Friday, March 20, 2015

No 907 "En mi opinion" Marzo 20, 2015

No 907 “En mi opinión”  Marzo 20, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño    EDITOR

Enero 20, 2017 FIN DEL DISPARATE
Estamos buscando un candidato decente a alcalde que no sea un metiroso ni un ladron, ni un descarado para Miami Dade:
1-         Que no haya sido ni sea político profesional nunca.
2-         Que no se robe los dineros de los contribuyentes.
3-         Que se someta a un tribunal de cuentas al final de su mandato para que testifique que sus propiedades y peculio no sea mayor de los que represento su sueldo de alcalde u otras fuentes legales y agenas a su posición de alcalde.
4-         Que al final de su mandato se someta a una inspección de la diferencia de su dinero y sus propiedades.
5-          Que se comprometa a eliminar el MDX “Miami Dade XpresWay” (Departamento que ha puesto todos los peajes en las carreteras) Y a eliminar todos los Peajes.
6-          Que no engañe a los contribuyentes tratando de robarse dineros públicos diciendo que va a reparar el edificio de la corte.
7-           Que no engañe al contribuyente diciendo que el inversionista no van a pedir dineros públicos y luego le dan dineros públicos.
8-   Que no tenga ni hijos ni amigos “Cabilderos”
9-           Que no traiga amigos de el para que sean “Vice-Alcaldes” (Cargo que ni existía) Y luego les pague $100,000 o más mas gastos.
10-                     Que se comprometa que al final de cada trimestre se reúna con los ciudadanos del condado a responder las preguntas de los ciudadanos sobre su gestión durante este trimestre.
11-                     Que la deuda y los movimientos económicos, compras, gastos, del condado sean expuestos en un sitio público para que los electores puedan tener control de su administración. 
12-                     Que sea juzgado por los tribunales si favorece de forma económica a sus amigos o familiares.

AMENPER: Proyecto de acción ejecutiva de Obligaciones Ciudadanas
Washington DC--Presidente Barack Obama ordenó al gobierno federal el jueves una disposición que aplicará por acción ejecutiva para un proyecto de ley para declarar la votación obligatoria en las próximas elecciones, combinada con un proyecto para  reducir su uso de la energía controlada por el libre mercado en un 40 por ciento, mientras que busca crear una base de cliente cautivo para la industria controlada por el gobierno y ayudaría a la fluidez de las elecciones con los nuevos votantes.
La casa blanca dijo que los contribuyentes estadounidenses podrían ahorrar hasta $ 18 billones en costos de electricidad si se obliga a financiar la máquina de movimiento perpetuo para la creacion de energía en una máquina que es una combinación de energía solar y fuentes de energía de viento y que a su vez contaría los votos en las próximas elecciones, esta máquina serviría para descontinuar las industrias energéticas existentes de origen pivado  en su esfuerzo para apuntalar la nuevas industrias del gobierno que hacen obsoletas la antigua tecnología de maquinas energéticas y de contar los votos.
El proyecto de ley incluirá fuerza obligatoria electoral a todos los ciudadanos, en las próximas elecciones como ya lo había sugerido,  así como los fondos de la fuerza de la máquina perpetua y se considerará la oposición o el incumplimiento de cualquiera de las partes como una ofensa criminal.
"Estas son metas ambiciosas, pero sabemos que son alcanzables los objetivos,", dijo Obama en el techo del Departamento de energía, donde recorrió un panel solar y una instalación de molino de viento conectado a la máquina de movimiento perpetuo que crea energía y cuenta los votos de los electores,  después de firmar la orden ejecutiva en la casa blanca.
Esto es algo que hemos decidido después que las encuestas enseñan que sólo un 14% de los ciudadanos se oponen a este proyecto y ese bajo porcentaje son los recalcitrantes conservadores que no quieren los avances de nuestra administración.
La encuesta enseña que efectivamente sólo el 14% se opone al proyecto de ley, son conservadores que consideran el proyecto una estupidez,  el 15% de afroamericanos consideran que si la ley viene de Obama tiene que ser buena, el 71%  de los americanos promedio, dijeron no saber qué carajo quiere decir “perpetua”.
Obama también dijo la razón de que a la vez que el proyecto de ley incluye la votación obligatoria y la máquina de movimiento perpetuo obligatoria, es porque la máquina también será capaz de contar los votos.
Nuestro querido líder está siguiendo el éxito de uso obligatorio del Obamacare, utilizando la misma plantilla que se ramifican a otras industrias. 

LUIS ALMAGRO: OTRO PRO-COMUNISTA NOMBRADO SECRETARIO GENERAL DE LA OEA. “EMO” otro mas para el estercolero. +Porque los USA no se retira de la OEA y de la ONU si es que son nidos de comunistas. LRGM.

Jorge A. Villalón

He aquí su biografía según sus camaradas de Tele Sur, el ALBA y los “socialistas del Siglo XXI”. Más claro, ni el agua:
Luis Leonardo Almagro Lemes es un político, abogado y diplomático uruguayo nacido en 1963 en Paysandú (oeste de Uruguay) y es militante del partido de izquierda, Frente Amplio.
En sus 51 años de vida y más de 20 en carrera política, fungió como primer secretario y encargado de negocios en la embajada de Uruguay en la República Islámica de Irán entre 1991 y 1996. Del mismo modo, fue representante de Uruguay ante la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (Unesco) en 1998.
En su país, Almagro ejerció como director de la unidad de asuntos internacionales del Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca, y como asesor del entonces ministro de esa cartera, José “Pepe” Mujica (2005). Entre 2007 y 2010 fue embajador de Uruguay en China. En 2010, luego de que “Pepe” fuera electo presidente, Almagro pasó a ser canciller. En las elecciones uruguayas de 2014, Almagro fue candidato a la cámara alta, y resultó electo senador para el período 2015-2020.
Decisiones destacadas Al frente de la Cancillería uruguaya, Almagro dejó su huella negociando la recepción en Uruguay de ex detenidos en la base militar estadounidense de Guantánamo, un acuerdo que quedó sellado en un encuentro entre Barack Obama y el “Pepe”, en Washington. Destacando como un defensor de la unión y de concretar a América Latina como una zona de paz, participó en las negociaciones para la reanudación de diálogos entre Cuba y Estados Unidos. De igual forma, Almagro negoció los detalles de la llegada de refugiados de la crisis en Siria.
Este contenido ha sido publicado originalmente por teleSUR bajo la siguiente dirección:

Jorge Alberto Villalón Y.

Amazing isn't It ?
Welcome to the Clintons ' $11 Million Dollar
Mansion  ,--     New York state

Rodham Clinton, as a New York State Senator now comes under this fancy "congressional retirement staffing plan" which means that if she never gets re-elected, she STILL receives her Congressional salary until she dies.
If Bill out-lives her, he then inherits HER salary until he dies. He is already getting his Presidential salary ($20,000 a month) until he dies. If Hillary out-lives Bill, she also gets HIS salary until she dies, 
who pays for that? WE DO!
Clinton's 20 Acre -   $11 million mansion  is common knowledge. For her to establish NY residency, they purchased this mansion in   
upscale Chappaqua , New York ....makes sense. They are entitled to Secret Service protection for life. Still makes sense.
Here is where it becomes interesting. Their mortgage payments are around $10,000/month. But an extra residence had to be built by the government on the acreage to house the Secret Service Agents. Any
improvement to the property is owned by the property owners...the Clinton 's.
So....the Clinton's charge the federal  government $10,000 monthly rent for the use of the extra residence to house the
Secret Service staff which is just about equal to their mortgage payment.
He is the ONLY ex-president to use this loophole, thus earning the name 'Slick  Willie'.
This means that we, the taxpayers, pay the Clinton's, salary, mortgage, transportation, safety and security as well as the salaries for their 12 man staff and it is all perfectly legal.
When She runs for President, will you vote for her ? 

What Obama Just Said About Voting In the U.S. Reveals The Scary Truth Behind His Amnesty Scheme

"fundamentally transforming the United States of America..."

Any time Barack Obama uses a word like “transformative,” people who cherish the Constitution and the rule of law have learned to brace themselves against a likely storm of liberal attack that will further erode the foundations of traditional America.
Speaking before a town hall on Wednesday in Cleveland, President Obama used the “t” word — transformative — to describe how the country would be changed if voting were not voluntary, but mandatory.
NBC News reports that the president told the audience something that was eerily reminiscent of his now infamous declaration years ago to his adoring acolytes about “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Said the president only a day ago:
“It would be transformative if everybody voted.
“If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country.”
Purportedly, in making those remarks the president was talking about counteracting the influence of big money in politics. But paying close attention to what Obama told the Cleveland crowd reveals why compulsory voting would indeed be “transformative” — transformative for Democrats who would likely gain significant and possibly permanent political power from making sure certain voter groups went to the polls.
“[Obama] added that the people who tend not to vote are ‘young, they’re lower income, they’re skewed more heavily toward immigrant groups and minorities … There’s a reason why some folks try to keep them away from the polls.'”
Obama’s beginning to talk about mandatory voting in the United States might well suggest to conservatives why the president and his liberal allies are so intent on pushing forward with amnesty for illegal immigrants — a scheme that many worry would lead to voting rights for millions of illegals whose political allegiance would most certainly lie with their Democrat benefactors.
In a post on Western Journalism a little more than a month ago, writer L. Todd Wood noted a revealing article from The Washington Times that would explain why mandatory voting could lock in power for Progressives:
President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty will make it easier for illegal immigrants to improperly register and vote in elections, state elections officials testified to Congress on Thursday, saying that the driver’s licenses and Social Security numbers they will be granted create a major voting loophole.


Why Rubio Shouldn’t Run…for Senate

Jim Ellis |
Marco Rubio: I'm Ready To Be President
There are half-dozen substantial reasons to support Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) apparent decision not to seek re-election. It is becoming evident that he will soon announce he is foregoing another Senate term in order to concentrate fully on a presidential run, and his move will prove correct.
Rubio’s impending decision is consistent within the context of assuming his ultimate goal is to become President of the United States, and not a national legislator or political figure. In politics, timing is everything and Sen. Rubio, at just 43 years of age, will have many options to continue his promising career even if his 2016 presidential gambit falls short.
He’s also right to commit to just one political campaign next year. Running for President while fighting a contested Senate re-election battle in what is America’s toughest swing state would surely end in failure to some major degree.
Reason Number One: Sen. Rubio can test the presidential waters because he has a respectable chance of winning the nomination. A brilliant campaigner who came from nowhere in 2010 to destroy incumbent Florida Gov. Charlie Crist in the Senate GOP primary – to the point where the chief executive was even forced to unceremoniously leave the party – Rubio will connect with the grassroots constituencies that are so important to scoring well in the early states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina. Winning a state and exceeding expectations early would then make him viable in the big, delegate-rich states like say, Florida, for example.
Reason Two: If the Florida Senator loses the nomination but maintains good relations with the eventual winner, he will be on the Vice Presidential short list, thus continuing to expand his stature. If Rubio is selected as the VP nominee, he will either win or be more experienced after a national general election run. Either way, he’s the likely early front-runner heading into 2020, if the Democrats win, or 2024 if the Republican ticket is victorious.
As a person who can excite crowds, constituencies and, most importantly, the Republican base, Sen. Rubio has also proven he can win in the most important state on the GOP presidential map, in addition to having an obvious appeal to the burgeoning Hispanic voter population. Certainly such attributes will be badly needed on the GOP ticket for any presidential nominee.
Reason Three: Florida will host an open Governor’s race in 2018 because Gov. Rick Scott (R) is ineligible to seek a third term. Clearly, if he were not President or Vice President, Rubio would have the option of returning home to run for Governor. Winning this election would add executive experience to his legislative record, thus completing his resume.
Additionally, Sen. Bill Nelson (D) also comes in-cycle then and turning 76 years of age at that time after completing what will be 30 years of congressional service, the veteran politician may call it a career. This would mean an open Senate race to compliment an incumbent-less Governor’s contest, thus giving Rubio yet one more option if he felt a Washington return would better suit him.
Reason Four: Mr. Rubio would also have the option of not running at all in 2018, but rather spending his political time preparing a 2020 presidential bid. Becoming a media commentator, political pundit, and author is a proven path to launch a presidential campaign, and it’s a bonus when already having elective experience. This would be a particularly attractive option if a new Democratic President begins to experience popularity problems, which will invariably be the case after ten-plus consecutive years of one-party White House control.
Reason Five: Realistically, Rubio’s Senate re-election is not guaranteed and therefore running again might be a bigger risk than not. In anticipation of the Senator’s national move, Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-FL) has reportedly scheduled his own political announcement for March 23rd. Murphy, he says, will run for the Senate irrespective of Rubio’s plans. The young Congressman is a strong candidate. Therefore, a hard fought Florida swing Senate race is guaranteed, no matter what the circumstances.
Reason Six: What does serving another Senate term really accomplish for Mr. Rubio? He already has the experience of being a Senator, and continuing to serve in a body that just 10% of people believe is doing a good job is hardly a way to forge a positive image. Additionally, with Congress trapped in what appears to be a terminal state of gridlock, little realistic opportunity presents itself to craft meaningful legislation that will actually be enacted.
Though the Florida Senate seat – and the Republican majority with it – will be at greater risk without Rubio running for re-election, the better long-term play dictates striking while the presidential political iron is hot, and with full force. A man with options always has the luxury of moving quickly…and should. Sen. Marco Rubio is such a man.

Iran endorses nuclear EMP attack on United States


Obama would let them do this and blame Bush.
Check it out:
Suspected for years of plotting to dismantle the U.S. electric grid, American officials have confirmed that Iranian military brass have endorsed a nuclear electromagnetic pulse explosion that would attack the country’s power system.
American defense experts made the discovery while translating a secret Iranian military handbook, raising new concerns about Tehran’s recent nuclear talks with the administration.
The issue of a nuclear EMP attack was raised in the final hours of this week’s elections in Israel when U.S. authority Peter Vincent Pry penned a column for Arutz Sheva warning of Iran’s threat to free nations.
“Iranian military documents describe such a scenario — including a recently translated Iranian military textbook that endorses nuclear EMP attack against the United States,” he wrote.

Scott Walker Hits the Trail in South Carolina on Road to GOP Nomination.
Dear Lazaro R
Conservative Gov. Scott Walker hits trail today in South Carolina  one of the big three early battleground states on the road to the Republican presidential nomination.

In South Carolina, the votes of the religious and the deeply conservative hold great sway. The son of a Baptist preacher who has built his reputation as someone who has stood up for conservative caucuses in a purple state, Walker hopes to appeal to those sets of overlapping voters.

Walker has been positioning himself as someone who can appeal to his party's conservative and moderate wings. He points to his success in Wisconsin, where he has won election three times in four years even though the state — as he likes to point out — hasn't voted for a Republican for president since 1984…

Walker stands at second place among Republicans in South Carolina, according to an average of three polls conducted in that state compiled by Real Clear Politics. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush had 17.7% and Walker had 15.7%.

Lindsey Graham, a U.S. senator from South Carolina, placed third with 14%. Two others had double digits — retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson (11.5%) and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (10.7%)…."  (Journal Sentinel, 3/19)

A genuine conservative with big, bold conservative ideas  Scott Walker has the leadership qualities so urgently needed in Washington today.

Scott Walker is strongly considering a run for President.

As he tours early primary states like South Carolina, Iowa, and New Hampshire, it is critical for conservatives to rally their support behind Scott Walker.  

We need to encourage him in the strongest of terms to take the next immediate step — Go, Scott, Go!  Scott Walker 2016!

Let send a BIG, BOLD message to Scott Walker — take the next immediate step, champion our conservative American values, and ‘we’ve got your back’!

‘Go Big, Go Bold’ — Conservative leadership for America — Scott Walker 2016!

Go Scott, Go!
Bob Adams
Go Big, Go Bold PAC

P.S. — As Scott Walker tours early primary states like South Carolina, Iowa, and New Hampshire, it is critical for conservatives to rally their support behind Scott Walker.  

P.P.S. — Now is the time for conservatives to behind Scott Walker.  With your pledge of any amount, we’d be happy to send you this awesome ‘Go Big, Go Bold!’ bumpersticker!   It’s our way of saying thank you — while helping to build support for Scott Walke


Access, Denied: More Gun Sellers Blocked From Financial Sector

After serving multiple deployments overseas with the U.S. Army Special Forces, Josh Burns began building his own rifles at home.
In Sept. 2013, he and his wife Felicia, who also served in the military, decided they would make a business out of selling guns.
“This is his hobby that [Josh] masks as a business so he can play with guns,” Felicia told The Daily Signal recently while setting up their stand at the New Orleans Area Gun and Knife Show.
But starting their small business, Apocalypse Sports in Ponchatoula, La., wasn’t so easy.
Don’t have time to read the Washington Post or New York Times?Then get The Morning Bell, an early morning edition of the day’s most important political news, conservative commentary and original reporting from a team committed to following the truth no matter where it leads.
What they found, is that because they sell guns, payment processors did not want to do business with them.
Problems With Processors
Felicia was in charge of finding a payment processor, which is a third-party outlet that handles credit card transactions between merchants and banks. In a world where credit cards are a primary method of payment, it’s one of the first things a start-up must do.
Felicia told The Daily Signal she was declined from three different payment processor companies—one of which, PayPal, froze their account.
For awhile, she only blamed herself.
“I just thought the whole payment [and] gateway system was a difficult thing to get around if you’re not a computer geek,” Felicia said, laughing.
Since this is my first start-up business, I didn’t realize that there were any different barriers to me selling guns than versus someone selling mascara or lipstick at a stand.
Felicia then came across TransNational, one of the few payment processors that does business with firearms and ammunition vendors.
From then on, she didn’t give the issue much thought.
“I’m not personally outraged,” Felicia said of her original dealings with payment processors. “It was frustrating—I just think it’s their loss.”
Treatment of Gun Sellers
Another vendor who set up shop at the New Orleans gun show wonders why the product he sells would make his business more scrutinized.
“Honestly, we are relegated to porn sites,” Bart Wilson, owner of Advanced Weapon Systems and Security Concepts in Baton Rouge, La., said. “I’ve actually had this conversation with bank managers, and [for example] that is Bank One’s policy. Gun companies are no different from porn sites as far as they’re concerned.”
Bart Wilson, owner of Advanced Weapon Systems and Security Concepts in Baton Rouge, La.
Wilson is currently trying to expand his business to include a flea auction site for guns, but isn’t having much luck.
One bank, after finally accepting his business, told him it would be a “24.9 percent processing charge, plus the gateway [payment] was going to be some ridiculous amount per month.”
As a comparison, PayPal, a processing company that has a blanket policy against firearms sellers, charges about 2.9 percent per transaction.
That’s how gun sellers say it works: Firearms companies eventually find the financial service they need, but often at higher rates than other small businesses would.
Who’s at Fault?
While some firearms sellers might blame banks for not wanting to do business with them, others blame Operation Choke Point.
Designed by the Justice Department in 2013 as a way to crack down on banks and payment processors who enable fraud, the program encourages banks to more closely monitor their customer base for fraud.
The agency does so by partnering with banking regulators to communicate to banks what is considered a “high risk” business. The Justice Department then pursues lawsuits against banks engaging in “risky” behavior.
Since the program’s initiation, the Justice Department has negotiated three settlements under Operation Choke Point, two of which were announced by the agency last week.
The controversy centers around 2011 guidelines created by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which labeled firearms and ammunition sellers “high risk” industries, pinning them right alongside pornography and other blatantly illegal enterprises like Ponzi schemes and racist materials.
The list was adopted into the Justice Department’s Operation Choke Point.
Although the list has since been removed from official guidance, it appears banks are no more inclined to accept customers like Wilson or the Burns.
Furthermore, the question about why firearms and ammunition sellers were targeted in a program that aims to reduce fraud has yet to be answered by Justice Department officials.
Fraud and the Firearms Industry
Krista Lowery, vice president of the Target Marketing Group of Payment Alliance — another gun-friendly payment processor — told The Daily Signal that because of all the regulations in place to prevent a weapon from landing in the wrong hands, cases of fraud within the firearms industry are rare.
“Because of the strict guidelines set forth by the [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives] as to whom and how guns can be sold, firearms dealers have significantly more data on their customers than any other type of specialty retail merchant,” she said.
In other business types, a customer can order something on a website and the merchant ships the product to the address the customer specifies, essentially making it possible to never physically interact with the customer. Even in the case of internet selling, firearms have to be delivered via a [federal firearms license] holder who validates the background and identity of the customer. No other industry can be more sure of their customer.
Congress will get a chance to put Operation Choke Point under fire during a March 24 hearing hosted by the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.
Led by Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wis., the FDIC will face questions about its involvement in the program and why citizens like the Burns and Wilson struggle to obtain basic financial services.
“Who was involved? How high does it go?” Duffy told The Daily Signal. “And has anyone been held accountable? We’re holding this hearing to get those answers. The countless people who have been impacted by this deserve those answers.”
As for Josh and Felicia Burns, though they’ve faced their fair share of frustrations, they are not worried that Operation Choke Point will force their business to shut down.
“I’m one of those people that, you tell me not to do something, I’m going to do it that much harder,” Josh said.

 “En mi opinión


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