Thursday, July 11, 2013

“En mi opinión” No 430 7/11/13 ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’ Lázaro R González Miño Editor.

“En mi opinión” No 430 7/11/13 ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’ Lázaro R González Miño Editor.

De acuerdo con la encuesta realizadas ayer en el condado Miami Dade LO PEOR

1-           La corrupción pública. (El robo de dinero de los contribuyentes por parte de la administración del gobierno)

2-           La estafa de Las cámaras en los semáforos.

3-           Los impuestos abusivos por parte del gobierno para sufragar todas sus franchanelas)

Que es lo que esperamos para hacerles un RECALL a todos estos canallas. Si las personas que desean que Miami Dade sea un mejor lugar para vivir y consideran como yo que debemos sacar a Carlos Gimenez y a todo su sequito de Vice Alcaldes, etc. y me prestan su apoyo real y efectivo yo estoy dispuesto a iniciar esta nueva gesta de purificación de la administración, pero también requiero que el que se busque como sustituto al alcalde, tiene que ser una persona sin vínculos políticos anteriores y que se comprometa por escrito y legalmente en arreglar todas las basuras que ellos han implantado en la administración. Eliminación de Los Cabilderos, eliminación de las crápulas que tienen robando dentro del condado. Y si ese alcalde no acomete todas las cosas que hay que sanear, quedara inhabilitado para ser alcalde y sacado del cargo en 6 meses. La pregunta es quienes son los que me van a apoyar para hacerle un RECALL A ESTA ADMINISTRACION.

“En mi opinion”                                         Lázaro R González Miño.

¡Impeach obama! “Recall Carlos Gimenez”¡Impeach Obama!
“Recall Carlos Gimenez” ¡Impeach Obama! “Recall Carlos Gimenez”

Ahora Giménez no quiere subir impuestos

• En pocas horas se dio cuenta del malestar que había sembrado en el pueblo con el anuncio del aumento del impuesto a la propiedad

MIAMI, 11 DE JULIO DE 2013,—Horas después de haber propuesto el aumento a la tasa de impuesto sobre la propiedad, el alcalde Carlos Giménez aparentemente está dando marcha atrás y dice que aliviará su petición de alzar los impuestos cortando parte de la propuesta para financiar un plan de $19 millones para detener la matanza de perros y gatos en el refugio de animales del condado.
A cambio, Giménez dijo que dicho refugio recibiría $4 millones del presupuesto para implementar una versión escueta del plan y de esa forma no se tendría que alzar los impuestos.
Giménez señaló que ha escuchado la voz del pueblo y cree que no es el momento para aumentar los impuestos.
Como publicara ayer, la propuesta inicial de Giménez fue recibida con gran resistencia por parte de la población cansada de tanto abuso y aumentos de impuestos. Su propuesta no escapó de la crítica de activistas y políticos locales, que lo veían como alguien que iría a resolver los problemas que dejó el ex alcalde Carlos Álvarez, destituído en un referendo revocatorio precisamente motivado por el
alza de impuestos sobre la propiedad.
En otro reporte sobre el acontecer que publica hoy, Lázaro González, quien fuera el que iniciara el revocatorio contra Álvarez, habla de iniciar un nuevo revocatorio, esta vez contra Giménez.
Queda pendiente ver cómo Giménez maneja su hasta ahora impotencia para cobrarle al Miami Heat el pago que debe ,de $3.3 millones, además de solicitarle la devolución de poco más de $600.100 que le pagaron a su cabildero y otros gastos que cargaron injustamente dentro de los números que usan para pagarle al condado.
Como se ha reportado en, esta deuda del Heat está incluida en un reporte investigativo que realizó el Inspector general del Condado Christopher Mazzela. Mazzela encontró 23 puntos discordantes en el contrato entre Miami-Dade y Basketball Properties (la empresa de Miami Heat), de esos 23, el condado ha implementado 21, quedando la deuda de $3.3 millones y los más de $600.000 dólares por resolverse.

Pide “recall” contra Carlos Giménez

• El llamamiento lo hace quien fue el primero en crearle un revocatorio a Carlos Álvarez

MIAMI, 11 DE JULIO DE 2013,—Según hemos podido conocer, Lázaro González, quien fuera el pionero en la recogida de firmas para hacerle un revocatorio al ex alcalde Carlos Álvarez, no llegando a hacer realidad ese propósito al no poder completar la recolección de las firmas necesarias antes del tiempo requerido por la ordenanza del condado, ahora está contemplando iniciar una campaña para revocar al alcalde Carlos Giménez.
En su comentario “En Mi Opinión” que le envía a sus miles de seguidores, González empieza pidiendo un revocatorio para Giménez. Su mensaje lee como sigue:
“RECALL” Contra Carlos Giménez.
“En mi opinión” Carlos Giménez es un mentiroso que llegó a la alcaldía con falsos promesas y desde que está ahí lo único que ha hecho es extorsionar a los ciudadanos del condado. Este siniestro personaje desde que llegó ha tratado de tapar todo lo malo que hizo el anterior alcalde que fue expulsado de la alcaldía por un RECALL y que en los últimos meses se ha esmerado en subir el costo del agua porque supuestamente las tuberías del agua están dañadas y para ello quiere muchísimos millones de nuestro bolsillo, quieren darle más dinero a los bomberos y a los policías”.
Lázaro critica al alcalde Giménez por lo que dice es un nuevo sablazo que nos va a dar.
Esto es sin contar el sablazo que se nos viene encima por ‘LAS ACTUALIZACIONES Y MEJORAS” que le quieren hacer al Hospital Jackson, este Jackson ha costado más que hacer la torre de Babel.  Ahora este personaje que nos impuso a 5 amigos de el como vicealcaldes, con salarios fastuosos. Posiciones  que ni siquiera existía en el condado. Ahora este emperador sin imperio también quiere elevar por que a  él le da la gana, el amillaramiento de las casas nuestras, por encima del tasador de la propiedad que elegimos y que no está diciendo ni pio”.
Lázaro González finaliza su comentario pidiendo iniciar otro “recall”, ¿Hasta cuando vamos a soportar a toda esta lacra despreciable que solo crean mas problemas? Creo que es hora de empezar de nuevo un recall.
Por otra parte, a la redacción de llegó un correo electrónico de apoyo a González y su nuevo llamamiento para un recall a Carlos Giménez. El remitente es un señor nombrado José Fernández, quien dice “estar asqueado de la corrupción que existe en el condado” y no tarda en darle el apoyo a Lázaro en su nuevo empeño. “En mi opinión el sistema de gobierno de Miami-Dade es un sistema totalmente corrupto, ineficiente y tiránico, por esta razones si tú o cualquier organización quisieran comenzar un recall contra el alcalde, tendrán todo mi apoyo para lograr dicho objetivo”.
Desconocemos con cual seriedad González ha tomado esta nueva campaña, esperamos poder establecer contactar con él en el día de hoy para que nos de mas detalles de su nuevo empeño.
Mi estimado amigo Lázaro - Eso se define en una sola palabra "POLITICO" . . . engañan para salir electos y después lo que dije no era así y hacen los que les venga en gana.

Yo creo firme y honestamente que aquí en Miami lo que hay que hacer es una
manifestación - levantando nuestras voces para que todos estos corruptos hagan sus maletas y salgan de sus asientos. Ahora cuando este marajá se retire recibirá por lo menos unos 6 dígitos y aun joven trabajará en otro lugar y se volverá a retirar y aquí no ha pasado nada.
El 4% al aumento de la propiedad, subió el agua, la electricidad, los seguros cuando aun no ha despuntado una tormenta. Un retirado que haya comprado su casa - como están las cosas no puede cubrir todos estos gastos y eso es humanamente injusticia.
Yo no cuento con las herramientas necesarias, y mucho menos soy conocida aquí en Miami para llamar a una marcha de 'NO MAS SILENCIO". Cuando el pueblo sale a las calles y tienes como ejemplo lo que sucedió no hace mucho, quizás un año o dos en California, donde el pueblo salió a protestar y todos esos ladrones tuvieron que colgar el hábito.
Mira los casos de Egipto, Brasil, Turquía, si no se protesta abiertamente, el hecho de llamar a las estaciones de radio y quejarse, esas quejas se quedan en el aire porque no salen de allí.

Puedes tú al ser mas conocido llamar a una marcha? Déjamelo saber.




JORGE AGUIAR  7/10/13    To: Lazaro Gonzalez R, Lazaro Gonzalez R

Date: July 10, 2013 3:54:33 PM EDT
Cc: District County 6 - <>, - County District 1 <>, - County District 9 <>, - County District 3 <>, District County 11 - <>, - County District 4 <>, "" <>, "" <>, - County District 7 <>, District County 2 - <>, District - County 8 <>, District county 5 - <>, District Diaz - County 12 - <>

Let me voice my displeasure with Mayor Carlos Gimenez proposed property tax increase. Miami-Dade County increases my property taxes and will vote against those that represent me. This goes directly to Commissioner Pepe Diaz in my district and Mayor Carlos Gimenez. I will also use whatever influence I have with my family and many friends to work again of those voting in favor of a property tax increase.

First there is no need to increase property taxes at all as the county can and should handle the present expenses for the County. But assuming that a tax increase would be needed or required think how many more millions of dollars the "PRESENT INCREASE IN TAXABLE PROPERTY VALUE IS GENERATING" . Is in the millions of dollars from the last two years. This should provide a windfall property tax increase of "millions of dollars".

Again more taxes are not the answer as the county is collecting plenty, as just about all fees and related taxes have been increase during the last three years to offset  the decrease of property value that now in back up again. This a double whammy of taxes for all living in the county.

In addition, why is it that Mayor and Commissioners have such a poor imagination and/or creativity that the only way for them is to increase property taxes and put the screws on the hard working Miami-Dade County family. Many live in Miami-Dade County and get a pass if only the cash register to ring is an increase of the property tax. Miami-Dade County could/should easily exclude the homestead for tax increases. Let second home or property own from outside residents pay more without affecting the Miami-Dade County family basic home. Another option is to increase by half a penny the sales tax which is a more fair form of taxation . Another is half a penny for a gallon of gas. 

Miami-Dade County does not need a property tax increase what so ever. What Miami-Dade County needs are good honest administrator not $850,000.00 slush fund for commissioner or a slew of ridiculous benefits for those that work for us the taxpayer. I decided a few weeks ago to let my Miami Herald subscription expire to offset  the many tax increase endorsed by the paper. I will do as much as I can to vote those that vote to increase property taxes and punish the Miami Herald for their lack of concern to those that live in Miami-Dade County when taxes are mentioned.


Jorge Aguiar
Doral, Florida
Mayor calls for tax-rate hike
The tax-rate increase would maintain fire-rescue services, fund a new animal-welfare plan and pay for voter-approved construction projects.
   Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez on Tuesday proposed raising the property-tax rate for the first time in three years to stave off cuts to fire and library services and fund a plan to stop killing dogs and cats at the county’s animal shelter
JORGE AGUIAR  7/10/13 To: Lazaro Gonzalez R, Lazaro Gonzalez R
Date: July 10, 2013 3:54:33 PM EDT
Cc: District County 6 - <>, - County District 1 <>, - County District 9 <>, - County District 3 <>, District County 11 - <>, - County District 4 <>, "" <>, "" <>, - County District 7 <>, District County 2 - <>, District - County 8 <>, District county 5 - <>, District Diaz - County 12 - <>

Let be voice my displeasure with Mayor Carlos Gimenez proposed property tax increase. Miami-Dade County increases my property taxes and will vote against those that represent me. This goes directly to Commissioner Pepe Diaz in my district and Mayor Carlos Gimenez. I will also use whatever influence I have with my family and many friends to work again of those voting in favor of a property tax increase.

First there is no need to increase property taxes at all as the county can and should handle the present expenses for the County. But assuming that a tax increase would be needed or required think how many more millions of dollars the "PRESENT INCREASE IN TAXABLE PROPERTY VALUE IS GENERATING" . Is in the millions of dollars from the last two years. This should provide a windfall property tax increase of "millions of dollars".

Again more taxes are not the answer as the county is collecting plenty, as just about all fees and related taxes have been increase during the last three years to offset  the decrease of property value that now in back up again. This a double whammy of taxes for all living in the county.

In addition, why is it that Mayor and Commissioners have such a poor imagination and/or creativity that the only way for them is to increase property taxes and put the screws on the hard working Miami-Dade County family. Many live in Miami-Dade County and get a pass if only the cash register to ring is an increase of the property tax. Miami-Dade County could/should easily exclude the homestead for tax increases. Let second home or property own from outside residents pay more without affecting the Miami-Dade County family basic home. Another option is to increase by half a penny the sales tax which is a more fair form of taxation . Another is half a penny for a gallon of gas. 

Miami-Dade County does not need a property tax increase what so ever. What Miami-Dade County needs are good honest administrator not $850,000.00 slush fund for commissioner or a slew of ridiculous benefits for those that work for us the taxpayer. I decided a few weeks ago to let my Miami Herald subscription expire to offset  the many tax increase endorsed by the paper. I will do as much as I can to vote those that vote to increase property taxes and punish the Miami Herald for their lack of concern to those that live in Miami-Dade County when taxes are mentioned.


Jorge Aguiar
Doral, Florida
Mayor calls for tax-rate hike
› The tax-rate increase would maintain fire-rescue services, fund a new animal-welfare plan and pay for voter-approved construction projects.
 Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez on Tuesday proposed raising the property-tax rate for the first time in three years to stave off cuts to fire and library services and fund a plan to stop killing dogs and cats at the county’s animal shelter
¡Impeach obama! “Recall Carlos Gimenez”¡Impeach Obama!
“Recall Carlos Gimenez” ¡Impeach Obama! “Recall Carlos Gimenez”

Columna de Ricardo Samitier:
Cuando En Otros Países Investigan A Todos Decimos Que es Una Dictadura... Policial...
Pero en USA... NO LO ES... Pues aquí... es cierto que vigilan a todos… Pero lo hacen por NUESTRO propio bien… y por la seguridad de TODOS...
Nuestro Gobierno Se Preocupa Por TODOS NOSOTROS...
Somos lo más IMPORTANTE para los POLITIQUEROS…  
Aquí tienen la noticia en el New York times...  
¿Por qué Los “Supuestos Ateos” Solamente Odian al Cristianismo…
¿Qué Secreta Razón Tienen Para No Atacar Con La Misma Saña Las Otras Religiones????

El Asalto A Cristo Y El Cristianismo Es Mundial...A pesar De Haber Sido La Fuerza Revolucionaria Que “Civilizó Al Mundo.”

Se puede AFIRMAR que donde no existen CAMPANARIOS y CRUCES no hay civilización...

Fue la “Virgen María” la que LOGRÓ la liberación de las Mujeres en Occidente... y aun en el siglo XXI las mujeres Musulmanas, Budistas y “Animistas (espiritistas) Africanas” Continúan Esclavas...

El Ultimo ATROPELLO A Los Cristianos... Se Realizo En el Estadio De Pelota De La Ciudad De San Luis... USA.

Retiraron una CRUZ QUE SIEMPRE ha estado en la loma Del PITCHER... ahora LES MOLESTA UNA CRUZ EN LA TIERRA... que casi nadie puede ver... lo peor que tiene Todo lo que esta SUCEDIENDO... es que los cristianos Que somos la MAYORÍA  OBEDIENTEMENTE aceptamos
Todas las ordenes...

El equipo de los Cardenales de San Luis deben cambiar su nombre, a los Cardenales de SATÁN... y también la ciudad que Fue Nombrada Para Honrar A Un Santo Católico...

Yo no me EXPLICO como la mayoría del pueblo se deja Gobernar por los satanistas, ateos, musulmanes, Judíos y comunistas!

Ya lograron Eliminar Una Cruz...En La Tierra  Ahora vamos a ver... si PIDEN QUE LA CIUDAD CAMBIE DE NOMBRE...Y ELIMINE EL “SAN LUIS” y la nombre en honor
A SATÁN... LA NUEVA GOMORRA... pues San Francisco Es la Nueva Sodoma...

Todo lo que está OCURRIENDO ES OFENSIVO... y lo mas Ofensivo es PRESENCIAR como los CRISTIANOS aceptan SIN PROTESTAR todas esas ofensas... y los CURAS Y PASTORES PREDICAN que Debemos de aceptarlas... y SER SOCIALMENTE CORRECTOS... serán esos curas INFILTRADOS?

Report: Justice Dept Backed Trayvon Martin Rallies

Wednesday, 10 Jul 2013 05:31 PM By Tom Topousis
A secretive branch of the U.S. Department of Justice was deployed to Sanford, Fla., in the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin shooting to help organize rallies, including one headlined by the Rev. Al Sharpton, calling for the arrest and prosecution of George Zimmerman.
Records obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch, under the Freedom of Information Act, showed that members of the Justice Department's Community Relations Service were sent to Sanford in March and April of 2012 to help manage protests,
The Daily Caller reported Wednesday.
The 347 pages of documents obtained from the federal government showed that $5,320 in expenses was claimed by the Community Relations Service for workers assigned to protests and marches in and around Sanford after Zimmerman was accused of shooting Martin.
At a March 31 rally, CRS workers provided technical assistance to the city of Sanford and rally organizers for the event billed as "The March for Trayvon Martin," where civil-rights activist and MSNBC host Sharpton called for Zimmerman's prosecution, according to The Daily Caller.
"These documents detail the extraordinary intervention by the Justice Department in the pressure campaign leading to the prosecution of George Zimmerman," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement posted on the watchdog group's website. "My guess is that most Americans would rightly object to taxpayers paying government employees to help organize racially charged demonstrations."
The release of the Justice Department documents came as the defense rested their case in the second-degree murder trial without calling Zimmerman to testify.
According to federal documents obtained by
Judicial Watch, the feds spent $674.14 from March 25-27 in Sanford "to work marches, demonstrations and rallies related to the shooting death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain." Another $1,142.14 was claimed for similar work from March 25-28.
From March 30 to April 1, the CRS staff rang up $892.55 in expenses "to provide support for protest deployment in Florida." Also during that time, the agency claimed another $751.60 in expenses to "provide technical assistance to the city of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31

CRS filed for $1,307.40 in expenses from April 3-12 "to provide technical assistance, conciliation and onsite mediation during demonstrations planned in Sanford." And from April 11-12, CRS spent $552.35 while in Sanford "to provide technical assistance for the preparation of possible marches and rallies related to the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old African-American male."
The CRS was created under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Daily Caller reported. The agency describes its role as the Department of Justice's "peacemaker for community conflicts and tensions arising from differences of race, color, and national origin."
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Report: Justice Dept Backed Trayvon Martin Rallies

Wednesday, 10 Jul 2013 05:31 PM By Tom Topousis
A secretive branch of the U.S. Department of Justice was deployed to Sanford, Fla., in the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin shooting to help organize rallies, including one headlined by the Rev. Al Sharpton, calling for the arrest and prosecution of George Zimmerman.
Records obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch, under the Freedom of Information Act, showed that members of the Justice Department's Community Relations Service were sent to Sanford in March and April of 2012 to help manage protests,
The Daily Caller reported Wednesday.
The 347 pages of documents obtained from the federal government showed that $5,320 in expenses was claimed by the Community Relations Service for workers assigned to protests and marches in and around Sanford after Zimmerman was accused of shooting Martin. At a March 31 rally, CRS workers provided technical assistance to the city of Sanford and rally organizers for the event billed as "The March for Trayvon Martin," where civil-rights activist and MSNBC host Sharpton called for Zimmerman's prosecution, according to The Daily Caller.
"These documents detail the extraordinary intervention by the Justice Department in the pressure campaign leading to the prosecution of George Zimmerman," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement posted on the watchdog group's website. "My guess is that most Americans would rightly object to taxpayers paying government employees to help organize racially charged demonstrations."
The release of the Justice Department documents came as the defense rested their case in the second-degree murder trial without calling Zimmerman to testify.
According to federal documents obtained by
Judicial Watch, the feds spent $674.14 from March 25-27 in Sanford "to work marches, demonstrations and rallies related to the shooting death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain." Another $1,142.14 was claimed for similar work from March 25-28.
From March 30 to April 1, the CRS staff rang up $892.55 in expenses "to provide support for protest deployment in Florida." Also during that time, the agency claimed another $751.60 in expenses to "provide technical assistance to the city of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31."
CRS filed for $1,307.40 in expenses from April 3-12 "to provide technical assistance, conciliation and onsite mediation during demonstrations planned in Sanford." And from April 11-12, CRS spent $552.35 while in Sanford "to provide technical assistance for the preparation of possible marches and rallies related to the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old African-American male."
The CRS was created under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Daily Caller reported. The agency describes its role as the Department of Justice's "peacemaker for community conflicts and tensions arising from differences of race, color, and national origin."
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Obama Commits to Signing UN Arms Trade Treaty While Congress at Summer Recess

The number one goal of the United Nations is to become the political entity that rules all nations or in other words, the one world government.  To accomplish that goal, they have to continue to exert their authority and power over individual countries and they have been quite successful at doing this in recent years.
One of the key pieces of international law that needs to be in place before the UN can take over the world is to control all weapons, including handguns, rifles, shotguns, semi-automatic and automatic weapons and ammunition.  Over the past few years, the UN has been pushing one treaty that will help to accomplish that goal.  It is the UN Arms Trade Treaty.
The UN Arms Trade Treaty is a treaty that would regulate the international sale and transfer of all conventional weapons throughout the world.  Conventional weapons are sea and land mines, rockets, missiles, cluster munitions, non-nuclear bombs, shells, small arms and light weapons.  By small arms, they mean handguns, rifles and shotguns of all kinds, regardless of their use or design.
A number of Second Amendment supporters and gun rights advocates believe that this treaty could be used to further regulate guns in the US and infringe on the rights of Americans to bear arms.  One hundred and thirty members of Congress jointly signed a letter to President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, insisting that they reject the UN Arms Trade Treaty, saying:
"As your review of the treaty continues, we strongly encourage your administration to recognize its textual, inherent and procedural flaws, to uphold our country's constitutional protections of civilian firearms ownership, and to defend the sovereignty of the United States, and thus to decide not to sign this treaty."
However, Kerry released a statement about the treaty, saying:
"We look forward to signing it as soon as the process of conforming the official translations is completed satisfactorily.  [The treaty is] an important contribution to efforts to stem the illicit trade in conventional weapons, which fuels conflict, empowers violent extremists, and contributes to violations of human rights."
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has indicated that President Obama intends to sign the treaty by the end of August.  Speaking on behalf of Obama, Carney said:
“We believe it’s in the interest of the United States.  While we look forward to signing the treaty, there are remaining translation issues that need to be resolved.”
Notice that the time frame that Obama has given for his signature of the UN Arms Trade Treat just happens to coincide with Congress’s summer recess, which makes me wonder if he is going to try to pull something like a recess appointment to push it through without congressional approval.  But legally, he can’t because in order for an international treaty of any kind to become binding to the United States, it must be passed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Senate.  At this time, it does not appear that there is enough support in the Senate to muster up 67 out of 100 votes.
Ratified or not, it’s clear that the Democratic Party continues to do their part in turning over US sovereignty to a radically liberal organization that is against everything America stands for.  The UN is against capitalism and the American way of government.  They have been actively undermining the Christian religion, traditional family values, parental authority and free speech.  The UN passed a massive hate crimes bill that makes any form of language against homosexuality to be a hate crime.  Preaching the Bible is a hate crime according to the UN.
So is it any wonder that Kerry and Obama want to just join the UN efforts to undermine and destroy America?  I, for one, believe that the United Nations is a terrorist organization that is actively trying to overthrow the US and subvert our way of life.  They need to be kicked out of our country.  Let them build a towering office building in a nation that really cares.  Leaving the UN would also save us hundreds of billions of dollars that could go a long way to putting American back on our financial feet.

Government White House Hosts Odd Guest - News from‏,

What Odd Guest Appears to Have Showed Up at the White House’s July 4th Party for Military Families?

Editor’s note: Be sure to see the important update at the bottom of this story. TheBlaze’s Jonathon M. Seidl contributed to this report.
Was Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, the much-discussed Saudi national once identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombings, at the White House for a 4th of July celebration for military heros and their families?
Apparent pictures posted on the Internet and a Saudi news outlet say yes.
A Twitter feed appears to show photos of the young man posing before the edifice – decorated with red, white, and blue banners to celebrate the holiday – in addition to close-up photos of the first couple.
They come from the Twitter account of an individual claiming to be Alharbi’s father, though that information has not been confirmed.
According to a professional translation of the account’s information, however, the given name is “‘Ali Al-Salimi Al-Harbi,” and the description reads: “Father of Abd Al-Rahman who was injured in the Boston bombings.”
Alharbi is seemingly on the far right. (Photo: Twitter/@aliessa1312)
The caption in the above photo, translated, reads: “We attended the celebration with my son Abd Al-Rahman and my son Issa.”
Another photo appears to show Barack and Michelle Obama greeting either someone in their group, or someone very close by.
The translated caption claims: “We greeted Obama and his wife…”
The images of Barack and Michelle Obama seem consistent with others from the day, in terms and appearance, though that doesn’t necessarily mean they are genuine.
Below is a picture from the news service Getty showing the same outfits:
WASHINGTON, DC – JULY 04: U.S. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama work a rope line at a Fourth of July barbecue for military heroes and their families they are hosting on the South Lawn of the White House on July 4, 2013 in Washington, DC. The president and first lady are hosting members of the military and their families in commemoration of Independence Day. Credit: Getty Images
Not only that, but a Reuters photo appears to show three men dressed in black suits photographing the band roughly in line with where the Saudi family’s Twitter pictures place them.  Their surroundings — down to the outfits of the individuals they’re standing next to — appear to align in both the Twitter and Reuters images, as well.
First, a photo from the Twitter account:
Though it’s difficult to see the details above, at full-size, one can make out that to the left of the suited men is an individual in a bright purple shirt, another in a turquoise shirt, and one in a blue and white shirt — as seen in the Twitter image. You can see a larger version of the Reuters picture by clicking on the above image.
So why would the Alharbi family have been at the White House for Independence Day?
According to some Arabic-language media, they were invited.
A recent post from the Twitter account in question links to a July 6 report from Al-Hayat – a widely-read pan-Arab daily newspaper – with the comment: “Today [Saturday] the Al-Hayat newspaper published a news item stating that Abd Al-Rahman and his family had been invited by the White House to participate in America’s Independence Day celebrations.” [Emphasis added]
A number of lingering questions remain on the issue, though the White House has not responded to TheBlaze’s inquiries.
First, was the Independence Day event actually by invitation-only?  Or, could anyone have their photograph taken on the lawn? If the party wasn’t by invitation-only, was the guest list at least pre-screened?
A White House pool report from the day indicates that the event was closed to the public, reading: “The President and First Lady [celebrated] the 4th by hosting ‘military heroes and their families’ along with administration staff and families at a White House barbecue and concert on the South Lawn.”
A photo allegedly of Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi in the hospital after the Boston Marathon bombings.
President Obama’s public remarks also say he spent the day with “a few hundred members of the military and their families.”
So is the story that they were invited to a celebration honoring military heroes a fabrication?  Or if the claims and photos are genuine – why did they receive an invitation?
It is possible victims of the Boston Marathon bombing were also among the invitees, but TheBlaze found no reports of mass invitations.  If that was the justification, Alharbi seemingly would have had to have been part of a selected group.
And if Alharbi truly was there, it wouldn’t be the first time Saudi outlets are reporting he has been close to the First Lady. According to reports in April, the First Lady visited the young Saudi in the hospital — and alleged pictures surfaced days later.
Not only was Alharbi named a “person of interest” in the Boston bombings, he was reportedly set for deportation on 212 (3)(B) grounds – “security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities” — after the tragedy.
Sources told TheBlaze his file was altered on the evening of April 17 to disassociate him from the initial charges, and according to Glenn Beck, “someone later went in and tried to destroy both the original event file and an amended version.”
Even if he was invited, the fact that someone who is not an American soldier was there could spark interest.
Mysterious, indeed. UPDATE: A law enforcement official with direct knowledge of the investigation into the Boston Marathon Bombing has confirmed to The Blaze that the person in the photo is Alharbi.

New U.S. economy: Part-time and temp jobs

By Washington Times (DC)
The new economic reality in the United States is this: The workforce has shifted from full-timers to part-timers.
On top of that, more Americans receive food stamps than work full time, Fox News reported.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that an estimated 28 million people in America now work at part-time jobs. And as the Washington Examiner noted, a record level of workers in the nation now hold temporary positions -- about 2.7 million -- that are obtained through a job placement service.
The American Staffing Association reported that in the first quarter of 2013 staffing agencies employed about 2 percent of non-farm workers in the nation. That's up by 2.9 percent from the similar quarter in 2012. And comparing June 2013 with June 2012, the number of Americans working at positions obtained through temp agencies jumped 6.7 percent.
"Nearly one-fifth of all jobs gained since the recession ended have been temporary," said Ashe Schow in the Examiner report.
At the same time, full-time jobs decreased by 240,000 positions.
"The recovery, or lack thereof, is being fueled by a shift from full-time to part-time work," Ms. Schow said in the Examiner.
And one more statistic related to the United States' new economy, as reported by Fox News on Tuesday: Nearly one in six Americans is on food stamps. That's more than are employed in full-time jobs, Fox News said.

¡Impeach obama! “Recall Carlos Gimenez”¡Impeach Obama!
“Recall Carlos Gimenez” ¡Impeach Obama! “Recall Carlos Gimenez”


“En mi opiniónLázaro R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’  

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