Friday, March 7, 2014

No 612 "En mi opinion" Marzo 7, 2014

No 612    “En mi opinión”    Marzo 7, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor


Juicio político a Barack Hussein Obama, Presidente de los Estados Unidos, por altos crímenes y delitos menores.
Se resuelve, que Barack Hussein Obama, Presidente de los Estados Unidos, está acusado de graves crímenes y delitos y que los siguientes artículos de la acusación se expondrán al senado de Estados Unidos:
Artículos de la acusación exhibidos por la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos de América en nombre de sí mismo y del pueblo de los Estados Unidos de América, en contra de Barack Hussein Obama, Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, en el mantenimiento y apoyo de su juicio político en su contra por altos crímenes y delitos menores.
artículo I
En su conducta mientras que el presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Hussein Obama, en violación de su juramento constitucional de ejecutar fielmente el cargo de Presidente de los Estados Unidos y, en la medida de su capacidad , preservar, proteger y defender la Constitución de los Estados Unidos, y en violación de su deber constitucional de velar por que las leyes se ejecuten fielmente , ha corrompido y manipulado al Poder Ejecutivo para aumentar su poder y destruir el equilibrio de poderes entre las tres ramas del gobierno que está establecido en la Constitución de intencionalmente los Estados Unidos .
Los medios utilizados para implementar este tipo de conducta o plan incluyen uno o más de los siguientes actos :
( 1 ) Poco después de prestar juramento para su primer mandato como presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Hussein Obama comenzó la creación de nuevos departamentos y la designación de los zares para supervisar estos departamentos. Estos zares nunca se presentaron al Senado de los Estados Unidos para su aprobación como lo exige el artículo 2, Sección 2 de la Constitución. Además, estos zares y los departamentos tienen presupuestos que no están sujetos a ser controlado por el Congreso como establece el artículo 1 , Sección 8 de la Constitución. También hizo nombramientos en receso cuando el Senado no estaba en el recreo y estos nombramientos fueron golpeados por el Tribunal Supremo.
( 2 ) El artículo 2, Sección 3 de los mandatos de la Constitución que el Presidente de los Estados Unidos " cuidará de que las leyes se ejecutarán fielmente ... " Barack Hussein Obama, en violación de su juramento del cargo ha ignorado en repetidas ocasiones este mandato Constitucional , al negarse para hacer cumplir las leyes contra la inmigración ilegal , la defensa en los tribunales de la Ley de Defensa del Matrimonio ( DOMA ) , y se niega a cumplir las leyes federales de votación.
( 3 ) El artículo 1 de la Constitución establece la rama legislativa del gobierno de EE.UU. y establece las facultades del Senado y la Cámara de Representantes para hacer leyes . Estas competencias son exclusivas y la Constitución no otorga al Presidente el poder de hacer bien las leyes o modificarlas por su cuenta. Barack Hussein Obama ha ignorado estas disposiciones y hecho o modificado las leyes , ya sea la emisión de órdenes ejecutivas inconstitucionales o instruir a los departamentos gubernamentales a que adopten las acciones ilegales e inconstitucionales . Las acciones específicas incluyen , pero no se limitan necesariamente a :
1 . A. Solicitud de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental para implementar partes de la factura de Cap & Trade de que no fue aprobada en el Senado de EE.UU. .
2 . B. El ordenar la ejecución de partes del " Dream Act " que no lograron pasar en el Congreso.
3 . C. La orquestación de una toma de posesión del gobierno de una parte importante de la industria del automóvil en 2009 .
4 . D. Solicitud de un moratoria a nuevas exploraciones de petróleo y gas y la producción sin la aprobación del Congreso.
5 . E. La firma de una Orden Ejecutiva en 16 de marzo 2012 dándose a sí mismo y al Poder Ejecutivo facultades extraordinarias para controlar y asignar recursos , como alimentos, agua, energía y recursos de atención de salud, etc , en interés de la defensa nacional vagamente definidos. Equivaldría a una toma de posesión del gobierno completa de la economía de EE.UU. .
6 . F. La firma de una Orden Ejecutiva en 06 de julio 2012 dándose a sí mismo y el Poder Ejecutivo la facultad de controlar todos los medios de comunicación en los Estados Unidos sobre la base de una declaración presidencial de una emergencia nacional .
7 . G. La firma de una Orden Ejecutiva el 6 de enero 2013, que contenía 23 medidas destinadas a limitar el derecho individual a poseer y portar armas garantizado por la Segunda Enmienda de la Constitución.
8 . H. Modificación de las porciones de la Ley de Salud Asequible y otras leyes aprobadas por el Congreso sin la aprobación del Congreso como lo exige el artículo 1 de la Constitución.
9 . I. Emitir órdenes ejecutivas en enero de 2014 que modifica la ley HIPAA para permitir el giro sobre los registros médicos confidenciales a las agencias federales si hay alguna información que se utilizará para agregar personas a la lista de NICS a prohibirles la compra de armas de fuego.
10 . J. Tener la EPA imponer regulaciones sobre la industria del carbón que obligará a muchas empresas de servicios públicos y las minas de carbón a la quiebra. Esto le costó a la economía miles de empleos en Estados Unidos y aumentar dramáticamente el costo de la energía para el público. Esto se está haciendo sin la aprobación del Congreso .
11 . K. Obstaculizar la capacidad de la Agencia de la Patrulla Fronteriza de EE.UU. para detener no sólo la inmigración ilegal, pero para detener el tráfico de personas y drogas.
12 . L. La eliminación del requisito de trabajo de la legislación de la reforma del bienestar , sin la aprobación del Congreso .
artículo II
( 1 ) Artículo 2, Sección 3 de los mandatos de la Constitución que de vez en cuando el Presidente " dará a la información al Congreso sobre el Estado de la Unión .... " Implícito en esto es una obligación para el presidente para ser sinceros con el Congreso y el pueblo estadounidense . Barack Hussein Obama ha violado repetidamente su juramento del cargo y los requisitos de la Constitución mediante la retención deliberada de información sobre cuestiones importantes o participado activamente en engañar al Congreso y al pueblo estadounidense . Las acciones específicas incluyen , pero no se limitan necesariamente a :
1 . A. El uso de privilegio ejecutivo para bloquear el Congreso de conseguir los documentos relativos a la operación del Departamento de Justicia Rápido y Furioso y la muerte de EE.UU. de la Patrulla Fronteriza Brian Terry.
2 . B. había miembros de su administración proporcionan información falsa sobre el acto de terrorismo cometido en Benghazi , Libia , el 11 de septiembre de 2012 y se niega a permitir que el Departamento de Estado y otras agencias federales para que cooperen en la investigación del Congreso .
3 . C. falsamente etiquetada el asesinato en masa de los soldados estadounidenses en el Fuerte. Hood, Texas como " violencia en el trabajo " en lugar del acto de terrorismo islámico que era.
4 . D. falsamente etiquetado de los ataques del IRS de los grupos conservadores y cristianos como un escándalo " falsa" y se negó a ordenar una búsqueda activa de la investigación para averiguar quién era el responsable último .
5 . E. Negarse a ordenar una investigación independiente de las acciones de Eric Holder y el Departamento de Justicia en la selección de los registros telefónicos de los miembros de los medios de comunicación .
6 . F. Decirle al pueblo estadounidense en un programa de televisión que la NSA no estaba entrometiéndose en los correos electrónicos y llamadas telefónicas de estadounidenses cuando los hechos demuestran lo contrario .
( 2 ) El juramento del cargo del Presidente de los Estados Unidos le obliga a preservar, proteger y defender la Constitución. Esto incluye, obviamente, lo que puede ser la parte más importante de la Constitución, la Declaración de Derechos . Barack Hussein Obama ha violado repetidamente su juramento del cargo , tratando de limitar tanto los derechos individuales y los derechos de los Estados garantizados en las primeras diez enmiendas a la Constitución. Las acciones específicas incluyen , pero no se limitan necesariamente a :
1 . A. Tener el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de ordenar las instituciones religiosas y las empresas propiedad de familias religiosas para ofrecer a sus empleados la anticoncepción gratuita y otros servicios que son contrarias a sus creencias religiosas. Esto se está haciendo bajo los auspicios de la Ley de atención de salud asequible y viola las cláusulas de libertad religiosa de la Primera Enmienda.
2 . B. Tener las imponen restricciones militares a la libertad religiosa de los capellanes y otros miembros de las fuerzas armadas con el fin de favorecer a los defensores de derechos de los homosexuales y ateos en violación de la Primera Enmienda .
3 . C. Tener las imponen restricciones militares a la libertad de expresión de los miembros de las fuerzas militares y los empleados civiles del Departamento de Defensa , en violación de sus derechos bajo la Primera Enmienda.
4 . D. Utilización de órdenes ejecutivas y las acciones de las agencias del gobierno para limitar los derechos de la Segunda Enmienda . Esto incluye las acciones de la Administración de Veteranos para desarmar a los veteranos estadounidenses sin el debido proceso como es requerido por la Quinta Enmienda .
5 . E. Tener el intercepto Agencia de Seguridad Nacional y vigilar las comunicaciones privadas de millones de estadounidenses sin una orden judicial y en violación de la Cuarta Enmienda.
6 . F. La unión con gobiernos extranjeros en los juicios contra los Estados soberanos de los Estados Unidos para prohibir a partir de la aplicación de las leyes de inmigración . Esto es una violación de la Décima Enmienda .
7 . G. trajes de presentación en virtud de la Ley de Derecho al Voto en contra de estados soberanos de los Estados Unidos para evitar que la aplicación de las leyes de identificación de votantes a pesar de las sentencias del Tribunal Supremo que defienden estas leyes. Esta es otra violación de la Décima Enmienda y el equilibrio de poderes.
8 . H. Tener el IRS proponer nuevas regulaciones sobre conservadora 501 ( C) ( 4 ) organizaciones para limitar su libertad de expresión y las actividades políticas durante los ciclos electorales en violación de la Primera Enmienda de la Constitución .
9 . I. Tener la FCC prepara nuevas normas sobre neutralidad de la red en violación de la resolución de la Corte Suprema de los EE.UU. pegando abajo de dichos reglamentos.
10 . J. Tener el instituto FCC un plan para colocar agentes en las redacciones de las emisoras de radio y televisión, así como los medios impresos para supervisar si están proporcionando el contenido de las noticias "apropiado" para el público, una violación directa de la Primera Enmienda de la Constitución.
11 . K. Tener la Secretaría de Estado de firmar el Tratado de Armas Pequeñas de la ONU a pesar de la oposición de la mayoría del Senado de EE.UU. , y con plena conciencia de que la aplicación del tratado violaría los derechos de la Segunda Enmienda de los ciudadanos estadounidenses.
( 3 ) En virtud del artículo 2 , Sección 2 de la Constitución, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos es el Comandante en Jefe de las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos y , como tal, es responsable de su uso de una manera que mejor sirva a la seguridad nacional de los Estados Unidos y protege a nuestros soldados de riesgos y daños innecesarios. Barack Hussein Obama ha violado su juramento de su cargo en este sentido. Las acciones específicas incluyen , pero no se limitan necesariamente a :
1 . A. En el nombre de la "corrección política", impone reglas innecesarias y peligrosas de compromiso sobre nuestras tropas en combate haciendo que pierdan capacidades ofensivas y defensivas y ponerlos en peligro. Muchos personal de servicio estadounidenses han sido muertos o heridos como consecuencia de esta política.
2 . B. Liberación de la identidad del personal militar estadounidense y las unidades que participan en operaciones peligrosas y secretas , como la muerte de Osama bin Laden por los Navy Seal Team 6 .
3 . C. Artículo 1 , Sección 8 de la Constitución le da al Congreso el poder exclusivo de declarar la guerra. Sin embargo, sin consultar al Congreso el presidente Obama ordenó a los militares estadounidenses en acción en Libia.
4 . D. Tener la Procuraduría General decirle secretarios de Estado que no tienen que cumplir con la ley federal que requiere a los estados a enviar oportunamente votos por correo para el personal militar.
En todo esto , Barack Hussein Obama ha socavado la integridad de su cargo, ha traído descrédito a la Presidencia , ha traicionado su confianza como presidente y ha actuado de una manera subversiva del imperio de la ley y la justicia , a la lesión manifiesta de la pueblo de los Estados Unidos.
Por lo cual , Barack Hussein Obama, por tal conducta , merece la acusación y el juicio, y la destitución del cargo y la inhabilitación para ocupar y disfrutar cualquier empleo honorífico , de confianza o remunerado de los Estado Unidos.

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Ted Cruz: ‘Liberty is Under Assault’

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was introduced to an enthusiastic crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference today as “born in Canada to a Cuban father,” bringing to mind the issue of whether or not he is constitutionally eligible to be president as a “natural born citizen.”
Cruz, nevertheless, has made it clear he believes he is eligible for the Oval Office, and he kicked off CPAC 2014 with a set of policy objectives.
“We are at the edge of a cliff,” Cruz told the crowd. “Liberty is under assault.”
Borrowing Obama’s 2008 campaign slogan, “Hope and Change,” Cruz said millions around the world have lost hope because under President Obama achieving the American Dream has become harder and harder to accomplish, and change is a call to end the corruption in Washington, D.C.
“If you were to sit down and try to design an agenda that would hammer the daylights out of young people, you couldn’t do a better job than Obama has done,” Cruz said. “Under Obama, the youth of today have become a ‘lost generation’ with few job opportunities.”
Cruz accused Obama of lying, comparing the president’s statement “If you like your health care, you can keep it” to the pilgrims telling the American Indians, “If you like your land, you can keep it.”
He said the president must “support the Constitution – all of it,” referring to a recently aborted Federal Communications study that would put government “monitors” in TV newsrooms.

The Ten Policy Changes Cruz Thinks Can Transform America

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)  today advocated “a straightforward and bold, positive agenda to inspire the young, to inspire women, to inspire Hispanics, to inspire everybody” during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Here are the ten items he called on Americans to do going forward:
1. “Defend the constitution. All of it.”

2. “We need to abolish the IRS. We need to adopt a simple flat tax that is fair [so] that every American can fill out his taxes on a postcard.”
3. “We need to expand energy in this country and create high-paying jobs all over America.”

4. “We need to expand school choice. Every child deserves an opportunity to have an excellent education, regardless of your race, your class, your creed, where you come from – every child deserves a fair chance at the American Dream.”
5. “We need to repeal Dodd-Frank.”
6. “We need to audit the Federal Reserve. Unaccountable power in Washington debasing our currency, driving up the cost of food and gas and the basic stuff of life is hurting Americans who are struggling across this country. And I’ll tell you what else it’s doing: It’s fueling the abuse of power by petro-tyrants like Putin.”
7. “We need to pass a strong balanced budget amendment. We need to stop bankrupting our country.”
8. “We need to repeal every single word of Obamacare.”
9. “We need to stop the lawlessness. This President of the United States is the first President we’ve ever had who thinks he can choose which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore. He announces just about every day one change after another after another in Obamacare. It is utterly lawless. It is inconsistent with our Constitution, and it ought to trouble everyone – Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians.”
10. “We need to end the corruption. We need to eliminate corporate welfare and crony capitalism. If you come to Washington and serve in Congress, there should be a lifetime ban on lobbying. And we need to pass a strong constitutional amendment that puts into law term limits.”

Capitol Hill Daily. CIA Abuses Power, Spies on Congress - Issue #198
Christopher Eutaw:  CIA, abuses power spies on Congress. Here at Capitol Hill Daily, we go to great lengths to report on the government's abuse of power. From the IRS and NSA to license plate tracking and Obamacare, we've been there every time the government has stepped out of line.

Which is why this latest story about unchecked abuses of power is so interesting. You see, for once, the government isn't spying on us!

This time, the government is spying on itself.

More specifically, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been monitoring the computers used by Congress' Senate Intelligence Committee. (Not coincidentally, that's the same Senate group responsible for overseeing the CIA's actions.)

And Congress isn't exactly thrilled about the violation of privacy, which was originally agreed upon by both parties. In fact, the inspector general's office has referred the case to the Justice Department for criminal investigation.

Lack of Oversight Leads Down a Slippery Slope
What would cause the CIA to do something as brazen as spying on its own oversight committee?

Well, it all stems from the Agency's secret detention and interrogation program - including the use of waterboarding and other "enhanced interrogation techniques" - that was employed during the George W. Bush administration.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has spent four years working on a detailed report to determine whether any sliver of valuable intelligence was gathered using these controversial techniques. Those who have seen the report say that it's "searing" and that it severely criticizes the CIA's actions.

In response, the CIA has gone into damage control mode. Turns out, the Agency would prefer to write its own history of the controversial detention program. And it has attempted to keep the details a secret from the Intelligence Committee... and, therefore, from the American people, as well.

This, of course, makes one wonder what the Agency is so keen to hide.

But more importantly, something that started as petty bickering between two government circles has now breached the levees, becoming an important dispute over separation of powers and spy agency oversight.

Perhaps no one summed up the situation better than Christopher Anders, senior legislative counsel with the American Civil Liberties Union.
Anders said:

"If it turns out that the CIA was spying on the Senate committee that oversees the agency, it would be an outrageous violation of separation of powers. The CIA is prohibited from spying in the United States itself, and there can be few greater violations of that rule than spying on congressional staff carrying out the constitutional duty of being a check on the CIA's powers. CIA surveillance of Congress would be another sign that the intelligence community has come to believe that they're above the law and should get only deference from the other branches of government, not the meaningful oversight that's required by the Constitution."

In order to maintain a democratic government, such oversight - in the form of checks and balances - is required. Without any oversight, well... it doesn't take much imagination to picture a rogue agency that's above the law. Just think of the Gestapo.

Therefore, the Intelligence Committee should vote to declassify its report on the detention program so that the American people can see what the CIA is trying to hide. On top of that, the Justice Department must pursue its investigation of the CIA's illegal spying. Because if Congress can't keep this country's spy agencies in check, then who can?

The abuse has gone on too long. It's time for our representatives on Capitol Hill to put at least one spy agency in its place.

In Pursuit of the Truth,

Christopher Eutaw

·         EL NUEVO PATRIA: Executive Order and Message to the Congress -- Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine‏

Assault on the Constitution and Bill of Rights Under Cover of Law
President Barack Obama has issued the attached Executive Order (EO) arbitrarily declaring the situation in Ucraine to be somehow a "national emergency" for the United States of America.
This EO orders the blocking of the "property and interests in property" of all United States citizens that are "responsible for or complicit in, or to have engaged in, directly or indirectly" making "any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services," to the deposed Ukraine government, to the Ukrainians that disagree with the neo-Nazi thugs in control of parts of Kiev, to the Russian Federation, the government ofVladimir Putin, and all persons that assist or support them.
The EO states: "I therefore determine that for these measures to be effective in addressing the national emergency declared in this order, there need be no prior notice of a listing or determination made pursuant to section 1 of this order."
The EO adds: "(b) Any conspiracy formed to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this order is prohibited."
This Exexutive Order, coupled with the illegal and unconstitutional imposition of aberrosexual so-called "marriage" via the Federal Courts throughout the United States, forces us to ask: Are we witnessing the assasination of Constitutional government and the Rule of Law in America??
-----Original Message-----
From: White House Office of Communications <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 6, 2014 8:43 am
Subject: Executive Order and Message to the Congress -- Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine
Office of the Press Secretary

March 6, 2014  
Attached is an Executive Order and Message to the Congress signed by the President today regarding blocking property of certain persons contributing to the situation in Ukraine.

The Heritage Foundation: Record on USA. 20 Percent of Households on Food Stamps

Recent data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture indicates that more than 23 million households—a record 20 percent—are now on food stamps. This is a dramatic increase from15 million households in 2009.
Part of the growth is no doubt due to the weak economy. But problematic policies have also contributed to increased participation. One of these policies is “broad-based categorical eligibility.”
This policy—which was put into place in fiscal year 2000 and heavily pushed by the Obama Administration—allows states to completely bypass the asset test for food stamp applicants, meaning there is no limit to the amount of assets a household can have to qualify for food stamps as long as their income is low enough.
The food stamps program has no real work requirement, either. This means there isn’t a way to distinguish between individuals who truly need assistance and those who could otherwise work. It also means that able-bodied recipients are not encouraged to move toward work. Food stamp participation more than doubled among able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) during this time, growing by roughly 127 percent. In 2010, half of ABAWDs on the food stamp rolls performed zero work in the previous month, but even in good economic times, work rates are just as low. Currently, roughly 3.9 million ABAWDs receive food stamps.
Congress could have taken the opportunity of the farm bill to reform food stamps, but it didn’t. However, a new welfare reform proposal, introduced by Senator Mike Lee (R–UT) in February, includes a strong work requirement for food stamps. It would require able-bodied adults to work, prepare for work, or look for work in exchange for receiving food stamps.
The alarming growth in the number of food stamp recipients should signal the need to put this program on a more prudent path. Encouraging work is crucial to better helping individuals, both by promoting self-sufficiency and focusing assistance toward those most in need.

Samitier: LA SITUACION DE USA EMPEORA POR SEGUNDOS… Ayer Radio Shack Anuncio que cierra 1,000 Tiendas Hoy  STAPLES Anuncio Que Cierra 250 Tiendas...  
Y el gobierno de Obama continua IMPRIMIENDO $85 BILLONES DE DÓLARES MENSUALES... Para Mantener A La Gente Sin Trabajar...
Shakespeare En Hamlet Nos Enseña:
En La Vida Hay Que SER O No SER...
Los Cubanos Exiliados... Criados y adoctrinados Por Los Llamada “Generación Del 30” Que TODOS SUS PARTIDOS POLÍTICOS se hacían llamar en Cuba SOCIALISTAS y “ANTI-IMPERIALISTAS” y ahora en el exilio... NO QUIEREN HABLAR DE ESO...  
Han Cerrado Filas Con Obama... La Clinton y Kerry... Quienes SABEMOS
QUE son Comunistas Fabianos Que trabajan para Crear El “Globalismo”
Y Quienes Son SIMULTÁNEAMENTE  Los Que Han Mantenido A Castro 55
Años En Cuba... y Diariamente Conspiraran contra los cubanos exiliados...
Solo hace 4 días cerraron la estación Radio Mambí... para sustituir los
Programas sobre Cuba... por programas de MÚSICA y COSAS DEL MUNDO...
o para hablar Y ENTRETENER CON CHABACANERÍAS... no pasa un solo día
sin que  Ellos produzcan una ayuda a los Castro... 
Pero nada de eso importa... la GENERACIÓN DEL 30 fueron los que le abrieron Las puertas a Fidel Castro... y todavía en el exilio CIERRAN FILAS... CON LOS ENEMIGOS DE Cuba y de Estados Unidos... Todos al UNISONÓ ESTÁN TAPANDO Y JUSTIFICANDO LA METEDURA DE PATA DE OBAMA EN UCRANIA...

Estados Unidos en 1918 ESCLAVIZO A UCRANIA

Mientras No Sepamos Historia... Estamos Cometiendo
Los Mismos Errores... Como Dice El Refrán...
Estados Unidos Ahora Está Pagando Los Errores del
Presidente Comunista Woodrow Wilson 1913 -1921
Quien En Su AFÁN De Ayudar Al Comunismo En Rusia
Le Devolvió Ucrania A Rusia En el Tratado de Versalles 
Historia Que Debemos Recordar:
La Primera Guerra Mundial... comenzó entre Francia, Inglaterra y Rusia... y antes de que USA entrara en la guerra... Alemania venció a Rusia y firmaron un acuerdo de PAZ... que se llamó
Tratado de Brest- Litovsk , 1918
Por los términos del Tratado de Brest- Litovsk , Rusia reconoció 
la independencia de Ucrania, Georgia, Finlandia y los estados bálticos de Lituania, Letonia y Estonia... y renunció a Polonia...
En otras palabras el KÁISER ALEMÁN creo las republicas independientes que hoy conocemos.... Las pérdidas totales de Rusia constituyeron 1.000.000 kilómetros cuadrados de territorio anterior de Rusia, un tercio de su población o 55 millones de personas, una mayor parte de sus minas de carbón, zonas de petróleo y hierro, y gran parte de su industria.  
El tratado firmado por Lenin, desmembró a Rusia y según el... lo firmaba para SALVAR LA REVOLUCIÓN y que la esperanza del mundo estaba en esperar que la propagación de laREVOLUCIÓN MUNDIAL en todos los pueblos... NO EN TENER UN ESTADO FUERTE QUE IMPUSIERA EL COMUNISMO ... 
El Tratado de Brest- Litovsk marcó una contracción significativa del territorio que los bolcheviques controlaban IMPOSIBILITÁNDOLOS a volver a ser una POTENCIA MILITAR... 
Específicamente la pérdida de Ucrania EL GRANERO DE EUROPA y el acceso al mar báltico atraves de los países bálticos era VITAL PARA UNA RUSIA FUERTE...
Inmediatamente después de la firma del tratado, Lenin trasladó el gobierno soviético ruso de Petrogrado a Moscú. Para poder establecer una zona defensiva en caso de un ataque militar...
Woodrow Wilson El Presidente Comunista De USA...
Como todos saben... Rusia No Tenia REPRESENTACIÓN en el tratado de
VERSALLES... pues ya había firmado una PAZ POR SEPARADO con Alemania...
Pero No le hacía falta estar REPRESENTADA... el Presidente de USA... forzó
A que el tratado de VERSALLES ANULARA  las condiciones del tratado de
Brest- Litovsk y se le devolviera a Rusia la UCRANIA... y otras partes de su
De las protestas de Francia e Inglaterra... De esta HISTORIA NADIE HABLA...
Después de la SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL... Rusia “Colonizo” el resto de
Los países del Este Europeo...
La Prensa Socialista Norte Americana
Que Es Totalmente Pro-Obama Y
Pro-Homosexual... No Comenta Las
Opciones Que Tiene Rusia...
Aquí les paso algunas de las noticias que en USA
No se comentan:

La destructiva POLÍTICA contra el PETRÓLEO-GAS Y CARBÓN de Obama

AHORA: Con la Crisis De Ucrania
Todos Los “Ecologistas” Están
Favoreciendo Un Aumento De
La Producción... 
Pero No Dicen, Lo Que Deben:
Nos Arrepentimos De Nuestra
Labor Por 40 Años De Retrasar
EL Progreso De  Estados Unidos
Con El Fin De Quebrarlo... y Que
Tuviera Que Aceptar El Gobierno
Aquí hoy tenemos al New York Time Favoreciendo
El aumento de la producción y la venta de Gas
A Europa... Sera posible que la gente no se de

NOBEL PEACE PRIZE IS OFFICIALLY A JOKE: Vladimir Putin Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, CBS News reports.
The nomination, which can be submitted by any one of thousands of people eligible to submit from around the world, is one pick among many others in a record year for submissions.
The submission is sure to be controversial, considering Russia’s ongoing military action inside Ukraine’s Crimea region, which has been called an “armed invasion.”
The Nobel Committee has received 278 nominations for the Peace Prize this year, making it the highest number of candidates ever, according to the official website.


The U.S. and Ukraine are the losers

Peter Martori

Putin vs Obama...and the U.S. and Ukraine are the losers
By: Diane Sori

"Military action would be completely legitimate because it was at the request of the President Yanukovych." - Vladimir Putin

"I am Russian. I don't need protection."
 - Russian protester living in the Ukraine opposed to Putin's efforts to retake the Ukraine

And so as Russian forces encircle Ukraine with Russian fighter jets having entering Ukrainian air space...and with Russian troops having seized control of Crimea including surrounding Ukrainian military installations all while regaining a much wanted warm-water port...Barack HUSSEIN Obama still does NOTHING to stand strong while Putin sends warships into the Black Sea.

Bottom line..Putin has won this round of the chess game against America's cowardly wimp that is our president. And while Obama and his shills continue to bloviate meaningless words a new...or should I say a 'reborn' old super power has emerged...damn you Obama...damn you as this is indeed all of your doing.

All of Obama's doing because he does NOT have the guts or courage to stand strong against Vladimir Putin...albeit a communist Putin proves once again that he is more of a man than Obama will ever be.

And while Obama administration officials called the deployment of Russian troops to Crimea an "uncontested arrival" rather than an invasion, Putin said his troops were deployed as a response to an"unconstitutional coup." Claiming that the pro-Russian former government in Kiev was illegally overthrown and that President Yanukovych (the man Putin regards as Ukraine’s legitimate president) asked him for military help, Obama does NOTHING but waste time questioning if this has any ring of truth to it all while Russian troops continue to settle into Crimea. But the question remains will the Russian troops move north into Kiev...a city free from Russia's orb for years, sadly now on the verge of again falling within it...or will Putin be happy with just retaking Crimea.

Something tells me NO for Ukraine has always been a hot button issue for the Russians ever since the breakup of the Soviet Union more than two decades ago. And when you add in what was an administrative turnover of Crimea to Ukraine in 1994, Ukraine is and will always be thought of as the 'cradle' of Russian civilization ...the 'cradle' that must be returned to the motherland.

Remember also that in the all-important power game between nations... especially between old Cold War foes...Russia is but a single country without Ukraine but with Ukraine the Russian empire is indeed reborn.

Putin knows this and he is now flexing his muscle against the U.S and specifically against Obama...who he knows has NO backbone or will to stop him. Putin has played his hand cleverly and calculatingly and is now saving Russian 'face'... rebuilding Russia as a superpower to be be respected...and is doing so while Barack HUSSEIN Obama bloviates about useless economic sanctions... economic sanctions that simply do NOT work.

A case in point is Iran, a country economically sanctioned for many years now. And while Obama and crew claim it was these sanctions that brought Iran to the negotiating table, the truth is that Iran, with their strings being pulled by Putin, had Putin turning the disarmament game in his favor by his using Syria as a deflection tactic to keep American eyes focused on the Middle East while he successfully implemented what was always his main goal...bringing Ukraine back into the fold. And know that what Putin wants Putin way or another and that he will keep what he conquered, because for Putin to give up Crimea now would mean the end of his presidency, as it would mean 'the Bear'backed down and former KGB colonels do NOT back down...ever.

So are we on the 'Eve of Destruction'...the start of WWIII perhaps...I don't think so for when all the bravado and chest pounding is stripped away on all sides this incursion into Ukraine is primarily two-fold...first, Putin is trying to secure his warm-water naval base and destabilize Ukraine's government NOT actually trying to set the stage for a total annexation or invasion of Ukraine...and second, Putin wants to control the European and global in energy prices and the prices of equities. And by accomplishing this, as an added bonus Putin gets to rebuild Russia as the world's number one superpower stepping over Obama and the U.S. in the process for he knows that Obama will NOT stop or deter him.

And those who think Putin doesn't have Europe by the throat right now are horribly mistaken for more than 33% of the gas used by Europe flows from Russia through 18 Ukrainian pipelines into Europe...translating into he who controls the pipelines controls the income that goes along with them. Couple that with the growth of Russia's economy because of oil and gas exports into Europe, and Putin can now manipulate a more aggressive foreign policy as he economically holds Europe hostage, especially when it's played against one who will NOT oppose him.

Remember back when these infamous words of Obama's were caught off mike in March 2012..."After my election I have more flexibility..." as in did Obama know that Putin was planning this maneuver two years ago (this was NO last minute decision on Putin's part as it required careful planning) and was a deal made for the U.S. to look away. Obama's response or lack thereof leads one to believe there is more to this than simply meets the eye for how did our intelligence community miss this...I mean they had to know Russian naval ships were moving into position.. they had to know Russian troops were amassing along Ukraine's border...these are NOT things that can be hidden...they had to know but were they ordered to look away...with this administration anything is possible.

And we all know that Obama orchestrates foreign policy NOT in America's best interests but in the best interests of the enemy and if that means selling out to Putin to manipulate confrontations in the Middle East...especially confrontations with Iran and Syria...if it aids in Obama's oh-so-wanted sell out and elimination of Israel in the process than so be it.

And while yesterday NATO and Putin agreed to hold talks on the Ukraine on Wednesday, Putin continues to insist he is doing what needs to be done to protect Russian citizens living in Ukraine, but in a sign that he might actually be trying to defuse tensions to some degree, Putin has ordered troops conducting military exercises near Ukraine's border with western Russia to return to their bases.

And Putin's doing this all while he claims there are NO Russian troops in Ukraine or in Crimea, but pictures say what words lie...and the games continue with Ukraine's people the losers.


House approves $1B loan guarantee package for Ukraine

The House has approved a $1 billion loan guarantee package for Ukraine, as part of the U.S. effort to support the new government as Russia continues to occupy the Crimean Peninsula. 
The measure was approved on a 385-23 vote, and goes next to the Senate. The "no" votes came from conservative Republicans. 
The Obama administration announced the energy and aid package on Tuesday, when Secretary of State John Kerry landed in Kiev for talks with the new government. 
The White House said the $1 billion loan guarantee was aimed at helping insulate Ukraine from reductions in energy subsidies. Russia provides a substantial portion of Ukraine's natural gas and U.S. officials said they are prepared to work with Kiev to reduce its dependence on those imports. 
The assistance is also meant to supplement a broader aid package from the International Monetary Fund. 
The Associated Press contributed to this report.                                  “EMO” And… Venezuela and Cuba What about??? LRGM.



It’s pointless to pay attention to foreign policy when a Democrat is president, unless you enjoy having your stomach in a knot. As long as a Democrat sits in the White House, America will be repeatedly humiliated, the world will become a much more dangerous place — and there’s absolutely nothing anybody can do about it. (Though this information might come in handy when voting for president, America!)
The following stroll down memory lane is but the briefest of summaries. For a full accounting of Democratic national security disasters, please read my book, “Treason: Liberal Treachery From the Cold War to the War on Terrorism.”– JFK:John F. Kennedy was in the White House for less than three years and, if you think he screwed a lot of hookers, just look what he did to our foreign policy.
Six months after becoming president, JFK had his calamitous meeting with Nikita Khrushchev in Vienna — a meeting The New York Times described as “one of the more self-destructive American actions of the Cold War, and one that contributed to the most dangerous crisis of the nuclear age.” (The Times admitted that a half-century later. At the time, the Newspaper of Record lied about the meeting.)
For two days, Khrushchev batted Kennedy around, leaving the president’s own advisers white-faced and shaken. Kennedy’s Assistant Secretary of Defense Paul Nitze called the meeting “just a disaster.”
Khrushchev was delighted to discover that the U.S. president was so “weak.” A Russian aide said the American president seemed “very inexperienced, even immature.”
Seeing he was dealing with a naif, Khrushchev promptly sent missiles to Cuba. The Kennedy Myth Machine has somehow turned JFK’s handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis into a brilliant foreign policy coup. The truth is: (1) Russia would never have dared move missiles to Cuba had Khrushchev not realized that JFK was a nincompoop; and (2) it wasn’t a victory.
In exchange for Russia’s laughably empty threats about Cuba, JFK removed our missiles from Turkey — a major retreat. As Khrushchev put it in his memoirs: “It would have been ridiculous for us to go to war over Cuba — for a country 12,000 miles away. For us, war was unthinkable. We ended up getting exactly what we’d wanted all along, security for Fidel Castro’s regime and American missiles removed from Turkey.”
– LBJ:
Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon Johnson, famously escalated the war in Vietnam simply to prove that the Democrats could be trusted with national security.
As historian David Halberstam describes it, LBJ “would talk to his closest political aides about the McCarthy days, of how Truman lost China and then the Congress and the White House and how, by God, Johnson was not going to be the president who lost Vietnam and then the Congress and the White House.”
LBJ’s incompetent handling of that war allowed liberals to spend the next half-century denouncing every use of American military force as “another Vietnam.”
Jimmy Carter warned Americans about their “inordinate fear of communism” and claimed to have been attacked by a giant swimming rabbit.
His most inspired strategic move was to abandon the Shah of Iran, a loyal U.S. ally, which gave rise to the global Islamofascist movement we’re still dealing with today. By allowing the Shah to be overthrown by the Ayatollah Khomeini in February 1979, Carter handed Islamic crazies their first state.
Before the end of the year, the Islamic lunatics had taken 52 Americans hostage in Tehran, where they remained for 444 days.
The hostages were released only minutes after Ronald Reagan’s inauguration for reasons succinctly captured in a Jeff MacNelly cartoon. It shows Khomeini reading a telegram aloud: “It’s from Ronald Reagan. It must be about one of the Americans in the Den of Spies, but I don’t recognize the name. It says ‘Remember Hiroshima.’”
Bill Clinton’s masterful handling of foreign policy was such a catastrophe that he had to deploy his national security adviser, Sandy Berger, to steal classified documents from the National Archives in 2003 to avoid their discovery by the 9/11 commission.
Twice, when Clinton was president, Sudan had offered to turn over bin Laden to the U.S. But, unfortunately, these offers came in early 1996 when Clinton was busy ejaculating on White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton rebuffed Sudan’s offers.
According to Michael Scheuer, who ran the bin Laden unit at the CIA for many years, Clinton was given eight to 10 chances to kill or capture bin Laden but refused to act, despite bin Laden’s having murdered hundreds of Americans in terrorist attacks around the world. Would that one of those opportunities had arisen on the day of Clinton’s scheduled impeachment! Instead of pointlessly bombing Iraq, he might have finally taken out bin Laden.
When Obama took office, al Qaida had been routed in Iraq — from Fallujah, Sadr City and Basra. Muqtada al-Sadr — the Dr. Phil of Islamofascist radicalism — had waddled off in retreat to Iran. The Iraqis had a democracy, a miracle on the order of flush toilets in Afghanistan.
By Bush’s last year in office, monthly casualties in Iraq were coming in slightly below a weekend with Justin Bieber. In 2008, there were more than three times as many homicides in Chicago as U.S. troop deaths in the Iraq War. (Chicago: 509; Iraq: 155).
On May 30, The Washington Post reported: “CIA Director Michael V. Hayden now portrays (al-Qaida) as essentially defeated in Iraq and Saudi Arabia and on the defensive throughout much of the rest of the world …” Even hysterics at The New York Times admitted that al-Qaida and other terrorist groups had nearly disappeared from Southeast Asia by 2008.
A few short years into Obama’s presidency — and al-Qaida is back! For purely political reasons, as soon as he became president, Obama removed every last troop from Iraq, despite there being Americans troops deployed in dozens of countries around the world.
In 2004, nearly 100 soldiers, mostly Marines, died in the battle to take Fallujah from al-Qaida. Today, al-Qaida’s black flag flies above Fallujah.
Bush won the war, and Obama gave it back.
Obama couldn’t be bothered with preserving America’s victory in Iraq. He was busy helping to topple a strong American ally in Egypt and a slavish American minion in Libya — in order to install the Muslim Brotherhood in those countries instead. (That didn’t work out so well for U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans murdered in Benghazi.)
So now, another Russian leader is playing cat-and-mouse with an American president — and guess who’s the mouse? Putin has taunted Obama in Iran, in Syria and with Edward Snowden. By now, Obama has become such an object for Putin’s amusement that the fastest way to get the Russians out of Crimea would be for Obama to call on Putin to invade Ukraine.


One hundred years after a spark in Central Europe ignited a conflagration from which the world has not yet recovered and from which Europe will never recover, armed forces have crossed an international border in Central Europe, eliciting this analysis from Secretary of State John Kerry: “It’s a 19th-century act in the 21st century. It really puts at question Russia’s capacity to be within the G8.”
Although this “19th-century act” resembles many 20th century (and 16th, 17th and 18th century) acts, it is, the flabbergasted Kerry thinks, astonishing in the 21st century, which he evidently supposes to be entirely unlike any other. What is more disconcerting — that Kerry believes this? Or that his response to Putin’s aggression is to question Russia’s “capacity” — Kerry means fitness — for membership in the G8?
For many centuries, European peace has been regularly broken because national borders do not tidily coincide with ethnic, linguistic and religious patterns. This problem was intensified by World War I, which demolished the Habsburg, Romanov and Ottoman empires. Ukraine is a shard of the first two, and a neighbor of a remnant of the third.
The problems bequeathed by that war were aggravated by a peacemaker, one of Kerry’s precursors among American progressives eager to share with the world their expertise at imposing rationality on untidy societies. Unfortunately, Woodrow Wilson’s earnestness about improving the world was larger than his appreciation of how the world’s complexities can cause improvers to make matters worse.
Wilson injected into diplomatic discourse the idea that “self-determination” is a universal right and “an imperative principle of action.” Several of his Fourteen Points concerned self-determination. But of what “self” was he speaking? Sometimes he spoke of the self-determination of “nations,” at other times of “peoples,” as though these are synonyms. Wilson’s secretary of state, Robert Lansing, wondered “what unit has he in mind” and warned that “certain phrases” of Wilson’s “have not been thought out.” But they resonated. In the Atlantic Charter of 1941, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill affirmed the rights of “peoples.” The U.N. Charter endorses the self-determination of “peoples.” Which became a third ingredient, ethnic self-determination. Wilson had sown dragon’s teeth.
Lansing said the “undigested” word “self-determination” is “loaded with dynamite. … It will, I fear, cost thousands of lives.” While Wilson was making phrases in 1918, a German corporal recovering from a gas attack was making plans. And on Sept. 27, 1938, the corporal, then Germany’s chancellor, said “the right of self-determination, which had been proclaimed by President Wilson as the most important basis of national life, was simply denied to the Sudeten Germans” and must be enforced. So Czechoslovakia was dismembered. Still, the war came.
Three months from the end of the war in Europe, the architects of the impending victory — Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin — met at a town on the Crimean peninsula where Putin is now tightening his grip. Conservatives who should know better have often said the Yalta Conference “gave” Eastern Europe to the Soviet Union. Actually, the Red Army was in the process of acquiring it. This process could no more have been resisted militarily by Stalin’s allies, which the United States and Britain then were, than Putin’s aggression can be.
“You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you,” supposedly said Lev Bronstein, as Leon Trotsky was known when he lived in the Bronx, before he made the Red Army, the parent of the forces Putin is wielding. Barack Obama, who involved the United States in seven months of war with Libya, perhaps because the project was untainted by U.S. national interest, is seeking diplomatic and especially economic leverage against Putin’s ramshackle nation in order to advance the enormous U.S. interest in depriving him of Ukraine.
Unless Obama finds such leverage, his precipitous slide into Jimmy Carter territory will continue. As an expression of disdain for a U.S. president, Putin’s seizure of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula is symmetrical with Leonid Brezhnev’s invasion of Afghanistan late in Carter’s presidency. Large presidential failures cannot be hermetically sealed; they permeate a presidency. Putin’s contribution to the miniaturization of Obama comes in the context of Obama’s self-inflicted wound — Obamacare, which simultaneously shattered belief in his competence and honesty, and may linger as ruinously for Obama as the Iranian hostage crisis did for Carter.
This may be condign punishment for Obama’s foreign policy carelessness and for his wishful thinking about Putin as a “partner” and about a fiction (”the international community”) being consequential. It certainly is dangerous.

Will This Iranian Billionaire Bring The US To Its Knees?

Iranian billionaire Pierre Omidyar has access to a staggering fifty thousand top secret NSA files that contain dossiers on world leaders and may even include files on U.S. politicians and judges.

Iranian billionaire Pierre Omidyar has access to a staggering fifty thousand top secret NSA files that contain dossiers on world leaders and may even include files on U.S. politicians and judges.
How did Omidyar gain access to this information? Simple. He paid Glenn Greenwald, who holds the huge cache of Edward Snowden’s NSA documents, a staggering two hundred and fifty million dollars. On paper, Omidyar is funding Greenwald’s new media “empire”—which consists of one small website that churns out an article every few days—but it essentially looks like a quid pro quo for access to America’s secrets.
Omidyar is also up to other nefarious activities: financial documents obtained by Mark Ames of PandoDaily show Omidyar bankrolled the Ukrainian coup d’état, overthrowing democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych.
Because of Omidyar’s revolution, Russia has invaded the Ukraine, which has led to a new Cold War between the U.S. and Russia and may lead to an actual war—even a nuclear war!
Why did Omidyar bankroll a revolution that he knew would strain relations between Russia and the United States? With his access to tens of thousands of documents containing top secret NSA files, is he in fact trying to destabilize the United States, blackmail the United States, or possibly even bring down the United States?
Perhaps it is time to open a congressional investigation into the activities of Pierre Omidyar.
Watch Western Center for Journalism’s exclusive video for all the details


“En mi opinión”    Lázaro R González Miño Editor.
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