Friday, May 1, 2015

No 937 "En mi opinion" Mayo 1, 2015

No 937   “En mi opinión”  Mayo 1, 2015

“EMO” Ustedes querian saber quien invento el MDX y quien es el que se esta beneficiando de todo el dinero que se les escamotea a los ciudadanos en los tolls que injusta y creo que ilegalmente han puestos en nuestras carreteras de Miami que se construyeron con el dinero nuestro. Bueno pues a este individuo ahora lo quieren hacer desde el gobierno del estado floridano,  el administador de todo este relajo y burla a los ciudadanos de Miami; para escamotearnos nuestro dinero sorpréndanse es: “Carlos Jimenes” el desalcalde que nos gastamos.

AMENPER: El Baltimore de Al Sharpton-"No hay justicia, ni paz" y finalmente explotó en un motín urbano sin justicia ni paz.
El Baltimore de Al Sharpton
Actualizado 29 de abril de 2015
"No hay justicia, ni paz."  Ahora en Baltimore, no tienen ambos.
Cuando Al Sharpton popularizó el canto, "no hay justicia, ni paz," estaba inequívocamente claro que "no hay paz" era una implícita amenaza y una incitación a disturbios civiles.
No la desobediencia civil, según lo practicado por disturbios civiles por Martin Luther King Jr.
Disturbios civiles pueden venir en grados. Tal vez sea una breve lucha entre los manifestantes y la policía. Podría ser alguien tirando piedras a través de los escaparates de las tiendas. O puede ser más que eso.
Cuando los grupos se reunieron en gran número para comenzar las manifestaciones "no hay justicia, ni paz" y escuchar a incitaciones contra "la policía", le escuchamos alcaldes, políticos, presidentes de colegios y americanos decir que "entendieron la ira". Todos asumieron que cualquier malestar que resultó sería, como tan a menudo dicen, "se puede entender y contener". Significado: aceptable.
En Ferguson, no fue para seguir la decisión del jurado de Missouri en noviembre ni siquiera para acusar a un policía por la muerte de Michael Brown. Fue para crear motines en que las empresas fueron saqueadas y demolidas. Como fue cuando estalló la violencia en Berkeley, California.
Hoy la policía de Nueva York estaba parada a un lado mientras que los manifestantes intimidaron a gran parte de la ciudad y merodeaban a través de tiendas por departamento.
El profesor de Manhattan Institute Senior, Fellow Jason Riley dijo sobre lo que incitó a la violencia y lo que viene después.  “Lo que la nación entera miraba televisión  el lunes durante nueve horas en Baltimore no era "contener". Era anarquía, un motín urbano. Fueron disturbios civiles en una escala en que se vio destrucción y saqueo de tiendas mientras que edificios y calles del centro de la ciudad de Baltimore ardían en llamas.
Cada funcionario público ni remotamente en la gama de estas demostraciones de "no hay justicia, ni paz" el año pasado sobre controversias en Ferguson o Staten Island policial parecían entender, en público aunque lo hicieran en privado, que uno podría llegar a apoyar esto. Pero ni una sola persona en autoridad seriamente habló contra este mensaje. Nadie le dijo a Al Sharpton o sus clones, debe parar esta demagogia incitando y ampliando las emociones  por los medios de comunicación social en una ciudad como Nueva York, St. Louis o Baltimore dando un  golpe a la nación con una gran revuelta urbana. Ahora está aquí, y partes de Baltimore están destrozadas.
La única cosa positiva que nos enteramos viendo el motín el lunes es que en estos barrios Baltimore es que hay algunos otros líderes negros que conocen la diferencia entre progreso y destrucción.
Brandon Scott, un joven concejal negro, habló con elocuencia enfatizando que había nacido en 1984, pero sabiendo que las revueltas de 1968, sea cual fuera su justificación, había dejado Baltimore físicamente y emocionalmente arruinada por años. Y ahora estaban al borde de perder otra vez a lo que él y otros habían tratado de construir en sus vecindarios. Fue desgarrador escuchar al pastor que vieron sus nuevas unidades de vivienda asequible para los ancianos pobres incendiadas el lunes por la noche.
En un mundo mejor, en un mundo razonable que no existe hoy en día, la alcaldesa de Baltimore Stephanie Rawlings-Blake dimitiría y Brandon Scott caminaría iniciar el camino de regreso.
Al Sharpton nunca cambió su ritmo el lunes. Con rocas pesadas rebotando contra los escudos antidisturbios de la policía retirada, anunció una marcha en mayo desde Nueva York a Washington para dar a conocer la violencia policial contra las minorías. Pero naturalmente “criticó” a los saqueadores.
El presidente Obama llamó el motín de Baltimore "contraproducente". Él dijo, en lo que aparentemente era una queja, "No puedo federalizar cada fuerza policial en el país y les obligan a recapacitar". El Presidente mencionó subvenciones federales para las cámaras de cuerpo en los policías. Cámaras de cuerpo son una excelente idea. De hecho, imágenes de los hombros de todos los policías de América deben transmitidas en tiempo real en la Web alrededor del reloj para que todos puedan ver y escuchar los detalles de policías interactuando con cada nivel de la comunidad. Entonces vamos a hablar de quién y qué necesita cambiar.
El Sr. Obama dijo: "Hay un montón de mi agenda que haría una diferencia ahora". Y entonces el Presidente dijo: "Ahora, no estoy bajo ninguna ilusión que con este Congreso que vamos a conseguir inversiones masivas en comunidades urbanas". Dejaremos Josh Earnest negar lo que estaba diciendo el Presidente con esta observación poco atractiva.
“En los últimos 40 años, incluso antes de que el Sr. Obama tuviera esto pensado, congresos como éste han aprobado incontables miles de millones de dólares federales para financiar todos los proyectos concebibles para América urbana. Aun así, tiene razón. Algunas comunidades siguen siendo tan pobres como eran en 1975, o en 1968”
En cuanto a su contribución, Sr. Obama dijo: "estamos haciendo inversiones que pueden obtener el entrenamiento que necesitan para encontrar puestos de trabajo." Pero uno tiene que preguntar: ¿qué trabajos? O ¿A cuántos les interesa realmente trabajar?
El miércoles por la mañana la tasa de crecimiento de PIB de primer trimestre del año vino in—0.2%. Casi nada. Para la longitud de la Presidencia de Obama, con un crecimiento significativamente por debajo de la norma, desempleo de los negros de 24 años y más jóvenes ha rondado entre 30% y 50%. Ese es el verdadero polvorín, no a la policía.
En cuanto a Baltimore, cuando la comitiva Sharpton llega a quemados barrios de Baltimore en su camino a una reunión en Washington con el nuevo fiscal general. Lo que esto significa es que cuando Al reverendo sale del barrio, Baltimore, estará el mismo lugar después de esta semana después de los motines. No hay justicia. Menos paz.
Daniel Henninger escríbenos a



Boise mayor lays out welcome mat: 'Diversity isn't a buzz word. It's our birthright'

Published: 11 hours ago
The multicultural transformation of Idaho will continue with a planned infusion of hundreds of refugees from Muslim countries over the next one to three years.
A local newspaper in Twin Falls reported that city will receive 300 mostly Syrian refugees over the next fiscal year starting Oct. 1.
But WND has learned the numbers will be much larger statewide and include refugees from Syria, Iraq, the Democratic Republic of Congo and possibly Somalia.
Sources tell WND that community leaders learned of the plans for up to 2,000 refugees at a recent conference at Boise State University attended by church groups, social services providers and other “stakeholders.”
“That’s the number they put out that they’re planning for, a total of about 2,000 over the next one to three years, with 70 percent going to Boise and 30 percent in the Twin Falls area,” said Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim turned Christian pastor in eastern Washington who said he spoke with a conference attendee.
WND reported two weeks ago that Spartanburg, South Carolina, has also been selected for the seeding of a Syrian refugee community.
Unlike Boise, residents in Spartanburg have mustered an organized opposition to the infusion of 65 Syrian refugees over the next year, saying the town already has high crime and poverty and isn’t prepared to absorb hundreds of poor Syrians.
Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., wrote a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry demanding answers to 17 questions about the refugee program, such as what benefits will be expected to be offered and what the cost will be. That was two weeks ago. WND contacted Gowdy’s press secretary, Amanda Duvall, Thursday and was told he has still not received a response from Kerry, whose State Department heads up the refugee program nationwide.
Christina Jeffrey, who ran against Gowdy in the Republican primary last year, has joined with a group called Spartans for Biblical Immigration.
“Biblical immigration is certainly not going and bribing them and getting them to change countries,” Jeffrey said.
Jeffrey said Gov. Nikki Haley has come out in favor of the resettlement plans, which hasn’t helped Gowdy’s effort to see it scaled back. A promised resolution by the area’s legislative delegation opposing the resettlement plans also fizzled after Haley issued a letter of support.
“When the governor came out in favor of the refugees, our (Republican) legislators said it would all turn out OK and that they had faith in the vetting process,” Jeffrey said. “But this refugee thing makes us all very nervous, especially if the governor’s office is on board. It’s pretty well known around Spartanburg that there’s a lot of unhappiness about it, and surprise, especially since she was so strong on some other issues like Medicaid expansion. It could be she looks at this with a little bit of identity politics, seeing that maybe immigrants will soon have an advantage over native-born Americans. Look how many immigrants we have running for president. I think she’s moving on. I don’t think South Carolina is her intended destination.”
Residents of St. Cloud, Minnesota, have also been organizing and seeking information on exactly how many more Somali refugees they will be asked to absorb over the next few years. Lutheran Social Services has been working with the federal government to resettle hundreds of Somalis in the St. Cloud area.
The mayor of Athens, Georgia, requested information on refugees being sent to her city late last year and also complained that such information was difficult to obtain.
Chinks in the armor, FBI says
The world’s displaced persons are assigned to various countries by the United Nations high commissioner on refugees. The countries are responsible for vetting the refugees, and screening those from Syria has been a particularly difficult task due to the ongoing civil war there between warring Islamic factions.
As WND previously reported, the FBI’s deputy assistant director of counter-terrorism, Michael Steinbach, testified before a House Homeland Security committee in February and said it was virtually impossible to screen refugees from a “failed state” like Syria, where the U.S. does not have boots on the ground and does not have access to reliable police or intelligence records.
Unlike Minnesota, which has seen dozens of radicalized Somali refugees leave to fight for terrorist organizations al-Shabab and ISIS while dozens of others have been convicted of providing material support to overseas terrorists, Idaho appears to have done a somewhat better job of assimilating its Muslims. However, it has had some bad apples.
In May 2013, a 31-year-old Muslim refugee from Uzbekistan, Fazliddin Kurbanov, was indicted on terrorism charges for allegedly recruiting Muslims in Utah and teaching them to build bombs that would target public transportation and military bases.
The Russian-speaking Kurbanov is one of more than 650 Uzbeks who have been resettled in Idaho since 2003. He arrived in 2009.
Kurbanov, whose trial has been delayed, told an informant before his arrest that a military base would be his preferred target for a potential bomb attack, according to court documents.
“For me the best … a military base,” Kurbanov told an FBI source during a secretly recorded conversation, reported KTVB 7 in Boise. “If I have every stuff … like bomb, like this and this one. I want to kill a lot of military or every. I don’t know, whatever.”
Kurbanov is accused of funneling personnel, software and money to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Members of the IMU fought alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan and seek to overthrow the government of Uzbekistan and replace it with an Islamist caliphate, according to the National Counter-terrorism Center.
Idaho a magnet for refugees
While Idaho remains largely a rural farm state, it is not new to the refugee business. The Agency for New Americans, an arm of Episcopal Migration Ministries, operates from an office in Boise doing the organizational work on the ground needed to resettle refugees and get them “integrated” into the community. The International Rescue Committee, whose top executive is former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, also resettles refugees in Idaho.
Miliband recently wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post saying the U.S. needed to take in at least 65,000 Syrian refugees to fulfill its “duty” as the world’s largest haven for the displaced.

Boise Mayor David Bieter
Muslim refugees began arriving in Boise in large numbers around 1995. Since that time, 11,000 refugees have been integrated into the city, according to city officials. While there have been reports of culture-clashes between Muslims and non-Muslims in the school system and elsewhere, an April 27 blog post from Mayor David Bieter said the city welcomes the refugees with open arms. “Diversity is essential for Boise’s prosperity and livability,” according to the mayor’s blog.
“Diversity isn’t a buzz word. It’s our birthright,” Bieter wrote in the blog for Welcoming America, an organization that received $150,000 in seed money from billionaire George Soros’ Open Society in 2010 and now works with the White House Task Force on New Americans to integrate new immigrants and refugees into cities across the U.S. Obama formed the task force Nov. 21 following his unilateral granting of amnesty to more than 5 million illegal aliens.
Boise’s mayor, just like mayors in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Dayton and Cleveland, Ohio, San Antonio, Nashville, Atlanta, Houston and numerous other cities, work with an organization called the Partnership of a New American Economy. This group includes a mix of progressive mayors, executives from some of America’s largest corporations and Chamber of Commerce leaders all working to influence Congress to allow more immigrants into the country, both skilled and unskilled, claiming that more immigration leads to more economic prosperity for Americans, a claim that has been labeled as outrageous by groups such as the Center for Immigration Studies and the Economic Policy Institute.
Boise, a self-described “Welcoming Community,” has seen waves of Muslims sent its way by the United Nations in recent years from Afghanistan, Somalia, Turkey, Bosnia, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Congo, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bosnia.
The greater Boise area already has several mosques, the largest of which is the Islamic Center of Boise, with plans unveiled recently for a large mega-mosque on the outskirts of town in Kuna, Idaho.
Twin Falls schools currently have more than 100 refugee students and more than 20 languages are spoken. That may sound daunting, but it’s nothing compared to another city in America’s heartland — Wichita, Kansas.
Kansas another hotbed of refugee resettlement
The Wichita school district, already one of the most diverse in the state, is now trying to cope with a new influx of immigrants from Central America and the Middle East. The new arrivals don’t speak English or Spanish, requiring costly interpreters and tutors to be brought in to help the immigrants learn.
The Wichita district has more than 350 students from other countries and 160 from other U.S. states who speak minimal English. Currently, 81 languages are spoken in the district, the Wichita Eagle reported. It has 11 classrooms spread throughout the district devoted to teaching recent immigrants and refugees.
“Wichita is definitely a diverse district, and it’s becoming more so,” Stephanie Bird-Hutchison, a teaching specialist at the district’s Multilingual Education Service Center, told Fox News Latino. “Every continent except Antarctica is represented in Wichita schools.”
Because federal law requires schools to provide information to parents in their preferred language, an Arabic speaker is on call to help teachers and others communicate with families, Fox reported. And the district contracts with Propio Language Services, an interpreting service that helps teachers and parents who speak any language to converse by phone through an interpreter.
The number of students speaking Vietnamese, Lao and Cambodian has decreased while students speaking languages from Africa and the Middle East have increased dramatically in recent years, Dalia Hale, director of multilingual services for Wichita schools, told Fox. Many in the latter group are refugees from camps in central Africa, Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan.
“We’ve never had Swahili show up before this year in our data,” Bird-Hutchison told Fox. “That has come on due to the refugee population that’s just emerging in Wichita.”
Wichita school board members said they worry a new block-grant funding plan for schools will prevent the district from getting more funding to provide services for the refugees and other immigrants, according to the Fox News Latino report.
“That’s a huge concern, because we will not be receiving additional money for those students,” said Board President Sheril Logan.
Sharia-based crime problems emerge
As Muslim populations increase in American cities, communities will be forced to deal with issues common to Islamic culture, such as arranged marriages forced upon teenage girls, female genital mutilations, forced veilings and spousal abuse.
Just last week ,a case of a forced marriage exploded into domestic violence in Phoenix, Arizona.
Daniel Akbari, a former top defense lawyer in Iran’s Shariah courts who defected to American several years ago, said spousal abuse is expressly allowed by the Quran.
“Chapter 4, verse 34, of the Quran expressly says if a woman does not comply with her husband’s command he has the right to beat her up, and that is what you see happening here and what has happened over 1,400 years,” Akbari said. “What is going on here in Phoenix is totally Islamic, under Shariah. Everyone in that Muslim community will agree with that except the girl here.”
And the hadiths are just as strict on this matter, Akbari said.
According to the well-regarded historic Islamic scholar Ibn Majah, a woman must comply with a demand for sex even while on the back of the camel. He cites Vol. 3 Book 9 No. 1852 (English reference), which states:
“No woman can fulfill her duty towards Allah until she fulfills her duty towards her husband. If he asks her (for intimacy) even if she is on her camel saddle, she should not refuse.”
The Phoenix case involved Mohamed Abdullahi, 30, a Muslim refugee from Somalia brought here by the U.N. and U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. He entered into a “Nikah,” which is an arranged Islamic marriage with the parents of an 18-year-old Muslim woman.
Phoenix police arrested him April 22 on charges of kidnapping and sexual assault. The Arizona Republic reported that his bride-to-be was brought to his apartment that day by her parents, against her will.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, told Fox News that such violence has “no basis in the Islamic faith.”
Apparently CAIR has not read Sura 4:34 in the Quran or the hadiths.
Akbari said it’s time U.S. media stopped falling for the “explain it away” propaganda put out by CAIR.
According to the Arizona Republic, the woman’s parents arranged the marriage with Abdullahi and their daughter in November without her knowledge, according to court records. When the woman learned of the marriage, she fled the state but returned 15 days later to finish high school, police said.
The woman’s parents drove her to Abdullahi’s apartment. Once she was inside, Abdullahi reportedly punched her in the left eye, causing her to fall to the ground, according to court records.
Abdullahi then allegedly grabbed his future bride around the throat and began strangling her while she was on the ground.
At that point, Abdullahi dragged the woman into the bedroom and proceeded to sexually assault her, police said.
Hadian, the pastor in eastern Washington who also ministers in Idaho, believes the continued influx of Muslim immigrants, if not tempered soon, will have disastrous results for America.
Most of the Christian charities that help resettle refugees, contracting with the government or one of the nine major resettlement agencies, do not share the gospel with Muslims or consider this a part of there work, he said.
“Most of those that even claim to be Christian are usually of the interfaith variety and are not very big on evangelism,” Hadian said. “Their whole thing is, be nice and do good works. When I was in Boise and presented there, I had a gal who came up afterward and she made a comment about refugees coming from Iraq and how they’re so open to Jesus and it’s fantastic. I said, ‘So you guys had an opportunity to share the gospel?’ She said no, they asked, ‘If we come into the church, what benefits do we get?’”
Hadian believes this is not the best way for churches to interact with Muslims unless the aid being provided also comes with a clear gospel message.
“I said you guys are bringing these refugees in, you’re giving them free housing, and so now even if they think they want to become a Christian, it’s seen as a monetary gain,” he said. “My goodness, is this what we’re doing to the gospel now – accept Jesus and we’ll give you free things?
“If they could be bold with the gospel, yes, but I don’t see any evidence of that. They usually want to say let’s be friends with them, let’s have a Ramadan meal with them, and this is why I say we should have a moratorium on Muslim immigration.”

El capital amoral y la politica indecente

Julio M. Shiling (
To: Lázaro R González
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Para: Lázaro González

 Aquí les incluyo el artículo "El capital amoral y la política indecente". 


Julio M. Shiling


El capital amoral y la política indecente
El viaje de Andrew Cuomo a Cuba fue netamente de negocios, pero el gobernador ha tratado de fusionar lo político con lo comercial, cuando en realidad todo el asunto es exclusivamente debusiness.

Por Julio M. Shiling, Miami | 29/04/2015 2:38 pm Publicado en Cubaencuentro © Ver publicación y opiniones en Ver otros Artículos

Las cuadrillas del comercio internacional, en estos días, han ido marchando a La Habana en compañía de sus oficiales electos. Nadie parece querer perder la oportunidad de desaprovechar la percibida “ganga” de comprar/arrendar barato antes de que llegue en groso del Norte, el invasor convertido por decreto (tentativamente) en inversor. A Cuba la geografía siempre la ha marcado. Ahora, nuevamente, vemos cómo su colocación espléndida la convierte, perceptualmente, en el próximo edén capitalista.
 Andrew Cuomo, el gobernador de Nueva York, el aptamente titulado estado del imperio (“Empire State”), lideró como se sabe una comitiva de una parte de la alta élite empresarial neoyorkina de negocios de la talla de MasterCard, la aerolínea JetBlue, la farmacéutica Pfizer y los yogures Chobani. Lo trágico y risible a la vez, de esta excursión comercial/política, es la racionalización incongruente y engañosa que el primer jefe ejecutivo de Nueva York empleó. “El aislamiento no ha trabajado”, nos relató Cuomo. “El acercamiento y las relaciones completas”, continuó, “es la mejor forma de sostener un diálogo sobre los temas que estamos de acuerdo y sobre los temas que no estamos de acuerdo”. Esta discursiva no es original para nada. Es consistente con el disco grabado y rayado de los que ven en el “descongelamiento” lo más grande desde el invento del pan rebanado.
 Lo tragicómico de la visita emblemática del gobernador neoyorkino con sus cortesanos comerciales, es la persistencia de querer engatusar al pueblo estadounidense e impactar la opinión pública para promover cambios más integradores en la política del Estado norteamericano hacia la dictadura cubana. El viaje de Cuomo a Cuba comunista fue netamente de negocios. El mismo encierra una iniciativa que ha titulado “Nueva York Global” y es parte de una estrategia comercial que buscar ampliar las operaciones mercantiles de empresas con el domicilio corporativo en el Empire State. El descaro (o una parte del descaro) yace en la apología barata que éste hace al fusionar lo político con lo comercial, cuando el asunto se trata exclusivamente de business.
 El gobernador de Nueva York no es la excepción en ejecutar este estilo de llevar a cabo el negocio de gobernar. Todo lo contario, representa más bien la regla de una clase política que busca ensanches económicos, ignorando lo inmoral de comerciar con un régimen criminal y mafioso y pretendiendo a la vez, que sus conciudadanos (potenciales consumidores) no se den cuenta del encubrimiento. La mejor forma de timar al pueblo estadounidense, en este caso específico, es meter la política en el asunto y pretender convertir su postura mercantil en una gesta estratégica con propósitos políticos y “humanitarios”. “¿El aislamiento no ha trabajado?”. Podría adoptar esa postura si su misión a Cuba comunista fuera la búsqueda de una mejoría en el respeto a los derechos humanos, civiles, laborales, etc. Para eso, sin embargo, no estaría llevando un batallón de mercaderes. Su incursión al establo de los Castro, exclusivamente tiene que ver con intereses comerciales. La política se ensucia al desnaturalizarse en una ejercitación apolítica.
 Es cierto que Cuba apunta a ser un edén capitalista. Los cubanos han demostrado su capacidad empresarial en todo el orbe. Su colocación geográfica le beneficia extraordinariamente. Esto es fundamental, sobre todo, cuando se toma en cuenta que la nación cubana extraterritorial supera en producción a sus conciudadanos intramuros (medido por el PIB). Cuba, sin embargo, sólo llegará a ese estado de adelanto y prosperidad cuando sea libre y democrática y se haya reemplazado el bárbaro sistema dictatorial actualmente en el poder.
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The Scary Thing ISIS Just Did Is The Start Of A Dangerous Situation For Israel

The group has captured the border town of Qahtaniya.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Israeli media reported two mortar attacks from Syria on the Golan Heights near Kibbutz Ein Zivan. Israeli defense officials were quick to explain that the attack was, in fact, a spillover of the fighting between rival Islamist groups in the border area with Israel.
Today, the Hebrew-language news site Walla reported that the mortar grenades were launched by Islamic State branch Jaish-al-Jihad. The group has captured the border town of Qahtaniya in the southern Quneitra province of the Syrian Golan Heights. Islamic State has thereby taken up its closest position to Israel yet. Qahtaniya is just 1.5-1.8 miles away from the border with Israel.


The town was, for a long time, controlled by the Free Syrian Army, and later by the al-Qaeda offshoot Jabhat al-Nusra. Both groups maintained the status quo with Israel and concentrated their war effort against the Syrian Army.
The mortars were fired at Israel during clashes between Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State. On Tuesday, al-Nusra tried to recapture the town, but to no avail. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that 38 jihadis were killed in the fighting near Qahtaniya. The dead include a senior commander of Jabhat al-Nusra.
Israeli commentators fear that now Qahtaniya has fallen to Islamic State, it could turn into a base for attacks against the Jewish State. Islamic State already has sleeper cells in Israel. The Israeli security serviceshave arrested two Islamic State cells so far this year.


The situation on the Golan Heights is tense after four Hezbollah terrorists were killed by the IDF on Sunday. The four infiltrated Israel and were planning to plant an explosive device near the road to Majdal Shams on the Israeli Golan Heights. Two of the terrorists were residents of the Druze village Majdal Shams. They crossed into Syria to help Assad’s army and Hezbollah in the fight against Sunni opposition groups.
The news about Islamic State’s first attack against Israel from Syrian soil coincided with reports that Assad’s army and Hezbollah have suffered setbacks and lost territory to Islamist groups recently.
On Monday, a coalition of Islamist rebels seized the large Qarmeed army base in Idlib in northwestern Syria after a suicide bomber from al-Nusra drove a truck packed with explosives into the compound and blew himself up. The capture of the base makes it easier for the coalition to move forward to the city of Latakia, Assad’s ancestral home, and seize most of the Idlib province.
The base had a lot of weapons. The coalition of Islamist groups seized at least seven tanks, large ammunition caches, and scores of rocket launchers. The coalition now tries to capture the nearby Mastoumeh army base.
Elsewhere in Syria, in the area of the Qalamoun Mountains near the Syria-Lebanon border, al-Nusraambushed a Hezbollah convoy on Wednesday, killing six members of Hezbollah. Al-Jazeera reported that the six were killed when al-Nusra targeted their supply vehicles. Israel carried out two air strikes against Syrian divisions in the same area last week.
Hezbollah has thousands of fighters in Syria. It is estimated that since the beginning of the war four years ago, one thousand Lebanese Hezbollah members were killed in the civil war in Syria. The organization tries to hide the rising death toll by burying the dead fighters in Syria instead of Lebanon.
Former Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri has now called for the shifting of the Saudi-led operation “Decisive Storm” from Yemen to Syria to remove Assad from power. Hariri also slammed Iran for its meddling in Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria.
Hariri decried the Assad regime’s claim of being part of the so-called “Resistance and Deterrence Axis,” an anti-Israel coalition that also includes Iran and Hezbollah.
“This regime in Syria should be eliminated because it has killed the Syrian people,” he said. “Although it has labeled itself as being part of deterrence, it has not carried out any action against Israel, but rather against its own people in Lebanon or in Syria.”
He made his remarks after meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington.

Pretenden sustituir a Fray Junípero Serra por una lesbiana

Luis Losada - CitizenGO <>


Pide a los miembros de la Asamblea Estatal de California que no aprueben esta barbarie

Firma esta petición haciendo clic aquí
Hola Lazaro:
Supongo que te has enterado de la polémica. El Senado de California ha propuesto reemplazar la imagen de Fray Junípero Serra por la de la primera astronauta estadounidense, Rally Ride, una conocida activista gay.
Pídele a los miembros de la Asamblea Estatal de California que conserven la estatua del fundador y evangelizador de su estado.
Si ya firmaste, Lazaro R, por favor, publica esta campaña en tu muro de Facebook para que más gente se pueda sumar.
Fray Junípero Serra fundó misiones sobre las que se construyeron las ciudades hispanas más importantes de los Estados Unidos. Además, de las 100 estatuas del capitolio, sólo hay dos hispanos. ¿Les molestan los hispanos, los frailes o ambas cosas?
Lo más increíble, Lazaro R, es que la propuesta se toma precisamente cuando el Papa Francisco anuncia su intención de canonizarle el próximo mes de septiembre coincidiendo con su visita a los EEUU. Incluso el próximo 2 de mayo celebrará una misa en Roma por el fundador de California. ¿Les da alergia tener a un santo en el Capitolio? Cada día entiendo menos...
Fray Junípero Serra tuvo en California un papel decisivo en el establecimiento del estado. Fundó nueve de las 21 misiones sobre las cuales se edificaron ciudades muy importantes y trabajó sin descanso a favor de la población nativa.
A través de este mensaje le pido que defienda el lugar que con justicia ocupa su estatua en el Salón Nacional de las Estatuas del Capitolio en Washington DC.                      
Esto es lo que le estamos diciendo a los miembros de la Asamblea Estatal de California. ¿Quieres decíselo tú ahora?
Aún estamos a tiempo de frenar esta barbarie. La historia es la siguiente. La 'inquisición' anti-Serra partió del senador de California, Ricardo Lara, el primer político latino de EEUU en reconocerse homosexual, abiertamente contrario –e irrespetuoso- con la Iglesia.
Lo más increíble es que haya sido aprobado por el Senado de California. Pero, como te digo, aún estamos a tiempo de frenar el atropello. Todavía debe ser ratificado por el gobernador y por la Asamblea Estatal de California.
Hazles llegar tu mensaje. Pídeles que respeten la estatua de Fray Junípero Serra, fundador de California, defensor de los nativos y clave para entender la historia de los Estados Unidos.
Gracias, Lazaro R, por defender el sentido común frente a la imposición ideológica. Cualquier novedad, te voy contando.
Un abrazo,

Luis Losada Pescador y todo el equipo de CitizenGO
PD. Lazaro R, lo que está ocurriendo es indignante. Necesitamos que muchos miles les escriban para frenar esta barbarie. ¿Podrías publicar la campaña en tu muro de Facebookpara que más gente se pueda sumar?
PD2. No me acuerdo si te lo había contado ya, pero te lo cuento por si acaso: ya somos más 700.000 en CitizenGO en español. Siendo más, podremos hacer más. ¡Enhorabuena!
PD3. Ya están colgados los videos del encuentro de libertad religiosa y cristianos perseguidos #WeAreN2015. Fue especialmente emotivo el momento de entrega de tu firma. Las recibieron con un prolongado aplauso. Si participaste, Lazaro R, gracias por haberlo hecho posible. Te dejo el momento:                                                                             .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

En mi opinión

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