No 741
“En mi opinión” Sabado,
Agosto 30, 2014
Los votantes deben eliminar en las próximas elecciones a
todos los políticos actuales, si es posible encarcelarlos, porque son actores
de todos los robos y disparates que casi todos cometen.
Amenper: Obama Strategy…..questions
President Obama called ISIS a “jayvee” terrorist group, which he was warned
about two years ago. So my first question is to King Obama is: Do you still
think ISIS is “jayvee”?
A “jayvee” is a member of a junior varsity in a university sport team that
is somebody of minor importance compared with the senior varsity.
Now our president says “the entire world is appalled” at the beheading of
James Foley.
I disagree, the world is not appalled like Obama. The world is terrorized,
and is taking it seriously.
I quote from Alan Bullock's biography “Hitler: A Study in Tyranny.” In
discussing violence and terror, Bullock wrote: “Hitler here hit upon a
psychological fact which was to prove of great importance in the history of the
Nazi movement: that violence and terror have their own propaganda value, and
that the display of physical force attracts as many as it repels.”
We know that this is as true today as it was in the 1930s
The president says that he was simply appalled, but the whole country feels
terrorized with the surge of ISIS and the probability that it could hit our
The ISIS strategy and propaganda is working as well as it worked for the
Nazis, here and abroad.
Our president lack of strategy is not working.
The president confessed that he has not a strategy against ISIS. Then he
goes to a political party to raise fund for his party.
Well, it is an improvement to going to play golf.
The questions are:
¿Is Obama really interested in defeating ISIS?
Is Obama aware of the dangers of Islam?
Or Is Obama part of the problem?
I leave the answers to you.
“EMO” Es que no estoy seguro de opinar que
Obama es un presidente “jayvee” “traídor” o “comemierda” LRGM.
10:31 PM (12 hours
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Erick Holder multo a Bank of America en mas
de 17mil Millones de Dolares y repartio miles entre Organizaciones como Acorn
(esta org. fue sorprendida por el FBI en fraude de votos) , Tambien la Org.
conocida como La Raza de Izquierda y otras mas y tambien repartio dinero en
comunidades de orientacion democrata.
Recuerden Obama no podria hacer estas cosas
sin el apoyo de los Senadores Democratas, ellos son tan o mas culpables que el.
Ahora queda ver
si las Cadenas Noticiosas, la mayoria Liberales, Ultra Liberales y de Izquierda
, aunque no lo digan ponen esta nocicias.
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Holder Cut Left-Wing Groups In On $17 Bil
BofA Deal
General Eric Holder, center, joined by Associate Attorney General Tony West,
right, U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey Paul... View Enlarged Image
Extortion: Radical Democrat activist groups stand to
collect millions from Attorney General Eric Holder's record $17 billion deal to
settle alleged mortgage abuse charges against Bank of America.
in the fine print of the deal, which includes $7 billion in soft-dollar
consumer relief, are a raft of political payoffs to Obama constituency groups.
In effect, the government has ordered the nation's largest bank to create a
massive slush fund for Democrat special interests.
requiring billions in debt forgiveness payments to delinquent borrowers in
Cleveland, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Oakland, Detroit, Chicago and other Democrat
strongholds — and up to $500 million to cover personal taxes owed on those
checks — the deal requires BofA to make billions in new loans, while also
building affordable low-income rental housing in those areas.
there are leftover funds in four years, the settlement stipulates the money
will go to Interest on Lawyers' Trust Account (IOLTA), which provides legal aid
for the poor and supports left-wing causes, and NeighborWorks of America, which
provides affordable housing and funds a national network of left-wing community
organizers operating in the mold of Acorn.
fact, in 2008 and 2009, NeighborWorks awarded a whopping $25 million to Acorn
2011 alone, NeighborWorks shelled out $35 million in "affordable housing
grants" to 115 such groups, according to its website. Recipients included
the radical Affordable Housing Alliance, which pressures banks to make
high-risk loans in low-income neighborhoods and which happens to be the former
employer of HUD's chief "fair housing" enforcer.
gets extra credit if it makes at least $100 million in direct donations to
IOLTA and housing activist groups approved by HUD.
to the list provided by Justice, those groups include come of the most radical
bank shakedown organizations in the country, including:
La Raza, which pressures banks to expand their credit box to qualify more
low-income Latino immigrants for home loans;
National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Washington's most aggressive
lobbyist for the disastrous Community Reinvestment Act;
Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America, whose director calls himself a
"bank terrorist;"
Operation Hope, a South Central Los Angeles group that's pressuring banks to
make "dignity mortgages" for deadbeats.
one group eligible for BofA slush funds is a spin-off of Acorn Housing's branch
in New York.
now rebranded as Mutual Housing Association of New York, or MHANY. HUD lists
MHANY's contact as Ismene Speliotis, who previously served as New York director
of Acorn Housing.
UH, OH: Michael Brown Allegedly Involved in Second Degree
Murder Case
The innocent angel that was
compared to Jesus might have some more skeletons in his closet than we thought.
Check this out…
Charles C. Johnson, the Editor-in-Chief of Got News and the investigator
who debunked the Everytown shootings map,
is suing the St. Louis County Court to release Ferguson shooting victim Michael
Brown’s juvenile arrest records.
As relayed by the website, Johnson claims
that he has “confirmed” Michael Brown was arrested in a case involving
second-degree murder:
Johnson earlier reported on
Twitter that he had two contacts in the St. Louis Police Department tell him
that Michael Brown had a juvenile criminal record, thus prompting the lawsuit:
Amenper: Prejuicios y
(Reuters) - Un guardia de seguridad
de 70 años de edad, herido en abril mientras ayudando a someter a un estudiante
en un incidente de violencia en un High School en Pennsylvania , fue despedido
la semanas pasada sin ninguna razón o explicación, justo antes del comienzo del
nuevo año escolar, dijo el lunes su abogado. Este hombre fue despedido
simplemente por ser "demasiado viejo"
Creo en que existen prejuicios y discriminación en todas sus
Es bueno no engañarse y no creer en que existen personas que
viven y actúan con estos prejuicios y discriminan contra los que pertenecemos a
un grupo discriminado.
En mi patria de origen pertenecía a una clase media alta,
natal, los prejuicios que esto traía en la sociedad de corte socialista, me
marcaron durante la revolución, pero no ignoraba esto aún antes de la
revolución, y como estaba consciente de esto y pude manejar la
situación para defenderme, y defender a mi familia de peores resultados,
emigrando a tiempo para que no pudieran destruirme con su discriminación.
Después llegué a un país donde pasé a ser un minoritario
visto por la sociedad establecida como un ser extranjero y con una percepción
de que no tenía derecho a llegar a ser parte de la élite económica del
nativo. Los que estuvimos conscientes de las limitaciones que traían
la percepción de prejuicios, buscamos huecos dentro del sistemas y logramos
superar los prejuicios, no sólo en Miami, donde los cubanos encontramos el
hueco de crear una subcultura dominante, pero en otras partes del mundo.
Después caí en un nuevo grupo víctima de los prejuicios que
afectan su desenvolvimiento en la sociedad.
Caí en la clasificación de viejo. Como en todos
los grupos discriminados, el concepto de grupo y sus percepciones prejuiciados,
crean la injusticia de la discriminación, de considerar los estereotipos fijos
sin considerar al individuo.
Sin lugar a dudas hay personas que a la edad de 70 años
están incapacitados para ciertas posiciones, algunos se encuentran ya en asilos
de ancianos. Pero hay personas de 70 y hasta 80 años que están
capacitados para el trabajo que están desenvolviendo. Castigarlos
por la edad es discriminación.
O sea que el prejuicio y la discriminación
existen. Lo que es aberrante es cuando un grupo usa esta premisa
real para obtener beneficios. El caso del guardia en la nota de prensa de
Reuter, a pesar de sus 70 años pudo someter a un estudiante, estaba capacitado
para su cargo. Es una injusticia discriminatoria el despedirlo por
ser “Viejo” para el puesto como hubiera sido algo injusto que el hombre pidiera
privilegios por ser “viejo”.
Yo no pido beneficios por ser hispano ni por ser viejo, no
me considero ni hispano ni viejo en mi vida cotidiana, no pido privilegios, ni
siquiera pido que me traten bien, esto es algo que mi conducta en la sociedad,
me lo otorga en la práctica, porque a los anglos y los jóvenes no les queda más
remedio que aceptar mi posición en la sociedad y en el estrato económico.
Hay discriminación, los delincuentes tienen prejuicios
contra la policía, y esto le ha costado la vida a más policías que los policías
que pueden haber quitado la vida a delincuentes por prejuicios.
Hay discriminación de la sociedad establecida contra los
inmigrantes, pero hay más discriminación por parte de los inmigrantes que
invaden ilegalmente la vida de la sociedad establecida y tratan de imponer sus
leyes y valores en esta sociedad establecida.
Hay discriminación de blancos contra los negros, pero hay
más discriminación cuando los negros usan su raza para vivir con subsidios del
trabajo de los blancos y piden privilegios por pertenecer a este grupo
La individualidad del ser humano es lo único que se debe
considerar cuando nuestra condición de prejuicio nos presente en una
oportunidad de tratar a un miembro de un grupo establecido.
Anglos, hispanos, negros, jóvenes y viejos no son conceptos
fijos, en cada grupo hay todo tipo de personas y no se puede tratar a todos
igual por el prejuicio del grupo.
Es malo tratar a una persona por prejuicio de grupo, pero
creo que es peor cuando parte de este grupo, usa el prejuicio de los demás para
agitar y tatar de obtener privilegios no por sus atributos personales pero por
pertenecer al grupo.
¿Creen que estoy equivocado? ¿Creen que mi opinión no tiene
ningún valor porque soy un viejo “cagalistroso” que por mi edad estoy
“chochando” senilmente?‘
Si piensan así con unos discriminadores con prejuicios hacia
los viejos, y puede esperar una llamada de mi abogado.
Recuerden que dentro de cada viejo todavía vive la mente de
un joven, aunque en algunos casos el joven sea vago y no muy brillante.
Democratic Senator Caught In A Big Scandal That Could Help The GOP Take The
...Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu is in full
damage control mode.
the sort of thorny political problem that’s popped the
campaign balloons of other lawmakers seeking re-election — the
residency question…where does the candidate actually live? It’s also the
kind of issue that could help decide not only who is elected to the Senate
from Louisiana, but also which party controls the upper chamber after the
campaign of embattled Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu is in full damage control
mode. Major news organizations — The New York Times, CNN,
and USAToday–are
picking up on the story first reported by the Washington Post –
serious questions raised about Sen. Landrieu’s residency…does she, in fact,
live in Louisiana, the state she represents?
original Post story notes that Landrieu and her husband
live in a multi-million-dollar mansion near the Capitol in Washington, D.C. —
declared in regulatory documents filed by the senator. However, Sen.
Landrieu’s voter registration reportedly lists as her residence a home in New
Orleans owned by her parents.
Here in Louisiana,
however, the Democrat does not have a home of her own. She is registered to
vote at a large bungalow in New Orleans that her parents have lived in for many
decades, according to a Washington Post review of Landrieu’s federal financial
disclosures and local property and voting records.
a statement of candidacy Landrieu filed with the Federal Election
Commission in January, she listed her Capitol Hill home as her address. But
when qualifying for the ballot in Louisiana last week, she listed the family’s
raised-basement home here on South Prieur Street.
The New
Orleans house, which Landrieu claims as her primary residence, is a new flash
point in one of the most closely contested Senate races in the country.
Republicans are considering taking legal action to question Landrieu’s
residency in the state, arguing that since winning her seat in 1996 she has
become a creature of Washington.
The New York Times article points out the immediate attack from
Landrieu’s main opponent in the upcoming mid-term election:
Landrieu…just chooses Louisiana to get reelected,” the challenger,
Representative Bill Cassidy, a Republican, posted on Twitter.
Landrieu’s campaign defended the senator’s living arrangements, noting that she
and her family own the New Orleans home together and that Ms. Landrieu and her
husband pay taxes and vote in the state.
CNN observes that the critical question of
residency has severely impacted the political fortunes of other candidates:
question of home state residency has hurt other senate candidates recently.
Former Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana, lost his seat in the last election cycle
after it was revealed he lived in McLean, Virginia, not in the Hoosier state.
Similar questions were raised about Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, this year although
he was able to win his primary and is expected to be re-elected.
latest brouhaha has served to darken the cloud already overhanging Mary
Landrieu’s senatorial campaign. As Politico recently reported, serious questions of
potentially improper travel expensing have also dogged the Louisiana Democrat.
Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu is under renewed scrutiny for potentially
violating campaign finance laws by tapping official Senate funds to cover the
cost of fundraising trips.
is among the lawmakers the GOP believes it can defeat in its bid to take over
the Senate and oust Harry Reid as Majority Leader.
You can save your breath, frantic
Obama apologists. There is no
way to spin the unmitigated disaster of this hapless President
toddling to the podium yesterday and announcing to the world that he doesn’t
have a strategy for defeating ISIS yet. The pants-wetting terror that
immediately gripped everyone in the White House, and every dead-ender Obama-worshiping
pundit, tells the true tale of how epic a blunder this was.
It wasn’t just a “gaffe.” It
was nothing less than Barack Obama conceding victory to ISIS in Round One of
the new great war. Get it through your skulls, kids: the President of the
United States just ratified the existence of the Islamic State, admitted
they’re going to get away with murdering American hostages, and threw in the
towel on any hope of reversing their invasion of Iraq. He just told the
enemy, which most certainly does have
strategies and is not shy about advertising them, that they have the initiative. They’re calling the shots.
The Golfer-in-Chief is still reacting, spinning, and fidgeting like a
little kid stuck in detention, because he really wants to get back to the fun
stuff - like handing out amnesty to illegal aliens, maneuvering
unconstitutional “climate change” treaties past Congress, picking fights with
his domestic political opponents, raising money for his Party, and hanging out
with his fawning admirers in the press corps. He’s really bummed out that
he has to keep dealing with head-chopping terrorists and Russians who like to
go for joyrides in armored fighting vehicles.
Watch the
visibly stunned folks at CNN wonder what three-dimensional chess game Obama might
have been playing by telling the enemy he’s got no plans to defeat them:
Let me help you out, CNN folks: the
problem here is not a lack of strategic planning at the Pentagon. The problem is political - the howling void
of leadership at the White House. The Pentagon has plans for defeating
ISIS. It has plans for defeating just about everyone tucked in electronic
filing cabinets, but rest assured the ISIS plans are spread out on the table at
the moment. The problem is that Obama doesn’t want to take responsibility
for any of them. His primary concern is the political damage he and his
Party will suffer if his Bush-hating kook base has to watch him commit American
ground forces to combat in Iraq. He won’t do that until ISIS hits us
harder, and leaves him with no choice.
Once again: the enemy has the initiative. They already knew that, but it’s
profoundly unhelpful to have the President of the United States admit it to the
entire world in a press conference.
When Obama wants to do something, he’s got his huge
staff of retainers working through the night to hammer out elaborate
strategies. There’s nothing but political cost involved in fighting ISIS,
especially since the intelligence community is looking pretty dour about the
possibility of using a few airstrikes to back up proxies – the Iraqi army, the
“moderate” Syrian rebels, the Kurds – while they mop up the Islamic State for
us. Notice how Obama rambled on about how he’s willing to order a few
zero-risk bombings here and there, when the “opportunity presents itself” (a
hilarious way to describe how globally-tramsitted footage of an impending
genocide finally brought Obama off the links to do something.)
That seems like a far cry from the
big speech he gave after his good friend “Jim” Foley was murdered on video, a
speech where he spoke in terms of erasing the Islamic State from history,
blowing them out of a 21st Century in which they have no place. But
remember, all of Obama’s ostensible “anger” in that speech was passive. He thinks the caliphate will
implode on its own, or be wiped out by its enemies, perhaps with a little
American support. His comments on Thursday were the ultimate humiliation
of the Obama supporters who insisted he gave a magnificent speech after Foley’s
killing. Like hell he
did. He didn’t put an enemy on notice and seize the initiative against
them. He punted. And he just told the
world he’ll punt again, if the enemy lets him have the ball back.
Josh Rogin at the Daily Beast writes about the behind-the-scenes
drama that led to Obama’s astounding declaration of non-strategy:
After a week of talk
of eliminating the “cancer” of ISIS, President Obama said Thursday
that he was not planning to significantly expand the war against the Islamic
extremist movement anytime soon.
His remarks came after days of
heated debate inside the top levels of his own national security bureaucracy
about how, where, and whether to strike ISIS in Syria. But those deliberations
– which included a bleak intelligence assessment of America’s potential allies
in Syria — failed to produce a consensus battle plan. And so Obama, who has
long been reluctant to enter into the Syrian conflict, told
reporters Thursday that “we don’t have a strategy yet” for confronting
ISIS on a regional level.
Those inside the administration
advocating for going after ISIS in both Iraq and Syria were sorely disappointed
– and lamented their boss’s lack of urgency in rooting out a threat that only
days before was being described in near-apocalyptic terms.
“Senior strategists in the U.S.
government have been working hard all week to gather multiple options that the
president had asked for to strike ISIS in Syria. There was a deep rooted belief
among many — especially among military circles — that the ISIS threat can’t be
kicked down the road, that it needs to be confronted now, and in a holistic
way,” said one Obama administration official who works on the Middle East.
“This press conference is going to lead to even more doubt by those that
thought that this White House was ready to take meaningful action against ISIS
across the board.”
Oh, I don’t know about that, unnamed Obama Administration
official. I don’t think anyone really has any more doubts about whether
this White House is going to take “meaningful action against ISIS across the
board.” The terror state Obama permitted to take root in Iraq is
well-equipped, well-funded, and highly effective on the battlefield, thanks to
a combination of combat experience in Syria and tactical support from former
officers in Saddam Hussein’s military who have joined up. (Imagine what
ISIS would be like if Saddam was still in power, and could put the full might
of his military and economy behind their efforts.) This is the most
battlefield-capable jihadi force ever assembled. That’s why serious
planners are throwing cold water on the idea of trashing them with a local
military coalition and modest American air power. The “moderate” Syrian
rebels have no appetite for abandoning their fight against Bashar Assad to
serve as Obama’s foot soldiers; their leaders have openly stated they don’t
trust American leadership. The Iraqi army hasn’t evolved into a force
that can beat ISIS yet, if it ever will. The Kurds are serious players,
but they’re understandably more interested in defending their home ground than
launching an invasion.
The fourth
potential proxy against ISIS is Bashar Assad himself, and he’s got rather
obvious reasons to place little value on Obama bluster about red lines and the
“wrong side of history.” None of those potential proxies is going to be
inspired by the spectacle of Obama dressing up like a Century 21 realty agent
and giving a speech where he admits he doesn’t have a plan for victory.
Assad would like ISIS out of Syria, to be sure, but it’s debatable how
urgently he wants them gone, since they serve the useful function of keeping
his regime’s opponents divided, and supporters grateful for his protection.
The only
strategy Obama was willing to accept – helping other people wipe out the
Islamic State – appears to be a non-starter, so he’s going to roll the dice and
hope the enemy doesn’t do anything that would force him to act. They win
the first battle against Obama walking away; arguably they won on the day he
recklessly pulled American forces out of Iraq and refused to heed warnings that
a dangerous new enemy was coming across the border, a moment when American air
power very well might have prevented the Islamic State from taking root.
As much as anything else, Thursday’s press conference was Obama telling
the enemy they can have the field for now, as long as they don’t back him into
a corner. In the weeks to come, we’ll learn if they want to shove him
into that corner anyway.
Update: The United Kingdom is elevating its
defensive posture and warning of a “severe” terror threat this morning.
Hopefully the terrorists will have the good manners to hold off on doing
anything until Barack Obama wraps up his fundraisers of the day.
Update: I’d suggest modifying the Obama
Excuse-o-Meter to say that if the spinner lands on a black line, it means “No
No se trata de un nuevo episodio de ciencia ficción que emula la
Guerra de las Galaxias, sino lamentablemente algo más catastrófico y real que
es el terror ocasionado en Siria e Irak por las fuerzas brutales del Califato
del Estado Islámico impuesto
por fuerzas extremistas y
primitivas del Yihad con el apoyo de las milicias del ISIS apertrechadas con
armamentos sofisticados.
La prensa internacional ha dado pruebas ante
la opinión pública mundial a través de fotografías y documentales reseñando las
decapitaciones, la esclavitud de mujeres y la crueldad de la represión
contra cristianos, curdos, yazidies y contra todo aquel que no
renuncie de manera pública a sus convicciones religiosas para proclamarse
seguidor de un Corán interpretado con odio integrista (aun en contra de otros
musulmanes que se proclaman chiitas) y no con el amor propiciado por el Profeta
el horror de los habitantes del Mosul, Raqqa y tantas otras ciudades y
poblaciones de Siria e Irak, afectadas por la crueldad genocida, sus refugiados
se han desplazado hacia las fronteras de Turquía, Líbano, y otros países.
llamado de desesperación de quienes luchan por sobrevivir, ha logrado la
atención del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos y de algunos aliados de la Unión Europea,
quienes se han activado por la vía de acciones militares puntuales, para
abrirle el camino a las fuerzas del orden de Bagdad con el fin de liberar
ciudades ocupadas, algunas mayoritariamente cristianas como Batmalya y
Telasqaf, y otras poblaciones afectadas por una “guerra islámica” medioeval y
sin sentido que aplasta a todos los que profesan una fe distinta a la de los
fuerzas militares de países como Estados Unidos y algunos de los países
miembros de la OTAN, han podido realizar acciones de manera limitada en
el Irak. Pero la situación es mucho más compleja en Siria porque el genocida
Bashir Al Assad -quien también ha perseguido a minorías de cristianos y de
opositores a su régimen- es igualmente enemigo del Estado Islámico que es uno
de los actores enfrentados a Damasco. Por otra parte, la frontera entre Irak y
Siria ha venido desapareciendo, lo que obliga a que la estrategia contra el
Estado Islámico deba estar basada en sumar a aliados regionales que coincidan
en enfrentar las milicias fundamentalistas del ISIS.
cierto es que la solución tanto en esa región como en el resto del Medio
Oriente, no puede basarse solamente en una acción militar. Por más que los
Imperios Contra-ataquen, el único camino viable es la tolerancia, y ella solo
se puede construir asegurando la libertad y el cumplimiento de los principios
consagrados en la Carta de las Naciones Unidas adaptándola a los alcances y al
espíritu de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, basados en los
dos pilares fundamentales: El cumplimiento de las Metas del Milenio en lo
social y asegurar una convivencia basada en las libertades y en la
dignidad de todos los hombres y mujeres de la región.
en estos momentos, lo más urgente es asegurar la sobrevivencia de millones de
habitantes ante la brutal horda que conducen los extremistas de una guerra
primitiva que requiere que los Imperios Contra-Ataquen para evitar que continúe
la masacre actual
Jimmy Carter AHORA A FAVOR DE LOS TERRORISTAS... Es Verdaderamente
Increible… Carter A Favor Del Terrorismo… “EMO” No sé por qué se
escandalizan con esto. No Jimmy Carter que siempre ha sido anormal y estúpido,
en mi opinión… Todos los Demócratas son la misma plasta de m... Lázaro R González Miño
Jimmy Carter to Headline Fundraiser for Hamas Front Group
(Brian Kersey/Stringer/Getty Images)
Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 01:51 PM
By John Blosser
Former President Jimmy Carter will headline a fundraising convention for
Hamas, a group which has been recognized by the U.S. as a terrorist
organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
Breitbart News reports that Carter, 89, long known as a supporter of Hamas in its struggle with Israel, will be welcomed this weekend to the Detroit event by members of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), implicated by the Justice Department in a scheme to funnel $12 million to Hamas.
Breitbart News reports that Carter, 89, long known as a supporter of Hamas in its struggle with Israel, will be welcomed this weekend to the Detroit event by members of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), implicated by the Justice Department in a scheme to funnel $12 million to Hamas.
Samitier: Hoy el New York Time Pone en
Primera Plana. Las Últimas Declaraciones De Kerry Pidiendo
AYUDA MUNDIAL Para Vencer El Terrorismo…
Los Politiqueros Nos Hacen Creer Que SOLO NO PODEMOS…
En la Segunda Guerra… Hitler Hubiera Vencido… Si No hubiera
Sido por la ayuda americana a Rusia y a Inglaterra…
No lo digo yo; Lo dijeron Churchill por Inglaterra y Nikita
Kruschov por Rusia…
Fuera de los 5 Grandes Países… Ninguno De los Otros 188 Países miembros
De la ONU… Pueden Cambiar La Historia Sin Que
Uno De Los 5 Grandes
Los Ayude…
Democratic Senator Caught In A Big Scandal That Could Help The GOP Take The
...Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu is in full
damage control mode.
It’s the
sort of thorny political problem that’s popped the
campaign balloons of other lawmakers seeking re-election — the
residency question…where does the candidate actually live? It’s also the
kind of issue that could help decide not only who is elected to the Senate
from Louisiana, but also which party controls the upper chamber after the
campaign of embattled Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu is in full damage control
mode. Major news organizations — The New York Times, CNN,
and USAToday–are
picking up on the story first reported by the Washington Post –
serious questions raised about Sen. Landrieu’s residency…does she, in fact, live
in Louisiana, the state she represents?
original Post story notes that Landrieu and
her husband live in a multi-million-dollar mansion near the Capitol in
Washington, D.C. — declared in regulatory documents filed by the senator.
However, Sen. Landrieu’s voter registration reportedly lists as her residence a
home in New Orleans owned by her parents.
in Louisiana, however, the Democrat does not have a home of her own. She is
registered to vote at a large bungalow in New Orleans that her parents have
lived in for many decades, according to a Washington Post review of Landrieu’s
federal financial disclosures and local property and voting records.
a statement of candidacy Landrieu filed with the Federal Election
Commission in January, she listed her Capitol Hill home as her address. But
when qualifying for the ballot in Louisiana last week, she listed the
family’s raised-basement home here on South Prieur Street.
New Orleans house, which Landrieu claims as her primary residence, is a new
flash point in one of the most closely contested Senate races in the country.
Republicans are considering taking legal action to question Landrieu’s
residency in the state, arguing that since winning her seat in 1996 she has
become a creature of Washington.
The New York Times article points out the
immediate attack from Landrieu’s main opponent in the upcoming mid-term
Landrieu…just chooses Louisiana to get reelected,” the challenger,
Representative Bill Cassidy, a Republican, posted on Twitter.
Landrieu’s campaign defended the senator’s living arrangements, noting that she
and her family own the New Orleans home together and that Ms. Landrieu and her
husband pay taxes and vote in the state.
CNN observes that the critical
question of residency has severely impacted the political fortunes of other
question of home state residency has hurt other senate candidates recently.
Former Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana, lost his seat in the last election cycle
after it was revealed he lived in McLean, Virginia, not in the Hoosier state.
Similar questions were raised about Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, this year
although he was able to win his primary and is expected to be re-elected.
latest brouhaha has served to darken the cloud already overhanging Mary
Landrieu’s senatorial campaign. As Politico recently reported, serious
questions of potentially improper travel expensing have also dogged the
Louisiana Democrat.
Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu is under renewed scrutiny for potentially
violating campaign finance laws by tapping official Senate funds to cover the
cost of fundraising trips.
is among the lawmakers the GOP believes it can defeat in its bid to take over
the Senate and oust Harry Reid as Majority Leader. Read more at
De la Cuba “Destruida” Por El Castro-Comunismo…
son Triviales… otras Son IMPORTANTISIMA…
Dan A Conocer Como Desde El 4 de Septiembre 1933…
Pueblo De Cuba Fue Manipulado… Por la Prensa La Cual
Totalmente “CONTROLADA” Por El Comunismo…
Todos sabemos cómo se llamaba la madre de Carlos Prío…:
Parte de su POLITICA darla a conocer… La capitana del Ejército
Doña Regla Socarrás... Cuyo Padre Fue Fusilado En Pinar Del Rio
los Españoles… Pero…
Llegó Prio a Presidente… sin que
pueblo supiera… ni siguiera se mencionará… ¿Quién fue
padre? Hasta el día de Hoy no
se quien fue…
Para DENIGRAR a la segunda esposa de Batista… Se dio a conocer
Y aun en el exilio se sigue REPITIENDO…
se conocieron Batista y su segunda esposa Marta Fernández?:
fue atropellada por el carro donde viajaba Fulgencio... y desde luego…
de haber tenido un amor extra-matrimonial…
denigraban a Martí…
¿De que murió la Niña de Guatemala?:
que murió de frío, yo sé que murió de amor... (hasta de un aborto por
ejemplo… el cual es INDISCUTIBLE…
¿Cuál Es El Segundo Verdadero Nombre De Fidel?:
No es Alejandro… es Hipólito... ¿Quién era Hipólito? Un Amigo Haitiano del
La prensa de Cuba Republicana…Tapó Casi Todo Lo Concerniente A Fidel
que llegar al EXILIO… para entéranos que era
el hijo de la CRIADA
de la Casa…
Qué No fue reconocido hasta que tenía 12 años…etc. etc. La Prensa
en Cuba
Estaba TOTALMENTE CONTROLADA por personas disfrazadas de “SOCIALISTAS”
–Verdaderos comunistas SECRETOS…
¿Qué cubano se hizo conocido subiendo el palo encebado en “Aquí
todos hacen de todo"?:
cuando Germán Pinelli le gritaba “¡Sube, Pelayo, sube!”...
¿Quién ganó la mayor cantidad de dinero en el programa “La pregunta de
los 64 mil pesos” en Cuba?:
concejal de La Habana Manuel Gutiérrez Macún..
¿Quién fue el único presidente de Cuba que tenía barba?
García Menocal...
¿Qué butifarras se hicieron famosas porque el trío Matamoros les dedicó una
canción que decía "Échale salsita"...?:
butifarras de ‘El Congo’ de Catalina de Güines...
¿Contra quien fue la famosa pelea de Puppy García?:
Ciro Moracén...
Cómo se llamaba la famosa hermana de Ernesto Lecuona?:
¿Cuál fue el primer nombre de Cuba?:
¿En qué lugar hubo un famoso ras de mar en Cuba? :
Santa Cruz del Sur en 1932...
¿Cómo se llamaba el Niño Valdés?:
Ramos Ponciano Valdés...
¿Cuántas personas asistieron al entierro del General Quintín Banderas?:
su viuda y una amiga.....
¿Quién inició una conspiración para derrocar a Batista un mes después que
éste diera el golpe de estado?:
profesor universitario Rafael García Bárcenas...
¿A qué famoso político ortodoxo le llamaban "Masa Boba"?
Roberto Agramonte...
¿A quién llamaban los españoles "El León Mayor"?:
Antonio Maceo...
¿El autor de Los Tres Villalobos se llamaba?:
¿Cuales fueron los cinco primeros programas americanos que vimos en la
televisión cubana?:
Love Lucy, Perry Mason, Patrulla de Caminos, Lassie y Rin Tin Tin...
¿Quién era el rey de los "rocanrroleros" cubanos
a finales de los años 50?:
¿A qué pelotero americano del club Habana le decían "Vinagre"?:
Mitzel...Y se puso de moda la frase "Me pusiste en 3 y 2 pichando
¿Cómo le llamaba Celia Cruz a su esposo Pedro?:
cabecita de algodón...
¿A qué presidente de Cuba le decían "Tiburón"? :
José Miguel Gómez, "Tiburón se baña pero salpica"...
¿Quién era "La que se defendía sola":
¿Quién gritó "¡Tierra!" al vislumbrar a Cuba en 1492?:
de Triana...
¿Qué famoso político y periodista italiano dijo: "Cuba, un país de
poca memoria"?:
¿Quién era "la del alma grande y el cuerpo flaquito"?:
¿Quién era José Sanabria:
Viejito Chichí...
¿Quién cantaba la Perrita Pequinesa?
¿Nombre del Vicepresidente de Ramón Grau San Martín?
de Cárdenas...
¿Quién era Marta Veliz?:
¿Qué acontecimiento grande ocurrió en La Habana el 4 de marzo de 1960?
explosión del barco “La Coubre”...
¿El mejor amigo de José Martí era...?
Valdés Domínguez...
En el programa “Ellos dos y alguien más” ¿quién era “alguien
criada de la casa de Minín Bujones y Eduardo Egea llamada Conchita García..
¿Cuál fue el boxeador más famoso que dio Sancti Spíritus?:
¿Nombre del sacerdote que se ponía una sotana verde olivo al triunfo
Padre (comandante) Guillermo Sardiñas...
¿Dónde se creó el Movimiento 26 de Julio?:
¿Con quién estuvo casado el joven galán de la televisión Albertico Insua?:
Olguita Guillot...
Cómo se llamaba el dueño del Cabaret Tropicana?:
¿Quién era “La Única?
¿Cacarajicara, que sabrosa es...?:
El pitcher cubano que ganó el último juego del béisbol profesional en Cuba
el 8 de febrero de 1961 fue?:
Ramos del Cienfuegos...
A quién le dio Songo?:
¿Donde estaba Eduardo R. Chibás cuando se suicidó?:
la cabina de CMQ Radio...
¿Quién fue el autor de “La Guantanamera” ?:
¿Qué sorpresa dio el actor Raymond Burr de la serie Perry
Mason que veíamos en Cuba?:
era homosexual...
¿Quién creó la novela “El Derecho de Nacer”?:
B. Caignet
¿Qué actor y cantante mexicano se metió en tremendo escándalo cuando ante
las muestras de cariño de muchas mujeres dijo “¿Qué pasa aquí, no hay
hombres en Cuba?:
¿Quién creó el programa “Reina por un día”?:
¿Qué espectacular carro tenía Orestes Miñoso?:
tremendo Cadillac verde...
¿Qué cantante cubano tenía tres apodos?:
Benito Antonio Fernández le decían “Ñico Saquito”, ”El guarachero de Oriente” y
“Compay Gato”...
Quién fue el referí más famoso de Cuba? :
el de “¡Mingoyo, la soga!”
¿Quién decía “Pon tu pensamiento en mí, y pon un vaso de agua encima del
radio” y llegó a ser Representante a la Cámara?:
Manuel Alfonso Pozo alias
¿ Andrés Arturo García
Menéndez es...?:
Además de Papá Montero ¿cómo le llamaban al gran pitcher Adolfo Luque?:
“Habana Perfecto”...
¿Dónde se fundó la Orquesta Aragón?:
¿Los caballos de Los Tres Villalobos eran...?:
Centella y Tormenta...
¿Ignacio Jacinto Villa era mejor conocido como...?:
pianista “Bola de Nieve”...
¿Qué magníficos peloteros nacieron en Güines?:
Julio “Jiquí” Moreno y Miguelito de la Oz...
¿Cuáles fueron en Cuba las primeras casas en utilizar la energía solar para
calentar agua?:
Las “Villas Jabón Candado” regaladas a los ganadores de sorteos
por la firma Crusellas...
¿Cómo se llamaba él más famoso espadachín en la radio cubana?:
“Cruz Diablo”...
¿Quién era Bartolomé Maximiliano?:
El gran Benny Moré...
¿Qué pregunta hacía el actor Agustín Campos constantemente en su papel
de “Romualdo Pinzón” en la televisión cubana?:
“¿Quieres que te haga un cake?”...
¿Por qué José Martí llevaba como segundo nombre Julián?:
Porque nació el Día de San Julián...
¿Qué boxeador anunciaba la Malta Hatuey por la
Giraldo Valdés Ponciano mas conocido como El Niño Valdés...
¿ El vicepresidente de Prío era....?
Guillermo Alonso Pujol
¿y el de Batista era?:
Rafael Guas Inclán...
¿El último lanzador Almendarista en perder un juego fue?:
Orlando Peña...
¿Cuál fue una de las mayores hazañas del Ejército Mambí?:
Cruzar la inexpugnable Trocha de Júcaro a Morón...
¿Cómo le decían al hijo del General Francisco Tabernilla?:
¿De qué gran programa fue autor Cástor Vispo?:
De La Tremenda Corte...
¿Cómo le dicen actualmente al famoso trago “Cuba Libre”?:
¿Quién era "Raffles"?:
El ladrón de las manos de seda...
¿Qué tenían en común, además del amor por Cuba, Doña Mariana Grajales y
Máximo Gómez?:
Que la sangre que corría por sus venas era dominicana...
¿Qué gran error cometíamos los cubanos con Emilio Ruiz?:
Creernos que el famoso “Chino Wong” era chino y en realidad era tan cubano
como usted y yo...
¿Quién escribió la poesía “José de los Cubanos”:
Francisco Riverón Hernández...
¿Quién se postuló para presidente de la F.E.U. en 1959 representando al
Movimiento 26 de Julio contra Rolando Cubela? :
Pedro Luis Boitel..
¿Los hermanos Abel y Goar Mestre le compraron CMQ Televisión a los
Miguel y Angel Cambó Ruiz...
¿"El Caballero del tango" era...?:
Manolo Fernández...
¿El galán de la televisión cubana que participó en la invasión de Playa Girón
Carlos Alberto Badías...
¿ A quién le dieron el titulo de "Protector de los
A Fray Bartolomé de las Casas...
¿En que programa, durante los inicios de la televisión cubana, trabajaban
Ramoncito Veloz, Lilia Lazo y Pepa Berrios la esposa del primer "Mr.Televisión" de
Cuba Rolando Ochoa?:
En La Familia Pilón...
¿La primera película cubana de largo metraje actuada por Carlos Badías,
Pituka de Foronda y Aníbal de Mar fue:
“La Serpiente Roja”...
¿El “umpire” más famoso en Cuba era...?:
Amado Maestri...
¿El original "Mr. Babalú" era...?:
¿ ¿Quién hacía el papel de "Prematura" en la televisión?:
¿El Director de la Loteria Nacional era?:
coronel Gonzalo García Pedroso. "Gonzalito"...
¿Cómo se llamaba la Universidad católica de La Habana?:
Tomás de Villanueva...
¿Los tres programas fenomenales de Cuba fueron?:
Regalías, Casino de la Alegría y Jueves de Partagás...
¿Qué hacía el médico cubano Clemente Inclán?:
el rector de la Universidad de La Habana...
¿Después de Lassie cual era el perro más conocido en Cuba?:
Tin Tin...
¿De donde venía el nombre del galán de la televisión cubana Jorge Félix?
honor a Jorge Negrete y María Félix...
SOBERING: This Altercation With A
Muslim In The UK Should Be A Wake Up Call to America (VIDEO)
is what happens when the law of the land is so-called ‘tolerance’ and it trumps
common sense. Forward
this to every liberal who thinks this ‘Religion of Peace’ is not a threat to
RACISM 101: Ferguson Cops To Be
Trained On How Not To Be Racist by DOJ
Holder needs to make sure that cops in Ferguson are taught how not to be a
racist. Check it out…
Mo. — The head of the Justice Department’s Community Oriented Policing Services is planning to return to
St. Louis in the next few weeks with the goal of helping to ease the tensions
between police and black residents in the greater St. Louis area.
Director Ronald Davis said in an interview with The Huffington Post this week
that his office will offer training not only to police in the small town of
Ferguson, where unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot by a white officer
earlier this month, but also to various other law enforcement agencies in the
community voice has been loud and clear, and I heard the same thing on the
ground as far as the community having little to no trust in the police in
general in that area. And in talking to the police leaders, I think there was
an acknowledgement that that is the feeling of a section of the community,”
Davis said. He explained that his office’s assistance would be “more long-term”
and that it would address the “strained relationship between law enforcement
and the community.”
Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern
Wide open border.
terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and
planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born
improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement,
intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning
bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued. Agents
across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all
been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and
sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.
Specifically, Judicial Watch sources reveal that the militant
group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be
operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across
from El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S.
State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone planning to
go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago.
officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist
groups are going to “carry out an attack on the border,” according to one JW
source. “It’s coming very soon,” according to this high-level source, who
clearly identified the groups planning the plots as “ISIS and Al Qaeda.” An
attack is so imminent that the commanding general at Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army
post in El Paso, is being briefed, another source confirms. The Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) did not respond to multiple inquiries from Judicial
Watch, both telephonic and in writing, about this information.
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
The Federal Government is Failing in Its Most Important Function. by David
L. Goetsch
writing about the operation of the federal government, I typically find myself
bemoaning the extra-constitutional actions of elected officials and unelected
bureaucrats. In point of fact, it has been a long time since the federal
government restricted it actions to those prescribed for it in the
Constitution. As a result the federal government has become an intrusive,
usurping behemoth that bullies its way into every aspect of American live. But
in this column, I complain not that the federal government is doing too much,
but that it is doing too little—at least in one critical area of responsibility.
The area of neglect I refer to is providing for the safety and security
of the American people.
The most fundamental
function of the federal government is to protect the American people. Above all
else the federal government is responsible for protecting our safety, security,
and constitutional freedoms, a responsibility it is failing to fulfill. This
failure has two aspects: 1) Policies, procedures, actions, and lack of action
that make us vulnerable to our enemies; and 2) Creation of
an environment in which the worship of tolerance makes it difficult for
individual Americans to protect themselves.
Most readers of my
columns can enumerate the policy failures of the federal government that are
making us vulnerable to our enemies. Domestic policies and actions that weaken
the economy make us more vulnerable. The list of these harmful policies and
actions is a long one that is still growing. There are the lies and hidden
costs of Obamacare that are undermining the quality and availability of
healthcare; the rapid growth of welfare that is putting an additional strain on
the economy; distortions in presenting the real unemployment numbers; bailouts
that did not work; irresponsible investments in alternative energy sources that
can provide minimal benefits at best; encouragement of the entitlement
mentality; no leadership on immigration so that our borders are open to ISIS
and other terrorist groups; a burgeoning list of costly regulations; the
mishandling of homosexuality in the military such that it is damaging the
morale of our troops; poor handling of the pullout from Iraq and the drawdown
in Afghanistan; a lack of leadership in dealing with Iran’s nuclear threat; the
projection of weakness in Benghazi, Crimea, Ukraine, and Syria; the haphazard,
too-little-too-late approach to ISIS in Iraq; meekly referring to terrorist
attacks against American soldiers as workplace violence instead of calling it
what it is—terrorism; swapping terrorist leaders for an American deserter; and
the list goes on and on.
bad as the domestic and foreign policy blunders of the current administration
have been in making Americans more vulnerable to outside enemies, an anti-gun,
politically-correct environment that ties the hands of private citizens is
making us just as vulnerable to attacks of Americans against Americans. It is
the federal government that has created and is perpetuating this dangerous
environment in which private citizens are discouraged from protecting
themselves against the criminal element of society. The federal government
provides more protection to domestic criminals than to its own citizens.
of liberal policies that advocate—make that demand—tolerance, we are tolerating
things that undermine our safety and security. At the same time, the government
is trying to tie our hands through anti-gun legislation and other misguided
initiatives in ways that prevent us from protecting ourselves. Hence, not only
is the federal government not doing enough to protect American citizens, it has
become a major contributor to our vulnerability.
of you who have to endure TSA groping when you fly are probably thinking I have
lost my mind. If so, bear with me for a few more lines. Yes, the federal
government is prone to overdo it at airports, but in point of fact all of TSA’s
intrusive ministrations are more for the sake of appearance than security.
Taking nail clippers away from harassed passengers and strip-searching little
old ladies does little to protect the flying public from what TSA should be
looking for: terrorists. If you want to know how the government can protect the
flying public from terrorists, study how the government of Israel handles this
obligation. Government officials in Israel don’t just use profiling in
screening passengers, they take the concept to the highest possible level, and
they are not concerned about hurting anyone’s feelings or being politically
correct. In Israel, political correctness can be fatal. Consequently, Israeli
officials laugh at the groping ministrations of TSA.
schools have long since eliminated corporal punishment, or any kind of
effective punishment for that matter. Not only can teachers and administrators
no longer discipline young miscreants, they can’t even protect themselves from
them. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics and the
federal Bureau of Justice, during the 2011-12 school year almost 210,000
teachers were attacked by students. In fact, 1,175 teachers are attacked by
students everyday during the school year. Yet, let teachers physically defend
themselves and they risk losing their jobs or worse.
about this subject, columnist Walter Williams made the point that, “Starting in
the 1950s, following Dr. Benjamin Spock’s advice, what worked for centuries was
exchanged for what sounded good.” Williams is right on target, as usual, which
means that the beatings teachers are taking from students are, in a manner of
speaking, self-inflicted. Teachers are now reaping what they have sewn by
adopting ridiculously soft policies that fail to acknowledge the nature of
human beings.
the other hand, teachers are not wholly to blame for what is happening in their
profession. Let teachers take prudent and necessary steps to defend themselves
from students who are better suited for a prison cell than a classroom and they
will face a firestorm from anti-gun, mollycoddling government bureaucrats who
are more interested in political correctness than in protecting teachers. In
many states, private citizens are not even allowed to protect themselves in
their own homes, on their own property, or in their own vehicles.
criminal element is not influenced by the fact that laws make it illegal to do
the things they do on a regular basis, and criminals—no matter how young—know
what they can get away with. As a result, criminals both young and old, are
beginning to control American society while law-abiding citizens as well as the
police have their hands tied behind their backs by government policies that
favor those who engage in destructive, violent behavior. The federal government
with its anti-gun obsession and dedication to political correctness has created
an environment in which Americans are afraid to defend themselves and protect
their property. We have become a vulnerable society, and the fault lies with
the federal government, the very government that is supposed to protect us.
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
Lázaro R. González
“En mi opinión” No 741
“En mi opinión” Sabado,
Agosto 30, 2014
Los votantes deben eliminar en las próximas elecciones a
todos los políticos actuales, si es posible encarcelarlos, porque son actores
de todos los robos y disparates que casi todos cometen.
Amenper: Obama Strategy…..questions
President Obama called ISIS a “jayvee” terrorist group, which he was warned
about two years ago. So my first question is to King Obama is: Do you still
think ISIS is “jayvee”?
A “jayvee” is a member of a junior varsity in a university sport team that
is somebody of minor importance compared with the senior varsity.
Now our president says “the entire world is appalled” at the beheading of
James Foley.
I disagree, the world is not appalled like Obama. The world is terrorized,
and is taking it seriously.
I quote from Alan Bullock's biography “Hitler: A Study in Tyranny.” In
discussing violence and terror, Bullock wrote: “Hitler here hit upon a
psychological fact which was to prove of great importance in the history of the
Nazi movement: that violence and terror have their own propaganda value, and
that the display of physical force attracts as many as it repels.”
We know that this is as true today as it was in the 1930s
The president says that he was simply appalled, but the whole country feels
terrorized with the surge of ISIS and the probability that it could hit our
The ISIS strategy and propaganda is working as well as it worked for the
Nazis, here and abroad.
Our president lack of strategy is not working.
The president confessed that he has not a strategy against ISIS. Then he
goes to a political party to raise fund for his party.
Well, it is an improvement to going to play golf.
The questions are:
¿Is Obama really interested in defeating ISIS?
Is Obama aware of the dangers of Islam?
Or Is Obama part of the problem?
I leave the answers to you.
“EMO” Es que no estoy seguro de opinar que
Obama es un presidente “jayvee” “traídor” o “comemierda” LRGM.
10:31 PM (12 hours
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Erick Holder multo a Bank of America en mas
de 17mil Millones de Dolares y repartio miles entre Organizaciones como Acorn
(esta org. fue sorprendida por el FBI en fraude de votos) , Tambien la Org.
conocida como La Raza de Izquierda y otras mas y tambien repartio dinero en
comunidades de orientacion democrata.
Recuerden Obama no podria hacer estas cosas
sin el apoyo de los Senadores Democratas, ellos son tan o mas culpables que el.
Ahora queda ver
si las Cadenas Noticiosas, la mayoria Liberales, Ultra Liberales y de Izquierda
, aunque no lo digan ponen esta nocicias.
Home » IBD
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Holder Cut Left-Wing Groups In On $17 Bil
BofA Deal
General Eric Holder, center, joined by Associate Attorney General Tony West,
right, U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey Paul... View Enlarged Image
Extortion: Radical Democrat activist groups stand to
collect millions from Attorney General Eric Holder's record $17 billion deal to
settle alleged mortgage abuse charges against Bank of America.
in the fine print of the deal, which includes $7 billion in soft-dollar
consumer relief, are a raft of political payoffs to Obama constituency groups.
In effect, the government has ordered the nation's largest bank to create a
massive slush fund for Democrat special interests.
requiring billions in debt forgiveness payments to delinquent borrowers in
Cleveland, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Oakland, Detroit, Chicago and other Democrat
strongholds — and up to $500 million to cover personal taxes owed on those
checks — the deal requires BofA to make billions in new loans, while also
building affordable low-income rental housing in those areas.
there are leftover funds in four years, the settlement stipulates the money
will go to Interest on Lawyers' Trust Account (IOLTA), which provides legal aid
for the poor and supports left-wing causes, and NeighborWorks of America, which
provides affordable housing and funds a national network of left-wing community
organizers operating in the mold of Acorn.
fact, in 2008 and 2009, NeighborWorks awarded a whopping $25 million to Acorn
2011 alone, NeighborWorks shelled out $35 million in "affordable housing
grants" to 115 such groups, according to its website. Recipients included
the radical Affordable Housing Alliance, which pressures banks to make
high-risk loans in low-income neighborhoods and which happens to be the former
employer of HUD's chief "fair housing" enforcer.
gets extra credit if it makes at least $100 million in direct donations to
IOLTA and housing activist groups approved by HUD.
to the list provided by Justice, those groups include come of the most radical
bank shakedown organizations in the country, including:
La Raza, which pressures banks to expand their credit box to qualify more
low-income Latino immigrants for home loans;
National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Washington's most aggressive
lobbyist for the disastrous Community Reinvestment Act;
Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America, whose director calls himself a
"bank terrorist;"
Operation Hope, a South Central Los Angeles group that's pressuring banks to
make "dignity mortgages" for deadbeats.
one group eligible for BofA slush funds is a spin-off of Acorn Housing's branch
in New York.
now rebranded as Mutual Housing Association of New York, or MHANY. HUD lists
MHANY's contact as Ismene Speliotis, who previously served as New York director
of Acorn Housing.
UH, OH: Michael Brown Allegedly Involved in Second Degree
Murder Case
The innocent angel that was
compared to Jesus might have some more skeletons in his closet than we thought.
Check this out…
Charles C. Johnson, the Editor-in-Chief of Got News and the investigator
who debunked the Everytown shootings map,
is suing the St. Louis County Court to release Ferguson shooting victim Michael
Brown’s juvenile arrest records.
As relayed by the website, Johnson claims
that he has “confirmed” Michael Brown was arrested in a case involving
second-degree murder:
Johnson earlier reported on
Twitter that he had two contacts in the St. Louis Police Department tell him
that Michael Brown had a juvenile criminal record, thus prompting the lawsuit:
Amenper: Prejuicios y
(Reuters) - Un guardia de seguridad
de 70 años de edad, herido en abril mientras ayudando a someter a un estudiante
en un incidente de violencia en un High School en Pennsylvania , fue despedido
la semanas pasada sin ninguna razón o explicación, justo antes del comienzo del
nuevo año escolar, dijo el lunes su abogado. Este hombre fue despedido
simplemente por ser "demasiado viejo"
Creo en que existen prejuicios y discriminación en todas sus
Es bueno no engañarse y no creer en que existen personas que
viven y actúan con estos prejuicios y discriminan contra los que pertenecemos a
un grupo discriminado.
En mi patria de origen pertenecía a una clase media alta,
natal, los prejuicios que esto traía en la sociedad de corte socialista, me
marcaron durante la revolución, pero no ignoraba esto aún antes de la
revolución, y como estaba consciente de esto y pude manejar la
situación para defenderme, y defender a mi familia de peores resultados,
emigrando a tiempo para que no pudieran destruirme con su discriminación.
Después llegué a un país donde pasé a ser un minoritario
visto por la sociedad establecida como un ser extranjero y con una percepción
de que no tenía derecho a llegar a ser parte de la élite económica del
nativo. Los que estuvimos conscientes de las limitaciones que traían
la percepción de prejuicios, buscamos huecos dentro del sistemas y logramos
superar los prejuicios, no sólo en Miami, donde los cubanos encontramos el
hueco de crear una subcultura dominante, pero en otras partes del mundo.
Después caí en un nuevo grupo víctima de los prejuicios que
afectan su desenvolvimiento en la sociedad.
Caí en la clasificación de viejo. Como en todos
los grupos discriminados, el concepto de grupo y sus percepciones prejuiciados,
crean la injusticia de la discriminación, de considerar los estereotipos fijos
sin considerar al individuo.
Sin lugar a dudas hay personas que a la edad de 70 años
están incapacitados para ciertas posiciones, algunos se encuentran ya en asilos
de ancianos. Pero hay personas de 70 y hasta 80 años que están
capacitados para el trabajo que están desenvolviendo. Castigarlos
por la edad es discriminación.
O sea que el prejuicio y la discriminación
existen. Lo que es aberrante es cuando un grupo usa esta premisa
real para obtener beneficios. El caso del guardia en la nota de prensa de
Reuter, a pesar de sus 70 años pudo someter a un estudiante, estaba capacitado
para su cargo. Es una injusticia discriminatoria el despedirlo por
ser “Viejo” para el puesto como hubiera sido algo injusto que el hombre pidiera
privilegios por ser “viejo”.
Yo no pido beneficios por ser hispano ni por ser viejo, no
me considero ni hispano ni viejo en mi vida cotidiana, no pido privilegios, ni
siquiera pido que me traten bien, esto es algo que mi conducta en la sociedad,
me lo otorga en la práctica, porque a los anglos y los jóvenes no les queda más
remedio que aceptar mi posición en la sociedad y en el estrato económico.
Hay discriminación, los delincuentes tienen prejuicios
contra la policía, y esto le ha costado la vida a más policías que los policías
que pueden haber quitado la vida a delincuentes por prejuicios.
Hay discriminación de la sociedad establecida contra los
inmigrantes, pero hay más discriminación por parte de los inmigrantes que
invaden ilegalmente la vida de la sociedad establecida y tratan de imponer sus
leyes y valores en esta sociedad establecida.
Hay discriminación de blancos contra los negros, pero hay
más discriminación cuando los negros usan su raza para vivir con subsidios del
trabajo de los blancos y piden privilegios por pertenecer a este grupo
La individualidad del ser humano es lo único que se debe
considerar cuando nuestra condición de prejuicio nos presente en una
oportunidad de tratar a un miembro de un grupo establecido.
Anglos, hispanos, negros, jóvenes y viejos no son conceptos
fijos, en cada grupo hay todo tipo de personas y no se puede tratar a todos
igual por el prejuicio del grupo.
Es malo tratar a una persona por prejuicio de grupo, pero
creo que es peor cuando parte de este grupo, usa el prejuicio de los demás para
agitar y tatar de obtener privilegios no por sus atributos personales pero por
pertenecer al grupo.
¿Creen que estoy equivocado? ¿Creen que mi opinión no tiene
ningún valor porque soy un viejo “cagalistroso” que por mi edad estoy
“chochando” senilmente?‘
Si piensan así con unos discriminadores con prejuicios hacia
los viejos, y puede esperar una llamada de mi abogado.
Recuerden que dentro de cada viejo todavía vive la mente de
un joven, aunque en algunos casos el joven sea vago y no muy brillante.
Democratic Senator Caught In A Big Scandal That Could Help The GOP Take The
...Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu is in full
damage control mode.
the sort of thorny political problem that’s popped the
campaign balloons of other lawmakers seeking re-election — the
residency question…where does the candidate actually live? It’s also the
kind of issue that could help decide not only who is elected to the Senate
from Louisiana, but also which party controls the upper chamber after the
campaign of embattled Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu is in full damage control
mode. Major news organizations — The New York Times, CNN,
and USAToday–are
picking up on the story first reported by the Washington Post –
serious questions raised about Sen. Landrieu’s residency…does she, in fact,
live in Louisiana, the state she represents?
original Post story notes that Landrieu and her husband
live in a multi-million-dollar mansion near the Capitol in Washington, D.C. —
declared in regulatory documents filed by the senator. However, Sen.
Landrieu’s voter registration reportedly lists as her residence a home in New
Orleans owned by her parents.
Here in Louisiana,
however, the Democrat does not have a home of her own. She is registered to
vote at a large bungalow in New Orleans that her parents have lived in for many
decades, according to a Washington Post review of Landrieu’s federal financial
disclosures and local property and voting records.
a statement of candidacy Landrieu filed with the Federal Election
Commission in January, she listed her Capitol Hill home as her address. But
when qualifying for the ballot in Louisiana last week, she listed the family’s
raised-basement home here on South Prieur Street.
The New
Orleans house, which Landrieu claims as her primary residence, is a new flash
point in one of the most closely contested Senate races in the country.
Republicans are considering taking legal action to question Landrieu’s
residency in the state, arguing that since winning her seat in 1996 she has
become a creature of Washington.
The New York Times article points out the immediate attack from
Landrieu’s main opponent in the upcoming mid-term election:
Landrieu…just chooses Louisiana to get reelected,” the challenger,
Representative Bill Cassidy, a Republican, posted on Twitter.
Landrieu’s campaign defended the senator’s living arrangements, noting that she
and her family own the New Orleans home together and that Ms. Landrieu and her
husband pay taxes and vote in the state.
CNN observes that the critical question of
residency has severely impacted the political fortunes of other candidates:
question of home state residency has hurt other senate candidates recently.
Former Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana, lost his seat in the last election cycle
after it was revealed he lived in McLean, Virginia, not in the Hoosier state.
Similar questions were raised about Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, this year although
he was able to win his primary and is expected to be re-elected.
latest brouhaha has served to darken the cloud already overhanging Mary
Landrieu’s senatorial campaign. As Politico recently reported, serious questions of
potentially improper travel expensing have also dogged the Louisiana Democrat.
Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu is under renewed scrutiny for potentially
violating campaign finance laws by tapping official Senate funds to cover the
cost of fundraising trips.
is among the lawmakers the GOP believes it can defeat in its bid to take over
the Senate and oust Harry Reid as Majority Leader.
You can save your breath, frantic
Obama apologists. There is no
way to spin the unmitigated disaster of this hapless President
toddling to the podium yesterday and announcing to the world that he doesn’t
have a strategy for defeating ISIS yet. The pants-wetting terror that
immediately gripped everyone in the White House, and every dead-ender Obama-worshiping
pundit, tells the true tale of how epic a blunder this was.
It wasn’t just a “gaffe.” It
was nothing less than Barack Obama conceding victory to ISIS in Round One of
the new great war. Get it through your skulls, kids: the President of the
United States just ratified the existence of the Islamic State, admitted
they’re going to get away with murdering American hostages, and threw in the
towel on any hope of reversing their invasion of Iraq. He just told the
enemy, which most certainly does have
strategies and is not shy about advertising them, that they have the initiative. They’re calling the shots.
The Golfer-in-Chief is still reacting, spinning, and fidgeting like a
little kid stuck in detention, because he really wants to get back to the fun
stuff - like handing out amnesty to illegal aliens, maneuvering
unconstitutional “climate change” treaties past Congress, picking fights with
his domestic political opponents, raising money for his Party, and hanging out
with his fawning admirers in the press corps. He’s really bummed out that
he has to keep dealing with head-chopping terrorists and Russians who like to
go for joyrides in armored fighting vehicles.
Watch the
visibly stunned folks at CNN wonder what three-dimensional chess game Obama might
have been playing by telling the enemy he’s got no plans to defeat them:
Let me help you out, CNN folks: the
problem here is not a lack of strategic planning at the Pentagon. The problem is political - the howling void
of leadership at the White House. The Pentagon has plans for defeating
ISIS. It has plans for defeating just about everyone tucked in electronic
filing cabinets, but rest assured the ISIS plans are spread out on the table at
the moment. The problem is that Obama doesn’t want to take responsibility
for any of them. His primary concern is the political damage he and his
Party will suffer if his Bush-hating kook base has to watch him commit American
ground forces to combat in Iraq. He won’t do that until ISIS hits us
harder, and leaves him with no choice.
Once again: the enemy has the initiative. They already knew that, but it’s
profoundly unhelpful to have the President of the United States admit it to the
entire world in a press conference.
When Obama wants to do something, he’s got his huge
staff of retainers working through the night to hammer out elaborate
strategies. There’s nothing but political cost involved in fighting ISIS,
especially since the intelligence community is looking pretty dour about the
possibility of using a few airstrikes to back up proxies – the Iraqi army, the
“moderate” Syrian rebels, the Kurds – while they mop up the Islamic State for
us. Notice how Obama rambled on about how he’s willing to order a few
zero-risk bombings here and there, when the “opportunity presents itself” (a
hilarious way to describe how globally-tramsitted footage of an impending
genocide finally brought Obama off the links to do something.)
That seems like a far cry from the
big speech he gave after his good friend “Jim” Foley was murdered on video, a
speech where he spoke in terms of erasing the Islamic State from history,
blowing them out of a 21st Century in which they have no place. But
remember, all of Obama’s ostensible “anger” in that speech was passive. He thinks the caliphate will
implode on its own, or be wiped out by its enemies, perhaps with a little
American support. His comments on Thursday were the ultimate humiliation
of the Obama supporters who insisted he gave a magnificent speech after Foley’s
killing. Like hell he
did. He didn’t put an enemy on notice and seize the initiative against
them. He punted. And he just told the
world he’ll punt again, if the enemy lets him have the ball back.
Josh Rogin at the Daily Beast writes about the behind-the-scenes
drama that led to Obama’s astounding declaration of non-strategy:
After a week of talk
of eliminating the “cancer” of ISIS, President Obama said Thursday
that he was not planning to significantly expand the war against the Islamic
extremist movement anytime soon.
His remarks came after days of
heated debate inside the top levels of his own national security bureaucracy
about how, where, and whether to strike ISIS in Syria. But those deliberations
– which included a bleak intelligence assessment of America’s potential allies
in Syria — failed to produce a consensus battle plan. And so Obama, who has
long been reluctant to enter into the Syrian conflict, told
reporters Thursday that “we don’t have a strategy yet” for confronting
ISIS on a regional level.
Those inside the administration
advocating for going after ISIS in both Iraq and Syria were sorely disappointed
– and lamented their boss’s lack of urgency in rooting out a threat that only
days before was being described in near-apocalyptic terms.
“Senior strategists in the U.S.
government have been working hard all week to gather multiple options that the
president had asked for to strike ISIS in Syria. There was a deep rooted belief
among many — especially among military circles — that the ISIS threat can’t be
kicked down the road, that it needs to be confronted now, and in a holistic
way,” said one Obama administration official who works on the Middle East.
“This press conference is going to lead to even more doubt by those that
thought that this White House was ready to take meaningful action against ISIS
across the board.”
Oh, I don’t know about that, unnamed Obama Administration
official. I don’t think anyone really has any more doubts about whether
this White House is going to take “meaningful action against ISIS across the
board.” The terror state Obama permitted to take root in Iraq is
well-equipped, well-funded, and highly effective on the battlefield, thanks to
a combination of combat experience in Syria and tactical support from former
officers in Saddam Hussein’s military who have joined up. (Imagine what
ISIS would be like if Saddam was still in power, and could put the full might
of his military and economy behind their efforts.) This is the most
battlefield-capable jihadi force ever assembled. That’s why serious
planners are throwing cold water on the idea of trashing them with a local
military coalition and modest American air power. The “moderate” Syrian
rebels have no appetite for abandoning their fight against Bashar Assad to
serve as Obama’s foot soldiers; their leaders have openly stated they don’t
trust American leadership. The Iraqi army hasn’t evolved into a force
that can beat ISIS yet, if it ever will. The Kurds are serious players,
but they’re understandably more interested in defending their home ground than
launching an invasion.
The fourth
potential proxy against ISIS is Bashar Assad himself, and he’s got rather
obvious reasons to place little value on Obama bluster about red lines and the
“wrong side of history.” None of those potential proxies is going to be
inspired by the spectacle of Obama dressing up like a Century 21 realty agent
and giving a speech where he admits he doesn’t have a plan for victory.
Assad would like ISIS out of Syria, to be sure, but it’s debatable how
urgently he wants them gone, since they serve the useful function of keeping
his regime’s opponents divided, and supporters grateful for his protection.
The only
strategy Obama was willing to accept – helping other people wipe out the
Islamic State – appears to be a non-starter, so he’s going to roll the dice and
hope the enemy doesn’t do anything that would force him to act. They win
the first battle against Obama walking away; arguably they won on the day he
recklessly pulled American forces out of Iraq and refused to heed warnings that
a dangerous new enemy was coming across the border, a moment when American air
power very well might have prevented the Islamic State from taking root.
As much as anything else, Thursday’s press conference was Obama telling
the enemy they can have the field for now, as long as they don’t back him into
a corner. In the weeks to come, we’ll learn if they want to shove him
into that corner anyway.
Update: The United Kingdom is elevating its
defensive posture and warning of a “severe” terror threat this morning.
Hopefully the terrorists will have the good manners to hold off on doing
anything until Barack Obama wraps up his fundraisers of the day.
Update: I’d suggest modifying the Obama
Excuse-o-Meter to say that if the spinner lands on a black line, it means “No
No se trata de un nuevo episodio de ciencia ficción que emula la
Guerra de las Galaxias, sino lamentablemente algo más catastrófico y real que
es el terror ocasionado en Siria e Irak por las fuerzas brutales del Califato
del Estado Islámico impuesto
por fuerzas extremistas y
primitivas del Yihad con el apoyo de las milicias del ISIS apertrechadas con
armamentos sofisticados.
La prensa internacional ha dado pruebas ante
la opinión pública mundial a través de fotografías y documentales reseñando las
decapitaciones, la esclavitud de mujeres y la crueldad de la represión
contra cristianos, curdos, yazidies y contra todo aquel que no
renuncie de manera pública a sus convicciones religiosas para proclamarse
seguidor de un Corán interpretado con odio integrista (aun en contra de otros
musulmanes que se proclaman chiitas) y no con el amor propiciado por el Profeta
el horror de los habitantes del Mosul, Raqqa y tantas otras ciudades y
poblaciones de Siria e Irak, afectadas por la crueldad genocida, sus refugiados
se han desplazado hacia las fronteras de Turquía, Líbano, y otros países.
llamado de desesperación de quienes luchan por sobrevivir, ha logrado la
atención del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos y de algunos aliados de la Unión Europea,
quienes se han activado por la vía de acciones militares puntuales, para
abrirle el camino a las fuerzas del orden de Bagdad con el fin de liberar
ciudades ocupadas, algunas mayoritariamente cristianas como Batmalya y
Telasqaf, y otras poblaciones afectadas por una “guerra islámica” medioeval y
sin sentido que aplasta a todos los que profesan una fe distinta a la de los
fuerzas militares de países como Estados Unidos y algunos de los países
miembros de la OTAN, han podido realizar acciones de manera limitada en
el Irak. Pero la situación es mucho más compleja en Siria porque el genocida
Bashir Al Assad -quien también ha perseguido a minorías de cristianos y de
opositores a su régimen- es igualmente enemigo del Estado Islámico que es uno
de los actores enfrentados a Damasco. Por otra parte, la frontera entre Irak y
Siria ha venido desapareciendo, lo que obliga a que la estrategia contra el
Estado Islámico deba estar basada en sumar a aliados regionales que coincidan
en enfrentar las milicias fundamentalistas del ISIS.
cierto es que la solución tanto en esa región como en el resto del Medio
Oriente, no puede basarse solamente en una acción militar. Por más que los
Imperios Contra-ataquen, el único camino viable es la tolerancia, y ella solo
se puede construir asegurando la libertad y el cumplimiento de los principios
consagrados en la Carta de las Naciones Unidas adaptándola a los alcances y al
espíritu de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, basados en los
dos pilares fundamentales: El cumplimiento de las Metas del Milenio en lo
social y asegurar una convivencia basada en las libertades y en la
dignidad de todos los hombres y mujeres de la región.
en estos momentos, lo más urgente es asegurar la sobrevivencia de millones de
habitantes ante la brutal horda que conducen los extremistas de una guerra
primitiva que requiere que los Imperios Contra-Ataquen para evitar que continúe
la masacre actual
Jimmy Carter AHORA A FAVOR DE LOS TERRORISTAS... Es Verdaderamente
Increible… Carter A Favor Del Terrorismo… “EMO” No sé por qué se
escandalizan con esto. No Jimmy Carter que siempre ha sido anormal y estúpido,
en mi opinión… Todos los Demócratas son la misma plasta de m... Lázaro R González Miño
Jimmy Carter to Headline Fundraiser for Hamas Front Group
(Brian Kersey/Stringer/Getty Images)
Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 01:51 PM
By John Blosser
Former President Jimmy Carter will headline a fundraising convention for
Hamas, a group which has been recognized by the U.S. as a terrorist
organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
Breitbart News reports that Carter, 89, long known as a supporter of Hamas in its struggle with Israel, will be welcomed this weekend to the Detroit event by members of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), implicated by the Justice Department in a scheme to funnel $12 million to Hamas.
Breitbart News reports that Carter, 89, long known as a supporter of Hamas in its struggle with Israel, will be welcomed this weekend to the Detroit event by members of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), implicated by the Justice Department in a scheme to funnel $12 million to Hamas.
Samitier: Hoy el New York Time Pone en
Primera Plana. Las Últimas Declaraciones De Kerry Pidiendo
AYUDA MUNDIAL Para Vencer El Terrorismo…
Los Politiqueros Nos Hacen Creer Que SOLO NO PODEMOS…
En la Segunda Guerra… Hitler Hubiera Vencido… Si No hubiera
Sido por la ayuda americana a Rusia y a Inglaterra…
No lo digo yo; Lo dijeron Churchill por Inglaterra y Nikita
Kruschov por Rusia…
Fuera de los 5 Grandes Países… Ninguno De los Otros 188 Países miembros
De la ONU… Pueden Cambiar La Historia Sin Que
Uno De Los 5 Grandes
Los Ayude…
Democratic Senator Caught In A Big Scandal That Could Help The GOP Take The
...Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu is in full
damage control mode.
It’s the
sort of thorny political problem that’s popped the
campaign balloons of other lawmakers seeking re-election — the
residency question…where does the candidate actually live? It’s also the
kind of issue that could help decide not only who is elected to the Senate
from Louisiana, but also which party controls the upper chamber after the
campaign of embattled Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu is in full damage control
mode. Major news organizations — The New York Times, CNN,
and USAToday–are
picking up on the story first reported by the Washington Post –
serious questions raised about Sen. Landrieu’s residency…does she, in fact, live
in Louisiana, the state she represents?
original Post story notes that Landrieu and
her husband live in a multi-million-dollar mansion near the Capitol in
Washington, D.C. — declared in regulatory documents filed by the senator.
However, Sen. Landrieu’s voter registration reportedly lists as her residence a
home in New Orleans owned by her parents.
in Louisiana, however, the Democrat does not have a home of her own. She is
registered to vote at a large bungalow in New Orleans that her parents have
lived in for many decades, according to a Washington Post review of Landrieu’s
federal financial disclosures and local property and voting records.
a statement of candidacy Landrieu filed with the Federal Election
Commission in January, she listed her Capitol Hill home as her address. But
when qualifying for the ballot in Louisiana last week, she listed the
family’s raised-basement home here on South Prieur Street.
New Orleans house, which Landrieu claims as her primary residence, is a new
flash point in one of the most closely contested Senate races in the country.
Republicans are considering taking legal action to question Landrieu’s
residency in the state, arguing that since winning her seat in 1996 she has
become a creature of Washington.
The New York Times article points out the
immediate attack from Landrieu’s main opponent in the upcoming mid-term
Landrieu…just chooses Louisiana to get reelected,” the challenger,
Representative Bill Cassidy, a Republican, posted on Twitter.
Landrieu’s campaign defended the senator’s living arrangements, noting that she
and her family own the New Orleans home together and that Ms. Landrieu and her
husband pay taxes and vote in the state.
CNN observes that the critical
question of residency has severely impacted the political fortunes of other
question of home state residency has hurt other senate candidates recently.
Former Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana, lost his seat in the last election cycle
after it was revealed he lived in McLean, Virginia, not in the Hoosier state.
Similar questions were raised about Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, this year
although he was able to win his primary and is expected to be re-elected.
latest brouhaha has served to darken the cloud already overhanging Mary
Landrieu’s senatorial campaign. As Politico recently reported, serious
questions of potentially improper travel expensing have also dogged the
Louisiana Democrat.
Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu is under renewed scrutiny for potentially
violating campaign finance laws by tapping official Senate funds to cover the
cost of fundraising trips.
is among the lawmakers the GOP believes it can defeat in its bid to take over
the Senate and oust Harry Reid as Majority Leader. Read more at
De la Cuba “Destruida” Por El Castro-Comunismo…
son Triviales… otras Son IMPORTANTISIMA…
Dan A Conocer Como Desde El 4 de Septiembre 1933…
Pueblo De Cuba Fue Manipulado… Por la Prensa La Cual
Totalmente “CONTROLADA” Por El Comunismo…
Todos sabemos cómo se llamaba la madre de Carlos Prío…:
Parte de su POLITICA darla a conocer… La capitana del Ejército
Doña Regla Socarrás... Cuyo Padre Fue Fusilado En Pinar Del Rio
los Españoles… Pero…
Llegó Prio a Presidente… sin que
pueblo supiera… ni siguiera se mencionará… ¿Quién fue
padre? Hasta el día de Hoy no
se quien fue…
Para DENIGRAR a la segunda esposa de Batista… Se dio a conocer
Y aun en el exilio se sigue REPITIENDO…
se conocieron Batista y su segunda esposa Marta Fernández?:
fue atropellada por el carro donde viajaba Fulgencio... y desde luego…
de haber tenido un amor extra-matrimonial…
denigraban a Martí…
¿De que murió la Niña de Guatemala?:
que murió de frío, yo sé que murió de amor... (hasta de un aborto por
ejemplo… el cual es INDISCUTIBLE…
¿Cuál Es El Segundo Verdadero Nombre De Fidel?:
No es Alejandro… es Hipólito... ¿Quién era Hipólito? Un Amigo Haitiano del
La prensa de Cuba Republicana…Tapó Casi Todo Lo Concerniente A Fidel
que llegar al EXILIO… para entéranos que era
el hijo de la CRIADA
de la Casa…
Qué No fue reconocido hasta que tenía 12 años…etc. etc. La Prensa
en Cuba
Estaba TOTALMENTE CONTROLADA por personas disfrazadas de “SOCIALISTAS”
–Verdaderos comunistas SECRETOS…
¿Qué cubano se hizo conocido subiendo el palo encebado en “Aquí
todos hacen de todo"?:
cuando Germán Pinelli le gritaba “¡Sube, Pelayo, sube!”...
¿Quién ganó la mayor cantidad de dinero en el programa “La pregunta de
los 64 mil pesos” en Cuba?:
concejal de La Habana Manuel Gutiérrez Macún..
¿Quién fue el único presidente de Cuba que tenía barba?
García Menocal...
¿Qué butifarras se hicieron famosas porque el trío Matamoros les dedicó una
canción que decía "Échale salsita"...?:
butifarras de ‘El Congo’ de Catalina de Güines...
¿Contra quien fue la famosa pelea de Puppy García?:
Ciro Moracén...
Cómo se llamaba la famosa hermana de Ernesto Lecuona?:
¿Cuál fue el primer nombre de Cuba?:
¿En qué lugar hubo un famoso ras de mar en Cuba? :
Santa Cruz del Sur en 1932...
¿Cómo se llamaba el Niño Valdés?:
Ramos Ponciano Valdés...
¿Cuántas personas asistieron al entierro del General Quintín Banderas?:
su viuda y una amiga.....
¿Quién inició una conspiración para derrocar a Batista un mes después que
éste diera el golpe de estado?:
profesor universitario Rafael García Bárcenas...
¿A qué famoso político ortodoxo le llamaban "Masa Boba"?
Roberto Agramonte...
¿A quién llamaban los españoles "El León Mayor"?:
Antonio Maceo...
¿El autor de Los Tres Villalobos se llamaba?:
¿Cuales fueron los cinco primeros programas americanos que vimos en la
televisión cubana?:
Love Lucy, Perry Mason, Patrulla de Caminos, Lassie y Rin Tin Tin...
¿Quién era el rey de los "rocanrroleros" cubanos
a finales de los años 50?:
¿A qué pelotero americano del club Habana le decían "Vinagre"?:
Mitzel...Y se puso de moda la frase "Me pusiste en 3 y 2 pichando
¿Cómo le llamaba Celia Cruz a su esposo Pedro?:
cabecita de algodón...
¿A qué presidente de Cuba le decían "Tiburón"? :
José Miguel Gómez, "Tiburón se baña pero salpica"...
¿Quién era "La que se defendía sola":
¿Quién gritó "¡Tierra!" al vislumbrar a Cuba en 1492?:
de Triana...
¿Qué famoso político y periodista italiano dijo: "Cuba, un país de
poca memoria"?:
¿Quién era "la del alma grande y el cuerpo flaquito"?:
¿Quién era José Sanabria:
Viejito Chichí...
¿Quién cantaba la Perrita Pequinesa?
¿Nombre del Vicepresidente de Ramón Grau San Martín?
de Cárdenas...
¿Quién era Marta Veliz?:
¿Qué acontecimiento grande ocurrió en La Habana el 4 de marzo de 1960?
explosión del barco “La Coubre”...
¿El mejor amigo de José Martí era...?
Valdés Domínguez...
En el programa “Ellos dos y alguien más” ¿quién era “alguien
criada de la casa de Minín Bujones y Eduardo Egea llamada Conchita García..
¿Cuál fue el boxeador más famoso que dio Sancti Spíritus?:
¿Nombre del sacerdote que se ponía una sotana verde olivo al triunfo
Padre (comandante) Guillermo Sardiñas...
¿Dónde se creó el Movimiento 26 de Julio?:
¿Con quién estuvo casado el joven galán de la televisión Albertico Insua?:
Olguita Guillot...
Cómo se llamaba el dueño del Cabaret Tropicana?:
¿Quién era “La Única?
¿Cacarajicara, que sabrosa es...?:
El pitcher cubano que ganó el último juego del béisbol profesional en Cuba
el 8 de febrero de 1961 fue?:
Ramos del Cienfuegos...
A quién le dio Songo?:
¿Donde estaba Eduardo R. Chibás cuando se suicidó?:
la cabina de CMQ Radio...
¿Quién fue el autor de “La Guantanamera” ?:
¿Qué sorpresa dio el actor Raymond Burr de la serie Perry
Mason que veíamos en Cuba?:
era homosexual...
¿Quién creó la novela “El Derecho de Nacer”?:
B. Caignet
¿Qué actor y cantante mexicano se metió en tremendo escándalo cuando ante
las muestras de cariño de muchas mujeres dijo “¿Qué pasa aquí, no hay
hombres en Cuba?:
¿Quién creó el programa “Reina por un día”?:
¿Qué espectacular carro tenía Orestes Miñoso?:
tremendo Cadillac verde...
¿Qué cantante cubano tenía tres apodos?:
Benito Antonio Fernández le decían “Ñico Saquito”, ”El guarachero de Oriente” y
“Compay Gato”...
Quién fue el referí más famoso de Cuba? :
el de “¡Mingoyo, la soga!”
¿Quién decía “Pon tu pensamiento en mí, y pon un vaso de agua encima del
radio” y llegó a ser Representante a la Cámara?:
Manuel Alfonso Pozo alias
¿ Andrés Arturo García
Menéndez es...?:
Además de Papá Montero ¿cómo le llamaban al gran pitcher Adolfo Luque?:
“Habana Perfecto”...
¿Dónde se fundó la Orquesta Aragón?:
¿Los caballos de Los Tres Villalobos eran...?:
Centella y Tormenta...
¿Ignacio Jacinto Villa era mejor conocido como...?:
pianista “Bola de Nieve”...
¿Qué magníficos peloteros nacieron en Güines?:
Julio “Jiquí” Moreno y Miguelito de la Oz...
¿Cuáles fueron en Cuba las primeras casas en utilizar la energía solar para
calentar agua?:
Las “Villas Jabón Candado” regaladas a los ganadores de sorteos
por la firma Crusellas...
¿Cómo se llamaba él más famoso espadachín en la radio cubana?:
“Cruz Diablo”...
¿Quién era Bartolomé Maximiliano?:
El gran Benny Moré...
¿Qué pregunta hacía el actor Agustín Campos constantemente en su papel
de “Romualdo Pinzón” en la televisión cubana?:
“¿Quieres que te haga un cake?”...
¿Por qué José Martí llevaba como segundo nombre Julián?:
Porque nació el Día de San Julián...
¿Qué boxeador anunciaba la Malta Hatuey por la
Giraldo Valdés Ponciano mas conocido como El Niño Valdés...
¿ El vicepresidente de Prío era....?
Guillermo Alonso Pujol
¿y el de Batista era?:
Rafael Guas Inclán...
¿El último lanzador Almendarista en perder un juego fue?:
Orlando Peña...
¿Cuál fue una de las mayores hazañas del Ejército Mambí?:
Cruzar la inexpugnable Trocha de Júcaro a Morón...
¿Cómo le decían al hijo del General Francisco Tabernilla?:
¿De qué gran programa fue autor Cástor Vispo?:
De La Tremenda Corte...
¿Cómo le dicen actualmente al famoso trago “Cuba Libre”?:
¿Quién era "Raffles"?:
El ladrón de las manos de seda...
¿Qué tenían en común, además del amor por Cuba, Doña Mariana Grajales y
Máximo Gómez?:
Que la sangre que corría por sus venas era dominicana...
¿Qué gran error cometíamos los cubanos con Emilio Ruiz?:
Creernos que el famoso “Chino Wong” era chino y en realidad era tan cubano
como usted y yo...
¿Quién escribió la poesía “José de los Cubanos”:
Francisco Riverón Hernández...
¿Quién se postuló para presidente de la F.E.U. en 1959 representando al
Movimiento 26 de Julio contra Rolando Cubela? :
Pedro Luis Boitel..
¿Los hermanos Abel y Goar Mestre le compraron CMQ Televisión a los
Miguel y Angel Cambó Ruiz...
¿"El Caballero del tango" era...?:
Manolo Fernández...
¿El galán de la televisión cubana que participó en la invasión de Playa Girón
Carlos Alberto Badías...
¿ A quién le dieron el titulo de "Protector de los
A Fray Bartolomé de las Casas...
¿En que programa, durante los inicios de la televisión cubana, trabajaban
Ramoncito Veloz, Lilia Lazo y Pepa Berrios la esposa del primer "Mr.Televisión" de
Cuba Rolando Ochoa?:
En La Familia Pilón...
¿La primera película cubana de largo metraje actuada por Carlos Badías,
Pituka de Foronda y Aníbal de Mar fue:
“La Serpiente Roja”...
¿El “umpire” más famoso en Cuba era...?:
Amado Maestri...
¿El original "Mr. Babalú" era...?:
¿ ¿Quién hacía el papel de "Prematura" en la televisión?:
¿El Director de la Loteria Nacional era?:
coronel Gonzalo García Pedroso. "Gonzalito"...
¿Cómo se llamaba la Universidad católica de La Habana?:
Tomás de Villanueva...
¿Los tres programas fenomenales de Cuba fueron?:
Regalías, Casino de la Alegría y Jueves de Partagás...
¿Qué hacía el médico cubano Clemente Inclán?:
el rector de la Universidad de La Habana...
¿Después de Lassie cual era el perro más conocido en Cuba?:
Tin Tin...
¿De donde venía el nombre del galán de la televisión cubana Jorge Félix?
honor a Jorge Negrete y María Félix...
SOBERING: This Altercation With A
Muslim In The UK Should Be A Wake Up Call to America (VIDEO)
is what happens when the law of the land is so-called ‘tolerance’ and it trumps
common sense. Forward
this to every liberal who thinks this ‘Religion of Peace’ is not a threat to
RACISM 101: Ferguson Cops To Be
Trained On How Not To Be Racist by DOJ
Holder needs to make sure that cops in Ferguson are taught how not to be a
racist. Check it out…
Mo. — The head of the Justice Department’s Community Oriented Policing Services is planning to return to
St. Louis in the next few weeks with the goal of helping to ease the tensions
between police and black residents in the greater St. Louis area.
Director Ronald Davis said in an interview with The Huffington Post this week
that his office will offer training not only to police in the small town of
Ferguson, where unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot by a white officer
earlier this month, but also to various other law enforcement agencies in the
community voice has been loud and clear, and I heard the same thing on the
ground as far as the community having little to no trust in the police in
general in that area. And in talking to the police leaders, I think there was
an acknowledgement that that is the feeling of a section of the community,”
Davis said. He explained that his office’s assistance would be “more long-term”
and that it would address the “strained relationship between law enforcement
and the community.”
Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern
Wide open border.
terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and
planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born
improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement,
intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning
bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued. Agents
across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all
been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and
sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.
Specifically, Judicial Watch sources reveal that the militant
group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be
operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across
from El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S.
State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone planning to
go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago.
officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist
groups are going to “carry out an attack on the border,” according to one JW
source. “It’s coming very soon,” according to this high-level source, who
clearly identified the groups planning the plots as “ISIS and Al Qaeda.” An
attack is so imminent that the commanding general at Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army
post in El Paso, is being briefed, another source confirms. The Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) did not respond to multiple inquiries from Judicial
Watch, both telephonic and in writing, about this information.
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
The Federal Government is Failing in Its Most Important Function. by David
L. Goetsch
writing about the operation of the federal government, I typically find myself
bemoaning the extra-constitutional actions of elected officials and unelected
bureaucrats. In point of fact, it has been a long time since the federal
government restricted it actions to those prescribed for it in the
Constitution. As a result the federal government has become an intrusive,
usurping behemoth that bullies its way into every aspect of American live. But
in this column, I complain not that the federal government is doing too much,
but that it is doing too little—at least in one critical area of responsibility.
The area of neglect I refer to is providing for the safety and security
of the American people.
The most fundamental
function of the federal government is to protect the American people. Above all
else the federal government is responsible for protecting our safety, security,
and constitutional freedoms, a responsibility it is failing to fulfill. This
failure has two aspects: 1) Policies, procedures, actions, and lack of action
that make us vulnerable to our enemies; and 2) Creation of
an environment in which the worship of tolerance makes it difficult for
individual Americans to protect themselves.
Most readers of my
columns can enumerate the policy failures of the federal government that are
making us vulnerable to our enemies. Domestic policies and actions that weaken
the economy make us more vulnerable. The list of these harmful policies and
actions is a long one that is still growing. There are the lies and hidden
costs of Obamacare that are undermining the quality and availability of
healthcare; the rapid growth of welfare that is putting an additional strain on
the economy; distortions in presenting the real unemployment numbers; bailouts
that did not work; irresponsible investments in alternative energy sources that
can provide minimal benefits at best; encouragement of the entitlement
mentality; no leadership on immigration so that our borders are open to ISIS
and other terrorist groups; a burgeoning list of costly regulations; the
mishandling of homosexuality in the military such that it is damaging the
morale of our troops; poor handling of the pullout from Iraq and the drawdown
in Afghanistan; a lack of leadership in dealing with Iran’s nuclear threat; the
projection of weakness in Benghazi, Crimea, Ukraine, and Syria; the haphazard,
too-little-too-late approach to ISIS in Iraq; meekly referring to terrorist
attacks against American soldiers as workplace violence instead of calling it
what it is—terrorism; swapping terrorist leaders for an American deserter; and
the list goes on and on.
bad as the domestic and foreign policy blunders of the current administration
have been in making Americans more vulnerable to outside enemies, an anti-gun,
politically-correct environment that ties the hands of private citizens is
making us just as vulnerable to attacks of Americans against Americans. It is
the federal government that has created and is perpetuating this dangerous
environment in which private citizens are discouraged from protecting
themselves against the criminal element of society. The federal government
provides more protection to domestic criminals than to its own citizens.
of liberal policies that advocate—make that demand—tolerance, we are tolerating
things that undermine our safety and security. At the same time, the government
is trying to tie our hands through anti-gun legislation and other misguided
initiatives in ways that prevent us from protecting ourselves. Hence, not only
is the federal government not doing enough to protect American citizens, it has
become a major contributor to our vulnerability.
of you who have to endure TSA groping when you fly are probably thinking I have
lost my mind. If so, bear with me for a few more lines. Yes, the federal
government is prone to overdo it at airports, but in point of fact all of TSA’s
intrusive ministrations are more for the sake of appearance than security.
Taking nail clippers away from harassed passengers and strip-searching little
old ladies does little to protect the flying public from what TSA should be
looking for: terrorists. If you want to know how the government can protect the
flying public from terrorists, study how the government of Israel handles this
obligation. Government officials in Israel don’t just use profiling in
screening passengers, they take the concept to the highest possible level, and
they are not concerned about hurting anyone’s feelings or being politically
correct. In Israel, political correctness can be fatal. Consequently, Israeli
officials laugh at the groping ministrations of TSA.
schools have long since eliminated corporal punishment, or any kind of
effective punishment for that matter. Not only can teachers and administrators
no longer discipline young miscreants, they can’t even protect themselves from
them. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics and the
federal Bureau of Justice, during the 2011-12 school year almost 210,000
teachers were attacked by students. In fact, 1,175 teachers are attacked by
students everyday during the school year. Yet, let teachers physically defend
themselves and they risk losing their jobs or worse.
about this subject, columnist Walter Williams made the point that, “Starting in
the 1950s, following Dr. Benjamin Spock’s advice, what worked for centuries was
exchanged for what sounded good.” Williams is right on target, as usual, which
means that the beatings teachers are taking from students are, in a manner of
speaking, self-inflicted. Teachers are now reaping what they have sewn by
adopting ridiculously soft policies that fail to acknowledge the nature of
human beings.
the other hand, teachers are not wholly to blame for what is happening in their
profession. Let teachers take prudent and necessary steps to defend themselves
from students who are better suited for a prison cell than a classroom and they
will face a firestorm from anti-gun, mollycoddling government bureaucrats who
are more interested in political correctness than in protecting teachers. In
many states, private citizens are not even allowed to protect themselves in
their own homes, on their own property, or in their own vehicles.
criminal element is not influenced by the fact that laws make it illegal to do
the things they do on a regular basis, and criminals—no matter how young—know
what they can get away with. As a result, criminals both young and old, are
beginning to control American society while law-abiding citizens as well as the
police have their hands tied behind their backs by government policies that
favor those who engage in destructive, violent behavior. The federal government
with its anti-gun obsession and dedication to political correctness has created
an environment in which Americans are afraid to defend themselves and protect
their property. We have become a vulnerable society, and the fault lies with
the federal government, the very government that is supposed to protect us.
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
Lázaro R. González
“En mi opinión”