por Lazaro R Gonzalez Miño
Sept. 17
del 2012 “El gobierno es el
problema” Ronald Reagan
Si Obama recibió en país con muchos problemas de George Bush y lo llevo al estado de desgracia actual. Cual seria el futuro de USA en los próximos cuatro años que ahora lo recibe de sus propias destructoras manos convertido en una ruina.
Ayer Domingo estuve de visita en casa de varios amigos y familiares y durante la visita la conversación fue
inevitablemente hacia la campaña por la presidencia de los USA.
El consenso general era que la campaña estaba muy
cerrada o que se inclinaba hacia el candidato que actualmente es el presidente.
Otro aspecto de sus análisis hacia ver que los dos
partidos políticos y sus candidatos eran igualmente malos.
Esto es lo que precisamente quiere que todos los votantes piensen porque
secretamente lo que esta buscando el partido demócrata, en el poder, es que
usted no vote por que esta decepcionado. Y lo están logrando. Por una parte porque
están manipulando las encuestas de diferentes maneras. Por ejemplo el otro día
tres empresas encuestadoras fueron confrontadas y tuvieron que admitir que
estaban escogiendo deliberadamente un por ciento mayor de Demócratas y un menor
de Conservadores para ser encuestados y que siempre o casi siempre el actual
presidente este de uno a tres puntos por delante del Republicano. Esto en buen
castellano “es hacer trampas” Las personas piensan que para que voy a votar si
ya perdimos. Todo esto no es más que una estrategia de campaña que se ha usado
exitosamente anteriormente
Miren todo esto no es mas que un truco de campaña sucia para confundir y frustrar
a los votantes. No se dejen manipular.
Ve y vota por el candidato que tu consideres es el mejor para tu criterio.
No te dejes llevar por mentes mas débiles que la tuya. Tu eres el dueño de tu
voto y tienes derecho a usarlo en el candidato de tu preferencia. O tambien
para votar en contra del que crees es el peor. PERO VOTA, VOTA, PORQUE ES
El país esta en una de las peores crisis de toda su historia y tiene los
enemigos mas poderosos y aguerridos que ha tenido anteriormente. Además de que
tiene internamente millones de sabandijas que han entrado legalmente o
ilegalmente y ahora hacen su tarea de desgraciar a los Estados Unidos muy
activa y eficientemente.
No nos podemos dar el lujo de equivocarnos en esta eleccion. Si lo hacemos
nos va a costar muy caro y no tendremos otra oportunidad de rehacer las cosas y
traer nuevamente a los USA a un sendero de prosperidad.
Solo existen dos posibilidades:
Usted vota por Mitt Romney y va a tener la posibilidad
de que muchos de los problemas se resuelva y regresemos a una prosperidad
Usted vota por Barack Husein Obama y va a tener la certeza
de que todos los problemas que tenemos se agigantaran y el país se hunda en las
ruinas de la miseria, el socialismos se implante y usted pase a ser un ruin monigote
en manos del gobierno como lo son los cubanos,
venezolanos, chinos, rusos, coreanos,
bolivianos, etc.
Es muy sencillo, si usted se deja engañar o confundir es porque quiere.
Busque un solo sistema socialistoides que haya resuelto los problemas de los
ciudadanos. “NINGUNO”
La única opción viable es votar por Romney y yo lo voy a hacer. Mi esposa
Lili y yo tenemos 5 hijos y 7 nietos más dos en camino y no quiero hacer un
experimento con su futuro. Quiero que tengan casa, derechos, comida, ropas,
vacaciones y poder para elegir a un presidente y poder opinar libremente. Eso
solo lo da la democracia y se que Romney va a trabajar por lograrlo. De la
misma forma que sé que Obama va a trabajar por desgraciar todo esto.
Si Obama recibió en país con muchos problemas de
George Bush y lo llevo al estado de desgracia actual. Cual seria el futuro de
USA en los próximos cuatro años que lo recibe de sus propias manos convertido
en una ruina.
You gotta love Robin Williams........Even if
he's nuts! Leave it to Robin Williams to come up with the perfect plan. What we
need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and repeat this message.
Robin Williams' plan...(Hard to argue with this logic!)
'I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here's one plan.'
1) 'The US, UK , CANADA and AUSTRALIA will apologize to the world for our 'interference' in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those 'good 'ole' boys', we will never 'interfere' again.
2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany , South Korea , the Middle East, and the Philippines . They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.
3) All illegal immigrants have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave. We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are from. They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.
4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.
5) No foreign 'students' over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a 'D' and it's back home baby.
6) The US, UK , CANADA and AUSTRALIA will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing non-polluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while.
7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)
8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not 'interfere..' They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army.. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.
9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us 'Ugly Americans' any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH...learn it...or LEAVE.Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?
The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses..' She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?' '
Robin Williams' plan...(Hard to argue with this logic!)
'I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here's one plan.'
1) 'The US, UK , CANADA and AUSTRALIA will apologize to the world for our 'interference' in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those 'good 'ole' boys', we will never 'interfere' again.
2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany , South Korea , the Middle East, and the Philippines . They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.
3) All illegal immigrants have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave. We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are from. They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.
4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.
5) No foreign 'students' over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a 'D' and it's back home baby.
6) The US, UK , CANADA and AUSTRALIA will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing non-polluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while.
7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)
8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not 'interfere..' They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army.. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.
9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us 'Ugly Americans' any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH...learn it...or LEAVE.Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?
The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses..' She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?' '
nos dijo de antemano lo que pensaba hacer. Enviado por Amenper. Pocos estaban escuchando.
Lo que sigue es un relato tomado de una mañana de 2008 Domingo televisado "Meet The Press".
Del 07 de septiembre del domingo 11:48:04 EST 2008, televisado "Meet the Press", el entonces senador Obama se le preguntó acerca de su postura sobre la bandera americana.
USAF General Bill Gann '(r) le preguntó a Obama a explicar por qué no seguir el protocolo cuando el himno nacional se toca.
El General dijo a Obama que, según el Código de los Estados Unidos, Título 36, Capítulo 10, Sección. 171 ...
Durante la interpretación del himno nacional, cuando la bandera es exhibida, todos los presentes (excepto los de uniforme) se espera que en posición de firmes frente a la bandera con la mano derecha sobre el corazón. O, al menos, "Stand and Face It".
!! -respondió el senador Obama:
"Como he dicho sobre el ping de la bandera, yo no quiero ser percibido como tomando partido". "Hay un montón de gente en el mundo a quien la bandera de Estados Unidos es un símbolo de la opresión .." "El propio himno transmite un mensaje de guerra-como. Ya sabes, las bombas estallando en el aire y todo ese tipo de cosas."
Obama continuó: "El Himno Nacional debe ser" intercambiado "por algo menos parroquial y belicoso menos me gusta la canción 'Me gustaría enseñar al mundo a cantar' Si eso fuera nuestro himno, entonces, puede ser que lo saludan... En mi opinión, deberíamos considerar reinventando nuestro Himno Nacional, así como "rediseño" nuestra bandera para ofrecer mejor servicio a nuestros enemigos y espero amor.It s 'mi intención, si soy elegido, para desarmar a América con el nivel de aceptación de nuestros hermanos de Oriente Medio. Si nosotros, como una nación de gente en guerra, nos comportamos como las naciones del Islam, donde prevalece la paz --- tal vez un estado o período de mutuo acuerdo podría existir entre nuestros gobiernos ..... "
Cuando sea Presidente, voy a buscar un pacto de acuerdo para poner fin a las hostilidades entre los que han estado en guerra o en un estado de enemistad, y una libertad de inquietantes pensamientos opresivos. Nosotros, como nación, han colocado a las naciones del Islam, una injusticia injusto que es por eso que mi esposa no respeta la bandera y ella y he asistido a varias ceremonias quema de la bandera en el pasado ".
"Por supuesto, ahora, me he encontrado a punto de convertirse en el Presidente de los Estados Unidos y he puesto mi odio a un lado. Voy a usar mi poder para lograr un cambio en esta nación, y ofrecer al pueblo un nuevo camino. Mi esposa y yo Esperamos convertirnos en nuestro país el primer negro Family First. De hecho, el cambio está a punto de desbordar los Estados Unidos de América " Dale Lindsborg, Washington Post
Lo que sigue es un relato tomado de una mañana de 2008 Domingo televisado "Meet The Press".
Del 07 de septiembre del domingo 11:48:04 EST 2008, televisado "Meet the Press", el entonces senador Obama se le preguntó acerca de su postura sobre la bandera americana.
USAF General Bill Gann '(r) le preguntó a Obama a explicar por qué no seguir el protocolo cuando el himno nacional se toca.
El General dijo a Obama que, según el Código de los Estados Unidos, Título 36, Capítulo 10, Sección. 171 ...
Durante la interpretación del himno nacional, cuando la bandera es exhibida, todos los presentes (excepto los de uniforme) se espera que en posición de firmes frente a la bandera con la mano derecha sobre el corazón. O, al menos, "Stand and Face It".
!! -respondió el senador Obama:
"Como he dicho sobre el ping de la bandera, yo no quiero ser percibido como tomando partido". "Hay un montón de gente en el mundo a quien la bandera de Estados Unidos es un símbolo de la opresión .." "El propio himno transmite un mensaje de guerra-como. Ya sabes, las bombas estallando en el aire y todo ese tipo de cosas."
Obama continuó: "El Himno Nacional debe ser" intercambiado "por algo menos parroquial y belicoso menos me gusta la canción 'Me gustaría enseñar al mundo a cantar' Si eso fuera nuestro himno, entonces, puede ser que lo saludan... En mi opinión, deberíamos considerar reinventando nuestro Himno Nacional, así como "rediseño" nuestra bandera para ofrecer mejor servicio a nuestros enemigos y espero amor.It s 'mi intención, si soy elegido, para desarmar a América con el nivel de aceptación de nuestros hermanos de Oriente Medio. Si nosotros, como una nación de gente en guerra, nos comportamos como las naciones del Islam, donde prevalece la paz --- tal vez un estado o período de mutuo acuerdo podría existir entre nuestros gobiernos ..... "
Cuando sea Presidente, voy a buscar un pacto de acuerdo para poner fin a las hostilidades entre los que han estado en guerra o en un estado de enemistad, y una libertad de inquietantes pensamientos opresivos. Nosotros, como nación, han colocado a las naciones del Islam, una injusticia injusto que es por eso que mi esposa no respeta la bandera y ella y he asistido a varias ceremonias quema de la bandera en el pasado ".
"Por supuesto, ahora, me he encontrado a punto de convertirse en el Presidente de los Estados Unidos y he puesto mi odio a un lado. Voy a usar mi poder para lograr un cambio en esta nación, y ofrecer al pueblo un nuevo camino. Mi esposa y yo Esperamos convertirnos en nuestro país el primer negro Family First. De hecho, el cambio está a punto de desbordar los Estados Unidos de América " Dale Lindsborg, Washington Post
Newt Gingrich, Lou Dobbs, Larry Kudlow, John Bolton, Dick Morris and other Champions of Freedom Have Come Together to Reveal the Truth. Hear Their Testimony. See the Evidence. Prepare for the Unthinkable! http://w3.newsmax.com/a/final_turning/video.cfm?s=al&promo_code=FCD6-1
· Que presión debe de existir el gobierno de OBAMA sobre COLOMBIA ????
Sin lugar a dudas la FARC FUE DIEZMADA por la
acción del ejercito Colombiano bajo la dirrecion del Presidente ALVARO
URIBE en sus DOS PERIODOS de gobierno... que ha sido el UNICO QUE LUCHO
SIN TREGUA... para vencerlos... fue sustituido por el que fuera su
ministro de DEFENSA el señor SANTOS prometiendo seguir su obra y LA LUCHA sin
tregua... Y AHORA sin una explicación CLARA... HACE UN ARREGLO PARA
Todos sabemos que los Estados Unidos son los que han financiado
la lucha anti guerrillera NO ME CABE DUDA que no es CASTRO... quien puede
forzar a SANTOS a doblegarse... romper sus promesas o hacer cualquier amenaza
utilizando una guerrilla que TODOS SUS LIDERES ESTAN MUERTOS...
El que tiene la FUERZA PARA DOBLEGAR A SANTOS es OBAMA... que seguro
lo ha amenazado con reducirle la ayuda militar y económica... y lo ha
hecho VIAJAR A CUBA y abrazarse con Castro...
He aquí la noticia que ahora es PUBLICA... pues comenzó en
."Santos y
los "liberales" nos Negociaron!!! - YouTube
Netanjahu: Algunos de los partidarios de contención pacífica con Irán “han
establecido un nuevo estándar para la estupidez humana” Posted: 09/15/2012 7:01 pm
Updated: 09/15/2012 9:11 pm. Enviado por Olga Griñan.
El primer ministro Israelí, Benjamín Netanjahu, habló en contra
de los partidarios de una política pacífica de contención con Irán.
“Irán está guiado por un liderazgo con un fanatismo increíble, “dijo
en una entrevista con David Gregory de NBC, en una entrevista que se
presentará este domingo en “Ante la Prensa”- “¿Ustedes quieren que estos
fanáticos tengan armas nucleares? Él se denunció contra la noción que
ir a la guerra con Irán es peor que un Irán nuclear”
David, yo realmente leí esto en la prensa Americana. Ellos dijeron
“Bueno, ustedes saben, si se toma acción, esto es mucho peor que tener a Irán
con armas nucleares” Algunos han dicho que Irán con armas nucleares,
estabilizarían el Medio Oriente. Yo pienso que las personas que dicen esto
han establecido un nuevo estándar para la estupidez humana.
Netanyahu ha ofrecido bastantes duras declaraciones sobre Irán
últimamente. La semana pasada el atacó la política de U.S.A. hacia
Irán, diciendo, “Esos en la comunidad internacional que niegan poner líneas
rojas frente a Irán, no tienen el derecho moral para poner una línea roja
frente a Israel”
La problemática de Irán ha causado tensión entre el primer ministro de
Israel y el Presidente Obama. De acuerdo con Reuters, Obama decidió no
entrevistarse con Netanyahu durante una visita de éste a Estados Unidos este
Vean el
Mapa de Alertas en el Mundo Enviado por Carmen Lemus.
Les aconsejo que guarden este sitio sobre información de
desastres. Nos señala lo que sucede (en tiempo real) cada segundo en
temblores, huracanes, tormentas, accidentes, etc., a nivel mundial. Solo dale
click al lugar con
alguna señal de alerta y te enteras de inmediato que tipo de fenómeno, la
intensidad, etc. Un aporte de los Hungaros, dicho sea de
Enviado por Olga Grinan WND EXCLUSIVE
Monckton: Obama crew 'existential threat' to U.S.But warns GOP not in position to reverse socialism. By John GriffingJohn Griffing recently interviewed Lord Monckton, who is sounding the alarm that unless the current warnings are heeded, the West is on the precipice of financial and political collapse."The framers of your Constitution understood that the people know best what is best for the people.... You now have a Socialist president, a Socialist administration, a Socialist Democrat party, Socialist governors and legislators in many states. These people – whatever they say – do not believe in the libertarian, democratic principles that your Constitution encapsulates. They hate it."The present administration, therefore, represents an existential threat to the United States.... So, after the coming election, you will either have more Socialism under Obama or a failure to reverse Socialism and its expensive consequences under Romney.
"I do know beyond reasonable doubt that the
document on the White House website that purports to be his birth certificate
is a forgery. The implications, if the establishment in both parties gets its
way, are nil. Mr. Obama will serve out one or two terms as president and, if the United States survives the
financial wreckage he has caused, his
embarrassing “presidency” will be consigned to a smudgy footnote in the history books...
Gov. Scott Walker has identified the problem and has
shown what can be done about it. One of the few defects in your Constitution
is that it did not envision the expansion of predatory governmental bureaucracies...
"The gravy-train has now tipped into the gulch.
The cash for such criminal indulgences has run out. It is now time for
governments everywhere to get a grip on the costs inflicted upon taxpayers by
governmental employees at every level. Unless
this is done, and very soon, the West
will fail.
"There is no prospect of improvement while
governments retain the right to issue currencies...
"...but, in these anti-democratic days,...
Read full arrticle at:
Will Democrats Booing God Cost Obama The Election?September 14, 2012 by Chip WoodWhat a weird Democratic National Convention! The two most popular speakers by far — Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton — aren’t running for office. And the man who is supposed to be the Master Orator of the 21st Century, Barack Obama, gave one of the flattest, most disappointing talks of his career. More on that in a moment. First, I’ll discuss what had to be the strangest moment of a very strange convention: The bungled effort to change the Democratic Party platform after it had been approved. It all began when the people framing the party platform decided to delete all references to God. If allowed to stand, it would have marked the first time the Creator was not acknowledged in the platform of either major political party. When the omission sparked a ton of media comments and Republican criticism, word came down from high — no, not heaven, but the Obama White House — that the platform had to be amended — immediately. Antonio Villaraigosa, the Mayor of Los Angeles, was serving as chairman of the convention when the effort was made to put God back in the platform. He read the new language, then called for a voice vote to approve it. He told the assembled delegates that the change had to be approved by a two-thirds majority. When he called for the “ayes” and “nays,” he and the assembled multitude got quite a shock. The “ayes” didn’t get anywhere near the two-thirds approval necessary. Many commentators who were there in person thought that the “nays” actually got more votes. Then Villaraigosa did something that was really stupid. He called for a second voice vote. The same thing happened again. If anything, the “nays” were even louder. Then the poor guy called for a third vote. The shouting got even more boisterous, but the results were the same. If the “nays” weren’t a majority, they sure kept the “ayes” from a two-thirds approval. At that point, Villaraigosa looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Not knowing what else to do, he declared that the measure had passed, thanked the delegates and banged his gavel. Officially, God is now in the Democratic platform. But, in fact, His presence there was roundly booed by a heck of a lot of Democrats at their national convention. If the Republicans don’t remind potential voters about this a few hundred times between now and the elections, they’re making a huge mistake. Political conventions are supposed to be more carefully scripted than a big-budget movie. Every speech is vetted several times (unless you’re Clinton or Clint Eastwood). Every moment is carefully planned — especially those in the prime-time hours on national TV. So what the heck happened in Charlotte, N.C.? It’s hard to tell who screwed up, but somebody did — big time. By the way, this wasn’t the only misstep at the Democrats’ gathering. There was another lulu on opening night, when a Hollywood-style video greeted delegates with the news that “government is the only thing we all belong to.” Republicans immediately countered by pointing out that we don’t belong to government; government belongs to us (in theory, at least). Clinton and Michelle Obama helped the Democrats recover a lot of ground. Although I’m not sure Clinton did the President a favor when he reminded delegates that nobody could have kept all of the promises Obama made four years ago. But no matter; the party faithful love the guy. I’m sure many of them regret he couldn’t duplicate Franklin D. Roosevelt’s record and run for third and fourth terms. Finally, we got to Thursday night, when it was time for Barack Obama to take center stage. Many people expected him to be as impassioned and inspiring as he was four years ago. By all accounts, he failed decisively. Former Ronald Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan described his speech as “stale and empty.” FOX News commentator Charles Krauthammer agreed, saying it was “one of the emptiest speeches I have ever heard on a national stage.” But the criticism didn’t come only from the right. Liberal columnist Michael Tomasky, writing in the left-wing Daily Beast, called the President’s speech “dull and pedestrian… with nary an interesting thematic device, policy detail, or even one turn of phrase.” Many of the Democratic commentators on television agreed afterward that the President’s speech left a gigantic “enthusiasm deficit.” Some even admitted that Joe Biden gave a better speech. So what happens now? If the Republicans are smart, videos of all those angry faces booing God will become as commonplace as Obama’s insulting comment to entrepreneurs that “you didn’t build that.” Sure, the economy will remain the No. 1 issue in voters’ minds (as it should be). But a heck of a lot of voters cares about values, too. A substantial majority does not like the idea of putting no limits on abortions, demanding that voters pay for them and not notifying parents when a daughter who is a minor wants one. And in virtually every State where it’s been put on the ballot, including the People’s Republic of California, a majority of voters has declared that marriage is a union of one man and one woman. Make the election about these issues and the Republicans should not only win the White House, they should also keep control of the House and regain a majority in the Senate. I’m not foolish enough to believe that such electoral victories will lead easily or automatically to fiscal sanity in Washington or end the influence of the empire-builders who think the United States should be the police of the world. The Republicans in the past had a lot of gusto for both guns and butter. They can ladle out the pork just as eagerly as any Democrat. But let’s never forget that our Founding Fathers wisely put the power of the purse in the House of Representatives. The Constitution insists that every spending bill originate there. If the House won’t approve it, the President can’t spend it. Period. Yes, there will be some tumultuous times before we finally get government back under control. But come this November, we have an opportunity to take some significant steps in the right direction. Let’s make sure we do so. Until next time, keep some powder dry. –Chip Wood |
Some impressions I have gathered. Manny Fernandez.
Fox and
the others are all Corporate owned and as such, answer to a higher
power. Rupert Murdoch is a big contributor to the Democrats as well as
the Republicans. The Left and the Right's biggest donor is Goldman
Sachs. I was arguing with someone on Facebook. They were cheering
a musician on because he told Fox on Twitter not to play their songs on the
station. These people are so stupid that they neglect to see that
picking who can play your songs based on their beliefs, religion, etc is akin
to not serving someone black in your cafeteria because they are black.
They criticise one side and yet they do the exact same thing. It is
nonsensical. People are ignorant. The talking points are,
"This is the choice". I disagree with the idea that as a
nation we are left with what two corrupt parties have served up to us.
In the 1800's and before, people knew about government. They knew about the Constitution and what would make a good President. People did their homework. Today, it is a popularity contest. No one knows what the Bill of Rights affords us, what the proper limits of the Central Government are. What authority is left to the respective States and the people. People are not even aware that a "State" is a sovereign Country (as in the STATE of Israel). The States created the government and as such retain the power. People think the President needs to "run the economy" or "create jobs" that is ludicrous. The Congress is, if it exists, the most powerful of all the branches and the houses. It was suppose to be that way. It is by design. The Congress has abdicated its authority to the "Federal" "Reserve" and the Executive Branch, and in the process have created a King. There is not much more we can do. This is like riding a motorcycle; there is a certain angle that motorcycle can lean to, that there is no turning back from. The motorcycle and yourself are going down and there is NOTHING you can do. Well folks we are on that angle. This is going down. Maybe there will be a recovery, a reboot of sorts that will weed out the moochers and end the entitlement mentality. I doubt it though. We have been stripped of our 4th and 5th amendment with Patriot Act and NDAA and there is no end in site. Under Republican and Democrat, we have gotten the PA and NDAA. It makes no difference. The Police State is coming if not already here. Drones flying over our cities, SWAT teams that are armed as if they were Marines, armed forces for EPA and FEMA. Reading the book by Rand Paul, Government Bullies if you read it, you will see that our Congress and Senate have indeed abdicated their authority. The various quasi-governmental organizations can come in and destroy your life and not so much as a hearing is afforded to you. I too am "Fed" up as well (pun intended) :-)The DC Morning. By Jamie Westein1.) Obama 2012: "Perfectly Incoherent" -- Proving its strong stand for free speech, the Obama administration asked YouTube to take down the movie trailer for "Innocence of Muslims" because those attacking our embassies around the world were demanding it. This is not a joke. Jessica Stanton reports for TheDC: "'The film was simply an act of free speech. The position of the United States should be clear. Violence was not caused by any film,' said [law professor Jonathan] Turley. 'Free speech is not a characteristic of America. It defines being an American.' Turley added that the administration has done 'unprecedented harm' to principles of free speech. White House press secretary Jay Carney has denied that the White House asked YouTube to censor the video, a position Turley called 'perfectly incoherent.'" It's not yet too late for the president to change his campaign slogan from "Forward" to "Perfectly Incoherent: Obama 2012." What the slogan lacks in positivity some may say it would make up for in honesty. |
Muslims declare war on the U.S.
From Mat Staver,
Liberty Counsel
How far reaching is the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical Islamic sects into our government and our foreign policies?
I believe the events of the past several days are strong indicators of our government’s policy of pacification toward the growing Muslim influence in our nation.
Earlier this week, our embassy in Cairo issued this statement about the Islam outrage over a film which depicts Mohammed negatively…
How far reaching is the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical Islamic sects into our government and our foreign policies?
I believe the events of the past several days are strong indicators of our government’s policy of pacification toward the growing Muslim influence in our nation.
Earlier this week, our embassy in Cairo issued this statement about the Islam outrage over a film which depicts Mohammed negatively…
“The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims…"
The United States Embassy apologized for hurting the religious feelings of Muslims!
While radical Muslim groups attacked U.S. embassies and consulates, on Thursday the House of Representatives pass a continuing resolution bill that includes continued aid to Egypt, Libya and other Muslim-backed nations which have expressed disdain for America.
•The United States has already provided $53.5 million
in aid to Libya.
•In March, President Obama released $1.3 million in
aid to Egypt.
•The Muslim Brotherhood has greatly impacted the
overthrow and subsequent power grabs in Libya, Egypt, and other Middle Eastern
countries. They are poised to do the same in Syria.
•President Obama has invited Brotherhood leaders to
the White House and has endorsed their violent takeover in Egypt.
++Radical Islamists have already declared war on America!
The Muslim Brotherhood’s stated goal is to wipe out America, the “Big Satan,” – and Israel, the “Little Satan.” They are tightly aligned with terrorist organizations Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). Their chief strategy for conquest, called “civilization jihad,” consists of infiltrating governments and affecting their foreign and domestic policies; introducing Sharia into the nation’s laws; silencing Christian churches and other non-Islamic sects; and permeating the victim society with their own oppressive religion and culture.
They want to fly the flag of Islam over the White
ACTION: I am asking you to join with over 70,000 other concerned citizens in petitioning key Members of Congress to get behind Rep. Michele Bachmann’s and the National Security Five’s call for intense investigations into the growing influence of radical Islam inside our nation – and our nation’s policies – particularly foreign policy. Please click here to read and sign our petition of support for these complete investigations:
Please click here to read and sign our petition of support for these complete investigations.
God bless you,
Mat Staver
Lázaro R González Miño
7-Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8-Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su
Porque tuyo es El
Reino, El Poder y La Gloria Eterna. AMEN
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