438 “En mi opinión”
Julio 24, 2013 ‘IN GOD WE
el Futuro de América por
Alberto Perez.
La quiebra de Detroit no es nada nuevo, es algo
que se veía venir desde los años sesenta.
Los que vivimos aquella época recordamos los
motines de los negros pidiendo privilegios encima de los otorgados por el
alcalde liberal Jerome Cavanagh.
Martin Luther King, es una figura que merece respeto,
porque luchó por la reivindicación del negro como persona en una época en que
el racismo y la discriminación a los negros era algo vergonzoso para el país.
Por esto hay que respetar a Martin Luther King,
porque contribuyó a eliminar la vergüenza de la discriminación que caía sobre
toda la nación, blancos y negros.
Martin Luther King, era Republicano, porque
los demócratas del sur, los dixiecrats eran los que apoyaban la segregación y
los republicanos el partido de Abraham Lincoln eran los que defendían los
derechos de los negros.
Pero Martin Luther King a. pesar de ser
republicano, sus ideas socio-económicas eran socialistas, y en algunas
ocasiones mezcló la lucha por los derechos civiles de los negros con sus ideas
sobre la economía del país y la política exterior.
Esto es algo que nadie quiere mencionar, porque
Martin Luther King es un héroe nacional, pero los héroes también tienen sus
defectos porque son seres humanos, no son perfectos.
Algunas veces las manifestaciones de King, eran
más contra la guerra de Vietnam y la patronal, que a favor de los derechos
civiles de los negros.
Las manifestaciones de Martin Luther King en
Detroit en 1963 fueron parte de las causas que crearon el caldo de
cultivo que provocaron el estado de agitación que desembocó en 1967 en los
motines de Detroit.
La industria automovilista creaba riqueza y
empleos a Detroit, y las leyes sociales eran de las mejores del país.
Pero el socialismo es insaciable, sólo la
destrucción de la sociedad establecida los complace.
Y esto fue lo que hicieron, destruyeron la
infraestructura de Detroit creando una ciudad con ciudadanos dependientes del
estado y con sindicatos que frenaban la industria, que no podía competir con
Japón y Alemania.
Al perjudicar a la industria, se perjudicaron los
trabajos y se creó un éxodo de habitantes.
Hoy Detroit tiene un millón de habitantes menos
de los que tenía en los años sesenta y con un promedio de ingreso per cápita
mucho menor de lo que tenían en aquella época.
Como es lógico, los ingresos de la ciudad son
mucho menor al haber menos contribuyentes, con ingresos menores y con
servicios sociales proporcionalmente mucho mayores y costosos.
Esto ha causado progresivamente el estado que
desemboca en la quiebra fiscal.
Detroit representa lo que sucederá en el país si
continúa por el camino del socialismo.
Aquí lo que Michael Barone escribe en el Claremont Review
of Books sobre el libro "Detroit: An American
autopsia" de Charlie LeDuff que realmente es una autopsia de
lo que ha traído los problemas actuales de Detroit.
Este es un libro que hay que leer para entender el origen de los
problemas de Detroit, porque conociendo lo que pasó en Detroit se puede prever
el futuro de la nación, porque Detroit es el futuro de América.
Aquí lo que dice LeDuff:
“Cuando me preguntan por qué me cambié de liberal
a conservador, tengo la respuesta en una
palabra: Detroit.
Yo crecí allí, en un barrio de clase media en el
noroeste de Detroit en una calle en un suburbio adinerado. Conseguí un trabajo
como interno en la oficina del alcalde en el verano de 1967 coincidiendo con
los motines de Detroit de aquella época.
Estuve al lado del alcalde Jerome Cavanagh y
ocasionalmente del gobernador George Romney durante los seis días y noches en
que 43 personas, en su mayoría inocentes, murieron.
Escuchaba la radio en la oficina del Comisionado
de la policía como comandantes anunciaban, poco después del anochecer, que
ellos estaban abandonando una milla cuadrada tras otra. El motín terminó sólo
después de que las tropas federales fueron llamadas y restauraron el orden.
Cavanagh era brillante, joven, liberal y
encantador. Él había sido elegido en 1961, a los 33 años con el apoyo casi
unánime de los negros y con el apoyo sustancial de los industriales y
trabajadores blancos — los tres segmentos que componían entonces la mayoría de
los votantes de Detroit — y él fue reelegido por un amplio margen en 1965.
Martin Luther King, Jr. y otros militantes negros
condujeron una marcha derechos civiles de 100.000 personas por la Avenida Woodward
en junio de 1963.
Cavanagh fue uno de los primeros alcaldes para
establecer un programa antipobreza y creía que el gobierno de la ciudad podría
proporcionar más servicios sociales, y podía ayudar a la gente, especialmente a
los negros, salir de la pobreza y a llevar una vida productiva.
Las políticas liberales que implantó prometían
algo como el paraíso.
En cambio estas produjeron algo muy parecido al
Usted puede tener una idea de lo que sucedió a
Detroit mirando algunos números. El censo arrojó 1.849.568 habitantes en
Detroit en 1950, incluyéndome a mí. Contó solamente 713.777 en 2010.
NSA unable to search
own emails
Talk about awkward — the National Security Agency apparently cannot
search its own emails.
In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed last week, ProPublica
reports, an NSA official confessed she was unable to fulfill the request due to
the agency’s use of an email system that was “a little antiquated and archaic.”
“There’s no central method to search an email at this time
with the way our records are set up, unfortunately,” NSA Freedom of Information
Act officer
Columna de Ricardo Samitier. Todas Las Semanas La Fiscal De Miami Con La “Excusa De Informar” Al Pueblo Sus Derechos Paga Con NUESTRO DINERO...Un “Programa Político” De
Una Hora... En Radio Mambí...
En el día de ayer... DEFENDIÓ A SUS COLEGAS FISCALES que
acusaron A Zimmerman... diciendo “Que había
salido absuelto por tener muy BUENOS ABOGADOS” ella que es DEMÓCRATA tiene que seguir la POLÍTICA DEL PARTIDO y de OBAMA... y sin
decirlo... “APOYAR LA POLÍTICA RACISTA DIVISIONISTA” ordenada por OBAMA... La “Eficiente
Informadora Radial” De
Derechos No Ha Podido Solucionar El Caso De Las Boletas Ausentes... De Hialeah
De Hace Mas de Un AÑO... SRA. acaba
de cerrar ese caso... y SOLO TIENE
PRESOS a los pobres viejos RECOGEDORES DE LAS BOLETAS... Es un caso FÁCIL DE
SOLUCIONAR... usando el Sistema que
se usa DIARIAMENTE para APRESAR A LOS JEFES del tráfico de drogas... ¿Por qué no les da INMUNIDAD a los pobres viejos a
cambio de que CONFIESEN quienes son los POLÍTICOS que les pagan por RECOGER las
boletas? Ella es OTRA POLITIQUERA... y eso NO LE CONVIENE...
Para Los Cubanos Nacidos Y Criados Bajo La Dictadura Del Castro-
SÍNTESIS De Lo Que La Revolución Comunista De Los
Castro Destruyo...
1. Cuba era el Primer
Productor De Azúcar Del Mundo... Hoy importa azúcar para el consumo nacional y
está incluido en la libreta de racionamiento.
2. Cuba era el mayor
Productor de Tabacos... Hoy está en tercer lugar los cubanos exiliados
sembraron en la Republica Dominicana y la convirtieron en el PRIMER PRODUCTOR
del mundo y lo mismo en Honduras... convirtiéndola en la SEGUNDA PRODUCTORA...
3. Después de Argentina
los cubanos eran los que más carne de res comían, había por cada cubano una
res. Hoy la carne de res está sometida a la LIBRETA DE RACIONAMIENTO...
Dr. Manuel Cereijo, P.E.
Desde Miami
Desde Miami
“El progreso logrado por Cuba durante el periodo
1940-1958 constituyo un verdadero milagro económico”
“La ración de comida de los esclavos en 1842 era
superior a la ración de la libreta de racionamiento de la Cuba 2012”
- Régimen laboral y Legislación social
1. Salario o sueldo mínimo, tanto
para las empresas públicas como privadas.
Inembargabilidad de este salario mínimo.
- Pago solo en la moneda de curso legal
- Seguro social obligatorio a favor de los
trabajadores, comprendiendo invalidez, vejez, desempleo
- Derecho de jubilación por antigüedad
- Seguro obligatorio por accidente de trabajo y enfermedad, a
expensa de los patronos
- Jornada de 8 horas. Labor máxima semanal de 44 horas, equivalente
a 48 horas en el pago del salario
- Descanso retribuido de 1 mes por cada 11 de trabajo y pago
- Protección a la maternidad obrera. Descanso forzoso con pago de
salario a la mujer en estado, con 6 semanas antes del parto y 6 semanas
- Derecho de huelga
- Inamovilidad en los empleos
El salario promedio del trabajador agrícola
cubano era de $3 pesos diarios, séptimo en el mundo, y segundo en el Hemisferio
americano. El salario industrial era de $6 diarios, segundo en este Continente.
2. Economía
El sistema bancario cubano estaba constituido, en
su sector oficial, por el Banco Nacional, el Banco de Fomento Agrícola e
Industrial, el Banco Cubano de Comercio Exterior,, el Banco de Desarrollo
Económico y Social, la Financiera Nacional, y el Fondo de Hipotecas Aseguradas.
Cuba contaba con un moderno y eficiente sistema
de bancos comerciales. Existían 48 bancos comerciales con 273 sucursales y
8,035 empleados. También operaban 11 bancos de capitalización y ahorro.
En el 1958 el total de depósitos fue superior a
mil millones de pesos, de los cuales los bancos cubanos controlaron más del
60%. Los ahorros ascendieron a $443 millones, y los préstamos concedidos a $
784,500,000 pesos.
El peso cubano se cotizaba a la par con el dólar.
Cuba ocupaba el tercer lugar en América Latina en
reservas de oro, dólares y valores convertibles en oro con $373 millones. El
ingreso nacional bruto era de $2,834,000,000 pesos para una población de 6,630,
921 habitantes en 1958. Sexto lugar en rango latinoamericano y 40 en mundial,
según la escala Ginsburg. El presupuesto era de $400,000,000 lo que colocaba a
Cuba como el país del per cápita presupuestal más alto de América Latina. El
ingreso per cápita era de $520
3. Alimentación
Un informe de la FAO de esa época, citado por
Ginsburg fija la dieta en calorías, a saber:
4. Fabricas y Comercios
En 1958 existían en Cuba un total de 38,384
fabricas y 65,872 establecimientos comerciales de todas clases y tamaños que
representaban más de $4,778 millones de dólares, con $3,268 millones las
industrias y $1,510 millones los comercios. Empleaban alrededor de 1,214,770
obreros y empleados.
5. Consumo de Energía
La energía es el indicador más preciso y útil del
desarrollo general de una economía. Cada 200 kilovatios horas anuales de
electricidad producida, equivalen a la capacidad de trabajo de un obrero. De
acuerdo con la tabla de Ginsburg de 1958, que incluye a 124 países, Cuba
ocupaba el sitio 25, con 11.8 Megavatios hora anuales per cápita. La media
mundial era de 10 y sobre ella se encontraban solo 29 países. Cuba ocupaba el
primer lugar en Latinoamérica. La Unión Soviética ocupaba el 22, México el 42.
- Agricultura en General (breve sumario) (VER
El territorio de Cuba tiene un área de 114,524
Kms cuadrados. En 1958, la tierra cubana estaba repartida, como sigue:
Las áreas cultivadas se dividían a saber:
Había un total de 159,958 fincas, con una
superficie de 676,390 caballerías, o 9,083,918 hectáreas. El promedio de tamaño
de las fincas era de 4.4 caballerías.
Cuba era la mayor productora de azúcar de caña
del mundo, seguida por Brasil y Méjico. La zafra de 1958 fue de 5,613,332
millones de toneladas y como subproducto se obtuvieron 230,684,742 millones de
galones de melaza.
Los 161 centrales azucareros pertenecían a los
siguientes dueños:
121 75%
36 22%
3 2%
1 1%
Mas de las 2/5 partes de las fincas se destinaba
a pastos. Sobre estos Vivían más de 6,000,000 de cabezas de ganado vacuno, o
sea, 0.84 de res por habitante. El per cápita mundial era de 0.32. Debe
agregarse que el precio de la carne de res era de 0.35 centavos/libra, el más
bajo después de Argentina.
La industria lechera tenía una producción anual
que en 1957 fue de 960 millones de litros, con un valor de $57,000,000.
Alrededor de esta industria se habían desarrollado toda una gama de
industrias derivadas, tales como leche enlatada (7 plantas), queso,
mantequilla, carne en conserva y tasajo, preparación de suelas y pieles. Unas
50 fabricas producían mantequilla y queso.
- Educación
En 1958 habían:
Escuelas primarias
Escuelas primarias
Institutos de Segunda Enseñanza oficiales
Institutos de Segunda Enseñanza
Escuelas Normales para
Escuelas Normales de
Escuelas del
Escuelas de
Esto colocaba a Cuba en 3er lugar en América
El sistema de transporte y comunicaciones
alcanzaba, en lo interno, a la totalidad de los núcleos de población y áreas
industriales de importancia y, en lo exterior, garantizaba a Cuba conexiones
regulares y suficientes con los demás países del mundo.
- Caminos, carreteras
En 1950 Cuba tenia, además de la Carretera
Central, de 1,144 Kms. que atravesaba la Isla de Oeste a Este, 794 Kms. de
carreteras secundarias, pavimentadas, en buenas condiciones. Tenía 1,619 kms.
de carreteras de provincias y 1164kms de caminos vecinales.
Estaba la Vía Blanca, una autopista magnifica y
hermosa, de 4 vías, empezando en el Mariel, bordeando la costa norte de
La Habana, y después de Matanzas a Varadero. Continuaba después de la provincia
de Matanzas a Sagua la Grande, y Caibarien. El Circuito Sur, de Güines a
Cienfuegos, y de Cienfuegos a Trinidad. La Vía Mulata, de 202 Kms. que enlazaba
a Baracoa con Santiago de Cuba.
- Ferrocarriles, camiones, ómnibus
Cuba era el país de este Hemisferio que poseía
mayor longitud de vías férreas, sin excluir a EE.UU., 1 Km de vía por cada 8.08
Kms. cuadrados de superficie!. Cuba tenía 18,059 Kms. de vía férrea. De ellas,
6,000 Kms de servicio público y 12,059 eran líneas privadas de las compañías
En 1958 habían 303 empresas de ómnibus para el
servicio público urbano e interurbano, que trabajaban con 4,459 unidades.
También había 45,242 camiones, de los cuales 3,193 pertenecían a 72 empresas de
servicios públicos y de alquiler por carretera 42,049 a firmas agrícolas,
comerciales, e industriales.
- Automóviles, aviones
El numero de automóviles particulares en 1948 era
de 140,267, uno por cada 27 habitantes, tercer lugar en el Hemisferio, según
En 1958 existían 100 aeropuertos públicos y privados,
de los cuales 4-La Habana, Varadero, Camagüey, y Santiago de Cuba tenían
tráfico internacional. La Compañía Cubana de Aviación inicio sus actividades en
1930 y en 1957 cubría veinte ciudades. Además existía Aerovías Q, también con
servicio internacional
- Teléfonos, radio, televisión
En 1958 había instalados 191,414 teléfonos, o sea
un 1 teléfono por cada 38 habitantes, segundo lugar en el Hemisferio.
En ese año operaban en la Isla 160 estaciones de
radio, tercer lugar de América Latina. Había un millón de radio receptores. La
primera estación de televisión fue inaugurada en 1950 y 8 años más tarde se
elevaba a 23, con dos en colores. Habían 400,000 televisores instalados, o sea
un televisor por cada 17 habitantes, segundo en el Hemisferio
En 1958 La Habana contaba con 42 hoteles con
5,438 habitaciones. En 1958 se encontraban en construcción 15 hoteles en la
Isla con 2,900 habitaciones. En 1958 los turistas extranjeros, 6 25,000,
gastaron $62.5 millones de pesos en Cuba, y los turistas cubanos en el exterior
gastaron $37.5 millones de pesos.
La atención medica se prestaba a través de; a)
Hospitales del Estado, Provincia, o Municipio; b) Casas de Socorros; c)
Clínicas Privadas. En los Hospitales y Casas de Socorro la asistencia era
gratuita. Cuba tenía un sistema cooperativo que lo constituían los Centros
Regionales, instituciones fundadas por españoles de las diferentes provincias,
y más de 250 clínicas mutualistas que por una cuota mensual de $2.85 en unas y
$3.00 en otras brindaban completa asistencia, incluyendo visitas domiciliarias,
medicinas, rayos X, intervención quirúrgica, etc.
En 1958 más de 500,000 ciudadanos estaban
acogidos a estos beneficios. La tasa de mortalidad infantil en 1958 fue de
37.6%, la más baja de América Latina, y clasificando entre los cuatro primeros
países del mundo. La mortalidad general era de 5.8 muertes anuales por 1000
El numero de médicos en 1958 era de 6,500. Cuba
contaba con 128.6 médicos y dentistas por cada 100,000 habitantes, tercer lugar
en América Latina. De 122 países en el mundo, Cuba era el numero 22 , según
Norton Ginsburg.
En 1958 Cuba tenía 100 instituciones
hospitalarias y una cama por cada 170 habitantes, primer lugar en América
1. Información general-
1. La riqueza azucarera
paso gradualmente a manos cubanas. Así, los ingenios de propiedad cubana
ascendieron de 65 en 1939 a 121 en 1958. En 1939 los centrales azucareros
cubanos procesaron solo el 22% de la cosecha, en 1958, el 62%.
El azúcar represento y 57% de la riqueza
nacional, y ocupaba en campos e industrias el 30% del territorio nacional.
De la riqueza agrícola correspondía 56.7% a la
caña de azucar,6.6% al arroz, 5.4% al café, 2.5% al tabaco y 28.8% a otras
cosechas, incluyendo piña, cítricos, yuca, malanga, banano, papa, tomates,
pepinos, pimientos, quimbombó, y otros vegetales, así como frijoles y
habichuelas, cebolla, ajo, papaya, guayaba, garbanzos, maní, ajonjolí, algodón,
kenaf, ramie, millo.
Cuba tenia adelantada la explotación ganadera que
cubría las necesidades del mercado interno, e iniciaba la exportación de
reproductores, de carne congeladas y otros productos. Cuba contaba con 6
millones de cabeza de ganado vacuno y tenía la mejor ganadería tropical del
mundo. Había reemplazado a Estados Unidos y Canadá en la exportación de
sementales Cebú en el mercado de América Latina.
Cuba produjo en 1958 488 millones de libras de
carne, y 785,000 toneladas métricas de leche.
Entre otras clases de ganado, Cuba en 1958,
400,000 caballos
32,000 mulos
3,000 asnos
210,000 ovejas
180,000 cabras
En 1958 hubo una producción de 1,800,000 pollos
de 2.50 libras, equivalentes a 54 millones de libras al año, para un per cápita
de 12 libras al año La producción de huevos fue de 25,000,000 docenas en 1958.
El consumo fue de 316,000,000 unidades o sea, un per cápita de 47 huevos al
En 1958 el área dedicada a cultivos era de
174,019 caballerías, o sea, 2,335,215 Hectáreas. El área sembrada de caña era
de 98,852 caballerías, o 1,326,414 hectáreas.
Les presentamos estos datos de interés general:
Mayor zafra en sacos de 325 lb Toneladas
(miles de
Pinar del
941850 Las
En 1958 se produjo 256,000 toneladas métricas de
arroz molinado. El consumo de arroz per cápita era de 110 libras/año. Cuba
tenía 162,000 hectáreas dedicadas a este cultivo. Tercer productor de arroz de
América Latina.
En 1958 Cuba ocupaba el lugar número 18 en la
producción mundial, con una producción de 98.4 millones de libras Se exportaron
68.7 millones de libras
En 1958 se produjo 1,186.000 quintales de
café, y Cuba exportaba café., en 1958 en 45,260
5. Legumbres
En 1958 Cuba produjo 56,000 toneladas métricas de
frijol. El tomate de ensalada, en 1958 la producción fue de 2millones 310 mil
quintales, y 192,000 quintales del tipo llamado placero. Cuba exportaba
zanahorias, tomates, quimbombó, pepinos, coles, etc. y le mostramos una tabla a
continuación con estos datos de 1958.
3,000 kilogramos
15,296,000 kilogramos
676,300 kilogramos
16,710,700 kilogramos
17,100 kilogramos
1,176,700 kilogramos
1.021,800 kilogramos.
Cuba exporto, en hortícolas, $1,806,000 en 1958.
6. Minería
En 1958, Cuba tenía en operación 287 minas, a
saber: 68 de manganeso, 9 de cobre, 12 de cromo, 6 de hierro, 4 de pirita,, 2
de plomo, 1 de plata, 1 de tungsteno,, 3 de zinc,2 de níquel, 1 de cobalto, 4
de baritina, 3 de oro, 3 de turba, 4 de mármol, 6 de caolín, 8 de yeso, 1
de lignito, 42 de arena silícea, 21 de nafta, 84 de exploración de petróleo, 2
de gas natural.
La exportación de minerales en 1958 fue de
$360 millones de dólares.
Justicia En USA… Vea Cómo Se Hace... Lean Los Hechos… Lean la Excusa… y
Juzgué... ¿Este Caso Tiene Ya 5 Años... Y Nada Pasa... Excepto el “Estatuto
De Limitación De Tiempo” Que Va A Dejar “Libre A Los
Culpables”... Hay Un Viejo Refrán Que Dice: “Justicia
Demorada No Es Justicia...”
Los Hechos Todo comenzó cuando los investigadores
encontraron un correo Electrónico del 2008 remitido al Sr. Cohen (este Sr.
Ha ganando $100 BILLONES) en el
que un analista de SAC expresamente envió a Cohen advirtiéndole la
situación financiera de el fabricante de computadoras Dell, MINUTOS después
de recibir el e-mail, el Sr. Cohen vendió la
totalidad de sus acciones en Dell... Eso tiene
un NOMBRE y una condena En un documento de 46 páginas en
respuesta a las acusaciones... los abogados del Sr. Cohen dijo que hay UNA EXPLICACIÓN... para
que se DESCARTE esa PRUEBA... El SR. Cohen NO LEYÓ.. el SOSPECHOSO CORREO... y sus abogados dicen:
"Cohen no tiene memoria de haber visto y ningún testigo testificará que
discutieron con él la información en el correo electrónico"
Sr. Cohen, los abogados argumentaron, recibió una promedio de 1.000 e-mails
cada día en 2008. En ese momento, al parecer abrió sólo el 11 por ciento de los
e-mails, aunque los abogados no revelaron cómo llegaron a esa cifra...
que no explican los abogados es que al día siguiente... DESPUÉS
QUE COHEN VENDIÓ SUS ACCIONES... LE envió un correo al que le
pasó la CONFIDENCIA (que según Sus abogados NO
LEYÓ diciéndole... "BUEN trabajo en Dell." Ese
buen trabajo... evitó que
Cohen perdiera $ 1,7 millones...
Todo eso
insuficientes para PROCEDER... Hoy aparecen en el New York Time... con el
Titular: Van A Procesar CRIMINALMENTE a los “Asesores” de Cohen... No
than 100 dignitaries call on UN to investigate death of Cuban activist Oswaldo
Cuban dissident
Oswaldo Payá died on July 22, 2012 in a car crash while traveling in eastern
Granma province. Government officials say the driver lost control of the car
and hit a tree, but witnesses and others in the car say that they were run off
the road by another vehicle. (REUTERS/Desmond Boylan)
On the first anniversary of the suspicious deathof top
Cuban dissident Oswaldo Payá., more than 100 world leaders, organizers, and
activists are calling for the U.N. to open an investigation into how he died.
group U.N. Watch announced on Monday that 125 leaders from around the world are
calling on U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Human Rights Commissioner
Navi Pillay, as well as all 193 member nations, to support an international
investigation into Payá’s death in a July 2012 car crash in Granma Province.
Cuban government’s International Press Center released a statement at the time
saying that the driver of Payá's car had lost control and hit a tree. But his
family and other witnesses maintain that the car was rammed multiple times by
another vehicle and deliberately driven off the road.
and credible allegations that the Cuban government may have been complicit in
the murder of its most prominent critic, a leading figure in the human rights
world, cannot go ignored by the international community,” reads the letter
signed by such world leaders as South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, European
Parliament VP Edward McMillan-Scott, and parliamentary members from numerous
countries, including Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
they say it was an accident, then Cuba should have no objection.”
Hillel Neuer, Executive Director, UN Watch
families of the victims, and the people of Cuba, have a right to know the
truth, and they have a right to justice. This can only happen with the creation
of an international and independent inquiry. We therefore respectfully urge you
to support our call,” the statement adds.
in the U.S. and elsewhere have previously called for an inquiry, but this is
the first time that the issue will be placed on the U.N.’s agenda when the
September session begins at the end of the summer.
would like to see High Commissioner Pillay call for an inquiry,” Hillel Neuer,
Executive Director of U.N. Watch and one of the signers of the appeal, said to “If they say it was an accident, then Cuba should have no
added that Payá’s daughter, Rosa María Payá, spoke in front of the U.N. in
March and was interrupted by the Cuban delegate and others in an apparent
attempt to quell her plea for an international investigation.
was a major political activist in Cuba who opposed the one-party rule of the
Communist Party, which led to his founding the Christian Liberation Movement.
He gained international attention in 1998 for starting the Varela Project, a
non-violent movement for democratic reforms in Cuba. The projects initiative
was to propose laws advocating such things as freedom of association and
speech, free elections, and freedom to start private businesses.
and the Varela Project had garnered at least 25,000 signatures in a petition
but the Cuban National Assembly’s Constitution and Legal Affairs Committee
suspended consideration and held a vote for a counter initiative.
movement was the first to make a popular appeal in respecting the Cuban
constitution as it stands,” Cynthia Romero, a senior officer at the human
rights group Freedom House, whose executive director also signed the appeal,
told “It was also a movement that mobilized tens of thousands of
people within the island.
a testament to his legacy to have so many come out in support of an
added that while the international community can launch an inquiry, there is
not much they can do to force Cuba to comply with any findings.
far as they [Cuba] are concerned, the case is closed.”
Conservatives push limits on NSA spies
and Egypt
By Associated Press July 23, 2013 6:50 am
Limits on secret U.S. surveillance programs and President Barack Obama's push
to help Syrian rebels were in dispute as the House weighed legislation to fund
the nation's military.
The House planned to begin debate Tuesday
on the $598.3 billion defense spending bill for the fiscal year beginning Oct.
1, and late Monday the House Rules Committee voted to allow votes on the
contentious issues.
Tea party conservatives and liberal
Democrats insisted that debate on the bill include amendments changing the way
the National Security Agency conducts its recently disclosed program of
collecting phone records of millions of Americans. The same unusual coalition
joined forces on amendments barring the administration from arming the Syrian
rebels without congressional approval.
Republican leaders struggled to limit
amendments on the overall bill, concerned about hampering the president's
national security and anti-terrorism efforts. The GOP also wanted to avoid the
embarrassment of obstructionist rank-and-file Republicans joining forces with
Democrats in rejecting the framework - known as the congressional
"rule" - for considering the bill if their amendments were ignored.
Pleading with Rules Committee members
Monday, Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., sponsor of an amendment on the NSA, asked
his colleagues to "allow the voice of the people to be heard."
Amash said his measure would allow the NSA
to collect data and records, but only if the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Court said in a statement that the collection of data pertains to an individual
under investigation. Otherwise, the NSA would lose its funding.
Former NSA systems analyst Edward Snowden
leaked documents last month that revealed that the NSA had collected phone
records, while a second NSA program forced major Internet companies to turn
over contents of communications to the government. Leaders in Congress, such as
House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and House Intelligence Committee Chairman
Mike Rogers, R-Mich., have strongly defended the programs, but libertarian
lawmakers and liberals have expressed serious concerns about the government's
surveillance in a fierce debate over privacy and national security.
The overall defense spending bill drew an
expected veto threat from the White House, which argued that it would force
cuts to education, health research and other domestic programs to boost
spending for the Pentagon.
The House also will consider an amendment
that would bar funds for any military action in Syria if it violated the War
Powers Resolution. Another amendment would prohibit money to fund military or
paramilitary operations in Egypt.
Republicans and Democrats argued that
Congress should have a say in what amounted to taking sides in a sectarian war.
The debate over Syria comes as the
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a cautionary assessment of more
aggressive American military action, said establishing a no-fly zone to protect
Syrian rebels would require hundreds of U.S. aircraft at a cost of as much as
$1 billion a month with no assurance it would change the momentum in the
2-year-old civil war.
In a letter to the chairman of the Senate
Armed Services Committee, Gen. Martin Dempsey outlined the risks, costs and
benefits of five potential steps as the Obama administration weighs its next
move to help the opposition battling the forces of President Bashar Assad. The
sectarian conflict has killed at least 93,000, according to United Nations
estimates, and displaced millions, prompting more calls on Capitol Hill for greater
American action.
Dempsey said the decision to use force in
Syria is not one to be taken lightly.
"It is no less than an act of
war," he wrote. And once that decision is made, the U.S. has to be
prepared for what may come next. "Deeper involvement is hard to
avoid," he said.
The United States has been providing
humanitarian assistance to the opposition seeking to overthrow the Assad
government. The administration has recently taken steps to arm rebels with
weapons and ammunition, a move welcomed by some in Congress but troubling to
other lawmakers.
Separately, members of the House
Intelligence Committee who had balked weeks ago at the Obama administration's
first attempt to pay for lethal aid for the Syrian rebels said Monday that
their concerns largely had been addressed.
"After much discussion and review, we
got a consensus that we could move forward with what the administration's plans
and intentions are in Syria consistent with committee reservations,"
Rogers said in a statement.
Dempsey spelled out costs, ranging from
millions to billions of dollars, for options that included training and arming
vetted rebel groups, conducting limited strikes on Syria's air defenses,
creating a no-fly zone, establishing a buffer zone and controlling Syria's
massive stockpile of chemical weapons.
The military leader said that while these
steps would help the opposition and pressure Assad's government, "We have
learned from the past 10 years, however, that it is not enough to simply alter
the balance of military power without careful consideration of what is
necessary in order to preserve a functioning state."
Dempsey's reference was to the more than a
decade of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Joint Chiefs chairman said creation of
a no-fly zone would neutralize Syria's air defenses. It would require
"hundreds of ground and sea-based aircraft, intelligence and electronic
warfare support, and enablers for refueling and communications. Estimated costs
are $500 million initially, averaging as much as a billion dollars per month
over the course of a year."
An Urgent Message about Benghazi
Dear Member:
After ten months of stonewalling,
lies, and political manipulation,
Benghazi is about to boil over onto John Boehner.
In the face of 161 House Republicans who
are demanding the appointment of a House Select Committee on Benghazi,Speaker John Boehner has blocked a
full and public investigation at every turn.
He offered this sorry excuse last April:
‘The reason I haven’t called for a
select committee yet is that I don’t think it’s risen to that level,” Speaker
Boehner told Fox News. ‘The five committees that have jurisdiction over
this matter are working closely together. They’re getting the job done.’
Wrong, Speaker Boehner!
It rose ‘to
that level’ before the disgraceful ‘STAND DOWN’ order!
It rose ‘to
that level’ before all of the lies, the State
Department’s disgusting apologies, Obama’s cover-up, the presidential debates,
and Obama’s disastrous re-election.
Since last November, Speaker John
Boehner has unequivocally ruled-out the appointment of a House Select Committee
to investigate Benghazi.
Why is it that 10
months after the 9/11-terror attack, not a single eyewitness to the attack has
publicly testified before Congress?
The families of the fallen deserve
nothing less than the truth. So do millions of Americans, who’ve served, or sent
their sons and daughters off to war.
Rep. Frank Wolf hit the nail on the head
in a ‘Dear Colleague’ letter to House Members:
‘Two new books will be published in the
months ahead based on the accounts of the Benghazi survivors. Will the
American people have to buy the books to learn the truth?’
Rep. Steve Stockman, who is sick and
tired of the stonewalling from Speaker Boehner, has just started a ‘discharge petition’ to force a floor vote on the House
Select Committee:
‘Congressman Wolf has fearlessly led the
fight for justice on this issue. The whole nation owes Congressman Wolf a
deep debt of gratitude. The only way we’re going to get a
clean and thorough investigation is by forcing a vote with a discharge
Tomorrow at the U.S. Capitol, Revive America USA will join Rep.
Steve Stockman, former Rep. Allen West, and distinguished military veterans of
the Special Operations Speaks PAC for an ‘all-out Benghazi blitz’ to
force a vote on the House Select Committee.
Revive America will join the event on
the House Ceremonial Stairs, which will feature ‘the unrolling of a record
setting 4-foot by 60-foot scroll/petition down the Capitol steps’.
Over 1,000 Special Service veterans have
signed the petition demanding a full investigation of the 9/11 Benghazi terror
After the event, the
scroll/petition will be featured in a district-by-district nationwide
grassroots campaign urging House Republicans to sign the Discharge
Petition to force a vote on the Benghazi committee.
Here’s what former Rep. Allen West,
who’s speaking at the event, says about Benghazi:
‘We did something that is the
most heinous thing that could ever
happen. We abandoned Americans while they were under attack’.
With your help, Revive
America is going to deluge Congress with a flood of phone calls, emails, and
personal visits to
House Republicans on Capitol Hill.
We must also launch an intensive online
advertising campaign to
inform conservatives about where their Congressman stands on Benghazi.
Does your Congressman stand with the
families of the four fallen men who Obama abandoned to slaughter in Benghazi,
or does your Congressman fall-in-line behind Speaker Boehner and the Washington
Conservatives everywhere need to know
with whom their congressman stands.
Please help Revive America to force a floor vote on
Benghazi with a gift of $25, $50, $100, $250, or $500. Unlike 'Big Government' regulated political campaigns,
there are no limits on how much you’re allowed to contribute.
Because of your generous support, we’ve
piled-up 161 cosponsors in support of the Benghazi Committee.
In fact, over two-thirds of all House
Republicans --- in defiance of Speaker Boehner --- refuse to ‘tow-the-party-line’
on Benghazi!
Now is the time to strike --- to force a
floor vote!
Remember Benghazi!
Bob Adams
Founder & President
No somos estadistas ni economistas, pero queremos lo
mejor para la Nación, anhelamos volver a ser los Estados Unidos de
Norteamérica, los mismos que fuimos hasta hace pocos años en que nuestros
productos eran los más codiciados del mundo, la Nación ejemplo
en disciplina, respeto y como siempre, la primera en
auxiliar ante cualquier necesidad o catástrofe en donde quiera que ocurra. Ese
país generoso en brindar oportunidades y admirado en
todo el mundo libre.
Para llegar de nuevo, tendríamos que volver a nuestras
raíces restableciendo el Servicio Militar Obligatorio para todos los
jóvenes que no trabajen ni estudien. Esto ayudaría a la economía, la
disciplina, al respeto a la autoridad y a entrenar buenos hombres;
haciendo descender la violencia, el consumo y expendio de drogas y
la delincuencia en nuestras calles. El ocio siempre ha sido mal consejero.
Esta es una Nación con leyes que protege al trabajador, por lo tanto
no necesitamos la protección sindical exigiendo a los empresarios
aumentos salariales con amenazas de huelgas, que dañan la producción y el
consumo, y que al final sufre la economía.
Las grandes corporaciones: unas por codicia y otras evadiendo
las demandas sindicales se marcharon a otros países a instalar sus
empresas, adquiriendo mano de obra barata de inferior
calidad, sin embargo su mayor consumidor continua siendo los Estados
Para evitar una alta tasa arancelaria a los artículos de importación,
se invitaría a esas corporaciones a regresar y emplear
nuevamente a los americanos. Una Nación donde todos sus habitantes
tienen trabajo: ES UNA NACION PROSPERA.
Entonces volveríamos a ser aquella nación que fue la
líder exportando sus magníficos productos, aquella en que todos compraban sus artículos
con la garantía de la etiqueta que decía: MADE IN USA.
No deseamos escuchar mas promesas, queremos acción para ver renacer
a la América que conocimos.
Diego Quirós, Sr
Obamacare’s Massive
Database Will Be Accessible to Criminals
Stephen T. Parente and Paul Howard,
writing in USA Today, offered the following observation: “If you think
identity theft is a problem now, wait until Uncle Sam serves up critical
information on 300 million American citizens on a platter.”
We were warned, but
almost nobody was listening.
This aspect of the
Obamacare problem is the new Federal Data Hub. It is a central agency that
collects every scrap of personal data about us from sources such as the IRS,
Social Security Administration, Homeland Security, Department of Defense, and
even the Veteran’s Administration. Not just some of us. All of us. Parente and
Howard stated, “The federal government is planning to quietly enact what could
be the largest consolidation of personal data in the history of the republic.”
What they didn’t know at the time was who would have access to the database.
It is enough of a
hair-raising concern that any one entity in the government can collect such
data on 300 million people. According to John Fund in National Review Online,
the Department of Health and Human Services is about to hire a legion of
“patient navigators.” They will have access to every scrap of data the
government has on file for every American. Unlike the IRS and Census Bureau,
HHS will not require background checks for their “patient navigators.”
It would, therefore,
be possible for someone who has committed a felony to have access to every
sensitive facet of our lives, even someone who had previously been convicted of
identity theft. Says HHS: “[D]despite the fact that navigators will have access
to sensitive data such as Social Security numbers and tax returns, there will
be no criminal background checks required for them.” HHS won’t even require
their navigators to have a high school diploma.
HHS will only require
that navigators take a “20–30 hour online course” on the 1,200-page Obamacare
law. Mr. Fund put it in a nutshell: “[That] is like giving someone a
first-aid course and then making him a med-school professor.” He cited Marilyn Tavenner, head of the HHS Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services promise: “I want to assure you and all
Americans that, when they fill out their [health-insurance] marketplace applications,
they can trust the information they’re providing is protected.”
In the age of
Wikileaks and IRS abuses, somehow that isn’t very comforting.” If Rachel
Jeantel, say, is any example of the quality of
non-high-school-diploma-navigator fitness, it’s much scarier than that.
Senator Orrin Hatch
(R-UT) seems to agree. He wrote the following to Kathleen Sebelius: “The
standards proposed by your department could result in a convicted felon
receiving federal dollars and gaining access to confidential taxpayer
He added that
Healthcare enrollment was more complex than registering to vote. Apparently,
HHS had already thought of that. The two are inextricably combined. Thanks to
the true purpose of Obamacare, to provide Democrats with a permanent voting
base, voter registration is a function of the navigator’s job. A person cannot
be offered Obamacare without a guided, voter registration harangue.
And now HHS is
floating the notion that ACORN wannabees are going to be deployed before
“training” is completed. These uneducated new federal employees will be earning
$20–$48 per hour. Much more than their equals earn in the private sector.
Fund quoted
Congressman Paul Ryan as having said “Giving community organizers access to the
Federal Data Hub is bad policy and potentially a danger to civil liberties.”
Congressman Ryan bypassed the obvious conclusion. Having a Federal Data Hub is,
by itself, an unconscionable invasion of private liberty. Once upon a time, it
would have been recognized as such.
The White
Side of the Story of Negroes
This is the
reason CNN has dropped Buchanan. It's like Newt G. Said, "you’re not
supposed to bring up uncomfortable Facts." (verified on Buchanan's
is Said Publicly. I have never seen the white side explained better!
Pat Buchanan had the guts to say it. It isabout time!!
BUCHANAN TO OBAMA By Patrick J. Buchanan
Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America .. Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation.. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to.... This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard. And among them are these:
First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.. Jeremiah Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.
Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants. Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.
We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude??
Barack talks about new 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks. Let him go to Altoona ? And Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for 'deserving' white kids...? Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America ? Is it really white America 's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?
Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?
As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?
Is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?
We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena . And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.
Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago. This needs to be passed around because, this is a message everyone needs to hear!!!
OK...........will you pass it on ? YES. I did but will you? Because I'm for a better America
Pat Buchanan had the guts to say it. It isabout time!!
BUCHANAN TO OBAMA By Patrick J. Buchanan
Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America .. Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation.. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to.... This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard. And among them are these:
First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.. Jeremiah Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.
Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants. Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.
We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude??
Barack talks about new 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks. Let him go to Altoona ? And Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for 'deserving' white kids...? Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America ? Is it really white America 's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?
Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?
As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?
Is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?
We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena . And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.
Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago. This needs to be passed around because, this is a message everyone needs to hear!!!
OK...........will you pass it on ? YES. I did but will you? Because I'm for a better America
The word "Dhimmitude" is found in the new health care
bill; so what does it
Thought this was interesting and worth
Obama used it in the health care bill.
Now isn't
this interesting?
It is also included
in the health care law.
Dhimmitude -- I had
never heard the word until now. I typed it into Google and
started reading. Pretty interesting. It's on page 107 of the healthcare
bill. I looked this up on Google and yep, it exists.. It is a REAL word.
Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad (Holy War). Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam.
ObamaCare allows
the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United
States. Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to
purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured.
Islam considers insurance to be "gambling", "risk-taking", and
"usury" and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted
exemption based on this.
How convenient. So I, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivable, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health insurance needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims.
How convenient. So I, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivable, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health insurance needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims.
This is Dhimmitude.
I recommend sending this on to
your contacts. American citizens need to know about it Health Insurance Exemptions
Apr 13, 2010 ...
Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-muslim populations ... The
ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia ...
Keep this going. Every non-Muslim in the
States of America needs to know
about it!
IRS execs rack up big travel bills
Today July 24, 2013 6:57 am
Text Size: A A A
at least 15 executives traveled to another office -- typically Washington --
for more than half of their workdays, raising questions about whether they
should have been assigned to IRS headquarters in the first place, the Treasury
Inspector General for Tax Administration said.
inspectors are looking into whether the tax agency may have itself evaded taxes
by failing to disclose the benefit of the travel on withholding statements for
those employees. Under IRS regulations, travel expenses are taxable if the
employee works at a site for more than a year.
review is the latest in a string of reports critical of management failures at
the tax agency, including the processing of tax-exempt applications for
political groups and excessive conference spending.
inspector general said the agency's overall travel does not appear to be
excessive. The 373 most senior executives spent $4.7 million on travel in
fiscal year 2012, down slightly from the previous year. Most spent less than
$10,000 on travel during the year. The report does not allege that executives
claimed reimbursements above the government rates or took improper perks like
suite upgrades.
number of executives took repeated trips to the same cities. In many cases, the
IRS recruited managers for jobs at the Washington headquarters but didn't
require them to move to D.C., Deputy Inspector General David Holmgren said.
us, that's important," Holmgren said in a conference call with reporters.
"There's nothing improper about staying the weekends and holidays, but
when it was to the same location over and over again, it appeared those
individuals may not have the proper or appropriate place of duty."
executive -- identified only as "Executive D" -- spent 413 days on
the road in 2011 and 2012, spending $283,491 on travel, according to the
report. Almost all of that travel was to Washington.
IRS says executive travel is necessary in an organization with 90,000 employees
in 620 locations. "The employees best prepared to handle these demanding and
complex jobs may not always live where the position is located and may not be
in a position to relocate, necessitating some additional travel," IRS
Chief Financial Officer Pamela LaRue said in a written response to inspectors.
But she acknowledged that "long-term travel by a few executives represents
an excessive expense we cannot sustain."
Commissioner Danny Werfel must now personally approve any executive's traveling
more than 75 days a year on business, she said.
Race Hustlers and Barack Obama’s Biggest Presidential
Failure / / 24 Comments
As one who fought for civil
rights in the late 50s and early 60s, it is disappointing to see the race
hustlers out in force – exploiting the acquittal of George Zimmerman for
personal gain. After five decades of lobbying for equal rights for all
citizens – with a multi-racial family – I find the behavior of Jesse Jackson,
Al Sharpton, Charles Rangel, Eric Holder and other race hustlers to be totally
disgusting, irresponsible, and exploitative.
Little Al and Big Jesse claim
Whites hate Blacks and that the White power structure is biased against
Blacks. This despite the fact that White America has twice elected a
Black President, approved a Black Attorney General and many Black White House
Also, the hard data shows the
majority of Blacks who are killed or injured are victimized by other Black
criminals. For example, every weekend in Chicago, dozens of Blacks are killed
or injured by African-Americans. And over 6000 Blacks are killed by other
Blacks in the United States each year.
So why is Al Sharpton – and
for that matter the other race hustlers – using the George Zimmerman verdict to
enhance their false claim of White racism? Hard statistics tell us Blacks
are far more preoccupied with race issues than Whites.
Why are the Black race
hustlers giving so much attention to the Zimmerman case – to
this multiracial man who killed his attacker in self-defense.
And why is the mainstream media giving so much attention to this isolated
and weak case – and not to the bigger picture problems facing Black
communities around our country?
Obviously, the race hustlers
must ferment racial discontent to sustain their seats of power in Black society
and in the Democrat Party. And the media cooperates with them –
recognizing the audience appeal of a good racial story: “White guy shoots
an attractive and innocent Black kid returning home after purchasing skittles
and ice tea.”
The media depiction of Trayvon
Martin as an innocent kid with skittles and iced tea is highly deceptive.
He was expelled from school four times and at the time of the shooting, was a
drug user, a fighter, possibly a jewelry thief, and a reverse racist. He
lost his cool – slugged Zimmerman – took him to the ground – beat the
hell out of him with deadly fists – and repeatedly bashed his head against the
concrete walkway.
The media depiction of a 12
year old Trayvon was raw deception. In fact, he was a powerfully built,
seventeen-year-old six-footer. Also, Zimmerman wasn’t White in the traditional sense, but a short, light skinned Hispanic with some Black ancestry and a proactive and positive anti-racial history. The media even invented “White Hispanic” to reinforce the appeal of their “White Adult Kills Black Child” headline.
seventeen-year-old six-footer. Also, Zimmerman wasn’t White in the traditional sense, but a short, light skinned Hispanic with some Black ancestry and a proactive and positive anti-racial history. The media even invented “White Hispanic” to reinforce the appeal of their “White Adult Kills Black Child” headline.
Last, and certainly not least,
the Zimmerman affair and trial served the interests of the Obama Administration
by getting the Obama scandals and cover-ups out of the media spotlight –
in anticipation of the upcoming midterm elections. The Dems “never let a good crisis go to waste” as
Rahm Emanuel likes to say. Everything
is politics in the Obama camp.
Read more:
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mi opinión” Lázaro
R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE
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