Monday, March 16, 2015

No 903 "En mi opinion" Marzo 16, 2015

No 903 “En mi opinión”  Marzo 16, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño    EDITOR

Enero 20, 2017 FIN DEL DISPARATE
AMENPER: Monerías
Con respecto al gay latino que fue cesanteado de Univisión por comparar a Michelle Obama con un personaje del planeta de los simios, vamos a analizar sobre la referencia de Michelle a ser un estuche de monerías.
Según la Real Academia Española, ser  un estuche de monerías significa tener la capacidad de hacer muchas cosas.
Vamos a observar la capacidad de Michelle Obama de hacer muchas cosas, de ser un estuche de monerías.
La primera dama, y sus hijas Sasha y Malia, con un séquito de 70 de apoyo personal llegaron a China el pasado año para una visita de una semana que ha sido etiquetado como parte Turismo, y parte diplomacia.
El grupo se hospedó en el Hotel de 5 estrellas Westin Chaoyang cerca de la embajada estadounidense en Beijing. Los Obama se quedaron en la suite presidencial del hotel, que lleva una etiqueta de precio de aproximadamente $8.400 por noche, según USA Today.
Michelle Obama está tomando a sus hijas Malia y Sasha en un viaje de vacaciones a Japón y Camboya a mediados de marzo.
La Sra. Obama visitará Tokio y Kyoto, Japón, del 18 al 20 de marzo y al final del viaje con una parada 21-22 de marzo en Siem Reap en Camboya, dijo la casa blanca el martes.
Hasta el momento no hay detalles sobre el costo del viaje, pero grupo de la primera dama gastó $222.000 durante dos días en hotel los gastos durante su visita en el 2014 a China, informó el Washington Examiner.
El fin de semana de San Valentín, la primera dama y sus hijas tomaron un fin de semana de esquí en Aspen, Colorado, mientras el Presidente viajó  a California para jugar al golf.
Según el Washington Examiner, en un artículo publicado en octubre de 2014, las recientes vacaciones de los Obama dejaron los contribuyentes con una cuenta de $ 6,2 millones.
El monto total facturado en seis años de la familia en la casa blanca ha sido más de $ 40 millones.
Así que el estuche de monerías de Michelle, con sus monadas ha costado unos cuantos millones hasta ahora, y todavía nos quedan un año y medio de monerías.
Nos quedan dos 15 de Abril en que vamos a pagar nuestros impuestos para poder costear estas monerías.
No cabe duda de la relación de Michelle y las monerías.
“EMO” No me gusta participar en correcciones porque realmente no soy la persona indicada, pero, gay es un individuo contento, que los maricones hayan querido secuestrar la palabrita, no se los concedo. Ellos son individuos en un sexo que ellos no los aceptan. Por otra parte el no es latino, ni nadie ahora es latino porque la aldea “Latinia” en Italia de donde se originan “los únicos latinos” ya hace muchísimo tiempo que ni existe. Asi que aquí nadie es “latino” Tu tue des ser Centro americanos, Suramericano, Norte americano. Que hables el español no te hace “latino” Eres en todo caso originario de un país que habla el español. Puedes ser Caribeno, centro americano, suramericano, norte americano, Pero no puedes ser ni gay si no estas contento y creo que este individuo que botaron a la calle, no puede ser gay (contento) porque lo botaron como un perro, cosa que se lo merecia pero no por esto sino porque era un prepotente y déspota. Quizas le dieron un  poco de su propia medicina. Es algo increíble que una cadena de propagación de las opiniones y hechos, Despidan a cjas destempladas a un empleado porque diga una berracada como la que hizo. En ese canl se dicen todas las berracadas habidas y por haber en casi todos los programas y no pasa nada. Este canal esta mezclando la difucion con el servilismo a un gobierno que realmente no se lo merece. Realmente esta cadena al igual que muchas otras se ha convertido en una lamebotas del gobierno. Estan convirtiendo a USA en una país como Bolivia, Venezuela, Argentina o Cuba… Una verdadera porquería. Y lo mas jodido es que nadie ha salido en defensa del derecho a tener una cabrona opinión. Por eso este minúsculo panfleto se llama “En mi opinión” Auque acepto que no es solo mia. LRGM.

AMENPER: Los Clinton son un Chiste PESAO Y GASTAO…
Creo que la mejor explicación que pudo dar Hillary en su entrevista sobre el servidor privado es que era de su esposo Bill Clinton.  Si es de Willy debe de ser igual que él, tiene un buen disco duro pero la memoria le falla.
Cuando le preguntaron a Hillary sobre la situación de Rwanda, dijo, le aseguro que mi esposo nunca ha tenido una relación sexual con ella.
Tengo un producto que le puse Suero Oral, lo hice por Clinton, porque puedo hacer propaganda del producto poniendo atribuciones que no tiene y no me pueden decir nada, porque ya por Clinton quedó aclarado que si es Oral nada es Inmoral.
Sobre el problema de Cuba, no se sabe qué hará Hillary si es presidente, pero con el doble uso que Bill le dio a los tabacos cubanos con Mónica, quizás Bill la persuada de tener una mejor relación con Cuba para poder comprar más tabacos. Además a Bill le gusta la equitación y le gustaría ir a Cuba para poder admirar a las jineteras cubanas.
Mónica Lewinsky cumplió ya 30 años, parece que fue ayer cuando todavía estaba gateando…en la Casa Blanca.
La campaña de Clinton está buscando un lema que atraiga a un gran número de mujeres, me parece que el mejor lema sería “Si se acostaron con mi marido, lo menos que pueden hacer es votar por mí”
Pero las encuestas dicen que Hillary es la mujer más admirada en América. Bueno lo creo, porque las mujeres la admiran porque ha logrado poder político, y los hombres la admiran porque deja a su esposo que le sea infiel.
Bueno, si por fin Hillary es electa presidente, ¿Qué será Bill? No puede ser la “Primera Dama” porque no es una dama, y no puede ser el “Primer Caballero” tampoco porque ya se sabe que eso no es verdad
Con este problema de los E Mail hasta demócratas están sugiriendo que Hillary debe de dejar de tratar de ser el candidato y se vaya para su casa.  Por eso es que Bill la está apoyando tanto, no quiere que se vaya para la casa.
Por todo lo de arriba los Clinton son un chiste en la política que ya se han pasado de rosca y Hillary sería una aberración.  ¿Pero están los demócratas listos para abandonar la coronación de Hillary?
El problema con el partido demócrata si Hillary no corre para presidente es que ellos siempre han sido un partido más homogéneo últimamente con una política definida a la izquierda socialista.  ¿Qué van a hacer si Hillary no corre?  Esto significa desorganización, ¿Joe Biden?  Bueno por lo menos no tendrá el problema de los E Mail, ya el declaró que presentaría los dos E Mails que él ha escrito desde que es vice-presidente.  Los dos E Mails fuero dirigidos al presidente Obama, y Barack no contestó ninguno de los dos, así que no hay mucho que leer.
\Pero Biden reclama que tiene experiencia internacional porque ha visitado numerosos países durante su tenencia como vicepresidente.  Lo que no sabe es que viajó tanto porque los asesores de la Casa Blanca lo querían lejos de los periodistas para que no metiera más la pata.
La otra candidata es Elizabeth Warren, que sería la candidata que corriera una campaña como socialista declarado desde George McGovern, el amigo de Fidel, contra Nixon, en que según pueden ver en el mapa arriba McGovern nada más que ganó el estado de Maryland, perdió todos los demás estados.  La pregunta es ¿Está el pueblo de los Estados Unidos listo para elegir a un candidato Socialista?  Obama salió por ser negro y porque siempre negó que fuera socialista.  Pero no creo que el partido pueda querer arriesgarse a una derrota como la de McGovern con Elizabeth Warren.  Así que lo que queda es Joe Biden, y esto sería un chiste.
Así que aunque los Clinton sean un chiste, los demócratas tienen que echar el resto con ellos.

AMENPER: Luce muy mona
Hay que tener cuidado para decirle a una mujer ¿Qué mona luces? Todo depende de quién es la mujer.
Hace poco en una conversación estábamos tratando de llegar a la conclusión de que cual era la minoría más privilegiada y preservada en sus puestos de trabajo.  Unos pensaban que los negros, otros que los gays, otros que los latinos, pero la mayoría estuvo de acuerdo que el más privilegiado sería un gay negro latino. 
Pero nos equivocamos, ha sucedido que un gay latino fue cesanteado de Univisión por tener comentarios racistas, con respecto nada menos que a Michelle Obama.  Y esto nos lleva a la conclusión que el problema más que racista es político.
Rodner Figueroa, el corresponsal de estilo abiertamente gay en El Gordo y la Flaca de Univisión, ha sido despedido por comentarios de la primera dama Michelle Obama en comparación con un personaje de "Planeta de los simios" durante un segmento en el aire.
Figueroa hizo los comentarios racistas durante un segmento con Paolo Ballesteros, un artista Filipino actor y maquillaje con una extraordinaria habilidad para transformarse en diferentes celebridades femeninas usando nada más que sus habilidades de maquillaje formidable.
Mientras observa Ballesteros tratando de cambiar el contorno de su cara para hacer que Figueroa se pareciese a Michelle, lo cual lo logró según ven en la foto de arriba,  Figueroa aprovechó la oportunidad para comentar sobre la primera dama: "Todos saben que Michelle Obama parece que ella es de la película el planeta de los monos."
Raúl De Molina, uno de los anfitriones de Figueroa, trató de disipar la situación afirmando repetidamente que muchas personas, incluyendo él mismo encontraban la señora Obama muy atractiva, pero el daño ya estaba hecho.
El segmento vivo fue transmitido a las audiencias de la costa, pero los comentarios racistas fueron editados de tiempo para la difusión de la costa oeste. Al final del día Univisión había terminado  con Figueroa, lo limpiaron de su página oficial, y emitieron un comunicado oficial sobre su decisión diciendo que su comentario "era totalmente reprobable y de ninguna manera refleja los valores u opiniones de Univisión".
Horas que más tarde Figueroa lanzó una declaración propia para disculparse por sus comentarios y afirmando que fue despedido después de representantes de la casa blanca expresaron su preocupación a Univisión.
"Estoy avergonzado,  pido perdón, porque no hay ninguna excusa para un profesional como yo hacer comentarios como éste que pueden ser malinterpretadas como ofensivas y racistas durante una época tan volátil en nuestro país", escribió. "Asumo la responsabilidad por este error de juicio de mi parte, pero no puedo aceptar ser llamado a racista y despedido así, humillada, perdon, quise decir humillado públicamente por Univisión, después de 17 años".
Él continuó: "Vengo de una familia latina bi-racial, con miembros de la familia como mi padre, que son Afro-latinos. Yo soy el primer anfitrión abiertamente gay en la televisión hispana y he sido activista por causas ayudar a las minorías, que como yo han discriminado. He votado abiertamente dos veces por su esposo, Barack Obama, porque considero que es un gran hombre que respeta a las minorías como yo en este país."
Bueno Rodnito te jodistes, no importa si eres gay, latino y aunque hayas salido del closet como negro diciendo que tu abuelita era negra, que hayas botado por Barack, te jodistes de todas maneras, nadie puede tocar a la emperatriz sin sufrir las consecuencias.

Amenper: La Religión Liberal del Ecologismo y su Paraíso
Ecologismo es una parodia perfecta del siglo XXI de las creencias Judeo-cristianas tradicionales.
Hoy el ecologismo es una de las religiones más poderosas en el mundo occidental.
El presidente Obama y el secretario de Estado Kerry, han dicho que el ecologismo es más importante que el peligro de ISIS y los conflictos del Medio Oriente. 
Ecologismo parece ser la religión de la opción para los ateos urbanos y estamos corriendo el riesgo de que se convierta en la religión del estado. 
Que los Estados Unidos se conviertan en una teocracia.
 ¿Por qué digo que es una religión? Bueno, aparte de la cantidad de pastores y sacerdotes, y ministros laicos como nuestro presidente,  miren las creencias.
Si miras con atención, verás que el ecologismo es en realidad una parodia perfecta de la reasignación de las creencias tradicionales Judeo-cristiana.
Hay un Paraíso inicial, un paraíso, un estado de gracia y de la unidad con la naturaleza, hay una caída en desgracia en un estado de la contaminación como resultado de comer del árbol del conocimiento y como resultado de nuestras acciones, también existe un día del juicio final para todos nosotros.
Todos somos energía pecadora, condenados a morir, a menos que busquemos la salvación, que ahora se llama conservación y sostenibilidad. La conservación y sostenibilidad es la salvación en la iglesia del medio ambiente. Así como alimentos orgánicos son su comunión, esa oblea libre de pesticidas que el derecho de personas con las creencias del bien beber y comer.
El reciclaje es la penitencia de la confesión de nuestros pecados del consumismo.....

Por favor, no jodan, no hay ningún Paraíso nunca lo hubo.
¿Cuál era ese Paraíso del pasado mítico maravilloso?
 Cuando nos dicen que es un frío o un calor record que no se había producido en 50 años, ¿Entonces hace cincuenta años, estábamos entonces ya con un medio ambiente contaminado?
¿Era el paraíso el tiempo atrás cuando la mortalidad infantil era un 80%, cuando cuatro niños en cinco murieron de enfermedad antes de la edad de cinco años?
¿Cuándo una mujer en seis murió en el parto?
¿Cuándo el promedio de vida era de 40? 
¿Cuándo las plagas recorrían la tierra, matando a miles de personas?
¿Fue cuando morían miles de hambre?
¿Es entonces que la tierra era el paraíso?
 Porque así vivian los indios, eso es lo que nos dicen que era el paraíso que le robamos a los indios, que ni siquiera tenían desodorantes ni jabón para bañarse, ni papel sanitario para limpiarse, pero eran ecológicos, no tenían que reciclar todas esas cosas que han destruido el planeta. Y como sólo viván 40 años, si lo lograban, no hacían mucho daño al planeta ahora el hombre daña con su defecación y su orinadera por mucho más tiempo porque vive más tiempo.  
¿tenemos que vivir de vuelta a aquellos tiempos?
¿Tenemos que volver a ese paraíso de los indios?
¿Es ese el paraíso que construirá el Mesías Al Gore en su segunda venida en su Jet privado?

Amenper: The Lee–Rubio Tax Plan’s Business Reforms Are Tremendously Pro-Growth

By Curtis S. Dubay and David R. Burton. Abstract
Senators Mike Lee (R–UT) and Marco Rubio (R–FL) recently released a tax reform plan that amply succeeds at the core mission of tax reform, which is to improve economic performance. It does so largely because the business portion of the plan is the best business reform to come from Congress in recent memory. The individual side is a modest improvement. Its centerpiece is a greatly expanded Child Tax Credit. Credits do not enhance growth. Expanding the credit, instead of lowering rates further, is a missed opportunity for additional growth. The plan will help tax reform to become a reality by keeping the debate alive and adding to it.
The primary purpose of tax reform is to enhance economic growth by expanding the economy’s potential. Based on initial analysis, the tax reform plan recently released by Senators Mike Lee (R–UT) and Marco Rubio (R–FL) amply succeeds at this core purpose, mostly by substantially improving the tax treatment of businesses. On the individual side, the plan takes steps in the right direction, but leaves room for improvement.
Lee and Rubio did not release the full details of their plan. Those details, when released, could alter the analysis below.

Business Tax Reforms Tremendously Pro-Growth

The biggest reason the tax code is holding back the economy is the antiquated way that it taxes businesses. The U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world as defined by the 34 countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The U.S. is also the only major country in that group that taxes its businesses on their income earned in other countries.[1]Moreover, the U.S. capital cost recovery system is much worse than the OECD average.[2] The high tax rate, worldwide taxation, and poor treatment of capital investment reduce investment. Less investment reduces job creation and productivity improvement, and it suppresses wages of U.S. workers.
Corporate Tax Rates. The Lee–Rubio plan fixes these issues. It sets the rate on all businesses (C corporations and pass-throughs) at 25 percent. Some businesses with lower income would pay a 15 percent tax rate. It also creates a territorial system through a dividend-exemption regime, similar to what Representative Dave Camp (R–MI) proposed when he was Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.[3]
The average corporate tax rate of the other developed nations in the OECD is approximately 25 percent.[4] The Lee–Rubio plan would put the U.S. close to that average. This would help to increase investment by U.S. and foreign firms inside the U.S. More investment would improve the productivity of American workers, create more jobs, and raise wages. Lowering the rate below that of other developed nations would create even more jobs and raise wages higher.
A territorial system would increase investment by U.S. firms abroad, which would also boost their investment domestically. This would also boost job creation and wage growth.
Double Taxation. Double taxation in the current system is another problem that holds the economy back. Businesses pay taxes on their income, and their owners (shareholders) pay a second layer of taxes on dividends and capital gains. This raises the effective tax rate on capital. Lee–Rubio would fix this problem by eliminating the second layer of tax. Shareholders would not pay tax on their capital gains or dividends. This would further lower the cost of capital and boost investment.
Capital Cost Recovery. The Lee–Rubio plan builds on these pro-growth changes by abolishing the growth-depressing manner in which the tax code allows businesses to deduct the cost of capital investments. Currently, businesses face a cumbersome system of depreciation that forces them to deduct from their income certain percentages of their capital costs over many years.
The concept of depreciating assets wrongly leaked into the tax code from financial accounting, which is concerned with determining the financial value of a business. Tax accounting should measure actual business receipts and outlays and should not necessarily follow the conventions of financial accounting.
When accounting for the cost of capital for tax purposes, businesses should be able to deduct the full cost of assets at the time that they purchase them. This is known as expensing. Anything short of expensing, such as current depreciation rules, raises the cost of capital and creates a bias against investment by forcing businesses to delay deducting their capital expenses,[5] sometimes for as long as 39 years.[6] This creates cash flow problems and, because of the time value of money, makes investments in plants, machinery, equipment, and structures more costly. A higher cost of capital reduces investment.
Lee–Rubio scraps depreciation in favor of expensing and would therefore reduce the cost of capital, substantially increase the capital stock, improve productivity, and further enhance job creation and wage growth.
Treatment of Interest. Interest is a facet of taxation that often causes problems for lawmakers. Under an income tax, if interest income is taxable to lenders, it should be deductible for borrowers so that taxes do not artificially affect lending or borrowing decisions. The code can also keep taxes out of lending and borrowing decisions by not taxing interest income and denying a deduction to borrowers.[7]Lee–Rubio chooses the second option. Given the large number of non-taxable lenders, this choice would likely raise a substantial amount of revenue for additional rate reduction.
Together, these reforms to business taxation are the correct way to reform the system. They would certainly increase economic growth substantially. For instance, one estimate finds it would increase the size of the economy by 12 percent to 15 percent compared with what would happen in the absence of the reform.[8]
Congress and President Barack Obama have been discussing possibly pursuing business-only tax reform. If they choose that route, the business part of the Lee–Rubio plan should be the type of system that they implement.

Individual Reforms Move in the Right Direction, But Could be Stronger

On the individual side, the reforms in the Lee–Rubio plan are positive, although not as strong as on the business side. The plan reduces the top rate from 39.6 percent to 35 percent.[9] Instead of the current system of seven tax brackets, the Lee–Rubio plan has just two. Incomes under $150,000 ($75,000 for single filers) would be taxed at 15 percent. The 35 percent rate would apply to all income above that level. A lower top rate will increase incentives to work and save, which will boost growth.
The other major change on the individual side is a significant expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Today, parents receive a tax credit of $1,000 per child, which phases out over $110,000 ($75,000 for single filers).
Lee–Rubio adds an additional $2,500 per child CTC that would be creditable against parents’ income and payroll taxes and would not phase out. The existing CTC would not change and therefore would continue to phase out. For taxpayers under the existing phase-out level, the combined CTC would be $3,500 per child, which is 250 percent larger than under current law.
The greatly expanded CTC is the centerpiece of the individual side of the plan, but it represents an enormous missed opportunity. The new $2,500 credit would use a substantial amount of revenue that the plan could have otherwise used to lower rates. The top rate, therefore, could have been much lower than 35 percent. The amount of forgone revenue reduction depends on how much the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimates the expanded CTC would reduce revenue.
Credits, such as the CTC, have no impact on economic growth.[10] Lower rates improve incentives for working, saving, investing, and taking entrepreneurial risk, the basic components of economic growth. They do so by lowering the tax-imposed bias against work, savings, investment, and entrepreneurship. The slightly lower top rate will only slightly increase these incentives. If the Lee–Rubio plan lowered rates further instead of expanding the CTC, those incentives would increase substantially more, making the plan more pro-growth.
Exacerbating the problems with the CTC is a $4,000 per family ($2,000 for individual filers) credit that takes the place of the standard deduction and personal exemption. All tax filers could claim the credit. It creates a zero-percent tax bracket as the standard deduction and personal exemption do now. Like the CTC, this credit has no impact on growth and similarly squanders an opportunity for additional rate reduction.
The most important thing that Congress could do to help middle-class families is to adopt public policies that would foster a return to prosperity and improve incomes. Reducing marginal tax rates is a more effective means of helping families than higher child tax credits.

Other Issues

Tax reform plans are generally revenue neutral, meaning that they raise the same amount of revenue as the current system. Although the details are largely unspecified, the Lee–Rubio plan eliminates many deductions, credits, exemptions, and exclusions on both the business and individual sides of the tax code. Nevertheless, the Lee–Rubio plan would likely be a substantial tax cut, even taking into account its very positive impact on the economy and the consequent expansion in the tax base.[11] Cutting taxes is good, especially during periods when revenues are expected to surpass their historical average—as they are in the current budget window.[12] However, the plan probably reduces revenues below that average.
Lee–Rubio could replace some of that revenue by fixing a flaw in the plan. It keeps the mortgage interest deduction (MID) in a modified manner that it does not specify, even though it does not tax interest income. The current MID is not a subsidy for homeowners given that lenders pay tax on the interest income that they earn. However, it would become one under Lee–Rubio because lenders would no longer be taxed on their interest income. To resolve this problem, Lee–Rubio could either eliminate the MID or tax mortgage lenders on the taxable mortgages that they issue.[13] Either option would eliminate the subsidy that the plan creates and lessen the size of the tax cut. However, because the plan sensibly eliminates interest deductions and does not tax other forms of interest income, it is easier to take this approach with mortgage interest.
For married filers earning between $150,000 and $405,100 ($75,000 and $405,100 for single filers), the Lee–Rubio plan would increase their marginal tax rates compared with current law because they are in a tax bracket with tax rates below 35 percent. Higher marginal rates are a disincentive to work and save. These taxpayers’ average tax rate may be lower than under current law if they have children, but the rate that they would pay on additional income would rise. Adding rates between 15 percent and 35 percent in this range would lessen the effect, but would decrease revenue further.
Conversely, for taxpayers earning between approximately $75,000 and $150,000 ($37,000 and $75,000 for singles), Lee–Rubio is a marginal rate cut. Combined with the enormous CTC, many taxpayers in this range would pay substantially lower taxes. Lee–Rubio could mitigate the revenue lost from the combined rate reduction and large child credit by adding rates above 15 percent in this range. Taxpayers would still have lower marginal rates, and the extra revenue would further reduce the large tax cut.
Additional revenue could also be gained by scrapping the personal credit.

Keeps Debate Moving

The business side of the Lee–Rubio plan is the best business income tax reform plan that has been proposed in Congress in recent memory. The individual side is a modest step in the right direction, but leaves much room for improvement. The business tax reforms are so positive that, taken as a whole, the plan would dramatically improve the economy and the incomes of American families.
The Lee–Rubio plan would also increase interest in tax reform and show the way on business tax reform. It will help to make tax reform a reality when there is a President in office who wants to lead the effort.
—Curtis S. Dubay is Research Fellow in Tax and Economic Policy and David R. Burton is Senior Fellow in Economic Policy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, of the Institute for Economic Freedom and Opportunity, at The Heritage Foundation.

Time magazine responds to fuss over Hillary Clinton 'devil horns' cover
Time magazine is catching hell for its latest cover supposedly giving Hillary Clinton devil horns.
Some hawk-eyed politicos noticed the “M” in TIME carves out little blue triangles above the former secretary of state’s head.
The eye-catching cover comes in the wake of a scandal over Clinton’s use of a personal email address on a private server as a government official.
Time sought to extinguish the flames of the online firestorm on Thursday by pointing out that this has happened to plenty of subjects in the past — given the placement of the “M” — and was in no way intentional.
The magazine’s website published a gallery of 34 other covers that similarly appear to feature devilish horns.
This list includes former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, several popes, actor John Travolta, former U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and “Star Wars” villain Darth Vader.

Even Hillary Clinton was given horns at least one other time, on Nov. 16, 2009.
“Any resemblance to cats, bats or devil horns is entirely coincidental,” the website said.
The uproar drew more attention to the magazine’s featured article, “The Clinton Way,” by David Von Drehle.

Jorge Alberto Villalón Y.

Clinton's Personal Email Account a "Serious Breach" of Security. And Illegal.

Hillary Clinton's bad string of news stories gets worse with revelations -- in the New York Times(link is external), of all places -- that she illegally used a personal email account during her entire term as Secretary of State:
Mrs. Clinton did not have a government email address during her four-year tenure at the State Department. Her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time, as required by the Federal Records Act.
It was only two months ago, in response to a new State Department effort to comply with federal record-keeping practices, that Mrs. Clinton’s advisers reviewed tens of thousands of pages of her personal emails and decided which ones to turn over to the State Department. All told, 55,000 pages of emails were given to the department. Mrs. Clinton stepped down from the secretary’s post in early 2013.

Her expansive use of the private account was alarming to current and former National Archives and Records Administration officials and government watchdogs, who called it a serious breach.

“It is very difficult to conceive of a scenario — short of nuclear winter — where an agency would be justified in allowing its cabinet-level head officer to solely use a private email communications channel for the conduct of government business,” said Jason R. Baron, a lawyer at Drinker Biddle & Reath who is a former director of litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration.
Team Clinton, of course, defends her violation of the law and endangering national security, saying she observed the "spirit" of the law, even as she was breaking it.
It's also come to light that Mrs. Clinton created this email account the day her Senate confirmation hearings began(link is external). How was this discovered? By hackers:
In March 2013, an adviser to Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal, had his email hacked by "Guccifer" -- the Romanian hacker perhaps best known for revealing George W. Bush's paintings to the world. At the time, Gawker reported(link is external) that Blumenthal was communicating with an account that appeared to belong to Clinton at the "" domain. The content of some of those emails was published by is external).
Examining the registry information(link is external) for "" reveals that the domain was first created on January 13, 2009 -- one week before President Obama was sworn into office, and the same day(link is external) that Clinton's confirmation hearings began before the Senate.


When asked why the flag would be offensive, Sheriff Watson responded, “I guess they think that terrorists might walk through the courthouse… we’ve given them everything else…. We’ve given our country away,… but you mess with my flag, the fight is on baby!”
Portsmouth, Virginia Sheriff Bill Watson says he is furious after he was told by a group of judges to remove an American flag from the lobby of a courthouse that was donated by the Portsmouth Fire Department.
WTKR reports:
Sheriff Watson said his agency got the American flag display as a gift from members of the Portsmouth Fire Department a few weeks ago.
It’s made of old fire hoses which a sign beneath it that reads, “A Tribute to Public Safety.”
Watson said he requested to have it mounted on the wall in the lobby of the courthouse but was shocked by what he was told.
Watson said he was told, “Not only do we not want it on the wall, we don’t want it in the courthouse.”
“I just can’t believe that they don’t want to display the American flag in a courthouse, I mean that’s the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard in my life,” Watson rightly said.
One of the judges, who wanted to remain unidentified, spoke with NewsChannel 3 and said that the courthouse was not the appropriate place to display the flag.
The judge claimed that if you allowed one type of display, then you have to allow all types and it would set a “wrong precedent.”
“They expect my deputies to put their life on the line for a judge,” Sheriff Watson said. “If somebody was going to come into a courtroom with a gun, the deputy is supposed to stand in front of the judge and take a bullet, but yet they won’t let us have our flag, saluting public safety? To me, that’s a slap in the face.”

Boko Haram Pledges Allegiance To The Flag Of ISIS

The group has killed 11,000 people since 2011, including 6,000 just in 2014 alone.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) accepted the pledge of allegiance offered by African terrorist group Boko Haram. The Nigerian terrorist organization offered to align itself with ISIS last Saturday.
ISIS media arm Al-Furqan made the announcement Thursday. “We announce to you to the good news of the expansion of the caliphate to West Africa because the caliph … has accepted the allegiance of our brothers of the Sunni group for preaching and the jihad,” said ISIS spokesman Mohammed al-Adnani.
Al-Adnani also issued a warning to non-Muslims residing in territories controlled by ISIS. “If you insist on being arrogant and stubborn,” he warned, “soon you will bite your fingers off in regret.”
Last week, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Sheka posted an audio message online swearing allegiance to ISIS, Fox News reported.
“We announce our allegiance to the Caliph of the Muslims … and will hear and obey in times of difficulty and prosperity, in hardship and ease, and to endure being discriminated against, and not to dispute about rule with those in power, except in case of evident infidelity regarding that which there is a proof from Allah.”
The group has killed 11,000 people since 2011, including 6,000 just in 2014 alone.
Boko Haram’s newly formed alliance with ISIS comes just as the Pentagon announced Friday that Iraqi and Kurdish forces have regained over one quarter of territory once held by ISIS in Iraq, ABC News noted.
“We assess ISIL’s front lines have been pushed back in northern and central Iraq,” Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren said in a briefing with the media Friday. “ISIL no longer has complete freedom of movement in roughly 25 percent of populated areas of Iraqi territory where they once operated freely.”

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Urges GOP to Move Fast to Eliminate Obamacare

AP Photo/Matt Rourke
by Warner Todd Huston6 Mar 2015Washington D.C.614
New Play on Justice Scalia Examines Tough Issues
'The Originalist,' a new play opening Friday in Washington examines one of the most conservative and polarizing justices on the Supreme Court - Antonin Scalia. (March 5)
In a recent interview, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said conservatives and Republicans could move quickly to eliminate parts of Obamacare after the Court issues a decision in a case being heard this month, causing some to hope that the decision might end up dealing a blow to the president’s take over of the nation’s health care system.

Scalia noted that lawmakers could move very quickly to amend and eliminate parts of Obama’s health care insurance law if the Court strikes down the subsidies issued by the federal insurance exchange.

At issue is the straight language in Obamacare that maintains that government subsidies to help citizens afford the more expensive coverage forced on them by the president’s law are only available to states that set up state-based Obamacare exchanges.

Lawmakers wrote Obamacare expecting that every state would set up the exchanges, but a later Supreme Court decision determined that the federal government could not force the states to create an exchange if they didn’t want to. 37 states ended up opting out of the state-based Obamacare exchanges.

The law is clearly written to provide only those states with state-based exchanges with subsides. But when 37 states opted out of the exchanges, Obama decided on his own that all citizens would be eligible for subsidies through the federal exchange. It is this unilateral decision that the current case, King v. Burwell, seeks to overturn.

Republicans in both the House and the Senate have already offered basic ideas on how to replace subsidies if they are lost by a Supreme Court decision that invalidates Obama’s subsidies.

House members have proposed tax credits to help citizens in non-exchange states to pay for their health care insurance policies forced upon them by Obamacare. The exact amount of that tax credit has not been decided.

The House is also proposing to allow states to fully opt out of the Obamacare mandates.
For its part, the Senate has proposed a temporary program of financial assistance for lower income insurance buyers so that they can keep their insurance while Congress works out a solution to the issue.

Democrats, though, claim that neither house will be able to muster the votes to put dents in Obamacare no matter what the Court decides.

Regardless, both houses of Congress are in a waiting game until the Supreme Court releases its ruling in June.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston or email the author at

Rodner Figueroa Pens Apology Letter To Michelle Obama, Accuses Univision Of Humiliating Him                 
Posted: 03/12/2015 8:26 pm EDT Updated: 03/13/2015 11:00 am EDT                                  
Less than 24 hours after being fired over his "Planet of the Apes" remark toward Michelle Obama, former Univision host Rodner Figueroa has penned an open letter apologizing to the first lady and firing back at Univision for how they handled the situation.
In the lengthy letter, Figueroa addresses Obama directly and offers a formal apology while explaining that the comment was taken out of context. The former "Sal Y Pimienta" host also said his dismissal was a direct result of a complaint by the first lady's office to the network and that Univision publicly humiliated him.
"I want to clarify that I'm not racist and in no way was my comment directed at you, but rather the work of the [make up] artist, which left much to be desired," the letter says.
Rodner said in the letter that he comes from a biracial family, was among the first openly gay television personalities on Hispanic television and voted twice for President Barack Obama.
The apology comes after a segment by the fashionista on Univision's entertainment show "El Gordo Y La Flaca," in which Figueroa was analyzing images of make-up artist Paolo Ballesteros transforming himself into different female celebrities, including the first lady. (Por que dijo "openly gay", para que sepan que el es 'parte del grupo' de ellos?)
While reviewing the image of Ballesteros as Obama with a side-by-side image of the first lady herself, the host said: "Mind you, you know that Michelle Obama looks like she's part of the cast of "Planet of the Apes," the film."
This post originally appeared on HuffPost Voces and was translated by Carolina Moreno. It was adapted for an English-speaking audience.

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What The Judge Who Blocked Amnesty Order Just Did Could Blow Up Obama’s Plan

This could expose a big lie told to the court...

The federal judge in Texas who blocked President Obama’s executive amnesty order is calling government lawyers on the carpet.
Judge Andrew Hanen late Monday ordered Obama’s legal team to appear in the judge’s courtroom to explain how and why they allegedly lied about what the government has already done with regard to granting rights and privileges to some 100,000 illegal immigrants.
Several days ago, Western Journalism reported that lawyers for the Justice Department had made an astonishing admission — that the Obama administration had misled the federal judge about actions already undertaken as a result of the president’s executive order on amnesty.
Now, as U.S. News & World Report tells us, the federal judge is none too happy and has just told government lawyers thay must appear in court on March 19th.
“The hearing is in response to a filing last week in which the government acknowledged three-year deportation reprieves were granted before Hanen’s Feb. 16 injunction, which temporarily halted Obama’s action, sparing from deportation as many as 5 million people in the U.S. illegally.”
The coalition of 26 states which had convinced Judge Hanen to temporarily block Obama’s executive amnesty charges that the government misled the judge about not implementing part of the plan before the judge halted it, giving the states more time to argue against the president’s unilateral action on immigration.
As Breitbart notes: “Government attorneys had previously said officials wouldn’t accept such requests under Obama’s action until Feb. 18.”
The Reuters news agency says that Judge Hanen had been asked by the administration to decided by Monday whether he would put on hold his previous decision to block Obama’s executive action. Instead of answering that administration request, the judge made his own demand of the Obama legal team.
Judge Hanen’s decision to block Obama’s amnesty oder was an initial victory for the states that brought the case alleging Obama had exceeded his powers by using his pen to let close to 5 million illegal immigrants stay without threat of deportation and also be granted Social Security numbers, work permits and possible federal tax “refunds” even though they had never paid income taxes.

WATCH This Outraged Sheriff Blast Judges Who Told Him To Remove Patriotic American Flag Display

"To me, that’s a slap in the face.”

Bill Watson has been the sheriff in Portsmouth, Virginia, for close to ten years. What he was just told by a group of judges, says the outspoken lawman, was “the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”
According to a report by WTKR-TV, Sheriff Watson was told by the judges that a unique American flag display his department was given by local firefighters could not be mounted on the wall in the lobby of the courthouse. In fact, the outraged sheriff claims, the judges told him they don’t want it to be shown anywhere in the public building…except in the sheriff’s own office.
The image of the flag in the framed display is made of old fire hoses. A sign beneath it reads, “A Tribute to Public Safety.”
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On the TV news report, Sheriff Watson says:
“They expect my deputies to put their life on the line for a judge. If somebody was going to come into a courtroom with a gun, the deputy is supposed to stand in front of the judge and take a bullet, but yet they won’t let us have our flag, saluting public safety? To me, that’s a slap in the face.”
By clicking on the video above, you can watch the report on the flag controversy and the sheriff’s vow to go to jail rather than take down the display.
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Portsmouth, by the way, is an historic city in the Hampton Roads region of southeast Virginia, with a very large military presence. Portsmouth is home to the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, one of the few facilities in the world with the capability to dry dock an aircraft carrier.

 “En mi opinión


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