Thursday, February 26, 2015

No 876 "En mi opinion" Febrero 26, 2015

No 876 “En mi opinión”  Febrero 26, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño    EDITOR

Enero 20, 2017 FIN DEL DISPARATE
BOOM! Retired Admiral James “Ace” Lyons Calls Obama’s Strategy Anti-American, Pro Islamic                                                        “EMO” Hey them is not only Guliany. Lazaro R Gonzalez Mino. “En mi opinion”

Calls Out Democrat And Republican Administrations For Policy Failures

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


TO: Senator Dean Heller (R) NV
It appears as if the Retired Admirals, Generals, Defense Secretaries and other of importance are unafraid to name Obama as TREASONOUS!
The Liberals of the Senate are JUST AS GUILTY as they cover for his misdeeds and criminal actions!
The Immigration mess is but one of Obama's foul ups. The entire Middle East is aflame with his bungling (purposeful) and so is the Ukraine. Iran (possibly) with nuclear weapons is a threat to the entire world.
It all started with Operation Fast and Furious...then the IRS debacle, Eric Holder cover-up....Benghazi...Syria...Rosen of the Press...There is no end in sight....Obamacare is ruining the medical system...and Representatives and Senators COVER FOR HIM!
The U.S. Constitution supposedly is the Governing Document which must be followed...Obama spits on our Constitution regularly and his denials are so ridiculous that even I can punch holes in his overt lies!
As a Christian, as an American, as a citizen, as one of your constituents I demand action! I write regularly and receive your 'boiler-plate' responses. They reek of double-speak and flowery language...This time I want ACTION...
Were I a Sheriff I'd go to D.C. and begin arresting such treasonous members of Congress as Senators Reid, Shumer, Leahy, Franken, as well as Bernie Sanders, Representatives Waters, Al Sharpton, to name a few! 
For Obama and Holder to allow tax-dodgers to operate the IRS is reprehensible!  To allow Susan Rice to run our national defense is TREASON!
I am about as angry as a man of God can be....  

El legado de Barack Hussein Obama
Obama ha vetado la ley aprobada por la mayoría del congreso y el senado.   El movimiento envía el tema políticamente cargado a volver al Congreso, donde los republicanos no han mostrado que puedan reunir la mayoría de dos tercios en ambas cámaras necesaria para invalidar el veto de Obama.  
Aunque el veto es Obama es el primero desde los republicanos tomaron el control en el Capitolio, no es probable que sea la última. Los legisladores del partido republicano están alineando legislación anulando las acciones de Obama en cuidado de la salud, la inmigración y la regulación financiera que Obama ha prometido asimismo rechazar.
Vivimos en un país que ha sido un ejemplo de la democracia representativa.  Los padres de la patria quisieron evitar la dictadura, ya sea de las minorías como de las mayorías.  El que un presidente sea electo por la mayoría de la nación no lo convierte en un dictador que pueda gobernar sin el consenso de todos. 
Para esto se escogen cuerpos legislativos con representantes que son las voces de sus distritos y representan la voz del pueblo.
La preocupación de los constituyentes y de los hombres públicos americanos se centró en evitar que la mayoría pudiera reemplazar al capricho o a la arbitrariedad de los gobernantes absolutos, sin ningún respeto por la persona. En ese sentido es importante recordar la frase de Alexander Hamilton en “El Federalista” que señala que una Nación, luego de liberarse de la opresión de los gobernantes extranjeros debe de estar muy atenta para no caer en la dictadura de las mayorías.
Al proclamar los derechos de cada persona, se pone una barrera a la acción del gobierno. No se puede traspasar esos derechos sin desfigurar al sistema. La democracia es así, en la edad moderna, un sistema de gobierno de seres humanos que se auto-perciben dignos e iguales.
Cuando un presidente como Barack Hussein Obama, usa sub-refugios para gobernar por acción ejecutivas y veta las leyes aprobadas por las cámaras legislativas electas por el pueblo para que lo represente, se está convirtiendo en un virtual dictador.
La democracia representativa fue concebida para que la  voluntad de un gobernante elegido por una mayoría no pueda actuar con criterio absolutista, sino que es referida al respeto a esos derechos fundamentales del  pueblo a través de sus representantes por situación geográfica o persuasión filosófica o política. Esos derechos son el límite del absolutismo del presidente y su remoción no depende del ejecutivo, el que siempre debe de atender con respeto esas capacidades del ser humano.
La democracia representativa sólo es, entonces, solamente el presidente expresado a través de la mayoría de entre los iguales, sino que es el gobierno del pueblo, asumida como sociedad de personas humanas con derechos básicos inalienables, expresado por una representación entre los iguales y con el límite fijado por el respeto a esos derechos. En el gobierno democrático, el pueblo en general, la sociedad que vive en ese territorio, tanto la mayoría como la minoría, deben de mantener como consecuencia de su aplicación, esa condición que no es posible alterar con normas que conviertan en inferiores a un grupo y en superiores a los demás. La igualdad no sólo debe estar presente en el momento en que se adopta una decisión, sino que en la democracia esa igualdad debe ser una vocación permanente.
La democracia es incompatible con el gobierno absoluto, cualquiera sea su titular.
Pero la sofisticación de las leyes ha producido justificación para violaciones de la justa implementación de la democracia representativa.
Es el deber del pueblo para su propio bienestar, el identificar la situación, y en las próximas elecciones elegir gobernantes que devuelvan al país su democracia representativa que le legaron sus fundadores.   

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 President Obama Vetoes 42,000 Jobs. What's next?
Rob Engstrom, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Friend,
Yesterday, President Obama vetoed the Keystone XL Pipeline and sided with a small minority of environmental extremists over the clear will of the American people.
Business groups, labor groups, and a rare coalition of Democrats and Republicans in Congress all came together in support of this common-sense project supported by 57% of Americans. 
The President missed an opportunity to put politics aside and unfortunately, it’s becoming harder and harder to take his commitment to job creation and his willingness to work with this Congress seriously.
The President’s veto not only rejects 42,000 jobs and $3.4 billion in GDP in the midst of a slow economic recovery – it impacts our relationship with Canada, our strongest and most reliable ally, and sends a message to the world that it’s virtually impossible to build anything in America.
We will continue to push for approval of Keystone XL and want to thank you for your grassroots support on this issue that helped generate nearly 60,000 letters to Congress and the Administration.
The debate over this Administration’s failed energy policies is just getting started.
Recently, the Administration moved to lock up much of the nation’s richest energy resources in the Pacific Coast, Eastern Gulf of Mexico, and in Alaska’s arctic coast. This comes on top of the Administration’s unprecedented land grab to permanently block energy exploration in 12 million acres of Alaska’s oil-rich Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
>>> Click here to sign the petition against the Administration’s latest radical energy proposal.
We need to continue to advocate for an all-of-the-above energy policy and push back against an Administration that continues to stand in the way of reaching our true energy potential.
Thank you,

Rob Engstrom
SVP and National Political Director
U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Al Sharpton Named In Huge Discrimination Lawsuit

Sharpton's reputation has taken multiple hits this week.

Even as an undercover investigation revealed some fierce criticism by some of the people he ostensibly used his celebrity status to defend, Al Sharpton sustained another blow to his already controversial reputation.
Reports indicate the National Association of African-American Owned Media, an advocacy group interested in promoting black ownership of media outlets, recently filed a $20 billion lawsuit against Comcast and Time Warner Cable just as the two companies are prepared to combine to create an industry-leading corporation. In its court documents, the group alleges both cable providers conspired to relegate networks owned by blacks.
The companies “collectively spend approximately $25 billion annually for the licensing of pay-television channels and advertising of their products and services,” the suit states, “yet 100% African American-owned media receives less than $3 million per year.”
Among the accusations contained in the lawsuit is a direct indictment against MSNBC host Sharpton. The longtime civil rights activist allegedly accepted a nearly $4 million donation from Comcast through his National Action Network, which the suit suggests was paid to secure his support for deals including the company’s acquisition of NBCUniversal.
As purported evidence of the arrangement, the suit cites Sharpton’s ratings.
“Despite the notoriously low rating that Sharpton’s show generates,” the plaintiffs wrote, “Comcast has allowed Sharpton to maintain his hosting position for more than three years in exchange for Sharpton’s continued public support for Comcast on issues of diversity.”
For their part, both Sharpton and Comcast have responded to the development by insisting they are committed to fostering diversity in the media industry.
“We currently carry more than 100 networks geared toward diverse audiences,” a Comcast spokesperson stated, “including multiple networks owned or controlled by minorities.”
The source called the allegations included in the lawsuit “scurrilous” and Sharpton’s NAN referred to the claim as “frivolous.”

 Paciencia es soportar con serenidad las molestias que experimentamos ante las dificultades que se nos presenta en la vida.
Tengo muchas cosas que me molestan y es difícil el soportarlas sobre todo en momentos de abatimiento. pero he descubierto que cuando las tomo con paciencia y serenidad, las cosas se arreglan solas.
Voy a darle una lista de algunas de las cosas que me molestan, hay más, pero algunas no quiero ni mencionarlas.
Cosas que me molestan
1.-Que tengan que poner la edad en el obituario  de ese individuo que tenía mi edad o era más joven que yo y que cada día hayan más obituarios como los que describo arriba.
2.-Cuando recibo una llamada y no pude responder, llamo al teléfono que marca mi celular, y está ocupado.  ¿Que pasa? llaman y cuelgan y no contestan?
3.-Cuando estoy conduciendo me molestan los peatones, cuando soy un peatón me molestan los carros, pero siempre me molestan conduciendo y a pie estas gente en bicicleta que se creen todavía que están en Cuba y se te atraviesan siempre en tu camino.
4.-Me molesta ver esas películas de los 50s cuando de cuando era joven y recordar que todos son cadáveres.
5.-Me molesta mirar qué hora es, pero como estoy distraído, no sé qué hora es y tengo que volver a mirar, me dicen que eso es Alzheimer, pero entonces yo tengo al alemán conmigo desde que tenía 15 años.
6.-Me molesta cuando estoy discutiendo con alguien tratando de explicarle algo que no entiende, y en el medio de la conversación, me doy cuenta que soy yo el que está equivocado.
7.-Me molesta que diga un chiste y no se rían, y que se rían cuando no dije un chiste.
8.-Me molesta cuando me cae una basurita en el parabrisas, y pongo el limpiaparabrisas y no lo alcanza, le pongo agua y no se va, entonces trato de alcanzarlo con el brazo y no llego, me bajo, y me ponen la verde y el de atrás me pita, todo por una basurita.
8.-Me molesta ir al baño público y después que acabo de hacer mi evacuación, encontrar que no me alcanza el papel de inodoro.
9.-Me molesta algo que me pasó hace tiempo pero que no puedo olvidar.  Fue en 1972, los Dolphins estaban el Súper Bowl contra los Washington Redskins, era la culminación de la temporada invicta. 
Pero en 1972 muchos de nuestros amigos no conocían de Football ni sabían que era el Súper Bowl, y se apareció una pareja de amigos de visita, se pueden figurar la disyuntiva de a quien atender, a los amigos y ser cortés ese día  o al Súper Bowl , o perder la oportunidad de ser testigo de una hazaña deportiva.
Si tengo que decir lo que hice, no me conocen.
10.-Me molesta que cuando me hablan de cómo debe de ser mi conducta ante Dios en la iglesia, no me molestan las cosas que no entiendo, lo que me molesta son las cosas que entiendo.
11.-Me molesta que yo moleste a la gente y se sorprenda cuando fumo un tabaco o que no le gusta ir a una casa con perros.  A mí no me molestan ni los tabacos ni los perros, y sólo me sorprendería si llegara a un lugar y viera a un perro fumando un tabaco.
12.-Me molestan que infrinjan mi derecho de marca, esto es el núcleo de mi negocio, el fruto de mi imaginación.  Las marcas es un derecho que es conveniente no sólo para mí, pero para todos.  Si tengo una marca y cualquiera puede copiarla, entonces no tendrían que trabajar ni ejercitar su imaginación.
Si no pueden hacerlo no solo se serán más activos y se sentirán mejor con ellos mismos, pero además el público tendrá más variedad donde escoger.
13.-Me molesta ver presentndo como un héroe a un drogadicto reformado.  Está bien, me alegro, pero ¿cómo se sienten esos que nunca han usado drogas, y nadie los consideran héroes? 
14.-Me molesta que alguien considere que mis ambiciones son malas.  Cuando veo a alguien que tiene más que yo, no considero malo querer tener lo mismo que él.  La ambición no es mala, lo que es malo es la envidia, que es querer quitarle lo suyo para tenerlo yo y que él no lo tenga más.  O la peor envidia que es la envidia socialista, que es el simple deseo de quitarle lo suyo a alguien para que nadie tenga nada.
¿Quieres seguir? Paciencia es soportar con serenidad las molestias, que todo te resbale
que nada te moleste
Que todo te importe un carajo

Sube de tono disputa EEUU-Israel por discurso de Netanyahu

Associated PressDe Por JULIE PACE y LAURIE KELLMAN |
WASHINGTON (AP) — Estados Unidos e Israel subieron de tono el miércoles su enfrentamiento cada vez más público en torno al discurso del primer ministro israelí Benjamin Netanyahu ante el Congreso la próxima semana, el cual fue organizado por legisladores republicanos.
El mandatario israelí ha acusado a las potencias mundiales de permitir que Irán desarrolle armas nucleares, al tiempo que el secretario de Estado norteamericano John Kerry ha cuestionado abiertamente el juicio de Netanyahu en el tema.
Los comentarios inyectaron nuevas tensiones en una relación ya de por sí tirante entre dos aliados cercanos antes del discurso de Netanyahu frente al Congreso el próximo martes. Más legisladores demócratas han anunciado que no asistirán al discurso, el cual fue organizado por líderes legislativos republicanos sin conocimiento del gobierno del presidente Barack Obama.
Netanyahu espera que su alocución fortalezca la oposición a un posible acuerdo nuclear con Irán, un destacado objetivo en la política exterior de Obama. Funcionarios estadounidenses e iraníes reportaron avances en las negociaciones de esta semana en torno a un acuerdo que reduciría las actividades nucleares de Teherán durante al menos 10 años, pero luego levantaría lentamente las restricciones.
Netanyahu criticó a Estados Unidos y a otros aliados cercanos de Israel.
"Parece que han abandonado ese compromiso y están aceptando que Irán desarrollará gradualmente, en pocos años, la capacidad de producir material para muchas armas nucleares", afirmó en Israel.
"Ellos pudieran aceptar esto, pero yo no estoy dispuesto a aceptarlo", dijo en una alocución en hebreo. "Yo respeto a la Casa Blanca, respeto al presidente de Estados Unidos, pero en un asunto tan fatídico, que puede determinar nuestra propia existencia, es mi deber hacer todo por evitar este gran peligro para el estado de Israel".
Kerry, que testificó ante el Congreso en Washington, desestimó las preocupaciones de Netanyahu. Argumentó que un acuerdo interino de 2013 con Irán al que el primer ministro también se opuso beneficiaba de hecho la seguridad de Israel al congelar aspectos claves del programa nuclear de la república islámica.
"Es posible que su juicio en esto no sea el correcto", dijo Kerry.
Sus comentarios, así como declaraciones de otros altos funcionarios de Estados Unidos, dejaron en claro que el gobierno de Obama no tiene planes de ocultar sus frustraciones durante la visita de Netanyahu.
En una entrevista el martes, la asesora de Seguridad Nacional, Susan Rice, dijo que los planes del discurso de Netanyahu habían "inyectado un grado de partidismo" a la relación entre Estados Unidos e Israel, que debe estar por encima de la política.
"Es algo destructivo para el tejido de la relación", dijo Rice en el programa de televisión que conduce Charlie Rose. "Siempre ha sido bipartidista. Necesitamos que se mantenga así".
Senadores demócratas invitaron a Netanyahu a reunirse con ellos en privado cuando esté en Washington, pero el líder israelí rechazó la invitación, diciendo que tal reunión pudiera "complicar la percepción equivocada de partidismo" que rodea su visita.
"Lamento que la invitación a dirigirme a una sesión conjunta del Congreso haya sido percibida por algunos como política o partidista", escribió Netanyahu en una carta a los senadores Dick Durbin, de Illinois, y Dianne Feinstein, de California. "Puedo asegurarles que mi intención solemne al aceptarla fue expresar las graves preocupaciones de Israel" sobre un acuerdo nuclear con Irán.
Teherán insiste en que su programa nuclear tiene propósitos pacíficos.
La Casa Blanca ha estado estudiando formas de contrarrestar el discurso de Netanyahu en el Congreso, así como otra alocución que planea dar ante la conferencia anual de política del Comité de Asuntos Públicos Israel-Estados Unidos. El gobierno analiza a quién enviar a la conferencia, y algunos altos funcionarios presionan para mandar a un representante de menor nivel de lo normal.
Obama no tiene planes de reunirse con Netanyahu la próxima semana. La Casa Blanca ha citado su costumbre de no entrevistarse con líderes extranjeros en momentos cercanos a las elecciones en esos países, aunque no es secreto que Obama y su contraparte israelí tienen poca afinidad personal mutua.
Las elecciones en Israel se llevarán a cabo el 27 de marzo.
Los reporteros de la AP Donna Cassata, Matthew Lee y Deb Riechmann en Washington, así como Ian Deitch en Jerusalén, contribuyeron a este despacho.
Julie Pace está en Twitter como y Laurie Kellman como

Obama’s Quiet Change To The Definition Of ‘Spouse’ Is Going To Have Far-Reaching Consequences


Patrick Howley is an investigative reporter for The Daily Caller.
The Obama administration re-defined the word “spouse” Tuesday to include gay couples.
The Department of Labor quietly issued a new 52-page regulation, to be published in the Federal Register Wednesday, updating the term “spouse” to include gay couples so that gays now get job-protected leave from work to care for their gay partner or partner’s children or parents under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
The new definition applies to all gay couples who were legally married in states where gay marriage is legal, regardless of whether or not they now live in states where gay marriage is not legal. The IRS also adopted this “place of celebration” definition of residency after the Defense of Marriage Act was struck down at the Supreme Court.
The regulation is rife with progressive editorializing:
“The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division [WHD] revises the regulation defining ‘spouse’ under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993,” the regulation states. “Because of the Supreme Court’s holding in Windsor that section 3 of DOMA is unconstitutional, the Department is no longer prohibited from recognizing same-sex marriages as a basis for FMLA spousal leave.”
“…the Department is aware that the language surrounding marriage is evolving and that not all married individuals choose to use the traditional terms of husband or wife when referring to their spouse.”
“The Department intended the proposed definition to cover all spouses in legally valid marriages as defined in the regulation regardless of whether they use the terms husband or wife. The Department adopts the definition of spouse as proposed.”
“Legal recognition of same-sex marriage has expanded rapidly and the Department anticipates that the number of States and countries recognizing same-sex marriage will continue to grow.”

AMENPER:  OK, by several requests here it goes in Shakespearean Language..(to be read with a Cuban accent)
I think that the modern history of Hillary Clinton the potential successor to the throne of Emperor Obama, is known to everyone, her tenure as Secretary of State with the incidents of Benghazi and her sellout policies. But as is the case with Obama, many do not know his past, and I'm going to talk about the life of Hillary before Obama.
Born in Chicago on October 26, 1947, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton grew up in Park Ridge, Illinois, a solidly Republican suburb of Chicago. In 1964 she supported Republican conservative Barry Goldwater for U.S. President. The following year, she enrolled at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, where her political views would undergo a radical transformation.
Rodham was deeply influenced by a 1966 article titled "Change or Containment," which appeared in Motive, a magazine for college-age Methodists. Authored by the Marxist/Maoist theoretician Carl Oglesby, who was a leader of the Students for a Democratic Society, this piece defended Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and Maoist tactics of violence. Its thesis was that "certain cultural settings" (most notably American capitalism) were inherently inequitable and oppressive, and thus caused people to feel "pain and rage" that sometimes erupted into violence -- like that of "the rioters in Watts or Harlem" -- which was "reactive and provoked" rather than aggressive or malicious. Hillary later said that the Motive article had played a key role in her metamorphosis from Goldwater Republican in 1964 to leftist Democrat in 1968. During her years as First Lady of the United States, Mrs. Clinton would tell a Newsweek reporter that she still treasured the Oglesby piece.
In late August 1968, when the so-called Chicago Seven incited massive countercultural protests and violent riots near the venue of that year's Democratic National Convention (in Chicago), Hillary was in Chicago for three nights during the mayhem.
In 1969 Hillary wrote her 92-page Wellesley senior thesis on the theories of radical Chicago organizer Saul Alinsky. A great admirer of Alinsky's activist tactics, Hillary met with the famed author several times in 1968 to interview him personally. She concluded her thesis by stating:
"Alinsky is regarded by many as the proponent of a dangerous socio/political philosophy. As such, he has been feared -- just as Eugene Debs [the five-time Socialist Party candidate for U.S. President] or Walt Whitman or Martin Luther King has been feared, because each embraced the most radical of political faiths -- democracy."
Her conclusion also included this sentence: “If the ideals Alinsky espouses were actualized, the result would be social revolution.” ". Alinski has also been a great influence on the thoughts of Obama.
When Hillary graduated from Wellesley in 1969, she was offered a job with Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) in Chicago. She opted instead to enroll at Yale Law School. Nevertheless, she would maintain her allegiance to Alinsky's teachings throughout her adult life. She also continued to correspond with him, as the two maintained a very friendly relationship steeped in mutual admiration. In a letter dated July 8, 1971, Hillary penned a letter to Alnsky that began: “Dear Saul, When is that new book [Rules for Radicals] coming out—or has it come and I somehow missed the fulfillment of Revelation? I have just had my one-thousandth conversation about Reveille [for Radicals] and need some new material to throw at people. Socialism is rediscovered again as the New Left-type politicos are finally beginning to think seriously about the hard work and mechanics of organizing.
At Yale, Hillary was strongly influenced by the radical theoretician Duncan Kennedy, founder of the academic movement known as critical legal studies, which, drawing on the works of the Frankfurt School, viewed law as a "social construct" that corrupt power structures routinely exploited as an instrument of oppression to protect and promote their own bourgeois values at the expense of the poor and disenfranchised. Advocates of critical legal studies were interested in revolutionary change and the building of a new society founded on Marxist principles.
During her time at Yale, Hillary became a prominent figure in the campus protest movement. She wore a black armband in remembrance of the students killed at Kent State in May 1970; she led demonstrations against the Vietnam War; and she led rallies demanding that tampons be made available in the women's restrooms on campus.
Hillary served as one of nine editors of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action, where she worked collaboratively with Mickey Kantor (who, more than two decades later, would serve as U.S. Trade Representative and U.S. Commerce Secretary under President Bill Clinton) and Robert Reich (who would serve as Bill Clinton's Labor Secretary from 1993 to 1997). "For too long," said the Yale Review, "legal issues have been defined and discussed in terms of academic doctrine rather than strategies for social change." The publication was replete with articles by or about such radicals as William Kunstler, Charles Reich (author of The Greening of America); Jerry Rubin (who wrote a piece exhorting parents to "get high with our seven-year-olds," and urging students to "kill our parents"); and Charles Garry (the civil rights attorney who defended Black Panther Party members accused of murder). The Fall and Winter 1970 editions of the Yale Review, on which Hillary worked as associate editor, focused heavily on the trials of Black Panthers who had been charged with murder. Numerous cartoons in those issues depicted police officers as hominid pigs
Also in 1972, she went to Berkeley to work as an intern at her hand-picked law firm: Treuhaft, Walker, and Bernstein. Founded by current or former members of the Communist Party USA, this firm had long acted as a legal asset not only for the CPUSA but also for the Black Panthers and other Bay-area radicals. Founding partner Bob Treuhaft, head of the California Communist Party, had been labeled one of the nation’s most “dangerously subversive” lawyers. According to historian Stephen Schwartz, "Treuhaft is a man who dedicated his entire legal career to advancing the agenda of the Soviet Communist Party and the KGB." Hillary did yeoman's work while learning at the feet of Treuhaft and his fellow masters. Associates say that Hillary, during her tenure with the firm, helped draftees get themselves declared conscientious objectors so they could avoid serving in Vietnam; they also contend that Hillary served VA interns seeking to avoid taking a loyalty oath to the United States.
Also in the early 1970s, Hillary developed a close acquaintanceship with Robert Borosage, who would later become a major figure in such leftist organizations as the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), the Campaign for America's Future, and Institute for America's Future. Hillary herself (along with Bill Clinton) would go on to develop close political ties with IPS; moreover, she would give that organization a great deal of money to further its cause.
Viewing America as an authoritarian, patriarchal, male-dominated society that tended to oppress women, children, and minorities, Hillary wrote a November 1973 article for the Harvard Educational Review advocating the liberation of children from "the empire of the father." She claimed that the traditional nuclear family structure often undermined the best interests of children, who "consequently need social institutions specifically designed to safeguard their position." "Along with the family," she elaborated, "past and present examples of such arrangements include marriage, slavery, and the Indian Reservation system." She added: "Decisions about motherhood and abortion, schooling, cosmetic surgery, treatment of venereal disease, or employment, and others where the decision or lack of one will significantly affect a child's future should not be made unilaterally by parents."
In 1975 Hillary defended Thomas Alfred Taylor, a 41-year-old man accused of raping and beating a 12-year-old girl. (Taylor specifically requested that he be represented by a female attorney.) So brutal was the assault, the victim spent five days in a coma immediately afterward; then months recovering from the physical thrashing that accompanied the rape; and over 10 years in psychotherapy. At the time of the attack, doctors told her she would probably never be able to bear children.
Hillary knew for certain that Taylor was guilty of this crime, as she made clear years later when she discussed the case in a 1980s interview with Arkansas journalist Roy Reed. “He [Taylor] took a lie detector test!” Mrs. Clinton recalled. “I had him take a polygraph test, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.”
Notwithstanding her knowledge of the man's guilt, Hillary obtained a plea bargain for Taylor by taking advantage of a prosecutorial error -- the prosecutors had cut out and examined the blood-covered section of Taylor's underwear that proved his guilt, but then discarded the fabric, making it impossible for the defense to examine it. Because of this misstep, Hillary sensed an opportunity to have the evidence dismissed and to press for a plea deal.  But we still need to hear her feminists’ tirades.
Also during her early years as First Lady, Mrs. Clinton was put in charge of the 500-member Health Care Task Force which tried, in secret meetings and by stealth, to socialize medical care in the United States, a sector that represented approximately one-seventh of the U.S. economy. This modus operandi was in violation of so-called "sunshine laws," which forbid such secret meetings from taking place when non-government employees are present. Mrs. Clinton was sued by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons for these violations. The trial judge, U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth, ultimately ruled against her and the Clinton administration. In December 1997 Lamberth issued a 19-page report condemning as "reprehensible" the duplicity exhibited by Mrs. Clinton's Task Force. "The Executive Branch of the government, working in tandem, was dishonest with this court, and the government must now face the consequences of its misconduct," said Lamberth. "It is clear," he added, "that the decisions here were made at the highest levels of government. There were no rogue lawyers here misleading the court."
The linchpin of Mrs. Clinton’s healthcare plan was a mandate forcing all Americans to purchase insurance, and imposing a penalty on those who failed to comply. In November 2013, MIT professor John Gruber, who was a chief architect of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), said that Hillary Clinton's 1990s-era plan was "much more interventionist" than Obamacare, "much to the left of Obamacare," and "would have more radically changed our healthcare system."
Well you know what awaits us if he is elected President, another politician from Chicago a radical socialist as Obama, with a more radical Obamacare, and a sympathetic communist to the left of Obama. If she sits on the throne, we will see the same evacuation we have seen in the throne of Obama or perhaps greater, because Obama has prepared the throne without flushing.

CIA Insider: "Forget Iran, Iraq, Ukraine, and Syria this is where WWIII will start"

Should the rise of conflicts across the Middle East and Ukraine serve as a warning sign that something much more dangerous is approaching?
According to Jim Rickards, the CIA's Asymmetric Warfare Advisor, the answer is yes.
In a startling interview he reveals that all 16 U.S. Intelligence Agencies have begun to prepare for World War III.
Making matters worse, his colleagues believe it could begin within the next 6 months.
However, the ground zero location for this global conflict is what makes his interview a must-see for every American.
Take a few moments to watch it below and decide for yourself.

Breaking stalemate, Senate votes 98-2 to debate 'clean' DHS bill

The stalemate over funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was broken Wednesday as the Senate voted 98-2 to proceed to legislation that would prevent a partial government shutdown.
Democrats agreed to support the DHS bill after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) stripped out provisions inserted by the House that would reverse President Obama's executive actions on immigration. 
The only votes against proceeding to the bill came from Sens. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.).
"Democrats will support getting on the House Homeland Security funding bill. In exchange, the leader will provide the only amendment, [it] will be a clean Homeland Security funding substitute," Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said. 
Democrats had blocked the bill four times before. With a shutdown of DHS set to begin on Saturday, McConnell on Tuesday agreed to split the funding and immigration fights, as Democrats have long demanded.
Reid said earlier Wednesday that the Senate could take a final vote on the DHS bill Thursday. 
"We look forward to working with our Republican colleagues in the next 24 hours to get this done. All eyes now shift to the House of Representatives," Reid said.
If the Senate passes the funding bill, as expected, it would head back to the House, where its fate is unclear.
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was silent Wednesday on the "clean" funding plan and said the House would wait for the Senate to act.
“Until the Senate does something, we're in a wait-and-see mode,” Boehner said.
Several conservative Republicans have criticized the "clean" plan, with many vowing they will not vote to fund agencies that would be carrying out Obama’s immigration order.
McConnell said separating the two proposals would give Democrats who have previously criticized Obama's immigration action a chance to "prove they're serious."
“Many Senate Democrats led their constituents to believe they’d do something. … We’ve since heard excuses for the Democrats' refusal to do so,” McConnell said. “But the time for refusal has passed.”
Senate Republicans plan to bring up a separate bill that would block Obama's 2014 executive action, which would provide deferred deportations and work visas to millions of illegal immigrants.
Senate Democrats have made clear they would block motions to move to debate on that proposal, put forward by Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), until the House and Senate both pass funding for Homeland Security.
“We’re happy to debate it. We won’t put procedural barriers in the way of debating it once a fully funded DHS bill is on the president’s desk to be signed. That is our view,” Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), the third-ranking Senate Democrat, told reporters Wednesday.


Venezuela: La Peste Roja se Implantó en VENEZUELA, Por Eleonora Bruzual.

May De La Vega

Venezuela hiede a muerte

CARACAS.- Es del mundo conocido la criminalidad que con la Peste Roja se implantó en Venezuela
PERIODISTA VENEZOLANA | 26 de Febrero de 2015
CARACAS.- Desde que a Nicolás Maduro le colocaron en Miraflores ha agravado aún más todos los horrores que nos trajo aquel golpista amoral que tantos apoyaron como si de un “Comodín” para cobrar sus más ruines odios y hacer posible sus más abyectas ambiciones se tratara. Me dirán que soy radical,  y si tener memoria me hace serlo, pues sí, ¡soy radical!
Gracias a Dios tengo una memoria a prueba de prudencia… A prueba de miedos, a prueba de pensados olvidos…
Esa memoria me impide aceptar esas “reapariciones gloriosas” de tantos que culposamente nos trajeron hasta aquí. Este tiempo siniestro donde ser golpista, ser ladrón y ser asesino es una tremenda credencial. Tiempo que debe servir entre otras cosas, para calibrar el daño que causa la impunidad.
Daño que va desde el saqueo total de un país, hasta su conversión en una tumba grandota donde se encuentra la gran cosecha de estos facinerosos rojos: cadáveres a granel, pasando por presos políticos, perseguidos, desterrados, silenciados. Daño quizá irreparable de los valores éticos de un pueblo hoy convertido en turba de malandros y mendicantes.
Es del mundo conocido la criminalidad que con la Peste Roja se implantó en Venezuela. El número de homicidios impunes es brutal y, para no extenderme, me suscribo a la cosecha de febrero de 2015 (por terminar aún) donde sólo en cuatro días del asueto de carnaval, en la ciudad de Caracas, ingresaron a la Morgue de Bello Monte 55 cadáveres, y en 17 días del mismo mes registraron 230 cadáveres en el mencionado depósito. Mes donde Nicolás Maduro y su banda se han soltado el moño y han detenido a Antonio Ledezma, alcalde metropolitano, violando todo procedimiento y toda razón y horrorizando al mundo que parece ver que el castrochavismo no es más que una neotiranía que, ahora desgastada y sin más recursos para poder seguir comprando incondicionales, opta por la brutalidad total y sin disimulos.
Febrero tenebroso donde el estudiante Yamir Tovar desapareció y apareció acribillado igual que los estudiantes de la Universidad de Los Andes, José Daniel Frías Pinto, de 20 años, y Julio Alejandro García Adonis,  de 22, quienes, informaron sus familiares, habían sido detenidos por funcionarios policiales en una protesta y aparecieron en un matorral maniatados, con signos de tortura y muchos tiros en la cabeza. Exactamente como Jhon Barreto (de 21 años), estudiante del segundo semestre de Ingeniería Civil en la Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira (UNET), hallado sin vida, maniatado y torturado el viernes 20 luego de desaparecer desde el pasado 6 de febrero. ¿Cuántos más?
Venezuela, donde tener o no tener un celular puede causar la muerte. Estadística donde ingresó este pasado fin de semana el liceísta Gerardo Gabriel Gómez Lugo, tricampeón nacional de Kenpo, cuando viajaba en una camioneta de pasajeros de una ruta caraqueña. El adolescente regresaba  a su hogar luego de entrenar en el gimnasio. Gerardo Gabriel ya no podrá seguir cosechando glorias deportivas porque unos malandros a los que un régimen cómplice no sancionará, abordaron el vehículo robaron bolsos, carteras, teléfonos e informaron que la camioneta iba escoltada y les arrojarían una granada, porque tres motos iban a los lados y uno de los motorizados enseñaba el artefacto explosivo.
Gerardo Gabriel no se opuso, únicamente le dijo a uno de los delincuentes: “Chamo, será que me devuelves la cédula” y el choro le respondió: “No te doy nada, dame el teléfono”. “No tengo”, le contestó. Suficiente para dispararle y herirlo de muerte. El disparo le perforó el riñón, lo llevaron a varios centros públicos de salud y en ninguno había recursos. Murió y su muerte le importa un pito a Maduro, a Diosdado Cabello, a Tarek Willian Saab. Muertes que sin duda acrecientan el terror que esta tiranía asesina ha impuesto. Terror y hambre que sirve a sus planes. Misma suerte pero a manos de un policía del estado Táchira tuvo este pasado martes otro niño: Kluiberth Roa, de 14 años.
Y como el hampa no siempre es solidaria con la Peste, en la ciudad de Barquisimeto (estado Lara), Néstor Alí Rodríguez, hermano de Marisabel Rodríguez, exesposa de Hugo Chávez Frías, recibió un balazo en la cabeza. El hermetismo al respecto no permite saber nada más…
Lo que sí sé es que no he colocado un título tremendista, porque es ésta la realidad junto al acoso a los demócratas en la tiranía que impera en Venezuela. Tiranía, aunque algunos cómplices -muchos “opositores”-  la quieran seguir tildando de “democracia”. / @eleonorabruzual

 The World Shift is Beginning

La cuestion mas compleja que tenemos aqui, es el desempeno presidencial por su historia personal, caracter y personalidad. Es bueno para el teque , el bla,bla a nivel nacional , porque ese fue su unico trabajo en las iglesias comunitarias pobres y porque siendo maleable fue elegido por la Elite. Es fantastico, genial en el waving o sea esquivando: :compromisos,hechos,historia personal, acciones, responsabilidades,deudas; pero otra cosa es a nivel global. Nicolo Machiavelli, en su obra "El Principe" aconsejaba a los gobernantes hacerse amar, o hacerse temer. La cuestion jodida es que este, no cuadra en ninguna de las dos vertientes. Bianaventurados los simuladores, porque de ellos sera el reino terrenal.!                                                                              The World Shift is Beginning - Por lo visto los Rusos de bobos no tienen un pelo y ya se han dado cuenta que el Muslim Brotherhood, el Alcaeda y los ISIS fueron fabricados por el NOM para la destabilizacion de paises de interez que obviamente no estan integrados al NOM. Naturalmente el NOM radica mayormente en USA, pero como los protagonistas del NOM son en su gran mayoria extranjeros (los dueños de la Reserva Feudal, digo Federal) les importa un bledo ese pais o sus habitantes. De todas formas ellos necesitan poner a este pais a la altura de Mexico para una major integracion - por eso es que lo estan destruyendo economica, moral, y en todos los demas sentidos posibles, siempre y cuando eso no los perjudique.

by Julius Sequerra - 
from Julius Sequerra
Anglo-Saxon aggression against Russia is taking the form of financial and economic warfare. However, Moscow is preparing for armed hostilities by developing its agricultural self-sufficency and multiplying its alliances. For Thierry Meyssan, after the creation of the caliphate in the Levant, Washington would lay down a new card in September in St. Petersburg. The ability of Russia to maintain its internal stability will determine the course of events.
The offensive led by Anglo-Saxons (USA, UK and Israel) for world domination continues on two lines simultaneously: both the creation of the “Greater Middle East” (Greater Middle East) by attacking simultaneously Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, and separating Russia from the European Union through the crisis they organised in Ukraine.

In this sprint, it seems that Washington wants to impose the dollar as the single currency in the gas market, the energy source of the twenty-first century, the way it imposed it on the oil [1] market. The Western media hardly cover the war in Donbass and their population is ignorant of the scale of the fighting, the US military presence, the number of civilian casualties, the wave of refugees. On the other hand, Western media have a delayed reaction to events in North Africa and the Levant, presenting them either as the result of a so-called “Arab Spring” (that is to say, in practice, a takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood), or as the destructive effect of a civilization which is inherently violent. More than ever, it is necessary to help the Arabs who are incapable of living peacefully in the absence of Western settlers.

Russia is now the leading power capable of leading the resistance to Anglo-Saxon imperialism. It has three tools: BRICS, an alliance of economic rivals who know they can not grow up without one another, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a strategic alliance with China to stabilize Central Asia and finally, the Organization for Collective Security Treaty, a military alliance of former Soviet states.

At the Fortaleza Summit (Brazil), which was held from July 14 to 16, BRICS took the plunge and announced the creation of a monetary reserve fund (mainly Chinese) and a BRICS Bank as alternatives to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, the dollar system [2].

Even before this announcement, the Anglo-Saxons had established their answer: the transformation of the Al-Qaeda terrorist network in order to prepare unrest among all Muslim peoples of Russia and China. [3] They continued their offensive in Syria and spilled over the borders both in Iraq and in Lebanon. They failed however to expel part of the Palestinians to Egypt and to destabilize the region even more deeply. Finally, they keep away from Iran to give President Hassan Rohani a chance to weaken the power of the anti-imperialist Khomeinists.

Two days after the announcement of the BRICS, the United States accused Russia of destroying Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over the Donbass, killing 298 people. On this basis, purely arbitrary, they forced the Europeans to enter into economic war against Russia. Situating itself as a court, the Council of the European Union tried and convicted Russia without any evidence and without giving it an opportunity to defend itself. The CEU issued “sanctions” against its financial system.

Recognizing that European leaders are not working for the interests of their people, but for those of the Anglo-Saxons, Russia has gnawed at the bit and refrained from going to war in Ukraine. It supports the insurgents with arms and intelligence, and hosts more than 500,000 refugees, but declines to send troops into the fray. It probably will not happen until the vast majority of Ukrainians revolt against President Poroshenko, even if it does not enter the country until after the fall of the People’s Republic of Donetsk.

Faced with economic warfare, Moscow has chosen to respond with similar measures, but in agriculture, not finance. Two considerations guided this choice: first, short-term, other BRICS can mitigate the consequences of so-called “sanctions”; on the other hand, medium and long term, Russia is preparing for war and intends to completely rebuild its agriculture to go it alone.

Moreover, the Anglo-Saxons have planned to paralyze Russia from within. First by activating, via the Islamic Emirate (EIS), terrorist groups within its Muslim population, and organizing a media challenge in the municipal elections of September 14. Large sums of money have been distributed to all opposition candidates in the thirty largest cities involved, while at least 50,000 Ukrainian agitators, mixed with refugees, are regrouping in St. Petersburg. Most of them have dual Russian citizenship. This is clearly to reproduce at the provincial level protests that followed the elections in Moscow in December 2011 – with the addition of violence; and engage the country in a color revolution process to which certain officials in the ruling class are favorable.

To do so, Washington has appointed a new ambassador to Russia, John Tefft, who had prepared the “Rose Revolution” in Georgia and the coup in Ukraine.

It will be important for President Vladimir Putin to be able to trust his prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, whom Washington hoped to recruit to overthrow him.

Considering the imminent danger, Moscow would have been able to convince Beijing to accept the accession of India in exchange for that of Iran (but also those of Pakistan and Mongolia) to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO ). The decision should be published at the summit in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) on September 12 and 13. It should put an end to the conflict which has opposed India and China for centuries and engage them in military cooperation. This reversal, if confirmed, also would end the honeymoon between New Delhi and Washington who was hoping to distance India from Russia in particular by giving access to nuclear technologies. The membership of New Delhi is also a bet on the sincerity of the new Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, despite the suspicion that he encouraged anti-Muslim violence in 2002 in Gujarat when he was the leading Minister.

In addition, the accession of Iran, which is a provocation in the face of Washington, should give the SCO precise knowledge of jihadist movements and ways to counter them. Again, if confirmed, it would reduce Iran’s willingness to negotiate a lull with the “Great Satan” that led it to elect Sheik Hassan Rohani to the presidency. It would be a gamble on the authority of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Indeed, these memberships would mark the beginning of the shift in the world from the West to the East. [4] Still, this trend must be protected militarily. This is the role of the Organization for Collective Security Treaty (CSTO), formed around Russia, but to which China does not belong. Unlike NATO, this organization is a classic alliance, consistent with the Charter of the United Nations since each member retains the option to leave if it wants. So it is based on this freedom that Washington has tried in recent months to buy some members, including Armenia. However, the chaotic situation in Ukraine appears to have cooled those who dreamed of US “protection”.
Tension is likely to increase in the coming weeks.

En mi opinión

No 876  Febrero 26, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR


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