recognize what is working and what isn’t, and then make changes. What’s tantalizing and frustrating about Obama is that he certainly appears to know that he made mistakes, he just doesn’t want to tell us, or tell us what he learned from them. Obama has added more staff recently in apparent recognition that he has problems, but he won’t let us in on the thinking behind the moves.
Adaptation is required of any high-performing executive. If you take risks, you often fail. Trial and error is a powerful way to solve problems. To succeed you’ve got to be able to iterate and move on. One of the qualities for which Ben Bernanke is being heralded as he finishes his tenure at the Fed is his ability to think creatively when all options seemed foreclosed.  
Presidents used to be open about the certainty of failing and adapting. FDR talked about “bold, persistent experimentation.” But presidents are encased in flattery, sycophancy, and groupthink. Most of us know when we’ve made a mistake; a president has lots of people trying to fool him. But at the same time, a president is criticized for every tiny thing, sometimes beyond all reason. So a president and his staff must also ignore a lot of stupid criticism or they’d never get anything done.
Asked about his tough year, President Obama explained that he had his head down and he was focused. “As long as I've got an opportunity every single day to make sure that in ways large and small I'm creating greater opportunity for people … I'll take it.” He’s grinding away despite the low poll numbers and the second-guessing.
Top Comment
I literally don't see your point at all. The president admitted he was at fault, accepted responsibility, and explained what he is changing with respect to solving both the current problem and similar ones going forward.  More...
-Chad Brick
Almost every presidential decision can fail. No call is easy. This is why George W. Bush famously said he didn’t look back. Every single decision can be second-guessed. But President Obama also boasted about a trait that Bush never admitted to. “It's not that I don't engage in a lot of self-reflection here. I promise you,” he said in response to a question by ABC’s Jonathan Karl. “I probably beat myself up, you know, even worse that you or Ed Henry does on any given day.”
But if the president is engaging in that kind of self-reflection, he’s not letting us in on the conclusions. His administration, which like many before it is insular and prizes loyalty, shows no particular outward signs of the persistent adaptation that might flow from self-reflection. So is the president just being coy for political reasons, or is his self-reflection actually self-delusion? When Bush wasn’t able to answer whether he had made any mistakes, it was seen as a demonstration that he lacked the ability to evaluate his own performance. President Obama says he is constantly engaged in self-evaluation, but whether his findings are valid and he’s putting them to good use is something we’ll have to just take on faith. We’ll have to wait until next year to see if anything really has changed.

We will protest infront of the white house and the congress
  Washington DC. On May 26 2014, “Memorial Day” .
 “STOP” obama and the congress “STOP”
Are you be one of us to ask?
Washington DC . USA at 6 AM on May 26, 2014
“Don’t be upset be even”
More information to:,
Sostenemos como evidentes por sí mismas dichas verdades: que todos los hombres son creados iguales; que son dotados por su Creador de ciertos derechos inalienables; que entre estos están la vida, la libertad y la búsqueda de la felicidad; que para garantizar estos derechos se instituyen entre los hombres los gobiernos, que derivan sus poderes legítimos del consentimiento de los gobernados; que cuando quiera que una forma de gobierno se vuelva destructora de estos principios, el pueblo tiene derecho a reformarla o abolirla, e instituir un nuevo gobierno que base sus cimientos en dichos principios, y que organice sus poderes en forma tal que a ellos les parezca más probable que genere su seguridad y felicidad.


“En mi opinión”    Lázaro R González Miño Editor.
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