No 954 “En mi opinión” Mayo 20, 2015
AMENPER: Hablando de Payasos
La presidenta de la Convención del partido Demócrata Nacional, Debbie
Wasserman Schultz ridiculizado el campo potencial de 17 aspirantes
en las primarias republicana, los señaló como un "carro de payasos del
extremismo" repleto de vendedores ambulantes de desacreditadas políticas.
¿Pero no es el campo lleno de candidatos del GOP un testimonio de una
vitalidad que contrasta con los demócratas, donde Hillary Clinton no enfrenta
ninguna oposición seria para la nominación?
¿No es esto un ejemplo de democracia representativa en contraste con una
coronación monárquica?
Es verdad que algunos de los candidatos son payasos en el sentido de que
tienen una aspiración sin oportunidad de ser electos, pero esto es la
democracia, hasta los payasos tienen el derecho a aspirar.
Lo principal de la conjetura de Debbie, y esto es realmente lo que ella
quería decir, es que las políticas conservadoras están desacreditadas. Y esto
no es la realidad, la realidad es que las políticas socialistas son las que
están desacreditadas, no sólo domésticamente con la presente administración,
pero a nivel global donde quiera que se han implantado.
Al final no importa cuantos se monten en el carro, solamente uno será el
candidato, y hay más figuras calificadas para ser presidente en este grupo que
en años anteriores. Y cualquiera de ellos que sea electo el
candidato es mucho más capacitado para el cargo que la desacreditada candidata
del partido demócrata, ungida y consagrada por la izquierda sin un proceso
Hay variedad representativa de una pluralidad democrática entre los
candidatos republicanos, no son un grupo homogéneo, los hay conservadores,
moderados y hasta un libertario, De la democrática discusión saldrá el
candidato del partido. Esto es lo que representa la democracia.
Las declaraciones de nuestra floridana Debbie, demuestra su desprecio al
proceso democrático y esto es lo que la convierte en un payaso socialista..
Attack Carson for Being Conservative
By Clarence V. McKee
Prize-winning black columnist Cynthia Tucker is one of the first black liberals
to attempt to politically lynch Dr. Ben Carson because his political views are
out of tune with the black liberal Democratic chorus.
In a recent column,
forced to admit the truth about Carson’s “brilliant” career as a pediatric
neurosurgeon and his “awe-inspiring tale of a poor black boy in Detroit who
overcame daunting obstacles,” she proceeded to mercilessly plunge the dagger of
political correctness into his back.
“But the good doctor's foray into Republican presidential politics threatens to become his epitaph, to overshadow — perhaps even to overwhelm — his academic and surgical accomplishments. He will likely be remembered as the GOP's latest black mascot, a court jester, a minstrel show.”
“But the good doctor's foray into Republican presidential politics threatens to become his epitaph, to overshadow — perhaps even to overwhelm — his academic and surgical accomplishments. He will likely be remembered as the GOP's latest black mascot, a court jester, a minstrel show.”
Black “mascot,”
“court jester,” “minstrel show”? What a disgusting, despicable, hateful choice
of words as she figuratively hoisted Carson up the tree of political
correctness with a rope of intolerance. His crime — daring to stray from the
Democratic liberal plantation, think for himself and not mimic the liberal
Democratic script as blacks are supposed to do.
Tucker is like other “overseers” — black and white — of that plantation. They drive the nails and tighten the rope to crucify and lynch any black conservative who dares challenge the orthodoxy of liberal establishment policies. They judge blacks like Carson not by the content of their character, accomplishments, and deeds but rather by their racist perspective of how they think blacks should think.
Tucker is like other “overseers” — black and white — of that plantation. They drive the nails and tighten the rope to crucify and lynch any black conservative who dares challenge the orthodoxy of liberal establishment policies. They judge blacks like Carson not by the content of their character, accomplishments, and deeds but rather by their racist perspective of how they think blacks should think.
As Sen. Tim Scott,
R-S.C., has said, “one of the most threatening places to be in politics is a
black conservative.”
Overseers like Tucker don't dare denigrate Jewish or Hispanic conservative politicians with such language — that's reserved for blacks like Carson — so he had better get ready for more.
Talk-show host and author Tavis Smiley told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly that Carson was "a black bull in a Republican china shop," and that “if he's not careful, he is going to do himself irreparable damage."
He went on to say that if he were close to Carson he would “call for intervention to stop him, what he is doing to himself and his reputation."
Overseers like Tucker don't dare denigrate Jewish or Hispanic conservative politicians with such language — that's reserved for blacks like Carson — so he had better get ready for more.
Talk-show host and author Tavis Smiley told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly that Carson was "a black bull in a Republican china shop," and that “if he's not careful, he is going to do himself irreparable damage."
He went on to say that if he were close to Carson he would “call for intervention to stop him, what he is doing to himself and his reputation."
How patronizing.
Unlike other ethnic groups, blacks like Tucker enjoy the “political blood sport” of tearing down other blacks just because they have different political philosophies and solutions to our country’s social and urban problems.
Unlike other ethnic groups, blacks like Tucker enjoy the “political blood sport” of tearing down other blacks just because they have different political philosophies and solutions to our country’s social and urban problems.
Other groups — at
least in public — respect their own. For example, Hispanic journalists and
Democrats, to the best of my knowledge, haven’t demeaned Sen. Marco Rubio,
R-Fla., or Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, just because they seek the GOP nomination
and have a conservative message.
They understand the wisdom of not putting all of their Hispanic political eggs into one Democratic Party basket.
Unfortunately, most of the black liberal democratic establishment appear to have kinder words and empathy for blacks who burned down black and minority-owned businesses in Ferguson and Baltimore than they do for blacks who dare express different political viewpoints and solutions to the very problems creating frustration in places like Baltimore and other cities.
How dare Tucker stoop so low and defame this great man of accomplishment and vision who has given so much back to society including his Carson Scholarship Fund, which has awarded nearly 7,000 scholarships to youth for academic excellence? She should be ashamed.
If she cares so much about blacks, especially youth, she has a heck of a way of showing it by using her pen to politically deride such a great role model. They will notice how he is being treated by Tucker and most likely her cohorts in the black media and liberal democratic establishments and they'll think, “If they do that to him after all he has done, why should I not finish school and take the easy way out — sell drugs, make quick money, and produce babies?"
Tucker’s message to them is: “No matter how much you accomplish, just don’t think for yourself and stray from the Democratic plantation or we will get you.”
Don’t hold your breath waiting for the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, or the National Urban League, or most black and white liberal journalists and pundits to condemn such racist and vicious attacks. So the question is, Who will?
They understand the wisdom of not putting all of their Hispanic political eggs into one Democratic Party basket.
Unfortunately, most of the black liberal democratic establishment appear to have kinder words and empathy for blacks who burned down black and minority-owned businesses in Ferguson and Baltimore than they do for blacks who dare express different political viewpoints and solutions to the very problems creating frustration in places like Baltimore and other cities.
How dare Tucker stoop so low and defame this great man of accomplishment and vision who has given so much back to society including his Carson Scholarship Fund, which has awarded nearly 7,000 scholarships to youth for academic excellence? She should be ashamed.
If she cares so much about blacks, especially youth, she has a heck of a way of showing it by using her pen to politically deride such a great role model. They will notice how he is being treated by Tucker and most likely her cohorts in the black media and liberal democratic establishments and they'll think, “If they do that to him after all he has done, why should I not finish school and take the easy way out — sell drugs, make quick money, and produce babies?"
Tucker’s message to them is: “No matter how much you accomplish, just don’t think for yourself and stray from the Democratic plantation or we will get you.”
Don’t hold your breath waiting for the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, or the National Urban League, or most black and white liberal journalists and pundits to condemn such racist and vicious attacks. So the question is, Who will?
After all, it’s
easier to attack Carson that admit to the fact that in Baltimore city schools
84 percent of eighth graders score below grade level in reading and 87 percent
below grade level in math. That’s not Carson’s
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AMENPER: Lagartijas Lesbianas
Las lagartijas Whiptail de Méjico son todas
hembras, son lesbianas. No es una broma, si no lo quieren creer pueden buscarlo
en Wikipedia. Desert grassland whiptail lizard - Wikipedia, the free
Estas especies de lagartijas todas hembras
(del género Aspidoscelis) de Méjico y el sudoeste de Estados Unidos logran
producir crías sin la ayuda de fertilización masculina.
Aunque esto no es totalmente inaudito entre diversas
formas de vida en la tierra, tales como con ciertas plantas, insectos y vida
marina, entre otros, lo que es particularmente interesante es cómo los lagartos
Whiptail de Méjico se reproducen. Para hacer esto, generalmente interpretarán
un tipo de pseudo-copulación donde dos hembras actuarán teniendo sexo como si
uno fuera un varón.
Aunque no es estrictamente necesario para
reproducir, este sexo simulado se ha demostrado que sirve para aumentar la
fertilidad de los lagartos particulares exteriorizando cópula, para producir
más huevos que aquellos que no lo hacen. También de interés es que el lagarto
exteriorizando el papel femenino en la parte inferior produce huevos más
grandes que el que actúa el papel masculino. Quién va a estar en la parte
superior o inferior se alterna de apareamiento de apareamiento, con los que
actuaban por la parte masculina de una temporada, cambiando a actuar fuera de
la parte femenina de la próxima y viceversa.
A pesar de no fecundación externa, la
descendencia de los lagartos no son clones realmente perfectos uno del otro.
Por el contrario, investigaciones recientes realizadas por estudiantes de
zoología ha demostrado que el lagarto de Whiptail produce dos veces el número
de cromosomas que otros tipos de lagartos normalmente. Un proceso de
recombinación de estos cromosomas entonces ocurre, algo similar a lo que sucede
en normal emparejamientos macho/hembra, que luego produce descendencia
genéticamente diversa pero siempre del género femenino.
El lagarto, o mejor dicho, la lagarta, se han
convertido en el símbolo del lesbianismo y están estudiando los órganos
reproductivos para tratar de duplicarlos en los seres humanos para eliminar el
sexo masculino.
Los estudios se están realizando en Méjico,
pero tan pronto se logren implementar no habrá mayor problema pasar a los
espécimenes humanos por la frontera ilegalmente y recibir los beneficios
sociales y económicos del gobierno.
20 DE
MAYO 2015
Hacen 113 años de un día soñado por millones de Cubanos. En La Habana se
hizó la bandera de la estrella solitaria y una Cuba libre e independiente
disfrutó de nuestro hermoso cielo azul y nuestro fertil suelo convirtiéndose en
una República con todos y para todos.
Hoy tenemos que conmemorar aquella hermosa fecha que consiguieron nuestros
Mambises con sus sacrificios y con su sangre.
Ahora, 113 años después los que nacimos en esa bella Isla tenemos que
reconocer que no nos queda mas que un camino: mirar hacia adelante.
No podemos continuar enmarcados en el pasado, muchos hermanos han fallecido
en los años anteriores, unos de un lado otros del otro. Es nuestro deber hacia
ellos, es nuestra obligación enfocar nuestra vista hacia el futuro. Que el
pasado no nos divida sino que el futuro nos una. Al
escribir estas lineas Raúl Castro Ruz ocupa el cargo de Presidente de la
República de Cuba. Espero que en alguna forma estas lineas lleguen hasta él.
Cuba es de todos. Y todos incluye a los descendientes de los que hoy
dirigen los destinos de nuestra querida Isla. El próximo mes de Junio cumpliré
81 años en esta vida. En una decisión especial me he puesto a la altura de
las circunstancias y me encuentro con paz spiritual sabiendo que dejo a mis
hijos el legado de un hombre trabajador y honesto. Raúl Castro Ruz tiene en
sus manos legar a sus hijos y descendientes la oportunidad de
poder disfrutar en el futuro de vivir en
una República "con todos y para todos".
Para Cuba lo mejor que podemos hacer es mirar solamente hacia adelante.
Nadie, ni los de allá ni los de acá tenemos el derecho a truncar el futuro de
nuestros descendientes.
Si Raúl Castro Ruz realmente vela por el futuro de sus descendientes
tiene que estar consciente de que este es el momento para asegurar que ellos
puedan tener un futuro en la Cuba del futuro.
Esto lo he escrito sin odio y sin rencores. Cuba merece que los que hemos
tenido la dicha de haber nacido en su suelo pensemos en el mejor futuro para
sus hijos.
Para Cuba ya es hora. Es hora de que el gobernante actual Raúl Castro
Ruz abra el camino para que en Cuba se establezca un Gobierno de Reconciliación
Nacional donde cada Cubano se sienta en paz y sin temores. Que el Cubano pueda
recibir un salario justo por su trabajo y pueda ver crecer a sus hijos
disfrutando de paz y armonía. Que la mujer Cubana se sienta feliz de ver crecer
a sus hijos hacia un futuro próspero.
Un gobierno que dirija a los Cubanos hacia un futuro donde puedan disfrutar
de los beneficios del siglo XXI. El siglo XX ya es parte de la Historia y
los Cubanos unidos tenemos que obtener los beneficios que se merecen
los nacidos en esa hermosa Isla.
Miremos hacia adelante, para Cuba ya es hora. Que se establezca un Gobierno
de Reconciliación Nacional que brinde a Cuba la paz y armonía que se merece.
20 de Mayo del año 2015.
Dr. Carlos J. Bringuier
AMENPER: Los Valores Morales Judeo-Cristianos…
Cuando hablamos de la moral Judeo Cristiana, el término se ha convertido en
algo particularmente asociado con políticos conservadores de Estados Unidos
Esto se debe a que los conservadores creen en la moralidad que está
asociada a la conducta humana desde el comienzo de la civilización
greco-romana. Esto es una realidad evidente, tanto si miramos la filosofía
griega o la filosofía judeo cristiana, la moral está profundamente
impregnada con la historia del mundo.
Etimológicamente, el término 'moral' proviene del latín “mos”, que
significa costumbre o hábito y es una traducción del griego ethos, que
significa más o menos la misma cosa y es el origen del término
"ética". En el uso no técnico contemporáneo, los dos términos son más
o menos intercambiables
La tradición judeo-cristiana sostiene una creencia en la moral universal,
no relativa, aunque hay muchas aplicaciones más amplias. En nuestras escuelas
militares estadounidenses, comúnmente se enseña que las reglas modernas para la
guerra, basadas en la filosofía judeo cristiana, como la protección de los
cautivos y no combatientes-. La jurisprudencia americana se basa
firmemente en la ética Judeo-cristiana
Independientemente de las preferencias doctrinales de los padres
fundadores, ellos aplicaron valores Judeo-cristianos que
caracterizaron su cosmovisión y "proporcionan un consenso moral... y la
creencia en una verdad intrínseca subyacente”
Palabras de la declaración de independencia, "Sostenemos que estas
verdades son evidentes, que todos los hombres son creados iguales, que son
dotados por su creador con ciertos derechos inalienables..." Esto revela
la idea Judeo-cristiana de igualdad universal. La Constitución de Estados
Unidos refleja supuestos Judeo-cristianos del bien y del mal en materia de
justicia, el imperio de la ley y el fair play que comúnmente se llevaron a cabo
por la sociedad colonial, incluso teniendo en cuenta sus diferencias
teológicas. Estos documentos fundacionales que han guiado y formado a los
Estados Unidos por más de 200 años y numerosos escritos y discursos de los
miembros de la Convención Constitucional exponen la presuposición
Judeo-cristiana de la soberana autoridad moral como la fuente del valor de la
vida humana, sus derechos y lo que ellos consideraban el marco jurídico del
modo adecuado para organizar una sociedad,
Esto lo vemos también mucho antes en los filósofos griegos, la teoría ética
de Aristóteles es (como la de Platón) 'eudaimonist' (es decir, que tiene como
objetivo nuestra moralidad, nuestra felicidad). Aristóteles nos dice que su
teoría aplica el mismo enfoque descriptivo, paciente y cuidado para su examen
de filosofía moral en la Νικομαχοι Εθικη (ética a Nicómaco). Aquí él discutió
las condiciones bajo las cuales puede atribuirse responsabilidad moral a las
personas individualmente, la naturaleza de las virtudes y los vicios
involucrados en la evaluación moral y los métodos de alcanzar la felicidad en
la vida humana. La cuestión central para Aristóteles es la cuestión del
carácter o personalidad — qué se necesita para un individuo humano a ser una
buena persona.
Cada actividad tiene una causa final, en el cual tiene como objetivo, el
bien que Aristóteles sostuvo es que puesto que no puede haber una regresión
infinita de conductas meramente extrínsecas, debe existir un bien supremo al
que toda actividad humana debe apuntar en última instancia
Qué es lo que se necesita para un individuo humano a ser una buena persona.
Y los filósofos griegos no eran ni judíos ni cristianos.
Cuando ahora nos quieren imponer una doctrina de relatividad moral, en que
cada persona tiene su verdad moral y podemos hacer los que nos venga en gana,
no están violando unas basuras religiosas como ellos dicen, están violando los
principios de la civilización.
Los griegos no eran cristianos, pero sus principios morales están
vinculados intrínsecamente con los valores judeo cristianos que son los que
están establecido como principios desde la fundación de esta nación.
Los valores judeo-cristianos aplican para ateos y creyentes no importa de
qué denominación o creencia.
Son los valores morales del mundo civilizado, los mismos que ahora se están
destruyendo, los que constituyeron la nación más exitosa de la historia
Employees Are Fleeing The
Clinton Foundation Because Chelsea Is So Awful, Report Says
Employees are fleeing
the Clinton Foundation because Chelsea Clinton is so disagreeable to work
with, a new report in Page Six alleges. An insider
claims her personality is causing “extremely high turnover” and
turning the nonprofit into a “bloated slush fund.”
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“A lot of people left
because she was there. A lot of people left because she didn’t want them
there,” the anonymous source said. “She is very difficult.”
The 35-year-old
daughter of Bill and Hillary came on board as vice chairman in 2011, and since
then several senior level staffers have left.
Clinton — who
apparently has a personal staff almost as big as her dad’s — reportedly
pushed out one CEO after he tried to hire his own communications professional
and “actually tried to run the place.” Shortly after, Clinton hired her
McKinsey colleague Eric Braverman to take the CEO’s spot.
(Photo: Getty Images)
“He [Bruce Lindsey]
didn’t understand that that wasn’t what he was supposed to be doing. He was
pushed out.”
A spokesperson and
founding CEO have also left. Matt McKenna took a job with Uber and Ginny
Ehrlich went to the Robert Johnson Wood Foundation.
“It’s sad to see
what’s happening. The operational planning has gone downhill,” another
source said.
Facing $1 billion deficit, Arizona
sharply limits welfare
By Associated Press
PHOENIX (AP) — Facing a $1 billion
budget deficit, Arizona's Republican-led Legislature has reduced the lifetime
limit for welfare recipients to the shortest window in the nation.
Low-income families
on welfare will now have their benefits cut off after just 12 months.
As a result, the
Arizona Department of Economic Security will drop at least 1,600 families —
including more than 2,700 children — from the state's federally funded welfare
program when the budget year begins in July.
The cuts of at least
$4 million reflect a prevailing mood among the lawmakers in control in Arizona,
that welfare, Medicaid and other public assistance programs are crutches that
keep the poor from getting back on their feet and achieving their potential.
"I tell my kids
all the time that the decisions we make have rewards or consequences, and if I
don't ever let them face those consequences, they can't get back on the path to
rewards," Republican Sen. Kelli Ward, R-Lake Havasu City, said during
debate on the budget. "As a society, we are encouraging people at times to
make poor decisions and then we reward them."
Cutting off these
benefits after just one year isn't fair, said Jessica Lopez, 23, who gave birth
to her son while living in a domestic violence shelter and has struggled to
hold onto jobs because she has dyslexia and didn't finish high school.
"We're all
human," said Lopez, who got $133 per month for about a year until she
qualified for a larger federal disability check. "Everybody has problems.
Everybody is different. When people ask for help, we should be able to get it
without having to be looked at wrong."
Most states impose a
five-year limit on welfare benefits. Thirteen states limit it to two years or
less, and Texas has a tiered time limit that can be as little as 12 months but
allows children to continue to receive funding even after the parents have been
cut, welfare policy analyst Liz Schott said.
Long-term welfare
recipients are often the most vulnerable, suffering from mental and physical
disabilities, poor job histories and little education, she said. But without
welfare, they'll likely show up in other ways that will cost taxpayers, from
emergency rooms to shelters to the criminal justice system, Schott said.
"The reason they
are on public assistance is because many of them are not really succeeding in
the workforce," said Schott, a senior fellow at the Center of Budget and
Policy Priorities, a non-partisan research organization.
Arizona's Legislature
cut the budgets of an array of programs to meet the governor's no-tax-increase
pledge. The bill that included the welfare cuts received overwhelming support
earlier this spring from Republicans, with just one Democrat voting in favor.
The Legislature also
passed a law seeking to force anyone getting Medicaid to have a job, and
cutting off those benefits after five years. And Republican leaders are suing
their own state to block a centerpiece of President Barack Obama's health care
law, which expanded Medicaid to give more poor people health insurance.
If they prevail, more
than 300,000 poor Arizonans could lose their coverage.
Republican Gov. Doug
Ducey's office called all these cuts necessary to protect taxpayers and K-12
classrooms — even though the source of the money is the federal government.
Arizona's welfare is
entirely federally funded through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
program, but that money comes in a block grant, and Republicans want to use it
instead for agencies such as the state's Department of Child Safety.
"The bipartisan,
balanced budget passed by the Legislature and signed by the governor protects
Arizona's most vulnerable, while avoiding a tax increase," said Daniel
Scarpinato, governor's office spokesman.
Democratic Rep.
Andrew Sherwood, D-Tempe, said the Republicans made these cuts hastily, voting
in the middle of the night in March to avoid transparency.
"This is a very
small investment, but it is critical to people who need it the most,"
Sherwood said. "You're talking about desperate families, those who are
unemployed and underemployed. Single mothers and parents with kids."
Former President Bill
Clinton signed the block grant law in 1997, making good on a campaign promise
to "end welfare as we know it." The federal government still requires
states to make sure recipients have a job, are looking for work, going to
school or trying to go to school, but states retain broad discretion in
imposing restrictions.
CRIME-FILLED CITIES. Critics decry president's handout to ACORN-style agitators
The Department of
Justice announced it will send millions of dollars to various
community-activist groups to combat urban crime and reduce tensions between
racial minorities and the police.
But critics believe
such policies will only fuel further unrest by funding many of the so-called
“community organizers” responsible for creating anti-police sentiment in
American cities.
To spread awareness
of the new campaign, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch toured Cincinnati Tuesday and
identified the city as a model for how police departments around the country
should operate.
Until recently,
Cincinnati operated under a “Collaborative Agreement” after a 2001 police
shooting. The agreement allowed various community organizations, including the
Cincinnati Black United Front and the American Civil Liberties Union, to work
directly with the police through a court-brokered agreement.
New guidelines on how
officers were to interact with the public, especially blacks, were often
imposed over the objections of police themselves.
President Obama,
himself, toured the crime-plagued city of Camden, New Jersey, Monday to promote the new report from his
“21st Century Policing Task Force,” designed to increase
public trust in the police.
The report calls for “mitigating
implicit bias” as a “part of training at all levels of a law enforcement
organization to increase awareness and ensure respectful encounters both inside
the organization and with communities.”
It particularly
condemned “the use of disrespectful language and the implicit biases that lead
offices to rely upon race” in the context of the law enforcement policy known
as “stop and frisk.”
The president also restricted the availability of military
hardware previously provided to local law enforcement. Critics, including Cheryl Chumley, author of “Police State USA,” charge such actions
are less about “saving innocent lives” and more about “creating a social justice
movement that’s likely to clamp police from doing their jobs even while it
federalizes the nation’s forces.”
The Justice
Department also announced $163 million in grants to be distributed for the
purpose of “building trust with the community.” As part of its effort to
execute the recommendations of the president’s task force, the Justice
Department is looking for 10 localities to participate in
a “collaborative reform” process to serve as a model
for the rest of the country, emphasizing “procedural justice” and “implicit
bias training.”
‘Racial agitators’
A list of grants awarded by the
Justice Department in 2013 indicate federal
funding has been and will continue to be directed toward activist groups
described by critics as “racial agitators.”
For example,
“Community Policing Development Awards” were given in 2013 to programs
including “Building Trust With Communities of
Color” from the Vera Institute of Justice, the “Race and Social
Justice Initiative” at the Portland Police Department and “Racial Reconciliation, Truth-Telling, and
Police Legitimacy” at John Jay College.
Matthew Vadum, an
expert in left-wing activist groups and the author of “Subversion, Inc.,” warns such federal
funding invariably finds its way into the hands of progressive activists who
personally profit from increased community tensions.
“President Obama is
no stranger to irony, or hypocrisy for that matter,” Vadum said in an interview
with WND.
“After attacking
police as stupid, racist, vicious and thuggish almost non-stop throughout his
presidency, now he suddenly cares about police officers and the communities
they serve. Now he wants to throw millions of taxpayer dollars at ACORN-like
groups and professional left-wing agitators whose calling in life is to
generate civil unrest,” he said.
“This means that
people like the president’s point man on race relations, riot organizer Al
Sharpton, will get his hands on lots of government money. This money won’t
actually help anyone except for the often-violent Saul Alinsky-inspired
community organizers who have been living high off the hog ever since one of
their own took up residence in the White House.”
‘Wrong solutions to a problem he created’
Civil-rights activist
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, author of “Scam: How the Black Leadership
Exploits Black America,” argues the Obama
administration will use grants to reward political allies instead of fighting
crime and helping the black community.
Peterson told WND:
“Barack Obama and his cronies helped create this problem and now they’re
offering all the wrong solutions. The $163 million will not go to fix inner
city issues; the bulk of the money will be used to pay off Barack Obama’s
political cronies.
“Obama knows the
money won’t be used to rebuild the black community – the only thing it will do
is empower his far-left political allies. This is an example of redistribution
of wealth. ACORN, Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, the NAACP and corrupt
black churches will benefit from this plan.”
Talk-radio host,
lawyer and widely respected commentator Larry Elder, author of “Dear Father, Dear Son,” believes one of the
most overlooked aspects of the president’s task force is its focus on Baltimore
as an example to follow.
Elder noted that
according to the report, Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts
commissioned a study to evaluate the police department and the community’s
views of the agency.
The DOJ report states
the Baltimore study “uncovered broken policies, outdated procedures, outmoded
technology, and operating norms that put officers at odds with the community
they are meant to serve.”
“It was clear that dramatic
and dynamic change was needed,” the report continued. “Ultimately, the
Baltimore police created the Professional Standards and Accountability Bureau,
tasked with rooting out corruption, holding officers accountable, and
implementing national best practices for polices and training. New department
heads were appointed and a use of force review structure based on the Las Vegas
model was implemented.”
Elder said that if
the Obama administration is looking for “models” for the rest of the country to
follow, its own task force highlights the efforts of a city which only now is
recovering from race riots and tensions between the black community and police.
He also thinks the
Obama administration’s grant program will simply be a waste of money.
Elder observed
acidly: “As to the $163 million, a cynic would call it hush money. I guess it’s
cheaper than giving them ‘space to destroy.’”
The real solution to
urban hopelessness, says Peterson, is for blacks to take responsibility for
their own families and their own communities.
By redistributing
more of other people’s money, concludes Peterson, President Obama is simply
ensuring the culture of dependence endures.
“Blacks have been
used for the past 50 years,” Peterson charged. “The liberal Democrats keep them
angry at whites, and they use them to get more money to fund their useless pet
programs and political aspirations. Shame on Barack Obama and shame on the
Department of Justice.”
NJ Lawmakers Vote to Discriminate Against People Who Want to Have Sex
with Animals…
Lawmakers in New
Jersey did a discriminatory thing. I realize that for most (probably all,
although there are some liberal trolls) the readers of Godfather Politics will
approve of what New Jersey has done. But take note of the fact there is no
moral, logical, constitutional, traditional, legal, or scientific basis for its
decision given the way our courts are ruling.
The Associated Press
is reporting that the “state Senate [of New Jersey] unanimously approved a
measure that would bar people from having sexual contact with animals.”
How is this possible
in a time when sexual choice is the prevailing moral ethic? What people choose
to do sexually is nobody else’s business.
What if people are
born that way? Isn’t this the argument of those working overtime to normalize
same-sex everything? Bruce Jenner wants to become a woman because he believes
he is a woman on the inside.
President Obama
issued a statement “indicating that he and First Lady Michelle Obama would
commemorate “International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia."
"Michelle and I
join our fellow Americans and others around the world in commemorating the
International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia . . . [on] May 17. We
take this opportunity to reaffirm that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
(LGBT) rights are human rights, to celebrate the dignity of every person, and
to underscore that all people deserve to live free from fear, violence, and
discrimination, regardless of who they are or whom they love.”
How discriminatory!
The omni-sex crowd
should be outraged that there is no mention of the love that some men and
women have for and with their pets. Note what President Obama declared:
“regardless of who they are or whom they love.”
I think it’s time to
boycott New Jersey for discriminating against people who want to engage in a
sexual relationship with animals.
On what moral or
legal basis can people be denied to have sex with their pets or any animal? An
appeal can’t be made to the legal tradition since the courts have ignored
history. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the following in April
about same-sex marriage:
Marriage today is not
what it was under the common law tradition, under the civil law tradition …
Marriage was a relationship of a dominant male to a subordinate female.
Why isn’t this also
true for human-animal sex? Actually, given the operating assumptions of
evolution, we humans are also animals. The Bloodhound Gang got it right:
You and me baby ain't
nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel.
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel.
Let's not forget that
the Bible, disdained and rejected for its views on same-sex sexuality, also
prohibits bestiality: " Also you shall not have intercourse with any
animal to be defiled with it, nor shall any woman stand before an animal to
mate with it; it is a perversion." (Lev. 18:23). If the Bible is to
rejected for its outdated views on same-sex sexuality, then it's only
consistent to reject its prohibition against sex with animals.
ISIS Caliph: Islam the 'Religion
of War'
How many times have you heard that Islam is a
"religion of peace," usually said shortly after something explodes?
Or the baloney about the Islamic State in Iraq and
Syria being neither Islamic nor a state? (One gets the impression that
President Obama would like to add "Nor are they in Iraq or Syria" if
he thought he could get away with it.)
Well, finally, a major political figure has come
forward speaking the truth about modern Islam.
It's the Caliph of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who
lectured the world's Muslims in an online post: "O Muslims, Islam was
never for a day the religion of peace. Islam is the religion of war."
There you have it straight from the camel's mouth.
But there was more as the caliph urged Muslims to get
off the bench.
"Where are you in relation to your prophet (peace
be upon him) whom you claim to emulate, and who spent his whole life … as a
mujahid for the cause of Allah, fighting for his enemies?" al-Baghdadi
wrote. "His lateral incisor tooth was broken in battle, his forehead was
wounded, two rings from his chainmail cut his cheeks, his helmet was broken on
his head and blood ran down his face."
Soon enough, though, al-Baghdadi reverted to more
typical Muslim form, blaming all the violence of ISIS on Christians and Jews
"waging war" against Muslims.
If only. We might actually want to try that sometime.
It worked out pretty well during Jefferson's day in stopping the Barbary
Al-Baghdadi and his followers are a bunch of loathsome
animals who have murdered, raped and pillaged their way across the Mideast, but
they know the score.
This is war.
Not just against the United States, but against the
entire Western World and, ultimately, civilization itself.
If our leaders don't wake up to that fact soon, the
future of mankind may come to resemble its dark Stone Age past.
CLAIMED: She Used 1 Email But That’s Not What New Emails Show
Hillary is caught lying again…what else is new? After
blatantly denying the use of a second email address, this has now been found.
Check it out…
One of Clinton’s attorneys, David Kendall, even denied
the existence of a second email address in a statement issued to Rep. Trey Gowdy the same
“As explained in my March 4th, 2015 email to your
Staff Director and certain others, “” is not an address
that existed during Secretary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State,” the
statement read.
Then, this came out. Behold: An email
from “,” dated April 8, 2011.
The New York Times, while digging into emails Clinton sent
about Libya, found a series of emails contradicting the Clinton camp’s
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Castro y el Che, detenidos El Archivo General de México guarda el informe
secreto sobre la captura en junio de 1956 del líder cubano y de Ernesto Guevara
Fidel Castro y el Che, detenidos
Archivo General de México guarda el informe secreto sobre la captura en junio
de 1956 del líder cubano y de Ernesto Guevara
Castro (izq.) y el Che en cárcel tras ser
detenidos en 1956, en México.
Fue rápido. La Dirección Federal de Seguridad
sabía bien lo que hacía. Dentro del Packard verde, modelo 1950, iban cinco
hombres. En el cruce de la calle de Mariano Escobedo con Kepler, tres bajaron.
Uno era alto y corpulento, de paso firme. A distancia se advertía que era el
líder. Cuando iba a perderse en las sombras, los agentes que le seguían se
lanzaron a por él. El hombre alto, al verlos venir, echó mano a su automática.
Pero antes de que pudiera sacarla, ya tenía una pistola besándole la nuca. Si
en aquel instante el policía hubiese apretado el gatillo, la historia de
América habría cambiado. Aquella noche del 21 de junio de 1956, en esa esquina
de la Ciudad de México, Fidel Alejandro
Castro Ruz acababa de ser
detenido sin un disparo. Tenía 29 años y una revolución
por hacer.
célula cubana había caído. En pocos días fueron apresados 22 castristas. El
nudo de la trama se ubicaba en el número 49 de la calle de Emparán, donde vivía
la opositora peruana Hilda Gadea. Su esposo fue el más desafiante ante la
policía y, a diferencia de sus compañeros, se declaró marxista-leninista. Era
asmático, argentino y pobre. Se llamaba Ernesto Guevara de la Serna.
Después de tres días de interrogatorios, el
cerebro de la redada, el capitán Fernando Gutiérrez Barrios, redactó su informe
sobre la “conjura contra el Gobierno de la República de Cuba”. El texto, de
cinco folios mecanografiados y guardado en el Archivo General de México, se
ha convertido, desde que fue desclasificado, en un documento clave para
comprender la génesis de la revolución castrista, pero también el ambivalente
papel de México en el hervidero de la época y que el propio Gutiérrez Barrios
encarnó como nadie. El capitán, que sería jefe de los servicios de inteligencia,
conjugó a lo largo de su imperio la represión feroz a la izquierda mexicana con
la acogida de destacados exiliados y prófugos de dictaduras. Algo que, a la
postre, acabó haciendo con aquel carismático cubano que había caído en sus
Castro había llegado a México en julio de 1955. Desde que descendió
las escalerillas del DC-6 bimotor, su objetivo había sido preparar el regreso.
Para ello había tejido una red de 40 fieles. Era el núcleo duro de una
revolución. Una organización secreta que reclutaba y se entrenaba para el
asalto final. “El objeto es capacitarse militarmente para integrar mandos que
dirijan en su país a los descontentos”, señala el documento. Los instructores
eran el mismo Castro, y el antiguo coronel de la República española
Alberto Bayo Giraud. Las clases se impartían en el rancho Santa Rosa, en
Chalco, e incluían “prácticas de tiro, topografía, táctica, guerrilla,
explosivos, bombas incendiarias, voladura con dinamita…”.
El informe, en el que se atisba cierta
admiración por el “dirigente máximo” cubano, muestra que Castro era el eje de
toda la maquinaria. Él clasificaba a los reclutas por su rendimiento,
disciplina y cualidades para el mando. Incluso, en un anticipo del control
omnímodo que luego practicaría en Cuba, reglamentó con
detalle la vida en el interior de la “casa residencia”. “[Castro les] hace ver
que para estar preparados a una acción armada se necesita una disciplina
De poco sirvió la advertencia. Gutiérrez
Barrios, de un manotazo, había dejado todo al descubierto: pisos francos,
armamento, correspondencia, claves, fondos, contactos, financiadores…, hasta
los incómodos cuestionarios que los revolucionarios debían cumplimentar dando
cuenta de sus compañeros. Con este material en su poder, el futuro de Castro y
su revolución dependía del maquiavélico capitán. Y este jugó sus cartas. En sus
conclusiones descartó cualquier nexo con el Partido Comunista,
minimizó la importancia de las armas requisadas (“pocas y fáciles de adquirir”)
y enfatizó que se trataba de un “grupo opositor independiente” que solo buscaba
derribar a Fulgencio Batista: “Dicen contar con el 90% de la población de su
país y señalan que el pueblo cubano […] ha recibido gran cantidad de
Un mes después, Fidel y el Che quedaban
libres. Gutiérrez Barrios sería en adelante su amigo. México también. A primera
hora del 25 de noviembre de 1956, bajo una lluvia fría, el Granma zarpaba desde
Tuxpan rumbo Cuba. Daba comienzo la revolución.
Jorge Alberto
Villalón Y.
Insiders Just
Revealed Some Pretty Nasty Accusations Against Chelsea Clinton
"A lot of people left because she was there. A
lot of people left because she didn’t want them there."
As if the Clinton
Foundation was not getting enough negative coverage in the news recently, the
New York Post’s Page Six reports that the organization
has been experiencing a high turnover because one of the Clintons is unpleasant
to work for.
Chelsea Clinton, 35,
came on board as a vice chairman of the board in 2011, and the foundation since
that time has seen an exodus of some top talent.
“A lot of people left
because she was there. A lot of people left because she didn’t want them
there,” a inside source told Page Six. “She is very difficult.”
Ms. Clinton spent her
teen years with the White House staff surrounding her, and perhaps she grew
comfortable with that level of service. Her staff of five is only one fewer
than her father’s at the foundation.
The former
foundation CEO and current chairman of the board, Bruce
Lindsey, was pushed upstairs in 2013 to solely being chairman so Chelsea could
bring in her law firm colleague Eric Braverman.
“He [Braverman] was
her boy, but he tried to hire his own communications professional and actually
tried to run the place. He didn’t understand that that wasn’t what he was
supposed to be doing,” a source told Page Six. “He was pushed out.”
Other high level
executives followed.
From Page Six:
For Bill Clinton loyalists who grew
the foundation from nothing, the high turnover and the ethical questions over
its funding are demoralizing. “It’s sad to see what’s happening. The
operational planning has gone downhill,” said a source.
Instead of being something Hillary can point to with
pride, the foundation has become a bloated slush fund that some critics say
deserves an official investigation. And Chelsea’s fingerprints are all over it.
As reported by Western
Journalism, 52 Republican lawmakers–with Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., at the
lead–signed a letter to the IRS calling for the tax-exempt status of the
Clinton Foundation to be investigated. The letter reads, in part:
Proceeding under the cloak of philanthropy, the
Foundation appears to have facilitated major private business transactions
between foreign entities and also failed to report substantial foreign
donations during Secretary Clinton’s tenure at the State Department. These
actions have created an appearance of impropriety and go behind the
Foundation’s pledge to act primarily in furtherance of charitable causes for
which it was granted tax-exempt status.
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