Monday, February 23, 2015

No 874 "En mi opinion" Febrero 23, 2015

No 874 “En mi opinión”  Febrero 23, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño    EDITOR

Enero 20, 2017 FIN DEL DISPARATE
Yo no soy "incompetente" Yo estoy destruyendo América más rápidamente de lo que cualquiera pudo hacerlo nunca antes ni en sus pensamientos.
Esto no esta  "en mi cabeza" yo estoy presentando un rigido totalitarismo bajo sus narices.
Yo no soy "estúpido" Los "estúpido" son los que no ven, no ven el peligro y la destrucción que traigo.
No estoy  "fallando" estoy teniendo éxito en cada meta que me he propuesto. Todo lo que hago es a propósito.
Me estoy abrazando a sus enemigos y rechazo los amigos tradicionales de la nacion.
Estoy actuando sin ley e inconstutitionalmente.
Estoy ingnoriando su Constitución.
Estoy desobedeciendo sus leyes.
Tus medios de prensa y control están en complicidad y los que no son estupidos.
Su congreso no me parando. Estan demasiados ocupados fajándose entre ustedes mismos.
Esas espadas para defender la Constitución no me han quitando.
Estoy "Fundamente  trasnsformando Los Estados Unidos de America" En lo que yo quiero… Ruinas materiales y especialmente morales.
Su Constitución, la libertad, las riquezas, comodidades, el futuro. Los niños ya no están en riesgo... El riesgo ya paso; que ya lo han perdido si no todo se han perdido, casi todo.

Yo, un ciudadano común, he visto venir desde hace mucho tiempo y he dicho muchas veces. ¿Cómo es que los "expertos" en la política y en los medios de comunicación nunca lo vieron venir? En realidad, independientemente de su educación y experiencia, los "expertos" todavía no lo ven o no lo quieren ver, o tienen miedo.

Todo lo que ustedes escuchan es ruido! Tal vez todos en la política y los medios de comunicación hablan de forma políticamente correctos porque están aterrorizados de hablar con clarida.  La forma en que muchos de vosotros ven el país es que se cae a pedazos material y moralmente!!!

Esto es lo que nos controlan pueden hacer contigo cuando les molestas...

WOW: This 12yr.Old Georgia Young Man Goes Off On Obama In This Viral Video

Posted on February 23, 2015
This young squire is what America needs!

Mensaje para reenviar a tus amigos:
 ¡Hola! Acabo de firmar la petición "Detienen a Antonio Ledezma, alcalde de Caracas" en CitizenGO dirigida al secretario general de la OEA, José Miguel Insulza con copia al alto comisionado de DDHH de la ONU, Justicia y Paz y Human Rights Watch
Me parece un tema muy importante, y me gustaría que tú también lo apoyases.
Aquí está el enlace:

Giuliani: Obama influenced by communists since youth
By Carl Campanile and Geoff Earle.
February 21, 2015 | 1:58am
Giuliani: Obama influenced by communists since youth
Photo: Getty Images; Stefan Jeremiah
Rudy Giuliani
Much Ado About Rudy
White House: Giuliani's legacy tarnished by Obama dig
.Giuliani: Obama doesn't 'love America'
Bratton uses ‘Man for All Seasons’ as a mayoral playbook
.Rudy Giuliani doubled down on his claims that President Obama doesn’t “love America” in an interview with The Post Friday — claiming the commander-in-chief has been influenced by communists since his youth.
“From the time he was 9 years old, he was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a communist,” Giuliani said. The ex-mayor added that Obama’s grandfather introduced him to Davis, a writer and labor activist.

Giuliani also said another bad influence on Obama was Saul Alinsky, a community organizer whom the ex-mayor called a “socialist.”
The man once called “America’s mayor’’ also sharply criticized the president for having been a member of a church led by radical Chicago Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
“He spent 17 years in the church of Jeremiah Wright, and this is the guy who said ‘God damn America, not God bless America,’
’’ Giuliani said.
“Obama never left that church.”
Giuliani said Obama doesn’t measure up to past presidents.
“He doesn’t talk about America the way John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan did, about America’s greatness and exceptionalism,” said Giuliani.
“He was educated by people who were critics of the US. And he has not been able to overcome those influences.”
Giuliani also implied he was the only one with the chutzpah to call out Obama, saying: “Somebody has to raise these issues with the president. Somebody has to have the courage to stand up.”
Giuliani also bashed Obama for seeming to focus more attention on the police shooting in Missouri, which, he said, “turned out to be justified,” than the killings by Islamic fanatics. “How could you hold a press conference about Ferguson and not hold a press conference when Christians and Jews were slaughtered?” he asked.
In a previous interview with The New York Times, Giuliani said his recent comments aren’t racist, because Obama was brought up by a “white mother” and went to “white schools.”
Referring to his claim that Obama doesn’t love America, Giuliani told The Post, “I don’t back off of that one bit.’’
Meanwhile, the White House countered by trying to make Giuliani seem less like a heroic guardian — and more like an oddball whom no one wants to be around.
“I can tell you that it’s sad to see when somebody who has attained a certain stature and even admiration tarnishes that legacy so thoroughly,” press secretary Josh Earnest said Friday.
“There’s no element of schadenfreude that people are feeling around here. What people are feeling is sorry for Rudy Giuliani.”
And to hammer the message home, Earnest added a personal note. “I think, really, the only thing that I feel is to feel sorry for Rudy Giuliani today,” he said.

AMENPER: Obama no quiere quitarse la venda de sus ojos
La amenaza del terrorismo islámico radical es tan clara y simple que incluso una persona con los ojos vendados podría verlo. Pero Barack Obama es ciego, sordo o indiferente y quizás los tres y está determinado a mantenerse así.
En su conferencia de la casa blanca sobre el "extremismo" — sin decir dónde viene y adónde quiere ir dejó cuidadosamente  elaborado una proposición difícil de determinar — propuso "la construcción de una sociedad global" para "Mostrar al mundo el poder de las comunidades pacíficas en lugar de violencia extremista".
Esto es una repetición de la guerra contra la pobreza desde el siglo anterior, un enfoque de "Trabajos de ISIS" según lo establecido anteriormente en la semana por una portavoz del Departamento de estado que lució estúpida o ignorante.
Bueno vamos a poner anuncios en los periódicos del medio oriente para ofrecerles trabajos a los combatientes de ISIS a ver si dejan de combatir.  Buena idea si todavía creen en los Reyes Magos.
Obama no puede ver el terrorismo islámico que ve todo el mundo.
El Presidente es grande en el juego de ”Cambio” pero cambiar el terrorismo islámico, cuyo nombre el Presidente no se atreve a mencionar, es una tarea mucho más allá de sus mágicos poderes de “Cambio”. Quizás es porque no puede ver o no quiere quitarse la venda de sus ojos.

Giuliani Doubles Down on Obama Criticism

By Sandy Fitzgerald
Rudy Giuliani, saying his accusations that President Barack Obama doesn't love America "hit a nerve," continued hammering the president's foreign policy agenda Sunday and calling for a leader who gives the country optimism.

The former New York City mayor, speaking with John Catsimatidis on 970 AM's "
The Cats Roundtable" program, told the grocery billionaire and key Republican donor that he's made similar comments before but this time it hit hard.

"I said it maybe 30 times before but somehow this time it hit a nerve, maybe because the president is on such defense for his unwillingness to face Islamic terrorism," Giuliani told Catsimatidis. "We need a American president more like Ronald Reagan who gave us a sense of optimism."

Giuliani has been 
under fire since Wednesday, when he attended a private dinner sponsored by Catsimatidis for Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate.

At the dinner, Giuliani commented that the president "doesn't love you. He doesn't love me. He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up: to love this country."

By Friday, as the outcry arose about Giuliani's comment, including claims by some that it was racially motivated, he told reporters that Obama was brought up in a white family, but with communist and socialist values, and by Saturday, he told CNN that his secretary had fielded some 
death threats over his comments.
On Sunday's show, though, the former mayor showed no signs of backing down, making further attacks on Obama by claiming that he "turned on Israel," has refused to back the country's Middle East allies against Iran, and further has ruined relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"I want a president who is not embarrassed to say America is the strongest power on Earth and we're going to assert ourselves and I want our enemies to be afraid of our president," said Giuliani. "That's the only way we will defeat these people. 

"We’re not going to defeat with this namby pamby stuff about not being able to say 'Islamic terrorists.'"

Catsimatidis acknowledged that Giuliani got a "double take" for his remarks, but still defended his right to say what he did.

"I think everybody is entitled to their own opinion," Catsimatidis said. "I think he just got it off his chest. Maybe that's the way he felt personally. This is a free America, everyone can say what they want."

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ABC de España le responde a Maduro: Otra vez muy honrados, presidente

El diario ABC de España respondió a Nicolás Maduro, tras la arremetida del presidente venezolano contra el rotativo español por su exclusiva en la que involucra al presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, en casos de narcotráfico. A continuación la respuesta del diario español publicada en su página web
Otra vez muy honrados, presidente
La exclusiva de ABC en la que se apunta al presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, como la mano que mece la cuna del narcotráfico en el país bolivariano ha desatado los más bajos instintos de Nicolás Maduro, quien ayer acusó a este periódico de promover una «campaña de la ultraderecha internacional y factores del imperio estadounidense».
Le agradezco muy sinceramente, en nombre de la Redacción de ABC,tamaña distinción, porque nunca hasta ahora –y eso que acabamos de cumplir 112 años de historia– nadie nos había dedicado tan abrumadores elogios. ¡Qué sonrojo, por Dios!. Éramos conscientes de nuestra influencia y prestigio, pero la honra de colocarnos al frente de «una campaña de la ultraderecha internacional y factores del imperio estadounidense» nos llena de orgullo y supone un estímulo para seguir denunciando los excesos del régimen. De corazón, presidente, gracias: ya iba siendo hora de que alguien nos pusiera en el sitio que este diario merece.
Lo de menos es que la campaña de ABC le parezca «bestial y vulgar». Cada uno entiende el periodismo según la idea que tenga de la libertad. A mí –cuestión de gustos– lo que me parece «bestial y vulgar» es amordazar a la prensa, cerrar emisoras de radio y canales de televisión y meter en la cárcel a quien piensa diferente. Si por contar la verdad somos bestias y vulgares, imagínese lo bestias y vulgares que pueden llegar a ser quienes pervierten y degradan la democracia convirtiendo a su pueblo en rehén de un sistema cada vez más totalitario. Pero entiendo su reacción. Al fin y al cabo, el corazón de Venezuela es un reloj que marca implacable el tiempo que le resta para recuperar la libertad. Y cada latido es más fuerte, presidente.
Decía Simón Bolívar que «llamarse jefe para no serlo es el colmo de la miseria». Hay frases que le retratan a uno. Por lo demás, no se apure. Tenemos la piel curtida en mil batallas y nos sobran espaldas para aguantar sus embestidas. Eso sí, de bien nacidos es ser agradecidos: nuestra influencia –no hay más que oírle– sigue intacta. Estamos hechos el uno para el otro: nosotros, para contar cada día la verdad; usted, para honrarnos con su diaria catarata de insultos. En la seguridad de que seguiremos informando, ABC se reitera punto por punto en lo dicho y aguarda, impaciente, su próxima invectiva.
Hasta entonces, recuerdos al «pajarito».


AMENPER: ¿Es Obama Cristiano?
EL gobernador de Wisconsin, Scott Walker,  posible candidato presidencial republicano, dijo el sábado que no sabe si el Presidente Obama es un cristiano.
"No sé", dijo Walker en una entrevista en el hotel JW Marriott en Washington, donde él estaba asistiendo a la reunión de invierno de la Asociación Nacional de Gobernadores.
 ¿Podría decir que si sé que cualquiera o usted es un cristiano?" Dijo al periodista.
Tengo duplicidad en esta respuesta de Walker. 
Desde el punto de vista de mi creencia, tiene toda la razón. 
La convicción cristiana es puramente personal, y no podemos decir quién es o quien no es cristiano porque no podemos leer su mente.  
Cualquiera puede asistir a cultos cristianos religiosamente, y en el fondo no tener una convicción cristiana, o al contrario tener una conviccion cristiana y no asistir a la una determinada institución religiosa.
Pero también en el evangelio de San Mateo, Cristo dijo,  Por sus frutos los conoceréis. ¿Acaso se recogen uvas de los espinos, o higos de los abrojos?
Creo que lo que quiere decir esto es que en muchos casos es evidente que una persona no es cristiana por sus hechos.
Creo  que podemos saber si las profesiones públicas de Obama de fe son fraudulentas observando sus acciones.
 Y antes de decir que es "cristiano" podemos considerar que si sus profesiones públicas de fe son fraudulentas por sus frutos.
En primer lugar, Obama tiene una historia de negar repetidamente el exclusivismo cristiano — la opinión de que Cristo es la única forma de salvación — a favor del pluralismo religioso, la opinión de que todas las religiones son formas igualmente válidas de la salvación.  
Para el que no es cristiano, muchas veces la exclusividad del cristianismo pudiera parecer arrogante, pero es cuestión de convicción.
El que no lo crea tiene el derecho de no aceptarlo, pero entonces no tiene el derecho de llamarse cristiano. 
Cristiano es el que pone su fe personal en el sacrificio vicario de Cristo, aceptar el regalo es individual y voluntario, pero si no lo quiere reconocer y aceptar entonces sencillamente ha elegido el no ser cristiano.
En una entrevista en 1995, Obama explicó cómo la teología de la  liberación le ha convencido de que "mi salvación individual no va a venir sin una salvación colectiva para el país" y "mi destino permanece atado con sus destinos". Esta visión colectivista de la salvación está vinculada con su visión socialista del país. "
Esto es contrario a la individualidad de la doctrina cristiana, la responsabilidad es personal en el cristianismo como es personal en la filosofía de la democracia.
En otras posiciones de Obama, se ha presentado contrario a las doctrinas del cristianismo.
En lugar de defender las vidas de los niños por nacer que están hechos a imagen de Dios, él  ha invertido millones de dólares de los contribuyentes a impulsar el aborto con Planned Parenthood y se opone a cualquier iniciativa o cualquier ley que prohíba  la habilidad de matar a un recién nacido después de un intento fallido de aborto.
 Obama también se opuso a un proyecto de ley en Illinois que simplemente habría definido un niño recién nacido como una "persona", "ser humano", "niño" y un "individuo". Obama es un campeón del movimiento de aborto.
En cuanto al matrimonio homosexual, cuando decía que era cristiano se opuso, después ha sido un cruzado de su implementación a nivel nacional.
No se trata del homosexual por sí, que es un pecador como todos, pero de la institución del matrimonio que se basa en la unión de un hombre con una mujer como lo ha sido en la ley de los hombres y de Dios por siglos.
 ¿Pero qué cristiano haría todas estas  cosas? Una vez más, la respuesta es no.
¿Es Obama entonces como dicen Musulmán?  Tampoco lo creo, el Islam condena el aborto y el homosexualismo entre otras tantas cosas, así que no creo que sea Musulmán.
Creo que Obama como el resto de su familia es Marxista, y como buen marxista usa el sombrero que le conviene en el momento adecuado para avanzar su doctrina.
Walker tiene razón de una manera generalizada del ser humano, no podemos decir quien es cristiano.
Pero los frutos de Obama no coinciden con el árbol del cristianismo ni siquiera del Islam, los frutos son bien como una manzana bien roja. 

GIULIANI: ‘Communists’ Influenced Obama at a Young Age

Finally, a politician who has enough guts to say it. The real story here though is the other politicians reacting to his comment. Read below and get ready to be shocked!
Already under fire for claims that President Obama doesn’t love America, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani doubled down, saying Obama has had “communist” influences since an early age.
“He doesn’t talk about America the way John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan did, about America’s greatness and exceptionalism,” Giuliani said in an interview with The New York Post published Saturday. “He was educated by people who were critics of the U.S. And he has not been able to overcome those influences.”
The former GOP presidential candidate walked through Obama’s life, “from the time he was 9 years old,” when Giuliani says “he was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a communist,” to his “17 years in the church of Jeremiah Wright … the guy who said ‘God damn America, not God bless America,” a critique Obama faced during his first presidential campaign.
“Obama never left that church,” Giuliani added.
The new comments follow a Wednesday dinner in New York, where the former mayor said Obama “wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up,” and that his love of the U.S. should be doubted. Those remarks caught fire in the media and brought condemnation from the White House.

Michael Reagan: Obama Dislikes America, Is 'Absolutely' No Patriot

By Courtney Coren
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani might have chosen better words when he saidPresident Barack Obama doesn't love America, but conservative commentator Michael Reagan tells Newsmax TV that Obama is "absolutely not" a patriot. 

"The choice of words could have been a lot better," Reagan told J.D. Hayworth and Miranda Khan on "America's Forum" Friday, but Giuliani wasn't too far off the mark. 

"Obama wakes up every morning blaming America for every ill in the world," Reagan said.

"Now, I don't know what words you want to [use] — Giuliani put his own words on it, but that's how I look at it."
"[Obama] begins every conversation with, what 'was America's fault in this?' 
"The fact of the matter is he doesn't come to the realization that America is that shining city," the son of former President Ronald Reagan said. "The world looks to America for leadership. When we don't lead, the world falls apart and guess what, the world is falling apart. 

"I'm not going to get on Giuliani for saying Barack Obama doesn't love America, but I'll tell you one thing, I don't think he likes it very much," he said.

"Do I think Barack Obama is a patriot?" Reagan asked. "Absolutely not. I don't think he's a patriot. 

"If you're a patriot, everything you say uplifts the United States of America. You're a cheerleader for America, you're a cheerleader for the military ... and he's not a cheerleader for America. 
"He's a cheerleader for everybody who does not like America, but he's certainly not a cheerleader for America."

Giuliani said during a private dinner Wednesday night that he doubts Obama "loves America." He has 
since faced harsh criticism from both Republicans and Democrats for the remarks.

However, the New York Republican told Fox News on Thursday that he's not "questioning [Obama's] patriotism.
He's a patriot, I'm sure." 
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McCain: I'm Ashamed of My Country, My President, Myself

By Greg Richter
Senator John McCain said Sunday he is ashamed of the lack of help being given to Ukraine in its fight against Russian-backed separatists.

"I'm ashamed of my country, I'm ashamed of my president and ashamed of myself that I haven't done more to help these people," McCain told 
"Face the Nation" host Bob Schieffer.
Schieffer didn’t' let the comment pass, noting, "I'll say this, senator, I've known you for a long, long time, interviewed you many, many times. I've never heard you say I'm ashamed of my country, which you just said."

McCain said German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande have legitimized the dismemberment of a country in Europe for the first time since World War II. The two met with leaders in Kiev and Moscow last week, and have urged the United States not to send arms to the Ukrainians. 
"Ukrainians aren't asking for American boots on the ground," McCain said. "They're asking for weapons to defend themselves, they're being slaughtered and military is being shattered."

McCain has long urged arming Ukraine. He noted that it doesn't have weapons to stop Russian tanks currently inside eastern Ukraine.

"Some of the best Russian special forces are there, and they will continue this aggression for as long as they can get away with it," McCain said. "Vladimir Putin wants Ukraine not to be part of Europe, and he is succeeding in doing so."
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AMENPER: Días atrás hube de mencionar que la aseveración del presidente Obama de que ISIS no representaba la religión islámica, era criminalmente ridícula.  ISIS representa la esencia del islamismo y las enseñanzas del profeta.  Ayer mi nieto Marcos, hubo de enviarme un artículo escrito por Gaeme Wood en Atlantic Magazine, que le llamó la atención por lo detallado de la información obtenida en el corazón de ISIS, se la hube de pasar a ustedes porque nunca había visto una descripción más detallada de la realidad de lo que ISIS es, que es un movimiento religioso que practica fundamentalmente las doctrinas del ISIS.
El artículo también llamó la atención a Peggy Noonan, que escribió hoy un artículo en el Wall Street Journal que les paso a continuación
 An Administration Adrift on Denial
Why won’t the president think clearly about the nature of the Islamic State?
Feb. 19, 2015 7:29 p.m. ET
Great essays tell big truths. A deeply reported piece in next month’s Atlantic magazine does precisely that, and in a way devastating to the Obama administration’s thinking on ISIS.
“What ISIS Really Wants,” by contributing editor Graeme Wood, is going to change the debate. (It ought to become a book.)
Mr. Wood describes a dynamic, savage and so far successful organization whose members mean business. Their mettle should not be doubted. ISIS controls an area larger than the United Kingdom and intends to restore, and expand, the caliphate. Mr. Wood interviewed Anjem Choudary of the banned London-based Islamist group Al Muhajiroun, who characterized ISIS’ laws of war as policies of mercy, not brutality. “He told me the state has an obligation to terrorize its enemies,” Mr. Wood writes, “because doing so hastens victory and avoids prolonged conflict.”
ISIS has allure: Tens of thousands of foreign Muslims are believed to have joined. The organization is clear in its objectives: “We can gather that their state rejects peace as a matter of principle; that it hungers for genocide; that its religious views make it constitutionally incapable of certain types of change . . . that it considers itself a harbinger of—and headline player in—the imminent end of the world. . . . The Islamic State is committed to purifying the world by killing vast numbers of people.”
The scale of the savagery is difficult to comprehend and not precisely known. Regional social media posts “suggest that individual executions happen more or less continually, and mass executions every fewweeks.” Most, not all, of the victims are Muslims

The West, Mr. Wood argues, has been misled “by a well-intentioned but dishonest campaign to deny the Islamic State’s medieval religious nature. . . . The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers,” drawn largely from the disaffected. “But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.” Its actions reflect “a sincere, carefully considered commitment to returning civilization to a seventh-century legal environment, and ultimately to bring about the apocalypse.”
Mr. Wood acknowledges that ISIS reflects only one, minority strain within Islam. “Muslims can reject the Islamic State; nearly all do. But pretending it isn’t actually a religious, millenarian group, with theology that must be understood to be combatted, has already led the United States to underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it.
He quotes Princeton’s Bernard Haykel, the leading expert on ISIS’ theology. The group’s fighters, Mr. Haykel says, “are smack in the middle of the medieval tradition,” and denials of its religious nature spring from embarrassment, political correctness and an “interfaith-Christian-nonsense tradition.”
The Islamic State is different from al Qaeda and almost all other jihadist movements, according to Mr. Wood, “in believing that it is written into God’s script as a central character.” Its spokesman has vowed: “We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women.” They believe we are in the End of Days. They speak of how “the armies of Rome will mass to meet the armies of Islam in northern Syria.” The battle will be Rome’s Waterloo. After that, a countdown to the apocalypse.
Who exactly is “Rome”? That’s unclear. Maybe Turkey, maybe any infidel army. Maybe America.
What should the West do to meet the challenge? Here Mr. Wood’s tone turns more tentative. We should help the Islamic State “self-immolate.”
Those urging America to commit tens of thousand of troops “should not be dismissed too quickly.” ISIS is, after all, an avowedly genocidal and expansionist organization, and its mystique can be damaged if it loses its grip on the territory it holds. Al Qaeda, from which ISIS is estranged and which it has eclipsed, can operate as an underground network. ISIS cannot, “because territorial authority is a requirement.”
But ISIS wants to draw America into the fight. A U.S. invasion and occupation, Mr. Wood argues, would be a propaganda victory for them, because they’ve long said the U.S. has always intended to embark on a modern-day crusade against Islam. And if a U.S. ground invasion launched and failed, it would be a disaster.
The best of bad options, Mr. Wood believes, is to “slowly bleed” ISIS through air strikes and proxy warfare. The Kurds and the Shiites cannot vanquish them, but they can “keep the Islamic State from fulfilling its duty to expand.” That would make it look less like “the conquering state of the Prophet Muhammed. ” As time passed ISIS could “stagnate” and begin to sink. Word of its cruelties would spread; it could become another failed state
But that death, as Mr. Wood notes, “is unlikely to be quick,” and any number of things could go wrong, including a dangerous rapprochement with al Qaeda.
Mr. Wood’s piece is bracing because it is fearless—he is apparently not afraid of being called a bigot or an Islamophobe. It is important because it gives people, especially political leaders, information they need to understand a phenomenon that may urgently shape U.S. foreign policy for the next 10 years.
In sorry contrast, of course, are the Obama administration’s willful delusions and dodges. They reached their height this week when State Department spokesman Marie Harf talked on MSNBC of the “root causes” that drive jihadists, such as “lack of opportunity for jobs.” She later went on CNN to explain: “Where there’s a lack of governance, you’ve had young men attracted to this terrorist cause where there aren’t other opportunities. . . . So how do you get at that root causes?” She admitted her view “might be too nuanced of an argument for some.” 
Yes, it might. 
It isn’t about getting a job. They have a job: waging jihad. 
The president famously cannot even name the ISIS threat forthrightly, and that is a criticism not of semantics but of his thinking. ISIS isn’t the only terrorist group, he says, Christians have committed their own sins over history, what about the Crusades, don’t get on your high horse. It’s all so evasive. Each speech comes across as an attempt to make up for the previous speech’s mistakes in tone and substance. At the “violent extremism” summit this week he emphasized Islamic “legitimate grievances” and lectured America on the need for tolerance toward American Muslims. 
Of extremists he said: “They say they are religious leaders—they are not religious leaders, they are terrorists.” But ISIS and its followers believe they are religious leaders, prophets who use terrorism to achieve aims they find in religious texts 
On the closing day of the summit the president said, “When people are oppressed and human rights are denied . . . when dissent is silenced, it feeds violent extremism.” Yes, sure. But isn’t ISIS oppressing people, denying their human rights and silencing dissent? 
“When peaceful democratic change is impossible, it feeds into the terrorist propaganda that violence is the only available answer.” Yes, sure. But the young men and women ISIS recruits from Western nations already live in peaceful democracies. 
It’s not enough. They want something else. It is, ironically, disrespectful not to name what they are, and what they are about.

Tax refunds for illegal aliens who never paid taxes

President Obama's executive order granting deportation amnesty for certain illegal aliens may have an unexpected and outrageous side effect(link is external):
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress...that even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to claim back-refunds once they get Social Security numbers under President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty.
The revelation — which contradicts what he told Congress [earlier] — comes as lawmakers also raised concerns Mr. Obama’s amnesty could open a window to illegal immigrants finding ways to vote, despite it being against the law.
How could this possibly happen?
“Under the new program, if you get a Social Security number and you work, you’ll be eligible to apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit,” Mr. Koskinen said.
He said that would apply even “if you did not file” taxes, as long as the illegal immigrant could demonstrate having worked off-the-books during those years.
That expands the universe of people eligible for the tax credit by millions. He said only about 700,000 illegal immigrants currently work and pay taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, but as many as 4 million illegal immigrants could get a stay of deportation and work permits under the temporary amnesty, which would mean they would be eligible to claim back-refunds if they worked those years.
Koskinen said the White House never bothered to ask the IRS about any tax implications of the deportation amnesty and thus never considered how much money would go to illegals in the form of tax refunds.
And as for the idea that they could get to vote, too? This story is about to get much, much worse.

National Security Expert: U.S. Foreign Policy Leaders ‘Have Lost The Ability To Think’


Virginia Thomas, 54, is a special correspondent for the Daily Caller producing videos of emerging leaders and educators in the public square. Her ear is to the ground outside the Washington Beltway as a social entrepreneur. Previously, she was the founder of (nonprofit for citizen activists), and has worked at The Heritage Foundation, Hillsdale College's Washington office, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the senior levels of the legislative and executive branches of government. She has maintained her midwestern authenticity after 30 years in Washington, D.C. and enjoys motor homing and the Nebraska Cornhuskers with her husband, Justice Clarence Thomas. Her degrees are: Business Communication & Political Science from Creighton University, and J.D. from Creighton Law School (Omaha, NE).
From his time briefing generals in the Pentagon, Stephen Coughlin — a leading expert on national security and author of the soon-to-be-published book, “Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad” — has always feared for our nation’s safety and thinks it’s time for the government to stop lying.
Coughlin is an attorney, decorated intelligence officer and expert on Islamic law and terrorism. He says the “entire world, friend and foe alike, understands, that starting with the Bush administration and accelerating in the Obama administration, that our foreign policy community is absolutely incoherent and completely vulnerable. These people have lost the ability to think.”
He contends that government bureaucrats have become so focused on fighting “narratives” consistent with a post-modern, politically correct worldview, rather than the facts on the ground, that America’s war on terrorism has become a catastrophic failure.
Rather than be tethered to the professional canon requiring a “duty to be competent” and know the enemy, or their oath to support and defend the nation from enemies foreign and domestic, Coughlin argues the military has been persuaded, cajoled and perverted into fighting based on narratives.
“This country is in serious trouble,” he believes. “The people who hate us — and it’s not just radical Islam, it’s the Chinese, it’s the Russians, it’s the Iranians — they know that our leaders don’t know what they’re doing, because they’ve been kicking the tires.”
In this exclusive video interview with The Daily Caller, Coughlin says our allies in the war of terror “watched us change sides” in 2010 and 2011, but “the scariest thing” to him “is that our senior national security leaders seem to have no comprehension that they did.”
As for President Obama’s Summit this week, Coughlin sees the touted euphemism as an example of his point, and declares, “When you are fighting ‘violent extremism,’ you are not defending this country. You are bringing it down.”
His greatest fear is that “we may be put to sleep, like the frog that boils to death, mired in the pollution of our own politically correct narratives that has created a complete inability for us to understand and further the truth, so much so, that we have to treat the truth as propaganda just to be heard.”
Discussing the 2009 Fort Hood shooter, Maj. Nidal Hasan, Coughlin says this is a clear example that when you commit to a narrative, you can suppress the truth and undermine our national security. He says Hasan told us “at the Walter Reed and the Pentagon, over 20 times” to military officers that, “I am a Muslim. If you send me to war, I will become a jihadi.”
Coughlin describes the efforts by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to work with the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), an international organization with 57 Member States (56 countries and the Palestinian Territories) concerning their 10 Year Programme of Action to make defaming Islam a punishable crime.
The UN Human Rights Commission passed UN Resolution 1618, to implement OIC’s 10 year plan. If it becomes law, “it would have the effect of subordinating our first amendment to Islamic slander laws,” Coughlin says. He discusses a meeting then-Secretary Clinton had on July 15, 2011 in Turkey where Clinton promised to use the government’s “best efforts to pass 16/18, and would resort to peer pressure and shaming against Americans who might violate that standard.”
The security expert claims this would result in an “extra-legal means to attack Americans for exercising their free speech rights inside America if they say something that the OIC deems insulting.”
To Coughlin, this is a layered strategy that calls for the dots to be connected by astute citizens. There is Islamic slander law, the OIC’s Ten Year Programme of Action and UN Resolution 16/18. Now, alongside Resolution 16/18 at the UN, is a new supporting effort to redefine “incitement” in international treaties to which the U.S. is a party to achieve their controversial objectives.
Coughlin’s hope is that more citizens should confidently and strongly ask, why is our government lying to us.

The Western Center For Journalism… It's Official... Barack Obama Has Stated That He Will Defy The Court And Move Ahead With His Imperial And Unconstitutional Amnesty Decree!

       The Daily Caller reports: 
"Despite the unambiguous Feb. 16 injunction from a federal judge, President Barack Obama said he will press ahead with his plans to launch his unpopular unilateral amnesty." 
       But hold your horses... there's more: Senators John McCain and Marco Rubio... apparently oblivious to Obama's defiance of the court order just said that they would consider funding Obama's unconstitutional and dictatorial amnesty decree. 
'Oh well... you know... the court told him he couldn't do it, so we'll go ahead and fund it anyway - since he can't do it - we can at least say we're getting things done in Washington.' 
       At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we said it would happen. If Republicans fund it... Obama will do it. And Republicans, in the meantime, will hope and pray that you're not paying attention and attempt to use the court order as a pathetic excuse to fund Obama's Executive Amnesty Decree. 
It's time to let these elected officials know that you ARE paying attention and that you will not tolerate a betrayal. 
       You read that right: under Obama's unconstitutional Executive Amnesty Decree, large cash payments will be the reward for those who are already here illegally... and it will be the reward for those who choose to break our laws and come to the United States illegally in the foreseeable future. 
       But that's not all. According to Senator Jeff Sessions and Congressman Bob Goodlatte, the Obama Regime was quietly attempting to rewrite U.S. Customs and Immigration (USCIS) policy to place illegal aliens on a path to citizenship and moreover, many of those who would be eligible are for this Executive Amnesty are ILLEGAL ALIENS with SERIOUS CRIMINAL RECORDS. 
       As a matter of fact, Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, Arizona recently testified before Congress that illegal aliens 
"with serious criminal records" are already being"brought to the bus stations" and are "heading to your neighborhoods." 
       Amazingly, many Republicans in Congress are standing firm and refusing to fund Barack Obama's unconstitutional amnesty decree 
but the liberal media is turning up the heat and — we have to be very frank here — they WILL buckle if they don't hear from you right here and right now.
"The House Has Done Its Job Under The Constitution. It's Time For The Senate To Do Their Job." - John Boehner
       Even the blind squirrel finds the occasional nut and, for once, John Boehner is right. When Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tried to cave to a Democrat filibuster, he had the nerve to essentially instruct John Boehner to go back to the drawing board and send him legislation to fund Obama's unconstitutional Executive Amnesty Decree. 
       Sorry Mitch, it doesn't work that way. Even Boehner drew a line in the sand and made it very clear on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace that he
 "won’t send the Senate a new bill that Senate Democrats would accept." 
       And why should he? That's not his job. What is McConnell thinking? Cash payments and pathways to citizenship for convicted foreign criminals... has McConnell gone mad? 
       No Mr. McConnell, your job is clear and it involves telling Barack Obama to take a long walk off of a very short pier. 
       Did Barack Obama not say, on at least twenty occasions, that his Executive Amnesty Decree is UNCONSTITUTIONAL? 
       Didn't ten of the Democrat Senators who are filibustering funding for the Department of Homeland Security — Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Jon Tester (D-MT), Al Franken (D-MN), Tom Carper (D-DE), Mark Warner (D-VA), Angus King (I-ME) and Joe Donnelly (D-IN) — tell the voters back in November that they OPPOSE Barack Obama's Executive Amnesty Decree? 
       So what's the problem? Why would anyone in Washington oppose a piece of legislation that funds the Department of Homeland Security and prohibits Barack Obama from spending money to implement something that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL? 
       It's time to show Barack Hussein Obama that we mean business and now that
Boehner has draw a line in the sand, it's up to us to tell Mitch McConnell to fly right and keep that promise. 
 Assume for a moment that Republicans do cave and give Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security the funds to implement the Executive Amnesty Decree. 
       Has Barack Obama not already made it abundantly clear that he is still not going to do what is necessary to keep the citizens of this great nation safe from a terrorist attack. 

       Let's be real for just a moment. 
       Seriously... Does anyone actually believe that Barack Obama is serious about fighting the war on terror? And that being the case, has anyone in Washington taken the time to consider that Barack Obama and Senate Democrats are trying to blackmail the American people with NOTHING? 
       It's tantamount to a mugger telling you beforehand that he's going to shoot you whether you give him your wallet or not. So why is McConnell handing over his wallet? 
       Here's the bottom line: If Republicans stand firm, Barack Obama will NOT do what is necessary to protect this nation from a terrorist attack and if Republicans cave, Barack Obama will still NOT do what is necessary to protect the citizens of this great nation from a terrorist attack. 
       Alea iacta est. Unfortunately, the die, in that regard, is already cast... we're damned either way. 
       So here's our offer Mr. Obama.  YOU GET NOTHING and we're not about to let you use the Department of Homeland Security as a vehicle to implement your lawless and dictatorial amnesty decree. 

If Democrats, shut down the Department of Homeland Security, so be it. Republicans must not waiver.  
Floyd Brown

Islamist Group Calls for Attack on US Shopping Malls

By Newsmax Wires
The U.S. homeland security chief said on Sunday he takes seriously a threat made by Somali-based Islamist militants against shopping malls, including the Mall of America in Minnesota, and urged people going there to be careful.
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson was reacting to a video released by al-Shabaab appearing to call for attacks on Western shopping areas, specifically mentioning Mall of America, the West Edmonton Mall in Canada and London's Oxford Street.
"This latest statement from al-Shabaab reflects the new phase we've evolved to in the global terrorist threat, in that you have groups such as al-Shabaab and ISIL publicly calling for independent actors in their homelands to carry out attacks," Johnson told CNN, using an acronym for the militant group Islamic State.
"We're beyond the phase now where these groups would send foreign operatives into countries after being trained some place," Johnson said.
There is precedent for an attack on malls by the group. The al-Qaida-linked terror group talks in the video about its September 2013 attack on a mall in Kenya. The brazen siege, which went on for days, left more than 60 people dead at an upscale mall in Nairobi. 
Asked specifically about the threat to Mall of America, one of the world's largest shopping complexes, Johnson said: "Anytime a terrorist organization calls for an attack on a specific place, we've got to take that seriously."
"I would say that if anyone is planning to go to the Mall of America today, they've got to be particularly careful."

Hours later, Homeland Security Department spokeswoman Marsha Catron said the department and the FBI had shared information about the video with local law enforcement and "private sector partners."

"As a general matter, however, we are not aware of any specific, credible plot against the Mall of America or any other domestic commercial shopping center," she said in a statement.

One U.S. intelligence official said security officials are indeed worried about the risk of an attack on U.S. soil by a solitary militant, but al Shabaab as a group has not appeared to gain much traction with most Somalis in the West, including in Minneapolis.

"In balance, I don't think this video adds much on top of the ubiquitous 'lone offender' threat," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Staff Sgt. Brent Meyer of Canada's Royal Canadian Mounted Police said "there is no evidence at this time of any specific or imminent threat to Canadians." In Britain, a spokesman said London police were aware of the video and were assessing it.

Mall of America and West Edmonton Mall issued statements saying they were implementing extra security measures.

Minnesota is home to a sizeable Somali-American population. U.S. law-enforcement officials have been concerned about the potential for radicalization among some of the community.

The Mall of America has more than 500 stores and attracts 40 million visitors a year, about two-fifths of them tourists, according to its website. It’s owned by Triple Five Group, an Edmonton, Alberta-based development company.

Johnson’s interview occurred as funding for the Department of Homeland Security is set to lapse Feb. 27. Such a lapse would trigger a shutdown of non-essential agency operations unless Congress enacts new funds. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner want to use a spending bill to force President Barack Obama to reverse his orders shielding undocumented immigrants from being deported.

On Monday, McConnell will try for a fourth time to advance a House-passed Homeland Security spending bill, H.R. 240, that would require Obama to abandon the immigration action he announced in November.

Democrats have blocked the measure three times. They say Congress should fund Homeland Security, which is responsible for immigration and border enforcement, without setting new limits on immigration policy. Democrats have said they are holding firm in defense of the president’s policies. 

The National Security Council told CNN
 it's working with various agencies, including the FBI and local law enforcement, to ensure maximum security.

"Protecting public safety and national security is our highest priority," Ned Price, a spokesman for the National Security Council, told CNN.

The Somalia-based militants have heavily recruited in Minneapolis, which is home to the largest Somali population in the United States. Many young men have slipped away to join the group in Somalia.

Although al-Shabaab has also targeted youth in Canada, Finland, and the UK for recruitment, its past attacks have been limited to East Africa. In addition to Kenya and Somalia, it has also struck in Uganda, where it killed more than 70 people gathered to watch a World Cup soccer match in Kampala five years ago. Kenya and Uganda have sent their forces to neighboring Somalia to battle the extremists, CNN reported.

As the attacks get more daring, the international community has rallied to fight the militants. 

Last year, the United States launched an airstrike in Somalia that killed the al-Shabaab leader. The terror group later replaced him and vowed to avenge his death. 

Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona said in an interview on CBS’s "Face the Nation" Sunday that he didn’t support efforts to shut the government down and that the federal court system is the "best way" to resolve the impasse.
"But have no doubt I am angry, as are my constituents in a border state, that the president of the United States would unconstitutionally issue the executive orders he did," McCain said.
Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, urged Republicans to fund the department and fight Obama’s actions in court.
"The worst possible option is to defund the Department of Homeland Security," Graham said. "And I will not be part of that."
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‘The Storm Is Coming’: Franklin Graham Shares Grim Prediction After ISIS Kills 21 Christians

His grim prediction was echoed by many in his audience.

Following the brutal beheading of 21 Coptic Christians in Egypt, Rev. Franklin Graham issued an unequivocal warning to those dismissing the growing threat posed by the Islamic militants within ISIS, also known as Daesh.
Graham, the son of evangelist Billy Graham, published a Facebook post in response to the graphic video depicting the mass execution.
“Can you imagine the outcry if 21 Muslims had been beheaded by Christians?” he wrote. “Where is the universal condemnation by Muslim leaders around the world?”
The outspoken Christian went on to urge readers to share his dire warnings about the future as ISIS’ influence continues to grow.
“As we mourn with the families of those 21 martyrs,” he wrote, “we’d better take this warning seriously as these acts of terror will only spread throughout Europe and the United States. If this concerns you like it does me, share this. The storm is coming.”
Apparently, Graham’s concerns resonated with a wide range of his social media followers.
“Seeing prophecy unfold before our very eyes,” one Facebook user opined. “God help us!”
Others suggested the Islamic extremists behind such brutality evoke memories of despots past.
“Please tell me what the difference is between what these terrorists are doing in the name of Islam and what Hitler did to the Jews?” one reader asked. “Then tell me why the world is standing by and allowing this to happen and doing nothing! Have we not learned anything from the 1930s and 1940s?”
Many of the responses included scripture or in some way referenced apocalyptic prophesies, with several sharing a message of hope despite the very real stakes for which ISIS is conducting its deadly acts.
One reader called the latest incident “the wake up call to all the Christians to stand firm in our faith even if we face death.”

Obama Demands Stay of Court's Amnesty Block
Sen. Marco Rubio Caves to Protesters: Fund Obama's Amnesty'
"The Justice Department will seek a stay of an order by a federal judge in Texas that derailed the Obama administration’s actions on immigration, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said.
The request will be filed no later than Monday as the Justice Department prepares an appeal, Earnest said.
'There is a solid legal foundation for the president to take the steps that he announced late last year,' Earnest said Friday at the White House. 'We’re going to continue to pursue this case through the legal system.'" (Bloomberg2/21)
Meanwhile, potential GOP presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio has retreated from his earlier vow to 'defund' Obama's illegal 'amnesty order'. 
Under pressure from 'pro-open borders', 'pro-amnesty' protestors at a Las Vegas book signing on Wednesday, Rubio called for Congress to fully fund Obama's amnesty.
Tell Congress to Block Obama's Illegal Amnesty Order - Go Here
"During a visit to Las Vegas, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio suggestedWednesday Congress should pass a bill to fund Homeland Security without conditions, essentially stepping back from a battle with President Barack Obama over his executive actions on immigration," reports the Las Vegas Journal-Review...
After his news conference outside the store, Silva yelled a question at the departing Rubio, who did not answer. A so-called 'DREAMer,' the young undocumented immigrant has benefited from Obama’s actions. Her father remains in danger of deportation, however.
'What can we tell our parents who are going to be deported?' she asked...
 Obama’s order would allow immigrants here illegally to get work permits, collect Social Security and Medicare and gain tax credits as well.
'We have to fund Homeland Security,' Rubio told reporters during a brief news conference. 'We can’t let Homeland Security shut down'...." Read full article

100 Most Influential African-American Republicans

By Theodore Kettle
Black History Month brings to mind Rosa Parks refusing to walk to the back of the bus; Freedom Rider John Lewis being beaten to the ground by bigoted mobs, then rising to spend more than a quarter century in Congress; and Clarence Thomas refusing to let Democrats subject him to a "high-tech lynching" to keep him off the U.S. Supreme Court.

We may have a black president serving his second term, but in recent months, African-American Republicans have been making the biggest history, and may be making even more in the days ahead. 

In January, Mia Love — a charismatic, Brooklyn-born, Haitian-American, Mormon, small-city mayor and mother of three — was sworn in as the first GOP black congresswoman ever. South Carolina, the cradle of the Confederacy, gave the once-despised Party of Lincoln a victory by electing Tim Scott, the South’s first black senator since 1881.

And while presidential campaigning may not be brain surgery, we are weeks away from a
likely announcement of a White House run by Dr. Ben Carson, who went from the streets of Detroit to extracting tumors from the skulls of toddlers at one of the world’s top hospitals.

Those on 
Newsmax's 2015 100 Most Influential African-American Republicanslist have bucked the trend and aligned themselves with the party that once fought slavery, and now fights enslavement to state dependency (or is supposed to), range from the famous and powerful to behind-the-scenes rainmakers, local chieftains, and energetic rising stars.

Within the list’s top tier is, of course, Justice Clarence Thomas, who proved again just this month the potency of his devotion to the Constitution as written. He blasted his liberal colleagues on the high court for refusing to grant a stay to Alabama’s attorney general on a federal injunction against multiple state laws recognizing marriage solely as the union of one man and one woman.

It was "yet another example of this Court’s increasingly cavalier attitude toward the states," Thomas warned, and "a signal of the Court’s intended resolution" on same-sex marriage later this year: the declaration that it is a constitutional right.

The Wall Street Journal’s Jason Riley has been proving the power of the pen since the release of his best-seller last summer, "Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder For Blacks To Succeed." The suffering of millions of blacks for decades, both economically and at the hands of criminals within their own community, is paved with the good intentions of big government, Riley compellingly argues.

Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain came from near-anonymity in 2012 and briefly led the polls for the Republican presidential nomination with his message of flat tax rates and individual initiative. He may not be running for anything again anytime soon, but he is more impassioned and articulate than ever in his critiques of the political status quo of both parties.

Scholar and columnist Tom Sowell of the Hoover Institution has built up a library of dozens of volumes, pivoting from race relations to immigration to economics to the destruction waged against society by leftist intellectuals. That his more than a half century of polemical scholarship has been ignored by the Pulitzer and Nobel judges illustrates what is at stake when a great black mind refuses to remain on the ideological plantation.

Further down the list are familiar names from the entertainment and sports world that will surprise you, plus introductions to local officials, activists, and future leaders determined to change society for the better for Americans of every complexion.

The days of comedian Eddie Murphy joking on "Saturday Night Live" in the early 1980s about African-American Republicans being an exotic species whom few have glimpsed are long gone.

Listed below are Newsmax’s 100 Most Influential African-American Republicans. A caveat: not everyone on the list may be actually registered Republican. But these are individuals who have a public identity as Republican or ones who lean Republican.

1. Ben Carson — renowned pediatric neurosurgeon; likely 2016 presidential candidate 
2. Colin Powell  former secretary of state; U.S. Army general
3. Condoleezza Rice  former secretary of state
4. Clarence Thomas  Supreme Court justice
5. Mia Love  U.S. congresswoman, Utah
6. Tim Scott — U.S. senator, South Carolina
7. Jason Riley  Wall Street Journal editorial writer; author, “Please Stop Helping Us”
8. Michael Powell — former chairman, Federal Communications Commission; president, National Cable & Telecommunications Association
9. Will Hurd — Texas congressman
10. Herman Cain — businessman; 2012 presidential candidate
11. Thomas Sowell — economist; author
12. Allen West — former congressman, Florida; ex-Army officer
13. Janice Rogers Brown — D.C. Circuit judge
14. Shaquille O'Neal — retired NBA star; actor
15. Michael Steele — former chairman, Republican National Committee
16. Antonio Williams — director of government relations, Comcast
17. Deroy Murdock — nationally syndicated columnist; businessman
18. Lynn Swann — NFL Hall of Famer; 2006 Pennsylvania gubernatorial nominee
19. Elbert Guillory  Louisiana state senator; former Democrat
20. Dwayne Johnson — athlete; actor
21. James "Bo Snerdley" Golden — producer, "The Rush Limbaugh Show"
22. James Earl Jones  Oscar-winning actor
23. Artur Davis — Montgomery, Alabama, mayoral candidate; former Democrat
24. Walter Williams  economist; guest host, "The Rush Limbaugh Show"
25. Judge Lynn Toler — star of "Divorce Court"
26. LL Cool J — rapper; actor
27. Herschel Walker — retired NFL running back and Heisman Trophy winner
28. Joseph C. Phillips — "The Cosby Show" co-star; Christian commentator
29. Shelby Steele — author, "The Content of Our Character"; documentary filmmaker
30. Joseph Louis Clark — former high school principal portrayed by Morgan Freeman in "Lean On Me"
31. Prince — pop star
32. Alveda C. King — pro-life activist; former Georgia legislator; ex-Democrat; niece of Martin Luther King Jr.
33. Boyd Rutherford — Maryland lieutenant governor
34. Nolan Carroll — Philadelphia Eagles cornerback
35. Richard Ivory — founder, blog
36. Larry Elder — talk radio host; columnist
37. Jimmie "J.J." Walker — stand-up comedian; iconic comic actor on "Good Times" in 1970s
38. Peter Kirsanow  member, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
39. Robert P. Young Jr. — chief justice, Michigan Supreme Court
40. Don King — boxing promoter
41. Star Parker — president, Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education (CURE); columnist; congressional candidate
42. Alan Keyes — former presidential candidate
43. Raphael "Raffi" Williams — deputy press secretary, RNC
44. Ward Connerly  former University of California regent; affirmative action foe
45. Crystal Wright — blogger
46. Armstrong Williams — radio commentator; author; media entrepreneur
47. Kevin A. Ross — host, "America’s Court with Judge Ross"; former Los Angeles Superior Court judge
48. Stephen N. Lackey  corporate philanthropist; GOP fundraiser
49. Michael L. Williams  Texas commissioner of education
50. B.J. Penn  assistant secretary of the Navy under George W. Bush
51. Conrad James — scientist; member, University of New Mexico Board of Regents; former state legislator
52. Robert J. Brown  CEO, B&C Associates
53. Harold Doley — Doley Securities
54. Logan Delany — Delany Capital; treasurer, Ben Carson Organization
55. Alvin Williams — Black America’s Political Action Committee
56. Robert A. George — New York Post editorial writer
57. Amy Russell — clerk for U.S. District Judge James M. Moody Jr. in Arkansas
58. Jane E. Powdrell-Culbert — New Mexico legislator
59. Karl Malone — retired NBA great
60. Niger Innis — national spokesman, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE); Nevada congressional candidate
61. Neal E. Boyd — pop opera singer; "America’s Got Talent" winner; candidate, Missouri legislature
62. Kay James — president, Gloucester Institute; former George W. Bush administration official
63. Erika Harold — Miss America 2003; 2014 congressional candidate in Illinois
64. Damon Dunn — former NFL wide receiver; real estate investor; Long Beach, California, mayoral candidate
65. Thomas Stith — chief of staff for North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory, leading governor’s "Innovation to Jobs" initiative
66. Robert Woodson  president, National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise
67. Sheryl Underwood — comedian; CBS "The Talk" commentator
68. David Tyree — retired NFL wide receiver; New York Giants director of player development; pro-family activist
69. Bruce Harris — nominated by Gov. Christie and defeated by state Democrats to be New Jersey’s first openly homosexual supreme court justice; former mayor of Chatham, N.J.
70. Orlando Watson — black media communications director, Republican National Committee 
71. Scott Turner — Texas state legislator; retired NFL defensive back
72. Dale Wainwright — attorney, Bracewell & Giuliani; former associate justice, Texas Supreme Court
73. Stacey Dash — actress; Fox News commentator
74. Jackie Winters — Oregon state senator
75. Patricia Funderburk Ware — HIV/AIDS expert who served in Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations
76. Chidike Okeem — Nigerian-born, London-raised blogger
77. J.A. Parker — president, Lincoln Institute; publisher, The Lincoln Review
78. Nadra Enzi — "The Hood Conservative," New Orleans-based anti-crime activist
79. Mike Hill — Florida state legislator
80. Sonja Schmidt — PJTV commentator
81. Chelsi P. Henry — entrepreneur; political strategist
82. Joseph Perkins — columnist, Orange County Register
83. Carson Ross — mayor, Blue Springs Missouri
84. William Barclay Allen — former chairman, U.S. Civil Rights Commission; candidate for U.S. Senate in California
85. Clarence M. Mitchell IV — "C4," Baltimore talk radio personality
86. Deneen Borelli — author, "Blacklash"; FreedomWorks outreach director
87. John Meredith — lobbyist; son of civil rights pioneer James Meredith
88. Bill Hardiman — Michigan state veterans services administrator; former mayor, Kentwood, Michigan; former state senator and congressional candidate
89. Jill Upson — West Virginia legislator
90. Ken Blackwell — former Cincinnati mayor, Ohio secretary of state, and GOP gubernatorial nominee
91. Vernon Robinson — campaign director for Draft Ben Carson movement; former North Carolina congressional candidate
92. Amy Holmes — news anchor, TheBlaze TV
93. Dr. Elaina George — otolaryngologist; ObamaCare critic
94. Tony Childress — sheriff, Livingston County, Illinois
95. Larry Dean Thompson — George W. Bush deputy attorney general
96. Kevin Jackson — host, "Black Sphere" radio show
97. Michel Faulkner — retired New York Jets defensive lineman; New York City pastor; 2010 congressional nominee against Rep. Charles Rangel
98. Ryan Frazier — investment consultant; Colorado congressional candidate; Mitt Romney adviser
99. Brian C. Roseboro — international banker; George W. Bush Treasury Department official
100. David Webb — talk radio host; political columnist
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La Ley Marcial se acerca

Por F. Hiden.

Lo que escribo aqui no lo escribo a la ligera ya que llevo mucho tiempo previendo que eso iba pasar pero hasta hace solo muy poco tiempo no estaba esto tan claro como lo esta ahora.
Como puedo observar en la forma que se estan desenvolviendo los acontecimientos, es cada vez mas claro que el presidente Obama esta dejando entrar a todo el mundo por la frontera con Mexico con el fin de dejar entrar a los ISIS. De esa manera, luego que se produzcan suficientes actos terroristas por estos ultimos, el presidente declararai la ley marcial para “controlarlos”. El plan detras de todo esto es el poder imponerse como dictador incondicional sobre este pais y por tiempo ilimitado donde ya el gobierno legal que existe hasta este momento y aun las agencias gubernamentales no tendrian ningun poder sobre el y el que tratase de llevarle la contra seria posiblemente "ajusticiado" segun lo dictame la ley Sharia que seria lo primero en instalar tan pronto su poder fuese absoluto.
A menos que el Pentagono, la CIA y el FBI esten en contuvernio con la Casa Blanca y esten al tanto y de acuerdo con este plan infernal, los mencionados tienen el derecho y aun el deber de parar todo esto de una vez y por siempre para evitar una guerra  civil innecesaria donde potencialmente cientos de miles y hasta posiblemente millones de ciudadanos y aun miembros del ejercito Americano moririan irremisiblemente tratando de evitar una tirania abierta en los Estados Unidos de America, ademas de las demas perdidadas materiales lo cual pondria a este pais a la altura de cualquier pais tercermundista o peor aun, un pais completamente desecho.

Exposed: Obama’s Strategy To Intentionally Bring Terrorists Into The United States
I hope the next administration is prepared to vet, investigate, and turn over rocks to eradicate this terrorist nemesis that Obama has implanted into our wonderful country. 
Do you remember the children who had to be saved? You know, the ones who were attracted like moths to the flame for free entry into the United States due to persecution?  Last I heard, the U.S. was actually flying planes down to Central America in order to fly thechildren directly here into our country.
Yes, many of these kids did need help; but it’s not our responsibility to feed, clothe, and provide homes to the world.
The problem is, many of these children were actually adults masquerading as children. Many of them were terrorists.  These terrorists are now in the United States, and we have no idea where they are.
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ISIS has recently bragged it has sleeper cells in the U.S., ready to strike at a moments notice. Isn’t that special? The effort to bring the children into the U.S. was not intended to be a humanitarian effort.
No, the real agenda was to allow terrorists in and to gain more voters for the Democratic Party.
This is also why the Obama administration has refused to seal the border. Report after report has shone light on the fact that terrorists are crossing our southern border and disappearing into the general population.
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The Washington Times reported recently that 4 Turkish terrorists were apprehended after crossing into the country from the south. These are just the ones that were caught. Just imagine how many have gotten through and disappeared without a trace, waiting to blow up the school or daycare center where your grandchildren go to be safe.
Today, we have news that the Obama administration wants to fly Syrian refugees into the United States from the fighting in the Middle East. ABC News reports:
Top U.S. counterterrorism officials say they worry a potential terrorist could be hiding among refugees who are looking to come to the United States after escaping the brutal war in Syria.  “It’s clearly a population of concern,” the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Nicholas Rasmussen, told the House Homeland                                                                                                              Security Committee on Wednesday.
Here we go again: same story, same agenda. As I have said before, it won’t be until after Obama and his liberal friends in Congress who support him and his policies leave office that we uncover the damage he has wrought to this country. I hope the next administration is prepared to vet, investigate, and turn over rocks to eradicate this terrorist nemesis that Obama has implanted into our wonderful country.                                        
Exposed: Obama's Shocking Plan That Lets ISIS Waltz Right Through America's Front Door

De la diferecia entre la democracia y el racismo.
 "Mamá, dime cual es la diferencia entre Democracia y el Racismo?"
 La madre en su tipico atuendo, contesta:  " Democracia es cuando aquí en  Australia los que pagan sus impuestos trabajan duros para darnos
varios beneficios;  como una habitación o refugio gratis, seguro de salud gratuito, educación gratuita, la liberación de impuestos para la construcción de Mesquitas, escuelas y Centros Comunitarios, más otros beneficios, que son aun mayores que los que reciben los pensionados Australianos y  etc. etc…    Eso mi hijo, es la Democracia".

 "Pero  Mamá, yo veo que el Australiano que paga sus impuestos,  se enoja por todo esto."
 "Claro que se enojan, justo... eso es lo que es el Racismo!" 

I am not “incompetent” I am destroying America more quickly tan any one thought posible
I am not “in over my head” I am advancing totalitarism riggt under your noses.
I am not “stupid” The “stupid” are those who fail to see fail to see the danger I bring.
I am no “failing” I am succeeding at every goal I have set.
I am embracing your enemies and reyectin your traditional friends.
I am acting lawlessly and unconstutitionally.
I am ingnoring your Constitution.
I am disobeying your laws.
Your media is abetting me.
Your congress not stoping me.
Those swords to defend the Constitution are not removing me.
I am “Fundamentely trasnsforming The Unite States of Ammerica”
Your Constitution, liberty, freeedon, wealht, future & children are no longer at risk…
                           …The risk is past; they are already lost.

I, a common citizen, have seen it coming for a long time and have said many times. How come the "experts" in politics and in the media never saw it coming? Actually, regardless of their education and expertise, the "experts" still don't see it. 

All we hear is noise! Perhaps everyone in politics and the media speak in politically-correct codes because they are terrified to speak up clearly? The way many of us see it, the country is screwed!!!

En mi opinión

No 874  Febrero 23, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR


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