.No 327 Viernes, Marzo 1 2013 Editor Lázaro R
González Miño
cualquier idioma. amenper
Amiguismo, Deshonestidad
Los comentarios de ayer del senador Chuck
Grassley (R., Iowa) con respecto a la candidatura de Jack Lew como Secretario
del tesoro, el 27 de febrero no necesitan nada que añadir, sólo
compartirlos con ustedes:
El problema que
enfrentamos con el nombramiento del Sr. Lew es que el Senado no tiene respuestas
a preguntas básicas factuales sobre el Sr. Lew.
hacer una elección informada sobre su nominación? Por ejemplo, cuando el Sr.
Lew trabajó en la Universidad de Nueva York exenta de impuestos, le dieron una
hipoteca de $1,4 millones subsidiados. Ahora, el Sr. Lew afirma que él no puede
recordar la tasa de interés que pagó de su hipoteca de $1,4 millones que le dio
la Universidad exenta de impuestos.
no pasa la prueba de seriedad, parece un chiste.
Cuando el Sr.
Lew era Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de NYU, la escuela recibió sobornos en
préstamos estudiantiles de Citiigroup..........
............ Entonces,
el Sr. Lew comenzó a trabajar para Citigroup.
Cuando le
pregunté el Sr. Lew si tuvo cualquier conversación con Citigroup sobre
estos sobornos mientras estaba en NYU, él dijo una vez más "que no se
En el pasado, el
Presidente ha arremetió contra los "peces gordos" en Wall Street.
Hoy, el Presidente designa a un hombre que tomó una bonificación de un banco
rescatado con los estimulos del dinero de los contribuyentes y
financieramente insolvente.
El Presidente se
ha quejado constantemente por el alto costo de la matrícula universitaria.
Mientras el Sr. Lew estaba en NYU, la Universidad aumentó matrícula casi el 40
por ciento mientras que él ganaba más que el Presidente de la Universidad de
Nueva York.
En un pasado no
tan lejano, Presidente Obama llama el Ugland House "la mayor estafa de
impuestos en el mundo". Hoy que designa a un hombre que fue parte de
Ugland House.
De hecho, el Presidente
ha repetidamente criticó las Islas Caimán y las inversiones en las Islas
Caimán El Sr. Lew es un inversionista en serie de Islas Caimán.
Durante su
dirección administrativa, Citigroup invirtió dinero allí, NYU invirtió dinero
allí y el Sr. Lew invirtió su dinero allí.
Creo que es
esencial para mantener a todos a la misma norma que establecen para los demás.
Por estas razones no votaré por esta nominación.
WaPo Blasts Obama, Congress: They've 'Chosen Not to Govern' Thursday, 28 Feb 2013 09:00 PMBy Todd Beamon
The Washington Post on Thursday slammed both Congress
and President Barack Obama for choosing “not to govern” and reaching a deal to
avert the $85 billion in broad government cuts scheduled to take place on
“To govern is to choose,” The Post said in an editorial. “Congress and President Obama have chosen not to govern. Instead, each side has concluded that its interest lies in letting the ‘sequester’ proceed as scheduled — and then trying to win the political blame game.
“This abdication is bad public policy,” The Post said.
The newspaper attacked the idea of indiscriminate agency cuts — and how these cuts will lead to employee furloughs and loss of pay. In addition, sequestration will do little to solve the nation’s long-term budget issues.
The editorial then discusses the failed bills that were voted on Thursday, including how one GOP proposal would have given Obama more flexibility in deciding where to make cuts.
“And the GOP was just trying to ‘shift the focus away’ from its refusal to compromise,” The Post editorial said.
“Washington has reached a strange place indeed when the opposition party offers the president more control over spending — and he refuses it,” The Post continued. “Apparently, in addition to its policy objections, the White House figured that a softened sequester couldn’t force Republicans to accept a long-term deal including higher revenue. It’s a gamble that the worse things might get now, the better they will get later.
“To govern is to choose,” The Post said in an editorial. “Congress and President Obama have chosen not to govern. Instead, each side has concluded that its interest lies in letting the ‘sequester’ proceed as scheduled — and then trying to win the political blame game.
“This abdication is bad public policy,” The Post said.
The newspaper attacked the idea of indiscriminate agency cuts — and how these cuts will lead to employee furloughs and loss of pay. In addition, sequestration will do little to solve the nation’s long-term budget issues.
The editorial then discusses the failed bills that were voted on Thursday, including how one GOP proposal would have given Obama more flexibility in deciding where to make cuts.
“And the GOP was just trying to ‘shift the focus away’ from its refusal to compromise,” The Post editorial said.
“Washington has reached a strange place indeed when the opposition party offers the president more control over spending — and he refuses it,” The Post continued. “Apparently, in addition to its policy objections, the White House figured that a softened sequester couldn’t force Republicans to accept a long-term deal including higher revenue. It’s a gamble that the worse things might get now, the better they will get later.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/obama-congress-washington-post/2013/02/28/id/492589?s=al&promo_code=12A01-1#ixzz2MILH86mw
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
A Secret Plan By Dick
Morris on February 27, 2013, enviado por Jorge A Villalon. Published on
TheHill.com on February 26, 2013
President Obama’s massive and
voluble campaign against the sequester has a deep political motivation that is
not apparent on the surface. He is engaging in a battle he knows he’ll lose.
Republicans are not going to budge on agreeing to tax hikes to avoid the
sequester’ s spending cuts, and Democrats won’t opt for entitlement cuts to
avoid it, either. So why is he fighting so hard when he has no leverage and
battling a measure that will take effect on March 1 if Congress does nothing —
something it does rather well?
Here’s the answer: He knows the
economy is tanking. He realizes that we are headed for a double-dip recession.
He expects unemployment to soar. He understands that his almost $300 billion in
tax increases this year will drive us into recession. So he needs an out.
That’s where sequestration fits
in: If it goes into effect, he can blame Republican budget cuts for the
economic disaster that will probably unfold this year.
It will be the GOP’s fault. All
the warnings of the dire impact of these across-the-board budget cuts —
including a New York Times article about how states fear the economic impact of
sequester — are designed to set up a massive blame game in which he excoriates
Republicans for the recession.
Such a stance will, of course, be
totally phony. Having raised payroll taxes by
$200 billion; income taxes by $65
billion; health
insurance premiums by 10-20 percent this year alone; and capital gains taxes by 9
percent; as well as having imposed a home sales tax of 4 percent, a package
well north of $300 billion — Obama will blame sequester, amounting to $85
billion, for all the fallout his taxes will cause.
Obama has always survived by using
excuses. The recession and unemployment were George W. Bush’s fault. The slow
recovery was because of the tsunami in Japan, the collapse of Greece was
uncertainty over the debt limit, political gridlock in Washington is Republican
threats to shut down the government. His policies are always blameless.
But now his failed policies are
really coming up for a pasting. With the economy about to slip into a
double-dip recession (we are likely already there) and then fall some more, he
needs a super-excuse. It’s hard to say that a spending cut of one-half of 1
percent of gross domestic product will be responsible.
So the big lie bears repeating
again and again and again.
First it emerges as a policy
statement, then as a warning and prediction, and finally it becomes an
explanation and a justification — a poor substitute for a correct policy in the
first place.
Obama realizes he is running out of
time and excuses. Now into his second term, a falloff in the economy is less
likely to be blamed on Bush and more likely to kindle discontent with Obama’s
policies. In bad economic times, we tend to blame the president, not his
Obama is looking to the
Hoover/Roosevelt model in which the continuing high unemployment rate in Franklin
Delano Roosevelt’s first term was universally — and correctly — ascribed to
Herbert Hoover’s impact on the economy. But throughout FDR’s first term, unemployment dropped
from a high of 26 percent in 1933 down to 13 percent in 1936.
FDR faced his own double dip when
the economy crashed in 1937 and joblessness rose back up above 20 percent. The
causes were the imposition of the Social Security tax — no benefits were paid
out until 1940 — and the Wagner Act, which gave unions new power and radically
increased wages. FDR couldn’t blame Hoover anymore. So he blamed the “economic
royalists.” He said “the economic royalists hate me and I welcome their hatred.”
So Obama is copying the FDR
playbook to avoid being identified with the second dip.
It didn’t work for FDR. He
suffered huge losses in Congress in 1938 and only won again in 1940 because of
the looming threat of war.
Obama’s blame game won’t work
either. Voters will pay him back for his economic stewardship in 2014. Big time.
Is Sequestration Really That Scary?
Many Republicans and
independents have argued that if any government spending is going to be cut, it
must be done by force; thus, lawmakers should allow the sequester to stand.
The political football that is sequestration will be
intentionally grounded today as lawmakers on both sides of the field decide how
to approach the next play. In the meantime, cheerleaders for and against
sequestration are holding pep rallies to fire up the public about what lies
ahead — depending on who emerges victorious in the political gamesmanship. Many Republicans and independents have argued that if any government spending is going to be cut, it must be done by force; thus, lawmakers should allow the sequester to stand. According to Pew, about 49 percent of respondents to a recent poll said the cuts should be delayed. A surprising 40 percent said sequestration should be carried out. And even an impressive one-third of respondents who described themselves as Democrats favor full-on sequestration.
Those who have aligned themselves squarely against any sort of sequestration are working overtime to alarm a populace that has been desensitized by story after story of the horrors of looming government cuts that rarely happen.
Here are some of the more interesting “the sky is falling” sequester headlines:
Wired reports that sequestration will lead to a backlog of delays in veteran funerals at Arlington National Cemetery:
There’s currently an average of 31 funerals a day at Arlington, the nation’s most prestigious resting place for war veterans. But the Army expects that under the automatic budget cuts known as sequestration, that average will drop to 24. As first tweeted by CNN’s Barbara Starr, that works out to 160 fewer funerals every month.
The Army says Arlington’s top priority is to bury troops killed in action in Afghanistan. That is not going to change under sequestration. Arlington representatives say that such burials typically take place within two weeks of receipt of the bodies of the fallen.
Science Works for U.S. issued a press release this week, lamenting that sequestration will mean a drastic reduction in the amount of “basic scientific research”:
George Washington University undergraduate research students April MacIntyre and Hamza Rahimi spoke of their concern that cuts to research would change the career plans of a generation of aspiring young scientists, doctors and engineers.
Federal research funding provides “resources to educate bright students with a passion to change the world through science,” says Rahimi, a senior. “Cuts from the sequestration will close off an essential pipeline, limiting the options of students across the country who are just like us, as well as damaging American competitiveness around the world,” he adds.
NBC reports that air travel will be snarled as budget cuts at the Federal Aviation Administration and Transportation Security Administration will mean longer security lines.
In a press release earlier this month, the White House Office of Management and Budget claimed that sequestration could lead to outbreaks of foodborne illness as food inspectors are laid off. Likewise, layoffs of workplace safety inspectors could lead to an increase of employee injuries throughout the Nation.
And just about every mouthpiece representing any facet of America’s vast military-industrial complex has come out saying that sequester will put all Americans in danger.
What has gone largely unmentioned in all of the sequestration sensationalism is that the Federal government will still spend more money in the year following sequestration than it did before the cuts took place.
Do you think sequestration is really all that scary?
• Periodista alega que ocurrió cuando dijo que iba a publicar un artículo sobre la manipulación del tema de los recortes. Afirma que fue amenazado por la Casa Blanca
MIAMI, 1 DE MARZO DE 2013, NHR.com–Bob Woodward, uno de los periodistas que destapó el caso Watergate, afirmó que un alto funcionario de la Casa Blanca le amenazó por la publicación de un artículo sobre el origen de la imposición de los recortes automáticos, lo que la Casa Blanca niega tajantemente.Woodward, quien mantuvo un intercambio de correos con el asesor de economía de la Casa Blanca, Gene Sperling, declaró en varias entrevistas que el funcionario reaccionó de manera airada cuando él le comunicó que iba a escribir un artículo crítico con el Gobierno de Barack Obama sobre cómo “ha manipulado” el tema de los recortes, que entrarán en vigor mañana si el Congreso no llega a un acuerdo.
El intercambio de correos electrónicos fue divulgado hoy por el diario Político, y refleja el choque de opiniones entre ambos, aunque Sperling, en su misiva, pide disculpas a Woodward reiteradamente por haberle “levantado la voz” en una conversación telefónica previa.
Sin embargo, el asesor advierte a Woodward de que “lamentaría” la publicación de ese artículo, una expresión que el periodista considera como una amenaza velada.
“Me he enfrentado con mucha gente como esta”, dijo el reputado periodista quien junto a Carl Bernstein destapó el caso Watergate que le costó la presidencia a Richard Nixon en 1974.
“Pero supongamos que hay un joven reportero que sólo tiene un par de años, o diez, de experiencia y la Casa Blanca le envía un ‘e-mail’ diciendo: ‘Te vas a arrepentir de esto”, argumentó Woodward.
“Ya sabe, te echas a temblar, a temblar. No creo que ésa sea la manera de proceder”, subrayó.
Sin embargo, fuentes de la Casa Blanca han negado rotundamente que las palabras de Sperling fuesen una amenaza.
“Por supuesto que no tenía la intención de amenazar. Como el señor Woodward ha señalado, el correo electrónico que envió el asesor era para pedir disculpas por haber elevado la voz en la conversación anterior”, dijo un asesor de la Casa Blanca a la cadena Fox News.
“La nota sugiere que el señor Woodward se arrepentiría de la observación que hizo sobre el ‘secuestro’ (recortes automáticos del gasto público), ya que la observación no era exacta, nada más”, añadió.
En su artículo Woodward afirma que Obama respaldó la idea de los recortes automáticos en 2011 y que, además, provino del ya nuevo secretario del Tesoro, Jack Lew, quien entonces era su jefe de Gabinete.
“Mi extenso informe para mi libro ‘El precio de la política’ muestra que los recortes automáticos del gasto fueron iniciados por la Casa Blanca y fueron una maravillosa idea de Lew y del jefe de relaciones con el Congreso, Rob Nabors, probablemente los altos cargos más expertos del Gobierno federal en asuntos de presupuesto”, dice el texto.
Por una decisión del Congreso adoptada en 2011, si no hay un acuerdo de largo alcance sobre la reducción del déficit público el 1 de marzo entrarán en vigor recortes automáticos del gasto por valor de más de 85.000 millones de dólares, idea que según Woodward salió de la Casa Blanca.
Sterling explica al periodista en su correo que la idea sobre marcar una fecha a los recortes del gasto era forzar a las dos partes (republicanos y demócratas) a negociarlo y ceder por parte de ambos en un nuevo acuerdo sobre cómo manejar tanto los gastos como los ingresos del Gobierno estadounidense.
Obama ha recorrido el país las últimas semanas para advertir de las “malas consecuencias” que supondría la ejecución de la reducción del gasto si finalmente ocurre, lo que los economistas calculan que podría disminuir en un 0,6 por ciento el PIB de EE.UU.
Woodward ha acaparado la atención a apenas 24 horas de que venza ese plazo, aunque los comentarios en las redes sociales son muy críticos con él y no ve indicios de amenaza en las palabras del asesor de Obama.
El endeudamiento
de EE. UU., la piedra angular del derrumbamiento de la Economía y la sociedad. Por amenper.
Tarde o temprano
el déficit presupuestario podría conducir a “una revuelta en el mercado de
Existe el
peligro de que en algún momento en el mercado de bonos de EE. UU. Se repita el
escenario de Europa, acompañado por una subida de las tasas de interés, lo que
dificultará la recuperación económica.
A medida que la
economía languidece, políticos y expertos están debatiendo qué hacer a
continuación. Cuando miramos a nuestro alrededor, es difícil encontrar modelos
positivos para resolver el problema en la política económica de la
La creación de
dinero de forma imprudente es actualmente una preocupación del de los
economistas sobre la política de la administración de Obama.
Las medidas
de Ben S. Bernanke, presidente de la Reserva Federal, imprimiendo dinero
en un afán de reducir la alta tasa de desempleo servirán sobre todo para
generar una inflación desmedida.
Cuanto más se
base en el gasto deficitario para mantener a flote la economía, mayor es el
riesgo de una especie de crisis de deuda soberana al estilo de la griega.
La rebaja de
Standard & Poor del rating de Estados Unidos es un presagio de lo que
podría estar por llegar. A largo plazo, tendremos que pagar nuestras deudas - o
enfrentarnos a severas consecuencias-.
Por ahora el
mercado de bonos no parece muy preocupado por la solvencia del gobierno
federal. Aún está dispuesto a prestar a los Estados Unidos a bajas tasas de
interés. Pero lo mismo podía decirse de Grecia hace unos años atrás.
Una vez que el
mercado de bonos comienza a cambiar de opinión, el veredicto puede ser rápido,
y pude conducir a un círculo vicioso de crecientes tasas de interés, aumento de
carga financiera, de déficit presupuestario, y caída de la confianza.
La nación se
enfrenta a una decisión fundamental sobre sus prioridades. Para mantener los
niveles actuales de impuestos, tendremos que reducir sustancialmente el gasto
en la red de ayuda social, incluyendo el Obamacare de otra manera la otra
solución parece ser la opción de la admiración, que los contribuyentes saquen
al gobierno del apuro pagando mayores impuestos.
Esto nos lleva
una situación similar a un país que debiera servir de ejemplo: Francia.
¿Queremos ser igual que Francia?
Claro que hay
dos hechos que tenemos que considerar, y en los que tenemos que pensar porque
pudieran ser también parte de nuestro futuro, de nuestro nuevo estilo de vida..
En primer lugar
el producto interior bruto per cápita en Francia es un 29 por ciento menor que
en los Estados Unidos, en gran parte porque los franceses trabajan muchas menos
horas durante su vida que los americanos. En segundo lugar, los franceses pagan
más impuestos que los estadounidenses. En 2011, los impuestos fueron el 24 por
ciento del PIB en los Estados Unidos, y el 48 por ciento en Francia.
Los economistas
debaten si una mayor presión fiscal en Francia es la causa de que trabajen
menos horas, o si es cierto estilo de vida sin responsabilidades, algo
que escapaba a la cultura americana en el pasado.
Pronto podríamos
estar realizando un experimento natural para averiguarlo. Si los responsables
de la política estadounidense no frenan el gasto en prestaciones en las
próximas décadas, no tendrán más remedio que aumentar los impuestos a cerca de
los niveles europeos.
A continuación,
podremos ver si la próxima generación de estadounidenses gasta menos tiempo en
el trabajo pagando más impuestos, poniendo más de la mitad de sus ingresos en
manos de un gobierno socialista, con una inflación desmedida, pero
despreocupados pasando más tiempo tomando café au lait, merlot, y fumando
marijuana, al aire libre.
¡Oh La La,,,,,
Vive l´insouciance!
Beck: Obama ‘Is Trying To Send Us Into Civil War’ Glenn Beck says President Obama is trying to incite a civil war and that if any state goes into rebellion, he will just open up the federal prisons and let the prisoners free as retribution. http://www.westernjournalism.com/beck-obama-is-trying-to-send-us-into-civil-war/
Papel Higiénico. por amenper.
La guerra del papel
higiénico ha comenzado. Los grandes supermarkets como Kroger, SuperValu, y
Walmart van a empezar a producir con una tecnología especial que hará el papel
higiénico genérico tan suave como las marcas establecidas. El Wall Street
Journal reporta que las marcas nacionales han estado usando lo que se llama
equipos de maquinarias llamadas TAD para hacer sus papeles súper suaves.
P&G and Kimberly-Clark
han estado usando esto equipos por años. Una razón por la demora en la nueva
producción del suave papel por las marcas genéricas ha sido el que la
tecnología es costosa. Pero ahora están produciendo un papel que será un
placer el usarlo.
NOTA de En mi
opinión: El papel se venderá en una versión para hombre y otra para mujer. Pero
usted podrá escoger el que prefiera. Uno tendrá la cara de obama y el otro la
de michell. LRGM
Overpaid Federal
Bureaucrats Are Outraged at Spending Cuts
Written by Gary North on March 1, 2013
Federal bureaucrats blame the politicians for not taxing the rest of
us. We owe it to them, they say, and it’s just not fair that we want to hold
the deficit down to a trillion dollars a year. We can do better than that.
The gravy train is running slightly thinner
for a month. But those on the federal payroll are incensed. Who do we think we
are, anyway? Do we think we can just walk away and not keep forking over the
Well, they have had it. You hear me? Had it up
to here!
It’s our job to dig into our pockets. It’s our
job to fund their jobs — important jobs. Their jobs so important that you and I
have never heard of them or know what they do. That hows how ill-informed we
So dig deeper into your inflated paycheck. Be
ready to accept higher taxes.
And if the Republicans in the House resist hiking taxes, they are clearly ignorant people who should be thrown out of office.
And if the Republicans in the House resist hiking taxes, they are clearly ignorant people who should be thrown out of office.
Once on the gravy train, always on the gravy
train. That’s the American way.
- See more at: http://teapartyeconomist.com/2013/03/01/overpaid-federal-bureaucrats-are-outraged-at-spending-cuts/#sthash.Q9Ry4bWG.dpuf
Henninger: The Obamaian
A place where everything revolves around the
fixed planet of public spending. By DANIEL HENNINGER
may be that we have to move beyond politics alone to explain events in
Washington. We are in the fifth year of the Obama presidency, and Washington is
still dead in the water. Four straight years in which the government of the
United States of America fails to enact a budget is, well, amazing.
Columnist Dan
Henninger on President Obama's conception of the economy and the place of
government and the private sector.
The sense is
growing around Washington, and this increasingly includes Democrats, of living
in an alternative universe. Barack Obama gives his State of the Union speech,
the sequester looms, and the president flies around the country giving
speeches. He's had virtually no contact on the sequester with the legislative
branch. Now he's going to meet with them after the sequester happens. This is
unusual. We need to look outside normal politics for explanations.
Mr. Obama likes to convey the impression that he doesn't think or do
business like other presidents. It's time to take him at his word. If
Washington is starting to look like an alternative universe, that's because the
president is creating an alternative universe, the Obamaian Universe. (Obamaian
is pronounced Oh-buh-mayan, as in the recently famous calendar.)
The Obama
administration is trying to pull us back into what astronomers would call the
pre-Copernican world. Copernicus' heliocentric system overthrew what was known
as geocentrism—the belief that everything in the universe revolved around the
earth. Beautiful maps exist depicting geocentrism.
thinkers since at least the time of, well Copernicus, have understood that
national well-being derived from private individuals going out into the private
world to produce goods and trade goods, an activity that for centuries has
created wealth for many nations. No longer. Mr. Obama and his circle divide the
economy into separate parts. In the Obamaian universe, the units of the private
economy—companies large or small—are satellites orbiting the great fixed planet
of public spending. All material and economic life in the Obamaian model
radiates outward from a central source of public spending. This is why spending
in the Obama presidency abruptly jumped as high as 25% of GDP from a 40-year
average of 20% of GDP.
In "Star
Trek," as I recall, its genius creator Gene Roddenberry routinely made
clear that people living in an alternative universe always needed a "life
force" unique to their planet. Something that kept the people on the
planet going, like a magical green ooze.
In the Obamaian
universe, the life force is a fairly weird contraption known as the Keynesian
Multiplier. As explained by its adherents, for every $1 of public spending, the
whole economy will rise by $1.50 or even $2.
As life forces
go, the Keynesian Multiplier would be really remarkable. Alas, Copernican economists
such as Robert Barro have been asking repeatedly the past four years for the
evidence that all this spending in Mr. Obama's public universe has been
expanding the economy at this rate. Indeed, the Congressional Budget Office
just said that in 2013, which will be the fifth year of Obama budgets that
spend about $3.5 trillion annually, the economy is only going to grow 1.4%.
For that, Mr.
Obama has an answer: more spending, which would be made possible by ratcheting
up the volume of revenue flowing into the spending machine via whatever
cats-and-dogs tax increase he can get through Congress.
Maybe the
Keynesian Multiplier, like green ooze, just doesn't work.
It doesn't
matter. As with geocentrism, the president's pre-Copernican political economy
is based in religious belief. This is why House Speaker John Boehner and so
many others have never been able to get on the same page with the president
about the upward slope of federal spending. He doesn't want to cut spending. He
wants more of it. Forever. Public spending is beyond ideology for Barack Obama.
It's the oxygen in his universe.
This explains
Mr. Obama's End-of-Days speeches the past week. Rationalists around
Washington's professional budgeting community have been trying to explain that
this apocalypse is entirely avoidable. The bureaucracies can move spending
under many shells. But Mr. Obama really believes the stars will fall from the
sky if spending declines.
In Washington's
standard model, it's all just politics. Mr. Obama is running an established
strategy of driving public opinion to marginalize and ultimately defeat
Republicans. Who could doubt it? But maybe it is also time to start taking
Barack Obama at his word. Maybe it's time to come to grips with the fact that
he sees the public economy of federal spending as the life force of the nation
as no president ever has, not even Franklin Roosevelt.
If after all
these years no one in Washington can cut a deal with Barack Obama on spending,
taxes and economic growth, maybe it's because he is in a place indeed occupied
by no one else.
Obama Is Setting Us Up
In the days since the November elections, the pace of Obama’s destruction of America has increased significantly. Now that the Marxists have secured the executive branch for another four years – thanks to massive voter fraud, a cowardly Republican Party, and a couple of million self-righteous fools who refused to vote, apparently preferring a Muslim Marxist over a moderately conservative Mormon – Obama and his lawless unindicted co-conspirators have thrown caution to the wind. Every day, new outrages are proposed, all aimed at the destruction of the Middle Class and America as a free, capitalist, constitutional republic. However, in our efforts to recognize and combat the internal attacks – the tax increases, the land grabs, the granting of citizenship to illegal invaders, the undermining of private property rights, etc. ad nauseam – we are failing to notice the external threats that Obama’s policies are abetting. The re-militarization of Russia and their much more aggressive and threatening attitude is of great concern; but there are other, much less publicized ones we need to be aware of.China has made trillions of dollars off us, thanks to massive interest payments on the uncontrolled borrowing by the Obama administration as well as a huge and ever-increasing trade deficit, where they export to us way, way more than we export to them. During the Obama “presidency,” China surpassed America as the world’s leading economic power. They have used this money to radically increase the size and sophistication of their military to the point where it is very questionable whether we could do anything should they move to start taking over other Asian countries, like the Philippines, Japan, or South Korea.
This is not an irrational fear, either. The dispute with Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands appears to be a test by China to see who will do what as they aggressively move to take territory claimed by Japan. Chinese admirals, who never speak without government direction, have threatened World War III to “protect” Iran. But ultimately, it is the good ol’ USA that is their target. Does anyone remember when Russia was selling off military equipment after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and China bought every last one of their attack subs that were specifically designed to target the US Navy? Since at least the 1990s, the Democrats have aided and abetted China in the upgrading of their military capabilities – remember the technology that Clinton sold them that allowed them to get their missiles to actually hit what they aimed at? Obama has been carrying on this tradition, allowing formerly restricted advanced technology to be sold to the Chinese military. And just a reminder: the Panama Canal, vital to our national security, is, thanks to the Democrats, run by a company – Hutchison-Whampoa – with ties to the Chinese Military, as is a port facility 50 miles off the East Coast in the Bahamas that has an 11,000 foot-long runway, capable of handling the largest of military aircraft.
Add to this the fact that the North Koreans, who have nuclear weapons, are testing missiles capable of hitting American cities. They appear to believe that the US and South Korea are gearing up to attack and invade them, based on beefed-up war games scheduled for next month and may very well make a preemptive strike at one or both.
Iran, a constant threat due to its active support of Islamist terrorists worldwide, is very close to producing nuclear warheads to arm its already large stock of long-range missiles. Obvious targets, besides Israel, will be our military bases in the Mediterranean and Europe. Only the self-deluded believe they will not use them.
So, with all these real, dangerous, and growing threats to America, why are Obama and his Democrat storm troopers upping the pace of their rendering of the military incapable of defending us? They have pushed the military to accept open homosexuals and women in front-line combat units, in spite of documented growth of serious problems that have resulted and will result from this. They are actively pushing to make devastating cuts to the military budget. In spite of condemning overseas intervention in the internal affairs of other nations, Obama, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, has just committed troops to Niger, joining those already in as many as 35 other African nations . We were told some time back that our military no longer has the capability to fight a two-theater war. Why then, is Obama spreading them even thinner? And with the growing nuclear threats, why is Marxist Obama moving to unilaterally make drastic reductions to America’s nuclear arsenal?
Seen in this context, the moves by Obama and the Marxist Democrats to disarm We the People, the law-abiding American public, take on an even more sinister caste. It is looking very much like hardcore Marxist revolutionary Obama is trying to set up America, and We the People, for takeover somewhere in the not too distant future by role model and debt-master Communist China. Time to wake up?
Veteran Journalist Threatened By White House. Bob Woodward says he was told by a “very senior” White House official that he would regret his comments on the sequester being Obama’s idea. http://www.westernjournalism.com/veteran-journalist-threatened-by-white-house/
Barack Obama has revealed his latest power grab.
WND has reported that the Obama administration is determined to ram through Congress a grandiose plan that transcends the vision for a “North American Union,” encompassing both Europe and Pacific Rim nations. It’s called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). But to implement this so-called “free-trade” agreement, the President plans to strip Congress of its Constitutional power to regulate foreign trade.
The President wants to sneak this through before anyone hears about it. It’s not too late to stop him…if we stand united. Help us sound the alarm now.
Obama will ask Congress for “fast-track authority” which will give him – not Congress, as the Constitution requires – the power to regulate trade with foreign nations. He will then force Congress to review TPP under limited debate, in an accelerated time frame, and subject to a yes-or-no vote with no amendments…just because Obama wants to assure foreign partners like Vietnam that the TPP will not be changed during our legislative process.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership will kill American jobs, American sovereignty and our way of life. It will also give Barack Obama even more power. We cannot allow Congress to cave to the President’s demands…not this time.
Help us sound the alarm so millions of Americans rise up and Tell Congress to say “NO” to fast-track and TPP right away.
If ratified, the Trans-Pacific Partnership will:
WND has reported that the Obama administration is determined to ram through Congress a grandiose plan that transcends the vision for a “North American Union,” encompassing both Europe and Pacific Rim nations. It’s called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). But to implement this so-called “free-trade” agreement, the President plans to strip Congress of its Constitutional power to regulate foreign trade.
The President wants to sneak this through before anyone hears about it. It’s not too late to stop him…if we stand united. Help us sound the alarm now.
Obama will ask Congress for “fast-track authority” which will give him – not Congress, as the Constitution requires – the power to regulate trade with foreign nations. He will then force Congress to review TPP under limited debate, in an accelerated time frame, and subject to a yes-or-no vote with no amendments…just because Obama wants to assure foreign partners like Vietnam that the TPP will not be changed during our legislative process.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership will kill American jobs, American sovereignty and our way of life. It will also give Barack Obama even more power. We cannot allow Congress to cave to the President’s demands…not this time.
Help us sound the alarm so millions of Americans rise up and Tell Congress to say “NO” to fast-track and TPP right away.
If ratified, the Trans-Pacific Partnership will:
Surrender U.S. sovereignty to an international tribunal with authority higher
than the U.S. Supreme Court;
• Put American companies at a competitive disadvantage to foreign firms;
• Give up 544 million acres of public land, one-quarter of the entire U.S. land area, to UN and World Bank judges who will decide how our lands are used; and
• Ban “Buy American” policies.
• Put American companies at a competitive disadvantage to foreign firms;
• Give up 544 million acres of public land, one-quarter of the entire U.S. land area, to UN and World Bank judges who will decide how our lands are used; and
• Ban “Buy American” policies.
It’s not too late to stop Obama’s global government power grab.
Woodward’s comment was made regarding the president’s decision not to deploy an aircraft
carrier to the Persian Gulf because of supposed budget concerns.
A running feud between Woodward and the president has been ongoing
since the journalist called out the administration for being disingenuous about whose idea the
sequester was. Some of you young cub reporters should take notes.
Obama Warns GOP Not to Let Him Decide Sequester Cuts, Illegal Immigrants Set Free
Is President Obama making sensitive spending cuts to cause pain during “sequester” negotiations? Because hundreds of detained illegal immigrants are being released ahead of automatic spending cuts.Now the White House and DHS are denying that they know what their own subordinate agency Immigration and Customs Enforcement is doing. Politico has the White House’s denial:
This was a decision made by career officials at ICE without any input from the White House, as a result of fiscal uncertainty over the continuing resolution, as well as possible sequestration,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said Wednesday.
Personnel at Department of Homeland Security headquarters in Washington were also unaware of the decision until the announcement was made, a department official told POLITICO.
That’s a coincidence. President Obama unsubtly threatened the GOP on Tuesday not to make him decide how to implement sequestration budget cuts. This is what the president said on his never-ending campaign tour’s pit stop in Virginia:
“Now, lately, some people have been saying, well, maybe we’ll just give the President some flexibility. He could make the cuts the way he wants and that way it won’t be as damaging. The problem is when you’re cutting $85 billion in seven months, which represents over a 10-percent cut in the defense budget in seven months, there’s no smart way to do that. There’s no smart way to do that. “
The president was seemingly referring to Capitol Hill rumors that the GOP wanted to cede authority to the White House to implement the some $85 billion in budget cuts (nearly half in defense and half in budget outlays). Obama continued his speech at the, err, rally:
You don’t want to have to choose between, let’s see, do I close funding for the disabled kid, or the poor kid? Do I close this Navy shipyard or some other one? When you’re doing things in a way that’s not smart, you can’t gloss over the pain and the impact it’s going to have on the economy.”
Now, Obama’s tipped his hand: find budgetary pressure to force the GOP to concede more “revenue,” while not cutting the budget. It’s a tried-and-true political tactic to find the most sensitive areas of spending and cut those, rather than live within budgetary constraints on much less important matters. When the cuts are made, it causes a public uproar not to cut anything at all.
Such seems to be the case with an agency directly under the president and DHS’ authority: Immigration and Customs Enforcement. As was reported by the New York Times recently:
In a highly unusual move, federal immigration officials have released hundreds of detainees from immigration detention centers around the country in an effort to save money as automatic budget cuts loom in Washington, officials said…
The agency, Ms. Christensen added, “is continuing to prosecute their cases in immigration court and, when ordered, will seek their removal from the country.”
Ironically, President Obama called sequestration a ‘self-inflicted wound,’ although the president came up with it himself. The GOP has retorted that the president needs to stop campaigning, because spending cuts are ‘going to happen.‘ Meanwhile, some suspect the Democrats want sequestration to go through and to fight it out when the continuing budget resolution expires, forcing an oh-so-scary ‘government shutdown.’
As Joel Gehrke pointed out at the Examiner, President Obama has touted tax cuts as spending cuts; and it should be added that he also repeatedly claimed that not spending more is cutting the deficit.
As a Senate aide put it, “He is a world-class bulls*** artist.” http://www.ijreview.com/2013/02/38918-president-obama-releases-illegal-immigrants-to-embarass-gop-over-sequester-cuts/?utm_source=EmailElect&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=Subscriber%237063&utm_campaign=02-28-2013%20IJ%20Review
Esto fue escrito en el 2008 pero ahora mas que nunca parece
tener vigencia:
FEMA Red/Blue List – Marked For Termination
May 31st, 2008
We are all on a Red or Blue list somewhere, those on
the red list will be woken at 4am and taken to the camps and probably killed.
Pam Schuffert
05/30/2008 02:05:22 12/16/2007 22:32:31
While I have no doubt that the NWO-cravers at the CIA
have their own list of people to round up and terminate, the actual proper
agency behind the now-infamous “RED/BLUE LISTS” is none other than “FEMA BLACK
OPS.” FEMA is NOT here to primarily HELP YOU. Under a full state of MARTIAL
LAW, FEMA is here to send you to their DETENTION CAMPS to sort out WHO SHALL
live AND WHO SHALL DIE. Those unfortunates whose names are found among the
the FEMA CAMPS alive, although they may have to go through hell before they are
finally terminated. Such “offenders” are essentially deemed RESISTERS OF THE
NEW WORLD ORDER, as my CIA and military insiders told me personally. “Oh, ALL
OF US in the CIA know ALL ABOUT the concentration camps in America and their
purpose! We ALL KNOW that their purpose is to TERMINATE ‘RESISTERS OF THE NEW WORLD
ORDER’ UNDER MARTIAL LAW!” (Source-Michael Maholy, 20 years Naval
Intelligence/CIA under BUSH SR) For example, THE FEMA DEATH CAMP OF THE MOJAVE
is a full gassing/cremating DEATH CAMP, dedicated to the TERMINATION OF ALL ON
FEMA’S RED/BLUE LIST UNDER MARTIAL LAW. I have previously documented this
horrific death camp, and documented the eyewitness accounts of several former
NWO supporters who were flown out there. My friends, DOC MARQUIS (Illuminati)
and ELAINE KNOST (CIA/Luciferian), formerly high level Illuminati Luciferians
but now Christians for many years, were both flown separately to this facility
in the Mojave Desert of California. It boasts a landing strip. According to
another contact, a DEA agent who personally investigated this FEMA facility, it
was recently DOUBLED IN SIZE TO INCREASE KILLING CAPACITY. It is fully staffed.
All staff members WEAR BLACK SWAT TEAM UNIFORMS. When I asked Doc Marquis what
his sentiments were, back when he was a member of the Illuminati and given a
tour of this killing facility, his reply was, “SHEER JOY! I REJOICED at the
thought of CHRISTIANS BEING TERMINATED IN THIS PLACE!” A chilling response, but
typical of this nation’s Satanists and NWO supporters! This FEMA death camp was
shown off as something the NWO and FEMA was literally PROUD OF!!! And there are
MANY more FEMA detention camps whose ultimate purpose under MARTIAL LAW is NOT
then think TWICE before going meekly to such camps under a STATE OF MARTIAL LAW
in YOUR region.
We are all on a Red or Blue list somewhere, those on
the red list will be woken at 4am and taken to the camps and probably killed.
Red List – These people are the enemies of the NWO.
They are the leaders of patriot groups, outspoken ministers, outspoken talk
show hosts, community leaders, and even probably NET leaders. These people will
be dragged out of their homes at 4:00 am and will be taken to FEMA detention
centers and killed. This will take place approximately 2 weeks before martial
law is enforced.
Blue List – these are also enemies of the NWO, but are
followers of the Red List folks. These people will be rounded up after martial
law is in place, and will be taken to the detention centers and ‘re-educated’.
Various mind-control techniques will used on them. Most will not survive this.
Mr. Springmeier was not specific on exactly who was on the Blue List, but I
would guess that people such as you and I are on that list.
Yellow List – these are citizens who know nothing
about the NWO and don’t want to know. They are considered to be no threat at
all and will be instructed as to how to behave and will most likely do whatever
they are told. Unfortunately there are too many of these to be effectively
controlled, so many will be killed or starved.
Mr. Sea is a former inspector for the Joint Chiefs of
Staff and the Department of Defense. Here Mr. Sea elaborates on the ‘RED and
BLUE Lists’ and what they mean. The RED List is for pick-up and execution
before unobtrusive preparations for martial law are initiated. The BLUE List is
also for execution, but later, within 6 weeks of martial law declaration. When
you get picked up on a RED pick-up, they’ll take you from your home at night,
probably around 4 am and put you in a black van, then drive you to a helicopter
waiting to fly you to an intermediate point. There, you’ll be loaded onto a big
64-passenger CH-47 Chinook helicopter and fly you to one of 38 cities where
you’ll board a 747, 737, or 727. You may be taken straight to a red camp and
executed. At some point, martial law will be declared. Martial law is when the
writ of Habeas Corpus to have a trial by jury is suspended. Instead, of going
to the judge, you go straight to jail. At this point, the BLUE listed people
will be picked up. At that time, the country will be regionalized into ten
regions, which are already designated by FEMA. The black choppers have
state-of-the-art radio (RF) frequency wideband jammers, and can jam cell phones
and CBs while they’re executing black operations missions. This means that your
cell phone could be jammed just before and/or during any action against you. In
June of 1996, an FBI agent got hold of the Region Three BLUE List (from a CIA
agent), and found his own name on it, and those of several others he knew in
Virginia. The Regional BLUE List stated that the names on the BLUE List would
be picked up ‘within six weeks of the actual martial law declaration.’ It will
work if the 300,000 Soviet troops which are ALREADY HERE can get the guns. The
ones doing all of this are operating out of the highest places in the Federal
Government. They’re cooperating with spirit guides and mediums and using
astrology and numerology. The spirit guides are telling them what to do, and
the entire thing is being orchestrated at the highest spiritual levels. Every
base has been covered. They’ve thought of everything. They often do things on
the 13th of the month. Mr. Clinton does a lot of things on the 13th. On
September 13, 1993, the Satanic Oslo Israel-PLO ‘peace’ accord was signed. Amos
3:7 says that God doesn’t do anything without first revealing His secrets to His
servants the prophets. God is giving His people warnings. If we’ll listen to
God, He is warning us of the times that are coming. We need to prepare. There
will be an interim of probably just days from the time they launch the RED
List, to the declaration of martial law, when they’ll start coming after those
on the BLUE List. It’s the same blueprint being used because it’s the same
spirit leading the Fourth Reich as led the Third Reich. In Germany, they used
trains, here it will be helicopters and 747s. They are now in the process of
villainizing Christians, Patriots, Constitutionalists, and outspoken talk-show
hosts, HERE IN AMERIKKKA! Who will be doing the actual picking up? Foreign UN
cops, probably Muslims or communists. Over 30 foreign military bases under the
United Nations flag are already set up in the USA . These bases are already
manned with over ONE MILLION troops from Russia, Poland, Germany, Belgium,
Turkey, Great Britain, Nicaragua, and Asian countries. They will have no qualms
about firing on U.S. citizens. There are Russian tanks, military trucks and
chemical warfare vehicles outside Gulfport, Mississippi. Hello? That was hit by
Katrina in 2005. Anyone see heavy military equipment and foreign troops near
San Francisco? The Illuminati plan way ahead! There’s not going to be some
future event when the invading troops are going to show up. They’re already
here. When martial law is implemented, these foreign U.N. troops will be
policing our country, carrying out the plans of the New World Order. God is
warning His people. There isn’t much time before these events begin to take
place. God’s people need to prepare themselves in every way possible. It’s not
a time for fear. It’s a time for prayer, preparation and sharing our faith with
a lost world.
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 9 May 2008, 11:44 p.m.
Recently I have noticed BOTH a red and blue disc,
about the size of a nickel, and placed on the outside of my mailbox. They are
relatively newly placed. They can be removed but are stuck really well. They
are reasonably thick and would weather well. They are not just paper. They are
reflective. I live off the main road, and I drove to town tonight carefully
eyeing all the mailboxes along the way. The vast majority had yellow discs,
which are reflective, and show up well in the car headlights. As I got into
town, I noticed some larger colored discs on the curb at several houses. I
would imagine they could be placed on door posts as well, or most any hard
surface such as a wall. Go outside at dark with a flashlight and check it
out,and see if they are in your area also.
I just got home and did some searching on google, and
this is what I came up with.
Scary stuff, but hey, we all have to go sometime.
Film: Banking With Hitler
16th, 2009
The US Secretary of the
Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, began investigating Nazi finances 60 years ago and
found Allied banks, including many British and American high street names,
who continued to do business with Hitler’s Germany throughout the war.
Ha Cambiado Obama Y
Mucho Que Va A Cambiar. Ricardo Samitier.
administración de Obama Insta a la Corte Suprema para revocar la prohibición de
California al matrimonio gay...
gobierno de Obama el jueves lanzará su apoyo a una demanda general para la
igualdad de matrimonio, instando a la Corte Suprema de Justicia que declare que los votantes de California no tenían derecho a prohibir
los matrimonios homosexuales allí, según un funcionario del gobierno.
Pueblo Ya No Manda... ahora la MINORÍA HOMOSEXUAL
QUE MANDA Y ordena...
cierto se acuerdan Cuando Pénelas apoyo los derechos de los homosexuales y
Ileana Ros Lethinen Voto a Favor de los Homosexuales
En una
declaración dijo que su hija (homosexual) la enseño a comprender...
Hoy el
“Soldado” Espía confiesa que el ejército NO LO PUSO A DORMIR CON UN COMPAÑERO
DE CUARTO HOMOSEXUAL... Y POR ESO SE SENTÍA SOLO... y decidió traicionar a su
NOTA: “EMO” Nahhhhh, mariconeras.
Marzo 1, 2013, Apocalipsis, la
batalla de Obamagedon
No pude dormir después de las 12 de la noche, esperando cuando las
estrellas se cayeran del cielo y me rompieran el techo, no estoy seguro si el
seguro me cubre eso.
Pero no pasó nada a pesar de las noticias que hemos leído en los
últimos días.
La última noticia fue la de la Representante de California,
Maxine Waters una representante con 22 años en el congreso, y dijo que
“más de 170 millones de trabajos se pudieran perder en el secuestro”.
Realmente no me da la aritmética, voy a tener que volver al colegio. Según las
estadísticas del Buro de Labor, hay 157 millones de empleados en los Estados
Unidos http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf
¿De dónde saca los 170 millones empleos que se van a perder
por arriba de la cifrea de 157 millones ? Bueno pudiera ser que esté
contando los que estarán entrando por las fronteras de California en los
próximos días. En pocas palabras, según Maxine, mañana voy a aplicar para el
desempleo, voy temprano porque la cola será larga, aunque no sé quien
me atenderá porque los empleados del desempleo también estarán desempleados..
Pero ya sabemos lo que es California cuando por 22 años ha
re-elegido a una idiota como Maxine.
Pero estamos finalmente en la batalla de Obamagedon. El general
Obama y sus oficiales piensan que deben gritar mucho trompeteando, como en
la batalla de Jericó, para tumbar los muros republicanos, los que entonces
cancelarán todos los 85 billones del secuestro- Que realmente serán 43 billones
por el resto del año fiscal.
Bob Woodward, ha sido excomulgado por la Iglesia de los Últimos
días del Secuestro, del Mesías Obama, con la anuencia de sus más
devotos feligreses de la prensa.
El pecado capital de Mr. Woodward's fue además de hacerles
preguntas a Obama que pasaron más allá de las acostumbradas sobre su vida
marital, su habilidades en su juego de golf, y su perfume preferido, es
que cometió el pecado de reportar que el llamado “secuestro” fue una ley ideada
por San Obama en el 2011 y que las implicaciones de la ley nunca incluyeron
aumentos de impuestos. Como dijo Woodward en su escrito, Obama cambia las
dimensiones del terreno de juego, moviendo las porterías según le convenga
para que su equipo anote el gol..
El pobre Woodward está siendo tildado de ser el Anticristo por la
Iglesia de Obama y como le dijo el sátrapa del mesías, tendrá que pagar el
precio de su pecado. Bob Woodward
threatened by Obama admin: First Amendment attacked while Chris Matthews
focuses on leg tingles – Douglas Ernst
Pero la buena noticia es que por fin un periodista que siempre ha
tenido tendencias demócratas está haciendo notar al público la costumbre de
Obama de cambiar algo con lo que se ha comprometido. No es entonces de
asombrarse que los Republicanos no crean lo que dice Barry.
Todo esto debiera sugerir que los Republicanos por fin puedan
ganar una pelea, la reducción de gastos, va ser más o menos lo que se va a
secuestrar. El gobierno tundra que pasar una resolución continuada para
cubrir los pagos del gobierno después del día primero de Marzo. Si no lo hace,
tendrá que cerrar el gobierno, y eso no le conviene por la visión internacional
del crédito de Estados Unidos ¿Pudieran los demócratas cerrar el gobierno antes
de que dejar abierta la brecha que les permitiera a los Republicanos impedir
los aumentos de impuestos?
Con este presidente, uno nunca sabe lo que puede pasar, pero
algunos demócratas que no son tan idiotas como Maxine Walters deben de hablarle
bajito al presidente que si continúa con el Obamagedon por mucho tiempo, el
pueblo se dará cuenta, tarde o temprano que le están tomando el pelo
Morning Briefing
For March 1, 2013
This morning we all woke up and realized we are dead. At midnight we starved to death, the plugs on our ventilators were turned out, airplanes fell from the sky, the TSA stopped administering prostate exams, and the only good thing is children were born because Planned Parenthood had no money to abort them.
That's right, today is Sequestration Day and we're all dead, dying, out of federal money, or in burning houses without firefighters, teachers, and policemen to rescue us. The President said so. We have to believe him. Women and cowboy poetry hardest hit.
In all seriousness, for over a week the man has been campaigning with such hyperbole I've been expecting any day he'd claim sequestration would mean we all get E.D. (including the women) and the Mayan calender was only off by a couple of months. The hystrionics have been ridiculous.
Today the sun came up, you and I are alive and well, and the government, sadly, is still open for business. Today, some Americans will get paychecks and taxes will still have been taken out and sent to the IRS. We need to keep pointing that out. Oh, and Republicans are, today, working on a deal to ensure Obamacare gets fully funded.
Good morning to you.
1. House & Senate Republicans Set to Endorse and Fund Obamacare
You want to know why the left is more successful at politics? They are willing to move heaven and earth to create new dependency programs, despite the electoral risks. They understand that once the program is implemented, Republicans will never have the guts to undo it. And they are correct. Even some of our best conservatives lack the gumption to do what it takes to eliminate the worst program of all time – Obamacare.
In fact, House conservatives, not just the general rank and file Republicans, appear set to endorse Obamacare and approve its funding. Yes, even former Republican Study Committee (“RSC”) Chairmen Jeb Hensarling and Jim Jordan along with present RSC Chairman Steve Scalise will do so, but I’m sure ACU will give them sufficiently high “conservative” scores to hide behind like they did with Mitch McConnell.
It’s ironic to watch some of the real conservatives and a lot of the so-called conservatives get excited about the prospect of producing a balanced budget with healthcare entitlement reform. Do these people really think we will be able to reform Medicare, which is a wildly popular program, when they lack the testicular fortitude to pull the trigger on Obamacare – a program that is still unpopular?
Republicans promised to defund Obamacare. They lied. Now we are at the end of the rope. If we don’t engage in a fight to the death over funding for Obamacare, it will forever be enshrined in the welfare state; it will forever relegate us to lethargic growth; it will forever make private healthcare unaffordable.
No – this is not one of those issues we shrug off and surrender due to an election. This is a fight we cannot lose because a majority of Americans still oppose Obamacare. This is a fight we must not lose or we’ll be talking in 20 years from now how to muster the courage to implement minuscule reforms to this behemoth, the same way we are talking now about Medicare.
Next week, the House will be voting on the CR to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year. This is our last best chance to defund this thing and ensure it never takes root. There’s nothing more important to force a fight over than Obamacare. The fight over the sequester is already over. Take yes for an answer and move on.
Unlike some of the frauds in Congress these days and some real conservatives who have lost their testicular fortitude to fight, Reps. Jim Bridenstine (OK) and Tim Huelskamp (KS) actually take their campaign pledges seriously. They actually understand we are in a pitched battle for the future of the country, and they know the stakes of losing that battle. They have circulated a letter calling on Boehner to block all funding for Obamacare in the CR.
Now we will find out who is down for the struggle. Call your Republican members of Congress and ask them if they plan to sign this letter or if they’d like to participate in the decline of our country.
Republicans in the House are going to pass a continuing resolution in which they will endorse Obamacare and its funding. That is a fact. Congressmen like Jim Jordan (OH), Tom Graves (GA), Marsha Blackburn (TN), Mick Mulvaney (SC), Tom Cotton (AR), Raul Labrador (ID) and so many others conservatives will probably vote for the rule to ensure the continuing resolution passes, then vote against it on the floor to claim they really did not endorse Obamacare. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
>> Today's Sponsor
A couple weeks ago, I warned conservatives about Google’s entanglement with the Left, and the possibility that Google could provide data intelligence to Democrats. Not the usual consumer data that everybody uses, but a level of real-time behavioral data far beyond what Republicans could ever achieve using available consumer data. That concern was dismissed as a conspiracy theory by some people.
The question isn’t whether Google collaborates with Democrats, but how Google collaborates with Democrats. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
3. Agenda: How Marxists Are Grinding America Down
Whenever I speak to groups about the state of America, the fight for her future and how to become a Force Multiplier, I am often critical of the fact that so many people on our side do not really understand the enemy we are fighting from within.
While I tend to focus more on the present hydras on the Left and what to do about them, a good history lesson is crucial in understanding that the organized war to destroy America really does go back nearly 150 years–all the way back to the 1880s, which is roughly the time Marxists began infiltrating unions in an attempt to take them over here in the U.S. [They have now.]
Nearly two years ago, I ran across a video called “Agenda: Grinding America Down.” At the time, I wanted to watch it in order to write a review for the readers here at RedState. So, I ordered it. Unfortunately, as happens with about half the posts I’d like to write, it (and the video) got shelved–until about two weeks ago. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
4. Fracking: Drilling Past The Myths
It’s probably safe to say that most Americans are unaware of what the term “fracking” means. If you’ve heard of it, the details can be hard to pin down due to the controversy surrounding the method of gas extraction. With mainstream movies like Gasland and The Promised Land on their side, those opposing fracking have easily buried the truth below layers of myths. Fortunately, as we no longer live in a time when Hollywood and the left are the only media outlets, understanding what fracking truly entails is not completely lost. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
5. The Obamacare Fiscal Cliff
Obama claims that his tax plan would only increase the tax burden on those earning more than $200,000. What the Democrats, the media, and even Republicans fail to mention is that there is another aspect of the fiscal cliff that will hit everyone. A number of Obamacare’s tax increases are scheduled to take effect in January. These tax increases will be severely regressive to those at the middle and bottom of the income ladder, as they will engender a record spike in the cost of health insurance premiums. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
6. Three Tools to Educate an Uninformed Electorate on the Fiscal Cliff
Over several months now, I have been devoting attention to the question of how conservatives can win both policy debates and elections, not by appropriating policies that Democrats advocate and putting a Republican stamp on them, but rather by educating Americans and converting those who don’t already share our perspective to it.
My basic thesis is that we win by getting more people to agree with us (others would have us believe that we win by getting us to agree with more people).
In the last election, we saw a significant failure on this front, both with regard to our own nominee being less committed to both conservative policies and this effort than many of us would have liked, and with regard to the result (voters supporting the guy who ran on a platform of higher spending and more debt).
We also saw Republicans fail to use technology and digital communications mechanisms adequately to educate and persuade voters of the merits of conservative viewpoints, and then organize them to do the things necessary to win the election.
Now, we are engaged in a discussion surrounding the fiscal cliff where the emphasis in negotiations seems to be very much on raising revenues, and less so on spending cuts. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
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Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState
This Fast-Growing Company Could Kill The Gasoline Engine.
What you may not know is
that natural gas has the ability to displace billions of gallons of diesel, not
only on the road, but for heavy equipment like cranes and bulldozers and even
tractors and combines on the farm.
Every now and then, I run across a statistic or a fact
that makes me feel really stupid. I kick myself and ask: "Why didn’t I
already know that?"What got me is that my red Dodge Ram 1500 is technically classified as a "light truck." I was mortally offended. My pickup has a 5.7-liter HEMI V-8 and is as loud as the space shuttle and almost as fuel efficient. It doesn’t feel like a light truck.
But it is.
The thing that matters more than light trucks, though, are the larger semi trucks that roll down the highway. There are millions of them. They drive a huge amount of miles, and they get about five miles to the gallon. These rigs burn through billions of gallons of diesel a year.
Imagine if we could replace diesel with something else; that fuel would be a serious game changer.
If that fuel were cleaner than gasoline and diesel, then transportation emissions would drastically decrease. And if this new fuel were cheaper, the diesel dominos would begin to fall. Quickly.
Now, hold on to your hats. Because the reality is, all of those various kinds of light and heavy trucks — and cars, too — can get the same energy out of a fuel that costs about half what diesel sells for.
Let me explain.
Natural gas is abundant, clean and, unlike oil, can be domestically sourced. In fact, there’s an entire ocean of natural gas in this country waiting to get tapped.
As most of you already know, natural gas production is on the rise because of an increase in oil production in the nation’s massive shale formations.
What you may not know is that natural gas has the ability to displace billions of gallons of diesel, not only on the road, but for heavy equipment like cranes and bulldozers and even tractors and combines on the farm.
That’s all around the corner. And I’ve found a stock that is the strongest pure play on this trend.
That stock is Westport Innovations Inc. (WPRT).
This is an area that has several key tailwinds behind it: environmental, governmental and industry support. I think natural gas vehicles are the inevitable future.
Westport makes natural gas engines that are cost-competitive with diesel engines and have 80 percent of the parts in common.
Vancouver-based Westport has a market cap of $1.5 billion, which is right in the sweet spot for the types of companies I like to recommend in Game-Changing Stocks, my bi-monthly stock advisory, which focuses on aggressive growth.
It’s growing its top line and not by a little. The orders for these vehicles are clearly fueling remarkable growth: In the past 12 months, it’s booked $371.48 million, according to Bloomberg, a 64 percent increase from the $226.5 million recorded in fiscal 2011. (And that figure was $100 million more than the year before, in 2010.)
That’s the type of growth Westport is seeing now.
Today, there aren’t all that many of these cars on the road in this country. So imagine what that revenue is going to do when consumers learn they can drive a car on fuel that costs drastically less than gas — or when truckers start buying big rigs that burn clean fuel that lets them sidestep ever-increasing diesel emissions rules.
Action to Take —> A number of factors have converged to form what looks a lot like the perfect storm for natural gas to become a substantial fuel source. Supply and pricing dynamics, industry support, continuing infrastructure development, strong political support and international opportunity — it’s all there. There’s simply too much to say on these points to fit into one article.
But let me be clear: None of this is theoretical. None of it is on a chalkboard.
It’s here. It’s happening.
The trucking industry wants to use natural gas, the truck-stop operators are willing to sell it, and corporate America is only too glad to embrace the significant cost cuts natural gas will afford.
Natural gas also clearly has White House and Congressional support, and it is gaining serious traction abroad, especially in China. A prime candidate to invest in the space is clearly the pure play, Westport.
[Note: Westport is just the tip of the iceberg. The abundance of natural gas in the United States will lead to the third industrial revolution. One analyst is predicting a stock could rise 1,566 percent. Another stock has already jumped more than 1,000 percent and is expected to keep going. To learn more about investing in the natural gas boom, click here.]
— Andy Obermueller
Los recortes federales afectaran
grandemente a la Casa Blanca y a sus huespedes. A continuacion se presentan
algunos de los cambios necesarios:
El presidente ya no se comera los
bistecs de $100 la libra, no señor. Ahora se comera solo los de $99.95 la
La primera dama ya no invitara (con
el dinero de los contribuyentes) a todas sus amistades a suntuosas fiestas de
gala en otros paises lejanos con todos los gastos pagos, claro que no. Ahora
solo invitara a las mismas amistades pero ya no les dara mas de $2,000 spending
money a cada una de ellas para que se diviertan durante el viaje.
La primera dama solo se comprara
bikinies que sean 50% mas pequeños que los que ha estado usando ahora para
ahorrar tela, lo mismo va con sus hijas.
La primera dama le dio lay off hoy a
su asesora de fashion para ahorrarle mas a los contribuyentes. Ahora trajo a
una China sin documentos y le pagara solo con lo que se come.
El pobre primer perro (Bo) ya no
podra viajar en primera clase para poder ahorrar, aunque lo llevaran ahora en
una jaula enchapada en oro.
El presidente de ahora en adelante
usara un tinte que es un 5% mas economico para seguir quitandose las canas.
La primera dama cambiara el corces
especial que la mantiene con las piernas cerradas por uno mas economico con el
que se le abren las piernas de nuevo (es muy muy ahorrativa).
La primera dama mandara a hacer mas
recortes en la escuelas para que los niños engorden aun menos. De ahora en
adelante solo comeran lechuga Americana (que es la mas economica).
De ahora en adelante la Casa Blanca
pondra en pie un plan magistral para ahorrar aguas y energia. Apagara la luz de
todos los closets cuando sea de dia y cerraran la llave de las llaves de agua
cuando no se esten usando.
Bob Woodwad por
Woodwad nunca fue santo de mi devoción. Pero tengo que pensar,
después de tantos años, que quizás fuera verdad de que estaba solamente
haciendo una investigación periodística sin prejuicios cuando reveló el
ocultamiento de Richard Nixon sobre Watergate. Eso es lo que él dijo en aquel tiempo,
pero yo nunca lo creí.
Los artículos de Woodward fueron la principal causa de la renuncia de
Mi percepción de que esto era una conspiración de la izquierda, se
basaban en mis simpatías con los arrestados por el allanamiento del de la sede del
Comité Nacional del partido demócrata en el complejo de oficinas Watergate, en
Washington el 17 de Junio de 1972.
Dos de los
arrestados eran cubanos exilados, Eugenio Rolando Martínez, y Virgilio
González, y lo que estaban buscando eran pruebas de la ayuda monetaria de Fidel
Castro al candidato Eugene McCarthy. Siempre he creído que fue un
error, porque no había necesidad de eso, en aquellos años McCarthy con su
política liberal socialista, no tenía ningún chance de ganarle a Nixon, como sucedió
en las elecciones que Nixon ganó fácilmente. Políticamente fue un error
de Nixon el encubrimiento.
La realidad de
la relación de McCarthy con Fidel era obvia y según pasaron los años fue más
profunda. La hija de McCarthy se graduó de la Universidad de la Habana.
Pero precisamente por eso, no hacían falta pruebas, y evidentemente había que
razonar que McCarthy no iba a dejar pruebas de su relación con Fidel en su
Pero ahora ha
pasado algo. O Woodward ha cambiado de filosofía política, o realmente es un
periodista sincero que busca la noticia objetivamente.
Hizo una
entrevista a Obama en que lo enfrentó a preguntas que nadie le ha hecho,
forzándolo a respuestas concretas sobre su administración.
Esto le ha
costado las críticas de la prensa tramitada, y un enfrentamiento con uno de los
secuaces de Obama, su asesor económico Gene Sperling, con el que tuvo una
acalorada discusión criticándolo por la entrevista y diciéndole “que iba a
tener que pagar por su conducta”. Esto es una amenaza pública a un
periodista, algo que no es costumbre en un país democrático por un oficial del
Pero en estos
tiempos estamos viendo muchas cosas que no se acostumbran en un país
“The Freedon never is
Free” Editor Lázaro R González Miño
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