Friday, November 21, 2014

No 800 "En mi opinion" Noviembre 21, 2014

 No 800 “En mi opinión”  Noviembre 21, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR
Amenper: El Error de Cálculo de Obama y otros Liberales…
Si revisamos la población denominada “Hispana” o "Latina" en la nación, los lugares de más densidad hispana en comparación a la población total son New México con el 47%, Texas con el 38.2%, California con el 38.2%, Arizona con el 30.2% y  Nevada con el 27.5. % y Florida con el 23.2%-.
La Gobernadora de New México, el estado de mayor densidad hispana, es republicana, Ted Cruz y el gobernador electo de Texas son Republicanos, el gobernador de Nevada es Brian Sandoval, republicano. Jan Brewner el gobernador de Arizona es republicano, así como el Senador McCain que ha sido uno de los senadores que por más veces ha sido re-elegido. Y todos sabemos que Rick Scott-López Cantera son los electos para la gobernación de la Florida y que Marco Rubio es el sanador del estado, y que todos son Republicanos.
Todos se oponen a la acción ejecutiva de Obama sobre inmigración.
Solo queda California, pero California es un planeta aparte.
Por eso creo que Obama ha hecho un error de cálculo, y quizás se debe a la percepción de que el voto hispano es demócrata sin remedio.  
George W. Bush sacó el 45% del voto hispano, (observen la diferencia entre el voto negro 95% demócrata) y el aumento de la inmigración desde entonces se trata mayormente de indocumentados que no votan (al menos legalmente).
Si los republicanos lo toman con calma, y esperan a que pase el año, y presenta una reforma migratoria con el control de las fronteras efectivo, el presidente tendrá que vetarlo y desprestigiarse, o aceptarlo y entonces los republicanos serán el partido de los hispanos. 
Al menos de los ciudadanos Americanos de origen hispano.
Hay que pensar bien en esto de inmigración. Muchos hispanos no están de acuerdo, y las estadísticas de arriba lo muestran. O sea que de la población hispana que es aproximadamente el 11% del total de la población, quizás conservadoramente más del 4% no está de acuerdo con una amnistía.  Tampoco están muchos negros y miembros de las uniones que temen que los hispanos les roben trabajos, y también, sobre todo en los estados del sur, hay los racistas que no aceptan a nadie con un apellido hispano por considerarlos inferiores.  Si sumamos todas estas diferentes fracciones, estos raros compañeros de cama suman una cantidad que es lo que me hace pensar que Obama cometió un error de cálculo, los “hispanos” que están de acuerdo son sólo un 7% del toal de los votantes, y quizás menos si los Republicanos saben jugar el juego.
Primero, porque los hispanos son decisivos solamente si tomamos en consideración a otras fracciones, algunas de las cuales como expico arriba no están de acuerdo con la aminsitía. Segundo, los hispanos no son homogéneos como equivocadamente lo consideran. Todo esto  sin tomar en consideración la actitud dictatorial que también le traerá un rechazo de otra parte de la opinión pública
Abajo les paso el editorial del Wall Street Journal de hoy, que aconseja a los republicanos lo que deben hacer para contrarrestar la ilegalidad de la acción ejecutiva de Obama. 
Y como es el carácter del Journal, lo que aconsejan es una medida mesurada y pragmática, la cual creo la indicada en este momento.

I, Barack
The immigration order is an abuse of power that fails as a policy reform.
President Obama ’s decision to legalize millions of undocumented immigrants by his own decree is a sorry day for America’s republic. We say that even though we agree with the cause of immigration reform. But process matters to self-government—sometimes it is the only barrier to tyranny—and Mr. Obama’s policy by executive order is tearing at the fabric of national consent.
The first question to address is Mr. Obama’s legal rationale. At least he finally rolled out a memo from the experts on presidential power in the Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel, but it’s fair to wonder how much time he gave them. The OLC made its justification public about an hour before the speech.
The President’s rationale is “prosecutorial discretion,” but he is stretching that legal concept beyond normal understanding. The executive branch does have discretion about whom to prosecute. But this typically extends to individual cases, or to setting priorities due to limited resources such as prosecuting cocaine but not marijuana use.
Mr. Obama claims he is using his discretion to focus on such high deportation priorities as criminals, but he is going much further and is issuing an order exempting from deportation entire classes of people—as many as five million. Justice’s OLC memo claims there is no such categorical exemption, and that immigration officials can still deport someone if they want to, but the memo offers no measures by which to make that “complex judgment.” In practice it will almost never happen.
The Reagan and Bush precedents cited by the Obama lawyers are different in kind and degree. They involved far fewer people and they were intended to fulfill the policy set by Congress—not, as Mr. Obama intends, to defy Congress. That is why their actions were done with little controversy.
Mr. Obama is issuing his order amid furious political opposition and after his own multiple previous declarations that he lacks legal authority. “If we start broadening that [his 2012 order for undocumented children], then essentially I’ll be ignoring the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally,” Mr. Obama said on Telemundo in September 2013. Until now.
While we favor generous immigration, Mr. Obama’s order also fails as policy because it won’t reduce the economic incentive that drives illegal immigration.The only way to reduce the flow of illegal migrants is to offer enough legal ways to work in the U.S. and then return home.
His unilateral order will encourage more migrants to come in hope of a future amnesty, without matching the ebb and flow of migration to America’s changing labor market demands. His order also offers no prospect of future citizenship, creating a laboring class with less of a stake in American institutions—and less incentive to assimilate
The politics of immigration is already fraught, and Mr. Obama’s order will make it worse. He is empowering the most extreme anti-immigrant voices on the Republican right, which may be part of his political calculation.
Mr. Obama wants Democrats to get political credit with Hispanics for legalization, while goading the GOP into again becoming the deportation party in 2016.Hillary Clinton would love that, which explains why Bill Clinton is already backing Mr. Obama’s order. Mark this down as one more way in which this President has become the Great Polarizer.
How should Republicans respond? They can use their own constitutional powers without falling into Mr. Obama’s political trap. Impeachment is a fool’s errand that would change the political subject and fail. The power of the purse is an obvious tool now that the GOP will soon control the Senate, but that will require patience and unity to prevail over Mr. Obama’s vetoes.
The best GOP revenge would be to trump him on immigration. Before Mr. Obama’s decree, smart Republicans were discussing a legislative strategy focusing on piecemeal immigration reforms. Separate bills addressing individual problems (border security, agriculture and tech visas) could pass with rotating majorities that show the GOP has immigration solutions of its own. Some bills might get to Mr. Obama’s desk, forcing him to reveal his cynical political hand if he uses his veto to block durable reform
We realize this won’t be easy, especially as many on the anti-immigrant right will want an immediate strategy to defund the President’s order. But another Pickett’s charge up Shutdown Hill is exactly what Mr. Obama wants. Republicans need to keep the focus on Mr. Obama’s abuse of power while showing voters they have better immigration solutions.
The polls show the American people are uneasy about Mr. Obama’s unilateral law-making, and liberals should be too. Mr. Obama is setting a precedent that Republican Presidents could also use to overcome a Democratic majority. How about an order to the IRS not to collect capital-gains taxes on inflated gains from property held for more than a decade? That policy would be broadly popular and also address a basic lack of fairness.Mr. Obama’s rule-by-regulation has already been rebuked more than once by the Supreme Court. His “I, Barack” immigration decree is another abuse that will roil American politics and erode public confidence in the basic precepts of self-government.

Amenper: El Presidente Imperial
Ayer Obama decretó la amnistía, que dice que no es amnistía, para aproximadamente más de 5 millones de personas que entraron violando las leyes de inmigración del país.  La decisión ejecutiva es bastante suave para que pase sin problemas, pero el mensaje es lo suficientemente fuerte para que se reciba entre los que quieren entrar al país ilegalmente como una declaración de permisividad en el futuro.
Se extiende a los padres de inmigrantes que han estado más de 5 años en el país ilegalmente, sin antecedentes penales.
Pero si entraste ilegalmente ya tienes antecedentes penales porque violaste la ley de inmigración. Además veremos casos de personas con múltiples padres. Muchas madres podrán alegar que creen que cualquiera de ellos pudiera ser el padre.
Lo más importante es que lo hizo violando sus declaraciones anteriores de que no tenía potestad para hacerlo.  Ahora lo hace, porque ya se declaró un presidente imperial.
Un presidente imperial fue definido en el famoso libro de Arthur M. Schlesinger, “La Presidencia Imperial” que fue publicado en 1973.
Schlesinger se refiere a los poderes que se atribuyeron presidentes desde Roosevelt para declarar guerras, sin consultar a los poderes legislativos, pero es aplicable al abuso de los poderes ejecutivos realizados por Obama durante su presidencia. 
Si como dice Obama otros presidentes antes que él han abusado los poderes ejecutivos, esto no lo hace menos culpables por hacerlo él.
Esto me recuerda el caso de la disputa entre dos mujeres, en que una llama puta a la otra, y esta responde, tú también eres una puta.  El resultado es que todos supieron que las dos eran unas putas.
Si Obama excede su legalidad, el que otros lo hayan hecho sólo nos enseña que tanto él como los otros han violado la constitución que nos dejaron los padres de la patria.
Esta explicación de lo que es una presidencia imperial, está detallada en Wikipedia, y copio parte del contenido.
Este libro detalla la historia de la Presidencia de los Estados Unidos desde su concepción por los padres fundadores, a través de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. El autor escribió la Presidencia Imperial con dos preocupaciones; primero cuando la Presidencia de Estados Unidos estaba fuera de control y en segundo lugar cuando la Presidencia había excedido los límites constitucionales.
Una Presidencia se convierte en imperial cuando se basa en poderes más allá de las permitidas por la Constitución. La Constitución estableció tres ramas independientes del gobierno no por eficiencia sino para evitar el ejercicio arbitrario del poder. El gobierno esbozado por la constitución tuvo que reemplazar y mejorar el gobierno ejecutivo imperial del rey británico Jorge III.
La Constitución y sus autores determinaron que el poder de iniciar una guerra pertenecía al Congreso. El Presidente tuvo la responsabilidad de llevar a cabo guerras en curso y las relaciones exteriores en curso y responder a los ataques súbitos, sólo si el Congreso no estaba en sesión. Como los Estados Unidos se convirtió en una gran potencia mundial y luego una superpotencia, la Presidencia adquirió más poderes de guerra a pesar de la Constitución. Esto redujo los poderes del Congreso y la separación de poderes, que es necesario evitar el uso arbitrario del poder.
A través de diversos medios, presidentes posteriormente adquirieron poderes más allá de los límites de la Constitución. La responsabilidad diaria del Presidente del Congreso, los tribunales, la prensa y la gente ha sido reemplazada por una rendición de cuentas de una vez cada cuatro años durante una elección.
Pero ni siquiera como en el caso de ahora, cuando el pueblo le pasa cuentas al ejecutivo, Obama responde como debiera, escuchando la decisión de los electores, pero hace todo lo contrario, haciendo como otros presidente de aprovechar que los nuevos legisladores no toman sus asientos hasta el primero de año para abusar su poder ejecutivo ante un senado de “pato cojo”.
 Estos cambios se han producido lentamente durante siglos para que lo que parece normal difiere mucho de lo que fue el estado original de América.

Esto es lo que los votantes tienen que tener en consideración cuando vayan a las urnas en el 2016, hace falta un poder ejecutivo que respete la constitución, pero también hay que cuidar de elegir a personas que representen a los ciudadanos en los poderes legislativos


Ben Carson: Ben Carson: Obama's Actions Very Much Like Putin's

In an exclusive interview with The Christian Broadcasting Network's "Brody File," Dr. Ben Carson compared President Barack Obama to Russian President Vladimir Putin for what he called the blatantly unconstitutional way he's going about immigration reform and other policies.
Speaking from his home in Florida, the famed neurosurgeon and oft-mentioned presidential contender told CBN's David Brody that he would tell the president,  "You work for the people, they don't work for you." 

"This is going to keep going until you stop him," Carson told CBN.
"Our president is very much like Putin."
Read Latest Breaking News from
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

GOP Slams Obama’s Immigration Orders as Declaration of War.  by Cowboy Byte

He really doesn’t care what anyone thinks, his mind was made up…..
Check it out:
Republicans broadly slammed President Barack Obama’s executive orders to give work permits and defer deportations to as many as 5 million illegal immigrants, with some legislators telling Newsmax on Thursday that his unilateral actions amounted to a declaration of war.
“He’s throwing down the gauntlet — and this is really a political tactic,” said Texas Rep. Steve Stockman. “It’s to divide the Republican Party. It has little to do with the people he professes to want to protect.”
“That’s not what the American people want, to just draw a line in the sand and if you step over it, I’m going to fight you,” Georgia Rep. Jack Kingston told Newsmax. “I’m still stunned at his audacity.

‘ANARCHY AND VIOLENCE': Senator Coburn Warns Obama’s Executive Order on Immigrants is Going to Divide the Nation

Coburn isn’t far off. People are going to be very upset about this.
Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn warns there could be not only a political firestorm but acts of civil disobedience and even violence in reaction to President Obama’s executive order on immigration Thursday.
“The country’s going to go nuts, because they’re going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it’s going to be a very serious situation,” Coburn said on Capital Download. “You’re going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. … You could see violence.”
Coburn, 66, is a conservative Republican but one who has a personal relationship with Obama. They entered the Senate in the same class, elected in 2004, and the new senators from opposite ends of the political spectrum and their spouses immediately hit it off at an orientation dinner. Last year, the president wrote a tribute in Time magazine to Coburn as “someone who speaks his mind (and) sticks to his principles.”
“I really like the guy,” Coburn, 66, told USA TODAY’s weekly video newsmaker series Wednesday. “I thought he’s neat, and I think Michelle’s a neat lady.”
That history gives Coburn’s stark assessment a special sting. On immigration, he accuses Obama of acting like “an autocratic leader that’s going to disregard what the Constitution says and make law anyway.”

Olga Grinan:  VINO A VIOLAR LAS LEYES, A DEMANDAR DERECHOS “EMO” DERECHOS: Que no tienen en sus países. LRGM.

Gabriela Pacheco,  lider de los dreamers y su hermano vinieron de Ecuador a estudiar gratis con las becas que EEUU otorga para que regresen a mejorar sus paises y no tengan que emigrar a EEUU. Sus padres vinieron con visa de misioneros religiosos. El plan era quedarse. 
Al vencer las visas todos recibieron orden de deportacion, pero Gabriela se hizo lider de algunos, demandando MAS DERECHOS Y GRATUIDADES para los estudiantes extranjeros. 
La organizacion comunista "La Raza" y Jorge Ramos de Univision la apadrinaron inmediatamente y publicaron un libro sobre la revolucion de los dreamers diciendo que lo habia escrito ella. 
Gabriela tiene 30 anios y 3 titulos de College SIN TRABAJAR pues solo el ano pasado fue que Obama aprobo el DACA y hoy aprobo la residencia a los padres "misioneros". 
Nosotros pagamos para que al terminar su beca, ella y su hermano regresen a hacer algo bueno en su pais. Lo interesante es que en Ecuador y Mexico, POR LEY, los ninos extranjeros no pueden ir a la escuela. Si en algun lugar hay que cambiar las leyes es en esos paises. Pero no, como agradecimiento Gabriela vino A VIOLAR LAS LEYES, A DEMANDAR DERECHOS Y A FORMAR UNA REVOLUCION JUNTO A QUIENES ODIAN A EEUU. 
Suspendan las becas... 
Espero que algun dia deporten a Gabriela, su hermano y sus padres 'misioneros'.
Gabriela and her brother, the illegal who is getting the 3rd degree, came from Ecuador to study free for 6 months. Her parents requested missioner visas. All was planned to stay illegaly in USA after visas expired. Gabriela became a lider of some foreign students demanding RIGHTS and more freebies for foreign students from President Bush 2. Her leftist movement was approved by "La Raza" and Jorge Ramos, a mexican journalist of Univision Channel, who earns $2 millions/year and hates America. They published a book about dreamers and told it was written by Gabriela, big lie was written by them. USA waste money giving scholarships to them in order they return to their countries and do something good for their people are not migrating to USA. But instead of that, foreign students stay here and their parents too, demanding RIGHTS, FREEBIES and CHANGE OUR LAWS. The most vile, mean and unfair is that Ecuador and Mexico, BY LAW, don't allow foreign students to study in their countries. Instead of going to help her country, Gabriela made a Revolution in USA violating our laws. If some laws have to be changed are the laws in her country. She, her brother and parents have lived here under deportation orders and she has gotten 3 degrees. HOW? She is almost 30 years old. She doesn't work. With taxpayers money? The last year she got DACA (dreamers status) Today she got the status for her parents. She, her brother and her "missionery" parents deserve to be deported to Ecuador. Stop foreign scholarships!

Olga Grinan: Esto esta buenisimo
Excelente reflexión de un Comunicador Español...
Los musulmanes no están bien, pero cómo joroban a los demás..!
Este mundo está al revés-  Pues miren por dónde, no se me había ocurrido pensar una cosa que, al fin y al cabo, es tan obvia. Sabia deducción, sí señor...
Los musulmanes no están bien……
No están bien en Gaza
No están bien en Judea y Samaria
No están bien en Jerusalén
No están bien en Israel (dicen que no tienen igualdad)
No están bien en Egipto
No están bien en Libia
No están bien en Argelia
No están bien en Túnez
No están bien en Marruecos
No están bien en el Yemen
No están bien en Iraq
No están bien en Afganistán
No están bien en Paquistán
No están bien en Chipre
No están bien en Siria
No están bien en Líbano
No están bien en Sudan
No están bien en Jordania
No están bien en Irán
No están bien en Chechenia
Y entonces ¿dónde están bien?
Están bien en Inglaterra
Están bien en Francia
Están bien en Italia
Están bien en Alemania
Están bien en Suecia
Están bien en Holanda
Están bien en Bélgica
Están bien en Noruega
Están bien en EEUU
Están bien en Dinamarca
Están bien en Rumania
Están bien en España
Están bien en Hungría
En definitiva están bien en todos los países que no están bajo el yugo musulmán, es      decir, ¡fuera de sus países de origen! Y ¿a quién culpan? No al Islamismo. No a sus    dirigentes políticos. No a sí mismos.           Culpan de todos sus males a las naciones donde ellos se sienten bien. Curioso           ¿verdad?.Pues a ver si alguna vez somos menos idiotas y aprendemos la lección         antes de que acaben con la civilización      occidental, que es su meta en este mundo.

Netanyahu: I Want to See Outrage

Yesterday, we reported on some of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks in the wake of the terror attack on a Jerusalem synagogue that left five dead and more wounded. Today, we provide you with the his entire speech, which not only calls for an end to the Palestinian incitement that fuels such attacks, but for international outrage and condemnation of such evil:
We are in the midst of a terrorist assault focused on Jerusalem. Today, during morning prayers, as they were wrapped in prayer shawls and tefillin, four rabbis were slaughtered, four innocent and pure Jews – Rabbi Avraham Goldberg, Rabbi Aryeh KupinskyRabbi Kalman Ze’ev Levine and Rabbi Moshe Twersky. May their memories be blessed.
We send our condolences to their families. We send our best wishes for a recovery to the wounded and to the heroic policemen whose action prevented a greater disaster. The human animals who perpetrated this slaughter were full of hatred and incitement, deep hatred and terrible incitement against the Jewish People and its state. Hamas, the Islamic Movement and the Palestinian Authority are disseminating countless lies and falsehoods against the State of Israel. They are saying that the Jews are contaminating the Temple Mount. They are saying that we are planning to destroy the Holy Places, that we intend to change the order of prayer there – this is all lies. These lies have already claimed a very heavy price. They took the life of a three-month-old baby, Chaya Zissel Braun, who had been taken for her first visit to the Western Wall, along with her parents, who wanted to thank G-d for giving them a baby. They also claimed the lives of Karen Jemima Mosquera, Jidan Assad, Aharon Badani, Sgt. Almog Shilony and Dalia Lemkus. All of them were pure souls. All of them were victims of this mendacious incitement. Today they are joined by additional victims of the same wild blood libel of the kind that is etched in the memory of our people.
Yesterday a bus driver from eastern Jerusalem committed suicide. He committed suicide. The findings of the pathology report have been published and they prove this unequivocally. He committed suicide. But this has not prevented those same elements from inciting and disseminating the blood libel to the effect that he was murdered by Jews. This incitement contributed its part to the shocking slaughter that was perpetrated this morning in a holy place during prayers. But what is outrageous is not only the brutality of the murder but the shouts of joy in Gaza, in Bethlehem and in other places. They are giving out candies, waving axes in the air and praising the shahidim. True, this time Abu Mazen condemned the slaughter and it is good that he did. I remember that he also condemned the murder of the three youths but it is not enough because in the same sentence in which he condemned today’s slaughter, he linked it to imaginary actions – which have no basis in reality – that Israel is purportedly planning to carry out on the Temple Mount. There is daily, even hourly, incitement on the streets of the Palestinian Authority. There, not only do the most reprehensible murderers become the heroes of Palestinian culture, but there is unending, constant incitement against the very existence of the State of Israel, against the security of Israel’s citizens, in schools, the media, mosques, everywhere, and this is the root of the conflict: The refusal to recognize – and educate for – the existence of the state of the Jews.
Last week I traveled to Jordan and held a very important meeting in Amman with King Abdullah and US Secretary of State John Kerry. Together, we called to calm the situation and for the restoration of quiet. To my regret, the answer that we received from the Palestinian Authority was to declare a day or rage in Jerusalem. And today we all saw the result. The world sees this slaughter but, to our regret, does not demand that the Palestinians stop the wild incitement against Israel that is the root of the conflict. I call on all heads of state in the civilized world – I want to see outrage. I want to see condemnation, a deep and uncompromising condemnation of these murders of Israelis, of Jews. Do not discriminate between blood and blood. When there are other acts of murder you express the same outrage and condemn them. But when I see a three-month-old baby being murdered, when I see these Jews at prayer in a synagogue, our holy place, just as a church is holy for Christians and a mosque is holy for Muslims, I expect to at least hear the same condemnation, in an uncompromising and unreserved tone. To my regret, there are those who currently insist on giving the Palestinians a prize in the form of unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state that does not recognize the state of the Jews. We will not tolerate this reality; we will fight terrorism and we will defeat it. We will restore law, order and security to the streets of Jerusalem.
This evening I ordered the demolition of the homes of the terrorists who perpetrated the massacre and the hastening of the demolition of the homes of the terrorists who perpetrated the earlier attacks. I ordered stepped-up enforcement against – and stiffer punishments for – those engaged in incitement, as well as the banning of organizations engaged in incitement, and increased security on the streets of Jerusalem. Alongside offensive actions there are also defensive actions.
Citizens of Israel, I call on you to show maximum alert and to respect the law. As a state, we will settle accounts with all of the terrorists and those who dispatched them. We have already proven that we do this, but let nobody take the law into his hands, even if tempers flare and blood boils. We are in a lengthy war against abhorrent terrorism which did not start today. Terrorism has followed us through all the years of the Zionist enterprise. We have always withstood it and we will do so this time as well.
There are those who would like to uproot us from our land and from our capital. They will not achieve their aim. We are in a battle for Jerusalem, our eternal capital. In this battle we must be united; this is the order of the day. We have always known to unite in times of trial. We must put aside all of the little differences and unite around one major issue – defending Jerusalem, defending the security of Israel’s citizens. I think that this is what the citizens of Israel expect of us at this time – to stand together as one, unified and united. What is called for at this time is national unity.


American Stupidity Is Escapism & Wishful Thinking, Not Lack of Intelligence.   Mark Horne  

It is escapism and wishful thinking that gives us self-destructive policies like Obamacare. Jonathan Gruber never really fooled anyone.
One of the great mysteries and evils of the human condition is the reality of self-deception. People of perfectly adequate (or better) intelligence will commit themselves to delusions that they find comforting. People are constantly tempted to believe that their lives can become magically better if only the right magician will use the right spell.
Jonathan Gruber posed as one of those magicians, though he seems to be ignorant of where his power came from.
Gruber famously claimed that Obamacare relied on “the stupidity of the American voter.” If “stupidity” means a real lack of intelligence or a real ignorance, then he is wrong. While favoring Obamacare for the sake of better medical treatment is indeed stupid, the root problem in the American population was never their lack of intelligence or their lack of knowledge.
The problem was escapism and wishful thinking. People want to believe in magic and so they often do whenever a politician or a academic presents them with the opportunity to do so. They know the reasoning makes no sense, but they willfully tell themselves that the smart man from M.I.T. must know what he is doing. There must be some hidden way to spend less money and give more people medical treatment that only a brilliant economist can figure out.
Notice how this kind of toxic escapism promotes convoluted legislation. Gruber admitted that the Affordable Care Act was deliberately convoluted in order to “fool” the CBO and the voters. That complicated mess is then used as the excuse by votes to decide that they are not intelligent enough to understand how Obamacare will work, and that somehow the “experts” in government really can allow them to keep their plans or their doctors if they like their plans or doctors.
(By the way, if you think anyone at the CBO did not understand what was going on, then you are still engaging in escapism. Gruber is not really telling the whole truth in his confessions. The complexity of the Affordable Care Act gave the CBO confidence that they could get away with scoring it as a non-tax. They didn’t want to declare that the Emperor had no clothes.)
Every human has a room in his mind that resembles Fox Mulder’s basement office in the X-Files TV show. And every one of them has a poster stating, “I want to believe.” And every politician has a poster of Uncle Sam pointing at you ordering: “I WANT YOU TO BELIEVE IN ME.”
That is the essence of the Messianic State. It says that it can provide us with eternal life if only we will believe in it.
So the problem with the American voter, though it might accurately be described as “stupidity,” does not lie in a lack of brain power. It lies in his or her psychology. The American voter needs to be saved from real life.
The politicians come to the door like vampires, making all sorts of unbelievable promises. They only have power when you voluntarily let them in.

Amenper: “Nuestros Negros" y la Verdad
A pesar de la voluminosa y a veces ferviente literatura, sobre la distribución de ingresos. La verdad cruda es que la riqueza no se distribuye, se crea con el trabajo. Cuando usted quiere ayudar a las personas usted le dice la verdad. Cuando usted quiere ayudarse a sí mismo usted le dice lo que ellos quieren oír.                                                                           Si has estado botando por políticos que prometen darte regalos a expensas de otras personas, entonces no tienes derecho a quejarte cuanto toman tu dinero para dárselo a otra persona incluido a ellos mismos y sus amigos.                   Thomas Sowell.
La familia negra ha sobrevivido a siglos de esclavitud y generaciones bajo la ley de Jim Crow. Pero se ha desintegrado a raíz de la expansión de los liberales y del estado de bienestar (Welfare)  Thomas Sowell
Me tropiezo con una reacción de negatividad comprensible cuando hablo de “nuestros” negros.  Los negros decentes y educados, y que piensan como nosotros. 
Es comprensible por lo que llamo el síndrome de Jackie Robinson, que es la que considero si en vez de Robinson el primer negro pelotero hubiera sido alguien agresivo y arrogante, hubiera creado un precedente que hubiera perjudicado el que hubiera habido más negros en las grandes ligas. 
Y esto me parece que refleja lo que está pasando con los negros que tenemos en el poder hoy en día. Por eso mis amigos no quieren que le hable de “nuestros” negros.
Pero yo lo considero muy necesario, porque cuando un negro como Sowell o el Dr. Ben Carson, que son negros que nacieron bajo las mismas condiciones que los que hoy en día están viviendo del Welfare, que supieron superarse, y que saben que los gritos de discriminación son gritería política para beneficio de unos pocos no una realidad, los políticos y los negros de a pie, tienen que oírlos, y le prestan más atención. 
Claro a los que me refiero que los oyen, me refiero a los negros normales, no a esos que caen en las garras de los nuevos mayorales como Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton y los otros que usan el odio al blanco para sus agendas políticas creando esas manifestaciones violentas y destructivas y que vemos y posiblemente veremos más en las calles después del veredicto de Fergurson si es favorable al inocente.
Hoy en el Wall Street Journal, publican unas palabras que Sowell dijo en 1983 sobre el programa de “acción afirmativa”.  Este es un programa creado por los liberales que no ha resuelto el problema de los negros y ha perjudicado grandemente a los blancos.  Sowell lo presenta desde el punto de vista de un negro, lo que ha pasado es que las universidades, las empresas, obligados a una cuota, lo que hacen es tratar de buscar a los mejores negros o mejores hispanos, algunas veces, digo yo, esto perjudica a los blancos que les pasan por arriba.  Pero desde el punto de vista de los negros que expone Sowell, también es perjudicial, porque esos negros calificados siempre tendrían empleo o serían aceptados en las universidades, mientras que los negros no calificados no se benefician, porque de todas maneras no lo aceptan ni en las universidades ni en los empleos, siguen viviendo del Welfare.
O sea lo que determina Sowell es que estas políticas liberales, son realmente políticas, hechas por los nuevos dueños de los nuevos esclavos negros y los nuevos mayorales negros que cuidan de esos esclavos para mantener con unos beneficios que realmente son limosnas para mantener su esclavitud con su voto cautivo
Cuando sucedan los hechos de violencia racial que posiblemente ocurran en estos días, todos nos sentiremos mal, pero cuando pase un tiempo y se calmen las cosas, ¿Quiénes serán los más perjudicados? Los negros, porque la actitud anti-negra del blanco medio, será mayor.
Y los negros razonables e inteligentes, “nuestros negros” se dan cuenta de esto y así se lo hacen saber.
Abajo pueden ver el análisis de Sowell sobre “acción afirmativa”, la idea en la primera frase define el problema, “El tratamiento preferencial que es preferencial solamente en intención perjudica en vez de ayudar”.  
El economista Thomas Sowell, discutiendo las preferencias raciales en programa de televisión de William F. Buckley Jr. PBS, "Línea de fuego", en 1983:
El efecto neto del tratamiento preferencial, es que si es preferencial en la intención más que en los resultados,  el resultado es que los negros que son particularmente desfavorecidos porque han caído todavía más bajo por estas políticas.
Porque dichas políticas tienen típicamente un benefició a los negros los cuales fueron acomodados, pero no para que se convirtieran en algo mejor.... Por ejemplo, los negros que tienen relativamente menos experiencia laboral, bajos los niveles de educación, familia de mujeres solteras, todos estos grupos han caído más atrás durante una década o más de la acción afirmativa.
 Las familias negras madres solteras han tenido una decadencia absoluta en ingresos reales en este lapso y han caído más atrás que las familias  femeninas blancas. Al mismo tiempo, las parejas negras  que son ambos universitarios obtienen mayores ingresos que las parejas blancas en que ambos son universitarios, así que realmente no hay discriminación.
Así que este programa proporciona incentivos para contratar a los negros que son "seguros".
Por lo tanto uno hará un esfuerzo hacia la cuota, pero eso no ayudará a personas que no pueden avanzar lo suficiente para sus promociones y los patrones de descarga para satisfacer al gobierno.
Así que al hacerlo contratando al negro  más deseable para contratar a los negros estos no tienen sólo los privilegios, pero una ventaja de preferencia racial .


The History Of U.S. Immigration Policy Explained In 2 Minutes
President Obama will announce his long-awaited immigration plan on Thursday evening, and it’s expected the president will, at the very least, make an effort to single-handedly legalize at least 3 million illegal aliens who have children that are U.S. citizens.
Republicans will have to respond quickly with a plan of their own in order to win the crucial media messaging battle.
While there are a multitude of ways the GOP could handle the upcoming political war over immigration, none of the options currently considered seem to offer much hope. No matter how Republicans respond, they will inevitably be labeled “bigots,” “racists,” and “uncompassionate.”
Conservatives have seen this movie before – and not just on immigration. Republicans routinely lose these public relations fights, and there’s little reason to believe that the media will be sympathetic this time around to the whole “we must follow the rule of law” argument.
Other than just giving in to the president’s demands, are there any good strategies that the GOP could utilize to avoid political disaster? I believe there’s at least one.
Despite recent claims made by Obama and his fellow Democrats, the American people overwhelmingly support strong, permanent border security that will prevent the illegal immigration problem from expanding, and recent indicators also reveal that Americans do not want to extend privileges to illegals without a stable and comprehensive immigration plan in place.
For instance, one Pew poll in August shows 74 percent of independents believe border security should be given a greater or equal priority compared to creating a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants. The numbers were even higher for self-identified Republicans.
Additionally, 66 percent of voters in blue-as-can-be Oregon rejected a new law that would have allowed most people in the state illegally to attain driver’s licenses.
Clearly Americans are not nearly as supportive of the radical, anything-goes immigration proposal expected from President Obama as so many Democrats claim.
However, whenever the GOP battles Democrats over immigration, the bully-tactics from the media and special interest groups inevitably win the day. Instead of fighting the battle in Washington, DC and on cable news stations across the country, Republicans should allow the American people to determine this crucial question by employing a revolutionary and unheard-of strategy: a nationwide referendum.
Once Republicans take control of Congress in January, they will have the votes needed to put a bill on the president’s desk that calls for a special election to be held in the spring to decide the issue of immigration. Several plans could be offered to the people, but all, or nearly all, of the proposals should mandate that before any legalization of illegal immigrants begin, a well-designed border security infrastructure must be put in place, along with a strict timeline for completion.
The advantage to this plan is that all of the polling already indicates that the overwhelming majority of Americans support permanent border security between the U.S. and Mexico, so it’s incredibly unlikely that they would ever reject securing the border. Further, because it’s the U.S. citizenry, not Republicans in Congress, demanding the plan, any attempt by Democrats to thwart the bill could easily be explained as an attempt to violate the collective will of the American people.
If the president vetoes the attempt to hold a referendum in the first place, Republicans can attack Democrats for violating democratic principles and for thinking Americans are just too stupid to have the ability to vote on such an important topic. Either way, this is a big political win for the GOP.
There are obviously risks and disadvantages to such a radical proposal.
The first is that the American people could theoretically pass an immigration plan that doesn’t allow for border security. As I already stated, this is incredibly unlikely given all of the polling data available.
The second is that once this kind of strategy has been used by a Republican Congress, it will undoubtedly be employed by future Congresses controlled by Democrats on issues conservatives staunchly oppose.
Although the second concern is certainly a valid one, the alternative is to allow the president and Democrats to continue their absurd immigration policies that have led to millions of people coming to the United States illegally. How do you think that will play out over the next 20 years for Republicans?
The reality is that the immigration problem needs to be addressed now. Significant reforms to the system are needed. America needs strong border security (finally), a reasonable plan to assist people already living here so that they may become citizens the right way, and a better strategy for letting foreigners come to the U.S. in the first place.
America is a nation of immigrants, and we shouldn’t forget all of the incredible blessings the country has received from their contributions. We need better reforms that will make immigration for those who deserve it easier, while also ensuring we keep terrorists, criminals, and those disinterested in contributing to our nation out.
Such reforms can, of course, come out of Congress, but President Obama will likely never sign a bill that actually leads to the formation of true border security. Any attempt by Republicans to circumvent the president will also likely result in failure – as recent attempts have clearly shown. By putting the power in the hands of the people, Republicans will have a real chance at attaining needed reforms while also avoiding a costly political war they will probably lose.

Obama Will Torpedo Hillary Today

Written by Gary North 
Today, President Obama will announce his plan for giving legal protection against deportation to five million illegal aliens who were not going to be deported anyway.
This will hand a huge political chip to the Republican Party. Whoever runs for President in 2016 will run on the promise of reversing today’s executive order. Revocation by a new executive order will be legal for the President to do, beginning on January 20, 2017.  His promise: “I will revoke this executive order on the day I am sworn into office.”
Whoever gets the nomination in 2016 will taunt Hillary all year to state her position on this EO: “revoke or not?” She will try to waffle. But an update of Joe Lewis’ phrase will stick to her: “She can run, but she can’t hide.”
If she says: “Let it stand,” she will hand a huge voting bloc over to the Republicans.
She can break with her Latino base and her Left base and say “revoke.” That will gall her.  If she says “revoke,” her reputation on the Left as Snow White will disappear.
She will probably try to say “modification.”  Her opponent will say: “Let’s see your wording of this modification.” Then he will publish his: revocation.
For two years, beginning today, this hugely emotional issue will be hot on the political stove. This one will not go away. Neither will five million illegal aliens.
Obama knows exactly what he is doing. He will of course not mention Hillary’s plans to extend the family dynasty. But I can think of nothing that he could do that would more effectively bring that dynasty to a close in November 2016.
He will get praise from the multi-culti Left.  He will get praise from the Hispanic bloc. He will get quiet resentment from the trade union movement, millions of whom will shift to the Republican Party in 2016.
The Republicans in Congress will be able to scream “Constitution!” when they really mean “2016!”
This will get more publicity for the existence of executive orders than anything that any President has ever  done. Who remembers that the EPA was created by Nixon by means of an EO? Hardly anyone knew at the time. This time they will know how amnesty — until 2017 — was created for illegal immigrants, who Obama will not refer to as illegal immigrants.
Mao announced a policy in 1956: “Let a hundred flowers bloom.”  He allowed critics of his regime go public. Then he had some of them executed. Others went into prison camps. “Suckers!”

Watch: What This Ferguson Leader Just Admitted Could Undermine The Whole Movement

"You ever do that in your life?”

The founder of “Justice for Mike Brown,” Derk Brown, was part of a guest panel on Tuesday’s Sean Hannity Show as the nation awaits the grand jury decision from Ferguson.  There have been reports of civil disobedience and riots if the grand jury does not indict Officer Darren Wilson.  One group has reportedly put a bounty on the head of the police officer.  Hannity questioned him about Mike Brown’s behavior towards the store clerk.
“Who treats a clerk like that?  Do you treat a clerk like that?  You ever do that in your life?”
Brown said that he has not.
“And if it turns out he’s tried to get the officer’s gun?  Who acts like that, if that turns out to be true?  Is that behavior of somebody that you want justice for?  What about justice for the officer?”
Brown responded that he does not want justice for the officer.
“You don’t want justice for the officer?  You made up you mind, you tried, you convicted him?  You don’t want justice for the officer?”
Brown insisted that the officer was wrong in his actions.
“You don’t if it’s wrong.  You don’t know anything.  You don’t know if it’s wrong.  Wait a minute.  Stop here.  Why don’t you just want justice, period, whatever way it come out?  I want justice and fairness.”
Hannity suggested to Brown that if the officer had acted in a wrong manner or had not obeyed the law, then he would understand if the grand jury decides to indict Wilson.  However, if it went the other way, then Officer Wilson should go free.
“Why wouldn’t you support justice for him?”
Rather than answer, Brown attempted to side-step the question by suggesting that Officer Wilson should have gotten on the radio to call for back-up.
Former New York Police Detective Bo Dietl added his comments:
“These things happen so fast….Until you are out on the street, you don’t know what your dealing with.  You got split-second, life and death decisions and you’re going to be judged forever and ever about what you do.  And there’s a lot of cops, 370 cops, didn’t come back last year.”

BLACK THUGS THREATENED MURDER: ‘We Gonna Start Killin’ Mother-F-ckers’
This is why law-abiding people in Ferguson are stocking up on guns and ammo.

Jihadis coming to U.S.? They're already here
35 terror training camps exposed in documentary
With threats on the American homeland from ISIS leaders, the nation's southern border scandalously unguarded, ever-increasing Islamic subversion within the U.S., and growing concerns among citizens over terror attacks – now there's this. 

Scattered across the United States, rarely publicized by the "mainstream" news media, are three dozen Islamic terrorist training compounds, according to a powerful film documentary. Under the leadership of a radical Pakistani cleric, Sheikh Mubarak Gilani, his U.S.-based group called "Muslims of the Americas" has thousands of devoted followers who, claims the documentary, are being groomed for "Homegrown Jihad." 

Today only, WND readers can get this eye-opening and important film documentary on DVD, titled 
"Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S." – for only $4.95, a huge $20 discount off the normal $25 price! 

In never-before-seen video footage, the documentary exposes these dangerous jihad-training compounds and reveals a secret training tape in which American Muslims are recruited to "join one of the most advanced training courses in Islamic military warfare" ... right here in America!

They are called "Soldiers of Allah" and they are trained in explosives, kidnapping, murder, firing weapons and guerilla warfare, says the filmmakers. And they are told, "Act like you are a friend, then kill him just like from the book." 

Earlier this year, declassified FBI documents confirmed the existence of one such Islamic jihadist enclave in Texas, part of the same U.S.-based network of training camps, and identified by the Department of Homeland Security as connected to a terrorist organization. The Texas enclave belongs to Muslims of the Americas, which is linked to the Pakistani-based militant group Jamaat al-Fuqra, according to an investigation by the Clarion Project and ACT! For America Houston.

Jamaat al-Fuqra was founded in New York in 1980 by Gilani, who at one time was in Pakistani custody in connection with the abduction of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Pearl was later beheaded by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, whom the "9/11 Commission Report" identified as "the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks." 

"Muslims of the Americas" claims it has a network of 22 “villages” around the U.S., with headquarters at an encampment in the Catskill Mountains near Hancock, N.Y., called Holy Islamberg, as 
WND has reported. An investigative report at the time found neighbors of Islamberg were deeply concerned about military-style training taking place there and frustrated by an apparent lack of attention from federal authorities. 

WND also has reported that Jamaat al-Fuqra has collaborated with major terrorist organizations, including Hezbollah and al-Qaida. 

The FBI describes the compound in Texas, called Mahmoudberg, as an “enclave” and “communal living site.” Located in Brazoria County along County Road 3 near Sweeny, Texas, it was discovered by the FBI through a tip from an informant in New York, according to the Clarion Project. 

The Texas commune, in a heavily wooded area, is estimated by a local resident who spoke to ACT researchers to encompass about 25 acres. It dates back to the late 1980s, the resident said, which is confirmed by the FBI documents. 

The FBI reported in 2007 that one commune resident formerly was a leader at the Muslims of the Americas compound in Badger, Calif., called Baladullah. In March 2001, a Baladullah member had been arrested for transporting guns between New York and South Carolina. Another was charged with murdering a police deputy that caught him breaking and entering a home. The declassified FBI documents show that the enclave is not the only affiliate of the organization that has operated in the state. 

A 2003 FBI report states that investigation of MOA "is based on specific and articulate facts giving justification to believe they are engaged in international terrorism."

Last year, Muslims of the Americas filed a lawsuit against the nonprofit Christian Action Network for defamation and libel after CAN’s publication of the book “Twilight in America: The Untold Story of Islamist Terrorist Training Camps Inside America.” 

The book accuses Muslims of the Americas of “acting as a front for the radical Islamist group Jamaat al-Fuqra.” 

Much of the book is based on the investigation of a former NYPD undercover informant who spent eight years posing as a member of the group. 

The authors of the book, Martin Mawyer and Patti Pierucci, 
told Fox News they welcome the lawsuit because it will expose the Islamic group's activities. 

Beltway sniper John Muhammad also has been tied to the group, and there is circumstantial evidence that links it to Oklahoma University bomber Joel Hinrichs. 

Joseph Bodansky, the former director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, has affirmed Jamaat al-Fuqra operations in the U.S. have been known to the FBI and CIA for decades.

View "Homegrown Jihad" movie trailer below: 

That's right. Your eyes are not deceiving you. Right now, you can save a huge $20 off the cover price of the documentary film, "Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S." 
Until tonight at 10 p.m. Pacific, you can get your copy for only $4.95 by taking advantage of this special offer, exclusively from WND.
But wait – it gets better. There's another part to this deal. When you order
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Many readers consider Whistleblower to be simply the world's best newsmagazine. Each issue focuses like a powerful laser on a single topic – from how to survive financial meltdown to understanding the secret agendas of America's establishment elite – explored thoroughly, and with facts and insight such as you've never seen anywhere else. Recent issues include "SHADOW GOVERNMENT: Inside the mad, mad, mad, mad world of Obama's czars," "MEDICAL MURDER:Why Obamacare could result in the early deaths of millions of baby boomers," "THE GREAT AWAKENING: How tea partiers are setting a new course for America,""NARCISSIST IN CHIEF: Experts explain what makes Barack Obama tick" and"BLACK HOLE: The shocking truth about the U.S. economy – and what you can and must do." 

So, for $4.95 you get a copy of 
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Important: For this very special $4.95 offer, you will receive "Homegrown Jihad" as well as three free issues of Whistleblower magazine. Also included with your free issues will be a renewal notice for a one-year Whistleblower subscription. If you wish to renew, do nothing, and your credit or debit card will be charged the low annual renewal rate of just $39.95. (There's no risk, because at any time you can cancel your subscription for a full refund on the unused portion.) If you don't want to renew, simply cancel by calling 1-800-4WNDCOM (800-496-3266) or by emailing before the charge date printed on the renewal card you'll receive. Either way, the book and the 3 free issues are yours to keep. (Only one copy of "Homegrown Jihad" at this price per household. Offer good only in the U.S.) 

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   Target for Confiscation: Your

  Savings & Retirement

The U.S. government and the Fed pumped trillions of dollars of YOUR money into the banks and stock market over the last several years, catapulting the U.S. debt to $28 trillion by 2018. But now, the U.S. government and the Fed are completely out of ammo, with the Fed no longer able to buy U.S. treasuries.  They desperately need money to maintain their own power, and taxes are not enough.  So in order to keep the Ponzi scheme going, the U.S. government has made several highly controversial moves to make your savings & retirement accounts a prime target for confiscation.  And it’s becoming clearer by the day, if you want to protect your savings and wealth from government confiscation, you only have ONE choice.

The Bankrupt Government's Motto: Feed Me.   Damon Geller.

Government officials don’t produce anything.  They only feed off of those who do. They certainly don’t produce wealth; they only redistribute YOUR wealth. And when government officials cannot meet their obligations or fulfill the promises they made to the public, they figure out ways to appropriate the public’s money to fund their projects.  Desperate government officials will always resort to expropriation, be it through inflation, debt accumulation or deficit.
With the Federal Reserve currently buying 90% of the U.S. Treasury market (and going insolvent doing so), who do you think the government will lean on to pick up the slack?  The answer is YOU.  In fact, the U.S. government has made several highly controversial moves to make your savings & retirement accounts a prime target for confiscation!  They’re using legislation and authoritarian power in collusion with the modern financial system to gain access to your private assets in the name of “protection”, “security” or “national emergency.” But in reality, your savings & wealth are being targeted as a revenue source.
So Here's the Plan
The government is already making moves to nationalize retirement accounts like IRAs, 401Ks, pensions, 403Bs, as well as savings accounts worldwide.  You will soon be forced to use a portion of your savings & retirement to purchase U.S. government debt – debt that will ultimately default, as it is not possible to sustain our astronomical debt nor the deficits that create it. How can they do this?  Well, the “beauty” of the modern financial system – to a banker or an insolvent government – is the ease at which they can access your wealth with the stroke of a computer or a new law or tax.
For starters, the July 1st FATCA provision requires foreign financial institutions such as banks, stock brokers, hedge funds, pension funds, insurance companies, and trusts to report all U.S. citizens’ accounts directly to the IRS.  FATCA even requires reporting to the IRS by foreign private companies on any income made by a citizen of the U.S. whether they live here or not.  Second, Obama announced the creation of the MyRA – your retirement money will now be used to pay for U.S. debt. The MyRA is nothing more than an investment scam being sold to the American people as a you-can’t-lose, zero-risk investment by the pitchman-in-chief himself.  And third, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, which oversees how investments are sold, proposed what it calls CARDS – Comprehensive Automated Risk Data System – which is an electronic system that will regularly collect data on balances and transactions in all 4100 brokerages nationwide.
So for the first time ever, The U.S. government is directing you where to invest your savings & retirement and has gained full access to the activity in every single citizen’s bank accounts, retirement accounts, brokerage accounts and trading accounts.  The IRS will also have full visibility on any oversees accounts, income, equity or other earnings, effectively giving them access to all the wealth of every American citizen no matter where they reside on earth.  So now that we know what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, the question for you is:  what are you doing to safeguard your savings & wealth?
Confiscation Has Already Begun
Detroit’s bankruptcy destroyed many people’s pensions.  In Cyprus, the government raided people’s savings accounts in an example of outright theft.  And right here at home our too-big-to-fail banks, like BofA, Citigroup, HSBC, Goldman, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and several others, are right now being investigated for robbing pensions via the rigging of interest benchmarks, among other investigations of fraud.  JP Morgan Chase, in the last two years, has paid $7 billion dollars in fines for fraud.
Yet these parasites remain in power, have had no further regulation placed upon them, and continue the same (or worse) risk tactics that led to the financial implosion of 2008 and subsequent taxpayer-funded bailouts.  These criminal organizations look more like organized crime syndicates than legitimate businesses.  Yes, these are the same folks who are in charge and in possession of your wealth.  Whether you have your savings & retirement funds in a money market, the stock market or the bond (debt) market, a bank or bank holding company controls your wealth.  This means that when the government commands Wall Street to hand over access to your money, it’ll be a simple as a keystroke.
There’s Only One Place to Hide
With our desperate government gaining unprecedented access to your financial accounts everywhere in the world, you need to take action NOW to protect your savings & retirement from possible capital controls.  But if the government has its hands in your bank accounts, retirement accounts and brokerage accounts, is any place safe?
Absolutely. There’s ONE asset class this sits outside the financial system and is completely secure from government confiscation and global economic collapse:  Gold & Silver.  Gold & Silver have been the best wealth protectors for over 5,000 years and have survived every government & currency collapse in history.  Today, physical gold & silver are selling in record numbers around the world.  Central banks around the world and nations like China are stockpiling gold as a hedge to any possible collapse of all the dollars they hold.
The government has spent way beyond its limits.  And now you know that the government is seizing control of your financial accounts.  So the time is now.  Protect your savings & retirement with physical gold & silver before you have nothing left to protect. (Call 800-226-8106 to receive your free copy of Damon Geller's popular book, "Rescue Your Money from the National Debt Disaster," or see below)

En mi opinión

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