Wednesday, November 5, 2014

No 786 "En mi opinion" Noviembre 5, 2014

No 786 “En mi opinión”  Noviembre 5, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR
“En mi opinión” Escuchen demócratas ustedes perdieron vergonzosamente porque lo que han hecho es una porquería. Con el pueblo no se puede jugar. Ustedes son electos para trabajar para  por los cuídanos y no para su provecho. Ahora Republicanos a rehacer toda la basura que han hecho esta gentuza. Ahora en el 2016 vamos a terminar la tarea de sanear la nación y vamos poner un presidente decente. LRGM.
Amenper: Obama Perdió las Elecciones…
Obama perdió las elecciones, esto es muy importante, esto es algo que los Republicanos electos tienen que reconocer y recordar.
Las políticas de Obama le dieron la victoria, es algo palpable y evidente. 
Tienen que reconocer cual es el mandato que le dieron, y tienen que ejecutar la obligación que le encomendaron, y tienen que hacerlo sin blandenguerías ni las sutilezas de tratar de trabajar con Obama. 
Lo que determinaron los votantes es que tienen que tratar de reconstruir el desastre de estos seis años, no abrazarse con Obama.
La victoria fue un mandato, hasta los candidatos que tenían que perder, algunos ganaron, y los que perdieron fue por un margen increíblemente pequeño de acuerdo con lo esperado por la logística y las encuestas.
Obama ya se va a reunir con ellos el próximo viernes para pasarle la mano y decirles que es su deber patriótico trabajar con el ejecutivo.  El deber patriótico de ellos es para con los que los eligieron, y ejecutar el mensaje que le enviaron.
Si se equivocan y creen que ganaron por ellos mismos, en el 16 vamos a ver un presidente demócrata y en el 18 van a perder sus empleos.
Pero esperamos que con el poder que el pueblo le ha dado, a los senadores que ahora son mayoría, la docena de nuevos representantes en el congreso, y los nuevos gobernadores, le hagan la vida de Obama tan agradable como él se las hizo vivir a ellos.
Otra cosa que salió de estas elecciones es que las personas de las que no se hablaba como presidenciales esperando por las elecciones, ahora están de punteros para ser los candidatos a la presidencia en el 16.
El primero es Scott Walker de Wisconsin.  A Walker le han tirado todo lo que tienen los liberales, se gastaron millones de pesos para tratar de derrotarlo, le echaron los sindicatos, le tiraron todo lo que tenían, hasta el bidet de Michelle. 
Pero Scott Walker ganó no solo por la impopularidad de Obama pero por sus propios méritos, sin lugar a dudas pasa a ser el más popular candidato a la presidencia.
Pero ganaron otros presidenciales, como John Kasich de Ohio, y Lindsey Graham de South Carolina.
También los latinos Susana Martínez, de New México  y Brian Sandoval de Nevada, todos menos Graham son gobernadores.  Los gobernadores como Ronald Reagan siempre tienen la experiencia para ser mejores presidentes que los senadores que se ensucian con la corrupción de Washington.
Estos oficiales electos en esta avalancha de la victoria, llenan el campo presidencial Republicano que estaba bastante raquítico.  
Hasta en Maryland y el hogar de Obama, Illinois, bastiones liberales; la avalancha dejó hundidos en la lava de mierda a los candidatos demócratas.
Y en la florida, los rojos americanos derrotaron a los rojos amigos de los Castro.
Ya no tenemos que hablar de Joe García o del delicado Charlie Crist.
Esperamos que pasen al rastro del olvido del basurero político.
Pero creo que tenemos que ser generoso con los liberales y podemos darle algo para que se consuelen.
Sugiero que a Joe Biden, que pronosticó arrogantemente una victoria demócrata, le regalemos un tubo de pasta de dientes y un lavado bucal, para que se limpie su boca manchada por su diarrea cerbral.
Ha sido una noche buena, que celebramos en vez del 24 de Diciembre como es tradicional de los cubanos, la estamos celebrando el 4 de Noviembre y ya matamos los puercos.
Bueno realmente no el 4, porque ya es la 1 AM del 5 de noviembre, y no tengo sueño.

Amenper: Los Malos gobernantes son elegidos por los buenos ciudadanos que no votan
Porque siempre habrán malos ciudadanos que voten por usted.
Las personas que demasiado inteligentes y decentes como para involucrarse en la política son castigados a ser gobernados por aquellos que son estúpidos y corruptos. 
Las Elecciones
Cualquiera puede ser el Presidente de los Estados Unidos. En este país puedes avanzar no importa quién seas.  Bueno hemos oído esto muchas veces y ahora vemos que es verdad por  lo que está pasando.
Hay una serie de cualquieras en los cargos directivos de la nación que han llegado al cargo sin importar su capacidad, su trayectoria política anterior y su decencia. Algunos son electos por la virtud de ser negro, mujer, homosexual o las tres cosas.
Pero no es su culpa, una mayoría de los americanos no votan y otros votan por ellos..
Aquí en Miami también vemos que hay una mayoría de cubanos que no se molestan en votar.
Así que vinieron algunos arriesgando la vida para vivir en un país democrático, y ahora les cuesta mucho trabajo pasar unos minutos de su tiempo yendo a votar.
No importa las oportunidades que le den voto adelantado, boleta ausente y otras cosas. 
Mientras tanto en Liberty City, los políticos liberales ayudan a  los residentes, que votan adelantado, atrasado y repetido, y cobran por cada vez. 
En muchos lugares del país el voto se considera como un derecho y un deber ciudadano. 
En Liberty City es un deporte profesional el evento de un día festivo afroamericano..
Me asombra cuando veo estos políticos liberales que piden dinero a los  millonarios  con los que compran los votos de los pobres para después joderlos a los dos.
Pero lo que m[as me asombra es que los millonarios se lo dan y los pobres se sienten felices en su dependencia con las limosnas que le dan para que se mantengan pobres votando por ellos.
Lo peor de todo esto es que ahora se nos acabó mil descanso mental. 
Hace casi un año que ningún político habla de subir los impuestos.
Ya sabemos que esto se acaba ahora, ningún político habla de leyes que molesten durante un período electoral. 
Ahora como ya la gente votaron, ahora empiezan las cosas, las subidas de impuestos, leyes de inmigración y otras cosas que estaban esperando hasta que los comemierdas votaran para metérselas sin vaselina.
Esto me trae por asociación de ideas a un anuncio del Viagra que estaba oyendo ayer, y que decía cómo de fácil es evitar la disfunción eréctil.
Con mi afición de crear nuevos productos, estaba pensando que quizás haya que inventar un Viagra para estimular la disfunción electoral. 
Lo único que si tiene que estar parada más de tres horas en la cola tiene que ir al hospital o llamar a su médico.
Pero al menos los que votamos, nos podemos sentir complacidos que  con seguridad hemos hecho algunas cosas buenas para la sociedad. 
Como ahora hay tantas candidatas mujeres, al elegirlas hemos contribuido a eliminar la injusticia de la diferencia de géneros.  Ya las mujeres han probado que pueden ser tan incompetentes como los hombres, y votando por ellas las ayudamos a cumplir con su deber. 
También hemos contribuidos a bajar el índice de desempleo.  Le hemos dado trabajo a unos cuantos políticos desempleados. 
Bueno esta noche nos tenemos que sentar delante del televisor y ver lo que pasa.
Vamos a ver los resultados cuando se cuenten los votos, y espero que las cuentas estén claras y el chocolate que me haga mi mujer le quede espeso. 
Lo importante para ustedes es que como voy a estar toda la noche frente al televisor, se sentirán descansados porque no recibirán mis descargas..

AMENPER: The victims of the Tsunami
Last night for the first time in a long time, I watched Chris Matthews and went to sleep as a baby.
It was fun to watch Chris and all the others liberal anchors reporting the Republican Tsunami.
Last night was not just “Election Night”; it was also the one night of the year where the mainstream media was at the mercy of “We The People”, the night where all our Media Elite Overlords can do is report and reacts, pout and hopefully vomit or shit.
If you, out of curiosity turned your TV from Fox News, to one of the mainstream liberal media channels, what you would see was "sad face watch night”.
Chris Matthews was been gassy all night-twisting and grimacing and dismissing the clap trap banter of the panel, at one time he excused himself, I think that he was going to take a deserved shit pause.
If things go well for America, they will not go well for a biased, liberal media ready so freaked out over what they call the messiness of democracy. They are openly advocating changes in the constitution to repair the “damage” of the electoral system of the country.
They decide to prioritize other stories, in many cases more entertaining stories, because they think that's what the public seems more interested in."
One of the CBS anchor unloaded one of those pompously "progressive" commentaries about how our democracy is being ruined by money. "The right to vote is our proudest possession, but the way it has become debased by money shames us all."
But listen, candidates are buying more and more TV ads in part because there's less and less unbiased TV news about politics? Who could possibly be an informed voter if they just limited their diet of political information to ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC and MSNBC?
We can expect to see immediate uptick in the amount of "investigative journalism" coming out of CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/NBC  They are going to explain to us that these elections was a tansversity of democracy because the black voters and minorities weren’t represented.  So now the almighty Obama is confronted by the elected officials, they will dismiss their authority and the fact that they were elected for the purpose of confront the policies of Obama.
We conclude by the news that they think that democracy is falling apart because the people have voted against the omnipotent Obama.

Republicans seize Senate, gaining full control of Congress.

By Stephen Collinson, CNN
updated 8:00 AM EST, Wed November 5, 2014
Source: CNN
·         Republicans take Senate seats in Iowa, North Carolina, Colorado, Arkansas, South Dakota, Montana and West Virginia
·         CNN projects GOP will keep the House and Senate
·         Mitch McConnell beat Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky
·         Obama to make a statement Wednesday afternoon
Washington (CNN) -- A Republican tide ripped the Senate away from Democrats Tuesday, giving the GOP full control of Congress and the power to pin down President Barack Obama during his last two years in office.

The thumping win upends the balance of power between the White House and Capitol Hill only six years after Obama's Democrats swept to power and marginalized Republicans in a rush to reform health care, Wall Street and pass a huge stimulus package.

Now, it's Democrats who will take the back seat on Capitol Hill, relying mostly on the power of the filibuster to stymie Republicans and keep Obama's legacy intact.

"For too long, this administration has tried to tell the American people what is good for them and then blame somebody else when their policies didn't work out," Mitch McConnell, who is expected to become the next Senate majority leader, said in a victory speech.

In the House, CNN projected the GOP will have at least 246 seats, its largest majority since World War II. Speaker John Boehner, celebrating a widened majority, said he is "humbled by the responsibility the American people have placed with us."

"But this is not a time for celebration," he said. "It's time for government to start getting results and implementing solutions to the challenges facing our country, starting with our still-struggling economy.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who has controlled the Senate since 2007, congratulated Republicans on their victory.

"The message from voters is clear: they want us to work together," Reid said. "I look forward to working with Senator McConnell to get things done for the middle class."

Obama will make a statement Wednesday afternoon on an election many will see as a repudiation of his presidency, and he will host bipartisan leaders Friday to try to chart a way forward.

Democratic losses pile up
Democratic fears of a rout came true, as party candidates struggled to defend seats won in the 2008 Obama wave in conservative territory, and couldn't get out from under an unpopular president limping through his second term. The losses in Colorado and Iowa will sting especially hard, as those two states enjoyed a fabled place in Obama's world, as drivers of the president's unlikely bid for the White House in 2008.

The GOP also piled up wins in Montana, South Dakota, Arkansas, West Virginia and North Carolina — all seats that had been in Democratic hands — to surpass their magic number of six net gains. With seats still to be decided in Virginia, Alaska and Louisiana -- where there will be a runoff in December -- the GOP currently has 52 seats in the Senate.
Clay Aiken loses bid for House seat
Republican numbers stood up when the GOP managed to hold on to seats in Kansas and Georgia which had threatened to fall from their grasp and complicate the Senate math.
It was a night of almost unrelenting misery for Democrats:

--In Iowa, Iraq war veteran Joni Ernst became the first woman elected to Congress from her state, after turning around her Republican campaign with an ad in which she boasted about castrating hogs.
--In North Carolina, Democrat Kay Hagan was felled by Thom Tillis, who repeatedly pummeled her for standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Obama.
--Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor lost Tom Cotton, who, like Ernst, is an Iraq war veteran. Pryor's loss comes despite former president Bill Clinton's efforts to save him in his beloved home state.
--Democrats thought they had Colorado, with its mix of young voters, Hispanics and students locked down for a generation. But Sen. Mark Udall tumbled to charismatic challenger Cory Gardner who shook off claims he was anti-women.
--Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner is having a tougher ride than expected against Republican challenger Ed Gillespie in a state Democrats had thought was reliably theirs after Obama won it twice.
A rare ray of hope for Democrats came in New Hampshire, where Senator Jeanne Shaheen bested challenger Scott Brown. And Pennsylvania's governor's mansion reverted back to Democrats when Tom Wolf unseated Republican Gov. Tom Corbett in a marquee race.

Two other Republican governors meanwhile won reelection and stirred buzz for their own 2016 White House prospects — John Kasich in swing state Ohio, and conservative Republican Scott Walker in Wisconsin. In New Mexico, Republican Gov. Susana Martinez, often mentioned as a possible GOP vice presidential pick, strolled to reelection.

Maryland -- a traditionally Democratic state -- elected Republican Larry Hogan as governor. And Illinois, Obama's home state, ousted its Democratic governor.

Republicans will now look with some optimism on the 2016 presidential election.

But Democrats will console themselves with a more favorable Senate map in two years time and the belief that shifting demographics and an unresolved war between the Republican grassroots and the party establishment will make the next presidential race a tough climb for the GOP.

O’Keefe Votes as 20 Different People Without Showing Any ID…

Voter laws across the country need to be changed immediately to prevent this sort of potential voter fraud.”
Investigative Reporter James O’Keefe has completely destroyed the idea that voting with no ID requirements does not result in election fraud.
In his latest undercover video, O’Keefe shows how easy it is for him to go vote as 20 different people just by providing a name and address, without an identification whatsoever.
Only 1 poll worker is suspicious of O’Keefe and refuses to let him vote.
North Carolina is one of only 19 states that allows voting without any sort of proof of identification at all. A recently passed law will take effect in 2016 which will require NC voters to have valid ID before they can vote.

Obama’s Worst Nightmare: Republicans Take Control Of Congress

Republicans cruised to victory in US midterm elections, gaining control of both houses of Congress in a stinging setback for President Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats and ensuring fractious co-existence in the last two years of his presidency.
The Republicans padded their control of the House of Representatives by at least 12 seats, and in the big prize of Tuesday’s midterm election they retook the Senate.
The Democratic implosion put the Republicans in position to shape if not dictate the congressional agenda, and their priorities are likely to focus on the economy.
Many pro-growth laws are ready for approval, such as authorization for the Keystone XL oil pipeline running from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, boosting production of natural gas, helping small businesses and cutting back on government regulations.
The Republicans rode a wave of voter frustration with Washington incumbents and unpopular policies of the Obama administration to claim total congressional control for the first time since 2006.
The new legislature will take power in January.
The new Republican margin of control in the House with a cushion of at least 12 seats takes them close to achieving or surpassing their largest majority of the post-World War II era. They will go from having 45 to at least 52 seats in the 100-member Senate.
“This experiment in big government has lasted long enough. It’s time to go in a new direction,” Mitch McConnell, the top Senate Republican who defeated the toughest challenge to his Kentucky seat in 30 years, boomed to supporters in his victory speech.

The Picture You’re Seeing Allegedly From Within a Texas Voting Booth Has Already Sparked an Investigation

Jocelyn Tovar, who posted the original photo after receiving a tip from a voter, said she has met with election officials who say the image was manipulated.
Tovar also added that the original voter denies the claim:
Original story below
An elections administrator in Bexar County, Texas, says her office is investigating a voting machine that appeared to leave off Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott’s name.
“We’ve had complaints that we don’t understand,” Jacque Callanen told TheBlaze. “I’m sending someone out to bring that booth into us.”
An image of the voting booth was posted on social media by Jocelyn Tovar, a reporter for WOAI/KABB, according to her Twitter account.
Abbott, Texas’ attorney general, is running against state Sen. Wendy Davis (D).
Though Abbott’s name seemingly isn’t listed, ‘avid Dewhurst’ (sic) is. David Dewhurst, Texas’ lieutenant governor, is not a candidate for governor.
The image received extensive coverage on social media, with websites like TwitchyThe Right Scoop and Red State quickly picking it up.
Red State’s Moe Lane commented: “And yes, Bexar County is Democrat country. So: either fraud, or screaming incompetence. Take your pick…”

Other Must-Read Stories



IT’S SIMPLE: Fascist, Lesbian, Extremist Mayor Must Go–Now

Written by Matt Barber Should we make an example of her? Absolutely.
I was born in Waco, Texas, and lived in Houston, so I’ve got a dog in this hunt. Really, we all do.
Houston Mayor Annise Parker has disqualified herself from the privilege of serving the people of south Texas. She must either resign, effective immediately, or Houstonians should begin, without delay, the process of recalling her from office. Strike while the iron’s hot, I say, and right now it’s glowing cultural Marxist red.
Parker has been caught, cold, with her hand in the totalitarian cookie jar. She has, on multiple counts, betrayed her oath of office. She’s put her own radical self-interests above the best interests of her constituents and has all but spit on the very U.S. Constitution she’s sworn to uphold.
This woman (I’m loath to lend her credibility by calling her “Madam Mayor”) has revealed herself to be a single-issue-driven sexual extremist with zero regard for the rule of law.
While Parker is now backpedaling on her unconstitutional sermon subpoenas faster than a dyslexic cyclist in the Four de Trance, she is, nonetheless, pushing ahead like Lance Armstrong on steroids with her unlawful subversion of Houston’s citizen petition process (arbitrarily tossing out nearly three-quarters of the 
already validated petition signatures needed to put her utterly insane gender-neutral “bathroom bill” up for a vote by the very people whose privacy it sexually assaults). This single act of political corruption alone has disenfranchised every single Houston resident.
These gross abuses of power have shocked and outraged millions of Americans across the country on every point of the political spectrum. Attorney, best-selling author and columnist David Limbaugh distilled nicely the controversy in an Oct. 16 column titled, “Fascist leftists in Houston”: “There are at least three outrageous things about the Houston city government’s recent actions pushing an ordinance to allow men and women to use each other’s public restrooms,” began Limbaugh. “The first is the substance of the ordinance itself, which allows men and women, irrespective of their biology, to use bathrooms designated for the opposite sex.”
Indeed. As I noted in my own column the very next day, “[B]ecause it’s now illegal to ‘discriminate based on the basis of gender identity’ in Houston, and since it’s the only ‘tolerant’ thing to do, men who sign up for the ever-persecuted ‘LGBT’ class have secured the hard-fought ‘civil right’ to fully expose themselves to, and otherwise ogle, your daughters in the ladies’ room.
“Yay ‘gay rights’!”
Which brings us to Parker’s second offense – another that, despite her having now withdrawn the unlawfully issued sermon subpoenas in a panicked frenzy, remains both unresolved and unpunished.
Continued Limbaugh:
The second outrage is that the city has greatly overreached in subpoenaing the pastors of the city for copies of their sermons and their communications to their congregations to determine whether they have violated this Godforsaken ordinance. Lest you think this was a mistake, the mayor tweeted, “If the 5 pastors used pulpits for politics, their sermons are fair game.”
Sermons are fair game? Uh, actually, no, Mrs. Stalin. In fact, hell no. Despite a bevy of “progressive” rationalizations to the contrary, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
First, notwithstanding the decades of mythical “church-state separation” nonsense spread by the Communist-foundedACLU, there is no legal proscription that would, or even could, prevent pastors from “politicking from the pulpit.” Doing so is their unalienable First Amendment-protected right. These are the issues that belong in the pulpit. This outrageous bathroom bill, and others like it, directly touch and concern matters of faith, morality and culture. Christians didn’t politicize this debate; lefty nut burgers like Annise “I-am-lesbian-hear-me-roar” Parker did.
Furthermore, the 1954 Johnson Amendment, which itself is facially unconstitutional, only presumes to prevent pastors from endorsing or opposing, on behalf of their tax-exempt church, candidates from the pulpit. Nowhere does it even hint at prohibiting them from addressing, opposing, or supporting legislation or ballot initiatives.
Moreover, none of the pastors whose sermons were subpoenaed were even party to the lawsuit. No reasonable judge or attorney would dream of trying to make a case that anything they ever said or did could, in anyway, be “reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence,” which, as any pre-law student with a pulse can tell you, is a fundamental must.
Finally, and as Limbaugh concludes,
The third outrage is the city’s lawless disqualification and rejection of valid petitions filed by voters to challenge the law. Voters submitted more than three times the legally required number of petition signatures to require city action (17,269 were required, and the voters submitted a whopping 55,000), and the city secretary initially certified them as sufficient in number. But the mayor and city attorney outright rejected the petition anyway, on the specious grounds that the petition signatures weren’t valid.
This, my friends, is … Keep Reading the Rest at Lesbian Extremist Mayor Must Go — Now


How the U.S. Armed Al Qaeda Again

  Bob Allen 
By arming “moderates” who then surrendered to radical Islamists, the U.S. armed Al Qaeda.
You know, we’ve got to stop electing Ivory Tower Ivy League idiots to office. Give me someone from the University of Nebraska or Oklahoma—in other words, people who understand reality, rather than failed “perfect world” theories.
Let’s see, we train “moderate” jihadis, give them advanced weaponry, then—amazing to tell—those “moderates” immediately turn around and “surrender” to the most vile groups, joining them with their training and weaponry.
As the Telegraph reports, “Syrian rebels armed and trained by US surrender to al-Qaeda.”
Two of the main rebel groups receiving weapons from the United States to fight both the regime and jihadist groups in Syria have surrendered to al-Qaeda.
The US and its allies were relying on Harakat Hazm and the Syrian Revolutionary Front to become part of a ground force that would attack the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).
For the last six months the Hazm movement, and the SRF through them, had been receiving heavy weapons from the US-led coalition, including GRAD rockets and TOW anti-tank missiles.
But on Saturday night Harakat Hazm surrendered military bases and weapons supplies to Jabhat al-Nusra, when the al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria stormed villages they controlled in northern Idlib province.
The development came a day after Jabhat al-Nusra dealt a final blow to the SRF, storming and capturing Deir Sinbal, home town of the group’s leader Jamal Marouf.
When you’re dealing with people whose “Scriptures” tell them they should lie to “infidels,” what in the heck do you expect? A different outcome?
Hey, John McCain! Barack Obama! look at your friends now! No, really… please… take a plane over, and look at them… face-to-face… right down the barrel of the guns, anti-tank weapons, and surface-to-air missiles you gave them! This is one trip in Air Force One we’ll gladly pay for—take as many members of Congress as will fit on the plane.
Morons. Total morons.
This is what happens to a culture under judgment—it commits suicide.

Ben Stein: Obama ‘Most Racist President’ in American History

Ben Stein on Sunday blasted President Obama for being the most racist president in American history, arguing that he and fellow Democrats are purposefully using race to divide the American people.
“What the White House is trying to do is racialize all politics and they’re especially trying to tell the African-American voter that the GOP is against letting them have a chance at a good life in this economy, and that’s just a complete lie,” the conservative author said on Fox News’ “America’s News HQ,” Mediaite reported.
Mr. Stein rejected the notion that Republican budget cuts negatively impact minorities.
“The cuts have been absolutely minuscule, absolutely tiny, unbelievably small,” he said. “And much more important has been the fact the Republicans by virtue of supporting the policies that stopped the crash in 2008-2009 from being a Great Depression stopped a real economic catastrophe. The Republicans are the ones who save this economy, not the ones that ruin this economy.”

Michelle Obama: African-Americans Should Vote for Democrats

During an interview with a TV network whose target audience is African-American adults, first lady Michelle Obama said the black community should vote for Democrats.
“That’s my message to voters. This isn’t about Barack, it’s not about the person on the ballot, it’s about you,” Obama told “NewsOne Now” host Roland Martin on TV One. “And for most of the people that we’re talking to, a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on, regardless of who said what or did this. That shouldn’t even come into the equation.”
“Voting is critical no matter who’s on the ballot,” the first lady said. “And that’s one of the things we have to continuously work on in our communities of new voters — folks who maybe voted for the first time because they voted for Barack Obama, young people who voted for the first time because they were inspired by this president.”
With Democrats facing a real possibility of losing control of the Senate, the party has been targeting African-American voters for Tuesday’s midterm elections. Several pollsters and experts have said that without a significant black vote, Democrats will see “crushing losses” at the polls.
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Could Prove  (Michele)  She’s As Racist As Barack In Only 39 Seconds

In a revealing interview on TV One...

Popular actor and author Ben Stein stirred it up on Monday when he declared that Barack Obama is “the most most racist president there has ever been in America” because he has tried to racialize virtually every aspect of politics.
Now, as we learn from a post on, the First Lady has said something that certifies her racist credentials by telling a national TV audience that, no matter what, African Americans should vote Democrat.
In a revealing interview on TV One — a U.S. television network that targets black adults — Michelle Obama said that black voters don’t need to know what a candidate stands for, or how a candidate views the nation’s challenges, or what principles inform a candidate’s thinking.
In other words, Michelle Obama — just like her husband according to commentator Ben Stein — clearly believes politics should be racialized. Essentially, she tells show host Roland Martin, blacks shouldn’t, or can’t, think for themselves and make up their own minds — they should just cast their ballots blindly for the “D” in the race.
To Ms. Obama, it’s all about labels and race-think.
You can watch the segment on TV One by clicking on the video above
The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by
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Gutierrez Warns of 'Civil War' Among Democrats  WARNER TODD HUSTON   Congressman Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) is warning President Obama that if he doesn't announce amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants there could be a "civil war" in the Democrat Party.
Gutiérrez has been a staunch advocate for blanket amnesty and was one of the loudest voices urging Obama to use his executive authority to institute a fiat of amnesty to millions of illegals before the midterm elections, something that Obama shied away from.
Unhappy that the President refused his entreaties, the Chicago Congressman now has a warning for Obama.
"This problem that you see, politically, is nothing in comparison to the civil war that will be created politically in the Democratic party should the president not be broad and generous in his use of prosecutorial discretion," Gutiérrez told the UK Guardian. "Because Latinos will not be deciding whether or not they vote, but whether or not they are in the Democratic Party."
Gutiérrez went on to say that Obama has created a "self-inflicted" wound on the Democrat Party by breaking his earlier promises to deal with immigration. And he warned that Latinos may decide that the Democrat Party isn't their home after all.
"Unfortunately people are going to punish their very friends and their very allies who had nothing to do with the president’s decision," Gutiérrez warned.
But while Gutiérrez is attempting to use the amnesty issue to shore up his own personal power base, some say that Hispanics aren't really that upset with Obama's failure to issue a blanket amnesty.
A recent Pew poll found that Hispanics are split relatively evenly on whether or not they are upset over Obama's immigration delay.
Supporting the Congressman's warning that Hispanics aren't sold on the Democrats, another poll found that 50 percent of Latinos say it doesn't matter which party controls the Senate after Tuesday's election.
Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston or email the author at

Clemente Sanchez. QUIT Bashing OBAMA TALYCOMEL)

 por COL. ROBERT F. Cunningham y PATRICK RISHOR, El Espejo Gilmer

  Deje de destrozar los logros de Obama. Él ha hecho más que cualquier otro presidente antes de él. Aquí está una lista de sus logros impresionantes:

 - Primer Presidente para ser fotografiado fumando un porro.
 - Primer Presidente para solicitar la ayuda de la universidad como un estudiante extranjero, entonces negarque era un extranjero.
  - Primer Presidente que tiene un número de seguro social de un estado que nunca ha vivido en.
 - Primer Presidente para presidir un corte en la calificación crediticia de Estados Unidos.
 - En primer Presidente que viola la Ley de Poderes de Guerra.
 - En primer Presidente que se celebrará en desacato a la corte por obstruir ilegalmente la extracción de petróleo en el Golfo de México.
 - En primer Presidente que requieren todos los estadounidenses a comprar un producto de un tercero.
 - Primer Presidente gastar un billón de dólares en trabajos de "pala-listo" cuando no había tal cosa como"empleos-pala listo".
 - En primer Presidente que derogue la ley de bancarrota a entregar el control de las empresas a sussimpatizantes sindicales.
- Primer Presidente de by-pass Congreso y poner en práctica el Dream Act a través de fiat ejecutivo.
 - En primer Presidente que ordene un programa de amnistía secreto que detuvo la deportación de los inmigrantes ilegales a través de los EE.UU., incluyendo las personas con condenas penales.
 - Primer Presidente para exigir una empresa de mano más de $ 20 mil millones a uno de sus funcionarios políticos.
 - En primer Presidente que dice un director general de una gran empresa (Chrysler) a renunciar. PresidenteObama obliga jefe de GM, Rick Wagoner a renunciar, 
- Primer Presidente de rescindir capacidad de Estados Unidos para poner a un hombre en el espacio.
 - Primer Presidente para cancelar el Día Nacional de Oración y decir que Estados Unidos ya no es una nación cristiana.
 - Primer Presidente que tiene una ley firmada por un lápiz automático sin estar presente.
 - En primer Presidente que declare arbitrariamente una ley existente inconstitucional y se niegan a cumplir.
 - En primer Presidente que amenazan las compañías de seguros si hablaran públicamente sobre las razones de sus aumentos de las tasas.
 - En primer Presidente que diga una empresa de fabricación importante (Boeing) en la que el estado se le permite localizar una fábrica.
 - Primer Presidente a presentar demandas contra los estados que él hizo un juramento para proteger (AZ, WI,OH, IN).
 - Primer Presidente de retirar el permiso de carbón existente que había sido emitido correctamente haceaños.
 - En primer lugar el presidente para tratar de forma activa a la bancarrota una industria americana (carbón).
 - En primer Presidente que despedir a un inspector general de AmeriCorps para la captura de uno de sus amigos en un caso de corrupción.
 - Primer Presidente de nombrar a 45 zares para sustituir a los funcionarios electos en su oficina.
 - Primer Presidente rodearse de los anarquistas de izquierda radical (incl comunista !!).
Quit trashing  Obama's accomplishments.  He has done more than any other President before him.  Here is a list of his impressive accomplishments:
- First President to be photographed smoking a  joint.
- First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
- First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
- First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United  States .
- First President to violate the War  Powers Act.
- First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing  oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico . 
- First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third  party.
- First  President to spend a trillion dollars on "shovel-ready" jobs when  there was no such thing as  "shovel-ready" jobs.
- First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of  companies to his union supporters.
- First  President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through  executive fiat.
- First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with criminal convictions. 
- First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his  political appointees.
- First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.  President Obama forces GM boss Rick Wagoner to step down,
- First  President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.
- First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.
- First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being  present.
- First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and  refuse to enforce it.
- First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.
- First President to tell a major manufacturing company (Boeing) in which  state it is allowed to locate a factory. 
- First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
- First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
- First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal). 
- First President to fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
- First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.
- First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists (incl a communist!!).
- First President to golf more than 150 separate times in his five years in office.  
- First President to hide his birth, medical, educational and travel  records.
- First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn  it.
- First President to go on multiple "global apology tours" and concurrent "insult our friends" tours. 
- First President to go on over 17 lavish vacations, in addition to date  nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid  for by the taxpayers. 
- First President to have personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
- First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
- First President to fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a  week at taxpayer expense. 
- First President to repeat the Quran and tell us the early morning call of  the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth. 
- First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs Arizona).  
- First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they "volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences". 
- Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion 
It's hard to comprehend all this guy has gotten away with.  Any other president would have been impeached! What in God's name is wrong with our government that they allow this guy carte blanch.  It absolutely boggles the mind!
 Saludos / Best regards,
Carlos M. Padrón.   E-mail:    Mi Blog:

War Against Supreme Court!

It’s about to get hot for 2016! And the polls aren’t even closed yet.
Check it out:
2016 frontrunner Huckabee, Congressmen vow war against the Supreme Court and Roe v. Wade of Gay Marriage 
Washington, DC – Ahead of today’s mid-term elections, Gov. Mike Huckabee, frontrunner in the 2016 GOP Presidential primaries, has embraced a vow signed by Capitol Hill figures which could end all U.S. subsidies for abortion, contraceptive mandates, anti-Semitism in the West Bank and Gaza – and derail the nationalization of gay marriage, driven by federal judges and cheered by President Obama.
Over recent days, “Life, Marriage, Conscience & Israel Vow” voter guides went out to hundreds of thousands of American clerical leaders distributing estimated millions of guides at weekend church and synagogue services ahead of today’s balloting.  Those gatherings are full of voters who will help determine, in close contests today, which party controls the U.S. Senate next year.
With that control, never held by Republicans during Obama’s presidency, comes Constitutional authority to remove Obama and federal judges from office.  But, Members of Congress are vowing to wield a weapon just as potent:  The “Power of the Purse.”
Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas and a Fox News TV host, says on the website for pastors and rabbis, “I’m not running for the House or Senate, but if I were, I’d certainly sign the Vow” – a document pledging against higher National Debt or taxes for as long as the U.S. Government is funding “the evils of abortion, anti-Semitism, religious/ethical conscience violations or same-sex marriage.”
Financed by a consortium, thanks prominent conservative leaders Dr. James Dobson, Ralph Reed, Jim DeMint, Tony Perkins, Brian Brown, Marjorie Dannenfelser, James Bopp, Mike Needham, Charles Koch, Matt Kibbe, Chris Chocola, Craig Bergman, Chuck Hurley, David Brog, Alan Sears and others.  Also pushing to end all U.S. subsidies for abortion, anti-Semitism and same-sex marriage is Liberty Alliance, a publishing firm.
Huckabee is polling at about double his nearest 2016 rival for the Iowa Caucuses, the nation’s first White House contest and a battleground he won in his 2008 Presidential try.  In national polling aggregates at, Huckabee has essentially been tied for first place during all of 2014.  The Vow site features an impassioned June speech he delivered in front of the U.S. Capitol, rejecting judge-decreed gay marriage and submissive Congressional financing of “judicial supremacy.”
Also displayed is a 2013 letter from Gov. Huckabee to House Speaker John Boehner, sent on the eve of the Supreme Courts’ opinion in United States v. Windsor – a ruling in which the Third Branch of the government directed the First Branch to begin subsidizing same-sex marriage from the U.S. Treasury against Congressional “one-man, one-woman” marriage policy, the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed into law by President Clinton.
Anticipating that ruling and a possible Roe v. Wade of same-sex marriage, Huckabee’s letter to Boehner said: “Especially this week and in the coming days, I urge you and your House Majority to assert and defend your Article One purse power and credit authority of Congress with ALL YOUR MIGHT.  SCOTUS [the Supreme Court] has neither Constitutional right nor power to compel Congress to appropriate a single dime for same sex marriage benefits – just as Congress has no obligation to keep debt-financing Planned Parenthood subsidies. Nor can SCOTUS compel Congress to start debt-financing iron-fist federal enforcement of an invisible and non-existent right to nullify 37 state constitutions or statutes upholding Natural Law and One-Man, One Woman Marriage.”
Huckabee wrote, “SCOTUS may opine all it wants that it’s unfair that homosexuality, polygamy, or transgenderism are not favored by U.S. public policy or DOMA in the way that One-Man, One-Woman marriage is favored, but it cannot compel Congress to debt-finance LGBT or any other kind of marital benefits. The Court can opine, but Congress can decline…to fund it.”
The Vow text which Huckabee and Congressmen have embraced says, “As a matter of personal conscience, ethical, moral or religious conviction, I do hereby solemnly vow to vote against (or to decline to vote for) any and all increases to, or suspensions of, the U.S. National Debt limit, and against any and all revenue-positive tax measures, until the termination of all federal expenditures for the subsidization, support, imposition or U.S. enforcement of such evils as…. Federal Subversion of Marriage: The defining of polygamy, polyandry or same-sex union as “marriage” pursuant to any judicial decree, settlement or governmental measure affecting any of the 47 States which have not, as of 2014, authorized such definition by constitutional popular vote of the People in a binding Statewide initiative, referendum or plebiscite.”
The Vow also rules-out subsidies for abortion, mandatory contraceptives or abortion pills, and “Foreign aid to UNRWA, the United Nations agency in the Palestinian territories, until such time as it ceases enabling teaching, to otherwise innocent Muslim children in the West Bank and Gaza: Islamist jihad, violent anti-Semitic or anti-Christian views, anti-Jewish propaganda, terrorism, genocide or advocacy for the annihilation of the State of Israel, the United States of America and their people.”
Last weekend’s voter guides distributed to rabbis, pastors and their congregants nationwide, shows where Capitol Hill candidates, including Senators without contests until 2016 or 2018, stand on the text of “The Life, Marriage, Conscience & Israel Vow.” Supportive “YES’s” include Ohio Rep. Jim Renacci (R-16), South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson (R- 02), and Kentucky Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY 01).  Notable “NOs,” include prominent pols from the same delegations, including Boehner (R-OH 08), Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC 01), and Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Rand Paul, both of Kentucky.
Along with House Democrat leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Democrat Senate colleague Al Franken (MN) and openly gay GOP House candidates Carl DiMaio and Richard Tisei, a surprising voter guide “NO” is Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who a year ago vainly tried to get House Leaders Boehner and Rep. Eric Cantor to wield Congressional “purse power” to defund Obamacare.
The Vow website, which shows TV ads that consortium allies ran in Cantor’s district ahead of his stunning 2014 primary defeat,  notes that Cruz “says he opposes homosexual ‘marriage,’ yet [he] is chief sponsor of a bill which surrenders to, accepts, ratifies and codifies into federal statute the U.S. Supreme Court’s Windsor decree against DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act) – ensuring permanent U.S. subsidies for LGBT ‘wedlock’ in any or all of the 47 ‘Straight States’ where it has been imposed against the will of the People; in only three states – MD, ME, WA – have the People themselves voted to sacralize homosexuality and end the public policy of hetero-monogamy.”
In October, 2014, judge-decreed nationalization of LGBT wedlock began in earnest as the High Court allowed U.S. appellate courts to ravage North Carolina, South Carolina, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, Alaska, Oklahoma, Virginia, West Virginia, Kansas, Idaho, Nevada and Montana – just as they did to California; all of these “Straight States” had rejected homosexual “marriage” but, the Vow site says, “SCOTUS forced a shotgun wedding, and Congress is funding it.” continues, “The Cruz bill (S.2024) simply assumes, according to its text, that SCOTUS “striking down section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act” means Congress must subsidize sodomatrimony – because the First Branch bows to any absurd or anti-Constitutional decree of the Third Branch? – although the U.S. Senate and House have Constitutional ‘purse power’ to deny LGBT subsidies plus all funds for enforcement of same-sex unions against the 47 ‘Straight States.’ Sen. Cruz’s bill seems to signal exactly how a President Cruz would submit to other Supreme Court outrages: Obediently.”
The pastor-rabbi website continues, “Impending is the rape of Texas and all 50 states – and the 10th Amendment – by the LGBTotalitarians of SCOTUS and POTUS, 100% financed by Congress – including by smart GOP judicial supremacists like Sens. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. It seems they and their LGBT-owned Hill colleagues – any and all permanent “NOs” on the Vow – are perfectly content to fund Administration enforcement of absolutely any evil decreed by judges. That’s lawless judicial supremacy. That’s idolatry.”
One seasoned Capitol Hill veteran behind the effort said, “It’s not the Vow that’s radical.  What’s radical is a so-called representative government that plods along year after year, forcing taxpayers to go to work every day to underwrite the darkest of human activities.  The fact basic morality sounds radical to the Washington cocktail crowd is what the Founders would have found truly radical.”
The Vow site asks, “Q: How can we tell Capitol Hill heroes from frauds? A:  If they Vow against U.S. NATIONAL DEBT – financed SUBSIDIES for anti-Semitism, abortion, mandatory killing and homosexuality. THE TRUTH: Most Capitol Hill Republicans and Democrats shamefully cooperate to DEBT-FINANCE and SUBSIDIZE these evils by means of IRS receipts plus U.S. borrowing at about $16,000 per second.
Why are Republicans still funding IRS enforcement of conscience-violating and coercive “Obamacare” abortion pills and devices mandated on faithful businesses, on ministries like Dr. Dobson’s and upon Judeo-Christian institutions like the University Notre Dame, Liberty University, Yeshiva University and Wheaton College, to kill the unborn children of employees? Why has the Roman Catholic, Evangelical and Jewish leadership of the U.S. House been so wimpy? Why are they still debt-financing the butchers at Planned Parenthood?
“And why, for God’s sake, are House and Senate Republicans (with Dems) engaged in National Debt-financing of same-sex wedlock – the federal subsidization, imposition and enforcement of homosexual “marriage” by Obama and his judges against the 10th Amendment, the frightened Governors, the constitutions and the People of the USA’s ‘Straight State’ Majority?” 

Lack of dead voters force Dems to crack their whips on the living

The Democrat Party’s get-out-the-vote tactics have taken a nasty turn, and the DNC has turned to a DEFCON 1 tactic, and it’s not racism!

Desperate times call for desperate measures, so the latest GOTV Dem campaign is to threaten to hunt down non-voters.

Who you vote for is your secret.  But whether or not you vote is public record.  We will be reviewing voting records… to determine whether you joined your neighbors who voted in 2014.

Holy Valerie Jarrett!

State says its uncovered 25 forged applications amid alleged voter fraud investigation

Santa Claus is coming to town…with a HAMMER!
He’s making a list, checking it twice, he’s gonna find out WHO DIDN’T VOTE, so he can beat them with a HAMMER!
Kevin Jackson's hilarious take on
 Race-Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalism!
Enjoy this excerpt from the book:
"Meanwhile, you are firmly in control. If (actually, when) you experience problems with poverty, crime, gangs, lack of urban development in cities where you have a black mayor, a black congressman, a black city manager, a black superintendent of schools, a black county treasurer, a black chief of police, a black fire chief, blacks on the county Board of Supervisors, blacks on the school board, etc., find ONE white man, preferably a Republican to blame for all those problems. If one doesn’t exist, don’t be afraid to refurbish one, even if you have to blame Republican Presidents George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Herbert Hoover, or T.R. Roosevelt."
“Note” “Since I die always vote Democrat”



Purpose 'is to discriminate against religious organizations that oppose abortion'

Obamacare has been challenged in court since it was launched, with charges that it is unconstitutional, violates religious rights, invades privacy and unlawfully orders consumers to purchase a product.
Now, a new lawsuit by four Christian institutions argues the Obama administration is using the law to attack religious groups that oppose the White House’s promotion of abortion.
The plaintiffs allege “the purpose” of Obamacare’s mandate that employers pay for abortion-causing contraception and abortion “is to discriminate against religious organizations.”
The complaint cites then-Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius comparing Obamacare opponents to “people who opposed civil rights legislation in the 1960s” and asserting that upholding the law requires the same action as was shown ‘in the fight against lynching and the fight for desegregation.’”
Attorneys with the Alliance Defending Freedom are representing the Association of Christian Schools International, Samaritan Ministries International, Taylor University and Indiana Wesleyan University in the case against Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell, Labor Secretary Thomas Perez and others.
The Supreme Court already has ruled the abortion mandate cannot force business owners to violate their faith.
So the White House has offered an “accommodation” in which the abortion-causing drugs and abortion services can be provided to the employees without any paperwork that connects the transactions to the employer.
The Christian organizations contend, however, the Obama rules still impose a burden, or duty, on them.
“They believe that God has condemned the intentional destruction of innocent human life. They hold, as a matter of religious conviction, that it would be sinful and immoral for them intentionally to participate in, pay for, facilitate, enable, or otherwise support access to abortion, which destroys human life,” the complaint explains.
“They hold that one of the prohibitions of the Ten Commandments (‘thou shalt not murder’) precludes them from facilitating, assisting in, serving as the conduct for, or enabling the use of drugs and devices that can and do destroy very young human beings in the womb. The health benefits they provide to their employees reflect these convictions.”
The case alleges the Obama administration is violating the Administrative Procedure Act, the First Amendment, the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause, the Free Speech Clause, the Establishment Clause, the Free Exercise Clause and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Further, evidence suggests religious believers who object to abortion-causing drugs are deliberately being targeted, the case claims.
“The Final Mandate forces the plaintiffs to facilitate government-dictated education and counseling concerning abortion that directly conflicts with their religious beliefs and teaching,” the lawsuit states. “Facilitating this government-dictated speech directly undermines the express speech and messages concerning the sanctity of life that the plaintiffs seek to convey.”
Further, the government’s demand “advances no compelling governmental interest” and such drugs already are commonly available through “numerous alternative mechanisms.”
The government easily could provide the “benefits,” the lawsuit said, or “the government could simply exempt all conscientiously objecting organizations, just as it has already exempted the small subset of nonprofit religious employers that are referred to in Section 6033(a)(3)(A)(i) or (iii) of the Internal Revenue Code.”
After all, the government already provides a multitude of other “exemptions,” it said.
The government, through its actions, already admits that the mandate is not part of any “compelling interest.”
So why is the demand being pursued?
“The Final Mandate was promulgated by government officials, and supported by non-governmental organizations, who strongly oppose religious teachings and beliefs regarding marriage, family, and life,” the case states.
“Defendant [former HHS Secretary Kathleen] Sebelius, for example, has long been a staunch support of abortion rights and a vocal critic of religious teachings and beliefs regarding abortion and contraception,” the complaint continues. “On Oct. 4, 2011, six days after the comment period for the original Interim Final Rule ended, Defendant Sebelius gave a speech at a fundraiser for NARAL Pro-Choice America. She told the assembled crowd that ‘we are in a war.’
“She further criticized individuals and entities whose beliefs differed from those held by her and the others at the fundraiser, stating: ‘Wouldn’t you think that people who want to reduce the number of abortions would champion the cause of widely available, widely affordable contraceptive services? Not so much,’” the complaint states.
“On July 16, 2013, Secretary Sebelius further compared opponents of the Affordable Care Act generally to ‘people who opposed civil rights legislation in the 1960s,’ stating that upholding the Act requires the same action as was shown ‘in the fight against lynching and the fight for desegregation.’”
That attitude leads to the conclusion that the administration is intending to discriminate against religious organizations, the complaint says.
“It cannot be plausibly maintained that the fate of the entire enterprise rests in any measurable way on forcing these four plaintiffs to facilitate access to four drugs and devices – which represent one-fifth of the one of the 143 required items,” the case says.
“In any event, the government has already conceded that it has no interest in imposing the mandate upon religious employers like the plaintiffs,” it says.
So Washington’s “accommodation,” which “does not sufficiently diminish their ethical objection to complicity with sin,” still “conscripts the plaintiffs into the government’s scheme, hijacking their health plans and using them as conduits for the delivery of life-destroying drugs and devices to members of their religious communities.”
The government still demands that the Christian groups identify to the government their insurance policy administrators, play a “central role in facilitating free access to abortifacient services” and make them victim to “a shell game that attempts to disguise the religious organization’s role as the central cog in the government’s scheme for expanding access to contraceptive and abortifacient services.”
The case was filed in federal court in Colorado.
“The government should not force religious organizations to be involved in providing abortion pills to their employees,” said ADF Senior Counsel Gregory S. Baylor. “The best way to respect everyone’s freedom would have been to extend the existing religious exemption to religious non-profits in addition to churches. The administration has failed in its duty to uphold the freedoms guaranteed to every American under the Constitution and federal law. These religious organizations had hoped to avoid this action, but the cause of religious conscience and liberty compelled them to take this step.”
Added ADF Senior Counsel Kevin Theriot: “All Americans should oppose unjust laws that force people – under threat of punishment – to give up their fundamental freedoms in order to provide insurance. That’s no different for these Christian organizations, which simply want to abide by the very faith they espouse. The government is forbidden from punishing people of faith for making decisions consistent with that faith.”
It was a federal judge in Florida who ruled that the government’s latest revisions to the mandate still “don’t do enough to protect people of faith.”
The ruling came from Judge James Moody Jr. in a suit by Ave Maria University, which charged the Obamacare requirement violates the faith on which it operates.
The judge said: “Defendants do not dispute that Ave Maria is a nonprofit Catholic university purposed with ‘educat[ing] students in the principles and truths of the Catholic faith.’ … One such element of the Catholic faith that Ave Maria holds and professes concerns the sanctity of life. Ave Maria ‘believes that each human being bears the image and likeness of God, and therefore any abortion – including through post-conception contraception – ends a human life and is a grave sin. Ave Maria also believes that sterilization and the use of contraception are morally wrong.’”
He said the “rule” that was intended to provide an “accommodation” to faith members was not a satisfactory solution.
“After dozens of court rulings, the government still doesn’t seem to get that it can’t force faith institutions to violate their beliefs,” said a spokesman for that legal team, assembled by the Becket Fund. “Fortunately, the courts continue to see through the government’s attempts to disguise the mandate’s religious coercion.”

Undercover Video Exposes Possible North Carolina Voter Fraud

"...seems to have failed on a massive scale."

Here’s another black eye for the integrity of the voting process in a key swing state in the midterms on Tuesday — North Carolina.
Conservative activist James O’Keefe, whose undercover work last week showed Democrat campaign workers readily condoning voter fraud, as Western Journalism reported, has released another incriminating video that suggests the potential for voter fraud in the Tarheel State is widespread.
According to the Daily Mail, O’Keefe’s Project Veritas now has visual evidence that North Carolina election officials repeatedly offered ballots to an impostor who arrived at polling places with the names and addresses of “inactive” voters who hadn’t participated in elections for many years.
Now O’Keefe has strolled into more than 20 voting precincts in Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro, N.C., proffering the names of people who seldom vote in order to test the integrity of the election process. It seems to have failed on a massive scale.
“I just sign this and then I can vote?” he asked one poll worker. “Yep,” came the reply.
In a series of undercover videos over the years, O’Keefe has repeatedly exposed misbehavior, fraud, and even potential criminal activity involving ACORN, lax border security, and even the illicit trade in taxpayer-provided “Obama” phones.
But he told the Daily Mail that this latest undercover work at various North Carolina polling places was unique.
“Of all of the undercover investigations I’ve conducted, this was by far the easiest,” he said Monday.
“They were willing to pass out fraudulently obtained ballots like it was Halloween candy.”
Questions about the integrity of the ballot process in North Carolina are especially critical because of the hotly contested Senate race between incumbent Democrat Kay Hagan and GOP challenger Thom Tillis.
You can watch O’Keefe’s latest work suggesting that the ballot process may be compromised by clicking on the video above.

In With The Old: States Abandon Electronic Voting Machines

Could it be that they’re suspicious of voter fraud too?
States have abandoned electronic voting machines in droves, ensuring that most voters will be casting their ballots by hand on Election Day.
With many electronic voting machines more than a decade old, and states lacking the funding to repair or replace them, officials have opted to return to the pencil-and-paper voting that the new technology was supposed to replace.
Nearly 70 percent of voters will be casting ballots by hand on Tuesday, according to Pamela Smith, president of election watchdog Verified Voting.
“Paper, even though it sounds kind of old school, it actually has properties that serve the elections really well,” Smith said.
It’s an outcome few would have predicted after the 2000 election, when the battle over “hanging chads” in the Florida recount spurred a massive, $3 billion federal investment in electronic voting machines.
States at the time ditched punch cards and levers in favor of touch screens and ballot-scanners, with the perennial battleground state of Ohio spending $115 million alone on upgrades.
Smith said the mid-2000s might go down as the  “heyday” of electronic voting.
Since then, states have failed to maintain the machines, partly due to budget shortfalls.
“There is simply no money to replace them,” said Michael Shamos, a computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University who has examined computerized voting systems in six states.
The lack of spending on the machines is a major problem because the electronic equipment wears out quickly. Smith recalled sitting in a meeting with Missouri election officials in 2012, where they complained 25 percent of their equipment had malfunctioned in preelection testing.
“You’re dealing with voting machines that are more than a decade old,” Smith said.

Boletin Edicion 3 de noviembre 2014 Articulos y Ensayos Nuevos

Patria de Martí
 Ayudanos a promover una cultura de libertad en los medios sociales: share , , , 

Para: Lázaro González

Al pie le incluimos, con mucho gusto, el enlace a los Artículos y Ensayos publicados más recientes.
Julio M. Shiling 

Salubridad como instrumento dictatorial

Por Julio M. Shiling

Salubridad como instrumento dictatorial La dictadura de La Habana no pierde una oportunidad de sacar provecho de una desgracia. Cuando se trata, sobre todo, de algo que tiene que ver con la salubridad, los Goebbels caribeños se ponen extáticos y son más ingeniosos y cínicos en su maquinación. Era de esperar, al reaparecer el rostro atroz del ébola sobre el occidente de África, que el despotismo cubano aprovecharía los azotes dramáticos de este mal para capitalizar con otro espectáculo mediático...

Cuba, China: represión y reformas

Por Armando de Armas

Cuba, China: represión y reformas Ahora que se ha puesto de moda entre algunos empresarios y activistas políticos de la modernidad y la moderación el apostar por el modelo chino para Cuba como un supuesto mal menor, viene bien echar una ojeada a los últimos informes sobre ejecuciones en el país asiático. China comunista es el país que ejecuta al mayor número de condenados en el mundo al aplicar la pena capital a 2.400 personas en 2013, según indicó la Fundación Dui Hua con sede en Estados...

Unas cuantas verdades sobre Joe García

Por Enrique Encinosa

Unas cuantas verdades sobre Joe García  Considero a Joe García un bufón peligroso. Su carrera política se destaca por comerse la cerilla de sus orejas, por defender y después retractarse débilmente de decir que el comunismo funciona, por aceptar dinero de grupos islámicos radicales y de agencias pantallas del régimen castrista y por tener un equipo de trabajo que se ha visto involucrado y convicto de fraude de boletas ausentes.. Emerge es una organización pro palestina que tiene membrecía...

La retaguardia

Por Pilar Rahola

La retaguardia A priori nada tiene que ver una mezquita de la barriada de Benzú en Ceuta, donde el imán aconseja a las mujeres maltratadas que no vayan a la policía, con los asesinos de Al Shabab que han perpetrado una matanza en Kenia. En el primer caso estamos ante la perpetuación de una ideología islamista que sitúa a la mujer en la esquina oscura de la historia. En el segundo, ante una de las organizaciones más cruentas del terrorismo islamista, lo cual, radicalmente, no es lo mismo. Ni tan...

What Everyone Ought to Know About Their First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

The 1st Amendment Contains 5 Individual Liberties!

1.   Freedom of Religion:  You have a right to practice any religion that you happen to choose and the government can do nothing to stop you.
2.   Freedom of Speech: The main point is that we don’t need a 1st amendment to protect popular speech (Texas v. Johnson 491 US 397 (1989)). Your 1st amendment free speech rights are there to protect  unpopular speech! Liberty cannot be preserved without the right to speak and speak those things that not everyone may want to hear!  The Supreme Court struck the ordinance down as unconstitutionally discriminating based on the content of expression. RAV v. St. Paul 505 US 377 (1992)
3.   Freedom of the Press: The Free Press Clause protects the right of individuals to express themselves through publication and dissemination of information, ideas and opinions without interference, constraint or prosecution by the government. You can start your own blog, your own radio show and you can use your 1st amemdment free speech rights to express yourself.
4.   Freedom to Assemble: You and you and your friends have a right to protest. In fact did you know that arresting peaceful protesters for disobeying order to leave is unconstitutional and police must protect protesters over safety of public.  The high court ruled that peaceful demonstrators may not be prosecuted for “disorderly conduct.” This case also secured streets and sidewalks as public forums. Hague v. C.I.O. (1939)
5.   Freedom to Redress the Government: The main point here is that you have a right to complain about the government – your government.
By watching this video, you know that we can dramatically increase everyones awareness of liberty just by us knowing our rights and that’s why you’re going to love the next video on the 4th amendment and the special “Sovereign Duty” bundle I’m putting together that will be coming in the next few days. KrisAnne Hall.
If you want to share this with any of your friends or family, please send them to

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 For more 1st Amendment Information, Click to Download, the Liberty First, First Amendment Fact Sheet and please leave any questions, or comments below in the comment box.

Let us know if we missed anything. We read and reply to all comments every day.

Crea polémica, declaraciones del alcalde Giménez a Diario Las Américas

• Dice que la Unidad anticorrupción fue debido a fricciones con el FBI, los críticos dicen que fue por las boletas ausentes

MIAMI 3 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2014,—Varios miembros de la policía que pertenecieron a la Unidad anti Corrupción de la Policía de  Miami Dade, desmintieron las alegaciones que hizo el alcalde Carlos Giménez en una entrevista que realizo el fin de semana para el Diario Las Américas el periodista Sergio Otálora.
En esa entrevista el alcalde Giménez alega que la Unidad Anti corrupción fue desmantelada por fricciones con el FBI, “Había algo ahí que no estaba funcionando. En ese momento hablé con el director y subdirector de la Policia del Condado, y les dije que eso no podía seguir pasando, que debíamos tener las mejores relaciones con el FBI y que teníamos que ser parte de su ‘fuerza de tarea’, porque hay cosas que ellos investigan que ustedes [la Policía] no deben investigar”, explicó Giménez en entrevista con el Diario Las Américas.
Otras declaraciones realizadas por el Presidente del Sindicato de la Policía John Rivera ha desmentido eso, Rivera dijo, “el Giménez, no puede negar que la boletera, Daisy Cabrera le dio boletas ausentes a su campaña pasada, uno de nuestros investigadores pidió un permiso a la fiscalía para entrar a su campaña cuando Cabrera estaba allí, y se lo negaron, y por casualidad una vez que Daisy cabrera fue detenida, la oficina de Giménez se cerro, Porque hizo eso?, se pregunto Rivera.
Otro ex miembro de la Unidad Anti Corrupción, Luis Rodríguez confirmó la versión de Rivera, “no concedió una orden de cateo para la oficina de campaña de Giménez en Hialeah, fiscales no pudieron analizar las evidencias, incluyendo el libro de notas de Cabrera que contenía los nombres de los votantes y candidatos, fue por eso que luego desmantelaron la unidad, “nada tiene que ver con el FBI”, nos dijo otro detective que esta activo en otra unidad.
Gimenenz también declaró en la entrevista del periodista del Diario que El alcalde “se siente muy orgulloso de que Ginni Rometty, presidenta de IBM, lo haya escogido como el único funcionario electo de Estados Unidos para asistir al Think Forum sobre tecnología que se celebra en Nueva York. El condado Miami-Dade fue declarado “ciudad inteligente”.
Sin embargo no dijo que esa invitación fue obra de su intimo amigo el cabildero y abogado Jorge Luis López quien cabildea para IBM ya que esta contratado por esta empresa, y seguro que esa invitación fue parte del “cabildeo de Jorge Luis para que el condado compre nuevas computadoras IBM”, nos dijo una fuente.
Ese día López publicaba en su página de Facebook este “collage” y escribió, #ThinkForum 2014 NY was a great experience! Enjoyed sharing this with+IBM #ThinkLeaders and Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez. #TBT
En la página de Miami Dade para registro de lobistas, se puede corroborar que López está contratado por la empresa IBM desde julio 5 del 2002.
Además existen fotos de ese evento en la que se ve al alcalde Carlos Giménez festejando con el cabildero Jorge Luis López.

En otra parte de la entrevista Giménez se dirige al tema candente de la emisión de bonos para la reparación de Cielito Lindo y la construcción de un nuevo Tribunal, el periodista Otálora le pregunta:
Otálora: ¿No se está abusando de los residentes pidiéndoles que acepten, en un referendo el  4 de noviembre,  una emisión de bonos para financiar la construcción de un nuevo edificio para la Corte, sin que se haya señalado una estrategia clara?
Giménez: Si el edificio de hoy en día estuviera en buen estado, los jueces de todas maneras no cabrían. Pueden operar cinco años, pero en el futuro será difícil. Ese edificio simplemente no tiene el tamaño suficiente.
Otálora: ¿El nuevo edificio no lo puede financiar el Condado?
Giménez: ¿Trescientos millones de dólares? El Condado no tiene esa capacidad financiera. Se podría financiar con un sobrecargo a las multas de tránsito. Hay que buscar alternativas, si los votantes no aceptan el referendo.
Pero si los comentarios de los agentes de la policía contra las declaraciones de Giménez son categóricos, los mensajes dejados por los de lectores del Diario son más enérgicos contra el alcalde, he aquí algunos de ellos.
·         #3. Jorge
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Pues yo voy a votar NO a la pregunta de la corte y a todas las enmiendas, ninguna nos va a beneficiar en nada.por q por ejemplo,eso de mudar la feria para ampliar FIU y q no nos costara un centavo,eso es para el bobo,y ya es hora de tener esta falta de respeto con los taxpayers,nuestros bolsillos,no son la alcancia del condado,q cada vez q tienen algo atravesado quieren mas dinero por q supuestamente nunca les alcanza,y DIARIO LAS AMERICAS,esta pesimo este nuevo sistema de opiniones
·         01 de noviembre de 2014 – 15:31 GMT #2. A.E.S.
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GIMENEZ sera bruto o bruto…

Que parte de “no utilizar fondos públicos” no entiende GIMENEZ???. Sea la Ciudad de Miami o Timbaku la que halla escrito la boleta???
y si la Comisión del Condado no sigue lo que el publico voto claramente, entonces todos son unos desfachatados y caraduros.
·         01 de noviembre de 2014 – 05:37 GMT #1. el miron
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pasarle cuennta

este ladron sin escupulos hay que haserle un referendo para que no engane mas y aumente impuestos este alcalde va a provocar un castrismo en Miami dade el puelo no puede mas.
Aunque en no estamos de acuerdo con algunos epítetos que se usan por los lectores, es nuestro deber colocar exactamente lo aparecido en la sección de mensajes del Diario Las Américas.

Clemente Sanchez:       MIEDO GLOBAL
MES DE LA ¿Crisis?
 Estamos viviendo un momento que contiene una GRAN MENTIRA para mantenernos con miedo, sin dejarnos disfrutar de los inminentes cambios y transformaciones que estamos atestiguando en nuestra sociedad.

      Hablemos de la Crisis Económica.
    ¿De quien es la crisis?... ¿crisis de que?...
      La verdadera crisis nace del absurdo manejo del dinero.
      Si quieren saber de esto, les recomiendo vean Zeitgeist - Addendum, una película que nos muestra la realidad del sistema financiero, absolutamente ignorado por las masas.

       En realidad, el dinero que debemos no existe.

       Los bancos nos prestan papeles sin un real sustento material, lo cómico es que ese sustento material lo van forjando cuando nosotros no podemos pagar las deudas y nos quitan nuestros bienes, recién ahí los bancos tienen bienes concretos.

       La verdad es que la crisis es de la gente que tiene la abundancia virtual, los que llamamos ricos pero que en realidad no tienen nada mas que dinero y acciones virtuales, algunas propiedades en el mundo, que en caso de no tener el petróleo para hacer andar sus aviones, no pueden disfrutar.

       Los ricos no poseen el conocimiento para sembrar su tierra y ser independientes, la mayoría no saben lavar sus ropas, hacer sus camas, podar las plantas, una critica cantidad de ricos no saben siquiera cocinar o prender una fogata.

     En su inmensa mayoría no tienen habilidades manuales para utilizar el intercambio de bienes creados por ellos mismos. No pintan, no labran, no escriben, no conocen a quienes preparan sus alimentos, a veces ni conducen, y las mujeres ricas, ni siquiera saben ser madres, no amamantan, no mudan, no bañan, ni siquiera saben parir. ¿Por que estamos tan asustados con su crisis?...

    Si los billetes dejan de circular, la escasez se va a ver en las grandes ciudades que no tienen acceso al campo, donde nadie conoce a su vecino, donde nadie funciona sin las maquinas...

    ¿Somos así los latinoamericanos?... ¿Nos paralizamos sin la cocina a gas?... No, no lo creo. Nosotros no llevamos mas de 500, 400, en Chile 200 años de cultura europea.

     Sabemos hacer fuego y si no sabemos nosotros, sabe nuestro amigo o nuestro primo, siempre hay un familiar con tierras, con jardines, tías o mamas con hierbas en macetas, quien tiene sus gallinas, sus vacas. 

      Sabemos crear tecnología útil con despojos, sabemos cosechar fruta del árbol, nuestras abuelas saben utilizar las plantas como medicina... y si, aun conocemos al vecino, a la señora de la tienda, a quien tiene una huerta en casa.

     Todo lo que nos toca ser ahora, es ser humanos.
     Crear lazos, crear cosas, volver nuestra mirada a la tierra, a los ojos, a las sonrisas y a la confianza.

     ¿Por que tememos caminar de noche?...
      Porque nadie en el barrio nos conoce, porque no tenemos en quien confiar, porque estamos acostumbrados a que todos son nuestros enemigos, nuestros competidores.

     Nosotros no somos maquinas, no comemos petróleo, somos seres sociales, que vinimos a explorar las posibilidades del amor en todas las manifestaciones posibles.

      Somos seres que requerimos abrazos, miradas, calor humano, sonrisas, confianza... somos mamíferos... la única crisis que estamos viviendo es que nos estamos alejando demasiado de nuestra naturaleza mamífera. 

     Esta en boca de todos el hecho de que estamos viviendo un tiempo visionado por muchas culturas ancestrales, y muy a diferencia de lo que nos han dicho los medios de comunicación, esta cercanía al 2012 esta muy lejos de las catástrofes y tragedias que nos preocupan tanto, ES UN CAMBIO DE CONCIENCIA, eso es todo.

     Un cambio de conciencia inminente, un despertar de nuestro potencial dormido debido a un ciclo terrestre-solar-estelar que es un hecho...

    ¿Se ven comenzando a utilizar el 90% restante del cerebro?...    
    ¿Conectando millones de neuronas?...
    ¿Iluminando todo nuestro ADN?...
    ¿Percibiendo muchas realidades paralelas?...
    ¿Actuando con toda la biotecnología que poseemos y que hasta el momento solo hemos posado en maquinas externas? ...

      La crisis no es nuestra. Toda crisis es una puerta enorme a un cambio.
     ¿La mayoría de la gente que conocemos esta feliz con su trabajo, con su vida?... ¿Cuanta gente que conocemos esta enferma de algo que tiene que ver con el stress, con la tensión?...

     ¿Nos gusta el ritmo de vida que impone el sistema financiero?...
    ¿Nos gusta tener que pagar por todos los servicios básicos?...
    ¿Nos gusta vivir en lugares donde la basura es mas abundante que las flores, donde hay mas autos que árboles frutales?...

   ¿Nos gusta tener que pagar para sentirnos seguros?...
   ¿Para nacer?... ¿Para morir?...
   ¿Nos gusta sentirnos esclavos de un sistema que nos lleva constantemente a la frustración y a la impotencia?...

 Entonces...¿Porque nos asusta la crisis del sistema?...
...¡Tendríamos que estar celebrando!...
En mi opinión

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