No 960 “En mi opinión” Mayo 27, 2015
Sr. Presidente Obama:
AMENPER: El Odio de Michelle
Obama a America…
Michelle Obama odia a América, lo dijo después que Barack Hussein Obama fue
electo cuando confesó que por primera vez sentía amor por América.
Todavía Michelle a pesar de su vida de viajes de placer y vestidos de
diseñadores, odia a lo que América representa.
En el discurso que hizo en la universidad de Tuskagee fundada por Booker T.
Washington el educador negro, dijo que la Universidad había sido fundada por
negros por sí sólo sin la ayuda del gobierno o donantes.
Cómo es claro que no podía ser, estuve investigando, y figuras como
especialmente Adriew Carnegie y también, John D. Rockefeller, J.P
Morgan, George Eastman y otros aparecen como que contribuyeron a ayudar a
Washington a la fundación de la universidad
Booker T. Washington visto desde la perspectiva de los tiempos, una persona
que prueba lo que un individuo puede hacer con responsabilidad y
perseverancia. Eso es lo que Michelle debía de haber dicho, no una
mentira racista.
Alguien le hubiera podido hacer notar el contraste de los líderes negros
hoy en día, los ciudadanos negros pobres tienen en efecto un tiempo
más difícil que el resto de nosotros, pero es en mayor parte porque programas
de bienestar social liberal y enemistad hacia la moralidad tradicional han
diezmado las familias negras, y la preferencia de los demócratas a los
sindicatos de maestros en las escuelas ha mantenido a muchos de los pobres en
las escuelas deplorables. Tienen un momento difícil, en parte, debido a la
política defendida por Michelle Obama y perseguida por su marido.
¿Qué diría Booker T. Washington sobre la decisión del Presidente de cerrar
el programa de vales escolares en Washington, D.C.? Esto hubiera dado un alivio
a los estudiantes en las escuelas públicas urbanas de bajo rendimiento y a sus
padres desesperados
Pero volvemos al principio, para los Obama lo importante no es América como
la conocemos, es la América racista como ellos la perciben,
Estilo para Cruzar el Delaware…
La campaña de Estado Hillary Clinton lanzó otro video el lunes sobre el
libro "Clinton Cash" alegando que las acusaciones no
tienen “evidencias probadas” contra ella.
Observen la diferencia, cualquiera se hubiera defendido diciendo que eran
mentiras sobre ella, están hablando de términos legalistas como “evidencias
probadas” no sobre la verdad.
Y este parece ser la nueva moda en los Estados Unidos, no importa si eres
culpable, si eres un mentiroso, si eres un ladrón, al no ser que seas de
derechas, pero si eres de izquierda, no importa cuan evidente el hecho, hace
falta “evidencias probadas”.
"'Clinton Cash' fue anunciado como una bomba antes de ser expuesto
como un fracaso", dice el video "Los medios de comunicación ha
examinado las teorías de conspiración en el libro y encontró que son
completamente carente de evidencias probatorias que apoyen sus
afirmaciones escandalosas".
Pero el libro “fracasado” se ha vendido mucho más que el de Hillary
El libro ha ido generando olas de titulares desde el 23 de abril, cuando
una serie de medios de comunicación publicaron investigaciones críticas basadas
en el trabajo del autor Peter Schweizer. Schweizer acusa a Clinton de haber
hecho favores cuando era secretaria de estado favoreciendo a las
personas que dieron a su fundación familiar o pagaron honorarios por discursos
a ella o a su esposo, el ex Presidente Bill Clinton.
Sin embargo, Schweizer admite que no tiene "ninguna evidencia
directa" de la corrupción, simplemente expone que cada vez que alguien
donaba a la fundación o alguien pagaba por un discurso a Hillary, recibía un
favor. El nuevo video de Clinton — titulada "Sin evidencia" — trata
de desviar estos hechos y señala solamente la falta de pruebas
irrefutables detrás de los reclamos de Schweizer.
El video es parte de un nuevo esfuerzo de respuesta rápida como las de
Fidel y Raul, adoptado por los Clinton contra acusaciones cómo
"Clinton Cash" y otros ataques futuros. Su equipo se comprometió a responder
agresivamente a golpes partidistas contra su candidatura.
¿Qué pasa con la verdad y sólo la verdad? ¿Qué pasa con la “honestidad” que
se atribuía a los patriotas como Washington y la historia de su confesión a su
padre cuando cortó un árbol de lo que habían acusado a un empleado? ¿O el apodo
de “Honest Abe” a Lincoln por su honestidad?
La verdad en un político, más en un aspirante a presidente tiene que estar
clara como un cristal, tiene que estar en concordancia con un patrón de
Vemos últimamente cuando se ha acusado a personas de usar su información en
la bolsa para hacer inversiones, lo que se considera fraude. Si una persona
tiene acceso a una información y luego hacen una serie de inversiones
oportunas, eso garantiza la investigación, no hay que presentar “evidencias
probadas” de que hizo la inversión por la información. Esto es lo
mismo en el caso de Hillary.
Pero bueno, Hillary no es un corredora de bolsa, y seguro que no se parece
as Lincoln o Washington, aunque está tratando de cruzar el río Delaware como
Washington para llegar a la Casa Blanca, pero hay cierta diferencia en el bote
y los que la acompañan..
Karl Marx
dijo que la religión es el opio de los pueblos. Nadie
está completamente equivocado toda su vida ni completamente acertado. En esta
declaración Marx está entre lo acertado y lo equivocado. Cuando habla de
religión está refiriéndose a la conveniencia del ateísmo, o sea de la no
creencia en un Dios, un ser supremo, lo cual considero absurdo y realmente
imposible. Pero está usando los defectos de los dioses de este mundo que dicen
representar a Dios a través de las instituciones religiosas y desde este punto
de vista está en lo correcto y la idea es acertada y pude ser aceptada como una
condición de la humanidad, no sólo del capitalismo.
De lo que
no se daba cuenta Marx era que lo que él llama el opio, o sea una droga que
entretiene a las masas está hoy en día más determinada en los que siguen sus
doctrinas que en los religiosos tradicionales.
pueden encontrar un escrito de Cal Thomas que compara la adoración que a muchos
nos parece imposible a dioses políticos como Hillary Clinton y Bill de Blasio,
figuras desprestigiadas que en cualquier otra fracción política hubiera sido
descartadas, y vemos como hay llegado a posiciones importantes y está en
posición para la primera magistratura de la nación.
gods of American politics.
By Cal Thomas Published May 22, 2015
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
If you
visit Mount Olympus, you will see scores of crumbling statues to false gods
once worshipped by ancient Greeks. The same is true in Rome, where statues of
political gods, notably those named Caesar, lay in ruins.We are more
sophisticated today. Moderns don't bow to Zeus. Many of us, though, put our
faith in the false god of politics, despite its track record of not being able
to achieve all of the things we project upon it.The late comedian George Carlin
may have put the blame for this where it belongs: "Never underestimate the
power of stupid people in large groups."In order to accurately judge an
idea, policy, or individual "stupid," one must first have a standard
by which stupid can be measured.
don't bow to Zeus. Many of us, though, put our faith in the false god of
politics, despite its track record of not being able to achieve all of the
things we project upon it.
Now comes
two far-left politicians who apparently believe their philosophy is not
receiving the worship it is due, despite a track record of failure. Hillary
Clinton continues to move left, jettisoning positions she once held -- from
support of the Iraq War, to her "evolving" stance on same-sex
marriage -- believing voters headed that way will put her in the White House.
New York
City Mayor Bill de Blasio has one-upped Hillary Clinton by publishing a
13-point plan he calls "The Progressive Agenda to Combat Income
Inequality," which some have compared to Newt Gingrich's 1994
"Contract with America." De Blasio's proposal, though, might be
likened to a contract hit on America.
As The
Economist noted, de Blasio's plan is "short on detail (such as how to pay
for anything), but big on vision, it calls for raising the federal minimum wage
to $15 an hour and indexing it to inflation; bolstering unions; bringing in
national paid sick and family leave and universal pre-kindergarten; ending tax
breaks for firms outsourcing overseas, and closing tax loopholes for the
Where to
begin? Not worrying about paying for anything is classic liberalism. If they
aren't raising taxes, they are borrowing money from China to achieve their
"vision," though it's more like a mirage.
minimum wage has been converted into something it was never intended to be -- a
permanent salary regarded as the chief support for a worker's family long term.
Instead, it should be taken for what it is, an entry-level position that gives
workers an opportunity to move up to a better job at higher pay, taking full
advantage of advanced training programs offered to them.
the minimum wage to $15 an hour, however, may result in robots replacing
workers. Food will be ordered from a computer at your table. It's already
happening in some restaurants.
unions means more workers paying more dues so more unions can give more money
to the Democratic Party.
paid sick leave? Why do liberals focus so much on time off instead of
productivity? Such a policy would be ripe for abuse.
if it's public and made mandatory by politicians, would give liberals an even
earlier start at shaping young minds into their political and social image by
getting kids attuned to the things liberals believe to be true. Many argue that
the progressive outlook seeks to undermine the authority of parents and teach
that government is good, especially when headed by Democrats." Parents,
not politicians, are the ultimate deciders on how and where their children
should be educated. School choice is the answer. Providing vouchers lets
parents sidestep failing public schools and the indoctrination in favor of an
academic environment that offers a better education and less brainwashing.
answer to firms that outsource jobs overseas is to reform a tax structure that
has caused them to flee the country. Ditto on loopholes. A flat tax or fair tax
eliminates all loopholes and most deductions and would free up capital that
would produce more investment at home, leading to more jobs, more people
working and more tax revenue.
false gods can't deliver, stupid people still act as if they can. Republican
presidential candidates must have a message that will bring Americans to their
senses and remind them of economic, foreign policy and moral standards that
once produced results.
Thomas is America's most widely syndicated op-ed columnist. He joined Fox News
Channel in 1997 as a political contributor. His latest book is "What
Works: Common Sense Solutions for a Stronger America" is available in
bookstores now. Readers may email Cal Thomas at
Below, I am copying an article from John Blosser in Newsmax.
It is about Fergurson Protesters now protesting in front of an office of
MORE over not getting paid for protesting during the protests.
MORE is an association funded by liberal billionaire George Soros. Moro
accordingly with Soros means Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment,
for me it means a vehicle to destroy the nation MORE. Ferguson flared up was
because protesters were being paid to be there. That makes you wonder how many
are being paid in Baltimore? How many more will be paid in the
Ferguson Protesters Now Protesting Over Not Getting Paid
By John Blosser
At least some of the
protesters who looted, rioted, burned buildings and overturned police cars in
Ferguson, Missouri, last year were promised payment of up to $5,000 per month
to join the protests.
However, when the
Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE), the successor group
to the now-bankrupt St. Louis branch of ACORN (Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now), stiffed the protesters, they launched a sit-in
protest at the headquarters of MORE and created a witter page to demand their
money, the Washington Times reports.
candidate and former Rep. Allen B. West, R-Fl., noted on his website,
"Instead of being thankful for getting off the unemployment line for a few
weeks and having a little fun protesting, the paid rioters who tore up
Ferguson, MO, are protesting again.
Special: These 7
Things Activate Alzheimer’s in Your Brain
"First of all,
can you even imagine getting paid $5,000.00 a month for running around holding
a sign and burning down an occasional building? That's around $1,250.00 per
week. Try making that at McDonalds or Starbucks."
The Kansas City Star
estimates that the Ferguson riots, characterized as a spontaneous eruption of
anger over the shooting of unarmed black criminal Michael Brown by Ferguson
police officer Darren Wilson, cost the county $4.2 million.
Millennial Activists
United (MAU) posted a letter on their website stating, "On May 14, 2015
many individuals and organizations of the protest movement that began in
Ferguson, Missouri, organized a sit-in in the office of Missourians Organizing
for Reform and Empowerment (MORE). The demand was simple: Cut the checks.
"Questions have
been raised as to how the movement is to sustain when white non-profits are hoarding
monies collected of off (sic) black bodies? When we will (sic) hold the
industry of black suffering accountable? The people of the community are fed up
and the accountability begins here and now," the letter continues.
Special: Shark Tank
Star Reveals Brilliant New Mortgage Payoff Tip
"There is an
insidious strand of racism and white supremacy that exists in this movement.
This money is typically in the hands of white people who oversee the types of
services that the non-profit provides, while having select token black people
to spearhead the conversations within and to the community."
MORE is funded by
liberal billionaire George Soros, the Times notes, through his Open Society
Foundations (OSF).
The OSF, the Times
states, paid for activists from various protest groups from to travel to
Ferguson and take part in the demonstrations.
Akiba Solomon of
Colorlines stated, "More than 500 of us have traveled from Boston,
Chicago, Columbus, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Nashville, Portland, Tucson,
Washington, D.C., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and other cities to support
the people of Ferguson and help turn a local moment into a national
movement," the Times noted.
Cheatee Party! Spitzer’s Ex Throws Ladies Only Fundraiser For Hillary
Spitzer’s ex-wife Silda is hosting a fundraiser for Democratic presidential
candidate Hillary Clinton in Manhattan, and only women will be allowed to
attend the $2,700-a-ticket event.
two-hour long fundraiser, which Silda will host along with four other women,
will allow those who go to chat with Clinton on June 1. All proceeds will
benefit “Hillary for America,” Page Six reports.
divorced her husband Eliot Spitzer in 2014. He was the former governor of
New York who resigned after being linked to a prostitution ring in 2008.(RELATED: Chelsea Clinton Is Writing The
Saddest Children’s Book Ever)
a presidential primary debate in 2008, Clinton blundered her way through a
question about Spitzer’s plan to provide illegal immigrants New York
driver’s licenses. At the time she made it sound like she did support the
measure, with Barack Obama calling her answer “confusing,” but
she later clarified that she did not.
“As president, I will not support driver’s
licenses for undocumented people and will press for comprehensive immigration
reform that deals with all of the issues around illegal immigration,
including border security and fixing our broken system.”
She has
flip-flopped her stance on the issue and now supports issuing licenses to
undocumented immigrants. (RELATED: Hillary Clinton
Flip-Flops On Driver’s Licenses For Illegal Immigrants)
Memorial Day Means Support the Troops, not their
That sickening feeling you get on Memorial Day when
you read about your government intentionally empowering terrorists.
Yesterday was Memorial Day, a day wherein we honor those who have
demonstrated commitment, and often suffered so much in what was usually an
honest attempt to serve the land they love. Many of these fellow countrymen
deserve our gratitude and respect.
As for those who send them overseas at the behest of psychopaths,
lobbyists, and other criminal masterminds who should never be trusted with an
ounce of power, no human condemnation could ever be sufficient.
Here is a story I
read on Memorial Day from “Pentagon report predicted
West’s support for Islamist rebels would create ISIS.” The findings
shouldn’t be shocking is you have read this blog or many other news sources
(One example: “Radical Islamic
Anti-Christian Expulsion Is 100% Made in America—a U.S. Government Creation”).
When you think of ISIS from here forward—when you consider the headless
bodies of countless victims; women taken into sex slavery; peoples beyond
number uprooted and forced to flee; new violations of Constitutional rights in
the United States due to the “unparalleled threat” of attacks on the
homeland–remember these documents outlining how high-level planners posited
that ISIS should be allowed to form in order to oust an inconvenient dictator
in Syria.
Yes, U.S. “defense intelligence” thought the genesis of ISIS could be
useful, and so we’ve seen multitudes of actions to arm these “moderates,” which
these documents demonstrate was a known lie.
“The conventional
wisdom is that the US government did not retain sufficient oversight on the
funding to anti-Assad rebel groups, which was supposed to be monitored and
vetted to ensure that only ‘moderate’ groups were supported.
“However, the newly
declassified Pentagon report proves unambiguously that years before ISIS
launched its concerted offensive against Iraq, the US intelligence community
was fully aware that Islamist militants constituted the core of Syria’s
sectarian insurgency.”
But why? Why would
“the West, Gulf countries, and Turkey” care so much about removing Syria’s
Bashir Assad? What this report does not cover, but others have, is that Qatar has
invested well over $50-billion in the effort to oust Assad. The reason? Turkey
already has pipelines waiting for the Qatari’s abundant Liquid Natural Gas
(LNG) but Saudi Arabia has steadfastly refused to let little Qatar build
pipelines across their sands to reach Turkey, and the only other land route
available is through… yes, Syria.
A Qatari pipeline to Turkey would open up the vastly lucrative European
market to them, and break Russia’s current chokehold on the continent. Right
now Europe is subject to Vladimir Putin’s threats to cut off their only current
economical supplier of natural gas, should anyone there get too uppity about
the Bear’s abuse of Ukraine.
Qatar, of course, is home to a couple of major U.S. military bases,
making them an “important ally” in the region. What this means, in reality, is
that it’s another nation where we’re willing to put up with their vast
promotion of Islamic theology, just so long as major corporations in the West
can make a few billion.
What are a few Christian heads bobbing in the ocean off Libya—or a
multiplication of dead and maimed (physically and psychologically) U.S.
servicemen—compared to billions in revenue, and a chance to continue the
elite’s sick, real-life game of Risk?
“I saw the souls of
those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God,
and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its
mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with
Christ for a thousand years.” – Revelation 20:4b
So many skeptics today find false rationale to impugn God’s
righteousness for permitting this or that example of suffering or tragedy.
Honestly, I think if we knew 1% of what really happens behind closed doors (and
in dark minds) we would rightly wonder why He permits time to advance one more
You and I only take another breath by the measureless mercy and grace of
God. He sent the Messiah, Jesus, so that forgiveness could be given to the
worst of sinners–yes, even those in DC and other places which plan all of this
gamesmanship using humans as pawns. Yes, even for dark hearts like mine.
“The steadfast love of
the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every
morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The LORD is my portion,’ says my soul,
‘therefore I will hope in him.’ The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to
the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the
salvation of the LORD.” – Lamentations
Today’s leaders are a reflection of the American people and their
priorities. The endless and insatiable quest to find pleasure without God
proceeds apace. Soldiers, Marines, Rangers, SEALS, and innocents around the
world are merely expendable pawns in the madness of the elite.
We don’t need another government program to “care” for us. We need Jesus.
We certainly don’t need more machinations in high places valuing profits and
power above people made in God’s image. We need a “climate change” in human
hearts. We need the Creator to raise up workers for a harvest, and to bring a
refreshing rain more necessary than what they could use in California.
As I remembered the sacrifices of servicemen and women in uniform
yesterday I also remembered a sacrifice made outside Jerusalem nearly 2000
years ago—that freely-given life is the only reason humanity is still here.
God’s mercy endures, for one more moment, and for that I am profoundly
Revealed: Obama Admin Knows Exact Location Of ISIS
Headquarters, Hasn’t Acted For One Reason
U.S. intelligence has identified seven buildings in
the eastern Syrian city of Raqqa as the headquarters of ISIS.
Even though U.S.
intelligence has identified seven buildings in the eastern Syrian city of Raqqa
as the headquarters of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the site has
not been attacked during the 10-month air assault against the terrorist
The New York Times reported Tuesday that
U.S. officials are loathe to attack certain ISIS targets for fear
they might accidentally kill civilians, thus sparking “a major
propaganda coup.” The Times reports:
But many Iraqi commanders, and even some American
officers, argue that exercising such prudence is harming the coalition’s larger
effort to destroy the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or Daesh, and that it
illustrates the limitations of American air power in the Obama administration’s
A persistent complaint of Iraqi officials and security
officers is that the United States has been too cautious in its air campaign,
frequently allowing columns of Islamic State fighters essentially free movement
on the battlefield.
“The international
alliance is not providing enough support compared with ISIS’ capabilities on
the ground in Anbar,” Maj. Muhammed al-Dulaimi, an Iraqi officer in Anbar
Province, told The Times. Anbar is home to Ramadi, which fell to ISIS last week.
“The U.S. airstrikes
in Anbar didn’t enable our security forces to resist and confront the ISIS
attacks,” al-Dulaimi added. “We lost large territories in Anbar because of the
inefficiency of the U.S.-led coalition airstrikes.”
“We have not taken
the fight to these guys,” the pilot of an American A-10 attack plane told the
publication in an email.
We haven’t targeted their centers of gravity in Raqqa.
All the roads between Syria and Iraq are still intact with trucks flowing
The Times pointed out
that ISIS seems to be taking advantage of the restrictions, as the terrorist
group is fighting more often within the confines of civilian populations.
Civilians who now rely on the Islamic State for
services often come and go from the offices, according to a middle-age real
estate agent, who still lives in Raqqa and spoke on the condition of anonymity
for fear of the extremists.
‘The civilians like the coalition because it doesn’t
hit civilians, but ISIS hates it because it targets their fighters,’ he said.
Finally, the
publication noted that opponents of ISIS living in Raqqa said the terrorist
group has no plans to leave the city because it has adapted to the continuous
airstrikes, and no one is on the ground to challenge them.
“If they had acted
when ISIS was small, they could have stopped them, but now it has settled and
grown and people have gotten used to it,” an anonymous aid worker from Raqqa
told The Times. “As long as there is no plan to get rid of them, they are
staying, and it is clear that there is no plan.”
IRS Says Thieves Stole Tax Info From 100,000
WASHINGTON — May 26, 2015, 10:28 PM ET
Urgent Warning: IRS Hacked

Sophisticated criminals used an online service run by the IRS to access
personal tax information from more than 100,000 taxpayers, part of an elaborate
scheme to steal identities and claim fraudulent tax refunds, the IRS said
The thieves accessed
a system called "Get Transcript," where taxpayers can get tax returns
and other filings from previous years. In order to access the information, the
thieves cleared a security screen that required knowledge about the taxpayer,
including Social Security number, date of
birth, tax filing status and street address, the IRS said.
"We're confident that these are not amateurs," said IRS
Commissioner John Koskinen. "These actually are organized crime syndicates
that not only we but everybody in the financial industry are dealing
Koskinen wouldn't say whether investigators believe the criminals are
based overseas — or where they obtained enough personal information about the
taxpayers to access their returns. The IRS has launched a criminal
investigation. The agency's inspector general is also investigating.
Identity thieves, both foreign and domestic, have stepped up their
efforts in recent years to claim fraudulent tax refunds. The agency estimates
it paid out $5.8 billion in fraudulent refunds to identity thieves in 2013.
"Eighty percent of the of the identity theft we're dealing with and
refund fraud is related to organized crime here and around the world,"
Koskinen said. "These are extremely sophisticated criminals with access to
a tremendous amount of data."
Congress is already pressing the IRS for information about the breach.
"That the IRS —
home to highly sensitive information on every single American and every single
company doing business here at home — was vulnerable to this attack is simply
unacceptable," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. "What's more,
this agency has been repeatedly warned by top government watchdogs that its
data security systems are inadequate against the growing threat of
international hackers and data thieves."
Koskinen said the agency was alerted to the thieves when technicians
noticed an increase in the number of taxpayers seeking transcripts.
The IRS said they targeted the system from February to mid-May. The
service has been temporarily shut down.
Taxpayers sometimes need copies of old tax returns to apply for
mortgages or college aid. While the system is shut down, taxpayers can still
apply for transcripts by mail.
The IRS said its main computer system, which handles tax filing
submissions, remains secure.
"In all, about 200,000 attempts were made from questionable email
domains, with more than 100,000 of those attempts successfully clearing
authentication hurdles," the agency said. "During this filing season,
taxpayers successfully and safely downloaded a total of approximately 23
million transcripts."
The agency is still determining how many fraudulent tax refunds were
claimed this year using information from the stolen transcripts. Koskinen
provided a preliminary estimate, saying less than $50 million was successfully
Thieves can also use the information to claim fraudulent tax refunds in
the future. As identity theft has exploded, the agency has added filters to its
computer system to identify suspicious returns. These filters look for
anomalies in the information provided by the taxpayer.
IRS says thieves stole tax info from 100,000
![]() ![]() |
I wander if there
is a safe place where our personal information is stored and not compromised
this is embarrassing and ridiculous
APNewsBreak: IRS says thieves used online agency service to get access
to 100,000 tax returns
The thieves accessed a system called "Get Transcript," where taxpayers can get tax returns and other filings from previous years. In order to access the information, the thieves cleared a security screen that required knowledge about the taxpayer, including Social Security number, date of birth, tax filing status and street address, the IRS said.
"We're confident that these are not amateurs," said IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. "These actually are organized crime syndicates that not only we but everybody in the financial industry are dealing with."
Koskinen would not say whether investigators believe the criminals are based overseas — or where they obtained enough personal information about the taxpayers to access their returns. The IRS has launched a criminal investigation. The agency's inspector general is also investigating.
Identity thieves, both foreign and domestic, have stepped up their efforts in recent years to claim fraudulent tax refunds. The agency estimates it paid out $5.8 billion in fraudulent refunds to identity thieves in 2013.
"Eighty percent of the of the identity theft we're dealing with and refund fraud is related to organized crime here and around the world," Koskinen said. "These are extremely sophisticated criminals with access to a tremendous amount of data."
Congress is already pressing the IRS for information about the breach.
"That the IRS — home to highly sensitive information on every single American and every single company doing business here at home — was vulnerable to this attack is simply unacceptable," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. "What's more, this agency has been repeatedly warned by top government watchdogs that its data security systems are inadequate against the growing threat of international hackers and data thieves."
Koskinen said the agency was alerted to the thieves when technicians noticed an increase in the number of taxpayers seeking transcripts.
The IRS said they targeted the system from February to mid-May. The service has been temporarily shut down.
Taxpayers sometimes need copies of old tax returns to apply for mortgages or college aid. While the system is shut down, taxpayers can still apply for transcripts by mail.
The IRS said its main computer system, which handles tax-filing submissions, remains secure.
"In all, about 200,000 attempts were made from questionable email domains, with more than 100,000 of those attempts successfully clearing authentication hurdles," the agency said. "During this filing season, taxpayers successfully and safely downloaded a total of approximately 23 million transcripts."
The agency is still determining how many fraudulent tax refunds were claimed this year using information from the stolen transcripts. Koskinen provided a preliminary estimate, saying less than $50 million was successfully claimed.
Thieves can also use the information to claim fraudulent tax refunds in the future. As identity theft has exploded, the agency has added filters to its computer system to identify suspicious returns. These filters look for anomalies in the information provided by the taxpayer.
Until recently, tax refund fraud has been surprisingly simple, once thieves obtain a taxpayer's Social Security number and date of birth. Typically, thieves would file fake tax returns with made-up information early in the filing season, before the legitimate taxpayers filed their returns — and before employers and financial institutions filed wage and tax documents with the IRS.
The refunds would often be sent electronically to prepaid debit cards or bank accounts.
IRS officials say new computer filters are helping to stop many crude attempts at identity theft. This year, the IRS stopped almost 3 million suspicious returns, Koskinen said.
However, old tax returns can help thieves fill out credible-looking returns in the future, helping them get around the IRS filters.
Tax returns can include a host of personal information that can help someone steal an identity, including Social Security numbers and birthdates of dependents and spouses. The IRS said the thieves appeared to already have a lot of personal information about the victims.
The IRS said it is notifying taxpayers whose information was accessed.
Jorge Alberto
Villalón Y.
3044 S.W. 27 Ave
WITHOUT WHITE PEOPLE: White Students Turned Away From ‘Journalism’ Event
Minorities need to be
separated from white people according to this lady. Whatever happened to that
‘tolerance’ narrative from liberals?
By Aeman Ansari, Huffington Post
Last week The Ryersonianreported on an incident that
involved two first-year journalism students who were turned away from an event
organized by Racialized Students’ Collective because they are white. Since then
there has been a lot of commentary on the piece and a lot of debate — a lot of
the criticism is valid.
However, the point to
note is not that two white students were asked to leave the event, but rather
that this was a safe space and that we as a newsroom, as a campus and as a
society are not as knowledgeable as we should be about what these spaces mean.
It’s not just
important, but it’s essential, for marginalized groups to have safe spaces on
campus to engage with people who understand what they go through. Though this
group is funded by Ryerson’s student union, it works to serve a particular
group and a particular purpose. Many students at Ryerson have encountered
racism in their life that is impossible to forget and many are exposed to
discrimination on a daily basis. This group and these sort of events allow
people of colour to lay bare their experiences and to collectively combat this
societal ailment. These spaces are rare places in the world not controlled by
individuals who have power, who have privilege.
WEEKEND: Baltimore Continues to Spiral Out of Control with 27 Shot and at Least
8 Dead
The month isn’t over and yet, Baltimore has seen it’s most violent days
since 1999.
Baltimore has seen 27 shootings and eight deaths so far over Memorial
Day weekend, as the month of May promises to be the most violent the city has
seen this century.
“It is disheartening that we are seeing such an increase in violence,
especially when we think about the progress that we’ve made,” Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake told WJZ. “We’ve come too far
to have this type of setback.”
The sharp uptick in violence coincided with the April 12 arrest of
Freddie Gray. Gray, 25, died in police custody a week later. The case sparked
rioting and looting in the city and nationwide protests over police brutality.
Six officers involved in Gray’s arrest and transport were indicted last week by
a grand jury. Charges include second-degree depraved-heart murder and
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