.No 329 Viernes, Marzo 2013 Editor Lázaro R
González Miño
PUEDEN TENER EN SUS CARAS … Lazaro R Gonzalez Miño. Editor de “En mi opinión”
Un Eurodiputado explota en el
parlamento de la UE y dice lo que ningún
político se atreve a
decir. ¡¡PÄSALO!! >
And now a message from your demagogue-in-chief David Harsanyi
President Barack Obama, champion of Washington comity and national unity, just sent out this message to the American people:Today, Republicans in the Senate faced a choice about how to grow our economy and reduce our deficit. And instead of closing a single tax loophole that benefits the well-off and well-connected, they chose to cut vital services for children, seniors, our men and women in uniform and their families. They voted to let the entire burden of deficit reduction fall squarely on the middle class.
In reality, both Democrats and Republicans had plans on the table – and both failed. Senate Democrats, to the surprise of no one, proposed a minimum 30 percent tax on millionaires with some small cuts to defense and agriculture spending.
Republicans offered the president more authority (the kind he asked for when it came to the debt ceiling) over implementing the supposed $85 billion in cuts in any way he saw fit. So rather than slashing vital services for children, seniors, men, women, the poor, those in uniform and their families, the president would have had the power to cut back on an array of “investments” we keep funding for no discernible reason or other government waste. He had the opportunity to spare many the imaginary hardship of a 2 percent cut, and he could have kept America’s unsuspecting children completely out of harm’s way. If anyone chose to target the most vulnerable, he has, and for political purposes.
Pre-order David Harsanyi’s new book Obama’s Four Horsemen: The Disasters Unleashed by Obama’s Reelection
He goes one:I believe we should do better. We should work together to reduce our deficit in a balanced way – by making smart spending cuts and closing special interest tax loopholes. That’s exactly the kind of plan Democrats in the Senate have proposed. But even though a majority of Senators support this approach, Republicans have refused to allow it an up-or-down vote – threatening our economy with a series of arbitrary, automatic budget cuts that will cost us jobs and slow our recovery.
Today we learned that the economy grew 0.1 % in the fourth quarter last year so, really, how much more can the recovery slow down? Two recent studies – one by International Monetary Fund another by the National Bureau of Economic (via the Heritage Foundation) – find that when nation’s reach higher debt status, subsequently they see depressed growth. So maybe a little trimming would help? Spending clearly hasn’t.
And there’s no need to rehash how little we’re actually cutting here, anyway. There is around $85 billion (or as Nick Gillespie has been pointing out, really only $44 billion) this year. The total sequester “cut” means that the federal government will be spending over two trillion dollars more in 10 years than it does now. Austerity, indeed.
And by the way, the Democrat plan “to reduce our deficit in a balanced way” the Democrats plan adds $7.2 billion to the debt according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Obama finishes:
I will bring together leaders from both parties to discuss a path forward. As a nation, we can’t keep lurching from one manufactured crisis to another. Middle-class families can’t keep paying the price for dysfunction in Washington. We can build on the over $2.5 trillion in deficit reduction we’ve already achieved, but doing so will require Republicans to compromise. That’s how our democracy works, and that’s what the American people deserve.
Sure, after informing America that Republicans have chosen the Koch Brothers over our children, seniors, military, families, mentally ill, the poor and apple pie, why wouldn’t Republicans want to meet up and hug it out?
Maybe someone at this meeting can ask Obama why he continues to falsely claim that Washington has cut the federal deficit by $2.5 trillion when it fact its added $5.9 trillion to the debt? Even more importantly, as I’ve argued, Republicans should simply tell the president, thank you, and move on. Once you sign a bill, it’s the law. That’s how democracy works.
Al Kherbawy told a conference in Abu Dhabi that the Brotherhood, with headquarters
in Egypt, was infiltrating Western and Arab states by recruiting their Muslim
citizens. Al Kherbawy said the Brotherhood established secret societies in more
than 80 countries, with recruits pledged to violenc... · · Share
Leno On Obama Realizing First Term Mistakes: ‘Apparently, He Does Watch Fox News’ Jay Leno took a marvelous swipe at the Obama-loving media Wednesday… http://www.westernjournalism.com/leno-on-obama-realizing-first-term-mistakes-apparently-he-does-watch-fox-news/
Obama Myths Of Sequestration Panic Debunked
The “cuts” under sequestration are, in fact, not spending cuts at all. Even the one department that faces substantive cuts, Defense, will continue to spend at historically high levels. Cato Institute Senior Fellow Michael D. Tanner comments. http://www.westernjournalism.com/obama-myths-of-sequestration-panic-debunked/Lanny Davis Threatened By White House Too!
Davis told WMAL that his editor, John Solomon, “received a phone call from a senior Obama White House official who didn’t like some of my columns, even though I’m a supporter of Obama. I couldn’t imagine why this call was made.”http://www.westernjournalism.com/lanny-davis-threatened-by-white-house-too/
Juan XXIII Amenper.
Cuando se están
barajeando los nombres de los cardenales papales, muchos están recordando al
Papa Juan XXIII y su revolucionario papado.
Después de la segunda guerra mundial, bajo las acusaciones de
colaboracionismo con los nazis, y por el surgimiento del comunismo ateo,
por el solidificado imperio Soviético, y los movimientos comunistas
en latinoamerica por las campañas guerrilleras de Fidel Castro en la
región, la iglesia Católica Romana se encontraba en una situación difícil en
Europa y en America-
Hasta dentro de la iglesia hubieron
sacerdotes guerrilleros comunistas, como Camilo Torres Restrepo en Colombia y
Ernesto Cardenal y Miguel D´Escoto en la Nicaragua Sandinista.-
A la muerte de Pío XII, nadie pensó
que el sucesor papal fuera una persona de edad, más bien se pensaba en alguien
joven que energizara la iglesia. Esto es muy parecido a lo que se está
comentando en estos momentos.
Pero el 28 de Octubre de 1958 el
Cardenal Roncalli, contando con
casi 77 años, fue elegido papa ante la sorpresa de todo el mundo. Escogió
el nombre de Juan (nombre de su padre y del patrón de su pueblo natal, aunque
escogió este nombre por el evangelista de nombre Juan
paradójicamente, este Papa viejo, fue más energizante y revolucionario que lo
que hubiera podido ser cualquier joven.
Tres meses
después de su elección, el 25 de enero de 1959 en la Basílica de San Pablo y
ante la sorpresa de todo el mundo anunció el XXI Concilio Ecuménico -que
posteriormente fue llamado Concilio Vaticano II-, en el cual se hizo la
revisión del Código de Derecho Canónico. Este Concilio fue inspirado en la
figura del papa Pio IX precursor del Concilio Vaticano I y quien, según el papa
Juan XXIII, nadie en la historia de la Iglesia había sido tan amado y tan
odiado a la vez. Fue como una premonición de cómo sería recordado su papado.
El 3 de enero de
1962 excomulgó a Fidel Castro, iniciativa amparada en condenas expresadas
por el papa Pio XII en 1949.
El día 6
de mayo del mismo año canonizó al primer santo negro de América, el peruano San
Martin de Porres.
El 11 de Octubre
de 1962 el papa Roncalli abrió el Concilio Vaticano II en la basílica de San
Pedro. Este Concilio cambiaría el rostro del catolicismo: una nueva forma de
celebrar la liturgia (más cercana a los fieles), como en la iglesia original en
el idioma del pueblo donde se celebraba, un nuevo acercamiento al mundo y un
nuevo ecumenismo.
Desde la
apertura del Concilio, el papa Juan XXIII enfatizó la naturaleza pastoral de
sus objetivos: no se trataba de definir nuevas verdades ni condenar errores,
sino que era necesario renovar la Iglesia revirtiendola a la Iglesia
Original, para hacerla capaz de transmitir el Evangelio en como en el
primer siglo (un "aggiornamento"), buscar los caminos de unidad de
las Iglesias cristianas, buscar lo bueno de los nuevos tiempos y establecer
diálogo con el mundo moderno centrándose primero "en lo que nos une y no
en lo que nos separa".
Al Concilio
fueron invitados como observadores miembros de diversos credos, miembros
de todas las Iglesias cristianas: ortodoxos, anglicanos, cuáqueros, y
protestantes en general, incluyendo, evangélicos, metodistas y calvinistas no
presentes en Roma desde el tiempo de los cismas a los que llamó "hermanos
El 23 de mayo de
1963 se anunció públicamente la enfermedad del papa: cáncer de estómago que,
según su secretario Loris F. Capovilla, le fue diagnosticado en septiembre de
1962. El papa no quiso dejarse operar temiendo que el rumbo del Concilio se
desviara de lo estipulado. Así, el mismo papa estaba firmando su sentencia de
muerte. Al fin, después de sufrir esa grave enfermedad, el papa Juan XXIII
murió en Roma el 3 de Junio de 1963. Finalizó sus días sin ver concluida su
obra mayor, a la que él mismo consideró "la puesta al día de la
En la memoria de
muchos, el papa Juan XXIII ha quedado como "el papa bueno" o como
"el papa más amado de la historia".
Pero aunque
trató de volver a la iglesia a su estado original, para algunos fue un
traidor a tradicionalismo. Como Pio IX el precursor al primer
Concilio Ecuménico, Juan XXII también fue amado y criticado.
Pero muchos lo
consideran como el salvador de la Iglesia en un momento de peligro.
Fue beatificado
en el año 2000, por el papa Juan Pablo II, durante el Jubileo de dicho año.
La pregunta que
muchos se hacen ahora es si tendremos la sorpresa inesperada de un Papa
como Juan XXIII o un papa tradicionalista , y ¿que tipo de Papa sería lo más
conveniente para la Iglesia Católica Romana y para el mundo cristiano para
enfrentarse a los desafíos de nuestra época?..
The Sequestration. Jorge
Aguiar, Doral, Florida.
government clearly estates that criminals and/or illegals could and
have already been let out of detention/jails at will in an irresponsible
manner. When the President says that FBI agents , airport security personnel
and other members of the public safety are going to be layoff and or furlough
is definitely alarming. In addition, our nation's defense is announced that it
will be compromised as well by NOT deploying an aircraft carrier to the middle
east. That aircrafts and others elements of the defense system will be
compromised as well. Every thing just mentioned is being repeated by the press
and played over and over by some in the media and specially by CNN. Moreover,
by the general media and by many government officials today March 1,
20113 and will probably continue throughout this coming weekend . If you keep
yourself informed you have listen to it like I have.
Now I ask
all, is it not this a good reason to own a gun and if possible an assault
riffle. We have not only allow illegals in by the millions, now the rest us
legitimate American have to adopt the same of their old countries customs and
we are force to live as such. This is probably an exaggeration from my part.
But what is not is that it is a very much part of how we got to where we are.
The rest of the problem is the garbage media with the worst politicians that
our country has ever put together at one time.
¿Alguna vez te has enterado por los
medios que un político, un líder o un primer ministro de una nación islámica
hayan visitado Japón? ¿Has visto en las noticias que algún dignatario de Irán o
un príncipe de Arabia Saudita hayan visitado Japón? Japón es un país que ha
mantenido el Islam a raya. Japón ha puesto restricciones estrictas sobre el
Islam y a TODOS los musulmanes.
a) Japón es la única nación que no da
ciudadanía a los musulmanes.
b) En Japón no se da la residencia
permanente a los musulmanes.
c) Hay una prohibición fuerte sobre
la propagación del Islam en Japón.
d) En las Universidades de Japón, no
se enseña el idioma árabe o la religión Islámica.
e) No se puede importar 'El Corán'
publicado en idioma árabe.
f) De acuerdo con datos publicados
por el Gobierno japonés, se ha dado residencia temporal a sólo 2 lakhs
Musulmanes, los cuales deben seguir la ley japonesa de la tierra. Estos
musulmanes deben hablar japonés y llevar a cabo sus rituales religiosos sólo en
sus hogares.
g) Japón es el único país del mundo
que tiene un número mínimo de embajadas de países islámicos.
h) Los japoneses no son atraídos por
el Islam.
i) Los musulmanes residentes en Japón
son sólo los empleados de empresas extranjeras.
j) Aún hoy, no se conceden visados a
los médicos, ingenieros o administradores musulmanes enviados por empresas
k) En la mayoría de las empresas,
incluyen en sus políticas que solamente los no-musulmanes pueden solicitar un
l) El Gobierno japonés es de la
opinión que Los musulmanes son fundamentalistas, y que incluso en la era actual
de la globalización, no están dispuestos a cambiar sus leyes musulmanas.
m) Los musulmanes no pueden ni
siquiera pensar en alquilar una casa en Japón.
n) Si alguien llega a saber que su
vecino es Musulmán, informa a todo el barrio para estar alerta.
o) Nadie puede iniciar una célula
islámica o árabe en Japón.
p) No hay ninguna ley (Sharia)
personal en Japón.
q) Si una mujer japonesa se casa con
un musulmán, será considerada un paria para siempre.
r) De acuerdo con el Sr. Komico Yagi
(Jefe Departamental de la Universidad de Tokio) "Existe una percepción en
los Japoneses de que el Islam es una religión para mentes muy estrechas, y que
se debe permanecer lejos de ella".
s) El periodista Mohammed Juber
recorrió muchos Países islámicos después del ataque del 9/11, incluyendo Japón.
Encontró que los japoneses estaban seguros que los extremistas no podrían hacer
ningún daño en Japón.
seguir aprendiendo algo de Japón?
Los monstruos de Birán
asesinaron a Oswaldo Payá
Hidalgo, Latin Heritage Foundation publisher.Latin News Agency.
Added on 3/01/13
The Day of Doom is Upon Us By Todd Starnes enviado por Enrique Enriquez.
The Day of
Doom is upon us.
I’m writing
these words from deep inside my sequestration bunker – bracing for the impact
of a three percent budget cut that President Obama said would cause our nation
to fall into ruin.
“The One”
prophesied this day would come – when jetliners would fall from the skies, when
illegal aliens would roam the streets of our cities, and children would no
longer be able to read.
The Mayans
thought the world would end in 2012 – but President Obama believes it will end
But many
Americans believe his administration is manufacturing a crisis and one New York
University professor suggested Obama was simply making up numbers – hoping it
provoked outrage.
To get to
the bottom of the crisis, I called Higgins – my confidential source deep inside
the Obama Administration.
“Todd, it’s
worse than we thought,” Higgins told me –his voice trembling with fear. “We
just received some new information from Congresswoman Maxine Waters. She is a
mathematician without equal in the Democratic Party. According to her projections,
we could lose 170 million jobs.”
That didn’t
seem quite right – considering there are roughly 145 million jobs across the
fruited plain. But Higgins was defiant.
“If Mrs.
Waters says two plus two equals nine, you can take that to the bank,” he said.
also disputed accusations the Obama Administration was manufacturing a crisis.
already had to mothball Air Force One, eliminate Vice President Biden’s
seven-second delay and the President has to floss alone,” Higgins said.
Wow, that’s
pretty severe, I replied. “No more Air Force One?”
booking travel through the Priceline Negotiator,” he said.
“What about
the upcoming state dinner,” I asked.
“We’ve had
to let the kitchen staff go – so we’re contracting with Captain D’s,” he said.
“Zagat says it’s a great little seafood place.”
said the White House has had a difficult time getting on message because the
president has been unable to deliver any meaningful speeches.
“Our fabled
orator has been silenced,” he said. “We had to lay off the president’s
The Dept.
of Homeland Security is especially troubled by budget cuts that could reduce
the number of TSA agents guarding American airports. But Higgins told me the
greatest fear is not terrorists walking unabated onto jetliners.
Napolitano fears we could see an increase in prostate and rectal cancer as a
result of fewer full-body pat downs and anal probes, Higgins told me.
Due to
unanticipated ObamaCare costs, many proctologists discovered they could make
more money as coffee house baristas. A growing number of airline passengers
were using the TSA as their primary care physicians.
“Sadly, we
were counting on those TSA agents to stand in the gap,” he said.
Amidst the
reports of disease and pestilence, Higgins did tells me our national crisis has
inspired moments of glory.
“We were
able to save several significant positions in the administration,” he said,
“most notably the grounds keeper at the Andrews Air Force Base Golf Course and
the White House Brew Master.”
What about
the White House vegetable garden, I wondered.
there was quite a bit of discussion about who would hoe Mrs. Obama’s garden,”
Higgins allowed. “There was a heated debate – but the N.S.A. finally decided it
was a matter of national security to weed whack the president’s radishes.”
there was a loud commotion. I could hear lots of shouting and cell phones
“Take us to
Def-Con Two, stat,” a deep baritone voice rumbled.
what’s happening?”
I could
hear Higgins gasping for air. His voice was hushed.
“Todd, it’s
happening,” he said. “Strategic Air Command just picked up an unidentified
object advancing on the White House.”
“The North
“No,” he
whispered. “It’s the Angel of Death.”
said the Air Force was dispatching two drones out of Andrews to try and get a
lock on the other-worldly being – but he didn’t sound hopeful.
I asked
about Plan B.
going to let Biden answer the door,” he said.
the line went dead and Higgins was no more.
To quote
the prophets of old:
cuts, O Budget Cuts! Blast you, Sequestration! Oh disease and pestilence, Thy
stench flares my nostrils. Thus Sweet Lady Liberty Weeps.”
Republicans Warn Obama Has ‘poisoned’ Relations With Campaign-style Attacks
While Obama has made a strategic calculation that he needs to marshal public support to push through his agenda, centrist Republicans warn the president and his allies could go too far with partisan events and campaign-style ads targeting GOP lawmakers.
One recent point of contention: Organizing for Action, Obama’s former campaign arm, made its first post-election foray into campaigning this week with ads pressuring swing-state Republicans to support new gun control measures.
Among the targets was Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who is working to build support for a bill focused on cracking down on gun trafficking.
“The way to tackle this difficult issue is to continue to have a constructive dialogue. Obviously ads run against me are not what I would call constructive dialogue,” Collins told The Hill. “I personally have very little interest in the White House’s campaign activities on this issue. It’s just not a factor in my consideration.” http://www.westernjournalism.com/republicans-warn-obama-has-poisoned-relations-with-campaign-style-attacks/
Obama Admin Released Thousands of Illegal Aliens from the prison; And he plans to Release Thousands More. “EMO” Nota: Esto es lo mucho que le interesa a este individuo, resolver el problema de la inmigracion illegal. Y es un forma directa de dedirle a los Republicanos > “NO VAN A SER SUMISOS, ENTONCES LES VOY A DAR LO QUE MENOS LES GUSTA”. Lázaro R González Miño
Associated Press
March 2, 2013 6:55 am
WASHINGTON - The Homeland Security Department
released from its jails more than 2,000 illegal immigrants facing deportation
in recent weeks due to looming budget cuts and planned to release 3,000 more
during March, The Associated Press has learned.The newly disclosed figures, cited in internal budget documents reviewed by the AP, are significantly higher than the "few hundred" illegal immigrants the Obama administration acknowledged this week had been released under the budget-savings process.
The government documents show that Immigrations and Customs Enforcement released roughly 1,000 illegal immigrants from its jails around the U.S. each week since at least Feb. 15. The agency's field offices have reported more than 2,000 immigrants released before intense criticism this week led to a temporary shutdown of the plan, according to the documents.
The states where immigrants were released include Arizona, California, Georgia and Texas.
The White House has said it was not consulted about the releases, and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has acknowledged they occurred in a manner she regrets. White House spokesman Jay Carney on Wednesday said the government had released "a few hundred" of the roughly 30,000 illegal immigrants held in federal detention pending deportation proceedings. Carney said the immigrants released were "low-risk, noncriminal detainees," and the decision was made by career ICE officials.
As of last week, the agency held an average daily population of 30,733 in its jails. The internal budget documents reviewed by the AP show the Obama administration had intended to reduce those figures to 25,748 by March 31.
The White House did not comment immediately Friday on the higher number of immigrants released.
ICE spokesman Brian Hale said Friday the numbers of immigration detainees fluctuate daily, but he reiterated only several hundred illegal immigrants had been released. "Beyond that normal movement, and as fiscal uncertainty remains over the continuing resolution and possible sequestration, ICE reviewed its detained population to ensure detention levels stay within ICE's current budget and placed several hundred individuals on methods of supervision less costly than detention," Hale said in a statement. "At this point, we don't anticipate additional releases, but that could change."
The immigrants who were released still eventually face deportation and are required to appear for upcoming court hearings. But they are no longer confined in immigration jails, where advocacy experts say they cost about $164 per day per person. Immigrants who are granted supervised release - with conditions that can include mandatory check-ins, home visits and GPS devices - cost the government from 30 cents to $14 a day, according to the National Immigration Forum, a group that advocates on behalf of immigrants.
The release of thousands from immigration jails is consistent with Napolitano's early warnings on Monday - hours before anyone knew publicly that any illegal immigrants had been released - that the pending, automatic budget cuts known as the sequester would limit the government's ability to maintain enough detention center beds for at least 34,000 immigrants.
"We're doing our very best to minimize the impacts of sequester, but there's only so much I can do," Napolitano said Monday. "You know, I'm supposed to have 34,000 detention beds for immigration. How do I pay for those?"
Late Thursday, after intense criticism over what the administration acknowledged was the release this week of several hundred immigrants, Napolitano told ABC News that she had been surprised to learn about the action.
"Detainee populations and how that is managed back and forth is really handled by career officials in the field," Napolitano told ABC. "Do I wish that this all hadn't been done all of a sudden and so that people weren't surprised by it? Of course."
The announcement that a few hundred illegal immigrants were being released was among the most significant and direct implications described so far by the automatic budget cuts. Republicans in Congress quickly criticized the decision and pressed the Homeland Security Department for details, including the number of illegal immigrants released and the nature of any criminal charges they were facing as part of the deportation process.
"Simply blaming budget reductions as a means to turn a blind eye toward the national security of the American people is a dangerous plan, and one that calls into question the department's preparations for sequestration," wrote two Republican lawmakers, Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa and Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.
The senior Homeland Security Department official in charge of arresting and deporting illegal immigrants announced his retirement to his staff on Tuesday, the same day the administration first openly confirmed the release of what it called several hundred immigrants. The executive associate director over ICE enforcement and removal operations, Gary Mead, told his staff he was leaving his job with mixed emotions. A career law enforcement officer, Mead will leave at the end of April.
After AP reported on Mead's retirement, ICE spokeswoman Gillian Christensen said his decision was not related to criticism over the jail releases and said Mead had notified the agency's senior leaders "several weeks ago" that he intended to leave. She also called AP's reporting about Mead's departure "inaccurate and misleading." On Thursday, ICE corrected her statement to say that Mead has notified his bosses "more than a week ago," not several weeks ago.
The later government statement also criticized AP's reporting as "ill-informed, inaccurate information" and complained that AP had failed to contact the agency before publishing what it called a "misguided headline," although the AP had noted its unsuccessful efforts to contact Mead directly by telephone and email.
Sequestration: Much Larger Spending Cuts Needed To Balance The Budget
Sequestration, the set of automatic spending reductions set to hit on March 1, barely makes a dent in federal spending over the next decade. Much larger spending cuts are needed to rein in growing spending and debt and avoid a debt crisis.Federal spending is projected to grow from $3.6 trillion in 2013 to more than $6 trillion by 2023, a 69 percent increase without sequestration. Even with sequestration, federal spending would still grow by 67 percent. Sequestration barely even slows the growth in spending, let alone cuts any spending out of the overall budget.
Although sequestration this year will cut $85 billion out of agency budgets, the actual spending reduction in fiscal year (FY) 2013 will be only about $42 billion, as spending budgeted in one year often does not go out the door until future years. In the world of Washington budget-speak, this spending is referred to as “outlays.”
Spending continues growing at this massive pace because sequestration leaves the real drivers of spending and debt—the entitlement programs—nearly untouched. In 2013, spending is projected to grow by $57 billon without sequestration and by $15 billion with sequestration. The sequestration reduction to discretionary spending, including to defense, of $39 billion in 2013 is more than offset by the $85 billion increase in mandatory or entitlement spending this year.
Bottom of Form Barack Obama’s Impeachable Offense
Reading the headlines the past few weeks has been like a page out of the book of Revelation. Barack Obama riding on his red horse has been foretelling a literal Armageddon if the so-called “draconian” sequestration cuts go into effect.But Armageddon turned into Chicago’s cutthroat streets with Obama’s Al Capone-like thugs shaking down enemies when pundits, politicians, and journalists began to show that Obama as John the Baptist crying in the wilderness was really the boy crying wolf.
That the sequestration amounted to about two percent of the budget, that the “draconian” sequestration cuts were Obama’s idea. That it was all a sham to get another tax hike on the “fat cat millionaires and billionaires.”
Of course, the leftist media easily spun the narrative for Obama, blaming those evil Republicans.
At least until journalistic giant Bob Woodward came on the scene, setting the record straight. It was hard to argue against Woodward’s facts, given that he had written an entire book, The Price of Politics, describing the whole sequestration debacle.
So the Obama White House did what they do best: the shakedown.
Obama minion and thug Gene Sperling sent Woodward a threatening email, basically telling him to keep his mouth shut:
But I do truly believe you should rethink your comment about saying saying that Potus asking for revenues is moving the goal post. I know you may not believe this, but as a friend, I think you will regret staking out that claim.
Team Obama’s mistake was that they weren’t dealing with one of their hacks in the mainstream media. This was the man who had brought down Richard Nixon. This was the man who, as the mainstream media began to drink Obama’s Kool-Aid, remained at the water cooler of real journalism.
And he began to sing like a canary. First on CNN. Then on Fox. Then, well, his words were beamed as millions of ones and zeros over the Internet, and Team Obama and the Left did the only thing that was left: mockery.
This was exemplified with Obama henchman David Plouffe’s tweet that Woodward’s statements were merely rantings of a senile old man. And the Left parroted this narrative ad nauseam. Woodward was washed up. Put him out to pasture. Nothing to see here, move on. Give Woodward a teaspoon of Geritol and wheel him out onto the patio.
Except then came Lanny Davis, former Bill Clinton special counsel who had been writing a column for the Washington Times. He too received the shakedown treatment from Team Obama.
Then the wheels began to fall off the sequestration bus.
The media began to turn on Obama.
Arne Duncan, Obama’s Education Secretary, was caught in a lie about the sequestration resulting in “thousands of teacher layoffs,” which was a total fabrication.
But this was only the innocuous part of Obama’s spin machine.
Beneath the surface, there was simmering what can only be called treason.
Barack Obama, putting politics above his primary duty as Commander-in-Chief—that of protecting it’s citizens—pulled the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Harry S. Truman out of commission, citing his phony sequestration cuts.
But this is mild compared to what he did next. Citing the “draconian” sequester cuts, Barack Hussein Obama opened the jail cells of hundreds of illegal aliens, letting them roam the streets to rape and maim and kill. And this is only the beginning. It has been reported that Obama will release ten thousand jailed illegal aliens.
And when his army of ten thousand criminals are done—make no bones about it—there will be dead bodies.
And Barack Hussein Obama will be an accessory to murder.
And that is an impeachable offense.
All as part of a ploy to get the rich to “pay their fair share.”
After Obama is impeached and removed from office—and impeachment proceedings should begin immediately—today—Barack Hussein Obama should be tried and convicted as an accessory to murder.
And then America should throw away the key.
Editor de “En mi opinión”
Un Eurodiputado explota en el parlamento de la UE y dice lo que ningún político se atreve a decir. ¡¡PÄSALO!! > http://www.facebook.com/l/9AQHwtUUfAQFdnG9hA_2C5c5l8Hw92Ub5EFT2dJldmYbQeA/www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=qJx_Lrwop1Y&vq=medium
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