441 “En mi opinión”
Julio 27, 2013 ‘IN GOD WE
DE Ricardo Samitier.
aumenta la BUROCRACIA con nueva ley è El Gobernador Scott y Los Politiqueros Cumplen Con Su Gran
Promesa De Campaña De Crear Empleos... Crearon
Los Representantes y Senadores Entre 40 y
45,000 Nuevos Burócratas El Negocio De
Los Políticos Es Nombrar Más
Burócratas Cada Burócrata
Trae Votos...
El estado de la Florida tiene 67 Counties y 411 ciudades... Para “Servir Mejor Al Pueblo” que han sido multados En los semáforos...
por las CAMARITAS... las ciudades Tienen que crear MAS y NUEVAS CORTES... donde van a ser Nombrados los “AMIGOS” de
los politiqueros... Poniendo EL MÍNIMO de 100 nuevos burócratas entre las ciudades
Grandes y Pequeñas... 411 x 100 = 41,110
¡Hay que SALIR CORRIENDO de MIAMI! Los Politiqueros Crean Más Puestos… Nos Concentramos En Las Cámaras... Mientras Aumentan La
Burocracia... La nueva ley estatal HECHA
que las ciudades tengan sus propias JUNTAS DE MAGISTRADOS que sirvan para ayudar a los residentes que sean multados; antes,
los multados debían acudir a a las cortes del condado Miami-Dade para
eliminarse esa multa...
Tallahassee Le ha dado a todos las ciudades de la Florida la
oportunidad De CREAR MAS PUESTOS BUROCRÁTICOS... no van a parar hasta que QUIEBREN TODAS LAS CIUDADES...
En Miami hay 35 ciudades... ahora tendremos 35 NUEVAS CORTES... si solamente nombran
100 empleados extra por Corte... suman 3,500 NUEVOS BURÓCRATAS
De Nuestras Impuestos Y De las Multas Que Nos Pongan... ¿Hasta
“Una buena forma de defender a DIOS” Un
ateo estaba sentado al lado de una niña en un avión y se volvió a ella y le
dijo: "¿Quieres hablar? Vuelos PARECEN más rápido si se se conversa con su compañero de viaje
La niña, que había empezado a leer su libro, respondió al total
extraño, "¿qué te gustaría
"Oh, no lo sé", dijo el ateo. (como los ateos y
comunistas NO PIERDEN OPORTUNIDADES... agregó "¿podríamos hablar de Si Dios Existe..., o que no hay cielo o
el infierno, o vida después de la muerte? Y sonreían con aire de suficiencia.
"Está bien", dijo la niña . "Podrían ser temas interesantes, pero déjame preguntarte
primero. Un caballo, una vaca, y un chivo todos comen lo mismo HIERBA. Sin embargo, un chivo excreta bolitas,
mientras que una vaca excreta una empanada plana, pero un caballo produce
moñigos. ¿Por qué crees que eso pasa? "
El ateo, visiblemente sorprendido por la inteligencia de la
niña, lo piensa y dice:
"HMMM, NO TENGO NI IDEA." a lo que las niña respondió "¿Realmente se siente
calificado para discutir Dios, el Cielo, el Infierno, o la vida después de la
Columna de Alberto Pérez.
Viejas y Obsoletas ideas
Obsoleto quiere decir anticuado, inadecuado a las circunstancias actuales.
Cuando nos llaman obsoletos y anticuados a los conservadores porque
nos oponemos a las ideas socialistas, esto es algo que se debe razonar, no creo
que se debe aceptar un concepto porque es popular si no se razona.
El socialismo ha fracasado en el pasado, y fracasa en el presente en
todos los países donde se impone.
Si quieren discutir sobre los presentes países socialistas del siglo
XXI pueden hacerlo, aunque es tapar el sol con un dedo, pero no pueden negar
los fracasos del pasado.
La Unión Soviética, cuna del socialismo cayó por su propio peso, no
hubo que disparar un tiro para tumbarla, su ineficacia fue su autodestrucción.
El marxismo-leninismo no es una doctrina moderna, todo lo contrario,
tiene más de un siglo. Mucho más moderna es el neoliberalismo, que
se parece más a la doctrina conservadora.
Pero no es el tiempo lo que hace una doctrina obsoleta o efectiva, es
el resultado que produce la doctrina cuando se implanta como un modo de
El modelo de gobierno de la economía de mercado que ha sido el modelo
a seguir en los Estados Unidos, ha producido la nación de mayor riqueza
económica en la historia del mundo.
El sistema americano, es la envidia de las naciones y el
destino deseado de los inmigrantes del mundo entero.
Decir que las ideas que hicieron grande a esta nación son obsoletas y
que deben de sustituirse con las fracasadas ideas del socialismo, no tiene una
explicación lógica, como no sea la aberración mental que produce la envidia.
Este concepto se debe a que sin lugar a dudas la juventud en nuestras
universidades está siendo adoctrinada por los profesores que son producto de la
academia liberal que no perdona que los empresarios que consideran
intelectualmente inferiores puedan tener un status económico superior al de ellos.
Con esta cultura de la envidia envenenan nuestra juventud con las
obsoletas doctrinas socialistas
Me dicen que los sistemas políticos vienen por etapas, y que ahora
estamos pasando una etapa socialista, como en el pasado siglo y que volveremos
al reconocimiento de la realidad de la filosofía conservadora.
Pudiera ser, pero no debe de ser. Una vez que una doctrina
prueba que no es efectiva, no debiera de renacer, porque ya
fracasó. Si se tratara de sustituir el capitalismo por una doctrina
diferente que no fuera el socialismo, se pudiera escuchar su razonamiento, pero
tratar de vendernos algo que ya fracasó no tiene razón de ser.
El hombre es el único animal que tropieza dos veces con la misma
piedra, y seguimos tropezando.
El tratar de implantar el socialismo en los Estados Unidos es tan
obsoleto que no es posible, es como poner un caballo a tirar de un Mercedes
La teocracia o Estado Confesional, fue
una forma de gobierno instituida en la que los líderes gubernamentales
coinciden con los líderes de una institución religiosa dominante, y las
políticas de gobierno son idénticas y están influidas por los principios de
esta institución. Normalmente
el gobierno afirma gobernar en nombre de Dios, tal como especifica la
institución religiosa.
Las instituciones religiosas son
organizaciones humanas y como tales tratan de crecer con el proselitismo, si no
lo hacen desaparecen, por ende cada una se atribuye la verdad absoluta y la
representación de Dios en la tierra.
Por esto es imposible la democracia en un
país donde exista una teocracia total.
En el cristianismo se supone que la iglesia
es un organismo, no una organización, y que la iglesia es el cuerpo de
Cristo, pero la necesidad de poder de la organización religiosa, olvida
este principio cristiano.
Las organizaciones humanas a través de los
siglos han forzado sus interpretaciones y creencias particulares en los países
con teocracia.
En Europa, tanto la denominación Católica
como la protestante practicaron la inquisición, quemando en la hoguera a los
que no pensaban como ellos, hasta en América, los puritanos que fueron
perseguidos en Inglaterra, se convirtieron en perseguidores en Salem, quemando
Nunca me explicado esa afición al barbecue
humano de estas instituciones.
Pero en occidente, como la civilización se
desarrolló bajo los valores Judeo-cristianos, la substancia del cristianismo y
sus valores, prevaleció sobre el poder material de las organizaciones
religiosas, y la teocracia de hecho ha desaparecido.
En los pocos países en occidente con estados
confesionales o sea que tienen una religión oficial del estado, la teocracia es
simplemente simbólica.
En Europa hay estados confesionales luteranos
en Dinamarca, anglicano en Inglaterra, Ortodoxo Griega en Grecia, Católico en
Bélgica y Mónaco, y en américa Costa Rica es un estado confesional
Católico. También, y es lógico, Israel es un estado confesional Judío y el
Vaticano es un estado confesional Católico.
Pero en estos países de la cultura
Judeo-cristiana, la teocracia es simbólica y la libertad de culto es ley.
La religión oficial no fuerza a los
ciudadanos a que practiquen la religión oficial.
De hecho en Inglaterra donde por siglos está
establecido que los ciudadanos paguen impuestos para la institución religiosa,
cuya cabeza es el monarca, esta institución anglicana reparte los fondos de los
impuestos proporcionalmente por el número de su membresía a las otras
Los que se han mantenido anacrónicamente como
teocracias autoritarias, han sido las naciones musulmanas.
Estos musulmanes, que cuando emigran al
occidente demandan la libertad para ejercer la religión institucional de su
preferencia, no aceptan que las personas que viven en sus países tengan otras
creencias o un estilo de vida diferente al de su institución.
Vemos como ellos no tienen la afición al
barbecue de las instituciones “cristianas” del pasado, pero les gusta el
castigo por estrangulación y ahorcan a los que no piensan como ellos.
La transición de las teocracias en occidente
no ocurrió en un día, tomó denuncias y protestas de los verdaderos
cristianos el acabar con el poder institucional.
Pero vemos que el denunciar o protestar
contra la última teocracia asesina en el mundo, es incorrecto.
Tenemos que callar para tener sensibilidad
para con los criminales.
No es ser insensible del denunciar un crimen,
es insensible ser testigos de un crimen en silencio.
Por Diego Quirós, Sr.
Para implantar el Estado Socialista, Carlos Marx,
autor y Vladimir I. Lenin ejecutor, no utilizaron medios persuasivos ni
convincentes. El lenguaje fue la fuerza y las decisiones no se
consultaban, sino que se imponían. En uno de sus argumentos
Marx manifiesto: “la religión es el opio de los pueblos” y la
revolución Bolchevique de 1917 tomando esas palabras como bandera, destruyo la
En España, la Segunda Republica en el año 1936,
comenzó la cacería contra la Iglesia destruyendo templos y asesinando a cuanto
religioso o laico comprometido encontrase a su paso. Tuvieron la
estupidez de ir a fusilar una imagen de Jesucristo en el
Cerro de los Angeles, que se encuentra en las afueras de Madrid. Ante tantas
violaciones, persecuciones y crímenes cometidos es que comenzó la
guerra civil.
Fidel Castro a su llegada al poder, hizo lo mismo.
Desato la persecución religiosa, expulsando sacerdotes y monjas,
expropiando colegios religiosos y encarcelando y fusilando jóvenes
cristianos. El marxismo y la democracia no pueden caminar en el mismo
sentido. Por eso Castro, al igual que Lenin, Stalin y la segunda republica
española, son culpables de tantos mártires.
Tenemos que ser muy sagaces y reconocer el
significado de cada acción o palabra que se emplea hoy día en la conquista del
voto. La táctica de los izquierdistas ha cambiado, ahora llegan al
poder a través de las elecciones con palabras engañosas.
Aunque los medios sean diferentes, el
resultado es el mismo. Primero se hace conciencia en la lucha de clases y se
promete apoderarse de los bienes de todos aquellos que han logrado consolidar
una holgada posición económica para repartirla entre los humildes, obligando a
la clase pudiente a abandonar todo tipo de empresa. Así es el sistema económico
marxista, el Estado es el único empleador, que al no
existir competencia, todo pierde calidad, llegando a la absoluta miseria.
Se reparte el veneno de la discriminación racial,
étnica o social, se le echa aire al fuego y se establece otro tema de división.
Con estas armas en función, solo falta eliminar
la Iglesia, que como en tiempos anteriores no van a ir directamente matando
sacerdotes y monjas, sino que los acosan conculcándoles sus Derechos
y violando las Libertades establecidas en
la Constitución por los fundadores de esta gran Nación y
cuyos derechos están establecidos en la Carta Magna de la Declaración de los
Derechos Humanos.
Que el Señor Presidente Barack Hussein Obama diga
que es cristiano, está faltando a la verdad. Ningún cristiano puede estar de
acuerdo con la práctica del aborto ni de ningún otro medio que interrumpa la
procreación ni sus formas naturales a través de la unión conyugal. Usar todo
tipo de herramienta que vaya contra la creación y darle más valor al placer que
al amor es convertir la dignidad de la mujer en “un objeto de placer”.
(Encíclica Humanae Vitae) S.S. Pablo VI.
Es bueno que todo el que se confiese cristiano y
se sienta todavía LIBRE, analice estos puntos para no coincidir con el
sentimiento de los que enarbolan el trapo rojo de la hoz y el
White House hosts radical cleric
Dear Lazaro R,
We have just one question about the IPT News story below:
What good could possibly come from welcoming a radical Muslim cleric to the White House who has exhorted Muslim countries to provide military aid to Palestinian terrorist groups?
Dear Lazaro R,
We have just one question about the IPT News story below:
What good could possibly come from welcoming a radical Muslim cleric to the White House who has exhorted Muslim countries to provide military aid to Palestinian terrorist groups?
Bin Bayyah Statements Underscore Support for Terrorism
by John Rossomando IPT News July 12, 2013
Investigative Project on Terrorism has uncovered evidence that radical Muslim
cleric Sheik Abdullah Bin Bayyah, who met withtop White House
officials last month, personally urged Muslim nations to aid the Palestinian
terrorist groups in Gaza militarily.
"Muslim rulers are required to rescue their fellow Muslims in many ways, through financial, military and diplomatic support. Everything should be done to stop this terrible, ongoing massacre in Gaza," Bin Bayyah wrote in April. The posting was removed following the release of IPT's June 26 report about Bin Bayyah's White House visit. "I also call upon our Palestinian brothers to unite all resistance movements in the same name and under the same banner. And it is the duty of all Arabs to help them in the name of Islam, logic, pan-Arabism and humanity."
The comment lines up with the position of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS), headed by Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi. Bin Bayyah has been its vice president for 9 years. The group notably issued a December 2012 communiqué praising Hamas's "strategic victory … in the dignified Gaza" and calling for Israel's destruction.
Bin Bayyah notably declared that Palestinian terrorists have the right to all "kinds of resistance, including the use of weapons."
The sheikh issued a fatwa on January 19, 2012 stating that Muslims could satisfy their zakat obligations by giving their money to "fighters in the cause of Allah" (those undertaking a military jihad) to "buy weapons."
"He ... avoids any specifics at all, giving the reader the room to use his opinion to finance causes like Hamas, Hizballah, or other radical Islamists," Zuhdi Jasser, president of theAmerican Islamic Forum for Democracy, said.
Islamic charities such as the Holy Land Foundation and others have notably been convicted of laundering zakat donations to fund Hamas or other terror groups.
Bin Bayyah also condemned the linking of Islamic charities with terrorism, calling it "sham propaganda."
White House officials justified meeting with him on June 13 because he denounced al-Qaida in 2010 and because of work he did with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. After the IPT reported on his visit, a spokesperson told The Daily Caller that the White House invited him to tackle "a wide range of issues including poverty, global health efforts and Bin Bayyah's efforts to counter the al Qaeda narrative."
"Bin Bayyah may be anti-Al Qaida because he is against the targeting of what he defines as civilians. He simply detests 'freelance jihadists' or 'jihadi-anarchists' preferring more ordered Islamist statists within his Salafi circles," Jasser said. "These quotes [about Palestinian terrorists] in essence reveal that he may disagree with the means and authority Al-Qaida may use but in fact the ends of a global neo-Caliphate and Islamist hegemony he clearly promotes.
"Here, he clearly endorses the adoption of all militant causes initiated by what he deems to be legitimate Islamist grievance movements from across the world."
The White House did not respond to repeated IPT requests for comment.
Additionally, the administration has not addressed any questions related to Bin Bayyah's support for Hamas. It has also been silent about criticism of its reaching out to the IUMS in the light of the group's calls for Israel's destruction, and its 2004 call for the killing of U.S. troops in Iraq. Qaradawi, the IUMS's founder, is considered so radical he has been barred from entering the United States.
Hosting Bin Bayyah in the White House was a mistake, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, told the IPT.
"The Obama administration sends a strong message whenever they accept or facilitate meetings with foreign leaders or officials," McCaul said in an emailed statement. "The administration's narrative of the terror threat decreasing does not mirror the reality that al Qaeda and Islamist extremism is still a growing threat to the homeland, and the actions of officials in the White House should reflect that reality."
Inviting Bin Bayyah to the White House reveals an ideologically-motivated "tone deafness to what constitutes a radical," Jasser said.
Although Bin Bayyah has stated his opposition to Al-Qaida's tactics for creating a global Caliphate, his writings show that he supports the idea of Muslims being united under a single flag defended by a single army.
"[T]he basic principle is that the [Muslim people] ought to be under one banner and one ruler. This is the basic principle prescribed by Islam. But the status quo shows that the ummah has been disunited for a long time, its enemies have grown significantly, and its magnificence has declined," Bin Bayyah wrote in a January 2012 fatwa on his website. "The ummah should have one army to protect it. It needs no foreign armies or interference in any form."
Bin Bayyah suggests that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) gives hope for pan-Islamic unity and a united federation. He blames a "fierce campaign launched by the enemies of the ummah" through colonialism, efforts to spread democracy and "regaining Jerusalem through crusade" efforts for lack of Muslim unity. The OIC Charter guarantees the Palestinians' right to replace Israel with a state of their own that has Jerusalem as its capital.
"Bin Bayyah here obviously reveals that he not only believes in the dominance of the Islamic state but he thus through citizenship links every Muslim's faith practice to the military obligations of jihad which scholars like him determine," Jasser said. "Where does he differ from Sheik Awlaki? It is not clear. We are to assume that 'scholars' like him will not take Muslims across the planet into a collective war without 'just cause' to 'rescue their fellow Muslims,' 'under one banner' and thus 'unite all resistance movements."
Connecting Islam with terrorism involves a "deliberate negligence of the objective facts," which stems from "ignorance," according to Bin Bayyah.
If freedom and democracy on the Middle East was on the White House's agenda when officials met with the cleric, then the administration should take a closer look at his writings, which show that he considers the Western approach to freedom and democracy un-Islamic.
Bin Bayyah's view of democracy and free speech is scarcely any different from that shown by the recently deposed Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt that cracked down on dissidentsclaiming they had insulted Islam.
In Bin Bayyah's view, free speech is subject to the limitations imposed by Islamic sharia law – particularly when it comes to speech and "harmful values in the society."
And he seemed to criticize the United States in an essay last year when he wrote that "the most boastful countries in terms of democracy are the most aggressive and corrupt countries in the world."
Bin Bayyah likely approved of the Brotherhood's March arrest of comedian Bassem Youssef for "insulting Islam." "Basically, it is definitely prohibited to criticize, mock at, or deride of the right religion and whoever does this bears enormous sin," Bin Bayyah told the London-basedal-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper in January 2012.
Bin Bayyah rationalizes Palestinian terrorism, criticizes democracy, and supports blasphemy laws and other restrictions on free speech and other basic freedoms. But the White House appears unwilling to criticize or isolate those views. Instead, it ignored his call for Muslim rulers to give military assistance to Palestinian terrorist groups and opened the White House doors to Bin Bayyah and defended his invitation because he said bad things about al-Qaida.
"Muslim rulers are required to rescue their fellow Muslims in many ways, through financial, military and diplomatic support. Everything should be done to stop this terrible, ongoing massacre in Gaza," Bin Bayyah wrote in April. The posting was removed following the release of IPT's June 26 report about Bin Bayyah's White House visit. "I also call upon our Palestinian brothers to unite all resistance movements in the same name and under the same banner. And it is the duty of all Arabs to help them in the name of Islam, logic, pan-Arabism and humanity."
The comment lines up with the position of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS), headed by Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi. Bin Bayyah has been its vice president for 9 years. The group notably issued a December 2012 communiqué praising Hamas's "strategic victory … in the dignified Gaza" and calling for Israel's destruction.
Bin Bayyah notably declared that Palestinian terrorists have the right to all "kinds of resistance, including the use of weapons."
The sheikh issued a fatwa on January 19, 2012 stating that Muslims could satisfy their zakat obligations by giving their money to "fighters in the cause of Allah" (those undertaking a military jihad) to "buy weapons."
"He ... avoids any specifics at all, giving the reader the room to use his opinion to finance causes like Hamas, Hizballah, or other radical Islamists," Zuhdi Jasser, president of theAmerican Islamic Forum for Democracy, said.
Islamic charities such as the Holy Land Foundation and others have notably been convicted of laundering zakat donations to fund Hamas or other terror groups.
Bin Bayyah also condemned the linking of Islamic charities with terrorism, calling it "sham propaganda."
White House officials justified meeting with him on June 13 because he denounced al-Qaida in 2010 and because of work he did with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. After the IPT reported on his visit, a spokesperson told The Daily Caller that the White House invited him to tackle "a wide range of issues including poverty, global health efforts and Bin Bayyah's efforts to counter the al Qaeda narrative."
"Bin Bayyah may be anti-Al Qaida because he is against the targeting of what he defines as civilians. He simply detests 'freelance jihadists' or 'jihadi-anarchists' preferring more ordered Islamist statists within his Salafi circles," Jasser said. "These quotes [about Palestinian terrorists] in essence reveal that he may disagree with the means and authority Al-Qaida may use but in fact the ends of a global neo-Caliphate and Islamist hegemony he clearly promotes.
"Here, he clearly endorses the adoption of all militant causes initiated by what he deems to be legitimate Islamist grievance movements from across the world."
The White House did not respond to repeated IPT requests for comment.
Additionally, the administration has not addressed any questions related to Bin Bayyah's support for Hamas. It has also been silent about criticism of its reaching out to the IUMS in the light of the group's calls for Israel's destruction, and its 2004 call for the killing of U.S. troops in Iraq. Qaradawi, the IUMS's founder, is considered so radical he has been barred from entering the United States.
Hosting Bin Bayyah in the White House was a mistake, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, told the IPT.
"The Obama administration sends a strong message whenever they accept or facilitate meetings with foreign leaders or officials," McCaul said in an emailed statement. "The administration's narrative of the terror threat decreasing does not mirror the reality that al Qaeda and Islamist extremism is still a growing threat to the homeland, and the actions of officials in the White House should reflect that reality."
Inviting Bin Bayyah to the White House reveals an ideologically-motivated "tone deafness to what constitutes a radical," Jasser said.
Although Bin Bayyah has stated his opposition to Al-Qaida's tactics for creating a global Caliphate, his writings show that he supports the idea of Muslims being united under a single flag defended by a single army.
"[T]he basic principle is that the [Muslim people] ought to be under one banner and one ruler. This is the basic principle prescribed by Islam. But the status quo shows that the ummah has been disunited for a long time, its enemies have grown significantly, and its magnificence has declined," Bin Bayyah wrote in a January 2012 fatwa on his website. "The ummah should have one army to protect it. It needs no foreign armies or interference in any form."
Bin Bayyah suggests that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) gives hope for pan-Islamic unity and a united federation. He blames a "fierce campaign launched by the enemies of the ummah" through colonialism, efforts to spread democracy and "regaining Jerusalem through crusade" efforts for lack of Muslim unity. The OIC Charter guarantees the Palestinians' right to replace Israel with a state of their own that has Jerusalem as its capital.
"Bin Bayyah here obviously reveals that he not only believes in the dominance of the Islamic state but he thus through citizenship links every Muslim's faith practice to the military obligations of jihad which scholars like him determine," Jasser said. "Where does he differ from Sheik Awlaki? It is not clear. We are to assume that 'scholars' like him will not take Muslims across the planet into a collective war without 'just cause' to 'rescue their fellow Muslims,' 'under one banner' and thus 'unite all resistance movements."
Connecting Islam with terrorism involves a "deliberate negligence of the objective facts," which stems from "ignorance," according to Bin Bayyah.
If freedom and democracy on the Middle East was on the White House's agenda when officials met with the cleric, then the administration should take a closer look at his writings, which show that he considers the Western approach to freedom and democracy un-Islamic.
Bin Bayyah's view of democracy and free speech is scarcely any different from that shown by the recently deposed Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt that cracked down on dissidentsclaiming they had insulted Islam.
In Bin Bayyah's view, free speech is subject to the limitations imposed by Islamic sharia law – particularly when it comes to speech and "harmful values in the society."
And he seemed to criticize the United States in an essay last year when he wrote that "the most boastful countries in terms of democracy are the most aggressive and corrupt countries in the world."
Bin Bayyah likely approved of the Brotherhood's March arrest of comedian Bassem Youssef for "insulting Islam." "Basically, it is definitely prohibited to criticize, mock at, or deride of the right religion and whoever does this bears enormous sin," Bin Bayyah told the London-basedal-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper in January 2012.
Bin Bayyah rationalizes Palestinian terrorism, criticizes democracy, and supports blasphemy laws and other restrictions on free speech and other basic freedoms. But the White House appears unwilling to criticize or isolate those views. Instead, it ignored his call for Muslim rulers to give military assistance to Palestinian terrorist groups and opened the White House doors to Bin Bayyah and defended his invitation because he said bad things about al-Qaida.
Education Tragedy
As if more evidence were needed about the tragedy of black education,
Rachel Jeantel, a witness for the prosecution in the George Zimmerman murder
trial, put a face on it for the nation to see. Some of that evidence unfolded
when Zimmerman’s defense attorney asked 19-year-old Jeantel to read a letter
that she allegedly had written to Trayvon Martin’s mother. She responded that she
doesn’t read cursive, and that’s in addition to her poor grammar, syntax and
communication skills.
Jeantel is a senior at Miami Norland Senior High School. How in the
world did she manage to become a 12th-grader without being able to read cursive
writing? That’s a skill one would expect from a fourth-grader. Jeantel is by no
means an exception at her school.
Here are a few achievement scores from her school:
· Thirty-nine percent
of the students score basic for reading, and
· 38 percent score
below basic.
· In math, 37 percent
score basic, and 50 percent score below basic.
Below basic is the score when a student is unable to demonstrate even
partial mastery of knowledge and skills fundamental for proficient work at his
grade level. Basic indicates only partial mastery.
Few Americans, particularly black Americans, have any idea of the true
magnitude of the black education tragedy. The education establishment might
claim that it’s not their fault. They’re not responsible for the devastation
caused by female-headed families, drugs, violence and the culture of
dependency. But they are totally responsible for committing gross educational
fraud. It’s educators who graduated Jeantel from elementary and middle school
and continued to pass her along in high school. It’s educators who will, in
June 2014, confer upon her a high-school diploma.
It’s not just Florida’s schools. According to the National Assessment of
Educational Progress, nationally most black 12th-graders test either basic or
below basic in reading, writing, math and science.
Then there’s Morgan Polikoff, assistant professor of education at the
University of Southern California, who says: “Cursive should be allowed to die.
In fact, it’s already dying, despite having been taught for decades.” That’s
the kind of educational philosophy that accounts for much of our nation’s
educational decline.
The educational system and black family structure and culture have
combined to make increasing numbers of young black people virtually useless in
the increasingly high-tech world of the 21st century. Too many people believe
that pouring more money into schools will help.
· Someone must make the
student do his homework, see to it that he gets a good night’s sleep, fix a
breakfast, make sure he gets to school on time and make sure he respects and
obeys his teachers.
· Here are my
questions: Which one of those
requirements can be achieved through a higher school budget? Which can be
achieved by politicians? If those minimal requirements aren’t met, whatever
else is done is mostly for naught.
I hope Rachel Jeantel’s court performance
is a wake-up call for black Americans about the devastation wrought by our
educational system.
San Antonio Preparing to
Arrest Christians Who Speak Out on the Bible
San Antonio City Council is about to adopt an ordinance that could get any
Christian arrested for preaching the Bible or sharing their faith.
They are looking at passing some nondiscrimination ordinances that would make
it a crime to exhibit or express any form of bias that could offend
someone. The proposed ordinance says:
“No person shall
be appointed to a position if the city council finds that such person has,
prior to such proposed appointment, engaged in discrimination or demonstrated a
bias, by word or deed, against any person, group or organization on the basis
of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity, veteran status, age, or disability.”
found guilty of violating the new ordinance would be given a lifetime ban from
being able to hold a city job, being involved with city government or even
doing business with the city.
other words, if a Christian works for the city as a garbage collector or street
repair and they tell someone that the Bible says homosexuality is a sin, they
could lose their job for expressing their bias. Or, if you contracted
with the city to provide a service, say computer maintenance or repair and you
quoted what the Bible says about homosexuality, you could lose your contract
with the city.
pastor who stands in the pulpit and reads from Leviticus 18, 20 or Romans 1,
could be found guilty of violating the nondiscriminatory ordinance and face the
consequences. In fact, the ordinance would make it impossible for any
good conservative Bible believing person, minister, church leader or lay
person, to work for the city or run for any city office including the city
the ordinance violates the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and
religion. Opponents of the ordinance also point out that it violates
Article VI, paragraph 3 of the US Constitution that states:
“No religious
Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust
under the United States.”
also claim that the nondiscriminatory ordinance violates the Texas Constitution
and Texas Religious Freedom Act. Charles Flowers, Pastor of Faith Outreach
International commented, saying:
“The ordinance …
says that if you have at any point demonstrate[d] a bias – without defining
what a bias is or who will determine whether or not one has been exercised –
that you cannot get a city contract. Neither can any of your
subcontractors [who have demonstrated a bias] sign on to the contract.”
“Ever have a
Paula Deen moment – make an off-color joke or hold a religious belief?
[Pastor Steve] Branson [of Village Parkway Baptist Church] says keep it to
yourself if you’re involved with San Antonio city government. Proposed changes
to the anti-discrimination ordinance could get you fired.”
to me that the people of San Antonio need to seriously consider who has been
elected or appointed to the city council. If the council approves the
ordinance, the citizens of San Antonio should launch recalls against all who
voted for it. Conservatives and Christians need to start standing up for
their rights and for their state and nation and stop allowing left-wing agenda
oriented liberals from taking control.
Internet Sources: Government Agencies
Demanding Passwords
Friday, 26 Jul 2013 01:23 PM By Sandy Fitzgerald
Government agencies are demanding that Internet companies release users'
passwords, according to industry sources who claim they are refusing the
requests despite the pressure.
"I've certainly seen them ask for passwords," one source told, speaking on conditions of anonymity. "We push back."
Passwords are usually stored in an encrypted form, but if the government got access them they could be use access confidential information, impersonate users, or even decipher other encrypted devices.
Another unidentified source, reportedly from a large company in the Silicon Valley, told CNET that it has received legal requests as well from the federal government for stored passwords. But this source said companies "really heavily scrutinize" the requests.
The government requests don't ask just for passwords, but also encryption algorithms and the "salt," which is a random string of letters or numbers that makes it more difficult to reverse encryptions and determine passwords. The requests also demand question codes associated with user accounts.
Officials at Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo declined to comment on whether they had been requested or ordered to turn over passwords. But all three insisted that they protect the private information of consumers who use their products.
"We take the privacy and security of our users very seriously," said a Google official.
A spokeswoman at Yahoo said, "If we receive a request from law enforcement for a user's password, we deny such requests on the grounds that they would allow overly broad access to our users' private information.
"If we are required to provide information, we do so only in the strictest interpretation of what is required by law."
Other companies, including Apple, Facebook, AOL, Verizon, AT&T, Time Warner Cable, and Comcast did not respond to inquiries about whether they had been pressured by the government to turn over password information.
Read Latest Breaking News from
"I've certainly seen them ask for passwords," one source told, speaking on conditions of anonymity. "We push back."
Passwords are usually stored in an encrypted form, but if the government got access them they could be use access confidential information, impersonate users, or even decipher other encrypted devices.
Another unidentified source, reportedly from a large company in the Silicon Valley, told CNET that it has received legal requests as well from the federal government for stored passwords. But this source said companies "really heavily scrutinize" the requests.
The government requests don't ask just for passwords, but also encryption algorithms and the "salt," which is a random string of letters or numbers that makes it more difficult to reverse encryptions and determine passwords. The requests also demand question codes associated with user accounts.
Officials at Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo declined to comment on whether they had been requested or ordered to turn over passwords. But all three insisted that they protect the private information of consumers who use their products.
"We take the privacy and security of our users very seriously," said a Google official.
A spokeswoman at Yahoo said, "If we receive a request from law enforcement for a user's password, we deny such requests on the grounds that they would allow overly broad access to our users' private information.
"If we are required to provide information, we do so only in the strictest interpretation of what is required by law."
Other companies, including Apple, Facebook, AOL, Verizon, AT&T, Time Warner Cable, and Comcast did not respond to inquiries about whether they had been pressured by the government to turn over password information.
Read Latest Breaking News from
ATF’s latest confiscation program
on: July 26th, 2013
Agents from the
federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, or ATF, have
begun confiscating gun parts known as drop-in auto sears, or DIAS. A DIAS is a
simple toggle device which, when installed in an AR-type rifle, along with
several other critical fire-control parts, can convert a semi-auto AR into a
full-auto assault rifle. The devices were originally unregulated, but in 1981
ATF declared them to be machine guns if possessed in conjunction with the other
parts needed to make a conversion, but the agency made their new determination
apply only to DIASes manufactured after Nov. 1, 1981. Now ATF is apparently
using the records of a man who openly sold the devices for decades to track
down purchasers and take their property as contraband – with the real
possibility of then prosecuting those people.
One of the reasons
gun owners tend to be completely opposed to the passage of any new gun laws –
no matter how innocuous or reasonable seeming – is the erratic history of
interpretation and enforcement of the current gun laws. This is also why I
cringe every time I hear someone who supposedly supports gun rights – from
politicians to the head of the NRA – calling for the feds to “enforce the laws
already on the books.” The fact is, the gun laws that are already on the books
are a labyrinth of confusion and booby-traps full of open-ended mandates,
ambiguous definitions and unbridled bureaucratic discretion. Many innocent
people have had their lives and livelihoods completely destroyed when federal agencies
have decided to “enforce the laws already on the books.”
Read more:
Read more:
Message from
Michael Reagan
Chairman, League of American Voters
Michael Reagan
Chairman, League of American Voters
Dear Newsmax Reader:
ObamaCare “train wreck” is closer than you think.
This year
the first wave of ObamaCare regulations and taxes has already begun to hit.
insurance policy holders like you and me are being whacked with massive premium
Medicare recipients — folks who paid into the system — are beginning to suffer
as their benefits are being diverted to help tens of millions of freeloaders.
that was the worst?
business owners all across the country are warning of massive layoffs and an
economic slowdown.
Congressional Budget Office, known for its fierce non-partisanship, now admits
that 7 million Americans could lose their private insurance.
These are
just some of the facts about ObamaCare that horrify me.
That’s why
I believe the No. 1 priority for Congress is to stop ObamaCare!
Yes, stop
it dead in its tracks.
And I have
a plan to do just that.
with the League of American Voters, the powerful grass-roots organization I
lead as national chairman, I know it can be done.
But I need
your help today.
First, let
me walk you through just how dangerous and radical this ObamaCare law really
bureaucrats have already written more than 20,000 complicated regulations to go
along with the 2,700-page law that Nancy Pelosi pushed through Congress — a law
no one had time to read before they voted for it!
Now, this
law will fundamentally change your healthcare for the worse.
consistently show Americans don’t want ObamaCare — its taxes and fees, Medicare
cuts, and other onerous demands.
I think you
are among the majority of Americans who want ObamaCare stopped and are willing
to help.
senators and congressmen who voted for this law are having second thoughts.
Sen. Max
Baucus, a leading Democrat who backed ObamaCare, recently complained during a
Senate hearing, “I just see a huge train wreck coming down.”
And he’s
one of the senators who actually wrote the ObamaCare law!
Baucus is
speaking honestly now because he is so panicked about the damage ObamaCare will
do that he decided not to run for re-election!
for him, Baucus can run from ObamaCare.
But you
can’t. I can’t. The country can’t.
You Can
Derail ObamaCare
The fact is
it is too late to repeal ObamaCare.
The House
of Representatives has passed bills fully repealing ObamaCare. But they have
failed in the Senate.
And Obama
will NEVER sign a law repealing ObamaCare.
ObamaCare needs oxygen and that oxygen is money from Congress.
I believe
we can defeat ObamaCare using the provisions in the Constitution itself that
give Congress the power to stop the funding of ObamaCare.
can simply defund ObamaCare without ever repealing the law.
The League
of American Voters has developed a simple strategy to prevent the
implementation of ObamaCare.
Until a
future Congress comes to its senses and repeals it, the law remains on the
But here’s
the rub.
controls the funding of ObamaCare.
No funding
… no ObamaCare.
If Congress
doesn’t fund the implementation of the law … it won’t get implemented.
And that’s
where you join the fight.
By signing
the League’s petition urging Congress to cut off funding for ObamaCare, you
will join me in the effort to stop this hideous law.
You will
stop the massive Medicare cuts ObamaCare requires.
You will
stop the empaneling of so-called Independent Payment Advisory Boards — what
Sarah Palin called “Death Panels” — committees of faceless bureaucrats who will
decide what medical services you get or don’t get.
You will
stop the IRS from hiring 17,000 new enforcement agents to implement ObamaCare’s
massive tax and mandate features.
You will
stop the massive demands on insurance companies that are causing premiums to
By simply
going online now and signing the Defund ObamaCare petition you will join
literally hundreds of thousands of your fellow Americans urging Congress to listen
to the public and stop ObamaCare dead in its tracks now!
the Constitution says Congress — not the president — provides for and devises
all tax and spending bills.
president can approve or veto those laws.
Members of
the House and Senate can simply stop ObamaCare by not sending any budget bill
to the president’s desk that includes any funding whatsoever for ObamaCare.
It’s that
simple. Yes!
You may say
this won’t work and that petitions are useless.
You are
politicians of both parties are fearful of you.
When they
see millions of Americans demanding this, they will act.
I have
signed the petition.
Now I need
you to.
One more
thing: Once the petition drive is complete, as chairman of the League of
American Voters, I will personally make sure that our Defund ObamaCare petition
is hand-delivered to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the House
John Boehner.
I will make
this special effort.
But I need
your support to do it!
Act Now
Before You Lose Your Doctor
Association of Medical Colleges predicts that by 2020 the U.S. will have a
shortage of 90,000 doctors.
One of the
missing could easily be yours.
This is an
artificial shortage created by ObamaCare.
rules, red tape and payment limitations are already causing many doctors to
either stop practicing, stop accepting Medicare patients or stop accepting
that with the 30 million (yes, I said million!) new patients that ObamaCare
adds to the rolls — all of whom will have access to “free” medical care — and
you have a situation the term “train wreck” doesn’t begin to describe.
Guess what?
Even this administration has figured out there may be a shortage of primary
care doctors.
One of the
solutions being considered is replacing doctors with nurses!
right, some government officials think replacing a doctor — who has undergone
21,000 hours of training and direct clinical experience — with a nurse practitioner,
who can have as little as 3,500 hours of experience, is a practical solution.
But it gets
As I
mentioned earlier, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that more than 7
million Americans will lose their current health insurance.
Here’s why:
ObamaCare’s demands on business are so draconian that many business owners will
stop health benefits for their employees and pay a fine.
actually cheaper for businesses to pay the fine than buy expensive ObamaCare
Millions of
working Americans will be forced to go to government-run exchanges to get
healthcare for themselves and their families.
And guess
who will pay for these folks if they don’t bother to get insurance? You got it
— you and me!
And for
those who stay on insurance, the nightmare has only just begun.
ObamaCare became law in 2010, insurance premiums have already been skyrocketing
— up almost 30% and the law hasn’t even been implemented!
Under the
ObamaCare law, every insurance company must provide insurance to even those who
become sick and don’t have insurance!
This is the
equivalent of getting homeowners insurance only after your home burns down!
government could think up such a crazy scheme.
you’ve heard the saying that there is no such a thing as a free lunch.
there’s no such thing as free medical care either.
Someone has
to pay… and that someone is you!
You will
pay in higher insurance premiums to cover the new 30 million people not
currently insured.
You will
pay in massive tax hikes — when all is said and done over the next 10 years you
and I will be hit with more than $1 trillion in new taxes and costs!
the full truth about ObamaCare has been laid out in a New York Times
best-selling book called the “ObamaCare Survival Guide.”
Newsmax, my
favorite online news source, says the “ObamaCare Survival Guide” is the “best
guide to the new law — one every American family must have to protect
themselves and their family.”
The Amazing
‘Cadillac’ Tax Set to Strike
One of the
amazing things the “ObamaCare Survival Guide” reveals is the impact of Obama’s
“Cadillac” tax.
Cadillac tax is a 40% tax — yes, read that again, a 40% tax — on what was
supposed to be luxury healthcare plans.
Today only
a small fraction of those currently insured will be hit with this 40% tax.
ObamaCare was very sneaky. It didn’t index current insurance plans for
So now
experts are saying that within several years, as many as 70% of all Americans
will be hit with this Cadillac tax — a whopping 40% tax added onto their
healthcare premiums!
remember — as the Supreme Court admitted — ObamaCare is one giant tax.
And you’re
paying this tax in the form of insurance premiums, taxes on your income, taxes
on capital gains, and other hidden fees and taxes.
In fact the
“ObamaCare Survival Guide” reveals as many as 22 hidden tax schemes.
But the
worst is going to be insurance premiums people pay.
Two House
of Representative committees this year reported that private insurance premiums
will rise by as much as 200% in the next several years.
isn’t it?
reading that you should be asking “where is this petition” so you can sign
right now!
But that’s
not the worst of it.
I guarantee
you will be paying more — in some instances much, much more — for crowded
medical services from a doctor (or even worse, a nurse) who could be a complete
a stranger to you and your family.
If You
Don’t Believe Me Read This
the Society of Actuaries — experts paid to predict insurance costs — estimated
the minimum increase in the cost for individual plans through ObamaCare health
exchanges will be 32% and in some states the increase could be as much as 80%.
The cost
for an individual plan under one BlueCross BlueShield program may increase 150%
even before ObamaCare is fully implemented!
crippling increases in insurance cost will be felt nationwide.
By 2017 the
estimated increase in California is 62%, 80% in Ohio and over 20% in Florida.
evidence is now overwhelming that the cost of healthcare is going to skyrocket
as a result of ObamaCare.
remember we were promised that ObamaCare would reduce healthcare costs, allow
us to keep our health insurance and keep our doctors.
promises have turned out to be a complete lie.
was sold to gullible politicians as a way to reduce health insurance costs.
By forcing
everyone to have coverage, the cost would be spread over a large pool of rate
But that
isn’t the way the law was written.
people like you, who have been paying for health insurance for years, will be
paying for your insurance and covering the cost of freeloaders.
reason enough to sign the petition to Defund ObamaCare — before you sign the
check to pay for insurance premium increases.
Any law
that encourages people to take advantage of the system is a law that should not
have money to be enforced.
Welcome to
the Third World
Henry Chao,
deputy chief information officer at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, let
the cat out of the bag when he warned healthcare executives to “make sure
(ObamaCare) is not a third-world experience.”
Even the
United Union of Roofers, part of the Obama administration collection of union
bosses who have received ObamaCare waivers, called for a repeal or complete
reform of ObamaCare.
They are
not alone.
Millions of
union members have generous health plans. These will be among the first to be
hit with the so-called 40% Cadillac tax.
My point
here is that there is growing and wide support to defund ObamaCare.
I know we
can win this battle.
I just need
your help with this petition and igniting the prairie fire of revolt against
the funding of this law.
I must stop
here and ask you: Which is easier?
Signing the
League’s petition to defund ObamaCare and taking a positive step toward
preventing this train wreck, or spending hours filling out government forms and
then hoping federal insurance will accept your family doctor?
Turn Off
the Spigot for ObamaCare
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, a good friend of my dad, Ronald
Reagan, used to say the problem with socialism is eventually socialists run out
of other people’s money.
The same is
true for our healthcare socialists, but before they run out, they intend to
take much of your money!
That’s what
is so attractive about the League’s plan to shut off the money spigot now,
before ObamaCare can get started.
signature on the petition won’t cost you a dime, but it could save you a
can defund the federal health insurance exchanges.
can defund the IRS enforcement mechanisms. Congress can shut ObamaCare down, if
it feels the pressure from you and others like you.
Please take
a minute to sign the League of American Voters’ Defund ObamaCare petition.
The Coming
Medicare Meltdown
$1 trillion-plus cost has to be paid by someone and seniors have just been
presented with the bill.
Over the
next 10 years Medicare will be cut more than $700 billion to reduce the
crippling financial impact of ObamaCare.
Medicare dollars will be going to people who never paid into the system like
you did.
But that’s
not the worst of it. These cuts will have a direct and obvious impact on you.
In fact
it’s a dirty little secret: The expansion of prescription drug benefits — which
politicians have been so proud of — in no way compensates for the potentially
devastating impact of the billions of dollars in cuts to Medicare.
If you are
on Medicare, you will experience the effect of these cuts personally.
another little secret. ObamaCare has created the so-called “Medicaid-Medicare
Parity Rule.”
That means
Medicaid patients get equal benefits to Medicare patients — people who paid
into the system their whole lives.
Experts say
this parity rule will hurt Medicare in two ways.
precious Medicare funds will be shared with Medicaid recipients. Everyone will
get less care as doctors’ offices will be swamped!
And doctors
will refuse to take Medicare patients due to cuts in what the government pays
for services. (In fact they already are.)
rooms of the doctors that continue to accept Medicare will be jammed.
As a direct
result you will wait longer for an appointment, a procedure, tests or even
Stop the
Coming ‘Train Wreck!’
I have said has been demonstrated by fact. There is no real dispute about the
coming “train wreck” Sen. Baucus is predicting.
That’s why
it’s vital you sign the League’s petition today and then get the rest of your
family and friends to sign, too.
ObamaCare is the biggest fight possibly of our lifetime — it will define this
country for generations to come.
Sure, the
fight will be tough, but it’s winnable.
All we have
to do is cut off the money spigot.
Are You
Wondering About the Second Step?
During this
letter I’ve stressed the importance of signing the League of American Voters’
Defund ObamaCare petition, but there is a second step.
I want to
invite you to join me as a member of the League.
The League
is one of the most influential grass-roots organizations in America.
It was the
League that almost single-handedly stopped ObamaCare from pushing through the
so-called “public option,” which would have resulted in a Soviet-style
socialist healthcare system even worse than ObamaCare.
During the
union bosses’ drive to recall Gov. Scott Walker after his courageous fight
against public employee unions who were draining Wisconsin taxpayers dry, the
League produced and aired commercials supporting the governor.
We won that
battle too.
And in 2010
the League led the fight to retain the Bush tax cuts that were so beneficial to
the middle class.
national efforts for retaining the Bush tax cuts were led by former Sen. Fred
We have won
battles before.
I believe
we can win this one and Defund ObamaCare.
But this
won’t happen overnight.
First, I
need you to sign the petition.
I need you
then to encourage other people on your email list and other friends to sign the
Once that
is done the League is going to use its full resources to demand that Congress
pass no more funding that enables implementation of ObamaCare.
President Obama doesn’t like it, too bad.
Constitution says Congress provides the spending and budgets.
Congress can decide to stop giving the funding!
When I was
young my dad taught me a lesson I never forgot.
He told me
to fight battles on principle — even when victory is not clear.
This time
we not only have the right cause, we have a real chance of victory.
Please take
a moment to sign the Defund ObamaCare petition today and join with me in ending
ObamaCare once and for all.
Yours for America,
mi opinión” Lázaro
R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE
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