442 “En mi opinión”
Julio 28, 2013 ‘IN GOD WE
27 julio 2013
Miami tiene a los peores conductores de Estados Unidos, según
Un escritor de
Slate ha reunido números para sacar a la luz algo que muchos de nosotros ya
sabíamos:Miami tiene a los
peores conductores del país.
Brian Palmer,
del Slate, examinó los reportes de seguros, de kilometraje y de accidentes y
encontró que Miami califica como "primero en
muertes por accidentes automovilísticos, atropellamientos de peatones y
enfrentamientos verbales de auto a auto".
Y peor aún, los
conductores de Philadelphia ni siquiera se acercaron a lo mal que está Miami,
según el Slate.
Los conductores
en el suburbio de Hialeah fueron los terceros peores, con lo que Palmer
describe como"una
terrible tendencia de atropellar a los peatones".
Aquí se ubicaron
las muertes de peatones en Hialeah entre 2001-2009, según Transportation For
Un estudio de
2012 realizado por Allstate, empleado para las métricas de Palmer, halló que
los conductores de Hialeah tienen 77
por ciento más probabilidades de involucrarse en un accidente –sobre el promedio nacional de una
"colisión de auto" cada 10 años– mientras que los conductores de
Miami tiene 58.4 por ciento más probabilidades de ello.
Y ahí no queda
la historia. Otra ciudad de Florida se ubica en cuarto lugar en el reporte de
la historia completa aquí (en inglés).
Pero Palmer no
es el único en señalar a Florida.
for America recientemente clasificó a las áreas más peligrosas para los
peatones y halló que cuatro
ciudades de Florida fueron las cuatro peores del país.
Las cosas son
peores en Florida del Sur.
La Florida
Highway Patrol recientemente lanzó números que muestran que Miami-Dade
tuvo la mayor cantidad de atropellamientos y huídas (hit-and-runs) del estado en
2012—con la impresionante cantidad de 35 por
día, lo que equivale a casi 13,000 al año.
Muy peligroso
andar por las calles en Miami, ¿no?
Relacionado en HuffPost Voce
DE Ricardo Samitier.
La Falsa
CONTINUA... No importa que el jurado lo declaró inocente¿Quiénes
Están Interesados...
En Que Continué la Falsa… Del
“Negrito Trayvon Martin” No Pueden Perder El Trabajo Hecho Y “La Cara” De
¿Cuanto Le Habrán Pagado A La
Jurado Y A Su Abogado?
Para Que Dijera Que Ella Creía
Que Fue Asesinato...
Y Pedirle Perdón A La Mamá De Trayvon...
La Jurado Tenia Tanto Miedo A
Incriminarse Que Fue Con Su Abogado a la Entrevista... Para “Garantizarse” Que No Iba INCRIMINARSE Mientras “COBRABA DINERO” Por Poder CONTRADECIRSE... Y
decir Que Zimmerman es “CULPABLE... Pero la ley lo protegió...”
He Aquí Lo que No Se Dice En La
1. La Gran Mayoría del Pueblo Norte
Americano... No Sabe que las NOTICIAS DE LA
TV... Están
2. Ese es el motivo por el cual la ESCOGIDA para hacer esta noticia es la CONOCIDA LESBIANA Robin Roberts... Quien como todos los ABERRADAS SEXUALES son Socialistas a
3. Toda la entrevista es para demostrar
que el sistema judicial NO ES JUSTO...
miren La cara de satisfacción (en la foto
debajo) de la
Lesbiana Roberts cuando escucho que Zimmerman
es Culpable pero la ley lo salvo...
4. Esta entrevista fue anunciada como “El Primer Jurado De
Zimmerman Que Habla” eso Vale MUCHO DINERO... pues aumenta la
5. ABC debía de declarar CUANTO LE PAGARON a la Jurado Y a Su abogado... y
quien Fue el investigador que la visito para hacerle la OFERTA...
Satisfecha Que Cumplió Su
Con Abogado... ¿Para Qué?
Esta Noticia Esta En La RED... Pero
Robin Roberts y su ESPOSA /
ESPOSO (Nunca se
sabe pues ambas para satisfacerse hacen Lo MISMO) Storm Sahara se casaron en
junio 1 del 2013 en el salón de FIESTA del condominio donde viven, con unos
pocos amigos cercanos y familiares.
La pareja está discutiendo
actualmente una adición a su familia. Existen serias conversaciones sobre una
adopción. A pesar de que Storm tiene una hija de 13 años que parece ser
esta tan feliz y igual de emocionada que la pareja...
La pareja también está hablando
de hacer un libro de contar todo acerca de los detalles de su relación en los
últimos 5 años. No hay fecha para la publicación... quizás ese libro salga
después de la nueva adición a la familia...
El artículo de Diego Quirós Sr.
Me pregunto si algun cubano que haya
salido en busca de Libertad ha podido olvidar las humillaciones, los
desmanes, la miseria y las violaciones sufridas a todos sus Derechos durante el
poco o mucho tiempo que haya vivido bajo la tirania marxista de Castro.
¿ Es que acaso, ese cubano dispuesto a visitar la
Isla donde el verdugo que mantiene esclavizado a todo un pueblo, solo trajo a
tierras de Libertad el estomago para llenarlo y el cuerpo para vestirlo, pero
dejo en la Isla cautiva: sus convicciones ?
¿ Puede llegar el grado de masoquismo a ese
extremo ?
No, no, no, mientras dure esa tirania en la que
un dia hicieron alianza la crapula y los ineptos, nosotros no podemos entrar de
rodillas. Mientras sigan dirigiendo los destinos de nuestra Patria los asesinos
de tantos hermanos. Si fueramos, seria para reclamar justicia, pero
no para disfrutar junto a ellos, las bellezas de nuestro Pais.
Esa belleza que hoy se confunde con la trizteza y
el sufrimiento, esa belleza que se opaca con la miseria y la discriminacion a
los mas humildes, esa belleza que se convierte en dolor
al ver a los jovenes vendiendo lo unico que poseen: Su Cuerpo, para poder
comer. Esa belleza se pierde al saber que son muchos los que tratan de escapar
de la realidad, unos por medio del suicidio y otros a traves del alcohol porque
han perdido la ilusion y la esperanza.
Vas a visitar una nacion que condecora
con grados de coronel a asesinos que lo unico que aprendieron fue a matar y
regocijarse viendo caer al indefenso. Vas a visitar una nacion que ha creado un
hombre nuevo sin dignidad, sin sentimientos y sin valores. Ese hombre nuevo es
la clonacion de Castro y compañia. Vas a visitar una Isla ( que aunque nacistes
alli ), esta gobernada por un tirano que un dia te convirtio en apatrida.
Pudiera recordarte todo el dolor que ha causado el tirano en esa Isla a la que
yo tambien amo tanto…..
A Cuba nada, a Cuba no hay que ir mientras esos
bastardos esten en el poder.
Negociar con Cuba o visitarla es ser complice y
colaborador de la opresion.
Diego Quiros, Sr.
Cuba...aquel adios,
no fue una despedida,
alli deje mi
juventd y deje mi infancia,
estan mis sueños, y
a pesar de la distancia
quedan ilusiones que deje escondidas.
Deje a mis
padres, mis hermanos y mis amigos,
deje a mi pueblo
que sufre latigazos y miseria,
y sufre de la
chusma y del marxismo y de la histeria.
Cuba...abandone la
tierra, pero te lleve conmigo.
Y a pesar de la
ausencia en aquella despedida,
y a pesar de los
años, del cansancio y la espera
en mi brazo sigue
en alto, la antorcha encendida
para un nuevo
amanecer en mi pueblo inmortal
sin la hoz ni el
martillo, una sola Bandera
y como unico
himno,... el Himno Nacional.
Diego Quiros,Sr.
20 de Mayo,2001
'This is incredible,
the rate at which things are escalating'
14 hours ago
You Boldly Proclaim"I am a Christian"? Sign the
pledge now! (Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done
more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide
trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features
these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media
due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or
even racist. WND considers it racist not to
report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or
victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.
I get a lot of tips on black mob
violence from WND readers around the country. Some I know about. Some I do not.
Some are true. Some are not.
Buffett's Top 5 StocksThese 5 stocks make up
75% of his firm’s portfolio. Free
Many are from cops. Lots and lots of
cops. Here’s a message this morning from a Texas cop, a 20-year veteran and a
regular correspondent on the topic of black mob violence:
“This is incredible, the rate at which
things are escalating. On the streets, out here, the attitude is one of
entitlement which i haven’t seen.”
I get that from cops all over the
country. Even Greensboro, N.C.
This morning, my email and twitter
streams were full of information about Greensboro. The conversations kind of
went like this:
“Did you hear about the black mob
violence in Greensboro?” asked one reader.
“You mean the Fourth of July where
hundreds of black people filled the downtown both before and after the
fireworks? Fighting. Destroying property. Defying police. Violating curfew?
Where it got so bad they had to use pepper spray?”
“No, not that one.”
you mean the run up to the Fourth of July?” I asked. “When in the weeks prior
to fireworks they had several incidents including one where 400
black people were in the streets fighting. On video. Destroying
property. Defying police. Where it got so bad they had to use pepper spray and
stun guns?”
“No, not that one either.”
Those were so bad the city council met
in an emergency meeting the day before the Fourth of July to impose a curfew in
the downtown. Maybe the WND readers were referring to last year.
“Are you talking about the Fourth of
July last year?” I asked. “Where 1,000 black people filled the downtown after
the fireworks. Fighting. Destroying property. Assaulting people. Defying
police. Where it got so bad they had to use pepper spray and stun guns?”
“No, not that either.”
still had a lot of material to work with. Much of it from “White Girl
Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.” (New and improved
edition soon out on WND Books.)
I use Greensboro as an example of a
small, nice place with lots of black mob violence that few people know about. I
pressed on:
mean before that, where a local TV
station reported that “every weekend” in June leading up the Fourth of July last year featured
large-scale black mob violence downtown? Fighting. Destroying property.
Assaulting people. Defying police. Where it got so bad they had to use pepper
spray and stun guns?”
“No. Not those either.”
I wasn’t going to ask about the
Greensboro concerts, parties and other public events that also feature large
scale black mob violence. So much so that city council considered banning them.
But the city council did not. Even the
11 p.m. curfew the city council imposed in a near panic for this year’s Fourth
of July almost did not make it. At least one city council member said the
curfew was not fair because it targeted black people.
That council member ended up supporting
the curfew. But no one knows what would have happened had she decided to make a
bigger deal out of it. But she assured them she would not be playing “the race
Only one speaker
belled the cat and identified the rioters as “black kids.” The other council
members said the large scale violence was not really the fault of the people
involved anyway. They placed the blame variously on jobs, housing, poverty,
lack of recreation, lousy parents. All the usual.
They did have a midnight basketball
program, several council members said. And that seemed to be working just fine.
But their idea to hold a free movie downtown, and invite all the disaffected
youths, as they did a month ago?
Let’s just say they won’t be doing that
Finally I Googled it and looked it up on
Twitter: “Large fight Greensboro.”
it was. Thursday night. More than 200
black people at a party. Fighting. Destroying property. Firing guns.
Assaulting people. Fighting cops.
All about half a mile outside of the
downtown curfew zone. Six people were arrested.
in Greensboro took to the
message boards to register their disgust with the lawlessness
and anarchy that flourishes in their town on a regular basis.
“Keep up and Greensboro will be just
another Detroit,” said one poster called OneLonesomeDove at the WXII TV news
“Was this black mob violence?” asked
another. “If it was, you need to say so, and not be afraid of the repercussions.”
It was, said several people both in an
out of the Greensboro police department. Whatever the repercussions may be of
talking about black mob violence , Greensboro is seeing what happens when
people do not talk about it.
None of the comments was posted at the
local daily paper, the News & Record.
“Comments have been disabled,” is all
the paper had to say about that.
Obama Administration Considering Government Shut-Down
Washington Post reports that some Obama administration officials are pushing for a
confrontational budget strategy that would likely result in a government
shut-down. In one scenario, the president
would refuse to sign any funding measure that didn't roll back the sequester.
doubt the administration officials advocating such a course are remembering the
heady days of the Clinton administration, when the GOP's decision to shut down the government effectively
resulted in their losing control of the narrative that had swept them to power.
there are reasons for Democrats to be cautious; history may not repeat itself.
For one thing, Newt Gingrich's shoot-from-the-lip tendencies allowed the
1995 shut down to be portrayed as the result of his personal pique for having to deplane from the back of
Air Force One. For another,
Bill Clinton hadn't taken the country on a massive spending spree, or proposed budgets that do nothing more than impose hitherto
unimaginable (and dangerous) levels of debt on our country for years to come.
President Obama has hurt his own credibility with specious Chicken Little
claims that the sky would fall if the sequester went into effect. What's more,
don't forget that in 2011, Obama threatened to vet any attempts to undo
sequester cuts(yes, of course,
that was before the election!) -- and no doubt we'd hear more about that
the President intends to force a shut-down anyway, figuring that, as always,
his friends in the press will deem it another "good idea" and spin it his way, thus firing up low-information
voters before the the 2014 elections. But he should bear in mind that,
like the sequester (and so much else) this spring, things may not work out
exactly as he hoped.
Robert A. Hall is an actor. He plays the coroner on CSI if you watch
that show. He also is a Marine Vietnam War veteran, but does not mention that
he had his legs blown off in that war. Enviado por
Enrique Enriquez.
"I'm 63 and I'm Tired"by Robert A. Hall
I'm 63. Except for one semester in college when jobs were scarce and a six-month period when I was between jobs, but job-hunting every day, I've worked hard since I was 18. Despite some health challenges, I still put in 50-hour weeks, and haven't called in sick in seven or eight years. I make a good salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, there's no retirement in sight, and I'm tired. Very tired.
I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.
I'm tired of being told that I have to pay more taxes to "keep people in their homes." Sure, if they lost their jobs or got sick, I'm willing to help. But if they bought Mc Mansions at three times the price of our paid-off, $250,000 condo, on one-third of my salary, then let the left-wing Congress-critters who passed Fannie and Freddie and the Community Reinvestment Act that created the bubble use their own money to help them.
I'm tired of being told how bad America is by left-wing millionaires like Michael Moore, George Soros and Hollywood Entertainers who live in luxury because of the opportunities America provided to them. In thirty years, if they get their way, the United States will have:
"I'm 63 and I'm Tired"by Robert A. Hall
I'm 63. Except for one semester in college when jobs were scarce and a six-month period when I was between jobs, but job-hunting every day, I've worked hard since I was 18. Despite some health challenges, I still put in 50-hour weeks, and haven't called in sick in seven or eight years. I make a good salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, there's no retirement in sight, and I'm tired. Very tired.
I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.
I'm tired of being told that I have to pay more taxes to "keep people in their homes." Sure, if they lost their jobs or got sick, I'm willing to help. But if they bought Mc Mansions at three times the price of our paid-off, $250,000 condo, on one-third of my salary, then let the left-wing Congress-critters who passed Fannie and Freddie and the Community Reinvestment Act that created the bubble use their own money to help them.
I'm tired of being told how bad America is by left-wing millionaires like Michael Moore, George Soros and Hollywood Entertainers who live in luxury because of the opportunities America provided to them. In thirty years, if they get their way, the United States will have:
1. the economy of
Zimbabwe ,
2. the freedom of the
press of China
3. the crime and violence
of Mexico ,
4. the tolerance for
Christian people of Iran
5. the freedom of speech
of Venezuela ..
I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honor"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Sharia’s law tells them to.
I'm tired of being told that "race doesn't matter" in the post-racial world of Obama, when it's all that matters in affirmative action jobs, lower college admission and graduation standards for minorities (harming them the most), government contract set-asides, tolerance for the ghetto culture of violence and fatherless children that hurts minorities more than anyone, and in the appointment of U.S. Senators from Illinois.
I think it's very cool that we have a black president and that a black child is doing her homework at the desk where Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation. I just wish the black president was Condi Rice, or someone who believes more in freedom and the individual and less arrogantly in an all-knowing government.
I'm tired of being told that out of "tolerance for other cultures" we must not complain when Saudi Arabia uses the money we pay for their oil to fund mosques and madras Islamic schools to preach hate in America, while no American group is allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia to teach love and tolerance.
I'm tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate. My wife and I live in a two-bedroom apartment and carpool together five miles to our jobs. We also own a three-bedroom condo where our daughter and granddaughter live. Our carbon footprint is about 5% of Al Gore's, and if you're greener than Gore, you're green enough.
I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses while they tried to fight it off? I don't think gay people choose to be gay, but I #@*# sure think druggies chose to take drugs. And I'm tired of harassment from "cool" people treating me like a freak when I tell them I never tried marijuana.
I'm tired of illegal aliens being called "undocumented workers," especially those who aren't working, but living on welfare or crime. What's next? Calling drug dealers, "Undocumented Pharmacists"? And, no, I'm not against Hispanics. Most of them are Catholic, and it's been a few hundred years since Catholics wanted to kill me for my religion. I'm willing to fast track citizenship for any Hispanic who can speak English, doesn't have a criminal record and who is self-supporting without family on welfare, or who serves honorably for three years in our military. Those are the kind of citizens we need.
I'm tired of the trashing of our military by latte liberals and journalists, who would never wear the uniform of the Republic themselves, or let their entitlement-handicapped kids near a recruiting station. They and their kids can sit at home, never having to make split-second decisions under life and death circumstances, and bad mouth better people than themselves. Do bad things happen in war? You bet. Do our troops sometimes misbehave? Sure. Does this compare with the atrocities that were the policy of our enemies for the last fifty years and still are? Not even close. So here's a deal for those folks. I'll let myself be subjected to all the humiliation and abuse that was heaped on terrorists at Abu Ghraib or Gitmo, while the critics of our military can be subject to captivity by the Muslims, who tortured and beheaded Daniel Pearl in Pakistan, or the Muslims who tortured and murdered Marine Lt. Col. William Higgins in Lebanon, or the Muslims who ran the blood-spattered Al Qaeda torture rooms our troops found in Iraq, or the Muslims who cut off the heads of schoolgirls in Indonesia because the girls were Christian -- then we'll compare notes. British and American soldiers are the only troops in history that civilians came to for help and handouts, instead of hiding from in fear.
I'm tired of people telling me that their party has a corner on virtue and the other party has a corner on corruption. Read the papers; bums are bipartisan. And I'm tired of people telling me we need bipartisanship. I live in Illinois , where the "Illinois Combine" of Democrats has looted the public treasury for years. Not to mention the tax cheats in Obama's cabinet.
I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of both parties talking about "innocent" mistakes, "stupid" mistakes or "youthful" mistakes, when all of us know they think their only mistake was getting caught.
Speaking of poor, I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement who have air-conditioned homes, color TVs and two cars called poor. The majority of Americans didn't have that in 1970, but we didn't know we were "poor." The poverty pimps have to keep changing the definition of poor to keep the dollars flowing.
I'm real tired of people, rich or poor, who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.
Yes, I'm tired, but I'm also glad to be 63, mostly because I'm not going to have to see the world these people are making. I'm just sorry for my granddaughter.
Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam veteran who served five terms in the Massachusetts State Senate.
I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honor"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Sharia’s law tells them to.
I'm tired of being told that "race doesn't matter" in the post-racial world of Obama, when it's all that matters in affirmative action jobs, lower college admission and graduation standards for minorities (harming them the most), government contract set-asides, tolerance for the ghetto culture of violence and fatherless children that hurts minorities more than anyone, and in the appointment of U.S. Senators from Illinois.
I think it's very cool that we have a black president and that a black child is doing her homework at the desk where Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation. I just wish the black president was Condi Rice, or someone who believes more in freedom and the individual and less arrogantly in an all-knowing government.
I'm tired of being told that out of "tolerance for other cultures" we must not complain when Saudi Arabia uses the money we pay for their oil to fund mosques and madras Islamic schools to preach hate in America, while no American group is allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia to teach love and tolerance.
I'm tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate. My wife and I live in a two-bedroom apartment and carpool together five miles to our jobs. We also own a three-bedroom condo where our daughter and granddaughter live. Our carbon footprint is about 5% of Al Gore's, and if you're greener than Gore, you're green enough.
I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses while they tried to fight it off? I don't think gay people choose to be gay, but I #@*# sure think druggies chose to take drugs. And I'm tired of harassment from "cool" people treating me like a freak when I tell them I never tried marijuana.
I'm tired of illegal aliens being called "undocumented workers," especially those who aren't working, but living on welfare or crime. What's next? Calling drug dealers, "Undocumented Pharmacists"? And, no, I'm not against Hispanics. Most of them are Catholic, and it's been a few hundred years since Catholics wanted to kill me for my religion. I'm willing to fast track citizenship for any Hispanic who can speak English, doesn't have a criminal record and who is self-supporting without family on welfare, or who serves honorably for three years in our military. Those are the kind of citizens we need.
I'm tired of the trashing of our military by latte liberals and journalists, who would never wear the uniform of the Republic themselves, or let their entitlement-handicapped kids near a recruiting station. They and their kids can sit at home, never having to make split-second decisions under life and death circumstances, and bad mouth better people than themselves. Do bad things happen in war? You bet. Do our troops sometimes misbehave? Sure. Does this compare with the atrocities that were the policy of our enemies for the last fifty years and still are? Not even close. So here's a deal for those folks. I'll let myself be subjected to all the humiliation and abuse that was heaped on terrorists at Abu Ghraib or Gitmo, while the critics of our military can be subject to captivity by the Muslims, who tortured and beheaded Daniel Pearl in Pakistan, or the Muslims who tortured and murdered Marine Lt. Col. William Higgins in Lebanon, or the Muslims who ran the blood-spattered Al Qaeda torture rooms our troops found in Iraq, or the Muslims who cut off the heads of schoolgirls in Indonesia because the girls were Christian -- then we'll compare notes. British and American soldiers are the only troops in history that civilians came to for help and handouts, instead of hiding from in fear.
I'm tired of people telling me that their party has a corner on virtue and the other party has a corner on corruption. Read the papers; bums are bipartisan. And I'm tired of people telling me we need bipartisanship. I live in Illinois , where the "Illinois Combine" of Democrats has looted the public treasury for years. Not to mention the tax cheats in Obama's cabinet.
I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of both parties talking about "innocent" mistakes, "stupid" mistakes or "youthful" mistakes, when all of us know they think their only mistake was getting caught.
Speaking of poor, I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement who have air-conditioned homes, color TVs and two cars called poor. The majority of Americans didn't have that in 1970, but we didn't know we were "poor." The poverty pimps have to keep changing the definition of poor to keep the dollars flowing.
I'm real tired of people, rich or poor, who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.
Yes, I'm tired, but I'm also glad to be 63, mostly because I'm not going to have to see the world these people are making. I'm just sorry for my granddaughter.
Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam veteran who served five terms in the Massachusetts State Senate.
There is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!
UPDATE: China Will Trade Debt for
US Land…
January 21, 2013
Communist nation could control American land as ‘development zones’
Communist nation could control American land as ‘development zones’
EDITOR’S NOTE: Barack Obama’s involvement
in the DeMar Second Amendment case was previously reported in Chapter 7 of
Jerome R. Corsi’s “America for Sale: Fighting the New World Order, Surviving a
Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty.”
NEW YORK – Could real estate on American
soil owned by China be set up as “development zones” in which the communist
nation could establish Chinese-owned businesses and bring in its citizens to
the U.S. to work?
That’s part of an evolving proposal
Beijing has been developing quietly since 2009 to convert more than $1 trillion
of U.S debt it owns into equity.
Under the plan, China would own U.S.
businesses, U.S. infrastructure and U.S. high-value land, all with a U.S.
government guarantee against loss.
Yu Qiao, a professor of economics in the
School of Public Policy and Management at Tsighua University in Beijing,
proposed in 2009 a plan for the U.S. government to guarantee foreign
investments in the United States.
WND has reliable information that the Bank
of China, China’s central bank, has continued to advance the plan to convert
China’s holdings of U.S. debt into equity owned by China in the U.S.
The Obama administration, under the plan,
would grant a financial guarantee as an inducement for China to convert U.S.
debt into Chinese direct equity investment. China would take ownership of
successful U.S. corporations, potentially profitable infrastructure projects
and high-value U.S. real estate.
Jerome Corsi exposes the globalists’ plan
to put America on the chopping block in “America for Sale: Fighting the New
World Order, Surviving a Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty,”
available at WND’s Superstore.
The plan would be designed to induce China
to resume lending to the U.S. on a nearly zero-interest basis.
However, converting Chinese debt to equity
investments in the United States could easily add another $1 trillion to
outstanding Obama administration guarantees issued in the current economic
As of November 2012, China owned $1.17
trillion in U.S. Treasury securities, according to U.S. Department of Treasury
and Federal Reserve Board calculations published Jan. 16.
Concerned about the unrestrained growth in
U.S. debt under the Obama administration, China has reduced by 97 percent its
holdings in short-term U.S. Treasury bills. China’s holding of $573.7 billion
in August 2008, prior to the massive bank bailouts and stimulus programs
triggered by the collapse in the U.S. mortgage market, dwindled to $5.96
billion by March 2011.
Treasury bills are short-term debt that matures
in one year or less, sold to finance U.S. debt. Holdings of Treasury bills are
included in the $1.17 trillion of total Treasury securities owned by China as
of November 2012.
In addition to a national debt in excess
of $16 trillion, the U.S. government in 2010 faced over $70 trillion in
unfunded obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits scheduled
to be paid retiring baby boomer retirees in the coming decades, with unfunded
obligations showing no sign of being reduced with Congress at a deadlock over
reducing federal government spending.
Yu Qiao observed that if the U.S. dollar
collapsed under the weight of proposed Obama administration trillion-dollar
budget deficits into the foreseeable future, holders of U.S. debt would face
substantial losses that the Financial Times estimated “would devastate Asians’
hard-earned wealth and terminate economic globalization.”
“The basic idea is to turn Asian savings,
China’s in particular, into real business interests rather than let them be
used to support U.S. over-consumption,” Yu Qiao wrote, reflecting themes
commonly suggested by Chinese government officials. “While fixed-income
securities are vulnerable to any fall in the value of the dollar, equity claims
on sound corporations and infrastructure projects are at less risk from a
currency default,” he continued.
The problem is that, in a struggling U.S.
economy, China does not want to trade its investment in U.S. Treasury debt
securities, with their inherent risk of dollar devaluation, for equally risky
investments in U.S. corporations and infrastructure projects.
“But Asians do not want to bear the risk
of this investment because of market turbulence and a lack of knowledge of
cultural, legal and regulatory issues in U.S. businesses,” he stressed.
“However if a guarantee scheme were created, Asian savers could be willing to
invest directly in capital-hungry U.S. industries.”
Yu Qiao’s plan included four components:
China would negotiate with the U.S.
government to create a “crisis relief facility,” or CRF. The CRF “would be used
alongside U.S. federal efforts to stabilize the banking system and to invest in
capital-intensive infrastructure projects such as high-speed railroad from
Boston to Washington, D.C.
China would pool a portion of its holdings of Treasury bonds under the CFR umbrella to convert sovereign debt into equity. Any CFR funds that were designated for investment in U.S. corporations would still be owned and managed by U.S. equity holders, with the Asians holding minority equity shares “that would, like preferred stock, be convertible.”
China would pool a portion of its holdings of Treasury bonds under the CFR umbrella to convert sovereign debt into equity. Any CFR funds that were designated for investment in U.S. corporations would still be owned and managed by U.S. equity holders, with the Asians holding minority equity shares “that would, like preferred stock, be convertible.”
The U.S. government would act as a
guarantor, “providing a sovereign guarantee scheme to assure the investment
principal of the CRF against possible default of targeted companies or
The Federal Reserve would set up a special
account to supply the liquidity the CRF would require to swap sovereign debt
into industrial investment in the United States.
“The CRF would lessen Asians’ concern
about implicit default of sovereign debts caused by a collapsing dollar,” Yu
Qiao concluded. “It would cost little and help the U.S. by channeling funds to
business investment.”
Read more at:
boosts US investment to all-time high; seeks more
Although all the news about Chinese
investment in the U.S. has focused on the deals that don't get done, Chinese
investment in the U.S. is at an all-time high.
The Chinese are making headlines around
the word for hungrily acquiring energy and resource companies in countries such
as Canada, Africa and Latin America.
In the United States, the single largest
Chinese investment to date is far more mundane: movie theaters. And to a large
extent, that type of acquisition explains the broader story about China's
strategy when it comes to U.S. investment.
AMC Theaters, previously owned by a group
of U.S. private equity firms, is now a division of Dalian Wanda of China—a huge
entertainment conglomerate that spent $2.6 billion in 2012 on the theater
It's no accident that the largest U.S.
purchase so far is for a company as non-controversial as AMC. Chinese
businesses—many of them government-owned—have repeatedly been rebuffed by the
U.S. government when trying to buy American firms that control natural
resources or advanced technology.
Despite all the negative headlines,
Chinese investment in the U.S. hit an all-time record in 2012: $6.5 billion. It
will likely surpass that level in 2013, according to Rhodium Group, which does
detailed tracking of Chinese investment. The Heritage Foundation says the U.S.
was the single biggest recipient of Chinese overseas investment last year,
eclipsing Australia for the first time.
"We are in the midst of a structural
growth story that will transform the China-U.S. investment relationship from a
one-way street into a two-way street," says Thilo Hanemann of Rhodium.
CNBC profiled three Chinese-owned
companies in the U.S. in order to explore what kind of deals and investments
are getting done, and the motivations behind them.AMC Theaters, International
Vitamin Corporation, and China Construction of America represent a
cross-section of Chinese-owned firms.
Jianlin Wang, chairman of Dalian Wanda,
which bought AMC, wants his company to reach $100 billion in revenue by 2020,
up from the current $30 billion. While his home market China is the fastest
growing movie market in the world, he'll still need overseas acquisitions to
achieve his goal.
"The acquisition of AMC is just the
start," says Wang, and "probably before the end of the year we may
complete one or two more deals." He says he expects to spend another $7
billion in the U.S. by the end of this decade.
International Vitamin Corporation, of
Freehold, N.J., came into being after a Chinese company bought the vitamin
assets of Inverness Medical from private equity in 2010. CEO Steven Dai says
the investors (he's one of them) have pumped "upwards of hundred millions
of dollars into the company," since then—improving its IT backbone,
expanding warehouse capacity, and increasing the number of employees from 280
to 400, all in the U.S.
Dai, the only Chinese employee, says
buying an American company made the most sense because the U.S. has a highly
developed, multi-billion dollar, nutritional market "which constantly
grows every year." Of the three companies that spoke to CNBC, the one with
the longest history in the U.S. is China Construction of America, a wholly
owned subsidiary of China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) that had $500 million in revenue in 2012.
Although publicly traded in Shanghai, CSCEC shares are majority owned by the
Chinese government, making China Construction of America part of what's known
as a State-Owned Enterprise.
China Construction set up shop here in
1985 because the U.S. was the world's largest construction market at the time.
Why are they still doing business here, when China is now larger and growing
faster? Geographic diversification, CEO Ning Yuan tells CNBC, in case the home
market falters.
The company has been successful at bidding
for state-level and municipal projects such as public schools in South Carolina
and New York State transportation projects such as the $407 million Alexander
Hamilton bridge rehabilitation.
But Yuan expressed frustration at not
being able to qualify for larger federal projects—what are known as
"P3s"—Public Private Partnerships. The U.S. Department of
Transportation requires companies to become prequalified before bidding on P3s.
Despite numerous attempts, Yuan says they've never been prequalified. "I
think that's happened not only to a Chinese company but also to some other
foreign companies," he said. "I would say that it is a little bit
That may be true. Firms owned by the
Chinese government are perceived as having unfair advantages, such as access to
cheaper financing from Chinese banks, which are also government-owned. Yuan
rejects the notion, saying Chinese banks charge them market rates that are
comparable to any other multinational bank.
While there may be critics at the federal
level, the mood is the opposite at the state level. New Jersey's lieutenant
governor has visited IVC's headquarters, and has asked CEO Dai to speak to
other visiting Chinese executives to convince them to invest in N.J. as well.
Chairman Wang says that while members of
Congress may be worried, officials at the state, city and municipal level
"are quite welcome to Chinese investment, because such investment can
create job opportunities and boost economic development."
To be sure, even though Chinese investment
is at a record level, it is still relatively small compared to the size of the
U.S. economy. According to the Heritage Foundation, total Chinese investment in
the U.S. since 2005 stands at $54 billion, compared with an overall wealth
stock in the U.S. of $60 trillion.
The Heritage Foundation marks the starting
point of China's overseas acquisitions with the 2005 purchase of IBM's computer business by Lenovo for $1.74 billion. Not only was it a transformational
transaction for IBM, it heralded the arrival of the Chinese investor.
But 2005 also marks the year of the
highest-profile rejection of a Chinese purchase—when CNOOC (China National
Offshore Oil Company) tried to purchase Unocal of California for $18.5 billion.
The mere announcement of the deal created so much Congressional controversy
that Unocal accepted a lower bid rather than risk U.S. government rejection of
the CNOOC offer.
China has never again attempted such a
large energy acquisition in the U.S. even though it has done numerous major
energy deals elsewhere in the world.
In the U.S., Chinese energy investments
have been limited to minority stakes and joint ventures, including Sinopec's
$2.2 billion investment last year in some of Devon Energy's venture plays, and
a $1 billion investment for part ownership of some of Chesapeake's shale gas
In 2012, President Obama rejected a
Chinese purchase of four Oregon wind farms due to their proximity to a U.S.
naval drone-testing site. Additionally, a congressional report last year
eviscerated two Chinese telecom companies eager to do business in the United
States, Huawei & ZTE; members of Congress came very close to accusing the
two firms of spying on behalf of the Chinese government.
The next key moment comes when AIG, the
insurance company, finds out if it will be allowed to sell most of its aircraft
leasing arm to a Chinese consortium for $4.8 billion. The deal was announced in
December, and if finalized, would eclipse the AMC theater purchase.
The Committee on Foreign Investment in the
United States, the government agency that vets foreign deals for security
concerns, has yet to sign off on it.
Seeks To Use Tennessee Mountains, U.S. Land For Economic Gain
Every year, alarming amounts of U.S. dollars leave the ever-shrinking
American economy and go to China. This huge transfer of wealth has resulted in
dramatic effects for both the U.S. and China. For China, it’s brought about an
economic boom. For the United States, an economic decline.
One thing that has contributed to this decline is the fact that China
has loaned the U.S. government over a trillion dollars. This is just part of
the $3.2 trillion in converted currency reserves China has hanging over our
heads. Effectively, this debt has silently granted the Chinese government an
alarming amount of leverage over our economy. In addition, China has also
started to buy up businesses, real estate and natural resources all over the
United States. In all actuality, one has to wonder if China’s end goal is to
infiltrate the U.S.
The United States has stumbled into a rather vulnerable position due to
the agreements we have with China. In the years since our relationship with the
communist country began, the U.S. has witnessed an ever-growing Chinese
presence in our states. Even more worrisome is the fact that the Chinese
government is using their Favored Nation Status as an economic
weapon against the United States to benefit their own economy at the expense of
our own. A prime example of this is a recent move on China’s part to acquire
the coal beneath Tennessee’s mountains. They aim to blow up Tennessee mountains
for the coal it would result in.
A Wall Street Journal MarketWatch article from last May that revealed
China-based Guizhou Gouchuang Energy Holdings Group said it had raised $616
million in a private placement to be used mainly to acquire and develop Triple
H Coal Co. in Jacksboro, Tenn. “That would make Guizhou Gouchuang the first
Chinese company to invest in coal in the U.S.”
China is not limiting their infiltration merely to Tennessee’s mountains
and coal, though. The Chinese Central Bank also currently has a plan in the
works that would set up other “development zones” on U.S. soil.
Richmond, a suburb in Vancouver, Canada, is North America’s most Asian
city. Fifty percent of the residents there are Chinese. In Michigan, a group
called “Sino-Michigan Properties LLC” has already bought 200 acres of land near
the town of Milan to build what they call a “China City.” In Idaho, a Chinese
company called “Sinomach” is interested in developing 50 square miles of
self-sustaining technology zones south of the Boise airport. They are also
looking at land in Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania to set up research and
development bases and industrial parks.
In addition to buying up American land, Chinese shipping companies have
also been purchasing important ports in Long Beach, California and Boston,
If something isn’t done soon to take the U.S. off of the path we are on,
we will continue to see Chinese companies infiltrating and purchasing U.S. land
until eventually we find ourselves working for the Chinese government, instead
of United States businesses. Spread the word and contact your congressmen and
women. Demand a change from our leaders to restore America. Send this letter to
your congressional representative and to five of your friends and ask them to
do the same!
Weiner’s a Problem but Huma Abedin is a
Bigger Problem
Posted 3 Hours
Ago by Marilyn Assenheim filed under 2016
Election, Constitution, Corruption, Email
Featured, Ethics, Liberalism, Marriage, Morality, Politics
On Thursday, Huma Abedin had
been flogged across the airwaves by the MSM as being “intelligent,” “delicate,”
“brave” and was lauded for “standing by her man.” The degenerate Anthony Weiner
had “made a mistake.” Several, actually. Why the deafening cacophony of praise?
Because Abedin and the State Department are under Senate investigation and MSM
is trying to deflect damaging public scrutiny of Abedin/Hillary/State
Department wrongdoing.
If the investigation sinks
Abedin, it might also derail a potential presidential run by Hillary Clinton in
2016. Abedin and Hillary are indiscrete in more ways than one.
According to FOX News “Abedin is facing her own
troubles — less salacious than her husband's, but potentially more
Abedin was Hillary Clinton’s
deputy chief of staff at the State Department. The title changed, according to Politico, when
Abedin took maternity leave during the summer of 2012. Clinton awarded her
bosom buddy of 15 years the title of “special government employee.”
Abedin’s part-time labors on
behalf of the State Department netted her an annual salary of $135,000 — $155,000
with benefits. The status change was kept secret. It was unearthed by The Politico in May, 2013. Being a “special
government employee” gave Abedin plenty of time with her new family but it also
permitted Abedin to pursue other, more lucrative jobs while on the government
For example, as a consultant
for Teneo.
Teneo trades stocks and bonds.
Abedin’s security clearance and access to insider trading information is at
issue here, among other possible infractions. Such as keeping her nose in the
government feeding trough at taxpayer expense while rooting for truffles in
greener pastures. Abedin’s part-time consulting gig with Teneo harvested
an additional $355,000 annually. Bill Clinton is a board member of Teneo.
According to a witness, Abedin was also employed, during that time, privately
by no less than four entities: Hillary, the State Department, Teneo, and the
William Jefferson Clinton Foundation. Heckuva gig for a stay-at-home mom.
The Senate investigation,
headed by Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), has, thus far, not received a single
document requested from either the State Department or Abedin. Grassley
wrote to Abedin: “I am concerned that the ‘special government employee’
designation blurs the line between public and private sector employees,
especially when employees receive full-time salaries for what appears to be
part-time work…” Abedin responded with a letter denying any wrongdoing. Well,
there it is; she says so, so it must be true…right?
Abedin’s career has morphed
again. Since March, Abedin has been working exclusively for Hillary, fronting
Clinton’s post-State Department transition team. Abedin’s career-hopping,
favored treatment by Clinton is not just a one-off event. According to Politico: “It’s
similar, in many respects, to the way many Clinton aides were paid for years
while she was a senator... Other loyalists, such as longtime Clinton aide Kelly
Craighead and other confidants, later went on to lucrative work with
Clinton-allied organizations.”
Abedin staunchly declared to
the press that she is in love with Weiner. Doubtful. What she is in love with,
however, is power. She is following the lessons picked up while squatting at
her mentor’s feet. Hillary has a long history of pursuing criminal
activity while clutching the coattails of men. She pleaded “no contest “to at
least five fundraising schemes, was implicated in the Whitewater scandal,
defrauded former clients while with the Rose Law Firm, pleaded a loss of memory
no fewer than 250 times during Congressional hearings, and parlayed insider
information of the stock market into a personal gain of hundreds of thousands
of dollars, just to name a few.
She was the first FLOTUS to
come under criminal investigation; a special prosecutor stated that she’d
narrowly avoided indictment only because of her status as First Lady. She’s
even sidestepping State Department ineptitude and the Benghazi disgrace
Hillary is the venal,
incompetent tool the left is pitching as the first female president. Abedin
must stand by Weiner as Hillary stood by her trouser-snake of a husband in
order to replace criminality with loyalty in the public’s consciousness.
If that dodge continues to
work, the jackass won’t be Democrat; it will be us.
mi opinión” Lázaro
R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE
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