Saturday, February 2, 2013

Se acabo la luzbrillante la lampara esta sin-gas. "En mi opinion" Enero Sabado 2, 2013

.   Lunes,  Febrero 2  2013    No 309      Editor Lázaro R González Miño   .

Charles Чарльз (Charl'ze) Hagel

Chuck Hagel, Senador Republicano, oficial en diferentes administraciones Republicanas incluyendo durante la administración de Ronald Reagan, siempre tuvo posiciones flojas en cuanto a política internacional, pero  como Colin Powell, se le ha incrementado la veta con la administración de Obama.
Sus posiciones entreguistas han sido méritos suficiente para que Obama lo haya nominado para, nada menos, que a la posición de Secretario de defensa.

A Hagel le vienen bien estas palabras de la Biblia en Apocalipsis (3:15)
"Yo conozco tus obras, que ni eres frío ni caliente! Ojalá fueses frío o caliente!
Pero por cuanto eres tibio, y no frío ni caliente, te vomitaré de mi boca."

Hagel realmente nos ha producido deseos de vomitar durante las audiencias de confirmación.
Ted Cruz (Senador Cubano de Tejas)  le repitió las palabras textuales que había dicho en el senado sobre  su oposición a las sanciones de Irán y la reanudación de las relaciones con Cuba. Cuestionando su política en estos casos.

Pero  las preguntas más interesantes fueron las del senador Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) las cuales copio:

Graham: Hablemos un poco sobre las declaraciones que usted ha hecho. Usted no ha dado explicaciones sobre esto. Dijo que "el lobby judío intimida a mucha gente aquí. Yo no soy un senador israelí, soy un senador de Estados Unidos. Esta presión nos hace cometer  estupideces  a veces. "...  Mr. Hagel, Nombre de una persona en tu opinión que se siente intimidada por el lobby israelí en el Senado de Estados Unidos.
Hagel: Bueno, EH,
Graham: Nombre uno.
Hagel: no sé.
Graham: ¿Por qué no puede decirlo?
Hagel: no tengo en mente una persona específica.
Graham: ¿Está de acuerdo es una declaración provocadora? Que no puedo pensar en algo más provocativo que decir acerca de la relación entre Estados Unidos, Israel, el Senado o el Congreso que lo que usted dijo.
Hagel: Lamento la terminología.
Graham: Nombre una cosa estúpida a la que hemos sido incitados debido a la presión del lobby israelí o judío.
Hagel: ya he dicho que lamento la terminología.
Graham: pero usted dije entonces claramente, que "provoca que hagamos cosas estúpidas" Usted no puede nombrar un senador intimidado. Ahora no me puede  dar un ejemplo de las cosas estúpidas  que  estamos presionados para hacer aquí..
Hagel: Estábamos hablando en esa entrevista sobre el Medio Oriente, sobre posiciones, sobre Israel, que es lo que me refería.
Graham: Muy bien, entonces  ¿me puede dar un ejemplo sobre algún Senador presionado o alguna cosa estúpida hecha por la intimidación en relación sobre posiciones sobre el Medio Oriente, en Israel o en cualquier otro lugar a los que se refería en su entrevista?
 Hagel: Bien, yo no puedo darle un ejemplo.
Graham,  Muchas Gracias

Another Potential School Tragedy Avoided... By Armed Guard

By Bobby Eberle
So here's the news story that those on the left don't want you to hear. Whenever someone goes crazy or someone with evil intentions starts shooting, the result is usually tragic, and the reaction of the left is to disarm the population. However, at an Atlanta middle school, after one child was shot, the shooting came to an end... because of an armed guard.
That's right. There was not a mass killing spree in Atlanta on Thursday, but there could have been. We'll never know. And thankfully so, because an armed guard stepped in.
As reported by USA Today, "A 14-year-old student was shot at an Atlanta middle school Thursday afternoon, and another student was taken into custody, police said."
An armed guard disarmed the shooter moments after the 1:50 p.m. shooting in a courtyard at the Price Middle School in southeast Atlanta.
Atlanta Public Schools public information officer Steve Alford said the teen's wound was more toward the back of the neck, WXIA-TV reported.
An armed off-duty Atlanta police officer who works at the school subdued the shooter and had him drop his weapon, Police Chief George Turner said.
Several shots were fired, Turner added. He did not identify the gun.
It appears that the shooting could have been gang related, but here's the point. Rather than having a shooter run amok, this school had an armed guard. Rather than disarming law-abiding Americans, shouldn't the real focus be on providing a safe and secure environment for our kids, Barack Obama's children go to a school with armed guards, but that's not acceptable for the rest of America? If children are really the focus, then let's protect them. These so-called "gun free" zones do nothing but invite violence. It's like putting up a sign that reads, "Come in. Stop by. Rob or shoot this place. Everyone is unarmed."


¿Cuando Va a Reventar USA es la pregunta?‏

 Ricardo Samitier To
$85 Billones Mensuales a los Bancos
   En La Calma Antes De La Tormenta
La presión se ha liberado sólo temporalmente, pero el origen son las obligaciones no
financiadas de una sociedad SOCIALISTA de AYUDAR a los que NO TRABAJAN están
todavía en vigor...
Los banqueros GRANDES han SIDO SALVADOS. Los presupuestos nacionales han sido
reparados. Todo sobre las espaldas de los ahorradores, por y con la inflación.
El petróleo es un 6% más que el año pasado. Oficialmente, la inflación es de 2,6%,
AUNQUE  HAY COSAS QUE SE HAN DISPARADO por arriba de esa cantidad...
Pero para NO DISCUTIR; el dinero en nuestras cuentas bancarias y en los bolsillos de
toda los ciudadanos del mundo CAPITALISTA fue robado de 2,6% de su riqueza.
Si ha iniciado el año con $100 ahora tiene sólo $ 97.40
¿De Dónde Salió Toda Esa Riqueza?
Para el pueblo, que llega a utilizar el dinero en primer lugar. Los Banco Centrales de los
Países Capitalistas de conformidad con el criminal, ex empleado de Goldman Sachs,
Mario Draghi y Ben Shalom Bernanke están prestando dinero a los grandes bancos al
0.75%.  La pregunta es...
¿Cómo Va A Prestar Dinero A 0.75 Si La Inflación Es 2.6%?
Eso es una pérdida de casi el 2% por préstamo.
Incluso Un Idiota, Puede Sumar Y Restar!
El jefe de la mafia Fed el “Economista” Bernanke y Mario Draghi le están prestando a los
Too Big To Fail a precios AÚN MEJORES DE 0.50%. Esto se supone para estimular la economía.
No!  ESO ES FALSO...Están Destruyendo Los Ahorros De La Gente!
El capitalismo proviene de la inversión de los ahorros. No hay ahorro, no HAY capitalismo!
El Capitalismo No Es, La Creación De Deuda!
Esta es la VERDAD... todos los que se endeudan VAN A LA BANCARROTA... todos lo sabemos...
Obama y sus seguidores en el Gobierno no son idiotas.
Ellos Son Depravados COMUNISTAS  Verdaderos Criminales...
Estos delincuentes están haciendo lo mismo que hizo el “CHE” Guevara en el Banco Nacional
De Cuba... son una mafia mundial y controlan ahora todos los MEDIOS y a la MAYORIA de los
POLITIQUEROS...en los países Capitalistas... y ya están DESCARADAMENTE PASANDOLE LA
CUENTA y ELIMINANDO a los que les estorban...
El Único Motivo Por El € Y El $ Circulan Todavía,
se debe a que la gente todavía confía en ellos... Pero, un día, esa confianza se evapora!
¿Por qué? Porque no podemos tener una sociedad en California con mas personas viviendo
De un cheque del gobierno POR NO TRABAJAR que personas TRABAJANDO...
O Como en España...
·         13 millones de ciudadanos mayores
·         6 millones de estudiantes
·         5 millones de parados
·         3,5 millones de trabajadores del gobierno
·         Sólo 12 millones de trabajadores del sector privado! Que sostienen todo ese
y ESA SITUACION existe en la mayoría de las naciones occidentales.
Por lo tanto, LA FIESTA CONTINÚA, cada vez con menos gente TRABAJANDO... y la gente
Continúe Girando a crédito. Pero cuando la gente se canse de cada vez tener menos...
Cuando Todos Dejen De “PRETENDER”
Cuando los banqueros reconozcan que sus bancos SON INSOLVENTES.
Cuando los políticos DEJEN DE PRETENDER Que Han Resuelto La SITUACION...
Es Todo Poderoso y RICO Que No Puede Quebrar...
Entonces Piensan los Obama y Compañía que van a Imponer la Dictadura...

Por eso no dicen estas Verdades:
Hoy el gobierno debe por cada dólar que recibe 55 y Lehman Brothers quebró cuando
Debía 30a 1.
Cuando las deudas son 55 veces más que los activos, toma 55 años para pagarla.
La persona promedio sólo funciona 30 a 35 años.... Pero tienen que comer...
Lo Que Significa, Que Tenemos La Opción De Comer O Pagar Las Deudas.
¿Cuál es primero? Puesto que, todos podemos contestar la pregunta...sin ser economistas...

Crees que los economistas, NO conocen esta situación también!  Claro que si... pero son unos mentirosos!
El Dólar  y el Euro están muertos. Ambos murieron, todo hace mucho tiempo, en 2008.
Sin embargo, nadie ha enterrado el cadáver putrefacto de papel moneda. Los US $ y €
siguen ahí, apestando la economía.
Por Eso, Estamos En La Calma Antes De La Tormenta.
La tormenta que viene, será aún más grande, porque nuestros "Llamados Líderes" no
han abordado el problema real. El Problema Es La Deuda. La deuda tiene que ser pagada o desestimado en la corte.
Dado Que No Es Posible Devolver El Dinero, Será Desestimada.
Como ha sucedido en los ULTIMOS 50 años con el perdón de las deudas a los países
La Única Pregunta Es, ¿Cómo Y Cuándo?
Conociendo A Obama Y Los Socialistas Ya Ellos...
Eligieron La VIOLENCIA...

Business  Surprise! IRS Calculates Cheapest ‘Obamacare’ Plan Will Average $20,000 Per Family
When the Obama White House and Congress passed The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (i.e. “Obamacare”), we clearly recall being told that the bill would save Americans money.
Yet, as reports, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in a regulation issued Wednesday “assumed that under Obamacare the cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000 for the year.”
Wait, what?
Yes, while explaining the penalty for not purchasing government insurance, the IRS calculates that the average annual cost for a family will be at about $20,000.
“The IRS’s assumption that the cheapest plan for a family will cost $20,000 per year is found in examples the IRS gives to help people understand how to calculate the penalty they will need to pay the government if they do not buy a mandated health plan,” reports.
“The examples point to families of four and families of five, both of which the IRS expects in its assumptions to pay a minimum of $20,000 per year for a bronze plan,” the report adds.
Wait a minute. What is the exact language of the IRS regulation?
“The annual national average bronze plan premium for a family of 5 (2 adults, 3 children) is $20,000,” the regulation states.
“Bronze will be the lowest tier health-insurance plan available under Obamacare — after Silver, Gold, and Platinum,” CNS explains. “Under the law, the penalty for not buying health insurance is supposed to be capped at either the annual average Bronze premium, 2.5 percent of taxable income, or $2,085.00 per family in 2016.”
In the new rules published Wednesday, the IRS also made law the regulations regarding the fines and penalties incurred if someone chooses not to buy the insurance. And in an attempt to explain these laws, the agency draws up a few examples.
“[T]he IRS assumes that families of five who are uninsured would need to pay an average of $20,000 per year to purchase a Bronze plan in 2016,” CNS notes.
“Using the conditions laid out in the regulations, the IRS calculates that a family earning $120,000 per year that did not buy insurance would need to pay a ‘penalty’ (a word the IRS still uses despite the Supreme Court ruling that it is in fact a ‘tax’) of $2,400 in 2016,” the report adds.
And just in case you were wondering how convoluted and contrived these new regulations look like, here’s the exact language from the IRS:
Example 3. Family without minimum essential coverage.
“(i) In 2016, Taxpayers H and J are married and file a joint return. H and J have three children: K, age 21, L, age 15, and M, age 10. No member of the family has minimum essential coverage for any month in 2016. H and J’s household income is $120,000. H and J’s applicable filing threshold is $24,000. The annual national average bronze plan premium for a family of 5 (2 adults, 3 children) is $20,000.
“(ii) For each month in 2016, under paragraphs (b)(2)(ii) and (b)(2)(iii) of this section, the applicable dollar amount is $2,780 (($695 x 3 adults) + (($695/2) x 2 children)). Under paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, the flat dollar amount is $2,085 (the lesser of $2,780 and $2,085 ($695 x 3)). Under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the excess income amount is $2,400 (($120,000 – $24,000) x 0.025). Therefore, under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the monthly penalty amount is $200 (the greater of $173.75 ($2,085/12) or $200 ($2,400/12)).
“(iii) The sum of the monthly penalty amounts is $2,400 ($200 x 12). The sum of the monthly national average bronze plan premiums is $20,000 ($20,000/12 x 12). Therefore, under paragraph (a) of this section, the shared responsibility payment imposed on H and J for 2016 is $2,400 (the lesser of $2,400 or $20,000)

Comentario de nuestro amigo: Carlos Garin (Estelar “Anchor” de TV)
Lázaro llevas toda la razón, el concepto constitucional que reza We the People!, desgraciadamente está cobrando una dimensión muy diferente a la por la que fue concebido. En nuestra constitución el pueblo es un arma investida con poder, el poder de decidir, de cambiar, de influir, de determinar el futuro... en la comunista es una simple herramienta de manipulación huérfana de derechos. Y es precisamente eso lo que buscan estos seudo gobernantes, lacayos de la más absurda filosofía, que grita igualdad y libertades pero ofrece esclavitud total y dependencia enfermiza, de regímenes totalitarios. No podemos permitir que esta marea roja nos consuma, o acabaremos envueltos en en odio y rencor al igual que ellos, por todo lo que represente progreso.
Desarmar al pueblo americano, es desarmar a América, es debilitar la democracia y por es minar la libertad. Eso es lo que buscan.
God Bless América!

Están pasándole la Cuenta a Bob Menéndez

 Ricardo Samitier To
Bob Menéndez… por no ser un SOCIALISTA 100%  ahora le están pasando la cuenta... se acostó con ellos... los ayudo... en CASI TODO... pero con los COMUNSITAS ESTAS 100% o te SIQUITRILLAN...
Todos... Demócratas y Republicanos la prensa de DERECHA e IZQUIERDA... están INDIGNADOS por la acusación de que tuvo relaciones con dos putas dominicanas...  PREGUNTO????
¿ACASO  no es MAS ABERRANTE y ENFERMIZO  INTRODUCIRLE UN TABACO a una mujer en la vagina para producirle placer como sabemos Clinton le hizo a la Mónica... que Menéndez cayera  un día de debilidad, si es que eso paso, no se sabe,  por qué otros motivos... y tener relaciones SEXUALES NORMALES con putas...   
Que hizo la PRENSA cuando Clinton permitía y violaba la “OFICINA PRESIDENCIAL” permitiéndole a Mónica que ella tuviera relaciones sexuales con su PENE... NUNCA Clinton sufrió una campaña de esta que sufre Menéndez...

Dear Lazaro R Gonzalez Mino “En mi opinion” ,
Across our nation, rich, poor, parents, teachers, kids and grownups have come together to fight against a one-size-fits-all federal government approach to schools. They, and hopefully you, believe that though reform is slow it is vital to our country and to our children.

Just this past year Americans for Prosperity, along with a broad coalition of groups, battled at the forefront for some major education reforms. One of the most successful state school choice programs is in Louisiana. According to Educate Now, 84 percent of New Orleans public school students now attend charter schools. These charter schools overwhelming help poor, minority, and low-performing students succeed, where traditional public schools have failed.

In Georgia, over 58,000 students enrolled in one of Georgia’s 109 public charter schools. After a legal challenged threatened students’ access to this high-quality education last year, Georgia voters overwhelmingly reaffirmed their state’s ability to create more charters by 59% – a massive victory for their students, who have a bright future!

And the victories continue.

In Indiana, there now exist over 50 charter schools, many of which focus on a single subject,such as reading or math, to help students improve or further excel in the subject. Indiana has become a leader in revolutionizing the way children are educated.

The results have been staggering.

In New York City’s Success Academy schools 96% of Success Academy Students passed the math section of the city’s assessment test last year, outperforming the NYC’s public schools by 31%. Even better, an unbelievable 100% passed the science section, with 91% earning an advanced rating. In Washington, D.C. 82% of Opportunity Scholarship students graduated high school, compared to 70% of those not selected for the program.

While we recognize that not every education reform is successful, the overwhelming majority studies conclude that charter schools on average perform just as well or significantly better than traditional public schools. In fact the latest and largest review of these studies, released earlier this week by AFP Foundation, found that two-thirds of these studies conducted after 2001 concluded charter schools help more students achieve higher results.

This is a fight that we are winning.

So, that’s why I’m writing to you today, to say thank you for joining Americans for Prosperity Foundation and other groups throughout our country this past week to voice your support for education reform.

We appreciated the enthusiasm which so many of you displayed as you came out despite the cold weather. Because of you, real reform is occurring.

Keep up the fight!

Tim Phillips

Obama's Jobs Council Shutting Down

Thursday, 31 Jan 2013 01:39 PM
President Barack Obama will let his jobs council expire this week without renewing its charter, winding down one source of input from the business community even as unemployment remains stubbornly high.

When Obama in January 2011 formed his Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, unemployment was hovering above 9 percent. Two years president later, more than 12 million people in the U.S. are out of work.

Declassified: ‘Financial War’ Could Wipe Out 50% of Your Wealth’

The unemployment rate has improved to 7.8 percent, but both parties agree that's still too high.

A provision in Obama's executive order establishing the council says it sunsets on Thursday. A White House official said the president does not plan to extend it.

Officials said the president always intended for the council to fulfill its mission and then wind down, and said that Obama would continue to actively engage and seek input from business leaders about ways to accelerate job-creation and economic growth. Among the steps Obama plans to pursue are expedited permits for infrastructure projects, the White House said.

Even before it was clear whether Obama would renew the jobs council, Republicans seized on its likely expiration as evidence the president has devoted insufficient attention to creating jobs, which polling shows remains a top priority for Americans.

The Republican National Committee dubbed it part of "the failed Obama record," while the House Republicans' campaign committee, in an online petition, accused Obama of laying off his own jobs council.

Adding to the concern about the job market's continued vulnerability, the Commerce Department said Wednesday that the U.S. economy shrank at an annual rate of 0.1 percent from October through December of last year, the first quarterly drop since 2009.

The jobs council was a successor to another economic advisory board Obama created at the onset of his presidency. The panel was chaired by General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt and was comprised of prominent business leaders and economists.

Obama met with the council only a handful of times. During the last meeting, in February 2012, the president and the council highlighted an engineering education initiative alongside school deans.

The jobs council's main work product was released in January 2012, entitled "Roadmap to Renewal." The council also organized a series of "listening and action" meetings across the country last year with business owners, local elected officials and academics, although Obama didn't attend those sessions.

Critics have argued that the council's primary purpose was to create the appearance of action at a time when the nation was pining for something — anything — to rein in soaring joblessness. The administration acted on many of the council's recommendations, including suggestions for streamlining the permitting process.

Declassified: ‘Financial War’ Could Wipe Out 50% of Your Wealth’

But the White House was at odds with several council members on tax policies, particularly a proposal to exclude overseas corporate earnings from U.S. taxes. That idea divided even the jobs council, whose membership included labor and Obama's political allies.

The council's dissolution also comes as White House aides are optimistic about the prospects for a second-term detente with the business community, which bristled during Obama's first term at his harsh depiction of "fat-cat bankers" and his efforts to impose regulations, tax policies and spending initiatives they argued were unfriendly to business. Obama aides hope the softening of the relationship between the president and the business world can benefit the White House in future fiscal debates with Republicans.

White House officials said the president made a fresh effort to reach out to business in the days following his re-election. Between the November election and the end of 2012, in the height of negotiations to avert the so-called fiscal cliff, more than 400 business leaders, ranging from CEOs of large multinational companies to small business owners, met with Obama or his aides at the White House, officials said

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Participan en “En mi opinión” Alberto L. Pérez “amenper”, Alexis Ortiz, Amb. Armando Valladares, Annie González, Ing. Armando López Calleja, J. Fresno, Bárbara Fernández, Carlos Bringuier, Efraín Sinaí, Eladio José Armesto, Enrique Enríquez, Enrique de Diego,  Erick Ruiz, Emigdio Prado, Gerardo Alfredo DeSola, Georgina López, Gustavo Rojas, Héctor Molina, Héctor Lemange Sando, Irmende Méndez, Jesús Angulo, Jesús Marzo Fernández, Jorge A Villalon, Jorge Aguiar , José y Marcia Caula, J Fresno, Luis Pensado, Lili Samways, Manny Fernández, Margarita Sánchez, María Argelia Vizcaíno, May De La Vega, Mil amigos de Holguín, Miriam Pinedo, Miriam Dopico, Margarita Sánchez, Marlene, Martha Ruiz, María  Lahullier, Olga Griñan, Oscar Díaz, Philip V. Riggio, Raúl Barroso, Reinaldo López  jr, Ricardo Samitier, Rolando Antonio Lara, Sergio Bello, Sofía Iduate, Sonia “Chuchin” Castell, Tony Flores, V J Marino, William Benard, Victor M Caamaño,, , CNN Español,,, The,,,,,,, Beforeit’,,,
.                             Editor Lázaro R González Miño                               .
La creación de riqueza que es la única alternativa a la superación de la pobreza. Los derechos individuales son éticamente la antítesis de los derechos humanos.

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