Monday, August 17, 2015

No 1026 "En mi opinion" Agosto 17, 2015

No 1026 “En mi opinión”  Agosto 17, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
Lázaro R González para Alcalde del Condado de Miami

AMENPER: Playa Girón parte II, la secuela de una traición.,
¿Por qué no ondea la bandera americana cuando se iza en la embajada de Cuba?

La bandera de EEUU ya ondea (no mucho porque no hay viento) en el Malecón. 
Pero siempre hay viento en el malecón. 
Quizás el malecón suprimió el viento como triste testigo de los miles de emigrantes que vio perecer buscando la libertad.
Estamos siendo testigos de Playa Girón parte II, la secuela de una traición.
No que esto sea una noticia sorprendente, desde que Obama fue electo en el 2009, la suerte de Cuba quedó echada. 
Nos dicen que ningún presidente republicano hizo nada por Cuba, pero esa es la diferencia, no hacer nada era bueno, la libertad de Cuba era y es asunto de los cubanos, el no hacer nada era mucho mejor que hacer lo que hicieron las administraciones socialistas demócratas, desembocando en el socialista en jefe, Barack Hussein Obama y su secretario de estado el hippie comunista John Kerry.
Comenzando con la traición del presidente demócrata John Kennedy en la invasión de playa Girón, pasando por el marielazo de Jimmy Carter, las conferencias de Clinton para reanudar relaciones, los balseros en Guantánomo, y el asesinato de los Hermanos al Rescate, hasta la actual administración, hemos visto que Fidel se ha sentido cómodo y al ataque siempre que hubo un presidente demócrata. 
Ni Girón, ni los balseros el asesinato de los Hermanos al Rescate y mucho menos el levantamiento del embargo y las relaciones con Castro que se habían establecido desde la época de Eisenhower, se hubieran visto con un presidente republicano.
Porque aunque los presidentes republicanos se preocupaban por la situación internacional antes de intervenir en Cuba, a ninguno se le hubiera ocurrido violar la ley para reanudar las relaciones con Cuba ilegalmente como lo ha hecho Obama.
Pero, ¿Se ha preocupado alguna vez Obama sobre el estado de derecho?
Y el estado de derecho se ha violado de diferentes maneras en esta reanudación de relaciones.
Échale un vistazo:
La liberación del rehén norteamericano Alan Gross pudiera haber sido Bienvenida. Gross había estado vegetando en una cárcel cubana durante cinco años por el delito de llevar teléfonos y computadoras a los judíos en la isla.
Pero intercambiar tres espías cubanos condenados en tribunales civiles establece una equivalencia incorrecta  moral y legal.
Peor aún, extender el reconocimiento al régimen dictatorial de Cuba perjudica a los intereses nacionales de Estados Unido.
Hacer todo esto sin consulta con las cámaras legislativa es una violación flagrante al sistema de derecho.
La  "Hoja informativa" de la Casa Blanca sobre Cuba, deja en claro que la administración de Obama no recibió nada a cambio de sus concesiones numerosas y sustanciales al régimen comunista de la Habana. En esencia, después de cinco años de "negociaciones" la casa blanca terminó concediendo todo lo que comenzó a pedir Raúl Castro desde el principio: La única negociación sería cambiar los tres espías cubanos cuyas actividades condujeron a la muerte de un estadounidense en la década de 1990.
Todo lo que ha hecho Obama es conceder todas las largas demandas de Raúl.
Los cubanos no ganarán libertad de expresión, de asociación, de pensamiento o de cualquier otra cosa como resultado de las llamadas negociaciones que de hecho fueron claudicaciones. El restablecimiento de la entrada de turistas americanos y las relaciones comerciales, son para beneficio de Fidel no para los Estados Unidos.  ¿Qué puede ser el mercado de Cuba para los Estados Unidos? Ni la capacidad económica ni el volumen de importación son comparables a cualquier otro país, con los que los Estados Unidos hace negocios,  sin embargo para la economía de Cuba es un salvavidas que se le extiende a la dictadura más larga de la historia. Esto sin contar que abre las puertas del Banco monetario internacional para que puedan pedir prestado y no pagar.
Pero esto es simplemente un renglón más en el legado de Obama. 
¿Cómo escribirá la historia el legado de Obama?
Esta pregunta tiene una sola respuesta.  La historia la escriben los vencedores, el cómo se escribirá la historia tendrá el primer capítulo con el resultado de las elecciones presidenciales de Noviembre de 2016.
Está en nuestras manos el cómo se escribirá la historia

AMENPER: Aborto total post-nacimiento…
La cultura de complacencia no tiene límites legales o morales.  El problema es sentirse bien y hacer lo que le dé la gana, el trabajo no importa porque para eso están los programas de beneficio, el sexo debe de ser libre y sin compromisos, y si tienen un aborto, no importa que ya esté en su séptimo mes, el método de “aborto parcial” resuelve el problema. 
El “aborto parcial” es sacar la parte inferior del bebé, es un parto sin sacar la cabeza, por lo que según la ley ya lo no lo hace un nacimiento.  Cuando se encuentra la parte inferior afuera, con una jeringuilla larga que llega a la cabeza se extrae la masa encefálica y de nuevo se empuja a la criatura hacia el interior.
A los pocos días la criatura sin cerebro aborta “naturalmente”. 
Si esto les parece un crimen usted es un ignorante retrógrado, es simplemente un "aborto parcial" algo aprobado por la ley.
Bueno, si ya estamos en esto, por qué no seguir, vamos a avanzar con estas leyes de diferentes clases de abortos.  ¿Tiene usted un niño que ha crecido no cómo usted imaginaba? ¿Es majadero y no lo deja dormir bien, o no es muy inteligente o feo para su gusto? o en otro caso de relaciones familiares  ¿su anciano padre o abuelo empieza a convertirse en una carga? ¿Por qué no hacemos una ley para hacer un aborto post-nacimiento?  pudieramos hacer una ley para poder librarnos de estos "fetos" indeseables. Esto nos ayudaría a llevar una vida más complacientes sin la presencia de estos "problemas".
Fuentes sin identificar nos informan que ya científicos del centro de investigación de salud de la mujer de Barack Obama conscientes de estas situaciones y preocupados por el bienestar de las mujeres,  han hecho un adelanto épico en salud de la mujer y el derecho a elegir.
Los científicos han desarrollado un método para permitir el aborto post-nacimiento, pasado mucho mas allá del tercer trimestre-
Según lo explicado por el científico de la ejecución del proyecto, el cirujano de origen japonés Dr. Temato Facilito: "hasta ahora, las mujeres se limitaron a abortar sólo su propio feto y sólo durante los tres primeros trimestres antes del nacimiento. Nuestro laboratorio ha sido pionero en el uso de la clonación humana del epitelio uterino y piel para crear un útero externo que nos gusta llamar el "útero de saco externo" para reclamar el aborto de seres humanos perjudiciales y molestos”
El nuevo método permite clonar y hacer crecer una bolsa o útero de membrana en un laboratorio de las células de la mujer y en un procedimiento quirúrgico se fija la bolsa a una persona a través de un enlace externo.
Cualquier "feto" de cualquier edad o relación no importa el tiempo que haya estado en el mundo, ya sea padre abuelo, hija, hijo u otro familiar o persona indeseable, sólo tiene que  ser insertado en la bolsa, y después regresar a la clínica, Dr. Temato Facilito que honrará la opción de la mujer y dispondrá de los contenidos. Luego se limpia la bolsa y la mujer es libre de usarla de nuevo, puede insertar y desechar tantos fetos como quiera.
Cuando sondeado sobre la ética de tal invención, Dr. Facilito respondió: "no veo ningún dilema ético. La ley permite que ese feto dentro del cuerpo de la mujer, simplemente pueda quitarse y desecharse.
Como creemos firmemente en la elección de la mujer a hacer lo que quiera con su cuerpo, además de reutilizar y reciclar, cosechamos el feto más para investigación biomédica.
 "No nos beneficiamos de estas operaciones como una empresa codiciosa, pero simplemente se recoge tanto como podemos para pagar nuestra sobrecarga clínica y laboratorio, junto con nuestros propios salarios generosos.  Además estas intervenciones quirúrgicas serán costeadas completamente por el Obamacare y beneficios de la salud de la mujer" dijo el doctor Temato Facilito.
Como era de esperar, opiniones sobre Capitol Hill han caído estrictamente a lo largo de líneas partidarias, con líderes demócratas y aspirantes presidenciales aplaudiendo este salto adelante en la salud de la mujer y eliminar las últimas barreras al derecho a elegir, mientras que los conservadores recalcitrantes y sus candidatos presidenciales se presentan cruelmente negando el progreso real que este  adelanto de  la ciencia ha dado a la humanidad. -

Parece historia antigua, hace 47 años iba a tener la experiencia de votar en unas elecciones presidenciales por primera vez en mi vida.  Nunca voté en Cuba, primero no tenía la edad para votar, y después cuando pude votar, elegí no votar en unas elecciones que eran una farsa.
En los Estados Unidos, por compromisos políticos locales, al hacerme ciudadano me inscribí como demócrata, y voté demócrata en las primeras elecciones locales, y voté por Robert King High para gobernador, los demócratas de entonces no se parecían a los socialistas de hoy, y no me siento mal por haber votado así.
Pero ya en las esferas federales se veía venir la veta socialista que hoy en día es una catarata.  A pesar de que Robert Kennedy o Humphrey hubieran sido moderados hoy en día su política exterior y doméstica empezaba a enseñar las características que dominan al partido hoy en día.
Mis primeras elecciones fueron un momento trascendental en los Estados Unidos, fue una experiencia desgarradora nacional, llevada a cabo en un contexto que incluía el asesinato del líder negro Martin Luther King, Jr. y los posteriores disturbios raciales en todo el país, el asesinato del candidato presidencial Robert F. Kennedy,y manifestaciones multitudinarias contra la guerra de Vietnam a través de la universidades americanas y campus universitarios, y enfrentamientos violentos entre la policía y los manifestantes contra la guerra en la Convención Nacional Demócrata de 1968.
Mi decisión de votar por Richard Nixon estaba determinada, pero aproveché la oportunidad como demócrata registrado, en las primarias, para votar por George Wallace.  No que pensara que Wallace hubiera sido un buen presidente, no que pensara que Wallace tuviera el menor chance de ganar las elecciones primarias, pero quise hacer lo que Wallace pidió, “enviar un mensaje a Washington” enviar a los políticos demócratas el mensaje que estaban tomando el camino equivocado que la decisión de John F. Kennedy de abandonar los brigadistas en la bahía de Cochinos había sido un acto de traición y que Castro estaba usando el pacto Kennedy-Kruschev para subvertir américa.
Que en lo doméstico el estado de welfare se estaba estableciendo y los aumentos de impuestos estaban destruyendo a la clase media.  
Ha tomado tiempo, pero desgraciadamente este mensaje ya no hay que enviarlo, ya todos lo conocen como una realidad, el mensaje ahora es que hay que eliminar del gobierno a todos los que han contribuído para hacer este mensaje una realidad..
El 5 de noviembre de 1968, el candidato republicano, el ex vicepresidente Richard Nixon ganó las elecciones sobre el candidato demócrata, el vicepresidente Hubert Humphrey. Nixon funcionó en una campaña que prometía restaurar el "orden público", y realmente lo logró, por eso ganó la re-elección en 1972, por una mayoría abrumadora contra el declarado amigo de Fidel Castro, el socialista George McGovern. El punto demócrata es que nunca oyeron el mensaje de los que votamos por Wallace en las primarias, al contrario empezando por McGovern y los demás candidatos que han electo, todos tienen una agenda socialista. 
En ambas elecciones en 1968 y 1972, voté republicano por Nixon a pesar de estar registrado demócrata.  De hecho nunca he votado por un presidente demócrata ni cuando estaba inscripto como demócrata.
Es mi esperanza que lo que yo y miles hicimos en 1968 y 1972,  cuando votamos por Wallace, es lo mismo que están haciendo los que votan en las encuestas por Donald Trump.  Espero que estén enviando un mensaje a Washington a los políticos republicanos y demócratas que están en el camino equivocado y que después escojan al candidato que nos puede representar mejor en las elecciones generales..

There Is Only One Way To Stop The Iran Nuke Deal

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THE Western Center For Journalism
Obama Is Saying, 'I Don't Need You... I Already Got The UN. It's Gonna Happen. I Don't Care. You Guys Are Just Exercising Your Own Folly Here. I Don't Need You Guys To Vote For This. It's Already A Done Deal.'" -Rush Limbaugh

       It's already becoming clear. Even if 43 Democrats in the House of Representatives and 13 Democrats in the Senate override Barack Obama's threatened veto of his so-called Iran Nuclear Deal, Barack Obama intends to implement it by Executive Decree anyway. 

       As Rush says, the whole kabuki charade of Congress holding a vote is nothing more than an exercise in folly. Congress is spinning its wheels because Barack Hussein Obama really has no intention whatsoever of letting Congress or the courts stand in the way of his scheme to give Iran a glide path to obtain nuclear weapons. Even if they veto... he'll decree it anyway. 

       And, that being the case, what must happen now to stop Barack Obama should be more than clear. 
If Mitch McConnell and John Boehner hold this sham vote, they are only facilitating Obama's lawlessness. Instead, they need to tell Barack Hussein Obama that there is no agreement with Iran... no removal of sanctions... and no release of 150 Billion dollars in frozen assets that Iran will only use to fund acts of terrorism through the world. Iran gets NOTHING... PERIOD. 
The Cat Is Out Of The Bag. This So-Called Deal Was Nothing More Than A Ruse To Give Iran Nuclear Weapons.

       Even Barack Obama knew he could not get away with simply declaring, from the get-go, that he was going to give Iran a free-and-clear path to obtain nukes. It was far better to devise a phony-baloney negotiation that he could sell to a willfully ignorant public as a means to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. 

       Of course, this so-called deal stops nothing.  It accelerates Iran's path to obtaining nukes by giving Iran a pathway to obtain them in the next 10-15 years (that's assuming that Iran actually complies with the terms of the deal... and they won't), but why be bothered with such pesky details. 

       But aside from this obvious deception, it is now known, based on a 
report that was released from MEMRI on August 10, 2015, that Barack Obama and John Kerry already secretly recognized Iran's right to enrich uranium as far back as 2011.

       Here's Limbaugh referring to the report from MEMRI: "Now, the second thing we were lied about, even before the negotiations began, is John Kerry, who was a senator at the time, acting on Obama's orders, had already recognized Iran's right to enrich uranium on their own soil." 

       In reality, Iran is not violating the deal they made with Barack Obama. What we may view as cheating on Iran's part is actually Iran complying with a secret side deal Iran made with Barack Obama that goes back to 2011 as well as the secret side deals that are part of what was allegedly negotiated last month. 

       In other words, Barack Obama and the mullahs of Iran secretly agreed to violate this sham deal BEFORE they apparently made the deal. This deal is just one big con job. Congress is being punked... you're being punked... we're all being punked. 

       It's time to put a stop to the deception. It's time to 
tell our elected officials in Washington to do what they do best... NOTHING... no vote under the provisions of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act... no 150 billion dollars for Iran that will simply be used to finance global terrorism... no release of sanctions... Iran gets NOTHING. 

       And they need to 
make it clear to Mr. Barack Hussein Obama that any attempt at compliance when it comes to this so-called Iran Deal will bring about severe repercussions. That's the message our politicians need to hear and it's a message they need to hear right now. 
It All Makes Sense Now...
       Limbaugh wasn't the only one sounding the alarm. The more details that emerge, the more this whole sordid tale moves into focus. 

       The media elites aren't reporting it yet, but if you search the Internet, you'll see that a number of stories have already emerged over the past several days that are designed to give Barack Obama cover should he see the need to implement his so-called Iran Deal by Executive Decree. 

       VICE News, for example, just reported: "A potential veto-proof majority in Congress that rejects the agreement might prove to be of little legal consequence in determining the fate of the pact. In a way, Obama has already committed the nation to abide by the Iran deal under international law — even before Congress has taken action on it." 

       You read that right, Barack Obama will claim he is justified in issuing a dictatorial degree because he is compelled to do so by something that liberals believe trumps the Constitution... INTERNATIONAL LAW... And that's exactly why Barack Obama dirty-dealed Congress and took his deal to the America-haters at the United Nations BEFORECongress would have a chance to take their token vote. 

       Magicians call what Obama is doing misdirection: 

- Barack Obama secretly gave the terrorist state of Iran his full-throated, but secret, permission to enrich uranium as far back as 2011. Then he made a public show of openly negotiating a treaty with Iran to cover-up what he had already done behind our backs. 

- But he knew that he could never muster 67 votes in the United States Senate to ratify his treaty, so he called his treaty a diplomatic agreement and told Congress he was going to implement it anyway. 

- Instead of standing up to Obama, the hopelessly predictable, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner's begged Barack Obama not to do it. Please Mr. Obama, we'll suspend the Constitution and give you what you want, just give us a token vote so we can deceive the stupid yokels who vote for us into believing that we oppose you. Obama magnanimously agreed to their sniveling pleas. 

- And now... as Boehner and McConnell hopelessly spin their wheels attempting to find a 2/3 majority to stop Barack Obama, Obama is sitting back in the chair in the office he usurped so long ago and he's LAUGHING, because even if Congress overrides his veto, he knows he's simply going to go ahead and implement his Iran deal anyway. 

       Why is Obama playing this pathetic game? 

       He's doing it because he's lawless... he's doing it because he believes it's fun to watch Congress waste its time chasing its own tail... he doing it because he wants to make Congress look foolish and stupid and show them, once and for all, that he's The Boss of the United States of America... and, most of all, he's doing it simply because he believes he can do it... 

       Barack Obama can be stopped, but no one is going to do it for us. It's 
up to every patriotic American who is reading this urgent appeal to keep logging faxes and phone call into Washington. It's up to each and every one of us to fight this fight because, if we don't, we will lose our country. 

Floyd Brown 

The  Western Center for Journalism is a 501©3 educational organization. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS regulations. Personal and corporate contributions are allowed.

LAZARO R GONZALEZ Para Alcalde del Condado Miami Dade
Elecciones de noviembre 8, 2016
Escriba el nombre de Lázaro R González en la boleta electoral en el espacio en blanco Para alcalde del Condado Miami Dade.
Por favor dígaselo a sus amigos y familiares si quiere que se acabe el relajo, el robo, el descaro, la mala administración y que el gobierno le responda a usted, no permita más abusos.

Aquí a continuación les presenta nuestro proyecto sobre las cosas que creo debemos arreglar en el condado en cuanto tomemos posesión de la alcaldía. Este proyecto es solo un borrador y por lo tanto lo modificaremos con sus ideas y sugerencias cuantas veces sea necesaria antes de las elecciones del 8 de noviembre del 2016. Queremos hacer un gobierno del pueblo, por el pueblo y para el pueblo. Necesitamos que ustedes sean los que decidan que es lo que hay que cambiar y mejorar. Ustedes tienen la palabra y la acción:
Este es el borrador del proyecto hasta hoy Agosto 15/2015



Enmienda #1 Para disminuir el desempleo el Condado Miami Dade inmediatamente implementara soluciones para hacer más rápido, sencillo y menos costoso el proceso de mejorar su sistema administrativo para: Expedir permisos, inspecciones, disminuir la burocracia para hacer más fácil este proceso y estimulara a las empresas privadas para crear nuevos empleos en el condado Miami Dade.
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 2 Todos los candidatos a cargos públicos por elecciones como Comisionados, alcalde, Jueces etc.
a) No les será permitido presentarse a ser reelectos más de una vez.
b) El máximo de tiempo para servir para políticos electos será de 8 años.
c) Deben presentar prueba de que no tienen antecedentes penales.
d) Hacer una declaración jurada de todos sus bienes, dinero y propiedades al comenzar su perido electo..
e) Entregar un currículum laboral, experiencia  y académico que pruebe su capacidad y experiencia.
f) Tienen que entregar un plan de las mejoras que se comprometen a implementar en el ejercicio de la posición a que son candidatos. Este plan será Jurado, notariado y entregado ante el Clerk de la Corte un mes antes de las elecciones. El candidato podrá ser impugnado en la corte por no cumplir con su documento de compromiso.
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 3: El proceso de RECALL o REFERENDUM se facilitara con los siguientes cambios:
a) 20 firmas de apoyo por planilla,
b) No necesidad de afidávit por el Circulador.
c) El circulador si debe firmar la hoja recolección de firmas de apoyo; al final del documento una sola vez. Sirviendo de testigo como que sí estuvo presente en el momento de que los ciudadanos firmaron dicha hoja de recogida de firmas de apoyo al referéndum.
d) No será necesario que la hoja de firmas de apoyo sean notarizadas.
e) Prohibida la persecución o acoso a las personas que participen en el proceso como voluntarios.
El gobierno tiene que proteger a los ciudadanos y no protegerse de los ciudadanos.
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 4: Reducir el presupuesto del condado Miami Dade, en un 10% anualmente hasta que lleguemos al nivel del presupuesto del año 2000. Este presupuesto tiene que ser balanceado de acuerdo con una razonable colección de impuestos.
Sí____ No____

Enmienda # 5: Reducir proporcionalmente los salarios de los empleados del condado Miami Dade que ganen más de $45,000.00 Los mayores salarios tendrán mayor reducción. Los que ganen menos de $45,000.00 no tendrán disminución de salario.

Valor inicial del
Salario desde Valor del Salario
hasta % de reducción
de la diferencia Disminución en
Valor del salario Máximo salario
a recibir.
a $ 1.00 $ 45,000.00 0% $ 0.00 $ 45,000.00
b $ 45,001.00 $ 75,000.00 10% $ 3,000.00 $ 72,000.00
c $ 75,001,00 $ 105,000.00 20% $ 9,000.00 $ 96,000.00
d $ 105,001.00 $ 135,000.00 30% $ 18,000.00 $ 117,000.00
e $ 135,001.00 $ 165,000.00 40% $ 30,000.00 $ 135,000.00
f $ 165,001.00 $ 195,000.00 50% $ 45,000.00 $ 150,000.00
g $ 195,000.00 $ 225,000.00 60% $ 63,000.00 $ 162,000.00
h $ 225,001.00 $ 255,000.00 70% $ 84,000,00 $ 171,000.00
i $ 255,001.00 $ 285,000.00 80% $ 108,000.00 $ 177,000.00
j $ 285,001.00 $ 315,000.00 90% $ 135,000.00 $ 180,000.00
k $ 315,000.00 $1’000,000.00 100% Disminuir hasta => $ 180,000.00
El máximo salario que podrá recibir un empleado en el Condado Miami Dade será $180,000.00
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 6: Modificacion del Plan de Pensiones del Condado Miami Dade:
a-Convertir el plan de pensiones en un 401K y terminar con el actual Plan de Pensiones.
b-Edad mínima de Retiro 65 años en el condado Miami Dade.
c-Después de retirado no se puede trabajar nuevamente en el condado.
d-Se eliminan todos los otros beneficios actuales a empleados, funcionarios y políticos.
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 7: Se terminan todas las asignaciones y beneficios especiales como autos, gasolina, comidas, viajes y otras. Solo se mantendrá el beneficio de seguro médico y el plan de retiro 401K
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 8: Terminar todos los privilegios ilegales cuando se contrate personal el nepotismo, favoritismo a la hora de contratar los empleados del condado. No más empleos a los familiares, amigos o por favores sexuales. Las personas relacionadas consanguíneamente, por lasos afectivos o favores especiales: Serán despedidos inmediatamente.
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 9: Todos los empleados del condado serán tratados de la misma forma, con respeto y cortesía y tendrán los mismos derechos y deberes. Las Uniones no tendrán ninguna opción de superioridad para discutir asuntos con la administración del condado que conlleve a privilegios a un grupo específico de trabajadores en detrimento de otros trabajadores.
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 10: La policía y los servicios de seguridad tienen que mejorar sus técnicas, entrenamiento y protocolos. El criminal y el delincuente tienen que ser perseguido y castigado ejemplarmente, sea quien sea y viva donde viva. Se fomentara un plan en el cual la ciudadanía puede y debe participar activamente en la persecución de los criminales y ayudando a la policía y los servicios de seguridad ciudadana.
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 11: Los Taxes sobre la propiedad inmobiliaria no podrán elevarse mientras el desempleo en el condado Miami Dade sea mayor al 8%. Se debe eliminar la posición de Tasador de la propiedad y crear un departamento mucho más pequeño y costoso; que realice los ajustes en los taxes de acuerdo con esta enmienda.
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 12: La administración del condado actuara de una forma mucho más enérgica ante casos de mala administración, errores, corrupción o abusos con los empleados o el público como los pasados ocurridos en Los departamentos de Transporte, Viviendas, DERM, Aeropuerto, Puerto, ETC. Se despedirá desde el Director del Departamento en problemas hasta la tercera línea de ejecutivos. Y en los casos que se amerite se les pondrá a disposición de la corte.
Sí____ No____

Enmienda # 13-
a-Reducción de los distritos del condado Miami Dade de 13 a 5 Cada distrito tendrá igual número de votantes.
b-Asalariar a los comisionados a $72,000.00
c- Está prohibido prohibirles a los comisionados o a cualquier político electo o empleado del Condado Miami Dade de por vida que puedan cabildear o hacer negocios, o ser parte de una compañía que haga negocios con el condado de Miami Dade durante o después de terminar su empleo o servicio.
d-Los comisionados tendrán una sola oficina con 3 empleados.
e- El presupuesto total de su oficina será de $322,000 anual en total.
f-Se elimina radicalmente la asignación de $800,000 anuales para usar como gastos discrecionales por el comisionado.
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 14: El alcalde y/o los comisionados del condado no podrán aprobar y ordenar la ejecución de proyectos nuevos de la magnitud del túnel de la Bahía o el Estadium de los Marlins. Todos los proyectos de gran magnitud del condado deben ser consultados electoralmente con los ciudadanos y aprobados por los votantes mediante votación secreta y directa.
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 15- Se tiene que nombrar una comisión de personas ajenas al condado Miami Dade o un gran jurado para que investigue todo lo relacionado Los despilfarros que han quedado impunes como en El Aeropuerto, el Puerto de Miami, el departamento de Transporte, DERM, Viviendas, El Túnel de la bahía, El Estadium de los Marlins, etc. para saber quién se benefició y después encauzarlo legalmente en la corte correspondiente.
Sí____ No____

Enmienda # 16 – El condado está en la obligación de publicar en un sitio del internet creado al efecto Las subastas de trabajos públicos a contratar por los diferentes departamentos. Deben publicarse también los nombre de los lobistas que atienden a la subasta y a las empresas o personas que representan y los detalles de la oferta incluido las cantidades que ofrecieron cada participante. Y después de adjudicado el trabajo, tendrán que publicar quien fue el ganador y porque razones. En la subasta debe estar presente un oficial de la Oficina del Inspector General que certifique la legalidad del proceso
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 17 - Toda persona “político u Oficial” que sea despedido de su cargo por alguna razón legal como: fraude, cosa mal hecha o delito, lucro indebido, mal desempeño de su función por estar por incumpliendo sus obligaciones o renuncia personal por el motivo que sea. No debe recibir ninguna pensión ni compensación de ninguna clase por parte del condado. En caso de que se esté haciendo algún pago en estos momentos proceder a presentar demanda en corte para detener estos pagos.
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 18-
a-Se elimina la posición de Jefe de Policía y se sustituye por la de Sheriff este ejercerá todas las funciones del actual Jefe de Policía.
b- El Sheriff, El Inspector General, El Jefe de la Oficina anti corrupción y El Jefe de la Oficina de control de ética. A partir de la aprobación de esta enmienda serán posiciones elegidas por los votantes del condado Miami Dade en elecciones. c-Tendrán todas las funciones que tienen ahora pero serán absolutamente independientes del alcalde y los comisionados y rendirán cuenta directamente a los votantes.
Sí____ No____
Enmienda # 19:
a-A partir de la fecha en que estas enmiendas sean aprobadas por votación en elecciones secretas y directas por los ciudadanos del Condado Miami Dade. Estos cambios serán incorporados a la Carta Constitucional del Condado Miami Dade inmediatamente.
b-Los próximos cambios que se le proponga en el futuro a dicha carta solo podrán efectuarse mediante la acción de un Referéndum que aprueben estos nuevos cambios mediante elecciones por los ciudadanos del condado Miami Dade.
c-Los comisionados del condado Miami Dade, no tendrán el poder de modificarlas, agregar, sustituir o cambiar ninguna de las regulaciones en la Carta del Condado..
Si____ No____

Enmienda # 20
Se llevara a elecciones a los ciudadanos del Condado Miami Dade La anulación de XDM Express Way de Miami. Creo que esto es un abuzo contra los ciudadanos que ya contribuyeron con sus taxes a la construcción de las Carreteras . Y es un delito cobrarles dos veces y por todo el resto de sus vidas.
Si____ No____

Enmienda # 21
Presentaremos una ley para que los candidatos a elección de candidatos a cargos políticos no puedan recoger dinero para sus campañas. Los candidatos podrán presentar su candidatura sin gastos en el Departamento de Elecciones y estarán dispuestos a presentar un plan de gobierno lo más completo posible, para el periodo que se postule. Y si a la mitad de su tiempo en la posición no ha cumplido con lo que ha hecho, será sometido a referéndum y sacado de su cargo si los votantes estima que fallo en sus promesas.
Si____ No____

Enmienda #22
Todos los trabajadores que no realizan un trabajo necesario para el bien estar del los ciudadanos del condado serán despedidos de sus posiciones inmediatamente que una comisión detecte que sus trabajo no es benéfico para los ciudadanos del condado.
Si____ No­­____

Enmienda # 22
“El transporte publico” Para nadie es un secreto que el transporte publico es un verdadero desastre como casi todas las cosas que maneja el alcalde del condado. PORQUE el sis tema de transporte de Miami NO RINDE UN SERVICIO QUE ES EL QUE LOS CIUDADANOS DE MIAMI NECESITAN. Una de las cosas es el desastre de la administración del transporte. Creo que tenmos que pensar detenidamente que es lo que tenemos que hacer con el transporte. Yo recuerdo cuando en las calle de Miami surgieron los ómnibus privado “La Conchita” que empezaron y resulto que si resolvían muchísimas líneas. Pues necesito que ustedes sugieran que se puede hacer. Aquí en Miami hay muchiosimos trabajadores del transporte urbano en La Habana que tenia uno de los sistema mas eficientes que he visto. Asi que envíenme sus ideas.

Enmieda # 23
“La Policia” Creo que la policía debe ser reentrenada y mas eficiente. El robo y los delitos de drogas y de todo tipo ha aumentado a niveles que la lista de todos los casos de delitos y asesinatos se lleva una gran parte de los noticiero de los programas de los noticiero de los canales en español e ingles.  ¿Qué podemos hacer? Hay alguien que sepa cómo resolver este tremendo problema que padecemos.  La seguridad de los ciudadanos es una prioridad A-1 Tenemos que tener seguridad con policías decentes y bien entrenados.
Si_____ No______

Esto es solo un trabajo preliminar. Necesitamos que todos ustedes participen para hacer de esto un verdadero plan de gobierno del Condado Miami que responda a los verdaderos intereses y necesidades de Miami. Yo solo sere la persona que impulse las ideas que nos aporten y se pongan en acción. Pero usted es la persona indicada para que nos diga que usted considera que nosotros tenemos que hacer para que nuestro condado sea de verdad un verdadero lugar donde podamos criar a nuestros hijos, para vivir decente y libremente.
Lázaro R González Miño
“Su próximo alcalde si DIOS que todo lo puede y ustedes lo hace posible” Necesito las opiniones y sugerencias de ustedes.
“Por un mejor Miami”

Hannity Responds to Beck’s Question on Donald Trump: ‘I Will Attempt to Answer It in This Post’



Conservative talk-show host Sean Hannity responded to Glenn Beck Sunday, explaining in an open-letter posted to his website why he is happy Donald Trump is running for president.
The response came days after Beck asked on Facebook why Hannity, and other mega-conservative stars, seemingly support Trump.
“This is not an attack, this is an honest question,” Beck stressed, before asking, “Why are the big name ‘conservatives’ supporting him?”
Image source: Screen grab via
The letter attracted much attention online — and on Sunday Hannity responded.
“You are a friend and a patriot who has asked an honest and thoughtful question, and I will attempt to answer it in this post,” the Fox News host said at the outset of his letter.
Hannity, who said he is “personally UNDECIDED” on who he will endorse or vote for, noted that this is not his “first rodeo” in presidential politics. He added that in the past two weeks he has given air time to many of the candidates, listing several qualities each one of them has that he supports.
Then the radio talk-show host explained his support for Trump being in the race.
“Now to Mr Trump: The first debate attracted 24 million Americans, by far a cable television record. There is zero doubt in my mind that he was a big part of that record breaking debate,” he wrote.
Hannity added, “Kudos to Donald Trump for creating an audience that not only benefitted him, but every other candidate and the entire country. He single handedly made politics refreshingly fun, unpredictable and interesting. That is a great benefit to the country.”
Hannity then responded to Beck point-by-point in the lengthy letter.
“In conclusion, Glenn, I repeat … I am personally undecided at this point. But I am glad Donald Trump is in this race. I like his straightforward outsider’s view of politics. His personality and background are impressive and refreshing. I like anybody who is not politically correct,” he wrote at the end.

Read the entire letter below:

You are a friend and a patriot who has asked an honest and thoughtful question, and I will attempt to answer it in this post.
You asked, “Can we actually have a civil discourse based on facts? Not on emotion or feelings?” Of course we can! For all of you leftists out there in the media and elsewhere hoping this will become a “food fight,” you will be extremely disappointed.
Let me first point out that I am personally UNDECIDED as to whom I I will support in the GOP primaries. The good news is the Iowa Caucus is February 1, 2016. That gives us over 5 1/2 months before the REAL process begins in deciding who the Republican presidential nominee will be. Five and a half months is an eternity in political terms.
A lot can and will happen between now and then. Some candidates will trip and fall or stumble. Some will recover and others may not. Polls will shift, debates will hopefully enlighten, and voters (that is, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE) will decide which way this is going to go.
This is not my first rodeo. I began my talk radio journey in 1987. I am about to begin my 20th year on the Fox News Channel. I have followed presidential politics closely since my early teens. I often remind both my listeners and viewers that this is a PROCESS. We do not have to decide today.
As a registered conservative in New York state, I only have one vote. From a voting perspective, I will have no say, really, in deciding who the Republican presidential nominee will be in 2016. Just as I have in past presidential cycles, I feel I can best serve both my television and radio audiences by giving them as much access as possible to all of the candidates so they can make an informed decision in the primary.
For example, in just the last 2 weeks I have had on both radio and TV Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Scott Walker, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry, and Chris Christie.
I have given many of the candidates a FULL hour on my TV show, as well. My plan is to continue to offer all the candidates more airtime throughout the entire process.
As I mentioned, I have two jobs that I love to do every day (which is to build an audience, and to generate revenue), but that is not my primary motivation. As somebody who follows the news closely every day, I am extremely concerned about the direction of the country and the world in general.
In my view, America is at a crossroads — a tipping point. To me, this election is not about ME OR WHO I VOTE FOR. I personally want the most CONSERVATIVE candidate (because conservatism works) with the best, most inspiring solutions for the country; someone who can passionately articulate those solutions, and win.
Which Republican candidate can offer solutions that will:
1. Create jobs and help the 93 million Americans who are out of the labor force get back to work
2. Help get nearly 50 million Americans out of poverty
3. Help nearly 46 million Americans who are on food stamps get back to work
4. Stop robbing future generations with record debt and deficits. We now have over 18 trillion dollars in debt and over 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
5. Balance the budget, force the government to live within its means, and lower taxes by transforming our tax code
6. Save Social Security (because the “Lock Box” has been stolen)
7. Save Medicare
8. Repeal Obamacare, and hopefully replace it with personal healthcare savings accounts
9. Make America energy independent. This would create jobs, lower the cost of energy, and reduce our dependence on imported oil from countries that hate us.
10. Protect our borders from those who do not respect our laws and sovereignty, and those who enter the country to cause us harm
11. Transform a broken educational system and replace public schools with school choice for parents and kids trapped in failing schools
12. End burdensome regulations
13. Restore constitutional order and separation of powers with co-equal branches of government as our founders intended
14. Identify by name our biggest enemy (radical Islamists) and take every step necessary to defeat this evil
15. Undo this horrific, naive, and incredibly dangerous deal with the radical Mullahs in Iran that chant death to America
16. Restore America’s sacred and special relationship with Israel
17. Empower moderate nations and people in the Middle East and elsewhere to defeat enemies in the region
18. Confront Putin with strength to stop his geopolitical ambitions
19. Confront China and thwart its geopolitical ambitions and unfair trade practices
20. Commit to the idea that America is the single greatest force for good in the world, and that America’s role is to lead the fight for freedom around the world
This is only a short list of challenges we now face as a country. As our mutual friend “The Great One,” Mark Levin, says, we are living in a post constitutional America. I have a sense of urgency that I have never had before in my life that the “America” we love and grew up in is slipping away, literally hanging in the balance. Now is NOT the time for half measures It is time, as Reagan said, for a “revitalized second party with no pale pastels but BOLD COLORED DIFFERENCES.”
I am extremely disappointed with current congressional “leadership,” as they have failed to keep their most BASIC promises. They refused to use their constitutional authority of the power of the purse to defund Obamacare. They caved on their main 2014 campaign promise to stop Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional executive amnesty. And they are generally weak, timid and afraid to confront Obama for fear they will be blamed for a government shutdown.
With that said I am greatly encouraged by many of the 17 candidates currently running for the GOP nomination.
Sen. Ted Cruz has shown a willingness few in Congress have shown TO FIGHT! His filibuster in 2013 was inspiring, as is his willingness to take on his own party.
Sen. Rand Paul’s reminders about limited government and fidelity to the Constitution is similarly refreshing.
Sen. Marco Rubio offers an extremely bright, articulate and friendly vision of conservatism that will inspire many Americans.
Former Sen. Rick Santorum is making a strong push to rebuild the “Reagan Coalition” and is articulating how blue collar voters will benefit under conservatism.
Gov. Scott Walker has shown that a conservative can win in a blue state, and turn deficits into surpluses, create jobs, and he was willing to put his political career on the line for his conservative beliefs.
Gov. John Kasich similarly took record deficits in Ohio and turned them into record surpluses. He also created hundreds of thousands of jobs. While budget chairman in DC, Kasich was the architect of REAL BALANCED BUDGETS.
Gov. Jeb Bush’s record in Florida is equally impressive. He created 1.4 million jobs, the nations first school voucher program, and produced balanced budgets.
Gov. Rick Perry, but for his leadership in Texas, America would have experienced a NET loss of jobs in Obama’s first term. Obama owes Gov. Perry a debt of gratitude.
Gov. Bobby Jindal, who is young, bright, and vibrant, had massive reductions in the size of government, vouchers, and a proven willingness to take on the status quo.
Gov. Mike Huckabee deserves major kudos for his commitment to religious freedom, the Constitution and the Fair Tax, which, I believe, will transform the American economy for the better.
Gov. Chris Christie deserves credit for taking on the third rail in politics, i.e., ENTITLEMENTS! The bottom line is we have been lied to and stolen from, and unless we deal with these entitlements (which have become the majority of government spending), our kids will not have a future.
Dr. Ben Carson has articulated a version of common sense, conservatism, and courage in confronting Obama that congressional Republicans should learn from. His vision for healthcare savings accounts is the perfect antidote to Obamacare.
Carly Fiorina has been nothing short of inspiring in confronting Hillary Clinton’s moral, ethical, and legal deficiencies. Her knowledge of the economy and world affairs has captivated the country.
Now, I could point out areas of disagreement and deficiencies in all the candidates … but I will leave that to the voters and the liberal Obama-loving media. The Republican field of candidates offer a far more inspiring vision for our country than either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. If conservative principles are implemented we can save and preserve the country for our kids and grandkids.
My hope is that the GOP candidates will all push each other to become stronger in their commitment to this conservative vision — all of which will get this country back on track before we become another version of Greece.
Now to Mr Trump: The first debate attracted 24 million Americans, by far a cable television record. There is zero doubt in my mind that he was a big part of that record breaking debate.
By comparison, the first Republican debate of the 2012 cycle hosted by Fox News in May 2011, drew just 3.2 million viewers, according to Nielsen. Its highest-rated Republican debate (in 2012) drew 6.7 million viewers.
Kudos to Donald Trump for creating an audience that not only benefitted him, but every other candidate and the entire country. He single handedly made politics refreshingly fun, unpredictable and interesting. That is a great benefit to the country.
Now to your specific points, because you said you “really want to understand.”
First you wrote:
“I get that Trump is reflective of what people are feeling; secure the border; fight to win; don’t give in to China, etc. I really do understand that he is saying things that people are feeling. Justifiably.
I get the fact that he is saying that America is a great place and that we can be great again. That is rare and refreshing.
I understand that he is seen, and has the proof in New York City, as a guy who can get things done. I understand and like the fact that he just says what he is thinking. No politically correct BS, no focus groups, and he does it with out apologizing.”
My only comment to this, Glenn, is … you are answering your own question in many ways. These are not insignificant things. Why, at this early stage, would you be so dismissive?
1. Fight to win
2. Stand up to China
3. Make America great again
4. Trump has a track record of getting the job done
5. Secure the border 6. Straight talking, non-politically correct politician!
To address what you say you do not understand:
1. “He is part of the problem when he, by his own admission, buys politicians”:
How refreshingly honest that he admits what we all know. I asked him about this and he answered by saying he “hates” the system, wants to change it, but as a businessman he played the game. I applaud the honesty and desire to change it.
2. Trump “identifies his policies more as a Democrat; he makes President Obama look truly humble…”
If you are looking for humble, Trump is not your guy.
As for his political views I asked him a number of times about it, including this week. He was clear that he was once a Democrat and changed his views. You will have to decide for yourself how sincere he is. My sense is that he is sincere. He is correct in pointing out that Reagan was was a pro-choice Democrat who also evolved.
Glenn, one of the things I admire about you is how you have changed. Your life story is extremely compelling because of the significant changes you have made in your life.
You are not shy about pointing out how you once led a pretty fast life. (I did, too, when I was young, as we have all sinned and fallen short), how you found your faith, how you changed your politics, and how your thinking evolved by studying our founders and framers. I read that you recently became a libertarian. I like the changes you have made and your willingness to share those things with your audience. Are you a better person as a result of these changes? My guess is you are.
3. Trump was very pro-abortion until very recently.
His answer at the debate was extremely compelling, about how his views changed. He said he changed his mind because of a child that was going to be aborted, but then wasn’t. That is believable to me. Do you think he is lying about that?
4. He still says, “Don’t defund planned parenthood …”
I asked him about that this week, and he was very clear that funding would be dependent on whether Planned Parenthood gets out of the abortion business. Personally, with our debt situation, and with what Planned Parenthood has done, I wouldn’t give them a penny.
5. Trump is pro- “assault weapon ban …”
He said to me he that he “was” for the ban, past tense. He now has a pistol carry-permit in NYC and said he believes law-abiding Americans should have the right to “carry.”
6. He is in favor of a wealth tax that would just “take money out of people’s bank accounts …”
I also asked him about this earlier this week. He said when he supported this one-time tax on the very wealthy that we were at a point when, if implemented, the tax would have paid off the entire federal debt. He wanted this coupled with a balanced budget amendment. My impression of this was that it would be meant as a patriotic gesture by those who have greatly benefitted from the American Dream. Misguided, well intentioned, perhaps. But he says he is against it now.
7. Trump “says he is for boots on the ground in Iraq, and for ‘taking the oil’ from the Iraqi people…”
Mr. Trump and I disagreed about the Iraq war; I was for it and he was against it. But I loved his idea of making Iraq pay for its own liberation. I also love the idea of Iraq paying the families of nearly 5,000 Americans who were killed fighting in that war. They deserve that money. They deserve millions of dollars. Similarly, so do those soldiers and families that suffered severe injuries. It’s the least Iraq should do for them.
As far as Trump’s plan against Isis of creating a perimeter around the oil fields, which is their main financial source for terror? I like that idea, if it is a part of a more comprehensive plan of defeating them. Americans died in Mosul, Ramadi, Fallujah and Tikrit, cities now controlled by Isis. They are modern day Nazis and are getting stronger and richer and more evil every day. I have one caveat: IF AMERICA FIGHTS ANY WAR, WE MUST WIN IT AND WIN IT QUICKLY. NO MORE POLITICALLY CORRECT WARS THAT ARE POLITICIZED AND THEN ABANDONED.
This out of the box thinking is refreshing. Why didn’t Iraq pay our military heroes?
8. Trump is a progressive “Republican …”
He says he is a conservative. It’s up to you as to what you want to believe.
9. He says single payer healthcare works; he would give people more than just Obama care …
Again, this week, in his interview with me, Trump went into great detail about how he supports healthcare savings accounts to replace Obamacare. I have been an advocate of healthcare savings accounts since reading the book by the Cato institute, “Patient Power.” A GREAT IDEA.
10. The First Lady would be the first to have posed nude in lesbian porno shots …
I thought you were libertarian? Also I go back to the fact that you have changed. Trump’s wife is a mother and what she did in the past doesn’t make my top 10,000 list of problems we face as a country.
11. He said he keeps all the Bibles he is given in a “special place,” outside the city — and he only goes to church on Christmas and Easter …
I have met atheists and agnostics who seem more in awe of and dazzled by the majesty of God’s creation than those who can cite every chapter and verse. To me, religion is a deeply, deeply held personal issue that involves the heart. I am a Christian but a deeply flawed one who regularly needs forgiveness. Having been raised a Catholic, I also have issues with the “church” since sex scandal. I have never lost faith in God. The Bible does say, “… The Kingdom of Heaven is within us,” and instructs us to “go into our closets and pray.” I hope for Trump’s sake, and for everybody’s sake, that he has peace in his faith; I know I do.
12. Trump is generally not a likable guy …
The polls show Republicans like Trump at this moment more than the other candidates. I have known him for years and have found him to be extremely likable and engaging.
13. He has around 16 percent favorability with Hispanics …
I also saw a poll where he was leading with Hispanic voters in Nevada. IMHO, it’s too early to conclude where that settles out.
14. He has gone bankrupt four times.
I thought his explanation at the debate was extremely solid. He never went bankrupt personally, and of the hundreds of business deals he has been involved in, four of them didn’t work out well. Shouldn’t that be balanced out with all of the deals he has made that have been successful? I think that is only fair. How many jobs has he created over the years? How many careers were made because of his risk taking. Also the proof is in the pudding. He has by every measure been an extremely successful businessman who has made billions of dollars. Not something many people can pull off. I admire success stories. If Trump was president, and he made hundreds of decisions and only four of them went badly, we would likely be in pretty good shape.
15. Just based on his favorability ratings, he could never win in a general. Research shows that he may be near his ceiling now …
In the end, that’s up to the American people to decide, not us.
In conclusion, Glenn, I repeat … I am personally undecided at this point. But I am glad Donald Trump is in this race. I like his straightforward outsider’s view of politics. His personality and background are impressive and refreshing. I like anybody who is not politically correct.
I hope his outspokenness and his courage rubs off on his fellow Republicans, who have all become stale, timid, weak, and generally (especially in DC) useless. Many Republicans can learn a thing or two from Trump.
We have 5 1/2 months until the Iowa caucuses. My promise is to dig deeper into the questions you and others have raised that deserve answers. I also promise to give Mr. Trump and every other candidate a fair shot to explain their views in detail. I think a FAIR SHOT is the best way to serve my audience. Then it’s up to the American people, as it should be.
My hope and prayer is that we elect a bold, inspiring conservative visionary who will undo the damage caused by Obama and leftist politicians, and that we can work together to save the country we both love.
Best always,

Donald Trump Says It Will Be a ‘Miracle’ If Hillary Can Continue With Campaign Throughout Email Scandal





Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Donald Trump compared Hillary Clinton’s controversy over her email server to that of former CIA Director David Petraeus who ultimately was forced to resign after it was revealed that he shared classified information with a woman he was having an affair with.
“I think she may not be able to run, to be honest, because this whole email thing is a horrible thing,” Trump told Chuck Todd in an interview that aired Sunday morning, saying that it would be a “miracle” if the former secretary of state is able to continue her 2016 presidential campaign.

Image source: NBC News
“General Petraeus, his life has been destroyed. And he did 5 percent of what she did,” Trump said. “So assuming she’s able to run — which would be absolutely, to me, a miracle at this point — I will beat her.”
“I think she’s the worst secretary of state in the history of our country,” Trump continued.
And when Trump refused to answer Todd’s question of who was the worst before her, the NBC host shot back, saying “Everything with you is the best or the worst; there’s no nuance.”
The real estate tycoon also said he imagined Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, was “disappointed” that Trump had decided to throw his hat into the ring for the Republican presidential nomination as he is the only candidate who could beat Clinton.
Trump addressed the rumors that he may jump the Republican ship and run as an independent in 2016 and said as of right now, it’s “highly unlikely” that he will do that, but he’s going to keep the door open.
Once again, Trump compared the U.S. to countries such as China and Japan and lamented to Todd that the country no longer has victories. Later on during the interview, Trump and Todd sparred about the U.S. economy compared to other nation’s such as Mexico.

Image source: NBC News
In the interview, Trump also defended his changes in certain policy positions, such as abortion, likening himself to former President Ronald Reagan. Trump referenced the recent undercover videos that reportedly show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of aborted fetal tissue. The Republican presidential contender said Planned Parenthood needs to stop providing abortions and condemned the “attitudes” of the officials who appeared in the videos.
“In particular, I didn’t like the attitude of the people. They talked about it like they were making widgets or gadgets, and it was inappropriate,” he said. “So I didn’t like what I saw, I didn’t like what the doctors, or whoever they were, talking about it. They talked about it like we’re doing cars or something.”
However, Trump said he wasn’t prepared to discuss if he’d shut down the government over Planned Parenthood funding.
“I would say during the administration of Ronald Reagan, you really felt proud to be an American and to any great extent, people were proud,” Trump said on when the last time America was “great again,” addressing Todd’s question in reference to his campaign slogan.
Despite multiple controversial off-the-cuff remarks, Trump steadfastly remains the GOP frontrunner.
Trump and Todd, despite their tumultuous relationship sat down for the 30-minute interview, which ranged from Supreme Court appointments to ISIS, below.

Gowdy Heard About Hillary’s Huge Trouble, And His Response Is One She’ll Hate…

"If she were interested in cooperation, she would not have done..."
Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, responded to the news that Hillary Clinton plans to turn over her email server to the Justice Department, in response to an investigation into the possible mishandling of classified information by the former secretary of state.
The move by the Bureau comes following the reports that the Intelligence Community’s Inspector General discovered four classified documents, to date, among those released by Clinton–two of which are “top secret,” the highest security classification.


As reported by Western Journalism, Clinton stated during a press conference in March: “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.”
Clinton’s campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said that “She directed her team to give her e-mail server that was used during her tenure as secretary to the Department of Justice, as well as a thumb drive containing copies of her e-mails already provided to the State Department.” Merrill added: “She pledged to cooperate with the government’s security inquiry, and if there are more questions, we will continue to address them.”
Fox News’ Bill Hemmer asked Gowdy on Wednesday morning if he expected full cooperation from Clinton now. “It’s hard not to laugh when I hear that,” Gowdy responded. “I know he’s in the business of being paid to say absurd things, but if that really was his intent and her intent, why did they set up this unprecedented email arrangement?”


“Why did she keep the emails for 20 months after she left the Department of State?” the congressman continued. “She did not turn them over then. Why did she delete emails after 20 months? Did all of the sudden she decide after 20 months, ‘This is too burdensome for me to keep a bunch of emails on my server, so let me not only delete them, but wipe the server clean.’
“If she were interested in cooperation, she would not have done any of the things she has done to date. This is not about cooperation. This is not about convenience. It’s about control. She wanted to control access to the public record. And she also got away with it, but she didn’t,” said Gowdy.
Hemmer asked Gowdy if Clinton’s alleged mishandling of classified information fit the same category as that for which Gen. David Petraeus was prosecuted and convicted.
“The same rules ought to apply irrespective of their station in life. So I am going to have to count on the [FBI] and [its director] Jim Comey, who has a reputation for evenhandedness and fairness. The same folks who investigated and prosecuted Gen. Petraeus are looking into the current allegations with respect to classified information. If the facts are the same, I would expect the result to be the same,” he replied.
Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano believes Clinton’s breach is far more serious than Petraeus’. He said: “In his case it was ‘confidential’ materials, which is the lowest level of classification. In her case it is ‘top secret’, which is the highest level of classification.” In the case of Petraeus, the documents were in his home, while Clinton’s were on her personal server, making them vulnerable to hacking.
Gowdy released a statement Tuesday highlighting the severity of the former secretary of state’s actions.“This is a serious national security issue, and the seriousness of it should transcend normal, partisan politics.”
h/t: TheBlaze



Worry he's Antichrist 'simply doesn't square with Scripture'

Pope Francis
There’s abundant reason for Christians to be watching world developments as new geopolitical coalitions arise along with increasing persecution and other circumstances that appear to relate to end-times prophecy.
But is Pope Francis the Antichrist?
Chill out, at least one end-times watcher says. Probably not.
The question was raised recently in a Charisma News commentary by Jennifer LeClaire headlined, “Why So Many People Think Pope Francis is the Antichrist.”
“It could be for some of the same reasons his popularity is declining,” she said. “His approval rating in the United States has dropped from 76 percent a year ago to 56 percent today, according to Gallup.”
She points to his public focus on combating “social inequity and poverty.”
Talking Points Memo noted the Charisma News commentary drew considerable attention when it was linked at the Drudge Report.
Joel Richardson, whose works include “Mideast Beast,” “When a Jew Rule the World,” the movie “End Times Eyewitness” and “Islam & The End Times,” told WND there is “no question that Pope Francis is a real disappointment to conservatives, whether Catholic or Protestant.”
“In my opinion, the greatest of his failures thus far was to officially recognize ‘Palestine’ as a state. Such actions only empower a political movement that is founded not in the desire to establish its own state, rather it is to eliminate the state of Israel,” he said.
But Richardson said the idea that Pope Francis is the Antichrist “simply doesn’t square with Scripture.”
“There are many Scriptures we could point to to establish this, but just a few should suffice,” he said.
“According to the prophet Daniel, the Antichrist will first emerge as a leader of small significance, who rises in power, initially overthrowing three other kings, eventually controlling a total of 10 kings (Daniel 7:8; 8:9-10; 11:23). The Antichrist, also called ‘Gog’ by the Prophet Ezekiel, will arise specifically from the region of Magog, which is essentially Asia Minor or modern-day Turkey (Ezekiel 38:2). The Antichrist will eventually come to spend three-and-a-half years speaking blasphemies and ‘unheard of things against the God of gods’ (Daniel 11:36), eventually elevating himself above God (Daniel 8:11,25; 11:36-38; 2 Thessalonians 2:4).”
Richardson said that while Francis “may be a great disappointment as a pope,” it is “rather doubtful that he will ever take to openly blaspheming and elevating himself above God.”
The Charisma News commentary noted Francis has denounced capitalism, backed away from traditional views of homosexuality, discussed a “New World Order” and warmed up to Islam “like no other pope before him.”
Richardson noted some have speculated Barack Obama is the Antichrist, while others point to Francis and others.
“None of these leaders aligns to the various biblical requirements,” he said. “At this moment in history when there is such a tremendous sense of foreboding within the body of Christ, we must rise above our feelings, hold steady, and look only to the Scriptures.”
In a documentary based on the book – titled “The Last Pope?” – he describes traveling to Rome, Geneva, Belfast and other places to “discover the story of venerated Irish prophet St. Malachy” and his prophecy of the popes.
He cites medieval historians and Vatican-affiliated experts, among others, regarding Malachy’s prophecy.
In “Petrus Romanus,” he explores the prophecy identifying the final pope as “Peter the Roman,” whose reign is to end in the destruction of Rome.
According to tradition, Malachy was called to Rome by Pope Innocent II in 1595, and while there, experienced the vision of the future popes, including the last, which he described in a series of cryptic phrases.
Horn believes the final pontiff could be the one following Benedict XVI, who resigned.
The book charges that there are those among “a multinational power elite and occult hierarchy” who already have infiltrated the Catholic Church and will help deceive Catholics into worshiping the Antichrist.
Horn told WND that his earlier work predicted the resignation of Benedict, giving critics pause, since it was the first time a pope had resigned in nearly 600 years.
He noted that Francis took his name from a friar, and it could be interpreted as “Peter the Roman.”
He also pointed out Francis’ Jesuit background and the progressive ideas in his pronouncements, or encyclicals.
And then there are the atheists on Francis’ advisory team, he noted.
“I think maybe, more than anything, his condemnation of the free market, his embrace of ideas that are Marxist and socialist” have raised questions, he said.
Now Francis is planning a U.S. trip in which he will become the first pope to address Congress.
While exactly who will emerge to fulfill the roles prophesied in the Bible remains cloudy, “I think there is something about all of this,” Horn said.
Many people over the generations, he noted, have believed the Vatican would eventually be infested with demonic clergy and be led by the Antichrist.
He said Christians need to be watching carefully.
LeClaire concluded her Charisma News piece by citing the chatter about Francis and asking whether his role as pope is a fulfillment of prophecy.
“Here’s what we know: More than 50 years ago, a Jesuit priest predicted the resignation of Pope Benedict – to the day – and now Tom Horn, who worked with Cris Putnam to unveil a 900-year-old prophecy buried in the library at the Vatican that describes a series of 112 popes, and others are looking at this research. ‘Was he divinely inspired? Was he demonically inspired?’ Horn asks. ‘Because we know demons know things about times and dispensations, too.’”

If scandals don’t block Hillary from the White House, they’ll haunt her as president

With each passing day, it’s growing more and more difficult to envision how Hillary Clinton can navigate a path through her self-made scandals to a successful bid for the presidency.
But if, somehow, she manages to slide past all the rising criminal allegations and defer all the pressure for her to answer for her secretive information hoarding as secretary of state, she still will have to worry about whether her own past can ever catch up with her — and that’s a concern that won’t die away if she becomes president.
Rather, it’s a concern that will only intensify if she’s the president.
On Friday, conservative blogger Glenn Reynolds (aka Instapundit) shared an interesting scenario set forth by someone he identified only as “a journalist who requests anonymity.”
After reading through this writer’s vision of Hillary’s future, should she attain the presidency, you’ll see why:
Hillary will be totally blackmail-able if elected. Here’s the logic:
1.  It’s safe to say that there were things on that server which could cause Hillary tremendous harm politically – which is why she destroyed the evidence that would have been exculpatory if you believed her explanation. In my mind, it’s also why she used a private server to begin with.
2.  She is lying about what was on that server, potentially to include while under oath in her upcoming congressional testimony.
3.  If someone had all the copies of her emails and those of her staff, they could readily blackmail her because of the above. They’d have proof of her wrongdoing and her lying about it.
4.  Hillary Clinton, as both a future Presidential candidate and a sitting Sec. of State would have been one of the Top 100 intelligence targets in the world and probably one of the top 10.
5.  It’s thus certain that the Chinese and Russians would each have had a team focused on accessing her communications.
6.  Every security expert I know of has said it’s a virtual certainty the Chinese and Russians both gained access to her server and all her emails. From what I know about their capabilities, I’d agree.
There are probably a bunch of folks in China and Russia who are praying (even if they’re atheists) for Hillary to be elected. If she wins, they own the President of the United States. I can just imagine in a meeting with Putin, Hillary being told to back off supporting Ukraine or he’ll release her emails (as he hands her a folder containing the most damaging ones for her to peruse). Put in that position, would Hillary fall on her sword or sacrifice a country like Ukraine? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t want to be living in Ukraine…
Someone with that kind of vulnerability to blackmail shouldn’t be allowed to sweep the floors of the NSA, much less run our country.
Sound far-fetched? Not to us.
More far-fetched is the scenario that even posits Hillary will make it through a Democratic primary. In fact, The Washington Free Beacon’s Matthew Continetti suggested Friday, the most realistic way to assure her a clear path to the nomination is for President Obama to just go ahead and pardon her for any and all crimes right now — so she can henceforth answer all her trust-issues critics with a single, dismissive “I’ve been cleared.”
“Pardon Hillary now if you want to save her campaign,” Continetti advised. “If not, if you let the investigation proceed, then you may have no choice but to pardon her later. A little less than a year and a half remains in President Obama’s term. Pardoning Clinton would be a fitting capstone to his presidency. If he doesn’t do it, though, Hillary still has options. There’s always President Trump.”

Los Pichy-Boys report from Havana on the opening of the U.S. embassy in Cuba

Lázaro R González para Alcalde del Condado de  Miami Elecciones de Noviembre 8 del 2016.  Use la boleta en blanco.
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