No 957 “En mi opinión” Mayo 23, 2015
Muchas gracias a Luis Carril que
nos ha enviado este trabajo de hace mucho tiempo publicamos, que por su vigencia lo publicamos y lo disfrutamos
mucho. Esto me recuerda que estamos a solo 43 números de alcanzar la edición #
1000 de “En mi opinión. Que nació a raíz de que yo presentara el RECALL a
Carlos Álvarez, ¿se recuerdan? [Que pena que nadie le ha presentado un recall a
Carlos Gimenes por todos los abusos, de los tols y otras muchísimas mentiras como
la de “Cielito Lindo” y otras muchas. “En mi opinión” ha sido un esfuerzo 6 años de trabajo y satisfacciones y una
prueba de su paciencia y afecto de ustedes. Posiblemente es un buen momento
para que algunos de ustedes con muchísima preparación que yo y menos años, que
soy un químico y no un escritor o periodista, se hagan cargo de este modesto periódico
digital. Es casi un hijo para mí. ¿Así que quien recoge la bandera? LRGM.
Cuando la injusticia se convierte en ley, la
rebelión es un deber. Thomas Jefferson.
‘En mi opinión’ “In GOD we trust” Lázaro R González Miño
”Un gobierno demasiado controlador, no es un
buen gobierno” Thomas Jefferson.
FEBRERO 12, 2012
Sheriff Joe
Arpaio sets “D-Day” March 12, 2012 on Obama's eligibility Faltan solo 16 dias.
Esta informacion fue extraida de la publicacion "Cuba
LLora" Por la importancia de su contenido es un placer para mi presentarla
en nuestra pagina. Muchas gracias. Lazaro R Gonzalez Mino..
AMENPER: Solución Final para el Conflicto del Medio Oriente
Obama: No estamos perdiendo la guerra contra ISIS –
pérdida de Ramadi es sólo un "revés"
Barack Obama dice: "No vamos a perder," la
guerra contra ISIS en Irak.
Bueno, Díselo a los refugiados de Ramadi y Palmyra.
Después de ISIS toma Ramadi, Iraq y Palmyra, Siria,
Barack Obama insiste en que no vamos a perder.
El presidente Barack Obama ha descrito la pérdida de territorio
iraquí al estado islámico como un revés táctico, aunque insistiendo en la
guerra contra el grupo yihadista no se está perdiendo.
"No creo que estamos perdiendo", dijo Obama
en una entrevista con la revista The Atlantic publicó el jueves, días después
fue invadida la ciudad iraquí de Ramadi noticias.
"Hay sin duda hubo un retroceso táctico, aunque
Ramadi había estado vulnerable durante mucho tiempo", dijo.
Bueno, quizás este asunto tenga una solución que sea
satisfactoria para todas las vertientes políticas en Estados Unidos.
Vamos a analizar la situación:
Desde agosto de 2014, bajo las órdenes de Obama, una
coalición encabezada por Estados Unidos ha llegado a más de 6.000 objetivos en
Irak y Siria con ataques aéreos, con el objetivo de degradar al grupo estado
islámico. Pero esto no parece haber tenido resultado. Obama se ha negado a
devolver U.S. tropas de combate a Irak, después de una larga brutal guerra
después del derrocamiento de Saddam Hussein.
Pero la derrota en Ramadi ha puesto en cuestión U.S.
estrategia y la credibilidad del gobierno central del Iraq.
Obama culpó para esto reveses a la falta de formación
y refuerzo de las fuerzas de seguridad de Irak.
"Han estado allí esencialmente por un año sin
refuerzos suficientes," dijo el propio Obama.
Claro que este es un problema que podemos solucionar
si analizamos bien la situación.
Primero ¿cual es el problema?, ¿que no queremos mandar
más tropas de soldados a medio oriente que hay veces que se comportan como
criminales nazis según la prensa liberal?
Ok está bien, pero creo que hay una
alternativa. Tenemos una fuerza táctica que está teniendo un gran poder en las
calles de Estados Unidos. Vemos combatientes en las calles de
Fergurson y Baltimore, New York y toda la nación. Quizás a esto sea a
lo que Obama se refiere cuando dice que no estamos perdiendo.
Obama pudiera usar esa fuerza para enfrentarse a
nuestros enemigos del medio oriente, y con su vitalidad lograríamos un triunfo
total. También pudiéramos incluir una brigada de inmigrantes ilegales.
Ese sería el gran legado de Obama.
Vamos a empezar a reclutar combatientes entre los
manifestantes, es la solución final. Vamos a resolver el problema
del Medio Oriente.
Krauthammer And Napolitano Team Up To SMASH Obama With Harsh Truth He Doesn’t
Want To Hear
“The administration is sounding like Baghdad
Fox News analyst
Charles Krauthammer asserted the Obama administration was “sounding like
Baghdad Bob” after the president said that despite two major recent
defeats, he would not change his approach to fighting the war against the
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
ISIS took control of
the Iraqi city of
Ramadi on Monday and Palmyra in
Syria on Thursday. Still,
Obama told Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic Tuesday that he does
not think the U.S. is losing.
“There’s no doubt
there was a tactical setback, although Ramadi had been vulnerable for a very
long time, primarily because these are not Iraqi security forces that we have
trained or reinforced.” Obama said.
On the panel of Special
Report with Bret Baier Thursday, Krauthammer
excoriated the president for his contentions. “The administration is sounding
like Baghdad Bob during the invasion of Iraq,” Krauthammer said.
They’re losing. Everybody understands that. ISIS — it
wasn’t only that they took over in Iraq, but it took over the town of — the
city of Palmyra in Syria, which gives it control of half of Syria, and later in
the day today, they took over a crucial crossing point between Syria and Iraq,
essential erasing the frontier and making it easier to resupply Ramadi.
These are huge strategic gains. They are not tactical
defeats, and what Obama says, well it’s not because it wasn’t our — the guys
who were trained by us who were in Ramadi. This is nuts. The idea is if you’re
going to have success, you have to have training and you have to have will. The
idea that what the Iraqis are lacking is training is ridiculous. We’ve been training them for 15 years.
“If the troops
haven’t got their heart in the battle, it will not succeed, and that’s what
happened in Mosul when they ran away, and that’s what happened in Ramadi when
they ran away,” Krauthammer added.
Judge Andrew
Napolitano, also on the panel Thursday, agreed. “The president conveys an image
of being passive and indecisive, and that leads to an image of defeat. If
you’re going to be there, fight to win and come home. If you don’t think we can
win it, then we shouldn’t be there,” Napolitano said.
In my view, this cannot be won without a long term
commitment of ground troops for a long period of time and nation building. And
the American public will not tolerate that politically, and we can’t afford it.
However, what we’re doing now accomplishes nothing.
He’s punching with his left hand and apologizing to the galleries with his
right for hitting too hard.
Do you agree with
Krauthammer and Judge Napolitano? Share your thoughts in the comments section.
Un entrenador de Maine,
envió a Barack Obama una nota
sobre el Islam ...
Entonces Algo MAJOR SUCEDIÓ (Alarmante!)Maine, langosta
no es la única cosa en el agua caliente. De Scott Lees, un entrenador de
lacrosse de la escuela secundaria compartió una carta abierta a partir de 2009
al presidente Barack Obama, en la que con razón, puso en duda la afirmación de
que la fe islámica siempre ha sido parte de la historia americana. Fue enviado
a él por un amigo, y compartió que en Facebook con la esperanza de tener una
discusión con los demás.
Dos días más tarde, los partidarios de Obama se aseguró
su empleador lo vieron, y los funcionarios de la escuela en Fryeburg Academia
le lata!
El entrenador ganó aproximadamente $ 7 / hora porque le
encanta entrenar a los niños y fomentar el trabajo en equipo. Pero al parecer,
cuando se trabaja como entrenador, usted pierde sus derechos de la Primera
Enmienda. Vergonzoso!
Después de cuatro años al frente del equipo de lacrosse
de los muchachos de Fryeburg Academia Scott Lees de Conway dijo que fue
obligado por los funcionarios de la academia a dimitir como entrenador en jefe
después de compartir en Facebook una carta abierta al presidente Barack Obama
de que era poco halagüeño para los musulmanes.
La carta, escrita por "un ciudadano
estadounidense", estaba a punto el discurso de Obama en El Cairo dada en
2009. En ese discurso y en otro hecho el mes pasado, el presidente dijo que el
Islam ha sido durante mucho tiempo una parte de la historia americana.
En la primera parte de la carta, que se pregunta si
alguien ha visto alguna vez un hospital musulmán o escuchado una orquesta
musulmán. El escritor pasa a cobrar que los musulmanes "siguen siendo los
traficantes más grandes de la esclavitud humana", que se aliaron con Adolf
Hitler en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y que estaban bien contentos con o silencio
sobre los 11 de septiembre 2001, los ataques terroristas. El escritor añade que
los piratas berberiscos eran musulmanes.
"Pensé que era un artículo interesante", dijo
Lees, quien agregó que es un conservador independiente políticamente afines.
"Pensé que era una interesante carta al presidente Obama y su
administración actual que no están prestando atención a Israel y centrándose en
a través de la Conway Daily Sun
He aquí la carta completa, que continúa propagándose de
forma viral en Facebook, lleno de críticas legítimas de Obama ...
Estimado Sr. Obama:
¿Alguna vez has visto a un hospital musulmán?
¿Has escuchado una orquesta musulmán?
¿Has visto una marcha banda musulmana en un desfile?
¿Ha sido testigo de una organización de caridad
¿Has visto los musulmanes Shak [ing] manos con musulmanes
Girl Scouts?
¿Has visto un Striper de caramelo musulmán?
Han visto el musulmán haga nada que contribuye
positivamente a la forma de vida americana ????
La respuesta es no, no lo ha hecho. Simplemente
pregúntese ¿POR QUÉ ???
Eran aquellos musulmanes que estaban en Estados Unidos
cuando los peregrinos primero aterrizaron? Es curioso, yo pensé que eran los
indios nativos americanos.
¿Fueron los musulmanes que celebraba el primer día de
Acción de Gracias? Lo siento de nuevo, esos eran peregrinos y los indios
nativos americanos.
¿Me puede mostrar una firma musulmana en la Constitución
de los Estados Unidos? Declaración de Independencia? Declaración de Derechos?
No lo creo.
¿Se musulmanes luchan por la libertad de este país desde
Inglaterra? No.
¿Se musulmanes luchan durante la Guerra Civil para
liberar a los esclavos en los Estados Unidos? No, no lo hicieron. De hecho, los
musulmanes en la actualidad siguen siendo los traficantes más grandes de la
esclavitud humana. Su propio hermanastro, un musulmán devoto, todavía defiende
a sí mismo la esclavitud, a pesar de que los musulmanes de ascendencia árabe se
refieren a los musulmanes negros como "esclavos nariz pug." Dice
mucho de lo que el mundo musulmán realmente piensa de la herencia islámica rica
de su familia ", "¿no es Obama?
¿Dónde estaban los musulmanes durante la era de los
derechos civiles de este país? No presente. No hay imágenes o cuentas de redes
de musulmanes caminando al lado de Martin Luther King, Jr. o ayudar a hacer
avanzar la causa de los Derechos Civiles.
¿Dónde estaban los musulmanes durante la era del sufragio
de la mujer de este país? Una vez más, no se presentará. De hecho, los
musulmanes devotos exigen que las mujeres están subordinadas a los hombres en
la cultura islámica. Tanto es así, que a menudo son golpeados por no llevar el
'hajib "o para hablar con un hombre que no es un familiar directo o su
marido. Sí, los musulmanes son todos de los derechos de las mujeres, ¿no es
¿Dónde estaban los musulmanes durante la Segunda Guerra
Mundial? Estaban alineados con Adolf Hitler. El Gran Mufti musulmanes mismo se
reunió con Adolf Hitler, revisaron las tropas y aceptaron el apoyo de los nazis
en matar Judios.
Por último, el Sr. Obama, ¿dónde estaban los musulmanes
en 11 de septiembre 2001? Si no volaban aviones en el World Trade Center, el
Pentágono o en un campo en Pennsylvania matando a casi 3.000 personas en
nuestro propio suelo, que se regocijaban en el Medio Oriente.
Nadie puede discutir las imágenes que se muestran de
todas partes del mundo musulmán celebra en la CNN, Fox News, MSNBC y otras
redes de noticias por cable de ese día. Extrañamente, los musulmanes muy
"moderados" ¿Quién es usted asnas hizo lo imposible para besar en El
Cairo, Egipto el 4 de junio eran piedra fría posterior silencio 9-11. Para
muchos estadounidenses, su silencio ha supuesto la aprobación de los actos de
ese día.
Y eso, señor Obama, es el "rico patrimonio"
musulmanes tienen aquí en Estados Unidos ...
Oh, lo siento, me olvidé de mencionar los piratas
berberiscos. Eran musulmanes.
Y ahora podemos añadir un 5 noviembre de 2009 - la
masacre de soldados americanos en Fort Hood por un importante musulmana, un
médico y un psiquiatra, que se suponía iba a ser el asesoramiento soldados que
regresan de combate en Irak y Afganistán.
Eso, señor Obama es la "herencia musulmana" en
Estados Unidos!
PD Ahora, usted puede agregar los atentados de Maratón de
Boston, en Texas y en varios otros lugares,
también ...
H / T: The Scoop derecho
¿Qué opinas del tratamiento de este entrenador de la crosse?
Por favor déjenos un comentario y dinos lo que piensas.
Obama’s New Claim About His Support For Israel Will Either Make You
Laugh Or Cry
Netanyahu sees an existential threat to his nation.
In an interview
Thursday and in a
speech at a prominent
synagogue on Friday, President Obama stated his full support for Israel;
but his actions in recent months raise questions.
During a lengthy
interview with Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, the president said:
“There’s a direct line between supporting the right of the Jewish people to
have a homeland and to feel safe and free of discrimination and persecution,
and the right of African Americans to vote and have equal protection under the
law. These things are indivisible in my
Goldberg found
Obama’s sentiments moving, but the writer has been a strong supporter of the
president for years–going as far as calling him the first Jewish
president during his
re-election campaign in 2012.
Obama re-iterated his
support for the Jewish state in an address at Adas Israel Synagogue in
northwest Washington, D.C., on Friday, marking the inaugural “solidarity
sabbath.” The holiday is meant to consolidate support for Jews amid rising
anti-Semitism in Europe and worldwide. A report released in March
found 2014 to be the worst year for violent anti-Semitic incidents in a decade.
The president told the congregation:
“When we allow anti-Semitism to take root, our souls are destroyed.”
Obama went on: “When
I hear some people say that disagreements over policy belie a general lack of
support of Israel, I must object – and I object forcefully.” But, he said he
was unwilling to “paper over differences.”
“It is precisely
because I care so deeply about the state of Israel,” he said, “that I feel a
responsibility to speak out honestly about what I think would lead to long-term
security and to the preservation of a true democracy in the Jewish homeland,
and I believe that’s two states for two peoples, Israel and Palestine living
side by side,” peacefully and securely.
As reported by Western Journalism, during the
week of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s re-election, the Obama administration
strongly suggested that it would pull support for Israel at the United Nations,
paving the way for an imposed two-state solution. The international body has a long history of hostility towards Israel.
Netanyahu has been an
outspoken critic of the Obama administration’s nuclear arms negotiations with
Iran. In a speech before
a joint session of Congress in March, he said
that the nuclear agreement being championed by the Obama Administration
“doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb, it paves Iran’s path to the bomb.”
The framework of the nuclear
agreement announced last month allows Iran to continue to enrich uranium at the
same rate it was when Obama became President.
Many do not
understand how Obama can negotiate with a regime that supports terrorism in the
region against Israel, and worse, does not even recognize Jewish state’s right
to exist.
Netanyahu recognizes
Iran represents an existential threat to his nation. During the annual
Holocaust memorial day in April, he said:
As the Nazis strived to trample civilization and
replace it with a ‘master race’ while destroying the Jewish people, so is Iran
striving to take over the region and expand further with a declared goal of
destroying the Jewish state.
Watch: Obama Just Called For Cops To Do
Something ‘Unbelievable’ To Their Uniforms
"If you were a
police officer, what are you thinking right now?"
The Obama
administration announced a ban on the sale of some military-style equipment
to local law enforcement agencies earlier this week. Additionally, the
administration is looking to implement “softer uniforms” for police.
Local police departments are now prohibited from purchasing
tracked armored vehicles, bayonets, grenade launchers, and large caliber
weapons and ammunition. They will also face limits on other federal equipment,
including explosives, riot equipment, and wheeled armored or tactical vehicles.
The Fraternal Order
of Police (FOP), the largest law enforcement union in the United States,
lambasted the administration for the move.
“The FOP was very
disappointed that the ‘controlled’ equipment list identified protective gear
like anti-ballistic shields and helmets as well as armored vehicles, as this
will make these defensive purchases much more difficult to obtain,” an FOP statement said. “Similarly,
some less than lethal technologies have also been put on the ‘controlled’
equipment list.”
All of us know that this issue is not really about
equipment. We ought not to be distracted by thinking the problem is with the
types of equipment or how the equipment is procured.
Instead, we need to focus on better command
decision-making at the local and State level with respect to how and when the
equipment is deployed in the field. This, and of course appropriate training
for the officers who are directed to use the equipment, is critical.
Speaking on The Kelly File Thursday, Fox and Friends co-host Brian
Kilmeade pointed out the administration also wants “softer uniforms” for
police officers.
“They’re concerned
about the helmet. They’re concerned about the shield. It’s sending the wrong message,”
Kilmeade said. “I used to think from the civilian point of view that that would
be a reason not to riot, because the police were ready and ready to act.”
Kilmeade also told
Kelly that if he were a police officer today, he would not show up to the next
Scott Walker -- Unintimidated -- Even in the Face of a
'Steady Stream of Death Threats'
Together, we've fired Reid and Pelosi, and hired the
Republicans to STOP Obama. But I must admit, I'm very dissappointed with
GOP Leaders.
As a
conservative, I don't expect Republicans in Washington to win every
single battle with Obama. BUT I DO expect them to fight!
It's simply impossible to STOP OBAMA and the DEMOCRATS without confronting them. Instead, our GOP Leaders have 'punted the ball' or 'kicked the can' at every chance.
On the other hand, Gov. Scott Walker is a VERY different type of Republican, which is EXACTLY why I support him to the MAX!
Scott Walker is a genuine conservative, and a bold, PROVEN leader. His 'unintimidated' courage in the face of the very ugliest of Obama attacks is another HUGE reason why I support him Scott Walker for President.
I don't expect Scott Walker to win every single battle. But I KNOW he'll fight for me and my family, just as he has done repeatedly for Wisconsin families.
I'd like to share
with you a brief excerpt from Gov. Walker's book,
"Unintimidated". It details
one of the many death threats Scott Walker and his family received during the
Democrat protests against his 'budget repair bill':
"We soon began
to get a steady stream of death threats. Most of these Dave [head of the
Governor's security detail] and his team intercepted and kept from Tonette and
me. They were often graphic (one threatened to 'gut her like a deer'), but for
the most part they amounted to little more than angry venting.
But one afternoon, as
I prepared to go out to the conference room for my daily press briefing, Dave
came into my office and shut the door. 'Sir, I don't show you most of these,
but I thought you ought to see this one.' He handed me a letter addressed to
Tonette that had been picked up by a police officer at the executive residence
in Maple Bluff. It read:
Has Wisconsin ever
had a governor assassinated? Scotts heading that way. Or maybe one of your sons
getting killed would hurt him more. I want him to feel the pain. I already
follow them when they went to school in Wauwatosa, so it won't be too hard to
find them in Mad. Town. Big change from that house by [BLANK] Ave. to what you
got now. Just let him know that it's not right to [EXPLETIVE] over all those
people. Or maybe I could find one of the Tarantinos [Tonette's parents] back
Lots of choices for
Gov. Walker, thank you for refusing to be bullied by Obama and his
thugs. Thank you for staying in the fight.
As you know, Scott Walker WON that battle, and he then went on to win many others. Earlier this year, he signed Right-to-Work into law.
As you know, Scott Walker WON that battle, and he then went on to win many others. Earlier this year, he signed Right-to-Work into law.
Now, Scott Walker is
considering a run for President.
He has already earned
our respect, but now he needs our support!
This is why Go Big, Go Bold PAC was started -- to
harness into place the financial resources and vital grassroots support
needed to elect a bold, conservative President in 2016 -- Scott Walker.
Isn't it time for conservatives to support someone for president who knows how to win, and who's willing to fight for what's right?
Conservatives must
urgently rally behind Scott Walker, encouraging him in the strongest of terms
to take the next immediate step.
It's our way of
saying thank you - while helping to build support for Scott Walker.
America urgently
needs Gov. Walker's bold, conservative leadership in Washington. He is
tough as nails, never quits, and he knows how to win.
Let's bring bold,
conservative leadership to America - Scott Walker for President!
Go Scott, Go!
Bob Adams
Go Big, Go Bold PAC
Hillary Slept Through Benghazi
And these are the
emails she is letting us see. Imagine what is in the ones she destroyed.
Check it out:
Only the most
conspiratorial among us suspected that the State Department’s decision to
release a tranche of Hillary Clinton’s private emails on the Friday before a
long holiday weekend just might be an effort to bury the revelations. Well,
just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.
journalists who combed through the emails learned, among other things, that
State officials spent quite a bit of their time investigating leads sent to
Clinton via her longtime associate Sidney Blumenthal. Though Barack Obama’s
White House blocked Clinton’s request to add Blumenthal to her staff at State
as a speechwriter, it seems that the Clinton confidant served as a key
outside advisor to the former secretary of state.
But some of the
most compelling details in those emails regarding Clinton’s conduct were in
regards to the deadly 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi.
The emails reveal that the White House regarded Clinton as the “public face
of the U.S. effort in Libya” in 2012. “She was instrumental in security the
authorization, building the coalition, and tightening the noose around
Qadhafi and his regime.” The White House noted that Clinton had been a
“critical voice on Libya,” working closely with the president, NATO, and a number
of contact groups both during the coalition intervention and in its
aftermath. And when officials received a presidential briefing three days
after the September 11, 2012 attack that took the life of a U.S. ambassador
and three other Americans, Hillary Clinton was asleep.
Aqui puedes leer alrrededor de 300
de los e-mails de Hillary
Here you can read
alrrededor 300 of the e-mails of Hillary
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
FH: (Hillary in Hot Water)
emails show Clinton got detailed intel on 'planned' Benghazi hit
Published May 22,
Rpt: Clinton
received now-classified info on private email
Internal State Department emails in the aftermath of the Benghazi
terror attack show then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received detailed
information indicating the strike was planned by well-trained fighters, yet
her office continued to push the narrative days later that it began
The messages were
among 296 emails released Friday by the State Department, in the first batch
of emails to be made public from Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.
Totaling 896 pages, the emails show a series of Libya dispatches Clinton
received from a confidant, as well as the barrage of messages among her and
her aides after Sept. 11, 2012.
Those messages
depict the rapidly changing understanding of what happened at the U.S.
compound that night, and the administration's internal struggle to settle on
a public narrative.
As previously
reported, confidant Sidney Blumenthal fired off two memos in the two days
after the attack. But the full email release shows he gave a highly detailed
picture of what "sources" said had happened that night. Initially,
on Sept. 12, he sent Clinton an email linking the attacks to anger over an
anti-Islam Internet video which had triggered protests across the
But the next
day, he sent Clinton an email with very different information, saying
officials believed the attackers were with the Islamist militia Ansar
al-Sharia. He wrote that officials thought the attackers "prepared"
for the strike and "took advantage of the cover" from
demonstrations over the video. Further, he cited sources saying roughly 21
fighters left from a base in East Benghazi and "infiltrated the
crowd" and began opening fire on the U.S. consulate. Libyan officers, he
wrote, said the attacks were "planned" for roughly one month.
Fighters with the
brigade were described as "well-trained, hardened killers, many of whom
have spent time in Afghanistan and Yemen."
Despite the
guidance, then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice went on several television programs
Sept. 16 to claim the attacks were "spontaneous," and not
premeditated, and link them to protests over the anti-Islam video.
The department
appeared to back her. In an email sent that day from top department official
Jake Sullivan to Clinton, he said Rice had made clear "our view"
that "this started spontaneously and then evolved."
Yet on Sept. 24,
after a fierce political debate had broken out over the nature of the
attacks, the same official sent Clinton a compilation of her own statements
on Benghazi, assuring her "you never said spontaneous or characterized
the motives" and only said "some sought to justify" the attack
by citing the video.
The exchanges are
sure to fuel the long-running debate over why some in the administration
initially pushed the video explanation and played down the idea that the
attack was planned. Fox News reported earlier this week that a Defense
Intelligence Agency report from Sept. 12 also said there were indicators the
attack was planned and meant as retaliation for a drone strike that killed an
Al Qaeda strategist.
Fox News also
reported in October 2012 that a set of internal emails declared Ansar
al-Sharia claimed responsibility for the attack in Benghazi virtually as the
raid played out. The emails were sent by the State Department to a variety of
The emails released
Friday are just a fraction of what the department has in its custody -- after
it was revealed that Clinton used a private email address and server, and
turned over her files to the department.
Spokeswoman Marie
Harf said the emails were given to a House committee investigating the 2012
attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.
She said redactions
were made according to Freedom of Information Act standards. The documents
cover emails between 2011 and 2012 related to the Benghazi facility and its
security, and to the broader issue of a U.S. diplomatic presence in Libya.
Harf said the
emails "do not change the essential facts or our understanding "
about the attacks that killed four Americans on Sept. 11, 2012. The State
Department is still reviewing 55,000 further pages of emails from Clinton's
private email account. They'll be published on a rolling basis.
Another email in
the batch showed Clinton received information on her private email server
that has now been classified about the deadly attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities
in Benghazi. The email in question, forwarded to Clinton by Sullivan, her
deputy chief of chief, relates to reports of arrests in Libya of possible
suspects in the attack.
The information was
not classified at the time the email was sent but was upgraded from
"unclassified" to "secret" on Friday at the request of
the FBI, according to State Department officials. Because the information was
not classified at the time the email was sent, no laws were violated, but
Friday's redaction shows that Clinton received sensitive information on her
unsecured personal server.
No other redactions
were made to the collection of Benghazi-related emails for classification
reasons, the officials said.
It is at the end of
a chain of communication that originated with Bill Roebuck, the then-director
of the Office of Maghreb Affairs, that pointed out that Libyan police had
arrested several people who might have connections to the attack. The
redacted portion appears to relate to who provided the information about the
alleged suspects to the Libyans. A total of five lines related to the source
of the information were affected, but only the 23 words were deleted because
the FBI deemed them to be classified.
Benghazi committee
Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., questioned the email release in a written
statement on Friday, calling it part of a "self-selected public
"It is also
important to remember these email messages are just one piece of information
that cannot be completely evaluated or fully understood without the total
record. The Committee is working to collect and evaluate all of the relevant
and material information necessary to evaluate the full range of issues in
context," he said. "We will not reach any investigative conclusions
until our work is complete, but these emails continue to reinforce the fact
that unresolved questions and issues remain as it relates to
He reiterated that
the committee wants Clinton to turn over her personal server and "the
full body of emails over to a neutral, detached, independent third party for
Associated Press contributed to this report.
Boy Scouts' Leader Says
It's Time to Go 'Gay'
Scratch "morally straight."
And while you're at it, you can cross off
"reverent" and "trustworthy."
Boy Scouts of America President Robert Gates is urging
his organization to throw in the towel and allow homosexual adults to
"The status quo in our movement’s membership
standards cannot be sustained," Gates said at the organization's annual
Gates was the former secretary of defense, a man who
contributed to our country's foreign policy under Presidents Bush and Obama.
Obviously, his track record of success is in danger of
The homosexual rights crowd for years has been after
the Boy Scouts like, well, a group of homosexuals chasing after a group of
young boys.
Gates' call for surrender made no reference to the
Supreme Court ruling some 15 years ago that the Boy Scouts are a private organization
and entitled to set guidelines for the moral fitness of its members.
Inch by inch and seat by seat, the board governing the
Boy Scouts has given in to the homosexual agenda as pro-queer members have
joined the executive board and moved the group away from its traditional stance
of teaching belief in God and moral values to boys.
The Girl Scouts, which is not a related organization
but began as a similar idea for girls, has long ago given in to the liberal
agenda and made headlines this week with its embracing of transgenderism.
The Boy Scouts, however, had stood strong until recent
years. For more than a century, Scouting had taught growing boys the lessons
and skills they needed to become men, through everything from camping skills to
leadership and science.
The core of that training was always the positive
values embodied in things like the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.
Homosexuals and atheists were not allowed, at least
not openly, because the Scouts' adult members and older teens were expected to
be moral role models for the younger.
Gates' word is not the final decision of the executive
board or the advisory council, but if the Scouts' president is leading the
homosexual charge, it won't be long before homosexual scoutmasters are spending
weekends alone in the woods with pubescent boys, and homosexual boys will be
flirting openly with other troop members.
Liberals may think that's all fine, but I think most
caring parents wouldn't want their boys exposed to that sort of perverted
environment, especially in an organization that will no doubt continue to
hypocritically tout its morality.
There is an alternative in the Christian-founded Trail
Life USA, though I'm not sure how that group handles non-Christians.
One nice thing about the Boy Scouts was always their commitment to actual
diversity, not the liberal party-line variety.
But unless there's a change of leadership, and
quickly, the Boy Scouts can be written off as yet another traditional
institution destroyed by the Left.
Barack Obama is a Member of the Muslim Brotherhood:
LIFE: Suspect Wanted in Brutal Murder of White Family, Has Been Arrested
Hopefully justice
will be served to this prick. Let’s see how his defense attorney justifies this
Police have captured the man suspected of torturing
and killing a wealthy family and their housekeeper before setting their mansion
alight a week ago.
Daron Wint, 34, had been wanted in the murders of
American Iron Works CEO Savvas Savopoulos, his wife Amy, 10-year-old son Philip
and housekeeper Veralicia Figueroa, who were all found murdered in their
Washington D.C. home on May 14.
The dramatic arrest just before 11.30pm on Thursday
came after US Marshals located Wint at a Howard Johnson Inn hotel in Maryland,
authorities said.
When they moved in to arrest him they saw him leave
the parking lot in a white Chevrolet Cruze with two women. It seemed to be
traveling with a Ford box truck, authorities said.
After tailing the vehicles with the help of a
helicopter, the officers cornered them and their occupants on Rhode Island
Avenue near 12th Street in Washington, DC.
The truck was allegedly filled with $10,000 cash.
As well as Wint, authorities arrested three other
males – including his brother – and two females in the car and the truck,
according to Robert Fernandez, commander of the U.S. Marshal Service’s Capital
Area Regional Fugitive Task Force.
They were taken into custody without incident.
‘We believe he saw himself on the news and just took
off,’ Fernandez said.
Wint is expected to make his first appearance in D.C.
Superior Court on Friday afternoon.
Following the arrests, the Savopoulos family released
a statement expressing their relief.
‘We are thankful to law enforcement who have worked so
diligently to bring about an arrest in this case,’ the statement said.
‘While it does not abate our pain, we hope that it
begins to restore a sense of calm and security to our neighborhood and to our
‘We are blessed to live in a community comprised of
close circles of friends who have supported us and grieve with us. We are
grateful, as well, to the men and women of the fire department for their
professionalism and caring.
‘Our family, and Vera’s family, have suffered
unimaginable loss, and we ask for the time and space to grieve privately.’
The arrests end a week-long search in an investigation
that still has more questions than answers.
Wint, who had previously worked for Savopoulos’
company, is suspected of holding the victims captive overnight.
Police believe they were tied up, doused in gasoline
and tortured in an attempt to extort money from Mr Savopoulos, the head of the
major industrial company.
Three of the four bodies had brute force head injuries
and smelled of gasoline when they were found after their home went up in flames
on Thursday.
When emergency responders and police arrived on the
scene, $40,000 in cash that Savopoulos’ assistant had dropped off that morning
and the family’s Porsche were missing.
The couple’s two teenage daughters survived as they
were away at boarding school at the time.
Wint was identified as the suspect on Wednesday night
after police found his DNA on a pizza crust at the scene. The killer or killers
had ordered pizza to the house while holding the family hostage.
A person of interest was seen on surveillance footage
that authorities released last week, but they have said they do not believe it
shows Wint.
Following the murders, Wint was seen hanging out on
the porch of his father’s Maryland home, neighbors told Daily Mail Online.
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