“En mi opinión” IN GOD WE TRUST.
.No 350 Miercoles , Abril 3, 2013 Editor Lázaro R González Miño.
Estimados lectores de “En mi opinión”
En el día de ayer elementos que “no disfrutan” de nuestras opiniones decidieron eliminar nuestro blog “MrLazaroRGonzalez.blogspot.com” donde guardábamos todos los números de “En mi opinión” que habíamos producido hasta esa fecha. Este fue un trabajo que comenzamos desde diciembre del 2009 cuando presentamos en las cortes el RECALL contra el defenestrado carlos alvarez, fatídico alcalde del condado Miami Dade, Con la organización “Por un mejor Miami” No sé si lo recuerdan. Bueno ayer me llamo un amigo y me comunico que fue al sitio a buscar información y encontró que ese blog HABIA SIDO CERRADO y que tampoco le había llegado el número de “En mi opinión” por e-mail. Yo no sabía que ya aquí habían implantado la censura de prensa, pero aparentemente sí. Es muy poco lo que puedo hacer. Trate de reabrir el blog y no me lo permitieron. Tratare de abrirlo en otro sitio y veremos qué pasa. Es una pena que el trabajo de casi 4 años se pierda de esa forma. Bien, si a alguno de ustedes se le ocurre alguna forma de resolver estos problemas, me lo dicen. De todas formas yo seguiré en esta tarea hasta que pueda. Lo único que no se hacer es callarme. El verdadero asunto es que somos muchos los perjudicados y somos muy pocos los que protestamos. Eso pasa siempre. Me recuerdo cuando se hizo el primer desfile del ejército Mambi en La Habana y el Generalísimo Máximo Gómez vio desfilar a los mambises y las multitudes que los apoyaban dijo: “Si yo hubiera tenido toda esta gente en la manigua hace mucho tiempo que los españoles se hubieran tenido que ir de Cuba” Realmente hoy me siento triste. Impotente y de muy mal humor así que si digo alguna “machangada” discúlpenme. Les pido a todos ustedes que si desean reenviar a sus contactos nuestros mensajes adelante están autorizados, de la misma forma si las informaciones las quieren usar en su blog está bien, no necesitan pedir permiso, ni siquiera mencionar la fuente, si lo desean hacer pues gracias. Que DIOS nos ilumine y bendiga. Lázaro R González Miño
Nota: Acabo de abrir un blog en Google que se llama Lamisinguillaperipendica.blogspot.com esperemos que tenga un poco más de tiempo vida que el anterior, pero al periódico no le cambiare el nombre seguirá siendo “En mi opinión” Vamos a ver cuánto tiempo estamos esta vez en contacto.
Cold Case Posse Takes Your Questions!!
Mike Zullo, head of Sheriff Joe’s Cold Case Posse, will take his case to the public this Friday! Find out here how you can talk to Mr. Zullo directly!!“PODRIDO” DICE QUE EL MOMIFICADO CHAVEZ SE LE APARECIO COMO UN PAJARITO CHIQUITICO Y CANTANDO Y QUE LO BENDIJO. “Le ronca el mango” Y por este comemierda van a votar los Venezolanos. ¡Qué vergüenza!!! LRGM.
El Protagonismo de Yoani
Sánchez. AMENPER.
Cuando oigo a las
personas que atacan a Yoani Sánchez, no sé bien lo que piensan, no se que es lo
que quieren. Sus objetivos y su fin eluden mi entendimiento.
Piensan que no pueden
perdonar, está bien, que no perdonen pero con eso no se arregla el problema de
Cuba y para juzgar a los culpables hay que tomar el poder en Cuba..
Hay que derrocar al
gobierno de Cuba, estamos de acuerdo, pero ¿Cómo? ¿Por la fuerza?, ¿Podemos ir
a derrocar al gobierno por la fuerza?, ojalá pudiéramos, pero a nadie se le
ocurre que eso sea algo posible en estos momentos.
Los que nos queda es
tratar de hacer lo que hicieron en Sur África, tratar de hacer ver al mundo la
realidad de Cuba o lo que hicieron en Rusia, atacarlo desde sus mismas
Y para eso necesitamos
voces protagonistas que sean escuhadas..
No estuve de acuerdo con
Gorbachev, que siempre fue un comunista confeso, ni siquiera estuve de acuerdo
con Yeltsin, pero en su tiempo, ambos fueron útiles para liberar del
comunismo a los países cautivos de Europa, y había que apoyarlos.
Como los apoyó Reagan, al
que no se le puede acusar de haber estado equivocado al hacerlo.
A Vaclav Havel no le
importó que Gorvachev fuera un comunista reformador, vió la oportunidad de
liberar a su patria Checa, y la aprovechó, porque quería lo mejor para su
patria, porque era un patriota no un protagonista con ambiciones políticas..
Creo que se debe mantener
el embargo, en eso no estaba de acuerdo con Oswaldo Payá, y en eso no estoy de
acuerdo con Yoani.
Pero manteniendo mis
diferencias de pensamiento, siempre creí que había que apoyar a Payá.
Payá pagó con su vida su
oposición al gobierno, aunque como ahora a Yoani le decían que era un agente de
No debe de ser un agente
de Fidel una persona que tiene que sufrir los ataques del gobierno de Cuba aquí
y en Cuba. No debe de ser un agente del gobierno de Cuba, quien escribe
con claridad lo que escribe Yoani, que es la realidad de lo que pasa en Cuba.
Si lo es, la
paradoja es que entonces el gobierno de Cuba se está auto-atacando.
El protagonismo de Yoani,
por su visibilidad le da efectividad al mensaje, es un protagonismo útil para
la causa de Cuba. El protagonismo de los que la atacan en el exilio, no tiene
No hacemos nada con
decirles nombretes a Fidel y Raúl entre nosotros en Miami, no hacemos nada con
el protagonismo en la calle 8, lo que necesitamos es el protagonismo en Cuba.
Aunque tengamos
diferencias de ideas si en fin es el mismo, el tratar de desenmascarar la
tiranía de Cuba, por un patriotismo genuino no debiéramos atacar a los
que atacan a Fidel.
No hacemos nada oyendo a
voces engoladas, escuchandose a ellos mismos, hablando de Martí
atribuyendo el pensamiento Martiano a la situación actual.
Las Doctrinas Martianas
como las Doctrinas de la Biblia, han sido interpretadas para situaciones
divergentes, porque es fácil de sacar fuera del ciclo del contexto una
frase determinada, sin analizar en conjunto las diferentes etapas que
determinan el desarrollo total del pensamiento.
Por eso, Martí es
el padre del comunismo en Cuba, y el enemigo del comunismo en el exilio.
Por eso la Biblia fue el
libro que usaron para atacarse mutuamente Lutero y el Papa.
Nunca podremos liberarnos
de la dictadura de Cuba con interpretaciones utópicas por muy bonitas que sean
expresadas, si no tienen una utilidad práctica y un fin determinado.
Solo el pragmatismo nos
podrá librar del mal que por más de medio siglo ha desgobernado a Cuba.
Este escrito es lo que
Yoani le dice al mundo sobre los exilados.
Por suerte lo
negativo que algunos exilados le dicen a Yoani, se queda en la calle 8 y
Flan de Coco
Por Yoani Sanchez
He encontrado a Cuba fuera de Cuba,
le dije hace unos días a un amigo. Se rió con mi juego de palabras, creía que
yo intentaba hacer literatura. Pero no. En Brasil una septuagenaria emocionada
me regaló un medalla con la Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre. “No he vuelto
desde que me fui en 1964?, confirmó mientras me entregaba aquella pequeña
joya que había pertenecido a su madre. Durante mi estancia en Praga, un grupo
de compatriotas radicados allí parecía estar más al tanto de lo que ocurría
en nuestro país que muchos que vegetan —dentro de él— en la apatía. Entre los
altos edificios de New York una familia me invitó a su casa y la abuela hizo
un “flan de coco” a la usanza de nuestra cocina tradicional, tan menoscabada
en la Isla por el desabastecimiento y las carencias.
Nuestra diáspora, nuestro exilio,
está conservando a Cuba fuera de Cuba. Junto a sus maletas y el dolor de la
distancia, han preservado trozos de la historia nacional que fueron borrados
de los libros de textos con los que varias generaciones hemos sido educados
o, mejor dicho, adocenados. Estoy redescubriendo a mi propia patria en cada
uno de estos cubanos dispersos por el mundo. Cuando compruebo lo que han
llegado a ser realmente, lo contrasto con aquello que la propaganda oficial
me ha dicho de ellos y termina dándome una tristeza enorme con mi país. Por
todo este caudal humano que nos hemos perdido, por todo este talento que ha
tenido que volcarse fuera de nuestras fronteras y por todas esas semillas que
han debido germinar en otras tierras. Cómo fue que permitimos que una
ideología, un partido, un hombre, se hayan sentido con el “divino” poder de
decidir quién podía llevar o no el gentilicio de “cubano”.
Ya tengo la prueba de que me
mintieron, nos mintieron. Nadie ha tenido que decírmelo, me he dado cuenta
por mí misma al ver toda esa Cuba que hay fuera de Cuba, ese país inmenso que
ellos han salvaguardando para nosotros.
Yoani Sánchez
desde Miami
Así andan las cosas en Venezuela. Luis Carril
Por los años 60-70 hubo un caso muy sonado llamado "El caso Vegas". El hermano mayor del niño Vegas (11 años), en complicidad con un primo apodado "el chino Cano", (hijos de la sociedad caraqueña para esa época), deciden secuestrar al hermanito Vegas en complicidad los tres. Pues necesitaban dinero para pagar deudas ya que el hijo mayor y el primo consumían drogas. Secuestran al niño, lo meten en la maleta de un carro y piden a sus padres el rescate. Lo menos que ellos pensaron era que el niño Vegas iba a morir asfixiado dentro de la maleta del carro y deciden abandonar el automóvil. Pocos días después logran rescatar al niño sin vida. Al mayor de los hermanos Vegas no pudieron encontrarle pruebas pero su primo "el Chino Cano" fue a prisión por diferentes delitos. Cuando Chávez comenzó a reclutar gente para comenzar su campaña electoral, reclutó a "el Chino Cano". Ganó Chávez y éste personaje ganó un lugar en la tan nombrada revolución. LO INSOLITO de hoy es que, Nicolás Maduro avisa el retiro del General encargado de las divisas de Cadivi y !Sorpresa!: El nuevo encargado será "el Chino Cano". Si no hay nadie con mejores referencias, Que Dios nos ampare. En las manos que se encuentran ahora esas divisas.
Judge Roy Moore To Preside Over Obama Eligibility Case
As Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Moore defended the right to display the Ten Commandments at the state Supreme Courthouse. He lost his case, but believed that the law was still on his side. It resulted in him being removed from the state supreme court in 2003, but not without a great deal of public support for him and his position.
This past November, Moore defeated Democrat Bob Vance and won the election to return to the bench as the Chief Justice of the Alabama State Supreme Court. He was sworn back into office on January 11, 2013.
Now, Moore is about to take on another highly controversial case that could have national ramifications – the eligibility of Barack Obama to run or serve as President of the United States.
A lawsuit had been filed in Montgomery Circuit Court asking that Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman verify the eligibility of every candidate that was on the November 2012 state ballot. Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and current leader of Freedom Watch contends that there was sufficient evidence from an official source that questioned the eligibility of Barack Obama to run for president. Having that evidence, Chapman was obligated by state law to investigate and determine whether or not Obama was or wasn’t eligible to run, but she failed to do so. The court dismissed the case at the request of Obama’s attorneys.
Klayman has filed an appeal to the Alabama State Supreme Court to overturn the dismissal and require Chapman to do her sworn duty and verify the eligibility of all candidates on November 2012 state ballot. Klayman commented on the appeal going before Moore, saying:
“We are hopeful that Chief Justice Moore and the rest of the jurists on the Alabama Supreme Court will follow the law.”
“Klayman says he and his team ‘have great respect for Chief Justice Moore and his integrity and legal acumen.’”
“He is one courageous and brave man. There are few in this country.”
“It would be paradoxical beyond measure if the real and grave question of the legitimacy of the de facto President, a question which lies at the very heart of our American Constitutional Government, were left unresolved for want of the simplest of documents, a birth certificate.”
In 2010, Moore told WND that he had seen nothing that convinced him that Obama was a natural born US citizen and in fact, had seen a sufficient amount of evidence that indicated that he was not a natural born citizen and therefore not eligible to run for the presidency.
Moore is not one to crumble under the pressure of others as he exhibited in his fight for the Ten Commandments a decade ago. He is a man of very strong principles in law and justice and not afraid to rule accordingly no matter how unpopular that ruling may be among others.
Many people say this is a dead issue that he has already been elected and sworn into office and that nothing can be done, but hopefully, they may be in for a surprise. This may be our last hope, but as long as there is hope, we need to pray in earnest that Judge Roy Moore do the right thing according to the law and not according to the pressures from the White House.
Georgia, Republicans propose $10,000 fine for heads of household who don't have at least one gun in their home to protect it.
Democrats are fuming at the prospect of having this
law enacted.....
No, es solo una broma que a los liberales no les haria ninguna
gracia. Creo que sería una buena idea el promover esta idea.
1- In a bad economy like we have now with more crime on the streets police have their hands full and will be unable to get more people to join the force because of lack of funds. With every household having at least one gun criminals will be having a much harder time robbing people, etc.
1- In a bad economy like we have now with more crime on the streets police have their hands full and will be unable to get more people to join the force because of lack of funds. With every household having at least one gun criminals will be having a much harder time robbing people, etc.
2- Robbers will hesitate to get into homes
for fear of that being the last home they rob.
3- People will be and feel safer in their
own homes.
4- People need guns to protect themselves
from a tyrannical government as stated in the second amendment.
5- It is auxiliary right, supporting the natural
rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in
concert in defense of the state.
6- the Second Amendment is our right to
bear arms, period. Without that right we expose ourselves into having a
tyrannical government.
Illegal Border Crossings Double, Not Decreasing As Feds Claim
Then last week, 4 US senators, two Republicans and two Democrats, toured the border in Nogales, Arizona. That section of border is the most heavily protected in the state, yet while the senators were walking along the border, a Mexican woman scaled the 18 foot tall fence and hopped down on to US soil. She was immediately arrested and detained and I offered up the possibility that she was paid to help demonstrate to the senators just how on top of everything the agents on hand were.
After reading the New York Times report, I raised concerns about the degree of border security based upon the recent border tour by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and the reports from some of the ranchers who live along the border. Brewer said she saw drug cartels poised ready to cross the border into Arizona. The ranchers report crossings on a daily basis.
Now, as if to rebut the NY Times report, at least one unnamed Border Patrol agent has the courage to tell the real story. That agent told Townhall, under conditions of anonymity, that the number of illegal border crossings have doubled, not decreased. The agent said:
“We’ve seen the number of illegal aliens double, maybe even triple since amnesty talk started happening. A lot of these people, although not the majority, are criminals or aggravated felons. This is a direct danger to our communities.”
Ex-Obama Official Fights To Regulate The Internet
Daniel Weitzner, a former White House deputy chief technology officer for Internet policy, is now advising the Coalition for Privacy and Free Trade; and his power could change the way the Internet is regulated.
[Senator Lindsey] Graham Says He Has Spoken With Several
[Benghazi-Gate] Survivors, And They Fear Opening Their Mouths... 'They've Been
Told To Be Quiet ... Their Story Is Chilling. They Feel Afraid To Tell
It.'" -Deroy Murdock, National Review Online.
Perhaps, not so ironically, it is worth noting that had it not been for the actions of brave former Navy SEALS, who DISOBEYED DIRECT ORDERS to stand down... these survivors may have been permanently silenced BY THEIR DEATHS.
One thing is certain. Benghazi-Gate is not about a YouTube video or Obama Regime foreign policy ineptitude.
We must now ask, loudly and in unison, is someone covering up a scandal so dark that people were left to die to keep it under wraps.
We will not be intimidated, and our elected leaders must not be intimidated, until the American people have answers.
These 33 survivors have stories to tell. They may very well have the answer to the question: What is the Obama Regime trying so desperately to hide.
They must be heard. The brave men who gave their lives to save these Americans deserve no less and We the People deserve no less.
We've Got Good News And Bad News…
First, the good news: As Murdock reports in National Review Online, Senator Lindsey Graham "is on the warpath on this issue."
And now, the bad news: Senator Lindsey Graham is the only Senator "on the warpath on this issue."
The bottom line is that there is only so much that one man can do. There is so much more that CAN be done... and so much more that MUST be done... to "Ungag the Benghazi 33."
And what specifically can be done?
As Murdock explains: "With an apparent full-blown cover-up and perhaps dozens of public servants eager to talk, the House immediately should move to subpoena the Obama administration for the names and contact information for all 33 Benghazi survivors. It then should subpoena each of them, immunize them against prosecution, and protect them, their jobs, and their pensions and other benefits under the appropriate federal whistleblower statutes."
And why must it be done?
Murdock again: "If, however, Obama & Company bribed, threatened, or intimidated these public servants to stay silent in order to secure Obama's reelection, then Benghazi will prove to be a conspiracy more explosive and evil than Watergate."
Six months have come and gone and still we have no answers... only stonewalling, more unanswered questions and cover-ups.
Do not be deceived. To quote Murdock one more time: "Republican leadership has the power to solve this mystery and urgently must do so."
We must "Ungag the Benghazi 33," and we CAN "Ungag the Benghazi 33." But that's not going to happen until patriotic Americans like you demand that it happen. Congress needs to hear from you now.
And While We're Demanding Answers: Demand That Our Elected Officials Start Asking The Right Questions For A Change.
And here's the first question that finally needs to be asked.
What was Barack Obama doing... minute by minute... from the time he allegedly heard of the attacks at approximately 5:00 PM (approximately an hour after the attack began) until the next morning when he gave a speech in the Rose Garden and then jetted-off to a campaign event in Las Vegas, Nevada?
According to all official accounts that have come out thus far... NOTHING. We have no idea what Barack Obama was doing as Americans were being attacked by armed aggressors on American soil.
And here's another question that hasn't really been answered. What was Ambassador Chris Stevens doing in Benghazi in the first place?
An article, published some time ago in The New American, poses a series of questions that go to the heart of the matter:
- What was actually going on at the compound in Benghazi, which as the report states, was never a "consulate" despite establishment media claims?
- Was Ambassador Stevens recruiting and arming Jihadists and terrorists to wage war on the Syrian regime after what Obama called the "success" in Libya, as a growing body of credible evidence suggests?
- Did that half-baked scheme to arm Jihadist leaders, who as the report acknowledges had previously fought U.S. troops in Iraq, contribute to the attack, as countless experts and officials have suggested?
- Was the lack of security at the compound a political ploy to conceal the extent of the lawlessness and utter chaos left in the wake of Obama's unconstitutional "regime change" war on Libya, as even members of Congress have alleged?
The Benghazi 33 may have the answers to those questions. It's time to ungag them... it's not hard to ungag them... all it takes is political will, and it's up to us to demand that our elected officials summon up the courage necessary to expose the truth that the Obama Regime is so anxious to hide.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast
Faxes to each and every one of the Members of the Republican Leadership of the
U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Or alternatively, send your
urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the U.S. Senate and
U.S. House of Representatives. That's more than 270 individual faxes from you
to each and every one of these legislators.
Send My Blast Faxes
Send My Blast Faxes
Young adults hit hard by Obama economy
USA Today April 2, 2013 12:25 pm
Unemployment rates increased
55% among 18- to 34-year-olds from 2006 to 2011, says a new analysis that sheds
more light on just how hard the recession hit young workers.The report, which analyzes Census data by young people's living arrangements, shows -- perhaps not surprisingly -- the highest jobless rates are among young men who live at home with their parents.
One-quarter of young men ages 18 to 24 and one-fifth of those 25 to 34 who lived with their parents didn't have a job in 2011, says the report, from the National Center for Family & Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University in Ohio.
But researchers don't know which came first -- living at home or being unemployed. "It might suggest that living in your parents' home may make you less successful ... or parents have opened their home to help them get back on their feet," says lead author Krista Payne, a social science data analyst at the center.
Young adults of both sexes who work and live independently had much higher median earnings in 2011 than working peers living in a parent's home ($24,000 vs. $9,000). And those living with parents had greater losses in median earnings during the economic slump.
Still, young adults who live with parents aren't mooching, says Millennial expert Michael Hais, co-author of Millennial Momentum: How a New Generation Is Remaking America. "Many are paying rent or have only a part-time job and may not be able to live on their own ... But they often contribute to the family financially, even if they don't earn enough to live independently."
Of those who moved out and then back, often called "boomerangs," 89% helped with expenses and 48% report paying rent, said a Pew Research Center report last year, based on a survey of 2,048 adults.
The Bowling Green analysis notes that in 2011, the unemployment rate for ages 18-34 was 13.6%, compared with 10.3% for the USA overall.
Being able to move back in with parents after a job loss can be a huge benefit, says economist Greg Kaplan of Princeton University. His research tracking 1,500 men born in the early 1980s who did not attend college found those who lost a job and moved home with the folks had essentially the same earnings in later years as people who never lost a job.
Through 2003, when his study ended, those who had the option to go back home were less likely to accept a low-paying job just to make ends meet, says Kaplan, whose research was published last year in the Journal of Political Economy.
Payne's analysis found that young adults with jobs had a 15% decrease in median earnings from 2006 to 2011 -- a drop from $22,312 to $19,000. For U.S. part-time and full-time workers 16 and older, the median 2011 income was $28,900.
"This is still a young generation," says Hais. "It may take time for it to get moving, but it is also a very well-educated generation compared to others, and once the economy turns around, their education may allow them to catch up faster," he says. "It does not necessarily mean they're doomed for all of their lives."
Payne found women fared better than men; women ages 18 to 24 not living with parents had the smallest increase in unemployment, 35%.
"The more male-centric positions really took a beating," she says. http://www.gopusa.com/news/2013/04/02/young-adults-hit-hard-by-obama-economy/?subscriber=1
Y Se Dejan De Publicar Revistas En 2013
Reduce El Negocio De Los Intelectuales...
Todos Izquierdistas... Samitier.
sobre la industria de las revistas en el primer trimestre de 2013
"sugieren una gran caída en la actividad de la revistas, tanto en medios
impresos y digitales", escribe Mateo Flamm. "Sólo 23 revistas se
pusieron en marcha en el primer trimestre de 2013, comparado con 44 en el mismo
período hace un año,
número de revistas que cerraron entre 1 de enero y finales de marzo aumento
también, de acuerdo con cifras dadas a conocer el lunes por la línea
Promise To Muslims
April 2, 2013 by NewsEditor
In Cairo a few years ago, Obama promised to ensure Muslims could
fulfill “ZAKAT.” What is “ZAKAT”? And what are the implications of this
Are You Too Busy To Stand Up For The Republic?
While most Americans are absorbed in their own lives (whether it be trying to make sure they can provide for their families, having a hobby, or just plain watching TV), one thing stands clear. Our Republic is being stolen right out from under our noses. Some have realized this, but some are still asleep.
Allow me to simplify this if you will. What good will just sitting around watching baseball be when there isn’t any more of it because the UN using “sustainable development” (Agenda 21) has decided that the ball field must be returned to the wilderness of nature? Don’t believe me? Look up “sustainable development.” Or how about watching NASCAR, where the motto is “Go fast, Turn left”? Well, isn’t that what our communist/Muslim brotherhood plant Barack Hussein Obama is doing to the United States as we speak? Do your own research. Trust me, you won’t have to look far.
Or maybe you find yourself absorbed in watching MTV’s “Teen Mom” show. Well, I guess that is better than standing in front of an abortion clinic advocating for a mother’s rights while a Planned Parenthood doctor commits infanticide. Well, we must not forget about American Idol, where it would seem that half of America has made the Obamas theirs.
My point is this: unless we all become educated as to the things that our own government and the United Nations are trying to pull on us, we are facing a loss of freedom for not only us, but for our offspring for generations to come. How would you feel if your grandchild comes to you one day and asks you what Freedom and Liberty were like in America? Would you know how to answer them? Would you even try to answer them knowing that there were things that you could do NOW?
It’s time to wake up America: educate yourselves and take a stand for the generations to come. We are the last line of defense; and if we fail, there clearly is no turning back. As always, my fellow Patriots, stay safe and be aware of your surroundings.
Obama Will Teach Americans To Budget Responsibly – No Joke!
April 2,
I needed a good laugh this
morning; and watching this, I did laugh!http://www.westernjournalism.com/obama-will-teach-americans-to-budget-responsibly-no-joke/
Democrats Begin to Fear Super Obama
Welcome to the Fear Super Obama club. The Frankenstein story comes to mind. Beware what you create; the monster might turn on you.
Of course Obama is in it for himself. He’s waited decades to get back at the United States.
President Obama has created Organizing for Action, an organization that “will focus on his policy agenda – not on electing Democratic candidates – by raising unlimited amounts of cash and accessing the president’s secret list of 20 million supporters, volunteers and donors.”
Here’s the kicker. The newly formed organization “won’t share money, resources or the priceless Obama email list with the Democratic National Committee or campaign committees that help elect members of Congress, governors and legislators.”
Supporters of Obama “worry that it will take money and manpower away from the party as it heads into the 2014 elections for control of Congress.”
Obama is looking beyond 2016. He’s beginning to believe what his followers believe about him, that he’s the people’s savior. He’s nothing of the sort. But they believe he is, and that’s all that matters. It’s not surprising that an Adolf Hitler or a Hugo Chavez could come to power by the will of the people when we read stories like the following:
“Appearing on Sunday night’s Soul Train awards in Las Vegas, Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx called Barack Obama ‘our lord and savior.’
“‘It’s like church over here. It’s like church in here. First of all, give an honor to God and our lord and savior Barack Obama. Barack Obama,’ he said.”
It’s been said that the rejection of one God only results in the creation of another God. For decades the State has been liberalism’s God.
Consider these god-like attributions of Obama:
“Since the 2008 election, several have attempted to deify Barack Obama.
“ABC’s Jake Tapper noticed the messianic tone of Obama’s first presidential campaign and wrote: ‘It’s as if Tom Daschle descended from on high saying, “Be not afraid; for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people: for there is born to you this day in the city of Chicago a Savior, who is Barack the Democrat.”’
“In November 2010, Newsweek declared him ‘god of all things’ on its cover, and first lady Michele Obama once declared of her husband: ‘This President has brought us out of the dark and into the light.’
“During the 2012 Democratic National Convention, a poster was sold that called Obama ‘Prophecy fulfilled,’ and a calendar sold at the event appeared to compare Obama to Jesus Christ.
“Most recently, a book written by Florida A&M professor Barbara A. Taylor called Obama an ‘apostle’ sent by God to create a political heaven on earth. According to the professor, God told her this in her dreams.”
Obama’s self-delusion and that of his followers remind me of King Herod and Roman Emperor Domitian:
“On an appointed day Herod, having put on his royal apparel, took his seat on the rostrum and began delivering an address to them. The people kept crying out, ‘The voice of a god and not of a man! And immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and died’” (Acts 12:21–23).
Domitian was declared to be Dominus et Deus — “Lord and God.” Democrats have created a monster that they will not be able to control.
The Democrats will need Super Obama and his war chest of they are to elect Hillary in 2016. But what will it cost them?
R González Miño.
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