Tuesday, February 17, 2015

No 869 "En mi opinion" Febrero 17, 2015

No 869 “En mi opinión”  Febrero 17, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño    EDITORhttps://blu172.mail.live.com/ol/clear.gif


 Amenper: Reflexión de Una mente Civilizada
No creo que una mente civilizada  pueda comprender realmente lo que estamos presenciando en las noticias con respecto a la brutalidad de los bárbaros musulmanes. 
Escapa a nuestro razonamiento el ver como  21 seres humanos son decapitados por sus creencias religiosas como era costumbre en el siglo VI,  y nos los presentan con videos de tecnología del siglo XXI. (Al final del E mail pueden ver el video)
Escapa al razonamiento como el mundo civilizado no se aterra lo suficiente ante tan horrible comportamiento.
No creo como me quieren hacer creer que esto es algo de unos cuantos militantes que como algunos cristianos tergiversan las doctrinas de su religión, estos tergiversan las doctrinas del Islam. 
He leído el Corán, y lo que creo que son religiosos que siguen las doctrinas de una religión guerrerista y criminal, y que tenemos que como cristianos, enfrentarnos a ella.
Pero entonces algunos nos dicen que el cristianismo es una religión de paz y que no debemos responder fuerza con fuerza, que Cristo dijo que si te golpean en una mejilla presenta la otra.
¿Entonces deberán los cristianos simplemente no usar la fuerza y dejar que destruyan , sus valores, su moral su familia sus creencias, su, su vida?. ¿Deben los cristianos no contra-atacar?
Pero Cristo dijo que volviéramos la otra mejilla, en este caso si nos cortan la cabeza no tenemos oportunidad de presentar la otra cabeza.
Así que antes de que no la corten vamos a usar la cabeza para analizar sobre estos, que con un extraño puritanismo nos quieren hablar que la paz del cristianismo, vamos a hablar desde un punto de vista puramente cristiano, como quieren hablar de cristianismo, está bien,  hablemos de cristianismo.
Decir que un grupo o nación no deban defenderse cuando lo atacan, es algo ingenuo, estúpido, o cómplice, depende de quién y por qué lo dice, pero si quieren hablar de la religión cristiana, vamos a hablar con propiedad, si eso es lo que ellos quieren.
Dicen que los cristianos que estaban siendo perseguidos por los paganos romanos y nunca utilizaron cualquier fuerza militante, pero esto  es totalmente impreciso.
Cuando los cristianos no tenían ninguna influencia sobre el gobierno de Roma, no constituían ninguna fuerza, no tenían medios para responder al poderío de Roma eran pacíficos, pero en realidad por necesidad, porque no tenían medios militares para defenderse, como los disidentes pacíficos en Cuba. 
Pero en cuanto Dios utilizó una batalla en la guerra para la conversión del  emperador Constantino, este fue el punto de partida cuando los cristianos comenzaron a utilizar la guerra justa para su defensa..
La primera guerra cristiana fue en 312 D.C., cuando Constantino, manteniendo la señal de la Cruz, derrotó al tirano pagano Majencio.  Esta fue la intervención de Dios para terminar la persecución de los cristianos en Roma. O sea Dios usó la guerra, no la paz para defender a su iglesia.
O sea que los cristianos, tan pronto como en el primer  siglo, utilizaron una guerra contra los paganos, no fue ni siquiera una cruzada, fue algo defensivo, y esto lo que  muestra realmente es en realidad cómo en un momento dado el cristianismo puede y debe usar una guerra justa.
Exactamente lo mismo puede decirse del antiguo Israel. Cuando el hebreo era perseguido bajo el Faraón, no podían declarar guerra a Egipto, igual que los cristianos del primer siglo a Roma. Pero tan pronto como tuvieron a Moisés como su líder recuerden que el ejercito del  Faraón quedó ahogado en las aguas del Mar Rojo, una intervención de Dios no muy pacífica que digamos
Pero bueno, me pueden argumentar  los más puritanos teólogos que  lo que digo arriba es historia secular y antiguo testamento, y me pueden decir que no es doctrina cristiana que se encuentra sólo en el nuevo testamento.
Lo cual también es discutible, porque todo lo que sucede viene de  Dios y todo puede y debe de usarse para entendimiento.
Pero vamos a aceptar esto, vamos a aceptar todas las maneras posibles de exponer la razón,  y vamos a ver solamente  el nuevo testamento.
Empecemos por lo que nos dice el libro de Hebreos

11-32¿Y qué más digo? Porque el tiempo me faltaría contando de Gedeón, de Barac, de Sansón, de Jefté, de David, así como de Samuel y de los profetas; 33que por fe conquistaron reinos, hicieron justicia, alcanzaron promesas, taparon bocas de leones, 34apagaron fuegos impetuosos, evitaron filo de espada, sacaron fuerzas de debilidad, se hicieron fuertes en batallas, pusieron en fuga ejércitos extranjeros. 

Lo que nos dice el escritor de Hebreos, ya sea San Pablo o quien lo haya escrito, es que Dios no condena una guerra justa no la condenó en Israel como no la condenaría en el caso de alguien como el "Francotirador Americano" que arriesgó su vida para salvar a otros de los terroristas que iban a asesinar a inocentes.  Fue Jesús el que dijo  "3Nadie tiene mayor amor que este, que uno ponga su vida por sus amigos".
Vamos a leer en el libro de los hechos de los apóstoles, en el capítulo 23, cuando un joven informó Pablo que algunos  judíos estaban decididos a matarlo, por su "traición" al judaismo.
 ¿Qué dijo Pablo?
¿ Déjame aquí y que me maten, puesto que nosotros no peleamos somos pacifistas?.Noo ..... el se defendió. 
Llamó a un centurión para que informara al Gobernador Felix que él tenía sus derechos como ciudadano Romano, y éste recibió su mensaje y envió a Centuriones para que los protegieran y lo llevaran a la fortaleza.
Si algunos de los religiosos judíos hubieran llegado para tratar de matar a Paul, los soldados protegiendo a Pablo no habrían dudado en matar a los atacantes.
Y Pablo no hubiera tenido un problema con esto.
Si Pablo  puede utilizar un ejército para protegerse contra sus perseguidores, los cristianos, entonces, tiene justificación  en el uso de ejércitos para protegerse contra cualquier grupo musulmán que busca la sangre de los cristianos..
 ¿Cómo puede uno criticar la militancia del cristianismo después de leer  el libro de hechos  y de hebreos, y otros pasajes bíblicos cuando se alaba las batallas pasadas e ilustres del pueblo de Dios contra sus enemigos.
Pero lamentablemente hay cristianos en América, condicionados por la comodidad en que viven, o por razones políticas, que denuncian tales hazañas gloriosas.
Estos son aquellos que siguen el Evangelio de la inutilidad y probablemente sean condescendientes  contra cualquiera que criticara a algún pastor pacifista celebre como Tim LaHaye, mientras condenan a los cristianos por contraatacar como defensa.
Creo que es hora de denunciar este cristianismo vacío, sin vida, esta herejía que está determinada por la moda, la comodidad en algunos y la agenda política cómplice en otros.
 Reflexionemos de lo que verdaderamente cristianismo se trata, y cómo la guerra justa es una parte de esta guerra de la supervivencia de la fe cristiana.
Cristo expulsó a los ladrones del templo de su padre con un látigo; entonces no es malo para los cristianos a expulsar a quienes quieran robar vidas inocentes de esta tierra.
Al final del mundo, la Biblia nos dice que habrá una gran guerra entre el pueblo  de Cristo, y la puta de Babilonia, no será un momento de  paz, Cristo defenderá a Israel con su Iglesia contra la puta de Babilonia,  la defenderá... y  va a ganar.
Entonces ¿De que nos están hablando?  Mejor es que se concentren más en las doctrinas de Marx y nos reclamenen sus puntos basados en esas doctrinas y no se metan en las doctrinas cristianas.
Por nuestra parte, creo que debemos hacer como Cristo cuando echó a los mercaderes del templo, como Cristo cuando vuelva a defender a su pueblo.
 Un soldado luchando contra el mal musulmán no es un asesino como algunos políticos liberales  sugieren utilizando su versión del cristianismo, un soldado luchando en el Medio Oriente , es como combatiente en una guerra justa entre la tiranía y el mundo civilizado.
El Presidente Obama nos habló dijo de los crímenes que se han cometido a nombre de Cristo, y yo creo que el mayor crimen que se está cometiendo usando el nombre de Cristo es cuando usan las palabras de Cristo para justificar a los que están tratando de destruir el cristianismo. Terrible paradoja esta, de los liberales incluyendo a nuestro presidente.
Si Obama me quiere dar lecciones de moral, de cristianismo, él lo puede hacer, porque tiene los medios para hacerlo, él es el presidente electo.
Pero los cristianos de América  tienen el derecho  como ciudadanos el exigir algo de Obama en este caso.  Como en el caso de Pablo cuando le recordó al Gobernador Félix de sus derechos como ciudadano Romano,  como el Gobernador Félix protegió a Pablo,  reclamar que el presidente Obama proteja a los ciudadanos cristianos de los Estados Unidos de América contra el peligro musulmán, es su deber.  
Pero como la voz de Juan el Bautista en el desierto, la voz de los que pedimos esto clama  sin respuesta. Tenemos que olvidarnos de la actualmente anacrónica tradición cristiana en este mundo en que vivimos, lo que pedimos simplemente no es "políticamente correcto" ni siquiera podemos mencionar el nombre del enemigo que nos va a destruir.
Pero como no soy alguien, soy muy poca cosa,  si puedo decirlo, es el estado ISLAMICO, A NOMBRE DEL ISLAM Y DE MAHOMA SU PROFETA, Y ESTE ES EL VIDEO QUE NO NOS QUIEREN ENESEÑAR

WATCH: ISIS Mass Coptic Christian Beheading Execution Video

Published 3:39 pm EST, February 15, 2015 Updated 5:13 pm EST, February 15, 2015 6 Comments  Sam Prince
The Islamic State has released a new video allegedly showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya. Watch the graphic video above.
Media companies like Al Jazeera have vowed not to air the video in its entirety and we agree. But video stills of the massacre are available beyond what this short Vine shows.
Al-Jazeera reports that the men perpetrating the mass beheading are taking revenge for “Muslim women persecuted by Coptic crusaders in Egypt.”
Crusaders is a term for “Christians” in Muslim theology, alluding to the Medieval reconquering of the Middle East by European Christians that ended around 1300.
Oddly enough, prior to the Muslim Crusades of around 800, Egypt was a majority Coptic Christian country.

Amenper: La guerra Justa y necesaria
El bien, el amor, la dignidad, el deber, el sacrificio, la virtud, la guerra justa y necesaria por el bien de todos los cubanos y de la humanidad
José Martí 
La guerra justa y necesaria es un principio estudiado y discutido como doctrina y aceptado por todas las naciones civilizadas.  José Martí era un jurista graduado de las universidades de Madrid y Zaragoza y fue también influenciado en su pensamiento por su estancia en Francia. Martí conocía los principios y la necesidad de una guerra justa y necesaria.
Aunque no lo queramos reconocer, estamos en la tercera guerra mundial.  Una guerra contra un enemigo quizás peor que los anteriores porque es un bárbaro viviendo en un pasado fanático religioso.
Una guerra en que nos encontramos en una situación en que nuestros gobernantes no quieren ni siquiera mencionar el nombre del enemigo.
El cuidado de la república ha sido encomendado a los gobernantes, a ellos compete defender el bien público del país, de los ciudadanos sometidos a su autoridad.
Pues bien, del mismo modo que la defienden lícitamente con la espada material contra los perturbadores internos, castigando a los malhechores, a tenor de las palabras del Apóstol Pablo: «No en vano lleva la espada, pues es un servidor de Dios para hacer justicia y castigar al que obra mal» (Rm 13,4). Le incumbe también defender el bien público con la espada de la guerra contra los enemigos externos.
San Agustín, por su parte, en el libro Contra Faust, enseña: «El orden natural, acomodado a la paz de los mortales, postula que la autoridad y la deliberación de aceptar la guerra pertenezca a los gobernantes, o sea es el deber y la obligación de los gobernantes para proteger a los gobernados
 Por eso escribe también San Agustín en el libro Quaest: «Suelen llamarse guerras justas las que vengan por las injusticias; por ejemplo, si ha habido lugar para castigar al pueblo o al país que descuida castigar el atropello cometido por los suyos o restituir lo que ha sido injustamente robado»
Las teorías sobre la de guerra justa (jus bellum iustum) es una doctrina, también conocida como una tradición, de la ética militar estudiado por teólogos, expertos en ética, legisladores y líderes militares. El propósito de la doctrina es asegurar que la guerra es moralmente justificable a través de una serie de criterios que deben cumplirse para que una guerra deba de ser considerada justa.
 Los criterios se dividen en dos grupos: "el derecho a ir a la guerra '' (jus ad bellum) y la conducta en la guerra la  '' (jus en bello). El primero refiere a la moralidad de ir a la guerra y la segunda con una conducta moral dentro de la guerra.
El enemigo ha violado los dos grupos, no tienen una justificación para la guerra y en cuanto a la conducta moral dentro de la guerra, no ha habido en el mundo civilizado moderno un grupo o nación que haya cometido las atrocidades de este enemigo.
Es el deber de los gobernantes enfrentar al enemigo no entrar en componendas con el enemigo.
Se conoce que Muammar Gaddafi estaba más que dispuesto a una transición pacífica. Lo sabemos por los tapes que han sido hechos público por el Pentágono.
Pero Barack Obama y Hillary Clinton. entregaron a Libia a los militantes islámicos y ahora es un territorio fértil para ISIS.  La muerte del embajador americano en Bengasi, la decapitación de los cristianos en Libia es simplemente el resultado de la política entreguista de esta administración.
Tal parece que las políticas de nuestros gobernantes, no son para la guerra justa y necesaria contra el enemigo, pero para entregar a nuestro país y el mundo a nuestros enemigos.



From: aelcv32@hotmail.com
To: osvaldo40@atlanticbb.net; beaappel@hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 19:42:35 -0500
Felicito de todo Corazon, a estos dos amigos, por el magnifico mensaje que le estan enviando al mundo, ya que al fin nos quitamos la dependencia del suministro del petroleo de los paises Arabes, al bajar el precio del barril de petroleo, deido a la masiva venta del petroleo Americanos, esto se lo han sentido, Venezuela y nuestra sufrida Patria=Cuba, asi como otros paise de Americda y del mundo.
Por esta accion, debemos felicitar al Gobierno de los EEUU....cierto

La frsea lapidaria "La era del petroleo Arabe ha terminado"

Ing. Armando Lopez-Calleja.-Miembro del CNP de Cuba en el Exilio y de la UCP

From: osvaldo40@atlanticbb.net
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 07:12:39 -0500


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From: beaappel@hotmail.com
To: aureliopadron@bellsouth.net
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 01:02:43 +0000

I believe in the sun even if isn't shinning
I believe in love even when I am alone
I believe in God even when He is silent

Armando Lopez-Calleja
 La era del petroleo arabe ha terminado…
Cuando los estados del Golfo se quedan sin dinero para gastar y estan experimentando sacudidas internas, la era del poder arabe destructivo esta llegando a su fin; la era de la mente y la innovación israelies, por otra parte, acaba de comenzar.
por: Guy Bechor
Fuente: Ynetnews
La noticia más espectacular de 2014 pasó casi desapercibida: Estados Unidos levantó las restricciones a las exportaciones de petróleo estadounidense, y a partir del primer día del nuevo año ha comenzado a exportar petróleo al mundo.
Nadie creía que esto sucedería tan rápido, pero EE.UU. ya es el mayor productor de petróleo del mundo, mayor que Arabia Saudita, gracias a la tecnología de pizarra bituminosa, que cambió el mundo de la energía.
Dentro de un año, se espera que EE.UU. exporte alrededor de un millón de barriles de petróleo por día y produzca 12 millones de barriles por día. Iran, en comparación, produce un millón y medio de barriles por día.
Esto significa que los precios del petróleo continuarán bajando, porque EE.UU. ya está compitiendo contra otros productores. Como resultado, Rusia será aplastada, Arabia Saudita y el resto de los estados del Golfo caerán de bruces, el cártel colapsará, y todas las dictaduras que se basaban principalmente en el petróleo – como Irán – se enfrentarán a un futuro sombrío.
Al mismo tiempo, las democracias como Canada, Brasil, Mexico, Nigeria e incluso el pequeño Israel entraran en el mercado.
La era del petroleo árabe ha terminado, y también el poder destructivo de las dictaduras petroleras del Golfo Pérsico. Estas dictaduras han controlado vergonzosamente a la deteriorada Europa: Comprando políticos, sobornando a empresas, asumiendo el control de la economía y ganando poder político, que también fue utilizado en contra de Israel.
Tomará algunos meses, pero tanto los europeos como los estadounidenses se darán cuenta de que la era del destructivo poder árabe ha terminado, porque los estados del Golfo no tendrán dinero para gastar. Por el contrario, serán sacudidos desde adentro por conmociones sociales, étnicas y terroristas, ya que no tendrán dinero para continuar satisfaciendo al terrorismo.
Ya se pueden ver los signos de la caída del poder árabe. Veintidós estados árabes hicieron un enorme esfuerzo, la semana pasada, para  hacer aprobar una resolución contra Israel en el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, pero fracasaron. EE.UU. permaneció inmutable, y también países occidentales fuertes. Es cierto que Francia y Luxemburgo siguen estando controlados por el capital árabe, o piensan que lo están, pero ellos también se darán cuenta de que la era del dinero árabe ha terminado.
Pero a medida que los precios del petróleo sigan bajando, ¿que pasara con Rusia? El país está colapsando y podría recurrir a una guerra europea para salvarse. ¿Y qué pasará con Egipto, que está financiado por Arabia Saudita? Este último ya está recortando su ayuda a El Cairo, porque el dinero ya no es una obviedad.
Y ¿qué pasa con los estados ricos del Golfo, como Qatar? Se engañan a sí mismos de que alguien estará interesado en ellos si no es por el petróleo. Algunos incluso están jugando con la idea del turismo. Bueno, si no es por el petróleo, nadie quiere ir allá en absoluto, y la arena cubrirá una vez más las torres que han construido y que se levantan en el aire.
¿Y la Autoridad Palestina de Mahmoud Abbas? Bueno, en realidad nadie del Golfo dona dinero a esta entidad, incluso antes de la crisis, aunque siempre hubo alegres declaraciones.
Cuando comienza el año 2015, estamos frente a un nuevo mundo: Un mundo de una revolución de la información, la mente, la fuerza personal, la innovación y los inventos. Y en este mundo, Israel es un príncipe real.
La era del petróleo árabe ha terminado y comienza la era de la mente global e israelí. Es un hecho que los países que no se atrevían a acercarse a nosotros en el pasado – a causa de la extorsión árabe – ahora lo están haciendo a toda prisa, como para compensar el tiempo perdido durante tantos años.
Israel se está convirtiendo en un amigo cercano de países que eran distantes en el pasado, pero se acercan hoy en día, como la India, Japón, China y Corea del Sur. Ellos también comprenden que los que no son innovadores y carecen de una mente creativa no sobrevivirán. Y en este campo, Israel tiene mucho que ofrecerles, al igual que ellos tienen mucho que ofrecer a cambio

Amenper: Mi Computadora
Mi computadora es una parte esencial en mi vida.  No es que sea “Mi Amante” como dice mi esposa, no es para mí un fetiche sexual, aunque lo sea para alguno de ustedes por los E Mail que me mandan.
No creo que sea realmente “mi droga”, aunque sin lugar a duda la uso como un fármaco tranquilizante para descargar mis frustraciones como saben ustedes.
Mi computadora es el empleado más eficiente que tengo en el trabajo, me sirve como un contable eficiente, me guarda la información del negocio, me ofrece consultoría que de otra manera necesitaría varios empleados y volúmenes de libros que no cabrían en mi oficina. 
Me ofrece noticias al momento antes de que ocurran en los medios de comunicación. 
Me ofrece información de los políticos, de los jugadores deportivos.
Puedo comprar con ella los tickets para los juegos y las entradas para el teatro
Me sirve de agencia de viajes, puedo hacer reservaciones desde mi silla que antes me tomaban viajes a oficinas, innumerables llamadas telefónicas, y disgustos con los agentes.
Me enseña literatura, geografía, historia y fotos de lugares que he visitado y que me gustaría visitar.
También me ha convertido en un Pascual Pérez virtual,  Pascual Pérez era un fotógrafo notorio en mi pueblo, con mi computadora puedo crear fotos que no existen nada más que en momentos de mi mente enajenada.  
Pero no todo es color de rosa con mi computadora, hay veces que tengo peleas profundas con ella.
Se me congela cuando menos lo pienso, aunque tenga que reconocer que fue mi falta por meter el dedo donde no debía,  pero a veces he estado tentado a destruirla de un martillazo.
Porque mi computadora funciona de una manera muy parecida a mi abogado y mi médico, está llena de información, pero hay que tener la habilidad para podérsela extraer convenientemente.
Todo depende de los programas que le ponga y de cómo sepa manejarlos, porque la computadora puede ser incompetente en sí misma, esto es, incapaz de realizar y regular con exactitud el trabajo para el que fue diseñada ella o el programa que estamos usando.  Porque depende del lugar y las personas que la diseñaron. 
Aun cuando sea competente en sí misma, la computadora amplifica enormemente los resultados de la incompetencia de su operador, en este caso yo mismo.
La computadora es igual que un empleado humano, se halla sometida al principio de la incompetencia innata en todo ser humano, porque funciona según la manejamos los humanos.
No sé si han oído el cuento de la computadora comparado a una mujer, pero es así:
El grupo de hombres llegó a la conclusión de que la computadora  era sin lugar a dudas del género femenino porque……
1- Nadie, salvo su creador, entiende su lógica interna.
2- El lenguaje que utiliza para dialogar con otra computadora es completamente incomprensible.
3- Guarda el más mínimo error en memoria para sacarlo en el momento más inoportuno.
4- En cuanto te decides por una, te das cuenta de que tienes que gastar la mitad de tus entradas en accesorios.

Pero no me imagino como pudiera vivir mi vida sin mi computadora, es mi compañera en el trabajo, en mi casa, cuando viajo.
Usando una frase de las novelas cursis, no sé cómo pude vivir sin ella antes de conocerla.

Egypt Bombs Islamic State Targets in Libya After 21 Egyptians Beheaded

Egyptian jets bombed Islamic State targets in Libya on Monday, a day after the group there released a video showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians, drawing Cairo directly into the conflict across its border.
Egypt said the pre-dawn strike hit militant camps, training sites and weapons storage areas in neighbouring Libya, where civil conflict has plunged the country into near anarchy and created havens for armed factions.
While Cairo is believed to have provided clandestine support to a Libyan general fighting a rogue government in Tripoli, the mass killings pushed President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi into open action, expanding his battle against Islamist militancy.
"And let those near and far know that the Egyptians have a shield that protects and preserves the security of the country, and a sword that eradicates terrorism," the military said.
Egyptian state television aired footage of fighter planes leaving a hangar with "Long live Egypt" emblazoned on the tails, followed by night-vision aerial footage showing bomb explosions and the aircraft returning in early daylight.
Libya's air force also participated in Monday's attack, which targeted Derna, an eastern coastal city seen as a base for Islamic State fighters in the oil-rich nation.
"There are casualties among individuals, ammunition and the (Islamic State) communication centres," Libyan air force commander Saqer al-Joroushi told Egyptian state television, adding that dozens were killed.
Joroushi, who is loyal to Libya's internationally recognised government that set up camp in the city of Tobruk after losing control of Tripoli, said there would be more strikes on Tuesday.
The rival Tripoli-based parliament, which is supported by some Islamist groups, said the strike was an assault on the country's sovereignty. Omar al-Hassi, the premier of the self-declared Tripoli government, said three children, two elderly men and a 21-year-old woman were killed in the attack.
It was not possible to confirm either factions' accounts of the number or nature of the casualties.

Cairo called on the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State in Iraq and Syria to broaden the scope of their operations to include Libya, highlighting how the militant group has expanded its reach around the Arab world.
Since the fall of strongman Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, a number of Islamist movements have taken hold in Libya. Recently, some have declared ties to Islamic State and claimed high-profile attacks in what appears to be an intensifying campaign.
The U.S. military estimated in December that only around 200 Islamic State fighters were operating in the country.
Egypt is not the only Arab nation sucked into confrontation with the group by the gruesome killings of its citizens.
Jordan has taken a leading role in conducting air strikes against the group in Syria and Iraq this month after the militants released a video showing a captured Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage.
The 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians were marched to a beach, forced to kneel and then beheaded on video, which was broadcast via a website that supports Islamic State.
The victims were among thousands of unemployed Egyptians desperately seeking work in Libya, despite the risks. Egypt's foreign ministry said it was banning travel to Libya and had set up a crisis centre to bring home Egyptians.
Before the videoed killings, one of the militants stood with a knife in his hand and said: "Safety for you crusaders is something you can only wish for." Afterwards, he says: "And we will conquer Rome, by the will of Allah."
The head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, condemned the beheadings. "They were killed simply for the fact that they were Christians," he said at the Vatican. "It makes no difference whether they be Catholics, Orthodox, Copts or Protestants. They are Christians!"
Egypt's Coptic Christian pope was one of the public figures who backed Sisi when he, as army chief, ousted Islamist president Mohamed Mursi in 2013 after mass protests against him.
The killings put pressure on Sisi to show he is in control of national security, even as he makes progress against Islamist militant insurgents in the Sinai, some of whom have recently pledged allegiance to Islamic State.
"It's swift and decisive, it's not about strategy, it's about containing anger within Egypt," said Hassan Hassan, co-author of a book on Islamic State.
"Just like in Jordan, it's more about saving face, saying: 'You can't mess with us'. .... It's likely to evolve into a sustained strategy of helping in the fight against ISIS (Islamic State) in neighbouring countries."
Fears the crisis in Libya could spill across the border had already prompted Egypt, the Arab world's most populous nation, to upgrade its military hardware.
France has said Egypt will order 24 Rafale fighter jets, a naval frigate and other equipment in a deal to be signed in Cairo on Monday worth more than 5 billion euros ($5.7 billion).
French President Francois Hollande said on Monday that he and Sisi wanted the United Nations Security Council to discuss Libya and take new measures against the Islamic State.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com 

Amenper:  ISIS Has Said it Will Behead People for Smoking…
Rashid, an old Kurdish peshmerga fighter, smoking a cigarette in the Kurdish-held portion of northern Iraq. ISIS, which controls parts of Syria, Iraq and Libya, has said that smoking is punishable by death. (Getty)
A severed head with a cigarette in its mouth was found last month in the ISIS-held Syrian city of Al-Mayadeen, as was reported by the Los Angeles Times. On the corpse nearby, “This is not permissible, Sheikh,” had been written in Arabic.
ISIS’ strict interpretation of Sharia law has classified smoking as “slow suicide,” and therefore not acceptable.
As the “ISIS Preaching Office” said in a statement last year:
“Every smoker should be aware that with every cigarette he smokes in a state of trance and vanity is disobeying god. Three days following the issuance of the statement, selling tobacco and shisha will be strictly prohibited and those who insist on selling them will bring injustice upon themselves and upon other people. All tobacco quantities will be burned and the seller will be punished according to Sharia.”

Bueno después de todo, ISIS está teniendo una coincidencia con los que, a nombre de la civilización y la ciencia nos inundan con anuncios y regulaciones para que las personas dejen de fumar.  Creo que este método para evitar que la gente fume de ISIS debe de tener muy buenos resultados y quizás sea usado en los Estados Unido por la EPA (Envioranmental Portection Agency) que tiene un estilo regulatorio parecido a la ley Sharia.
  Por lo menos en mí  ha logrado lo que ni mi mujer ni las regulaciones del gobierno y los consejos de los ambientalistas han logrado.  Leyendo esto estoy pensando en no fumar mi tabaquitos cotidianos, porque tengo un gran apego a mi calva cabeza.

White House Statement on Coptic Christian Beheadings Has Two Major Omissions

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The White House released a strongly worded statement Sunday condemning the killing of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by Islamic State-affiliated militants in Libya, but did not name the religions of the victims or of the perpetrators.
In the video released Sunday purporting to show the mass execution on a Libyan beach, militants emphasized their captives’ faith, calling them “crusaders.” The video was titled “The people of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian church,” certainly suggesting the Christians were targeted because of their religion.
The group that posted the video called itself the Tripoli Province of the Islamic State group, according to the Associated Press. Multiple news outlets reported — and the Coptic Christian church in Egypt confirmed — that the captives were Christians.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest during the daily press briefing, Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015, at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
White House press secretary Josh Earnest condemned the “despicable and cowardly murder of twenty-one Egyptian citizens in Libya by ISIL-affiliated terrorists.”
“ISIL’s barbarity knows no bounds. It is unconstrained by faith, sect or ethnicity,” Earnest said, using the White House’s term for the Islamic State. He called it a “heinous act” and a “wanton killing of innocents.”
While the White House statement did not mention Christian victims or Islamic extremists, it did call the attackers “terrorists.” That stood in contrast with a statement released Saturday by National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan condemning Saturday’s deadly shooting at a free speech event in Denmark that did not use the word “terrorist” to describe the incident – a word used by the Danish prime minister.
Meehan called the shooting “deplorable.”
In a statement issued Sunday, a day after Meehan’s statement, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki condemned the Denmark shootings, characterizing them as “terrorist attacks.”
“The United States condemns the terrorist attacks that took place over the weekend in Copenhagen, Denmark,” Psaki said, referring to the shootings at the free speech event and one later at a synagogue. “The people of the United States stand united with the people of Denmark and all others who defend the universal right of freedom of speech and stand against anti-Semitism and bigotry in all its forms.”
Danish media Sunday named the suspected gunman as Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, 22, who was born in Denmark and was released from jail two weeks ago after serving a term for aggravated assault.
Two people were killed in the Copenhagen attacks. Police later shot and killed El-Hussein.

Franklin Graham: 'Storm Is Coming' After 21 Christians Beheaded

By Greg Richter
The Rev. Franklin Graham called on Muslim leaders to condemn the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by Islamic State (ISIS) militants, warning a "storm is coming."

In a Facebook post on Monday, the son of the Rev. Billy Graham and head of the Christian relief group Samaritan's Purse said that there would have been an outcry if 21 Muslims had been beheaded by Christians.
"Where is the universal condemnation by Muslim leaders around the world?" Graham wrote.

He said the graphic video, titled "A Message Signed With Blood to The Nation of the Cross" should be taken as a serious warning and that such acts of terror will only spread across Europe and the United States if they are ignored.
"If this concerns you like it does me, share this. The storm is coming," Graham wrote.

ISIS released the video on Sunday of the 21 Egyptian men who were kidnapped while working in Libya. 

A statement in the ISIS propaganda magazine Dabiq said, "It is important for Muslims everywhere to know that there is no doubt in the great reward to be found on Judgment Day for those who spill the blood of these Coptic crusaders wherever they may be found," 
CNS News reported. 

The statement also accused the Copts, who are an Orthodox Christian minority in Egypt, of following Pope Shenouda III, who led the church from 1971 until he died in 2012, and of "the taghut [idolator] Sisi."

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is hated by the Islamist militants.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/Franklin-Graham-ISIS-Christians-Libya/2015/02/16/id/625053/#ixzz3S0mGXRFr 
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

OBAMA FAIL: Texas Federal Judge Halts Obama Immigration Policy

Good for Texas. Rule of law should play a role somewhere here in the USA and I’m glad Texas is setting the example.
A federal judge in Texas has ordered a halt, at least temporarily, to President Obama’s executive actions on immigration, siding with Texas and 25 other states that filed a lawsuit opposing the initiatives.
In an order filed on Monday, the judge, Andrew S. Hanen of Federal District Court in Brownsville, prohibited the Obama administration from carrying out programs the president announced in November that would offer protection from deportation and work permits to as many as five million undocumented immigrants.
The first of those programs was scheduled to start receiving applications on Wednesday and the immediate impact of the ruling is that up to 270,000 undocumented immigrants nationwide who came to the United States as children will not be able to apply for deportation protection under an expansion of an existing executive program. A larger new program is scheduled to begin in May.
Judge Hanen, an outspoken critic of the administration on immigration policy, found that the states had satisfied the minimum legal requirements to bring their lawsuit. He said the Obama administration had failed to comply with basic administrative procedures for putting such a sweeping program into effect.
The administration argued that Mr. Obama was well within long-established federal authority for a president to decide how to enforce the immigration laws. But Texas and the other states said the executive measures were an egregious case of government by fiat that would impose huge new costs on their budgets.
The White House responded to the judge’s ruling in a statement early Tuesday, saying the president had acted within the law and with decades of legal precedent behind him in issuing the guidelines.
“The Department of Justice, legal scholars, immigration experts and the district court in Washington, D.C., have determined that the president’s actions are well within his legal authority,” the White House statement said. “The district court’s decision wrongly prevents these lawful, common sense policies from taking effect, and the Department of Justice has indicated that it will appeal that decision.”
In ordering the administration to suspend the programs while he makes a final decision on the case, Judge Hanen agreed with the states that the president’s policies had already been costly for them.
“The court finds that the government’s failure to secure the border has exacerbated illegal immigration into this country,” Judge Hanen wrote. “Further, the record supports the finding that this lack of enforcement, combined with the country’s high rate of illegal immigration, significantly drains the states’ resources.”
Ken Paxton, the attorney general of Texas, which is leading the states bringing the lawsuit, hailed the judge’s ruling as a “victory for the rule of law in America and a crucial first step in reining in President Obama’s lawlessness.” He said Mr. Obama’s actions were “an affront to everyone pursuing a life of freedom and opportunity in America the right way.”
Mr. Obama said he was using executive powers to focus enforcement agents on deporting serious criminals and those posing threats to national security. Three-year deportation deferrals and work permits were offered for undocumented immigrants who have not committed serious crimes, have been here at least five years and have children who are American citizens or legal residents.
As part of the package, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson also established new priorities, instructing enforcement agents to concentrate on deporting the most dangerous criminals, including terrorists and gang members, as well as migrants caught crossing the border illegally.
In his opinion, Judge Hanen accused administration officials of being “disingenuous” when they said the president’s initiatives did not significantly alter existing policies. He wrote that the programs were “a massive change in immigration practice” that would affect “the nation’s entire immigration scheme and the states who must bear the lion’s share of its consequences.” He said the executive actions had violated laws that the federal government must follow to issue new rules, and he determined “the states have clearly proven a likelihood of success on the merits.”

Slate: College Students Are Children And Do Not Deserve Free Speech Rights

...do not deserve free speech or due process rights.

Eric Posner- a professor at the University of Chicago and son of famed judge Richard Posner- makes the case in Slate that college students are children and thus do not deserve free speech or due process rights.
Posner writes:
Conservatives and libertarians are up in arms. They see these rules as an assault on free speech and individual liberty. They think universities are treating students like children. And they are right. But they have also not considered that the justification for these policies may lie hidden in plain sight: that students are children. Not in terms of age, but in terms of maturity. Even in college, they must be protected like children while being prepared to be adults.
Furthermore, he writes that “sincere expressions of opinion about same-sex marriage or campaign finance reform” are “out of place even in philosophy and politics classes, where the goal is to educate students (usually about academic texts and theories), not to listen to them spout off.”
Posner thinks that universities create speech and sex codes because “that’s what most students want.” He then says: “If students want to learn biology and art history in an environment where they needn’t worry about being offended or raped, why shouldn’t they?”
In response to the argument that college students are children, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education President Greg Lukianoff argues:
But that’s definitely an argument that people should make that straight out, but you run into a couple moral and philosophical problems with that.
One of them is the moral and philosophical underpinnings of the 26th Amendment.  Essentially, we have decided in this country that 18-year-olds… that is considered the age for majority.
We also send our 18-year-olds to war.  Unless you’re actually also willing to make the argument that nobody below the age of, I don’t know, 22 should go to war, and we repealed the 26th Amendment, we’ve got a serious problem.
 Are college students children who deserve to be subjected to liberal speech codes? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Attention, San Fran Nan: Government dependency kills jobs

Unemployment Benefits Extension Debate
Being a San Francisco liberal means never having to say you’re sorry. Or wrong. Take Nancy Pelosi, please.
Five years ago, California’s genius Bay Area Democrat declared that government unemployment checks generate job growth. Yes, really. “Let me say about unemployment insurance,” she told reporters, “this is one of the biggest stimuluses (sic) to our economy. Economists will tell you, this money is spent quickly. It injects demand into the economy and is job creating.”
She babbled on: “It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name, because, again, it is money that is needed for families to survive, and it is spent. So it has a double benefit. It helps those who’ve lost their jobs, but it also is a job creator.”
What Crazy-Cakes Pelosi failed to mention, however, is the long-established conclusion of labor economists from all parts of the political spectrum that extending unemployment insurance benefits prolongs unemployment. While she heralded the short-term effects on consumer spending, she ignored the blindingly obvious: Outside the land of progressive make-believe, workers respond to incentives. Over the long term, subsidizing joblessness creates more of it.
I bring this all up because a new paper from the venerable, nonpartisan National Bureau of Economic Research concludes that the recent job gains Pelosi and the Democrats are now crowing about may be due to the very policy they fought so hard against: ending extended unemployment benefits.
“We find that a 1 percent drop in benefit duration leads to a statistically significant increase of employment by 0.0161 log points,” the NBER economists reported. In practical terms, it means that “1.8 million additional jobs were created in 2014 due to the benefit cut.” Take note: “Almost 1 million of these jobs were filled by workers from out of the labor force who would not have participated in the labor market had benefit extensions been reauthorized.”
The jobs bump coincided with the expiration of the 99-week UI benefits extension passed as part of the Obama stimulus package. Remember: Laid-off workers were already collecting up to 79 weeks of unemployment in half of the states before the last extension. Democrats were pushing for yet another 13-week extension that would have cost tens of billions of dollars more. The cost of the joint federal-state program is borne by employers who pay state and federal taxes on a portion of wages paid to each employee in a calendar year.
Remarkably, the NBER analysis attributed “61 percent of the aggregate employment growth in 2014″ to the congressional cutoff in unemployment benefits at the end of 2013. Here’s the NBER team’s bottom line for Pelosi and her fellow unemployment benefits cheerleaders: “The findings in this paper imply that the negative effects of unemployment benefit extensions on employment far outweigh the potential stimulative effects often ascribed to this policy.”
This vindication comes after a hyperbolic campaign by Democrats accusing Republicans of “meanness” and “obstruction” for opposing “temporary” unemployment benefits that have become enshrined permanently.
But it’s not just partisan hacks in Washington who’ve so falsely demonized those opposed to endless unemployment checks as a “job creation” vehicle. During the contentious debate over extending UI checks as part of the Obama stimulus in 2009, I argued on an ABC “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” panel, “If you put enough government cheese in front of people, they are just going to keep eating it.” Atlanta Journal-Constitution columnist Cynthia Tucker took offense, mischaracterizing standard economic arguments for moral judgment. “Does the right really believe the unemployed are lazy?” she wailed.
The left-leaning journalism outfit at PolitiFact jumped on board, rating my 100 percent-true reference to decades of labor economics literature on UI’s impact on joblessness “half-true.” And the George Soros-funded hitmen of Media Matters called me and several other conservatives “reality”-deniers for stating the bloody obvious about UI’s warped incentives — even though their favorite “progressive” economist Paul Krugman acknowledged that “everyone agrees that really generous unemployment benefits, by reducing the incentive to seek jobs, can raise the NAIRU” (the minimum rate of unemployment consistent with a stable inflation rate).
The politicians posing as economy-healers and the political operatives posing as journalists will no doubt find clever ways to slice, dice and explain away the latest NBER findings. But this simple truth endures: Government dependency doesn’t “create” jobs. It kills them.
Michelle Malkin is the author of “Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies” (Regnery 2010).

Who has most racist views…Democrat or Republicans?

I have no doubt that Democrats are the most racist (and vile) people on the planet. Most don’t even realize just how racist they are, since they usually don’t possess the intellect to see “outcomes.’

Further, Democrats LOOK for racism in everything, incapable of just taking things at face value.

Nevertheless, much of the public believes the Madison Avenue sales job that Republicans are the most racist.

Al Sharpton Dodges Racism Debate at Oxford Union, Will Deliver Prepared Speech
The General Social Survey, conducted by the University of Chicago, affirms the fact that there are only minor differences between rank-and-file Democrats and rank-and-file Republicans with regard to racism.
See article
Social desirability bias may discourage Americans from expressing their true feelings.
Social desirability bias
is a social science research term that describes the tendency of survey respondents to answer questions in a manner that will be viewed favorably by others. It can take the form of over-reporting “good behavior” or under-reporting “bad”, or undesirable behavior. The tendency poses a serious problem with conducting research with self-reports, especially questionnaires. This bias interferes with the interpretation of average tendencies as well as individual differences.
In 1988 when Jesse Jackson was running for the Democratic nomination, 23 percent of white Democrats said they wouldn’t vote for a black president, compared to 19 percent of white Republicans.
In 2008, when Obama was a candidate rather than a president, the numbers were about equal ( 5% ) among Republicans and Democrats.
In 1990, 65 percent of white Democrats and 71 percent of white Republicans said they’d object to an interracial marriage of a close relative.
From 1990 to 2008, white Republicans were just slightly more likely than white Democrats to say they considered blacks to be more “unintelligent” than “intelligent.” However, the numbers have fallen over time, and the small partisan gap erased itself in 2010 and 2012, under Obama’s presidency. [Under Obama, I would not be surprised to see this number go way up, given that he was supposed to be SO smart.]
A 1989 poll shows that approximately 63% of white Republicans and 63% of white Democrats believed that blacks lack the motivation to pull themselves out of poverty.
In 2004, approximately the same percentage ( 32%) of white Republicans and white Democrats opposed a close relative marrying a black person.
In 2006, 37% of white Republicans and 36% of white Democrats said blacks are “more lazy” than “hard-working”.
The 2009 survey showed that the percentage of white Democrats and white Republicans who oppose living in a half black neighborhood was tied at 20%.
A 2008 survey shows the percentage of whites who say they do not feel close to blacks at 10% for both parties.
In 2004, 18% of white Republicans, and 15% of white Democrats said they believed the federal government was spending too much money on improving conditions for blacks.
On average, between the 2004 and 2006 editions of the surveys — the last two before Obama was either a president or a candidate — the index of negative racial attitudes stood at 22 percent for white Democrats and 26 percent for white Republicans. Those values are within the margin of error.
If there’s a discouraging trend, it’s not so much that negative racial attitudes toward blacks have increased in these polls, but that they’ve failed to decrease under Obama, as they did so clearly for most of the past three decades.
I completely get most of these statistics. Sure there are some knuckledragging Neanderthals who are just race bigots, but most of them are “old school” folks, with one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. By the way, if you poll black people, you would get some astoundingly racist statistics against whites.
Thanks for all the racial healing, Barack Obama. Read more at http://theblacksphere.net/2015/02/racist-views-democrat-republicans/

Obama Won’t Call Beheaded Victims Christians; Goes Golfing

Obama is such a wimp and makes it easy for Islamic State to continue to grow.
Check it out:
It is well-known that the pro-Muslim Obama White House will not call Islamic terrorism, Islamic terrorism. Nor were the Jews murdered by Islamists in a Jewish deli in France allowed to be called Jews, instead, Obama referred to them as “random” and “folks.”
The same regime that said “you can keep your policy” and “you didn’t build that” has a problem with the truth, especially when it comes to painting Islam, the “religion of peace” that’s responsible for almost all terrorism in the world, in any kind of negative light.
And now, following the horrific beheadings of 21 Coptic Christians over the weekend by ISIS (who the regime still calls “ISIL”), Obama immediately went golfing to celebrate mourn, while his mouthpieces were given the marching orders to not say that those slaughtered were Christians and that is the reason why the barbaric Islamic monsters brutally beheaded them.

Were Obama’s ‘Crusade’ Comments Responsible for Latest Beheadings of Christians?

Fox News reported that “a video released on Sunday by militants in Libya claiming loyalty to the Islamic State terror group purports to show the mass beheading of Coptic Christian hostages.
The video, which appeared on the Twitter feed of a website that supports Islamic State, depicts several men in orange jumpsuits being led along a beach, each accompanied by a masked militant. The men are made to kneel and one militant, dressed differently than the others, addresses the camera in North American-accented English.”
The latest reports have confirmed the murders of these committed Christians:
“Even under the blade, some were making their last prayers and as the blade came to their neck they all cried in unison ‘Ya Rabbi Yasou’ (O My Lord Jesus) the caption by ISIS stated ‘these insisted to remain in unbelief.’ In other words, they were given the option to convert or die and every one of them refused, even unto death.”
This is the important part from one of the murdering Muslims:
"All crusaders: safety for you will be only wishes, especially if you are fighting us all together. Therefore we will fight you all together. The sea you have hidden Sheikh Osama Bin Laden's body in, we swear to Allah we will mix it with your blood."
You may recall how President Obama in his National Prayer Breakfast speech described a moral equivalency between modern-day Islamic barbarity with the Crusades that took place more than 500 years ago in response to Islamic oppression.
“The Crusades were an effort ‘to defend Christians in the Middle East who were being slaughtered by Muslims’ after the Muslim conquest of Christian Jerusalem in 638 AD, wrote Douglas Murray for the Gatestone Institute.”
Here’s what Obama said:
“Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”
Were these comments by President Obama viewed by the beheading Islamists as a way to justify their actions? It’s payback for the Crusades – moral equivalency in action!
The original reason for the Crusades is happening again:
"The killings raise the possibility that ISIS, which controls about a third of those countries in a self-declared caliphate, has established a direct affiliate less than 500 miles from the southern tip of Italy. One of the militants in the video makes direct reference to that possibility, saying the group now plans to 'conquer Rome.'"

DUMB WH BLONDE: State Dept Spox on ISIS, ‘We Can’t Win This War By Killing Them…They Need More Job Opportunities’

State Department Representative Marie Harf told Chris Matthews that the answer to fighting ISIS is not killing them, but helping them to have more job opportunities. Yeah, that’ll work. It has nothing to do with their insane ‘religion of peace’.
MATTHEWS: How do we stop this? I don’t see it. I see the Shia militias coming out of Baghdad who are all Shia. The Sunnis hate them. The Sunnis are loyal to ISIS rather than going in with the Shia. You’ve got the Kurds, the Jordanian air force and now the Egyptian air force. But i don’t see any — If i were ISIS, I wouldn’t be afraid right now. I can figure there is no existential threat to these people. They can keep finding places where they can hold executions and putting the camera work together, getting their props ready and killing people for show. And nothing we do right now seems to be directed at stopping this.
HARF: Well, I think there’s a few stages here. Right now what we’re doing is trying to take their leaders and their fighters off the battlefield in Iraq and Syria. That’s really where they flourish.
MATTHEWS: Are we killing enough of them?
HARF: We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether —
MATTHEWS: We’re not going to be able to stop that in our lifetime or fifty lifetimes. There’s always going to be poor people. There’s always going to be poor muslims, and as long as there are poor Muslims, the trumpet’s blowing and they’ll join. We can’t stop that, can we?
HARF: We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people…

Judge Blocks Obama's Deferred Deportation Policy for Undocumented Immigrants

A federal judge in Texas on Monday issued a preliminary injunction blocking the U.S. government from enacting President Barack Obama's executive order on immigration to defer deportations for up to 5 million undocumented immigrants.
U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen of the Southern District of Texas temporarily blocked the federal government from implementing "any and all aspects" of the order, which protected millions of people in the country illegally from immediate deportation.
Hanen's ruling allows a lawsuit filed by Texas and 25 other states challenging Obama's executive order to go forward.
In a memorandum accompanying his order, Hanen wrote that the lawsuit should go forward and that without a preliminary injunction the states will "suffer irreparable harm in this case."
"The genie would be impossible to put back into the bottle," he wrote, adding that he agreed with the plaintiffs' argument that legalizing the presence of millions of people is a "virtually irreversible" action.
In his ruling, Hanen said the Obama administration violated the Administrative Procedure Act.
The preliminary injunction applies to the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent residents, better known as DAPA, and expansions to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, both of which Obama announced in November. DAPA, part of which was set to go into effect on Wednesday, would grant work permits and defer deportation for three years of undocumented immigrants who are both parents of U.S. citizens and who've been living in the U.S. since 2010.
"This decision is a victory for the rule of law in America and a crucial first step in reining in President Obama's lawlessness," Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who is leading the lawsuit against the Obama administration, said in a statement. "This injunction makes it clear that the president is not a law unto himself, and must work with our elected leaders in Congress and satisfy the courts in a fashion our Founding Fathers envisioned."
Texas Governor Greg Abbott added: "President Obama abdicated his responsibility to uphold the United States Constitution when he attempted to circumvent the laws passed by Congress via executive fiat, and Judge Hanen's decision rightly stops the president's overreach in its tracks."
However, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said in a statement that "the Department of Justice, legal scholars, immigration experts, and the district court in Washington, D.C. have determined that the president's actions are well within his legal authority."
He added: "The district court's decision wrongly prevents these lawful, commonsense policies from taking effect and the Department of Justice has indicated that it will appeal that decision."
An appeal would be heard by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans.

FRANKLIN GRAHAM: What If 21 Muslims were Beheaded by Christians?

Reverend Franklin Graham issued a eery warning today saying, “the storm is coming”, in response to ISIS murdering 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians. See the full text of it below via Facebook: http://clashdaily.com/2015/02/franklin-graham-21-muslims-beheaded-christians/

Saquemos a estos politicos / votemos en su contra. El futuro del pais esta en nuestras manos. 
Como es posible que una persona que nunca trabaja en este pais viva mejor que un obrero que dejo su juventud en una factoria...Ustedes los politicos que apoyan esto...¿ No les da Verguenza ?. Fwd: RV: ¿CUANDO VAMOS A APRENDER DE ELLOS? 
 ¿Recordáis la madre musulmana, residente en
 España, que protestó porque había un Crucifijo en la
 clase y eso ofendía a su hijo y casi le dan la
 Pues lean, lean...
 Legislación para extranjeros inmigrantes:
 1. No habrá programas de lenguas extranjeras en las escuelas. 
2. Todos los anuncios del gobierno y las elecciones
 se desarrollaran en lengua nacional.
 3. Todas las cuestiones administrativas tendrán
 lugar en nuestra lengua.
 4. Los extranjeros no serán una carga para los
 contribuyentes. No tendrán seguridad social, ni
 indemnización para comidas, no tendrán asistencia
sanitaria, ninguna otra ventaja pública le será acordada.
 Cualquier abuso provocará su expulsión. 
 5. Los extranjeros podrán invertir en este país, pero
 el importe mínimo tendrá que ser igual a 40.000 veces el salario mínimo. 
 6.Si los extranjeros compran bienes inmuebles, sus
 posibilidades están limitadas. Ciertos terrenos, en
 particular bienes inmuebles que tengan acceso al agua
 corriente, serán reservados para los ciudadanos nacidos
 7.Los extranjeros no pueden protestar en nuestro
 país. Ningún tipo de manifestación, ninguna utilización
 de una bandera extranjera, ninguna organización política. 
Ninguna calumnia dirigida hacia nuestro país, el gobierno y su política. 
Toda violación conducirá a la expulsión. 
 8. Si alguien penetra a este país ilegalmente, será acosado
 sin piedad. Detenido, y retenido hasta que sea expulsado. Todos sus bienes serán confiscados.
 Los artículos arriba
detallados, son las reglas de inmigración vigentes en
Arabia Saudita y en Emiratos Árabes Unidos.

 “En mi opinión

No 869  Febrero 17, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR


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