Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9-11 "En mi opinion" Sept 11, 2012

EN MI OPINION   “IN GOD WE TRUST”   por Lazaro R Gonzalez Miño
  Sept. 11 del 2012     “El gobierno es el problema”   Ronald Reagan



Dios acoja en su seno a las victimas de estos criminales.

NHR.com Sospechan que la fiscalía trate de tapar a involucrados con las boleteras • En una investigación seria caerían muchos pejes gordos

MIAMI, 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2012, NHR.com—El pasado 5 de septiembre NHR.com alertó al público a través de un reportaje titulado “Peligran las investigaciones de las boletas ausentes”. Al parecer aquella alerta se acerca a convertirse en realidad.
Ayer, a las 10 de la mañana, se esperaba que se iniciara la primera vista en el caso contra Sergio Robaina, llamado el boletero de Hialeah, quien según ha declarado, fue Anamary Pedrosa, la joven ex empleada del comisionado condal Estevan Bovo, quien le pidió le ayudara a conseguir boletas de ausentes, ya que estaba ayudando a varios candidatos de Hialeah y Miami Dade.
Pero como explicamos en el reportaje de NHR.com antes citado, aparentemente la fiscalía está alargando el caso de los boleteros y al final puede ser que todo quede en la nada.
Ayer, repetimos, debió de hacerse la acusación formal de Robaina, pero en su lugar se presentó el fiscal Tim Vandergiesen, pidiendo una extensión que fue aceptada por el Juez Milton Hirsch. La vista, entonces se celebrará el primero de octubre, a no ser que nuevamente se solicite una extensión, o que sorpresivamente en esa fecha se desestimen los cargos.
Fuentes de entero crédito que han pedido no ser identificadas insisten en que de continuar las investigaciones, como debería ser para llegar al fondo del caso en general, “serían muchos ‘pejes gordos’ los que podrían caer, entre éstos una buena cantidad de políticos, más boleteros y hombres y mujeres de negocios, y eso es precisamente lo que se está tratando de detener”.
En NHR.com continuaremos tras las pistas de este escándalo que envuelve a toda la comunidad hispana de Miami-Dade.

Acceder a abrazar a Obama casi le cuesta la quiebra • Propietario de pizzeria cuenta su historia

MIAMI, 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2012, NHR.com—El abrazo que el dueño de un establecimiento de ventas de pizzas le diera al presidente Barack Obama le ha costado muy caro, según él mismo ha declarado.
Ocurrió en Fort Pierce, en la Florida, durante una visita fugaz del presidente Obama a la pizzería Big Apple Pizza & Pasta Restaurant. La fotografía y el video sobre aquel encuentro preparado para publicidad de Obama, ha dado la vuelta a la  nación en las primeras planas de los periódicos y la televisión.
Lo que no ha sido dado a conocer al público es que el tiro le salió por la culata a Van Duzer, ya que de acuerdo con declaraciones que hizo al portal Político, “las personas están boicoteando mi negocio después del famoso abrazo presidencial”.
Nota: La gente no quiere comer la piza que hace un tipo que abrace a Obama, yo tampoco lo haría. Se recuerdan lo que les ocurrió a todos los que abrazaban a Fidel Castro eso se llama “Yetatura” y te jodistes c-m. LRGM

Doctor Diagnoses Obama In One Sentence Dr. Barbara Bellar,  a Candidate for Illinois State Senate, summed up in one sentence the sheer folly of the entire Obamacare operation. Olga Griñan. http://www.westernjournalism.com/doctor-diagnoses-obama-in-one-sentence/

El bumerán Sindical Por Amenper.
Cuando por motivos políticos nos apartamos demasiado de la verdad absoluta, creando una falsedad evidente, el resultado es que la mentira se puede virar como un bumerán contra nosotros y golpearnos en el trasero.
Eso es lo que el pasó a Rahm Emanuel y al presidente Obama con los sindicatos de los maestros.  Se crearon una dependencia total de los sindicatos para ganar sus votos, atacaron y trataron de destruir al Gobernador Scott Walter en Wisconsin, y ahora se encuentra en la misma situación por la que ellos atacaron a Walker.
El alcalde Emanuel sólo pidió una evaluación personal de los maestros, y una evaluación del progreso de los alumnos.  Simplemente esto, una evaluación. Sin lugar a dudas hay alumnos que no progresan con el mejor maestro, pero si por diseño, todos los alumnos no progresan bajo un maestro, el problema puede ser del maestro, y para eso es la evaluación.  Por eso me siento desconcertado y asombrado de que tengo que estar de acuerdo nada menos que con Rahm Emmanuel.
El promedio de ingreso del ciudadano medio en Chicago es de $45,000.00, el promedio de ingreso de un maestro en Chicago es de $70,000.00.  Pero el sindicato no sólo quiere un aumento de sueldo, sino que no quiere estar sujeto a tener que responder por su prestación profesional y su rendimiento en el trabajo.
No sé como responderá Obama a esta situación, quizás los sindicatos le saquen las castañas del fuego debido al momento electoral,  y no sigan en su huelga para ayudarlo, pero lo que es evidente es que en este caso hay una verdad absoluta, y esta es que los sindicatos, estimulados por la política de Obama, se han salido del cauce normal de las demandas obreras razonables.
Porque no soy nadie y puedo decir mi opinión sin consecuencias, y mi opinión es que aunque lo siento, no puedo menos que alegrarme de lo que está pasando, me imagino que aunque no pueda decirlo, Scott Walker también se estará alegrando..

1. "We are being ordered to break the law!"     
Ten U.S. Border Agents are doing what Congress refuses to do – stand up to the amnesty-happy Obama administration, and heroically fight for the security and sovereignty of our nation that is being weakened for political gain.
Using executive orders, and sidestepping Congress, Obama has essentially handcuffed U.S. Border agents preventing them from doing their jobs as immigration enforcers, and putting them and the nation at risk.

Agents filed suit against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton, claiming the June 14 directive issued by Napolitano is forcing them to violate federal law, and keeping them “from fulfilling their sworn oath to uphold the law and defend the U.S. Constitution.”

According to the suit, the new directive “unconstitutionally usurps and encroaches upon the legislative powers of Congress,” by breaking laws the agents are supposed to be enforcing, and seeks to preserve the balance of legislative and executive powers established by the Constitution.

+ + Obama trampling on our Constitution for political gain

Since taking office, Obama has looked for ways to diminish federal law and allow a flood of illegal aliens …

Last summer while addressing the National Council of La Raza during their annual conference, Obama said the immigration system was broken, and a “larger political movement was needed to fix it.”

“The idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you, not just on immigration reform. But that’s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That’s not how our Constitution is written. …

“I need you to keep building a movement for change outside of Washington, one they can’t stop, one that’s greater than this community,” Obama told them. “Feel free to keep the heat on me and the heat on Democrats. But here’s the thing you should know, the Democrats and your president are with you, don’t get confused about that.”

A desperate President Obama is scheming for the Hispanic vote – ignoring our nation’s existing laws, ignoring his sworn responsibilities to the citizens of our nation, bullying and intimidating our border agents in order to implement his latest fast-track amnesty agenda.

By Executive Order, Obama announced a policy that allows hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant to gain a “Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver” – which essentially rewards illegals living in the U.S. by putting them on a fast-track to legal status.

He also opened the door for potentially millions more illegals, their spouses, children and relatives to flood across our borders by granting them “Amnesty Waivers” if they claim “extreme hardship” in their living situation …

+ + U.S. Border Agents are Fighting Back

In the face of this “amnesty invasion” being perpetrated by Obama and his administration, these border agents are fighting for us and for the sovereignty and security of our nation. 

Through this national petition, Grassfire has created a platform for grassroots Americans to stand alongside these brave law enforcement officials – to show their support for the tough stand they are taking.

ACTION: These agents are standing in the gap for law and order in America, for you and I against the rising threat of illegal aliens flooding into our nation. Take a moment right now to add your name to our “I’m Standing with The Border Agents” petition.

"We've Heard It All Before" (Extended Cut) Reallazydazy. www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZgQhnNRSuw 

Hillary "Shame on you, Barack Obama!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmet77JCniU

 Are The Unemployment Numbers Actually Much Worse Than Reported?

September 10, 2012 9:51 amComments (1)Author: The Economic Collapse Blog. Enrique Enriquez.

Share this Article. According to the Obama administration, the unemployment rate in the United States has been slowly coming down over the past couple of years. But is that actually true? When you take a closer look at the data you quickly realize that the real unemployment numbers are much worse than we are being told. For example, if the labor force participation rate was the same today as it was back when Barack Obama first took office, the unemployment rate in the United States would be a whopping 11.2 percent. But every month the Obama administration has been able to show “progress” because of the fiction that hundreds of thousands of Americans are “disappearing” from the labor force each month. Frankly, the way that they come up with these numbers is an insult to our intelligence. Personally, I much prefer the employment-population ratio. It is a measure of the percentage of working age Americans that actually have jobs. I like to call it “the employment rate”. So what happened to the “employment rate” in August? It fell slightly to 58.3 percent. It is lower than it was when the last recession supposedly ended, and it is almost as low as it has been at any point since the very beginning of this crisis. A few times during this economic downturn it has actually hit 58.2 percent. Needless to say, things are not getting any better. So why aren’t the American people being told the truth?

After every other recession in the post-World War II era, the employment rate has always rebounded.
But not this time.
Does this look like a recovery to you?….

So how in the world can Barack Obama claim that we are better off now?
In August 2010, 58.5 percent of working age Americans had jobs.
In August 2012, 58.3 percent of working age Americans had jobs.
So where is the recovery?
It is two years later and a smaller percentage of Americans are employed.
It is very frustrating to me that we are not being told the truth about the unemployment numbers. The following are some more indications that the real unemployment numbers are much worse than we are being told….
-In July, 142,220,000 Americans were working. In August, only 142,101,000 Americans were working. So the number of Americans working fell by 119,000 and yet the government would have us believe that the unemployment rate actually declined from 8.3 percent to 8.1 percent.
-According to the federal government, 96,000 jobs were added to the economy in August and the U.S. labor force shrank by 368,000 even though our population is continually growing. If the size of the U.S. labor force had stayed the same, the official unemployment rate would have actually gone up to 8.4 percent.
-Almost all of the new jobs added in August were the result of the “birth-death” model used by the Labor Department to estimate jobs added by new businesses. That model has been heavily criticized for being inaccurate. If you take the 87,000 jobs added by that model out of the equation, then the U.S. economy only added 9,000 jobs in August. But it takes somewhere around 125,000 new jobs each month just to keep up with the growth of the population.
-If the labor participation rate was sitting where it was when Barack Obama first took office, the unemployment rate in the United States would actually be 11.2 percent.
-If the labor participation rate was sitting at the 30 year average of 65.8 percent, the unemployment rate in the United States would actually be 11.7 percent.
-John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics would put the “real” rate of unemployment up around 23 percent after adding in all workers that have given up looking for work and all underemployed workers.
-The labor participation rate for men has fallen to 69.9 percent. This is the lowest level that it has been since the U.S. government began tracking this statistic back in 1948.
-There was more bad news for manufacturing in this latest report. During the month of August the U.S. manufacturing sector lost approximately 15,000 jobs.
-The official unemployment rate has now been above 8 percent for 43 months in a row.
-The percentage of working age Americans with a job has been below 59 percent for 36 months in a row.
-The employment numbers for both June and July were revised downward significantly. For June, it turns out that only 45,000 jobs were added to the economy as opposed to the 64,000 that were originally reported. For July, it turns out that only 141,000 jobs were added to the economy as opposed to the 163,000 that were originally reported.
-Incredibly, 58 percent of the jobs created since the end of the last recession have been low income jobs.
-The U.S. economy currently has 4.7 million less jobs than it did when the last recession started.
So what is the solution to these problems?
The media is breathlessly proclaiming that more quantitative easing is on the way and that the Federal Reserve will save the economy and send the stock market soaring to new heights.
A headline on CNBC on Friday boldly declared the following: “Market Sees ‘Helicopter Ben’ Coming to the Rescue“.
You can almost hear the chopper blades whirling now.
Apparently Bernanke has had a love of showering the economy with money for a very long time. For example, you can see a picture of a young Ben Bernanke in action right here.
Of course that is a joke, but you get the point.
In recent years Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and the rest of his cohorts have printed money like there is no tomorrow.
So have the previous rounds of quantitative easing solved our problems?
Of course not.
The employment rate is even lower today than it was two years ago.
But all of that money printing has sent the stock market soaring and it has enabled the big Wall Street banks to make an obscene amount of money.
The truth is that the Federal Reserve, the Obama administration and the big Wall Street banks don’t really care about you.
They don’t really care that the middle class is rapidly shrinking and that the number of Americans on food stamps has risen by more than 14 million since Barack Obama became president.
What they care about is what is good for them.
As I have written about previously, if we continue on the same path that we have been on for the past several decades, there will never be enough jobs in America ever again.
On our current trajectory, we will end up just like Greece where the unemployment rate is now up to 24.4 percent.
Once upon a time the economy of Greece was thriving.
But today, many formerly middle class Greek citizens are leaving Greece and are picking upwhatever work they can find….
As a pharmaceutical salesman in Greece for 17 years, Tilemachos Karachalios wore a suit, drove a company car and had an expense account. He now mops schools in Sweden, forced from his home by Greece’s economic crisis.
“It was a very good job,” said Karachalios, 40, of his former life. “Now I clean Swedish s—.”
Karachalios, who left behind his 6-year-old daughter to be raised by his parents, is one of thousands fleeing Greece’s record 24 percent unemployment and austerity measures that threaten to undermine growth.
Would you be willing to do that?
Don’t laugh.
Someday when the unemployment rate in the United States gets that high we will see large numbers of desperate Americans leaving this country in search of work somewhere else.
Already, an increasing number of Americans are buying expired food at auctions.
Times are hard and people are trying to get by any way that they can.
More than 100 million Americans are already on welfare and things have not even gotten that bad yet.
This is nothing compared to what is coming.
As you can see from the chart posted near the top of this article, the last economic downturn appears to have permanently weakened the U.S. economy.
Now the next wave of the economic collapse is rapidly approaching.
How much worse will things get when it finally hits us?
That is something to think about.


Will this devious group steal your vote? WND EXCLUSIVE  por Enrique Enríquez.                                                                                             Yes, the only reason to oppose it is to purposefully perpetuate voter fraud.

Find out who's behind massive assault in key states before election

Chelsea Schilling is a commentary editor and staff writer for WND, an editor of Jerome Corsi's Red Alert, and a proud homeschooling mother. Schilling joined the Army at age 17, receiving the exceptional designation of expert marksman three times. In addition to WND, Schilling has worked as a news producer at USA Radio Network and as a news reporter for the Sacramento Union.
A powerful group focused on “racial justice” – with leaders who have personally donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Obama campaign and the DNC – is leading the leftist-driven charge to weaken voter ID laws in key states before the November election.
The Advancement Project describes itself as a “multi-racial civil rights organization” that works “‘on the ground’ helping organized communities of color dismantle and reform the unjust and inequitable policies that undermine the promise of democracy.” The organization states, ” Simultaneously, we have aggressively sought and seized opportunities to promote this approach to racial justice
It was founded in 1999 and has offices in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.
Massive assault on voter ID laws
Just last week, a federal court struck down a Texas law requiring voters to present a government-issued photo ID before casting a ballot. According to the organization website, “Advancement Project intervened as defendants in this federal litigation in support of the Department of Justice’s position that Texas’ Photo ID law is racially retrogressive and should be denied preclearance under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.”
Prior to the ruling, on Sept. 13, 2011, the Advancement Project sent a letter to the Justice Department, calling on the Civil Rights Division to reject the voter ID law. It also delivered a petition of 120,000 signatures demanding the department deny pre-clearance of Texas’ law.
And on Aug. 27, U.S. District Judge Algenon Marbley struck down Ohio’s “wrong precinct” law.
“In the lawsuit, brought on the behalf of several labor and community organizations, attorneys from Advancement Project and Service Employees International Union argued that Ohio’s law unconstitutionally penalizes thousands of voters for poll worker errors that disproportionately impacted African Americans,” the Advancement Project stated on its website.
As WND senior staff reporter Aaron Klein recently reported, the Brennan Center for Justice is another major leftist group with a history of biased research that’s behind the national campaign to paint voter ID laws as racist. Klein noted that the voter ID data collected by the group has been called into question by experts and has been contradicted by other credible studies. Yet the center’s information is cited widely by news media and even members of the Obama administration.
Nonetheless, the Advancement Project and the Brennan Center have joined forces to create a “Talking About Voting 2012″ toolkit with talking points for people to use against voter ID laws when speaking with potential voters.
Some of those talking points include:
  • “Unfair voting laws are being passed by politicians who are trying to manipulate the system for their own benefit – because they don’t like what voters have to say.”
  • “It’s wrong to pass laws for political gain that take away the right to vote from millions of eligible citizens, including seniors and veterans.”
  • “As the world’s leading democracy, we can’t pass laws that block some eligible Americans from voting, or that deny them the opportunity to participate equally in our democracy.”
  • “Emphasize the need for flexibility in ID laws, and that ‘one size doesn’t fit all.’”
The document also instructs its activists to “call out politicians,” stating, “Communications that name politicians as people who are manipulating election laws for their own political gain are also effective.”
“Tea Party groups and conservative activists who are determined to restore ballot integrity should be mindful of how the Advancement Project operates: well before an election the group burrows in at the local level. Here is how it explains its electioneering efforts:
‘Sustained, consistent pre-election voting rights work enhances our ability to influence registration and election management. We also understand that key decisions are made at the state, county and municipal levels. Many problems and potential problems are best addressed locally, with local leadership.
‘The core strategy of our voter protection efforts is to monitor election administration at the state and local levels, to expose problems early in the election cycle, to address these difficulties and remove obstacles prior to Election Day.
‘Through this Program, we also build the legal and procedural framework necessary to carry out long-range voter protection work. With other voter registration groups, we develop processes for verifying that applicants are indeed placed on the voting rolls as well as means of investigating unsuccessful applications.’
“The Advancement Project argues that ‘multi-racial grassroots organizing’ is an effective way to take down ‘structural racism.’ This ‘theory of change’ enables the group’s lawyers to provide legal support to states, localities, and candidacies. The Advancement Project also operates a communications department to ‘generate public will for progressive and systemic change.’”
Felon voting and ‘racial profiling’
The Advancement Project has also pushed to have voting rights reinstated to convicted felons, claiming “stringent and outdated laws” cause offenders to “permanently lose their right to vote, even after completing their sentences.”
The organization argues that “communities of color” are disproportionately impacted by voter disenfranchisement in Virginia.
The Advancement Project website states, “According to recent estimates, 1 in 5 African Americans are permanently banned from voting and other civil rights in Virginia.”
Judith Browne Dianis, co-director of the Advancement Project, has also argued that Arizona’s SB 1070, a law allowing authorities to check immigration status of people suspected of being in the country illegally, leads to racial profiling.
While the Supreme Court struck down three provisions in Arizona’s law, it upheld the provision that allows police to ask for papers from a person who is stopped or detained.
“As African-Americans, we must realize that these anti-immigration laws are not about ‘them’ vs. ‘us’ but intrinsically include us in their broad sweep, as civil rights violations always do,” Dianis wrote. ”Black people have always been in the forefront of the civil rights movement. Joining our allies on opposing these discriminatory anti-immigration laws is no exception. …
“While anti-immigration laws like Arizona’s specifically target undocumented immigrants, all people of color are at risk. Racial profiling for some legitimizes racial profiling for all. United States citizens actually comprise the largest group of undocumented people in the country. Millions of Americans, disproportionately African American and Latina, do not have proof of citizenship.
America professes to be the land of the free. But how free is a state that allows its government to intimidate and arrest people based on the color of their skin?”
ACORN ties and Obama contributions
According to the National Republican Congressional Committee, or NRCC, the Advancement Project had ACORN listed as one of its “voter protection coalition partners” in Pennsylvania.
The NRCC also notes that the Advancement Project “wrote a legal brief on behalf of ACORN” in the case ACORN v. Blanco, arguing that Louisiana violated the Voting Rights Act when it failed to provide out-of-state satellite voting centers to displaced residents after Hurricane Katrina.
Some Advancement Project staff and board members who have donated to the Obama campaign and/or have ties to the administration include:
The group’s board of directors also includes activist and singer Harry Belafonte, SEIU Vice President Gerry Hudson and Bill Lann Lee, former assistant attorney general for civil rights in the Clinton administration and current co-director of the NAACP office in Los Angeles.
The Advancement Project also appears to have contributed $155,000 to Obama’s inauguration fund. However, that money may have been returned to the organization, as records show a -$155,000 figure under the group’s name. According to OpenSecrets.org, “Obama capped money for his inauguration at $50,000 per person – still, more than 10 times what individuals could give to his campaign. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, political action committees and registered lobbyists were not accepted.”
According to a search of public records, no one at the Advancement Project has contributed to the Republican Party or any of its candidates.
Backed by George Soros and other leftist groups
The Advancement Project is heavily funded by George Soros through at least two of the billionaire’s foundations.
According to the Capital Research Center, Soros’ Open Society Institute has provided grants totaling $3,925,000 since 1999 and Soros’ Foundation to Promote Open Society has given the organization $552,775 since 2009.
The Center notes that other donors to the Advancement Project include:
  • Ford Foundation ($5,266,000 since 2003),
  • California Endowment ($2,638,212 since 2001),
  • William & Flora Hewlett Foundation ($2,303,500 since 2001),
  • Rockefeller Foundation ($2,150,000 since 2001),
  • James Irvine Foundation ($1,650,000 since 2002),
  • David & Lucile Packard Foundation ($1,230,000 since 2003),
  • Tides Foundation ($875,540 since 2007),
  • Charles Stewart Mott Foundation ($650,000 since 2001),
  • the Carnegie Corp. of New York ($584,000 since 2001)
According to the NRCC, the Advancement Project has also received contributions from:
  • the AFL-CIO
  • Moveon.org
  • NAACP Voter Fund
  • SEIU
On its website, the Advancement Project, which touts its role in various legal battles against voter ID laws, states:
  • Florida, Arcia, et al. v. Detzner: In June, Advancement Project and co-counsel filed a lawsuit on behalf of several organizational and individual Plaintiffs challenging Florida’s illegal purge of purported non-citizens from its list of eligible voters. …
  • Ohio, SEIU v. Husted: In June 2012, Advancement Project filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio raising a federal constitutional challenge to Ohio’s “wrong precinct” law, which results in disqualification of provisional ballots cast in the wrong precinct even where poll worker error, not the voters actions or qualifications, results in the wrongly cast ballot. …
  • Pennsylvania, Applewhite et al., v. Commonwealth: In May 2012, Advancement Project, along with the ACLU of Pennsylvania and the Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia filed suit in Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court alleging that Pennsylvanias photo ID law violates the Pennsylvania Constitutions guarantee of the right to vote. …
  • Texas, Texas v. Holder: In May, Advancement Project intervened as defendants in this federal litigation in support of the Department of Justice’s position that Texas’ Photo ID law is racially retrogressive and should be denied preclearance under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. …
  • Wisconsin, Jones v. Deninger: In February 2012, Advancement Project filed suit in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin alleging that Wisconsin’s photo ID law is racially discriminatory in violation of Section 2 of the federal Voting Rights Act. Advancement Project’s suit, the first to challenge a photo ID law’s racially discriminatory impact under this provision, argues that Wisconsin Act 23 will disproportionately disenfranchise voters of color, who are far less likely to have the requisite ID and face greater hurdles in getting one. Should voters be required to show a photo ID to vote?
  • No, the Constitution never mentions identification for voters
  • No, it discourages people from voting
  • No, such requirements would unfairly disenfranchise racial minorities
  • No, it's just a Republican-paranoia issue
  • Why should they? Voter fraud isn't really that rampant
  • Only if laws requiring it could be fairly implemented without chilling some from voting
  • Yes, photo IDs are standard procedure in virtually all of society today
  • Yes, something needs to be done to stop the dead and other phony voters from casting ballots
  • Yes, I can't believe it isn't a requirement to vote everywhere
  • Yes, the only reason to oppose it is to purposefully perpetuate voter fraud
  • Other

Award-winning, former Netanyahu adviser behind assessment‏

WND EXCLUSIVE por Enrique Enriquez.

Israeli science website: Obama birth certificate forged

Award-winning, former Netanyahu adviser behind assessment

Published: 3 hours ago
Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." Corsi's latest book is "Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?"More ↓
Israel Hanukoglu
Israel Science and Technology, the national database and directory of science and technology-related websites in Israel, has published an article asserting the long-form birth certificate released by the White House is a forged document
The website was created by a former science adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel Hanukoglu, Ph.D.
Hanukoglu, an award-winning researcher, is a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology in the Department of Molecular Biology at Ariel University Center of Samaria in Ariel, Israel.
The professor established the first version of his website during his tenure as Netanyahu’s science adviser. The site has evolved into “the premier science and technology portal for Israel.”
The website says that the White House’s release of the Obama document in April 2011, after years of controversy, “raised in our minds the possibility that there could be something suspicious about the information available on this document.”
The website conducted an independent analysis and cites others who came to the same conclusion.
The website says the publication “of such a blatantly fake document about something so basic as the birthplace of Mr. Obama, should raise great concern about the suitability of the person who is holding the reigns on the most powerful country of the World.”
Israel Science and Technology explains why, as a site of science and technology, it dedicated “a page to expose forgery about a document related to Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.”
“Mr. Obama is the president of the USA that is currently the leader of the Free World, and the most powerful country in the Western hemisphere,” the site says. “In his position as the President, the policies pursued by Mr. Obama affects the whole world and not just the USA.”
Moreover, inaction by members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, as well as U.S. courts, despite many appeals, also was seen to “raise a concern about how the governmental institutions of the reputedly best, and certainly the most important democracy in the Free World have avoided the issue.”
The missing ’1′
Utilizing the software program Foxit Reader version 4.3.1, the Israel Science and Technology website examined the PDF file posted by the White House April 27, 2011, and found that the last digit of the birth certificate’s number, 61 10841, disappears under 800-percent magnification.
Also, the font of the last digit is different from the other digits.
“This is only one example,” the Israelis concluded after examining the birth certificate number. “Many more examples can be discovered by examining magnified document with full page view of the document.”
Conclusion: “In brief, this simple analysis using just a viewing software reveals that the PDF document has been altered by a graphics software.”
The ‘ungrouped’ image
Next, the Israeli Science and Technology site examined the PDF birth certificate file in the freely available Inkscape graphics software, version 0.48.1.
“In vector graphics software, an image is composed of elements,” the website notes. “If the ‘Long-Form Birth Certificate’ of Obama was a photocopied document then it should not be composed of separate parts.”
The website says the status line “at the bottom of the software reports that the image is composed of ’2 objects’ that have been grouped.”
The Israelis found the Obama birth certificate PDF could be ungrouped, revealing individual layers. The most important of nine different ungrouped layers also shows the final digit, 1, is missing in the birth certificate number 61 10641.

Israeli Science and Technology “ungrouped” image of Obama long-form birth certificate
Israeli Science and Technology cited as additional evidence of forgery the following analyses, many of which were first published by WND:

Very important conference about land grabs, agenda 21, and the new world order in Miami‏. Jose Fernandez. To everybody that has been having problems with the government you should come to this conference where you will learn why you
are losing your properties, liberties, and rights, and the agenda that together with many politicians are imposing on we the people. Aida Fernandez will be one of the speakers and my freedom bell and I will be present there also.


LA AGENDA SECRETA DE UNIVISIÓN (10-6-11-5: 10PM) po r Diego Trinidad, Ph. D. Enviado por REallazydazy. Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2012 23:52:59 -0400

Creo que les va a interesar. Yo por mi parte en Univision veo no mas 2 novelas por la noche, pero ya no quiero saber de Univisiony unos de los más culpables, son Jorge Ramos, Ma. Teresa Salinas y toda la cadena

No sé si lo han leído, esta interesante, aquí salen a relucir  los motivos detrás de los hechos.

Hay que estar muy alerta para que no nos manipulen y nos utilicen.



<2438ed33.jpg> por Diego Trinidad, Ph. D.
La nueva controversia entre el Senador republicano de la Florida Marco Rubio y la Cadena noticiosa Univisión no es nada nuevo.  Desde el pasado domingo octubre 1, cuando tanto The Miami Herald como El Nuevo Herald (irónicamente los dos diarios son socios de Univisión en cobertura de noticias) reportaron un posible intento de presionar al Senador Rubio para que apareciera en el programa “Al Punto”, conducido por el periodista de Univisión Jorge Ramos.  Univisión, de acuerdo con la oficina de Rubio, ofreció no reportar una “noticia” (noticia ya reportada desde 2006) del involucramiento en un caso menor de drogas del cuñado del Senador, a cambio de la comparecencia de Rubio en Al Punto. (Univisión ha negado las acusaciones.) Jorge Ramos es un buen periodista quien ha demostrado su valor en varias entrevistas con controversiales personalidades.  Se destaca una entrevista con Hugo Chávez hace algunos años donde, rodeado de militares chavistas, Ramos se mantuvo firme ante acusaciones del presidente venezolano que se hicieron amenazantes, sobre todo en el contexto de la situación.  También se mostró combativo en entrevistas con los expresidentes mejicanos Salinas de Gortari y Zedillo.  Pero Ramos es un notorio extremista en cuestiones de inmigración, y su intención casi seguro era “emboscar” al Senador Rubio en esa posible comparecencia en Al Punto, tratando de comprometer a Rubio por su oposición al propuesto proyecto de ley conocido como Dream Act, el cual Ramos fanáticamente apoya, ocultando los detalles que le conceden ciudadanía preferencial a los estudiantes ilegales que se supone ayudaría.  Rubio apoya ciertas partes del Dream Act, pero no otras que las considera, correctamente, como una “amnistía”.  Hasta aquí la nueva controversia, la cual, por cierto, hoy se agudizó, cuando cinco de los nueve principales candidatos republicanos, se negaron a participar en un debate auspiciado por Univisión a fines de enero si la Cadena no se disculpa por el quid pro quo de no reportar la “noticia” a cambio de la presencia de Rubio en Al Punto.
Pero Univisión, inexplicablemente, lleva tiempo tratando de perjudicar a Marco Rubio.  El año pasado, en el primer debate entre los tres candidatos al escaño senatorial de la Florida abandonado por Mel Martínez, el demócrata Kendrik Meeks, el independiente gobernador de la Florida Charlie Crist y Marco Rubio, Univisión forzó a los tres candidatos a aceptar sus interpretes, a pesar de que Rubio habla español perfectamente.  Pero en aras de ser “justos” (la palabra correcta en inglés “fair”, no tiene buena traducción al español), la Cadena consideró el bilingualismo de Rubio como una ventaja.  Durante el debate, las preguntas de los entrevistadores Alina Mayo Azze y Mario Andrés Moreno, dos destacados presentadores de noticias de Univisión, a Marco Rubio fueron mucho más rígidas que a los otros dos candidatos, sobre todo en cuestiones de inmigración (cuando aquello estaba en las noticias la ley aprobada por la legislatura de Arizona que supuestamente “discriminaba” a los hispanos; una falsedad, ya que el propósito de la ley era el control de la criminalidad en la frontera). Los tres intérpretes contratados por Univisión demostraron una gran incompetencia en las traducciones, pero el intérprete de Rubio fue el peor y es difícil pensar que no lo hizo a propósito.
<2438ed52.jpg> Indignado por el intento de Univisión de influenciar la elección (ya los ataques contra Rubio por su apoyo a la ley de Arizona eran públicos y notorios, sobre todos los de Jorge Ramos, María Elena Salinas y Andrés Oppenheimer), fui al programa radial de Alina Fernández(en la foto) en Univisión Radio (la cual me había invitado como analista a su programa muchas veces antes), y al de mi buen amigo Tomás García Fusté en Miami Latin TV a denunciar la manipulación de Univisión de la elección senatorial.  Que yo sepa, fui el único analista local que acusó a la influyente Cadena por sus ataques contra Rubio.  Lo cual tuvo consecuencias.  Cuando Alina Fernández (quien no vio el debate por estar fuera de Miami) me preguntó por qué consideraba que Mayo Azze y Moreno, ambos cubanos y ambos bien considerados como periodistas objetivos, se habían mostrado parciales en contra de Rubio, contesté que no lo sabía, pero que quizás se habían tratado de congraciar con la gerencia.  Inmediatamente Fernández me llamó la atención, diciendo que ya me había advertido antes que no emitiera ciertas opiniones “ofensivas” en su programa (se refería a una vez que llamé demente al candidato presidencial colombiano Mucus; lo cual es verdad).  Yo le contesté que ella me invitaba a su programa como analista y eso era lo que estaba haciendo: analizar la noticia.  Minutos después del programa, me llamó para protestar airadamente que la había perjudicado con Univisión y que quizás hasta pudiera ser demandado por Mayo Azze y Moreno por difamación.  Pero ella, como casi todos los hispanos, incluyendo los cubanos, ignoran las leyes americana sobre el tema; yo no.  En Estados Unidos, la verdad es una defensa absoluta contra acusaciones de difamación, y lo que dije fue solamente la verdad.  En fin, nunca mas me invitó a su programa, el cual tengo entendido ha sido cancelado. Tampoco me han publicado desde entonces ninguno de mis artículos en Univisión Radio.  ¿Será por casualidad?
<2438ed62.jpg> Hoy la destacada analista política local Ana Navarro(foto de la izquierda), opina que Jorge Ramos, a quien llama su amigo, nada tuvo que ver en la presente controversia con Rubio.  Lo dudo. En cuestiones de inmigración, Ramos no es ningún inocente. Una vez hace años, en la Feria del Libro después de verlo presentar uno de sus libros, le pregunté su opinión sobre el expresidentes mejicano Zedillo.  Me contestó que no lo consideraba como un buen presidente (si lo fue, uno de los mejores).  ¿Por qué?  Porque le había mentido en una entrevista.  De manera que la opinión “imparcial” de Ramos no era tan imparcial, sino que estaba influenciada porque Zedillo, según el, le había mentido.  Ya he mencionado las opiniones extremas de Ramos sobre el tema de la inmigración y lo que el consideran la “discriminación” del partido republicano contra los hispanos; otra falsificación.  María Elena Salinas es peor, mucho más estridente y parcial, ya que abiertamente apoya a los demócratas.  El tercer “mosquetero”, Oppenheimer, sin embargo, me ha invitado dos veces a su programa de TV para hablar de la inmigración ilegal y la ley de Arizona.  Aunque mi tiempo fue corto, pude exponer mis ideas.  Lo cual no exime a Oppenheimer de sus extremas opiniones sobre el tema, las cuales sigue predicando, ahora hasta el punto de predecir la derrota republicana en las próximas elecciones presidenciales por la oposición de los hispanos a las políticas “racistas” del partido.  No puede estar más equivocado.  Pero sigue desinformando a sus lectores.
¿Pero cual es la agenda secreta de Univisión?  Este es el tema del artículo, y es lo importante.  Univisión comenzó como subsidiaria del Grupo Televisa, fundado en México por el multimillonario Emilio Azcárraga hace casi medio siglo.  La Cadena primero tuvo una presencia importante en California, pero con los años, se ha convertido en la quinta cadena noticiosa más importante de EU, con acceso al 95% de la audiencia hispana en el país.  Sus oficinas generales están en New York, pero en realidad funcionan desde sus estudios en Doral.  Lo que no se conoce mucho es que Univisión ya no está controlada por millonarios mejicanos.  Para los millonarios, en resumidas cuentas, lo principal son sus utilidades, no importa que el grupo original de Televisa estaba muy influenciado por las ideas izquierdistas de los inmigrantes españoles que llegaron al país después de la Guerra Civil en España, muchos de ellos comunistas.  Pero los dueños de Televisa (y de Univisión) también eran “socios” del PRI, de manera que mientras eran dueños, no les interesaba mucho la ideología, sino las utilidades.  Eso cambió en la década de los 1990s en California. Un siniestro personaje, egipcio de nacimiento, pero judío emigrante de Israel, Haim Saban, comenzó su involucramiento en la política estatal entonces.  Cuando durante la reelección de Bill Clinton en 1996 se registraron mas de un millón de ilegales mejicanos y centroamericanos en California, lo cual cambió desde entonces la política del estado y le proporcionó un control permanente al partido demócrata en California, Saban contribuyó miles de dólares al partido y al registro de los ilegales.  En 2006, fue más lejos.  Compró la mayoría de las acciones de Univisión, y en 2008, aunque al principio apoyó a Hillary Clinton, luego contribuyó muchos milones más a la campaña del actual presidente.
<2438ed72.jpg> ¿Quién es Haim Saban?(Foto, a la izquierda)  Nació en Egipto en 1944 y emigró con su familia a Israel en 1956.  Expulsado de un colegio israelí por ser considerado “problemático”, vino a EU en la década de los 1980s y se hizo ciudadano americano.  Músico profesional, pronto se inmiscuyó en el ambiente del mundo del entretenimiento de California y eventualmente se convirtió en productor de música y videos.  El mismo se ha descrito como un “verdadero izquierdista” y sus políticas lo demuestran ampliamente.  Entre 2001 y 2002, Saban donó en exceso de $10 millones de dólares al partido demócrata, lo cual lo convirtió en el donante pricipal en todo el país.  Desde entonces, casi seguro ha contribuido muchos millones adicionales.  Su fortuna se calcula por Forbes Magazine en $3.5 billones ($3500 millones en español) y se le considera el 115 hombre mas rico del mundo.  Compró Univisión en 2006 por $13.5 billones.  También tiene varias fundaciones caritativas que contribuyen millones a causas ultra izquierdistas, principalmente el Center for Middle East Policy, afiliado con el notorio Think Tank izquierdista Brookings Institution.  Pero el peligro enorme que presenta Saban es su involucramiento con entidades extremistas colectivistas radicales como La Raza en California y UNO en Illinois, ambas grandes contribuyentes a la agenda de la Izquierda Eterna de dominar el poder en EU mediante el registro de inmigrantes ilegales y legales como “clientes” y dependientes del partido demócrata.  Esto ya lo lograron en California y Illinois, y ahora quieren hacerlo en la Florida.  Esa es la agenda secreta de Univisión.  Lograr ese nuevo “sueño” de los colectivistas de la Izquierda Eterna.  Transformar de una vez y para siempre este gran país y convertirlo en la Nueva Utopía de la Izquierda Eterna.

Esta vez con el apoyo de millones de nuevos votantes hispanos a los que intentan engañar y manipular para que voten a favor de las políticas ruinosas del Estado de Beneficio.
<2438ed81.jpg> Pero hay un gran problema.  Nunca en 47 años observando la política americana, me he encontrado con un caso de torpeza tal como los esfuerzos de Univisión, primero de derrotar a Marco Rubio(en la foto) en la elección senatorial de 2010, y ahora con estos ridículos y maliciosos intentos de extorcionar y desprestigiar a Rubio.  ¿No entienden los ejecutivos de Univisión que Marco Rubio es ya, ahora mismo, el político más poderoso de la Florida?  ¿No entienden que pase lo que pase, lo tienen que tolerar y lidiar con él por cinco años mas? Esa torpeza solo se puede explicar por el extremismo ideológico de Haim Saban, para quien con sus multi billones, es más importante perseguir una agenda política radical como él siempre ha sido, que los millones que deje de ganar.  Excepto que aquí en la Florida no es solo cuestión de dinero.  La influencia de grupos ultrarradicales de la Izquierda Eterna en este estado ya está siendo fuertemente combatidos.  Con un electorado bien informado, estos grupos no pueden lograr sus nefastos propósitos.  Con Marco Rubio y su grupo de colaboradores como los representantes estatales López Cantero y Fresen, y la nueva estrella en Washington, el Congresista David Rivera (a quien Univisión también ha atacado injustificada, pero fútilmente), parece que estamos bien protegidos.  Después de la elección de 2012, casi seguro lo estaremos más.  Mientras tanto, es necesario hacer lo posible por minimizar la influencia local de Univisión.  En esta causa, la victoria de la justicia y la libertad, está asegurada, por lo menos aquí en la Florida.

Texas women.....Alverto “Cuba LLora”

Last Thursday night around midnight, a woman from  Houston ,  Texas  was arrested, jailed, and charged with manslaughter for shooting a man 6 times in the back as he was running away with her purse.
The following Monday morning, the woman was called in front of the Arraignment Judge, sworn-in, and asked to explain her actions.
The woman replied, "I was standing at the corner bus stop for about 15 minutes, waiting for the bus to take me home after work. I am a waitress at a local cafe.

I was there alone, so I had my right hand on my pistol in my purse hanging on my left shoulder. All of a sudden I was spun around hard to my left. As I caught my balance, I saw a man running away with my purse. I looked down at my right hand and saw that my fingers were wrapped tightly around my pistol.

The next thing I remember is saying out loud, "No Way Punk! You're not stealing my pay check and tips." I raised my right hand, pointed my pistol at the man running away from me with my purse, and started squeezing the trigger of my pistol!
When asked by the arraignment judge, "Why did you shoot the man 6 times?
The woman replied under oath, "Because, when I pulled the trigger the 7th time, it only went click."

The woman was acquitted of all charges.  She was back at work the next day!
That's Gun Control,  Texas  Style

Go green -
Recycle Congress and the White House in 2012
Val J. Marino mari741@bellsouth.net
 Sent: Sunday, September 9, 2012 7:05 PM

       Lo mas importante es saber que estamos al borde del
       precipicio, por Val J. Mariño.
     a solo un paso de ser empujados definitivamente
       a la Catástrofe económica del Capitalismo y la Democracia.
       Desde 1938 se conoce que América es un país en bancarrota, 
       aunque aun no se ha declarado oficialmente, y esta ha sido
       producida metódica y paulatinamente desde hace mas de un
       siglo por la Plutocracia Supra-Capitalista Marxista Socialista
       Fabiana Globalita que ha fingido ser Democracia Capitalista.
       Esta Nación dentro de otra Nación, esta poseída absolutamente
       por sus acreedores: la Banca Privada Nacional (Globalita)que  
       es también parte de la Banca Mundial (Globalista).
       La Banca Privada Nacional, conocida por Federal Reserve Bank
       ha llegado a absorber las Tres Ramas del Gobierno o los Tres
       Poderes del Estado a los que desde hace cerca de un siglo le 
       han agregado la Prensa como el Cuarto (de facto, no constitu-
       La Meta, la Agenda de este Gobierno Económico Invisible sigue 
       siendo la destruccion de la Democracia Capitalista para
       imponer la Plutocracia Supra-Capitalista. Lenta y paulatina-  
       mente han ido 1)cambiando la Constitución, 2) apoderándose de
       los dos Partidos Políticos 3)invirtiendo la Praxis socio-politico-
       económica. Todo bajo el eufemismo de "modernismo", se ha  
       ido desinformando por omisión, alteración, etc., los Principios,
       Valores y Costumbres Históricas de mas de seis generaciones.  
       Entre las defunciones y las devaluaciones intelectuales genera-
       cionales se ha minimizado el porcentaje de población capaz
       de entender, de percatarse de la necesidad de investigar.
       El alza de la Deuda Externa(-Interna) es el camino mas rapido
       y definitivo para destruir a esta Nación (desde dentro, la "otra
       Pero no hay porque preocuparse, todo esta bien calculado,
       no vamos a caer en un CAOS porque el Gobierno de Emergencia 
       Nacional, que ya esta creado, FEMA, se encargara de asistir y
       "mantener el orden" para crear otra nación continental (Regio-
       nal)que estará integrada por Canada, Mejico y los Ant. E.U.A.
       a saber: la Union Norte Americana (N.A.U.), cuya moneda,
       el Amero, sustituirá al antiguo dollar capitalista.
        Asi, el Planeta ira avanzando hasta el destino final para lo que
        fue creada la Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas :
        la Sede Mundial del Gobierno Planetario.

         Un cordial saludo, Val J. Mariño.

Algo esta pasando en Dinamarca… por Jorge A. Villalon Sofocado Incendio de grandes proporciones en Cienfuegos sin pérdidas de
vidas humanas

por  Cadena provincial de radio en Cienfuegos


Casi a la medianoche de este viernes fue sofocado un incendio de grandes
proporciones originado, presumiblemente, en un depósito de municiones en la
zona conocida como Plan Mango, cercano a la carretera que conduce al hotel
Punta La Cueva, en Cienfuegos.

La presunción del carácter del sitio donde se produjo el siniestro parte de
los numerosos y continuos estallidos escuchados en buena parte del perímetro
urbano, a lo cual se suma la declaración de testigos del reparto Junco Sur,
cercano al lugar, quienes expresaron que se sentía en el ambiente un fuerte
olor a pólvora.

Hacia el sitio se desplegaron con celeridad unidades del Cuerpo de Bomberos
y del Orden Interior, cuya profesionalidad y rápida actuación en la
extinción de las llamas y la evacuación de las familias residentes en las
cercanías contribuyó a lo más importante: NO LAMENTAR PÉRDIDAS DE VIDAS

Así lo aseguró una nota transmitida por la cadena provincial de radio en
Cienfuegos en su programación nocturna, ratificada esta mañana en la revista
«A esta hora» de CMFL, Radio Ciudad del Mar, la planta matriz, y en el
espacio informativo «Buenos días», de la Televisión Cubana.

A continuación, la nota en cuestión aportada por la radio cienfueguera:

Información a la población

Como habíamos anunciado, en la noche del viernes 7 de septiembre un incendio
de grandes proporciones se originó en la carretera de Rancho Luna, a la
entrada de Punta La Cueva, en el lugar conocido como el Plan Mango. El
siniestro ha sido controlado en su totalidad, gracias al trabajo desplegado
por las fuerzas especializadas, aprovechando su profesionalidad, no teniendo
que lamentar pérdidas de vidas humanas.
No obstante, se le orienta a la población mantenerse informada por las
medidas que puedan tomar el Consejo de Defensa provincial y el órgano de la
Defensa Civil en el territorio.

Repetimos: no hay pérdidas de vidas humanas.

Tal es la esencia del incidente ocurrido este viernes, cuyo eco se fue
apagando al filo de la medianoche y dejó como único rastro una densa columna
de humo, visible desde distintos puntos de esta ciudad del centro sur de la


Lázaro R González Miño
305 445 7364 lazarorgonzalez@hotmail.com   MrLazaroRGonzalez.blogspot.com
“Salmo109” 7-Cuando fuere juzgado salga culpable; 8-Sean sus días pocos; tome otro su oficio,
Porque tuyo es El Reino, El Poder y La Gloria Eterna. AMEN

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