“En mi opinión” IN GOD WE TRUST.
.No 368 Abril 23 2013 Editor Lázaro R
González Miño.
Después de muchísimo
tiempo el mensaje tiene vigencia total. Pánfilo: “AQUÍ EN CUBA, LO QUE HACE
Por favor póngalo en su Facebook,
envíelo por e-mail, tuiteelo. Esto es una demostración espontánea y genuina que
nos dice que no importa cuántos siglos pasen el comunismo no tiene futuro, el
futuro de ellos es el infierno. Según me cuentan a este hombre lo metieron en
mazorra y lo han vuelto loco. Porque para ellos no existe limite a la crueldad.
Aquí los dejo con Pánfilo,
un hombre que necesito del alcohol para decir la verdad que todos querían
gritar y no se atrevieron nunca…y si alguien puede, envíenle una copia a barry hussein
soetoro y otro a Francisco.
FBI Failed to Track Boston Terrorist’s Flight to Russia: Misspelled Name
Written by Gary North on April 23, 2013It turns out that the FBI failed to register the fact that the Boston bomber flew to Russia in 2011. Someone misspelled his name when he got on the plane. http://teapartyeconomist.com/2013/04/23/fbi-failed-to-track-boston-terrorists-flight-to-russia-misspelled-name/
al Director
Las Américas
Sr. Director,
informa que la Sra. Hilda Solís de Sayyad, ex secretaria [ministra] del
Trabajo de la presidencia Obama y conocida legisladora, activista sindical y
"catabortólica" (católica pro aborto a quien su Iglesia tiene a bien
no negarle los sacramentos), se encuentra en la capital cubana para tratar
diferentes temas con Mariela Castro Espín, famosa activista de diversas
prácticas sexuales, viajera a EE. UU., jefe del CENESC (Centro Nacional de
Educación Sexual de Cuba) e hija del actual desgobernante de Cuba. Los
temas reportados son la homosexualidad y los cinco espías de la Red Avispa (no
que se relacionen). Uno se pregunta si el contribuyente norteamericano
pagó ese viaje o si la dama voló a Cuba en uno de esos vuelos promovidos por la
arquidiócesis católica de Miami.
Philip V. Riggio
2777 NE 183rd Street
FL 33160
Reforma Migratoria amenper.
Oigo voces
airadas de personas diciendo que Marco Rubio ha abandonado su posición
Estoy de
acuerdo con el sentir de los que quieren que saquen del país a todos los
indocumentados, es lo que se merecen, es un agravio a los que han entrado en el
país de una manera legal, lo cual cuesta trabajo, tiempo y dinero.
¿Pero qué
podemos hacer? ¿Establecer una cuadrilla de rastras en todas la ciudades
recogiendo indocumentados para llevarlos a Méjico?
Aunque eso
sea lo que pensamos que es lo que se merecen, creo que a nadie se le ocurriría
esta solución. Es imposible, no es una solución pragmática ni
Estoy de
acuerdo con Rubio que la reforma migratoria “es de interés nacional”, y que “la
verdadera amnistía es dejar las cosas como están ahora”.
Si no se hace
nada, siguen entrando y viviendo ilegalmente, la mayoría entran también
legalmente y después permanecieron en el país con visados caducados.
Hay que hacer
algo, pero no podemos quedarnos como estamos, hablando sin hacer nada. Lo
que está sucediendo es que , como no podemos deportarlos en masa, lo que
seguirá habiendo es una "Amnistía ilegal". Será el status quo
para siempre.
Lo que hay
que hacer primero es identificarlos, sacarlos a la luz pública, que se les
exija el pago de una multa para nacionalizarse, una nacionalización pone al
descubierto los antecedentes penales y a esos por la ley de ciudadanía, no se
les puede nacionalizar, esos criminales entonces pueden ser deportados ordenadamente.
El resto desde ese momento son ilegales controlados, esta es la manera de
controlar lo que ahora está sin control.
el plan exige garantías de seguridad en la frontera antes de dar la ciudadanía
a ningún indocumentado.
No creo que
esto signifique un abandono a una posición conservadora, simplemente es el acto
de un conservador inteligente.
Antes de
aceptar los ataques a Marco Rubio, quisiera oír otro plan para resolver el
problema de los indocumentados que no sean las arengas de protagonismo con
soluciones utópicas y legalismos imposibles de aplicar en las condiciones
Estoy seguro
que Marco Rubio sabía a los que se estaba enfrentando por lo cual no me queda
más remedio que admirarlo.
Tiene los
ataques de los liberales demócratas y ahora a los de la derecha anti-hispana
que la única solución que presenta es "Que se vayan de donde
vinieron". Una frase muy popular que también nos la aplican a todos los
Cubanos sin distinción, porque el racismo no hace acepción de persona.
Si el senador
permite sentar a la mesa al ala más conservadora del partido, con la intención
de lograr un apoyo tan amplio en el Senado , hasta Rand Paul respalda la
reforma, que la Cámara de Representantes no pueda ofrecer gran oposición
a la ley Obama no tendrá más remedio que firmarla, aunque haya sido auspiciada
por Republicanos.
Sería la
primera ley de inmigración aprobada desde Ronald Reagan, pero más conservadora
y estricta que la ley de Reagan.
Y no creo que
nadie pueda acusar a Reagan de Liberal izquierdista.
republicanos como Karl Rove dice sobre Marco Rubio en un artículo de Wall
Street Journal: “convertirle en nuestro portavoz en materia de
inmigración acelerará la recuperación del partido”,
Si la cámara
y el senado aprueban la propuesta de Rubio, y a Obama no le queda más remedio
que firmarla, será un revés para las aspiraciones presidenciales de
Porque los
demócratas no votarán por él, y los 4 millones de republicanos que se
abstuvieron de votar porque pensaron de Romney no era suficiente conservador,
dándole la victoria a Obama (nunca entenderé esa manera de pensar) tampoco
votarán por él porque no deportó a 12 millones de indocumentados.
Obama Birth Certificate Story Not Going Away
According to lead Obama investigator Mike Zullo, fear of ridicule is the number one reason authorities are not acting on the mountain of verifiable evidence of document fraud concerning Barack Obama’s birth certificate. Appearing on the Carl Gallups, Freedom Friday call-in show, Zullo said, “We are dealing with a fraudulent document that would never survive scrutiny of the judicial process.”
Disinformation and the intentional dissemination of false information to protect Obama, will not survive in the face of what Zullo is calling a 100% fabricated document. He listed the following tactics used to discredit the research of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse: media black outs; ridicule of opponents; infiltration and domination of message boards; setting up straw men to create an argument to chip away at the truth and simply ignoring the facts. “All we ask [is that Obama] bring forward the real original document,” said Zullo.
Ridicule is among the most effective of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. The godfather of community organizers, Alinsky said: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. Since this tactic is almost impossible to counteract, the opposition becomes infuriated and then reacts to your advantage.” Though frustrated himself, Zullo assures listeners that the truth will come out. Speaking directly to those who have been “chasing this longer than I,” Zullo says the truth will eventually be known and will vindicate those who have worked to reveal the ”greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.” (3) A Rule of Law investigator, the detective continued: “The Obama Document Fraud attacks our core principles; we are a nation of Laws, not of Men.”
But Zullo grew pensive when he spoke about the reception that he and radio host Gallups received at the recent C-PAC event. “People are afraid,” he said. Gallups pointed out the Allen West betrayal as being just one of many examples of VIPs who backed out of a promise to support the Document Fraud investigation. “We Don’t Remember Making that Promise,” one politician said. The internet spins round and round with stories of deaths of key witnesses, friends, acquaintances who suddenly died, were shot, or even had to leave the country, as occurred in one instance. The secretive nature of events, threats, and disinformation are all more obstacles the Cold Case Posse have encountered as they try to find out who in the White House constructed the fraudulent Obama birth certificate released on-line in 2011.
As the long call-in show began to wind down, both Zullo and host Gallups remained optimistic that a breakthrough in this case is coming within the next three to six months. But the most poignant moment came at the end when they described their visit to the grounds of Mount Vernon, George Washington’s home. “Barack Obama is the only president in U.S. history who has never set foot on Mount Vernon property,” an old caretaker told them. Obama also is the only American president to spend millions of dollars to hide who he really is from the American people!
Muslim Terrorists Illegally Got Guns and Made Bombs in Gun Strict Massachusetts
The AP reports that the men who detonated explosives to kill innocents at the Boston Marathons and later engaged in a shoot-out with police (after shooting an MIT security guard execution-style) didn’t have gun permits, according to Massachusetts state police.But wait a minute. I thought a rigorous system for regulating gun permits was supposed to prevent gun violence (that’s what Massachusetts state officials insisted upon passing the nation’s toughest gun laws back in 1998).
Read more: townhall.com
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Beck Breaks Exclusive Information on Saudi National Once Considered a Person of Interest in Boston Bombings
Editor’s Note: We’ll be discussing this story and all the day’s news during our live BlazeCast at 12pm ET…including your questions, comments & live chat:–
Background points:
- A Saudi national originally identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombing was set to be deported under section 212 3B — “Security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities” after the bombing
- As the story gained traction, TheBlaze’s Chief Content Officer Joel Cheatwood received word that the government may not deport the Saudi national, originally identified as Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi
- Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to answer questions on the subject when confronted by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) on Capitol Hill.
- An ICE official said a different Saudi national is in custody, but is “in no way” connected to the bombings.
- A congressional source, however, says that the file on Alharbi was created, that he was “linked” in some way to the Boston bombings (though it is unclear how), and that documents showing all this have been sent to Congress.
- Key congressmen of the Committee on Homeland Security request a classified briefing with Napolitano
- Fox News’ Todd Starnes reports that Alharbi was allegedly flagged on a terrorist watch list and granted a student visa without being properly vetted. Sources close to the investigation also told him the Saudi is still set for deportation.
- New information provided to TheBlaze reveals Alharbi’s file was altered early Wednesday evening to disassociate him from the initial charges
- Sources say the Saudi’s student visa specifically allows him to go to school in Findlay, Ohio, though he appears to have an apartment in Boston, Massachusetts
- Sources tell us this will most likely now be kicked from the DHS to the DOJ and labeled an ongoing investigation that can no longer be discussed.
“While the media continues to look at what the causes were of these
two guys, there are, at this hour, three people involved,” he
said. “The first one is the one we are going to address.”
Beck proceeded to highlight the background of the Saudi national first
identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston bombings, Abdul Rahman Ali
Alharbi, noting that the the NTC issued an event file calling for his
deportation using section 212, 3B which is proven terrorist activity.
“We are not sure who actually tagged him as a ’212 3B,’ but we know it
is very difficult to charge someone with this — it has to be almost certain,”
Beck explained. “It is the equivalent in civil society of charging someone
with premeditated murder and seeking the death penalty — it is not thrown
around lightly.”
Beck continued, noting that after Secretary of State John Kerry met
with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud on Tuesday, the FBI began backtracking on the
Saudi national from suspect, to person of interest, to witness, to victim, to
Then, on Wednesday, President Obama had a “chance” encounter with
Saudi Foreign Minister Saud and Saudi Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir.
“Wednesday at 5:35 p.m. the file is altered,” Beck said. “This
is unheard of, this is impossible in the timeline due to the severity of the
charge….You don’t one day put a 212 3B charge against somebody with
deportation, and then the next day take it off. It would require too much
to do it.”
“There are only two people that could revoke the deportation order —
the director of the NTC could do it after speaking with each department, the
FBI, the ATC, etc. — which is impossible to do in such a short period of time,
— or, somebody at the very highest levels of the State Department could do
it. We don’t have any evidence to tell you which one did it,” Beck said.
Congressman Duncan is in
possession of the original event file along with other members of the House
Homeland Security Committee, and have sent a formal
letter of request
(which we have a copy of) to Napolitano for a classified briefing on the Saudi
national and the deportation order. Beck proceeded to highlight more key points: The Saudi national was allegedly once flagged on a terror watch list and granted a student visa without being properly vetted.
If, as an ICE official said last week, there is actually a second Saudi in custody, who is it? Beck asked. “Why were there were no names, no pictures presented? The fact is, an event was created for one Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi indicating he was to be deported for terrorism activity related to the Boston bombing. If this file was created with another Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi in mind, don’t you think we should know about it?”
Beck proceeded with more exclusive information:
The Saudi’s student visa specifically allows him to go to school in Findley, Ohio. He has been in this country six months. He has an apartment in Boston, Massachusetts.
If this is a case of mistaken identity, then who is the person named in the file, with the same name, with the 3B charge? And If DHS was working with the person as a source to out the bombers, then why was there a 3B Charge?
Exclusive: Why wasn’t the Congressional Committee on Homeland Security notified? Why are they being cut out of all information? This is protocol.
We are working on the family connections, and there is more to come.
Sources tell us this will most likely now be kicked from the DHS to the DOJ and labeled an ongoing investigation that can no longer be discussed. This will be the reason Napalitano won’t answer the Homeland Security Committee’s request for a briefing. Like Benghazi they have heavy into a disinformation campaign floating a variety of scenarios to confuse the media — but that apparently doesn’t take much — to prevent the story from being pursued… They are also working very hard to discredit those on the scent.
It is still unclear why the government is stonewalling the media on information as to why the file initially labeled Alharbi as a threat, only to change that designation later in the week. Is there a legitimate threat that’s being covered up? Did the government have actual concerns about Alharbi, but was too quick to connect him in this instance and is now trying to stave off embarrassment?
Bottom line, Beck said: “I need you to call your congressmen right now. There are congressmen who are aware of this, have seen the documentation — they need your support, they need your help…If we do not stand up, he is on a plane tomorrow or he is already gone.”
“We demand answers from the Justice Department and this administration.”
Beck proceeded to put the issue in a larger perspective, noting that multiple news outlets reported after 9/11 that prominent Saudis were allowed to leave the country, even as all flights were grounded.
“The Bush administration would later block the investigation into Saudi involvement into 9/11, even though 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis, and would eventually force the redaction of a 28-page chapter of the 9/11 Commission report regarding foreign, specifically Saudi, support for some of the Al-Qaeda hijackers,” Beck said, noting that the questionable relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States goes back further than the current administration.
But, he said, we have now taken that relationship to a whole new level. “On January 14, 2013 President Obama met with Saudi Minister of Interior,” Beck remarked. “Two days later Janet Napolitano signed agreement with Saudi minister allowing ‘trusted traveler’ status on Saudi student visitors, meaning greatly reduced security checks and scrutiny.”
“This is trusted traveler status that we don’t give to some of our most trusted allies, and we gave it to Saudi Arabia last January?” Beck said. “So they can just walk into our country no questions asked?”
“There is a pattern,” he said. “There is a relationship between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia the American public doesn’t know about. The case of Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi is only the latest example.”
Why Boston Was Attacked Is Only Hard To Figure Out If We Deny The Truth
Since last week when the Obama Administration and its media were forced to acknowledge the bombing in Boston was a terrorist act NOT carried out by the TEA party or the Klu Klux Klan, but rather by adherent Muslims, we have heard a stream of verbal gymnastics trying to absolve the murderers and somehow blame America for the carnage in Boston.We’ve heard from the Muslim apologist crowd – bearded fake intellectuals with pipes, elbow patches and the like – speaking in a halting meter to make it seem like every word is worth carving on Mount Rushmore.
Their sophistry, saying “who radicalized them?” and “young men struggling to fit into a strange new culture” or “just young men trying to be heard” does us no good.
What we need now is truth not feel good, “all cultures have good and bad” relativism.
Only the truth can help us learn from what has happened – lies don’t cut it. The truth is these two punks fell for the lies in the Qur’an’s verses of the sword.
These verses told them to kill non Muslins (2:191-193) (2:244) (2:216) ( 3:56) and commit any number of criminal acts in the name of the so-called “religion of peace.”
The word “terror” is actually in the qur’an (surah 8-12) in the common meaning of the word: “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers…”
Surah 4:74 exalts Muslims to do battle with “non-believers” secure in the knowledge that if they are killed they will be rewarded in paradise, thus providing the grounds for educated Muslims to talk the uneducated Muslim into becoming suicide bombers.
In keeping with the general tone of subtle deception in the Qur’an “allah” orders faithful Muslims to kill and maim those who are enemies. Surah 5:33 says, “they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides…” This is why the ball bearing bombs were arranged so they would rip the legs off of the runners and spectators in Boston.
The Quar’an is filled with commands to lie, kill and steal to maim and enslave non-believers. The media won’t tell us this because it would raise the question of why we are making believe all of this is untrue.
In three minutes anyone can find this material on line. It is a certainty that those who tell us Islam is a “religion of peace” are lying and know they are lying. The question is always, what can we do about it?
The Now Free Saudi ‘Person of Interest’ Has 6 Saudi ‘Terrorists’ in Family,5 More Are in Gitmo
Moreover, the Saudi papers are detailing the visit by the Obamas, especially Michelle to the hospital and this man. The “rumors” of the President meeting with Saudi officials in the hospital just prior to his “approved deportation” is a bragging right in their press.
More notable is the assertions that Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi is free an clear of terrorist ties, when in fact over 10 names from his clan are already linked to Al-Qaeda.
Many from Al-Harbi’s clan are entrenched in terrorism and are members of Al-Qaeda as identified by the Islamic governements.
Out of a list of 85 terrorists listed by the Saudi government shows several of Al-Harbi clan to have been active fighters in Al-Qaeda:
#15 Badr Saud Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi
#73 Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi
#26 Khalid Salim Uwaid Al-Lahibi Al-Harbi
#29 Raed Abdullah Salem Al-Thahiri Al-Harbi
#43 Abdullah Abdul Rahman Muhammad Al-Harbi (leader)
#60 Fayez Ghuneim Humeid Al-Hijri Al-Harbi
Source: http://aalhameed1.net/vb/showthread.php?t=1565
Then you have Al-Harbi clan members in Gitmo:
Salim Salman Awadallah Al-Sai’di Al-Harbi
Majid Abdullah Hussein Al-Harbi
Muhammad Abdullah Saqr Al-Alawi Al-Harbi
Ghanem Abdul Rahman Ghanem Al-Harbi
Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awfi Al-Harbi
There are specific Saudi clans that are rife with members of Al-Qaeda, which has fueled critics questions the hundred thousand student visas are issued to these and how ICE officials seem clueless to make the connection with the clans when it comes to terrorism.
The BBC reported Khaled Alharbi was married to the daughter of al-Qaida’s number two, Ayman al-Zawahiri. He reportedly appeared with bin Laden in a video praising the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Read more: theglobaldispatch.com
Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/04/the-now-free-saudi-person-of-interest-has-6-saudi-terrorists-in-family5-more-are-in-gitmo/#ixzz2RDQInlwm
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01:27 PM ET
¿El mayor de los Tsarnaev le "lavó el cerebro" a su hermano?
imagen que se vio de los dos hermanos podría ser más que una pista esencial en
el caso de los atentados en el maratón de Boston. Tal vez es una instantánea de
su relación: uno dirige, el otro lo sigue.
Algunos de sus amigos recuerdan de esta forma a los
hermanos Tsarnaev: Tamerlan, de 26 años, era siete años mayor que Dzhokhar,
quien seguía a su hermano como si fuera un cachorro.Como su padre estaba en Rusia, el hermano mayor pudo haberse vuelto una figura paterna para el chico de 19 años durante estos últimos meses. Tamerlan medía 1,87 metros, y muchas personas dicen que tenía una presencia intimidante y que sus convicciones acerca de la sociedad y la religión se hicieron cada vez más firmes durante los últimos años.
Sin embargo, la imagen que está surgiendo de los tristemente célebres hermanos también es turbia, tal como el video de vigilancia. Un investigador que estudió las imágenes de video después de los atentados dijo que los dos hermanos “actuaban distinto a todos los demás”: se quedaron para observar el desarrollo de la masacre y se alejaron caminando “como si nada”.
Las personas que conocen a los hermanos, quienes ahora analizan sus recuerdos, no logran entenderlo. Muchos dicen que ambos eran agradables y queridos en su vecindario y no eran ermitaños rechazados por la sociedad. La apariencia despreocupada de los hermanos parecía no tener significado antes del lunes 15 de abril.
"Un gigante amistoso"
Luis Vásquez tenía planeado ver el final de la carrera con su familia en la línea de meta, pero con la actividad frenética que implica criar a dos hijos, tuvo que cambiar de planes.
Vásquez había sido amigo de Tamerlan y de una de sus hermanas durante la preparatoria. Se reunían en cafeterías para hablar sobre boxeo, la verdadera pasión de Tamerlan. Vásquez también fue entrenador de futbol del hermano menor en la escuela Rindge & Latin en Cambridge.
Al reflexionar sobre lo que ocurrió esta semana, no pudo evitar pensar en todas las posibilidades. "¿Y si si hubiera ido al maratón? Me pregunto, si nos habrían dicho algo. Me pregunto si de alguna forma se habrían dado cuenta de que estábamos allí”, dijo Vásquez.
Tamerlan era el mayor de sus hermanos y consideraba que era su deber asegurarse de que sus hermanos no olvidaran sus raíces chechenas. Tenía unos 16 años cuando la familia llegó a Estados Unidos.
Vásquez dijo que una de las hermanas tenía que volver a Chechenia a casarse y que Tamerlan “se sentía responsable de hacer que ella cumpliera con su compromiso”. Esa hermana disfrutaba la libertad de Estados Unidos mientras que él era como una sombra, siempre la estaba acechando.
“Existía la presión de apegarse a sus costumbres, a su religión, a su cultura, a respetar esas cosas”, dijo Vásquez. Pero no creía que fuera necesario recurrir al terror. “Era un gigante amistoso. No había nada extraño sobre él, nada alarmante”, dijo Vásquez. “Nunca anduvo por ahí obligando a la gente a pensar como él”. Vásquez dijo que tenía “recuerdos muy positivos" y que "el crimen no coincide con los recuerdos”.
Es obvio que, si las acusaciones contra los hermanos son ciertas, algo cambió. Vásquez cree que alguien debe haber “influido en Tamerlan y él probablemente lo transmitió a quien pudiera reclutar”, en este caso, al hermano menor. “Con base en lo que conozco de su personalidad, quien planeó esto fue el hermano mayor”, dijo Vásquez. “Cuando se trata de los dos, él dirigía y el hermano menor lo seguía”.
El vecindario en Cambridge en donde la familia vivía es el crisol de Estados Unidos: una mezcla de familias inmigrantes de clase trabajadora e intelectuales universitarios que asisten a Harvard y al Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT). No es inusual que los inmigrantes de esta región regresen a sus lugares de origen cuando terminan la preparatoria.
Sin embargo, los investigadores dicen que Tamerlan se radicalizó durante sus viajes a su país en los últimos años. Poco después de haber vuelto de un viaje de seis meses, el año pasado, publicó varios videos en su cuenta de YouTube, entre ellos uno de un yijadista famoso.
En 2011, Rusia pidió al FBI que interrogara a Tamerlan “con base en información que indicaba que era un seguidor del islam radical y un firme creyente, que había cambiado drásticamente desde 2010 mientras se preparaba para salir de Estados Unidos rumbo a la región de Rusia para unirse a unos grupos clandestinos no determinados”, de acuerdo con el FBI.
Mientras los investigadores siguen revisando las pruebas y los documentos, quienes conocían a los hermanos dicen que la confusión agrava su enojo por los atentados; les confunde que dos tipos amables hayan tomado un camino tan sombrío.
"Enseño a pelear, no a matar"
A unos cuantos kilómetros de la casa de la familia, está el club de boxeo Somerville. A lo largo de los años, cientos de boxeadores han pasado por sus puertas. El entrenador Gene McCarthy ha estado allí por tres décadas y recuerda el día en que Tamerlan, quien entonces tenía 16 años, llegó con su padre.
El padre había sido boxeador amateur en Chechenia y quería que su hijo mayor tuviera un mejor entrenamiento. Tamerlan era un tipo atlético: medía 1,87 metros y pesaba 90 kilos. Tenía un alcance largo, velocidad, tenacidad y confianza: era la combinación perfecta para ser un joven Mohamed Alí.
No solo noqueaba a sus rivales: los aniquilaba. “Cuando lanzaba un golpe, siempre daba en el blanco, en el sitio justo”, dijo McCarthy. “Nadie podía tocarlo”.
Luego de ganar una pelea en enero de 2004, la estrella en ciernes dijo al diario The Lowell Sun que había crecido en Grozny, Chechenia, y que se había mudado con su familia a Estados Unidos el año anterior con la esperanza de iniciar una nueva vida.
“Me gusta Estados Unidos”, dijo. “Hay mucho trabajo en Estados Unidos. Eso es algo que no hay en Rusia. Tienes la oportunidad de hacer dinero aquí si estás dispuesto a trabajar”.
McCarthy lo cataloga entre los mejores peleadores que ha tenido. Ganó los Guantes de Oro de Nueva Inglaterra en la división abierta de peso completo. El chico podría haber ganado una medalla de oro en las olimpiadas, pero su estatus migratorio le impidió que hiciera las pruebas para unirse al equipo olímpico estadounidense.
“Pensaba: ‘Cielos, tengo un campeón olímpico, pero no cubre los requisitos’”, dijo McCarthy. No ser ciudadano fue su única desventaja. Tenía iniciativa y todo para ganar".
En el gimnasio, el hermano menor, que entonces tenía solo 10 años, se unió a Tamerlan y hacía ejercicios de calentamiento con él. “Era un niñito tierno”, dijo McCarthy.
Recuerda cuando inscribió a Tamerlan en los Guantes de Oro. “Mientras él esperaba en la fila, vio un piano y tocó música sinfónica como si fuera el Symphony Hall”, dijo McCarthy. “Todos los de USA Boxing lo oyeron, entraron y se asombraron”.
Es común que los boxeadores que asisten a su gimnasio tengan antecedentes problemáticos: familias rotas, vecindarios asolados por el crimen, padres ausentes. Este no era el caso de Tamerlan, quien tenía un respaldo familiar sólido. Su madre, su padre y su hermano menor iban a ver sus peleas. En los dos años que entrenó con McCarthy, permaneció invicto.
Cuando McCarthy supo que los hermanos eran los sospechosos de los atentados, sintió una combinación de ira y consternación. “Yo le enseño a un hombre a pelear, no a matar”, dijo.
McCarthy aseguró que Tamerlan era una persona muy agradable y que sólo desagradaba a los tipos a los que apaleaba en el cuadrilátero. “Entonces era un muchacho y eso es todo lo que puedo decir al respecto. Sólo puedo decir cosas buenas sobre él”.
Tamerlan se cambió a otro gimnasio dos años después. McCarthy dijo que no tuvieron desavenencias. Es simplemente la forma en la que se dan las cosas en el mundo del boxeo. Los chicos vienen y van.
Sin embargo, Tamerlan no renunció a su sueño. Se registró de nuevo en USA Boxing de 2008 a 2010, pero nunca recuperó su condición de invicto. En 2009, su tío, Ruslan Tsarni, se distanció de Tamerlan. “En verdad me sorprendió escuchar —no puedo decir que lo vi— que Tamerlan había cambiado”, dijo a CNN.
El tío recordó una conversación telefónica con Tamerlan en la que lo llamó “infiel”. El joven también le dijo que no estaba preocupado por estudiar o trabajar porque Dios tenía un plan para él. Pronto desapareció de su vecindario, cuenta Vásquez. “Me pregunto qué habrá pasado en esa época en la que dejamos de verlo por allí”.
"Creo que su hermano lo persuadió"
Si Tamerlan era reservado, Dzhokhar —conocido como Jahar— era el chico extrovertido, siempre dispuesto a bromear. Una de sus metas era hacer reír, dicen sus amigos. La única vez que lo vieron enojado fue cuando perdió en un encuentro de lucha grecorromana. Incluso eso fue raro. Era un luchador de 63 kilos que llegó a las finales estatales.
Dzhokhar también era amable. Cuando no estaba luchando en la escuela, trabajaba como voluntario en un programa extracurricular en el que ayudaba a niños con autismo y síndrome de Down.
“Era un tipo cómico. Me hacía reír mucho”, dijo Peter Tenzin, quien dirigía el equipo de lucha con Dzhokhar. “Después del entrenamiento, preferíamos pasar tiempo con los niños que tienen discapacidades intelectuales en vez de relajarnos e irnos a casa”.
La ciudad le entregó a Dzhokhar una beca por 2,500 dólares y se adaptó bien con los estudiantes de la Universidad de Massachusetts en Dartmouth, en donde estudiaba Ingeniería.
Como muchas personas en el vecindario, Tenzin culpa al hermano mayor: dice que probablemente le lavó el cerebro al amigo al que conocían. “Sólo puedo decir que su hermano lo persuadió”, dijo Tenzin. “No hay forma de que él lo hiciera. Mentalmente, no es esa clase de persona”.
“Él amaba a su hermano y lo admiraba, por eso creo que (Tamerlan) lo persuadió”, añadió.
Aunque en el vecindario circulan historias similares, en los últimos dos días ha surgido otra imagen de Dzhokhar: un joven que estaba en una fiesta en la universidad después de los atentados y que presuntamente acompañó a su hermano cuando baleó a un policía, robaron un auto en Cambridge y se enfrascaron en un tiroteo con la policía de Watertown, en el que usaron bombas caseras y un dispositivo explosivo como los que se usaron para causar el caos en el maratón.
Tamerlan murió en el tiroteo. La persona que puede dar respuestas acerca de los atentados es Dzhokhar, quien fue capturado el viernes por la tarde y permanece hospitalizado con heridas en la garganta.
Catherine Soichet, de CNN, colaboró con este reportaje.
Why Do I Have To Show ID When Obama Shows None?
I just went through this in re-instating my architectural license in AZ. They wanted me to provide college transcripts, proof of registration in previous states, proof of passing the national licensing exam, and 30 year professional experience (work) history, proof of citizenship, proof of Social Security registration, and government-provided photo ID (not necessary to vote in every state won by Barack Obama in the recent election) – all of which I had to provide 8 years ago upon being licensed initially in the state, and ALL of which is in my file IN THEIR OFFICE. The forms which they send to be re-completed are all available on-line, but cannot be filled out electronically. They have to be printed, filled in by hand (or typewriter!), scanned, printed, and mailed. (I was stunned yesterday that they let me email an additional form they requested from another state!) Meanwhile, the “supervisor” was attending a “conference” in San Francisco, or was it San Diego?By the Way, just try telling them that your birth certificate is posted on your MySpace page, and let me know how that works out for you. Oh yeah, your’re not the guy with the Connecticut Social Security Number (who couldn’t pass the Federal Government’s own E-Verify system last year), and whose Selective Service Registration is a clear forgery (both departments refusing to provide proof of original documentation, while scurrying to destroy past records – all such actions a matter of public record). Anyway, you’re not the guy walking around with the Nuclear Launch Codes (the Nuclear Football) within 20 feet of you at all times (or was it meters?), so no big deal. Oops! I got that backwards. It isn’t a big deal for HIM, but it is for those of us who hire and pay him, and to whom HE is to answer. But saying all of this only makes me a “racist” and “birther” according to the media elites in BOTH parties.
No, you and I are just people who believe that under the Rule of Law, we are all EQUAL, even if we’re not an impoverished, government-assisted, transgender “male” (or lesbian), Muslim, or, at least non-Christian or non-Jewish (yes, lots of contradictions there) person of color. Too bad about that “document of negative liberties”…but that apparently only applies to angry white Christian males…like those who wrote that dusty old document (found recently in a trash bin behind the Capitol!).
Tom Ballantyne – Author of Oh Really, O’Reilly! an expose of the greatest fraud and cover-up in American history, by none other than the political elites in the Republican Party and so-called “Conservative” establishment media. (Available at www.UncommonSenseNow.com.)
FBI Fuels Ideas About Conspiracy
It’s hard to think that there are those in our government who would have innocent lives sacrificed in order to further an agenda that only they know about. This type of thinking is called conspiracy thinking and is looked down upon by those on the left and the right side of our political landscape. However, some things just make you wonder.
Our FBI was warned by the Russian government in 2011 that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older brother of the two Boston Marathon bombers, was a potential threat and that our government should look into his activities. We hear from news sources that the FBI looked into this man and in the end found nothing that raised their eyebrows about his activities. This is almost unbelievable considering that less than two years later he his a terrorist killing innocent bystanders at a major sporting event.
As the media independent research on the affiliations of these two brothers reveal more and more ties to Al Qaeda, those who believe that our government has plans to keep us terrorized for their own ends continue to gain ammunition for their beliefs! Most people in this country fear the government intrusion that will ensue if they try to cheat on their taxes and with good reason.
The IRS has a history of foul dealings with our citizenry based on bad information or worse – no information. How much more would we fear the prying eyes of the FBI, the foremost investigative agency in the world if we had ties to radical Muslim operations because radical Islam is responsible for much of the terror in the world today.
Yet, our FBI is warned by a nation that is less than friendly with us, that one of their own has raised their suspicions about his political intentions in our country, has known Muslim connections and that we should be concerned about him, yet somehow, he escapes being put on a list that all police agencies have access to.
Imagine doing a web search today for how to make a pressure-cooker bomb, or how to make ricin. You would expect the FBI at your door within hours. So we should expect that when the FBI is given valid information about possible political activism from a person who is originally from Russia, has traveled back to Russia and now has Russia concerned, that they would take extra precautions in tracking this individual. But it didn’t happen. Before you pass judgement on those who believe in a government conspiracy against its own citizens, you should look at the evidence for it with an open mind.
Does Obamacare Have Hidden Dangers?
Credit: Fresh Conservative (Creative Commons)
“One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine.”–Ronald Reagan
“We need to know what’s ahead and more importantly what we can do to survive ObamaCare,” according to Grassfire Nation with their very informative booklet “Hidden Dangers of ObamaCare.” What you know about ObamaCare is bad. What you don’t know is far worse. Families are already paying 14% more or $2,000 more a year. That is just for starters, and it does not begin until 2014.
The words of Frederick Douglass, (a slave, who was taught to read, that ran away up north and became an aide to Pres. Lincoln) spoken to inspire resistance to slavery in the mid-19th century, apply equally well to us today: “power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what many people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong, which will be imposed upon them and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
As we know from the Supreme Court ruling it means a massive tax increase with 21 new taxes. The “death panels” will be stripping you of control over your own health care decisions. Massive job losses estimated at 80,000 over 10 years, are predicted. Doctors will leave their practices and retire early. There will be a massive shortage of doctors, and of ones who will accept Medicare or Medicaid.
This is the largest tax increase ever imposed on a society. It will be a real disaster for America’s health care system for the nation’s fiscal future and for a limited government. Every American–young and old–will be severely impacted.
It means ObamaCare, the most destructive piece of legislation ever passed by the Democrat Congress–yet most of the dangers are unknown. In reality it could well shorten your very life. Believe it or not we have enjoyed the most envious health care system with the best doctors, hospitals, researchers and care ever seen in the world. Repealing and removing this behemoth will require one of the hugest political fights in the history of our country.
Soon people will wake up when they can’t get the care they need or are used to. And where does it all lead? Liberals plan on it leading to National Health Care, controlled completely by the government. Not only your health, but your very life will be at stake. It will become a quagmire and there may be no return.
We have to know what’s in store, not only on the 2,700 initial pages that nobody who voted for it had ever read, but now the hundreds of thousands of new pages of quasi-government regulations written by mainly the Secretary of Health and Welfare and her staff. It will create billions for Unions who voted for Obama and liberals. Many unions and others who voted for Obama have already received special exemptions. It will hike all premiums, politicize medicine so you and your Dr. will no longer make decisions. There will be real “death panels” for the elderly and affirmed, assaulting our life and liberty, –a financial boondoggle mess.
Obama promised this new health care plan would lower costs and improve access–but no fluke that it will fail to achieve that as this was Obama’s and the liberals plan all along. By making insurance unaffordable for everyone–it will become unavailable to most all. All that will be left is government centered–government run single payer Health Care, which is the plan all along. Then comes the control over everyone. All dictator controlled, socialist, fascist, communist countries have taken over the health care first. It must be repealed. What can do that? A Republican controlled House and Senate in 2014 is the only way, with millions of phone calls, letters, tweets, faxes, from their constituents, telling them to repeal it at once. Before it is too late!
al-Qaeda Plot Targeted Canadian-US Train Route
Buffalo News (NY) April 23, 2013 6:55 am
WASHINGTON -- Canadian authorities Monday
arrested two men on terrorism-related charges in connection with an
al-Qaida-linked plot that, according to U.S. officials, would have involved
attacking a train that travels between Toronto to New York via Niagara Falls
and Buffalo."As I understand it, it was a train going from Canada to the U.S.," Rep. Peter King, R-New York, chairman of the counterterrorism and intelligence subcommittee, told CNN.
While the Royal Canadian Mounted Police officials who announced the arrests refused to discuss which train route was targeted, other U.S. government sources said the plot involved a Toronto-New York train that is operated by the Canadian Via Rail system and Amtrak.
The train crosses the U.S.-Canadian border at the Whirlpool Bridge, a two-level bridge that has vehicle traffic on the lower level and a railroad track on the top north of the Rainbow Bridge.
Canadian officials acknowledged that the threat targeting a Via Rail train route was gravely serious.
"Had this plot been carried out, it would have resulted in innocent people being killed or seriously injured," James Malizia, the assistant commissioner of the Mounties, said at a Toronto press conference.
While the perpetrators had the "capacity and intent" to carry out the attack, rail passengers and the rail system were not under imminent danger, Malizia added.
Arrested in the plot were Raed Jaser, 35, of Toronto, and Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, of Montreal. Canadian authorities offered few details about the two men, other than saying they were not Canadian citizens.
Jaser and Esseghaier are charged with conspiring to carry out an attack against, and conspiring to murder persons unknown for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with a terrorist group. They are scheduled to make their first court appearance in Toronto on Tuesday.
While details of the alleged plot remained sketchy, officials did reveal some shocking details.
"This is the first known al-Qaeda planned attack that we've experienced in Canada," said Doug Best, superintendent of the Mounties, at a separate news conference.
What's more, Malizia said, "the individuals were receiving support from al-Qaeda elements located in Iran."
That aid consisted of "direction and guidance" from those elements, said Jennifer Strachan, chief superintendent of the Mounties.
"There is no evidence to indicate that these attacks were state-sponsored," she added.
While al-Qaeda is believed to have a stronger presence in some Arab countries as well as Southeast Asia, Rep. Brian Higgins, D-Buffalo, said it's no surprise that Canada-based terrorists would receive help from elements of the terror group based in Iran.
While Iran is noted for a stronger presence of Hezbollah, another terror group, "these groups are linked in some way shape or form," said Higgins, the top Democrat on the Counterterrorism and Intelligence Subcommittee. "Terrorists are terrorists. They're like-minded in organization and approach."
Higgins has, for years, warned of Hezbollah's Toronto presence, saying it may not be connected only to the financing of terror attacks, as Canadian officials have indicated.
"We have to always be vigilant, but we also need to remain calm" in the wake of the reported plot to attack the Toronto-New York train, Higgins added. "The disclosure of this plot is a good thing. It means we are catching a terrorist attack before it occurs."
In the course of the investigation, authorities found that the two men were staking out their potential targets.
"They watched trains and railways in the Toronto area," Strachan said.
The RCMP officials said they initiated the investigation last August and worked with regional law enforcement as well as the FBI and railroad officials.
Amtrak's president and CEO, Joe Boardman, issued a statement saying he "appreciates the actions" of the Mounties.
"The Amtrak Police Department will continue to work with Canadian authorities to assist in their efforts and refers all inquiries about the investigation to the RCMP," Boardman said. "There was not an imminent threat to Amtrak passengers, employees or the general public."
Meanwhile, David C. Jacobson, the U.S. ambassador to Canada, highlighted the cross-border investigative work involved in the case.
"It underscores the fact that we face serious and real threats, and that security is a shared responsibility," Jacobson said. "We all need to remain vigilant in confronting threats and keeping North America safe and secure."
Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., agreed.
"New York shares a common border and common threat with our partners to the north and I salute the Canadian law enforcement, the FBI, and the US Department of Homeland Security for working together on a job exceedingly well-done," Schumer said.
News Albany bureau chief Tom Precious contributed to this report.
email: jzremski@buffnews.com
Beck Says He Has Proof There Is Government Coverup On Boston Bombing
Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/04/beck-says-he-has-proof-there-is-government-coverup-on-boston-bombing/#ixzz2RDRq81Ce
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FREEDON NEVER IS FREE” Editor Lázaro R González Miño.
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