Wednesday, March 27, 2013

# 344, 3/27/2013 “EN MI OPINION”

.No 344 Miercoles, Marzo 27, 2013  Editor Lázaro R González Miño.  

Hundreds Of DHS Armored Trucks On The Move?

Footage of hundreds of armored trucks, similar to ones reportedly purchased recently by the Department Of Homeland Security has appeared online, raising more questions over their intended use.
The video was uploaded to YouTube last week by a user who stated that it was shot in the middle of the desert between Hackberry and Peach Springs, Arizona.
It shows hundreds of military style trucks loaded on to a train, presumably in the process of being delivered domestically for law enforcement or military purposes.

The video raises significant questions in the wake of reports that the Department of Homeland Security, headed by Janet Napolitano, recently purchased around 2,700 MRAP trucks that many believe are to be deployed to local law enforcement agencies around the country.
It is clear that the DHS does have fleets of armoured vehicles intended for use in the US.

North Korea puts rocket units on 'highest alert,' issues new threats against US

It was announced that North Korea has now ordered rockets and long-range artillery units to be targeted towards U.S. military bases on Guam, Hawaii and the mainland. Analysts believe the threats are only to bolster the appearance of power for new leader Kim Jong Un.
By Alastair Jamieson, Staff writer, NBC News
North Korea stepped up its aggressive rhetoric on Tuesday, ordering its rocket and long-range artillery units to be combat ready and on the "highest alert" and issuing new threats against U.S. bases on Hawaii, Guam and mainland America.
Pyongyang warned that U.S. facilities would be "reduced to ashes and flames the moment the first attack is unleashed," according to a military order issued by the pariah state’s military "supreme command."
It comes in response to joint military drills by U.S. and South Korean forces which began in the area early this month and which have seen U.S. bombers flying sorties threatening the North.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspects an army landing exercise on Monday.
South Korea's defense ministry said it saw no sign of imminent military action by North Korea Tuesday, according to Reuters.
The announcement marked a further increase in military rhetoric from Pyongyang, and followed a threat last week that it would attack U.S. bases in the Pacific if its "enemies … make even the slightest movement."
It came as South Korea marked the third anniversary of the sinking of one its navy vessels, blamed on North Korea, which left 46 sailors dead.
Pyongyang previously threatened nuclear attack on the United States and South Korea, although it is not believed to have the capability to hit the continental United States with an atomic weapon. However, Reuters reported that U.S. military bases in the Pacific area are in range of its medium-range missiles.
The isolated nation has threatened to attack American military bases in Japan and Guam in retaliation for the U.S. conducting military exercises with South Korea. On Wednesday, major South Korean banks and media companies were hacked.
The military statement, also posted on the KCNA website, said: "From this moment the… supreme command will put on the highest alert all the field artillery units including strategic rocket units and long-range artillery units which are assigned to strike bases of the U.S. imperialist aggressor troops in the U.S. mainland and on Hawaii and Guam and other operational zone in the Pacific as well as all the enemy targets in south Korea and its vicinity."
Voice of America’s Northeast Asia bureau chief, Steve Herman, quoted South Korean radio station MND saying Tuesday’s announcement is the first time North Korea has referred to "Il-ho" — its highest level combat readiness posture.

Corea del Norte alista sus armas para posible ataque a EE.UU.  09:46 AM ET (CNN) — Corea del Norte mandó este martes su última ronda de amenazas contra Estados Unidos, y dijo que planea preparar a sus unidades militares de combate para posibles ataques contra bases estadounidenses.

El Mando Supremo de Corea del Norte "pondrá a nuestras fuerzas armadas en estado de combate, con unidades de misiles estratégicos de largo alcance y unidades de artillería para prepararse para posibles ataques bases en Hawaii y Guam, y otras unidades militares estadounidenses y surcoreanas en el Pacífico", informó la Agencia Central de Noticias Coreana (KCNA).
Enfurecido por las sanciones más duras que aprobó la ONU y los ejercicios militares conjuntos de Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur, Pyongyang ha emitido una serie de amenazas en las últimas semanas.
El anuncio de que bombarderos B-52 de Estados Unidos estaban haciendo vuelos sobre Corea del Sur como parte de los ejercicios militares en particular enfureció al Norte, que advirtió de represalias si las incursiones continuaban.
La declaración de Corea del Norte de este martes refirió que los vuelos de los B-52 se realizaron este lunes en Corea del Sur.
El Departamento de Defensa de EU respondió a la última amenaza de Corea del Norte y reiteró su confianza de que podrá defenderse de cualquiera que sea la respuesta del régimen de Kim Jong Un.
"EU es totalmente capaz de defenderse a sí mismo y a nuestros aliados en contra de un ataque" de Corea del Norte, dijo el teniente Jack Miller, un portavoz del Pentágono.
"Estamos firmemente comprometidos con la defensa de la República de Corea y Japón", agregó.
Los generales de EU y Corea del Sur firmaron este viernes un nuevo plan de contingencia" diseñado para hacer frente a las futuras provocaciones de Corea del Norte".
Las autoridades militares de los dos aliados desarrollaron el plan después de que Corea del Norte bombardeó una isla de Corea del Sur en 2010, matando a cuatro personas.
La gran cantidad de retórica incendiaria de Pyongyang en las últimas semanas ha incluido amenazas de ataques preventivos nucleares contra los Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur, así como la declaración de que el armisticio que detuvo la guerra de Corea en 1953, ya no es válido.
La mayoría de los observadores dicen que Corea del Norte aún está a años de distancia de tener la tecnología para ofrecer una ojiva nuclear en un misil, pero tiene tiene suficiente potencia de fuego militar convencional, incluido el líquido de misiles balísticos de largo alcance capaces de transportar explosivos de alta potencia a cientos de kilómetros.
Las tensiones en la Península Coreana se produjeron después de que el Norte llevó a cabo el lanzamiento de un cohete de largo alcance en diciembre y una prueba nuclear subterránea el mes pasado, lo que llevó al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU a aumentar las sanciones sobre el régimen.
Judy Kwon contribuyó a este informe.

Is Bloomberg Right on Gun Control? Vote Here Now.

Justices Wary of Broad Ruling Endorsing Gay Marriage

Tuesday, 26 Mar 2013 12:27 PM Supreme Court justices signaled on Tuesday that they are reluctant to embrace a broad ruling finding a fundamental right to marriage for gays and lesbians across the United States.
As sign-waving demonstrators massed outside, the court completed more than an hour of oral argument on whether to let stand a California ban on same-sex marriage without indicating a clear path forward.
Swing vote Justice Anthony Kennedy raised concerns about the court entering "uncharted waters" on an issue that divides the states.
Kennedy even raised the prospect of the court dismissing the case, a relatively unusual move that would leave intact a federal Appeals Court ruling that struck down the law, known as Proposition 8.
In a similar vein, Justice Samuel Alito also urged caution, noting that gay marriage as a concept is "newer than cellphones and the Internet."
None of the justices indicated support for the Obama administration's favored solution, which would strike down Proposition 8 and require the other eight states that already recognize civil unions or domestic partnerships to allow gays and lesbians to marry.
Earlier in the argument, the justices probed lawyers on both sides on the technical issue of whether California opponents of gay marriage had a right to be heard in federal court.
Although there was no apparent consensus on that point, if the court were to find the proponents did not have standing it would not reach the merits and then the federal District Court ruling that struck down Proposition 8 would be left intact.
U.S. citizens in general do not have a right to sue to enforce laws they favor. Chief Justice John Roberts pressed lawyer Charles Cooper, who represents gay marriage opponents, on why his clients are any different as they seek to enforce Proposition 8.
"I don't think we've ever allowed anything like that," Roberts said.
Prior to expressing his doubts about whether the court should decide the case, Kennedy pressed Cooper on the "imminent legal injury" facing almost 40,000 California children being raised by gay and lesbian couples. "They want their parents to have full recognition and full status," he said.
Cooper, facing a barrage of questions mostly from the Supreme Court's liberal wing, called California's law the equivalent of a "pause button."
Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, arguing on behalf of the Obama administration in support of striking down the law, said the California ban was not a "pause button" but a "delete button."
On Wednesday, the court will consider the 1996 federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which limits the definition of marriage to opposite-sex couples. Rulings in both cases are expected by the end of June.
04:25 PM ET

Maduro atribuye los homicidios en Venezuela a la "falta de visión socialista" amenper.
El Gobierno de Venezuela reconoció este domingo que en 2012 la tasa de homicidio en ese país aumentó un 14%, registrando un total al pasar de 14.092 asesinatos en 2011 a 16.072 el año pasado. Unas cifras que el presidente encargado, Nicolás Maduro, atribuye a la "falta de visión socialista".
Durante 2012, dice el informe llamado "Memoria y Cuenta", la policía científica realizó el levantamiento de 7.489 cadáveres y el traslado de 19.266.
 Venezuela es el país más violento de Suramérica, se registran 145 muertes en un fin de semana, en lo que va de año se han reportado 4,678 asesinatos.
El gobernante encargado de Venezuela y candidato a la Presidencia, Nicolás Maduro, dijo que para acabar con el problema de la violencia en el país hace falta una "visión integral y socialista" y pidió la colaboración de artistas y deportistas para participar en un plan que aborde el conflicto.

Menos mal que tienen falta de visión socialista, si tuvieran buena vista,,,,,,  
¿Cuánto personas hubieran asesinado?

LA MESA ESTA SERVIDA Jesus Marzo Fernandez.

Como siempre digo, la dictadura comunista de
Cuba y sus fieles seguidores, tienen la virtud
de ser verdaderos especialistas en el arte del
entretenimiento;   siempre desviando la atencion
de los problemas fundamentales de la Patria.

Como el tiempo pasa y nos vamos poniendo viejos
y realmente no vemos una luz en el camino, no
es un tango, es una realidad.  Para mi el tiempo
es oro, no lo puedo desperdiciar, tengo que
concentrarme en los problemas fundamentales.

Raul en la clausura de VI Congreso, fue claro y
preciso, estableciendo la reglas del juego, en
cubano , SIRVIO LA MESA:

   Va estar 5 anos mas en el poder [por sus pantalones]

   Va a modificar la Constitucion  [idem]

   Su sucesor y proximo presidente de Cuba sera 
 Miguel Diaz Canet  [idem]

Aunque esto parezca increible, en pleno siglo XXI,
esta surealista  declaracion lejos de convertirse en
un escandalo,  un hecho sin precedentes en la politica
 mundial.  La primera reaccion, inesperada pero
cierta, fue tratar de averiguar quien era Diaz-Canet,
 como  pensaba? de donde salio?
Y los especuladores de siempre , que si el modelo
Chino, el modelo Viet-Namita, el entretenimiento;
 pero aun mas, algunos llegaron a afirmar que habia
sido una decision muy acertada.

Sencillamente, este es el estado actual y previsible
de la situacion cubana. Si hay otro escenario, lo
veremos dentro de 5 anos.  Ahora bien, porque hay
que aceptar docilmente este mensaje que conlleva
una sumision total.?

Si dentro de 5 anos va a haber unas elecciones
[de mentiritas]  para elegir a Diaz-Canet, la oposicion
tiene que estar en condiciones de llevar su propio
candidato y  exigiendo solamente un respaldo mundial
para elecciones libres. Solo eso, elecciones libres.

Si Venezuela tiene un Capriles, porque Cuba no va
a tener su candidato.  Sabemos que el gobierno
cubano siempre ha hecho lo humano y lo divino
por eliminar a todo aquel, que en un momento
pudiera a aspirar a la direccion del pais.  Ni el
exilio ha escapado a esta politica de division y
penetracion, seguidamente fielmente por los
companeros de viaje.

En estos momentos en Cuba, nos sobran los
Capriles, tenemos patriotas formados en la lucha,
que han sufrido en carne propia, los maltratos
carcelarios, por defender una idea justa. Hombres
y mujeres.  Dispuestos al sacrificio total por la
Patria.  ESTAN AHI.

Sabemos que los ineptos y los colaboracionistas
enseguida van encontrar y crear dificultades
los independentistas a buscar soluciones.
Realmente lo que necesitamos los cubanos de
forma inmediata es a un Jose Marti.

Debo aclarar que no pertenezco a ninguna
organizacion.  Digo esto, para evitar las
 suspicacias, no menciono nombres para evitar
 la injusticia del olvido.  Pero nos sobran
los cubanos dignos.

Son los politicos, lo que a mi modo de ver, tienen
la obligacion de organizar la oposicion, nada
excepcional como lo hicieron los venezolanos.
Y elegir un candidato unico de oposicion.  Si son
politicos, esa es su tarea inmediata.

El camino mas largo se inicia con el primer paso,
tenemos 5 anos.  Para mi es una oportunidad
que no se puede dejar pasar.  O seguimos con
Yoani, Saavedra y los Van-Van. O vamos a
luchar a la arena politica.

¿Cuál es el costo político del "secuestro" presupuestario de EE.UU?

Por Carlos Alberto Montaner
(CNNEspañol) –  En esta videocolumna, el analista y columnista de CNN en Español Carlos Alberto Montaner analiza el "secuestro" del presupuesto federal de Estados Unidos para ahorrar 1,5 billones de dólares a lo largo de una década.
¿Qué implicaciones tiene esta medida? ¿Cuál es el costo político? ¿Quiénes cargarán con las culpas?
Mira el video y entérate:


SNOPES.COM labels this article as FALSE.  Then goes on to say that he was NOT a felon, but he did everything possible through 'favors' to avoid military service! 
Fantastic military record! Eh? 

This is the Senior Statesman of the "Democrats"!!

Bill & Hillary, a lovely couple, got about $12 million for their to-be written memoirs. Here's some help for them since their memories are getting old.


Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 08, 1964, accepting all contractual conditions of registering for the draft. Selective Service Number is 326 46 228.

Bill Clinton classified 2-S on November 17, 1964.

Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968.

Bill Clinton ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969.

Bill Clinton refuses to report and is not inducted into the military.

Bill Clinton reclassified 1-D after enlisting in the United States Army Reserves on August 07, 1969, under authority of COL. E. Holmes.

Clinton signs enlistment papers and takes oath of enlistment.

Bill Clinton fails to report to his duty station at the University of Arkansas ROTC, September 1969.

Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on October 30, 1969, as enlistment with Army Reserves is revoked by Colonel E. Holmes and Clinton now AWOL and subject to arrest under Public Law 90-40 (2) (a) - registrant who has failed to report...remain liable for induction.

Bill Clinton's birth date lottery number is 311, drawn December 1, 1969, but anyone who has already been ordered to report for induction is INELIGIBLE!

Bill Clinton runs for Congress (1974), while a fugitive from justice under Public Law 90-40.

Bill Clinton runs for Arkansas Attorney General (1976), while a fugitive from justice.

Bill Clinton receives pardon on January 21, 1977, from President Carter.

Bill Clinton becomes the FIRST PARDONED FEDERAL FELON ever to serve as President of the United States .

All these facts come from Freedom of Information requests, public laws, and various books that have been published, and have not been refuted by Clinton .

After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia , which killed five U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia , which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and injured 5,000, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors, Clinton promised that those responsible be hunted down and punished.

Maybe if Clinton had kept those promises, an estimated 3,000 people in New York and Washington , DC , who are now dead would be alive today.

THINK ABOUT IT! It is a strange turn of events. Hillary gets $8 Million for her forthcoming memoir. Bill gets about $12 Million for his memoir yet to be written. This from two people who spent 8 years being unable to recall anything about past events while under oath.

Cdr. Hamilton McWhorter USN (ret)

Please forward this to as many people as you can! We don't want this woman to even THINK of running for President!

ALERT: DHS Secretary Napolitano avoids questioning, solicits thousands more rounds of ammunition. Take Action: Demand Congress to DEFUND and DISMANTLE the police state!

Conservative American,

Over a dozen House members are calling on Janet Napolitano to answer for the Department of Homeland Security's recent mass-purchases of ammunition, guns, and heavily armored vehicles.

It's not just
Representative Leonard Lance, as we reported last week - California Representative Doug LaMalfa is also pressing the DHS.

In a
letter to the DHS Secretary co-signed by thirteen House members, Rep. LaMalfa writes:
"Aside from being hard to justify, the timing of these purchases is of great interest as well since, as we all know, the Obama Administration is proposing legislation to further restrict access to firearms and ammunition. The extraordinary level of ammunition purchases made by Homeland Security seems to have, in states such as my own, created an extreme shortage of ammunition to the point where many gun owners are unable to purchase any.

Additionally, the Department has spent, or is asking to spend, significant amounts of money on nearly two billion rounds of ammunition when across-the-board spending cuts are scheduled to go into effect under the President's sequester plan. According to your recent public statements, these cuts make our nation more vulnerable to a terrorist attack, yet the Department is still spending money on millions of bullets in addition to the billion and a half that have already been sought."

The California Representative is correct in assuming that the DHS is helping the Feinstein-types in Congress who have blatantly stated that their gun-control efforts are aimed to "dry up" the supply of privately-owned firearms and ammunition.

This is a new hypothesis, but it fits the overall disarm-and-control agenda perfectly.

Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!

So the question is this: did the Secretary respond to the House members' call? No. Napolitano hasn't said a single word.

(Note: Homeland Security spokesperson Peter Boogaard's reiteration of the DHS' often-used "official" answer - saying that the purchases are for "training purposes" - offers nothing new, and does not stand as a substitute for the Secretary's answer, which is exactly what the House members are calling for. See Boogaard's response at
US News. Plus, let's ask this question: If the U.S. military doesn't even train with hollow-point rounds, why would the DHS?)

What's more, as the DHS evades questions on their current ammo supply, they are at the same time in the midst of stocking-up even more ammunition!

We aren't kidding. On March 21st - five days ago - Homeland Security solicited an additional
360,000 rounds of ammunition!

Whether, as Rep. LaMalfa believes, the DHS is intentionally buying-up ammunition to create a civilian shortage, or if the Department is preparing for some up-and-coming crisis, either way Americans lose.

The Department of Homeland Security - which was born to combat terrorism in the wake of 9/11 - is now a terror itself. This ever-growing monster must be slain and Congress carries the sword!

Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They mustkill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!

Speaking at a Tea Party Rally in Whippany, New Jersey, Representative Leonard Lance said he is "concerned" about the DHS' stockpiling of ammo and heavily-armored vehicles for domestic use.

The New Jersey Rep. state he "would like a full explanation" from DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. He said, "Congress has a responsibility to ask Secretary Napolitano as to exactly why these purchases have occurred."

Rep. Lance concluded his statement on the DHS, saying: "I think we need to make sure we continue to live in a country based on freedom - a country based on individual rights - and I hope that we in Congress get the answers to these questions."

(Watch the video
While Rep. Lance' statement stands to show that lawmakers are on our side, asking the DHS to explain its actions is not enough - what is needed is a wholesale change in the way Homeland Security does business!

The good news is that we can force this change by demanding our elected servants to investigate and defund the DHS police state!

Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They mustkill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!

Some of our Nation's founders rightly warned against "standing armies," having the memory of King George III's continental troops and their tyranny fresh in their minds.

It was James Madison who said that, "A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty."

Madison is being proven correct today; his statement rings true in regards to Obama's Department of Homeland Security.

Would the Great Virginian Founder have guessed that, in addition to an Army and Navy, the U.S. President would wield his very own domestic security force?

The fact is, Obama and Janet Napolitano's DHS is becoming more and more militarized. In its most recent move, Homeland Security bought nearly three-thousand fifteen-ton tanks!

That's right; the DHS just purchased 2,717 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles -- or MRAPs - which they have retrofitted to operate American streets.

These "light tanks" are more than capable of withstanding major combat.

Navistar Defense, the company that builds MRAP vehicles,
describes these heavily armored vehicles as able to "withstand ballistic arms fire, mine blasts, IEDs, and other emerging threats."

The question is this: What on earth is this ever-growing DHS expecting?

They are literally preparing for war.

Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!

(See the DHS's video release on their recent purchases

Remember, this same department also possesses of over 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition!

Andrew Malcom notes in his piece at Investors that ammunition in this amount could've serviced the government's peak military involvement in Iraq - when 5.5 million rounds were fired per month - for twenty-four years!

Malcom adds:
"But DHS has been silent about its need for numerous orders of bullets in the multiple millions. Indeed, Examiner writer Ryan Keller points out Janet Napolitano's agency illegally redacted information from some ammunition solicitation forms following media inquiries.

According to one estimate, just since last spring DHS has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm. That's sufficient firepower to shoot every American about five times. Including illegal immigrants."

(For DHS ammunition solicitations see
here, here, here, and here.)

Sarah Palin, not one to be taken for a conspiracy theorist, believes that the Executive Branch is accumulating rounds in order to quell civil unrest that she believes will result from economic collapse based on our unsustainable national debt.

Palin wrote on her Facebook
page: "Put a fork in us. We're finished. We're going to default eventually and that's why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest."

Congress must prevent the Executive Branch from expanding its personal military - one that is literally capable of waging war on Americans - and defund these out-of-control, unconstitutional DHS purchases and programs!

Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!

Obama's DHS has been stockpiling weapons and ammunition - hollow-points no less - for what purpose? Remember, Homeland Security is placing these orders, not the Department of Defense! In fact, the DHS just recently requested an additional
7,000 "personal defense weapons."

Is Obama's "civilian military" being assembled under our noses - the one he hinted at during his 2008 campaign when he
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

(Note: The defense budget at the time of this statement was $439 billion; to keep the "civilian" force "just as well-funded" would require an additional $438 billion.)

Georgia's Rep. Paul Broun
says that Obama's "civilian military force" is:
"totally against freedom, it's not in the best interest of the American people ... [it's] exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany, it's exactly what the Soviet Union did. In fact, every fascist dictatorship [had] established a national police force or national security force ...As a peace-loving, freedom-loving American who believes in the Constitution as our founding fathers meant it to be, I'm just extremely fearful of this kind of mentality."

So far as one can tell, Rep. Broun has been proven absolutely correct.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Jim Garrow told Ben Swann in an interview that the Obama Administration, right now, is dispelling military officers that aren't willing to fire on American citizens!

Garrow said, "... the Obama Administration is in fact pushing the military into doing that that are a breach of the Constitution and a breach of the Second Amendment."

Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!

Since Obama took office, military training exercises in public locations have not been uncommon - in fact, they are described as "routine."

Just last month, for example, black helicopters were "buzzing around" Miami. Their purpose? Police told the
Miami Herald:
"This ... routine training conducted by military personnel [is] designed to ensure the military's ability to operate in urban environments, prepare forces for upcoming overseas deployments, and meet mandatory training certification requirement."

In case that isn't scary enough, read this comment from
the Examiner:
"Nevertheless, the sight of soldiers rappelling onto rooftops and the sound of gunfire have many concerned.

At one point, a photographer in Miami captured video of a military helicopter firing its machine guns as it flew over an area freeway. The chopper was firing blanks, but an artist visiting the city apparently didn't know that.

'I heard the machine gun fire and then I hit the deck...I didn't know what to expect, and it was one of the loudest things I'd ever heard,' Josh Epperson said."

While Obama's DHS is loading-up on ammunition - enough rounds to plug every American about six-times - and buying "assault weapons" - the very kinds that gun-grabbers are trying to remove from the hands of Americans - many Congressmen remain sitting on their hands!

When will Congress stand-up and fight for the people they claim to represent?

When will they flex their muscles and check the power of the overgrown Executive Branch?

Congressional action is long overdue and things are only getting worse... action is needed now! They must take action and defund Obama's police state!

Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!

In the Virginia Ratifying Convention of 1778, George Mason identified one of King George III's tactics to control the colonists: disarmament.

"Forty years ago, when the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, who was governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually ..."

Our founders knew well that big government always prefers to rule by disarmament, because an unarmed populace - like Mason rightly noted - is an "enslaved" one.

In addition to providing specifications for an army to be raised for the defense of the States' freedom (see:
Article I, Section 8, Clause 12); the Second Amendment to the Constitution established "the right to keep and bear arms." Thus, the Constitutional provision for Congress to create Armed Forces is treated as separate from the individual's right to hold his own arms. In other words, the Second Amendment was not adopted to establish rights for an army; no, it was adopted to codify the natural, individual right to self-defense and as a block against tyranny.

On January 16 - just over one month ago - Barack Obama made a declaration in front of the nation in opposition to this basic, constitutional right.

His nearly thirty-minute address on "curbing gun violence" was an assault on the Second Amendment.

Despite his oath of office - which he recently recited for a second time - where he placed his hand on the Bible and proclaimed that he will, to the best of his ability, "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" - Obama has worked against the Constitution in the name of defending it.

Though many of his executive actions urged Congress to take action - regardless of the fact the not one of the twenty-three are in the proper role of the general government - Barack Obama has stood against the People's right to keep and bear arms.

Obama wants a disarmed public, despite his claims that he supports the Second Amendment.

Let's be clear: Obama wants to be in full control. Gun-owning, self-sufficient Americans are the very people that stand as a threat to him and his Big Government agenda. He hates individuals strong-enough to bear arms and care for themselves and their families.

Simply, Obama wants a nation of sheep.

But Congress - the People's representatives - must act on our behalf and stop his attack on gun ownership and dismantle his police state completely!

Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!

Obama just added another weapon to his arsenal against American citizens - the "Interagency Working Group to Counter Online Radicalization to Violence."

While the agency's high-sounding title may sound admirable, it only takes one scratch on its surface to prove otherwise. The key is in the questions: Who is does the agency target? Who are the so-called "radicals"?

Seeing that White House website describes the group essentially as a digital counterterrorism police force - able to "
investigate and prosecute" - it isn't striking to see groups like al-Qa'ida listed as targets. However, what is striking is the agency's listing of "sovereign citizens" among legitimate terrorist organizations.

That's right; Obama's new "digital cops" are directed to take action against so-called "extremists" who "believe that even though they physically reside in this country, they are separate or 'sovereign' from the United States."

These are Americans he is after!

Under this criterion, our founding fathers would today be considered enemies of the state, and their Declaration of Independence called a "terrorist" manifesto!

It looks like West Point's junk-study that essentially
declares war on patriotism is paying off...

How many more bricks will Congress allow the Dictator-in-Chief Barack Obama to lay in his building of the American Police State? Further, how many more Americans will be arrested, imprisoned, or added to Barack Obama's personal kill list?

We must tell Congress that enough is enough! They must completely defund Obama's gestapo-type agencies now!

Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!

The United States as "the land of the free" is swiftly becoming fiction and Obama's "fundamentally transformed America" is becoming reality.

While it is true that all branches of government have encroached upon our God-given freedoms - the Congress and the Courts both playing a part - America's overgrown Executive is chiefly to blame.

That's right; the Constitution and the Rule of Law have been flipped on their head by Barack Obama and his Administration through executive orders, memoranda, and other "emergency" actions.

In 2013 alone we have seen Obama's full-blown attack on the People's Second Amendment, essentially re-writing it to read "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed ... unless one works for the government."

In Obama's "fundamentally transformed America," Americans themselves are targeted by the police and the military.

How much longer will Congress - a separate, but equal power - allow the Constitution and the Rule of Law be trampled by Obama and his hired men?

Barack Obama has been and is the most dangerous, reckless president in our entire nation's history and it is time that upright members of Congress stop him!

The House and the Senate must take action against Obama's dictatorship by fully defunding and dismantling his police state programs!

Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!

For America,
Conservative Action Alerts

P.S. Obama's unconstitutional actions must be opposed! Tell Congress to destroy and defund Obama's police state!
Select Here to send your free letters to your lawmakers!

Bienvenido A Miami Sr. Presidente, Pero Tómese Un Momento Para Ver Lo Que Sus Políticas Económicas Han Hecho, Tenemos Un Alto Desempleo Y Las Pequeñas Empresas Paralizadas Por La Incertidumbre, Declara Ros-Lehtinen
“Para empeorar esta mala situación, las políticas económicas del Presidente han producido mucha incertidumbre y las pequeñas empresas están paralizadas por el temor,” destaca Ros-Lehtinen
Miami, Florida – El Presidente Obama estará en Miami este viernes para hablar de la economía y la Congresista Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) emitió la siguiente declaración dándole la bienvenida pero destacando que sus políticas económicas han sido desastrosas para las pequeñas empresas y han detenido la creación de empleos.
Declaró Ros-Lehtinen: “Le doy la bienvenida al Presidente a nuestra gran ciudad de Miami, pero le pido que vea de primera mano lo que sus políticas económicas han producido. El desempleo se mantiene tercamente alto y el débil crecimiento económico impide la creación de los empleos que los norteamericanos necesitan tan desesperadamente.
Para empeorar esta mala situación, las políticas económicas del Presidente han traído mucha incertidumbre y las pequeñas empresas están paralizadas por el temor. Nuestra deuda nacional de $16.7 trillones continúa creciendo con su Administración añadiendo un trillón de dólares adicionales en deuda cada año. Indudablemente, estamos en un camino insostenible.
Cuando el Presidente llegue a Miami el viernes él destacara los supuestos logros de sus políticas económicas pero muchos de mis constituyentes piensan muy diferente.”

Scalia: ‘When Did It Become Unconstitutional To Exclude Homosexual Couples From Marriage?’

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Things certainly seem interesting at the Supreme Court today. Check it out:
In oral arguments before the Supreme Court Tuesday, Justice Antonin Scalia repeatedly pressed Ted Olson, the attorney advocating same-sex marriage, over the issue of when exactly marriage, as it is defined in most states today, became unconstitutional:
“We don’t prescribe law for the future. We decide what the law is. I’m curious, when did it become unconstitutional to exclude homosexual couples from marriage? 1791? 1868? When the Fourteenth Amendment was adopted?”
Olson countered that with a question of his own, bringing up two past high-profile cases involving discrimination: “When did it become unconstitutional to prohibit interracial marriages? When did it become unconstitutional to assign children to separate schools?” Olson asked.

Obamacare Aumentará Las Primas De Seguro Médico En la Florida Mas De Un 60%; Ros-Lehtinen Destaca Que Los Floridanos Merecen Algo Mejor
“Los jóvenes comenzando a buscar empleo serán los más afectados,” declara Ros-Lehtinen
Miami, Florida –Un reciente informe indica que las primas de seguro médico en la Florida aumentaran un 61% a causa de Obamacare. La Congresista Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) declaró que los floridanos merecen algo mejor y no este programa de salud repleto de regulaciones y burocracia innecesaria. El informe fue recientemente emitido por los miembros Republicanos de los Comités de Energía y Comercio, de Finanzas en el Senado y de Salud, Educación, Empleo y Pensiones, también del Senado.
El informe “El Precio de las Promesas Rotas de Obamacare” está basado en más de 30 estudios y analices y destaca que el aumento de primas en los 50 estados será el resultado de los mandatos burocráticos y controles de precios que impone la ley del cuidado de la salud del Presidente.
Los jóvenes, ya enfrentándose a un record desempleo, serán los más afectados. Los recién graduados que encuentran posiciones de entrada y están pagando sus préstamos estudiantiles con mucho esfuerzo, pueden ver sus primas de seguro aumentar entre un 145% y 189%. Algunos estudios estiman que los jóvenes pudieran ver aumentos de primas de hasta 203%.
Destacó Ros-Lehtinen, “Obamacare causará una mayor crisis económica para las pequeñas empresas y sus empleados ya que sus primas de seguro medico aumentaran más de lo que ellos pueden costear. Los jóvenes comenzando a buscar empleo en un terrible mercado de trabajos serán afectados más que otros. He apoyado por mucho tiempo la eliminación de este programa de salud repleto de impuestos que disminuirá la creación de empleos y para reemplazarlo con reformas que bajen el costo del cuidado de la salud por medio de la competencia y el mercado libre.”
La Administración Envía El Mensaje Equivocado Al Proporcionar $500 Millones En Asistencia A Los Palestinos, Dice Ros-Lehtinen
“Abu Mazen Debe Entender Que Sus Acciones Tienen Repercusiones”
 (WASHINGTON) – La Congresista  Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Presidenta del Subcomité del Medio Oriente y África del Norte, hizo la siguiente declaración con respecto a la decisión de la Administración de enviar $500 millones de dólares en asistencia a la Autoridad Palestina. Declaración de Ros-Lehtinen:

“La decisión de la Administración de mandar $500 millones en asistencia a la Autoridad Palestina, con la posibilidad de unos $200 millones adicionales, es irresponsable y transmite un mensaje equivocado a los ciudadanos norteamericanos y a nuestros aliados en la región.
“Las acciones de la Autoridad Palestina en la ONU y sus esfuerzos para reconciliarse con Hamas, ofrecen la oportunidad a los Estados Unidos de usar esta asistencia económica para forzar a Abu Mazen a tomar pasos que no socaven el proceso de paz. Solamente en la última semana, Abu Mazen declaró que hay pocas diferencias entre su política y la de Hamas y argumentó en contra de la designación del grupo como una organización terrorista. Durante la reciente visita del Presidente Obama, cohetes fueron lanzados desde Gaza hacia Israel, demostrando que Abu Mazen es incapaz o reacio a presionar a Hamas que abandone sus tácticas terroristas contra Israel. Cómo pueden considerar los EE.UU. y el estado democrático judío de Israel a Abu Mazen como un socio por la paz cuando sus palabras y acciones indican lo contrario?
“Abu Mazen debe entender que sus acciones traen repercusiones y que no va a ser recompensado por su malversación con millones de dólares del contribuyente norteamericano lo cual el considera un derecho para la Autoridad Palestina. Durante momentos en que nuestra nación enfrenta una crisis económica con déficit fuera de control y una deuda nacional que continua creciendo, el hecho de dar esta mayor cantidad de dinero incondicionalmente a la Autoridad Palestina es peligroso y un ejemplo de prioridades equivocadas. ”
NOTA: Durante el Congreso 112, la Presidenta Ros-Lehtinen puso un alto a fondos de la Autoridad Palestina. Adicionalmente, el año pasado Ros-Lehtinen fue la autora de H.R. 2829, la Ley del 2011 Por La Transparencia y Responsabilidad de las Naciones Unidas, cual detendría la asistencia a cualquier entidad de la ONU que reconozca al estado Palestino o ascienda de categoría el estado de la misión observadora Palestina en la ONU antes de lograr un acuerdo de paz final y completo entre los israelíes y los palestinos.

 The FREEDON never is Free”    Editor Lázaro R González Miño .

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