Saturday, February 28, 2015

No 878 "En mi pinion" Febrero 28, 2015

No 878 “En mi opinión”  Febrero 28, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño    EDITOR

Enero 20, 2017 FIN DEL DISPARATE
“En mi opinion” We need a Ronald Reagan in the presidency on 2017 at least in spirit and acts; we do not need anoder stupid there any more. Lazaro R Gonzalez Miño

PLedge of Allegiance‏. I do. LRGM.

Do you believe that the word "God" should stay in American culture?  
NBC this morning had a poll on this question.  
They had the highest Number of responses that they have ever had for one of
Their polls, and the Percentage was the same as this:  
86% to keep the words, "IN God We Trust" and "God" in the Pledge of 
14% against.    
That is a pretty 'commanding' public response.
As many of you are aware, it was the Knights of Columbus who submitted to
Congress that the words "Under God" should be added to our pledge of
Allegiance.  Both Houses of Congress passed the law and it was signed by
President Eisenhower in 1954. The information below was based on a poll
Taken by NBC on what percentage think we should keep the words in our 
Pledge verses the percent who want it removed.
If you read this and agree that "under God" should be left in the pledge,
Then just forward it to others and you have voted for it to be left in. If
You delete it and don't forward it you are voting NO to "under God." 
Easy huh! 

Official versions 
"I pledge allegiance to my flag and the 
Republic for which it stands: one nation 
Indivisible with liberty and justice for all."  
1892 to 1923
"I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the republic for which it stands:
One nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all."  
1923 to 1924
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States 
  And to the republic for which it stands: one nation
Indivisible with liberty and justice for all."  
1924 to 1954
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
And to the republic for which it stands; one nation 

Indivisible with liberty and justice for all."  
1954 to Present
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America ,
And to the republic for which it stands, one nation
Under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

AMENPER: Coran 9:5  Matad a los Cristianos dondequiera que les encontréis
Durante siete minutos, cinco devotos del Islam del Daguestán hablaron en una cámara de vídeo de asesinar  infieles y cómo estas son "buenas obras" que les exime de 700 pecados cometidos durante su vida. En el video los combatientes islamistas expresaron reiteradamente su deseo de matar "kafir", o no creyentes, (judíos y cristianos).
Aumenta el éxodo de cristianos en el noreste de Siria. Miles de personas de la minoría asiria intentan escapar del acoso de los yihadistas del grupo Estado Islámico. La huida se ha incrementado tras el secuestro por la organización islámica de entre 50 y 230 miembros de esa comunidad.
Estas son las noticias que leo en el Internet.
 Ahora voy a leer mi Corán, que tengo junto a mi Biblia y el Libro del Mormón. (además tengo los libros de Adam Smith, Friedrich Hayek, el Manifiesto Comunista y el Capital de Marx)  Los leo todos porque hay que ver todas las partes para poder hacer un juicio educado.

Vamos a ver lo que dice el Corán, y copio textualmente:

Corán: 2:216: Se os ha prescrito que combatáis, aunque os disguste. Puede que os disguste algo que os conviene y améis algo que no os conviene. Alá sabe, mientras que vosotros no sabéis.
Corán 4:84: Combate, pues, por Alá! Sólo de ti eres responsable. Anima a los creyentes! Puede que Alá contenga el ímpetu de los infieles. Alá dispone de más violencia y es más terrible en castigar.
Corán 4:84: Combate, pues, por Alá! Sólo de ti eres responsable. Anima a los creyentes! Puede que Alá contenga el ímpetu de los infieles. Alá dispone de más violencia y es más terrible en castigar.
Corán 9:5: Cuando hayan transcurrido los meses sagrados, matad a los asociadores
(los cristianos por asociar Jesús con la divinidad)
dondequiera que les encontréis. Capturadles! Sitiadles! Tendedles emboscadas por todas partes!
Corán 9:14: ¡Combatid contra ellos! Alá le castigará a manos vuestras y les llenará de vergüenza, mientras que a vosotros os auxiliará contra ellos, curando así los pechos de gente creyente

Me pueden decir que los asesinatos de los cristianos es una interpretación del Corán que no es la real.
No entiendo cómo interpretar de una manera diferente los versículos del Corán que copio arriba.
Pero vamos a aceptar que es una interpretación equivocada, pero si así fuera, los que lo interpretan así son simplemente una secta religiosa del Islam, son religiosos islamitas, negarlo no tiene sentido como no sea por un sentido político y una agenda turbia.
Esto es parecido a las sectas mormonas que siguen con la poligamia cuando otras la han abolido siguen las doctrinas originales, son Mormones..
Esta visión política de esta administración hace que unas flojas declaraciones “condenando” algunos de estos hechos, sangrientos de ISIS y otras teocracias Islámicas como Irán y Arabia Sauidita, lucen hipócritas. 
Nunca he visto una administración que use más la política, está como en una campaña política permanente, y paradójicamente acusan de políticas todas las advertencias de los que denuncian los hechos. 
Llegan hasta a condenar como un acto político que el primer ministro del aliado país de Israel hable ante el congreso.
Los cristianos son masacrados, los judíos se escapan porque no viven en el área, pero los islamitas de todas las vertientes tienen el objetivo declarado de borrarlos del mapa y del mundo cuando se establezca el Califato Mundial.
Es una guerra religiosa, y de una religión que predica el crimen y la violencia.
Se puede negar pero esto no lo hace menos verdad.

Amenper: FCC aprueba plan de regulación de Internet…
La Comisión Federal de comunicaciones  adoptó nuevas regulaciones solicitadas por el Presidente Obama para cómo estadounidenses utilizan y hacen negocios en Internet.
El plan de la Comisión, tras un encuentro polémico, votó 3-2 a adoptar su supuesta neutralidad de la red--una propuesta que permaneció secreta en el período previo a la votación final.
La decisión de la FCC (Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones) es tratar de imponer un oneroso y obsoleto régimen regulador, más de 300 páginas de regulaciones nuevas, al servicio de acceso a Internet de banda ancha, al reclasificarlo como un servicio de telecomunicaciones
El comisionado republicano Ajit Pai, que presentó algunas de las críticas más mordaces del plan, ha advertido que la política representa un cambio de "monumental" al control de gobierno de Internet".
Además, acusó a la FCC de someterse a la voluntad de Obama, quien se declaró el otoño pasado a favor de un plan regulador.
Pai dijo que lo que ha hecho la FCC fue revertir curso desde posiciones pasadas por una sola razón:
 "El Presidente Obama nos lo dijo."
Los cambios reemplazarán a un nuevo estándar para la conducta de los proveedores de servicios de Internet-. Esa norma podría ser cambiada con lenguaje potencialmente más estrecho de las reglas
Son preocupantes  las nuevas  "regulaciones"  de la Internet que, cuando todo esté dicho y hecho, restringirá todos los contenidos del internet.
Entretanto, tengan la seguridad que el Obama está trabajando activamente y controlará todas sus actividades para su propio bien.
Por las experiencias pasadas podemos considerar más o menos que si Obama está presionando para ello, tiene que ser malo.
Entiendo que no quieren liberar el contenido de sus normas propuestas para su revisión por el público en general, así que eso es un indicio. Toda la cuestión es extremadamente confusa, y es probable  que sea así por diseño.
Desafortunadamente, el salto al ámbito público de estas leyes han puesto al descubierto una verdad: la lucha por un Internet abierto y libre acaba solo de empezar, y probablemente nunca termine.
Los peligros que entraña este acuerdo son múltiples, aunque hay unos puntos que deben destacarse. El primero es que fue negociado en secreto, lo que quiere decir que no ha recibido intervención alguna por parte de pleno del congreso o el senado o los ciudadanos
Recuerden que todo lo que hace Obama es para fines políticos, le importa un bledo realmente mejorar las cosas para el medio idiota americano.
Así que, si se aplican estas regulaciones, probablemente terminarán por ser utilizado por el partido demócrata para intimidar, censurar y cerrar cualquier oposición política en el internet.
La gente en el futuro recordará con nostalgia dónde estaban cuando primero se dieron cuenta de que ya no pueden acceder a sitios web políticos
De momento, por lo menos, nosotros terminaremos pagando más al permitir tasas impuestas en sitios web, pagando más por servicios de internet y tener que lidiar con peor servicio.

Franklin Graham: Muslims Infiltrate US, W. Europe Governments

By John Blosser
America and Western European governments have been infiltrated by Muslims, according to the Rev. Franklin Graham, son of the legendary pastor Billy Graham.

Speaking to Bill O'Reilly on the "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News, Graham, asked why the world will not rally to stop the Islamic State (ISIS), said, " Bill, one of the problems that we have in the West is that our governments, especially in Washington, have been infiltrated by Muslims who are advising the White House, who I think are part of the problem, and I see this also in Western Europe. They have gotten into the halls of power." 

Pressed by O'Reilly to provide names of the infiltrators, Graham said, "I can get those for you, Bill, but I do know that they are there, and I have been told this by a number of people — that they influence. I'm not saying they are sitting next to the president whispering in his ear, but they are in the halls and they are speaking to staffers and they are influencing." 
Graham repeatedly has blasted Obama for taking it easy on Muslim terrorists, telling Greta Van Susteren in an interview on "On The Record," "His mother was married to a Muslim. His father was a Muslim. Then she married a man from Indonesia. He was raised in Indonesia. Went to Islamic schools. I assume she was a Muslim. 

"So his whole life, his experiences have been surrounded by Islam. He only knows Islam. And he has given a pass to Islam. He refuses to understand the evil that is in front of him."

On his Facebook page, Graham has stated, "I do know that the president defends Islam and chastises Christians, rebukes our allies and befriends our enemies, and fully supports gay marriages and abortion but denies the religious freedoms of those who don't agree. Our nation is ridiculed abroad and morally crumbling within. We are in trouble. We have turned our back on God."
Graham tempered his remarks to O'Reilly by saying, "I think it's important for Muslims that are watching this program know that we love them and will pray for them, and I want Muslims everywhere to know that God loves them and he sent his son from heaven to this earth, Jesus Christ, for them."

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Note from Bob Adams, Revive America PAC
Go Big, Go Bold PAC Launched to Draft Scott Walker for President

Dear Lazaro R, 
As one of Revive’s most loyal supporters, I want to share with you some exciting news. 
Today, I filed paperwork at the Federal Election Commission to launch a new super PAC in support of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker for president. PAC is named “Go Big, Go Bold PAC”.  
You can find it on the web at
Of course, I recognize that not everyone may be as enthusiastic as I am about Gov. Walker!
But that’s understandable.  Conservatives are blessed with many outstanding potential presidential candidates.
This is also why I decided to form the new Super PAC — Go Big, Go Bold PAC.  
The new PAC will be an entirely separate organization from Revive America PAC.
Revive America PAC itself will continue to help elect bold, conservatives to Congress, and to fight for our values on Capitol Hill.
You may ask, “Why Scott Walker, and why so early?”
Personally, I remember how Scott Walker stood eyeball-to-eyeball against Obama and his Big Government union allies.
 He stood up to fight not just for Wisconsin, but for all of America.
In Wisconsin, the Democrats for years had lavishly rewarded their political friends at the expense of taxpayers.
Bloated six-figure government paychecks and ‘Cadillac’ pension plans were just the “tip of the iceberg”. 
In return for all of the taxpayer largesse — Quid pro quo — the Big Government employee unions bankrolled the Democrats’ political campaigns.
It was a vicious and never-ending cycle of corruption.  It was bankrupting Wisconsin.
Before Scott Walker got elected as Governor he made a bold promise to voters — to take back Wisconsin.
But when Scott Walker kept his promise to voters the Democrats promised revenge — vowing to destroy him.

With mob violence, death threats, and angry protests, Obama’s Big Government union allies tried to break the back of Scott Walker’s resolve. 

Of course, back in Washington-DC, the Establishment told him to “fold”.  In fact, many encouraged him to just “cut a deal” with the Democrats.
But Gov. Scott Walker stood his ground, kept his word — and beat Obama’s bullies! 
He passed a bold, conservative reform agenda in Wisconsin.  He then defeated an ugly Democrat “Recall Election”, and even went on to win a second term as Wisconsin’s Governor last November.
Next week, Gov. Walker is expected to sign Right-to-Work legislation in Wisconsin.  No one should ever be forced to join a union as a condition of employment.
The fact is, Governor Walker has proven his steeliness time and again.  He is tough as nails, never quits, and he knows how to win.
 (Did I mention he’s not from Washington-DC?)
Now Scott Walker is “exploring” a run for President.
We need to encourage him to take the next step — Go Scott, Go!
I have personally pledged my “good name”, lots of time, and a bit of treasurer to the cause.
He needs to know that we’ve got his back.
Go Scott, Go!
Bob Adams

Jesus Marzo Fernandez QUE SE DICE EN LA CALLE......... del tan esperado encuentro entre Cuba y EEUU,

Como espectaculo fue bastante malo, una mediocre obra de 
teatro, la escenografia pesima , 1 mesita de comedor adaptada
todos apretados -no cabian-. Demasiados actores en escena
y los libretos de muy mala calidad;  el vestuario muy discreto
-no hubo alfombra roja-  el maquilllaje de 3ra . Todo estaba muy bien,
muy positivo, muy constructivo, mucho respeto, mucha igualdad
En esta saga , los dos figuras principales que daban la impression
que estaban aspirando al Oscar-  se vieron muy limitadas, habia
un libreto muy estricto, nadie se podia salir de su papel.   Hasta las
sonrisas y los apretones de manos, se veian muy forzados.
Era un espectaculo de cuarta para las gradas, era necesario, pero no 
enganaron a nadie:
Hay que reconocer que los medios se tragaron el cuento, enviaron
a Washington  a las "estrellas" vimos a Amarilis LLano, Mario Vallejo
y a la estrella de 41 Rolando Napoles, el cual tuvo que batirse con
el frio con un jacket de la casa del dollar.  Por poco se congela.
En mi opinion, para no seguir con los cuentos y las historietas , creo
que seria mas serio y mas popular, organizar un encuentro de 
pelota entre Cuba y USA, de tres juegos a ganar 2, en los terrenos
de La Habana y Miami, el que gane , manda.  
Y en la proxima Cumbre, el encuentro entre Obama y Raul esta
garantizado, el apreton de manos al seguro, y se esta considerando
muy seriamente el abrazo, un secretico y hasta una discretica 
"nalgadita".  Ambas delegaciones estan trabajando fuertemente
para lograr este objetivo. 
Y una recomendacion, me parece que la proxima reunion la deben
celebrar en algun pequeno teatro de la calle 8, con precios accesibles,
resulta mas acogedor y mas apropiado para este tipo de actividad.


GRUESOME: See The Moment American Blogger’s Wife Left Covered In Blood After Husband Got Hacked by Muslims

American blogger and outspoken voice against Islam, Avijit Roy, was hacked to death by ISIS and his wife also got caught up in the attack when she tried to defend him. This is the moment when it happened.
This is the moment a prominent Bangladeshi-American blogger was hacked to death in the street by militant Muslims after denouncing religious extremism.
Dr Avijit Roy, 42, from Atlanta, Georgia, was jumped by the gang of machete-wielding assailants last night in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh – leaving his injured wife standing over his bleeding body. He is well-known in Bangladesh for for his outspoken atheism.
An obscure militant group, Ansar Bangla 7, claimed responsibility for the attack, which it said was in retaliation for his ‘crime against Islam’.
The extremists also said he was singled out because he is a U.S. citizen – and characterized the vicious killing as ‘revenge’ for attacks on ISIS in Syria.
Police said at least two men, who are believed to have links to Dhaka University, attacked Roy around 8.45pm and landed three strong, deliberate blows to the right side of his head.
They turned on his wife, Rafida Ahmed, when she tried to save him, then fled into the crowd, dumping their weapons as they ran. Police have expressed shock that extremists struck at a university book fair, which was heavily guarded.

7 Reasons Net Neutrality Is a Threat to Your Freedom

By Nick Sanchez
The FCC's Democrat majority voted on Thursday to fix something that ain't broken by approving new regulations for the Internet. Republicans are dissenting, darkly suggesting that the new rules in government hands are a threat. 
The commission's chairman, Tom Wheeler, said the new rules will ensure net neutrality by barring Internet service providers like Comcast from charging companies like Netflix for priority data transmission. Considering that ISPs don't do this, and currently treat all data transmission equally, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-California, accused the FCC of trying to "fix something that is far from broken." 

Here are 7 reasons why the FCC's new net neutrality rules could be a threat to your freedom.

1. The FCC's new rules are a heavy-handed government takeover of the Internet.

Under the new rules, broadband Internet is classified as a public utility for the first time ever. This gives the government wide control of private companies like Comcast, Verizon, and Time Warner Cable, reducing their incentives to invest in their respective networks. Without this investment, broadband technology will develop more slowly, and prices will be higher for consumers. 

2. Net neutrality subsidizes large companies like Netflix and Facebook who don't need it.

In November, it was widely reported that Netflix alone accounts for over 35 percent of all Internet traffic in the US. If broadband providers were able to charge Netflix a small fee for the high volume of data they send, they could pass that money onto consumers in the form of lower monthly bills. 

3. The new rules subvert democracy and the will of the people.

CBS News reported that two in three Americans are opposed to the idea of government regulating the Internet. Other polls show that opposition to net neutrality is even higher. 

4. The new regulations will stifle free speech.

Lee E. Goodman, former chairman and a current commissioner of the Federal Election Commission, 
told Newsmax TV that a government takeover of the Internet will chill political speech. 
"The government will regulate the content — and specifically the political content — that the American people can both post online to express their own political opinions, and the political content and information that people can access from the Internet," said Goodman, who was appointed to the FEC in 2013 by President Obama. 

5. The rule-making process was corrupted by the White House.

President Obama and White House staffers used backchannel meetings to pressure chairman Wheeler into creating the strongest possible net neutrality rules over the more moderate approach he originally intended. In this way, the White House operated "like a parallel version of the FCC itself," 
The Wall Street Journal reported. 

6. The commission's vote wasn't transparent.

The new set of rules ushered in by Thursday's 3-2 vote were not provided to the public for comment. Ahead of the vote, one of the agency's five commissioners, Ajit Pai, tweeted a picture of the 317-page plan that he was barred from showing the public. Even after the vote, the rules will not be published publicly for many days. 

7. The new rules will hurt the right to privacy, and further empower the federal government to spy on its citizens.

After Edward Snowden leaked the NSA's secret PRISM surveillance program in 2013, it became clear that the federal government is interested in snooping around in the private affairs of its citizens. Now that the federal government controls the web, its ability to spy will only increase.
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LIBERALS LOVE JEB: Pro-Amnesty, Pro-Gay Marriage, Pro-Abortion Donors Fuel Jeb Bush’s fundraising

Jeb Bush, just another RINO.
Pro-amnesty, Pro-gay marriage and pro-abortion donors are powering former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s fundraising operation.
Bush, who is reportedly aiming to raise $100 million before he formally enters the race, will not give a speech at CPAC on Friday and instead participate in a question and answer session with Fox News host Sean Hannity.
“All too often we’re associated with being ‘anti’ everything,” Bush lectured CPAC in 2013. “Way too many people believe Republicans are anti-immigrant, anti-woman, anti-science, anti-gay, anti-worker, and the list goes on.”
Bush is attracting plenty of donors and staffers who wholeheartedly agree with him on the GOP’s “problems.”
The former Florida governor, who has said that illegal immigration is an “act of love” and declared that he was “willing to lose the primary to win the general” presumably without conservative voters, has vowed to be his own man and not be tethered to the views of his political team or his brother, former President George W. Bush.

Judicial Watch Obtains Documents Proving Hillary Clinton Aides Knew About Benghazi Attack

Conservative watchdog group is in the midst of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. State Department.

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained documents earlier this month proving that several top aides for then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were aware the American consulate in Benghazi was under attack more than three years ago. This includes Clinton’s then-chief of staff and top confidant, Cheryl Mills.
Four Americans were killed in the Benghazi attack: Ambassador Chris Stevens, information officer Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
Judicial Watch is in the midst of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. State Department, the scope of which entails “any and all records concerning, regarding, or related to notes, updates, or reports, created in response to the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.”
On September 11, 2012, Maria Sand, a special assistant to Clinton, forwarded an email to Mills entitled “U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi is Under Attack.” Jacob Sullivan (then-deputy chief of staff for policy), Joseph McManus (then Clinton’s executive assistant), and several other special assistants in Clinton’s office also received the email. It read as follows:
The Regional Security Officer reports the diplomatic mission is under attack. Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four COM [Chief of Mission] personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support.
Mills was also forwarded an email sent by Scott Bultrowicz, former director of the Diplomatic Security Service. Judicial Watch noted he was fired following the review of the attack. The email was sent the day of the attack at 4:38 PM.
DSCC received a phone call from [REDACTED] in Benghazi, Libya initially stating that 15 armed individuals were attacking the compound and trying to gain entrance. The Ambassador is present in Benghazi and current is barricaded within the compound. There are no injuries at this time and it is unknown what the intent of the attackers is.
At approximately 1600 DSCC received word from Benghazi that individuals had entered the compound. At 1614 RSO advised the Libyans had set fire to various buildings in the area, possibly the building that houses the Ambassador [REDACTED] is responding and taking fire.
The email had a chain of earlier updates from the same day, sent between 4:54 PM and 11:57 PM:
  • “(SBU) DS Command reports the current shelter location from COM personnel in Benghazi is under mortar fire. There are reports of injuries to COM staff.”
  • Update 2: (Subject: Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack (SBU): “(SBU) Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed  responsibility on Facebook  and Twitter and call for an attack on Embassy Tripoli.”
  • “Embassy Tripoli reports the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi has stopped and the compound has been cleared. A response team is on site to locate COM personnel.”
Later that evening, an email was sent by Senior Watch Officer Andrew Veprek to various watch officials at the State Department confirming the death of Ambassador Stevens. It was later forwarded to Mills and McManus.

Sharpton Back at WH for 62nd Meeting With Obama

By John Blosser
For at least the 62nd time since 2009, the Rev. Al Sharpton has crossed the threshold of the White House to meet with President Barack Obama.
On Thursday, Sharpton was a guest of honor, along with 17 other civil rights leaders, for Obama "to provide an update on the administration’s priorities as described in the State of the Union," the White House stated, 
the Weekly Standard reported. 
"The meeting was also an opportunity to have a dialogue with the leaders about the issues facing their communities, including criminal justice, education, health care and economic development," the Standard said.
Sharpton was welcomed, despite owing an estimated $4.5 million in state and federal taxes, according to the 
National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC).
"Because he is a friend of many powerful people, including President Obama, the IRS and the State of New York have seemed willing to give him a free pass, especially given the high propensity of his admirers to riot," the NLPC said of Sharpton. 
The White House invitation also came despite a lawsuit filed by the National Association of African-American Owned Media, which alleges that Comcast paid off Sharpton and his organization, the National Action Network (NAN), with $3.8 million in "donations" to keep quiet about its planned merger with Time Warner Cable. The planned merger, the group claims, shuts out black-owned media organizations, Fox News reports. 
Sharpton, a commentator with MSNBC, recently was criticized by Erica Snipes, the adult daughter of Eric Garner, who Sharpton adopted as a cause after Garner died in a confrontation with New York police during an arrest. Asked by Project Veritas if she thought Sharpton was a crook, Snipes rubbed her fingers together, and said, "He's (Sharpton) all about this," the NLPC reported. A hidden video captured the interview.

Daily Mail reports that Sharpton is losing his nightly spot as host of "Politics Nation."
Sharpton was joined at the White House meeting by Cornell Brooks of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Sherrilyn Ifill of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund; Marc Morial of the National Urban League; Spencer Overton of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies; Catherine Pugh of the National Black State Legislators; John Boyd, President of the National Black Farmers Association; Ron Busby of the U.S. Black Chambers; Edwin Bass of COGIC Urban Initiatives; Bishop George Battle Jr., African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church; Rev. Traci Blackmon of the Christ The King United Church of Christ; Rev. Kip Banks Sr. of the Progressive National Baptist Church; Rev. Jesse Bottoms Jr. of the National Baptist Convention, USA; Bishop Charles Ellis of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World; Michael McBride of PICO’s Lifelines to Healing Campaign; Rev. Samuel Tolbert Jr. of the National Baptist Convention of America; Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock of Ebenezer Baptist Church; and Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner of the Skinner Leadership Institute, the Weekly Standard reported.
In a recent interview with 
Politico, asked if Obama was too close to Sharpton, Attorney General Eric Holder said, "I don’t think so. I think that, you know, the president has a number of people who he listens to, who he interacts with. 
"You know, Rev. Sharpton is a person who has interacted with people within the administration, including myself. But we also hear from people who have, you know, fundamentally different views than Al Sharpton has."
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TSA Ill-Equipped for New, 'Catastrophic' Aviation Threat: Report

By Melanie Batley
The Transportation Security Administration has said it is unlikely to detect what an FBI report has described as "the greatest potential incendiary threat to aviation," and the agency is not adequately preparing its staff to manage the threat, The Interceptreported. 
A classified document says that thermite — a mixture of rust and aluminum powder — could be used against commercial air flights.
"The ignition of a thermite-based incendiary device on an aircraft at altitude could result in catastrophic damage and the death of every person onboard," a secret advisory said, according to The Intercept.
The agency said that security screening procedures are not likely to identify a thermite-based device, and the extinguishers carried on aircraft would make the attack worse, creating an explosive reaction with toxic fumes.
A thermite device would "produce toxic gasses, which can act as nerve poison, as well as a thick black smoke that will significantly inhibit any potential for in-flight safety officers to address the burn," the document said, according to The Intercept.
An FBI document said that thermite devices "spew molton metal and hot gasses" and can potentially "burn through steel and every other material" on an aircraft, according to The Intercept.
Air marshals are being advised to "recognize a thermite ignition," but the TSA has not offered any training or guidance on how to do so, sources told The Intercept.
"We're supposed to brief our [federal air marshals] to identify a thermite ignition — but they tell us nothing," a TSA official told The Intercept. "So our guys are Googling, 'What does thermite look like? How do you extinguish thermite fires?' 
"This is not at all helpful."
A number of aviation officials also confirmed that they had been told about the threat but had not been given information or training on how to identify a thermite ignition.
"They say to identify something we don't know how to identify and say there is nothing we can do," a federal air marshal said. "So basically, we hope it's placed somewhere it does minimal damage, but basically we're [screwed]."
Aviation security officials criticized the agency for flooding employees with intelligence from other agencies as a way to cover itself in the event of a serious incident, but the agency has said that it prioritizes information sharing.
"As a general matter, DHS, the FBI and other partners in aviation security regularly share information on potential threats affecting air travel safety," S.Y. Lee, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, told The Intercept. "This information is shared in a timely and consistent fashion. When relevant and actionable information is developed, we work to identify countermeasures to mitigate the threat."
Lee also insisted that the agency had developed a rigorous security system.
"Today, all air travelers are subject to a robust security system that employs multiple layers of security, both seen and unseen, including: intelligence gathering and analysis, cross-checking passenger manifests against watchlists, thorough screening at checkpoints, random canine team screening at airports, reinforced cockpit doors, Federal Air Marshals, armed pilots and a vigilant public.
"In combination, these layers provide enhanced security creating a much stronger and protected transportation system for the traveling public. TSA continually assesses and evaluates the current threat environment and will adjust security measures as necessary to ensure the highest levels of aviation security without unnecessary disruption to travelers."
The FBI has said that there is no indication that terrorists have a specific interest in using thermite to target aircraft and potential attackers tend to have interest in other types of incendiary materials.
One expert questioned the likelihood that a thermite device would slip through security, given that a possible terrorist would need to smuggle an igniter on board while carrying a pound of solid material.
"You've got to get a pound of something that is a really thick mass through security without anyone noticing," Jimmie Oxley, a professor of chemistry at the University of Rhode Island, told The Intercept. "I find that hard to believe."
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Devilish Details Behind Obama’s Bullet Ban

Obama seems to be only beginning his tyrannical rein.
Check it out:
The Obama administration’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, or BATF, recently announced its intention to ban the manufacture, importation and distribution of popular SS109/M855 ammunition commonly used in AR-15 type rifles, based on the construction of the projectile it uses. This ammo served as the standard issue, 5.56 x 45mm round used by the U.S. military and most NATO countries around the world. It is commonly referred to as “Green Tip” because the military puts a bit of green paint on the tip of the bullet to help soldiers easily identify it.
Since the AR platform is the single most popular rifle in the country, and M855 is one of the most common types of ammunition used in AR rifles, banning this ammo would have a significant effect on the market, by reducing ammo supply, driving up prices and forcing the military to spend money to destroy their older stocks, rather than making money by selling it to shooters. And since the U.S. recently transitioned to a new, slightly different loading as their primary round, designated as M855A1, being unable to sell surplus M855 and its European equivalent SS109 to U.S. consumers could become a costly problem.
The proposed ban won’t apply to other common types of 5.56 ammunition, only the SS109/M855 rounds. It also won’t ban possession of this ammunition, just manufacture, importation and distribution. So someone with a crate of this stuff in his basement won’t have to worry about becoming a felon overnight. But that is small consolation.

Somali terrorists cleverly avoid racial profiling

Somali militants are threatening to blow up The Mall of America in Blooming, MN.

So now military and law enforcement can begin profiling WHITE PEOPLE!

Yes, the best way for the real terrorist to get the Leftist of America to allow the terrorists to blow things up is to declare who they are. And that’s exactly what a group of Somali with ties to al Qaeda did.

One of the largest malls in the United States has heightened security after a video claiming to be posted online by a Somali militant group affiliated with al Qaeda called for attacks against the mall.
The Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, issued a statement Saturday, saying it had increased security in light of the video purportedly from al-Shabab, which took credit for the deadly attack at a Kenyan mall that killed at least 67 civilians in 2013.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson called the video the “new phase we’ve evolved in terms of the global terrorist threat and what we need to do in terms of counter-terrorism..”

En mi opinión

No 877  Febrero 28, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR


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